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Forefront Journal of Engineering &Technology

Volume 2, Issue 2, Feb 2020, 7-22

©Scientific Forefront Journals


Naveen Raj E
Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering & Technology,
Sri Ramanujar Engineering College, Kolapakkam, India


Brick dust as a waste product from the brick kilns and tile factories available in Bangladesh could be used as
mineral admixtures in concrete. Its use in concrete could save as much as 20 percent of cement as binding material, while
providing the same strength. Brick dust, concrete could be produced with satisfactory slump and setting times with nearly
the same water cementing material ratio as in normal concrete without mineral. Under certain conditions, replacement of
cement by brick dust appears to increase the strength of concrete. Under acid and sulphate attack, performance of cement
concrete cube specimen prepared with 20 percent cement replaced by BDMA has been found to be comparable to that of
the control specimen prepared without BDMA.In mass concrete, the use of brick dust as a mineral admixture would reduce
the heat of hydration, which could help to control the development of secondary stresses in the structures. The brick dust
mineral admixture has a reddish color, which could be aesthetically more pleasing. As we are used surkhi sand in our
project to reduce the scarcity of river sand. Surkhi means industrial waste (i.e., crushed brick powder).On comparing the
strength of the conventional concrete and nominal concrete the strength is more or less reliable.

KEYWORDS: - Compressive Strength, Surkhi sand, Coarse Aggregate, River Sand


Surkhiis called as Trass, or brick-dust in England.

Surkhi for plaster could also be made up of slightly under-burnt bricks and ground very fine this may improve the
hydraulicity of fat lime. Surkhi must be mixed with lime, preferably during a mortar-mill. (Test for under- burnt bricks are
that they should to not dissolve in water). Surkhi isn't suitable for plaster exposed to weathering and humid conditions.

Pozzolana may be a volcanic substance found during a number of places, but named from the deposits at Pozzuoli
near Naples in Italy. It’s mixed with lime to supply mortar. It’s manufactured artificially in India by burning some sorts of
clays and grinding it very fine. It’s more or less like Surkhi. It is often utilized in all situations where surkhi are often want
to give superior performance.

Surkhi mixed with lime and water. A weathering course. Surkhi makes cement mortars and concretes more
waterproof, more immune to alkalies and to salt solutions than those during which no surkhi is employed. Surkhi mixed in
cement concrete has been utilized in a number of the large dams and other massive works in India. This admixture is
understood to scale back the temperature rise during hydration during a mass cement concrete and reduce cracking.

A surkhi concrete of 25 to 50 mm slump is simply as readily placed as a corresponding straight cement of the
much higher slum. The proportion of surkhi recommended is 10 to 30 per cent of cement (cement is going to be
proportionately less) but it must be ground as fine because the cement. Surkhi is added both in mortar and concrete. The
addition of surkhi is amid a slight reduction in strength as surkhi attains its full strength only after one year. Surkhi
concrete is more subject to a rather higher shrinkage than ordinary concrete. Surkhi is not a standardized produce and its
properties are widely variable.
8 Naveen Raj E

Figure 1: Surkhi Sand

Plain and reinforced cement concrete are one of the very popular and essential materials for construction all over
the world. Bangladesh is experiencing a great boom of construction nowadays and cement concrete is a basic and major
material for most of the construction here. Since cement is an essential ingredient in concrete and is very costly, its
economical use should be emphasized.

Mineral admixtures like silica fume, granulated blast furnace and slag and fly ash are widely used materials in
developed well as developing countries (Cook, 1990). In developing countries, considerable efforts have also been directed
towards the utilization of indigenous and waste materials such as palm oil, fuel ash, rice husk ash, coal ash, brick dust,
stone dust in cement concrete (Awal et al, 1997; Zhang, et al, 1996; Karki, 2002).

The purpose of this study is to investigate the behavior of concrete, prepared with brick dust as mineral admixture.
Brick dust is a waste product in numerous brick kilns in Bangladesh. This paper discusses the various physical, mechanical
and chemical properties of cement concrete where brick dust has been used as the mineral admixture (BDMA). The
objective of the study is to observe whether the brick dust can replace cement in concrete, and whether its use increases the
durability of concrete in aggressive.

Mineral Admixtures in Bangladesh

Various types of waste materials, which could be used as mineral admixtures, are available in Bangladesh. Some
of them are brick dust, stone dust, rice husk ash, coal ash, etc. Brick dust is a waste product obtained from different brick
kilns and tile factories. There are numerous brick kiln which has grown over the decades in an unplanned way in different
part of the country.

