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Snow Lion Publications

Volume 16, Number 4

iw^Lion PO Box 6483, Ithaca, NY 14851 607-273-8519
Orders: 800-950-0313

FALL 2001
ISSN 1059-3691 BN:86605 3697 NEWSLETTER & CATALOG


An interview with TENZIN WANGYAL RINPOCHE President Bush
September 18, 2001 as Americans, we need to look hon-
from The Dalai Lama
QUESTION: People in this country estly at our actions in the world
are having many strong emotional and reflect on how we have created September 12, 2001
responses to last week's terrorist these enemies. We mean well, but
we do not always have very skillful His Excellency Mr. George W. Bush
attacks in New York City and Wash- The President
ington B.C. Wliat advice would you means. Perhaps in the future we can
The White House
give to someone who came to you have more awareness about our own
Washington, DC 20500 U.S.A.
overwhelmed with emotion or feel- behavior and how we create enemies
ing a desire for revenge'? for ourselves. Your Excellency,
Also, it is important that people I am deeply shocked by the terrorist attacks that took place involv-
from all the different spiritual com- ing four apparently hijacked aircrafts and the immense devastation
is natural to have deep feelings like
munities pray together. This is very these caused. It is a terrible tragedy that so many innocent lives
shock, loss, confusion, or anger. helpful, to help people come to peace
From the practice point of view, it have been lost and it seems unbelievable that anyone would choose
with themselves. We need to pray to target the World Trade Center in New York City and the Penta-
is good to allow these feelings, as
for the people who have lost family gon in Washington, D.C. We are deeply saddened. On behalf of the
we do in the rushen practice, while
members, for the souls of those who Tibetan people I would like to convey our deepest condolence and
not losing connection with oneself.
have died, and also for the people solidarity with the American people during this painful time. Our
Allow the grief, allow the anger,
who are afraid of dying. In Afghani- Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche prayers go out to the many who have lost their lives, those who have
but stay connected also. It is better
stan, many innocent people are very been injured and the many more who have been traumatized by this
to not watch television too much
afraid, running to the border, trying senseless act of violence. I am attending a special prayer for the
since these images can get into your someone cannot tell the difference
to get out and save themselves from United States and its people at our main temple today.
system in a way that is not very between a Sikh and a terrorist, they
being bombed. We should pray for
helpful. Instead it would be best to need more education. That is very I am confident that the United States as a great and powerful nation
them also, not just for our own cit-
engage in one's own day-to-day activ- ignorant behavior. will be able to overcome this present tragedy. The American people
izens. To awaken compassion fully,
ities in as normal a way as possible. have shown their resilience, courage and determination when faced
it helps to put oneself in the place Q: / have heard some community
Then, when these feelings arise, try of the other. Can you imagine if, with such difficult and sad situations.
to cultivate compassion for people members express concern about
because of something our govern- President Bush's apparent rush to
who have passed away and their It may seem presumptuous on my part, but I personally believe we
ment did, another government was go to war. At a time like this, as
families, as well as for the people need to think seriously about whether a violent reaction is the right
about to bomb Charlottesville? We good spiritual practitioners, we do
who committed the terrorist acts. thing to do and in the greater interest of the nation and people in the
would run away and not even know a lot of practice and prayer, but
One needs to reflect on one's own long run. I believe violence will only increase the cycle of violence.
why we were being attacked. How should we also speak out in the
side of how these terrorists came to But how do we deal with hatred and anger which are often the root
frightening that would be for us. world, even if it means doing so
exist. Innately every being is good. causes of such senseless violence? This is a very difficult question,
As for the incidents of extreme with some anger?
How did the evil force awaken in especially when it concerns a nation and we have certain fixed con-
hate, of individuals attacking Sikhs
I hem'.' We should pray,"May this evil TWR: From the Buddhist point of view, ceptions of how to deal with such attacks. I am sure you will make
or Indians or people of Middle East-
force not manifest again." But also, of course it is important to not allow the right decision.
ern descent, that is just ignorance. If
strong emotion to cause one to lose
the connection with oneself. At the With my prayers.and good wishes,
same time, one should not ignore the Yours sincerely,
fact of what happened, which is huge. The Dalai Lama
Actually I have a lot of compas-
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Snow Lion Publications

Ithaca, NY 14851
PO Box 6483

sion for the President. His job is to [His Holiness, on behalf of the Tibetan people, donated $30,000
worry about the whole country. This towards the relief effort as a gesture of their solidarity with the
is very different from a practitio- people in New York City.]
(Continued on page 2)


ed. by Jeffrey Hopkins Muller, Jody Williams, His Holiness
184 pp., cloth. #ARPE $22.95 the Dalai Lama
"This is education at its best and
"One of the most wonderful
highest..inspiring-and uplifting."—
aspects of this remarkable book
Julian Bond
is the interaction between the
laureates..."—Today's Librarian "Readers with an interest in world
affairs and human freedom will enjoy
While many people who strive to this."—Library Journal
bring the world into peaceful balance
"The road to world peace will
work in relative anonymity, only a
be long and difficult, but Hopkins
few have received international rec-
helps lead the way with this land-
ognition for their efforts. Nine of
mark book."—Kirkus Reviews
these outstanding individuals con-
vened recently at the University of Vir- The following is a presentation by
ginia to discuss the topics of human the Dalai Lama excerpted from The
rights, conflict, and reconciliation. Art of Peace.
At the core of their agenda is
the conviction that ethical concern "The Need for Compassion in vincing, that if ordinary people see
for the welfare of others is essential Society: The Case of Tibet" their objective clearly, then once
ITHACA, NY 14851

determined, they can change things.


for personal, political, social, and My English is very poor, and also my

economic balance. The Laureates: English is getting older, so it is dif- That is a great inspiration. Also, I
Jose Ramos-Horta, Betty Williams, ficult to express myself fully. I am really admire some of these detailed

Dr. Rigoberta Menchu Turn, Arch- extremely happy and privileged to presentations, like that of the former
bishop Desmond Tutu, President participate in this gathering. I have president of Costa Rica—wonder-
Oscar Arias Sanchez, Harn Yawng- learned some new things and also ful, wonderful. All the presentations
hwe, for Aung San Suu Kyi, Bobby got some kind of feeling, more con-
(Continued on page 12)
ENORMOUS COMPASSION of despair. One friend of mine said, are hungry and thirsty, running away
Continued from page 1 "It's so big, a million mantras can't from bombs, with children in their
touch it." What would you say to her? arms. Pray for everyone. Pray, pray,
ner's point of view or from a dharma TWR: There is no limit to compas- pray, pray, pray.
teaching point of view. As an indi- sion, no limit. Prayer has no limit. Q: One last, question, Rinpoche.
vidual practitioner I can say, "If the One has to open one's heart to every- Buddha gets up in the morning and
airlines shut down, fine, I'll do my body, bigger and bigger. As it is said, turns on the TV. The World Trade
meditation." But that cannot be the great compassion is to all sentient Center is on fire and thousands of
point of view of the president. One people are dying. What does the NITARTHA-SAMBHOTA
week shut down, a billion dollars Buddha do?
lost. Every airline is losing millions of ', As Americans, we TWR: Of course the Buddhas want
dollars. This effects the stock market TIBETAN WORD PROCESSING: NEW PRODUCTS
'. need to look honestly nothing but peace on this earth and
and the whole country. This is the
• at our actions in the they send their blessings for that.
material world and we are in a capi-
Since they are not on one side or the PC: Wylie keyboard, Tibetan Converter and Spell
talist society. When the world mar- ** world and reflect on other, the Buddhas see a completely Check. The new Wylie keyboard allows users to type
kets are effected, everybody feels
♦ how we have created different picture: they see the confu-
the shake. This financial structure is Wylie in Microsoft Word and see Tibetan script appear
* these enemies. We sion and ignorance of both sides. And
an essential part of this country, its on the screen.
there is enormous compassion for
ego and identity. What is happening I mean well, but we do
everyone. Enormous compassion. Mac: Converter and fonts. Converts text files contain-
is enormous. * not always have very [Interview taken from The Voice ing Wylie or Asian Classics transliteration to Rich Text
It is proper to show the terrorists
• skillful means. of Clear Light, published by Ligmin- Files containing Tibetan script. Files can be shared be-
that what they have done is not fair.
cha Institute. For more information
Karmically they need pay for it so the tween the Mac and PC (requires Mac OS 9 and Mi-
about Ligmincha Institute, the teach-
rest of the people understand that it beings. We don't limit it. Prayers are crosoft Word 98.
ings of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche,
is wrong and not allowed. They can't very important. Collective prayers
or retreats at Serenity Ridge or our
just do it and get out of it, that's not especially are very powerful. Visit Our Website
regional centers, please contact
right. Of course, the president needs From the shamanic, or causal « Online ordering »
to be very skillful. The whole world is vehicle, point of view, important Ligmincha Institute
very vulnerable and there are lots of P.O. Box 1892, Charlottesville, Nitartha-Sambhota 5501 17th Ave. N.E. Seatde, WA
prayers and rituals need to take
sensitive issues. For example, there place. The energy of shock in New VA 22903 98105 Ph:(206) 529-8258
are long-term issues between Paki- York City is huge and could be very 434-977-6161 fax 434-977-7020
stan and India, between Muslims and negative. The World Trade Center
Christians and Jews. There are some area is an important place for the www.ligminchaorg]
who are just waiting for an excuse whole country, especially practitio-
to get into it. So we pray that the Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is the
ners on the spiritual path, to focus
author of Wonders of the Natural
President is skillful and that inno-
cent people are not hurt.
their prayers on a long-term basis.
Six thousand people, dead in an
Mind and Tibetan Yogas of Dream
and Sleep. His latest book, Healing
Q: As Buddhist practitioners we instant. Think of how these people
died. We ourselves are in shock, but
with Form, Energy and Light will TO ALL FRIENDS
are non-violent. How should one be released by Snow Lion in May
respond when there are bad things we are still alive. We know how to
2002. m OF TIBET
in tlie world? come back to our homes, we can eat
Children, nuns and monks continue to escape
breakfast and lunch, we don't end up
TWR: If you see an airplane about to from Tibet by making a perilous journey
at somebody else's door. But with a
crash into the World Trade Center,
there is no question that if you have
death like this, sudden and terrify-
ing, a soul can become very lost. We
Dharma Books across the Himalayas to seek freedom in

Nepal and India. Many arrive traumatized and

the power to shoot it down, you
shoot it down. You would have the
need to pray for them and for a long
in French destitute. Through a sponsorship' of $3.50 to
$30.00 a month, you can help save a life and
negative karma of killing the people Even when one is feeling over- French reading Tibetan Buddhists
inside, but you would save so many whelmed, still one can say, "I dedi- can contact the following publisher: preserve a culture. 100% of your contribution
other people. cate my practice to all the sentient Editions Ganesha Inc., Collection goes directly to their support. For more

Q: Many people are doing practice beings who most need it. I dedicate «Methodes et Sagesse», C.P. 484, information please visit our website or call us.
and praying. For many this is a to all." Do not limit who you love. succursale Youville, Montreal, QC,
great comfort and they feel that Dedicate to those who are dead and Canada, H2P 2W1, tel: (450)
they are helping. But I have also those who are afraid they will die. 641-2395, fax: (450) 641-2989, email: PROJECT

heard some people express a sense Dedicate to the Afghani women who ■ 877-TIBET-AID


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2 SNOWkK>N'-f*44-l'01 NEWSLETTER

Segyu Choepel Rinpoche. When
you mention his name in Buddhist
circles, there is often a pause, a
thoughtful look and then the ques-
tion. Is that the Brazilian lama?
Yes, I am talking about the western-
A Precious Jewel
born tulku, Venerable Segyu Choe-
pel Rinpoche.
I had the good fortune to spend a
week with Venerable Segyu Rinpoche
this summer at an intensive Tibetan
for the
Language Institute held in Taos, New
Mexico. He is a wonderfully warm
man, full of laughter and generously
willing to share his deep wisdom. He
speaks English well with a soft and
East and West
rich cadence. It was a pleasure to be
able to speak with him directly in my
native tongue. It made communica-
tion easy and clear. I would like to
share with you his fascinating story.

Venerable Segyu Rinpoche was born
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in August
1950. He was raised in a Catholic
family, his mother a housewife and
his father a medical doctor. Through-
out his early childhood, he had
visions. His mother, concerned about
them, took him to a local shaman/
priest to have him examined. The advised him to use the name Shakya tentative plans to teach at the Sed- Rinpoche teaches in fluent English,
History of Segyu Monastery
priest confirmed that he was special Gyued Monastery in Salugara, India, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Zangpo. For those unfamiliar with the Segyu
in that he indeed had clairvoyant Soon after this meeting, Gaden in November, 2001. Honoring His The Healing Buddha Foundation
powers and was the reincarnation lineage, it was started by Jetsun
Tri Rinpoche passed away, and so Sherab Sengye at the request of the Holiness the Dalai Lama, Rinpoche holds weekly classes to study basic
of a Great Master of the past. As continues with joyous enthusiasm Buddhist texts. Tsongkhapa's Great
Venerable Segyu Rinpoche sought Great Lama Je Tsongkhapa near the
Rinpoche explains, one of his visions to preserve the Segyu lineage. To Treatise on the Stages of the Path
spiritual guidance from Venerable end of his life in 1419. Je Tsong-
was of a yogi-like Buddha figure Gashar Khensur Lati Rinpoche and this end he has overseen the Eng- to Enlightenment (the Lam-Rim
khapa asked which of his disciples
floating in the sky. This particular Venerable Gyuto Khensur Tara Tulku lish translation and publishing of Chen-mo) is one of the main texts
vision recurred often until the age of would preserve his Tantric teachings.
Rinpoche. Recognizing Venerable One of his heart disciples, Jetsun The History of the Segyu Ganden used. This fall the foundation added
seventeen. Segyu Rinpoche's gifts as a teacher Phodrang Monastery 1432-1959, by a class in debate. Throughout the
He attended university in Brazil Sherab Sengye, came forward to fulfill
and healer, they blessed him with the request. With specific instructions Champa Thubten Zongtse Rinpoche, year, there are one-day and week-
and graduated with a degree in elec- many instructions about meditation the accepting of new monks into the end long teachings on a variety of
trical engineering. Later he worked from Je Tsongkhapa, Jetsun Sherab
practice and also advised him to Sengye went to the 'Sed' district of the order, the publishing of the Guhyas- topics. Segyu Gaden Dhargye Ling
as the assistant director of the sys- become a monk. At the time, he had amaja text book of the Segyu tradi- offers longer retreats in the spring,
Tsang region of Tibet and established
tems department of the first nuclear several dreams and intuitions that tion, and the raising of funds to build summer, and winter for various tra-
the Sed-Gyud Gaden Phodrang Mon-
power plant in Brazil. He developed the time was not yet ripe for taking a greatly needed kitchen, dormitory, ditional meditation practices.
astery along with Dulnagpa Palden
monastic vows and so he took upa- Zangpo in 1432. The Segyu monas- and lama quarters for the monastery In addition to the numerous Bud-
saka vows (lay clergy vows) from tery was the first Gelug Tantric Col- in India. dhadharma activities offered, the
* ...the Ganden Tri Up until 1959, the Segyu monas- Healing Buddha Foundation pro-
Kyabje Lati Rinpoche in 1987. lege. Four years later, Jetzun Sherab
* Rinpoche indicated At the encouragement of both Sengye founded the Me-gyu (Lower) tery was the lifeblood of the Riwo vides a unique service to the grow-
* that Venerable Segyu Kyabje Lati Rinpoche and Venerable Tantric College of Lhasa (which later Geden tradition, where the study ing number of people experiencing
Rinpoche was the rein- Tara Tulku Rinpoche, he began to became Gyu-me). The Gyu-to (Upper) and teaching of Tantra with its physical discomfort, emotional dis-
wear the white robes of a ngakpa Tantric College of Lhasa was estab- pith instructions and bare percep- turbance, mental disharmony and
» carnation of Gyuchen tual commentaries have been pre- spiritual crisis through its Psycho-
lama (a yogi)—very unusual in the lished over 30 years after the found-
* DorjeZangpo, a 16th Gelug Order. During those years, he ing of Gyu-me. In 1959, the Segyu served without degeneration. It is of Spiritual Healing Clinics. Treatment
I century Tantric master. received many initiations and com- Monastery in Tibet was completely great fortune for all those interested is based on Buddhist psychology and
mentaries and established the Heal- destroyed by the Chinese communist in the root Tantric tradition of Je Tibetan Tantric medicine. The Psy-
ing Buddha Foundation in Berkeley, invasion, and only a handful of monks Tsongkhapa, that Venerable Segyu cho-Spiritual Healing Clinics provide
hardware and software programs Rinpoche has been found again and a place for people to find relief from
California, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt escaped with their lives. .
that linked the headquarters with is working to revive the Segyu Mon- their present physical and mental
non-profit organization dedicated to Having found his monastic home,
individual plants. Simultaneously, he astery as a vital and active center for suffering and serves to inspire them
the study and teaching of Tibetan Venerable Segyu Rinpoche took his
pursued his spiritual path. He began teaching in these times. to look deeper at the root of suffer-
Buddhism. The Foundation later getsul vows (novice monk vows)
a rigorous training as a healer in a ing. Practitioners engage in a five-
moved to Sebastopol, California in
Brazilian healing tradition. year training program, and strive to
the spring of 1994.
After some years of apprentice- provide others with the conditions
In 1995, Venerable Segyu
ship he went to his teacher to show to see their own true goodness and
Rinpoche went to Tibet and again
him a Buddhist statue resembling aspire towards the ultimate healing
had many dreams and intuitions
the yogi-like figure he had seen so of enlightenment. For those who
about the place in Tibet that was
many times. Before he removed it cannot attend the clinic, The Healing
once his home. It was during this
from the box, the teacher went into Buddha Foundation offers Medicine
trip that he first learned of the exis-
a deep state and said to him, "This is Buddha pujas (ceremonies) for dis-
tence of the Segyu order. He met
your teacher, Lama Je Tsongkhapa. tant healing.
Venerable Sermey Shapel Kangyur
You will help to spread His teach- The Foundation also hosts the
Rinpoche, who was the first person
ings to the world." The figure inside Jewel Heart Kids Club four times a
to tell him that Dorje Zangpo was
did indeed turn out to be a statue of year. During these day-long sessions
in fact a Segyu lineage master. He
Je Tsongkhapa, 1357-1419, founder the children are offered simple med-
also said that since the recognition
of the Ge-luk order of Tibetan Bud- itation techniques, story telling, arts
was indicated by the Gaden Tri
dhism. Rinpoche, there should be absolutely and crafts, and the children do com-
Venerable Segyu Rinpoche had munity service projects. Some of
no doubt.
the vision of Tsongkhapa only two the recent projects included bagging
Then in 1997, while visiting
more times after that. Each time, his lunches for a local food bank and
Katmandu, Nepal, Venerable Segyu
heart was filled with love and devo- Rinpoche was visited by the senior decorating and planting flowerpots
tion and he asked for his guidance for a convalescent home. The Kids
most lama, Venerable Gen Enyi and
and blessings. Due to this, he was the Venerable Gen Palden Temphel Club is designed to teach the chil-
moved to find who Je Tsongkhapa of the Segyu Datsang Tantric College dren about the importance of prac-
was and to learn more about his in exile. They made detailed inquiries ticing virtue and caring for others.
teachings. into his visions and signs. Two days To find out more about the activ-
Because Buddhism was not ities of the Healing Buddha Foun-
later Gen Temphel met with him again
widely known in Brazil, he resolved and told him the story of the Segyu Segyu Choepel Rinpoche dation and the ongoing work of
to go to the United States. In 1982, order. At that time he also announced Venerable Segyu Rinpoche, you can
he began studies with Lama Kunga that he and the other senior Segyu contact:
Rinpoche (Ngor Tharse Shabtrung) from Kyabje Lati Rinpoche, who con- Healing Buddha Foundation
monks had conferred, made divina- The Healing Buddha Foundation-
a Sak-ya lama who taught general ferred the name Segyu Choepel— Se (Segyu Gaden Dhargye Ling)
tion, and were now able to confirm Segyu Gaden Dhargye Ling
Buddhism and Abhidharma. refers to the Sed region of Tibet; gyu Being a Westerner, Venerable Segyu
that he was indeed the reincarnation P.O Box 87, Sebastopol, CA 95473
At the end of 1984 he attended the means tantra; choe means Dharma; Rinpoche also has a strong moti-
of Venerable Gyuchen Dorje Zangpo— Tel: (707) 823-8700
teachings of the Venerable Gyume and pel means to flourish; thus the vation to preserve and spread the
the seventh in the line of ten realized Email:
Khensur Jampal Shenpen, the 98th meaning of his name is "to flourish Buddhist teachings in the West. The
masters and abbots who constitute or visit the website
Ganden Tri Rinpoche (head of the the Dharma according to the Tantra Healing Buddha Foundation, Segyu
the close lineage of the unerring,
Gelug order). During a private inter- of Se". In 1999, he took his gelong Gaden Dhargye Ling of Sebastopol,
exclusive, secret Tantric instructions
view, the Gaden Tri Rinpoche indi- vows (full ordination) from Kyabje California, now has branch centers (The Healing Buddha Foundation is
and practices of the Segyu lineage.
cated that Venerable Segyu Rinpoche Lati Rinpoche at the Ganden Shartse and study groups in Santa Cruz, Cal- a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt
At the Monastery's request, Venera-
was the reincarnation of Gyuchen monastery in India. ifornia; Olympia, Washington; Porto charitable organization dedicated the
ble Segyu Rinpoche promised that
Dorje Zangpo, a 16th century Tantric he would help to the best of his abili-
His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Alegre and Joao Pessoa, Brazil; ultimate healing of enlightenment
master. Ganden Tri Rinpoche gave Lama, who has recently taken an Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Mon- and the preservation of the Segyu
ties to preserve and make flourish the
him the name Zangpo Tulku, but sacred Segyu lineage.
interest in the Segyu Lineage, has tevideo and Maldonado, Uruguay. Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.) ■

