Mathematics Is Not Memorization

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What does it mean to succeed in mathematics?

If we can answer that, then we can evaluate what

math education should accomplish. Compare the textbooks and curriculum in your school, to the
slogans for real learning below.

The following slogans relate to the NCTM Standards for math education, the AAAS standards
for science education, and the Expeditionary Design

Mathematics is not memorization.

Mathematics is problem-solving and reasoning. Anything that is memorized is not a problem to

be solved. Things that are merely memorized are not reasoned about.

People who succeed in mathematics do not memorize the "rules." Instead, they find ways to
organize ideas so that concepts may be easily discovered. Educational research has borne out that
students that perform high at mathematics break the "rules." Those that perform poorly try to
memorize the list of "rules."

Test your school's curriculum and math texts against this knowledge. Do they follow the
traditional approach of asking students to memorize the "rules." If so, they are not promoting
problem-solving, reasoning, or even natural learning processes.

Mathematics is not about knowing, its about not-knowing.

It is easy to fall into the trap of believing that learning means knowing. More learning means
more knowing. But mathematics is the thinking we do when we don't know the answer or the
method. Problem-solving requires a situation where neither the answer nor the method is known
up front. Once we know the the answer and the method we are no longer doing the problem-
solving and reasoning that make up mathematics.

This creates a challenge for math educators. To promote math education requires learning that is
not based in knowledge (Bloom's lowest skill.) So what then, if not knowledge, are we teaching?
This is the very confusion that creates resistance to real mathematics curriculum reform. If not
knowledge, then what, in fact, does it mean to learn? We must really learn about our own

Test your school's textbooks against this? Do they drill on knowledge of "math facts," or have
they risen to promoting thinking skills?

Mathematics is a vast web

Most school math curriculums treat mathematics as a ladder. The faster a student climbs to the
top, which traditionally is has been calculus, the higher the student is believed to achieve. But
what have they missed on the way?
Another reformer has compared mathematics to a tree. Without the diverging branches
mathematics has no life or beauty! To race students up the middle is to alienate them from its
very nature. The ladder approach cuts off both the life and beauty of mathematics.

Most accurately, mathematics is a web, like the Internet. A learner can get onto the web at any
entrance point, and find his way to any other point in the web, using one of many possible paths.
Starting with arithmetic and proceeding through algebra and geometry to calculus is merely an
historical and cultural bias. No natural basis for this approach exists. This is what NCTM refers
to when it talks about mathematical connections. Let students explore in any direction in the web
from the point they are at.

Mathematics exists within your own mind

To learn mathematics is to ask, "what am I capable of understanding?" "What am I capable of

thinking?" "What can I figure out on my own with the available information?" "What are the
potentials and limits to my ability to discover new information?"

As such, mathematics looks inward, not outward. Mathematics means, "Know thyself!" If
mathematics is inward looking then it is not made up of facts in books. Books can only be used
to support the introspection.

Evaluate your textbooks by this standard. Do they build self-awareness that leads to mastery of
individual thinking, or do they make the book, instead of the student, the authority which has
mastery over the material?

Arithmetic is to mathematics as spelling is to writing

Arithmetic is a collection of specific procedures and facts, much as spelling is a collection of

language rules or facts. The real substance of of writing has nothing to do with spelling.
Similarly arithmetic contains none of the substance of mathematics.

Imagine limiting the first six years of our language education to spelling. Do we believe that
students would be able to write better? Do we think they would show any interest at all in
writing? Nonetheless, we spend six years teaching them nothing but arithmetic. And we wonder
why they can't perform in mathematics! We wonder why they are unprepared to do any creative
mathematical thinking when the reach algebra. Six years of arithmetic has crushed their spirits
just the same way six years of spelling would crush their desire to write.

Evaluate your school's elementary math textbooks. Do they start with real thinking and end with
arithmetic as a tool to support that thinking? Or do they start with arithmetic, and fit in some
mundane cookie-cutter problems to create the illusion of thinking?

People hate mathematics because we taught them to hate mathematics

Don't think, memorize! Don't develop ideas, follow the procedures! Don't examine real
problems, do a set of uninspiring cookie-cutter formula problems - memorize the steps first.
Don't ask why, follow the rules! Disregard interesting asides, race for the top! How could anyone
maintain their interests and intellect when treated this way.

We have them race to the top - of what? Who defined calculus as the top? Who created all theses
rules anyway? Why do we have to learn them? The students are right to ask!

If you are involved in educational reform use the slogans above to help you evaluate your goals
in changing your math program.

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