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Abstract submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the
degree of




Under the Guidance of

Associate Professor



This is to certify that the project report ‘ A STUDY ON BUILDING BRAND IMAGE OF

SRI SADANANDA FOODS PVT LTD’ s​ ubmitted by SONU ROY registration number

16YACMD189 to BANGALORE UNIVERSITY, for the award of degree of MASTERS OF

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION is a record of work carried out by him under my guidance

Place: Bengaluru




FOODS PVT LTD’ is the result of the project work carried out by me under the guidance of
DR.N KUBENDRAN in the partial fulfilment for the award of MASTER’S DEGREE IN
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION by Bangalore University.

I also declare that this project is the outcome of my efforts and I have not provided it to any
other university or institute for the award of any other degree or diploma certificate

Place: Bengaluru

Name: Sonu Roy


Registration Number: 16YACMD189


I would like to express my gratitude towards all the people who have helped me with the
successful completion of this project. Without their encouragement, active guidance and
cooperation this project would not have been a success.

I would like to gratefully acknowledge BANGALORE UNIVERSITY, this opportunity,

Presidency College, for facility the completion of this project, our Director Dr. Radha
Pdmanabhan, for hid support and my guide, Dr.N Kubendran, for his active guidance in
successfully completing this project

I also express my sincere gratitude to all who have contributed for the timely completion of
this project.


I. Introduction
1.) Dairy Industry
1.1 Current scenario of Dairy industry
1.2Limitations in the development of dairying
1.3 Present status of dairy industry
1.4 Contribution to Indian Economy
1.5 Competitors of Dairy Industry
1.6 Ghee
1.7 Marketing process in Dairying Industry

II. Company Profile

2.1 History of the company
2.2 Vision and Mission of company
2.3 Strengths of company
2.4 Branding
2.5 Importance of Branding
2.6 Background of study

III. Research Methodology

3.1 Statement of problem
3.2 Need of study
3.3 Research Methodology
IV. Data Analysis
V. Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion
VI. Bibliography
VII. Questionnaire


4.1 showing age of respondents

4.2 showing profession of respondents

4.3 showing marital status of respondents

4.4 showing income of respondents

4.5 showing purchase of ghee by respondents

4.6 showing consumption of ghee by respondents

4.7 showing purchase place of ghee by respondents

4.8 showing awareness about Sri Krishna Ghee of respondents

4.9 showing awareness about other brands of Ghee of respondents

4.10 showing preference of respondents

4.11 showing preference of marketing strategies of respondents

4.12 showing factors affecting buying decision of respondents

4.13 showing factors affecting brand image of respondents

4.14 showing brand loyalty of respondents

4.15 showing the perception of celebrity endorsement of respondents

4.16 Table Showing factors influencing brand switching by the

4.17 Table Showing new promotional strategies for Sri Krishna ghee
4.18 Table Showing consumers expectation from Sri Krishna ghee
4.19 Table Showing consumers preference
4.20 Table Showing consumer’s suggestions for better brand visibility for
Sri Krishna ghee



4.1 showing age of respondents

4.2 showing profession of respondents

4.3 showing marital status of respondents

4.4 showing income of respondents

4.5 showing purchase of ghee by respondents

4.6 showing consumption of ghee by respondents

4.7 showing purchase place of ghee by respondents

4.8 showing awareness about Sri Krishna Ghee of respondents

4.9 showing awareness about other brands of Ghee of respondents

4.10 showing preference of respondents

4.11 showing preference of marketing strategies of respondents

4.12 showing factors affecting buying decision of respondents

4.13 showing factors affecting brand image of respondents

4.14 showing brand loyalty of respondents

4.15 showing the perception of celebrity endorsement of respondents

4.16 Chart Showing factors influencing brand switching by the respondents

4.17 Chart Showing new promotional strategies for Sri Krishna ghee
4.18 Chart Showing consumers expectation from Sri Krishna ghee
4.19 Chart Showing consumers preference
4.20 Chart Showing consumer’s suggestions for better brand visibility for
Sri Krishna ghee



In the increasing age of competitiveness, globalisation and rapid technological changes,

marketers are struggling to search new conceptual bases on which they can design and deliver
their services to the market. New products are introduced and they are failing at a
considerable rate. Therefore the managers are concentrating more on marketing by increasing
strong promotional strategies. In today’s scenario Marketing is much more than buying and
selling of products. The major goal of marketing is to examine and to know the demands and
needs of customers and provide services that will satisfy them. There is even greater
responsibility for the companies to develop products which has superior value and quality
and distribution and promotion of these products effectively. Building strong global brand
and corporate image is one of the important components of advertising. It helps the
companies to become the leader in the market. This project reflects the need of building
brand for Sri Sadananda Foods Private. Ltd. Who is one of the manufacturers of ghee. Since
there are many competitor’s in the dairy industry this company faces a huge competition​.
This project shows the importance of brands for a small company, how can we build brand ,
Importance of branding, what are the benefits to the organisation and customers, How can a
company use the new updated methods and compete with other competitors, Effective plans
to spend their income on promotional activities and continue to run their business efficiently.

In competitive market, it is important to stand out from the crowd. Brand is distinctive sign or
logo, which is engaged in forming an image which helps in identifying a product and it also
differentiates it from its competitors. It plays an important role in the customers mind.
Companies adopt different methods in order to attract the attention of the consumers.
Branding can be defined as one of the techniques used by company. Uniqueness of the brand
sets apart from its competitors.


In contrast with diary industry branding plays a very significant role in strengthening India’s
economy. In India dairying has contributed to social and economic development. India’s
economy relies heavily on the dairy industry. It is one the fastest growing sector in the

It stands that 80% of India’s population depends on agriculture and diary is more of
agriculture. It is the foundation of India’s financial system as income and employment. The
Dairy industry is found to be up to 5 - 6 per cent per annum in its growth. India is leading
country in the production of milk.

