Young Researcher

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Running Head: The Young Researchers of Pulung Santol National High School: Inputs

for Practical Research Education 1



Many research studies have shown the positive impact of doing research to teachers, to

their teaching pedagogies and growth. However, only a few studies concerning the challenges of

and benefits of doing research among student-researchers. This research would like to explore and

understand the experiences of student-researchers in conducting a research project.

For their difficulties, students were also asked to answer open minded question concerning

the most difficult aspects of methodology causes and reasons (Murtanen and Lantinen 2010). The

students have their difficulties experienced as they learn a quantitative method by university

students as they were rate to different topics on their basic difficulties. It was found out that

statistics and quantitative methods is more difficult compare to other subject. It seems students

tend to polarize the academic subject into `easier’ language major and quantitative subjects as

`harder’ mathematical, statistical and quantitative subject.

Many students have their difficulties on quantitative research because researchers have

very little or fewer knowledge to find more details.(Jacob and Nielsen 2004).They have found out

that students hardest part is their understanding and explaining the quantitative research ,students

have strong beliefs that this research(Lederlarman 2017).

Conducting quantitative research encounters several challenges, it is also a fact this type of

research methods is complex and technical, other challenges related to the research design and of

the result that exists. During research, occurrence of the non-response can lead to overestimation

sample or the under estimation, which guarantee challenges during testing (komlan, 2014).


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for Practical Research Education 2

Literature review indicates some studies that anchored on this research, through this part

this research is strengthened through the formation, and it is also create this research more credible.

Correlates the idea of this research through defining coping mechanisms as the method of

controlling adapting the stress, either internally or externally(Sincero,2012).It is also, as she said

an encounter wherein we quest for something to look for a solution on a problem. Folkman and

Lazarus in Sincero(2012) also elaborated coping strategies as a constantly changing cognitive

and behavioral efforts to manage specify external and/or internal demands that are appraisal as


However, as to the beneficiary of the people, good therapy (2007) looked with coping

mechanisms as the mechanism an individual is using to battle with stress in managing human-

natured difficulty and /or feelings. As they stated also, coping mechanisms can benefit people

inadjusting stressful situations while preserving their very own self. If stressors can’t be predicted

(Jackson,2017)and it’s been a thought that its inevitable, grasping the concept of coping strategies

to a host can only benefit if those stress bulge –out .It can’t just be set aside by taking a deep

breath and keeping calm, but it should be disturbed through an action on it.

Freeman (2016) consulted that there are students who have problems w/ learning and that is called

dyslexia learners. Student who have this problem remember lessons less which may yield to failing


Pulung Santol National Highschool expects a smooth transition to the new K-12

(kindergarten to grade 12) Basic education curriculum. Prior to Kto12, the school had the four

years structured secondary education. With the implementation of K to 12, two more year levels

were added to high school that focuses primarily on technical vocational course and skills


Running Head: The Young Researchers of Pulung Santol National High School: Inputs
for Practical Research Education 3

development. And now, senior high students encountered many challenges such as research for

senior high school. Its purposes are to obtain possession of the concepts, principles, themes,

methods and rudiments of research. It is but vital and timely to assess the young researchers and

thus this is the main reason why the researcher felt the need for this study.

Theoretical Framework

The figure below shows the theoretical framework of this research. It is entirely about the

cognitive learning theory and theory of difficulty.


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for Practical Research Education 4

Figure 1: The Theoretical Framework of the Study.


Sincero, Sarah Mae (2011) Perkins, David (2007)
Implies that the difficult process concerning The literature on learning and development offer a
learning can be explained by analyzing the lot of ways to understand the conceptual difficulties
mental process. such as analyzing the problems of ritualized


Difficulties Encountered

Grade-12 Students

Practical Research

Pulung Santol National Highschool

Practical Research Enhancement Plan


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for Practical Research Education 5

Conceptual Framework






Figure 2: Schematic Diagram of the Study

This study would like to understand the experiences and insights of senior highschool

students of Pulung Santol National High School as they engaged in qualitative and/or quantitative

research project during the school year 2019-2020. Data was collected using survey

questionnaires. Data analysis was done according to the following research questions: (1) what do

the students report as the most difficult parts of the research process? (2) How does the

participation in practical research impact the students’ current and future learning practices? Inputs

for improvement will be presented as recommendations and implications of the study.


