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Definition (Syayekti)

Olive oil is oil derived from olives (Olea europaea), a traditional tree from the Mediterranean
basin. Olive oil comes from olive trees that grow slowly, have wrinkled stems and slim gray with
cracked branches. Olive trees can grow up to 50 meters in their natural habitat and live for more
than 500 years.

Olive Oil Content (Kiki)

About 24% of olive oil consists of saturated fat, omega 6, and omega 3 fatty acids. However, the
most fatty acid in olive oil is very healthy oleic acid. Oleic acid is believed to help reduce
inflammation. Olive oil has more good fat, compared to coconut oil.
One tablespoon of olive oil contains about 11 grams of monounsaturated fat and 1 gram of
polyunsaturated fat. While one tablespoon of coconut oil contains 0.1 gram monounsaturated fat
and 0.25 gram polyunsaturated fat. In fact, olive oil is said to have 5 to 10 times the amount of
good fat needed by the body.

Types of Olive Oil (Alfi)

Olive oil is grouped based on the extraction process and its acidity.
• The best type of olive oil is extra virgin olive oil.
• Then there is the type of virgin olive oil.
• Then there is the fino type.
• There is also olive oil which is obtained from a combination of processed virgin olive oil and
extra virgin
• The last type is light.

The benefits (Wahyu)

There is many benefits of olive oil for health because they contain a high unsaturated fats
(mainly oleic acid and polyphenols).
1. Maintain heart health
2. Reduces high blood pressure
3. Prevent and overcome cancer
4. Prevent infection
5. Prevent obesity
6. Healthy skin
7. Prevent and treat diabetes
8. Heal surgery wound

Procedure for Using Olive Oil

1. Massage olive oil to the surface of the surgical wound skin. To remove a surgical scar, just use
about a drop of olive oil and apply it to the area of the scars
2. Move the fingertips in a circle to massage the oil into the injured skin. Apply strong pressure
and massage for 4-5 minutes.
3. After the skin pores absorb the olive oil, use a tissue to remove the rest from the surface of the
4. Repeat this process again. After massaging for the second time, let the oil stick to the surface
of the skin for 15-20 minutes.
5. Perform this treatment 2 times a day and pay attention to improving the condition of your skin

Hadist (Alfi)
Olive oil is believed to have many benefits for health. The oil, known as Olive Oil, is also one
that was recommended by the Prophet Muhammad for treatment. Al-Quran even clearly
mentions the word Olive which indicates its superiority. Olive is a blessed tree. Allah SWT
swore, in the letter At-Tin (95: 1-4); "For the sake of tin and olives. And for the sake of the hill
of Sinai And for the sake of this safe city (Mecca). Really we have created humans in the best
possible shape. "
In a hadith from Umar, he said, "Rasulullah SAW has said," Treat with olive oil and oil with it,
because it comes from a blessed tree, "(HR Ad-Darimi).
Ibnul Qayyim in the book Zadul Ma'ad said, "Olive oil can close the pores of the body and
prevent substances that enter through it. If used after a hot bath, olive oil will repair and
moisturize the body. If used as hair oil, it will make your hair beautiful and long. Olive oil is also
efficacious for treating measles and various other diseases. "
1. Olive Oil
Here's how: This is the most practical way, which is to take a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil
tea that has been warmed then rub it and massage it on the scar on the skin for 5 minutes. After
that, use a warm cloth / towel to clean the skin; do this method 2 times a day to feel its
2. Olive oil + granulated sugar
Granulated sugar also has a primary function as an enhancer of skin texture and to facilitate the
regeneration of new skin cells.
Here's how: Mix a tablespoon of granulated sugar with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil until
scrubs eventually form. Massage on the part of the skin that has a scar for a few minutes before
we can rinse it using warm water. Every day we can do it once routinely for maximum results.
3. Olive oil + aloe vera
Aloe vera can increase the production of new skin cells. Being able to also stimulate collagen
production in the body, scars automatically disappear quickly and are replaced with new skin.
Here's how: Mix ½ teaspoon of aloe vera extract with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil until it
blends and apply directly to the scaly skin while massaging it. Leave for 1 hour at least before
finally rinsing with water; leaving it overnight may also be used at night and the next morning
cleaned while bathing.
4. Olive oil + honey
There is also a natural healing properties in honey as well as moisturizers and antioxidants that
make it more effective in removing scars when combined with olive oil.
Here's how: Provide ½ teaspoon of pure honey with 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil, both of
which can be mixed and then applied to the skin with the scar. Leave for about 20 minutes before
we can rinse with water. For the results are fast and effective, do it every day 2 times.

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