Soal UTS Kelas Xii - BING

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JalanDesa Muktiraharja email: website:


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Guru Mapel : Heni Muliyani, S.Pd
Semester : I (Gasal) Waktu : 90 Menit
Kelas : XII (Duabelas) Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 16-09-2019
Petunjuk Tekhnis Pengisian:

1. Berdo’a sebelum mengisi soal

2. Kerjakan dengan penuh kejujuran
3. Perhatikan dengan seksama setiap soal

Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!

1. Receptionist : We have a twin bedroom on 201, madam
Guest : What does it mean?
Receptionist : It means that there are ...
Guest : OK, I’ll take it.
a. Two rooms, on the twelfth floor, and room number is 201.
b. Two beds, on the second floor, and room number is 201.
c. Two rooms, on the first floor, and room number is 201.
d. Two beds, on the fourth floor, and room number is 201.
e. Two twins rooms.
2. Receptionist : Good morning, Palm hotel, can I help you?
Guest : ...
a. Can I meet Mr. Alfian
b. Could I book eight tables for tonight, please?
c. I’d like to book a cruise for vacation here.
d. I’d like to reserve a double bedroom for next Saturday, please.
e. May I help you
3. Receptionist : Good morning, could I reserve a ticket from Surabaya to Medan for this
Guest : Sorry, all the flights for this evening are sold out........
Receptionist : It’s OK for the earliest flight tomorrow. How much does it cost
Guest : It’s Rp 950.000,- . Thank you very much, sir.
a. How about one for next week?
b. How about looking for another airline?
c. How about tomorrow morning?
d. Why is it so expensive?
e. Do you want it?
4. If you use a city map, you… your destination easily.”
a. Will find
b. Would find
c. Would have found
d. Would found
e. Have find
Questions 5 – 7 refer to the following message.
Message for: Mr. Abdurrahman
From: Mondale de Coco
Taken by: Martin
Time: 3:20 p.m., Wedn.

Mondale de Coco at Putra Construction called. Has finished updating the contract but
can’t meet you on Thursday at 4. Wanted to know when he can reach you to reschedule.
Will be at home this evening, but will try to contact you before then. If he doesn’t get in
touch with you, call him after 7 p.m. at home at 34-55-7456.

5. What is Mondale de Coco going to do?

a. Revise the contract.
b. Go out for the evening.
c. Telephone again this afternoon.
d. Meet Mr. Abdurrahman on Thursday.
e. To know the schedule
6. Why did Mondale de Coco call Mr. Abdurrahman?
a. To ask for some building work to be done.
b. To find out when a meeting will end.
c. To request a work order.
d. To reschedule a meeting.
e. To know the time
7. “If he doesn’t get in touch with you …”
The underlined word refers to …
a. Mr. Abdurrahman
b. Mondale de Coco.
c. Martin.
d. Putra.
e. Nobody

This text for question number 4-5

Traffic was topped for more than four hours yesterday because of an accident. A car hit a bus on
State Street at about 5.30 p.m. Three bus passengers were taken into the hospital. Police closed
two blocks of State Street until 9.45 and directed traffic to Main Street.

8. Where did the accident happen?

a. On main Street
b. At the bus station
c. On State Street
d. Near the hospital
e. Near police station
9. How many victims were there?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
e. none
10. Katrin : The service in this restaurant is very slow, we’ve been waiting for 45 minutes.
Mitta : ........
a. Let’s eat
b. Let’s talk to the manager.
c. The food is not delicious.
d. I love this restaurant.
e. Lets go
11. Guest : I’m sorry to say this, I think the air conditioning doesn’t work properly.
Customer service : I’m sorry. I’ll get someone to check it for you.
From the dialogue we know that …
a. The guest is complaning about the bedroom service.
b. The guest is complaining about the air conditioning
c. The guest is angry about the bad service
d. The guest is very disappointed about the situation
e. The guest is very happy about the situation
12. Dhika : I’m afraid I have to complain, Tantri. You haven’t returned the book you borrowed
last month
Tantri : ______ I will return it soon.
a. I don’t know
b. I’m afraid it’s not me
c. I’m terribly sorry.
d. I didn’t borrow it.
e. I don’t know about it
13. Donna : What about your plan for next holiday John?
John : I ..... go to the beach if my father gives me permission
a. Will
b. Will have
c. Would
d. Would have
e. Am
14. Tyas : I would prepare my luggage if my visa issued this week
Rony : Ok. If you need my help. I’m ready.
Tyas : Thank you
From the dialogue we can conclude that ...
a. Tyas is ready to go
b. Rony will prepare Tyas luggage
c. Tyas’ visa is not issued yet
d. Rony will help to issue the visa
15. She could have attended the meeting if she had taken the first train. It means that…
a. She didn’t like the meeting
b. The first train was late.
c. She could not attend the meeting.
d. She stayed at home that day
e. she will not go to meeting
16. Waiter :” Hello, good morning, “ Steak House restaurant. May I help you?”
Caller :”.....................?”

