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Executive Committee

Chairperson: Bandiola, Dawna Fya O.

Vice Chairperson for Academics: Najarro Jr., Violeta M.

Vice Chairperson for Academic Operations: Matibag, Kevin Christian S.

Vice Chairperson for Hotel Operations: Galvez, Ma. Johara G.

Executive Chairperson for Hotel Operations: Cancio, Ryan John C.

Vice Chairperson for Finance: Cuadra, Luis Alfonso L.

Vice Chairperson for Secretariat: Del Rosario, Janine Gabrielle A.

Vice Chairperson for Communications: Arriba, Edward Vange P.

Vice Chairperson for Recruitment and Membership: Santiago, Martin Kevin P.

Vice Chairperson for Electronic and Data Processing: Arbiol, Christian Adrianne M.


Christian Adrianne M. Arbiol Franchezka Mae S. Celis

Nikki Angeli LB Tuble John Eli Zuriel d.V. Bitong

San Beda College Alabang School of Law Administration

ATTY. Ulpiano P. Sarmiento III

Dean and Adviser

ATTY. Anna Marie Melanie B. Trinidad

Vice Dean

ATTY. Carlo D. Busmente

Prefect of Student Affairs and Adviser
Centralized Bar Operations Advisers
ATTY. Ulpiano P. Sarmiento III
Dean and Adviser

ATTY. Carlo D. Busmente

Prefect of Student Affairs and Adviser

Centralized Bar Operations Core Group

Dawna Fya O. Bandiola Emmanuel Josef Javellanos
Kevin Christian S. Matibag Luis Alfonso L. Cuadra
Annabel F. Hernandez Edward Vange P. Arriba
Violeta M. Najarro Jr. Giulia Ingrid C. Calub
Ma. Terresa M. Marco Martin Kevin P. Santiago
Ma. Johara G. Galvez Rodel Jr. R. Cadorniga
Ryan John C. Cancio Janine Gabrielle A. del Rosario
Kristine C. Mirabueno Jemmarie Q. Pascua
Christian Adrianne M. Arbiol John Eli Zuriel d.V. Bitong
Nikki Angeli LB Tuble Mariane L. Hernandez
Marryl Ann G. Ragpala Juan Paolo N. Tamonte
Remedial Law Team



Asst. Subject Head: EVANGELISTA, MA. CLARA G.



vacation abroad, she was surprised to see
REMEDIAL LAW that her childhood friend, John, had
established a vacation house on her
CIVIL PROCEDURE Both Estrella and John were residents
of the same barangay. To recover
possession, Estrella filed a complaint for
ejectment with the Municipal Trial Court
Give at least three instances where the Court (MTC), alleging that she is the true owner of
of Appeals may act as a trial court. the land as evidenced by her certificate of
title and tax declaration which showed the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: assessed value of the property as P21,000.00.
Instances where the Court of Appeals may On the other
act as a trial court are: hand, John refuted Estrella’s claim of
1. In annulment of judgment under ownership and submitted in evidence a
Secs. 5 and 6, Rule 47. Should the Deed of Absolute Sale between him
Court o£ Appeals find prima facie and Estrella. After the filing of John’s answer,
merit in the petition, the same shall be
the MTC observed that the real issue was one
given due course and summons shall
of ownership and not of possession. Hence,
be served on the respondent, after
the MTC dismissed the complaint for lack of
which trial will follow, where the
procedure in ordinary civil cases shall jurisdiction.
be observed. On appeal by Estrella to the Regional
2. When a motion for new trial is granted Trial Court (RTC), a full-blown trial was
by the Court of Appeals, the conducted as if the case was originally filed
procedure in the new trial shall be the with it. The RTC reasoned that based on the
same as that granted by a Regional assessed value of the property, it was the
Trial Court (Sec. 4, Rule 53). court of proper jurisdiction. Eventually, the
3. A petition for habeas corpus shall be RTC rendered a judgment declaring John as
set for hearing (Sec. 12, Rule 102). the owner of the land and, hence, entitled to
4. In a petition for the writs of amparo the possession thereof.
and habeas data, a hearing can be
a. Was the MTC correct in dismissing the
5. Under Section 12, Rule 124 of the complaint for lack of jurisdiction?
Rules of Criminal Procedure, the Why or why not?
Court of Appeals has the power to try b. Was the RTC correct in ruling that
cases and conduct hearings, receive based on the assessed value of the
evidence and perform any and all property, the case was within its
acts necessary to resolve factual original jurisdiction and, hence, it
issues cases which fall within its
may conduct a full-blown trial of the
original and appellate jurisdiction.
6. The Court of Appeals can grant a appealed case as if it was originally
new trial based on the ground of filed with it? Why or why not?
newly discovered evidence. (Sec.
7. The Court of Appeals, under Section a. No, the MTC was not correct in
6, Rule 46, whenever necessary to dismissing the case for lack of
resolve factual issues, may conduct
jurisdiction. The Supreme Court has
hearing thereon or delegate the
held that an allegation of ownership
reception of the evidence of such
issues to any of its members or to an as a defense in the answer will not
appropriate agency or office. oust the MTC of jurisdiction in an
[NOTE: It is suggested that an answer with any ejectment case. (Subano v. Vallecer,
three (3) of the enumerated instances should 24 March 1959). What determines
be considered as correct]. subject-matter jurisdiction is the
allegations in the complaint and not
those in the answer. Furthermore, the
Estrella was the registered owner of a huge
MTC is empowered under S16 R70 to
parcel of land located in a remote part of
their barrio in Benguet. However, when she resolve the issue of ownership, albeit
visited the property after she took a long

Adviser: Judge Wilhelmina Jorge-Wagan Subject Head: Von Joven Kristian R. Gardiano Asst. Subject Head: Ma. Clara G. Evangelista, Therese Marie
L. Fernandez Members: Christian Adrianne M. Arbiol, Kristine Denise C. Rafael, Charissa Elaine B. Lazaro, Rose Anne G. Suan, Maria Luz B. Lite, April
Joy C. Santiago, Dominic Paolo C. Marquez, Ala Mei T. Domingo, Frederick Jr., M. Abella, Jameh Jann R. Narvasa, John Constantine G. Cordon, Mary
Rocelyn Pabalay, Hanna Juvenil M. Abunales, Maria Kathrina V. Silva
for the purpose only of resolving the TOTALITY RULE; COUNTERCLAIM
issue of possession.
Fe filed a suit for collection of P387,000
b. No, the RTC was not correct in ruling against Ramon in the RTC of Davao City.
that the case was within its original Aside from alleging payment as a defense,
Ramon in his answer set up counterclaims for
jurisdiction and that it may conduct a
P100,000 as damages and P30,000 as
full-blown trial of the appealed case attorney’s fees as a result of the baseless
as if it were originally filed with it. filing of the complaint, as well as for P250,000
as the balance of the purchase price of the
Under S8 R40, if an appeal is taken from an 30 units of air conditioners he sold to Fe.
MTC order dismissing a case for lack of a. Does the RTC have jurisdiction over
jurisdiction without a trial on the merits, the Ramon’s counterclaims, if so, does he
RTC on appeal may affirm the dismissal order have to pay docket fees therefor?
and if it has jurisdiction thereover, try the
case on the merits as if the case was
a. Yes, the RTC has jurisdiction over
originally filed with it.
Ramon’s counterclaims because
they are all money claims in which
Here the RTC did not have jurisdiction over the totality rule applies in determining
the case since it is an ejectment suit jurisdiction (Sec. 5[d], Rule 2, Rules of
cognizable exclusively by the MTC. The Court).
assessed value of the land is irrelevant for the
purpose of determining jurisdiction in Essentially, the nature of a counterclaim
ejectment suits and would not oust the MTC is determinative of whether or not the
of jurisdiction in the same manner as counterclaimant is required to pay
allegations of ownership would not oust the docket fees. The rule in permissive
MTC of jurisdiction. The RTC should have counterclaims is that for the trial court to
reversed the dismissal order and remanded acquire jurisdiction, the counterclaimant
is bound to pay the prescribed docket
the case to the MTC for further
fees. On the other hand, the prevailing
proceedings. (S8 R40).
rule with respect to compulsory
counterclaims is that no filing fees are
required for the trial court to acquire
John filed with the Bureau of Internal Revenue jurisdiction over the subject matter. (Sy-
a complaint for refund of taxes paid, but it Vargas vs. The Estate of Ogsos, G.R. No.
was not acted upon. So, he filed a similar 221062, October 05, 2016) Under OCA
complaint with the Court of Tax Appeals Circular 96-2009, the suspension of
raffled to one of its Divisions. John's complaint payment of filing fees for compulsory
was dismissed. Thus, he filed with the Court of counterclaims remains in effect.
Appeals a petition for certiorari under Rule
65. Does the Court of Appeals have
b. Suppose Ramon’s counterclaim for the
jurisdiction over John’s petition?
unpaid balance is P310,000, what will
happen to his counterclaims if the court,
dismisses the complaint after holding a
No. Decisions of a division of the Court of Tax
preliminary hearing on Ramon’s affirmative
Appeals must be appealed to the Court of
Tax Appeals en banc. The procedure is
governed by Sec. 11 of R. A. 9282. Further,
the CTA now has the same rank as the Court SUGGESTED ANSWER:
of Appeals and is no longer considered a The dismissal of the complaint is without
quasi-judicial agency. It is likewise provided prejudice to the right of the defendant
in the said law that the decisions of the CTA (Ramon) to prosecute his counterclaim in the
en banc are cognizable by the Supreme same or in a separate action [Sec. 6, Rule 16,
Court under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil last par.; Pingav. Heirs of Santiago, 494 SCRA
Procedure. 393 [2006]).

c. Under the same premise as paragraph (b)

above, suppose that instead of alleging
payment as a defense in his answer, Ramon
filed a motion to dismiss on that ground, at