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for Practical Research Education 6

Statement of the Problem

This study assessed the insights and experiences of the student-researchers of Pulung

Santol National Highschool for the school year 2019-2020 in practical research. Specifically, this

study aimed to answer the following questions:

 What do the students-researchers report as the most difficult parts of the research


 How does the participation in practical research impact the student-researchers’ current

and future learning practices?

 What are the problems encountered by the student-researchers in practical research and

their corresponding proposed solutions?

 Based on the findings, what inputs maybe proposed to improve the teaching and learning

of practical research in Pulung Santol National Highschool?

Significance of the Study

This study was benefit the following stakeholders:

Future Researchers- This study aims to help the future researchers to have a source of

information regarding their chosen topic. This will also guide the future researchers who would

want to conduct the same study and serve as a form of related literature.

Pulung Santol National High School- This research aims to inform the school regarding the

difficulties of the subject in the eyes of the students and somehow help improve the research



Running Head: The Young Researchers of Pulung Santol National High School: Inputs
for Practical Research Education 7

Research Teachers - The result of this study can help make instructional changes and

recommendations (if necessary) in practical research classes.

Student-researchers-This study was help them to gain knowledge and know what they are

going to do when they have practical research classes.

Scope and Delimitation

The study was focus on the insights and personal experiences on practical research of the

student-researchers of Pulung Santol National High School for the school year 2019-2020. Most

the respondents are those under the tutelage of the research-teacher, the author of this study, and

therefore the reliability of the results restricts the extent to which the findings can be generalized

across the whole Philippines education system. One limitation of this study is generalizability.

Findings should also be considered in light of individual learning capability. Further limitations

include the small sample size and other external factors such as availability of resources, materials

and funds, which may differ from one student-researcher to another.

Definition of Terms


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 Impact – In this study, it refers to the perceived influence or marked effect of the research

to the researchers.

 Practical Research- It means actual doing or using of something rather than theories and

ideas. It involves inquiry methods and immersion activities in order to achieve the correct


 Research Process- It is the systematic procedure in conducting a research study.

 Research Teacher- He is the facilitator of the research project. He supervises the

construction of the research paper of the student-researchers

 Student-researchers- This are the respondents who conducts research as part of their

senior highschool curriculum. In this study, they are the grade 12 students of Pulung Santol

National Highschool.

Chapter 2: Methodology


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for Practical Research Education 9

This chapter was presented the type of research, respondents of the study, locale of the

study, instrumentation, data collection and ethical considerations, and statistical treatment of data

that was used in the study.

Type of Research

The first phase of the study examined the experiences of a total of 51 part time and full time

graduate students enrolled in three separate sections of the first action research course, in a series

of two, at a large public research university in the southeastern United States. The course is a

requirement for all students obtaining an Elementary Education Masters degree. During the initial

action research course, students were required to demonstrate familiarity with current

issues and trends in elementary education, examine stages of professional growth and

development for teachers, conduct a self-analysis of individual teaching and professional

growth, and architect an action research proposal, aligned with individual teaching and

professional growth goals, that would be conducted in their elementary classrooms or in

elementary classrooms of colleagues. Students presented their action research proposal to a

faculty panel in the Summer or Fall of 2004. During phase one, the data collected were required

components of the action research course. All the students signed consent to allow the researchers

to use their responses for research purposes. Following the presentation of the action research

proposals, the researchers collected reflective summaries from each student during the final

weeks of the course. Reflective questions included: What is the most important concept you have

learned thus far about action research? What parts of the action research process are most likely

to present a higher degree of difficulty to you: writing the research question, reviewing the

literature, planning the methodology, analyzing the data, or considering the implications

for teaching? Why? What changes do you believe you will make in your teaching career based


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for Practical Research Education 10

on your action research project? And, what do you believe will be the long-lasting effect of your

action research project on your teaching?

