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Question 1:What is the objective of press council act/what is the objective behind the

establishment of press council act?

Answer: It was established for the purpose of protecting the freedom of press and it was also

establish with the aim of improving the standards of various news agencies and news papers.

It helps and regulates the independence of the news papers and agencies.Press council of

India is established as per the chapter II of the act

Question 2: When did the act and the council come into existence?

Answer: The Act came into existence in the year 1978 and the council came into existence

on 1st March 1979.

Question 3: How many chapters are there in the Press Council Act and What do they


Answer: There are 4 chapters on the act. First chapter deals with the short title, long title,

definitions of certain terms. Chapter II deals with the establishment of the press council-its

incorporation, composition of the council, term of office about retirement of members,

conditions of service of members, committees of the council, meetings of the council, staff of

the council and authentication of orders and other instruments of the council. Chapter III

deals with the powers and functions, objectives of the council. Chapter IV deals with the

miscellaneous issues such as power to make rules and regulations, protection of action taken

in good faith.

Question 4: What is the composition of the press council act?

Answer: The Press Council Act, the press council of India shall consist a chairmen with 28

members other than the chairmen according to the press council act. The chairmen is selected

by the speaker of Lok Sabha, the chairmen of Rajya Sabha and a member elected by the Press
council of India.28 other members consist of two embers from Rajya Sabha,3 members from
Lok Sabha,7 journalists who are working,6 editors of the newspapers and one member who is
involved and engaged in managing news agencies and 6 members who are involved in
engaging newspapers.

Question 5 : What are the functions of the press council of India?

Answer: It helps newspapers in maintaining their independence, it helps in maintaining high

standards of public taste and it also tries to inculcate the responsibility among citizens and it

also conducts surveys and reviews any hindrances or obstacles which restrict the flow of the

news. It also helps in promotion of proper function of production and publication of

newspapers. It also promotes research and technical streams related to news.

Question 6:What are the powers of the Press Council of India?

Answer: The Press Council may summon the witnesses and take evidence under oath, it also

can ask for copies of public record to be submitted, it can caution or also advice news papers,

journalists, editors or any news agency, it also can issue warnings to all of the above

mentioned. It also entertains complaints against news papers, there exists procedure to be

followed if the complaint is to be registered. When the individual is not satisfied with the

solving of the issue by the journalists they for justice can approach press council.

The decision of the Press Council of India are final and can’t be appealed before a court of


Question 7: What are the limitations of the powers of Press Council?

Answer: The press council of India has two restrictions that it cat penalize the subjects it can

only issue guidelines .It can only overview the functioning and working of the press. It dies

not have the power to regulate any form of electronic media like T.V., radio and television, it
can only regulate print media.

Question 8: What kind of body is Press Council of India ?

Answer: It is a statutory, quasi judicial body which acts as the watchdog of the press. It is

being funded from the amount which is collected from the fee which is levied on the

registered news papers in the country.

Question 9: What is the procedure for conducting meetings?

Answer: For the meetings to be conducted, a notice before 21 days shall be issued to all the

members and the start date of the 21 days should be counted from the date of proceedings.

For the meeting, a member should bring a question before the council and puts the motive

behind the meeting after giving 10 days clear notice to the secretary and chairmen can

entertain or can cancel the question

Question 10: What is Press Freedom Index and the rank of India in the Index ?

Answer: It is an annual ranking of countries compiled and published by Reporters Without

Borders and is based upon its own assessment of the countries press freedom records in the

previous year. Out of 180 nations, rank of India is 140.

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