Tons of waste products like brick dust or broken pieces or flakes of bricks (brickbat) begin from these kilns and
factories. So far, such materials have been used just for filling low lying areas or are dumped as waste material. Similarly,
paddy being one of the major agricultural products in Bangladesh, rice husk ash could be considered another major source
of mineral admixtures. Coal ash is often by-product from coal burning industries and factories. Similarly, tons of stone dust
produced as a waste product from stone and aggregate industries, can be another source of mineral admixtures.

Chemical Interaction of Brick Dust as Mineral Admixture in Cement Concrete

As Portland cement liberates lime during hydration, in course of time, this liberated lime is leached out making
the structure, porous (Samanta et al., 1997). Due to acidic environments, CO2 reacts with Ca (OH) 2 and forms calcium
carbonate and water, and then leaches out the whitish substance.

Chemical Reactions

Portland cement + water → C-H-S (Glue) + Ca (OH) 2 (Fast Reaction)

Pratial Replacement of River Sand to Surkhi 9

Ca (OH) 2 + CO2→ CaCO3+H2O

In cement, mineral admixture mixes with liberated lime that in turn reacts with mineral admixture forming
additional amount of hydraulic compounds, reinforcing the hydraulic properties of the cement itself. The reaction is as

Pozzolana + Ca (OH) 2 + water → C-H-S (Glue) (Slow Reaction)

The slow rate of reaction between mineral admixture and liberated lime coupled with the decrease in the portion
of cement affects the hydraulic properties in the early age. But in the course of time, the mineral admixture reaction
products contribute their share to improve the rate of hydration and consequently the strength properties of the concrete.


➢ This paper presents a comprehensive study on the use of brick powder produced from clay brick demolition waste
in concrete industry.

➢ The main focus of the research is to present the additional information in the field of recycling clay masonry
rubbles in order to explode the possible uses of these recyclable materials in structural application.

➢ Brick powder reduces weight of the concrete.

➢ Due to the use of surkhi sand scarcity of river sand will decrease.

➢ Setting time of the concrete will decrease due the addition of surkhi sand

Testing of Materials
Materials Used

Materials play an important role in concrete. The following properties of the materials are to be used for making stronger

CEMENT - Ordinary Portland cement (53 grade)


SURKHI - 4.75mm – 0.15mm

COARSE AGGREGATE - 20mm (angular)

Testing For Cement

Fineness Test

But now is has got nearly stabilized. Different cement is ground to different fineness. Maximum number of
particles in a sample of cement should have a size less than about 100micron.The smallest particle in a size of about
10micron. The particle size fraction below 3micron has been found to have a predominant effect on the strength at one day
while 3-25micron faction to a major influence on the 28 days strength increase in the fineness of the cement of cement is
also found to increase the shrinkage of concrete. In commercial cement it is suggested that there should be about 25-30
percent of particles of less than 7 microns in size. Fineness of cement is tested in two ways.

➢ By sieve

10 Naveen Raj E

➢ By air permeability method

Standard Consistency Test

400gm of cement was weighed and it was first mixed with 25% of water by its weight and filled with mold within
five minutes. Now the Vicat mould was placed on the glass plate and it was filled with paste and shake to expel the
entrapped air if any. The surface of the paste was leveled at on the top of the mould with trowel. Now plunger was made to
touch the surface of the paste and then it was allowed to fall under its own weight.

When the plunger comes to rest, the depth of penetration was noted. If it was from 33-37mm from top the % of
water was added was correct and this % of water was added was the consistency of cement. If not, the test was repeated by
taking the fresh sample and mixed with water content increasing the percentage by 1%.

Table 1: Standard Consistency Test

% Of Water By Quantity Of Initial Final
Weight Water Reading Reading
1 25 100 50 40
2 26 104 50 39
3 27 108 50 38
4 28 112 50 30
5 29 116 50 25
6 30 120 50 18
7 31 124 50 12
8 32 128 50 6

Normal consistency = 32%

Initial Setting Time

The mould and the non-porous plate is washed, cleaned and dried. 400gm of the given sample of cement are taken
on the non-porous plate. The volume of water taken was 0.85 times of water required for standard consistency which was
then added very carefully to dry cement, and mixed thoroughly to form a neat cement paste. The mixing was completed
within 3- 5 minutes from the moment of adding water. At the instance of adding water to the cement, the time taken was
noted by using a stop watch.