In the country like India, about 80% of population are living in villages, 70% are engaged in
agriculture, and 43% of cultivators are having cultivatable land. So for the small farmers and
agriculture labourers can only sustain on livestock sector.

Current Scenario of Dairy Industry:

The obtainability of milk in India has increased rapidly. Today, there is a contribution of
around 25-28% by livestock sector to agriculture. Dairy sector encourage about 65-70% to
the livestock sector. The Indian dairy industry has lead to the achievement of billions of small
farmers, who has cattle yielding milk. The earnings have continued to be quite low as
compared to the world whereas it has expanded drastically in the past few years. It is seen
that it has not only persisted but also prospered. Yearly milk produced per dairy animal in
India is nearly half of that attained in United States. Dairying in India is essential part of total
agricultural structure. Dairying subsidises close to the one third of the income earned in the
urban population. The major source of the income of Small agriculturalists is basically from
the production of milk. In India the process of dairying is considered as a backbone for
employment and livelihood.

Understanding the increasing demand for milk production in India was supported by the
government. The government further introduced many other cattle improvement programmes
and other schemes for the development of dairy industry. On the other hand, all these
schemes were not able to create major influence on the whole development of dairy industry
in this country. But due to few well renowned institutions and organizations put efforts for
the promotion for development of dairy in India. And various other programmes for
development by the world and further related associations at International level also support
and assist the dairy industry. This helps in developing new techniques and machines for
better productivity and this will result in reducing the cost and time of the dairy farmers.

Development of Milk Co Operatives:

Dairy Industry was founded in the form of co-operative in the year 1946. The major objective
behind the co-operation formation in India was to reinforce the backward areas. Further
Government of India acknowledged the achievement of Anand’s experiment and planned to
reproduce the same all over the country.

Dairy Advancement Programmes:

1. Key Village Scheme​:

Key Village Scheme was introduced at the expiration of 1951 in First Five Year Plan. This
system offers same attention by paying to the owner and cattle. This system helps in
utilization of resources and techniques. Taking appropriate method against contagious
diseases was very crucial under this scheme. Delivering sufficient marketing provisions were
also included in this scheme.

2. Intensive Cattle Development Scheme (I.C.D.S.):

Under this project is estimated to cover up various following programmes like Expansion and
availability of good varieties of fodder. Appropriate health protections against infectious

 3. Draught Prone Areas Programme (D.P.A.P.):

In Draught Prone Areas Programme was commenced on 5th Five Year Plan. The major
objective of this programme was to form important services in irrigational land, labour and
other capital. It was observed that in U.P. it was commenced from 40 blocks originally then it
was extended considerably.
4. Women Dairy Programme:

 Various advanced programmes for women were developed in the dairy industry. Total Profile
of Women in Dairy industry consisted of Over-all involvement of women in Dairy
Cooperative Societies of 70,000. About 2,476 Number of women in dairy co-operative. The
Participation of 8 lakhs women in education sponsored by NDDB was seen.

Development of Dairy Industry:

It was observed that around Rs.88 crores was delivered in the Union Budget thorough the
dairy development programme, assist to associations, reinforcement of infrastructure for
excellence and hygienic milk and poultry farming by people. India is also concentrating for
further expansion of this sector through Exports. There is huge scope for exports of milk
products milk powder and butter. The setting up of dairy farmhouses and development in
fodder required for the cattle would result in the promoting and help in the increase of milk
production in this country. As a result of existing competitors and their production in the
market the production in India cannot meet demand. This results in huge possibility of big
scale dairy farms mainly in the Northern part of India.


Due to the effective management the demand for milk in emerging country like India is high,
but in general market growth is slow as a result of main constraint in income growth by the
mass population. Many developing countries are giving more emphasis to milk supplies and
are seeking bank loans to support progress of setting up for dairying both on and off farms.
Growth in milk is largely seen in small farms which will need identification of constraints
 and development of proper technology. Low productivity per animal is another reason
hampering growth of the dairy sector. Potential for development of milk products in
developing countries is high but there is insufficient support from government. New
economic policies by the government lead to imbalance in the economy. A well-organized
structure of animals is the outcome of improved background of balanced process in dairy
industry as well as standardised organizational exercises. The production of Milk can be
expanded if animals are given proper feed and fodder as per their capacity.

The dairy industry’s main goal is further growth and improvement in milk production, has
been agreed by the National Development Council .The Nation Agriculture Policy aims to
stress on the significance of consumption and security issues on nutrition and also the
significance of animal husbandry and fisheries subdivisions in the growth of capital and
employment. This Policy recommends huge significance towards the diversification of
production, fodder production and protection from animal disease in the underdeveloped

● Enhancement in the distribution of inputs breeding and provide services to

● Promotion of feed crops to increase animal nutrition.
● Establishment of credit services to farmers which are easily feasible to them.


Dairying has developed as an important source of revenue for billions of poor families and
was considered a very significant role in offering employment and generating opportunity for
earning income. In India milk is a foremost essential yield. The unique feature is that nearly
120 million families in rural areas are involved in milk production activities as in
contradiction to large specialized dairy cultivators in the other countries across the globe. The
government has developed many efforts to help number of milk producing farmers and
industry by giving freedom in production of milk. Our country is now the leading milk
producer in the world.


The Dairy Industry includes various players within the country as well as international
players that concentrate on evolving numerous different new dairy products. Market returns
of Amul have boosted remarkably which makes them leading player in the India’s Dairy
Market. Major competitors in this country are Amul and Mother Dairy. Amul Yogurt has
been considered as popular dairy product, particularly due to low price. The demand for dairy
products in the India is moving at a considerable rate.

● Amul:

Amul Industries Pvt Ltd was established in the year 1946 by Varghese Kurien. The
headquarters of Amul is located in Anand India. It is one of the best dairy companies in India.
It is provides product variety including paneer, butter, cheese, ghee, ice-cream, milk powders
etc. This company is controlled by the co-operative body; the Gujarat Co-operative Milk
Marketing Federation Ltd. Amul is recognized as the Taste of India. Head Office of Amul is
located at Anand, Gujarat. This industry companies, the want for milk and milk products are
still rising. Thus they have to adopt innovative methods for the production of milk.

● Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development Co-operative Federation Limited

Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development Co-operative Federation Ltd is one of the prominent
dairy companies in India. It is providing a variety of products from milk. This company is
also expanding product range to meet the different customer needs. This is one of the ​most
well-liked industries​ which is pretty popular in Andhra Pradesh which produce standard
quality products. Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Ltd. is located
on Lalapet, Hyderabad. The organization has founded on 1960 and their Key Products is
Milk, Curd, and Ghee and it sells them under brand label Vijaya.

● Karnataka Cooperative Milk Federation

Karnataka Cooperative Milk Federation is one of the best dairy companies in India. The
whole system is mechanised through the group of farmers. The head office of this company is
located at Bangalore itself. The company has extended their products into remote areas of
Karnataka. This company is famous for its quality products which are distributed to rural
areas. Karnataka Co-Operative Milk Federation is well known for its products such as Toned
Milk, Lassi, Ghee, Milk Powder, Ice Cream, Chocolates. They produce around 50 milk
products in the market. The head office located at Bangalore, Karnataka.

● Kwality Ltd
This company was established in the year 1992 and acquired by Dhingra Family on 2002 as
Kwality Dairy which is leading private sector dairy enterprise in India. It is providing a wide
choice of unique products and at present enjoys the presence in Northern India. Their Head
Office is situated at New Delhi. They provide Milk & Milk Products, Horticulture Products,
Kandhamal Organic Products and many other products. It has the business units in top Indian
states. They are dedicated to satisfy all quality standards. Kwality is popular in the north


Aavin is one of the most prominent dairy brands in Tamil Nadu and it is managed by Tamil
Nadu Milk Producer’s Federation Limited from 1958. They are one of the dairy companies
which manufacture 4 kinds of milk such as toned, double toned milk, standardized and full

● Mother Dairy Pvt Ltd

Mother Dairy Pvt Ltd was established on 1974. The headquarters is located at Noida, Uttar
Pradesh. It is offering the variety of products including ice-cream, paneer, pickles and other
products under this brand. Mother Dairy began their company by focused mainly on Delhi
further they expanded business into other towns. Mother dairy is one of the most well-known
standard dairies in India of all the time. They have around six manufacturing plants. .

● The Kerala Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (Milma)

MILMA stands on 9th rank in the top 10 dairy Establishments of India .The Company was
started in 1980. This cooperative is headquartered in Thiruvananthapuram. The company
provides wide range of products which includes milk products and cattle fodders. It is
controlled by Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation but particularly known as
MILMA. This cooperative is one of the valuable and satisfying cooperatives in the Kerala.
Ghee is like a purified milk fat made from cow or else buffalo milk. Ghee is produced by
removing unwanted solid impurities. Ghee is manufactured in massively in India. It is very
nutritious for our health and it is prepared in a number of food products daily such as burfi,
rice, curry, sweets etc. Though, it was observed that most of the dairy farms in India is not
operating ghee in a profitable way. Most the ghee is not used properly. A very efficient
Research & Development as well as strong interest by the manufacturer are vital to improve
various uses of ghee and provide to market place. Ghee is purified fat in which added
colouring or preservatives or artificial flavouring are not added. It is very rich in vitamins and


● Milk quality in the informal markets is a very important issue. About 70 to 85 percent of
milk is procured and sold over the informal network. Currently various programmes have
been focused on employing and providing training to dealers. In our country the
Capitalisation of Livestock Programme Experiences initiatives, along with the
International Livestock Research Institute, have started with some initiatives in this
● Nowadays traders collecting milk at the farm then provide the milk products to urban and
rural areas. Each trader buys only small portions of milk. There is possibility to form the
traders into groups and generate joint facilities where they have the chance to test, process
and store their milk supplies. These trader services could aid as wholesale suppliers for
hotels and small sweetshops. These initiatives can assist to report the quality concerns in
the informal sector and also create employment opportunities in the non-farm sector.
● A disagreement against working with traders is the formal sector participation in dairying
is growing and ultimately there will be no possibility for informal players in the market.
In addition to this, the informal sector should not be avoided and organizing informal
traders should be followed.



The Indian dairy industry provides good opportunities to both local and foreign investors for
entry and expansion of the market. Due to the rich dietary benefits, the demand for dairy
products' is significantly growing as the people are more conscious to maintain their health.
India has around 70000 cooperatives especially in rural areas. Regardless of being leading
producer in the world, the dairy industry is still suffering from development and
modernization. This is because of many other factors like shortage of feed for animals or
cattle, lack of transportation and poor infrastructure. As a result, the supply of dairy products
falls short. On the other side due to huge demand for dairy products there is a growth in this
industry. Eventually there was been significant transformation of dairy industry leading to
expansion of new markets, better and easy credit facilities, programmes and schemes by the
government. ​Sri Sadananda Foods Private Ltd is one the leading manufacturers of pure cow
ghee and masala’s​. ​They are following traditional methods. I​t is categorised as
Non-governmental Company and this company is also registered at Registrar of Companies,
Bangalore. It was founded on 1991 and they are Private incorporation​. The ​Directors of Sri
Sadananda Foods Private Limited are Makam Sathyanarayana Setty Nagarajugupta and
Maakam Sathyanarayana Setty Aswathanarayanagupta​. On 1993 they were involved in the
development from a departmental store to a semi-automated proprietorship company. From
1991-2010 the company was named as Shree Krishna enterprises and on 2010 it was changed
to Shree Sadananda Foods Private Ltd. This company was developed from cottage industry to
fully automated private small scale industry on 2010. On 2011 they successfully took over
Excellent Masala’s manufacturer of blended masalas. This was a huge achievement for them.
They meet with the very high standards expected by valuable customers. Now they are one of
the prominent brands in Karnataka. Their main aim is to provide quality and healthy products
to their customer which is the success of this brand.


