Consumer Behavior Assignment

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Consumer Behavior Assignment

Purva Chandak (B033)
5th Year (Div-B), MBA Pharma Tech
Exercise (A): A mundane product or service costing less than Rs. 50.

Name of purchaser: Richa Thakur.

Name of Interviewer: Purva Chandak.
Product Purchased: Cetrizine.
Price of product: 39 rs.

Key insights:

1. The trigger behind purchase of cetrizine was allergic cold and rashes and
she ran out of cetrizine from her medication box.
2. This was not the first time she purchased cetrizine, she often replenishes it.
3. The main role in decision making process was played by doctor because he
had prescribed her this medication and had asked her to take it when she
suffers from similar condition, but if allergy gets severe, she must consult a
physician immediately.
4. The product offered solution to the allergy and imparted relief and sleep.
5. The main motive behind selecting the drug cetrizine over other is the sleep
inducing activity of the drug. As Richa wanted to sleep and she couldn’t
sleep because of allergy, sleep induction was one of the important factors in
her decision making process. Followed by the rapid action and
6. Richa believes that cetrizine is not an OTC medication but is available
without prescription in India, whereas she also believes the medication as
safe for her and hasn’t encountered any side effects or reactions since its
first time use.
7. Her major source of information was Doctor 5-6 years back, after that she
never visited doctor for her allergy and always considered cetrizine as her
first choice medication. Apart from that she never tried to gather more
information, side effects and adverse reactions of the drug and nor about her
8. Richa wasn’t brand specific. Speaking about alternative medications, she
didn’t have any alternatives. Either cetrizine or whatever the chemist will
9. For Richa this is a normal allergy that she encounters every now and then in
winters and it goes away with cetrizine or sometimes even without any
medication. In this case she decided to take medication for quicker relief as
she had an early college next day, otherwise she wouldn’t mind waiting
10.She purchases medications offline strictly because she doesn’t trust
authenticity of online products very much. She believes there can be some
adulteration or fraud in expiry date of products and doesn’t like to take risks.
11.She purchased medication from the Noble chemist which is 200 meters
away from her building. She also mentioned that she would not have gone to
purchase the cetrizine if there would be no chemist shop within 1 km area.
12.What to buy was first and where to buy was second but equally important
for her in terms of distance.
Exercise (B) A product or service costing over Rs.10000 that
performs a utilitarian function.

Name of purchaser: Anamika Bajoriya.

Name of Interviewer: Purva Chandak.
Product Purchased: Pixel phone.
Price of product: 70000 rs.

Key insights:

1. The product was purchased by Anamika Bajoriya (interviewer) and the

payer was her father. Being from upper middle class family there was no
specific budget allotted to her, so she had free wide choice.
2. She played the most important role in the decision making process.
Followed by her father whose role was to pay for the product.
3. The product was purchased to facilitate easy and smooth life. The phone
performs basically all kinds of function that now-a-days comes under
necessity of one’s life.
4. Damage of earlier phone was the trigger to purchase new phone.
5. Anamika had purchased a phone earlier. She owned One Plus phone
earlier and she was a satisfied customer. This was the reason she wanted
to purchase latest One plus branded phone again. The purchase decision
was purely out of good experience and satisfaction with the brand.
6. Anamika chose offline store for her purchase, because she thinks the
product was really expensive and she didn’t want to take any risk in any
7. Even though she had planned to purchase One Plus brand during her visit
the attendant shown her Pixel phone, which she immediately liked as it
was very handy to her. So, she crosschecked all the specifications of both
the phones online and also read reviews to make an informed decision.
After comparison she decided to go for Pixel phone.
8. Most important attribute was the camera quality of Pixel phone followed
by handy and compactness of phone for her hand, stylish design,
unlimited photo storage (very important for girls), phone fitted in her
pocket easily. Beside these features she also like the features like phone
automatically makes collages and notes everything on calendar and after
updates phone improves in working, unlike some phones that slow down.
9. So, in case of phones where to buy comes first to Anamika followed by
what to buy. Because she was pretty sure about what she wanted to buy.
10. Interesting thing was, One plus phone was costing her 48000 rs. And
Pixel costed her 70000 rs. Yet she decided to go for Pixel phones because
of handiness and camera quality. And not to forget but her experience
with One Plus was excellent.
Exercise (C) A product or service costing over Rs.10000 that, the
customer feels, reveals something about the kind of person she or
he is.
Name of purchaser: Paridhi Shrivastava.
Name of Interviewer: Purva Chandak.
Product Purchased: iPhone.
Price of product: 110000 rs.
Key insights:

1. The product was purchased by Paridhi Shrivastava (interviewer) and the

payer was her father.
2. Image/ position of brand in her mind was the biggest influence in her
decision making process.
3. The motive behind purchase of iPhone was showing Apple to flaunt her
status and her lifestyle, classiness and stylishness hence her personality
that she like branded things which according to her is reflected by
purchase of Apple’s iPhone.
4. Her wish to flaunt she owns an iPhone in the new college was the trigger
behind her purchase. Prior to this was using a One Plus phone which was
working perfectly fine.
5. Paridhi had purchased a phone earlier. She owned One Plus phone earlier
and she was a satisfied customer. Paridhi chose offline Apple store for
her purchase, because she thinks the product was really expensive and she
wanted authentic product.
6. Paridhi didn’t bother to do any backgroung research before purchase of
the product as she was already aware about the product because her
family members had it.
7. Apple’s brand logo on the back of her phone was the most important
factor for her which signified her status. Followed by camera quality and
stylish design.
8. Interesting part is that many of Paridhi’s friends had advised her to not
take iPhone because of certain features but the brand image and relation
of brand with her status in her mind was so dominant that nothing else
could influence her decision.

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