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EDTE 3250 Lesson Planning Document

Grade Level: 2nd grade

Lesson Name / Title: Farm Read Aloud

Learning Outcome / Learning Target / Lesson Objective:

Students will be able to create an understanding by using pictures in the book to demonstrate an understanding of the setting
and plot. Students will also be able to explain characters feelings throughout the story.

Common Core State Standards / Ohio Academic Content Standards:

RL.2.3: describe how characters in the story respond to major events and challenges.
RL.2.7: use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its
characters, setting, or plot.

Assessment Plan including attachments:

Students will write down what each character is feeling toward major events or challenges. They will also write down what
information they gain from looking at the pictures.

Academic Language:
Setting, plot, illustrations, strange, wonder, webbed, different, reminded, moment, decided, exactly, and replied.

Learning Trajectory:
Students will be able to draw on illustrations to help demonstrate their understanding of what is going to happen in the story.
Students will be able to explain how characters react in the story and the reason why the characters are feeling a certain
towards events or challenges in the story.

Lesson Materials:

Source for Lesson:

The Day the Sheep Showed Up

The Teaching Process Rationales for Teaching Actions Reflection on Teaching

(should included planned, open-ended
questions to monitor student learning,
and how the lesson will be modeled)

1. Teacher will have the students 1. Introducing the book by asking

move to the rug for story time. them questions about what they
The teacher will then get the know about the information that
students to settle down and the store is about and gets them
silent. The teacher will remind thinking about what the story
the students to bring paper, could be about.
pencil and something to put the 2. The students can focus on the
paper on to write during the story and illustrations to help
story. pull information to
2. The teacher will then introduce understanding what the setting
The Day the Sheep Showed Up by and plot will be before getting to
asking the students what they the end of the story.

Source for Lesson:

know about farm/barnyard
3. The teacher will then show the
students the cover of the story
and ask them what animals they
see or recognize on the cover.
4. Once the students respond with
what animals they see on the
cover the teacher will then ask
the students what you think will
happen in the story.
5. The teacher will then start
reading the story to the
students. While reading,
students will be writing down
what the characters feel and
what information they gain from
the illustrations to help them to
understand the setting and plot
of the story.
6. After reading, the students will
go back to their desks and the
teacher will lead a discussion
about what everyone had gained
about the setting from the

Extended Activities:

Source for Lesson:

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