Chapter 1

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Atienza, Ranz Jaisalh D.

Lopez, Kurt Russell.

Miranda, Julius B.

Marasigan, Christina T.

Ms. Eurika ramirez

Chapter I


“Children are not casual guests in our home. They have been loaned to us temporarily

for the purpose of loving them and instilling foundation of values on which their future lives will

be built.” – James Dobson

The nurture role, you take care of your children’s basic needs, such as food, medical

care, shelter, clothing, etc., as well as give as love, attention, understanding, acceptance, time,

and support.

You listen to your children, are patient, and have fun with them. You make time for

your kids, show an interest in them and their activities, and encourage them to pursue their

passions their passions. Through your words and actions, you communicate to your children

that they are loved and accepted. When you are in the nurturing role, you enjoy and accept your

children as they are and do not expect any change in behaviour.

Single parent, a mother or father bringing up a child of children without a spouse or

live-in partner. Reasons for becoming a single parent includes divorce, break up, abandonment,

death of the spouse or live-in partner, childbirth by a single woman or single-person adaption.

Raising a child on your own can be stressful. If you’re a single parent ,understand

how to cope with the pressure find support and nurture your child. If you’re raising a child on

your own, you’re in good company. Single-parent families are more common than ever, know

how to manage some of the special challenges single parents experience and what you can do

to raise happy, healthy child.

Common single-parent challenges child rearing can be difficult under any

circumstances. Without a partner, the stakes are higher. As a single parent, you might have sole
responsibility for all aspects of day-to-day child care. Being a single parent can result in added

pressure, stress and fatigue. If you’re too tired or distracted to be emotionally supportive or

consistently discipline your child, behavioural problems might arise. Single-parent families also

generally have lower incomes and less access to health care can be financially difficult and

socially isolating. You might worry about the lack of a male or female parental role model for

your child, too.

Significance of the Study




Statement of the Problem

1. How do single parents raise children?

2. What problems do single parent face?

3. what are the causes of single parent?

Scope, Delimitation and limitations


Definition of Terms


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