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It is said in the classics that a planet would be more powerful when they are
radiant. If you look at the zodiac, the point rising in the horizon is called
ascendant (the first house) and the point at mid heaven is called the 10th
house.  The belt of zodiac from ascendant to descendant across the 10th
house is called visible half of the zodiac.  10th is regarded as most powerful
kendra.  Similarly, a special muhurta when sun transits in the mid heavens
is called Abhijit.  The  results of Abhijit muhurta is beyond the scope of this
article. When a planet is opposite to Sun, it would be visible when the sun
sets and also when the sun rises.  A planet in such a condition is said to be
auspicious.  When a planet comes closer to sun, it would set and rise along
with sun and hence are lusterless.  Such a position is called combustion. 
Combustion is caused due to certain longitudinal distances from Sun and it is necessary that both
Sun and the combust planet be in the same sign. Combustion is deemed to be bad at it would rob
away the effects of the planet. The combustion distance varies from planet to planet.  Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn come at distance of 17˚, 14˚ (12˚ when retrograde), 11˚, 10˚ (8˚
when retrograde) and 15˚on either side of Sun, they are subjected to combustion. On the other
hand, when the planets come close to Moon, it is called Samagama.  In Prashna chart, association
of Moon with the significator implies quick and pleasing results. Nodes do not have combustion
as they are not radiating planets but merely mathematical points. Generally speaking, combustion
is a phenomena most talked about in muhurtas (election astrology) than natal horoscopy - as if
the combust planets hit at the person for selecting a combust muhurta and spare the man born in
combust circumstances!     Uttara Kalamrita says, " (Natural) Benefic planets if combust,  lose
their potency, while (natural) malefics become more mischievous".

If you look into your Panchanga (Indian conventional Ephemeris), you will find that suitable
muhurtas for inauguration of house, business expansion, marriage etc., would not available
during the period of combustion. Combustion goes by several names - asta or moudya, astangata
and dagdha. Moudya means foolishness. Astangata and dagdha mean 'burnt up'. That means the
combust planet  would behave like a fool during this period as so the name.

Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra says,"  If ascendant  lord is in debilitation, combustion or in enemy
sign, there will be diseases. (Sloka 1-2, "Effects on Tanu Bhava).  This stanza highlights the
importance of combustion in natal horoscopy.  There are two only moudhyas which have been
given importance  of Venus and Jupiter.  When Jupiter is combust, Upanayana (reborn-
ceremony) is not conducted. Unfortunately the other planets do not enjoy such respect!  On the
similar argument, when Mercury is combust, you panchanga should have mentioned that certain
days as not good for education, journalism and court dealings.  When Saturn is combust, it
should have told you not to take up a labour contract! 

A combust Venus is supposed to cause losses in business. This means when you go to buy a pair
of shoes you will meet loss, the shop keeper also incurs losses. Losses and losses everywhere.
Since Mercury and Venus move close to Sun, the phenomenon happens frequently, say every
year.  In that case, it is wise to examine the trading activities during that time.  In my humble
experience, such period of combustion marked in the Panchanga has not brought about slacking
trade activities, divorces etc.,  It is possible that you will not loose any amount nor the shop
keeper gains - as the shops could closed due to various natural or national causes.  Such a
situation, as viewed from the national fiscal point, is not good at all!  Yes, when combustion is
going on, it is possible we get across such a time.  However, the distance of combustion should
be taken as 3˚ 20' or less on either side of Sun. It is wise not to do any business transaction,
conduct  marriages, house warming ceremonies during that time. 
"If the planets forfeit their strength  as a result of combustion the native will enter the holy order,
that is, he will become a saint" (sloka 5 "Ascetism Yogas" Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra). Well, not
all is bad with combustion!  Suppose you have a strong Venus in the chart, the effect of
combustion is less. By combustion, the planet looses his strength to Sun.  In the event Sun is a
benefic like 5th lord, 9th lord, 10th or 11th lord etc., then how can such a combustion effect you? 
You will make good tidings through the significances of Venus and the matters represented by
Sun will flourish. Despite this, the natural signficances (beauty, artistic nature, refinement of the
native) would suffer due to combustion. Other attributes should also be considered.  "If 11th  Lord
is exalted, though in combustion there will be many gains". (sloka 2, "Effects of Labha Bhava"
-Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra). 

You need not panic that you were born when Venus was combust nor that you should not conduct
your beloved daughter's marriage during the entire period shown in your panchanga as sukra
moudhya.  It is suffice to avoid the muhurtas during the time when Venus comes close to Sun by
3˚20' or less. Generally, in panchangas only the combustion of only Jupiter and Venus  are
published. It is understandable that combustion of Mercury is not given much importance by
panchanga makers, it happens quite often!  I suggest to avoid combustion period of other planets,
Mars, Mercury and Saturn for the muhurta for the events signfiifed by these planets. In these
cases also, 3˚ 20' or less on either side of Sun is suggested.  It is prudent to view the possible
results of combustion based on the functional role of the combust planets, in addition to natural


- A planet is combust when it is in conjunction with the Sun and therefore hidden from sight by the
light of the Sun. Traditionally this is a serious debility and implies that the planet is weakened or
restricted in power. However, if the planet is within 17 minutes of the Sun, it is termed Cazimi - in
the heart of the Sun - and considered strengthened by the union. 

In his Introduction, William Lilly stated that the combust planet should be in the same sign as the Sun
and within 8° 30' - beyond this distance, but within 17 ° of the Sun, the planet is said to beunder the
Sun's beams. This condition is debilitating, but not as severe as combustion. 

Lilly wrote of this: "The significator of the Querent combust, shows him or her in great fear, and
overpowered by some great person". (CA., p.113) 

However, later, in his horary volume, (p.300): he also writes:

A Planet within 12 degrees of the Sun, is said to be under his Beames, and then hath not fortitude, let it be
in what Signe it will; when a Planet is within 16 minutes of the Sun, he is said to be in Cazimi, or heat of
the Sun, and then it's an addition of fortune, and he is wonderous strong.

That aphorism was no doubt translated from the work of an older author, but it appears to
acknowledge the controversy regarding whether a planet can be combust when in a different sign to
the Sun. For a modern discussion of this controversial issue, see the forum thread: 'Combustion'. 

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