Data were analyzed using qualitative methods. Findings in phase one were

placed into two categories: what students had learned from creating an action research proposal

and what influence the course experience may have had on their current or future

teaching. The most frequently mentioned responses about what they had learned follow: 1)

they considered action research as a tool to help them improve teaching practices, 2) they learned

the process and importance of designing research, in particular looking at important, meaningful

classroom issues, and 3) they learned the value of reliable, and sometimes multifaceted,

methodological practices. Phase one findings concluded with four main themes. When

asked what influence this experience had on their current or future teaching practice, these themes

appeared: 1) changes that occurred or that are likely to occur in their classroom, 2) changes that

occurred or that are likely to occur in their school system, 3) development of a more reflective

stance as a practitioner, and 4) development of their personal and professional knowledge base.

The importance of the role of reflection, making informed decisions and feeling of empowerment

were also woven throughout the data results in phase one.


This design for this research study is qualitative in nature and uses content analysis and

descriptive statistics; it closely follows the characteristics of an action research design. Action

research design is systematic, occurs in an educational setting, focuses on the researchers’

teaching, and is practical and relevant. This study followed the four-stage method in action

research as proposed by Mertler and Charles (2005): planning, acting, developing, and

reflecting. Mertler (2006) states that action research is a process that improves education


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for Practical Research Education 11

by incorporating change, and it involves educators working together to improve their own

teaching practices. The researchers conducting this study worked collaboratively and used

the results to make instructional changes in their graduate action

research classes.

This study was utilized a quantitative research design. The study is primarily a quantitative

type for it used descriptive statistics, and also somehow qualitative in nature through the use of

content analysis. It was closely be guided by the characteristics of an action research design. Action

research design is systematic, occurs in an educational setting, focuses on the researchers’

teaching, and is practical and relevant.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study was the grade 12 students of Pulung Santol National High

School school year 2019-2020. Slovin’s formula was used to determine the total number of

respondents and these respondents was chosen using stratified random sampling. All respondents

was belong to the different sections in senior highschool namely Einstein, Flay, Ramsay, Hamilton,

Edison, Graham Bell, Franklin, Smyth, and Osborne.

Table 1: Stratified Sample of Grade


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for Practical Research Education 12

Strand Section Population Sample Size

STEM Aristotle 41 24

Hamilton 28 17
Franklin 28 17

Edison 25 15
Graham Bell 26 15

Smyth 26 15

HE Flay 26 15

Ramsay 24 15

ICT Osborne 39 23

n = 263 N = 156

Locale of the study

The research was conduct in Pulung Santol National High School. It was established in

1983. The school is headed by Mrs. Rita DL. Cunanan. The school is known for its slogan “Home

of Passionate Hearts of Students”.

Survey Instrument

The 12-item questionnaire was be divided into three parts of questions. The first part of

the survey was consist of five point Likert scale items. The respondent was asked to rate the

difficulty he/she experienced with the components of action research process which include: a)

defining the research question, b) writing the literature review, c) developing and writing the

methodology, d) analyzing the data, and e) organizing and writing the findings. The numeral five

was indicate “extreme level of difficulty,” a four was indicate “high level of difficulty,” a three


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was indicate “moderate level of difficulty,” a two was indicate “low level of difficulty,” and a one

was indicated “no difficulty.” After each question in the first section, a space was available for the

respondent to explain his/her reason for choosing that level of difficulty.

The next part was consist of four statements regarding the value of their practical research

experience. Respondents was rank their agreement with each statement. Similar to part one, a

Likert scale was utilize, however only a three point scale in this section. Circling a numeral three

was denote that the respondent agrees with the statement. Choosing a numeral two was mean a

respondent do not feel strongly either way, and marking a one was signify the respondent disagrees

with the statement. The statements as follows: 1) Practical research is valuable to the learning

process as a student, 2) Practical research is valuable to the learning process as a student, 3)

Practical research could help me in my future career, 4) and I view myself as a student-researcher.

Similar to the first part, a space was provided for the respondent to explain his/her choice.

The final part of the survey will have three open-ended questions. Two of the questions

was ask how the participation in practical research had impacted their life and future career. One

question was asked about the issues that arose during the implementation of the practical

research project and how the student-researchers solved them. A space was provided after each

question for written elaboration.

