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DAFTAR HADIR MAHASISWA MAGANG INDUSTRI Tahun Akademik 2019 /2020 Nama Imam Maulana Perusahaan: PT Yokogawa Indonesia Divisi Engineering Department (EGD) Tio sa 11119. 1 0 TIZI9 sa 51/01/20. 2020 Pembimbing (tanda tangan dan cap perusahaan) Daily Activity Report and Time Record Employee Name: Imam Maulana | Program: Practical Work Month: September Year: 2019 Time [rime _[ rotai | sick [ Permit | omer Date Day Activities toCome | Outot | Hours | Leave | Leave | Hours work | work | Worked | Hours | Hours 20972018 | Monday | Company Orentation [08.00 [1500 7 | - | - | - 03/09/2019 | Tuesday | Leam about PCA 08.00 [17.00] @ | - | - | - 04/08/2019 | Wednesday | Leam about PMCA 08.00 [aoo[e | - | - | - 05/08/2019 | Thursday | Leam about DCS ‘08.00 [17.009 [= | = | - ososz019 | Friday | LeamaboutLoop check | 08.00 |1700| 9 | - | - | - 07/08/2019 | Saturday 5 Se eS ee oeog2019 | Sundey zi | en | a [oa ) AR ‘09/09/2019 | Monday __| Wake Loop Check sheet | 0800 [77.00| @ | - | - | - 10/09/2019 | Tuesday | Make Loop Check sheet [08.00 [17.00 | @ | - | - | = 1170972019 [Wednesday | Crimp and Ping test R145 | 08.00 [17.00] 9 | - | - | - ‘1209/2019 | Thursday | Ping test RI45 Cable [08.00 |17.00| 9 | - | - | - 1gog2019 | Friday | Holiday a [rs faoroens [es [| 14/09/2019 | Saturday = 5 aa (coco [arene] ae [a 1/09/2019 | Sunday = = = Sn SS Sa ee 16/09/2019 | Monday | Holiday Safa La | ease [ean es 1710972019 {Tuesday | Hebb toassomby panel [08.00 [77.00] @ | - | - | - 16/09/2019 | Wednesday | Help to set up PC 0.00 [17.00 9 | = | = | = 19/09/2019 |" Thursday [team to design oraprie [8.00 [17.00|@ | - | - | - 20/09/2019 | Friday | Leam about CENTUM VP | 08.00_| 17.00 9 | - |. | - 21/09/2019 | Saturday 2 a [ere [aren free [ee 22/09/2019 | Sunday : |S eee 23/09/2019 | Monday | eam Conti Drawing [08.00 | 47.00|@ | - | - | - 2arog/2019 |" Tuesday | Leam Graphic Bulger [08.00 | 17.00[ 8 | - | - | - 25/09/2019 | Wednesday | Fixthe oop check sheet | 08.00 [17.00] 9 | - | - | - Eat Logic nF 2600201 | Thursday [pox "| 800 [rzo0| @ | - | - | - ‘2710912019 | Friday | Loop Check 08.00 [7700[@ [= | = | = 28/09/2019 | Saturday _ | Loop Check 09.00 [1800| 9 | - | - | - 29/09/2019 | Sunday = ee aaa |= [| = 30/09/2019 [Monday | Loop Check 08.00 [2030 | 425 [= [- | - {Tota sick | Permit | Other Totals for Entire Month Hee verre hamee ieee. Worked Hours 1815 [00 [000 [000 By signing below I hereby certify the total number of hours reported represent all hours worked during month Note ® vox Coach Signature WA I INESIA poaek LAPORAN MINGGUAN MAGANG INDUSTRI Nama: Imam Maulana Minggu ke = 1 (02 September s/d 06 September 2019 Hai Kegiatan Wek Gam) Selesai Senin | Orientasi Perusahaan 08:00 | 17:00 Belajar tentang Process Measurement & la Seta | Conbl Avmreetion 08:00 | 17:00 Belajar tentang Process Measurement & 5 : Rabu | Control Appreciation een | L2y =, | Belajar tentang DCS dan bagian bagian | Kamis penyusun DCS. 08:00 | 17:00 Belajar cara membuat template Toop check (VO | 05-09 | 7, Jumat | check) menggunakan Microsoft Excel Sa Loe Catatan Pembimbit WS. UEC Teel homey Jakarta, 06 September 2019 Pembimbing Magang Industri Nama LAPORAN MINGGUAN MAGANG INDUSTRI : Imam Maulana Minggu ke: 2 (09 September s/d 13 September 2019) ; . Waktu Gam) Bal prea Mulai | Selesai Senin | Membuat Template Loop Check panel (08:00 | 17:00 Selasa___ | Membuat Template Loop Check panel (08:00 | 17:00 Membuat (crimping) kabel RJ4S, mengecek Rabu | dengan tester dan melakukan ping untuk 08:00 | 17:00 ‘memastikan kabel benar ~ benar terhubung Melanjutkan mengecek dengan tester dan jg | melakukan ping untuk memastikan kabel benar | oe oy | 74 Karis | ocean ene 08:00 | 17:00 Tumat—_| Libur = - Jakarta, 13 September 2019 Pembimbing Magang Industri LAPORAN MINGGUAN MAGANG INDUSTRI ‘Nama : Imam Maulana Minggu ke: 3 (16 September s/d 20 September 2019) : ‘Waktu (lam) Ee eee Mulai | Selesai Senin | Libur : : Selasa___| Membantu assembly panel 08:00 | 17:00 Rabu | Membantu setting PC (08:00 | 17:00 Kamis | Belajar mendesain graphic (08:00 | 17:00 Jumat Belajar CENTUM VP 17:00 Catatan Pembimbing: Jakarta, 20 September 2019 Pembimbing Magang Industri } yo INESIA LAPORAN MINGGUAN MAGANG INDUSTRI Nama : Imam Maulana Minggu ke: 4 (23 September s/d 27 September 2019) . . Waktu (Jam) Het — Malai | Selesai Senin Belajar Control Drawing 08:00 | 17:00 Selasa Belajar Graphic Builder 08:00 | 17:00 Rabu Memperbaiki cheksheet loop check 08:00 | 17:00 Kamis | Mengedit logic pada function block (08:00 | 17:00 Jumat Melakukan loop check 08:00 Catatan Pembimbing: Jakarta, 27 September 2019 Pembimbing Magang Industri > IDONESIA )

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