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Occurrence of Potential Pathogens in Water Containing Ornamental Fishes

Article  in  Applied microbiology · August 1974

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Karen H Bartlett
University of British Columbia - Vancouver


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APPusD MIcRoBIOLOGY, July 1974. Vol. 28, No. 1
Copyright 0 1974 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.SA.

Occurrence of Potential Pathogens in Water Containing

Ornamental Fishes
Department of Bacteriology and Biochemistry, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada
Received for publication 26 March 1974

The bacterial population of the water supplied with ornamental fish purchased
from retail outlets was examined qualitatively and quantitatively. As many as
109 viable aerobic organisms per 100 ml were present, with fecal coliform counts
as high as 10" per 100 ml. Citrobacter, Escherichia, Pseudomonas, and Vibrio
were isolated from 75% or more of the samples, whereas Aeromonas, Alcaligenes,
Enterobacter, Flavobacterium, and Streptococcus were isolated from 45 to 65% of
the samples. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Edwardsiella tarda, and Klebsiella
pneumoniae were also isolated.

Considerable attention has recently been aquarium water is generally transferred to a

given to the role of small pet turtles and plastic container. Although this allows the fish
tortoises as vectors of Salmonella. Recent data to be transferred to the purchaser's aquarium, it
have shown that, of the estimated two million also represents one means by which the public
cases of human salmonellosis per year in the could be exposed to pathogenic organisms.
United States, approximately 300,000 are asso- Thus, the present study was initiated to deter-
ciated with pet turtles (26). For this reason, the mine qualitatively and quantitatively the bac-
United States Congress recently enacted legis- terial population in the water supplied with
lation to effectively prohibit the interstate ship- ornamental fish purchased from retail stores.
ment of turtles harboring Salmonella and No attempt was made to assess the parasite
Shigella (22). In Canada, the Province of Al- population in the water.
berta has prohibited the sale of pet turtles and
Despite the attention given to the terrapins, Water samples. Ornamental fishes were purchased
little consideration has been given to the role of from 13 retail outlets (Sources A to M, Table 1) in
other aquarium species as vectors of potential Victoria, British Columbia. The fish were supplied in
pathogens for man. It is particularly surprising plastic containers containing water taken from the
that little attention has been given to the aquaria in which the fish had been housed except for
ornamental fish since large numbers of these Source F when fresh water was supplied. Water
fish are imported into North America from samples were transported to the laboratory and sam-
areas of the world where sanitation is often pled immediately. Sources A to D were pet shops,
inadequate and where numerous diseases of source E was a hobby store, source F was a feed
man are endemic. Many of these fish are offered distributor, and sources G to M were department
stores. The fish from source N had been shipped
for sale to the public. It has been estimated that directly from a supplier in Toronto, Ontario. In
there are more than 20 million household addition, water from an aquarium in a local shopping
aquaria in the United States (3). In addition, center was also examined, as were water samples from
aquaria containing ornamental fish are often aquaria at the Department of Bacteriology and Bio-
found in school classrooms, medical and dental chemistry, University of Victoria. These were sources
offices, eating establishments, department 0 and P, respectively. The numbers of samples from
stores, nursing homes, and even in hospital each source, the numbers of fish in each sample, and
wards. It is apparent that the presence of the species of fish in each water sample are shown in
Table 1. The water samples were placed into two
potentially pathogenic microorganisms in these groups. The water in the first group contained
aquaria would present a risk to the public goldfish (Carassius auratus) and was taken from
health. aquaria maintained at room temperature. The water
When ornamental fish are sold by retail stores in the second group contained tropical species and
to the public, the fish and a volume of their was sampled from aquaria maintained at 22 to 27 C.
TABLE 1. Water samples examined
Goldfish water Tropical fish water
Source of
water sampled No. of No. of goldfish No. of
samples in each
eac sample
sape sape
samples No. of fish and species in each sample
A 4 2, 1, 100, 9 2 1 Hatchet fish, 2 platyfish, 2 three spot gourami
B 3 6, 6, 12 2 1 Betta, 3 silver tip fish
C 1 1
D 1 2 Guppies
E 1 2 Loach
F 3 100,200, 60 1 2 Zebra fish
G 1 5 2 2 Head-tail light fish, 1 spiny eel, 1 green puffer fish
H 1 5 1 2 Neon tetras
I 1 5 2 1 Hatchet fish, 1 red sword fish
J 1 5 1 2 Neon tetras, 1 black angel fish
K 1 1 1 2 High fin tetras
L 1 1 1 2 Angel fish
M 1 2 Neon tetras
N 1 500
0 1 40
P 3 200, 10, 10 1 1 Green puffer fish

