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Bowdoin College

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The Nation’s Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly Friday, February 28, 2020 Volume 149, Number 18

Coronavirus thwarts student spring break travel plans

winter break, before the extent of 22—I was calling my mom and well as all flights into and out of U.S. citizens who had visited China reached near pandemic effects.
by Emily Cohen the COVID-19 virus outbreak in my mom said, there’s a chance that Beijing, Chengdu, Hong Kong (excluding Hong Kong and Ma- The virus has impacted Bowdoin’s
and Steven Xu China had been revealed. At least, my flight will be cancelled because and Shanghai until April 24. The cau) in the 14 days before arriving campus as well. Many students,
Orient Staff
she hoped, it wouldn’t be as serious the virus just spread out in China, notice came after the World Health in the U.S.. the majority international, are now
Jingyi Zhou ’22 was planning as the 2003 SARS outbreak. and Beijing is actually a dangerous Organization (WHO) declared a With cases confirmed in four finding their travel plans thwarted
to return home to Beijing over “I booked the flight and hoped place to go,” said Zhou. global health emergency on Jan- dozen countries so far and eco- by the worldwide outbreak.
spring break to celebrate her 21st everything was going to be fine, In early February, Zhou received uary 30 and the U.S. government nomic activity stagnant, causing Spring break, which for stu-
birthday with friends and family. but as soon as I arrived at Bowdo- notice from United Airlines that introduced travel restrictions on stock prices to tumble for the
She had booked her ticket during in—and I remember it was January her flights had been cancelled, as February 8, barring entry by non- sixth day in a row, coronavirus has Please see VIRUS, page 4

McCormack steps
down as dean for
academic affairs
after historically
short tenure
that she has done,” wrote Rose in a
by Ian Ward separate statement to the Orient.
Orient Staff
McCormack will be on sabbat-
Elizabeth McCormack, the ical for the 2020-21 academic year
dean for academic affairs and se- before returning to her normal
nior vice president of the College, teaching and research duties.
will be stepping down from her Rose also announced in Tues-
position at the end of the academ- day’s email that Jennifer Scanlon,
ic year, President Clayton Rose William R. Kenan professor of
announced in an email to campus humanities in Gender, Sexuality
Tuesday. and Women’s Studies and the
McCormack, a professor of director of the Gender, Sexuality
physics, has served in the admin- and Women’s Studies program,
istrative position since July 2017. will replace McCormack as dean
McCormath’s three-year ten- for academic affairs, effective July ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
ure will be the shortest of any 1, 2020.
dean for academic affairs since the Rose acknowledged in his Students take the stage in “Henry VI, Part II.” SEE PAGE 8.
position was created in 1991. Her email that the decision to appoint
three predecessors served nine, a faculty member directly to the
seven and eight years, respectively.
“In my time as a senior vice
president and dean of academic
position without convening a
search committee was “atypical,”
but said that Scanlon’s experience
Amy Walter addresses community about election
affairs, I’ve advocated strongly and support from the faculty war-
for the faculty and for fostering ranted an exception to the normal and a former political director at just go down to the studs,” Walter changed is the people that live
a vibrant intellectual life at the procedure. by Emily Staten ABC News, provided insight on said. The fundamentals include there. It’s the coalitions that make
Orient Staff
College,” McCormack wrote in Rose consulted 31 members a range of topics including Pres- the “political health” of the pres- up the Democratic and Republi-
an email to the Orient. “I have of the faculty before making the Political journalist Amy Wal- ident Donald Trump, swing states ident, which voters are going to can part[ies] that have changed
immensely enjoyed my work with appointment, including members ter joined students, faculty and and the Democratic delegates. turnout and what their view of pretty substantially,” Walter said.
the faculty, the amazing staff in of the Committee on Governance members of the Brunswick com- “It is easy to get caught in the the president is and who the al- “And while this movement has
the Office for Academic Affairs, and Faculty Affairs (GFA); the munity in Morrell Lounge to dis- weeds,” Walter said. “It’s easy to ternative to Trump is. been happening over the last 20
numerous students serving on Committee on Appointments, cuss the upcoming presidential get caught in the drama and the This election seems different years, it got supercharged in the
faculty committees, a truly dedi- Promotion, and Tenure (CAPT); election in her lecture titled, “The tweets and the nonstop outrage than past ones, Walter said, for Trump era.”
cated senior staff, President Rose the Curriculum Implementation 2020 Election with Amy Walter— that is generated on cable and so- several reasons. For one, Trump This political realignment is
and members of the Board of Committee (CIC) and the Cur- The Fundamentals of What You cial media and everything, and it approval ratings have been prac- partially influenced by an emerg-
Trustees.” riculum and Educational Policy Need to Know.” is really hard to see what’s really tically unaffected by traditionally ing disparity between voters
Rose praised McCormack’s Committee (CEP), the associate Tuesday’s talk was sponsored going on.” telling factors like the economy. with different educational back-
work as dean but did not provide deans for academic affairs and by the Tom Cassidy Lecture Fund, Walter engaged the audience She also pointed out how swing grounds.
a reason for her departure. the 2016 search committee for the Bowdoin Public Service, Bow- in a discussion of the deciding states have shifted in the Trump “The divide that has cropped
“Before stepping down in June, dean for academic affairs. doin Student Government, the factors of the upcoming election era which has prompted political up in the last few years … is
Dean McCormack will have had a “There is broad and enthusias- Sexuality, Women and Gender using her wit and political exper- analysts to focus on different ar- the diploma divide—the divide
significant impact on many issues tic support for Professor Scanlon Center (SWAG) and Student Ac- tise. eas in their electoral calculations. among white voters with a four-
crucial to the future of the College, tivities. Walter, the National Edi- “I look at the fundamentals, “What’s changed isn’t so much
and we owe her our thanks for all Please see DEAN, page 3 tor of the Cook Political Report and strip everything away and about the candidates—what’s Please see WALTER, page 4

Geoffrey Canada ’74 joins Bloomberg campaign as senior adviser

former New York City mayor on to come up with a plan on pov- Bloomberg in the past, Canada redress the systematic discrimi- vented Black Americans from
by Ayub Tahil January 19. erty, I co-chaired his poverty was willing to help his presiden- nation of African Americans in building wealth.
Orient Staff
Canada has known commission. We called it the tial campaign. this country,” he said. “I was happy to participate in
Geoffrey Canada ’74, found- Bloomberg for years. Commission on Economic Op- “When the [Bloomberg] cam- As part of this effort, Cana- creating the [Greenwood] Ini-
er and president of the Harlem “Mike and I started on edu- portunity, and we were trying paign called and asked if I would da worked with Bloomberg to tiative. And I think, to be quite
Children Zone, recently be- cation issues when he became to come up with some scalable participate, I said yes under one create the Greenwood Initiative, honest, it is the best policy plat-
came a senior adviser for Mike mayor,” said Canada in a phone strategies to reduce poverty in condition. The condition was ... which the campaign announced form for African Americans of
Bloomberg’s presidential cam- interview with the Orient. New York City.” support for a bold and unprec- in January, that addresses the
paign. Canada endorsed the “When he decided he wanted Having worked with edented claim around issues to systemic barriers that have pre- Please see CANADA ’74, page 3

An infestation of Asian lady beetles is Retired professor discusses politics and the The third annual women’s cabaret reclaims New community organization revitalizes Why Julian Assange’s trial will have an
plaguing Coles Tower. Page 3. founding of the Green Party. Page 6. misogynistic lyrics. Page 8. local Nordic skiing scene. Page 11. impact on the First Amendment. Page 15.
2 Friday, February 28, 2020

2/21 to 2/27 STUDENT SPEAK:
What’s something everyone should do before they
Friday, February 21 Monday, February 24 graduate?
• A student reported the theft of a • After an excessive noise complaint was
tandem bicycle from Park Row Apart- received at 2:15 a.m., officers dispersed Anaïs Leroy ’20
ments. The bike was found in the pos- an unregistered event in the Ladd House
session of two students and returned to
its owner.
• A student was cited for vaping inside Ladd
"See the view from Jean Yarborough’s
• Excessive noise was reported on the
first floor of Chamberlain Hall.
• A student with pain symptoms was escort-
• Three minor students possessed alcohol ed to Mid Coast Hospital.
in the WBOR radio studio, and one • A student reported the theft of a pair of
student possessed marijuana. gray and black Nike Metcon 4 men’s train-
ing shoes from the Buck Center for Health
Saturday, February 22 and Fitness.
• A student requested a security escort to Kayla Blackman ’20
Mid Coast Hospital for treatment of a Tuesday, February 25
skiing-related injury.
• Two students who were stuck in an
• A student with flu-like symptoms was
taken to Mid Coast Hospital.
"Get your nails done with Doug the
elevator at Coles Tower were freed.
• A minor student was cited for posses- Wednesday, February 26
card swiper."
sion of a large quantity of beer near • Loud music was reported on the fourth
Quinby House. floor of Coles Tower. Students were asked
• Burnt food in a microwave caused a to reduce the volume.
smoke alarm activation at Chamberlain
Hall. Thursday, February 27
• A student received treatment after • Parts of campus lost power for over two Julia Katter ’22
accidentally cutting a finger on broken hours after strong winds took down trees
glass at Coles Tower.
• Two minor students were cited for
and power lines on Bath Road. Power
was restored at 10:30 a.m., but Bath Road
"Eat brunch next to the person you got
alcohol law violations at Quinby House. east of Federal Street remained closed for
much of the day.
with last night."
Sunday, February 23
• A student at Quinby House was cited
for violating the College’s hard alcohol
• An officer checked on
the wellbeing of an Kate Morrison ’20
intoxicated student at
MacMillan House. The
student was escorted to
"Match with Cody on Tinder."
the student’s residence
hall and monitored by
helpful students.
• A student reported a
Dutch oven missing
from the Osher kitchen.
A student borrowed it
and later returned it.
Charlotte Johnston ’20
• A student reported the
theft of a men’s black "Have every staff member of the
L.L. Bean sweater vest
3-in-1 medium size Health Center see you naked. "
jacket from MacMillan
House during a regis-
tered event.


Seven ways to staycation in Brunswick, ME

2. Scuba dive in the Androscoggin. The Andro- actually making beans. In case you can’t tell,
by Lily Randall scoggin, a.k.a. why the Clean Water Act went into I desperately want to go inside. Stick it to
Orient Staff effect, has been receiving lots of runoff from snow L.L. Bean and explore some new beans for a
melt these past few weeks. That means whatever change.
has been buried in the snow all winter is going
When Maine lawmaker Kent Ackley proposed in straight into the river, just waiting for you to 5. Get a questionable tattoo at Vibes. The fact
2019 to change the state motto to “Staycation- discover it. we have a tattoo parlor just off Maine Street
land,” I’m pretty sure he had spring in Maine in called “Vibes” honestly warrants a visit based
mind. If the endless swaths of mud hadn’t already 3. Hold a seance in the Shannon Room. Look, if on this information alone. Tattoo suggestions
made this abundantly clear, Brunswick, Maine is you’re going to do any of the suggestions on this include: your total student debt tattooed
the ultimate destination for spring break activ- list, make sure it’s this one. You know there are across your ass or a pine tree because you’re
ities. Between the never-ending snow melt and ghosts in Hubbard. I know there are ghosts in quirky and love the outdoors <3 :-).
industrial playground that constitutes midcoast Hubbard. Anyone with eyes can probably guess
Maine, the opportunities for fun and relaxation there are ghosts in Hubbard. It’s time for some- 6. Instigate a coup against BPD. Not sure if
are abundant. If you plan on keeping a low profile one to embrace the Common Good our school I’m allowed to run something like this even
this break and staying on campus, here are a few expounds and just take one for the team and try as a joke, but here we are (?), and I’m going
suggestions on how to pass your time. to contact them. Dead serious, lmk how it goes; to commit! Just think; if BPD was gone, we
email is wouldn’t have to worry about citations. You
1. Hang out at Bath Iron Works. Get trapped could openly carry red solo cups in the street
inside a ship’s hull! Support the military-industri- 4. Go bean tasting at the bean factory. Anyone who like a #boss. Randy Nichols would be the
al complex! Learn how to parkour on industrial has taken 295 to campus from Portland has likely highest form of authority. Isn’t this the world
waste and scrap metal! The opportunities are seen the glorious sight that is the B&M Baked you want to live in? Just saying.
truly endless when a shipyard is just down the Beans factory. I would not be surprised to find out
road. Just make sure you’re up-to-date on your this is a money laundering scheme, and honestly, 7. Try to contract giardia by drinking from
tetanus shot before going. that would probably be less weird than the factory puddles on the quad. Idk could be fun???
Friday, February 28, 2020 NEWS 3

