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Word Health Organization


Chairperson: The meeting will now come to order (Tap thrice)

Please stand for the invocation by singing of National Anthem and for the prayer.

Chair: Thank you please be seated.

Chair: May I request Mr. secretary to please do the roll call.

Secretary: When I call your name, please raise your right hand (read the attendance)
Mr. Chair, there are 10 members of the Body that are present including me. We have established
quorum Mr. chair.

Chair: Since we are now in quorum, please read the minutes of the previous meeting.

Secretary: (Read the minutes)

As of January 20, 2020, at exactly 2pm it is called to order by Mr. Chair and the members who
were present at the previous meeting are the following: names:
The previous minutes of the meeting has been approved by the members.
The agenda is about releasing a budget for a machine particularly (Thermal scanner) that was
raised by Dr. Kevin Espinosa it is for securing the health from corona virus. The said amount was
three million pesos for each thermal scanner.

Chair: Thank you, are there any corrections or additions to these minutes?

All: NONE.

Chair: If none, the minutes stand approved. (TAP ONCE)

May we have the report from our committee?

MASNAH: Mr. chair we are protecting and securing the safety of our city from the said virus. And
we are making sure that those passengers who are entering Zamboanga city are not infected by
the virus. Specially those passengers that came from Malaysia, china and other possible infected
places. The thermal scanner is expected to release by the next 30 calendar days. Upon arriving
the airport, the passengers should undergo thermal scanning. As of now, we are just using an
alternative way of detecting their temperature.

Chair: Thank you, are there any discussion for this?

RONNIEL: mr. chair, may I be recognized?

Mr. Chair: yes, you are recognized Admiral Calivo

RONNIEL: I move that the report of the standing committee be adopted.

Chair: A motion for the adoption of the report has been raised by Admiral Calivo.

JUNRLY: I second the motion.

Chair: It has been moved and seconded that the report of the standing committee be adopted.
Any reaction for this?

All: NONE.

Chair: It is now stand approved. (tap once)

Chair: Chief Admiral Altasil please have your report.


MANDUSIH: As of February 20,2020 We the officers of the Philippine Coast Guard have been
alerted to heighten maritime safety and security efforts in our areas of responsibilities to prevent
the entry and possible spread of the new strain of corona virus in our country,
Also -our port state control officers, together with the Bureau of Quarantine personnel, conduct
comprehensive inspection of all foreign vessels that enter major ports across the country.

Chair: Thank you. Are there any discussions on this? Any motion?

KEVIN: Your honor May I be recognized?

Chair: Yes, you are recognized Dr.Espinosa

KEVIN: I move that the report of the committee be adopted.

Chair: A motion for the adoption of the report has been raised by Dr.Espinosa

CESS: I second the motion your honor.

Chair: It has been moved and seconded that the report of the committee be adopted. Any
reaction for this?

All: NONE.

Chair: It is now stand approved. (tap once)

Chair: Please Director Sandag have your report also

PAIDA: as director of the integrated bus terminal, we ensure that no one is allowed to enter the
city without checking their health or any other symptoms related to corona virus.

Chair: Thank you, Are there any discussions on this? Any motion?

RAFFY: Your honor May I be recognized?

Chair: Yes, you are recognized General Ismael

RAFFY: I moved that the report of the committee be adopted.

Chair: A motion for the adoption of the report has been raised by General Ismael

KARREN: I second the motion your honor.

Chair: It has been moved and seconded that the report of the committee be adopted. Any
reaction for this?


Chair: It is now stand approved. (tap once)

Chair: Do we have unfinished business Mr. Secretary?

Secretary: Yes, mr. chair. We have 1 unfinished business on the line.

Chair: Then let's now proceed to our unfinished business. Mr. Secretary please read.


Secretary: The unfinished business is about the "Location of Quarantine for the NCOV Infected".

Chair: Is there any motion for the said business?

JUNRLY: Mr.chair, may I be recognized?

Chair: Yes, Mayor Juaton you are recognized.

JUNRLY: I moved that the board will focus on having a location for the QUARANTINE AREA.

Chair: A motion that the council will focus on the " Location of Quarantine " has been raised. Any
second the motion?

BONSIL: Mr. Chair, I second the motion.

Chair: It has been moved and seconded that the council will focus on the Location of Quarantine
in Zamboanga City. May I call Mayor Juaton for the discussion on the motion.

JUNRLY: As the Mayor of Zamboanga City, I have to secure the safety of the people under my
jurisdiction, which includes the patients of this corona virus. That is why I propose to put the
quarantine zone in Licomo to ensure the security and safety of the people and of the patients.

KEVIN: Your honor, may I be recognized?

Chair: Yes, you are recognized.

KEVIN: May I suggest to change the location? Because Licomo is too far and not practical, I
suggest that we move the location at the end of Pulong Bato, it is isolated and is restricted from
public entry.

KARREN: Mr. Chair?

Chair: Yes, Director Tantong

KARREN: I agree with Dr.kevin location of the quarantine, it is safer and assured that there will
be no other people will be infected

RAFFA: Mr. Chair May I be recognized? I have a question regarding to the budget for Quarantine

Chair: yes, you are recognized.

RAFFA: How much it will cost for the infrastructure of the quarantine?

JUNRYL: Mr. chair? The budget is 499 billion pesos.

Chair: are there any other discussion?

KEVIN: Mr. Chair that budget is Absurd

JUNRYL: Mr. Chair, the equipment and the construction of the facilities are quite expensive. As
for the location, I’m proposing to put the quarantine zone in that area so it would not affect the
inhabitants of the city proper which has a much larger population.

KEVIN: Mr. chair?

Chair: You are recognized

KEVIN: I moved that we divide the house


Chair: Motion has been moved, we will now proceed with the division of the house. Those who
are in favor you can raise your right arm or say aye, and those who are not?



Chair: mr. mayor it is clear that your motion has been rejected by majority votes casted.

Chair: Any other motion?

KARREN: mr.chair, may I be recognize ?

Chair: Yes, you are recognized

KARREN: I moved for the creation of the special committee to investigate the budget proposed
by, no less than, mayor Juaton and settle the budget correctly and have it discussed on the
succeeding meetings.

RON: I second the motion

Chair: It has been moved and seconded

Chair: Any objection on the proposed creation of the special committee?


Chair: is there a new business mr.secretary?

Secretary: there is none mr.chair

Chair: Is there any announcement?

MASNAH: Mr. chair? Can I be recognized?

Chair: Yes, you are recognized

MASNAH: I moved that we lay the unfinished business on the table and discuss it in the next
succeeding meetings.

Chair: Is there any objection or discussion?


CHAIR: Motion approved! Is there any other motion? (TAP ONCE)

MANDUSIH: mr. chair? I move that the meeting be adjourned

CESS: I second the motion.

Chair: I hereby pronounce that this meeting is now adjourned. (TAP TWICE)

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