5 San Beda College Alabang School of Law

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the same time setting up his counterclaims, recovery of damages. (Hernandez v.
and the court grants his motion. What will Rural Bank of Lucena, Inc., 81 SCRA
happen to his counterclaims? 75 [1981]).
d. An action in rem is as stated above,
while a real action is an action
affecting title to real property or for
Since Ramon filed only a motion to dismiss,
the recovery of possession, or for
not an answer, the dismissal of the complaint
partition or condemnation of, or
would also bring about the dismissal of his
foreclosure of a mortgage on, real
counterclaims but he can file a separate
property. (Rule 4, sec. 2[a]).
action for his permissive counterclaims. The
compulsory counterclaims are deemed e. A personal action is as stated above,
waived when he filed a motion to dismiss the while a local action is that which must
complaint instead of answering the same. be brought in, a particular place.
(Financial Building Corporation v. Forbes Park Plaintiff in a personal action may file it
Association, Inc., 338 SCRA 346 2000]). in the place where he resides or
where the defendant resides, while in
a local action, plaintiff has no choice
except to file the action in the place
KINDS OF ACTION where the property is located.

a. An action in rem from an action quasi CERTIFICATION OF NON-FORUM SHOPPING
in rem
b. An action quasi in rem from an action Tailors Toto, Nelson and Yenyen filed a
in personam. special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65
c. An action in personam from a from an adverse decision of the National
personal action. Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) on the
d. An action in rem from a real action. complaint for illegal dismissal against Empire
e. Personal action from a local action. Textile Corporation. They were terminated on
the ground that they failed to meet the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: prescribed production quota at least four (4)
a. An action in rem is an action against times. The NLRC decision was assailed in a
all who might be minded to make an special civil action under Rule 65 before the
objection of any sort against the right Court of Appeals (CA). In the verification and
sought to be established, while an certification against forum shopping, only
action quasi in rem is an action Toto signed the verification and certification,
against an individual although the while Atty. Arman signed for Nelson. Empire
purpose of the suit is to subject his filed a motion to dismiss on the ground of
interest in a particular property to the defective verification and certification.
obligation or lien burdening the Decide with reasons.
property. The judgment rendered in
actions in rem binds the whole world, SUGGESTED ANSWER:
while the Judgment rendered in On the requirement of a certification of non-
actions quasi in rem is conclusive only forum shopping, the well-settled rule is that all
between the parties. (Banco the petitioners must sign the certification of
EspañolFUipinov. Palanca, 37 Phil. non-forum shopping. The reason for this is that
921; Sandejas v. Robles, 81 Phil. 421.) the persons who have signed the
b. An action quasi in rem, as stated, is an certification cannot be presumed to have
action against a person over a the personal knowledge of the other non-
particular property or claims relating signing petitioners with respect to the filing or
thereto, while an action in personam non-filing of any action or claim the same as
is an action to establish a claim or similar to the current petition. (Altres v.
against a person with a judgment Empleo, G.R. No. 180986, [December 10,
that binds him personally. 2008], 594 PHIL 246-268) Petitioners who have
c. An action in personam, as stated, is not signed the certification had not shown a
an action against a person on the justifiable cause for failure to personally sign
basis of his personal liability while a it. Thus, the petition must be dismissed.
personal action is an action where
the plaintiff seeks the recovery of ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
personal property, the enforcement The certification against forum shopping
or resolution of a contract or the must be signed by all the plaintiffs or

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petitioners in a case; otherwise, those who V, who suffered physical injuries
did not sign will be dropped as parties to the including a fractured wrist bone, underwent
case. Under reasonable or justifiable surgery to screw a metal plate to his wrist
circumstances, however, as when all the bone. On complaint of V, a criminal case for
plaintiffs or petitioners share a common Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Serious
interest and invoke a common cause of Physical Injuries was filed against X before
action or defense, the signature of only one the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of Sta. Maria.
of them in the certification against forum Atty. L, the private prosecutor, did not reserve
shopping substantially complies with the the filing of a separate civil action.
Rule. (Vda. de Formoso v. Philippine National V subsequently filed a complaint for
Bank, G.R. No. 154704, [June 1, 2011], 665 Damages against X and Y before the
PHIL 184-198) Regional Trial Court of Pangasinan in
Urdaneta where he resides. In his
"Certification against Forum Shopping” V
PARTIES TO A CIVIL ACTION made no mention of the pendency of the
criminal case in Sta. Maria.
Chika sued Gringo, a Venezuelan, for a sum Suppose only X was named as
of money. The Metropolitan Trial Court of defendant in the complaint for damages,
Manila (MeTC) rendered a decision ordering may he move for the dismissal of the
Gringo to pay Chika P50,000.00 plus legal complaint for failure of V to implead Y as an
interest. During its pendency of the appeal indispensable party?
before the RTC, Gringo died of acute
hemorrhagic pancreatitis. Atty. Perfecto, SUGGESTED ANSWER:
counsel of Gringo, filed a manifestation No, X may not move for dismissal of the civil
attaching the death certificate of Gringo and action for damages on the contention that Y
informing the RTC that he cannot substitute is an indispensable party who should be
the heirs since Gringo did not disclose any impleaded. Y is not an indispensable party
information on his family. As counsel for but only a necessary party. Besides, non-
Chika, what remedy can you recommend to joinder and misjoinder of parties is not a
your client so the case can move forward ground for dismissal of actions (Rule 3, Sec.
and she can eventually recover her money? 11, Rules of Court.)

According to Rule 3 Sec. 16 of the Rules of
Court, the heirs of the deceased may be
allowed to be substituted for the deceased.
The word “may” does not restrict those who While leisurely walking along the street near
may substitute the deceased party. In the her house in Marikina, Patty unknowingly
same section, it is said that if no legal stepped on a garden tool left behind by
representative is named by the counsel of CCC, a construction company based in
the deceased party, as here in due to the Makati. She lost her balance as a
absence of information on the latter’s family, consequence and fell into an open manhole.
the court may order the opposing party Fortunately, Patty suffered no major injuries
within a specified time to procure the except for contusions, bruises and scratches
appointment of an executor or administrator that did not require any hospitalization.
for the estate of the deceased and the latter However, she lost self-esteem, suffered
shall immediately appear for and on behalf embarrassment and ridicule, and had bouts
of the deceased. Chika may ask the counsel of anxiety and bad dreams about the
of the deceased party to appoint an accident. She wants vindication for her
executor or administrator for the estate to uncalled for experience and hires you to act
substitute him, in the absence of heirs. as counsel for her and to do whatever is
necessary to recover at least Php100,000 for
what she suffered.
What action or actions may Patty pursue,
against whom, where (court and venue), and
under what legal basis?
X was driving the dump truck of Y along
Cattleya Street in Sta. Maria, Bulacan. Due to
his negligence, X hit and injured V who was SUGGESTED ANSWER:
crossing the street: Lawyer L, who witnessed Patty may avail any of the following
the incident, offered his legal services to V. remedies:

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a. She may file a complaint for Court. On the other hand, lack of cause of
damages arising from fault or action refers to the insufficiency of evidence.
negligence under the Rule on Small It refers to a situation where the evidence
Claims against CCC Company does not prove the cause of action alleged
before the MTC of Marikina City in the pleading. (Dolores Macaslang vs.
where she resides or Makati City Renato Zamora, G.R. 156375, May 30, 2011)
where the defendant corporation is
holding office, at her option (A.M. No.
8-8-7-SC in relation to Section 2, Rule VENUE
4,Rules of Court)
b. She may also file an action to recover Eduardo, a resident of the City of Manila, filed
moral damages based on quasi- before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
delict under Article 2176 of the New Manila a complaint for the annulment of a
Civil Code. The law states that, Deed of Real Estate Mortgage he signed in
whoever by act or omission causes favor of Galaxy Bank (Galaxy), and the
damage to another, there being fault consequent foreclosure and auction sale of
or negligence is obliged to pay for his mortgaged Makati property. Galaxy filed
the damage done. Such fault or a Motion to Dismiss on the ground of
negligence, if there is no pre-existing improper venue alleging that the complaint
contractual relation between the should be filed with the RTC of Makati since
parties, is called a quasi-delict. Since the complaint involves the ownership and
an action of a claim for moral possession of Eduardo’s lot. Resolve the
damages are capable of pecuniary motion with reasons.
estimation, they fall within the
jurisdiction depending on the
amount of damages claimed. It shall SUGGESTED ANSWER:
be filed before the MTC of Marikina In Chua v. Total Office Products and Services
City provided that the aggregate (Topros), Inc., the Supreme Court ruled that
amount of damages does not an action to annul a contract of loan and its
exceed P400,000. accessory real estate mortgage is a personal
c. Patty can also file a civil action for action. In accordance with Sec. 2, Rule 4 of
damages against the City of Marikina the Rules of Court, Manila City, where
for maintaining an open manhole Eduardo the plaintiff resides, is the proper
where she unfortunately fell. Under venue of the Complaint for Annulment of
article 2189 of the Civil Code, Deed of Mortgage.
provinces, cities, and municipalities
shall be liable for damages for the
death of, or injuries suffered by, any FAILURE TO FILE AN ANSWER; DEFAULT
person by reason of the defective
condition of roads, streets, bridges, Circe filed with the RTC a complaint for the
public buildings, and other public foreclosure of real estate mortgage against
works under their control or siblings Scylla and Charybdis, co-owners of
supervision. Actions for damages the property and cosignatories to the
based on quasi-delicts are actions mortgage deed. The siblings permanently
that are capable of pecuniary reside in Athens, Greece. Circe tipped off
estimation. As such, they fall within Sheriff Pluto that Scylla is on a balikbayan trip
the jurisdiction depending on the and is billeted at the Century Plaza Hotel in
amount of damages claimed. In this Pasay City. Sheriff Pluto went to the hotel and
case, it shall be filed before the MTC personally served Scylla the summons, but
of Marikina City provided that the the latter refused to receive summons for
aggregate amount of damages Charybdis as she was not authorized to do so.
does not exceed P400,000. Sheriff Pluto requested Scylla for the email
address and fax number of Charybdis which
the latter readily gave. Sheriff Pluto, in his
Distinguish “Failure to state cause of action” return of the summons, stated that “Summons
vs. “Lack of cause of action”. for Scylla was served personally as shown by
her signature on the receiving copy of the
Failure to state a cause of action refers to the Summons on Charybdis was served
insufficiency of the pleading. This is a ground pursuant to the amendment of Rule 14 by
for dismissal under Rule 16 of the Rules of facsimile transmittal of the summons and

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complaint on defendant’s fax number as and render judgment upon the
evidenced by transmission verification report evidence presented. Here there was
automatically generated by the fax machine a common cause of action against
indicating that it was received by the fax Scylla and Charybdis since both were
number to which it was sent on the date and co-signatories to the mortgage deed.
time indicated therein.”
Circe, sixty (60) days after her receipt Hence the court should not render
of Sheriff Pluto’s return, filed a Motion to judgment by default against
Declare Charybdis in default as Charybdis Charybdis but should proceed to try
did not file any responsive pleading. the case upon the answer filed and
a. Should the court declare Charybdis in the evidence presented by Scylla.