SNOW LION: The House that Roared
BY FRANKLIN CRAWFORD won him the confidence of numer-
ITHACA—More than any other ous authorities—political as well as
medium, books make the greatest scholarly. The Aiellos could have
contribution to the advancement of had no better point man in their
the Tibetan cause. Books: Not Hol- company when, in 1980, the fledgling
lywood movies, not television; nei- publishers met with the Dalai Lama
ther newsprint nor magazines nor in Toronto to discuss a business plan.
the innumerable web sites orbiting At that point Snow Lion was not
hyperspace: Books. a purely Tibetan enterprise, but the
That's the opinion of the Dalai Aiellos and Piburn wanted Tibetan
Lama himself, expressed during a texts to figure largely in their stock
press conference for Nobel laureates and trade. They sought advice from
gathered at the University of Virginia the Dalai Lama on the best way to
in the fall of 1998. Of particular bene- go about publishing Tibetan litera-
fit, the Dalai Lama emphasized, were ture and His Holiness was far more
books that portrayed Tibetan culture than forthcoming. The Dalai Lama
in a positive light. suggested a broad list of titles that
It is perhaps no coincidence that would appeal to the general public
just prior to affirming the power as well as to practicing Buddhists
of books, the Dalai Lama was pre- and Tibetan scholars. His advice was
sented with an edition of The Spirit well taken and the meeting, appar-
of Tibet, a splendid collection of ently winding down, was deemed
color photographs given to him by successful. But the Dalai Lama had
the publishers at Snow Lion. a surprise for the Ithaca trio. With-
Such a vote of confidence from out solicitation of any kind, he
Tibet's spiritual and temporal leader, made a flat-out offer: His 1979 U.S.
a figure as fixed in the public con- talks, translated and interpreted by
sciousness as any Hollywood or Hopkins, America's master Tibetan
sports celebrity, was gratifying for scholar, were Snow Lion's for the
the folks at Snow Lion, whose sole taking. and Insight. The Dalai Lama was issues. Long before Tibetan struggles titles and several publishing sidelines
mission, blessed at the outset by The gift was like a mandate from due for his second U.S. tour that became a Hollywood cause celebe, such as gift cards and bumper stick-
a generous offering from the Dalai God. autumn and the book was pegged Snow Lion was reaching an audience ers, Snow Lion is housed in a con-
Lama, is to preserve and enhance "At that point, Harper and Row to his arrival. Under pressure, Snow of people who normally would not verted warehouse on the city's West
Tibetan culture. wanted the book," said Piburn, who Lion managed to finish the book, have had access to Tibetan materi- End business district with offices in
"Snow Lion is seminal—they are was astonished by the offer. "Here which sold 10,000 copies and requr- als. In 1980, there were three Bud- a modest residence next door. Small
crucial in the development of the he turns around and gives it to some ied three reprints to meet demand. dhist centers in the U.S.; today there Tibetan prayer flags hanging outside
field of Tibetan studies and to fur- kids without any funds or experi- No small task under the circum- are 500. Tibetan arts groups and per- a freight entrance offer some hint at
thering the public's interest in Tibet," ence, in Ithaca, New York." stances. formers and Tibetan teachers as well the doings within, but otherwise the
said Jeffrey Hopkins of the Religious It would take four years for Snow The Dalai Lama's book synergized as monks appeared in diverse set- site exhibits little of the exotic.
Studies Department at the Univer- Lion to publish Kindness, Clarity Snow Lion and spared it from an tings across America. These saffron True to its mission, Snow Lion
sity of Virginia, site of the foremost and Insight, but having the Dalai early grave. It was a close call: by the and crimson robed emissaries were continues to publish books that
program in Tibetan Buddhist studies Lama's imprimatur put the little time Kindness, Clarity and Insight a cultural phenomenon that even- would likely never find their way
in America "By making texts of var- house on the map. In the mean time, came out, Snow Lion's resources tually influenced Congress to pass into print.
ious levels of difficulty available to the Aiellos had by personal neces- were depleted, its thin shelf of eight an immigration bill allowing for the "They don't abandon a book just
the public in English, Snow Lion is sity bowed out of the venture. They titles completely out of stock. On the Tibetan Resettlement Project of 1989 because it doesn't sell and that's very,
the pioneer house in this field." tail winds of Kindness, Clarity and and 1990. very important," said Hopkins.
That house was in a field of Insight, a growing relationship with Just about then, as far as Snow And they tackle projects no bot-
dreams just twenty years ago.
* "I woke up one morn- Hopkins and the University of Vir- Lion was concerned, all heaven tom-line publisher would touch. For
Snow Lion was a grassroots, do- * ing in 1989 and turned ginia led to three new books and sud- broke loose. Ten years after the Dalai instance, the 1,027-page bookmen/
denly Snow Lion had momentum. Lama's personal offer galvanized the Tibetan. Printed in four volumes,
it-yourself press founded by Gabriel * on the radio and with 18 audio tapes and a CD ROM,
and Patricia Aiello, a pair of Itha- Cox, who helped to guide Snow Snow Lion mission, His Holiness
* learned that the Dalai Lion from red to black, initiated a again came to the aid of the deter- it runs for $250. It's expensive to pro-
cans whose encounter with the Dalai
Lama in 1979 inspired them to take *• Lama had won the free international newsletter, a proj- mined Ithaca house. This time how- duce, but sales of more than 2,000
* Nobel Peace Prize," ect that not only boosted Tibet, but ever, the blessing came through the copies will keep Fluent Tibetan on
action on behalf of causes Tibetan.
helped to spread Snow Lion's name will of the world. the shelves for a long time to come.
But, other than a desire to help the I said Piburn. "That throughout the Tibetan community- "I woke up one morning in 1989 Snow Lion's commitment—and
Dalai Lama, the Aiellos knew very * changed everything." at-large. and turned on the radio and learned it's growth—caught the attention
little about Tibetan culture. How-
"Up until then most Tibetan that the Dalai Lama had won the of the National Book Network, a
ever, they did know Sidney Piburn,
groups in America were dispa- Nobel Peace Prize," said Piburn. first rate North American distribu-
and knowing Piburn was like having turned the entire business over the
rate—there wasn't a unifying vehicle. "That changed everything." tion firm that handles a mix of 80
a 24-hour Tibetologist at their side. Piburn. Snow Lion was incorporated
The newsletter contained everything With 12 Dalai Lama books to large and small, mostly independent
A graduate of Cornell University, and Piburn suddenly found himself
Tibetan," said Cox. "Interest in it their name, Snow Lion's publishers houses.
Piburn had made several trips to promoted from consultant to owner, "Snow Lion has the best selection
grew quickly and it became a central worked furiously to produce The
Dharamsala, India, the home of and his Tibetan Buddhist training put of Tibetan materials of anybody in
force in getting our name out there." Dalai Lama, A Policy of Kindness.
Tibet's government-in-exile. In 1974 to a stress test as he sweated out the the business," said Victoria Metzger,
In 1987, Snow Lion found an inves- Something of a Dalai Lama primer,
and 1975, Piburn held a private audi- lean years. In 1984, Piburn forged a NBN spokeswoman. "Their growth
tor and jumped from publishing two it categorized commentary from His
ence with the Dalai Lama and it was partnership with Jeff Cox, a friend came from demand, not venture cap-
or three books a year to publishing Holiness on a variety of general
partly through Piburn's efforts that and associate with a business back- ital investment. That's really nice-
more than 10 books annually. Today, topics. The Dalai Lama, A Policy of
the Dalai Lama made his first visit to ground and an abiding interest in and rare—to see in this age of the
Snow Lion produces 20 new titles in Kindness served to portray the Dalai
the U.S. in 1979. Eastern religion and Tibetan cul- Lama as a worldly-wise, accessible mega-publisher with huge consolida-
a year. The small company's rise par-
Piburn, co-founder of Snow Lion, ture. Together they worked to secure tions and changes in the book selling
alleled, and even helped stimulate, leader of great character and appeal.
boasts no diplomatic credentials, but funding and to meet a nose crunch- and publishing market almost every
a passionate global fascination with The text was picked up by the Book-
his familiarity with things Tibetan ing deadline for Kindness, Clarity of-the-Month Club and more than month."
Tibetan religion, culture and political
70,000 copies have been sold. Today Snow Lion employs sixteen
In 1990, Piburn helped arrange a people, including four members of
Dalai Lama visit to Cornel! University the Tibetan community who have
and almost inadvertantly positioned settled in Ithaca. Since 1990, Ithaca
Snow Lion as a primary source for also has become the site of Namgyal
FORMERLY THE MANDALA CALENDAR. NOW PRODUCED BY LIBERATION PRISON PROJECT authentic Tibetan texts, from the Monastery, a branch of the personal
popular to the esoteric. monastery of the Dalai Lama, and
Elegant full-color wall calendar, featuring Tibetan Buddhist images Business ran apace and Snow the first established in the western
and including the Tibetan lunar calendar for the Year of the Water Horse 2129 Lion outgrew several locations in hemisphere. Piburn's efforts have fig-
downtown Ithaca. Today, with 150 (Continued on page 5)
USA - $9 • Special days of Lord Buddha
Snow Lion Publications • Birthdays and anniversaries
Phone (800) 950 0313
of other holy beings
• Tsog days
Wisdom Books, 25 Stanley Road
• Monks and nuns'
Ilford, Essex IG1 1RW confession days, Sojong
Phone (44) (208) 553 5020 • Full moons and new moons
Fax (44) (208) 553 5122 • Solar and lunar eclipses
Email: Sales@wisdombooks.otg
• Precepts: days on which it
AUSTRALIA-$13 is beneficial to take the
Mandala Books, PO Box 8111
Camberwell North, Vic 3124
Eight Mahayana Precepts
Phone(61)(3) 9882 2484 Calendar size (when open)
Email: 6'M"x 121/2" (160 x320mm)

All proceeds go to Liberation Prison Project, a project of the FPMT, which supports the
Buddhist practice of people in prison. Top photo: The house where Snow Lion's administration and the Ithaca
editorial offices are located. Bottom photo: The building where the Snow Lion
LIBERATION PRISON PROJECT, PO BOX 33, TAOS, NM 87571. LiberationPPcs store, order taking and shipping departments, and warehouse are located, plus
another view of the administration house.


ill it NEWS

Win a Guided Tour to Samdhong Rinpoche is

Tibet and Nepal in 2002
Tour leader: Glenn H. Mullin
Elected Exile-Government's
For the sixth time Snow Lion Publications is offering a trip to Asia to a
lucky customer. We have arranged to give one of our customers the oppor-
First Prime Minister
tunity to travel with Glenn H. Mullin on a two-week adventure to
Nepal and Tibet in 2002. Glenn lived in the Himalayas from 1972-1982 On September 5, 2001, Samdhong for the cause of non-violence." After also believe that the Administration
where he studied Tibetan Buddhism, language, literature, and yoga with Lobsang Tenzin Rinpoche, was elected numerous requests from most of should be completely transparent
many of the greatest teachers from Tibet. He is the author of over a Prime Minister of the Tibetan Govern- the exile Tibetan communities, he and accountable. I intend to make
dozen books and has taught throughout the world. He also organized ment-in-Exile. Samdhong Rinpoche, relinquished his personal desires efforts to facilitate the formulation
and led several world tours for the monks from Drepung Loseling who has served in the Tibetan exile of clear-cut religious, educational,
Monastery. administration for four decades, was home and health policies—policies
Here's how you can win: Every time that you order from us, we will enter selected by the majority of all Tibetans I "I believe we Tibetans that take into account both the cul-
your name in our drawing. Just let us know when you order by mail, phone, or with voting rights in the free world. I need to establish a ture of Tibet and the practical needs
fax that you would like to be considered for the trip. We'll have our drawing The new system of election was the of time. More particularly, I intend to
on December 31, 2001. ■ I non-violent society to
result of an initiative of His Holiness facilitate the formulation of a stan-
the Dalai Lama I serve as a model for dard financial policy. I will pay spe-
One of Samdhong Rinpoche's first • the rest of the world. cial attention to introducing austerity
actions after taking the oath of office • In order to do this, we measures; to limiting administrative
THE HOUSE THAT ROARED in far flung shops around the globe. was to request that the Dalai Lama spending to the absolute necessity."
Continued from page 4, In a fiercely comeptitive trade, one not transfer all of his exective respon- • should first develop a
As for the cause of the Tibetan
that is as vulnerable as any to the sibilities to the new democratically I culture of ahimsa [non-
ured significantly into the Tibetan homeland, Samdhong said, "I will
ruthless barbarisms of modern com-
resettlement in Ithaca as well as the elected Kashag Chairperson and the » violence] in our exile make every effort to restore direct
merce, Snow Lion holds its own. Cre- Assembly of Tibetan People's Depu-
arrival of Namgyal and the contin- » communities." contacts with Beijing and to increase
ated from a simple desire to help, ties. Rinpoche asked the Dalai Lama
ued success of Snow Lion. international support toward this
its success—albeit modest—symbol- "to continue to exercise his tradi-
Twenty years after a fortuitous end. I consider it important to pro-
izes a triumph of compassion over tional administrative responsibilities and accepted the responsibilities of
meeting with the Dalai Lama sealed mote interaction and better under-
greed. Snow Lion's fate is now in conformity with the provisions of Prime Minister.
its fate, Snow Lion books can be standing between the Tibetan and
subtly interwoven with that of a the Charter of the Tibetans in Exile... In his acceptance speech Sam-
found in stores and libraries through- Chinese peoples. Whether we suc-
fragile culture whose very survival I trust His Holiness will consider my dhong said, "I believe we Tibetans
out the world. There's even a book- ceed or fail will depend on the Chi-
is dependent upon the passage of request with loving-kindness." need to establish a non-violent
store in Dharamsala that exclusively nese government and international
information: undiluted, uncensored, In March of this year, Samdhong society to serve as a model for the
stocks Snow Lion's publications. political developments."
unexpurgated truths bound within Rinpoche had left public service and rest of the world. In order to do
Ithacans traveling abroad are sur- The full text of Samdhong
the body of knowledge to which had decided to set out on "a reclu- this, we should first develop a cul-
prised to see the Snow Lion name Rinpoche's speech can be seen at
books are like vital organs. ■ sive life in order to begin my efforts ture of ahimsa [non-violence] in our, or at www.snowlion
exile communities. We can begin ■
by designing projects for non-vio-
lent means of livelihood in the exile
communities. Tibetan settlements in
Retreats with Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche India are ideal places for under- Dharma in
taking this experiment. In short, I

November 22 - 25
intend to promote the Gandhian con-
cept of gram swaraj [village self-
December 22 - January 1
rule] in our settlements. Especially We frequently hear comments from
Chenrezig Retreat Annual Winter Retreat I intend to promote non-violent and folks lamenting the fact that they
Rinpoche will confer Chenrezig Rinpoche will continue teaching eco-friendly agricultural and farming cannot afford all of the books they
empowerment and give detailed from his translation of The Jewel practices in our settlements. would be interested in reading.
"Henry David Thoreau said the gov- Together we can make dharma teach-
explanations of the practice. Then Ornament of Liberation by ernment is best which governs not ings more accessible to the public, uti-
together we will try to accumulate Gampopa, accompanied with at all.' In the similar vein, Mahatma lizing the community library system.
100,000 mantra recitations. 10am- practice sessions each day. Gandhi said 'Swaraj does not mean Contact us and request a current copy
others governed by oneself, but the self of our trade catalog. You can use it
5pm daily. 9am - 5pm daily. governed by oneself.' This is the kind as a resource to make ordering rec-
of administration I am hoping for." ommendations to your librarian or
Samdhong also stated that, "It we can send it directly to your local
For information and registration contact: is very much within our means to library at your request. May the Bud-
Tibetan Meditation Center serve the exile Tibetans and make dha's light of wisdom shine across the ♦«> 301-473 5750 ♦♦ the Administration more efficient. I nation through dharma teachings. ■

Dharma Books
'CEttatart ^baling ji^stas 8c ^strn £&timte Program • ®ct0ber/,iBecemijcr 2001
in Spanish (Tft his 's the beginning of a newly forming 3 year training program in traditional Tibetan medicine and Tibetan
Spanish reading Tibetan Buddhists /J science. Traditional Tibetan medicine and astro-science has a very old history which has served mankind for
^J/ Historically, Tibetan education has approximately 10 fields of study; arts & crafts, medicine, grammar, logic, inner philosophy,
can contact the following publisher: poetry, synonyms, lexicography, astro-science, dance and drama. Tibetan scholars studied all ten of these fields as they are all interre-
Ediciones Dharma, Apartado 218, lated, especially the fields of medicine and astro -science. This thorough knowledge enabled them to become highly qualified experts
03660 Novelda (Alicante) Spain. allowing them to share this vast knowledge through teachings. Traditionally, medicine and the astro-science were taught as one field of
study in Tibet. It is therefore our goal in this teaching program to share these traditional styles of medicine so that we may contribute to
Also: Ediciones Amara, Notario the preservation of our unique cultural heritage. Due to our political situation, we as Tibetan healing professionals are dedicated in
Quintana 27, Ciutadella de Menorca preserving our identity and cultural background because we are continually faced with the harsh disseminating actions of the Communist
07760, Spain. ■ Chinese in abolishing our heritage and culture. When the Chinese captured our fatherland in 1959 they destroyed thousands of monaster-
ies which housed holy texts and relics and one million Tibetans have been killed. Our medicine is an integral part of our Buddhist way of
life and therefore of our culture.
In 1961, Dalai Lama founded "sMen rTsee Khang" (House of Medicine & Astro Science), which is commonly known as The Tibetan Medical and Astro Institute
„_,,, j, —P^j which is located in Dharmasala, India. The main purpose of creating this unique institute was to preserve the rich cultural heritage of the
traditional Tibetan art of healing known as Sowa rigpa and Astro-science known as rTsis rigpa in Tibetan. His holiness strongly
believed that the traditional Tibetan healing system could offer a very positive contribution to the sufferings and illnesses of any nation.
The Tibetan healing system is what may be labeled today as "holistic". The medicine is formulated from pure and natural herbs. Diet,
behavior modification and other natural therapies such as oil treatments, and physical therapies are also considerations of treatment.
Perhaps the most important component of Tibetan healing is the mind-body-spirit connection and its fundamental base of The Medicine
Buddha which is unlike any other medical system. The body is never treated separately from the mind and vise-versa. The influences of
Buddha Dharma are deeply integrated into all ten learning fields previously mentioned. Therefore medical practitioners are strongly
influenced by the teaching of Buddha. They are inevitably compassionate and warm-hearted and treat each patient as a unique individual,
with respect and humility.
The teachings presented here are being organized by a group of traditional Tibetan physicians and an astro-science practitioner, all of
/ j|i whom were trained at The Tibetan Medical and Astro Institute of H.H. the Dalai Lama in Dharmasala, India. Several of these physicians
\ live outside of New York and are collaborating together to make a very special program on the traditional Tibetan art of healing. Our main
goal and desire is to share and teach this unique healing system and to educate Westerners of its vast healing benefits. Eventually, we also
''>'" hope for the opportunity to combine our Tibetan medical tradition with western medicine, working hand in hand with doctors and health
care practitioners. Hopefully, this dream will come to fruition resulting in the relief of the tremendous suffering that we all continually witness. To this end we would like
to share with you our knowledge and welcome your participation.
October 26 - 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Introductory Lecture. Each of the doctors will give December 1 - 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Tibetan medicinal plants.
a brief introduction to their specialty. Dr Tashi Yangchen
October 27 - 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Historical background of December 2 - 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Tibetan pharmacology and
Tibetan medicine. Dr Jamyang Gyasto its importance in Tibetan medicine
Silk Thangka Paintings October 28 - 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Historical background of
Tibetan Astronomy, Astrology, medical astrology. Dr Jhampa Kalsang
Dr Choeying Phuntsok

by Tendron December 15- 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Clinical experiences of
Tibetan medicine. Dr Tashi Rabten
November 10 - 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Mind-body-spirit connection
Each thangka is a unique in Tibetan medicine. Dr Jamyang Gyasto December 16 - 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Diet & behavior in Tibetan medicine
Dr Kalsang Dolma
piece of art November 11 • 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Pulse diagnosis & urine
analysis in Tibetan medicine. Dr Kalsang Dolma December 16 - 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Open discussion between presenters and students
Any deity of regarding continuing teachings in our future three years teaching program
Tibetan Buddhism tEtbeiatt ptaaltng jigstems 8c .Astro c ^ctBttcB program ^B&t^orfeCttg • Call to Register: (212) 358-3854

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Seven Metals is 56 minutes of peace
Snow Lion Expands "An extraordinary recording of Tibetan bowls
performed by a master of this tradition"
to Colorado j Jonathan Goldman, author of Healing Sounds
Snow Lion Publications has relocated its editorial headquarters to
Boulder, Colorado. While editorial functions will occur in Boulder, "A sound adventure for the spirit"
Available from Snow Lion:
Ithaca, and other locations, Boulder will now be the hub for new book
800-950-0313 Don Campbell, author of The Mozart Effect
Authors wishing to submit manuscripts to Snow Lion Publications
should mail them to:
Snow Lion Publications Editorial Office
1750 30th Street, #196
Boulder, CO 80301
The office can also be reached by telephone at (303) 413-1508 or by
email at:
Those wishing to submit articles, ads, or products for the Snow
Lion Newsletter/Catalog should continue to use the Ithaca address. ■


Khenpo Orgyen Tulku Thubten

Thinley Rinpoche Rinpoche
Buddhist Peace Fellowship is celebrating 20
years of service, leadership, and activism Curriculum Includes:
Teachings on Preliminary Practice (Ngondro) • The Three
for progressive social change.
Trainings of the Wisdom Holder • Tibetan
Language • Ritual Training • Vajrakilaya Retreat • Tibetan
You're invited to join in the celebration New Year (Losar) Celebration • Traditional Tibetan Art
by becoming a BPF member and sub- The Vajrayana Foundation College of Buddhist Studies is held
scribing to Turning Wheel. at Pema Osel Ling, a retreat center surrounded by California
redwoods, located in the beautiful Santa Cruz mountains.
Residential program • Weekly & daily rates
Small class size • Beginners welcome
$35 a year. Please send your contributions to:
P.O. Box 4650, Berkeley, CA 94704-0650 For more information and schedule, please contact our
Tel: (510) 655-6169 • Fax: (510) 655-1369 office at 831-761-6266, by email at • or visit our Web site at


Threaten to
Close Second

Tibetan His Eminence Choje Togden Rinpoche, November 10 - 16, 2001. His Eminence is the highest Drikung Kagyu lama in
Ladakh. He is recognized as the emanation of the great Indian Mahasiddha, Hungchen Kara. A Buddhist scholar with
Nunnery profound experiential understanding of the dharma, he is the transmission holder of a vast array of teachings, including:
Gongchik, Yamantaka, Phowa, and Dharmapalas of the Drikung Kagyu lineage. He also holds the transmission of Rinchen
(TCHRD) The Chinese authorities Terzo, the Nyingmapa Terma Treasury. His Eminence is known for his special powers to heal and dispel obstacles. On his
in Tawu County recently announced
that all monks and nuns are required first visit to the United States, Rinpoche will be giving empowerment, transmission, teachings and blessings:
selves and allow inspections of their
Raptrol Nunnery, with approxi-
mately 300 nuns, faces possible clo- The Most Venerable D. Ontul Rinpoche, January 6-12, 2002. Ontul Rinpoche is recognized as an emanation of Drokben
sure owing to the defiance of the
Khiuchung Lotsawa, one of Guru Rinpoche's 25 main disciples. He is known for his great compassion and profound real-
Chinese order by the nuns. The offi-
cials pay frequent visits to the nun- ization. Ontul Rinpoche holds transmissions of the Drikung Kagyu tradition as well as of the Nyingma tradition. His lineage
nery to collect photographs of the originated in the 19th century in Eastern Tibet under the spiritual guidance of the Drikung Terton Ogyen Nuden Dorje.
nuns who decline to toe the official Rinpoche established his monastery at Tso Pema, a sacred lake in northern India, where Guru Padmasambhava demonstrat-
line. ed miraculous powers. On his fourth visit to the United States, Rinpoche s schedule will include:
Tsalpo Nunnery, the other nun-
down in mid-2000 owing to its refusal
to abide by the announcement. The
doors of the nunnery are officially
closed with a red ribbon bearing the For information on either of these events, or to receive a flyer with further details, please contact the center:
seal of the local authorities. All Drikung Meditation Center, 8A Hillside Park, Somerville, MA 02143
the 300 nuns returned to their fami- TELEPHONE: 617-776-0026 (Jim) 781-396-8270 (Mary)
lies. Palmo and Tashi Lhamo (aged E-MAIL: WEBSITE:
17 and 18 years respectively), two
nuns from Tsalpo Nunnery, are pres-
ently working in the fields with their
families. ■


Song by
Thrangu Rinpoche
AVAILABLE IN SEVERAL COLORS AND FINISHES [Upon hearing of the destruction of the World Trade Center,
this wish for negativity to subside was written with pure inten-
ALSO AVAILABLE: tion by Thrangu Rinpoche. May virtuous goodness increase.
CENTER SIZE ALTARS (September 20, 2001).]
GARDEN SHRINES Sliort puja table - front view
SEIZA BENCHES (Ritual objects not included)
PLINTHS We are obliged to cherish and protect this world,
AND MORE The place we humans call our home.
So why pointlessly destroy any source
Of our world's prosperity?

Slton puja table ■ May the truth of all buddhas in the ten directions
Shrine (Ritual objects not included)
back view Help bring an end to all such deluded actions.
May raising the attitude of love and compassion
Help peace and happiness spread throughout the world.
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CALL AND REQUEST A COLOR BROCHURE The way of all civilized people
Puja tallies contaui removable shelf at id fold up for easy storage atid travel Is to protect one's life and precious body.
<4Q How pitiful to cast away and destroy it
In the delusion that it may be used as a weapon.

