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Meaning Needs & Dimension of MIS System Plan, Strategic Planning For

MIS, Steps in Planning, Information System.


 MIS is the study of people , technology ,organization & the relationship

among them.

 It provides information that is needed to manage
organization efficiently & effectively.

 So, MIS Planning is a prior most step in development or
design/ Implementation of a MIS.

 In MIS the information is recognized as major resource , so if this
resource has to be managed well it calls upon the Management to
plan for it , so that the information a vital resource for the System.

 As we know that Planning is pre-determined course of action to be
taken in future.

 Planning is dynamic in nature which is done both for long & short
Needs Of MIS Planning

MIS Planning is needed for the following reasons :-

I. MIS creates Goal & Objectives.

II. Strategy For plan Achievement-
a) System development strategy.
b) Resource for the strategy.
c) Manpower consumption.
III. The architecture of MIS.
V. Hardware & software.
Essentiality of Strategic Planning
The following reasons make planning an essential management process to
keep business in a good shape & condition , they are :-
I. Market forces
II. Technological change.
III. Complex diversity of busines
IV. Competition
5. Environment( threats, challenges & opportunities)

Dimensions of Planning
 Following are the dimensions of planning :-

1. Organization

2. Management

3. Information Technology

Tools of MIS Planning

 Planning therefore involves decision making with the help
of Tools.
 These tools are based on many factors these factors are :-

 Creativity

 Sensitivity Analysis

 System Approach

• Creativity

 Ability to generate number of ideas rapidly.

 Ability to change quickly from one frame of reference to another.

 Originality in interpreting an event and generating different views on
 the situation.
 Ability to handle with clarity and ease a complex relationship
of various factors in a given situation.

• Sensitivity Analysis

 It helps to test validity of the solution is variable condition.

 The problem situation is handled with certain assumption
 and conditions.
 If various factors are involved, the sensitivity analysis helps to assess
 the criticality of the factor against the impact it make on that solution.
 The sensitivity analysis helps to test the validity of optimal solution
 under changed conditions.
@ The sensitivity analysis helps to test the solution on the principal of utility.
 System Approach

 It uses all the areas and branches of knowledge.

 It follows a scientific analysis to identify the problem.

 It uses a model of complex situation to handle the problem.

 It weight cost against benefit for assessment of alternatives.

 It deals with problem where time context in futuristic.

 It considers the environment and its impact on the
problem situation.
@ It uses operation research models if the problem is well defined

 Modelling :-
 A model is meaningful representation of a real situation on
a mini scale, where only the significant factors of the
situations are highlighted.

 There are several types of models

a) Physical: house, park, or a sport complex

b) Mathematical: break even analysis, linear

programming, queuing, network
 A complex situation is represented using variables,
constants and parameters which play significant role in that
@ A model could be static of dynamic

Business Strategies
 The success of the organization, inspire of its strength, depends upon
planning the management purpose .

 It can be classified as :-
 Overall Company Strategy
 Growth Strategy
 Product Strategy
 Market Strategy
 Overall Company Strategy :-
The overall business strategy is the means to achieve the overall
objective of a long-term, future direction of development and general approach. It
is to coordinate sub-strategy global guiding framework, the top management
guidance and control of enterprises behaviour, Program of Action.

 Growth Strategy :-

Most companies have plans to grow their business and increase sales and profits.
However, there are certain methods companies must use for implementing a growth
strategy. The method a company uses to expand its business is largely contingent
upon its financial situation, the competition and even government regulation. Some
common growth strategies in business include market penetration, market expansion,
product expansion, diversification and acquisition. 

 Market Strategy
An organisation strategy that combines all of its marketing goals into
one comprehensive plan. A good marketing strategy should be drawn
from market research and focus on the right product mix in order to
achieve the maximum profit potential and sustain the business. The
marketing strategy is the foundation of a marketing plan.

 Product Strategy
A plan for marketing a good that is founded upon an analysis of the nature
of the intended market, how much market share is to be achieved, how the
good is to be marketed and how much profit is anticipated. Most business
marketing directors will develop a clear and realistic product strategy prior to
the launch of a new product onto its intended market.