● Sri Sadananda Foods Private Ltd aims in providing ghee with improved quality with
nutritional benefits which is beneficial for health.
● To achieve consistent standard to retain the customers and achieve their expectations.
History of the company:

Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited was founded on 1991 and they are Private
incorporation​. They first started their business as a small departmental store in their village in
Andhra Pradesh. They began their business by providing ghee which is produced through
traditional methods. Later after few years they noticed no scope for expansion of their
business due to underdevelopment, ​Lack of marketing support​, ​poor industrial relations​ and
lack of availability of resources or manpower were the constraints. On 1993 they were
involved in the development from a departmental store to a semi-automated proprietorship
company. From 1991-2010 the company was named as Shree Krishna enterprises and on
2010 it was changed to Shree Sadananda Foods Private Ltd. This company was developed
from cottage industry to fully automated private small scale industry on 2010. On 2011 they
successfully took over Excellent Masala’s manufacturer of blended masalas. This was a huge
achievement for them. ​The authorized share capital is Rs.2, 500,000 and the paid up capital is
Rs.1, 200,000. It is engaged in the manufacturing of dairy product
The Annual General Meeting of Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited was last
held on 30 September 2016. This company is one of the oldest companies existed in Dairy
Industry. Age of this company is 10 years. This company has a paid up capital of
Rs1, 200,000. The Annual General Meeting was held last on 30 September 2016.

​Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited ​is also manufacturing masala’s in the market
known as Excellent Masalas. They are manufacturing 100 different masalas to its customers.
Shree Krishna Ghee is the name of the ghee manufactured by them. ​S​hree Krishna Ghee is
distributed all across Karnataka. Their consumers are satisfied with quality of ghee delivered
to them. Further this company aims to meet the demands and expectation of the customers in

Strengths of Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited:

● Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited is targeted to encounter their ​weakness. They

continuously provide hygienic as well as quality products with the help of traditional
techniques which enables them to follow the traditional approach than their
● Inspite of being small firm they have managed to survive their company for 10 years.
This focuses this company’s potential and competitiveness.
● Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited effectively manages their manpower and other resources
towards production of products. All the employees work together in order to achieve their
● This company allows its employees the freedom to share their opinions and views on various
● Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited targets ​plans to distribute their products to all the
rural areas and underdeveloped areas across Karnataka. They aim to expand their
business to other states across India and they have plans to export ghee to other
countries by helping the people to understand the benefits of ghee.


Branding involves everything from the design of the product to the customer’s experiences. ​It
is nothing but the insight of a consumer has when they hear about a company, product or any
other services delivered by the company. Branding is essential for any kind of business
organisation by representing the company in the market. Branding can be simply defined as is
the process of giving a meaning to specific products by creating and developing a brand in
consumer’s mind. ​Even if a company is earning profits initially branding can guarantee
success of the company for a long run.

We can say that a brand is nothing but a seller’s ability to constantly provide a specific set of
features and services to the customers as per their expectation. Customers are crucial element
for a product to survive in the market. A product can only be successful if the customers like
them. It helps in forming possibility for present growth and future expansion. Branding helps
in understanding and attracting the customers. Retention of Customers is equally important
for any business.

Many small firms like Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited and other start-ups fail to put
more efforts towards their brand as a result of this mistake it has a huge impact on their
business activities. Therefore branding helps common people to recognize the products from
others. It helps people to recognise the brand and ensures that they buy these products in
future. It sets part from the competitors who are selling similar product. Brand should provide
key messages that will help to communicate about your brand. A good brand makes people
feel more attached to particular commodity. We come across many brands of products in our
life For instance bulbs we only remember Philips, Havells, SYSKA , for clothing Zara,
Pantaloons, Max , for cosmetics Lakme, Maybelline, L’Oréal, MAC, Shampoo like Clinic all
clear, Head and shoulders , Pantene, Sunsilk etc. ,online shopping portals like Amazon,
Jabong, Flipkart, Snapdeal , electronic home appliances like LG, Panasonic, Samsung all
these examples show that we don’t know or aware of rest of the brands in the market .It can
only be achieved when a company’s advertising and other promotional strategies are
accomplished. Nowadays branding is considered to be the most essential part of an
organisation. The main reason behind this is that the customers only continue to buy products
which have a strong brand in the market. This can be due to the raising standards of people
because of few factors like population growth and raising disposable income. People desire to
buy products and services according to their brand image. So it is very crucial for a company
to earn loyalty and trust of the customers. Satisfaction of a customer depends upon the
products performance. Therefore the sellers should focus more on providing commodities
which will fulfil their wants and expectations.

Branding includes logos, advertisements and communications, product design, pricing,

sponsoring and partnerships of the company. The Effective implementation of them increases
marketing and builds relationship with its customers. It influences Customers buying
behaviour. A brand is the perceived image of the product and branding is the set of tactics
implemented to create that image.


In order to accomplish in ​branding it is essential that we need to understand the needs and
prospects of the customers. It is the link that bridges the company to the customer. Effective
branding can develop recognition for a venture. If a brand is consistent and easy to recognise,
it can help people feel easier while buying. When people feel more familiar to the brand they
are more likely to choose your product or service again in future. Loyal customers will
continue to assist in ups and downs. They will spread a positivity to the people they know.
They persuade new people to the company. Branding also helps in motivating the employees
in right direction and inspiring to bring new ideas and acquires new customers effortlessly. It
enables in building reliability and trust. People are more likely to purchase from a business
that appears polished and honest. Branding helps in increasing the revenue of business.
Branding gives companies an opportunity to let customers see the business for who we really
are. It can reach out to so many people in different areas. It reaches to its customer’s offline,
online, mobile and other marketplace. Branding secure you from competitors who want your
success. They can carry the same or identical products but they won't be able to take
originality away. Brand is the identity by which customers come to know. It can be the
symbol of happiness, comfort, commitment and impressions.

In Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited we observe that they

adopt few promotional techniques to survive in the market. As this company is small scaled
they have inadequate income to invest on marketing and to run a business. So the customers
are not aware about their product. ​One the other hand they fail to get adequate information
about consumer's needs and preferences of the different kinds of product​. This is a huge
drawback for them. But Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited has been able to do advertising
to some extent. They put more efforts to increase their sales during festive season. This
company focus on the following promotional strategies such as Television Advertising which
is one of the widely accepted methods to measure the branding value. This is considered as
effective method to attract the customers. By this method helps people to get information
regarding new products. They promote Ghee in cookery shows on Television and sponsoring
these shows.

A study on building brand image of Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited .This study reflects
the problem of building brand image of the company.

This study plays a significant role for small company like Sri Sadananda Foods Private
Limited are capable of producing finest quality of ghee to the customers but they are unable
to compete in the market due to competitors from big companies. It is very challenging for
this company to make sales as they lack enough capital for strong promotional activities. The
purpose of this study is to emphasis on these problems and provides different options for
building brand image of Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited which can make them a strong
market competitor.

● To build stronger brand by spending limited income.
● To build effective marketing strategies for Branding.
● To increase the maximum sales during market demand.
● To study the impact of brand on the customers mind.

The Data required for research is collected by two sources of data they are Primary Data and
secondary sources of data.

Primary Data-

Primary Data refers to the data which is collected for the purpose of research study. Primary
data is collected through personal interview with the support of Semi -Structured interview. It
also includes structured questionnaire which is distributed to few employees, small retailers
and other common respondents such as students, accountant etc. This questionnaire includes
both open ended, multiple choice and close ended questions.
Secondary Data-

Secondary Data refers to the data which is already available in the market. It includes
magazines, books, journals, newspaper etc. which are published. This project makes use of
data obtained from journals, websites, company profile, corporate broachers etc. Internet
search and use of textbooks are also used.

Different methods of research are Experimental research, Statistical Method, Survey Method,
Case Study, Field Studies.

Survey Method is conducted to analyse the marketing strategies of the company in this
project. The sample for the research was carefully selected. Convenience Sampling Method is
used for this research.


1. ​Sampling Unit: Customers commonly buying Ghee products from grocery stores and

2. ​Sampling Size: The sampling size is 20.

3​. Sampling Procedure: Convenient Sampling Method is undertaken.


This study makes use of simple statistical tools such as percentage and averages. Graphs and
Pie Charts are made use for better pictorial representation and understanding.


A strong brand can only be developed if it stands out from the competitors. It is very
important to create good impression on the customers. Brand can helps in protecting the
consumer and producer from other competitors in the market who are providing products that
give the impression or which are identical or same. If the product or the service is having the
ability to fulfil its customer’s wants and needs as well as its effective distribution acts as very
crucial role in consumption, moreover continuous advertising is extremely productive in
strengthening positive relationship between the company and its consumers. Branding helps
in the recognition of the product, branding also involve in building cultural results. So it is
very clear that a strong brand is a significant corporate asset for any form of organization.
The image of a company is in the hands of the buyers. Earlier the customers buy products
without considering the brand because of limited choice. Now the lifestyles of people are
changing rapidly. Their standard of living is growing high day by day. People only purchase
products of best brands which are easily available in the market. Due to the changes in the
customers behaviour there is a need to update according to their preferences. In order to
tackle this company should adopt new promotional methods to earn profits. This strategy
plays a very important role for marketing of products.

● What are the main factors affecting customer buying behaviour?
● Will brand play a major role in choosing products?
● Should companies concentrate on building brand image in the market?
● How does brand awareness affect the choice of brand during buying?

● This project did not cover all the methods adopted by different retailers in the market
as large scale. It only covers a small area in the market.
● This research is limited due to time constraints because it has many components to
study and evaluate over a period of time.
● Few respondents were not interested to answer the questionnaire and it was assumed
that the respondents understood the questions
● Survey method is conducted only in Ashwath Nagar (area) due to time limit.
● Due to limited number of respondents, the findings of this study are not accurate.

● There is lack of awareness among customers regarding Sri Krishna ghee.
● The promotional strategies for small firms are limited due to shortage of income.
● Due to change in the lifestyle people are more focused on brand of products than their



1. Age of respondents:
The age of the respondents has influence on the purchase behaviour. They have their own choice
according to different individuals.

TABLE 4.1 Showing Age of respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1 Under 20 2 10%

20 – 30 4 20%

30 – 40 6 30%

40 – 50 6 30%

50 & Above 2 10%


Total 20 100%

CHART 4.1 Showing Age groups of respondents

Interpretation: ​This Study reveals that only 10% are under 20 years of age and they are use
branded ghee, only 20% of respondents are in 20 – 30 years who among which half of them
use ghee don’t consume ghee and rest consumes it, 30% of respondents are in 30 – 40 years
of age category who buy products as per their availability, 40 – 50 years and 50 & above
gave mixed opinions regarding branded products.

2. Profession of respondents:
Profession can have impact in buying behaviour of a person due to few reasons like to meet standard
of their fellow employees and their income.

TABLE 4.2 Showing Profession of respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Accountant 5 25%

2. Student 2 10%

3. Retailer 7 35%

4 Unemployed 2 10%

5 Others 4 20%

Total 20 100%
CHART 4.2 Showing Profession of respondents

Interpretation: ​It was observed that 35% of the respondents are retailers are aware of Sri
Krishna ghee, among 25% of accountants few are aware of the product, students and
unemployed buy products according to price and quality of product. There are 20% of
respondents who belong to other profession.