Source N was supplied with fish from Florida and sentatives of the most numerous colonial types from
was the major supplier of fish to sources A, C, D, F, G, all sources were selected from plates containing the
H, I, K, L, and M. Sources A, D, and E were supplied highest countable dilution and from dilutions of the
with fish from a distributor in Seattle, Wash., whose MPN enrichment broths. The isolates were then
fish were obtained from Missouri. Source D also purified and maintained by weekly transfer on Trypti-
obtained fish from a third distributor in Miami, Fla. case soy agar and storage at 4 C. Selenite-F broth
Sources G, J, and I were supplied with fish imported and tetrathionate broth (BBL) were also inoculated
directly from Asia. with water samples and incubated at 37 and 41.5 C.
Quantitative bacteriological examination. Du- After 48 h, the broths were streaked on Salmonella-
plicate dilutions of the water samples were prepared Shigella agar, brilliant green agar (BBL), and bis-
in 0.1% (wt/vol) peptone water (pH 7.2), and the muth sulfite agar (BBL) and incubated at 37 and
viable mesophilic bacteria present were enumerated 41.5 C. The tests used to partially characterize the
on Trypticase soy agar (Baltimore Biological Labora- isolates were those described by Edwards and Ewing
tories) by the drop-plate method of Miles and Misra (9), Skerman (19), and Smith et al. (20).
(16). Inoculated media was incubated aerobically at Identifications were facilitated by examination of
20, 30, and 37 C and anaerobically at 37 C for 48 h. colonial morphology and pigmentation, as well as
Anaerobiosis was obtained by using anaerobic jars examination of the shape, arrangement, staining
with disposable hydrogen-carbon dioxide generator characteristics, flagellar arrangement, and motility of
envelopes (BBL). the cells. In addition, the ability of the isolates to
The procedures of the American Public Health produce oxidase and catalase, to ferment lactose, and
Association, Inc. (2) were followed for most probable to metabolize glucose fermentatively or oxidatively
number (MPN) estimates. Presumptive coliforms was tested. Gram-negative species were further sepa-
were estimated by the 10: 1: 0.1 multitube method by rated on the basis of carbohydrate utilization, growth
using MacConkey broth (BBL) and brilliant green in the presence of bile salts, production of urease, and
bile broth (BBL), and were confirmed by separate the indole, methyl red, Voges-Proskauer, and citrate
loop transfers from the above positive tubes to Mac- utilization reactions. Other tests used were the ortho-
Conkey broth. Completed coliforms were estimated nitrophenyl-,B-D-galactopyranosidase (ONPG) test,
by loop transfers from positive confirmed coliform the lysine and ornithine decarboxylase tests, and the
tests to MacConkey broth. Fecal coliforms were arginine decarboxylase and dihydrolase tests. The
estimated by separate loop transfer from positive ability to liquefy gelatin and to change litmus milk
presumptive coliform tubes to MacConkey broth and was also ascertained. Vibrio species were confirmed
incubated at 44.5 + 0.5 C. The MPN estimation of by testing the sensitivity of the culture to 2,4
enterococci was carried out in ethyl violet azide broth diamino-6, 7-diisopropylpteridine. Final identifica-
(BBL) and was confirmed by separate loop transfers tion of the isolates were based on the schemes of Breed
to fresh ethyl violet azide broth. The MPN estimation et al. (6), Shewan et al. (18), Bain and Shewan (4),
of Citrobacter required incubation at 37 C in sele- Cowan and Steele (8), and Edwards and Ewing (9).
nite-F broth (BBL) followed by separate loop trans- Identifications within the Enterobacteriaceae were
