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Workshop 2

Race car wing impact

Part 2: Postprocessing

Figure W2–1 Formula One race car wing impact results.

When you complete this workshop, you will be able to:
 Identify the elements that have failed.
 Distinguish between elements that failed due to crushing and elements that failed
based on the Tsai-Wu failure criterion.
 Create an envelope plot of the maximum stress through the composite shell
 Create a filtered history plot of the contact force between the pole and the wing.

In the previous workshop you created a model to analyze the impact between a segment
of a Formula One race car wing and a rigid pole. In this workshop you will postprocess
the results to study the failure and crushing behavior of the wing.

© Dassault Systèmes, 2016 CZone for Abaqus


Animating the results

Once the analysis completes, use the following procedure to animate the results.
1. When the analysis completes, click mouse button 3 on the job F1wing-CZone in
the Model Tree and select Results from the menu that appears.
Abaqus opens the file F1wing-CZone.odb and switches to the Visualization
2. From the main menu bar, select Animate→Time History to animate the
deformed shape.
For this analysis the rigid pole penetrates into the wing as the wing material fails
and crushes. The final deformed shape is shown in Figure W2–2. Abaqus
automatically removes the failed elements from the display because the STATUS
output variable is included in the output database file F1wing-CZone.odb.

Figure W2–2 Final deformed shape.

Identifying the elements that have failed

Next, you will identify which elements crushed and which elements failed as a result of
material damage (i.e., based on the TSAI-WU failure criterion).
1. Create a contour plot of CRUSHSTATE on the undeformed wing to contour the
regions that have failed or are starting to fail as a result of crushing.
a. Use the Field Output toolbar to the set the Primary variable to
Abaqus contours CRUSHSTATE on the deformed shape.
b. From the main menu bar, select Plot→Contours→On Undeformed
Shape to view the contours on the undeformed model shape.
By default, failed elements are included in the undeformed shape plot.
Regions with a CRUSHSTATE value of 6 have failed due to crushing. Regions
where CRUSHSTATE is greater than five but less than six are currently crushing.

© Dassault Systèmes, 2016 CZone for Abaqus


2. To better view the results, remove the pole from the display.
a. In the Results Tree, expand the Instances container underneath the output
database file F1wing-CZone.odb.
b. Click mouse button 3 on the instance POLE-1 and select Remove from
the menu that appears to remove the pole from the display.
The resulting plot is shown in Figure W2–3. There is a patch of elements with a
CRUSHSTATE value of 3 in the region where the pole initially impacts the wing.
These elements did not crush, which means that either the region fragmented or
the elements failed based on the TSAI-WU failure criterion. One way to
determine the cause is by removing the elements that failed based on the TSAI-
WU failure criterion from the plot. You will do this next.

Figure W2–3 Contour plot of CRUSHSTATE on the undeformed wing.

3. Use the field output status variable settings to remove elements that have a
solution dependent state variable 3 (labeled SDV_SDEG)) value greater than
0.99. The removed elements are the ones that failed based on the TSAI-WU
failure criterion.
a. From the main menu bar, select Result→Field Output.
b. In the Field Output dialog box, click the Status Variable tab.
c. In the Status Variable tabbed page, toggle on the Apply to undeformed
state option.
d. In the status variable list, choose SDV_SDEG.
e. At the bottom of the Status Variable tabbed page, choose to remove
elements with an SDV3 value greater than 0.99, as shown below:

f. In the Field Output dialog box, click Apply to apply these settings
without closing the dialog box.
The resulting plot is shown in Figure W2–4.

© Dassault Systèmes, 2016 CZone for Abaqus


Figure W2–4 Removed elements failed as a result of material damage.

4. Reset the field output status variable settings so that all failed elements are
removed from the display.
a. In the Status Variable tabbed page of the Field Output dialog box,
choose STATUS as the status variable.
b. At the bottom of the Status Variable tabbed page, choose to remove
elements with a STATUS value less than 0.5, as shown below:

c. In the Field Output dialog box, click Apply to apply these settings
without closing the dialog box.