NEWS IN BRIEF Architect reveals plans for Center for



Arctic Studies and Mills Hall
The red-brick building will be Madson said Wednesday. “It has construction strategy. Using CLT
BUGGED BY ASIAN LADY BEETLE by Lucie Nolden chevron-shaped, like an arrow a kind of dark material palette, will reduce the carbon footprint of
Orient Staff
INFESTATION pointing towards the main quad, especially when compared to the the building’s construction to less
Dudley Coe is coming down, and will fit in aesthetically with sort of warmer brick and wood than a quarter of what it would
In response to a spate of work orders from Coles Tower res- along with dozens of pine trees. the warm-hued structures that pallet Mills [Hall].” have been if a steel frame had
idents over the past few weeks, Director of Residential and In its place, HGA—a Minneapo- dominate Bowdoin’s campus. The architects considered both been chosen.
Housing Operations Lisa Rendall sent an email on Wednes- lis-based architecture firm—en- On the other hand, the CAS, aesthetics and sustainability when When asked about the project-
day to residents, recommending that residents vacuum up the visions new buildings inspired by which will contain six offices, choosing the materials for the ed carbon footprint of the build-
bugs and release them outside. arctic landscapes and constructed several classrooms, an archeolo- frames of the buildings, eventually ings once construction has been
“I know ladybugs are an unexpected guest in your quad with sustainable design principles. gy lab and two expansive gallery settling on mass timber, a generic completed, Madson explained
that not everyone is comfortable with,” Rendall wrote in the In presentations on Tuesday spaces for the collection of the term for wood panels laminated that choices about the energy
email. “Because ladybugs are good for the environment—like and Wednesday, project architect Peary-MacMillan Arctic Muse- together. This choice made sense and heating systems will be made
bees—the College does not exterminate them unless there is a Nat Madson of HGA brought um, will look unlike most other given the environmental goals of further down the line, but both
safety issue.” Barry Mills Hall and the new buildings on campus. Built with a the project and by the surround- buildings will be entirely electric.
But Rendall’s email misidentified the insects as ladybugs, Center for Arctic Studies (CAS) dark grey stone called waterstruck ing pines, but was also an expen- Mills and the CAS could poten-
and Tower residents quickly pointed out in emails to Rendall to life, explaining in vivid detail brick, it will be angular, asymmet- sive one. tially have a net zero carbon foot-
and other Tower residents. the plans for the two projects. rical and steeply gabled, resem- As of now, Madson explained, print if connected to renewable
Parke Aiken ’20 clarified in one response to the thread that Mills Hall, the larger of the two bling a Teflon peak on an arctic there are no mass manufacturers energy systems.
most of the bugs in Coles Tower are, in fact, Asian lady beetles, buildings, will be an academic ice field. A large rectangular win- of cross laminated timber (CLT) He also noted that 54 trees
an invasive species. Although they do not carry any diseas- building offering classroom space dow, where a stand-out feature on and no commercial buildings will be cut down to make room
es, Aiken explained, they discharge a yellow liquid that often for the Digital and Computation- the mostly windowless building, made from CLT in the entire state for construction. Eighty-five ad-
smells. al Studies program, collaborative will light up like a beacon at night. of Maine. Bowdoin’s construction ditional trees will be planted as a
Jeff Tuttle, interim director of facilities operations and research space where students “[The Center for Arctic Stud- project, however, received one replacement, with increased spe-
maintenance, explained that the beetle infestation happens and faculty can work together ies] is more introverted, it’s more of 10 federal grants dedicated cies diversity and a more robust
every year around November, when the bugs inhabit brick and a 300-person event space. sort of abstract and mysterious,” to researching mass timber as a undergrowth.
buildings to stay warm.
“They usually come in around the south walls because that’s
typically where the warmth is,” Tuttle said. “They find a place
where they can go dormant, and they don’t breed when they
are inside. They basically just go into a state of inactivity.”
Caitlin Loi ’20, a resident of Coles Tower, said that she has WAKE OF CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK
seen beetles in her room since the fall.
“They’re constantly in the bedrooms, they die on window- ment. been identified as a high-risk zone. How-
sills, they’re all crunchy on my carpet, they crawl on my desk by Reuben Schafir “When we got back on Monday, the di- ever, Lyne and her family decided Thurs-
Orient Staff
while I’m writing papers. It’s ridiculous,” Loi said. rector of our program pulled [me] aside, day that she would fly home this morning.
Aiken said that he currently has about 40 dead bugs on his Though COVID-19, commonly known as well as … 10 [other] members of my The current plan is for her to return on
windowsill. However, he emphasized that he has experienced as coronavirus, hasn’t reached Bowdoin’s program who went to Italy, and effectively March 23.
many ladybug and beetle infestations at home in Alabama and campus and only 60 cases have been con- told us that we’re going to do a two-week According to Director of Off-Campus
is not as concerned as his roommates. firmed in the country compared to the quarantine based on the suggestion of the Study and International Programs Chris-
Tuttle explained that the number of bug complaints he gets 83,300 cases globally, the virus has affect- French Minister of Health,” Singer said. tine Wintersteen, programs which Bow-
changes year by year. ed the lives of several Bowdoin students Six Bowdoin students are currently doin students are enrolled in have been
“Some years we get more complaints than others, and it just studying abroad. studying in Italy, though none are in areas suspended. However, some have taken
depends on the makeup of the students,” Tuttle said. “Some Niles Singer ’21, who is on the Hamil- that have been most affected by the virus measures to reduce the risk of infection,
students, it doesn’t bug them one bit because they’ve seen it ton in France program, is halfway through such as Milan or Venice. such as allowing students to work remote-
happen at home.” a two-week isolation period in his host Sydney Reaper ’21 is studying at the ly.
If students are concerned with bugs entering through the family’s house in Paris following a week- Studio Arts College International (SACI) Director of Health Services Jeffrey
crevices of windows, Tuttle said that Facilities can caulk or long vacation to Venice and Florence. in Florence. In an email to the Orient, she Maher said he would not be surprised if
seal them. Otherwise, he and Rendall encourage students to Along with Iran and South Korea, Italy wrote that SACI has extended its spring more students decide to return home as
vacuum up the beetles. is one of the countries most heavily affect- break by an extra week in response to the the virus continues to spread. According
Jean-Baptiste Andre ’20, a residential assistant (RA) in the ed by the coronavirus outside of China. It outbreak. She will return to Florence on to Wintersteen, the students that leave
Tower, is working with his fellow Coles Tower RAs to facili- has had 655 confirmed cases of the virus March 16 after spending her spring break their programs mid-semester will return
tate a program on Sunday evening to discuss solutions to the and 17 deaths. The day Singer left Italy, in the United Kingdom. home, not to Bowdoin.
problem. the Center for Disease Control (CDC) “Anyone from my school that is going Kathy Thorson, Bowdoin’s travel con-
“[The potential solutions are] extermination of the insects, issued a travel alert for the country. On home back to the U.S. seems to be doing sultant in Health Services, said that stu-
cohabitation, or the transfer of insects from indoors to out- February 26 the U.S. State Department so for their own peace of mind and for dents returning from countries at Alert
doors,” Andre said. “We’re getting small vacuums and we’re issued a Level Two Travel Advisory for It- their parents, not because of [SACI’s] rec- Level Two such as Japan and Italy, will not
going to teach people how to make DIY bug traps … I can’t aly, urging travelers to exercise increased ommendation,” Reaper said. be isolated.
reveal too much but there will probably be a screening of ‘A caution. Holly Lyne ’21, who is also studying Even as the virus spreads across the
Bug’s Life.’” Though he feels “as healthy as ever,” at SACI Florence, wrote in an email that globe, the message from Thorson and
Singer has obeyed the voluntary quaran- most students at the school are not leav- Maher is the same: “Wash your hands.”
tine recommended by the French govern- ing for break given that Florence has not Emily Cohen contributed to this report.

DEAN “During that year, I did a lot

of reading and thinking and

as our dean among the faculty I

planning around issues related to
faculty development, shared gov-
CANADA support for stop-and-frisk poli-
cies during his tenure as mayor
at the slaughter happening in
poor communities and Bernie’s WE MADE A
consulted,” wrote Rose. “They ac- ernment and inclusive excellence, which gave officers the right to record on that is really abysmal
knowledged that the process un-
dertaken was atypical, but appro-
and so I do have ideas from that
work that I want to share with the
any candidate in the race.”
This is not the first time Can-
stop and temporarily detain,
question or search an individual
and he is responsible to some
degree on why we don’t have an
priate under these circumstances, faculty,” said Scanlon. ada has helped on a presidential for weapons or contraband—a assault weapons ban,” Canada
and that it provides a pathway to “Bringing my best self to that campaign—he supported for- program that was accused of ra- added.
ensuring continued progress on office absolutely includes all of mer President Barack Obama cially profiling its targets. Canada said he is worried Scan the
several critical issues and projects that awareness of issues of equity, and briefly worked with 2016 “Mike would say himself that about what it would take to beat code to
at the College.” issues of intersectionality, ways of Democratic presidential nomi- I was one of many folks who told Trump in November.
Scanlon, who joined the fac- thinking about the academy,” she nee Hillary Clinton. him that he was making a huge “I think that if you look at listen, or tune
ulty in 2002, served as the in-
terim dean for academic affairs
While her new position will
Despite his support for
Bloomberg, Canada said he
mistake with that,” Canada said.
“But I’ve also said that Mike is
what it’s going to take to win this
election right now, the Demo-
into WBOR
between 2015 and 2017 and has focus primarily on managing the would not want to be a part of not the only one running for cratic National Committee has 91.1 FM on
also served as the associate dean
for academic affairs. In 2016,
faculty experience at the College,
Scanlon hopes to maintain rela-
any presidential administration.
“I told President Obama I
president who’s had trouble with
issues in the minority commu-
about $10 million, while the
Republican National Commit-
Mondays from
she was a finalist in the selection tionships with students. wasn’t going to join his team nity when it comes to criminal tee has about $200 million. It’s 5–6 p.m..
process that ultimately chose Mc- “The way I think about ad- when he became President; and justice.” going to be a wholesale attack
Cormack. ministrative work in the academy when Hillary Clinton was run- Canada cited former Vice which we’re not going to be able
“I would [like] to continue a is really that there is no group ning, I told her team, I’m not President Joe Biden writing the to respond to unless we have a
lot of the work that I did and my of people that I’d rather serve in going to take a position if she 1994 Violent Crime Control and candidate who has the ability
own particular passions around administrative work than college wins and I’ve made it clear here Law Enforcement Act which he to fight back on all of the plat-
inclusive excellence and so I look students and the faculty who with the Bloomberg campaign. said “led to the incarceration of forms.”
forward to taking that up again teach and inspire them,” said I’m not interested in running literally hundreds of thousands Despite his fears, Canada
and bringing some new ideas,” Scanlon. “When I was in the for politics myself nor joining of African Americans across this believes Bloomberg can defeat
Scanlon said. dean’s office, I really enjoyed the political administration,” said country.” Trump.
Scanlon spent the 2018-19 relationship that I developed with Canada. “It wasn’t just [Biden]. [Sen.] “Out of all the candidates,
academic year as an American Bowdoin Student Government, Canada has been critical of Bernie [Sanders] signed on to Bloomberg is someone I trust in
Council on Education Fellow at and I will still maintain relation- Bloomberg in the past, partic- that. When it comes to guns in November and believe in,” Can-
Wellesley College. ships with students.” ularly regarding Bloomberg’s this country, you begin to look ada said.
4 NEWS Friday, February 28, 2020

Outing Club and Dance Marathon raises record sum

SWAG Center for Portland children’s hospital
partner to create by Rebecca Norden-Bright
Orient Staff
Last Friday, Bowdoin College

LGBTQ+ ski trip

Dance Marathon hosted its third
annual Dance Marathon to raise
money for Barbara Bush Chil-
dren’s Hospital in Portland.
This year’s Dance Marathon
sive experiences for students. had more students registered
by Sophie Burchell “I think that here at SWAG, than ever before and raised a
Orient Staff
one of the things that we want record amount of money, an
For many Bowdoin students, to do more than anything is con- increase the leaders of the event
outdoor trips are opportunities nect people with resources and attributed to improved collab-
to relax and unwind off campus. create community,” said Reinke. oration with athletic teams and
When it comes to trips specifi- “I think that kind of commu- College Houses.
cally for LGBTQ+ students, this nity happens in lots of different Dance Marathon, which is
sense of comfort takes on a new places on campus, and we want affiliated with the nationwide
meaning. to diversify the folks who are be- non-profit Children’s Miracle
Today, 15 LGBTQ+ Bowdoin ing invited on things like Outing Network Hospital, is a fund-
students are skiing with Perry Club trips.” raiser that connects colleges and
Cohen, founder and executive Outing Club Assistant Direc- universities to local children’s
director of the Venture Out Proj- tor Anna Bastidas coordinated hospitals. Bowdoin’s Dance Mar- KATIE BACALL, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
ect, on a trip created in partner- the effort to bring Cohen to cam- athon group was started in the DANCING FOR A CAUSE: Students dance at the third-annual Dance Marathon in Smith Union on Friday.
ship with the Bowdoin Outing pus and organized the ski trip. 2016-17 school year by a group
Club (BOC) and the Sexuality, “It’s important for us to want of then first-year students. committee for Dance Marathon, Additionally, many athletic Members of this year’s exec-
Women and Gender Center to acknowledge the value of af- In its first year at Bowdoin led the effort to reach out to Col- teams registered for the event, utive board are hopeful that the
(SWAG). finity groups and combine that during the spring of 2018, Dance lege Houses. Although they had creating another opportunity event will continue to grow in
The Venture Out Project runs with the acknowledgement that Marathon fundraised $22,000. collaborated with the College for fundraising competition be- future years, despite the fact that
outdoor trips for and by the queer time outside is a great way to Last year, the number increased House system in previous years, tween teams. many of its leaders will be grad-
community across the country. spend time and build commu- to $30,000. This year, the group this year the group increased re- The executive board also uating.
Cohen, an out transgender man, nity,” said Bastidas. “I think there set a goal of $40,000. So far, it has cruitment efforts to gain the dra- placed more emphasis on reach- “In the past, we’ve had our
founded the group five years ago. is a perception that the Outing raised over $37,000, but, accord- matic increase in registrations. ing out to all class years. Abby executive board raise thousands
He originally formed the group Club is not a welcoming or inclu- ing to Dance Marathon Execu- “I think when we were look- Allen ’23, who was involved with and thousands of dollars,” said
with the purpose of backpacking sive space. Programming like this tive Director Rodger Heidgerken ing at planning for this year, we Dance Marathon at her high Katherine Henneberger ’20.
with other queer people but real- is one way that we can intention- ’20, donations are still coming in. realized that the College Hous- school, served as first-year direc- “This time, the fundraising was
ized the experience held a greater ally create spaces that are safe and Two-hundred sixty-five peo- es are an untapped source of tor for Bowdoin’s chapter. much, much, much more spread
meaning. inclusive in our community and ple registered for the event this really tight-knit communities, “I did a lot of talking to other out, which is more sustainable
“Somebody said to me, ‘It’s in the outdoors.” year, more than doubling the and also, they’re competitive first years, trying to teach them in the long run if you’re going to
amazing to me that, in order On Thursday, Cohen led a 120 from last year. Fran Mauro amongst themselves,” said Mau- about Dance Marathon and get- continue doing these events over
to just be a backpacker, I had workshop for students in Lead- ’22, who served on the executive ro. ting them involved,” said Allen. the course of several years.”
to come on a backpacking trip,’ ership Training with BOC.
meaning out in the world, they’re The workshop focused on how
always seen as the ‘trans back-
packer,’” Cohen said. “To just be
leaders can be supportive and
affirming of gender-diverse trip
WALTER Associate Director of the Sexual-
ity, Women and Gender Center
“Especially with it being a
week out from the Maine prima-
more than we already are,” said
a ‘backpacker,’ they had to be in participants. Rachel Reinke emphasized the ry, I think it just ended up being She ended the evening on an
a community of people who all “The training with the Venture year degree and those without,” value of bringing people who super timely for students,” Hintze optimistic note, finishing her talk
share their identity, in which case Out Project is a way that we can said Walter. identify as women or LGBTQ to said. “I know that students get with an excerpt from John Mea-
the identity became so much less educate our trip leaders on how Walter also spoke about campus. focused on their academics … cham’s book, “Soul of America.”
important.” to create those spaces to shift our the Democratic primary, and “I hope students walked away and to have someone come into “For all of our darker impuls-
“To climb a mountain or to own culture here,” said Bastidas. although she acknowledged thinking that they get to have a campus … gives them a chance to es, for all of our shortcomings
ski or to paddle, you have to be Rubin Jones ’22, a trip partic- the momentum of Sen. Bernie say in political discourse as much hear about things and hopefully and for all of the dreams denied
so physically present, [and] so ipant, said he was looking for- Sanders, she cautioned against as anyone else, and it is possible to make sure that everybody’s fully and deferred, the experiment
I think that is a really powerful ward to the trip. assumptions that any candidate have a career in political journal- invested in voting this year.” begun so long ago, carried out so
experience for people,” Cohen “I am excited about the Ven- could easily beat Trump. ism or politics in a really mean- High attendance at Walter’s imperfectly, is worth the fight,”
added. “You’re in a group where ture Out Ski Trip largely because “Regardless of who the nomi- ingful way,” Reinke said. “Some- talk demonstrated the Bowdoin Walter quoted. “There is, in fact,
everyone recognizes and ac- of who will be there,” said Jones. nee is, this is going to be a really body who is a woman, somebody community’s interest in Walter’s no struggle more important, and
knowledges your identity, that “Knowing that I can let down close race,” Walter said. “There who is queer is not always who we perspective, even when it struck none nobler, than the one we
makes it much less scary.” my guard and enjoy my time are no landslides anymore—that’s see as a CNN commentator or as a pessimistic tone. For instance, wage in the service of those better
Associate Director of the in the company of other queer not the political environment that a political journalist. So anytime Walter also warned that the up- angels who, however besieged,
Sexuality, Women and Gender students is really awesome. It’s a we live in.” you can see someone doing that, coming election will not be the are always ready for battle.”
Center Rachel Reinke said she is special moment when you can Earlier in the day, Walter at- it’s really affirming.” unifying force many claim it will In her own words, Walter con-
excited to have people like Cohen connect, relate and bond with tended a Q&A at 24 College host- Director of Student Activities be. cluded, “We are still better angels,
on campus and the opportunity other students over things that ed by Bowdoin Public Service Nate Hintze also emphasized the “I think this is going to be an we are still here, we are still resil-
to bring together different groups rarely come up in everyday con- and SWAG to answer questions merit of inviting Walter to cam- intensely polarized election, and ient and we are still gonna be just
at Bowdoin to build more inclu- versation.” from students in a smaller setting. pus at such an opportune time. we will leave as divided if not fine.”