fers to Salmonella-Shigella agar (BBL). confirmed by using the API System (Analytab Prod-
Qualitative bacteriological examination. Repre- ucts, Inc., N.Y.).
RESULTS reference laboratory were classified as Citrobac-
ter freundii rather than Salmonella because
Qualitative bacteriological examination. A they gave a delayed positive reaction in sucrose.
total of 869 isolates were partially characterized Similarly, two isolates were identified as HS-
from the 42 water samples. The results are producing Enterobacter hafniae rather than
shown in Table 2. The isolates comprised 23 Arizona because they were Voges-Proskauer
genera of bacteria; 84% of these isolates were positive and unable to ferment sorbitol. Ed-
gram-negative rods. The most common species wardsiella tarda was also isolated on five oc-
isolated belonged to the genus Citrobacter. casions.
These Citrobacter isolates comprised 26% of the Species of Pseudomonas comprised 20% of the
total isolates and were demonstrated to be total isolates and were isolated from 39 water
present in 38 of the water samples. Of the samples. The majority of these Pseudomonas
Citrobacter isolates, 188 were identified as Cit- isolates were nonpigmented species, with 67
robacter freundii, 33 were Citrobacter diversus, isolations from goldfish water and 66 isolations
and seven were identified as Citrobacter from tropical fish water. Many of these nonpig-
intermedium. The large number of Citrobacter mented isolates were biochemically similar to
isolated is in part due to the fact that H2S-pro- Pseudomonas aeruginosa and were able to grow
ducing colonies on SS agar plates were tested at 42 C on Pseudocel agar (BBL). Typical
biochemically to determine the presence of pyocyanin-producing P. aeruginosa was also
Salmonella and Arizona. No Salmonella or isolated on three occasions from goldfish water
Arizona were isolated; however two isolates and on 21 occasions from tropical fish water. In
identified as Citrobacter were ONPG-negative addition, fluorescein-producing pseudomonads
and were agglutinated by Salmonella polyva- were isolated on two occasions from goldfish
lent antiserum and Salmonella group Cl anti- water and on 19 occasions from tropical fish
serum. These isolates when submitted to a water. Species of Alcaligenes, Flavobacterium,
TABLE 2. Frequency of isolation of bacterial species from ornamental fish water
No. of isolates No. of samples from which isolated
Species isolated Goldfish Tropical fish Goldfish Tropical fish
water water water' water"
Achromobacter.7 8 6 5
Acinetobacter .......................... 19 7 10 5
Aeromonas ............................. 27 19 9 11
Alcaligenes ............................. 21 14 16 12
Bacillus . .7 7
Brevibacterium ........................ 3 2
Chromobacter .......................... 4 2 4 2
Citrobacter ............................ 121 107 20 18
Clostridium ............................ 7 16 4c 9
Cytophaga ............................. 9 5 8 5
Edwardsiella ........................... 1 4 1 3
Enterobacter ........................... 25 15 11 6
Escherichia ...... ...................... 13 13 23 13
Flavobacterium ........................ 14 30 9 14
Klebsiella .............................. 4 3
Micrococcus ........................... 10 15 8 9
Microcyclus 1 1
Proteus .............................. 8 8 5 5
Pseudomonas .......................... 72 106 21 18
Staphylococcus ......................... 11 5 9 5
Streptococcus ............ 27 21 12 12
Vibrio .............................. 21 19 12 10
Xanthomonas 2 1
Yeast . .5 2
'Total number of samples was 24.
'Total number of samples was 18.
c Total number of samples was 10.

