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Do the following tasks by modifying “Guidelines-Employee Orientation.docx”

document, then save your work in .docx format named OB2.1_NIM_NAMA.docx

☐ 1. Page Break Insert a page break

Before the “Questions for Departement Reps” and “Carry
out department component” headings
 Page break: Page

☐ 2. Column Insert and modify columns

Place text below the “ Project Goal“ and “Questions for
team leaders” headings
 Number of columns: 2
 Line spacing: 1.5 lines
 Spacing after: 0 pt

☐ 3. Import text Insert text from a file

Place text directy under the “Celebrate and Evaluate“
 File Source: celebrate and evaluate.docx

☐ 4. Section break Insert a section break

Before the “Set Up Team” heading
 Section break: Next Page

☐ 5. Modify style Modify the title style

The title of this document
 Line spacing: 1.5 lines
 Spacing after: 18 pt

☐ 6. Paragraph Modify the spacing before and after paragraph

Spacing After the “Celebrate and Evaluate” heading
 Spacing before: 8 pt
 Spacing after: 10 pt

☐ 7. Wordart Insert and modify a wordart

The “Pre-Plan Project” heading
 Wordart syle
Fill: Black; Text color 1; Shadow
 Heigt: 1,19 cm
Width: 11,4cm
 Size font: 20
 Before and After Spacing: 0 pt

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