The Vicat mould was placed on the non-porous plate and was filled with the prepared cement paste and the
surface of the paste was made smooth in level with the mould by using a trowel. By shaking the mould slightly air if any
expelled from the sample. The non-porous plate and mould are placed under the needle. The needle was gently lowered to
touch the surface of the plate and then the indicator was adjusted to show zero reading. The needle was released quickly,
allowing it to penetrate into the paste. When the needle comes to rest, the reading on the index of the scale was noted.

The moving rod was raised cleaning of the cement paste. The procedure of releasing the needle was repeated at
every 30sec, until the reading of the index scale shows a 5± 5mm from the bottom of the mould. The time was noted down.
The time that elapsed between the moment when water first added to the cement and the moment at which the needle of
1mm 2 sections failed to pierce the test block at 5 ± 5mm from the bottom of the mould was the initial setting time of

Final Setting Time

When the needle comes to rest, the reading on the index sale was noted. The procedure of releasing the needle
Pratial Replacement of River Sand to Surkhi 11

was repeated at every 30 seconds until the reading on the index scale shows 5 ± 5mm from the bottom of the mould. The
releasing the needle was continued at every 2min till the needle makes an impression of the test block.

Table 2: Initial Setting Time

Time Initial Final
1 50 0
2 50 0
3 50 0
4 50 1
5 50 1
6 50 2
7 50 3
8 50 3
9 50 4
10 50 5

Initial setting time = 50min

Specific Gravity of Cement

➢ 100gm of cement is weighed.

➢ 990ml of kerosene is filled in a specific gravity bottle.

➢ The cement sample is placed in a specific gravity bottle till the level of the kerosene reaches 1000ml mark.

➢ The quantity of cement laced in the bottle is calculated. Then the specific gravity of cement is found out by using
the following reaction.

➢ Specific gravity of cement =weight of cement weight of kerosene of equal volume of cement.


Aggregate characteristics such as specific gravity, bulk density, and particle size distribution and moisture content
is essential prior to the proportioning of mixtures. Shape and surface texture have a major role in affecting the rheological
properties of concrete, these characteristics may also be considered while proportioning. The particle shape should ideally
dimensional, i.e. not elongated or flaky. Aggregate should be relatively free of flat and elongated particle smooth and
rounded aggregates requires less of cement paste to flowing concrete.

Fine Aggregate

The Sand is actually quartz whereas clay is formed by the many other chemically active minerals like illite,
kiolinite, etc. Sand between 4.75mm (about 5 mm) and 0.15 mm in size is called as fine aggregate. Natural sand is out
there from local river beds or pits. An examination should be made on the fineness of the available sands and counting on
its fineness, it should then be planned to be used for the various items in the construction. Due to increased construction
activity, materials like crushed rock and fly ash for use in construction is now a popular subject for research. In this
experiment the surkhi is the alternate material to replace the sand.

Test for Aggregate

Sieve Annalysis and Specific Gravity

Indian Standard Specification IS 2386(PART III) of 1963 gives various procedures to find out the specific gravity

12 Naveen Raj E

of different size of aggregates. A sample of aggregates less than 2kg is taken. It is thoroughly washed to remove the finer
particle and dust adhering to the aggregates.

It is then placed in a wire basket and immersed in distilled water at a temperature between 22 to 33˚c immersion
entrapped air is removed from the sample by lifting the basket containing it 25mm above the base of the tank and allowing
it to drop 25 times at a rate of about one drop/second. During the operation, care is taken that the basket and aggregates
remaining completely immersed in water. They are kept in water for a period of 24 hours afterwards. The basket and
aggregates are then weighed in water and allow draining for a few minutes and then the aggregate is taken out from the
basket and placed on a dry cloth and the surface is gently dried with the cloth.

The aggregate is transferred second dry cloth and further dried. The empty basket again immersed in water, jolted
25 times and weighed in water. The aggregate is exposed to atmosphere away from direct sunlight for not less than 10
minutes8until it appears completely surface dry. Then the aggregated is weighted in the air. Then aggregate is kept in the
oven at the temperatures of 100 to 1000c and maintained at this temperature for 241/2 hours. It is then cooled of the air
tight container weighed.