Plotting the maximum Mises stress

Next you will contour plot the maximum Mises stress in each ply, as well as the
maximum Mises stress through the entire wing composite layup.
1. Animate a contour plot of the maximum Mises stress for each ply on the
deformed model shape.
a. Use the Field Output toolbar or the Primary Variable tabbed page of the
Field Output dialog box to set the primary output variable to
Abaqus plots the maximum Mises stress in PLY-1 (the bottom/innermost
ply of the Wing-1. layup-wing-main layup).
b. From the main menu bar, select Plot→Contours→On Deformed Shape
to view the contours on the deformed model shape.
c. From the main menu bar, select Animate→Time History to animate the

© Dassault Systèmes, 2016 CZone for Abaqus


Before you animate the maximum Mises stress for the other plies of the
layup, change the contour type back to banded. Also, specify contour
limit values so that the contour range will remain constant as you view the
results of each ply.
c. From the main menu bar, select Options→Contour.
d. In the Limits tabbed page of the Contour Plot Options dialog box,
specify a maximum contour value of 750 MPa and a minimum contour
value of 0 MPa. Click OK.
d. From the main menu bar, select Result→Section Points.
e. In the Section Points dialog box, choose the Plies selection method.
f. Select a new ply from the list of plies in the layup and click Apply to
contour the results of the selected ply. Animate the results if you wish.
Repeat this step to study the results for each ply.
The final maximum Mises stress in each ply is shown in Figure W2–5.

Figure W2–5 Maximum Mises stress for each ply at the end of the analysis.

2. Create an envelope plot to identify the maximum values of Mises across all the
plies of the layup.
a. From the main menu bar, select Result→Section Points.
b. In the Section Points dialog box, choose Categories as the selection
method and Envelope as the active location.
c. Accept Max absolute value as the criterion and Integration point as the
d. Click OK to plot the Mises stress envelope of the layup.
The resulting plot is shown in Figure W2–6.

© Dassault Systèmes, 2016 CZone for Abaqus


Figure W2–6 Maximum Mises stress for envelope at the end of the analysis.

3. Color the plies where the maximum Mises stress occurred.

a. From the main menu bar, select Options→Contour.
b. In the Other tabbed page of the Contour Plot Options dialog box, toggle
on the option to Color by plies that match criteria, instead of result
value and click OK.
The resulting plot is shown in Figure W2–7.

Figure W2–7 Location of maximum the Mises stress at the end of the analysis.

© Dassault Systèmes, 2016 CZone for Abaqus


Plotting and filtering the contact force history

Next you will plot the contact force history for the interaction between the pole and the
wing. You will filter this history data to smooth out some of the oscillations in the result.
1. Plot the magnitude of the contact force (CFNM) for the interaction between the
pole and the wing.
a. In the Results Tree, expand the History Output container underneath the
output database file F1wing-CZone.odb.
b. Double-click either of the CFNM history output objects to plot the
magnitude of the contact force between the pole and the wing.
Note that one of the CFNM curves represents the force applied to the wing
due to contact with the pole and the other the force applied to the pole due
to contact with the wing. The force transferred between the two bodies
should be equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, hence the two
CFNM curves should be the same.
There is a considerable amount of solution noise in the contact force plot,
particularly early in the analysis. This can be removed by filtering the
history data.
2. Filter the CFNM history output using a Butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency
of 20 kHz.
a. In the Results Tree, click mouse button 3 on either of the CFNM history
output objects and select Save As from the menu that appears.
b. In the Save XY data As dialog box, name the data CFNM.
c. In the Results Tree, double-click XYData.
d. In the Create XY Data dialog box, then select Operate on XY data and
click Continue.
e. From the Operators list in the Operate on XY Data dialog box, select
butterworthFilter(X,F) to add the Butterworth filter to the expression
f. Double-click CFNM to add the data to the filter and enter 2e4 Hz as the
cutoff frequency. The complete expression is shown below:
butterworthFilter (xyData="CFNM", cutoffFrequency=2e4)
g. In the Operate on XY Data dialog box, click Plot Expression to plot the
filtered contact force curve.
h. Click Save As and save the filtered contact force curve as CFNM-
i. Click Cancel to exit the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
j. In the Results Tree, expand the XYData container, select both the CFNM
data objects (filtered and unfiltered), click mouse button 3 on the selected
objects, and select Plot from the menu that appears.

© Dassault Systèmes, 2016 CZone for Abaqus


If it is difficult to distinguish between the two curves in the resulting plot,

you can edit the curve options to customize the displayed curves.
k. From the main menu bar, select Options→XY Options→Curve.
l. In the Curve Options dialog box, select the curve you would like to
modify and choose new curve attributes in the lower half of the dialog

The resulting plot is shown in Figure W2–8.

Figure W2–8 Contact force history between the pole and the wing.

© Dassault Systèmes, 2016 CZone for Abaqus

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