VIRUS The U.S. Centers for Disease Con-

trol and Prevention (CDC) is now
choose to stay [on campus],” she
said. “But the thing I worry [about]
your meal plans are not in effect
during spring break, but because of
January. Like Zhou, he learned in
early February that he would not
Risk of new travel restrictions
between now and the end of spring
recommending travelers avoid all the most is not, [whether] my flight [the virus], we’re paying for meals be able to make that trip. break dissuaded Rose Xi ’22 from
dents begins March 6 and lasts “nonessential travel” to these coun- is going to get cancelled. It’s that for the entire break, regardless of He reached out to a friend who traveling home to Tokyo where
until March 23, is a popular time tries. when I arrive in the U.K., the out- students’ aid level.” lives in the Bahamas, who, in turn, she intended to renew her student
to travel home, especially for in- Hundreds of cases have also break starts, and I can’t come back Jiun Kim ’19, who lives in Gang- invited Liu to spend the break with visa. Slightly more than 200 cases
ternational students who often do been confirmed in Europe and the to Bowdoin.” neung, South Korea, was glad to him. Though touched by the gener- have been confirmed in Japan,
not return home for the shorter Middle East, with the most in Italy Due to the travel restrictions al- hear about the school’s arrange- osity of his friend and hopeful that and the U.S. State Department has
fall and Thanksgiving breaks. This and Iran, and cases have begun to ready in place, Bowdoin will allow ments since he will be unable to go he won’t have to stay on campus for issued a Level Two travel advisory
year, however, plans made weeks appear in North and South Amer- affected students to stay on campus home over break. two weeks, Liu is still hesitant about for the country. Though no travel
ago had to be cancelled or quickly ica as well. At least 2,800 people and provide housing and dining “In terms of accommodations, traveling internationally, even to a restriction has been introduced for
changed in response to travel re- have died from the virus so far. services. I think the school is doing really country where no cases of the virus people coming into the U.S. from
strictions imposed by the U.S. gov- The rapid spread of the virus Khoa Khuong ’04, associate good,” said Kim. Still, he expressed have been confirmed. Japan, Xi said she can foresee that
ernment—and it is likely that more is causing more problems for stu- dean of upperclass students and disappointment for missing time “First of all, obviously, being at happening.
restrictions will be put in place in dents who are trying to rearrange adviser to international students, with family and friends, as well as an airport, being on a plane, that “I don’t want to go back to get
the weeks to come. their travel plans. After she learned has been in contact with students potential career opportunities. adds on to the risk of being exposed my U.S. visa renewed but then I
Though spread of the virus in she would not be able to return to whose travel plans home have “I was going to apply to a few to it,” he said. “And also the poten- can’t come back and finish the rest
China seems to have slowed since Beijing, Zhou made plans to visit been affected by coronavirus. He companies in Korea [for summer tial of me, as an international trav- of the semester,” she said. “I’d rather
it first appeared in December, new friends and family in the United reiterated that he wanted “to make internships] because during spring eler, a non-US citizen going outside play it safe and stay here.”
cases have been detected else- Kingdom, but even now, that plan sure that we have resources to ac- break I could do on-site interviews, of the borders, and then coming As for her visa, she is hoping she
where. As of Thursday evening, does not seem entirely safe. commodate for this travel ban or but now I can’t,” he noted. back to the states ... for all we know, can mail her passport back to Japan
78,824 cases have been confirmed “I closely track these numbers potential travel bans.” Shuhao Liu ’22, also from Bei- the U.S. government might impose to get it renewed remotely. But if
in mainland China, and in South to see if there’s any growth. If there’s “One of the things we do is we jing, had already bought his tickets new restrictions on that. And if that that doesn’t work?
Korea 2,022 cases have been con- a huge increase in one day [in offer campus housing for spring to return home for spring break by might be the case, I don’t think it’s “I don’t know. I’ll figure some-
firmed, the second highest number. Europe], then I would probably break,” said Khuong. “Normally the time he returned to Bowdoin in worth it for me to go anywhere.” thing out.”
Friday, February 28, 2020 5

Looking right: conservative perspectives at Bowdoin
lacq plans to vote for Trump in ti-abortion. I used to be a Dem-
by Rebecca Norden-Bright November. When asked who he ocrat; I’m not crazy or anything,”
Orient Staff
hopes will win the Democratic de Quillacq said. “I’ve seen far-
Every Saturday in Thorne nomination, de Quillacq was right people, and it kind of just
Dining Hall, the Bowdoin Col- quick to respond. makes me chuckle. I’m not actu-
lege Republicans meet for dinner “Preferably someone that ally far-right even though people
and conversation—with a touch would lose,” he said. “But if like to paint me as that. I’m actu-
of politics. The club has an email we’re talking about if I had to ally pretty moderate.”
list of 95 people, but attendance have a Democrat in the White Club members said that more
is usually limited to the same House, like which one it would exposure to conservative ideas
six or seven people each week, be, I’d probably go with [former could help combat the stereotypes.
admitted club co-president Theo New York City mayor Michael] “I think people are not as
de Quillacq ’21. Bloomberg.” liberal as people think,” Swiatek
The members of Bowdo- Other right-leaning students said. “I think we just need more
in College Republicans don’t feel the club doesn’t represent people to be speaking out about
agree on everything, but find- them at all. For example, Jon these moderate to conservative
ing a community of relatively Miller ’23 is on the email list viewpoints.”
like-minded individuals is still for the College Republicans, but Bowdoin College Republicans
valuable for these students, de that’s pretty much the extent of has a small budget for speakers,
Quillacq said. Members espe- his involvement. which they have used in the past
cially appreciate the political “I’m a member of the Libertar- to bring Republicans to campus.
community on a campus like ian Party, so there just isn’t any- For example, the club recently
Bowdoin’s that can feel over- thing for that here,” Miller said. hosted Jay Allen, a Republican as an example.
whelmingly liberal-minded. “I’m a little bit stranded in terms running for Congress in Maine’s “Bowdoin specifically is, I
“We’re like a little bubble,” de of community at Bowdoin.” First District. But, according to think, really good about free
Quillacq said. “It’s like, alright, Miller identifies as right-wing de Quillacq, the group’s budget speech. And I think most stu-
you’re not exactly the same as but disapproves of the Repub- is not big enough to bring more dents here are for the most part
me, but at least you’re not them.” lican Party in its current form. mainstream conservative speak- willing to converse,” Miller said.
Nevertheless, members dis- He dislikes Trump and isn’t ers to campus. In de Quillacq’s opinion,
agree on a range of issues, from entirely sure who he’ll vote for “It’d be cool if [President Clay- students can always do more
President Donald Trump to the in November, noting that the ton Rose] or someone put in the to attempt to understand the
role of government in society. Libertarian Party won’t choose a time and the money to actually perspectives of conservative stu-
Matthew Swiatek ’20, who has nominee until May. try to open up conversation with dents on campus.
been involved in College Repub- “If I were forced to choose, I’d campus,” said de Quillacq. “I “I think when you’re being
licans since his sophomore year, probably vote for any of the cur- don’t want to make people mad, educated, it’s important to, in-
is not a fan of Trump. He cares rent Democratic candidates ex- but I want there to be a different stead of doubling down, really
deeply about the environment cept for [Sen.] Bernie [Sanders] perspective here.” learn the other side,” de Quil-
and is planning to vote for a and [Sen. Elizabeth] Warren,” On the other hand, Miller lacq said. “If you want to be a
Democrat in November. Former Miller said. expressed satisfaction with well-rounded person, you can
mayor of South Bend, Ind., Pete Despite their different polit- the number of conservative go three times in on your own
Buttigieg is his favorite candidate. ical perspectives, Miller and de speakers welcomed to campus, ideology, but if you really want
“He’s definitely the most Quillacq both said they are frus- pointing to the Joseph McKeen to expand your mind, you have
moderate and aligns with a lot trated with common stereotypes Visiting Fellow Arthur Brooks, to see the other side. I do it all ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
of views I have,” Swiatek said. “I about right-wing beliefs at Bow- the former president of the the time because my professors STANDING TALL: (TOP) Matthew Swiatek ’20 and Jon Miller ’23 share
think he can get stuff done.” doin and beyond. conservative think tank the are liberal. And it’s sad that other their experiences as having Republican and libertarian ideologies, respectively,
On the other hand, de Quil- “I’m not religious. I’m not an- American Enterprise Institute, people don’t get that.” among Bowdoin’s liberal-leaning student body.

Casting my lot with religion in the age of climate change

nual conference and has put out structing a broken world but im- One woman presented on the worldview (some even called it a face of such destruction caused by
The Search for multiple publications, textbooks, plies that this work will never be power of empathy and examined theology) characterized by privat- capitalism and corporate greed?”
Spirituousness an Emmy award-winning doc- finished. My favorite word in this how various religious traditions ization, capitalism, commodifi- The indigenous woman who
by Lauren Hickey umentary and a website which poem is the word “perversely,” teach us to have empathy for the cation, colonization and extreme had given the keynote presenta-
includes statements from every which connotes radicalism and earth. A farmer explained how he individualism. It is a worldview tion earlier piped up in response.
Adrienne Rich (1929-2012) major world religion on climate resistance. This work requires teaches youth to farm in ways that which puts the economy at the She replied that we should look to
was a renowned feminist poet change. When Tucker recited challenging entrenched power are grounded in Jewish tradition center and prioritizes profit above indigenous people. “Our apoca-
throughout the second half of the Rich’s poem during her keynote structures, narratives and norms. and teachings. An activist pre- the health and dignity of humans lypse already happened,” she said.
20th century. Her poems explored speech, I smiled from ear to ear My Community Activism teach- sented her works to protect public and our environment. “What did we do? We just kept
themes of feminism, social justice, and mouthed the words as she ers used to joke that they were water resources against privatiza- At Bowdoin we love talking going. We still just keep going.”
queerness and environmentalism. spoke them. She used this poem turning all their students into tion and how that relates to her about how much neoliberalism To me, that is the message of
One of my favorites is called “My to frame the fundamental ques- perverts. philosophy as a pastor. During and capitalism suck, but some- Rich’s poem. It is about putting
heart is moved.” tions we would discuss at the The Graduate Conference on the keynote lecture, an indigenous times it feels like we’re at an im- one foot in front of the other,
“My heart is moved by all I conference: How do we grieve all Religion and Ecology was full of woman advocated for decoloniz- passe, and we don’t know how no matter how dark the road
cannot save: / so much has been that we have lost and will contin- perverts. ing Western science and re-cen- to proceed. We slip into hope- ahead may seem. But it is also
destroyed / I have to cast my lot ue to lose in the face of climate tering indigenous knowledge in lessness, cynicism and despair. about casting my lot with those
with those / who age after age, change, structural inequality and the environmental movement. During one of the workshops, who have gone before me on
perversely, / with no extraordi- injustice? How do we move for- The conference presenters someone asked a question I often this road: indigenous people
nary power, / reconstitute the ward in the face of such destruc- were fully aware of what they were ask myself: “So, what do we do? who survived colonization and
world.” tion? What role might religion, up against—a hegemonic Western How do we go forward in the genocide, African Americans
Two of the most influential spirituality and faith play in all of who survived chattel slavery and
people in my life, a married cou- this? Jewish people who survived the
ple who teach at my public high For me, these questions were Holocaust, to name a few. Their
school, introduced me to this not confined to the conference, post-apocalyptic survival and
poem. They recited it to my Com- they are questions I ask myself persistence is an inherently per-
munity Activism class, a class they every day. As an Environmental verse act.
designed together and have been Studies major and senior search- Climate change is just the latest
co-teaching for 15 years in an ing for ways to apply this edu- apocalypse. The difference is that
effort to expose students to activ- cation to my life’s work, I think it will affect everyone, even those
ism—both at the community and about Rich’s poem as a spiritual who have historically had the
global level—and inspire them to doctrine that can guide me in this privilege of being spared. Walking
become changemakers. journey. down this road is a deeply spiritu-
I was reminded of this poem Rich’s poem gives me permis- al journey that tests our limits of
recently when I attended a sion to feel grief and mourning for compassion for each other and for
conference at the Yale Divinity “all I cannot save,” it encourages the Earth. The good news is peo-
School called the Graduate Con- me to look to the “extraordinary” ple have already walked this road,
ference on Religion and Ecology. power of like-minded individuals each step forward being an act of
Mary Evelyn Tucker founded the around me. The word “reconsti- faith, hope, courage and perverse
Forum on Religion and Ecology, tute” conveys that we are always KAYLA SNYDER resistance. Let us look to them for
which was responsible for this an- reforming, restoring and recon- lessons and let them lead.
6 FEATURES Friday, February 28, 2020