Sieve Test

IS 2386(I)-1963 recommended the sieve analysis. This test consists of the simple operation of dividing aggregates
into fractions, each consisting of particles of the same size. The sieve used for the test have square openings
µm,600µm,425µm,300µm,212µm,1 50µm and 75µm. all the sieves are mounted in frames one on the other in ascending
order. The sieves used all the sieves are mounted on a sieve shaker. Aggregate of known quantity is placed over the top
sieves, and after sieving through the test sieves, the residue in each sieve is weighted the percentage of weight is calculated,
from which the percentage passing is determined. For coarse aggregates are of size 80mm, 63mm, 50mm, 40mm, 25mm,
20mm, 25mm, 20mm, 16mm, 12.5mm, 10mm, 6.3mm, 4.75mm, 3.35mm, 2.36mm, 1.70mm, 1.18mm,
850µm,600µm,425µm,300µm,212µm,150µmand 75µm.

Table 3: Sieve Analysis for Surkhi Sand

Sieve Retained Weight Retained %Of Cumulative % Of

Size In GMS Cumulative Weight Weight Retained Fineness
1 4.75 0 0 0 100
2 2.36 10 10 2 98
3 1.18 50 60 12 88
4 600 µ 50 110 22 78
5 300 µ 95 205 41 59
6 150 µ 175 380 76 24
7 75 µ 85 465 93 7
8 Pan 35 500 100 0

Fineness modulus =236÷100= 2.36%

Table 4: Sieve Analysis Test for Coarse Aggregate

Retained Weight Retained % of Cumulation Weight
S.No Sieve Size
In Kg Cumulation Weight Retained
1 80 MM 0 0 100
2 40 MM 0 0 100
3 20 MM 6 40 60

Pratial Replacement of River Sand to Surkhi 13

4 10 MM 5 63.8 26.7
5 4.75 MM 4 500 -
Total 15kg 631.8

Fineness modulus =631.8÷100= 6.318%


Clean potable water conforming in to IS: 456- 2000 was used, the water used in the preparation of mortar should
not necessarily be distilled water, but must be free of all acids, based and other dissolved salts.

Specific Gravity of Materials

Specific Gravity of Cement
About 100gm of cement is weighed. And 90ml of kerosene is filled in a specific gravity bottle. The cement
sample is placed in a specific gravity bottle till the level of the kerosene reaches 100ml mark. The quantity of cement
placed in the bottle is calculated. The specific gravity of cement is found out by using the following reaction.

Specific gravity of cement= weight of cement (vol. of 10ml)

Weight of kerosene of equal volume of cement

Specific gravity of cement is = 3.13

Specific Gravity of Sand

Weight of empty bottle W1 =696gm
Weight of bottle + sand W2 =899gm

Weight of bottle + sand + water W3=1816gm

Weight of bottle + water W4=1692gm

Specific Gravity of Surkhi Sand

Weight of empty bottle W1=696gm

Weight of bottle + quarry dust W2=895gm

Weight of bottle + quarry dust + water W3=1812gm

Weight of bottle + water W4=1692gm

Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate

Weight of empty bottle W1 =696gm

Weight of bottle + coarse aggregate W2=896gm

Weight of bottle + coarse aggregate+ water W3 =1823gm

14 Naveen Raj E

Weight of bottle + water W4=1693gm

Specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.85

Fineness of Cement

Weight of cement taken =100gms Weight of cement retained =2.40gms

Impact Test of Coarse Aggregate

Weight of cylinder = 2.079 kg

Weight of cylinder+ aggregate = 2.686 kg Weight of aggregate

W1 = 0.607 kg

Weight of aggregate pass through IS Sieve W2 = 0.070 kg

=11.58 %
Mix Design

➢ The selection and proportioning of materials depend on:

➢ The structural requirements of the concrete

➢ The environment to which the structure will be exposed

➢ The job site conditions, especially the methods of concrete

➢ Production, transport, placement, compaction and finishing

➢ The characteristics of the available raw materials

Indian Standard Concrete Mix Proportioning of M20 Grade Concrete

Mix Design Using River Sand
Step 1: Design Stipulations

Pratial Replacement of River Sand to Surkhi 15

➢ Grade designation: M20

➢ Type of cement: OPC 53 grade confirming to IS: 12269-1987

➢ Maximum nominal size aggregate: 12mm

➢ Exposure condition: normal

➢ Degree of supervision: good

➢ Type of aggregate: crushed angular aggregate

Step 2: Test Data for Materials

Cement used: Ordinary Portland cement (53 grade)

1. Specific gravity of cement : 3.13

2. Specific gravity of water : 1.00

Specific gravity of

1. Coarse aggregate : 2.85

2. Fine aggregate : 2.6

3. Surkhi sand : 2.51

Free (Surface) moisture

1. Coarse aggregate : nil

2. Fine aggregate : nil

Step 3: Target Mean Strength for mix proportioning

The target strength for specified characteristic cube strength is Fck= fck + t×S


Fck =Target average compressive strength at 28 days

fck = Characteristic compressive strength at 28 days

S = Standard deviation

t = A statistic depending upon the accepted proportion.