May the nectar of Truth, calm and soothing,

Completely pacify such violent intent.
May the attitude of love and compassion
Blossom in all people throughout the world

The way of noble people is to help others

And the universal norm is to protect oneself.
May the pitiful wish to destroy both self and others,
AN UPLIFTING, JOYOUS, CELEBRATORY MUSICAL Such an unwholesome thought and deed, fade forever.

May the truthful speech of bodhisattvas and virtuous

And the truthful speech of the pure nature of reality,
Promote peace and harmony here in our world
A full-length CD of mantric So that everyone might enjoy the wealth of happiness
and well-being. ■
& devotional songs from the
Nyingma tradition played in a
contemporary acoustic style.
Tibetan Language ^T"
Send $22 (check or money order) per CD
made payable to Dam Tsig Foundation. Correspondence Course
Home study program of colloquial and
Flaming Jewel Dharma Center scriptural Tibetan emphasizing the
211 E.Ann Street Dharma. Book, tapes and/or CD
Ann Arbor MI 48104
plus ongoing help.
e-maih Sarah Harding, 60 Spring Lane
www.Jlamingjewel. org Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 786-9257

The 50th
Lama Tharchin Rinpoche of "Peaceful
Heart Teachings Video Series of Tibet
(TIN) Several thousand Tibetans
A monthly series of in-depth Dharma teachings were required to attend the official
commemoration of the 50th anni-
from the Dzogchen perspective. versary of the "peaceful liberation"
of Tibet held in Lhasa on July 19.
Others, including children, students
and monks, were required to form
part of various delegations welcom-
ing Vice President Hu Jintao at the
Potala Square, surrounded by armed
The Venerable Lama Tharchin Rinpoche is a Dzogchen master of Vajrayana Buddhism. Fulfilling
security personnel.
the request of his teacher His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, Lama Tharchin Rinpoche came to the Some Tibetans told a Western
West in 1984 with the pure motivation to protect the Buddha Dharma and to plant authentic seeds tourist that speeches made during
the ceremony by central and regional
of Dharma in the West. Beloved for his gentleness and jewel-like qualities, Rinpoche has a unique leaders focused on attacks on the
ability to communicate complex spiritual truths simply and directly to western students. Dalai Lama.
Various detentions were reported
For this special ongoing video series, Rinpoche will select two practices per year as topics for intensive to have occured during the tense
teaching. Each topic of study will span six monthly videos. Rinpoche will use this opportunity to few weeks prior to the arrival of
the Vice-President, including the
offer precise instructions on the view, meditation, and conduct for some of the most penetrating detention of a member of a com-
practices of the Nyingma Lineage. mittee organising the anniversary
celebrations. Demonstrations of mil-
itary presence were also reported,
For more information or to become a subscriber,
including marksmen clearly visible
please visit our website or call (831) 480-5943. on rooftops.
Photos related to the event can
be viewed on Tibet Information Net-
May all beings benefit. work's website at: http://www.tibet ■


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"Imagining Tibet brings together some of our most thoughtful scholars to AND
ruminate on the ways that mythology has become merged with what we MEDITATION CENTER
take to be the reality of Tibet...a rich kaleidoscope of insights on this
fascinating subject." —Orville Schell, author of Virtual Tibet Karma Triyana Dharmachakra is the North American
seat of His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa, head of
the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism.
Founded in 1 978, the center features traditional
teachings as transmitted by Kagyu Lineage meditation
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"Poetry, meditation instruction, practical advice, and thoughts on the way things are.
Retain this kind of inspiration throughout the day, and peace will be yours." Following are a few events at KTD
—Brian Bruya, Religion Editor,

Nov 3-4 & 17-18

Tibetan Language Class
Please join us for an enjoyable weekend of libetdn language study.

WISDOM PUBLICATIONS As always, ail levels of students, including beginners, will be wel-
come. This on-gomg program features experienced instructors. Call
David McCarthy at 845-331-5069 for additional program

Who wouldn't be grateful for a gift of Wisdom? information. S85/70 mem

Nov 9-11 &

Nov 30 - Dec 2 •
The Jewel Ornament
by Lama Yeshe - Edited by Jonathan Landaw Bardor Rinpoche will continue teaching

With a new Foreword by Philip Glass on this classic graduated path (lam rim)

192 pp, 0-86171-162-9, paper, $16.95 text by Je Gampopd. S80/S64 mem

"The best introducrory work on Tibetan Buddhist tantra

Nov 23-25
available." —Janet Gyatso, Hershey Chair of Buddhist
Studies, Harvard Divinity School
Buddha Nature
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche
This Thanksgiving weekend, Rinpoche will
TIBETAN ART CALENDAR 2002 teach on the profound topic of Buddha
0-86171-416-4, $28.95 , nature, the seed or potential or enlighten-
ment possessed by all beings
A favorite year after year—and 2002 will be no exception! Informed prose illuminates the details
B,I,A S80/64 mem
of these high-quality reproductions of timeless devotional pieces. Winner of the Calendar Mar-
keting Association's 'Best Classical Art' Silver and Merit Awards.
Dec 14-16 & Jan 11-13
Karma Chagme Manual
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche
Rinpoche will continue teaching from the "Retreat Manual of the
BLUE JEAN BUDDHA renowned 17th century Kagyu master, Karma Chagme Rinpoche.

Edited by Sumi Loundon - Foreword by Jack Kornfield

256 pp, 0-86171-177-7, paper, $16.95 Dec 27 - Jan 31
"This is an idea whose time has come. A memorable, accomplished anthology.'
Dewachen Retreat
Chanting meditation practice of the long Amitabha Sadhana will be
—Publishers Weekly
offered each day from 9°"-1 2"" and 2lx,-50" A tsok (offering feast)
"Blue Jean Buddha shines." and prayers for the deceased will be offered each day. Sponsorship
—Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence
of lamp and tsok offerings is welcomed.

January 1st, 2002

First Light 2002
128 pp, 0-86171-301-x, cloth, $19.95 The concluding session of the long Amitabha Sadhana with
tsok and prayers for the deceased begins at 5"JAM At sun-
"Proven techniques for cultivating the mind of
rise, the annual renewal of prayers for world peace will
compassion and equanimity." —Melvin McLeod,
accompany the lighting of the 108 offering iamps. The
Editor, the Shambhala Sun magazine
Bestowal of Siddhi (blessings) will be at 9,10AM. A celebra-
This unique gift edition allows the rewards of The
tion luncheon will be at 2°°PM. Luncheon $25 (day guest.)
Compassionate Life to shine through, both from RSVP at least 1 0 days in advance
the Dalai Lama's face and from his words. MEDITATION FOR LlFE
by Martine Batchelor
Photographs by Stephen Batchelor For more teachings and events at KTD go to
168 pp, 0-86171-302-8, paper, $22.95
"Batchelor mixes inspiring passion with down-to-earth pragmatism." —Publishers Weekly

"A truly lovely work Graceful, elegant, clear, helpful, and wise. A treasure."
—Mark Epstein, author of Thoughts Without A Thinker 335 Meads ML Rd., Woodstock, NY 12498
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Kalachakra in Graz, Austria October, 2002
The first Kalachakra of the new millennium will be led by H.H. the Dalai Lama in Austria.
Contact: Kalachakra Committee Graz, C/o She Drup Ling, Buddhist Center, Griesgasse 2, A-8020 Graz, Austria
AES Withdraws from
Hydropower Project
Another Victory for
LAMA 5URYA DAS the Tibet Movement
PrincipIeTeacher The withdrawal of transnational stopping the World Bank's Western
author of Awakening the BuddhaWithin:Tibetan Wisdom for power corporation AES from the China Poverty Reduction Project, tar-
the Western World and Awakening t/ie Buddhist Heart Integrating construction of a hydropower dam geting British Petroleum/Amoco for
in Tibet represents another victory its investment in PetroChina (which
Love, Meaning, and Connection into Every Part of Your Life for Tibet and the Tibet Movement. is building a gas pipeline across
AES has just confirmed that it Tibet), and in derailing last year's

Dzogcnen is pulling out of the Drigang Lhaka

project, which was supposed to have
dammed the upper reaches of the
PetroChina IPO have made people
think twice about trying to cash in
on China's occupation of Tibet. Stu-

Meditation Retreats Yellow River on the Tibetan Plateau.

Last year, Students for a Free
Tibet and the International Rivers
dents for a Free Tibet vows that it
will continue to make sure that any
Western corporation that considers
Network learned that the American investing in a development project in
AUTUMN RETREAT also with RogerWalsh and Lama John Makransky based company AES was planning Tibet which does not benefit Tibet-
October 27 - November 3,2001, Santa Rosa, CA to build a large dam on the Yellow ans will feel the same pressure that
River. After several conversations made the World Bank and AES pull
regarding the implications the proj- out of such projects.
ect would have for Tibetans—not
WINTER RETREAT also with Charles Genoud and Lama John Makransky
to mention the potential impact on [Students For A Free Tibet can
January 4 - January 13, 2002, Dover, MA the image of AES—the company be reached at: 735 East, 9th St,
announced that they were dropping Studio lFWNew York, NY, 10009. Tel:
their plans. (212)358-0071. Fax: (212) 358 1771.
SPRING RETREAT also with Lama John Makransky The Tibet Movement's success in] ■

April 6 - April 13, 2002, Joshua Tree, CA

SUMMER RETREAT also with Charles Genoud and Lama John Makransky
Juty 19 • August 4, 2002, Canandaigua, NY
What About Teachers,
Advertisements, etc.?
BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS • PRIVATE AND DOUBLE ROOMS Snow Lion strives to offer quality books and other items as well
advertisements by reputable people. Before we list an book in our

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email: • web site:
catalog, we review it as best as we can to determine its authenticity
and value to our customers. By listing a book, however, we are
not necessarily endorsing the author as a guru or qualified personal
teacher-we are only endorsing the book as containing useful infor-
mation. The same applies to ads in this newsletter. We are limited
in what we can do to determine that each and every advertiser is
reputable. ■

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NEWS .■•{awriar.iiij.ii ,.V«tHm i-,

Cyclists Complete Marathon Ride Teachings with TLNZIN WANGYAL RINFOCHEL

for Tibetan Health DZOGCHEN: The Experiential
Five cyclists completed a mara- ical kits as a first step towards Funds raised by the cyclists will f ransmi5sion of Z^nang-^nune;
thon 593 km (368 mile) ride on the improving available medical care. be used to address some of the most December 2^-51, 200I
Tibetan plateau, crossing five passes The loam's goal is to raise acute needs of the clinics, for exam-
with an average height of over 4200 US$100,000 in cash, training, and ple a refrigerator for vaccine storage
meters (13,780 feet) above sea level in-kind donations for the people at a clinic in Tagong, and a generator TIBETAN YOGAS OF DREAM
The ride was undertaken with the of Kham. At this time, cash dona- for Manigango. One of the cyclists, Dr. AND SLEEP
goal of highlighting the need for inter- tions are still coming in Interna- Bruce Beattie, said, "The existing clin- I ransmission and reachin^s fr the
national aid to improve medical care tional SOS has already provided or ics are a basis to start from, but cer- Don M°tner ]~antra
in this impoverished area of western pledged US$13,000 worth of training tainly there is room for improvement"
Apnl 24-28, 2002
China. and equipment. The company's Bei- Next year Kham Aid Foundation
The ride was organized by Khani jing office is also stockpiling donated will organize a larger ride, with
Aid Foundation (www.khaniiaid.oig) school equipment, computers, and twelve cyclists. Next year's riders Our Serenity Ridge retreat center in rural Virginia offers
in partnership with International SOS clothes for later transfer to the will be asked to find sponsors to teachings in the Bon Buddhist tradition of Tibet
(www.intemationalsos.coni). people of western Sichuan. Kham pledge donations for every kilo-
The ride started on August 19, FIVE ELEMENTS / NGONDRO / TANTRA
Aid and ISOS both feel strongly that meter cycled. The itinerary will
2001 and lasted nine days. The team education is a key component of any include visits to at a major Tibetan TIBETAN MEDICINE & ASTROLOGY
of four men and one woman started aid program, and they are soliciting festival, overnighting in a Buddhist TRUL KHOR (TIBETAN YOGA)
at Tseto La (Zeduo Shan) in Kang- support for schools in Kham. monastery, camping in a nature
ding County, western Sichuan. From In their visits to rural clinics, the reserve, and a visit to the Dege
there they bicycled to the seat of team learned that conditions vary Printing House, treasure-house LIGMINCHA INSTITUTE
Dege county at the border with widely from one facility to the next, of Tibetan culture. /
Tibet Autonomous Region, passing depending largely on the remoteness Kham Aid Foundation president Tel: 434-977-6I6I
through five counties of predomi- of the area, and also on the effec- Pamela Logan, who was one of the
nantly Tibetan ethnic make-up. tiveness of the clinic director. Some cyclists, said, "The route we took
During their journey, the team clinics lack basic necessities such gave everyone a look at some really
stopped at medical clinics in remote as electricity to operate lights, ster- fantastic Tibetan areas, places way
villages and pasturelands. They con- ilizing equipment, and ultrasound off the beaten track for tourists. But
ducted interviews to find out about probes. Many doctors are demoral- it was a dam hard ride. Anyone ANNUAL RETREATS
the obstacles facing doctors caring ized by low wages (US$110/month), trying to bike in Tibet needs to be in
for rural Tibetan populations. The poor faculties, and the difficult living really good shape." ■ OF
team gave away ten emergency med- conditions on the Tibetan plateau.

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Chogyal Namkhai Norbu

2 0 0 2
Dec 26-Jan 1, 2002 Dzogchen Teaching Retreat
March 29-April 2 Dzogchen Teaching /Easter Retreat


May 3-7 Dzogchen Teaching Retreat
July 5-14 Dzogchen Teaching Retreat


Nov 10 Universal Transmission Anniversary of Adzom Drugpa

Nov 17-18 Retreat with Lama Wangdor Rimpoche
Dec 7-8 Lucid Dteamimg/Dream Yoga Workshop

CHOGYAL NAMKHAI NORBU was born in eastern Tibet in 1938 and at the age
of three was recognized as the reincarnation of the great Dzogchen master Adzom
For further information and year-round activities,
Drugpa. He has established centers for the study of Dzogchen throughout the
contact the Dzogchen Community in America at Tsegyalgar,
world. The Dzogchen Community in North America is based at Tsegyalgar, in
P0 Box 277, Conway. MA 01341
tel 413-369-4153 or Conway, MA. He will be in residence there in the spring and summer of 2002.

The teaching of Dzogchen is in essencea teaching concerning the primordial state that is each individual's own intrinsic nature from the very beginning."
From "Crystal and the Way of Light," by Chogyal Namkai Norbu



I TQVGI in small groups to unaffected places Teaching Schedules for

hiddenintheworid's highest mountains. Snow Lion Authors
Talks, classes and retreats worldwide
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche SEATTLE, WA February 15-19,2002
November 23-25 10-11 am: Meditation and talk ST. LOUIS, MO

H i mgl ay g MONTEREY, MEXICO Venue: Interfaith Community Retreat, co-led with Ajahn
TBA Church, 1763 NW 62nd St Santikaro
Contact: Contact: Contact:
Garuda Mexico Dharma Friendship Foundation Mid-America Buddhist Association
Tel: 5605-5329 Tel: 636 482-4037
Or in English contact Melissa at December 9 February 21-24, 2002
December 26-31 4-5:30 pm: Spirituality, Consum- Retreat: Tara and Cultivating Love
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA erism, and the Holiday Spint (at Indianola Retreat Center)
The Experiential Transmission of Contact: Contact:
Zhang Zhung, Parts 1 & 2 Quest Bookstore Claire Schwartz
Contact: 717 Broadway E., Seattle WA Tel: 206-325-3970
Ligmincha Institute Tel: 206 32:3-4281
PO Box 1892 December 10 Alex Berzin
Charlottesville, VA 22903 SEATTLE, WA
November 30 & December 7
journeys to Nepal, Tibet, Tel: 804-977-6161
Fax: 804-977-9725
Book reading on Working with BERLIN, GERMANY .
Anger 7-9 pm: Hinayana und Mahayana
Venue: Elliot Bay Bookstore Venue: Tibetisch-Buddhistischen
Bhutan, Ladakh...and more!
Contact: 206-624-6600 Zentrums Berlin. Habsburgerstr 10
JAN 18 -20,2002, Los Angeles, CA Contact:
December 14
"The Five Elements in Dzogchen." Tel/Fax: x-49^0-833-9362
Contact Ligmincha California, c/o suemenich@t-online-de
Bob Anger, tel. 310-369-4747, e-mail
visit us
Casa Tibet December 12
January 25 -27,2002 Col. Roma, C.P. 7-9 pm: The Role of the Spiritual
or can 800-525-8735 HOUSTON, TX 06700, Mexico D.F. Teacher
Topic to be announced. Contact Fax: 5-25 511-0467 Venue. Maitreya Instituut
Ligmincha Texas, tel. 713-621-7430, Tel/Tax: x-31-57866-1450
SNOW LION e-mail
December 15, 2001-January 13. 2002
Khenchen Konchog MEXICO December 13
Retreat on Thousand-armed AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND
Chenresig at a Tonalli, a retreat 7-9 pm: Bon and Buddhism
November 22- 25 center outside Mexico City Venue: Maitreya Instituut
FREDRICKS, MD Contact: Tel/Fax: x-31-57866-1450
Tibetan Meditation Center Casa Tibet
Chenrezig Empowerment Orizaba 93A, Col. Roma
December 22- January 1 C.P 06700, Mexico D.F
Kayla Komito Winter Retreat
Gem Ornament Teachings
Fax:5-25 511-0467
November 1-4 or VIGANELLA. ITALY
Namkhai Norbu Claire Schwartz: Introduction to Developing Bal-
Painter of Tel: 206-32S3970 anced Sensitivity
December 26- January 1 Venue: Dorfgemeinschaft Bordo
Traditional and Contemporary Icons MARGARITA ISLAND,
VENEZUELA January 15-20,2002 Tel: x 39-32456101
Dzogchen Teaching Retreat MEXICO Fax: X-3&324-56139
Contact: Gradual Path to Enlightenment
Tsegyalgar . Course/Retreat at Tonalli, a retreat
Tel: 413-3694153 center outside Mexico City December 14-16 Contact EMST. HOLLAND
Contact for his Casa Tibet, Orizaba 93A Karma and Vajrasattva Purification
United States tour schedules Col. Roma, C.P. 06700, Mexico D.F. Venue: Maitreya Instituut Ernst,
Mexico Heemhoevenweg 2
Thubten Chodron Fax:5-25 511-0467 Contact:
November 14 Tel/Fax: x-31-57866-1450
Evening talks and weekend January 21-27,2002
workshop GRAZ, AUSTRIA
Contact: Talks and retreat
Contact:Larry Chiriboga Introduction to Highest Yoga Class
Benny Iiow of Tantra
Weekend Seminar for those wishing
November 26-30 February 9,2002 to attend the Kalacakra Initiation
SINGAPORE SEATTLE, WA with H.H. the Dalai Lama in
Public talks All day seminar Graz. Austria, (Jet 11 - 23. 2002
Contact: Contact: Venue: Shedrupling Buddhistische
Ang Hwee Leng Greg and Nancy Eisen Zentrum. Griesgasse 2
Tel: (65) 489-5646 Tel: 206 522-7052 Contact: Tel: x-43-316-717-297
December 2 Fax: X4&31S-717-974
office® kalacakra-graz-at
Tibetan Thangkas by Commission
Tsultrim AJJione

Virtual Gallery & Ordering Information: The Mirror Preliminary Practices in Tibetan
The International Newspaper Contact: of the Dzogchen Community Tara Mandate
under the direction of Tel gro-264-6177 Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
Subscribe to The Mirror for information about Dharma events,
teachings by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu and other great lamas, inter- Novembers
Santa Fe Telephone: 505-466-3433 views, topical articles and current Dzogchen Community news. MARIM COUNTY, CA
$35US FOR six ISSUES! SUBSCRIBE NOW! Green Tara: Compassion in Action
Master card or Visa accepted or a check drawn on a US bank Contact:
or an international money order sent to: The Mirror, PO Box TaraMandala
"The premiere English language publisher of scholarly Tet 970-2646177
277, Convvay, MA, 01341, USA or a Eurocheque for
and trade books about Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism 60.000It.lire to The Mirror, c/o Merigar, Arcidosso, 58031 Mtp:/#«ww.tarainandala_org
is Snow Lion Publications." (GR) Italy.
Email: On line:
—Buddhism in America

THE ART OF PEACE nate them. Therefore, we need to try violence. So I feel that in certain at contradictory or different ideas, you can't sacrifice others' interests.
Continued from page 1 to change our attitude, to cultivate cases violence can be said to be a they are not necessarily negative. Therefore compromise, 50-50. Real-
the right kind of motivation. manifestation or expression of com- Even if we consider our body, many istically speaking, there is no pos-
were very impressive. Through what methods? I feel that passion. Nevertheless, non-violence elements co-exist. These elements sibility of 100 percent victory for
Now, my own presentation: com- prayer or religious belief is to some is the basic expression of compas- oppose one another—they are con- oneself. If possible, one's own side
passion in society and the case of extent useful and can be helpful. But sion; therefore, the concepts of non- tradictory. Forces that contradict 60 percent, other side 40 percent! If
Tibet. I believe that in human actions, basically, simple awareness—knowl- violence and compassion are very, one another are the basis of further possible, that's the best!
the prime mover is motivation. On edge of long-term and short-term very close. development; things stay more bal- But while reality is much changed,
the spot, it is important to tackle the consequences—brings great help. If In order to promote non-violence anced, and that is healthy. There- our perception, our way of thinking,
symptoms of problems, but in the we make clear to people the negative and reduce violence, ultimately we fore, as long as this smart human remains behind. We retain an attitude
long run, it is necessary to look at the long-term consequences, eventually have to address motivation through brain remains, some kind of contra- that is essentially outmoded—"my
motivation and whether there is a they can develop clear realization education, through awareness. Here, diction is always there. Even within nation," "their nation," "my religion,"
possibility to change it. For the long that these negative, violent activities I want to share with you a few one single person—because of the "another's religion," and sometimes
run, this is crucial. As long as the thoughts about the concept of war. In power of imagination, the power of the beautiful name "patriotism" is
negative motivation is not changed, ancient times, when people remained vision, you get different ideas: in the used with too much narrow-minded
then although there might be cer- . I believe that in human separately, more or less indepen- morning, something different, and nationalism, sometimes even making
tain rules and methods to stop coun- • actions, the prime dently, there was no need for other in the evening, something different. people mad.
terproductive actions, human beings people's cooperation. You could sur- There are big differences, contradic- Since the situation in which we
have the ability through various ways • mover is motivation.
vive, you could live, completely tions. Sometimes these are so great live is much changed but the attitude
to express their negative feeling. * On the spot, it is independently. Under those circum- that, if one lacks the ability to over- of the people who are in that situa-
Thus, for the long run, we need to 1 important to tackle the stances, the concept of war, destruc- come them, even suicide sometimes tion is at variance with the times, this
look at our motivation and try to I symptoms of prob- tion of your enemy, and the victory can occur. is one of the causes of unnecessary
change it. This means that we must of your side were a real possibility. We need a method, a technique, to pain, unnecessary problems. There-
try to cultivate the right kind of moti- • lems, but in the long Today's world is no longer that kind overcome these contradictions. That fore, education is needed to commu-
vation and try to reduce the negative * run, it is necessary to of reality. Your survival, your success, is compromise. In today's reality the nicate that the concept of violence
motivation. • look at the motivation your progress, are very much related only way to solve a problem is com- is counterproductive, that it is not a
Basically, the concept of "I" is key. * and whether there is a with others' well being. Therefore, promise. Since your interest is very
The things that surround you, all under these circumstances even your much related with others' interests, (Continued on page 13)
these ultimately are designated, so * possibility to change it. enemies—for whatever reason you
the designator, the self, is- supreme. categorize them as an enemy in the
That's why, in many countries, one's are bad, because of inducing painful economic field and in some other
own country is the center of the uni- experience and unhappiness. fields—and you are still very much
verse. Then, within the country, ulti- Again, what is violence and non- interdependent. In such a situation, INDIA *TI BET* NEPAL* BHUTAN
mately the person himself or herself violence? We can't make a clear destruction of your enemy is actu-
is the center of the whole universe. demarcation between violence and ally destruction of yourself. Judging Specializing in
Now, this self wants happiness and non-violence on a superficial basis, from that viewpoint, the concept of small group travel
does not want suffering. Generally since it is related with motivation. "we" and "they" no longer applies. to the Buddhist
speaking, violence produces suf- Out of sincere motivation, certain Thus the concept of war, destruction
fering; compassion or non-violence verbal actions, as well as physical mountain regions of
of the other side, is not relevant to
brings us happiness. Therefore, vio- actions, may look more wrathful, today's situation. Therefore, I think India.Tibet, Nepal
lence we consider to be negative, more violent, harsher, but in essence, it is very important to make it clear & Bhutan
and non-violence we consider to be because these activities come out of that the concept of war not only is
positive. Violent things like Hurri- a sincere motivation of compassion, a painful experience but also is self- Call for a sample
cane Mitch in Central America are or a sense of caring, they are essen- destructive. Effie Fletcher's newsletter and free
without any motivation, so we call tially non-violent. On the other hand, Non-violence and peace do not schedule of trips.
them natural disasters. These we with negative motivation, trying to mean that we remain indifferent, pas-
Himalayan High Treks
Weekly departures to Tibet
can't avoid. But in the other type of cheat, trying to exploit, trying to sive. Problems and contradictions 1.800.455.8735 April through October.
violence, which is created by humans deceive, and using nice words— always remain. I believe that as long
ourselves, motivation is involved. although with a big artificial smile as human beings remain, as long as
Those kinds of violence can be and with a gift—might look like a human intelligence is present, some e-mail:
changed—we can reduce them, and friendly gesture, but because of the kind of conflict, some kind of contra- or visit our website:
there is even a possibility to elimi- motivation, it is the worst kind of diction, always remains. If we look

Mi Ling presents the fall2001 teaching schedule of

"EsteemedTibetan Lama and (Dzoacfien Meditation Master
Oiolder of "Teachings from Qreat Masters of all Major Tibetan "Buddhist Lineages
H$inpoche considers His Holiness ChatralIQnpocfie, regarded as the greatest living Tizogcfien master, to be his root teacher.