Scylla seasonably filed her answer setting MULTIPLICITY OF SUITS

forth therein as a defense that Charybdis had
paid the mortgage debt. Husband H files a petition for declaration of
nullity of marriage before the RTC of Pasig
b. On the premise that Charybdis was City. Wife W files a petition for habeas corpus
before the RTC of Pasay City, praying for
properly declared in default, what is
the effect of Scylla’s answer to the custody over their minor child. H files a
complaint? motion to dismiss the wife’s petition on the
ground of the pendency of the other case.
a. No, the court should not declare
Charybdis in default. Under the Rules
of Court, the amendment of Rule 14
The motion to dismiss the petition for habeas
allowing service of summons by
corpus should be granted to avoid
facsimile transmittal refers only to
multiplicity of suits. The question of who
service of summons upon a foreign
between the spouses should have custody of
private juridical entity under Section
their minor child could also be determined in
12 of Rule 14, not to a non-resident
the petition for declaration of nullity of their
defendant under Section 15 of Rule
marriage which is already pending in the RTC
14. Service of summons by facsimile
of Pasig City. In other words, the petition filed
cannot be effected under Section 15
in Pasig City, praying for custody of the minor
unless leave of court was obtained
child is unnecessary and violates only the
specifically permitting service by
cardinal rules of procedure against
facsimile transmittal.
multiplicity of suits. Hence, the latter suit may
be abated by a motion to dismiss on the
Here the defendant is not a foreign
ground of litis pendentia (Yu v. Yu, 484 SCRA
private juridical entity but a non-
resident defendant and no leave of
court was obtained to serve
summons by facsimile.

Hence there was no valid service of SMALL CLAIMS

summons and thus the court could
not declare Charybdis in default. As a new lawyer, Attorney Novato limited his
practice to small claims cases, legal
counselling and the notarization of
b. The effect of Scylla’s answer to the documents. He put up a solo practice law
complaint is that the court shall try the office and was assisted by his wife who
case against both Scylla and served as his secretary/helper. He used a
Charybdis upon the answer filed by makeshift hut in a vacant lot near the local
Scylla. courts and a local transport regulatory
agency. With this practice and location, he
Under Section 3(c) of Rule 9, when a did not have big-time clients but enjoyed
pleading asserting a claim states a heavy patronage assisting walk-in clients.
common cause of action against a. What role can Attorney Novato play
several defending parties, some of in small claims cases when lawyers
whom answer and the others fail to are not allowed to appear as counsel
do so, the court shall try the case in these cases?
against all upon the answers thus filed

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SUGGESTED ANSWER: Section 66 of the IPRA, the law conferring
Atty. Novata may provide legal assistance to jurisdiction on the NCIP, reads:
his clients by giving counselling and Sec. 66. Jurisdiction of the NCIP. — The NCIP,
guidance in the preparation and through its regional offices, shall have
accomplishment of the necessary jurisdiction over all claims and disputes
documents and Affidavits to initiate or involving rights of ICCs/IPs: Provided,
defend a small claims action including the however, That no such dispute shall be
compilation and notarization of the brought to the NCIP unless the parties have
aforementioned documents, if necessary. exhausted all remedies provided under their
customary laws. For this purpose, a
b. What legal remedy, if any, may certification shall be issued by the Council of
Attorney Novato pursue for a client Elders/Leaders who participated in the
who loses in a small claims case and attempt to settle the dispute that the same
before which tribunal or court may has not been resolved, which certification
this be pursued? shall be a condition precedent to the filing of
a petition with the NCIP.
Atty. Novata may file a petition for Certiorari Under the provisions of R.A. 7160 on
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court before the Katarungang Pambarangay conciliation, as
RTC since a decision in small claims cases is implemented by the Katarungang
final and unappealable (Sec. 23, A.M. No. 8- Pambarangay Rules and Regulations
8-7 SC, Rules of Procedure for Small Claims promulgated by the Secretary of Justice, the
Cases). The petition for certiorari should be certification for filing a complaint in court or
filed before the RTC conformably to the any government office shall be issued by
Principle of judicial Hierarchy. Barangay authorities only upon compliance
with the following requirements:

KATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY; Issued by the Punong Barangay, as

INDIGENOUS requested by the proper party on the ground
of failure of settlement where the dispute
Pedro and Juan are residents of Barangay involves members of the same indigenous
Ifurug, Municipality of Dupac, Mountain cultural community, which shall be settled in
Province. Pedro owes Juan the amount of accordance with the customs and traditions
P50,000.00. Due to non- payment, Juan of that particular cultural community, or
brought his complaint to the Council of Elders where one or more of the parties to the
of said barangay which implements the aforesaid dispute belong to the minority and
bodong justice system. Both appeared the parties mutually agreed to submit their
before the council where they verbally dispute to the indigenous system of amicable
agreed that Pedro will pay in installments on settlement, and there has been no
specific due dates. Pedro reneged on his settlement as certified by the datu or tribal
promise. Juan filed a complaint for sum of leader or elder to the Punong Barangay of
money before the Municipal Trial Court place of settlement (Secs. 1,4 & 5, Rule IX,
(MTC). Pedro filed a Motion to Dismiss on the Katarungang Pambarangay Rules)
ground that the case did not pass through the
barangay conciliation under R.A. No. 7160
and that the RTC, not the MTC, has INDIGENCE; FILING FEES
jurisdiction. In his opposition, Juan argued
that the intervention of the Council of Elders is Spouses Marlon and Edith have three (3)
substantial compliance with the requirement children ages 15, 12 and 7, who are studying
of R.A. No. 7160 and the claim of P50,000.00 at public schools. They have a combined
is clearly within the jurisdiction of the MTC. As gross monthly income of P30,000.00 and they
MTC judge, rule on the motion and explain. stay in an apartment in Manila with a monthly
rent of PS,000.00. The monthly minimum wage
SUGGESTED ANSWER: per employee in Metro Manila does not
R.A. 7160, Section 412. Conciliation. – exceed P13,000.00. They do not own any real
Conciliation among members of indigenous property. The spouses want to collect a loan
cultural communities. - The customs and of P25,000.00 from Jojo but do not have the
traditions of indigenous cultural communities money to pay the filing fees.
shall be applied in settling disputes between a. Would the spouses qualify as indigent
members of the cultural communities. litigants under Section 19, Rule 141 on
Legal Fees?

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SUGGESTED ANSWER: 1. If residing in Metro Manila, whose
No, the spouses would not qualify as indigent net income does not exceed
litigants under Section 19, Rule 141 on Legal Php14,000.00 a month; x x x
Fees since the family’s gross income exceeds Since the combined gross monthly
double the monthly minimum wage of an income of the spouses is P30,000, it may be
employee (Php 13,000 x 2 = Php 26,000) and assumed that each have a gross monthly
their combined gross monthly income is Php income of P15,000. Income Tax Rates for
30,000. income more than P10,000 but not over
P30,000 is P500 plus 10% of the excess of
Indigent litigants are those: P10,000. 10% of 5,000 is 500. Income tax of
a. Whose gross income and that of their P1,000 deducted from P15,000 is P14,000
immediate family do not exceed an which qualifies them as indigent clients
amount double the monthly qualified to be represented by PAO
minimum wage of an employee exempting them to pay the required filing
b. Who do not own real property with a fees.
fair market value as stated in the
current tax declaration of more than SUMMONS
three hundred thousand pesos shall
be exempt from the payment of legal Juan sued Roberto for specific performance.
fees. Roberto knew that Juan was going to file the
case so he went out of town and temporarily
The legal fees shall be a lien on any judgment stayed in another city to avoid service of
rendered in the case favorable to the summons. Juan engaged the services of
indigent litigant unless the court otherwise Sheriff Matinik to serve the summons but
provides. when the latter went to the residence of
Roberto, he was told by the caretaker thereof
c. If the spouses do not qualify under that his employer no longer resides at the
Rule 141, what other remedy can they house. The caretaker is a high school
avail of under the rules to exempt graduate and is the godson of Roberto.
them from paying the filing fees? Believing the caretaker’s story to be true,
Sheriff Matinik left a copy of the summons
SUGGESTED ANSWER: and complaint with the caretaker. Was there
Section 1, Article I of the Guidelines a valid substituted service of summons?
Governing the Establishment and Operation Discuss the requirements for a valid service of
of Legal Aid Offices in All Chapters of the summons.
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (otherwise
known as Guideline[s] on Legal Aid) SUGGESTED ANSWER:
provides: x x x WHEREAS, PAO clients are
automatically exempt from the payment of Section 7, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court
docket and other fees for cases, be they provides that if, for justifiable causes, the
original proceedings or on appeal, by virtue defendant cannot be served within a
of the provisions of Section 16D of R.A. 9406 reasonable time as provided in the
(PAO Law), without the need for the filing of preceding section [personal service on
any petition or motion to declare them as defendant], service may be effected (a) by
pauper litigants; leaving copies of the summons at the
defendants residence with some person of
Pursuant to PAO MEMORANDUM suitable age and discretion then residing
CIRCULAR NO. 02 Series of 2010 dated therein, or (b) by leaving the copies at
January 27, 2010 and entitled as "AMENDING defendants office or regular place of
SECTIONS 3, 4, and 5, ARTICLE II OF business with some competent person in
MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 18, S. 2002 charge thereof.
(Amended Standard Office Procedures in
Extending Legal Assistance)" in relation to the The requisites of a valid substituted service
provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 9406 are:
enacted by Congress and approved by Her 1. Service of summons within a
Excellency President Gloria Macapagal- reasonable time is impossible;
Arroyo on March 23, 2007 and its 2. The person serving the summons
Implementing Rules and Regulations dated exerted efforts to locate the
July 14, 2008, the Indigency Test set forth in defendant;
Section 3, Article II, MC No. 18, S. 2002, is 3. The person to whom the summons is
hereby amended to read as follows: served is of sufficient age and