3. Marital status of respondents:

The marital status of respondents affects the choices while buying products according to their family

TABLE 4.3 Showing Marital status of respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Married 13 65%

2. Unmarried 7 35%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.3 Showing Marital status of respondents

Interpretation: Data consists of 65% of married respondents who think promotion and brand
awareness are important for a product while 35% who are unmarried consider quality of

4. Income of respondents
Income of the respondents has effect on their perception regarding products. This study revealed that
expensive products are preferred by the people having higher income on the other hand
respondents earning lower income gives more importance to price and discounts on ghee.
TABLE 4.4 Showing Income of respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Under 10,000 2 10%

2. 10,000 – 30,000 3 15%

4. 50,000 & above 6 30%

5 2 10%
Total 20 100%
CHART 4.4 Showing Income of respondents

Interpretation: The individual’s income influences their purchases. This study includes 10% of
respondents earning income under Rs.10, 000 who are working in small departmental stores.
About 15% of accountants come between Rs.10, 0000 – Rs.30, 000, under Rs.30, 0000 –
Rs.50,000 around 30% , Rs.50,000 and above 10% of respondents who focus on Brand than
other attributes and 10% are not employed.
5. Buy Ghee for household purpose
The following table and pie chart shows the respondents answers for purchase ghee.

TABLE 4.5 Showing Purchase of Ghee by respondent

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Yes 14 70%

2 No 6 30%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.5 Showing Purchase of Ghee by respondents

Interpretation: Results of the study show that 70% of respondents consume ghee either on regular
basis or rarely and rest 30% don’t consume ghee. This shows that most of the people are
aware about the health benefits of ghee.

6. Consumption of ghee by respondents:

A consumer can only buy product if he or she is aware about the availability of product.
Consumption also depends upon the consumer’s income and their lifestyle.

TABLE 4.6 Showing consumption of Ghee by respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Regularly 8 40%

2. Rarely 6 30%

3. Never Used 6 30%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.6 Showing Purchase of Ghee by respondents

Interpretation: Customers buy ghee regularly when they are aware about the quality and benefits of
ghee, 30% of respondents consume ghee frequently and rest of them have never used ghee as
they are not aware about the benefits and they supplement with other products.

7. ​Purchasing Place​:
Place plays a significant role in increasing the sales. People prefer to buy products as per their
willingness to spend and availability of products.

TABLE 4.7 Showing Purchase place of Ghee by respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Retail Shop 5 25%

2. Departmental Store 4 20%

3. Mall 9 45%

4. None of the above 2 10%

Total 20 100%
CHART 4.7 Showing Purchase of Ghee by respondents

Interpretation: This study found that 25% of respondents buy groceries from retail shops, 20% of
respondents go to departmental store which is situated nearby and most of respondents that is
45% purchase from malls because other household items are easily available to them.

8. Awareness about Sri Krishna Ghee:

TABLE 4.8 Showing awareness about Sri Krishna Ghee by respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Use it on regular basis 8 40%

2. 6 30%
I am aware but never used it

3. Never heard 6 30%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.8 Showing awareness about Sri Krishna Ghee by respondents

Interpretation: As per the research 40% of respondents use Sri Krishna Ghee on regular basis. There
are only 30% of people who are aware but never consumed. Whereas 30% of respondents are
not conscious about this company because they are only interested in buying ghee from big
brands in the market.

9. Awareness about other brands of ghee:

A customer can only purchase a product if she is informed about it.

TABLE 4.9 Showing awareness about other brands of Ghee by respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Amul 8 40%

2. Mother Diary 6 30%

3. Patanjali 2 10%

4. Nandini 4 20%

5. Others 0 -
Total 20 100%

CHART 4.9 Showing awareness about other brands of Ghee by respondents

This study concludes that majority of the respondents were aware about the leading brands in
the market and they are popular among customers Amul and Mother Diary 40% and 30%
each. Patanjali offers 10% of demand by customers and Nandini is also competing in the
market with 20% of customers.
10.​ The insight of customers differs from one another so their buying behaviour also changes
TABLE 4.10 Showing preferences of respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Strongly 10 50%

2. Agree 2 10%

3. Neutral 3 15%

4. Disagree 1 5%

5. Strongly Disagree 4 20%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.10 Showing preferences of respondents

Interpretation: The Analysis reveals that 50% of respondents prefer brand over quality of
ghee and they are businessmen and others who are earning more. But 20% of respondents
which includes retailers, unemployed and accountants strongly disapprove it. 10% of
respondents agree that brand is essential than other attributes. 15% are neutral and rest 5%

11. Preferable Marketing techniques:

Marketing techniques are crucial element for a product to increase profitability.

TABLE 4.11 Showing preferences of marketing strategies by the respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Advertisement 3 15%

2. Newspaper 3 15%
3. Internet 1 5%

4. Word of mouth 4 20%

5. Peers 4 20%

6. Not Sure 5 25%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.11 Showing preferences of marketing strategies by the respondents

Interpretation: This study shows that 15% are aware about Sri Krishna ghee through
advertisement and newspaper. Rest 20% respondents through word of mouth and peers.
Another 5% of people by internet and 25% of consumers are not sure about the media.

12. Factors affecting buying decision:

Brand as well as availability of ghee affects the buying decision for a consumer.
TABLE 4.12 Showing factors affecting buying decision of the respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Price 4 20%

2. Quality 3 15%

3. Size 4 20%

4. Brand 5 25%

5. Availability 4 20%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.12 Showing factors affecting buying decision of the respondents

Interpretation: Brand of ghee influence the most while buying as customers feels that the
higher the brand better is the quality of ghee. 20% of customers are willing to buy products
which ae easily available in the market.20% of respondents who are students and retailers
prefer price is important and 15% consider quality while purchasing. Rest only 20% think
size of ghee packet matters.
13. ​Factors influencing strong brand image:

TABLE 4.13 Showing factors affecting brand image of the respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Promotion 8 40%

2. Competitive Pricing 2 10%

3. Product Awareness 1 5%

4. Discounts 4 20%

5. Quality 4 20%

6. Others 1 5%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.13 Showing factors affecting brand image of the respondents

Interpretation: It is seen from this study that 40% of people feel promotion can influence
strong brand image. But 20% of respondents agree discounts and quality can make the
product more popular. Pricing can attracts the customers according to 20% of customers.
Awareness serves 5%.

14. Brand Loyalty:

A product can succeed with Brand loyalty of customers. It plays a significant role.

