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Abigail Villafuerte | Jane Yao 1

Going the Distance

Going the Distance: A Film Analysis of OFW - Bagong Bayani o

Baliw na Bayani?

Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.
- Napoleon Hill

A hero is often defined as someone who's willing to exhibit great courage and selflessness
in the midst of adversity; but the question still remains, is it enough? An overseas Filipino worker
by the name of Efren resides in Saudi Arabia in the hope of finding a better life for him and his
family. However, in the span of time he's spent away, his commitment to the sacrifice he made
intensifies and he suddenly faced a battle within himself as he tried to cope with the culture of his
current whereabouts and his conscience as he struggled to bear with the thought of leaving his son
to grow up without a father. Determined to provide for his family, but distracted by his own
thoughts, Efren embarks on a journey to remind himself of his purpose in working overseas. As
they say, "Desperate times call for desperate measures." Because of the unsustainable life in the
Philippines, people are forced to go out of their way just to get by, blinded and uninspired by this
sight; people lose sight of their freedom that they too deserve to enjoy life.

Despite showing signs of significant human development, the Philippines still hasn’t
reached its full economic capability –poverty still poses as a significant problem together with a
high income inequality, it still continues to serve as a hindrance to the economic stability of the
Philippines. Due to the global economic issues that came about in the latter years of 2000, it was
actually said to have pushed even more people into living in poverty. The current pace of
economic growth in the Philippines still leaves much of the population in poverty, and numerous
factors still serve as factors as to why poverty reduction in the Philippines still remains unsolved.
Abigail Villafuerte | Jane Yao 2

Going the Distance

Saudi Arabia is an oil based economy that processes 25% of the world’s verified petroleum assets –
7 million labor forces are needed to this industry running, 80% of which are overseas workers. An
average worker in Saudi Arabia ears $6-$9 a day, however, this is still subject to their skill and
mastery; Saudi Arabia is also tax-free and it offers benefits to its citizens such as housing and
medical insurance. Despite the collapse of the global economy, Saudi Arabia was still declared as
the strongest Arab economy, making it the best option of income. In 2009, Saudi Arabia
welcomed 123, 048 migrant workers from the Philippines, making it the largest hirer of Overseas
Filipino Workers and holds the biggest Filipino Population in the Middle East; remittances from
Filipinos who reside in Saudi Arabia are the second-largest source of the Philippines. However, in
spite of the comfortable lifestyle Saudi Arabia offers its Filipino workers, an unknown number of
Filipinos are still said to have been victims of abuse, sexual harassment, refusal to be paid their
salaries, and similar employment negligence; others are said to have been victims of scams they’re
conned into going overseas, but are left there, unemployed.

The silence and solitude bequeath the dim-lit room consumed Efren’s thoughts. A beating
heart. A ticking clock. Time has already become insignificant to him -each passing moment
seemed hollow. In the corner of this dark, quiet room laid a photo of Efern's family, a reminder of
his commitment - a source of inspiration. But no amount of inspiration could help his thoughts
from wandering. A new picture formed in his mind; a life with his family: a husband who is faithful
to his word: "I will help you when you need help, and will turn to you when I need help. I choose
you as the person with whom I will spend my life.” And a father who helps his son achieve his
dreams. A new struggle was brought about by this vision - Efren questioned himself, was he to stay
in Saudi with nothing but the hope of a better life for his family, or was he to return home to where
he really wanted to be? Efren continued to contemplate. The struggle faced by Efren represents
the realities of a true to life Overseas Filipino Worker; wherein life may prove to be unjust. There's
no doubt that Efren belongs to the lower classes in the Philippines, which is why he suffers the
need to push himself harder just to provide for his family. It is not easy for a man of Efren's
standards to live up to what society expects of him, and this only adds to Efren's frustration with
himself. The way the director captured the weight that Efren bears on his shoulders truly captivates
the audience's hearts and soul.
Abigail Villafuerte | Jane Yao 3

Going the Distance

For the last hundred years, Philippines have experienced poverty and hunger; and each
citizen from all parts of the nation has been a witness to this dilemma. Analyzing the root of the
country's frustration, we realize that poverty is actually an effect of corruption. Therefore, we say
that every deed of man comes with a price. Not only did the film display themes regarding the
social aspects of a society, but it also demonstrated heart-warming moralities. Efren's stay in Saudi
gave importance to a father's role in the family; a father is to bring food to his family's table, to
provide his children with a good future, and to guide them into becoming good and independent
beings. With this, the difficulty of sacrifice is also made clear. To stay in a place that's foreign to
your culture is indeed terrifying. And having to face that fear alone could worse. When Efren
lacked persistence, he began to feel lonely and compelled by his economic condition that he made
little effort to fulfill his purpose. Time began to go to waste. Life is to be lived meaningfully, with a
reason, ambition, and determination. In the beginning of the film, only the beating of Efren's heart
and the ticking of the clock could be heard. This imparts a much deeper meaning to the
importance of living a meaningful life. "Does success depend on wealth?" said a voice in the film; a
compelling question indeed - how is success measured? Efren continued to base his success on
wealth and failed to see that there are other ways to determine success; but sadly, Efren was
ignorant to them.

The realistic film of an overseas worker battling against his own conscience portrays how
the film-maker saw the hardships of a man under societal pressure faced in the real world. When
you merely wait for opportunities to come about, you begin to allow negligence to control your
actions. Anyone can be a hero. Efren had the chance to rise above himself and fulfill his
responsibilities as a father, a husband, and a Filipino. However, he allowed himself to be
consumed by a negative outlook, and began to set aside his priorities. Persistence is key in
achieving greatness- that of a great hero. People are notably affected by how others perceive them;
in our society, it is inevitable for the society to divide its people amongst different classes according
to their economic standing. Thus, some choose to go the extra mile just to achieve dignity. Success
comes when one transcends into a better understanding of living a meaningful life- a life that
blesses the lives of others. The film deserves two-thumbs up for reminding contemporary viewers
to live a purposeful life.

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