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Iki konsep dasar

12 PURE VOWEL 8 DIPTHONG phonetic transkription


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- /i:/ - /i/
- /a:/ - /ʌ/
- /ɔː/ - /ɒ/
- /u:/ - /ʊ /
- /ɜː/ - /ə/
- /e/
- /æ /

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A. Definition of Pure Vowel (Monopthong)
According to the merriam webster dictionary pure vowel (monopthong) is a: a vowel
sound that throughout its duration has a single constant articulatory position. Incase the
pure vowels are a vowel which in the production of which organs of speech remain in a
given position for appreciable period time
B. Pure vowel in Detail
1. /i:/ and / i /
- /i:/ Articulatory Definition : is unrounded Close Front Vowel (long Vowel)
- Articulatory Description :
1. In producing vowel the front of the tongue is raised.
2. It is raised almost to the close position;
3. The jaws are slightly apart from each other
4. The organ of speech are relatively fortis or tense, which can be felt by putting
the finger lips
- Sample of the words :
1) He /hi:/
2) See /si:/
3) Key /ki:/
4) Eve /i:v/
- Spelling :
This vowel sound /i:/ may be spelled in different ways in English, but there are
common letters that represent it for such:
1) e :
2) ea :
3) ee :
4) i :
5) ie :
- /I/ Articulatory Definition : is an unrounded half-close to close front vowel. (short
- Artculatory Description :
1. In producing /I/ the front of the tongue is raised. The raised somewhat
retreacted so it is not really a front vowel (between front and central vowel;
2. The tongue is raised to the point slightly above the half and clearly lower from
the front
3. The lips are spread or neutral
4. The jaws are a bit wider than /i:/
- Sample of words :
1) Sin /sin/
2) Sit /sit/
3) Bid /bid/
- Spelling : in orthography /I/ normally spelled by the letter I or Y
2. / e /
- /e/ Articulatory Definition : is an unrounded half-close to half open front vowel
(Short Vowel)
- Articulary Desription :
1) In producing this vowel the front of tongue is raised;
2) The front of the tongue is raised to a point halfway between the half open and
half close position.
3) The lip position in neutral or spread
4) The opening between the jaws is medium, a bit wider from /I/
- Sample of Words :
1) Head /hed/
2) Felt /felt/
3) Bed /bed/
- Spelling : The vowel /e/ is normally represent in orthography by the letter e or ea.
3. /æ /
- /æ / Articulatory Definition : is an unrounded open-to-half open Front Vowel
(Short Vowel)
- Articulatory Description :
1) In producing this vowel the front of the tongue is raised;
2) The front of the tongue us raised a little bit to a point midway between the
open and the half-open position;
3) The lip position is spread or neutral
4) The jaws are rather widely openend.
- Sample of words :
1) Band /bænd/
2) Land /lænd/
3) Bat /bæt/
- Spelling : normally this vowel us represented by the letter a in common spelling.
4. /a:/ and / ʌ /
- /a:/ Articulatory Definition : This vowel is and unrounded open back vowel
(Long Vowel)
- Articulatory Description :
1) In producing this vowel the back of the tongue is raised;
2) The raising is somewhat advanced from the real back position, the raising of
tongue is only slight so that the tongue can be said to be very low in the mouth
and is then at the full open position.
3) The position of the lips are neutral not rounded
4) The jaws are fairly wide apart
- Sample of words :
1) Harm /ha: m/
2) Hard /ha:d/
3) Heart /ha:t/
- Spelling : the vowel sound /a:/. Is regulary spelle by the letters a which is
immediately followed by the letters: r, sk, sp, ss, st, ff, l, nch, nce, nt, nd.