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4. The person to whom the summons is SUGGESTED ANSWER:
served resides at the defendant’s A party may file and serve the written request
place of residence; and at any time after the issues have been joined
5. Pertinent facts showing the and must be served on the party and not the
enumerated circumstances are counsel. The party to whom the request is
stated in the return of service. directed must file and serve upon the party
requesting the admission within the period
For substituted service of summons to be designated in the request but which shall not
available, there must be several attempts by be less than 15 days from the service of the
the sheriff to personally serve the summons request (or within such further time as the
within a reasonable period which eventually court may allow) a sworn statement either –
resulted in failure to prove impossibility of 1. Denying specifically the matters of
prompt service. Several attempts mean at which an admission is requested; or
least 3 tries, preferably on at least 2 different 2. Setting forth in detail the reasons why
dates. In addition, the sheriff must cite why he cannot truthfully either admit or
such efforts were unsuccessful. (Imelda deny those matters (Section 2, Rule 26
Manotoc vs. CA, G.R. 130974, August 16, ROC).
2006) As a consequence of the failure to file and
serve a request shall not be permitted to
present evidence on facts that are material
MODES OF DISCOVERY and relevant and which are, or ought to be,
within the personal knowledge of the other
Briefly explain the procedure on party (Section 5, Rule 26 ROC).
“Interrogatories to Parties” under Rule 25 and
state the effect of failure to serve written
interrogatories. DEMURRER TO EVIDENCE

SUGGESTED ANSWER: Distinguish the effects of the filing of a

The mode of discovery is availed of by filing demurrer to the evidence in a criminal case
and upon the adverse party written and its filing in a civil case.
interrogatories to be answered by any of its
officers competent to testify in its behalf. A SUGGESTED ANSWER:
party may serve written interrogatories to the a. In criminal cases, demurrer to the
other party without leave of court only after evidence requires leave of court,
an answer has been served; or with leave of otherwise, the accused would lose his
court before answer has been served. (1 right to present defense evidence if
Regalado, p.366) denied; in civil cases, no leave of
court is required for filing such
The party upon whom the interrogatories demurrer.
have been served shall file and serve a copy b. In criminal cases, when such
of the answers on the party submitting the demurrer is granted, the dismissal of
interrogatories within 15 days after the the case is not appealable inasmuch
service thereof, fully in writing, signed and as the dismissal would amount to an
sworn to by the person making them. acquittal, unless made by a court
acting without or in excess of
A party not served with written interrogatories jurisdiction; in civil cases, when such
may not be compelled by the adverse party demurrer is granted, the dismissal of
to give testimony in open court or to give the case can be appealed by the
deposition pending appeal. Exception: plaintiff.
Unless after allowed by the court for good c. In criminal cases, the accused loses
cause shown; and to prevent failure of his right to present his defense-
justice. evidence in the trial court when he
files the demurrer without prior leave
of court, while in civil cases, the
defendant loses his right to present
defense-evidence if plaintiff appeals
ADMISSION BY ADVERSE PARTY the dismissal since the appellate
court will decide the appeal only on
Briefly explain the procedure on “Admission the basis of plaintiff ’s evidence on
by Adverse Party” under Rule 26 and the record.
effect of failure to file and serve the request.

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JUDGMENT; JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS stating the material dates showing the
timeliness of the appeal. The notice of
Plaintiff files a request for admission and appeal shall be filed with the RTC which
serves the same on Defendant who fails, rendered the judgment appealed from and
within the time prescribed by the rules, to copy thereof shall be served upon the
answer the request. Suppose the request for adverse party within 15 days from notice of
admission asked for the admission of the judgment or final order appealed from. But if
entire material allegations stated in the the case admits of multiple appeals or is a
complaint, what should plaintiff do? special proceeding, a record on appeal is
required aside from the written notice of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: appeal to perfect the appeal, in which case
The Plaintiff should file a Motion for Judgment the period for appeal and notice upon the
on the Pleadings because the failure of the adverse party is not only 15 days but 30 days
defendant to answer a request for admission from notice of judgment or final order
results to an implied admission of all the appealed from. The full amount of the
matters which an admission is requested. appellate court docket fee and other lawful
Hence, a motion for judgment on the fees required must also be paid within the
pleadings is the appropriate remedy where period for taking an appeal, to the clerk of
the defendant is deemed to have admitted the court which rendered the judgment or
the matters contained in the Request for final order appealed from (Secs. 4 and 5,
admission by the plaintiff. (Rule 34 in Rule 41, Rules of Court). The periods of 15 or
connection with Sec.2, Rule 26, Rules of 30 days above-stated are non-extendible.
Court). In cases decided by the Regional Trial
Court in the exercise of its appellate
jurisdiction, appeal to the Court of Appeals
SUMMARY JUDGMENT; JUDGMENT ON THE shall be by filing a verified petition for review
PLEADINGS with the Court of Appeals and furnishing the
RTC and the adverse party with copy
Distinguish “Summary Judgment” and thereof, within 15 days from notice of
“Judgment on the Pleadings.” judgment or final order appealed from.
Within the same period for appeal, the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: docket fee and other lawful fees required
Summary judgments are proper when, upon with the deposit for cost should be paid. The
motion of the plaintiff or the defendant, the 15-day period maybe extended for 15 days
court finds that the answer filed by the and another 15 days for compelling reasons.
defendant does not tender a genuine issue
as to any material fact and that one party is
entitled to a judgment as a matter of law. On
the other hand, Judgment on the pleadings CONCLUSIVENESS OF JUDGMENT VERSUS BAR
is proper where an answer fails to tender an BY PRIOR JUDGMENT
issue, or otherwise admits the material
allegations of the adverse party’s pleading Distinguish between conclusiveness of
and the court may, on motion of that party, judgment and bar by prior judgment.
direct judgment on such pleading.
a. Conclusiveness of judgment bars
APPEAL another action based on the same
cause; bar by prior judgment
precludes another action based on
Distinguish the two (2) modes of appeal from
the same issue.
the judgment of the Regional Trial Court to the
b. Conclusiveness of judgment bars only
Court of Appeals.
the defendant from questioning it;
bar by prior judgment bars both
SUGGESTED ANSWER: plaintiff and defendant.
In cases decided by the Regional Trial Courts c. Conclusiveness of judgment bars all
in the exercise of their original jurisdiction, matters directly adjudged; bar by
appeals to the Court of Appeals shall be prior judgment precludes all matters
ordinary appeal by filing written notice of that might have been adjudged.
appeal indicating the parties to the appeal; d. Conclusiveness of judgment
specifying the judgment/final order or part precludes the filing of an action to
thereof appealed from; specifying the court annul such judgment; bar by prior
to which the appeal is being taken; and

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judgment allows the filing of such an Enumerate the Procedural Requirements for
action. Annulment of Judgment.

What is the Doctrine of Immutability of Under Rule 47 of the Rules of Court:
Judgment? Enumerate its two-fold purpose. a. The first requirement prescribes that
the remedy is available only when
SUGGESTED ANSWER: the petitioner can no longer resort to
Under the doctrine of finality of judgment or the ordinary remedies of new trial,
immutability of judgment, a decision that has appeal, petition for relief or other
acquired finality becomes immutable and appropriate remedies through no
unalterable, and may no longer be modified fault of the petitioner.
in any respect, even if the modification is b. The second requirement limits the
meant to correct erroneous conclusions of ground for the action of annulment of
fact and law, and whether it be made by the judgment to either extrinsic fraud or
court that rendered it or by the Highest Court lack of jurisdiction. But not every kind
of the land. Any act which violates this of fraud justifies the action of
principle must immediately be struck down. annulment of judgment. For fraud to
This doctrine admits a few exceptions, usually be a ground for annulment of
applied to serve substantial justice: 1. The judgment, it must be extrinsic fraud
correction of clerical errors; 2. Nunc pro tunc on the part of the adverse party.
entries which cause no prejudice to any c. The third requirement sets the time for
party; 3. Void judgments; and 4. Whenever the filing of the action. If the action is
circumstances transpire after the finality of based on extrinsic fraud, it must be
the decision rendering its execution unjust filed within 4 years from the discovery
and inequitable." (Gadrinab vs. Salamanca, of the extrinsic fraud; and if based on
G.R. No. 194560, June 11, 2014) lack of jurisdiction, must be brought
before it is barred by laches or
The doctrine serves a two-fold purpose, estoppel.
namely: c. The fourth requirement demands that
a. To avoid delay in the administration the petition should be verified, and
of justice and thus, procedurally, to should allege with particularity the
make orderly the discharge of judicial facts and the law relied upon for
business; and annulment, as well as those
b. To put an end to judicial supporting the petitioner’s good and
controversies, at the risk of occasional substantial cause of action or
errors, which is precisely why the defense, as the case may be.
courts exist. (Pinausukan Seafood (Pinausukan Seafood House, Roxas
House, Roxas Boulevard Inc. vs. Boulevard Inc. vs. FEBTC, G.R. No.
FEBTC, G.R. No. 159926, January 20, 159926, January 20, 2014)


What is the “Harmless Error Rule”? JUDGMENT
The legal doctrine of harmless error Distinguish error of jurisdiction from error of
originated in the Federal Rules of Criminal judgment.
Procedure. It comes into use when a litigant
appeals the decision of a judge arguing that SUGGESTED ANSWER:
an error of law was made at trial that resulted An error of judgment is one which the court
in an incorrect decision. The doctrine of may commit in the exercise of its jurisdiction.
harmless error prevents an unnecessary new Such an error does not deprive the court of
trial when the error alleged would not have jurisdiction and is correctible only by appeal;
affected the outcome at trial. whereas an error of jurisdiction is one which
the court acts without or in excess of its
We have likewise followed the harmless error jurisdiction. Such an error renders an order or
rule in our jurisdiction. (People vs. Claudio judgment void or voidable and is correctible
Teehankee, G.R. Nos. 111206-08, October 6, by the special civil action of certiorari. (Dela
1995) Cruz vs. Moir, 36 Phil. 213; Cochingyan vs.
Claribel, 76 SCRA 361; Fortich vs. Corona,
April 24, 1998, 289 SCRA 624; Artistica

