3 - Harder Translation in Symbolic Logic

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Shane Patrick G.

HUM022 ( Advanced Logic)
Symbolic Logic:
Harder translations
Shane Patrick G. Sordilla
HUM022 ( Advanced Logic)
Follow the same rules we introduced, ex.:
1. put “(“ wherever you see “both”,
“either”, or “if”;
2. group together parts on either side of a
Here are other rules to remember:
Translate “But” as “And”

Translate “but” Roy is good in math

but he lost in the
(“yet”, “however”, Mathlympiad.
“although”, and so =
on) as “and”. (G . L)
as “or”
You’ll die unless you breathe. = (D  B)

Unless you breathe you’ll die. (B  D)

“just if” and “iff”
(a logician word) as
“if and only if”
I’ll agree just if you pay me $1,000 = (A P)

I’ll agree iff you pay me $1,000 = (A P)

The order of the letters doesn’t

matter with “.” or “” or “”
The part after “if” (“provided
that”, “assuming that”, and so
on) is that if-part
(the antecedent, the part
before the horseshoe).
If A, then B = ( A  B)
Provided that A,B = ( A  B)
A, if B = (B  A)
A, provided that B = (B  A)
You’re an animal, if you’re a dog = (D  A)
Provided that you’re a dog, you’re an animal = (D  A)
The part after “only if” is
the then-part
(the consequent, the part
after the horseshoe). (Or
just write “” for “only if”)
A only if B = (A  B)
Only if A,B = (B  A)
You’re alive only if you have oxygen = (A  O)
Only if you have oxygen, are you alive =(A  O)
The contrapositive translation “(O  A)” is
equivalent and sounds more intuitive.
“A is sufficient for B” means “If A then B”.
“A is necessary for B” means “If not A then
not B”
“A is necessary and sufficient for B” means
“A if and only if B”.
Water is sufficient for life = (W  L)
Water is necessary for life = (W  L)
Water is necessary and sufficient for life =
The order of the letters matter with “”, but
not with “”.
Translate these English sentences into
1. A, provided that B.
2. If she goes, then you’ll be alone but I’ll be here.
[Use: S, Y and I]
3. I will quit unless you give me your heart.
[Use Q and H]
4. Taking the finals is necessary for you to pass.
[Use T and P]
5. Only if you exercise are you fully alive.
[Use A and E]
Translate these English sentences into wffs:
1. A, provided that B.

(B  A)
Exercise :
Translate these English sentences into wffs:
2. If she goes, then you’ll be alone but
I’ll be here.
[Use: S, Y and I]
(S  (Y . I))
Exercise :
Translate these English sentences into wffs:
3. I will quit unless you give me your
[Use Q and H]
(Q  H)
Exercise :
Translate these English sentences into wffs:
4. Taking the finals is necessary for you
to pass.
[Use T and P]
(T  P)
Exercise :
Translate these English sentences into wffs:
5. Only if you exercise are you fully
[Use A and E]
(A  E) or, equivalently,
(E  A)

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