and Vibrio were also common isolates and were markedly higher in the tropical fish water.
recovered from 28, 23, and 22, respectively, of The results of the most probable number
the water samples. assays are shown in Table 4. Countable num-
Among the other isolates were species of bers of coliforms were present in all but one
Aeromonas, Escherichia, and Streptococcus. sample each of goldfish water and tropical fish
Aeromonads were isolated from 20 water sam- water. Both groups of water samples contained
ples and comprised 5% of the total isolates. similar numbers of coliforms with the mean
Aeromonas hydrophila was the most common completed coliform count being 3 x 106 per 100
species isolated, whereas Aeromonas sal- ml. Only five samples of goldfish water con-
monicida was isolated on only one occasion. tained countable numbers of fecal coliforms,
Escherichia coli was detected in 36 of the water whereas countable fecal coliforms were demon-
samples and comprised 4% of the isolates. strated in 12 of the samples of tropical fish
Streptococcus was also isolated from 24 water water. The mean fecal coliform count was also
samples and all 48 of these streptococcal iso- significantly higher in the water samples con-
lates were identified as belonging to the en- taining tropical fish. In addition to the coli-
terococcus group. Species of Enterobacter and forms, countable numbers of Citrobacter were
Klebsiella also comprised 5% of the total iso- present in all but one of the water samples
lates. Enterobacter cloacae was isolated on 11 tested. Both groups of water samples contained
occasions from tropical fish water and on five similar numbers of Citrobacter, and the mean
occasions from goldfish water, whereas Entero- Citrobacter count from all water samples was 2
bacter hafnia and Enterobacter aerogenes were x 101 per 100 ml.
isolated nine times and 11 times, respectively,
from goldfish water. The Klebsiella isolates DISCUSSION
were identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae, and The present findings show that the aquarium
the Proteus isolates included Proteus vu~garis, water supplied with ornamental fish purchased
Proteus morganii, and Proteus mirabilis. Only at retail outlets contains significant numbers of
two of the Staphylococcus isolates were identi- a wide variety of bacteria. These bacteria likely
fied as Staphylococcus aureus, whereas nine of originate from the fish and often include coli-
the isolates were identified as Staphylococcus forms and fecal coliforms in significantly higher
epidermidis. The yeast isolates included species numbers than those allowed for recreational
of Shizosaccharomyces and Zygosaccharo- and bathing waters in the United States and
myces. Canada. A survey of regulations reveals that,
Quantitative bacteriological examination. depending on the state or province in question,
The results in Table 3 show that goldfish water coliform numbers are not to exceed 50 to 5,000
contained as many as 107 viable mesophilic per 100 ml, whereas fecal coliforms are not to
aerobic bacteria per ml with as many as 5 x 104 exceed 70 to 1,000 per 100 ml (15, 17). These
organisms capable of anaerobic growth. The upper limits were exceeded in 28 of the water
mean counts obtained when plated dilutions of samples, whereas the fecal coliform levels were
tropical fish water were incubated at 30 and exceeded in nine of the water samples. The
37 C were significantly higher than the goldfish mean coliform count in the fish water exceeded
water. The total viable anaerobic count was also this upper allowable coliform limit by a factor of
TABLE 3. Total bacterial numbers present in ornamental fish water
Incubation No. of Estimated no. of viable organisms x 10/ml
Assay conditions estimates
Mean value Range of values
Goldfish water
Total aerobes 20 C, 02 13 440 38 to 8,000
30 C, 02 21 5,300 16 to 120,000
37 C, 02 20 440 70 to 70,000
Total anaerobes 37 C, AnO2 8 31 3 to 520
Tropical fish water
Total aerobes 20 C, 02 4 17 6 to 27
30 C, 02 15 14,800 26to88,000
37 C, 02 18 3,739 8 to 27,000
Total anaerobes 37 C, AnO2 16 2,081 3 to 22,000
TABLE 4. Most probable numbers of bacteria present in ornamental fish water
Most probable numbers x 10'/100 ml
Assay Incubation No. of No. of positive in positive samples
conditions estimates samples
Mean value Range of values
Goldfish water
Completed coliforms McCa, 37 C 22 21 33,000 240 to 11,000,000
Fecal coliforms McC, 44 C 23 5 10 4 to 23
Confirmed enterococci EVA , 37 C 24 11 36 4 to 240
Confirmed Citrobacter Selc, 37 C 11 11 28,231 93 to 46,000
Tropical fish water
Completed coliforms McC, 37 C 17 16 25,990 43 to 240,000
Fecal coliforms McC, 44 C 18 12 375 4 to 2,900
Confirmed Citrobacter Sel, 37 C 18 17 18,019 23 to 240,000
a McC, MacConkey broth.
b EVA, Ethyl violet azide broth.
c Sel, Selenite-F broth.