- / ʌ / Articulatory Definition : is unrounded half-open centro-back vowel. (or an

unrounded open-to half-open centro-back vowel).(short vowel)
- Articulatory description :
1) In producing this vowel some part between the front and the back of the
tongue, almost the central part of the tongue is raised;
2) It is raised to the half-open position, or slightly to a point between the half-
open and the open position.
3) The lips are unrounded and neutral
4) The jaws are wide open.
- Sample of words :
1) Bud / bʌd /
2) Tusk /tʌ sk/
3) Cud /cʌd/
- Spelling : this vowel sound is commonly represented by the letters u,o, or, ou.
5. / ɒ / and /ɔː/
- / ɒ / Articulatory Definition : is a rounded open back vowel. (Short Vowel)
- Articulatory description :
1) In producing this vowel the back of the tongue is slightly raised.
2) The raising of the back of the tongue is so slight that it is almost near fully
open position, thus the tongue is very low in the mouth.
3) The lips are slightly rounded, but not protruded.
4) The jaws are rather wide apart
- Sample words:
1) Hot /h ɒt/
2) Cot /c ɒt/
3) Lost /l ɒst/
- Spelling : This vowel sound is commonly in the letters o or a and in some rare
case representated in au or ou.
- /ɔː/ articulatory definition : is a rounded-half open back vowel.(long vowel)
- Articulatory description :
1) In producing this vowel the back of the tongue is raised.
2) The raising is almost reached half-open position.
3) The lips are more closely rounded.
4) The jaws are wide apart.
- Sample of word:
1) Caught /k ɔːt/
2) Dawn /d ɔːn/
3) Stalk /st ɔːk/
- Spelling : this vowel sound is represented by the letter o followed by r, a followed
by r or l , au, or, ou, au,oa, ou oo.
6. /ʊ / and /u:/
- /ʊ / Articulatory Definition : is a rounded half-close to close back vowel (Short
- Articulatory description :
1) In producing this vowel the back of the tongue is raised: this raising is
advanced from the true back position.
2) Raised to a point slightly above half-close position
3) The lips are fairly closely rounded,
4) The jaws are little bit apart from each other.
- Sample of words :
1) Could /k ʊ d/
2) Put /p ʊt/
3) Cook /k ʊk/
- Spelling : this vowel sound is represented by letter u or oo.

- /u:/ Articulatory definition: is a rounded close back vowel.

- Articulatory description:

1) In producing this vowel the back of tongue is raised.

2) Raised to a point very near close position.
3) The lips are closely rounded with protrusion.
4) The jaws are only slightly separated.
- Sample words:
1) Fool /f u:l/
2) Good /g u:d/
3) Luke / l u:k/
- Spelling : this vowel sound is represented by the letters: u, eu, ew, oo, ou.
7. /ɜː/ and / ə /
- /ɜː/ Articulatory Definition: is an unrounded half-close to half open central vowel.
(Long Vowel)
- Articulatory Desription :
1) In pronouncing this vowel, the central part ot the tongue is raised, the central
part of the tongue us that part of the tongue between the front and he back.
2) The lips are unrounded or neutral
3) The jaws are slightly separated from eachother.
- Sample of words:
1) Lurk /L ɜːk/
2) Curt /k ɜːt/
3) Girl /g ɜːl/
4) Firm /f ɜːm/
- Spelling : there is often influence of final r or r nd consonant in the pronunciation
of / ɜː/ in such; er, ear, ir, our, ur, wor.

- / ə / Articulatory Definition: there are two varieties

1. Is an unrounded half open to half close central vowel. Same as (/ɜː/)

2. Lowered / ə / is an unrounded half open central vowel.
- Articulatory Description:
1) In pronouncing this vowel central part of the tongue is raised.
2) It is raised to half open position or even lowered
3) The lip position is spread or neutral
4) The opening between the jaws is medium.
- Sample of words:
Normal / ə /; lower / ə /:
1) Breakfast /br əkfəst/ 1) Sofa /Souf ə/
2) Statement /Stətmənt/ 2) Colder / koUld ə/
- Spelling: the central vowel / ə / is represented by various letters in orthography.
And all of them occuring in weakly stressed syllables.

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