From Table 1 of IS 10262: 2009, the value of Standard Deviation is 5MPa

Fck = fck + 1.65S

= 20 + (1.65×4)

= 26.6MPa

Step: 4 Selection of Water Cement Ratio

From Table 5 of IS 456: 2000, the maximum water cement ratio is 0.55.
16 Naveen Raj E

Adopt water cement ratio as 0.50

0.5<0.55, Hence ok.

Step: 5 Selection of Water Content

From Table 2 of IS 10262: 2009, maximum water content is 186 liters.

Estimated water content for 100mm slump add 6% of water

Required water content = 186 + (6/100) ×186

=197 liters

Step: 6 Determination of Cement Content

Water Cement Ratio= 0.5

Water = 197 liters

Cement = 197 / 0.5

= 394 kg/m3

The minimum cement content for normal exposure condition is 300 kg/m 3.

Here, the Cement Content, 394 kg/m3 > 300 kg/m3

Hence OK

Step: 7 Determination of Fine Aggregate and Coarse Aggregate

As per Table 3 of IS12269-1987 according to Zone2 fine aggregate sand,

Volume of coarse aggregate = 0.62

Volume of fine aggregate= 1-0.62

= 0.38

The mix calculation per unit volume of concrete shall be as follows

a) Volume of Concrete = 1m3

Volume of coarse aggregate = 1- (0.125+0.197)

Pratial Replacement of River Sand to Surkhi 17

= 0.678 m3

Mass of coarse aggregate = 0.678 ×0.62 × 2.85× 1000


Mass of fine aggregate = 0.678 × 0.38 × 2.6 × 1000

= 669.86kg

Step: 8 Mix proportion

From the mix design, quantity of cement, surkhi sand, coarse aggregate and water cement ratio are calculated.
Table 5: Mix Proportion
Fine aggregate Coarse
Water Cement (sand) Aggregate
197litres 394Kg/m3 669.86Kg/m3 1198.02Kg/m3
0.5 1 1.70 3.04
Mix Design for M20 Grade Concrete = 1 : 1.70: 3.04

Tests Conducted On Concrete

Fresh Concrete

The test conducted for fresh concrete are as follows

Slump Cone Test

The slump cone test is carried out as per IS code. The workability for all the concrete mix made for carrying out
various tests measured. The workability of concrete mixes, prepared for different, percentage of replacement of rubber
waste with aggregate is evaluated and recorded in the Table 7.3.

The apparatus for conducting the slump test consists of metallic mould of Bottom diameter: 20 cm

Top diameter: 10 cm Height: 30 cm

Table 6: Showing Recommended Slump for Slump Cone Test

Slump in cm Workability Uses
2–4 Very low Concrete used for road construction
4–5 Low Concrete for piers, slabs, walls, etc.
5 – 10 Medium Concrete for normal RCC work
Concrete for congested reinforcement where
10 – 17.2 High
Vibration is not possible.

Figure 2: Slump Cone Test

18 Naveen Raj E

Compaction Factor Test

The compaction factor test is carried out as per IS code. It is more precise and sensitive than the slump test and is
particularly useful for concrete mixes of very low workability, as they are normally used when concrete is to be compacted
by vibration. Such a dry concrete are insensitive to slump test. The workability of concrete mixes, prepared for different
percentage replacements of coarse aggregates by rubber waste, with water cement ratio of 0.42 are evaluated and recorded
in Table

There is appreciable difference in compaction factor of concrete of various mixes.

