Royal Ball Script

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Bernard: Good evening ladies and gentlemen.


Jo: Good evening everyone, I am Ms. Joana Marie Alay-ay

Bernard: And Mr. Bernard Victoria and we will be your Master of Ceremonies for this
momentous event.

Jo: Tonight is a spectacular night to remember. The most awaited one….

Sir Bernard, all our students seemed so beautiful and handsome this night…

Bernard: Exactly Mam Jo…the girls look elegant with their attire…and the
gentlemen…..they are so chivalric… How about you ma’am? How did you prepare for
this night?

Jo: Actually, I did it as simple as possible…and that made me so simple and refined
this night…

Bernard: Yes I agree… since a lot of preparation enthuse me just to stand in front of
these elegant students.

Jo: And so, let’s start this celebration that we’ve been waiting for…. May we
request everyone to please stand for our opening prayer to be led by Bea Mariel
G. Saulo.


Bernard: You may now take a seat… Now, let us listen to ___________________,
Head Teacher of _______________ Department for the opening remarks.

(Opening remarks……)

Jo: Thank you so much Mam/Sir…. One of the highlights of this event is
reminiscing the memories our juniors have shared. And to give us a glimpse of
what they have been through, let us all welcome, Christine A. Chua.

( Christine…..)
Bernard: Thank you Christine for sharing those momentous experiences with your
batch. Once again, Christine A. Chua…. To deliver us the Junior Class Prophecy,
may we call on Arabella A. Sang-Olan.

Bernard: Thank you Arabella…
Jo: While we are having the program, our dear advisers took rounds to choose pairs
for each section to become candidates for this years’ Prom King and Queen. (adlib)
But before we proceed with the presentation of candidates, we would like to introduce
to you our panel of judges.
Our first judge is the English Department Head, the dazzling and oozing with charms,
Mr. Amado Abiog.

Bernard: Our next judge is our ever handsome guidance counsellor, Mr. Ponchiano
Delos Santos.
Jo: And of course, the panels will not be complete without the beautiful Ms. Almira
Bernard: Being a judge is a tough job, so to our dear judges, good luck!
And now, presenting the stunning and good-looking candidates for the Prom King and
Queen 2019.

(Presentation of candidates….. they will introduce their name, section,


Jo: Who is your bet? (adlib) Later we will announce the winners. Just sit back and
relax. (but we might announce the winners already)

Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Let us now behold the magnificent cotillion of our
selected grade 10 students. But let me share first a brief history of Cotillion.

The cotillion or "French country dance is a social dance, popular in 18th-

century Europe and America. Originally for four couples in square formation, it was a
courtly version of an English country dance, the forerunner of the quadrille and, in the
United States, the square dance.
Bernard: It was for some fifty years regarded as an ideal finale to a ball but was
eclipsed in the early 19th century by the quadrille. It became so elaborate that it was
sometimes presented as a concert dance performed by trained and rehearsed
dancers. The later "German" cotillion included more couples as well as plays and
Once again, our grade 10 students in their Cotillion Dance.


Jo: This Cotillion Dance would not be possible without the help of our Mapeh Teacher
Ms. Ella Vasallo. A round of applause for her please.

Bernard: It seems that all of us are marveled by the performances of our

students….so it’s time to delight ourselves with the mouthwatering dinner… But
before that, we are pleased to acknowledge ______________________ catering
services for the sumptuous dinner that will be served tonight and for the beautiful
designs. Thank you.
Jo: This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. Are you all excited?(adlib)
May I call on ________________ to announce the winners or shall I say the ladies
and gentlemen that mersmerized our judges.
Fourth Prince and Princess…..
Third Prince and Princess…..
Second Prince and Princess…..
First Prince and Princess….
Prom King and Queen 2019…..

Bernard: Congratulations to all the winners… (adlib)

Jo: That will be all for the first part of this event.
Are you ready to take off the dance floor? Yeees… (adlib)
But before that, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for
choosing us to be the emcee of this momentous event.

Bernard: (adlib) This has been Mr. Bernard Victoria

Jo: And Ms. Joana Marie Alay-ay, now signing off.
Bernard: Enjoy the rest of the night!

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