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Topic: Double vowels 1

We learned about basic vowels and consonants and double consonants.

Now we will learn Double vowels. Firstly, we will discuss five double vowels.

ㅣㅏㅓㅑㅕ ㅐㅒㅔㅖㅢ ㅘ ㅚ ㅙ

ㅡㅗㅜㅛㅠ ㅝ ㅟ ㅞ

ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁ ㄲ ㄸㅃㅆㅉ



First double vowel: ㅐ(ae)

Do you remember basic vowels? Double vowel also combination basic vowels like
double consonants.

ㅏ add ㅣ= ㅐ The sound is [ae]

Can you guess how these are read?



Can you read it?

‘애’ means child. Sometime when blaming someone, used it. It means ‘are you

‘애기’ means baby. Another words is ‘아가’, ‘아기’.

‘타다’ means take the transportation (bus, subway, airplane, car, etc)
‘내리다’ means take off the transportation.

Next double vowel: ㅒ(Yae)

Do you still remember what happens when you add another short stroke?

Can you read it?

‘얘기’ means story. It is abbreviation of ‘이야기’

‘걔’ means refer to someone.

ㅑ and ㅣ= ㅒ
Can you read it?

걔는 이쁘다.
‘걔’ is someone, ‘-는’ is subject particle.
So, ‘걔는’ is someone(he or she) is

‘이쁘다’ is pretty.

So, ‘걔는 이쁘다’ means Someone(he or she) is pretty.

Next double vowel: ㅔ(e)
It is very easy. The sound is [e]

Remember point:

[Location or destination or place = 에]

‘-에’ means at or in.

For example, can you read this sentence?

나는 서울에 가다.
‘서울’ is Seoul, city name. Seoul is capital city in Korea like Manila in Philippines.

Anyway, ‘나는’ is I am. ‘서울에’ is at or in Seoul. ‘가다’ is go.

So, ‘나는 서울에 가다’ means I am going in Seoul.

나는 내 방에 가다.
Do you remember ‘내’s means? ‘내’ means my.

‘방’ means room. So, ‘내 방’ means my room.

‘나는’ is I am. ‘내 방에’ is at or in my room. ‘가다’ is go.

So, ‘나는 내 방에 가다’ means I am going in my room.

In Other words, if ‘에’ is use with destination or location or place,

‘에’ acts as an indicator of destination or location or place.

Can you read it?

제, 네
Do you remember ‘내’? we already know ‘내’ means my and abbreviation of ‘나의’.

Like this one, ‘제’ is same too. ‘제’ is abbreviation of ‘저의’

‘제’ is also means my. So, What’s different ‘나 and ‘저’, ‘내’ and ‘제’?

All means ‘I’. but 나 and 내 is informal expression.

저 and 제 is formal expression.

네’s so easy. It means yes. Like ‘예’.

Next double vowel: ㅖ(Ye)

It’s sum of the ㅕ and ㅣ.

Do you remember Y sound of ‘ㅕ’ ?.

So, ‘ㅖ’ also has Y sound.

Next double vowel: ㅢ(eui)

This sound is [eu] it’s similar ‘ㅡ’

Do you remember ‘나의’, ‘저의’?

‘의’ is usually used for subject particle.

Topic: Double vowels2
We learned about basic vowels and consonants and double consonants.

Now we will learn Double vowels 2 where we will discuss the last six double vowels.

ㅣㅏㅓㅑㅕ ㅐㅒㅔㅖㅢ

ㅡㅗㅜㅛㅠ ㅘ ㅚ ㅙ

ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁ ㅝ ㅟ ㅞ

ㅂㅅㅇㅈㅊ ㄲ ㄸㅃㅆㅉ


It is divided into two categories on one point.

And there has Common point of double vowel 2.

It is W sound.

Double vowel2 has W sound. You must need to remember.

First category: ㅘ(oa), ㅚ(oee), ㅙ(oae)

There has common point. It is ㅗ.

ㅘ’ sound is [WA]

ㅚ’ sound is [WE]
ㅙ’ sound is [WAE], it similar [we]
Can you read these?

와 is subject particle. We will be learning this later.

외 means solo or alone.

왜 means Why.

Second category: ㅝ(ueo), ㅟ(ui), ㅞ(ue)

There has common point. It is ㅜ.

ㅝ’ s sound is [WO]

ㅟ’s sound is [WI]

ㅞ’s sound is [WAE], it similar [we]
Can you read these?

워 is cheerful sound.

위 means top or up.

웨 is don’t used in Korea.

Finally, we are finish the Korean alphabets.

1. Basic vowels

ㅏ ㅑ

ㅓ ㅕ

ㅗ ㅛ

ㅜ ㅠ

ㅡ ㅣ
2. Consonants

ㄱ ㄴ

ㄷ ㄹ

ㅁ ㅂ

ㅅ ㅇ

ㅈ ㅊ
ㅋ ㅌ

ㅍ ㅎ

3. Double consonants and Double vowels

ㄲ ㄸ

ㅃ ㅆ

ㅐ ㅒ

ㅔ ㅖ

ㅢ ㅘ

ㅚ ㅙ

ㅝ ㅟ

Now we can read and write and say and listen for Korean alphabets.

And we also make basic character that using for combination of

consonant and vowel.

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