Data collection and ethical consideration


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for Practical Research Education 14

The researchers was ask for permission to the Principal through a letter. The chosen

respondents of our study was Grade 12 students of Pulung Santol National High School. They

made a written letter as a consent for the students. The data was gathered through the form of

survey questionnaires.

The accomplishment of the questionnaire was take place at their classroom that would not

take longer than 10-15 minutes and that was ardranged at a time convenient to the students’

schedule. (e.g. during the break or vacant time). The names of the respondents and all information

provided was kept in utmost confidentiality and was used only for academic purposes.

Data analysis

The gathered data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. A survey questionnaires was

used to present the data collection to show what the difficulties are, agreement with the statement

and impact of practical research in their life and future career.


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Chapter 3: Results and Discussions

This part of research indicates the results, explanations and interpretations of data gathered

from the respondents in 1 to 5 questions.

Weight Range Verbal Interpretation

1 1.00-1.49 No Difficulty

2 1.50-2.49 Low Level of Difficulty

3 2.50-3.49 Moderate Level of Difficulty

4 3.50-4.49 High Level of Difficulty

5 4.50-5.00 Extreme Level of Difficulty

For the next part 6 to 9 questions show the value of their practical research experience.

Weight Range Verbal Interpretation

1 1.00-1.49 Disagree

2 1.50-2.49 Do not feel strongly either way

3 2.50-3.00 Agree


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Table No. 1: Level of Difficulty in Question No. 1

Question No. 1 Frequency Percentage

No Difficulty 24 15.38%

Low Level of Difficulty 34 21.79%

Moderate Level of Difficulty 56 35.90%

High Level of Difficulty 32 20.51%

Extreme Level of Difficulty 10 6.41%

Table No. 2: Level of Difficulty in Question No. 2

Question No. 2 Frequency Percentage

No Difficulty 8 5.13%

Low Level of Difficulty 39 25%

Moderate Level of Difficulty 56 35.90%

High Level of Difficulty 38 24.36%

Extreme Level of Difficulty 15 9.62%

Table No. 3: Level of Difficulty in Question No. 3

Question No. 3 Frequency Percentage

No Difficulty 6 3.45%

Low Level of Difficulty 25 16.03%

Moderate Level of Difficulty 63 40.38%

High Level of Difficulty 50 32.05%

Extreme Level of Difficulty 12 7.69%


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Table No. 4: Level of Difficulty in Question No. 4

Question No. 4 Frequency Percentage

No Difficulty 9 5.77%

Low Level of Difficulty 22 14.01%

Moderate Level of Difficulty 68 43.59%

High Level of Difficulty 36 23.08%

Extreme Level of Difficulty 21 13.46%

Table No. 5: Level of Difficulty in Question No. 5

Question No. 5 Frequency Percentage

No Difficulty 10 6.41%

Low Level of Difficulty 42 26.92%

Moderate Level of Difficulty 37 23.72%

High Level of Difficulty 37 23.72%

Extreme Level of Difficulty 30 19.23%

Table No. 6: Agreement with the Statement

Question No. 6 Frequency Percentage

Disagree 24 15.38%

Neutral 27 17.31%

Agree 105 67.31%


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Table No. 7: Agreement with the Statement

Question No. 7 Frequency Percentage

Disagree 22 14.10%

Neutral 43 27.56%

Agree 91 58.33%

Table No. 8: Agreement with the Statement

Question No. 8 Frequency Percentage

Disagree 25 16.03%

Neutral 39 25%

Agree 92 58.97%

Table No. 9: Agreement with the Statement

Question No. 9 Frequency Percentage

Disagree 34 21.79%

Neutral 57 36.54%

Agree 65 41.67%


Running Head: The Young Researchers of Pulung Santol National High School: Inputs
for Practical Research Education 19

