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1. Write a critical essay on the implications of the presence of international organizations in our country.
What benefits do we get from them? What are the adverse issues that arise from their presence? (Refer
to page 204 for the rubrics)

-Maximum of 2 pages

2. Identify a law that promotes equality. Discuss how the law promotes equality. Identify situation
where inequality exists between a group of people and two countries. Propose ways to address these

-Maximum of 2 pages

3. Write a brief reflection essay on how you responded to the changes that happened in your
community for the past five years. Discuss how the changes affected your life in terms of you personally,
your family, and your community explain whether these terms changes were positive or negative. (See
rubric in page 268)

-Maximum of 2 pages

4. Book analysis. Facfullness (Same book analysis rubrics)

-Maximum of 3 pages. Not back to back.


1. Identify a nonstate institution using your own community as reference point. Conduct a case study by
visiting the institution and interviewing key persons there. Prepare a list of the questions you want to
ask. After the visit, give a case presentation in class. (Refer to page 204 for rubrics)


-A4 size, Arial, 12 font

-Let me check the questions before you do your interview.

-Let me check the letters asking to do the interview with nonstate institution.

-Parts: Introduction, Statement of the Problem, Gathering procedure, Plan for Analysis, Profile of the
institution, Serve Customers, Impact to the community, Analysis of data/responses gathered.

-Maximum of 8 pages.
2. Observe a traditional healing session. Document the procedures observed by the healers. Do the
same for a medical session (If possible). Compare and contrast the two procedures. Feel free to use the
comparative variables.


-Maximum of 5 mins presentations.

-Provide analysis of societal impacts of the practice.

3. Identify a problem that was caused by social, political, or cultural change. Propose a community-
based advocacy plan on how to respond to the problem.

The advocacy plan should contain the following parts:

a. Problem to be addressed.

b. Analysis of the social, political, and cultural changes that led to it.

c. Analysis of the effects of the problem on persons or groups.

d. Proposed community-based action on how to address the problem.

e. Target of the proposed action.

f. Activities that will be conducted in relation to the proposed action and timetable.

g. Attached materials (Letters, Manifesto, placards..etc)

-A4, Arial, 12 font

-Maximum of 10 pages.

General deadline: You have three weeks to comply all these requirements.

March 25, 2020

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