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Ceramica, Inc. vs. Ciudad Del Carmen period to appeal. It is explicit in Rules 42, 43
Homeowner’s Association, Inc., G.R. Nos. and 45 that the appellant or petitioner is
167583-84, June 16, 2010). accorded a fresh period of 15 days from the
notice of the decision, award, judgment,
final order or resolution or of the denial of
INJUNCTION; TRO petitioner’s motion for new trial or
reconsideration filed. (Rodriguez vs. Peoople,
What are the requisites for the issuance of (a) G.R. No. 192799, October 24, 2012)
a writ of preliminary injunction; and (b) a final
writ of injunction? In the case of Rolex Rodriguez vs. People, the
Supreme Court settled that the fresh period
SUGGESTED ANSWER: rule is also applicable in criminal cases. The
The requisites for the issuance of a writ of accused will have a fresh 15-day period
preliminary injunction are: (1) a right in esse or counted from receipt of such denial within
a clear and unmistakable right to be which to file his or her notice of appeal.
protected; (2) a violation of that right; (3) that
there is an urgent and permanent act and
urgent necessity for the writ to prevent serious
damage (Tayag v. Lacson, 426 SCRA 282
[20041). A final writ of injunction may be SPECIAL CIVIL ACTIONS
granted if after trial of the action, it appears
that the applicant is entitled to have the act QUO WARRANTO
or acts complained of permanently enjoined
(Sec. 9, Rule 58 of the 1997 Revised Rules on
Petitioner Fabian was appointed Election
Civil Procedure)
Registrar of the Municipality of Sevilla
supposedly to replace the respondent
Election Registrar Pablo who was transferred
to another municipality without his consent
and who refused to accept his aforesaid
Can the RTC, in the exercise of its appellate
transfer, much less to vacate his position in
jurisdiction rule upon an issue not raised on
Bogo town as election registrar, as in fact he
continued to occupy his aforesaid position
and exercise his functions thereto. Petitioner
Fabian then filed a petition for mandamus
Yes. As an appellate court, RTC may rule
against Pablo but the trial court dismissed
upon an issue not raised on appeal. When an
Fabian’s petition contending that quo
appeal is taken from the decision of the MTC
warranto is the proper remedy. Is the court
to the RTC, the RTC is not limited to the errors
correct in its ruling? Why?
assigned in the appeal memorandum, but
could decide on the basis of the entire
record of the proceedings had in the trial
Yes, the court is correct in its ruling.
court and such memoranda and/or briefs as
Mandamus will not lie. This remedy applies
may be submitted by the parties or required
only where petitioner’s right is founded
by the RTC. (Dolores Macaslang vs. Renato
clearly in law, not when it is doubtful. Pablo
Zamora, G.R. 156375, May 30, 2011)
was transferred without his consent which is
tantamount to removal without cause,
contrary to the fundamental guarantee on
Explain the applicability of Neypes Rule.
non-removal except for cause. Considering
that Pedro continued to occupy the
disputed position and exercise his functions
In the case of Neypes, it held that the "fresh
therein, the proper remedy is quo warranto,
period rule" applies to appeals under Rule 40
not mandamus. [Garces v. Court of Appeals,
(appeals from the Municipal Trial Courts to
259 SCRA 99 (1996)]
the RTC) and Rule 41 (appeals from the RTCs
to the CA or this Court); Rule 42 (appeals from
the RTCs to the CA); Rule 43 (appeals from CERTIORARI
quasi-judicial agencies to the CA); and Rule
45 (appeals by certiorari to this Court). Explain each mode of certiorari:
HOWEVER, a scrutiny of the said rules reveals a. As a mode of appeal from the
that the "fresh period rule" in Neypes need Regional Trial Court or the Court of
NOT apply to Rules 42, 43 and 45 as there is Appeals to the Supreme Court.
no interruption in the 15-day reglementary

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b. As a special civil action from the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
Regional Trial Court or the Court of Under the Constitution, the certiorari
Appeals to the Supreme Court. jurisdiction of the Supreme Court provides for
c. As a mode of review of the decisions its expanded jurisdiction power of judicial
of the National Labor Relations power over [governs] all branches or
Commission and the Constitutional instrumentalities of the government where is
Commissions. a grave abuse of discretion amounting to
lack or excess of jurisdiction, as [agencies
SUGGESTED ANSWER: and instrumentalities] provided in Section 1,
a. A petition for review on certiorari second par., Art. VIII of the 1987 Constitution.
under Rule 45 of the 1997 Revised The petition is filed under Rule 45 of the Rules
Rules on Civil Procedure is a mode of of Court, and [The writ is directed not only to
ppeal on pure questions law from a tribunal, board or officer exercising judicial or
judgment or final order or resolution quasi-judicial functions. And] the period fixed
of the Court of Appeals or the for availing of the remedy is within 30 days
Regional Court to the Supreme Court. from receipt of the copy of the decision,
b. A special civil action for certiorari order or ruling in question (Sec. 7, Art. IX).
under Rule 65 of the 1997 Revised But under Rule 65 of the Rules of
Rules of Civil Procedure, is an original Court, the certiorari jurisdiction of the
action from the Regional Trial “Court Supreme Court is limited to acts done without
or the Court of Appeals to the or in excess of jurisdiction or grave abuse of
Supreme Court against any tribunal, discretion amounting to lack or excess of
board or officer exercising judicial or jurisdiction, by a tribunal, board or officer
quasi-judicial functions raising the exercising judicial or quasi- judicial functions
issue of lack or excess of jurisdiction or only. And the period fixed for availing of the
grave abuse of discretion amounting remedy is not later than 60 days from notice
to lack or excess of jurisdiction, there of judgment; order or resolution in question
being no appeal or any plain, speedy (Secs. 1 and 4, Rule 65, Rules of Court).
and adequate remedy in the
ordinary course of law.
c. The mode of review of the decision of WRIT OF MANDAMUS; CONTINUING
the NLRC is via a special civil action MANDAMUS
for certiorari under Rule 65, but
pursuant to the hierarchy of the Hannibal, Donna, Florence and Joel,
courts enunciated in the case of St. concerned residents of Laguna de Bay, filed
Martin’s Funeral Homes v. NLRC, 295 a complaint for mandamus against the
SCRA 494 (1998), the same should be Laguna Lake Development Authority, the
filed in the Court of Appeals. The Department of Environment and Natural
mode of review of the decisions of Resources, the Department of Public Work
two Constitutional Commissions, the and Highways, Department of Interior and
Commission on Elections and the Local Government, Department of
Commission on Audit, as provided Agriculture, Department of Budget, and
under Rule 64 of the 1997 Revised Philippine National Police before the RTC of
Rules of Civil Procedure/ is a special Laguna alleging that the continued neglect
civil action for certiorari under Rule of defendants in performing their duties has
65. Decisions of the Civil Service resulted in serious deterioration of the water
Commission, however, are quality of the lake and the degradation of the
reviewable by petition for review to marine life in the lake. The plaintiffs prayed
be filed with the Court of Appeals that said government agencies be ordered
under Rule 43 of the 1997 Revised to clean up Laguna de Bay and restore its
Rules of Civil Procedure. water quality to Class C waters as prescribed
by Presidential Decree No. 1152, otherwise
known as the Philippine Environment Code.
Defendants raise the defense that the
cleanup of the lake is not a ministerial
function and they cannot be compelled by
mandamus to perform the same. The RTC of
Compare the certiorari jurisdiction of the
Laguna rendered a decision declaring that it
Supreme Court under the Constitution with
is the duty of the agencies to clean up
that under Rule 65 of the Rules of Civil
Laguna de Bay and issued a permanent writ
of mandamus ordering said agencies to

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perform their duties prescribed by law emergency, the judge may issue the writ
relating to the cleanup of Laguna de Bay. under his own hand and may depute any
a. Is the RTC correct in issuing the writ of officer or person to serve it. The court or judge
mandamus? Explain. before whom the writ is returned must
immediately proceed to hear and examine
SUGGESTED ANSWER: the return. (Section 12, Rule 102).
Yes. While the implementation of the MMDA's
mandated tasks may entail a decision-
making process, the enforcement of the law
or the very act of doing what the law exacts
to be done is ministerial in nature and may be WRIT OF AMPARO
compelled by mandamus. (Metropolitan
Manila Development Authority v. Concerned The residents of Mt. Ahohoy, headed by
Residents of Manila Bay) Masigasig, formed a nongovernmental
organization - Alyansa Laban sa Minahan sa
b. What is the writ of continuing mandamus? Ahohoy (ALMA) to protest the mining
operations of Oro Negro Mining in the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: mountain. ALMA members picketed daily at
Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases, the entrance of the mining site blocking the
Rule 1 Sec. 4(c) ingress and egress of trucks and equipment
Continuing mandamus is a writ issued by a of Oro Negro, hampering its operations.
court in an environmental case directing any Masigasig had an altercation with Mapusok
agency or instrumentality of the government arising from the complaint of the mining
or officer thereof to perform an act or series engineer of Oro Negro that one of their trucks
of acts decreed by final judgment which was destroyed by ALMA members.
shall remain effective until judgment is fully
satisfied. Mapusok is the leader of the Association of
Peace Keepers of Ahohoy (APKA), a civilian
volunteer organization serving as auxiliary
SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS force of the local police to maintain peace
and order in the area. Subsequently,
&OTHER SPECIAL WRITS Masigasig disappeared. Mayumi, the wife of
Masigasig, and the members of ALMA
HABEAS CORPUS searched for Masigasig, but all their efforts
proved futile. Mapagmatyag, a member of
Hercules was walking near a police station ALMA, learned from Maingay, a member of
when a police officer signaled for him to APKA, during their binge drinking that
approach. As soon as Hercules came near, Masigasig was abducted by other members
the police officer frisked him but the latter of APKA, on order of Mapusok. Mayumi and
found no contraband. The police officer told ALMA sought the assistance of the local
Hercules to get inside the police station. police to search for Masigasig, but they
Inside the police station, Hercules asked the refused to extend their cooperation.
police officer, “Sir, may problema po ba?”
Instead of replying, the police officer locked Immediately, Mayumi filed with the RTC, a
up Hercules inside the police station jail. petition for the issuance of thewrit of amparo
What is the remedy available to Hercules to against Mapusok and APKA. ALMA also filed
secure his immediate release from a petition for theissuance of the writ of
detention? amparo with the Court of Appeals against
Mapusok andAPKA. Respondents Mapusok
SUGGESTED ANSWER: and APKA, in their Return filed with the
The remedy available to Hercules to secure RTC,raised among their defenses that they
his immediate release from detention is a are not agents of the State; hence, cannot
petition for writ of habeas corpus. Under Rule beimpleaded as respondents in an amparo
102, the writ of habeas corpus is available in petition.
cases of illegal detention. Section 5 of Rule
102 provides that a court or judge authorized a. Is their defense tenable?
to grant the writ must, when the petition
therefor is presented and it appears that the
Respondents Mapusok and APKA, in their
writ ought to issue, grant the same forthwith,
Return filed with the Court ofAppeals, raised
and immediately thereupon the clerk of
as their defense that the petition should be
court shall issue the writ or in case of
dismissed on the groundthat ALMA cannot