Indicators Weighted Mean Interpretation

Q1.) Defining the research 2.81 Moderate Level of Difficulty


Q2.)Writing the literature 3.08 Moderate Level of Difficulty


Q3.) Developing and writing 3.24 Moderate Level of Difficulty

the methodology

Q4.)Analyzing the data 3.24 Moderate Level of Difficulty

Q5.) Organizing and writing 3.22 Moderate Level of Difficulty

the findings

Table 10: Practical Research Level of Difficulty

Table 1 represents the level of difficulty of practical research as perceived by the

respondents. In Q1 it represents the weighted mean of the gathered data which is 2.81 that shows

that the respondents take defining the research question as moderate level of difficulty. Q2

represents the weighted mean of the gathered data which is 3.08 that shows that the researchers

take writing the literature review as moderate in terms of difficulty. In Q3 it represents the

weighted mean of the gathered data which is 3.24 that shows that the respondents take developing

and writing the methodology as moderate level of difficulty. In Q4 it represents the weighted

average which is 3.24 that shows that the respondents take analyzing the data as moderate level of

difficulty. In Q5 it represents the weighted mean of the gathered data which is 3.22 that shows that

the respondents take organizing and writing the findings as moderate level of difficulty. Generally,

the different components of practical research are considered as moderate level of difficulty. This

is based from the general weighted mean of the Q1-Q5 which is 3.11


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Indicators Weighted Mean Interpretation

Q6.)Practical research is 2.52 Agree

valuable to the learning
process as a student

Q7.)Practical research project 2.44 Neutral

positively impacted my

Q8.)Practical research could 2.43 Neutral

help me in my future career

Q9.)I view myself as a 2.20 Neutral


TABLE 11: Representation of Weighted Mean

In Q6 It represents the weighted mean of the gathered data which is 2.52 that shows that

the respondents agreed that practical research is valuable to the learning process as a student. In

Q7 it represents the weighted mean of the gathered data which is 2.44 that shows that the

respondents do not feel strongly either way/neutral that practical research project positively

impacted their learnings. In Q8 it represents the weighted mean of the gathered data which is 2.43

that shows that the respondents do not feel strongly either way/neutral that practical research could

help them on their future career. In Q9 it represents the weighted mean of the gathered data which

is 2.20 that shows the respondents do not feel either way/neutral that they view themselves as a



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for Practical Research Education 21

10. Describe the long-lasting effects, if any, that you believe the practical research project will

have on your future career?

Research is a great help for the respondent’s future career.

“Research will definitely stay with me for the rest of my life because apart from my future career,

learning is a life-long process.”

“Practical research can help your future to be a good researcher.”

“Practical research will help me in my future career, because when I need to be promoted or wanted

a high rank, I’ll probably need research.”

11. In what ways has the action research experience empowered you?

Research empowered the respondents critical thinking skills.

“It improves and enhances my critical thinking skill and thought me to be careful in making


“It makes us to be critical thinker and a good observant.”

“It empowered me in a way that I gained critical informations that other people don’t actually


“Critical thinking and be responsible enough for what is the result.”

12. What issues arose for you while engaging in practical research and how did you resolve (or

propose to address) the problems encountered them?

Research has also negative sides, that is lack of time in preparing in it.


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“Time, because there are certain times that we had a lot of school works but our group will make

a schedule for our research.”

“The issues arose or encountered is mostly lack of time, especially in preparing the research and

all the things that is needed to be done.”

“Time, sometimes research consumed all the time of my life and ended up lacking of time to bond

with my family.”


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Chapter 4: Conclusions and Recommendations


Based on the study, the following were drawn: Practical Research subject has impacted in their

life and to their future career. Also how does they resolved it when having a research. The level of

difficulty of the students was described as Moderate Level of Difficulty. There are difficulties

encountered in writing or conducting the research. Research is virtually a phenomenon of nature.

It seems timeless, set in stone-hard to change and perhaps not needing to change. But the research

education of yesterday, which has a practical basis, is no longer viable. Rote learning Moreover,

certain segments of the PULUNG SANTOL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL population are not well

represented among those who succeed in learning Research. Failure to learn Research because of

its difficulty limits individual possibilities and hampers growth.


Running Head: The Young Researchers of Pulung Santol National High School: Inputs
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 School districts should provide high-quality curricular research education

 Students should engage in additional vigorous-or moderate-intensity research activity

throughout the school day through recess, dedicated classroom research activity time, and

other opportunities.

 Additional opportunities for research activity before and after school hours.

 Teachers, and parents should advocate for and create a whole-of-school approach to

research activity.

 Opportunities to write

 Frequent opportunities to read

 Read and obtain meaning


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