Information System Planning

 Information systems planning, especially strategic systems

planning, is becoming more difficult and more important at the
same time.
 Technology is changing so fast that it is seems futile to plan for it, yet the
dependence on this technology makes planning its effective use a matter
of organizational life and death.
 Planning is the key to success in developing a good information system .
Typically information system plans have a hierarchy with different levels of
management handling different plans 

Types of Planning
Strategic Tactical Operational

3-5 years 1-2 years 6 months-

1 year

Vision Resource Project

architecture, allocation, Management,
business goals project meeting time
selection and budget
 

Strategic Information
System Planning
 Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) is an important activity for helping
organization to identify strategic applications and to align an organization’s
strategy with effective information systems to achieve organization’s objectives.
 Today, improved strategic information systems planning is the most critical
issue facing information systems.
 Strategic information systems planning plays a major role that makes huge
contributions to businesses and other organizations.
Tactical Planning
 Tactical plans are sometimes called short-term action plans
because they breakdown bigger-picture goals and strategies
into narrower, actionable tasks.
 The key to a well-developed tactical plan is having
specifically stated actions assigned to particular employees
with specific deadlines.
 The goals and strategies give vision and the actions make
the company plans real

Advantages :-
1. Tactical plans are beneficial to companies because the
steps developed in the plan help management find
inefficiencies in its operations.
2. Tactical plans also allow companies to benefit from the input
of its employees. Effective tactical plans must include the
input of individuals involved in the day-to-day operations of a
Operational Planning

 Operational planning is the process of planning

strategic goals and objectives to tactical goals and
 It describes milestones, conditions for success and explains
how, or what portion of, a strategic plan will be put into operation
during a given operational period.
 An operational plan draws directly from agency and program
strategic plans to describe agency and program missions and
goals, program objectives, and program activities.
Operational Plans Should Contain :-
 clear objectives
 activities to be delivered
 quality standards
 desired outcomes
 staffing and resource requirements
 implementation timetables
 a process for monitoring progress
 Strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is used
to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations,
ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward
common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/results,
and assess and adjust the organization's direction in response to a
changing environment.

 According to Anthony,
Strategic Planning is the process of -
1. choosing objective and,
2. deciding how to achieve them

Planning For Information System
 The complexity of the information resources environment suggest
that planning is vital to success.
 The plan describe that the structure and content of the information
system and how it is to be developed.
 The organizations strategic plan should be the basis for the
MIS strategic plan.
 The overall responsibility of the IS planning is the
responsibility of chief information officer (CIO).

Information Systems
Strategic Planning
 Establish a mission statement.
 Assess the environment.
 Set goals and objectives
 Derive strategies and policies
 Develop long-, medium-, and short-range plans
 Implement plans and monitor results
MIS Strategic Planning Process
Long Range Strategic Planning
 The system development schedule: There are two types of
 schedule. They are
 System development schedule

 Time schedule
@ System development schedule gives the order of development
of the system. For example, it is necessary to develop the accounting
system first and then the analysis system.
 Time schedule gives the time frame for developing a system. If all
the information needed by the system are not met with in the given
time frame, the time schedule is revised

 A long-term planning for MIS is essential as it's focus is strategic in

nature, and are long term in nature and hence it's development and
budgeting has to be planned for if MIS is to be used and expanded but
some parts are also medium term as in tactical, and short term as in
 Without a long term plan integrating MIS of all three levels is difficult.
Since business plan are by nature long term, its integration with MIS
and its support to strategic nature is also long term.
 MIS is very much part of a business operation as it is like any long term
assets, such as building and equipment.
 Without information or MIS, a transaction, plans required to managed
becomes very difficult to compete in today's world without information

Fig:- Strategy
Formulation Model

 
Short Range Planning

 Its deals with the targets and the objectives of the organization.
Based on the goals and objectives, a short range plan provides
the scheme for implementation of the long range plan.
 Short range plans are made for one year in terms of the
targets which are to be achieved within the given budgets.
 Details of resources required to achieve targets.

 Control mechanism.
 Self-motivating tool for achieving operational performance

Information System Strategic Planning For

Management Control
 Information system strategic planning for management control is
required by profit centre departments to measure performance.

 MIS must be processed so that trends may be observed.

Reasons for information system strategic

planning for management
control are as follows:
1. Planned process performance
2. Grievances from planned performance
3. Reasons for grievances

4. Analysis of possible decision or courses of action

Problem in MIS Planning:-

1. Difficulty in aligning the MIS plan with overall strategies
and objectives of the organizations.
2. Designing the information system for the organization in such
a way that the data base can be integrated.
3. Problems in allocating information system and operation resources
among competition application/organisation.
4. Completing information system projects on time and in budget.
5. Selection of the methodology for performing the 1st project


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