Table 7: Showing Recommended Values for

Compaction Factor Test
Compaction Factor Workability
0.85 Low or Poor
0.92 Medium
0.95 Good

Table 8: Result of Workability Test on Concrete

Slump value Compaction
Type of concrete Remarks
Mm Factor
Conventional concrete 80 0.71 Workable
Surkhi concrete(40%
85 0.85 Workable
replacement in fine aggregate)
Surkhi concrete(60%
88 0.90 Workable
replacement in fine aggregate)

Hardend Concrete

The tests conducted for hardened concrete are as follows

Compressive Strength Test

Compression test was carried out on cube specimens. The sizes of the specimens are 150mm x 150mm x 150mm.
The three samples for each age of concrete were tested and the strength was obtained as an average. The individual
variation of specimens was not more than ± 15 percent of the average. The specimens stored in water were tested
immediately on the removal from the tank, the specimens were wiped off and the dimensions of the specimens and their
weight were recorded before testing.

f = P /A N/mm2


P = Load at which the specimen fails in Newton. A = Area over which the load is applied in mm2 f = Compressive
stress in N/mm2

Split Tensile Strength:

The load was applied without shock and increased continuously until the resistances of the specimen to the
increasing load broke down and no greater load can be sustained. The maximum load applied was then recorded. Any

Pratial Replacement of River Sand to Surkhi 19

unusual type of failure was noted.

The sizes of the specimens are 10 cm in diameter and 20 cm in height.

Tensile Strength = 2P / 𝜋LD


P = Load on the cylinder in kN.

L = Length of the cylinder in mm and D = Diameter of the cylinder in mm.


Number of Specimens

The experimental investigation was based on the results obtained from various strength characteristics tests
conducted in due course. Finally the suitability of the surkhi with M20 concrete was studied.

Table 9: Percentage of Addition of Surkhi Added in Concrete and

Number of Specimen for Test to be Conduct
No. of Specimens For Test
% Of Surkhi
Added in Compression Flexure
7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28
0% 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
40% 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

60% 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Total number of specimen required for compression test = 48

Total number of specimen required for tensile test = 48

Compressive Strength

The mean compressive strength of 100mm concrete cubes, using surkhi as a partial replacement of sand was
determined at the age of 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days were reported. The compressive strength of concrete with
surkhi sand is considerably providing target strength.

Compressive Test on Cubes

Figure 3(a): Compressive Test on Cube

20 Naveen Raj E

Figure 4(b): Compressive Test on Cube

Table 10: Compressive Strength for Cubes in n/mm2

% of Surkhi Average Compressive Strength
Addition 7days (N/mm2) 14 days (N/mm2) 21 days (N/mm2) 28 days (N/mm2)
0 17.5 25.2 26.6 28
40 16.4 23.9 25.2 26.5
60 14.9 21.6 22.8 24

Figure 5(c): Bar Chart for Compressive Strength in Cube

Split Tensile Strength

The mean tensile strength of 100mm concrete cubes, using surkhi as a partial replacement of sand was determined
at the age of 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days were reported. The tensile strength of concrete with surkhi sand is
considerably providing target strength.

Splitting Tensile Test on Cylinders

Figure 6(a): Splitting Tensile Test on Cylinder

Pratial Replacement of River Sand to Surkhi 21

Figure 7(b): Splitting Tensile Test on Cylinder

Table 11: Split Tensile Strength for Cylinder in n/mm2

Average Tensile Strength
% of Surkhi
7days 14 days 21 days 28 days
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
0 2.15 2.23 3.34 3.50
40 1.68 1.75 2.55 2.71
60 1.50 1.59 2.22 2.39

Figure 8(c): Bar Chart for Splitting Tensile Test on Cylinder


The following conclusions could be drawn from the study:

➢ Brick dust as a waste product from the brick kilns and tile factories available in Bangladesh could be used as
mineral admixtures in concrete. Its use in concrete could save as much as 20 percent of cement as binding
material, while providing the same strength.

➢ Brick dust, concrete could be produced with satisfactory slump and setting times with nearly the same water
cementing material ratio as in normal concrete without mineral. Under certain conditions, replacement of cement
by brick dust appears to increase the strength of concrete.

➢ Under acid and sulphate attack, performance of cement concrete cube specimen prepared with 20 percent cement
replaced by BDMA has been found to be comparable to that of the control specimen prepared without BDMA.

➢ In mass concrete, the use of brick dust as a mineral admixture would reduce the heat of hydration, which could
help to control the development of secondary stresses in the structures.

➢ The brick dust mineral admixture has a reddish color, which could be aesthetically more pleasing.

22 Naveen Raj E

➢ As we are used surkhi sand in our project to reduce the scarcity of river sand.

➢ Surkhi means industrial waste (i.e., crushed brick powder).

➢ On comparing the strength of the conventional concrete and nominal concrete the strength is more or less reliable.


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