Location Events
Jamestown, An Evening Public Address A Day of Teachings & Meditation
New York "The Compassionate Buddha Way" "The Four Boundless Qualities"
Friday, November 9, 2001 Saturday, November 10, 2001
$10 $65
For information or registration, call 716-664-6225
Berkshires, Two Days of Teachings & Meditation
Massachusetts "The Four Boundless Qualities"
Sat & Sun, November 17&18, 2001
For information or registration, call 413-528-9943 or

Syracuse, An Evening Public Address Two Day Retreat

New York "The Compassionate Way" "Introduction to Dzogchen Meditation'
Friday, November 30, 2001 Sat & Sun, December 1 & 2, 2001
$10 $150
For information or registration, call 315-475-9635


June - Jamestown, NY • June - Syracuse, NY • July - Berkshires, MA, 5 Day Dzogchen Retreat

-^ Rangrig Yeshe
£f^ P.O. Box 6806, Syracuse, New York 13217-6806
Sl!'*'*rfe1 A non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Tibetan Buddhist teachings, culture and heritage.
^jSfsSgjK For questions or correspondence, visit our website at: or call: 315-475-9635


I r \ ' < ' ■
THE ART OF PEACE selves concerning these small, small
Continued from page 12 things.
realistic way to solve problems, and
that compromise is the only real-
External disarmament is very, very
important. Already, there is some
Reactions of Peace Laureates to
istic way to solve problems. Right
from the beginning, we have to make
movement. My dream is that one
day the whole world will be demili-
tarized, but we cannot achieve this
the Events of 9/11/01
this reality clear to a child's mind— The reactions of numerous Peace Laureates to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are
overnight. Also, we cannot achieve
the new generation. In this way, available at www. the H.H. the Dalai Lama's letter to George W. Bush is among them.
it without a proper, systematic plan;
the whole attitude towards oneself, The individual Nobel Peace Laureates were asked to speak to the the citizens of New York and Washington
however, it is important to make the
towards the world, towards others, and the citizens of America in general, about the events of September 11. Their reactions are likely to be of
target clear. Even though it may take
can become more healthy. I usually interest to most people no matter where they live in the world. ■
one hundred years, or fifty years, that
call this "inner disarmament." With-
doesn't matter. Establish a clear idea
out inner disarmament, it is very
or clear target; then try to achieve it
difficult to achieve genuine, lasting
step by step. As a first step, we have
world peace.
So, it is extremely important to
already started with the elimination
of antipersonnel mines and biolog-
important to remain with hope and Children that
look inward and try to promote the determination. If we lose hope and
ical weapons. Also, "we are already
right kind of attitude, which is based
reducing nuclear weapons; eventu-
remain with pessimism, that is the live together
on awareness of reality. A sense of
ally, there should be a total ban on
greatest failure. In spite of difficul- as
caring for others is crucial. And it
is actually the best way of caring
nuclear weapons. This is now fore-
ties, ah! remain with optimism—ah!
these things change, can be over-
learn together
for oneself. Because human nature
is social, in simple things we need
seeable; the idea of its possibility is
approaching. These are great, hope-
come. Determination and hope are
key factors for a brighter future. That
Lau love together
ful signs.
human companions with a genuine much I wanted to share with you. If
Thus inner disarmament and
human smile. That provides us com- you agree, then try to think more on
external disarmament are needed. Friendship Homes and Schools supports
fort, satisfaction. As I mentioned these topics, investigate them, and
Then, as I mentioned earlier, prob-
yesterday, the moment you think of eventually implement them. If you
others, this automatically opens our
lems always remain, we need some
feel these are too idealistic, not prac-
orphaned children of" school age in the
kind of humanistic way to solve
inner door—you can communicate
problems: compromise. Sometimes I
tical, then forget them! No problem. eastern foothills of the Himalayas.
with other people easily, without any Thank you. ■
say that the twentieth century, which
difficulties. The moment you think
is my generation's century, more or Come interact with our family of Tibetans,
just of yourself and disregard others,
less has been the century of blood-
then because of your own attitude,
you also get the feeling that other
shed. Although a lot of achievements Yi, Lisu and Han Chinese children
have taken place, in certain respects
people also have a similar attitude
this period remains a century of together on our May 17 - 31, 2002 trip.
toward you. That brings suspicion,
bloodshed or a century of violence.
fear. Result? You yourself lose inner
But we humans—through difficult,
calmness. Therefore, I usually say For more details visit
painful experience—are, generally
that although a certain kind of self-
ishness is basically right—as I men-
speaking, becoming more mature
such that now we are talking about
tioned earlier, self and the happiness
peace, about non-violence. These are or contact Michael Cherney at 1-520-327-0160
of that self are our original right,
becoming political forces, or politi-
and we have every right to overcome
cal ideas. This is a very good sign.
suffering—but selfishness that leads
to no hesitation to harm another, to
The twenty-first century should be 'May all beings have happiness...."
a century of dialogue. We, the pres-
exploit another, that kind of selfish-
ent generation, have to picture the
ness is blind. Therefore, I sometimes
jokingly describe it this way: if we
are going to be selfish, we should be
goal clearly and make preparation
for a happier, friendly, and peaceful
Buddhist Psychic
next century so that when my gen-
wisely selfish rather than foolishly
I feel that the moment you adopt
a sense of caring for others, that
eration is ready to say good-bye, we
can hand over a more hopeful world
to the next fresh, broad-minded gen-
Rebecca Radner
eration; then they will look after
brings inner strength. Inner strength
brings us inner tranquility, more self-
confidence. Through these attitudes,
themselves. This is my feeling. Judg-
ing from various developments, it Mysteries Along the Way:
seems that in spite of some unhappy
even though your surroundings may
not be friendly or may not be posi-
tive, still you can sustain peace of
or painful conflicts here and there,
the situation, in general, is getting
Life Process Consultations
better and better due to more aware-
mind. That much, according to my
ness. Also, human thinking is becom-
own little experience, I can tell you.
ing more open.
Expecting tranquility or peace
of mind through money or through
As a conclusion: it is very, very (415) 563-8746
power is wrong. The ultimate poten-
tial to create peace of mind, a
happy person, a successful and happy
future, depends to a large extent on
inner qualities. Of course, external
facilities, such as money, are useful,
we need them, but they are not the
ultimate source or condition of inner
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Join Our Email Lists! DHARMATOONS Mike Taylor

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We are pleased to welcome
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guest cartoonist. Mike's car-
toons regularly appear in Tri-
humbly requests sponsorship assis- I am a western monastic from the
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In 2000,1 took vows at Jangchub- Modem Haiku, and also can
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Michael Broderick, 1940 Eureka
and now I am trying to raise $4,000 Learn: Perspectives on the
Canyon Rd., Watsonville, CA 95076
(US) so that I can do my Ngondro Questing Spirit. He lives in San
THE HOLY MOUNTAIN: retreat in Nepal. Francisco.
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MORE.... for two years, and your financial toons printed in the Snow Lion
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\fa\r& Speech us and our Tibetan partners. Become

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Change your life.
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advice for the IDzogchen yogi own...including Nepal, Tibet, Sikkim, than $100 will receive a frameable
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With Glenn H. Mullin
ilgrimage has long been used by Tibetan Buddhists as a method of healing

P both body and mind, as well as for rejuvenation of the spirit, and personal
growth and transformation. It is also a lot of fun.

Join me on one of two pilgrimages in 2001: the first in late May and the second
in late September, both of which travel through the Buddhist power places of
Nepal and1 Central Tibet. I will also be leading a pilgrimage to Mt. Kailash in June
of 2002 and to the Lake of Visions in 2003. For those who are interested, after
each pilgrimage is over and we are safely back in Kathmandu I usually organize
a "motorbiking the Himalayas" outing of several1 days, using small (and thus
easily driven) rental machines available in Nepal.

The company for which I previously led Tibet trips (Mystical Journeys/Travels for the Soul) recently
melted into the great void. I therefore will be leading these pilgrimages through Dharma Passages.
Contact me by e-mail ( or visit our web site:
Or telephone us at 770-907-3729.

Nepal/Central Tibet pilgrimages: $2,900 plus airfare to/from Kathmandu. Mt. Kailash
$4,200 plus airfare to/from Kathmandu. The international airfare usually comes in at somewhere between
$1,200 and $1,300 from either New York or LA. These days many travelers use their airmiles for these flights.

Pilgrimage Leader: Glenn H. Mullin lived in the Himalayas for twelve years, studying under many
of Tibet's greatest spiritual masters. He has over a dozen oooks in print, and divides his time between
writing, lecture tours, and leading pilgrimages to the power places of Central Asia.

Books by Glenn H. Mullin

Training the Mind in the Mystical Verses of a Mad LIVING in the Living in the Face of Death:
Great Way Dalai Lama FACE:../ DEATH The Tibetan Tradition
With a foreword by H.H. the Foreword by Dr. Elizabeth
A study of the life of the Second
Dalai Lama. Kubler-Ross
Dalai Lama and a translation of
This is a translation and study of his collection of mystical poetry. A study of nine life-enriching
the First Dalai Lama's treatise on 270 pps, $14.00. contemplations of death and dying.
the "Seven Point Mind Training" 238 pps, $16.95.
174 pps, $12.95.

Gems of Wisdom from Readings and the Six The Practice of

GEMS OF the Seventh Dalai Lama Yogas of Naropa Kalachakra
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Seventh Dalai Lama's 'What Is lations of six important texts on "Notes on the Two Stages in the
Like A Smelly Fart (and Other the Naropa system of Buddhist Practice of the Kalachakra
Gems of Wisdom)," together with tantric yoga. Tantra," this book looks at the
my own commentary to it. 175 pps, $16.95. different aspects and phases of
171 pps, $15.95. this important tantric system.
348 pps, $14.95.

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quintessential tantric work by world of Tibetan Buddhist A study of the Seventh Dalai Lama's
Lama Tsongkhapa. art, written as a catalogue for life and times, and a translation of
276 pps, $18.95. the touring exhibit of the his mystical Lojong poetry,
same name. supplemented with commentaries
166 pps, $16.95. to the poems by the translator.
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his recent Emptiness in the Mind- hopes and frustrations.
Only School is a magisterial display The author draws on his thirty-year training in Buddhism, physics, the cognitive sciences, and comparative
of painstaking scholarly work. religion to challenge readers to reappraise many of their assumptions about the nature of the mind and
Changing Minds contains essays that reflect the breadth and influence physical world. By explicitly addressing many practical and theoretical issues that uniquely face us in the
of Hopkin's work. Topics presented: the two truths, the object of negation, modern world, Wallace brings this centuries-old practice into the twenty-first century.
the results of anger, the founding of the Gelug order, Bon Dzogchen, Wallace shows us the way to develop attitudes that unveil our full capacity for spiritual awakening and
mahamudra, foundational consciousness, altruism and adversity. discover in ourselves an unfleeting "truth-given joy."
Contributors include: John Buescher, Guy Newland, Donald Lopez,
Elizabeth Napper, Daniel Cozort, John Powers, Anne Klein, Roger Jackson,
Gareth Sparham, Joe B. Wilson, Jose Cabezon, Harvey Aronson, and
Paul Hackett.
Snow Lion is pleased to be able to offer you this selection of titles on Tibetan Buddhism and culture. We
"When you search for the ultimate Jeffrey Hopkins, you will not find him from hope that this publication, our web site, plus the services our staff provide you—answering questions, filling
the "Buddha's Conventional and Ultimate Tooth" to "Drawing the Steel Bow." your orders promptly and with care, and publishing new books—are of value to you. We are able to offer
But you will find a wonderful tribute to a great Buddhist scholar who is fully these services and our newsletter because people purchase the items they want from Snow lion.
grounded in the living tradition of the Buddha Each article illustrates Hopkins' We would also like to let you know that items are returnable within ten days of receiving them (except
vast contribution to Buddhist scholarship in America surpassing the vision of his audio & video tapes)—so if you order something and it is not what you wanted, you can return it for a refund.
teacher, Geshe Ngawang Wangyal.^Ioshua WC. Cutler, Editor-in-Chief of the We appreciate your continued support of this project
Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment


tii An Ail iJ^MS^^^MtBEdSlmmmmt

Jamgon Kongtrul on Pilgrimage and WORKINQ WITH ANQER
Sacred Qeography SACRED by Thubten Chodron
by Ngaivang Zangpo. 256 pp., 14 b&w photos, 128 pp., October. #WOAN $12.95
October. #SAGR $24.95 cloth GROUND by Thubten Chodron. 170 pp., October. #WOAN
A Tsadra Foundation Series book
by Ngawang Zangpo for The Tsadra Founda- Anger plagues all of us on a personal, national,
tion. 256 pp., 14 b&w photos, cloth only, Octo- JAMOCS* KONGTRUL OK and international level. Yet, we see people, such as
ber. #SAGR $24.95 "PEORIMAGB AND the Dalai Lama, who have faced circumstances far
Sacred Ground describes two journeys: a SACRED GEOGRAPHY"
worse than many of us have faced—including exile,
journey outward to specific pilgrimage places in persecution, and the loss of many loved ones—but
Eastern Tibet; and a journey inward, to the sacred ▲ who do not burn with rage or seek revenge. How

world of tantra, accessible through contemplation do they do it?
and meditation. It sheds light on Himalayan Bud- NOAWANG ZANGPO Working with Anger presents a variety of Buddhist
dhists' concepts of sacred land, places of pilgrim- methods for subduing and preventing anger, not
age in tantric Buddhism, and how pilgrimage is by changing what is happening, but by framing it
undertaken. It enhances our appreciation of the differently. No matter what our religion, learning to
world and its sacred aspect everywhere first and THUBTEN CHODRON work with our anger is effective for everyone seeking
foremost, wherever we sit now. personal happiness as well as world peace.
"Sacred Ground is a revelation! Here for the first time in any Western language are "Thubten Chodron is one of our freshest voices
several key ideas: the exact way outer sacred lands relate to points in the tantric body and of the dharma Echoing the clarity of H.H. the Dalai
the parallel terminology between the types of sacred ground and the stages of attainment. Lama's own teachings on forgiveness and healing, in
Ngawang is precise and to the point." "In Working with Anger, Working With Anger she brings us helpful, practical
Hubert Decleer, Director of the Tibetan Studies Program of the School for International insights from her deep training in Himalayan wisdom
Thubten Chodron offers us
Training, and author of Lightning Terror traditions. Written in clear, user-friendly language,
a kind and genuinely help- this superb handbook offers us concrete strategies
"Ngawang Zangpo has done a remarkable job translating and commenting upon
the profound and pertinent subject of sacred ground. The reader can gain a welcome ful guide to handling one for dealing effectively with the painful afflictions
appreciation for the various levels of comprehension that accompany this important of anger, criticism and betrayal in contemporary
of the greatest challenges life situations. Can we ever tire of such necessary,
subject. For.many devoted Buddhists, reading this book will be like making a pilgrimage to
Do-Kham and most especially to the sacred land of Tsadra In addition, this book gives us in living an emotionally intel- good advice?"—Trevor Carolan, David See-Chai Lam
a basis for further understanding many of the passages and references found in our tantric ligent life." Centre for International Communication
sadhanas. It is a pleasure to be led through this journey by the mind of a sublime master "Working with Anger is a wonderful, wise, and
the likes of Jamgon Kongtrul with the additional authoritative clarity of Ngawang's lively — DANIEL GOLEMAN, life-changing book. If you are looking for a practical
commentary full of present day idioms and anecdotes. Sacred Ground is like a rich mineral author of Emotional guide to overcome anger and live with greater
spring bubbling over with important information that will help buddhists better appreciate Intelligence tolerance, love, and forgiveness, I highly recommend
the tremendous talent and profound spiritual realization of these great lineage holders and this book."—Howard C. Cutler, M.D., co-author of
their lineages which through their kindness have passed into our hands."—Sangye Khandro, The Art of Happiness.
trans, of Perfect Conduct and The Life ofMandarava


by Dudjom Rinpoche. 112 pp.
A person of legendary kindness from my HEART
and wisdom, Dudjom Rinpoche is
highly regarded and this volume
THE BEGINNER'S contains some of the few teachings
that have ever been translated and
GUIDE TO published. In it he discusses the three
jewels, self and cyclic existence and
the bardo states between life and ilk, ,.,-itg&"
Guide to Contentment, Joy
and Fulfillment <!..,; f f. A hi ;.- M ITH
by the Dalai Lama, photos by
AFTER THE ECSTASY, THE Ian Cumming. 176 pp., 150 color DEATH AND THE ART OF
LAUNDRY: How the Heart photos, 9 1/4 x 10 1/4". #ARLI DYING in Tibetan Buddhism
Grows Wise on the Spiritual $22.95 by Bokar Rinpoche, 144 pp,
by Arinna Weisman & Jean
Path Teachings by His Holiness on #DEARDY, $15.95
Smith. 238 pp., photos. #BEGUIN
by Jack Kornfield. 336 pp. living a joyful life along with extraor- $14.00 Bokar Rinpoche offers ways of
#AFECLA $15.95 dinary images that show us the rich helping the dying and dead based on
cultural heritage of Tibetan Bud- This practical manual to insight his intimate knowledge and experi-
Perfect enlightenment appears meditation is a straightforward guide
dhism. His Holiness tells how we can ence of caring for the dying. This guide
in many texts, but how is it viewed to Buddha's teachings combined with
live peacefully with each other and through the stages of dying explains
among Western teachers and practi- advice on everything from choosing
the planet. He provides ways to deal how to encounter death without fear
tioners? Kornfield spoke with more a teacher and sangha to the vipas-
with anger and negative emotions and how to maintain constant aware-
than one hundred Zen masters, sana retreat experience. The text is
and techniquest to cultivate open- ness of impermanence and inevitabil-
rabbis, nuns, lamas, monks and enhanced by the authors' personal
heartedness and compassion. ity of death—to enrich our life and to
senior meditation students from accounts of the challenges and revela- prepare for death.
all walks of life. The result is this tions of their practice experiences.
extraordinary look at the hard work CULTIVATING COMPASSION
we all must do—our laundry—no
matter how often we experience
by Jeffrey Hoplins, Ph.D. 176 pp., I f Iff I i
cloth. #CUCO $19.95 II ill !!■•'•/
ecstatic states of consciousness.
"The exercises in this book are
i Ml f P i
age-old Buddhist meditations for ill I'll! If
11 I * s I f 1 r I
BUDDHA: Introducing the
engendering and expanding compas-
sion: developing equanimity, recog-
I ! I ffi I
Psychology of Buddhist nizing all beings as friends, reflect-
The Alchemical Buddha ing on the kindness of others,
by Rob Preece, fore, by Stephen and generating unlimited friend-
Batchelor. 265 pp., line drawings. liness. Delivered in a straightfor-
ward prose and peppered with Hop-
#ALBU $19.95
kins' wry observations and personal
Rob is an experienced medita- THE BON RELIGION OF anecdotes, these exercises have an
tion teacher, thangka painter, and appealing practicality."—Shambhala
TIBET The Iconography of a
instructor at Sharpham College for Sun
Buddhist Studies in the UK. He offers Living Tradition
Jeffrey Hopkins guides us in devel- THE DHAMMAPADA: The
insight into the nature of Buddhist by Per Kvaerne. 155 pp., 8.5 x 12",
79 color illustrations, line draw- oping compassion with its power to Sayings of the Buddha
Tantra, exploring a psychological
change relationships and improve rendered by Thomas Byrom. 133
perspective that draws on Jung's ings. #BORETI $65.00
the quality of life. pp, cloth. #DHSABU $14.50
knowledge of alchemy to clarify the This pioneering study introduces
meaning behind what can often be the main characteristics, doctrines, The Dhammapada is the path of
obscure within the Tantric tradition. Rob Preece and pantheon of deities of Bon, as virtue, or the way of truth. These
"The Alchemical Buddha suc- well as its monastic life and its medi- pithy sayings of the Buddha instruct
uvHWS>n$Pvt'ilinpKfru:i>m and inspire—and can be read over
ceeds in clarifying the nature of tan- tational and ritual practices. The many
tric practice."—Stephen Batchelor thangka images are fascinating. and over.

