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MEMORY- refers to the means by which people draw on past knowledge in order to use such
knowledge in the present; it refers to the dynamic mechanisms associated with the retention and retrieval of
RECALL- refers to a process of memory often employed in memory tasks, in which the person is asked
to produce a fact, a word, or other item from memory.
RECALL- Fill-in-the-blank tests can be memory tasks, which require that students employ primarily
the memory process of ____.
RECOGNITION refers to a process of memory often employed in memory tasks, in which the person
may be asked to identify from among several choices a fact, a word, or other item from memory.
SERIAL- recall refers to a type of recall task used in experiments in which the participant recalls items
in the exact order in which they were presented.
ENCODING- refers to how you transform a physical, sensory input into a kind of representation that
can be placed into memory.
STORAGE- refers to how you retain encoded information in memory.
RETRIEVAL- refers to how you gain access to information stored in memory.
INTERACT; INTERDEPENDENT- The processes of encoding, storage, and retrieval ____ with each
other and are ____.
ACOUSTIC- Research shows that encoding in short-term memory is primarily ____.
VISUALLY; ACOUSTIC- In R. Conrad’s (1964) landmark experiment on encoding in short-term
memory, Conrad found that despite the fact that letters were presented ____ to participants, errors tended to
be based on ____ confusability.
ACOUSTIC; SEMANTIC; VISUAL- It appears that although encoding in short-term memory is
primarily ____, there may be some secondary ____ encoding, and perhaps even fleeting ____ encoding.
ACOUSTICALLY; SEMANTICALLY- Short-term memory is usually encoded ____ and long-term
memory is usually encoded
SEMANTIC; VISUAL- Encoding of information in the long-term store is primarily ____, but there is
also is evidence for ____ encoding.
CUED- recall refers to a type of recall task used in experiments in which items are presented in pairs,
and during recall, the participant is cued with one member of each pair and is asked to recall the mate of
each cued item.

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