Former Bowdoin professor and Green Party co-founder reflects on legacy

feel the presence of love. We
by Diego Lasarte live in a depressing time, and it
Orient Staff
is [easy] for people to quit. But
John Rensenbrink was as FDR would often respond
working in the fields of his to those immense problems:
family’s farm in northern when you run out of rope, tie
Minnesota when his mother a knot, and hang on.”
told him that America had Rensenbrink ran for U.S.
dropped atomic bombs on the Senate in Maine in 1996, com-
Japanese cities of Hiroshima ing in third behind Maine’s
and Nagasaki. The year was current senator, Susan Collins,
1945, and Rensenbrink was 17 who was then a relative new-
years old. comer to Maine politics. He
“I felt that something had was a candidate for the Maine
turned. Something so awe- Green Party, a party he found-
some and so unbelievably ed in the late 1980s after Jesse
shattering: human beings un- Jackson was excluded from
able to control their own love the 1984 Maine caucus by the
for destruction,” he recalled. Maine Democratic Party. It
Now 91 years old, Rensen- was the first Green Party in the
brink has been an author, a United States and paved the
farmer and a candidate for the way for the founding of a na-
U.S. Senate, but he is perhaps tional Green Party a few years
best known as the co-found- later.
er of the Maine and United In the next two decades,
States Green Party. Bowdoin the Green Party’s political
is where he found his passion capital grew, and Rensenbrink
as a professor of political phi- was suddenly advising Ralph
losophy. After briefly teaching Nader’s campaign for presi-
at Williams College from 1957 dent and receiving millions of
to 1961, Rensenbrink headed votes. But Rensenbrink’s goal REUBEN SCHAFIR, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
north toward Brunswick and was not to tear down the whole ALWAYS SMILING: Retired Bowdoin professor of political philosophy shares his perspective on political issues and generational divides at age 91.
has lived in Maine ever since. system. teaching at Williams, he was ing of change. While encouraged by the post- Rose].”
Today, sitting at a sturdy “I didn’t even realize that denied tenure because of his “During the ’60s and ’70s Trump increase in student ac- Still a member of the Maine
wooden table in his dining I was somebody on the left. I political leaning. When he the student body broke down tivism, Rensenbrink implores Green Party today, Rensen-
room near the town line of was just a lanky farm boy from inquired further about why into three different segments: current Bowdoin students to brink acknowledges the limits
Topsham and Brunswick, Minnesota who was drinking he was not welcome back, those who were solidly with heed the lessons of history, of third-party electoral politics
Rensenbrink thinks about his it all in and realizing a lot of the president of the college the establishment, those who especially as the lines between but remains committed to the
granddaughter. A star on her hypocrisy, a lot of people not told him it was because he were anti-establishment and right and wrong grow clearer causes he has fought for his en-
high school basketball team, living up to what they said they “wouldn’t run in harness.” were more progressive and every day. tire life. He is more convinced
she is about the same age were for,” Rensenbrink said. “I After Williams, Rensen- then the many in between,” he “Where do you stand? You than ever before that justice
Rensenbrink was at that mo- felt gradually over the years, the brink brought his radical ideas said. “And so the third that was should ask every Bowdoin and kindness will ultimately
ment when the world changed goals and ideals of the founding with him to Bowdoin. He re- really hooked on progressive professor [and] every Bow- prevail.
forever. Now, Rensenbrink fathers and the republic were members fondly the series of ideas and values and [were] doin student that question. “There are rebellions going
wonders what the world might betrayed again and again. And student and faculty strikes at committed to shaking things Because it’s getting clearer and on all around us, and when
look like when she is 91 and I still think that’s true. You’ve Bowdoin in protest of the Viet- up. They liked me.” clearer as to what the basic you begin to glean how the
what battles her generation got a [political system] that gets nam War and said that while In the 20 years since he left dichotomy is,” he said. “That American people are rejecting
will face in the meantime. worse and worse.” Bowdoin has never had the the College, Rensenbrink has [question] is something that is the neoliberal establishment
“I weep thinking about it Rensenbrink was outspoken most radical student body, he noticed that Bowdoin stu- missing from the campus, and and rejecting Trump, then
… But I know we have to help about political issues through- was able to find students that dents seem to be less engaged is a question we should also there is a completely different
other people by making them out his academic career. When were energized and demand- with the politics of their time. be asking President [Clayton picture before your eyes.”

An analysis: what does the end of the world look like?

routine it of “eating that needs to be “civilized” in-
Dear America now is the everything,” sidiously propagates under the
by Tianyi Xu anxious which has now guise of valid censure against a
checking developed into disagreeable polity.
I wake up, and I check the of epide- an internation- But the people—the daugh-
phone. Here’s a novel idea of miologic al nuisance. The ter who lost her mother in the
the day: How’d you figure the figures on Chinese govern- maternity ward, the medical
world would end? my phone. ment is failing you staff who reused protection
As it turns out, feeling like Hundreds, all with its com- gear so their patient would
the world’s going to end creeps thousands, munist strongarm get replacements, the truck
in unsuspectedly. There is the tens of thou- politics! (Oh and by the drivers who voluntarily over-
initial uneasiness, the subse- sands. The figures way, I know what you did worked to transport supplies
quent fear and the climactic keep rising, and my heart last summer). and the farmers who rush to
panic. The complacency of keeps sinking. Face masks are I am the last person to try the frontlines to donate their
“nothing can touch me” even- all out and so are the medical and vindicate the Chinese harvest—their stories of fear,
tually grows into the hysteria supplies. Fringe rumors of al- government of their inex- love, trepidation and sacrifice
of “somebody do something.” ternative remedies take hold. cusable failure to inform the deserve to be told. Their hu-
This Chinese New Year is Commercial hubs are shut public and contain the out- manity deserves to be accen-
one to remember. Loved ones down until further notice. break. However, journalism tuated.
are kept apart by government Businesses are forced out of should not distract from the I wake up, and I check the
mandates that seal off Wuhan, work, fearing the presence of reality that the virus is killing phone. I send my family mes-
a home to 11 million, where workers returning from Wu- real people with families and sages with new tips that they
fear seems to be spreading han. My city, Shenzhen, of the opium-ridden Chinese two distinct narratives publica- loved ones. Before publishing should keep in mind every
quicker than coronavirus. Wu- 22 million people grinds to centuries ago. While its apol- tions are juggling in the face a grandstanding piece excori- day. Holed up in the family
han residents are tracked down a ghastly halt, an empty city ogists, including the author of this epidemic. The first is ating China’s economy at the apartment, they keep reassur-
all over the country and forced with restless hearts. of a New York Times essay, a very public, very systematic expense of the humanity of ing me that everything is OK;
into painstakingly monitored Under the apocalyptic on- scramble to demonstrate how and mostly quite valid exposé its people, the Journal would in the winter air, I am left to
quarantines, in scales ironi- set, the international response the semantics of “sick man of the defects of the Chinese do well to remember that no my own devices over the anx-
cally comparable to political that fails to recognize an in- of ” is not racist in its intent, government in its wrongdo- amount of political criticism iety that they might not be.
persecutions that once reigned discriminate virus and instead their willful eschewal of the ings of punishing whistleblow- warrants a boost of racism. Re- My mother told me that my
terror on the land. turns to ad hominem politics term’s colonial history and its ers who could have mitigated ducing people of color to mere grandma wished I was back
On the other side of the against the Chinese ethnicities insensitive use in the backdrop the effects of the outbreak. The numbers and charts bespeaks a home. To her, there’s nowhere
earth is me, enjoying that one is disappointing. One nota- of epidemic suffering speaks second is a vague indictment sinister manifestation of white safer than home, ever. Even
particular Moulton dinner ble instance is the Wall Street volumes. News suppression of the Chinese people in their supremacism and cultural now, she still believes in the
which featured the best dump- Journal’s publishing of Walter is unbecoming of a purport- overzealous investment in intolerance, one borne out of incredible power of solidarity.
lings I have had since I got to Russell Mead’s opinion essay ed superpower like China, as criticism as opposed to report- the specter of 20th-century This virus does not have to
Bowdoin in celebration of the titled “China is the Real Sick racist exceptionalism is not a ing. It dehumanizes people of race science. The mindset that be the end of the world—lest
Chinese holiday. Nevertheless, Man of Asia,” which used the good color on America. Asian descent while taking a relegates Eastern cultures to we allow bigotry, division and
incorporated into my morning racial epithet once directed at This incident highlights two subtle jab at their putative hab- an unenlightened aberration hate to kill us first.
Friday, February 28, 2020 7


Women’s Cabaret reclaims music through satire night to perfect each act.
by Aadhya Ramineni The Women’s Cabaret offers
Orient Staff Bowdoin women a platform to
How can singing be used as not only re-evaluate misogy-
a form of power? The answer, nistic songs and create satiri-
for the singers and instrumen- cal responses, but also develop
talists in the Women’s Cabaret, their confidence as women in
is to reclaim women’s identi- music. Sherman and Hamilton
ties from historically misogy- have both been a part of mul-
nistic songs, through a process tiple bands during their time
of optimistic reappropriation at Bowdoin and have often
and celebration of female been the only women in these
identity. groups. The Women’s Cabaret
This Saturday, 30 women offers a completely different
will perform in Ladd House. experience.
The set list contains 14 songs, “In the rehearsals I haven’t
ranging from an acoustic duet thought twice when suggest-
of “Despacito” to a satirical ing a harmony or suggesting
rendition of “I Can Cook Too” an arrangement of a song, but
from a popular 1940s musical. when I’m playing with all men
Every year since the cabaret … I definitely hesitate and
debuted in 2017, the women think more critically about
return to Robin Thicke’s 2013 what I’m about to say or what
single “Blurred Lines,” a song I’m going to suggest,” Sherman
that infamously calls the lines said. “We love [the men], but
between consent and rape in any space … even in my
“blurred,” reinforcing rape music classes it’s just harder to
culture with lyrics like “I know find your spot.”
you want it…” Hamilton agreed with her
The women sing to ques- co-leader, conveying her ap-
tion and bring attention to preciation for this all-female
problematic lyrics in the COME TO THE CABARET: A group of 30 Bowdoin women will take the stage at Ladd House on Saturday night, performing an array of songs with sexist space and the liberation which
mainstream music industry. themes and connotations. In reclaiming this music, the event’s leaders intend to provide a liberating social space for women. it offers.
The singers don’t just sing, sit back and say: ‘Whoa, what expressed similar sentiments ed cabarets to eat, drink, Hamilton and Sherman ex- “Performing [at the Wom-
but creatively interpret songs, the hell is in this song? What about the role sexism has long socialize and watch women plained that all those who en’s Cabaret] is at the very least
co-leader Norell Sherman ’21 is this content that we are just played in music. perform in lingerie. Cabarets auditioned were accepted to just an experience to build up
explained. kind of mindlessly … absorb- “They’re historically sig- have a connotation of objecti- participate but it took them confidence so that maybe the
“These songs [are from] ing?’” nificant—especially the older fying women,” said Sherman. hours to decide who should next time [performers work]
across all genres; you have For co-leader Anna Ham- jazz songs,” Hamilton said. “[This] show is called the sing which song. in a space where it’s not just
musical theater, you have rock, ilton ’20, re-evaluating lyrics’ “Sexism is an unfortunate but Women’s Cabaret, which is Once assigned a song, per- women they’ll feel a little more
we’ve gotten our first coun- sexist language and themes real part of music history.” sort of a play on that histor- formers were given autonomy confident with [their] voice,”
try song this year—all these is rendered vitally important Sherman also emphasized ical meaning and a re-signifi- in their interpretation of each said Hamilton.
genres,” she said. “We listen to by a song’s popularity, com- the historical significance of cation of it.” piece. The leaders held prac- The annual Women’s Cab-
them so much and there’s not mercial success and enduring the cabaret format. The event has doubled its tice sessions last weekend and aret will take place at Ladd
necessarily opportunities to cultural import. Hamilton “Historically, men attend- performers since last year. a dress rehearsal on Thursday House at 8 p.m. on Saturday.

‘Fast/Fashion’ sparks dialogue on clothing industry

by Ayub Tahlil
Orient Staff
When you walk into the Boyd
Gallery on the second floor of the
Bowdoin College Museum of Art
(BCMA), you encounter “Fast
Fashion/Slow Art”—an exhibi-
tion that scrutinizes the contem-
porary garment industry through
videos, installations and collabo-
rations with contemporary artists
and filmmakers.
The walls are covered with
digital projections and tablets
that display videos of how gar-
ments are made, distributed, used
and discarded—with 10 videos in
total designed to make you pause
and think.
“There’s a lot of information
in these videos and also a lot of
analysis and interpretation that
the viewer can take,” said Bib-
iana Obler, associate professor
at George Washington Univer-
ART, BUT MAKE IT FASHION: Textile artist Cat Mazza and members of her collective from UMass Boston will visit campus today to walk museum-goers through the “Fast Fashion/Slow Art” installation.
sity and one of the exhibition’s
co-curators. “I didn’t want peo- through visual juxtaposition. fact that we are constantly out- organizational assistance from The center of the room has an curate globe, mirroring how they
ple to come and just look, ‘oh, “This is an exhibition that sourcing so-called craft activities Goodyear and Allison Martino, Electroknit Dymaxion, a map de- were made.
how beautiful’ and then leave I think helps us to be aware of to third parties.” BCMA’s Mellon postdoctoral cu- signed by textile artist Cat Mazza To continue the dialogues
again, or ‘how moving’ and leave the many literal hands that may The exhibition was first shown ratorial fellow. and the Lattice20 Collective, a opened by the installation, Maz-
again.” be involved in constructing the at the George Washington Uni- “So the show opened in Wash- group of students from UMass za and members of the Lattice20
This exhibition is meant to clothing that we wear, no matter versity Museum and the Textile ington, D.C., which of course is Boston who helped create the Collective are coming to cam-
make people stop and think what its origins may be,” said Museum in Washington, D.C., the policy-making center, and to piece. When it was first installed pus on Friday to walk students
about their choices, critiquing the Co-Director of BCMA Anne and is now showcased here in travel here to Brunswick, where in D.C., the sections were laid through an activity which show-
concept of fast fashion through Collins Goodyear. “But it also has Brunswick to highlight how tex- the town used to be centered out on the wall to highlight the cases sustainability in the fashion
documenting how clothes are made me more aware of the intel- tile policies are made and where around the textile mill up the geographic implications of the world. The workshop will explain
made, used and discarded. Some lectual power of stitching, and the the natural textiles are made. It road at Fort Andross, showcases fashion industry, creating an not only how the group created
garments are kept for decades ways in which we may, ironically, was curated by Obler and Phyl- the implications of textile poli- international scope within the this centerpiece, but why.
while some are for one-time sometimes deprive ourselves of lis Rosenzweig, curator emerita cies and brings it full circle,” said exhibition. At Bowdoin, they’re “Fast Fashion/Slow Art” will
use—this duality is explored creative engagement through the at the Hirshhorn Museum, with Goodyear. shaped into a geographically-ac- be on display until August.
8 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Friday, February 28, 2020