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file the petition because of the earlier petition which rightful custody of any person is
filed by Mayumiwith the RTC. withheld from another who is lawfully entitled
thereto (Sec 1, Rule 102, Rules of Court).
b. Are respondents correct in raising
their defense?
a. No, the defense of Mapusok and What is the writ of habeas data?
APKA that they are not agents of the
State and hence cannot be SUGGESTED ANSWER:
impleaded as respondents in an The writ of habeas data is a remedy
amparo petition is not tenable. The available to any person whose right to
writ of amparo is available in cases privacy in life, liberty or security is violated or
where the enforced or involuntary threatened by an unlawful act or omission of
disappearance of persons is with the a public official or employee, or of a private
authorization, support or individual or entity engaged in the gathering,
acquiescence of the State. (See Sec. collecting or storing of data or information
3[g] of R.A. No. 9851 and Navia v. regarding the person, family, home and
Pardico, 19 June 2012, e.b.) Here, correspondence of the aggrieved party.
Mapusok and APKA may be
considered as acting with the support
or at least the acquiescence of the WRIT OF KALIKASAN
State since APKA serves as an
auxiliary force of the police and the The officers of ”Ang Kapaligiran ay Alagaan,
police refused to assist in the search Inc.” engaged your services to file an action
for Masigasig. against ABC Mining Corporation which is
engaged in mining operations in Sta. Cruz,
b. Yes, respondents are correct in raising Marinduque. ABC used highly toxic
their defense. Under Section 2(c) of chemicals in extracting gold. ABC’s toxic
the Rule on the Writ of Amparo, the mine tailings were accidentally released
filing of a petition by an authorized from its storage dams and were discharged
party on behalf of the aggrieved into the rivers of said town. The mine tailings
party suspends the right of all others, found their way to Calancan Bay and
observing the order in Section 2 of the allegedly to the waters of nearby Romblon
Rule on the Writ of Amparo. Here, the and Quezon. The damage to the crops and
petition for writ of amparo had earlier loss of earnings were estimated at Pl Billion.
been filed by the spouse of the Damage to the environment is estimated at
aggrieved party Masigasig. Thus it Pl Billion. As lawyer for the organization, you
suspends the right of all others, are requested to explain the advantages
including ALMA, to file the petition. derived from a petition for writ of kalikasan
before the Supreme Court over a complaint
for damages before the RTC of Marinduque
or vice-versa. What action will you
What is the writ of amparo? How is it recommend? Explain.
distinguished from the writ of habeas corpus?
SUGGESTED ANSWER: I will recommend that the officers of “Ang
The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy Kapaligiran ay Alagaan, Inc.” file a Writ of
available to any person whose right to life, Kalikasan since all the elements for a valid
liberty and security is violated or threatened petition for the writ is present in their case. A
with violation by an unlawful act or omission writ of Kalikasan, under Rule 7 Sec. 1 of the
of a public official or employee, or of a Rules of Procedure on Environmental Cases,
private individual or entity. The writ shall is a remedy available to a natural or juridical
cover extralegal killings and enforced person, entity authorized by law, people's
disappearances or threats thereof. organization, non-governmental
organization, or any public interest group
The writ of amparo differs from a writ of accredited by or registered with any
habeas corpus in that the latter writ is availed government agency, on behalf of persons
of as a remedy against cases of unlawful whose constitutional right to a balanced and
confinement or detention by which any healthful ecology is violated, or threatened
person is deprived of his liberty, or cases by with violation by an unlawful act or omission

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of a public official or employee, or private name under Rule 103 affects only the name
individual or entity, involving environmental and not the status of the petitioner. (Republic
damage of such magnitude as to prejudice v. CA, 21 May 1992).
the life, health or property of inhabitants in
two or more cities or provinces.
Herein, since there are more than two
provinces who are suffering environmental CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
damages and economic losses caused by
the mining corporation, a petition for a writ of
kalikasan rather than a simple complaint for JURISDICTION; COMPLEX CRIMES
damages would be the proper remedy.
On his way to the PNP Academy in Silang,
PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE Cavite on board a public transport bus as a
passenger, Police Inspector Masigasig of the
What do you understand about the Valenzuela Police witnessed an on-going
"precautionary principle" under the Rules of armed robbery while the bus was traversing
Procedure for Environmental Cases? Makati. His alertness and training enabled
him to foil the robbery and to subdue the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: malefactor. He disarmed the felon and while
Precautionary principles states that when frisking him, discovered another handgun
human activities may lead to threats of tucked in his waist. He seized both handguns
serious and irreversible damage to the and the malefactor was later charged with
environment that is scientifically plausible but the separate crimes of robbery and illegal
uncertain, actions shall be taken to avoid or possession of firearm.
diminish that threat. In its essence, the a. Where should Police Inspector
precautionary principle calls for the exercise Masigasig bring the felon for criminal
of caution in the face of risk and uncertainty processing? To Silang, Cavite where
(Sec. 4 [f], Rule 1, Part 1, and Rule 20, A.M. No. he is bound; to Makati where the bus
09-6-8-SC, Rules of Procedure for actually was when the felonies took
Environment Cases). place; or back to Valenzuela where
he is stationed? Which court has
jurisdiction over the criminal cases?
A was adopted by B and C when A was only Police Inspector Masigasig should bring the
a toddler. Later on in life, A filed with the felon to the nearest police station or jail in
Regional Trial Court (RTC) a petition for Makati City where the bus actually was when
change of name under Rule 103 of the Rules the felonies took place. In cases of
of Court, as he wanted to reassume the warrantless arrest, the person arrested
surname of his natural parents because the without a warrant shall be forthwith delivered
surname of his adoptive parents sounded to the nearest police station or jail and shall
offensive and was seriously affecting his be proceeded against in accordance with
business and social life. section 7 of Rule 11 (Section 113, Rules of
The adoptive parents gave their Criminal Procedure). Consequently, the
consent to the petition for change of name. criminal case for robbery and illegal
May A file a petition for change of name? If possession of firearms can be filed in
the RTC grants the petition for change of Regional Trial Court of Makati City or on any
name, what, if any, will be the effect on the of the places of departure or arrival of the
respective relations of A with his adoptive bus.
parents and with his natural parents? Discuss.
b. May the charges of robbery and
SUGGESTED ANSWER: illegal possession of firearm be filed
Yes, A may file a petition for change of directly by the investigating
name. Change of name on the ground that prosecutor with the appropriate court
it is offensive and seriously affects the without a preliminary investigation?
petitioner’s business and social life is a valid SUGGESTED ANSWER:
ground especially where the adoptive Yes. Since the offender was arrested in
parents had given their consent. The grant of flagrante delicto without a warrant of arrest,
the petition will not change A’s relations with an inquest proceeding should be conducted
his adoptive and natural parents. The and thereafter a case may be filed in court
Supreme Court has held that change of even without the requisite preliminary

19 San Beda College Alabang School of Law

2017 Centralized Bar Operations
investigation. Under Section 6, Rule 112, Rules
of Criminal Procedure, when a person is
lawfully arrested without a warrant involving WARRANTLESS ARREST AND SEARCH
an offense which requires a preliminary
investigation, the complaint or information
As Cicero was walking down a dark alley
may be filed by a prosecutor without a need
one midnight, he saw an "owner-type
of such investigation provided an inquest has
jeepney" approaching him. Sensing that the
been conducted in accordance with
occupants of the vehicle were up to no good,
existing rules.
he darted into a corner and ran. The
occupants of the vehicle- elements from the
JURISDICTION; REINVESTIGATION; ARREST Western Police District - gave chase and
apprehended him.
Jose, Alberto and Romeo were charged with The police apprehended Cicero,
murder. Upon filing the information, the RTC frisked him and found a sachet of 0.09 gram
judge issued warrants for their arrest. of shabu tucked in his waist and a Swiss knife
Learning of the issuance of the warrants, the in his secret pocket, and detained him
three accused jointly filed a motion for thereafter. Is the arrest and body-search
reinvestigation and for the recall of the legal?
warrants of arrest. On the date set for hearing
of their motion, none of accused showed up
in court for fear of being arrested. The RTC
The arrest and body-search was legal. Cicero
judge denied their motion because the RTC
appears to be alone "walking down a dark
did not acquire jurisdiction over the persons
alley" and at midnight. There appears
of the movants. Did the RTC rule correctly?
probable cause for the policemen to check
him, especially when he darted into a corner
(presumably also dark) and run under such
The RTC was not entirely correct in stating
circumstance. Although the arrest came
that it had no jurisdiction over the persons of
after the body-search where Cicero was
the accused. By filing motions and seeking
found with shabu and a Swiss knife, the body
affirmative reliefs from the court, the
search is legal under the "Terry search" rule or
accused voluntarily submitted themselves to
the "stop and frisk" rule. And because the
the jurisdiction of the court. However, the RTC
mere possession, with animus, of dangerous
correctly denied the motion for
drug (the shabu) is a violation of the law
reinvestigation. Before an accused can
(Rep. Act 9165), the suspect is in a continuing
move for reinvestigation and the recall of his
state of committing a crime while he is
warrant of arrest, he must first surrender his
illegally possessing the dangerous drug, thus
person to the court (Miranda, et al. vs. Tuliao,
making the arrest tantamount to an arrest in
G.R. No. 158763, 31 March 2006).
flagrante: so the arrest is legal and
correspondingly, the search and seizure of
the shabu and the concealed knife may be
CIVIL ASPECT OF THE CRIME regarded as incident to a lawful arrest.