600, whereas the mean fecal coliform count turtles has been suggested to have considerable
exceeded the allowable limit by a factor of 27. public health significance (14). These workers
Significant numbers of Aeromonas, Citrobac- have in fact questioned whether the
ter, Enterobacter, enterococcus, and Pseudo- Salmonella-free certification program alone
monas were often present, whereas Alcaligenes, is sufficient to render these poikilotherms as
Flavobacterium, and Vibrio were frequently iso- safe pets. The same may also be true in the case
lated. This bacterial flora in water containing of ornamental fish. Conditions existing in
ornamental fish is similar to the bacterial flora aquaria are ideal for bacterial growth. The
found in water housing small pet green turtles bacteria are provided with a liquid menstruum,
(14, 26). Two genera found in the turtle water added nutrients in the form of fish feed, surfaces
but not found in water holding ornamental for colonization, heated water, and aeration. A
fish are Salmonella and Arizona. The methods wide variety of bacterial species capable of
used in this study should have allowed causing disease of man are able to grow using
the recovery of both Salmonella and Arizona; commercial fish diets as sole source of nutrients
however, the large number of HS-producing (21). Moreover, some of these fish diets have
Citrobacter and Enterobacter colonies on also been shown to contain potential pathogens
the SS agar plates may have effectively masked of man (21), whereas other studies have shown
any Salmonella colonies present. Although that human pathogens such as Vibrio cholerae,
Salmonella was not recovered, species that Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Erysipelothrix rhusi-
were serologically and biochemically very opathiae, and Leptospira icterohemorrhagiae
closely related to Salmonella were isolated, as are able to survive and multiply in the gut,
was Edwardsiella tarda which is capable of mucus, and tissues of fish (10). Since bacteria
producing disease patterns similar to those present in an aquarium could readily be trans-
caused by Salmonella (11). Similarly, although ferred to humans, the presence of potential
Arizona was not isolated, species that were pathogens in the aquarium could obviously
biochemically very similar to Arizona were present a hazard to human health. This has
demonstrated to be present. been shown with aquarium-borne mycobacteri-
K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa were also oses as well as the cases of salmonellosis origi-
isolated. Both these species are potential patho- nating from aquaria housing turtles and tor-
gens of man and can be of considerable clinical toises (1, 5, 13). It should be noted that myco-
significance (25). Moreover, there are increasing bacteria were not isolated in the present study,
numbers of reports of human infections in but this may have been due to the relatively
which fluorescent pseudomonads, aeromonads, short incubation times and the nonselective
Citrobacter and Enterobacteria cloacae, and media used.
Enterobacter hafnia are implicated (7, 12, 23, The etiological agents of eye, ear, nose, and
24). These infections include genito-urinary throat, gastrointestinal, and genito-urinary in-
tract infections, enterocolitis and diarrhea in fections in humans which could be fish or water
children, bacteremia, and septicemia. borne are rarely identified accurately and more
The association of these bacterial species with rarely traced to their source (10). It appears that
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10. Janssen, W. A. 1970. Fish as potential vectors of human
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 4. An investigation into recreational water quality.
Office of Research and Monitoring, U.S. Environmen-
This work was supported in part by a grant from the tal Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
Research, Leave, and Travel Committee of the University of 16. Miles, A. A., and S. S. Misra. 1938. The estimation of the
Victoria. E. J. Bowmer, Director, Division of Laboratories, bactericidal power of the blood. J. Hyg. 38:732-749.
Health Branch, Department of Health Services and Hospital 17. Province of British Columbia. 1969. Recreational water
Insurance of British Columbia, is thanked for identification of quality standards. Division of Public Health Engineer-
a number of the Citrobacter and Enterobacter isolates. ing, Health Branch.
18. Shewan, J. M., G. Hobbs, and W. Hodgkiss. 1960. A
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