‘Henry VI, Part II’ cast prepares to take the stage

Clarke ’20, who is stage man-
by Annika Moore ager for the play and a theater
Orient Staff major, says that the production’s
A throne perches atop an short timeline meant that actors
eight-foot high platform, an had less time to interpret the
illuminated golden hoop de- language.
scends from the ceiling and “I think that’s part of what’s
thick lengths of rope frame the been so hard about doing this
stage. This sleek depiction of show so quickly is the intri-
a castle interior sets the scene cacies of Shakespeare’s lan-
for an often-overlooked Shake- guage,” she said. “I’m taking
spearean war drama. advanced acting this semester,
The theater department’s and we spent four weeks on one
spring play, “Henry VI, Part II,” Shakespeare soliloquy, whereas
offers a side of Shakespeare that they’re spending six weeks on
many audience members may an entire play.”
have never experienced before. Wood worked closely with
With its suspenseful sound the actors to help them become
scape, glimmering projections comfortable with the language,
and minimalist set design, the asking the actors to translate all
show affords a fresh look to the of their lines into modern En-
historical events of over 500 glish and count the number of
years ago. syllables in each line.
Sally Wood, visiting assistant Charlotte Gifford ’23, who
professor of theater and direc- plays Somerset, said that trans-
tor of the play, chose “Henry lating her lines helped her to
VI” after seeing it performed understand the motivations of
in London, an experience that her character.
changed the way she thought “You can really get acquaint-
about Shakespearean theater. ed with their prose in a way that
“[After it ended] I took a I think you normally wouldn’t ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
breath, and I was like, ‘Oh my if you were just learning lines OFF WITH THEIR HEADS: Char-
God, I didn’t know theatre that can be spoken normally,” acters engage in a series of power
could be like that,’” Wood said. she said. struggles in this production centering
The play is the second install- In addition to adjusting to around the life of a troubled British
ment of a trilogy that centers the language, performers had monarch. The show will premiere
tonight at 7:30 p.m. and tickets can
around the life of historical fig- to prepare for stage combat
be reserved in advance online.
ure King Henry VI of England. scenes. Wood, whose specialty
In “Part II,” Henry VI struggles is directing Shakespearean stage version. Wood cut down the play
to control quarrelling between combat, said that these scenes and removed lengthy mono-
members of British nobility and are usually the most rehearsed logues during which actors re-
prevent an impending war. parts of any performance. count previous plot events.
Penny Mack ’22 plays York, a Clarke said that a play with “It’s hard because it’s beauti-
member of the English nobility both Shakespearean language ful language, and I hate to cut
who believes that he is true heir and stage combat demands a it,” she said. “But it’s also really
to the throne. Mack said she was particular kind of commitment important to have a manageable
initially uncertain about how to from the performers. amount that the students can
portray a character who was “Because it is Shakespeare learn, that the tech can support.”
based on a historical figure. and because there’s so much she said.
“I think the challenge was combat, when they get here ev- This stripped-down ap-
finding complexity in charac- ery night their mind has to be proach is also apparent in the
ters that wasn’t immediately evi- here, and it has to be present,” set, which relies on simple cues
dent from what seemed like just Clarke said. “I think that the to convey setting changes to the King Henry VI, said that the set very much minimalistic.” ‘When’s the last time you saw
a cut and dry historical piece,” fact that the show requires that audience. For instance, changes design surprised him. Wood said that she’s excited Henry VI, Part II?”
Mack said. is actually part of what makes it in the formation of the hanging “When I did ‘The Tempest,’ to produce a Shakespeare play The show will be performed
Casting happened before so strong.” rope curtains around the stage like way back in high school, that many audience members tonight and Saturday at 7:30
winter break, but the actors did The play, which lasts approx- reflect the shape of palace walls we had this big ol’ set, and there have likely never seen before. p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. in
not start blocking the scenes imately 90 minutes, is signifi- and, later, of a ship. were different layers; it was a “I’m telling everybody that Pickard Theater. Tickets can be
until after they returned. Tori cantly shorter than its original Ben Allen ’23, who plays lot,” Allen said. “This show, it’s I know,” she said. “I’m like, reserved online.

Mauceri redefines music through computation

al combo-partner, however, is computer is listening to me cessing my sound. It’s like an “The processes that I ex- “For me it’s very reward-
by Keyna Mecias his computer. Mauceri merges and responding to me like improvisation partner that I’ve plore in sound are very similar ing to have a classroom full
Orient Staff music with computer science, another musician would,” he designed.” to the processes that I explore of students with mixed back-
Frank Mauceri, senior lec- using machine learning and said. “I have many pieces for Mauceri has spent his life visually,” Mauceri said. “All grounds,” he said. “Right now
turer in music and coach of machine listening to improvise saxophone where the comput- exploring the intersection be- this work is visual work that I’m teaching a computer com-
Bowdoin’s jazz combos, loves and play songs. er is listening to me play the tween art and technology. He I’ve done, and it’s very much position class. I have students
to play music with students. “I work, and often per- saxophone and responding by began to fuse art and science related to the algorithms that I who are computer science and
His other, more unconvention- form, with systems where the synthesizing sound, or by pro- as an undergrad at Oberlin would use to synthesize sound math people and I also have
College, where he studied mu- or music.” students who are music fo-
sic composition and art theo- Algorithms are a crucial cused.”
ry. He took electronic music piece for Mauceri because he Outside of the classroom he
courses as well as computer believes in focusing on the pro- has a long-running collabo-
programming courses in un- cess of creation as opposed to ration with Polish video artist
dergrad, and later expanded the end result. Maciej Walczak, who teaches
his research under Herbert “Computer programming is at the Music Academy of Łódź.
Brün in a graduate program at a creative mode of thinking,” he “He does live video, and I
the University of Illinois at Ur- said. “I’m interested in creating do live sound,” Mauceri ex-
bana-Champaign. an interesting system that is plained. “We exchange control
“[Brün] was an important information rich and that has information in real time so that
pioneer of computer music and a lot of potential for discovery. my sound is affecting his video
was very influential. He also I designed some systems to see and his video is affecting my
did visual art with computers, what they do. I observe how sound.”
so my thesis project as a gradu- they behave and that for me is a Anyone intrigued by Mau-
ate student was a computer-re- rewarding way of working.” ceri’s innovative practice can
lated composition project,” said At Bowdoin, Mauceri en- check it out in Bowdoin’s
Mauceri. courages process-driven think- backyard. His work will be fea-
Mauceri now makes musical ing in his music theory com- tured in an upcoming group
and visual compositions, writ- position and music technology gallery show titled Collective
ing his own code to create his courses. In part because of his Exhibition #2 at the Frank
KAYLA SNYDER, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT pieces while avoiding commer- interdisciplinary background, Brockman Gallery on Maine
SYSTEMATIC SOUNDS: Senior Lecturer in Music Frank Mauceri has spent the majority of his career exploring the cial software like Photoshop or he values working with stu- Street, which opens on March
intersection between music and computer science, alongside his work as coach of Bowdoin’s jazz combos. Illustrator. dents from multiple fields. 6 and runs through April.
Friday, February 28, 2020 PRIMARY ELECTION 9

The 2020 Presidential Primary

primary election. cratic field. HOW THE MAINE Steyer and Warren. President HOW TO VOTE
by Rohini Kurup Among students voting in Over a quarter of students PRIMARIES WORK Donald Trump is the only
Orient Staff
a Democratic primary, 36.2 (28.4 percent) listed the en- candidate on the Republican Voting in the primary elec-
As Maine voters head to percent said they have voted vironment as the issue most Maine is one of 15 states and ballot in Maine. tions and for the state referen-
the polls next Tuesday for the for or plan to vote for Sand- important to them. This was territories voting on March While Maine will allow vot- dum will take place at Bruns-
presidential primary elec- ers. Sen. Elizabeth Warren followed by wealth and in- 3, known as Super Tuesday, ers to rank candidates in the wick Junior High School. Polls
tions, Sen. Bernie Sanders of of Massachusetts followed come inequality, healthcare where voters will designate general presidential election are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m..
Vermont is the most favored with 31 percent. Other can- and the economy. their preference for their par- in November—becoming the In Maine, voters must be en-
candidate among Democratic didates receiving support Students also overwhelm- ty’s presidential candidate first state to do so—this year’s rolled in a party to vote in that
Bowdoin students, according include former South Bend, ingly oppose a Maine ballot nominee. For the first time in presidential primary will not party’s presidential primary.
to a poll conducted by the Ind. mayor Pete Buttigieg initiative to reinstate a law 20 years, Mainers will be vot- use ranked-choice voting. Mainers can register to vote and
Orient. with 16.7 percent, Sen. Amy allowing for religious and ing in a primary election and All registered Maine voters enroll in a party on the day of
The poll asked students Klobuchar of Minnesota with philosophical exemptions not a caucus. will also be able to vote on a the primaries, but the deadline
about their voting plans and 4.9 percent, former New York from vaccination require- The Democratic Party will ballot measure which would for switching parties passed
political preferences. It was City mayor Mike Bloomberg ments for employees of have 12 names on its ballot remove religious and philo- earlier this month. Party enroll-
sent to all 1,970 students and with four percent and former nursery schools and health in Maine, although four can- sophical exemptions for vacci- ment is not required to vote on
received 560 responses (28.4 Vice President Joe Biden with care facilities and students at didates (Cory Booker, Deval nation requirements. the ballot measure.
percent). Of the 560 respon- 3.5 percent. One person indi- schools and colleges. Among Patrick, Marianne William- The Democratic primary Bowdoin Votes will be driv-
dents, 92.5 percent are reg- cated they planned on voting students who are registered son and Andrew Yang) have in Maine will offer 32 dele- ing vans to the polls continu-
istered to vote, of which 53 for billionaire, businessman or plan to register to vote in dropped out of the race. The gates—24 pledged and eight ously every 15 minutes between
percent are registered to vote Tom Steyer, and no students Maine, 81.9 percent intend to candidates on the ballot who Super Delegates—with pro- 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. from the
in Maine. A vast majority of said they would vote for Rep. vote “no” on the ballot mea- are still in the race are Biden, portional delegate allocation. South Campus Loop outside
respondents—80.6 percent— Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, the sure, while 11.8 percent are Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Gab- The Republican primary will Moulton Union. Preregistra-
plan to vote in a Democratic final candidate in the Demo- still undecided. bard, Klobuchar, Sanders, offer Trump all 22 delegates. tion for the vans is not required.

If you are voting in a Democratic Primary (or have

already voted) who do/did you plan to vote for? What political issue is most important to you?

200 Environmental Issues 148

Wealth & Income Inequality 93
154 Economy 67
150 Healthcare 65
Student Votes


Education 31
Foreign Policy 25
100 24
71 Immigration 22
50 Gun Control 21
Abortion 19
21 17 15 15 6
0 Social 1
Sanders Warren Buttigieg Klobuchar Bloomberg Biden Other Security
0 30 60 90 120 150
Candidates Student Votes


Q1: Should Maine allow religious and philosophical exemptions to required
vaccinations for students?
ous health risks—a claim that has been refuted by the U.S. Centers for
by Rohini Kurup Disease Control and Prevention, which has said that vaccines are highly
Orient Staff

11. 6.3%
safe and the public health benefits of vaccinations outweigh any potential
Question 1—the only question on the Maine ballot next week—will risks.
ask voters whether they want to keep or repeal a law passed last year that
would eliminate “religious and philosophical exemptions” to vaccination
The group “Yes on 1 Maine to Reject Big Pharma” is leading the “yes”
campaign. They have framed the referendum as a rejection of “big phar-
requirements. If voters reject the referendum, the law would go into ef- ma” after major pharmaceutical companies such as Merck and Pfizer
fect in September 2021. donated to the “no” campaign.
The ballot question asks: “Do you want to reject the new law that re-
moves religious and philosophical exemptions to requiring immunization WHO OPPOSES QUESTION 1?
against certain communicable diseases for students to attend schools
and colleges and for employees of nursery schools and health care fa- Opponents of the referendum, including doctors and medical profes-
cilities?” sionals, argue that vaccines are critical in preventing the spread of disease.
A “yes” vote is in favor of repealing the new law and reinstating reli- The bill was prompted by a recent increase in Maine’s rate of
gious and philosophical exemptions to required vaccinations. A “no” vote non-medical vaccine opt-outs, which is already one of the highest in the
is in favor of upholding the law, requiring vaccinations for all students country, and rising cases of preventable diseases. Public health officials
attending public or private schools and colleges and for employees of say high opt-out rates put vulnerable individuals, such as those with weak-
nursery schools and healthcare care facilities, with the exception of a ened immune systems from illness or treatment and infants too young to
medical exemption. be vaccinated, at high risk of contracting deadly diseases.
“Maine Families for Vaccines” has led the coalition against the refer-
WHO SUPPORTS QUESTION 1? endum, which is made up of 55 health care and nonprofit organizations, Yes No Undecided
including the American Medical Association, the Barbara Bush Chil-
Supporters of the “people’s veto” argue that the law infringes on reli- dren’s Hospital and Maine Medical Association. Maine governor Janet
gious freedom and personal liberties. Mills has also advocated for the “no” position after signing the bill into 236 students out of a total of 288 students who indicated that they
Some supporters claim that vaccines could pose potentially danger- law last year. plan to vote in Maine next week intend to vote no on Question 1.
10 Friday, February 28, 2020

