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Solar power generation is the one of the effective method to generate the power.
Nowadays most of the houses are using this method to generate power for home appliances. In
our project we are using this method to generate power for charge the cell phone. Solar panel
consists of number of silicon cells. When sunlight falls on these cells, it generate voltage pulse
and gathered together then given to charging circuit. The different cell phone sockets are
connected in the charging circuit. The objective of this project is to charge the cell phone with
the help of solar power. This project acts as instant charger. This project is used in important
places such as petrol bunks, bus stand, and railway station and outside of the home and so on.


In today’s environment conscious world, a lot of interest is being taken in alternate forms
of energy. Solar power is a renewable source of energy, which has become increasingly popular
in modern days. Today 80% of the energy we use comes from fossil fuels and about 1% comes
from solar energy. It is estimated that the world’s oil reserves will last for 30 to 40 years,
whereas solar energy is forever.

Solar energy has two big advantages over fossil fuels. The first is in the fact that it is
renewable; it is never going to run out. The second is its effect on the environment. Burning of
fossil fuels introduces many harmful pollutants into the atmosphere and contributes to global
warming and acid rain. Solar cell directly converts solar energy into electricity. The solar cells
that are connected together make up the solar panel. This can last up-to several decades without
replacement. However, there is a drawback of solar power: energy can be produced only in the
presence of sunlight.

To overcome this, the solar panels are coupled with the rechargeable batteries, which can
store excess power generated and provide energy in the absence of sunlight. Solar energy has
advantages over other renewable energy sources including wind and water power: solar power is
generated using solar panels, which do not require any major mechanical parts, such as wind
turbines. These mechanical parts can breakdown and cause maintenance issues and can also be
quite noisy.

Both of these issues are virtually non-existent with solar panels. This project aims at
harvesting solar energy and storing it in a rechargeable battery. Using this battery various low-
voltage device can be charged. With the existing push in the direction of sustainable, clean
sources of power, it is no surprise that solar power has become one of the most popular
alternative energy sources. Free and available everywhere, the power of the sun can be employed
to power everything like cell phones and MP3 player. The sun's energy is usually harvested
through solar panels that are made up of photovoltaic cells. These cells can convert the sun's
power into electricity that can be used for a number of purposes. For private use, a handheld
solar hybrid charger can be employed to recharge little device for instance a MP3 player, a cell
phone, or a camera. A normal PN junction diode is used for unidirectional flow of charge
current. The output of the solar panel depends on the intensity of the solar light.

It works on the principle that when light falls on the solar cell, electron -hole pairs are
created in the n-type emitter and in the p-type base.The generated electrons (from the base) and
holes (from the emitter) then diffuse to the junction and are swept away by the electric field, thus
producing. Certain modules are selected and worked out to suitable specifications.

Solar energy is the energy produced directly by the sun and collected elsewhere, normally
the Earth. The sun creates its energy through a thermonuclear process. The process creates heat
and electromagnetic radiation. Only a very small fraction of the total radiation produced reaches
the Earth. The radiation that does reach the Earth is the indirect source of nearly every type of
energy used today.

The radiation that does reach the Earth is the indirect source of nearly every type of
energy used today. The exceptions are geothermal energy, and nuclear fission and fusion. Even
fossil fuels owe their origins to the sun; they were once living plants and animals whose life was
dependent upon the sun. Much of the world's required energy can be supplied directly by solar
power. More still can be provided indirectly. The practicality of doing so will be examined, as
well as the benefits and drawbacks. In addition, the uses solar energy is currently applied to will
be noted.

Due to the nature of solar energy, two components are required to have a functional solar
energy generator. These two components are a collector and a storage unit. The collector simply
collects the radiation that falls on it and converts a fraction of it to other forms of energy (either
electricity and heat or heat alone). The storage unit is required because of the non-constant nature
of solar energy; at certain times only a very small amount of radiation will be received.

At night or during heavy cloud cover, for example, the amount of energy produced by the
collector will be quite small. The storage unit can hold the excess energy produced during the
periods of maximum productivity, and release it when the productivity drops. In practice, a
backup power supply is usually added, too,

Solar energy, radiation from the Sun is capable of producing heat, causing chemical
reactions, or generating electricity. The total amount of solar energy incident on Earth is vastly in
excess of the world’s current and anticipated energy requirements. If suitably harnessed, this
highly diffused source has the potential to satisfy all future energy needs. In the 21st century
solar energy is expected to become increasingly attractive as a renewable energy source because
of its inexhaustible supply and its nonpolluting character, in stark contrast to the finite fossil
fuels coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

The Sun is an extremely powerful energy source, and sunlight is by far the largest source
of energy received by Earth, but its intensity at Earth’s surface is actually quite low. This is
essentially because of the enormous radial spreading of radiation from the distant Sun.

A relatively minor additional loss is due to Earth’s atmosphere and clouds, which absorb
or scatter as much as 54 percent of the incoming sunlight. The sunlight that reaches the ground
consists of nearly 50 percent visible light, 45 percent infrared radiation, and smaller amounts of
ultraviolet and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. lar concept is not new for us. As non-
renewable energy sources are decreasing, usage of solar energy is increased. This solar energy is
not only used on the Earth but also used in space stations where no electrical power is available.

Here is the simple circuit to charge 12V, 1.3Ah rechargeable Lead-acid battery from the
solar panel. This solar charger has current and voltage regulation and also has over voltage cut
off facilities. This circuit may also be used to charge any battery at constant voltage because
output voltage is adjustable.


The potential for solar energy is enormous, since about 200,000 times the world’s total
daily electric-generating capacity is received by Earth every day in the form of solar energy.
Unfortunately, though solar energy itself is free, the high cost of its collection, conversion, and
storage still limits its exploitation in many places. Solar radiation can be converted either into
thermal energy (heat) or into electrical energy, though the former is easier to accomplish.

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