'S ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313 SNOW LION 19

Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life
Awakening Compassion
and Wisdom by the Dalai Lama, ed. by Nicholas Vreeland
208 pp., cloth, b&w illustrations. #OPHE $22.95

How does one actually become

a compassionate person? What
are the mechanisms by which a
selfish heart is transformed into a
generous heart? Here is a series
of meditations used for this pur-
pose—taken from three sacred
texts: Kamalashila's Middle-Length
Stages ofMeditation, Togmay Sang-
po's The Thirty-Seven Practices of
DANGEROUS FRIEND: The Bodhisattvas: and Langri Tangpa's
Teacher-Student Relation- JAMPA: The Story of Racism
THE LAZY LAMA LOOKS Eight Verses on Training the Mind.
ship in Vajrayana Buddhism in Tibet These practices can be undertaken
by Nga-la Rig'dzin Dorje. 144 pp. by the International Campaign at odd moments of the day as well as
ing Compassion and Wisdom
#DAFR $15.95 for Tibet. 110 pp., photos. formal practice periods to transform
#JASTRA $6.00 by Ringu Tulku. 51 pp. the mind into a disciplined and open
An in-depth exploration of the #BOAWCO $6.00
mysterious and complex bond of The portrayal of Jampa, an unedu- mind.
teacher and student, a relationship cated, dirty Tibetan in the 1963 Chi- Ringu Tulku's accessible presenta-
nese propaganda film The Serf, exem- tion of bodhichitta shows how it is
of paramount importance in Tibetan
Buddhist practice. Dangerous Friend plifies the longstanding ethnocentric a natural extension of our innate
Chinese perception of Tibetans as wish to work for our own wellbeing.
focuses on the following: meeting
backward and in need of Chinese Kindness to others is based on our
and recognizing an appropriate
kindness to ourselves. Awakening
teacher; understanding the gravity assistance. The Chinese government
to bodhicitta is not about acquiring IP i g s -.".■ ,-■ 3

of entering this relationship; shifting enforces these racial perceptions in

one's attitude from spiritual material- supporting the claim that Tibetans something new but is rather the Sham bh a la
are part of a common "Chinese" realization of our own deep, way of
ism to genuine Buddhist practice; Woman of All Ages.
ancestry while simultaneously propa- being. An ABC for Yoant
accepting the challenge of being truly
kind, honest, and courageous. The gating the implementing China's
author is a western practitioner and "civilizing mission" in Tibet. Using
teacher and directior of centers in this film story as its basis, Jampa
analyzes the widespread racism in t s^
Europe. ."^
fiL . >i-~»7£, tU( A Tantric Healing System
by Jurgen Aschoff & T.Y. Tashi-
gang. 139 pp. #TIPRPI $$18.95
Vtten <nl tttwvtol to fjrr, Lrt Modem
The Precious Pills used in Tibetan
Medicine are associated with mysti-
cism and magic. They are the most
PIGS OVER SHAMBHALA: potent of all administrable pharma-
An ABC for Young Warriors ceuticals in Tibetan Medicine and
of All Ages have remarkable therapeutic effects
by Kerry MacLean. 32 pp., 9x11" based on unusual ingredients and on
cloth, color illustrations through- the spiritual power of the preparing
out. #PIOVSH $15.95 physician.
"Pigs Over Sha7nblmla is a sensa-
tion! It's funny and sweet alphabet
rhymes touch the heart of Shambhala
Buddhism, nonconceptually evoking
by Bardor Tulku Rinpoche. compassion, pride in culture, and
#LICO $16.95 the joy of everyday warriorship for
Rinpoche brings teachings on the children and adults alike."—Acarya
GOOD LIFE, GOOD DEATH: practice of compassion to everyday Judith Simmer-Brown
Tibetan Wisdom on THE KAGYU LINEAGE & life. It begins with a teaching on mar-
Reincarnation The Activity of the Karmapas riage and relationships as seen from a
by Rimpociie Nawang Gehlek, 184 Buddhist perspective, with emphasis
by Bardor Tulku Rinpoche. 34 pp.
pp., cloth, #GOLIGO, $23.95 on the applications of personal disci-
#KALIAC $6.95 pline and the understanding of karma :
Rimpoche gives personal stories A concise teaching on the Kagyu
and teachings about reincarnation in our personal and family lives. This ifer
Lineage which presents the story is followed by a commentary on The
and the process dying. This is fol- of the great figures of this tradition
lowed by engaging presentations 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva and a
along with the nature and place teaching on the six perfections.
about anger & patience, attachment of the lineage in Buddhist history.
& love, and ego & compassion. Rim- Rinpoche also teaches about the 17th
poche is a warm and very intelligent TIBETAN UP-TO-DATE:
teacher who trained in old Tibet and Learn to Write Tibetan with
teaches regularly in New York City. Ease
"Gehlek Rimpoche's mix of astute i «:jn«aH»' Hi
psychological insight, extraordinary l/jjin a FREE TRIP ■ llegL^JME. Janus by Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche &
Helmut Gassner. 104 pp. book,
intellect, and great compassion— to Tibet and Nepal.. CD. #TIUPDA $44.00
plus delightful wit—makes him The manual explains Tibetan let-
awonderful, wise spiritual friend and See page 5 for details. ters in all their complexity. There
guide."—Tara Bennett-Goleman PRINCESS METOK LHAZEY: is multimedia software for precise
A Tibetan Folk Tale pronounciation and word processing
by Paljor Publications. 20 pp., 19 software for typing Tibetan. Windows
line drawings. #PRMELH $4.00 only, 16MB RAM and sound card.
ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA The story of Princess Metok «*«#
THE MOUNTAINS OF TIBET Lhazey teaches the truth of imper-
OF BUDDHIST WISDOM by Mordicai Gerstein. 32 pp., 8 x manence, integrity, and the power of
A Complete Introduction to the 9", color illustrations throughout. love and faith. It is a children's book
Principles and Practices of Buddhism #MOTI $6.95 for ages 4 and up. The Tibetan text is
printed and the book is illustrated in
by Gill Farrer-HaUs. 192 pp., In a tiny village, high in Tibet, lives
a form that is suitable to be colored
8.5 x 11", color photos on nearly a woodcutter. All his life he longs
every page. #ILENBU $29.95 to travel but he grows old without
This is an outstanding introduc-
BUDDHIST ever leaving the mountains. When
»*«*»> « * * » 9 8
tion to Buddhism and focuses on
the principles common to all tra-
WISDOM he dies, he is offered the chance to
live anywhere in the universe—he
chooses a place he never would have
ditions and then devotes space A TEACHING ON THE
to Theravada, Zen, and.Tibetan TASHI PRAYER
For children 7 years and up.
Buddhism and their impact on by Ven. Bardor Tulku Rinpoche.
Western culture. Gill explains what 32 pp. #TETAPR $6.95
to expect when visiting a Bud-
The Tashi Prayer is a text written
dhist center and teaches how to
by Khenchen Mipham for the purpose
meditate. This is a gorgeous, acces-
sible, and practical guide for how I. J-ARRER-H At I S JnUrnet £, hop of paying homage to and supplicating
of the four kinds of awakened beings
to live in harmony with ourselves,
so as to receive their blessings for
our communities, and our world.
both spiritual and worldly success.


... i VI • I " 4 » ' O.f.'U.J.-!'
CENTER: A Buddhist Vision Samdhinirmochana Sutra Live This Year as if It Were
of the Sublime trans, by John Powers. 397 pp. Your Last
by Stephen Batchelor. 203 pp. 1 color plate, 12 line drawings, by Stephen Levine. 175 pp. #YELI
#VECE $12.00 #WIBU $25.00 $10.00
"I have sought to translate Verses In this sutra, great bodhisattvas Stephen teaches us how to live
from the Center in such a way as question the Buddha about the nature each moment as if it were all that
to make Nagarjuna's insights come of consciousness, the character of the was left. He decided to live this
alive for anyone concerned with the ultimate, the stages of the Bodhisat- way himself for a whole year, and
question of what it means to live a tva path, and the embodiment of the now he shares with us how such
free and awake life today. Instead of Tathagata. The Buddha responds immediacy radically changes our
regarding the text as a work of Bud- with the clear voice of perfect realiza- world-view, forces us to examine
dhist doctrine or philosophy, I treat tion, illuminating the meditative our priorities, and prepares us to die
it in the spirit of a Zen koan, which practices and views that eliminate without regrets.
provokes intuitions of the sublime obstacles to enlightenment. This
by forcibly challenging entrenched sutra is often used by Tibetan Bud- HOW TO UVfi. THIS YEAR
dhists to study these doctrines. AS IF IT WERE YOUR LAST
opinions about ourselves and the

Coming in Late November

The following books can be ordered now and VAJRASATTVA PRAYER BANNER
will be shipped as soon as possible by Radiant Heart.

AMONG TIBETAN TEXTS: 20" wide x 6' high.
History and Literature of the #VAPRBA $28.00
3 Himalayan Plateau 20" wide x 9' high.
by E. Gene Smith. 352 pp, cloth, #VAPRBL $35.00
TIBETAN ;■■■? 0,< November. #AMTITE $39.95
■* 1$f
These Vajrasattva w/
TEXTS "Gene Smith opened more doors consort prayer banners are
to Tibetan Buddhism than any scholar white with a blue border.
................................ of the 20th century. These essays are Vajrasattva mantras purify
the keys."—Prof. Donald Lopez negative karma—there are
. "No one knows the full range of also prayers to the five
1 Tibetan literature better than Gene Buddha families, Man-
~w Smith. His introductions to Tibetan jushri, Avalokiteshvara,
\ am Vajrapani, Tara, and Guru
'•■ - •■■' § works are priceless."—Prof. Jeffrey
Hopkins Rinpoche. There are two
After a thirty-year overseas career in BELL AND DORJE sizes—they can be
the Library of congress, Gene became attached to any pole the
Standard set. #BEDO $36.00 correct length with the
the Director of the Tibetan Buddhist
' Resource Center in Cambridge, MA. High grade bell and dorje— ties. This is a well-made
2 metal or better. #BEDOHI cotton banner with clear
$150.00 printing.
by Herbert Guenther & Chogyam An Introduction to Tantra Supreme grade bell and ««»#££: «»««**:
Trungpa. 104 pp., November. by Clwgyarn Trungpa. 272 pp., dorje—5 metal. #DABEDO
#DATA $12.95 November. #LIROIN $16.95 $225.00
An excellent introduction to This is a survey of tantra— The supreme symbols of the
Tantra by two excellent authors Rinpoche discusses the nine yanas Vajrayana path are the bell and dorje
whose synergy opens our Western using an experiential approach (diamond scepter) used by tantric
minds to absorb the proper under- that makes abstract psychological practitioners. They are held in the
standing of what Tantric practice insights and subtleties of the topic left and right hand respectively and
truly is. more accessible. convey the mystical union of wisdom
and compassion. The dorje is approx.
4 1/2" long, has five prongs, four at
each end curved around the central
prong, symbolizing the five Buddha
Coming in Late December families. Lotus petals decorate the
The following books can be ordered now and central caps. The handle of the bell
will be shipped as soon as possible is similar to the dorje. The bell is
approx. 6" high and composed of an
alloy of metals and is decorated with
LUMINOUS EMPTINESS: Tibetan syllables, lotus petals and
A Guide to the Tibetan Book dorjes. The bell produces a clear,
of the Dead brilliant tone that symbolizes the
by Francesco Fremantle. 240 pp., open dimension of reality.
8 color illustrations, December. TARA FLAG 2X2
#LUEM $24.95 by Radiant Heart, 3 x 3.3' rectangle, with ties for pole, #TAFL2, $28.00
A detailed guide to the Tibetan «»«««*< This unique prayer flag has 4 prints of the Tara wood block (2 rows of 2). It
Book of the Dead, elucidating its is printed on Green cloth with a multicolored border (blue on the top, yellow
mysterious concepts, terms, and on the bottom, and red down the side).
imagery. Fremantle relates this sym-
bolic world to the experiences of
everyday life, presenting the text not i
as a scripture for the dying, but as a MM^M

guide for the living.


A Search for the Mythical
Kingdom beyond the
An Introduction to rDzogs- by Edwin Bembaum. 336 pp.,
chen Meditation 24 haltones, 14 line drawings,
by Manjushrimilra, trans, by December. #WASH $16.95
Namkhai Norbu & Kennard This is a fascinating exploration of
Lipman. 192 pp., December. the history, mythology, and symbol-
#PREX $14.95 ism of the legendary kingdom of
Shambhala. Edwin draws on Tibetan
A translation of a key text explain-
and Sanskrit texts as well as inter-
ing dzogchen teachings, Gold Refined
from Ore, by a Indian disciple of the
first teacher of Ati yoga. In dzogchen,
views with lamas in Nepal and India
and his own experiences in the r<Wl¥ilWtl
purity of mind is always present and EIGHT AUSPICIOUS
only needs to be recognized. SYMBOL WALL HANGING PRAYER FLAGS X 25
22 x 36" cotton banner. #NAAUHA by Radiant Heart, #PRFL25, $45.00
$25.00 Five different designs are printed on 5 colors of cotton cloth and sewn onto
The eight auspicious symbols ropes in horizontal display: Blue—Longevity Flag, White—Purification Flag,
l/-j?in a FREE TRIP to Tibet and Nepal. represent good fortune in different Red—Wishfufilling Flag, Green—Tara Flag, and Yellow—Wind Horse Flag.
See page 5 for details. ways. They come presewn in 5 sets of 5 flags (25 flags). Each flag is approximately
15" x 18" so a set of 25 flags is about 34 ft. long!

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lA" i« kvf P itVf a \ I N ItiTt


AN INTRODUCTION by H.H. Penor Rinpoche. 76 min.,
18 tracks. #GUYOCD $16
H.H. Penor Rinpoche recorded
DZOGCHEN the 100 Syllable Mantra, Guru Yoga
Lineage Prayers, Seven Line Prayer,
Vajra Guru Mantra, Guru Yoga Disso-
lution, Om Mani Pema Hung. Global THE PLACES THAT SCARE
INTRODUCTION TO trance beats composed by one of his YOU: A Guide to Fearless-
CHOD students for this recording accompa- ness in Difficult Times
DZOGCHEN by Wangdu Lama THE DAKINI, THE LAMA, nies other chants other mantras and by Pema Chodron, 4.5 hrs., 4 cas-
by Ckogyal Namkhai Norbu. 2 hr. chants—all approved by Rinpoche.
video, #INDZV $29.95 45 min video, #CHODV, $25.00 AND THE LANDSCAPE OF settes, #PLSCYT, $29.95
In this two-hour video, Namkhai 45 min CD, #CHODCD, $15.00 PRACTICE This is the audio version of Pema
Norbu answers the question: What by Lama Tsering Everest. 105 Chodron's new book. Fearlessness is
Chod is a tantric practice con-
is Dzogchen? min., 2 cassettes. #DALALA $14.00 what we need to take us beyond the
cerned with sacrifice—ultimately
Dzogchen is a path of self-liber- On the most exalted level, the obstacles of self-deception into a state
of one's ego. It is traditionally per-
ation. It is not a path of renuncia- dakini is basic space itself, the source of open-heartedness. Pema Chodron
formed in cremation grounds where
tion or transformation, but rather of all phenomena Since no amount shows how to accept ourselves and
emotional energy is intensified. Using
one of seeing directly the nature of of discussion alone brings one to the others even with faults and imperfec-
a drum, bell, and thighbone trumpet,
mind—as pointed to by a teacher realization of such profound topics, tions; stay in the present moment
the Chod practitioner summons all
Lama Tsering stresses that it is the by seeing through ego strategies to
who has realized this freedom for harmful spirits and offers them a
him or herself. This video gives the student's faith and the lama's blessing resist life as it is; move toward what
visualized feast consisting of the
that make all aspects of realization makes us feel insecure and fearful as a
student the opportunity to receive practitioner's own body. Through this
possible. She then gives a sweeping way to awaken the sense of our basic
these teachings directly from an practice we learn to give ourselves
overview of Vajrayana practice as the goodness and connect with others;
accomplished guide. away completely—to cut attachment. MUSIC FOR THE DANCE OF
arena in which the student-teacher cultivate the four immeasurables;
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu is one Lama Tsering Wangdu Rinpoche stud- THE VAJRA
relationship unfolds to produce spiri- train in the five strengths and six war-
of the primary living masters of ied at Nadrag Monastery, a Nyingma
tual maturity. by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu rior activities that increase confidence
Dzogchen. He is author of The monastery and then completed the
Rinpoche. 41 min. CD, booklet and inspiration.
Supreme Source, Dzogchen: The traditional sadhana of practicing
Self-Perfected State, and The Crystal Chod in 108 cremation grounds. with text & photos. #MUDAVA
LAMA J§» STEVEN : $16.98
and the Way of Light. Lama Wangdu went to Nepal in SURYA DAS'.** HALPERN
1958 and evenually trained with CHANTS TO AWAKEN The objective of the yogi that sings
Dudjom Rinpoche, Chatral Rinpoche, THE BUDDHIST HEART or dances the Song of the Vajra is the MISCELLANEOUS
and Urgyen Tulku Rinpoche. Lama illumination or realisation of a state
Wangdu is well-known in Kathmandu oblivious to birth and death, one
for the efficacy of his healings, exor- that is no longer lost in the laby-
cisms, divinations, and special pujas. rinths of the dualist mind. The awak-
This 45 min. complete practice is ening of one's own natural condition
available on CD and video tape. takes place through the song and the
sacred dance of The Song of Vajra, ON THIS SPOT
"IV GtMupwdoti CV o.> M*kt*!<vi <fc"8wtffc&| tWxt The Six Syllables and The Three
Vajra—the mantras and melodies of
CHANTS TO AWAKEN THE which are on this CD and explained
BUDDHIST HEART in the booklet. Tibet
THE PILGRIMAGE by Lama Surya Das & Steven Map A Outdo to thu City
produced by Dharma Chakra Halpern. 69 min. CD. #CHAWBU tS/ecrfe/ Lhasa Valfey

Centre. 90 min., video. #KAFOBU $15.98

$29.95 Tibetan Buddhist mantras and
This is the official documentary chants to bless, illumine and ON THIS SPOT LHASA:
of H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa's awaken, energized with modern Map & Guide
first Indian pilgrimage which took urban grooves, electric bass, key- by the International Campaign
place in early 2001. It begins with his boards and guitar. Mantras of Chen- for Tibet. #SP $5.95
arrival at Vajra Vidya Monastery in rezig, Tara, Vajrasattva, Padmasamb- This map describes the heart of
Sarnath where he celebrates Losar, hava, etc. Lhasa and shows the history. This
a Mahakala offering and Amitayus is a highly sensitive map that the
empowerment. Then he goes to Deer Chinese government will not appreci-
Park, Bodhgaya, Nalanda University, ate seeing in Lhasa. It not only is the
Vulture's Peak and other important best map to Lhasa, it has photos and
Buddhist sites. An interesting and bvlytV.&n&wthnptifrjDHi
explains what changes have occurred
inspiring video. since the Chinese takeover.

■**»»*! «««*»»«! »»*«»»«* # ffi se « « « *

New Cards from Andy Weber!


Vajrakilaya Mandala Dorje Ball—double dorje design. #DOBA $6.00
Eleven-Headed Avalokitesvara
#GAC158$1.00 Knot Ball—eternal knot design. #KNBA $6.00
#GAC159 $1.00
#WDC42 1000-Armed Avalokitesh-
vara Mani Ball—Om Mani Padme Hum design. #OMMABA $6.00
#WDC43 Vajradhara w/ Consort Wheel Ball—wheel of dharma design. #WHBA $6.00
V^in a FREE TRIP to Tibet and Nepal. #WDC44 Stupa of Enlightenment
Four different dharma "christmas" ball designs to choose from. These are
fun to hang wherever you want a reminder or dharma ornament. They are
See page 5 for details.
#WDC45 Kalarupa 3" in diameter and hand painted.



"Ul *i r

3/8" wide. #BRCO $35.00
Three lovely coral stone highlight
this adjustable bracelet.

Oval shape, 11/8" at its widest

#GATUCO $75.00
1 1/2" wide at the top, this gau is
covered with turquoise and has coral LARGE TURQUOISE
in the middle. Wear around the neck NECKLACE TURQUOISE NECKLACES
with chain or cord—it holds small #NETULA $135.00 Turquoise sun neckace. #NETUSU
precious objects. 25" long, this turquoise necklace $110.00
3/8" wide. #BRTUSM $35.00
slips over your head.
Three turquoise stones hightlight
this adjustable bracelet.

Trapezoid shape, 1" at its widest

point. #GAPYTR $55.00
Two layers of turquoise with a
coral in the middle. Wear them
around the neck with chain or cord—
they hold small precious objects.


Large, 2" square overall.

#GALHLA $45.00


Pendant in the shape of a turtle TURQUOISE NECKLACE Turquoise necklace with round
with an eternal knot on its back. This $95.00 coral. #NETUCO $125.00
pendant is also a gau which holds #NETUSA
precious small objects. 1 1/4" at its
longest point. #NETUSB
Coral in the middle. #GACOST
We have 4 turquoise neckaces
Small, 11/2" square overall, Turquoise in the middle. with slight differences between them.
turquoise in the middle. #GALHST #GATUST $30.00 They are 17" long. The turquoise was
$32.00 1" at the widest point of the oval, brought out of Tibet by Tibetans.
these stone gaus are worn around
Small, 1 1/2" square overall, coral the neck with chain or cord—they
in the middle. #GALHSC $32.00 hold small precious objects.
These traditional style gaus from
Central Tibet have many coral and
turquoise stones. Wear them around
the neck with chain or cord—they
hold small precious objects.

#GAGOPL $169.00 #TUSTBA $30.00
1 5/8" in dia., this large gau is Turquoise stones with adjustable
covered with red coral and gold pull cord tighteners. This turquoise
plated. Wear around the neck with was brought out of Tibet by Tibetans.
chain or cord—it holds small pre-
cious objects.


LAPIS DIAMOND Turquoise necklace with old to Tibet and Nepal.
NECKLACE coral, one with 12 silver beads
1" at its widest point. #GATULO See page 5 for details.
#NELADI $95.00 and one with 8 silver beads.
15" long, this lapis necklace has red #NETUOC $150.00
A turquoise gau with coral drop
in the middle. Wear around the neck coral and a large lapis on its pendant.
with chain or cord—it holds small
precious objects.
mm ',!.:,.-


#GACOTU $75.00
1 1/8" gau covered with old red
coral and turquoise. Wear around the
neck with chain or cord—it holds
small precious objects.
1" at its widest point. #GATUOV TAGUA MALA
$45.00 LAPIS PENDANT by the Sotolongo. 108, 7mm. beads, guru bead and tassel. #TAMA $40.00
A layer of turquoise with coral in the NECKLACE Natural Tagua Nut makes a beautiful hard bead that is the ideal substitute for
U>WUr.S>nbwCtiinptifr,com #NELAPE $95.00 ivory—it resembles the finest ivory in texture and color. This mala is perfect for
middle embellishes this gau. Wear it
around the neck with chain or cord—it 15" long, this lapis necklace has a Chenrezig, Vajrasattva and peaceful deity practice in general. The mala is strung
holds small precious objects. gau which holds precious objects. with polyester whipping twine and the tassel is 100% cotton.

S ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313 SNOW LION 23

445 pp., many photos #ASJOTH by Claire Sermier, translated by
$15.95 Helen Loveday. 320 pp., 60 color
Merton's 1968 trip to Asia is a photos, 7 maps. #MOEMST $22.95
remarkable account of spiritual life Gives insightful analysis of Mongo-
in the East. He met many prominent lia's different ethnic groups, cultures
people—The Dalai Lama, Kalu and traditions, while devoting special
Rinpoche, Nyanaponika Thera, sections to traditional crafts, music,
TrungpaRinpoche, Lobsang Lhalungpa seasonal celebrations, customs and
—and writes candidly of them and etiquette of living in a yurt. This
of his adventures in India, Ceylon colorful guide provides essential and
and Bangkok. fascinating reading about the the old
and the new of Mongolia.
NEW YORK MONGOLIA: Travel Survival
by Jeff Wilson. 261 pp., line draw- Kit
ings. #BUGUNY $16.95 by Robert Storey. 232 pp., 16 pp.
"Provides a thorough, insightful color #MON $16.95
guide through the Buddhist world A comprehensive, reliable
of New York, unearthing many of its travel guide to Mongolia: how to
spiritual treasures." —Ven. Nicholas get there, where to stay and eat, and
Vreeland, The Tibet Center what to do is provided for the bustling
Contains practice centers in all capital, Ulan Bator, and the arid Gobi
five boroughs, New York State, New desert, and many other places.
Jersey, and Connecticut. Tibetan
stores and restaurants, Buddhist NEPAL
health practitioners, museums and by Kerry Moran. 280 pp., 64 color
bookstores. photos, 15 maps, #NE $19.95
Kerry Moran is one of the most
INDIA: Lonely Planet Guide knowledgeable travel writers and
by Crowther, Raj and Wheeler. trekking guides for Nepal. She offers
1139 pp., 205 maps, 224 color the essential information on travel,
photos #INTRSU $25.95 visas, accommodation, health, food
The best and most popular guide and bargaining as well as cultural and
to India—winner of the Thomas outdoor adventure opportunities.
This is also a very interesting book SEVEN YEARS IN TIBET SO CLOSE TO HEAVEN: The TIBET GUIDE
Cook Guidebook of the Year award—
on Nepal. by Heinrich Harrer. 331 pp., 2 Vanishing Buddhist Kingdoms by Stephen Bachelor. 372 pp., 97
just got better.
maps, 15 photos, #SEYETI $13.95 of the Himalayas color plates, 43 line drawings, 25
NEPAL HANDBOOK During WWII, Heinrich Harrer, by Barbara Crossette. 297 pp., b&w photos, 22 maps & diagrams,
a youthful Austrian adventurer, b&w photos, maps. #SOCLHE $13 3 tables, #TIGU $24.95
by Kerry Moran. 472 pp. 51 maps,
b&w photos, #NEHA $18.95 escaped from an Indian internment Bhutan is the only Tibetan Bud- Lavishly illustrated with color
camp into Tibet to become a confi- dhist country that has been been photos, maps, monastery floor plans,
This is a trekking guide covering
dant to the young Dalai Lama. untouched by modern life. The and rare photos of historic places
major routes, trips off the beaten
"It tells one of the grandest author penetrates many recesses of as they once were, The Tibet Guide
path, tips on culturally sensitive
and most incredible adventure this country and shares them in this provides answers to questions about
travel, information on elephant safa-
stories I have ever read."—New colorful book. travel logistics as well as explana-
ris, mountain biking, river rafting, tions of the history, politics and
day trips and wisdom on negotiating York Times Book Review
Buddhist culture of Tibet.
Katftmandu. Winner of Lowell Thomas
Gold Award for Travel Joumalsim. "This is the one—a truly impor-
tant, fascinating, and utterly
indispensable guidebook of
NEPAL: The Rough Guide Tibet."—Richard Gere
by David Reed. 400 pp., 56 maps,
#NEROGU $17.95 TIBET. Nature-Culture-
The most complete Nepal travel JHERLOCK Religion, A Multimedia
handbook, with up-to-date information
and insights on all aspects of this tiny, ^/OLMES Adventure
A JOURNEY IN LADAKH: rapidly changing kingdom. Includes: CD #TINCR $50
Encounters with Buddhism in-depth coverage of the sights, and THE Containing 700 photos of Tibet,
by Andrew Harvey. 242 pp. comprehensive restaurant and accom- MISSING YEARS this CD is as much fun as it is infor-
modation listing for all price brackets; mative. It covers the geology, geog-
practical advice and information on raphy, climate and flora and fauna
This is Harvey's spiritual pilgrim- of Tibet, the culture (dance, stories,
age and arduous journey to Ladakh, trekking, rafting and mountain biking;
all the information you need to get {fAMYANG NORBU language, traditional life, nomads,
one of the most remote places in the festivals, handicrafts), great places
world. Buddhists have meditated in off the beaten track—to tea gardens,
Tibetan refugee villages, monasteries, TABLET OF THE GODS to travel and maps, a phrasebook,
the mountains of Ladakh since the Buddhism of Tibet, and the history.
wildlife parks and hilltop forts. by William Bueler. 343 pp.
3rd century before Christ. Proceeds support the Tadra Project
"One of the seminal works for orphanages, schools and hospital
relating spirituality and land- RUNNING A HOTEL ON Missing Years Deep in the mountain wilderness in eastern Tibet and to the School for
scape in Tibetan Buddhism. Harvey THE ROOF OF THE WORLD: by Jamyang Norbu. 279 pp., of southeastern Tibet, a remote mon- the Blind in Lhasa
illumines, entertains, and informs." Five Years in Tibet cloth. #SHHO $23.95 astery preserves a mysterious tablet.
—Robert Thurman by Alec he Sueur. 255 pp., 15 color In 1891, the public was horrified Few people have seen it, though a
TIBET: Lonely Planet Guide
photos, #RUHORO $12.99 to learn that Sherlock had died—two number of refugees from Chinese
controlled Tibet have heard of it. 351 pp., 108 illus., 42 maps
MAGIC AND MYSTERY IN "Fawlty Towers goes to Tibet." years later he turned up unexpect- and many color photos. #TITRSU
edly and told a stunned Dr. Watson, Roger Hanson, a mountaineer, has
TIBET —The Guardian evidence that it exists and sneaks into $17.95
by Alexandra David-Neel. 321 "I travelled for two years in Tibet and
Alec spent five years working as amused myself by visiting Lhasa." Tibet with the help of Tibetan resis- This larger edition (4th) of the
pp., 32 illus. #MAMYTI $9.95 sales and marketing manager for tance fighters to find the tablet and excellent guide to Tibet has new maps,
the Holiday Inn in Lhasa and offers "A flawless and hugely enjoyable the secrets it holds. A new Tibetan firsthand recommendations for places
Experiences among lamas, magi-
a highly amusing and politically novel in the very best Holmesian adventure story published by Paljor. to stay and eat, detailed trekking infor-
cians, sages, sorcerers and Bonpo
enlightening account of his experi- tradition. Meticulously researched, mation, overland routes from China
wizards. A true adventure into psy-
ences. Norbu nevertheless provided a crack- and Nepal, Tibetan and Mandarin
chic discovery. TALES OF THE
ing good read right from the start."— language sections, background notes
n # 9 * * ■ *»»*»*< Biblio TURQUOISE: on history, culture and Buddhism,
MAPPING THE TIBETAN A Pilgrimage in Dolpo and hundreds of invaluable tips and
WORLD SKY BURIAL by Corneille Jest. 190 pp., line reliable advice for every budget.
by Kotan Publishing. 416 pp., 21
color photos, many b&w photos. Mapping by Blake Kerr, photos by John
Ackerly, foreword by H.H. the
drawings, 2 maps #TATU $12.95
Dr. Jest undertook a three-week TIBET Travel Adventure
#MATIWO $27.95
With over 280 highly detailed, tried the Dalai Lama, intro. by Heinrich .
Harrer. 186 pp. #SKBU $12.95
circumambulation of the valley in
the company of Karma, an elderly
by Michael Buckley. 272 pp., 22
and tested maps, this is an excellent
source of travel information to the
Tibetan "Sky Burial is the distilled truth—
nomad from Western Tibet and a
gifted story-teller.
maps, 22 color photos, 10 b&w
Himalayas and all of Tibet.
"Tibet-bound travelers will find no
World Sections C«v«ing
alternately tragic, hilarious, and
rousing—of two young Americans'
exposure to the joyous spirit of the
"The old wise man Karma is a
treasure store of ancient stories all
" photos, #TITRAD $17.95
Access to any kind of informa-
better guidebook and introduction Tibetan AutonomefMS Regto?* retained in his mind and heart. His tion—particularly maps—is severely
Tibetan people and their courageous restricted by a watchful Chinese
to the Tibetan culture. Packed with struggle to survive under the brutal contribution to the theme of the book
useful maps and aimed specifically is a shining example of Tibetan spirit regime. This, guide concentrates
subjugation of Chinese communist on highly-detailed current maps,
to the budget traveler, this is a must- rule. It is a vivid portrait of a critical having its root in ancient Tibetan
have if you're seeing Tibet." —Big custom and culture. The book also practical information, and details
moment in Tibet's modern history. An about temples and major sites. lias
World Magazine evocative, endearing, and invaluable serves as a code of conduct when
one visits Tibetan Buddhist places a large section on adventurous treks
"This guidebook is a perfect travel book."-^Iohn Avedon, author of In and high-altitude forays to Everest,
companion." —The Nepali Times Exile from the Land of Snows and people."— The Tibet Journal
Kailash, etc.


^&a,duqnoitwon3.www«o£r£0-0ee-008-r :3fl3aRO &
by Peter Gold. 175 pp., color by David Macdonald 318 pp., 31
photos, #TIPI $14.95 b&w photos, #TWYETI $27 cloth
Peter Gold takes us on a wondrous Macdonald was a British emis- THE EASTERN REGIONS OF
pilgrimage to the Tibetan communi- sary into Lhasa in the early part of TIBET
ties of India and Nepal and offers us this century. His deep knowledge of by Academica Tibetica. 24 x 29",
an intimate view of their art, spiritual Tibetan culture and language allowed #EARETI $13.50
practices, sacred places, arts, and him entry into Tibetan life and reli- This full-size map has 5 historical
way of life. Through his engaging gion. The period when the British maps on the reverse with essays
style and superb color photos, Peter and Chinese were competing for examining the diffusion and settle-
brings us to the heart of Tibetan power in Tibet is well documented ment of the Tibetan peoples and
life—its rugged practicality and spiri- and he offers vivid descriptions of Tibetan Buddhism in the eastern
tual mysteries. To cap the Tibetan every day life in Tibet—marriages, borderlands of Kham and Amdo.
Pilgrimage, Peter Gold joins two rituals, food habits, healing practices,
hundred thousand other pilgrims dress, etc.
at Bodh Gaya for the Kalachakra MAP OF TIBET
Initiation with the Dalai Lama by Amnye Machen Institute
#MATI $12.95
A Pilgrimage Among the
TREKKING IN TIBET: This is a five color 39 x 27" map
Hermits of the Buddhist on Tibet has over 4,000 names of
A Traveler's Guide Himalayas villages, cities, monasteries, coun-
by Gary McCue, 320 pp., 19 color by John Crook & James Low. ties, prefectures, provinces, lakes,
photos, 65 b&w photos, 15 maps, 420pp. 75 b&w photos. #YOLA rivers, roads, railways, airports and
2nd ed.#TRTITR $18.95 $25.00 border crossing points. The map is
"Gary McCue is one of the most In 1986 the authors investigated in Tibetan.
knowledgeable trekkers around. He the meditational practices and phi-
loves the country and its people, he losophy of the yogins who live in the TIBET Road Map
knows how to get there and what remote parts of Ladakh—adventur-
to do along the way. An absolute 19 x 26" #TTROMA $9.95
ous journeys with these remarkable
must for those who want to redis- This laminated road map of Tibet
practitioners—an informative and
cover the exalted highland of also artistically shows the topogra-
enjoyable read.
Tibet."—Robert Thurman phy and includes much of old Tibet,
"A comprehensive trekking guide- not just central Tibet. There is a good
book."—David Breashears detail of Lhasa and places of interest
uv WH-!>nti pftlonpH^xiim to Tibetan Buddhists.



Tibetan Children in India SECRET TEMPLE: Tantric by Chogyam Trungpa. 192 pp., 20
by Clare Harris, photos by Kilty BUDDHIST ART AND ARCHITECTURE WaU Paintings from Tibet photos,8x9",#DHAR$17
Leaken. 160 pp., 60 color plates, by Ian Baker, photos by Thomas Presents teachings about the
by Robert Fisher. 216 pp., 123 b&w, 33 color, many
100 color photographs, 12 x 7", Laird, intro. by H.H. the Dalai Lama. power of art to awaken and liberate.
line-drawings. #BUARAR $14.95 Dharma art springs from the medita-
#AREX $29.95 10 x 13", 216 pp., 188 illus., 150 in
The Tibetan Homes Foundation color, cloth. #DALATE $65 tive state. Calligraphy, poetry, and
Buddhism is the single
in Mussoorie. India, receives many photography were Chogyam Trung-
common thread uniting the Behind Tibet's Potala Palace
refugee children. A painting club pa's primary means of expression.
Asian world. Innumerable —seat of the Dalai Lamas since 1649
was established to provide these symbols and images have been —lies a sacred pond. In the middle of
children a creative way to share created beginning in India in it on a willow-covered island is the
their stories of leaving Tibet, their the third century BC. This Lukhang Temple used by the Dalai
remembrances of home, and to give phenomenally diverse tradi- Lamas as a place of meditation and
colorful expression to their lives tion includes frescoes, relief spiritual retreat. During the time of
as exiles. A moving collection of carvings, colossal statues, the Sixth Dalai Lama, artists painted
interviews, photographs, and paint- silk embroideries and bronze the murals depicting the path to
ings from these children. ritual objects, rock-cut shrines liberation in the Dzogchen tradition
with a thousand Buddhas, the —replete with Deities, yogis, nagas,
ART OF TIBET glorious stupas of Southeast cosmology —many amazing scenes
Asia and the pagodas of the of mystical life.
by Robert E. Fisher, 224 pp., 180
Far East, the massive mandala
illustrations, 93 in color, #ARTIFI
in stone of Borobudur and the DEITIES OF TIBETAN
temple complexes at Angkor BUDDHISM: The Zurich
A great book for the price cover- in Cambodia. Fisher describes
ing the entire history of Tibetan art, all the Buddhist schools and Paintings DISCIPLES OF THE
focusing on the relationship between cultures and explains their ed. by Martin Brauen, trans BUDDHA: Living Images of
the art and spiritual life—from the imagery—a great book for the by Martin Willson. 696 pp., 11 Meditation
Potala in Lhasa to painting, sculp- price! 3/4 x 10", 170 color illus., cloth. by Robert Newman, -intro. by
ture, manuscripts, silk embroidery #DETIBU $240.00 Chogyam Trungpa. 137 pp., 6
and a highly developed tradition of This is the most encyclopedic x 7.25", 25 full color, 26 b&w
portraiture and ritual objects. reference book of Tibetan images of photos, 11 line drawings. #DIBULI
enlightenment ever presented. Full $16.95
BUDDHISM AS/IN THE BUDDHIST CANNON color illustrations are reproduced
PERFORMANCE: Analysis OF ICONOMETRY here from a set of hand-painted wood- "Disciples of the Buddha is a
block prints created in 1810. This treasure of Buddhist art, history
of Meditation and Theatrical trans, from the Tibetan by
rare collection is presented along and wisdom. These centuries-old
Practice Gompojab. 143 pp., line dwgs.,
with extensive explanations of the rare images, with expressions as
by David George. 225 pp., cloth #BUCAIC $20 realistic as if we were in the very
meditative visualizations, mantras,
#BUPEAN $19.95 These are the regulations and presence of the living sages in their
and symbolism around each figure.
George opens out a vast panorama rules for making statues and images true states of being, nourish our
of the Buddhist theatrical practices of the Buddha. This is a translation of hearts with blessings of peace, joy
a Chinese edition of the Tibetan text DHARAMSALA: Tibetan and power."—Tulku Thondup
in Tibet, Nepal, Japan, China, and Sri
Lanka. He demonstrates three kinds of seventeenth century Gompojab. Refuge "The Lohans shock us with the
of theatrical practices based on the He discusses the icons of bodhisat- by Jeremy Russell, fore, by H.H. the naked reality of awareness: this
paths of Hinayana, Mahayana, and tvas, wrathful deities, dharmapalas, Dalai Lama. 96 pp., color photos individuality, this form, inhabited
Vajrayana. the 5 Buddhas, on the moving, install- throughout, 9.5 x 11.5", cloth. by infinite emptiness. A most wel-
ing and storing of icons, and the #DHTIRE $19.95 come and necessary book."—Jacob
merits of producing icons. Needleman
BUDDHISM: Flammarion Dharamsala is home to the Dalai
Iconographic Guides Lama and the Headquarters of his Chogyam Trungpa's introductory
BUDDHIST SYMBOLISM IN Government-in-Exile. The imprint commentary illuminates and enriches
by Louis Frederic. 360 pp., 600
TIBETAN THANGKAS of Buddhist culture comes alive our perception of the Chinese I-Chou
b&w illus., 32 in color, tables,
by Ben Meulenbeld. 114 pp., 8 through its temples, monasteries Lohan statues ans sacred images
biblio., index, notes #BUFLIC and Buddhist monks. Replete with of medittion. To bring to life the
x 11", 37 color plates, glossary,
$24.95 photos, Jeremy Russell explores popularity of the legend in neighbor-
ART OF TIBET index. #BUSYTI $19.95
With over three thousand divini- Dharamsala where he has lived for ing Tibet, the book includes The Torch
by Pratapaditya Pal. 343 pp, 9 This sumptuously illustrated
ties in its pantheon, Buddhist iconog- twenty years. of Precious Jewels—a sadhana of the
x 12", 277 illus. including 56 in raphy is challenging. With abundant book is a guide to the meaning of
Buddha and Sixteen Arhats by His
illustrations, this guide provides Buddhist thangka painting. It begins
color. #ARTI $60 Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche.
clear and concise explanations of with thangkas of the Buddha and
The collection of the Los Angeles his life and then moves on to many "I think that these statues are
County Museum of Art is one of the
most comprehensive. Tibetan art is
the differing names and attributes
by which the deities are known in peaceful and wrathful deities, maha-
siddhas, and mandalas. The author
h? in a FREE TRIP
to Tibet and Nepal..
expressions of nonverbal experience
that the artist had in the state of
accurately presented with numerous India, Nepal, Tibet, China, Japan and arhathood. The statues are powerful
explains the symbolism and the ritual
beautiful images of Tibetan painting, Southeast Asia. See page 5 for details. because they are filled with a state of
and the philosophic concepts that
sculpture and ritual objects. they represent. experience."—Chogyam Trungpa

O ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313 SNOW LION 25

GYANTSE: A Complete Buddhist Monastery at the FIFTH DALAI LAMA: The
Tibetan Pantheon of the Crossroads of Four Gold Manuscript in the
Fifteenth Century Civilizations Founder Collection, Musee
by Franco Ricca & Erberto Lo by Paid Kocot Nietupsi Guimet, Paris
Bue. 320 pp., 8 172x12", 112 photos from the Griebenow by Samten Gyaltsen Karmay,
color and 76 b&w photos, numer- Archives, 1921-1949 fore, by H.H. the Dalai Lama. 142
ous plans, #GRSTGY $90 160 pp. 9x8" high, 36 color and pp., 92 color illus., glossary, biblio,
The great stupa of Gyantse, south- 100 b&w photos, index, 10 x 13" #SEVIFI $50 paper
west of Lhasa, may be the chief illustrations, #LA $24.95 Recounts in words and images the
wonder of the Tibetan Buddhist Labrang Monastery, located in visionary experiences of the Great
world. Its 75 chapels and temples northeast Tibet at the strategic inter- Fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobzang
contain nearly the entire pantheon section of four major Asian civiliza- THE SAND MANDALA OF Gyamtso (1617-1682). This Dalai
of Indo-Tibetan religion up to the tions^—Tibetan, Mongolian, Chinese, VAJRABHATRAVA Lama was known as a statesman, but
EARTH DOOR SKY - DOOR early 15th century. The structure of and Muslim—was one of the largest this book reveals his inner world of
by Daniel Cozort with the monks
FAtfmNfcS ft? MtJSTANC OT ROMWTKJWH.1. the stupa, the iconography of the Buddhist monastic universities. In profound mysticism, magical powers
paintings and statues are explained ofNamgyal Monastery
the early twentieth century, it housed and often disturbing visions. The
and beautifully illustrated. 40 pp., 4 color photos, 30 b&w
EARTH DOOR SKY DOOR: several thousand monks. Labrang illustrations represent the finest-
was also a gathering point for numer- photos, 9 x 8", #SAMAVA $8.95
Paintings of Mustang known quality in the miniature style
A HISTORY OF TIBETAN ous annual religious festivals, sup- Mandalas are symbols that in Bud- of Tibetan art and stand as the
by Robert Powell. 112 pp., 43 dhism symbolize the ideal worlds
color paintings, 2 gatefolds, over- PAINTING ported an active regional market- earliest manifestation of the black
place where Chinese artisans rubbed of Buddhas and the many facets thangka style of painting.
size. #EADOSK $29.95 by David Jackson. 432 pp., 60 of Buddhist teachings. This book
shoulders with Hui merchants and
Architectural paintings in water- color plates, 190 b&w photos, 2 explains the symbolism of the color-
nomadic Tibetan highlanders. A SIMPLE MONK: Writings
color from the Himalayan kingdom maps,9xl2"#HITIPA$150 ful mandala of Buddha Vajrabhairava
"Nietupski's publication of the on His Holiness the Dalai
of Mustang in northern Nepal—the This richly illustrated work (wrathful form of the Buddha of
Griebenow photographs, together
subject of a major traveling exhibi- explores the sacred painting tradi- Wisdom—Manjushri) created in sand Lama
with his excellent documentation of
tion—presented here in stunning tions of Tibet from the mid-15th by monks of Namgyal Monastery erf. by Tom Morgan, photos by
them, provides a wonderful introduc-
colors and arresting detail. through 20th centuries on the basis (the Dalai Lama's personal monas- Alison Wright, intro. by Robert
tion to this exquisite monastery, as
of both the surviving masterpieces tery). It places mandala-making in Thurman. 144 pp., 150 color
well as to its people and environs."—
and the extensive written sources the context of Buddhist -tantra and photos, 10 x 10, October. #SIMO
Glenn H. Mullin for The Quest
that survive in Tibetan language. It describes the process whereby a $35.00
presents the great founders of the "... it is a very interesting book mandala is planned, executed and
to read, with fascinating images and finally dismantled. This photographic survey of the
painting schools, the main Tibetan
insightful comments."—The Tibet Dalai Lama includes essays about
sources and studies, a detailed sum-
Journal him by his mother, Orville Schell and
mary of previous Western research,
Pico Iyer. There is also an interview
and a survey of Tibetan sources and
with His Holiness by Spalding Gray.
studies. An indispensable guide and MYTD3ET tyuviv.&ni}Uttwn*iHfi.ct)m
THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF A portion of the proceeds will benefit
reference by the author of Tibetan by the Dalai Lama & Galen Tibet House in New York.
TIBETAN SYMBOLS AND Thangka Painting. Rowell. 168 pp., oversize edition,
MOTIFS 108 color photos. #MYTIP $29.95
by Robert Beer. 400 pp., line art paper
throughout, 9 x 12", #SYMOTI $65 A classic containing Rowell's
cloth remarkable photos with His Holiness'
For artists, designers, or anyone captions and essays about world
interested in Tibetan art, this is peace, the environment, the meaning
an exhaustive reference to the vari- of pilgrimage and on his early life
ety of symbols found throughout in Tibet.
Tibetan art—in line drawings, paint-
ings, thangkas, and ritual objects. CELESTIAL QALLERY
Hundreds of Robert Beer's drawings
by Romio Shrestha, text by Ian Baker
depict animals, flowers, plants, teach-
ers, mudras, dragons, offerings, fore, by Deepak Chopra, after, by Robert Thurman
geometric borders, etc.