FOXCS advocates for local Nordic skiingpeople come and talk to us
by Dylan Sloan about any issue.’”
The women’s basketball The energetic community
team defeated Hamilton For years, Nordic skiing action in support of cross-coun-
77-63 in its NESCAC options around campus have try skiing came at the perfect
quarterfinal matchup last been slim. Students looking moment for Thorson, who had
Saturday, but at halftime, for groomed trails could either been thinking about how to
a different group of
competitors took the drive half an hour to Pineland start a more formalized skiing
court. The back-to-back Farms in New Gloucester, community in town.
NCAA Division III finalist where Bowdoin’s varsity team “We happen to be sort of
Polar Bears are a tough act practices, or try their luck at a positioned perfectly to go, ‘Oh,
to follow, but the third- few groomed snowmobile trails look at all these people that are
and-fourth-grade travel
teams from the Ararat slightly closer to campus. But, in interested in cross country ski-
Youth Basketball League the past few months, Friends of ing!’ And they would all say, ‘I
entertained fans with a Cross-Country Skiing (FOXCS), wrote to my town councilor, be-
thrilling exhibition game a local community-based or- cause I’m really upset.’ And then
during the break. Despite ganization acting as an arm of I would be able to write back
their diminutive stature, the
athletes played a close game, the Brunswick-Topsham Land and say, ‘Hi, there’s this new
with the blue team eking out Trust, has been advocating for group!’” said Thorson.
a 1-0 victory over the red improved recreational Nordic The final phase of the group’s
team after number 39 on the skiing facilities right here in evolution came when it be-
blue team scored the game’s town—and the group has been came officially affiliated with
only point.
rapidly gaining support. the Brunswick-Topsham Land
Before FOXCS, the recre- Trust (BTLT), a local nonprofit,
WHO WOOD(WARD) HAVE ational Nordic skiing commu- at the end of last year.
THOUGHT?: nity in the Brunswick-Topsham “[We] fit exactly with their
In just his first season area was not formalized and was mission,” said Thorson. “So they
as Head Coach of the
women’s and men’s squash limited in its scope. Although actually turned to us really early
teams, Theo Woodward residents have made efforts to on. We went to the Land Trust
was named the NESCAC improve local conditions, there and said, ‘What do you think?’
Men’s Squash Coach of was no formal movement to And they said, ‘Oh, you’re per- COURTESY OF FOXCS
the Year. Woodward led petition for more trails in town fect. We’ve been wanting to do OFF-ROAD TRANSPORTION: Two skiers enjoy one of the new trails on the Kate Furbish Preserve near Brunswick Land-
the team to a fifth-place ing. FOXCS has been promoting access to and maintenance of local cross-county ski trails in Brunswick and Topsham.
NESCAC championship and build a sense of community something like this for so long’
finish, the team’s best result amongst local skiers. … and so we became an advi- trails. These trails include those have also been working on put- ple winters,” said Tess Hamilton,
in a decade, and the team “There [were] definitely a sory group.” on BTLT’s Woodward Preserve ting together grant proposals associate director of the Outing
is expected to have its first lot of people who [had] been “It’s just one of those things and the trails on Kate Furbish to try and increase the FOXCS Club. “[Having] skate grooming
winning season since 2013. thinking about [forming a where the timing was right,” Reserve, which is owned by the financial base. in town is just incredible to re-
Woodward was chosen by
a panel of his peers and group] for years,” said Bowdoin added Angela Twitchell, the Town of Brunswick. Along with FOXCS has made an impact duce barriers to access, and also
is the first ever Bowdoin Nordic skiing Head Coach Na- executive director of BTLT. “We a small but dedicated group of even in just a few months by just makes it so that students
coach to earn the award. than Alsobrook, who has been were in a place where we had local skiers, Thorson checks advocating for support through can get out skiing without hav-
The season is not yet over involved with FOXCS from the time at the Land Trust to be able trails every day and posts a the Town Council. The Town ing to drive.”
for Woodward; the men’s beginning. “Now [that] we’re to help with this, and the vol- detailed summary of the con- of Brunswick has added ski re- “I would love to have more
squash team will travel to
Cambridge, Mass. as the starting to talk about this and unteers in the community were ditions. In just a few months, ports to its website, and recently Bowdoin students!” added
seventh seed in the Summers coordinate more, [we’re attract- really able to put in the time and FOXCS and its social media opened a network of new trails Thorson. “I know that it’s hard
Cup (C Division) of ing people] who might not have effort to be able to help make it presence have attracted a de- on the Kate Furbish Reserve, because you’re not here all year
College Squash Association known anything about this pre- work. So it’s a great partnership.” vout following in the area. located just west of Brunswick … but just know we are think-
Nationals this weekend. viously.” Ever since that partnership “The growth has been expo- Landing and within walking ing about you!”
The inspiration for FOXCS was forged, FOXCS has settled nential,” said Thorson. “I’ll meet distance of Whittier Field. The group is just getting
RELAYING THIS INFO TO came from the confluence of a into a rhythm of providing day- strangers on the trail and they’ll FOXCS’s activities are al- started. As the group grows and
YOU: number of factors. Earlier this to-day resources to local skiers say, ‘I know [who] you are! ready creating opportunities continues to fundraise, new
Coming off of a fifth winter, Brunswick’s Mere Creek as well as hosting larger fund- You’re posting on Facebook!’” for Bowdoin students as well. trails and programs will open
place finish at NESCAC Golf Club, a popular spot for raising and community events The group has also prior- Currently, the Bowdoin Outing up, making skiing for town
Championships last
weekend, the winter season local skiers, decided to stop to support recreational skiing. itized fundraising efforts in Club (BOC) has a dozen Nordic residents—and Bowdoin stu-
will continue for the six allowing use of its property for According to the FOXCS order to be able to pay the two skiing instructors and sends out dents—even more accessible,
members of the women’s skiing. Even though there was Facebook page—which in professional groomers who two to three trips weekly, often said Thorson.
swim and dive team who no real formalized community around two months has already take care of the local trails and to Pineland Farms or other “The thing that’s unique and
qualified for NCAA of recreational skiers, the back- gained close to 230 followers— to fund the group’s other ini- off-campus facilities. Howev- exciting about this is that it re-
Championships based on
their times in the meet. lash to Mere Creek’s decision the organization’s three main tiatives. In just a few months, er, with the maintenance of ally is community driven,” said
Three of Bowdoin’s relay was strong. goals are to “raise funds, to FOXCS has raised over $1,000 these new and highly accessible Twitchell. “Many of us from
teams earned NCAA B cut “People got really upset, and provide a pool of volunteers for through community donations. trails, it will be easier than ever different walks of life and dif-
times, just short of automatic they wrote to the Town Coun- trail maintenance and consult On February 16, FOXCS part- for students to ski, either on a ferent perspectives that all have
qualification, but finally cil,” said Kathy Thorson, a nurse with BTLT on decisions regard- nered with Flight Deck Brewery BOC trip or by checking out a enthusiasm for cross-country
qualified after results from
across the nation came practitioner at the Bowdoin ing grooming and trial develop- for their “Brews for a Cause” pair of classic or skate skis from skiing are just coming together
in. Mary Laurita ’21 also Health Center and an executive ment priorities.” event, during which 20 percent the gear room and walking to a ... It’s sort of unusual for that to
qualified individually in the committee member of FOXCS. The most immediate respon- of all beer sales went towards nearby trail. happen, and to have a number
100 butterfly. The 200 free “The town councillors said, ‘We sibility of FOXCS is to monitor the organization. Thorson and “Enthusiasm [for Nordic ski- of successes in just the first few
relay, 200 medley relay and have never, ever had so many and report conditions of local the rest of the leadership team ing] has grown in the past cou- months is exciting too.”
400 medley relay teams will
all compete in the NCAA
Division III Championships
in Greensboro, N.C., from
March 18-21.

‘Intersections of Race in Athletics’ sparks conversation
SPOTLIGHT: testimonies targeted at the heart to do. It’s an unconscious or un- all of the Klan paraphernalia his opment as a person, but being
A duo of first-year squash by Seamus Frey of racial issues presented on controllable physical reaction. friends give him when they re- questioned about India by an
players were named to All- Orient Staff Bowdoin teams. It’s that feeling of being at a place nounce their racism and quit the opposing coach made her sec-
NESCAC teams yesterday, With open minds and honest However, before the personal when you realize you’re the only Klan. Because that’s what they do ond-guess her role in the athletic
continuing a noteworthy
season for both teams. language, student athletes con- stories began, Visiting Assistant person in a room that looks like after becoming friends with Dar- world.
Caroline Glaser ’23, who fronted the effects of race on their Professor of Religion Joshua you.” yl Davis.” “After a game during my first
played at number one on teams and the inclusiveness—or Urich delivered a moving speech Urich argued that race, in both After this uplifting message year at Bowdoin, the coach from
the women’s ladder and won lack thereof—of Bowdoin’s ath- about the origins of race in athletics and everyday life, can be about race and conquering racist the opposing team came up to
six games over the course letic culture Wednesday night at America. combated through frank con- predispositions, student athletes me asking what I knew about
of the season, was named
to the Second Team. Deven the Athletes of Color Coalition’s “Race is the attribution of versation and forming personal of color took to the stage and India,” said Sandhu. “She pro-
Kanwal ’23, who played at (AOCC) fourth iteration of “In- non-biological characteristics to relationships. He took the case shared their experiences with ceeded to tell me she was going
number one on the ladder tersections of Race in Athletics.” a phenotypically similar group. of African-American musician racism, overt or unintentional, to a remote place in India where
for the men’s team and After a one-year hiatus, the What does this mean? People Daryl Davis as an example. on their own sports teams. she would be teaching kids how
won 10 games this year, was event returned this year to create who look like X tend to do Y. “Some of his best friends are in First to step up to the podium to play [field hockey] to provide
named to the First Team.
a forum for student athletes of And Y is generally not a biolog- the [Ku Klux] Klan,” Urich said. was field hockey player Manveer them with another outlet in life
color to express frustrations, con- ically inherited trait,” said Urich. “He actually has a collection of Sandhu ’22. She described how besides child marriage.”
cerns and fears about being part “Sometimes race isn’t even an 25 Klan robes in his closet be- field hockey has always been
of majority-white teams, sharing action we intentionally choose cause he’s building a museum of central to her life and her devel- Please see AOCC, page 12
Friday, February 28, 2020 SPORTS 11

NESCAC Standings Compiled by Dylan Sloan

Salute your roots MEN’S ICE HOCKEY

Source: NESCAC and Bowdoin Athletics
come was the $40,000 blacked Dalmatian-trimmed mantle and
The Sideline out, gladiator bodysuit that he a crown, perhaps only a step
Story walked out in, as red LED lights above what you might expect to W L T W L T W L T W L T
circled the eyes of his crystalized find on the Burger King. It says Willliams 13 5 0 16 7 1 Middlebury 14 1 1 19 2 3
by Julius Long helmet in true supervillain fash- something about the state of box-
ion. It has become a staple for ing—the industry maybe more
Trinity 12 5 1 17 6 1 Colby 9 3 4 14 5 5
Saturday’s World Boxing Wilder to one-up himself but, in than the sport—that a 6-foot-9, Hamilton 10 6 2 11 9 4 Amherst 8 4 4 14 5 5
Council Heavyweight title match the realm of practicality, this was 254-pound man dressing like Middlebury 8 7 3 10 11 3 Hamilton 9 6 1 15 8 1
was nothing short of spectacular. probably as far as he could take the BK is not only normal, but Wesleyan 8 9 1 12 11 1 Williams 8 6 2 12 8 4
You expect that to be the case it. He wanted to do something subdued. He did, though, take it
when two guys named Wilder and big, but at the same time, send a step further when he mounted Bowdoin 8 9 1 12 11 1 Conn. Coll. 6 6 4 13 7 4
Fury meet at the most iconic ven- a humble thank you to the black a throne, singing along to Patsy Amherst 7 8 3 9 1 4 Bowdoin 4 11 1 8 13 3
ue in boxing to compete for a title leaders and real-life superheroes Cline’s “Crazy,” as he was carried Conn. Coll. 7 9 2 11 11 2 Trinity 3 11 2 8 12 4
that might as well read “The Big- that paved the way for him. to the ring. But the story behind
gest and Baddest MF on Earth.” As rapper D Smoke per- “The Gypsy King” and Fury’s Tufts 6 11 1 8 15 1 Wesleyan 1 14 1 7 16 1
The fight itself was a spectacle, formed his song “Black Habits” personification of it is much Colby 3 13 2 7 14 3
especially for the bloodthirsty live, the faces of Frederick Dou- deeper than theatrics.
fans who pay to see nothing glass, Maya Angelou, Nipsey Fury comes from a long line
more than two overgrown men Hussle, Harriet Tubman, Kobe of Irish nomads, many of whom
beat each other until they break. Bryant and a long list of other have competed as bare-knuckle
But on Saturday, the curtain call names appeared on video mon- boxers. In the travelling world, Sat 2/29 @ Hamilton, 4 P.M. Sat 2/29 @ Colby, 3 P.M.
arguably stole the show, a testa- itors. Wilder’s message can be the best bare-knuckle boxers
ment to the appreciation of ar- summed up by the hook of the earn the coveted title of “King
ticulate expression, even in what Inglewood rapper’s anthem: of the Gypsies.” The legend goes
most consider a brutal sport. If Black magic, black excellence that Fury has uncles on both MEN’S BASKETBALL WOMEN’S BASKETBALL
the ring is the canvas on which / Black habits, this black medi- sides of the family who held the
boxers paint the picture of rig- cine, everything crown, and his father ultimately
orous preparation, unshakable Black Chucks, black tux, ev- used his prize winnings to end W L W L W L W L
courage and a gladiator complex erything, everything / Black hug, the tradition of roaming and Tufts 8 2 19 6 Tufts 10 0 25 0
that tells them they’d rather pay black love, everything settle the family in Manchester.
the ultimate price before they ac- Praise black Jesus, play black Despite the bigotry and negative
Colby 8 2 23 2 Amherst 8 2 22 3
cept defeat, the ring walk ahead Moses / Give ‘em flowers while connotation attached to the term Amherst 7 3 18 7 Bowdoin 8 2 23 2
of the fight is a carefully curated, they still here, black roses, ev- “gypsy,” Fury decided to adopt Trinity 6 4 17 8 Williams 6 4 18 7
thoughtful and inspirational erything the moniker as his own and Middlebury 6 4 20 5 Trinity 5 5 16 9
opening statement addressed to Black tie, black ride, every- bring pride to it.
fans, family and, most impor- thing, everything / Black pride, He did so by thrashing Wilder Williams 6 4 13 12 Hamilton 5 5 15 10
tantly, their dance partner for black lives, everything in seven rounds before the tow- Bates 4 6 12 13 Bates 4 6 13 12
the night. Wilder would go on to lose the el was thrown. But a rematch Hamilton 4 6 16 9 Wesleyan 4 6 14 11
As is traditional in boxing, fight to Tyson Fury, the self-pro- clause in the fight contract has
each fighter chose to pay hom- claimed “Gypsy King” and now already piqued the interest of Wesleyan 3 7 14 10 Conn. Coll. 2 8 7 17
age to his roots during this Heavyweight Champion. With both parties, not to mention Bowdoin 3 7 8 16 Colby 2 8 7 15
sacred moment. Deontay “The his posse and security detail fans. A third edition of Fury v. Conn. Coll. 0 10 4 20 Middlebury 1 9 12 12
Bronze Bomber” Wilder en- escorting him down the halls of Wilder is sure to entertain, from
tered the ring as the undefeated the MGM Grand, it seemed as ring walk to finish. The question
heavyweight champion. But though his entrance would be of is: can The Gypsy King and the
the only thing more shocking the milder variety. The 6-foot- Bronze Bomber top the perfor- Sat 2/29 vs. Amherst @ Tufts, 2 P.M.
than the manner of his defeat to 9-inch Brit sported a bright red, mance they’ve already put on?