Name two instances where the trial court can

hold the accused civilly liable even if he is
acquitted. No. The arrest and the body-search were not
legal. In this case, Cicero did not run
SUGGESTED ANSWER: because the occupant’s of the vehicle
The Instances where the civil, liability is not identified themselves as police officers. He
extinguished despite acquittal of the darted into the corner and ran upon the
accused where: belief that the Occupants of the vehicle
1. The acquittal is based on reasonable were up to no good. Cicero's act of running
doubt; does not show any reasonable ground to
2. Where the court expressly declares believe that a crime has been committed or
that the liability of the accused is not is about to be committed for the police
criminal but only civil in nature; and officers to apprehend him and conduct
3. Where the civil liability is not derived body search. Hence, the arrest was illegal as
from or based on the criminal act of it does not fall under any of the
which the accused is acquitted circumstances for a valid warrantless arrest
(Remedios Nota Sapiera v. Court of provided in Sec. 5 of Rule 113 of the Rules of
Appeals, September 14,1999). Criminal Procedure.

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crime. However, the determination of
Under Section 5, Rule 113 a warrantless arrest probable cause and the gathering of facts
is allowed when an offense has just been or circumstances should be made
committed and the peace officer has immediately after the commission of the
probable cause to believe, based on his crime in order to comply with the element of
personal knowledge of facts or immediacy.
circumstances, that the person to be arrested
has committed it. A policeman approaches
you for advice and asks you how he will MOTION TO QUASH
execute a warrantless arrest against a
murderer who escaped after killing a person. The information against Roger Alindogan for
The policeman arrived two (2) hours after the the crime of acts lasciviousness under Article
killing and a certain Max was allegedly the 336 of the Revised Penal Code avers:
killer per information given by a witness. He
asks you to clarify the following: “That on or about 10:30 o’clock in the
a. How long after the commission of the evening of February 1, 2010 at Barangay
crime can he still execute the Matalaba, Imus, Cavite and within the
warrantless arrest? jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
above-named accused, with lewd and
SUGGESTED ANSWER: unchaste design, through force and
Rule 113 Sec. 5(b) states that ‘When an intimidation, did then and there, wilfully,
offense has just been committed, and he has unlawfully and feloniously commit sexual
probable cause to believe based on abuse on his daughter, Rose Domingo, a
personal knowledge of facts or minor of 11 years old, either by raping her or
circumstances that the person to be arrested committing acts of lasciviousness on her,
has committed.’ In People v. del Rosario, the against her will and consent to her damage
Court held that the requirement that an and prejudice.
offense has just been committed means that
there must be a large measure of immediacy ACTS CONTRARY TO LAW.”
between the time the offense was
committed and the time of the arrest. If there The accused wants to have the case
was an appreciable lapse of time between dismissed because he believes that the
the arrest and the commission of the crime, a charge is confusing and the information is
warrant of arrest must be secured. Herein, for defective. What ground or grounds can he
as long as he has probable cause to believe raise in moving for the quashal of the
based on personal knowledge of facts or information? Explain.
circumstances, he may execute the
warrantless arrest within reasonable time SUGGESTED ANSWER:
from when the crime was committed. The motion to quash must be based on the
ground of “duplicity of the offense” or
b. What does “personal knowledge of “duplicitous information”. According to Rule
the facts and circumstances that the 117, Sec. 3, an information may be quashed
person to be arrested committed it” when more than one offense is charged,
mean? except when a single punishment for various
offenses is prescribed by law. Here, the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: information charged two crimes which are
In Pestilos vs. Generoso, the phrase covers rape and acts of lasciviousness in view of the
facts or, in the alternative, circumstances. phrase “either by raping her or committing
According to the Black's Law Dictionary, acts of lasciviousness”.
"circumstances are attendant or
accompanying facts, events or conditions."
Circumstances may pertain to events or
actions within the actual perception,
personal evaluation or observation of the
police officer at the scene of the crime. Thus, DOUBLE JEOPARDY
even though the police officer has not seen
someone actually fleeing, he could still make McJolly is a trouble-maker of sorts, always
a warrantless arrest if, based on his personal getting into brushes with the law. In one
evaluation of the circumstances at the incident, he drove his Humvee recklessly,
scene of the crime, he could determine the hitting a pedicab which sent
existence of probable cause that the person its driver and passengers in different
sought to be arrested has committed the

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directions. The pedicab driver died, while SUGGESTED ANSWER:
two (2) of the passengers suffered slight “Res judicata in prison grey” is the criminal
physical injuries. Two (2) Informations were concept of double jeopardy, as “res
then filed against McJolly. One, for Reckless judicata” is the doctrine of civil law (Trinidad
Imprudence Resulting in Homicide and v. Office of the Ombudsman, GR No. 166038,
Damage to Property, and two, for Reckless December 4, 2007).
Imprudence Resulting in Slight Physical
Injuries. The latter case was scheduled for Described as “res judicata in prison grey,” the
arraignment earlier, on which right against double jeopardy prohibits the
occasion McJolly immediately pleaded prosecution of a person for a crime of which
guilty. He was meted out the penalty of he has been previously acquitted or
public censure. A month later, the case for convicted. The .purpose is to set the effects
reckless imprudence resulting in homicide of the first prosecution forever at rest, assuring
was also set for arraignment. Instead of the accused that he shall not thereafter be
pleading, McJolly interposed the defense of subjected to the danger and anxiety of a
double jeopardy. Resolve. second charge against him for the same
offense (Joel B. Caes v. Intermediate
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Appellate Court, November 6, 1989).
The defense of double jeopardy is meritorious
and the second information for reckless
imprudence resulting in homicide should be
quashed on the ground of double EVIDENCE
jeopardy. The Supreme Court has held that
reckless imprudence is a single crime and
that its consequences on persons and ADMISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE
property are material only to determine the
penalty. Here there was only one act and Dominique was accused of committing a
crime of reckless imprudence. The death, violation of the Human Security Act. He was
the physical injuries, and the damage to the detained incommunicado, deprived of
tricycle are only consequences of the same sleep, and subjected to water torture. He
reckless act of McJolly. Hence there was later allegedly confessed his guilt via an
double jeopardy when a second information affidavit.
arising from the same reckless act was After trial, he was acquitted on the
brought against the accused. (Ivler v. ground that his confession was obtained
Modesto-San Pedro, 17 November 2010). through torture, hence, inadmissible as
PLEA OF GUILTY TO A LESSER OFFENSE In a subsequent criminal case for
torture against those who deprived him of
sleep and subjected him to water torture,
D was charged with theft of an article worth Dominique was asked to testify and to,
P15,000.00. Upon being arraigned, he among other things, identify his above-said
pleaded not guilty to the offense charged. affidavit of confession. As he was about to
Thereafter, before trial commenced, he identify the affidavit, the defense counsel
asked the court to allow him to change his objected on the ground that the affidavit is a
plea of not guilty to a plea of guilty but only fruit of a poisonous tree. Can the objection be
to estafa involving P5,000.00. Can the court sustained? Explain.
allow D to change his plea?


No, because a plea of guilty to a lesser No, the objection may not be sustained on
offense may be allowed if the lesser offense the ground stated, because the affiant was
is necessarily included in the offense only to identify the affidavit which is not yet
charged. (Rule 116, sec. 2). Estafa involving being offered in evidence. The doctrine of
P5,000.00 is not necessarily included in theft the fruit of the poisonous tree can only be
of an article worth P15,000.00. invoked by Domingo as his defense in the
crime of Violation of Human Security Act filed
against him but not by the accused in a
torture case filed by him.
In the Instant case, the presentation of the
What is “res judicata in prison grey”?
affidavit cannot be objected to by the
defense counsel on the ground that it is a fruit

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of the poisonous tree because the same is Nenita be allowed over the objection of
used In Domingo's favor. Walter?

No. Nenita may not be allowed to testify
against Walter. Under the Marital
On March 12; 2008, Mabini was charged with
Disqualification Rule, during their marriage,
Murder for fatally stabbing Emilio. To prove
neither the husband nor the wife may testify
the qualifying circumstance of evident
for or against the other without the consent
premeditation, the prosecution introduced
of the affected spouse, except in a civil case
on December 11, 2009 a text message, which
by one against the other, or in a criminal case
Mabini's estranged wife Gregoria had sent to
for a crime committed by one against the
Emilio on the eve of his death, reading:
other or the latter’s direct descendants or
"Honey, pa2tayin u ni Mabini. Mtgaln nyang
ascendants (Section 22, Rule 130, Rules on
plano i2. Mg ingat u bka ma tsugi k." Can he
Evidence). The foregoing exceptions cannot
'Object to the presentation of the text
apply since it only extends to a criminal case
message on the ground that it is hearsay?
of one spouse against the other or the latter’s
direct ascendants or descendants. Clearly,
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Nenita is not the offended party and her sister
No, Gregoria's text message In Emilio's is not her direct ascendant or descendant for
cellphone is not covered by the hearsay rule her to fall within the exception.
because it is regarded in the rules of
evidence as independently relevant ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
statement: the text message is not to prove Yes. Nenita may be allowed to testify against
the truth of the fact alleged therein but only Walter. It is well settled that the marital
as to the circumstance of whether or not disqualification rule does not apply when the
premeditation exists. marital and domestic relations between
spouses are strained. In Alvarez vs. Ramirez,
G.R. No. 143439, October 14, 2005, the
PRIVILEGE COMMUNICATION Supreme Court citing People vs. Castaneda,
271 SCRA 504, held that the act of private
For over a year, Nenita had been estranged respondent in setting fire the house of his
from her husband Walter because of the sister-in-law Susan Ramirez, knowing fully well
latter’s suspicion that she was having an that his wife was there, and in fact with the
affair with Vladimir, a barangay kagawad alleged intent of injuring the latter, is an act
who lived in nearby Mandaluyong. Nenita totally alien to the harmony and confidences
lived in the meantime with her sister in of marital relation which the disqualification
Makati. One day, the house of Nenita’s sister primarily seeks to protect.
inexplicably burned almost to the ground.
Nenita and her sister were caught inside the The criminal act complained of had the
house but Nenita survived as she fled in time, effect of directly and vitally impairing the
while her sister tried to save belongings and conjugal relation. It underscored the fact
was caught inside when the house that the marital and domestic relations
collapsed. between her and the accused-husband
As she was running away from the have become so strained that there is no
burning house, Nenita was surprised to see more harmony, peace or tranquillity to be
her husband also running away from the preserved. Hence, the identity is non-existent.
scene. Dr. Carlos, Walter’s psychiatrist who In such a situation, the security and
lived near the burned house and whom confidences of private life which the law
Walter medically consulted after the fire, also aims to protect are nothing but ideals which
saw Walter in the vicinity some minutes through their absence, merely leave a void
before the fire. Coincidentally, Fr. Platino, the in the unhappy home. Thus, there is no
parish priest who regularly hears Walter’s reason to apply the Marital Disqualification
confession and who heard it after the fire, Rule.
also encountered him not too far away from
the burned house. Walter was charged with
arson and at his trial, the prosecution moved CHILD WITNESS RULE
to introduce the testimonies of Nenita, the
doctor and the priest-confessor, who all saw When may the trial court order that the
Walter at the vicinity of the fire at about the testimony of a child be taken by live-link
time of the fire. (A) May the testimony of television? Explain.