Waiter :” Certainly , when will your dinner, Ma’am?”

a. I like to see the menu

b. I would like to book a table.
c. I need a glass of soda.
d. I need to arrange the meeting.
e. I want to book a room.
17. Opik :” I often have trouble with my computer. It can’t start.”
Joni :” ...................”
Opik :” Yes, I will.”
a. Why don’t you call a mechanic?
b. I think you should turn it off.
c. It’s better to change the accessories.
d. You should take it to the service center.
e. You should keep it in garrage
18. Ticketing staff :” Good afternoon Sir, how can I help you?”
Passenger :”……………..”
Ticketing staff :” What airline would you like?”
Passenger :” Garuda, if possible.”
a. May I go to Surabaya?
b. I want the NOAH concert ticket in Surabaya
c. Do you still have Garuda to Surabaya?
d. I need to reserve a flight ticket to Surabaya.
e. I need Garuda
19. Susan :” Watch out! Those glasses are very expensive. They are made of crystal.”
Bob :” Don’t worry,…………..”
a. I will hit them
b. I will do it
c. I will be careful
d. I will take care of you.
e. I will sell it
20. Vincent :” May I get you something to drink?”
Intan :”That’s very kind of you.”
Vincent :” ………………..? tea or juice?”
a. Can I help you
b. Here is the menu
c. Do you like some tea
d. What would you like
e. Do you want to drink
21. Guest :” Excuse me, there is no clean towel in the bathroom.”
Room boy :” I’m sorry madam..….”
a. I’ll bring some for you
b. I don’t know
c. I’ll fix it soon
d. I’m glad to hear that.
e. Help your self
22. Rita :” What are doing there, Sinta?”
Sinta :” I’m doing the math exercises. I think it’s challenging.”
Rita :”…………., and it’s really interesting too.”
a. I quite agree with you.
b. Well, Its my pleasure.
c. Oh no, I don’t think so.
d. I’m sure you will be fine.
e. I disagree with you
23. Consumer :” I want to complaint about the novel I bought.”
Shopkeeper :”……………….?”
Consumer :” The last chapter was unprinted on mine.”
Shopkeeper :” Well, would you mind if I substitute it with the new one?”
a. Why are you here
b. I’m sorry, what’s the problem
c. I’m sorry I’m not the author.
d. I do not like it
e. What are you doing

24. Farida :” Good morning, ….?”

Mr. Brian :” Yes, It’s me speaking. Is there anything I can do for you?”
a. Are you okay?
b. Mr. Brian, do you have time this week?
c. I’m free, I won’t go anywhere.
d. May I speak to Mr. Brian, please?
e. May I help you
25. Fifi :” Did you join the trip to Sumedang last week, Bita?”
Bita : “ If I had gone to Sumedang, I would have bought some souvenirs.”
Fifi :” So, it means that you…..”
a. Went to Sumedang
b. Buy many souvenirs there.
c. Didn’t go to Sumedang.
d. Didn’t sell some souvenirs.
e. Did not have money
26. Yanti :” If I………………., I would drive a fancy car.”
Tini :” Just dream it on, girl. You’ll never be.”
a. Were a millionaire
b. Like to be the millionaire
c. Will be a millionaire
d. Want to be a millionaire
e. Just rich
27. Ninik :” Oh my God. Look my body! I’m skinny!”
Didik :” I wish ………….”
a. You don’t go
b. I Cook some vegetables
c. You would eat more
d. You do some exercise
e. You are big
28. The waiter works in the …………..
a. Hospital
b. Post office
c. Restaurant
d. school
e. farm
29. Mr. Andi works in the farm. He is a …………..
a. Driver d. Farmer
b. Mechanic e. Teacher
c. Sailor
30. She designs clothes and accessory, who is she?
a. Architect d. fashion designer
b. Mechanic e. makeup artist
c. Graphic designer
31. X :…..
Y : He is a technician
a. What is he? d. What are they?
b. Who is he? e. who is them?
c. Who is she?
32. Receptionist : Good morning, Sanjaya Hotel. May I help you?
Putri :…
a. I want to go to airport
b. I would like to book a table
c. I would like to reserve a deluxe room for three night.
d. I would like to order pizza
e. I would like to make a cup of coffee
33. Guest : Good morning, do you have any empty room?
Receptionist : I am really sorry, there is no empty rooms.
The underlined sentence is an expression of…

a. Making reservation
b. Canceling refusing
c. Refusing reservation
d. Accepting reservation
e. Giving complaint

34. You….get wet if you don’t bring an umbrella.

a. Will d. Have
b. Would e. Could
c. should


We have gathered over a hundred companies to meet with you
in an exclusive interview.
We will conduct the “ JOB FAIR” on Saturday and Sunday, December 4-5,
from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. Location : Yogyakarta Depnakertrans Office .
Jl. Ahmad Dahlan 34, Building D.
**Parking is available
**No registration
**Bring your resume and last photos.
Information: call +62274876900

35. What kind of advertisement is above?

a. Cooking fair b. Staff gathering c. Job vacancy d. Exclusive interview e. product
36. How long does the job fair take time?
a. 2 days b. 4 days c. 5 days d. 34 days e. 2 weeks
37. How can you get more information about the job fair?
a. Everyday b. By calling c. By training d. By interviewing e. every week
38. What is the antonym of the word “ last” above?
a. Bring b. Conduct c. Finally d. First e. second
39. Diana : What do you do to live?
Siska : ….
a. How do you do d. I want to be a doctor
b. I am a receptionist at Permai Hotel e. I graduated from gajah mada
c. Do you have a job?
40. Karin : What is your responsibility as a designer?
Dewi : I ……
a. Teach students at school
b. Serve passenger in plane
c. Take the customers’ order
d. Help the guest to reserve a room
e. Make dress as my clients want

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