AOCC of color on a team came up time

and time again.
ible, because of her skin color.
Most of all, she is shocked by
way people of color feel here,”
Opong-Nyantekyi said. “And
asked myself the question, ‘Why
[do] the majority of people of
ple’s experiences are different is
something I hope people walk
First-year swimmer Ayana her teammates’ spending habits, I’m lucky enough to not feel as color, especially black women, away with,” said Lester Jackson
In that moment, she felt as Opong-Nyantekyi has found it further highlighting disparity in though I have to quit my team, quit the track team?’ Well, that’s ’21, one of the vice presidents of
though she had been defined difficult to be on a team that is so socioeconomic class. and that I have a team that re- easy. We don’t fit in.” the AOCC.
by her Indian identity; she was racially and socioeconomically “They have no problem buy- spects me. But I feel as though it Encouraging white athletes While this event aims to open
nothing more to this coach than different from her, but support ing different apparel, paying for is worth sharing, because things to reflect on these poignant and up new spaces for dialogue, there
a walking representation of India. from a senior athlete of color on attire so the whole team matches, for me and other athletes of color often painful stories was the in- is still much to consider sur-
“I felt deeply ashamed. I felt her team has helped her navigate or even going out to dinners for at Bowdoin can be better.” tention of the event’s organizers. rounding athletes of color and
as though I should also be doing the team’s dynamics. team bonding,” said Opong- A former member of the track “It’s just about making an in- their experiences at Bowdoin.
something to help the country “Outside of practices, it’s en- Nyantekyi. “The way they spend and field team, Amani Hite ’20 clusive environment and making Acknowledging this, Urich posed
my family is from,” said Sandhu. couraged for us to attend mix- money and are able to buy things recounted her experiences on the sure that the culture of the team some questions to the audience.
“I felt embarrassed I knew so ers. The music is not usually too without second thought was team that led her to quit. A proxy is welcome to race and anything “I’m going to leave you with
little about India in terms of per- great, and rarely is [it] music one eye-opening to me.” for Hite read the story, as Hite like race, including class, sexual- some questions to consider,” said
sonal experience.” could dance to,” said Opong- She does not blame them, but could not attend the event. ity and gender preference,” said Urich. “How do you do race?
Sandhu, like others on campus Nyantekyi. “Evidently, my white nonetheless feels marginalized “Someone had me reach out to event coordinator and AOCC What actions do you take that
and on athletic teams, found sup- teammates do not really dance because each purchase she makes a recruit. Big mistake. Of course President Paula Petit-Molina ’20. make race happen? How do your
port in a fellow teammate of color and since none of them dance, I needs to be thought out and the they would tell me to reach out to “Certain things and pressures teams do race? What about your
and began to understand that she don’t feel comfortable dancing.” consequences considered. the Black recruit. I mean, it had go into being an athlete of color college? Your friends and fami-
was not to blame in this situation. She spoke about feeling both “I know some people quit to be a race thing, because she that not everyone may under- ly? What about [us] as a nation?
Throughout the night, the theme invisible, as her experience is at their teams. I know some people didn’t even do the same event stand, so having that openness How do we do race? Think about
of solidarity with fellow athletes times overlooked, and hypervis- leave Bowdoin because of the as me,” read the proxy. “I quit. I and being able to see how peo- that.”

SPOKEN FROM THE HEART: (LEFT) Ayana Opong-Nyantekyi ’23 addresses the crowd in Kresge Auditorium on Thursday night, speaking about her experience as an athlete of color on the swim and dive team during the ‘Intersections of Race in
Athletics’ event. (RIGHT) Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion Joshua Urich opened the event with a speech in which he addressed the topic of race in America and set the stage for the series of student stories that made up the remainder of the event.
12 SPORTS Friday, February 28, 2020

Men’s hockey returns to NESCAC quarterfinals

sense of urgency, being excited,”
by Itza Bonilla Hernandez said Bradley Ingersoll ’21. “We’ve
Orient Staff beaten Hamilton once already
After missing out on the NES- this year, so we definitely want to
CAC playoffs for the last two years, do it again.”
the men’s hockey team has bucked To prepare, the team has been
the recent trend and earned a sharpening the work it has al-
qualifying spot for this year’s tour- ready put in this season.
nament. The third-seeded Polar “I think we’re just trying to re-
Bears will be traveling to upstate inforce everything we’ve been do-
New York on Saturday, where they ing over the past month or so …
will take the ice against sixth-seed- keeping the confidence up, just
ed Hamilton. trying to keep that going and not
“It is a tremendous accom- get too stressed about the game,”
plishment; [it’s] such a challeng- said Geary.
ing league. The team is very excit- The team attributes its success
ed and certainly not taking it for this season to various factors,
granted,” said Head Coach Jamie ranging from young players con-
Dumont in a phone interview tributing to the game to adopting
with the Orient. “Come gameday, a new formation.
our mindset is to continue to “I don’t know if there was a
play defense and continue to play magic potion that we drank and
complete 60-minute hockey.” all of a sudden got into the play-
For the team’s senior players offs this year [or something],”
this year, this will be the first play- said Geary. “We have a really
off game since their first year. strong [first year] class that’s been
“We’re super excited. The last tremendous for us offensively and
two years, we haven’t been in [the defensively. We also got a new as-
playoffs], so it’s kind of come full sistant coach, Stan Moore, who’s
circle because we went up to Ham- been a great asset to the team.
ilton my [first] year, and now we Fresh blood in the program is al- GRAHAM BENDICKSON, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
have another chance to do some ways good. We also changed our STEAMING AHEAD: Bobby Pearl ’23 scans the ice during a home game against Wesleyan, a 3-1 victory. Bowdoin will play Hamilton in the NESCAC playoffs this weekend.
damage there,” said captain Pat structure, which is a big thing.” “I think it kind of gave us been unbelievable leaders, [and guys. It’s just one team, everyone’s offs since we haven’t done it [in
Geary ’20. “But any time you get Typical hockey strategy in- some new life. People were ex- I] have seen a good contribution close on and off the ice. I think a while]. But I think building off
into [the] playoffs, it’s like a whole cludes three forwards and two cited about it, and it worked out from all four class years.” that’s been a huge part of our suc- this year … I expect us to make
new season. It’s a fresh start for us, defensemen. For the past two for us,” said Ingersoll. “We were While senior leadership has cess, and [we] want to keep that playoffs next year and hopefully
and just getting there … was a su- years, the Polar Bears have been all in favor of it, and [our coach] been key to the team’s success, going as seniors next year.” win the NESCAC championship,”
per big accomplishment.” playing with three defensemen was too.” contributions across all class years As for long-term goals, the said Ingersoll.
For everyone else on the team, and two forwards, called the Apart from adopting a new have propelled the team to a play- team hopes to continue to make The Polar Bears face Hamilton
a stab at the postseason brings an- “three back” structure. This sys- structure of play, the team attri- off spot. None of the team’s top the playoffs every year and one on Saturday at 4 p.m. The game
ticipation and excitement. tem was used by the team when butes its success to great leaders four point scorers are seniors, and day win the NESCAC title for the will be live streamed on the NES-
“At least for the [seniors], they Terry Meagher was head coach, and its culture over the years. the seven-man first-year class has first time since 2013-14. CAC website.
made it their [first] year. This is from 1983 to 2016. But earlier “The seniors have been great already made a sizable impact. “I think our goal every year is “If you’re not doing anything
everyone else’s first time being this year, the team ultimately de- leaders on and off the ice,” said “It’s a good culture,” said Inger- to win the NESCAC champion- Saturday, definitely tune in,
[in the] playoffs, and I think ev- cided to go back to the standard Dumont. “[Captains] Ronnie soll. “There’s not much divide be- ship. The last couple of years, our because it’s going to be a good
eryone’s just got kind of a new formation of three forwards. [Lestan ’20] and [Geary] have tween the younger guys and older focus has been to make the play- game,” said Geary.

Women’s hockey sets expectations high despite recent skid

has made marked improve- against second-ranked Colby
by Robert Shepard ments from last year. After on Saturday.
Orient Staff
last year’s subpar perfor- “Obviously, we have a great
Despite dropping the last mance, the team ended this tradition and rivalry with
four games of their season, the regular season with a 8-13-3 Colby, and since I’ve been
Bowdoin women’s hockey team (4-11-1 NESCAC) record, at Bowdoin, we haven’t re-
is heading to the NESCAC good for the seventh seed in ally faced them much in the
playoffs. Going into its quarter- the playoffs. postseason,” said Surgenor.
final matchup against Colby on A change in mentality has “We’re just really excited to
Saturday, the team is hoping to been a big part of that rebound. see them.”
rebuild some momentum to cap “A big thing this year for us The Polar Bears haven’t
off a season of growth follow- was [that] the captains really played the Mules in the play-
ing last winter, when the team valued accountability and com- offs since 2014 when they
went 3-19-2 and missed out on munication within the team, earned a 4-2 victory in the
a NESCAC playoff spot for the something our coaches really NESCAC semifinal. This
first time since 2001. preached as well,” said Surgenor. year, the team dropped both
“This year, we’re really “Being able to call each other its games against the Mules
excited to come back and out in a productive way and in the second week of the sea-
redeem ourselves,” said Julia communicate effectively about son—2-1 at home and 2-0 on
Surgenor ’21. what we can be doing better as the road.
The team struggled in a team [is so important].” Stoddard says the team is
February, losing six of its last In addition to a shift in going into the playoffs better
seven games, including two to mentality, the team has also prepared than they were at
both Trinity and top-ranked been more productive on of- the beginning of the season.
Middlebury. But rather than fense, scoring 2.04 goals per “We haven’t seen them
dwelling on the difficult end- game compared to just 1.33 last since the first weekend, and
ing, the team is focusing on year. Getting defensive players we know as a team we’ve built
what went well. involved in offensive play has throughout this season, so
“We put up a really good bolstered the team’s overall they don’t really know how
fight,” said Izzi Stoddard ’21. production, Surgenor said. much we’ve changed for the
“We skated with [Middle- “We have a lot of really of- better,” said Stoddard.
bury] for 60 minutes in both fensive-minded defensemen Regardless of the outcome,
Friday and Saturday’s game.” who get involved in the play, the game will be historic.
Against Middlebury, which I think is really helpful “It’s [Colby’s] last game in
Surgenor scored on a power in generating more offense their rink because they’re get-
play in the first period, ruin- than we have been able to in ting a new rink [next fall], so
ing the Panthers’ perfect pen- the past,” said Surgenor. we’re excited to be a part of
alty-kill record for the season. The team has also adopted that and the history of Bowdo-
“We ended [Middlebury’s an offensive strategy involv- in-Colby hockey,” said Surgenor.
streak], so we’re pretty excit- ing three forwards for the The Polar Bears take the
ed about the small victories,” end of the season and contin- ice against Colby at 3 p.m.
said Surgenor. ues to take that offense-first this Saturday in Waterville OWEN WOLFSON, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
Small victories make a big mindset into the playoffs. The with the hope of advancing to BREAK THE SLUMP: Angelina Joyce ’22 searches for a pass in a 3-1 home loss against Middlebury last weekend, Bowdoin’s
difference for this team that Polar Bears open the playoffs the NESCAC semifinals. fourth consecutive loss. The Polar Bears will seek to break the streak against Colby in Saturday’s NESCAC quarterfinal matchup.
Friday, February 28, 2020 SPORTS 13

Winter varsity sports by the numbers Compiled by Gwen Davidson, Steven

Xu, Sebastian de Lasa and Dylan Sloan

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Winter athletics data allows a vi-
1 sualization of team performances
across the season. The following
graphics display data from point-
2 based varsity team sports. Additional
statistics, including more detailed
data and metrics for more winter
3 sports, can be found online at bow-
Note: the women’s and men’s basket-
4 ball teams’ NESCAC seasons did not
NESCAC Standing

begin until six weeks after the hockey

7 Basketball

8 Women’s
Women’s teams won more
2.9% 51.5% often than men’s teams. 2.9% 51.5% Ties
.6% 4 5.6


57.1% %

4.3% 53


38 s



Men’s Te
e n ’s Te a

Note: This data was sourced from


the scores of women’s and men’s

hockey, basketball and squash


Bowdoin teams were the

winningest in December,
and had the lowest winning
percentage in February.

61.9% % 71.4% 8.1% 48.6% 40%

% 28.6 60%
3 3.3 .2%

November December January February

Bowdoin teams played more away games than home games,
but had a slightly higher winning percentage at home.

Home 29 25 2

Away 34 31 3

0 20 40 60 80 Conference
Games Bowdoin teams had a lower winning
Source: NESCAC and Bowdoin Athletics percentage in conference play than overall.
14 Friday, February 28, 2020

Please ... wash your hands
On Thursday, Dean of Student Affairs Janet Lohmann sent an email to cam-
Dear Bowdoin, what is awareness?
pus updating students on the College’s ongoing efforts to monitor the spread of experience—every day, week and the time, partly because effects of
COVID-19, commonly known as coronavirus. In her email, Lohmann pointed by Manlio Calentti month. Awareness is normalizing depression, anxiety, post-traumat-
students towards a new FAQ page on the College’s website with information Op-Ed Contributor conversation, it is building healthy ic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar
about the virus, preventative measures and travel-related advisories. This week, the Bowdoin Stu- ways to digest information on issues disorder and obsessive-compulsive
With the coronavirus dominating global headlines and on-campus conver- dent-Athlete Advisory Committee and ideas that we would normally feel disorder (OCD)—the United States’
sations, it’s easy to panic. But as Lohmann’s email and the Center for Disease (BSAAC) rolled out a week’s worth uncomfortable talking about. Aware- most prevalent mental illnesses—are
Control (CDC) have suggested, the best way for individuals to prepare for the of programming dedicated to Mental ness is education, and it is supported varied and manifest in such differ-
expected spread of the virus in the United States is to educate themselves about Health Awareness Week. The offer- by facts, figures and personal anec- ent ways. As Bowdoin students, we
the virus and to take reasonable precautions to stay healthy. ings are a veneer of help. In terms dotes. Did you know mental illness ought to educate ourselves. Before
As students prepare to leave campus for spring break at the end of next of awareness, there isn’t much, but, is disproportionate across different we critique the College’s resources or
week, it’s important to keep a few things in mind about the virus. oh yes! There are dogs and free pub identities and backgrounds? While the lack thereof, we should all, indi-
First, there is a lot that we don’t know. What we do know is there are about food! Is this awareness? Is this what 19 percent of all adults experience vidually, be able to understand early
60 confirmed cases in the United States, and global health experts are expect- Bowdoin needs? Awareness on any any mental illness in a 12-month warning signs of mental illness such
ing the virus to spread throughout the continental U.S.. As you stay up to date issue comes in different forms. While span, 37 percent of LGBTQ adults are as self-harm impulses, noticeable
with the spread of the virus, it’s critical to be discerning about your sources of Peer Health has approached aware- afflicted in the same timeframe. Sim- weight gain/loss and/or excessive use
information. Sensationalist media accounts and outright misinformation are ness of health resources in a great ilarly, non-white college students are of alcohol and drugs.
already spreading on the internet and across social media. Don’t believe every- way—a subtle, yet noticeable, poster largely affected by prevalent mental So, what is awareness? Is it offer-
thing you read—rely on trusted sources like the CDC, the National Institutes campaign in Smith Union, one of illnesses such as depression and anx- ing free pub foods, or is it provid-
of Health and the Maine Center for Disease Control. Bowdoin’s buildings with the heavi- iety. Arab/Arab American students ing more therapy dogs? Awareness
While U.S. health officials expect that the virus will continue to spread est foot traffic—BSAAC’s approach report the highest shares of these ill- should be synonymous with edu-
through the country, the most recent reports have stressed that for the average, to mental health awareness falls flat nesses, at 24.5 percent and 23.9 per- cation—it is not hard. Let’s begin
healthy adult, the fatality rate is low compared to similar viruses, in short: don’t on many fronts. It exacerbates my cent, respectively, while 15.8 percent by normalizing these issues—that
panic. frustration with how we approach and 17.8 percent of white students includes acknowledging that 50 per-
Second, take reasonable precautions. As with the average flu virus, you can conversations on mental health here report experiencing depression and cent of mental illness begins by the
reduce your risk of exposure with a few common-sense strategies. Especially at Bowdoin. For some, therapy dogs anxiety, respectively. The statistics age 14, 75 percent by age 24. Let’s be-
in the Bowdoin petri dish, these habits go a long way. (Think how many people work, but for others—might I say, a are endless and gut-wrenching, but, gin by understanding the facts about
touch the Thorne serving utensils … yuck.) The primary recommendations majority of students—it does not. unfortunately, they are a reality. the tip of the iceberg because there is
from CDC are as simple as washing your hands, avoiding contact with sick Mental health is omnipresent in I have spent so much of my time at much more happening deeper down.
individuals and staying home when you feel sick. my life. It ebbs and it flows, both Bowdoin thinking about how to de- We owe ourselves the ability to look
Finally, be sensitive to the real human impact of the coronavirus around the daily and seasonally. My worst days scribe my personal experiences with out for one another, as a Bowdoin
globe. While the virus is still a distant threat in midcoast Maine, it has been under the summer’s sunshine would mental health. Some days, I abhor the community, as friends and simply
deadly in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. It has had material and psycho- be the best while slogging through idea of leaving my room. Other days, as people. Check in on your friends;
logical effects on families and communities, and it’s important to keep in mind winter. It’s hard. I am dependent on I am as exuberant and cheerful as a never cease to tell people you love
that falling into mass hysteria can obscure coronavirus’s true human costs. scheduling my life out in order to toddler. Some days, scheduling my them, and continue to educate your-
Check in with your friends who aren’t able to return home for spring break or have control over each day, and I am waking hours allows for a sense of self.
who have families in the affected areas. very reliant on medications, some- ease. Other days, the schedules trig- BSAAC, I ask that you tweak your
We are grateful that the College is monitoring the situation and has extend- thing that is often sheepishly talked ger a spiral of anxious thoughts—“Is approach. Some of these programs
ed support to students whose travel plans and families have been affected by about even when discussing mental this where I need to be? Should I be might be helpful to a portion of
the virus. We hope that, as the situation develops, the College will continue to health. For me, this is mental health with my friends? Do my friends hate the student body, but your goal of
support students in whatever capacity proves necessary. And, for the love of awareness—not dogs, not pub food, me?” At a certain point, the onus is awareness is not supported by what
God, wash your hands. not yoga or meditation. not on me to explain everything all you offered.
Mental health aware- Manlio Calentti is a member of the
This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orient’s editorial board, ness is bringing light to Class of 2020.
which is comprised of Emily Cohen, Maia Coleman, Ellery Harkness, Alyce McFad- the reality of what a per-
den, Rebecca Norden-Bright and Ian Ward. centage of the Bowdoin
community, the Bruns-
wick community, your
friends and your family