TABLE 4.14 Showing brand loyalty of the respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Absolutely 8 40%

2. Maybe 4 20%

3. I may look for different 8 40%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.14 Showing brand loyalty of the respondents

Interpretation: According to the analysis 40% of respondents will not choose new products.
40% may look for different product having same quality and taste as their old product. About
20% of respondents may possibly desire other product.

15. Celebrity endorsement​:

Nowadays celebrity endorsement is a trend in the market for expanding their sales.

TABLE 4.15 Showing the perception of celebrity endorsement by the respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. gly Agree 7 35%

2. 4 20%

3. Neutral 2 10%

4. Disagree 3 15%

5. Strongly Disagree 4 20%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.15 Showing the perception of celebrity endorsement by the respondents

Interpretation: Most of the customers strongly agree that they will buy products endorsed by
celebrity and their percentage is 40%. 20% of respondents agree and 10% of respondents
were indifferent. 15% customers disagree whereas 20% of respondents strongly disagree as
they feel that celebrity endorsements have no effect with the quality of product.

16. Factors influencing brand switching:

TABLE 4.16 Showing factors influencing brand switching by the respondents

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Price 4 20%

2. Discounts 9 45%

3. Previous bad experience 4 20%

4. Friends or Peers 3 15%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.16 Showing factors influencing brand switching by the respondents

Interpretation: The analysis suggests that 45% of respondents choose discounted products.
Change in Price of products attracts 20% of respondents to switch products. Bad experience
of customers can make them to prefer other products. Friends and peers can influence 15% of
respondents to buy new products.

17. Response for new promotional strategies for Sri Krishna ghee:

TABLE 4.17 Showing new promotional strategies for Sri Krishna ghee

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Yes 14 70%

2. No 6 30%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.17 Showing new promotional strategies for Sri Krishna ghee
Interpretation: The result of this study shows that 70% of customers believe that Sri Krishna
Ghee should implement effective marketing strategies in order to increase their sales. 30% of
respondents think it’s not necessary for this company to change their promotional strategies.

18 What is consumer’s expectation from Sri Krishna ghee?

TABLE 4.18 Showing consumers expectation from Sri Krishna ghee

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Availability 5 25%

2. Advertisement 9 45%

3. Affordable price 3 15%

4. None of the above 3 15%

Total 20 100%

CHART 4.18 Showing consumers expectation from Sri Krishna ghee

Interpretation: The analysis reveals that 45% of respondents agree that advertisement can
increase the brand visibility. 25% of customers choose that availability of respondents will
more customers to buy ghee. 15% of respondents think that Sri Krishna ghee should reduce
their prices for better sales. Rest 15% of respondents had other demand for Sri Krishna Ghee.


TABLE 4.19 Showing consumers preference

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Local products with affordable 5 25%

price but low quality

2. Expensive Products from big 4 20%

company with good quality
3. Products from companies with 8 40%
good brand image and higher
4. Products which are easily available 3 15%
in the shops.
Total 20 100%

CHART 4.19 Showing consumers preference

Interpretation: Analysis concludes that 40% of respondents prefer branded products with high
quality. 25% people like to buy cheaper local products. 20% of people choose expensive
products with good quality and 15% of them prefer easily available products.

20. What else would you recommend for better brand visibility for Sri Krishna ghee?

TABLE 4.20 Showing consumer’s suggestions for better brand visibility for Sri Krishna

Number Options Respondents Percentage

1. Use of banners and posters near malls, 7 35%
restaurants and movie theatre
2. Availability in malls 8 40%

3. Advertisements 5 25%
Total 20 100%

CHART 4.20 Showing consumer’s suggestions for better brand visibility for Sri
Krishna Ghee

Interpretation: The analysis suggests that 40% of respondents want Sri Krishna Ghee to be
available in malls where most of the consumers buy their groceries. Generally people notice
posters and banners near restaurants and theatres so 35% of respondents suggested it. Rest
25% of respondents feel that advertisement can help in making people aware about Sri
Krishna Ghee.


Research Findings:

The main findings from my survey are given below:

● As per my survey 30% of people were in the age category of 30-40 years and 30% in
the category of 40-50 years. Respondents under 20 years of age do not focus much on
brand while buying.
● Retailers are more aware of Sri Krishna Ghee than rest of the respondents. Even
Accountants were aware but had never used Sri Krishna Ghee
● The income of the buyers is very critical factor in buying behaviour. It is seen that the
customers with higher incomes enjoy expensive products which is Rs.50,000 and
above and respondents under low income group that is under Rs.10,000 and
Rs.10,000 – Rs.30,000 prefer buying products of affordable prices.
● On the basis of profession 35% of people are small retailers near Ashwath Nagar,
10% of respondents are unemployed and rest 55% of respondents are from different
profession like accountants, students, travel agents etc.
● This study shows that 70% of respondents consume ghee. Among which 40% of
people consume regularly and 30% consume rarely.
● This research reveals that majority of consumers buy Amul ghee. They are aware
about it because of their strong brand image in the market.
● Nandini is also one of the oldest companies in the market and 20% of respondents
consume it.
● On the other hand Patanjali and Nandini is also emerging company who are
maintaining its position in the market by introducing new products.
● 50% of people strongly believe that brand is main component of a ghee than rest of
the features in order to meet their standard of living. While 20% strongly disagree
with this point.
● Sri Krishna Ghee is consumed regularly by 40% of people while 30% of respondents
have never used it. This shows that this product is not known to most of the people.
30% are aware but not used it because they are not familiar and they have a strong
relationship with other brands.
● The place for purchase of ghee is vital. Only 20% of people buy from departmental
store but 45% of people buy from malls.
● This study concludes that availability and brand of ghee is significant for the
● 40% of respondents take their decisions after judging advertisement of the brand.
● Customers feel that quality and discount of ghee products are equally important to
gain customers attention.
● There is division between the respondents regarding brand loyalty. Earnings of the
people and their values have influence on loyalty.
● Celebrity can also impact the sale of brand where 35% strongly agreed and 20% of
respondents have disapproved it.
● People are more interested towards discounts and offers of product.
● 45% of Respondents feel that Sri Krishna ghee should put more efforts on
advertisement so that people can recognise their easily and buy them. 25% of
respondents choose availability of ghee is a better option to meet their demand.
● The study shows that 40% of respondents choose Products from companies with good
brand image and higher quality and other 25% choose Local products with affordable
price but low quality according to their perception.
● Most of the respondents (70% ) suggested that Sri Krishna ghee should implement
new promotional strategies for their company so that they can compete in the market.


● Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited should implement new promotional strategies
for better brand visibility .They can focus on expanding their business by introducing
new product which will satisfy new customers.
● This company can concentrate on building awareness among customers regarding the
benefits of consuming ghee and the quality of their ghee products.
● They can also give samples to people in malls and give small packets of ghee samples
in magazines to help them to know more about the company.
● Small pamphlets can be given to people near theatres, restaurants and college. They
can even think about making attractive brochures.
● Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited can make sure that their product is available in
departmental stores and other small shops with good product display so that
customers can try their product.
● They should provide discounts and offers to customers as most of the people are very
conscious about spending more money on ghee because they consider it as a
substitute product.
● In order to sustain loyal customers Sri Sadananda can engage in various possible
programmes such as premium packs for regular customers and offers during festive
● Nowadays social media plays an important role in marketing products. So Sri
Sadananda can concentrate advertising in social media like Facebook and people can
buy ghee online through Amazon, Snapdeal etc. which is reasonably inexpensive.
● The dealers of Sri Krishna ghee should be given concession on the basis of quantity of
ghee which is sold to them. This will encourage the dealers to sell more ghee products
to the customers thereby increasing the overall sales for the company.
● Sri Krishna ghee can retain their customers by producing suitable quality of ghee
meeting customers’ needs. If quality and other elements of product are fulfilled then
the satisfied customers will spread about Sri Krishna ghee through word of mouth.
This will be favourable for the company and new customers will approach their
● They can also focus on current trends of customers and create something innovative
to meet their needs and develop brand image in niche market.


The study concludes that Sri Sadananda Foods Private Limited has average market share
among Dairy Industry. This study shows that it is very important to meet customers’ needs
and understand their preference before marketing the product. Brand is one of the main factor
which drags the mind of customers. Customers consider taste, quality, size and hygiene of
ghee are equally important. Most of the customers desire ghee to be easily available in the
malls and retail shops because of convenience. Income of customers is also prominent
element. Few customers were not familiar about Sri Krishna ghee because of lack of
awareness and their strong bond with other brands. Some customers were not satisfied with
Sri Krishna ghee due to high price and lack of experience. Finally I conclude that Sri
Sadananda Foods Private Limited can achieve great success by implementing new marketing
strategies such as dealing agreements with new dealers and distributing ghee to malls and
other shops all across Bangalore. This will make them market leader.


● Martina Jurikova (2017) Influence of Marketing communication tools on brand building

in the context on marketing management and corporate prosperity
● Meyer and Cheryl (Jan2016) Brand building tips for small firms and sole practitioners
● Bailey and Paul (2015) How can small businesses get branding right?
● Centre of Advanced Studies (2008) Dairy Technology Division National Dairy Research
● International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (April 2013)


I am Sonu Roy a student pursuing MBA from Presidency College Bangalore. I am
conducting a research as a part of my MBA project on ‘A STUDY ON BUILDING BRAND
IMAGE OF SRI SADANANDA FOODS PVT LTD’ I kindly request you to fill this
questionnaire in order to complete my research successfully and your information will be
confidential and it will be used only for academic purpose.

1. What is your age?

a) Under 20 1
b) 20- 30 2
c) 30- 40 3
d) 40 – 50 4
e) 50 & above 5

2. What is your profession?

a) Accountant
b) Student
c) Retailer
d) Unemployed
e) Others

3. Choose any one of the option?

a) Married b) Unmarried

4. What is your income?

a) Under 10,000
b) 10,000 – 30,000
c) 30,000 – 50,000
d) 50,000 & above
e) None

5. Do you purchase Ghee for your household purpose?

a) No b) Yes

6. If so, how often do you purchase Ghee?

a) Regularly
b) Rarely
c) Never used

7. Where do you usually buy groceries?

a) Retail Shop

b) Departmental Store

c) Mall

d) Others

8. How much are you familiar with Sri Krishna Ghee?

a) Use it on regular basis

b) I am aware but never used it
c) Never heard it
9. If not, which of the following brands of ghee are you aware of?
a) Amul
b) Mother Diary
c) Patanjali
d) Nandini
e) Others
10. Would you prefer brand over quality of ghee?

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


11. How did you first hear about Sri Krishna Ghee?

a) Advertisement
b) Newspaper
c) Internet
d) Word of mouth
e) Peers
f) Not Sure

12. What the factors that attracts you the most about while buying Ghee?
a) Price
b) Quality
c) Size
d) Brand
e) Availability

13. According to your choice which factors can influence strong brand image?
a) Promotion
b) Competitive Pricing
c) Product Awareness
d) Discounts
e) Quality
f) Other
15. Are you a loyal customer even if the price of the product is increased?
a) Absolutely
b) Maybe
c) I may look for different product.

16. Would you buy a brand if your favourite celebrity is endorsing it?

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


17. What factors influence you to switch brands?

a) Price
b) Discounts
c) Previous bad experience
d) Friends or Peers

19. Do you think Sri Krishna Ghee should adopt promotional strategies?
a) Yes
b) No

20. What is consumer expectation from Sri Krishna Ghee?

a) Availability
b) Advertisement
c) Affordable price
d) None of the above

22. What do you prefer from the following options?

a) Local products with affordable price but low quality

b) Expensive Products from big company with good quality

c) Products from companies with good brand image and higher quality.

d) Products which are easily available in the shops.

23. What else would you recommend for better brand visibility for Sri Krishna ghee?

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