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SUGGESTED ANSWER: and the corresponding answers that
The testimony of a child may be taken by the witness gave; and
live- link television if there is a substantial 2. Neither he nor any other person then
likelihood that the child would suffer trauma present or assisting him coached the
from testifying in the presence of the witness regarding the latter’s answers.
accused, his counsel or the prosecutor as the (Section 4)
case maybe. The trauma must be of a kind
which would impair the completeness or
truthfulness of the testimony of the child. MOST IMPORTANT WITNESS RULE
(Sec. Sec. 25 [f], Rule on Examination of a
Child Witness) What is the “most important witness” rule
pursuant to the 2004 Guidelines of Pretrial
and Use of Deposition-Discovery Measures?
What are the contents of a judicial affidavit? Sec. 6(j) on the Most Important Witness rule
deals with limiting the number of witnesses,
SUGGESTED ANSWER: determining the facts to be proved by each
A judicial affidavit shall contain: witness and fixing the approximate number
1. The name, age, residence or business of hours per witness.
address, and occupation of the
2. The name and address of the Lawyer ONE DAY EXAMINATION OF WITNESS RULE
who conducts or supervises the
examination of the witness and the What is the “one day examination of witness”
place where the examination is being rule pursuant to the said 2004 Guidelines?
held; Explain.
3. Questions asked of the witness and
his corresponding answers, SUGGESTED ANSWER:
consecutively numbered, that: A.M. No. 03-1-09-SC – RE: PROPOSED RULE ON
a. Show the circumstances under GUIDELINES TO BE OBSERVED BY TRIAL COURT
which the witness acquired the JUDGES AND CLERKS OF COURT IN THE
facts upon which he testifies; CONDUCT OF PRE-TRIAL AND USE OF
b. Elicit from him those facts which DEPOSITION-DISCOVERY MEASURES
are relevant to the issues that the Par. 5(i) . . . The One-Day Examination
case presents; and of Witness Rule, that is, a witness has to be
c. Identify the attached fully examined in one (1) day only, shall be
documentary and object strictly adhered to subject to the courts’
evidence and establish their discretion during trial on whether or not to
authenticity in accordance with extend the direct and/or cross-examination
the Rules of Court; for justifiable reasons. On the last hearing day
4. A statement that the witness is allotted for each party, he is required to
answering the questions asked of him, make his formal offer of evidence after the
fully conscious that he does so under presentation of his last witness and the
oath, and that he may face criminal opposing party is required to immediately
liability for false testimony or perjury; interpose his objection thereto. Thereafter,
5. The signature of the witness over his the Judge shall make the ruling on the offer
printed name; and of evidence in open court. However, the
6. A jurat with the signature of the judge has the discretion to allow the offer of
notary public who administers the evidence in writing in conformity with Section
oath or an officer who is authorized 35, Rule 132.
by law to administer the same. A.M.
No. 12-8-8-SC Sept. 4, 2012 BEST EVIDENCE RULE

The judicial affidavit shall contain a sworn When A loaned a sum of money to B, A typed
attestation at the end executed by the a single copy of the promissory note, which
lawyer who conducted or supervised the they both signed. A made two photo
examination of the witness, to the effect that: (xeroxed) copies of the promissory note,
1. He faithfully recorded or caused to giving one copy to B and retaining the other
be recorded the questions he asked copy. A entrusted the typewritten copy to his

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counsel for safekeeping. The copy with A’s directly involve an acknowledgment
counsel was destroyed when the law office of guilt or criminal intent, while an
was burned. extrajudicial confession is a
a. In an action to collect on the declaration of an accused that he
promissory note, which is deemed to has committed or participated in the
be the “original” copy for the purpose commission of a crime.
of the “Best Evidence Rule”? b. “Laying the predicate” is the
b. Can the photocopies in the hands of procedure of impeaching a witness
the parties be considered “duplicate by evidence of prior inconsistent
original copies”? statements. Before such a witness
c. As counsel for A, how will you prove can be impeached, the prior
the loan given to A and B? statements must be related to him,
with the circumstances of the times
SUGGESTED ANSWER: and places and the persons present,
a. The copy that was signed and lost is and he must be asked whether he
the only original” copy for purposes of made such statements, and if so,
the Best Evidence Rule. (Sec. 4[b] of allowed to explain them.
Rule 130). c. No, because for the written record to
b. No. They are not duplicate original be admissible as past recollection
copies because there are recorded, it must have been written
photocopies which were not signed or recorded by X or under his
(Mahilum v. Court of Appeals, 17 direction at the time when the fact
SCRA 462). They constitute secondary occurred, or immediately thereafter,
evidence. (Sec. 5 of Rule 130). or at any other time when the fact
c. The loan given by A to B may be was fresh in his memory and he knew
proved by secondary evidence that the same was correctly written or
through the xeroxed copies of the recorded. (Sec. 16 of Rule 132) But in
promissory note. The rules provide this case X has never seen the writing
that when the original document is before.
lost or destroyed, or cannot be
produced in court, the offeror, upon
proof of its execution or existence WEIGHT AND SUFFICIENCY OF EVIDENCE
and the cause of its unavailability
without bad faith on his part, may Distinguish preponderance of evidence from
prove its contents by a copy, or by a substantial evidence.
recital of its contents in some
authentic document, or by the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
testimony of witnesses in the order Preponderance of evidence means that the
stated. (Sec. 5 of Rule 130). evidence as a whole adduced by one side is
superior to that of the other. This is applicable
in civil cases. (Sec. 1 of Rule 133; Municipality
EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES of Moncada v. Cajuigan, 21 Phil. 184 [1912]).
Substantial evidence is that amount
a. Distinguish extrajudicial admission of relevant evidence which a reasonable
from extrajudicial confession in mind might accept as adequate to justify a
criminal cases. conclusion. This is applicable in cases filed
b. In the examination of witnesses, what before administrative or quasi-judicial
is meant by “laying the predicate”? bodies. (Sec. 5 of Rule 133)
c. X states on direct examination that he
once knew the facts being asked but
he cannot recall them now. When
handed a written record of the facts
he testifies that the facts are correctly
stated, but that he has never seen the
writing before. Is the writing
admissible as past recollection a. What are the rules on the recognition
recorded? Explain. and enforcement of foreign
judgments in our courts?
a. An extrajudicial admission is a
statement of fact which does not

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b. Can a foreign arbitral award be c. Yes, a global injunction issued by a
enforced in the Philippines under foreign court to prevent dissipation of
those rules? Explain briefly. funds against a defendant who has
c. How about a global injunction issued assets in the Philippines may be
by a foreign court to prevent enforced in our jurisdiction, subject to
dissipation of funds against a our procedural laws.
defendant therein who has assets in
the Philippines? Explain briefly. As a general rule, no sovereign is
bound to give effect within its
SUGGESTED ANSWER: dominion to a judgment or order of a
a. Judgments of foreign courts are tribunal of another country. However,
given recognition in our courts thus: under the rules of comity, utility and
convenience, nations have
In case of judgment upon a specific established a usage among civilized
thing, the judgment is conclusive states by which final judgments of
upon the title to the thing, unless foreign courts of competent
otherwise repelled by evidence of jurisdiction are reciprocally respected
lack of jurisdiction, want of due and rendered efficacious under
notice to the party, collusion, fraud, certain conditions that may vary in
or clear mistake of law or fact (Rule different countries (St. Aviation
39, Sec. 48 [a], Rules of Court); and Services Co., Pte.,Ltd. v. Grand
International Airways, Inc., 505 SCRA
In case of judgment against a person, 30 [2006]; Asiavest Merchant Bankers
the judgment is presumptive (M) Berhad v. Court of Appeals, 361
evidence of a right as between the SCRA 489 [2001]).
parties and their successors in interest
by subsequent title, unless otherwise
repelled by evidence on grounds What are certain subject matters that
abovestated (Rule 39, Sec. 48 [b], Philippine law does not allow to be the
Rules of Court). subject of arbitration within the framework of
RA 876 and RA 9285?
However, judgments of foreign courts
may only be enforced in the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
Philippines through an action validly 1. Labor disputes covered by
heard in a Regional Trial Court. Thus, it Presidential Decree No. 442,
is actually the judgment of the otherwise known as the Labor Code
Philippine court enforcing the foreign of the Philippines, as amended and its
judgment that shall be executed. Implementing Rules and Regulations
2. The civil status of persons
3. The validity of marriage
b. No, a foreign arbitral award cannot 4. Any ground for legal separation
be enforced in the Philippines under 5. The jurisdiction of courts
the rules on the recognition and 6. Future legitime
enforcement of foreign judgments 7. Criminal liability
above-stated. A foreign arbitral 8. Those which by law cannot be
award is not a foreign judgment, and compromised
pursuant to the Alternative Dispute
Resolution Act of 2004 (R.A. No. 9285),
in relation to 1958 New York What is the Principle of Separability of
Convention on the Recognition and Arbitration Clause?
Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral
Awards, the recognition and SUGGESTED ANSWER:
enforcement of the foreign arbitral The Special ADR Rules recognizes the
awards shall be in accordance with principle of separability of the arbitration
the rules of procedure to be clause, which means that the arbitration
promulgated by the Supreme Court. clause shall be treated as an agreement
At present, the Supreme Court is yet independent of the other terms of contract
to promulgate rules of procedure on of which it forms part. A decision that the
the subject matter. container contract is null and void shall not
entail ipso jure the invalidity of the arbitration

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