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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

” – Nelson Mandela

Name _____________________________________________ Date: August ________, 2019

Cohort: CBU / Mizzou / Ole Miss / Vanderbilt Teacher: Ms. Fulgiam / Ms. Mills
Managing Impulsivity + Taking Responsible Risk

Objective: 1. Identify and recognize actions that students display when they’re
acting impulsively.2.Distinguish between responsible and irresponsible risks

Do Now: Today we will watch a short video. In the box below, jot down events in
chronological order. Then, answer the questions that follow.

1. What emotions were the birds feeling when the larger bird sat on the wire?
2. Why were they feeling this emotion? ___________________________________________
3. What caused the birds to fly off the wire? ____________________________________
4. What did the birds forget to consider before pecking the larger bird off the
wire? _________________________________________________________________________
5. What could they have done differently to return to their original positions on
the wire? _____________________________________________________________________

Managing Impulsivity Commented [1]: involves a tendency to act on a whim,

displaying behavior characterized by little or no
forethought, reflection, or consideration of the
When a student manages their impulsivity, they ______________ BEFORE THEY ACT. Commented [2]: think
This means:
● Ask clarifying questions
● Develop a strategy for approaching a problem (S.O.D.A.S. or C.A.F.)
● Consider alternatives and consequences

To decrease trial and error:

● Gather information
● Reflect on answers
● Comprehend directions
● Listen to alternative viewpoints

CFU: What does it mean to manage impulsivity.


Observing Students' Mastery of Managing Impulsivity

What students should do What students should say

● Raise their hand to speak ● Clarify questions

● Wait their turn to speak ● Discuss actions to reach a goal
● Spend time thinking through a problem ● Speak respectfully and compassionately
● Develop a plan to solve a problem or complete ● Probing questions
a task

Group Pre-Work:
Directions: In the chart below, jot down what each category looks like, feels like, and sounds like.
Not Managing Impulsivity Managing Impulsivity Commented [3]: Sounds like – “Just a minute, let me
think” “What will happen if I do this?” “What’s the right
Looks like: Looks like: thing for me to do now?”

Looks like – Looking both ways before crossing the

street. Examining directions before beginning a task.
Feels like: Feels like: Feels like – Slow down. Take a deep breath. Count to
ten. Pause to think. This person cares enough to really
listen to me. Comforting, Trusting, Vulnerable

Sounds like: Sounds like:

Warm Up:

1. What is a risk?

2. If someone says, “be responsible”’ or “act responsibly,” what does that mean to you?

Taking Responsible Risk

Responsible risk takers take educated risks: drawing on ________________ knowledge, knowing what is Commented [4]: past
appropriate and thinking about consequences.

Willing to take on a ________ challenge; not afraid of making mistakes

Response + able = able to respond professionally

Directions: In the chart below, jot down what each category looks like, feels like, and sounds like.

Irresponsible Risks Responsible Risk

Looks like: Looks like:

Feels like: Feels like:

Sounds like: Sounds like:

Directions: In order to know what responsible risks are, it is helpful to think about the difference between responsible and
irresponsible risks. For each of these risks, talk with a partner and then put a check mark in the column that you think is
nearer what you agree on.
Risk Mostly Mostly It Depends
Responsible Irresponsible

I did not have time to complete last night’s

homework, so I decided to ask someone to
copy theirs.

Skipping school without notice because I’m too


Trying out “I” statements with someone I’m not

completely sure I can trust

On each side of this chart, jot down a word or phrase that will remind you of experiences you’ve actually had.
Some responsible risks I’ve taken Some irresponsible risks I’ve taken
Name _____________________________________________ Date: August ________, 2019
Cohort: CBU / Mizzou / Ole Miss / Vanderbilt Teacher: Ms. Fulgiam / Ms. Mills

Exit Ticket
Directions: Read the following questions below, then circle True or False.

1. TRUE or FALSE : Managing impulsivity means you gather information and reflect on
answers and actions.

2. TRUE or FALSE : Developing a strategy for approaching a problem includes S.O.D.A.S.

3. TRUE or FALSE : When you manage impulsivity, you raise your hand and call out.

4. TRUE or FALSE : Responsible risks means taking on a new challenge, even if it may
have serious consequences.

5. TRUE or FALSE : Someone who does not attempt tasks beyond their comfort zone or
ability is taking a responsible risk.

6. Name a responsible risk you can take daily. _______________________________________

Score: ____ /6

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