ESTABLISHED 1871 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011

The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news and
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serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse discussion and debate on issues of
interest to the College community.

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Answer at
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60% YES
The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the
40% NO
editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions Based on answers from 119 responses.
expressed in the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.
Friday, February 28, 2020 OPINION 15

To each according to his contribution… In our own voice:

subject of constant mental ey while others can attain a to make “un-exchangeable”
Workin’ on it
by Archer
Money, however, has a
secret. It’s not just a points
system but a commodity in
fortune without lifting a finger.
How then should we ad-
dress the issue of money as a
commodity? Some argue that
money. Let’s imagine that you
are a worker in this post-mon-
ey society. You would be paid
in vouchers (usable only by
reflecting on RISE
Our parents told us many its own right. The mere fact we should give up on money you), but just like money, lenged as it fosters a culture
clichéd things growing up. of possessing money can altogether. Imagine walking these vouchers would enable by Lucia Gagliardone of violence.
Many of these things—if you generate more money—labor into a store and taking—not you to buy whatever you and Eskedar Girmash When the first leadership
Op-Ed Contributors
happen to be American—are not required. A very wealthy buying—everything you want. When you go to the team created “RISE,” it was
intended to convince us that person could—and many need. Imagine working with- grocery store, you hand over As two of the creators of their intention that the stories
work, more than just being do—live just off the interest out the expectation of pay. your vouchers to the cashier, the 2020 show, we see “RISE” represented were a reflection
a necessary evil of existing produced by their largesse. After all, if everything is free, but instead of putting them in as a political statement. It of the true experiences of
society, is actually valuable Investing in the stock market, why would you need to? This the register, he jots down the works to bring attention to Bowdoin women, rather than
and fulfilling. They say that while requiring slightly more is the idea of the gift econo- value of your purchase and gender-based violence, inter- a forced agenda constructed
work teaches us the value of effort and risk, still generates my, restrained not by money voids your vouchers. In turn, sectional discrimination and by the leaders. The content of
a hard-earned dollar. That’s wealth even while the inves- but by a sense of social rights the cashier is paid in his own various forms of gender dis- the 2020 production is com-
how most people interact tor is sleeping. Everywhere and obligations. Originally, vouchers that are unrelated to respect. It unapologetically prised of genuine lived expe-
with money: almost exclu- but Japan, index funds (which many societies operated this yours. There is no “exchange” creates a space for women to riences, and we as a campus
sively as a function of labor track the stock market as a way, albeit on a small scale. taking place. stand together against mar- must respect and honor them
performed. Money means whole) pretty much guaran- However, money has a lot Communities, in this ginalizing systems. It fosters fully. When many stories sub-
survival, so people scaffold tee exponential returns over a of advantages, the main being circumstance, would deter- an empowering community mitted each year contend with
their lives around work. We large enough time span. that it is well-equipped to man- mine compensation for labor through which women from sex and sexuality, it reflects
are encouraged to think of The problem with money’s age desire in a limited world. democratically. We could all walks of campus can resist how pervasive these issues are
money as the points system double-faceted Although we’d like to imagine collectively decide to pay pro- the patriarchy while coming in our community. Our role
of modern society, and every- nature is that, that individuals would con- fessions differently based on together to celebrate and up- is to honor and elevate the
thing from food unless you sume responsibly in a world talent, experience and social lift each other. truths that Bowdoin women
to the newest have a lot where everything is free, may- need. In this way, we can in- One of the show’s many voice and we hope that each
appliance of it, pas- be it’s a good thing that pur- centivize individuals to do the functions is to visualize ex- year it can become more rep-
is the sive income chasing power is tied to labor. dirty, difficult or tedious jobs periences relating to sex and resentative of all women’s ex-
is generally Until total automation is possi- that society requires. relationships because society periences.
hard to come ble (see my column from a few Labor vouchers are not has centered womanhood Storytelling is not the only
by. It is unfair weeks ago), there is necessary a new idea. They were first and women’s bodies around way to create spaces for heal-
that some people work to be done. envisioned by the early uto- these issues. While in “RISE,” ing. This show is one of the
must work Wealth should be tied to pians of the American Mid- we work to detangle our gen- many ways we as a campus
to make work—monetary exchange west—perhaps because the der from our sexuality, we can begin to confront gen-
mon- makes this impossible. A idea speaks to the American also must confront and chal- der-based violence, support
solution to this prob- penchant for paid labor. How- lenge the reality that many survivors and create a safer
lem would be ever, if Americans were actu- issues of gender oppression and more inclusive culture.
ally serious about stem from the problematic On behalf of the “RISE”
the idea of work sexualization and exploita- 2020 leadership team, we of-
being the basis of tion of women’s bodies. Sex- fer our biggest thank you to
AC an ethical society, ual disrespect and unequal the women who submitted
they would re- power dynamics contribute their stories and the wom-
ject the com- to rape culture. The numer- en who voiced these stories.
modification ous stories we receive about Thank you for your strength;
of money and the disregard towards wom- we are all better because of it.
its ability to en’s pleasure demonstrate Lucia Gagliardone and Es-
generate pas- that the sexual culture on kedar Girmash are members of
sive income. this campus needs to be chal- the Class of 2020.

Assange’s fate is the fate of journalism

to Assange asking Manning, a explain: there’s an interesting
by Ethan McLear source, for more material—in glitch in human psychology
Op-Ed Contributor
other words, a perfectly nor- called (perhaps unoriginally)
As you read this, Julian mal journalistic practice. That the “just world fallacy,” and
Assange is facing a court case should raise red flags by itself. it’s an important one to be
that could change the practice The second thing to know aware of. It explains the
of journalism, full stop. He’s is that the extradition or- victim-shaming and blam-
charged with “conspiracy to der that happened under ing in cases of mugging,
commit computer intrusion President Donald Trump is rape, robbery, murder
for agreeing to break a pass- premised on no more infor- because we have an un-
word to a classified U.S. gov- mation than former Presi- conscious need to imagine
ernment computer” during dent Barack Obama and Eric a world where good things
Chelsea Manning’s 2010 leak Holder, his attorney general, happen to good people, and
of government documents ex- had back in 2011. In other bad things happen to bad peo-
posing U.S. war crimes. words, the fact that Assange ple. This particular facet of
Assange has served as the tried (and failed) to guess a psychology was demonstrated
public face of WikiLeaks for computer password has been in the ’60s, and it boils down
years. WikiLeaks exists to known for years. In the end, to the human tendency to
“safely reveal important in- the Obama administration select for cognitive ease over generation
formation about the world, refused to go forward with cognitive discomfort. knows anything,
and to protect their sources the charge, realizing—rightly Ultimately, Assange’s trial ready suffered it’s how to deal with rude
in doing so.” They are perhaps so—that it would endanger comes down to this ques- and continues to awakenings before our time
best known for decrypting journalism and set a dan- tion: should journalists be suffer for holding and lead the way regardless.
and releasing footage taken gerous legal precedent. The punished for exposing war the American The public outcry needed
from a helicopter in 2007 Department of Justice (DOJ) crimes? That Assange would government to shame those who
during the Iraq War in a vid- under Trump has no such be facing life imprisonment to account is would hide Assange
eo now known as “Collateral qualms; in ordering the extra- for the material he has pub- broadcasting away for the rest of his
Murder.” The video shows dition and trial of Assange in lished, simply because it was a lesson: life and make of him an
American soldiers misiden- this country, the DOJ is pros- inconvenient for the govern- never do example—that falls on
tifying a group of civilians ecuting a journalist for doing ments that perpetrated the anything HOLLY HARR our shoulders.
as terrorists, gunning them journalism. crimes revealed, clashes with remotely like what me. I have nei- It’s my hope that in reading
down from the helicopter and In a just world, this this pleasant fiction of a just that guy did, or the same ther the strength nor the cour- this, you’ll want to learn more
laughing about it. wouldn’t happen: a journalist world, which may lead you to thing will happen to you. age to face the consequences about Assange’s plight. For
This is obviously some- doing journalism wouldn’t want to forget this story and And it works. I know be- of taking that information that, I can think of no better
thing that everyone, especial- be in prison awaiting extra- move on. But I submit to you cause it works on me. If you and running with it—I just names than Caitlin Johnstone,
ly American citizens, have a dition and facing charges of that this is infinitely bigger came to me and said you had have too much to lose. Even Max Blumenthal, Michael
right to access, to see what our espionage. In a just world, that than Assange’s case. Regard- information that incriminated reading this piece can be hard, Brooks and Aaron Maté—just
government is doing with our would only happen to some- less of the case’s outcome, the some of the most powerful because it tints the world in an google them.
money and in our name. one who deserved it. If you isolation and psychological people in the world, I’d tell you uglier light than how we grew Ethan McLear is a member
This charge breaks down feel a roiling in your gut, I can damage that Assange has al- to keep it the hell away from up imagining it. But if our of the Class of 2023.
16 Friday, February 28, 2020

“Fast Fashion/Slow Art”
Cat Mazza, associate professor of art at the University of
Massachusetts at Boston, will lead an artist workshop and discuss
her work featured in the Bowdoin College Museum of Art
exhibition, “Fast Fashion/Slow Art.”
Museum of Art. 3 p.m.

Polar Bear Snow Globe Making
The Bowdoin Craft Center will provide materials for students to
make their own polar bear snow globes.
David Saul Smith Union. 3 p.m.

“Henry VI, Part II”
Students will perform the second part of Shakespeare’s
“Henry VI.” Tickets for Friday, Saturday and Sunday
performances are available online.
Pickard Theater, Memorial Hall. 7:30 p.m. ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
GOOD BOY: Sophie Bell ’23 plays with Bailey, the golden retriever of Massachusetts Senator and Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren. On
Friday, students lined up in the Pickering Room in Hubard Hall to meet Bailey and Warren’s son, Alex.


The Women’s Cabaret LECTURE
Celebrating Muslimahs: Muslim Women
Bowdoin Women in Music will hold a cabaret featuring on Campus “Toxic Nectar? How Plant Chemistry
self-identified women on campus reclaiming sexist music. The Muslim Student Alliance will display a photo exhibition Changes Bee Behavior”
Dining Room, Ladd House. 8 p.m. highlighting the experiences of Muslim women at Bowdoin. Patricia Jones, assistant professor of biology and director of
30 College Street. 7 p.m. the Bowdoin College Scientific Station on Kent Island, will
BLACK HISTORY MONTH discuss the dangerous compounds produced by flowering
Ebony Ball plants as a defense mechanism against predators. She will
The Black Student Union will hold the annual Ebony Ball in also explain the effects of this poisonous nectar on the

celebration of the conclusion of Black History Month. behavior of honeybees.
Main Lounge, Moulton Union. 10 p.m. Main Lounge, Moulton Union. 12:30 p.m.

Arts, Industry and Innovation in “Recovering Nimrud: Smithsonian’s
Antebellum America Projects in Iraq”

SUNDAY 1 The students in “The U.S.: 1783-1861” history course will present
a pop-up art exhibition featuring art that represents the societal
and cultural interests in 19th-century New England.
Jessica S. Johnson, head of conservation at the
Smithsonian’s Museum Conservation Institute, along with
Corine Wegener, director of the Smithsonian Cultural
Student Reiki Clinic Zuckert Seminar Room, Museum of Art. 3:30 p.m. Rescue Initiative, will discuss the Smithsonian’s efforts to
Volunteer practitioners will introduce Bowdoin students to preserve the ancient culture and history of Iraq and at the
Reiki, a non-invasive healing and de-stressing practice. LECTURE site of Nimrud.
Garage, 24 College Street. 4 p.m. “From Crisis to Resilience in the Arctic: At Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 4:30 p.m.
the Front Lines of Change and Innovation”
Joel Clement, senior fellow at the Harvard Belfer Center’s FITNESS CLASS
Arctic Initiative, will discuss the current environmental and Spin — Indoor Cycling
Matt O’Donnell, editor of Bowdoin Magazine, will lead a
ecological state of the Arctic and the actions required to bring
about positive change. fitness class with stationary bicycles.
Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 7 p.m. Room 213, Buck Fitness Center. 6:15 p.m.
Bowdoin International Music Festival co-artistic directors David Arturo O’Farrill, Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra Pub Trivia Night
Ying and Phillip Ying, as well as Janet Ying and Robin Scott, will Grammy-winning pianist and composer Arturo O’Farrill will Students will compete in trivia, with prizes awarded to the
play pieces by Franz Schubert and Kevin Puts. perform with the Afro Latin Jazz orchestra. top three teams.
Kanbar Auditorium, Studzinski Recital Hall. 7:30 p.m. Pickard Theater, Memorial Hall. 7:30 p.m. Jack Magee’s Pub and Grill. 8:30 p.m.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break

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