Anecdotal Record Template 1

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Anecdotal Record # 1

Child’s ID: B

Date of Observation: 02/10/2016

Location of observation: Playground
Child’s Age: 3y 0m

Time began: 9:30 Time ended: 10:15

1. Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

a. Ending of center time
b. Outside play

2. Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is doing

and/or saying:
a. B walks up to me and says, “My name B____, then says what’s your
name? (S)
b. B hands me a book, opens its and points to the pictures and says,
“They are making snow angels”. (L)
c. Teacher cuts off lights, B says to me, “I’m Scared” (SE)
d. The teachers tell everyone to get their coats on. B gets up gets her
coat and puts it on then comes back to me on the rug.
e. B walks around outside alone than looks at me, walks up to me and
says. “It’s a sunny day” (L)
f. B walks over to a pink car and says, “I found a girl car” (C) and (L)
g. B puts the car back where she got it from (C)
h. B is at the play house outside and pushes on the side of the door
while making a bell sound and sits still until the little girl inside opens
the door for her. (C)
i. B is getting in the toy car and one of her feet was stuck on the
outside of the car. I walked over to her and she points to her foot
and says, “My foot” after getting in the car she starts kicking her feet
to drive around the playground. (GM) (L) (SE)
j. B runs in a big circle around the playground (GM)

3. Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s) and the

child: None

4. Note significant interactions between the child and other children:

a. B sings with the children as they are waiting in line to go outside

b. B plays house with another little girl on the play ground
c. B sits in the race car and pretends to drive with a little boy

Anecdotal Record – Reflective Analysis

1. What did I learn about the child’s development from today’s observation?
 B uses her language, social and emotional skills as well as her gross
motor skills to talk and interact with others. She used her gross motor
and fine motor skills to drive the movable cars with her feet and to
steer it with her hands.

2. What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?

 I need to focus on fine motor, cognitive, and a little more on social
emotional domains.

3. What questions do I have regarding the child’s development and

 Can she draw pictures or write letters?
 Can she count and what number can she count to?
Figure2: B singing with her classmate while
Figure 1: B following directions, by waiting waiting for the teachers to get all the
quietly at the door, before going outside. children organized to go outside.

Figure 3: B Playing on the race car with Figure 4: B playing alone driving the
another student. movable car around the playground.
Developmental Checklist 3 Year Olds

Physical Growth/Motor Development : Date: Feb 10,2016 Date:

Date: Date:
Copies circles
Manipulates clay, puzzles, scissors
Runs around obstacles
Walks on a line
Hops/balances on one foot
Steers and pedals tricycle
Throws ball overhand
Jumps with two feet
Begins to use zippers, buttons to dress

Social/Personal Development
Tells name
May continue to play alongside others
or join in the play
Takes turns
Identifies others
Accepts responsibility
Demonstrates self-control
Begins dramatic play/pretends

Cognitive/Language Development
Solves problems
Listens attentively
Follows simple directions
Completes a task
Can express self verbally
Compares size
Recognizes and matches colors
Draws picture, can explain it to an adult
Asks “why” questions
Knows name
Knows age
Has short attention span
Can group objects
Talks in sentences
Begins to understand time concepts
Refers to self as “I” or “me”
Speech is understandable, using sentences

Emotional Development/Feelings
Is developing self-confidence
Expresses feelings in an appropriate manner
Accepts constructive criticism
Developing humor, may be silly
Can revert to toddler behavior of sucking thumb,
crying, etc. if unhappy

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