TIBET will
■ Tibetan Art in Practice
by Jonathan Landaw & Andy
Weber. 350 pp., 32 color images JH Wr |.£gg
and 10 line drawings #IMENL
$24.95 (see General Tibetan Bud- OF WOOL AND LOOM: The
dhism) Tradition of Tibetan Rugs
"Among the few guides we have by Trinley Chodrak and Kesang
to the immense richness of Tibetan Tashi. 160 pp., 9 x 11", 155 color


religious art, Images of Enlighten-
ment stands out for the way in which
photos. #OFWOLO $40
The first overview of the Tibetan
*s5£ ''•'vST7' '£01mm

photos and text by William Chap- depictions of Buddhist deities are rug-making tradition to be written by ,, * ,..;-*& §•#'•« I ^ „A r

man, fore, by the Dalai Lama. grounded in concise yet detailed Tibetan authorities. There is a history
152 pp., 122 color photos, 9 x 11", descriptions of the meditative prac- of Tibetan carpet and textile weaving
cloth. #FATI $45.00 tices in which those images would from its earliest origins to the pres- 64 pp., 17 x 23", 61 full color paintings, glossary.
Over a five year period, the author be used. Indeed, this is much ent. It has an insider's account of the #CEGA $125.00
lived in monasteries, camped with more than an art book; it is a arduous process required to learn
nomads, and trekked great moun- potent introduction to Tibetan the craft from apprentice to master Romio Shrestha is a master artist of Nepalese and Tibetan styles.
tain ranges, becoming intimately Buddhism.''—Dan Cozort, Dickinson weaver. The many uses of Tibetan He directs a school of artist-craftsmen in the Kathmandu valley
acquainted with the people and cul- College rugs are illustrated. Many beautiful
of Nepal, painting in the Newari Style. His work is represented
ture of the mountains and plateau of "...a concise introduction to the designs are shown —a rug feast!
in The British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, and the
Tibet. This is a stunningly beautiful fundamental points of tantric Bud-
book. American Museum of Natural History. In this large book are
dhism as practiced in the Tibetan
traditions."—The Mirror 30 full-sized images of thangkas. Particularly striking are the
FROM MANCHURIA TO mandalas—amazing detail and wonderful colors. The paper
TIBET A Quarter Century of INTO TIBET SACRED VISIONS: Early is high quality and heavy weight. If you wanted to frame these,
Exploration photographs of Yeo Dong-Wan. Paintings from Central Tibet they would look great.
by Wong How Man with Julie 155 pp., 8 3/4x12", 160 color by Steven M. Kossak & Jane
Gaw. 246 pp., 11 x 11", 281 color photos, #INTOTI $40 Casey Singer, with essay by
photos, 2 maps, #FRMATI $49.95 These photos were taken primarily Robert Bruce-Gardner. 240 pp.,
cloth in Central Tibet and Kham by a Korean 149 illus., 134 in color, map, glos-
Provides an impressive, rare photographer. We imported some sary, biblio, index, 9 x 12", #SAVI
glimpse of ethnic groups whose lives copies of this bookfrom Korea because $70 cloth
and customs mirror the enchanting, we thought some of our customers This large book of Tibetan art
but often brutal, environments in would treasure it Most of the photos describes thangkas in reference to
which they live. From Manchuria were taken outside of the cities their style, iconography, and origin. It
and Mongolia to the Silk Road and and many awesome landscapes are documents the way that Indian, Nep-
the Tibetan Plateau, traditions carry depicted-often double page spreads. alese and Chinese styles influenced
on as they have for centuries—a The photographer's artistic eye and the early thangka painting in Tibet
diverse interconnectedness of unique sense for what makes good subject and shows how Tibetans begin to
peoples in beautiful unusual land- matter make this book inspiring to synthesize by the fifteenth century a
scapes—their history, traditions, truly indigenous mode of expression.
stories and dreams.

it StodWtlOff FALL '01 CATALOG

Life and world of Khyentse by Andy Weber & Nigel Wettings.
Rinpoche, Spiritual Teacher
by Matthieu Ricard. 144 pp., 130
12 line drawings, oversize,
#TACOBO $12.95
color photos, 9.5 x 11.5". #JOEN A book of twelve exquisite line Methods & Materials
$29.95 drawings of famous Tibetan icons— by David & Janice Jackson with art & appendix by Robert
The Journey to Enlightenment Buddha, Chenrezig, Tara, Manjushri Beer. 216 pp., 73 photos, 500 line drawings, 81/4x113/4",
is now in paperback with this new and others with instructions on how #TTTHPA $40
title. Matthieu's photographs, text, to color the drawings.
"An indispensable reference manual for anyone who is
and extensive passages from H.H. interested in Tibetan art."—Parabola
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche's writings TEMPLE, HOUSEHOLD,
comprise this personal study of a HORSEBACK: Rugs of the "Absolutely incredible book, highly recommended."—Circle
grand teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, of Light
Tibetan Plateau
his world and its spirit. Tibetan Thangka Painting is the only detailed description of
by Diana Myers. 111pp., large the techniques and principles of the sacred art of Tibetan thangka
format, 83 b&w and color photos paintingi It is the distillation of the authors' research carried out
#TEHOHO $27.50 over a period of ten years, during which they made five journeys to
Tibetan rugs have a unique role Nepal and India and learned from some twenty traditional painters.
as objects of both the sacred and the It is a step by step guide from the preparation of the canvas to the
secular realms. They were used in final syllables behind each completed figure. It includes an appendix
temples, in homes of rich and poor of guidelines for thangka painting using modern techniques and
alike, and on horseback. These rugs commercially available materials.
are notable for their supreme, lively
THE SPIRIT OF TIBET: sense of rhythm and color.
Portrait of a Culture in Exile
photographs and text by Alison TIBET TIBETAN ART: Toward a TIBETAN RELIGIOUS TIBETAN VOICES:
Wright, foreword by H.H. the by Pietro F. Mele; intro. by Definition of Style DANCES: Tibetan Text and A Traditional Memoir
Dalai Lama. 200 pages, 180 color Michael C. van Walt van Praag. by Jane Casey Singer and Philip Annotated Translation of the photos by Brian Harris, written
photos, 9 1/2" high x 10" wide, 92 pp., 9 1/2x9 1/2," 60 b&w Denwood. 320 pp. 9 x 12", 341 Chams Yig & ed. by Heather Wardle, Eliz-
#SPTI $34.95 photos, #TTM Closeout sale! $7.95 illustrations, 257 in color, 2 maps, by Rene de Nebesky-Wojkowitz. abeth Cass, Iain Mafrs, George
cloth (was $25) #TIAR $100 cloth Cloth. #TIREDA $30.00 KoUer. 8 3/4" x 11" wide, 150 pp.,
"Her compositions are stunning,
the color and light with which she "Mr. Mele deserves to be congratu- Provides the most comprehensive The author, an expert on Tibetan 50 photos, #TM) $31.95
adeptly enflames her subjects exude lated for bringing out this album. I coverage of Tibetan art. Illustrated iconography and ritual, discusses Brian Harris has combined images
both strength and intimacy."—John am impressed with his book."—H. with works of an unprecedented Tibetan Sacred Dances with particu- of Himalayan Buddhist culture with
Flinn, San Francisco Examiner H. the Dalai Lama range and quality—painting, sculp- lar focus on the texts containing memoir-style accounts of Tibetan elders
Pietro Francesco Mele was the ture, textiles, architecture and cave detailed instructions for the perfor- in India and the West—the photos and
"There are many collections of drawings. The essays are based on
official photographer of an Italian mances of the dances. The existence text are rich and moving. Royalties
Tibetan images available these papers of the much-celebrated inter-
expedition through India to Tibet led of such choreographical manuals are being donated to Seva Service
days, but Ms. Wright's work national symposium on Tibetan art
by Professor Giuseppe Tucci in the explains the uniformity in the per- Society, The Tibetan Health Education
should be the first one you buy."— organized by the School of Oriental
40s. In his introduction, Michael van formance of temple dances and the Organisation, The Nuns Project and
S.A. Hunt and African Studies in association
Walt, Dutch expert in international persistence of an unchanging tradi- Delek Hospital Aid Foundation.
"Alison Wright's pictorial book, law, updates the reader on the major with the Victoria and Albert Museum. tion over long periods.
which mirrors the charm and strength events in Tibet that have occurred We are impressed! THE TIBETANS
of the Tibetan culture in exile, will since Mele traveled. TIBETAN RUGS by Art Perry. 153 pp., 78 b & w
enable readers to have a better under- THE TIBETAN ART
standing of our culture."—H.H. the by Hattvard Kuley. 236 pp., 265 photos, 9 x 12", cloth #TIARPE
TIBET: Journey to the COLORING BOOK: color, 6 b&w plates, 117 b&w $35, on sale for $22!
Dalai Lama
Forbidden City (Retracing A Joyful Path to Right Brain illus, 7.5 x 8", #TIRU $35.95 "These beautiful photographs of
the Steps of Alexandra Enlightenment This comprehensive classification Tibet and Tibetans could only have
THE STUPA: Sacred Symbol art by J. Jamyang Singe. 16 pp., of Tibetan rugs presents a coherent
David-Neel) emerged from the eye and hand and
of Enlightenment 9 x 12", #TIARCO $14.95 picture of the rug tradition of Tibet. heart of a man who made every effort
by Tiziana and Gianni Baldiz-
Crystal Mirror Series Vol. 12, zone. 160 pp. 148 photos, 133 in Twelve thangka line images ready 258 rugs are illustrated in color to share the life and feelings of the
ed. by Elizabeth Cook. 437 pp., color, 10 x 14", #TIJOFO $40.00 to color. accompanied by measurements and extraordinary individuals who live
218 photos, 140 in color, 7 x 10" details as to the weaving techniques, on the highest plateau on earths-
These photographers traveled to
#STSASY $35 knot counts, etc. Robert Thurman
places in Tibet visited by Alexandra TIBETAN BUDDHIST ALTAR
Tlie book on stupas! Traditional David-Neel seventy-plus years before A compelling portrait of Tibetans
by Valrae Reynolds. 32 pp., 8 1/2
texts and prayers, historical anec- to "give color" to the places that have and their remote, high country. With
x 11", 36 photos, most in color,
dotes, architectural sketches, and inspired her writings. More than 145 straightforward candor but respect-
an in-depth exploration of the eight #TIBUAL $8 ful of the Tibetans' dignity, the Cana-
illustrations showing in great detail
great stupa forms with over 200 This unusual museum catalog dian photographer Art Perry portrays
the panoramic landscapes, the faces
photographs of stupas from around records the construction, decora- nomads, monks, city dwellers bring-
and expressions of individual people,
the world present the vast and rich and the brilliant dress styles of the tion and consecration (by the Dalai ing sharply into focus a way of life
tradition. Lama) of the Tibetan Altar at the that is insidiously threatened.
people of Kham and Amdo.
Newark Museum. The contents of
this elaborate shrine are extensively
described—it was traditionally con-
structed and contains the requisite MOUNTAIN:
items for practice. The Extraordinary
Pilgrimage to Mount Kailas
TIBETAN COLLECTION: by Russell Johnson and Kerry
Sculpture and Painting Moran. 128 pp., 116 color photos,
by Valrae Reynolds, Amy Heller, 8xlO",#TISAMO$25
Janet Gyatso. 208 pp. #MATICS3 Mount Kailas is sacred to both
$20 TIBETAN THANKA Hindus and Buddhists, it is the place
PAINTING where the divine takes earthly form.
TIBET: Photographs by Based on the excellent art collec-
Portrayal of Mysticism Pilgrims journey here to pay homage
tion at the Newark Museum, this
Kazuyoshi Nomachi to the mountain's mystery, circum-
book contains photos of sculpture— by Pema Namdol'Thaye, pref
intro. by Robert Thurman, fore, ambulating it in an ancient ritual
metal, wood, ivory, lacquer, stone and by H.H. the Dalai Lama
by H.H. the Dalai Lama, approx. of devotion. With spectacular color
clay; thangkas—painted, appliqued 209 pp., 99 color illus., 8.5 x 11", photography and vivid travel writ-
150pp. color photos #TIP $55 and embroidered; wall paintings; cloth #TITHPO $55 ing, this is a stunning account of
cloth and iconography—body positions, This magnificent contemporary this celebrated landscape and of the
Spectacular color photographs gestures, and symbols associated Tibetan artist has created this mas-
SYMBOLS OF TIBETAN variety, vitality and determination of
of the landscapes, people and cus- with deities. terwork of Thanka painting. Not only
BUDDHISM the pilgrims who venture there.
toms of Tibet—including images of can many fine examples of his work
by Claude B. Levenson, photos by Kham, Amdo, Central and Western TIBETAN MANDALAS be seen here, the text wonderfully
Laziz Hamani, fore, by H.H. the Tibet. Nomachi received the "Best From the Sacred Realm:
by Prof. Raghu Vira and Lokesh illuminates the contents of the art.
Dalai Lama. 128 pp., 6 x 9", 60 Photographers Award" from the TREASURES OF
Chandra. 270 pp., 8 1/2 x 11", The artist presents his work in five
color photos. #SYTIBN $19.95 Photographic Society of Japan. parts: the development of the art in TIBETAN ART
#TIMAN $55 cloth
"Tibetan Buddhism is a tradition Tibet; the philosophy of the artist; from the Newark Museum
A fascinating collection of 158
rich in symbolism. Not only do we TIBET: The Roof of the mandalas of major and minor tantric the various types of figures repre- by Valrae Reynolds. 264 pp., 146
have a multiplicity of symbols, but World between Past and deities—actually it is comprised of sented in Thankas; the process of color & 61 b&w illus., 106 line
many of them have many layers of thanka painting; many figures are drawings and 1 map, 10 x 12",
Present two famous collections of large line
meaning. I feel sure that this beauti- explained—their stories and symbol- cloth #FRSARE $65
by Maria Antonia Sironi drawings. The first is the Vajravali
fully presented book, displaying the ism. Anyone who reads this book
Diemberger. 224 pp., 10 x 14" by Abhayakaragupta and containing Ranging from the eleventh to the
wealth of symbolism of Tibetan Bud- will become knowledgeable of not twentieth century, ritual silk brocade
color photos throughout, cloth 26 mandalas such as Manjuvajra,
dhism, will deepen appreciation of Akshobhya, Vajrasattva, Heruka, only the art but Tibetan Buddhism garments, painted leather pieces,
#TIROWO $45 itself.
our culture."—the Dalai Lama Hevajra, and Ushnisasitatapatra. ceremonial silver objects, intricately
With many double-page color worked ornaments, prayer wheels,
Many symbolic ritual items are The second collection is the Tantra-
images, this stunning photographic and Buddhist paintings and sculpture
presented here, illustrated with full samuccaya and contains 132 man-
study of Tibet includes visits to
dalas of major and minor deities in a FREE TRIP are all lavishly illustrated. Valrae
page photos. A great source of insight
into their meaning: stupa, prayer
monasteries, hikes with nomads in
the highlands, vast landscapes and
divided into the four tantras and U?
to Tibet and Nepal..
Reynolds is Curator of Asian Collec-
wheel, mantra, malas, bell and dorje, other classes with special emphasis tions at the Newark Museum since
Lhasa life. An excellent library addi- on the Anuttara Yogini Tantras. 1970. She has written astute descrip-
bowl and dagger, mudras, fire ritual, See page 5 for details.
tion for readers who love images of tions to accompany the art.

S ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313 SNOW LION 27

Collections of the Jacques Marchais
Museum of Tibetan Art
The Sacred Art of Tibet
by Barbara Lipton & Nima Dorjee Rag-
nubs. 295 pp., 81 color photos, 109 b&w
photos, 8.5 x 11", #TRTIAR $32.50 $m
by Marylin Rhie & Robert Thurman,
photos by John Taylor. 488 pp., 353 illus.,
igjyf 338 in full color, 9 x 12", #WICO $34.95
The most important works from the cloth
renowned collection are beautifully illustrated s*?M
A *« '"MM This landmark volume illustrates,
and described in this volume of Tibetan art % v; j ■ ^
explains, and celebrates hundreds of the
from Tibet, China, Mongolia and Nepal. They
include sculptures and thangkas depicting the
Buddha, arhats, lamas, meditational deities,
w finest and most beautiful examples of
Tibetan sacred art spanning 1,000 years and
VISiCWS-FROM-IHlFIRIDSOfMlSRU drawn from museums and private collections
bodhisattvas, protector and guardian deities,
around the world. The text offers insights into
ritual objects, musical instruments, jewelry, and ''!'™"' —'"* —"

the significance, iconography, and aesthetics

decorative objects. The essays contribute new
of the thangka paintings, sculptures, and
information on Tibetan culture, iconography,
VISIONS FROM THE FIELDS OF MERIT mandalas pictured. This expanded cloth
history, and folklore.
edition contains 81 new color plates of
Drawings of Tibet and the Himalayas
statues and thangkas, making this book
WHISPERED PRAYERS: Portraits and by Philip Sugden. Signed edition with 65 loca- even more remarkable.
Prose of Tibetans in Exile tions and studio drawings. #VIFTME $30
by Stephen Harrison, fore, by H.H. the "For many centuries the arts have played a major
Dalai Lama. 168 pp., 9 x 12", 92 photos. role in the spiritual development of the Tibetan
#WHPR $59.95 people. Over the years, it has been a pleasure to WORLDS OF TRANSFORMATION:
meet artists, like Philip Sugden who express this Tibetan Art of Wisdom and Compassion
Harrison photographed life among the Tibet-
ans with a large format camera. From his understanding in their work. Philip's artwork has by Marylin Rhie & Robert Thurman. 480 pp., 9 x 12", 319 illustrations, 285 in color,
interviews with these refugees, riveting tales of been part of an ongoing pilgrimage-based on his 2 maps, #WOTRP $65 paperback
journeys to the Himalayas and Tibet, he has created
extraordinary journeys are skillfully interwoven If you liked the Wisdom and Compassion art book, you will love this massive edition
with their personal revelations. One by one, a body of work that testifies to his dedication, not
just for the cause of the Tibetan people, but also to of Tibetan Buddhist paintings. Hundreds of sublime Tibetan thangka paintings from the
individuals unfold their inner lives—reminding premier New York collection of Shelley and Donald Rubin span the 12th through 20th
the transformation of people through the process of
the reader that life can be difficult and that centuries and the spectrum of Tibetan artistic schools. There is an analysis of each painting's
humility and courageousness are essential art."—His Holiness the Dalai Lama
iconography and religious meaning, style, regional lineage, and sources. David Jackson
attributes worthy of admiration. discusses the paintings of the Kagyupa order in the Rubin Collection.

by Ama Tapontsang and Joy by Palden Gyatso with Tsering and Thought of the Tibetan FREEDOM: The Life Story
Blakeslee, fore, by the Dalai Shakya, fore, by the Dalai Lama. Master Dolpopa Sherab Gyalt- of Kalu Rinpoche
Lama. 258 pp. 6 b&w photos 272 pp., 11 b&w illus., #AUTIMO sen by Ken McLeod. 101 pp., 91
#AMAD $14.95 $13 ^ORN in LHASA by Cyrus Sterns. 288 pp. #BUDO photos & illus. #CHTRPA $18.75
Ama Adhe spent 27 years in a Born in 1933, Palden Gyatso $20.95 This exquisite book contains
Chinese labor camp for participating became a Buddhist monk and won a Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen (1292- the autobiography and writings of
in the Tibetan resistance. Her story is place as a student at Drepung Mon- 1361) was an important figure in one of the most outstanding lamas
"the voice that remembers" for those astery where he came to spiritual and Tibetan history and perhaps the of this century.
who can no longer speak of Tibet's intellectual maturity. In 1959, along greatest expert on the tantric teach-
tragic saga of occupation, genocide, with thousands of other monks, he The AuteHograpky o(
ings of Kalachakra. Based largely DGE-'DUN-CHOS-'PHEL:
and cultural destruction. was forced into labor camps and NAMGYAL I.HAMO TAKLHA
upon esoteric Buddhist knowledge A Biography of the 20th-
"I have never read a book as prisons where he spent 33 years believed to be preserved in Shamb-
being tortured, interrogated, and century Tibetan Scholar
terrifying and inspiring in my hala, Dolpopa's theories continue to
life."—Psychology Today persecuted simply for being a monk. excite controversy in Tibetan Bud- by Irmgard Mengele. 153 pp., 7
After his release he escaped across dhism. He emphasized "emptiness b&w photos, Tibetan text, #GECH
the Himalayas to India, smuggling of self-nature," which applies only $12
with him the instruments of his to the level of relative truth, and dGe-'dun-chos-'phel (1902-1951)
THE SELF: The Secret torture. Since then, he has devoted BORN IN LHASA
"emptiness of other," (Zhentong) completed a traditional Tibetan edu-
Autobiographies of a himself to revealing the extent of by Namgyal Lhamo Taklha. 201 which applies only to the level of cation, left the monastic society to
Tibetan Visionary Chinese oppression in Tibet. pp., 36 b&w photos. #BOLH absolute truth. travel abroad where he learned lan-
by Janet Gyatso. 360pp. #APSEP $14.95 guages and deepened his knowledge.
$18.95 paper "Mrs. Taklha's incredible life story BUDDHIST MASTERS OF Renowned in Tibet as a brilliant
Two secret autobiographies of the is very gripping and emotional. Her scholar, a talented artist, a highly
ENCHANTMENT: gifted poet, an excellent translator,
visionary Jigme Lingpa (1730-1798) writing style swept me into the
The Lives and Legends of the and a skillful dialectician, he was
reveal poetic and self-conscious story—I enjoyed this book from
writings that are as much about the cover to cover."—Rinchen Dharlo, Mahasiddhas controversial and well-known non-
nature of his own identity, memory, President of Tibet Fund and the trans, by Keith Dowman, illus. conformist. This scholarly presenta-
and the variability of autobiographi- Conservancy for Tibetan Arts and by Robert Beer. 208 pp., 6.5 x 9," tion has a Tibetan and English biog-
cal truth as they are about his experi- Culture 30 color plates, 26 line drawings, raphy and extensive bibliography.
ences. Gyatso explores Jigme Ling- "Born in Lhasa gives voice to an #BUMAEN $24.95
pa's historical milieu, his visions and enduring human spirit. In fascinat- Stories of the Mahasiddhas who DILGO KHYENTSE
meditative practices, and investigates ing detail, one woman's story docu- attained enlightenment and magical RINPOCHE
the unsettling role of the "dakini" in ments a nation's history."—Whitney powers by both disregarding conven- by Editions Padmakara. 16 pp.,
Tibetan religious literature. Stewart, author of The 14th Dalai tion and penetrating to the core of 8 color and b&w photos, #DIKHRI
Lama life, reveal a way through human $9.95
ATISHA AND TIBET Namgyal Lhamo Taklha recounts suffering into a spontaneous and free
This book about Khyentse Rinpoche
Life and Works of Dipamkara her remarkable life in Born in Lhasa. state of oneness with the divine.
was published during the latter part
Srijnana in relation to the She describes her childhood in a of his life. The photos alone are easily
THE BOOK OF TIBETAN Tibet that no longer exists and chron-
History and Religion of Tibet worth the price of the booklet
ELDERS: The Life Stories icles her life and work on four con-
with Tibetan Sources and Wisdom of the Great tinents. It is an engaging history
by Alaka Chattopadhyaya, trans. Spiritual Masters of Tibet of the Tibetan diaspora—dramatic
under Prof. Lama Chimpa. 593
pp. #ATTI $23.95 cloth
by Sandy Johnson, fore, by H.H. and filled with anecdotes. Taklha's
autobiography differs from those of
the Dalai Lama. 282 pp., 28
A comprehensive account of the other prominent Tibetans because A Western Woman's Quest
b&w photos, now in paperback.
baffling personality of the great Bengali she discusses the unexpected chal-
#BOTIEL $14.00 for Enlightenment
Pandit Atisha known as the great lenges of living in America and
These are the powerful stories of Europe. by Vicki Mackenzie. #CASN
teacher and reformer of Tibetan Bud-
dhism. The author presents his life Tibetan elders from many walks of Mrs. Taklha married the immedi- $14.95
story, the place of Atisha in Tibetan life—told in their own voices—that ate elder brother of His Holiness The daughter of a fishmonger
history, followed by biographical mate- of famous lamas, oracles, doctors, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. She is from London's east end, Ani Tenzin
rial from other Tibetan sources such nuns, a tailor, nobleman, etc. An a member of the elected Parliament Palmo became a spiritual leader
as Brom-ston-pa engaging study of a special people of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile and champion of the right of
and culture. and serves as Minister of Health. She women to achieve spiritual
lives in Dharamsala, India. enlightenment. In 1976, she
# n * « « i ••»«»< secluded herself in a remote cave
in the Himalayas where for 12 years
BORN IN TIBET she faced unimaginable cold, wild
animals, floods and rockfalls. She
by Chogyam Trungpa. 296 pp., 18 line drawings, 36 photos, #BOTI $15.95 j^in a FREE TRIP emerged with a determination to
The autobiography of the legendary teacher and meditation master which
offers a rare glimpse into the life and training of a tulku in Tibet. Trungpa
to Tibet and Nepal.. build a convent in India to revive the
Togdenma lineage, a long-forgotten
describes his duties as the abbot and spiritual head of a great monastery and female spiritual elite.
See page 5 for details.
his intimate and moving relationships with his teachers. It concludes with
his escape and life in the West.


mi,&iwp0fimttzwm loMSW^ffirt :2S50&& 3
111811 HStiiiili'ifiW ffTri'litTO
"Divine Madm Life Stories from the Ganden WISH-FULFILLING TREES The Life and Enlightenment
Oral Tradition by The Venerable Tsering Lama of Yeshe Tsogyal
compiled, trans., and annotated Jampal Zangpo, Trans, by by Gyalwa Changchub and Nam-
by Janice D. Willis. 248 pp., 8 line Sangye Khandro. 187 pp. 23 khai Nyingpo, trans, by Padma-
drawings #ENBE $18. plates, 14 in color, #GAWIFU kara. 176 pp. #LALOBO $29.95
In the Gelugpa tradition there are $15.95 cloth
many great tantric masters. Here are In Tibet, six great mother monas- The first Tibetan Buddhist to attain
the liberation life stories of the first teries uphold the doctrine of the enlightenment was probably Yeshe
six lineage holders of the Ganden Great Secret Nyingmapa. This is a Tsogyal, the female consort of Pad-
Oral Tradition, the system of highest comprehensive explanation of the masambhava.
yoga tantric practice designed and Palyul tradition where the non-dual
developed by the great Tsongkhapa. Great Seal Mahamudra-Great Perfec- LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF
tion Ati Yoga and the Kama and
FINDING FREEDOM: Terma lineages are joined together
as one great river of practice. H.H. ed. by Prof. Robert Thurman. 258
Penor Rinpoche is the present head
ROW of the Nyingma lineage and the Palyul Je Tsong Khapa is known as the
by Jarvis Jay Masters. 179pp. tradition. IN THE SERVICE OF HIS great reformer of Tibetan Buddhism.
THE DIVINE MADMAN: #FIFR $12.00 His eclectic studies and meditations
The Sublime Life and Songs Finding Freedom are critically in the different lineages gave birth to
THE GREAT DISCIPLES OF The Biography of Dasang
acclaimed prison stories from Jarvis the Gelugpa lineage. In addition to his
of Drukpa Kunley THE BUDDHA: Their Lives, Damdul Tsarong, Commander
Jay Masters, an inmate who became a biography and mystic conversations
trans, by Keith Dowman. 161pp., Their Works, Their Legacy General of Tibet with great bodhisattvas, there are
Buddhist on San Quentin's death row.
7illus.#DIMA$12.95 by Nyanaponika Thera and Hell- by D.N. Tsarong. 164 pp., 43 b&w teachings on the sutras and tantras,
His stories are poignant, sometimes
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ern Baptist Church to Tibetan monas- in the 16,h & 17"1 centuries. Pemalingpa (1450-1521) and the Sixth ong was a dynamic and sometimes
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coverer of hidden texts (terma) and ernization of Tibet's government THE LIFE OF GAMPOPA: the
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racism to bring a message of heal- an uncle of the Sixth Dalai Lama This especially in its relationship to the Incomparable Dharma Lord
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ing and hope to anyone facing insur-
mountable odds. She tells her story of Reincarnation his rebellious life and love poetry. This book provides insight into the by Jampa Mackenzie Stewart,
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to becoming a professor—from being H.H. the Dalai Lama. 535 pp., HOUSE OF THE TURQUOISE of Tibet's power of self-government. Lobsang P. Lhalungpa. 175 pp.
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story is not only portrays of Tibetan aristocrats"—Marcia of the 17th Karmapa, his enthrone-
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the biographies of the masters of Garap Dorje, these stories convey In Tibet and Sikkim, Alexandra
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recorded by the masters themselves mountains, woods, and caves—lives bandits and pilgrims. She had a torrid
between five hundred and one thou- crucial early years of this century. love affair with the handsome Maha-
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sand years ago in Tibet, these colorful superb humility and peace, pro- rajah of Sikkim and studied with a Ani Pachen&
associated with the Thirteenth Dalai genuine master in the Himalayas.
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his fortune..." Ages 4+.
Where is Tibet? celebrates a delight-
ful spirit and sends a message of

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ing—the body, pediatrics, gynecol- Tibetan Medicinal Plants provides
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ogy, disorders of wounds, toxicology,
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edies and acupressure. He addresses through Western psychology. The
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the conceptual and theoretical foun- a wide range of conditions. the relationship between the brain,
each chakra are presented, followed
dations of Tibetan medicine. Each of immune system and emotions; death
by detailed explanations of balancing
the forty paintings is reproduced as characteristics, traumas and abuses, and the nature of mind; the effect
a full-page plate and described with and physical malfunctions. There are of positive and negative self image
detailed commentary on its visual Wtvpv.SMttvCtm#>ifo6m sections on healing practices, body on one's body and mind; and the
content and symbolism. types and pathologies. possibilities and methods for using
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214 pp. #HEFRSO $16.95 teacher of Tibetan medicine. In her cine deals with various aspects of includes a collection of nine papers.
lectures she discusses Buddhism and the medical system, including com- It addresses the effectiveness of
"I am very happy to learn about medicine, massage, child conception, parisons with the Chinese system. Tibetan drugs in clinically controlled
the publication of Dr. Yeshi Dhon- It presents the Tibetan medical tree conditions as well as presenting basic
breathing exercises, the relation
den's book on Tibetan medicine—Dr. between body, speech and mind, the and diagrams all its parts. Contents: classificatory and documentary stud-
Dhonden is one of the most experi- three humours, diagnosis, diet and Tibetan Medicine: Theory and Prac- ies. It examines institutional issues
enced practitioners of this system behavior. tice; The System of Tibetan Medicine; and the problems experienced in the
and was my personal physician for Notes on Pulsology; Characteristics of cross-cultural transfer of the Tibetan
many years."—H. H. the Dalai Lama Pharmacology; Constitutional Types. and Western medical systems.
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In this remarkable presentation of positive health-one of the eight $16.95 cosmology and symbolism relevant
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those interested in holistic health chakras and psychic channels and
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of healing. This volume vividly pres- form the basis of this branch. This myths, legends, and child-rearing types of illnesses and diagnosis;
ents a series of lectures to health care work deals with the different aspects discusses its religious, philosophical mind and mental disorders; and
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professionals at California Pacific of positive health. Contains an interesting compilation diet and treatments. He then shows
Medical Center in San Francisco in and deities, tantric and ritual aspects, how Tibetan and Western holistic
of real child-care practices. The meditations for healing and views on
1996. Dr. Dhonden elucidates the PRINCIPLES OF TIBETAN authors draw on Tibetan texts and medicine can be practiced together-
holistic Tibetan medical view of dying, humoral theory, and unusual Western herbal medicine and home-
MEDICINE interviews with women, midwives, methods of diagnosis and cure.
health and disease. traditional doctors and Buddhist opathy with Tibetan herbal treat-
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160 pp., diagrams. #PRTIME $11 scholars.
tionally clear introduction."— opathy and Tibetan massage, and the
Outlines the history, the tech- Yoga Journal use of Tibetan medical philosophy
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There is an international resource Hopkins with Dorje Yutlwk. YOGA FOR YOUR LIFE
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STEPHEN LEV IKE to find a qualified practitioner. Dr. by Peter Fenton. 206 pp., 41 b&w by Margaret & Martin Pierce.
Presents in detail the sixty-four 160 pp., oversized, over 400 color
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HEALING INTO arts of love, divided into eight variet- photos, #YOYOLI $20
senior personal physician of the $22.95
LIEE AND DEATH ies of sexual play—embracing, kiss-
Capturing the spirit of yoga for the
Dalai Lama and is the first Tibetan ing, pinching and scratching, biting, Peter Fenton traveled to India and
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runs a medical clinic. noises, role reversal, and positions of where Tibetan refugees still practice book for beginners. It surpasses other
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He advises to shun inhibitions and ing centers, and he interviewed lamas,
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explains how to increase female sexual
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#HELIDE $12.95 and practice under the tutelage of "The work is extremely relevant
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Stephen Levine is a Buddhist TIBETAN MASSAGE CHART
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In it he presents clear and accurate Jose Cabezon Illustrated wall-chart of Tibetan massage and acupressure, describing
ness. He knows the roots of suffering
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intimately. In this book he explores
atory Tantras, two works of such with headache, anxiety, insomnia, female difficulties, and many more. Clear
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fundamental importance in the and easy to follow.
nal techniques for working with HEALING
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to Tibetan Medicine bodies. Discussed are the diagnostic diet, exercise, relaxation, detoxifica-
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TIBETAN: A Practical by Acharya Karma Monlam & CULTURE
Handbook the Dept. of Education of the Cen- by Rangjung Yeshe. CD ROM ver-
by Tashi. 184 pp. #BAGRMO tral Tibetan Administration. 883 sion 2.0, #TIENDB $50
$12.95 pp., 7 x 10", line drawings, cloth. This dharma dictionary is a database
This grammar textbook of spoken #NEENTI $50.00 of approx. 66,000 entries. It is a com-
Tibetan is based on the author's Years in preparation, this diction- pilation from existing dictionaries,
12 years teaching experience at ary contains words created for Tibet- word-lists and glossaries selected
the Library of Tibetan Works and ans so that they can integrate the on a practical usage basis. It has an
extensive glossary, a list of usage of FROM TIBETAN:
Archives, Dharamsala and a year modern terminology that developed
in the USA. It presents colloquial outside of the sphere of Tibetan Buddhist terms in present day works An Introduction to the
Tibetan grammatical structures in life—sort of a Webster's dictionary in of translation, a massive amount of Tibetan Literary Language
useful sentences. Tibetan—everything from anatomi- dictionary entries, a lexicography of and the Translation of
A Proficiency-Oriented places, people and literary works, and
cal terms to zymosis. Buddhist Texts from Tibetan
Learning System. Novice and an encyclopedic covering of topics
BUDDHIST by Joe Wilson, Jr.. 845 pp., 7 x
Intermediate Levels. A multi- of importance to the Buddhist world.
TRANSLATIONS: Problems NEW PLAN TIBETAN 9", glossary ffTRBUTl $65 cloth, A
media supplement with addi- The work is published as an electronic
and Perspectives GRAMMAR AND version on CD ROM for PC and Mac so Namgyal Institute Textbook.
tional dialogues
ed. by Lama Doboom Tulku. 249 TRANSLATION the dictionary can be an on-line tool. This complete textbook on classi-
by William A. Magee and Eliz- cal Tibetan is suitable for beginning
pp., cloth. #BUTRPR $25 by Pema Chhinjor. 198 pp.
abeth S. tapper, Alex Chapin, or intermediate students. It begins
Discussed are: the theory and prin- #NEPLTI$12 TIBETAN-ENGLISH
Multimedia Design, Jeffrey Hop- with rules for reading, writing, and
ciples of translation, the problems Intended for the serious student DICTIONARY OF BUDDHIST
kins, General Editor and Co- pronouncing Tibetan, gradually car-
in translating Buddhist philosophic of Tibetan language, the author has
Author. #FLTICD $45 TERMINOLOGY rying the reader through the patterns
texts, lexicography and terminology, compiled the best of the methods
This CD-ROM is an excellent intro- he has used during 20 years of Tsepak Rigzin. 479 pp. #TIENDI used in the formation of words, and
problems in translating from Tibetan
duction to Tibetan language as well teaching at Panjab University at $40 cloth the repeating patterns of Tibetan
to English. Contributions are by
as a supplement to Fluent Tibetan— Chandigarh. The basic structure of Based on The Great Volume of Pre- phrases, clauses, and sentences. Stu-
scholars both from India and abroad
the four volume textbook arranged Tibetan grammar is methodically cise Understanding (Mahavyutpatti) dents with prior experience will find
working on translations of Buddhist
in fifteen units with 26 hours of tape explained through well planned prac- —a Sanskrit-Tibetan dictionary com- that the seven appendices—which
recordings. This CD contains all of tical exercises. missioned by King Tri Ralpachen in the review the rules of pronunciation,
the vocabulary lists and dialogues 9th century, and supplemented from grammar and syntax—provide an
ENGLISH-TIBETAN used in the four volume textbook indispensable reference It balances
THE NEW TIBETAN-ENG- works of Tibetan lamas. 6,000 main
DICTIONARY OF MODERN as well as an additional seventeen entries and over 8,000 sub-entries, with traditional Tibetan grammatical and
TIBETAN intermediate-level dialogues. A large LISH DICTIONARY OF Sanskrit equivalents where possible. syntactic analysis with a use of termi-
by Melvyn C. Goldstein. 342 pp., number of vocabulary words are MODERN TIBETAN New edition-revised and enlarged 40%. nology that reflects English precon-
#ENTIDI $40 accompanied by sentences which by Melvyn Goldstein, with T.S. ceptions about sentence structure.
demonstrate their usage. All are Shelling & J. T. Surkhang, and Based on the system developed by
16,000 main entries and 29,000 A Large TIBETAN-ENGLISH Jeffrey Hopkins at the Unversity
subentries make this an indispens- linked to audio resource files so that Pierre Robillard. 1164 pp., 8.5 x
one can hear the proper pronuncia- DICTIONARY of Virginia, this book presents in
able dictionary for Tibetan language 11", cloth. #NETIEN $49.95
tion simply by the click of a mouse. Sarat Chandra Das. 1353 pp., 6.5 lessons, with drills and reading exer-
students. Each entry includes the Contains more than 80,000 lexi- xl0",cloth#COTIEL$45 cises, a practical introduction to
Also provided on this CD is a Tibetan-
Tibetan orthography and Wylie cal items used in political, social, Tibetan grammar, syntax and techni-
romanization. Grammatical features English glossary that is searchable A new enlarged (it's physically
economic, literary and scientific cal vocabulary used in Buddhist
in both Tibetan and English, and an bigger) edition of the famous Das
are noted. And many words are discourse, and includes thousands of works on philosophy and meditation.
introduction to the Tibetan alphabet dictionary. Now it is very readable!
shown in sentence context. words that have come into use since An extremely well designed learning
along with a presentation of Tibetan Compiled from a large number of
Tibet was invaded. One of the very system, it serves as an introduction
phonemics. This CD. attempts to Tibetan and Sanskrit works, this
"Fluent Tibetan is a signifi- best resources for modern Tibetan. to reading and translating and to
bring the language to life by chal- dictionary contains Tibetan words
cant and unmatched achieve- lenging the student to pick out famil- with Sanskrit equivalents and English Buddhist philosophy and medita-
ment in the field of teaching iar words in new contexts and to A SANSKRIT-ENGLISH meaning. Technical terms are illus- tion. Through easily memorizable
colloquial Tibetan.'' discover new words in familiar con- DICTIONARY trated with extracts from Sanskrit paradigms, the student comes to
—The Tibet Journal texts. Mac & PC by M. Monier-Williams. 1369 pp., and Tibetan works. (See compact recognize and understand the recur-
#SAENDI $40 cloth edition in language section.) rent patterns of the Tibetan language.
FLUENT TIBETAN: Each chapter contains a vocabulary
LEARN TIBETAN: This is the classic Sanskrit diction- full of helpful Buddhist terms.
A Proficiency-Oriented
Essential Words and Phrases ary and is an excellent resource for A TIBETAN-ENGLISH
Learning System "What an impressive produc-
for Absolute Beginners Buddhist studies. Contains 180,000 DICTIONARY (compact
Novice and Intermediate tion! It is a superb piece of
words arranged etymologically and
by Eurotalk Interactive. CD-ROM edition) work."—Richard Hayes, Dept. of
Levels philologically. This book is printed
#LETICD $50 Sarat Chandra Das. 1353, Religious Studies, McGill University
by William A. Magee and in India.
A lively and entertaining introduc- #COTIEN $25
Elizabeth S. Napper, Jeffrey Hop- Compiled from a large number
tion to Tibetan language. This well- TRANSLATING BUDDHISM
kins, General Editor. In collabo- designed package makes learning of Tibetan and Sanskrit works, this
ration with: Ngawang Thondup FROM TIBETAN TAPE
Tibetan feel like a game. It offers dictionary contains Tibetan words
Narkyid, Geshe Thjupten Jinpa, with Sanskrit equivalents and English by Joe Wilson. 90 min. fTRBUTT
a large vocabulary. You can record
Kunsang Y King, Jules B. Levin- meaning. Technical terms are illus- $10
your voice and compare your pro-
son, Jigme Ngapo, Daniel E. nunciation with native speakers. trated with extracts from Sanskrit This language tape was designed
Perdue, Dolma Tenpa and Steven There are quizzes and a challenging and Tibetan works. to assist with pronunciation, vocabu-
N. Weinberger. 1010 page, 4-vol. memory game. lary, drills and exercises found in our
Gansu TIBETAN-ENGLISH book Translating Buddhism From
text, 8 1/2 x 11," 18 cassettes
(26 hours), #FLTI $250 (outside N. DICTIONARY
America, allow $35 for shipping) ed. by Paldan Tashi and Gansu
The most systematic and exten- Nationalities Press. 667 pp.
sive course system available in A TREASURY OF
spoken Tibetan language, Fluent KNOWLEDGE
This Tibetan-English dictionary
Tibetan was developed at the Univer- also has a smaller English-Tibetan by Tony Duff. CD-Rom. #TRKN
sity of Virginia by language experts section. It comes from Eastern Tibet $125.00
working in conjunction with indig- and was produced by a Tibetan The encyclopedic work of Jamgon
enous speakers. Based upon courses working with two westerners. Each Kongtrul the Great containing com
for diplomats needing to learn a lan- LEARNING PRACTICAL Tibetan item is followed by its Eng- plete definitions and expositions of
guage quickly, its method acquaints TIBETAN TIBETAN QUADRISYLLAB- lish equivalent, and a sentence in all levels of the Buddha's dharma
students with the sounds and pat- ICS, PHRASES & IDIOMS English and Tibetan. The English- is now available in an electronic edi-
by Andrew Bloomfield & Yanki
terns of Tibetan speech through by Acharya Sangye T. Naga & Tibetan section is similar. The sen- tion. All four volumes of the original
repetitive interactive drills, enabling Tshering. 175 pp. #LEPRTI
Tsepak Rigzin. 264 pp. #TIQUPH tences make this a very valuable come as one electronic book which
the quick mastery of increasingly $16.95, Optional: two 90 min. cas-
$18 aid for learning Tibetan. There is no can be read, printed, and/or searched
complex structures and thereby sette tapes #TIPHT $14.95 with ease. The edition was typed
This compilation of idioms and phonetic system.
promoting rapid progress. Fluent Learning Practical Tibetan is from the original Palpung blocks and
Tibetan is the best course available a revised and expanded version of phrases bridges the gap between
thoroughly corrected. The text comes
for learning on your own. The pack- our Tibetan Phrasebook. Learning Tibetan literary and colloquial forms.
with special software designed for
age consists of textbooks and tape Practical Tibetan has a larger format Each phrase has an English equiva-
archiving and viewing Tibetan texts
recordings, arranged in fifteen units. than Tibetan Phrasebook and includes lent and is also used in a complete and a complete set of high-quality
The first three units are devoted to the Tibetan script in addition to the sentence. A must for Tibetan lan- „
Tibetan fonts. The software can
recognition and pronunciation of the phonetic system to make it useful as guage students. be used in conjunction with the
Tibetan alphabet and its combina- a practical Tibetan-language study Illuminator and Saral Chandra Das
tions in syllables and words. With unit tool. TIBETAN-CHINESE dictionaries for immediate look-ups
four, vocabulary and grammatical Learning Practical Tibetan begins DICTIONARY of terms as you read. Other Tibetan
patterns are introduced in situational by introducing both a phonetic system by Merig Petuen Khang. 3294 pp., texts in the same format are also
dialogues. Each dialogue is followed and a simple yet complete grammar. available from Snow Lion Publica-
2 volumes, #TICHDI $120
by extensive drills repeating the In addition to containing phrases and tions. Windows only, sorry, no Macin-
vocabulary and grammatical patterns dialogues, each chapter is preceded We have a few copies of a diction- l^j?in a FREE TRIP tosh support
ary printed in Lhasa. This was for-
in different contexts to broaden one's by useful information, vocabulary, and
merly a 3-volume set and has now
to Tibet and Nepal. TibetDoc word-processor for use
use of the language. The exception- some pointers about Tibetan customs in conjunction with the text (cut
and etiquette. The appendices include been printed in two volumes. They You can enter eve srytime
ally clear voices in the dialogues and and paste and make your own notes)
these helpful sections: numbers, dates, are cloth bound and in so-so but
drills are both male and female indig- you place an orde r with us. and better quality fonts (Tibetan
days and time, dates of festivals, very readable condition. It is difficult
enous Tibetans. The glossary is both Calligaphic or Tibetan Classic) are
religious and monastic vocabulary to obtain them, so please call for
Tibetan-English and English-Tibetan. See page 5 for d etails. available from Snow lion Publica-
and a general vocabulary. availability.
Fluent Tibetan corresponds to a year tions, too.
of college-level language study.


CD-Rom. #ILDI $150 by Tony Duff. CD-Rom. #TIDO $90.00 by Tony Duff. CD-Rom. #TTTE1
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from LotsawaTony Duff. The dictionary comes with special software designed Computer Company for Windows (sorry, no Macintosh support) A collection of texts in electronic
specifically for the purpose and complete set of high-quality Tibetan fonts. editions. The texts have been selected
The dictionary itself has many special features and includes a range of terms TibetDoc
Tibetan! 5 for Word as useful for both scholars and stu-
not to be found in other dictionaries. It contains the complete verb listing dents alike. Each text has been care-
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fully input and edited and complete
new terms, The House of Cloves; a very wide selection of grammar terms; TibetDoc is the first, stand-alone program made specifically for inputting, notes on the sources and editorial
extensive definitions of mahamudra and Dzogchen terms; etc. A complete storing, and viewing Tibetan text. Its ease of use is much higher than any process are included. The editions
listing of features and native sources included in the dictionary can be viewed other Tibetan program. It has many specialized features not contained in of the Bodhisattvacaryavatara and
at the Padma Karoo translation committee web site the Tibetan! 5 programs. Types Tibetan / English / and Sanskrit diacriticals Madhyamakavatara are derived from
Windows only, sorry no Macintosh support. with ease. Tibetan spelling checker included. Export to RTF, Word, and the Derge Tangyur and other editions
WordPerfect. Complete on-line documentation, keyboard maps, etc. Works that have been made into a single,
PADMA KARPO TRANSLATION COMMITTEE FONTS seamlessly with the PKTC dictionaries and electronic texts (also available annotated, critical edition. Each text
by Tony Duff. Tibetan Classic CD-Rom. #TICLFO $250.00 from Snow Lion) allowing cut-and-paste as you use them. Allows access to comes as an electronic book which can
Two higher grade fonts are available: the hundreds of volumes of texts available in monasteries in Asia that have be read, printed, and /or searched with
1) Tibetan Calligraphic been typed in the Tibetan! 4 for DOS format (these texts are available from ease. The books are read with special
A better quality typeface than the standard Tibetan Machine typeface that the various monasteries e.g., such as Shechen Monastery in Kathmandu, software designed for archiving and
ships with all Padma Karpo Translation Committee products. Ideal for those on request). viewing Tibetan texts and a complete,
wanting high quality printing or easier viewing without great expense. Tibetan! 5 for Word and WordPerfect programs have less features than high-quality Tibetan typeface which is
2) Tibetan Classic TibetDoc but are now freely available and can be downloaded separately for included. The software can be used in
The highest quality typeface available for the very best in Tibetan those who prefer. We recommend the purchase of the CD with all programs conjunction with the Illuminator and
publishing. This typeface accurately captures the original style of calligraphy including TibetDoc for the best in Tibetan word-processing. Sarat Chandra Das dictionaries and the
that was used in Tibet for many centuries. Programs come with the standard Tibetan typeface called Tibetan Machine. Treasury which is an Encyclopaedia of
For more information about, and downloadable samples of Tibetan Additional, higher-quality typefaces are available from Tibetan Computer Knowledge for immediate look-ups of
Computer Company typefaces, see: Company. Look for the Tibetan Calligraphic and. Tibetan Classic typefaces terms as you read (those are also avail-
on the Snow Lion web-site. For more information on TCC typefaces see: able from Snow Lion Publications). Windows only; sorry, no Macintosh
DAS TIBETAN ENGLISH DICTIONARY The texts in the collection are:
by Tony Duff. CD-Rom. #DADI $175.00 Madhyamakavatara; Bodhisattvacarya-
The most classic of Tibetan-English dictionaries in a fully edited edition vatara; Enumeration of Dharmas by
from Lotsawa Tony Duff. The dictionary comes with special software designed Konchog Jigmey Wangpo; Three texts
specifically for the purpose and complete set of high-quality Tibetan fonts. of Karmapa in, Rangjung Dorje includ-
The paper edition has a large amount of valuable terminology included ing the Profound Inner Meaning; The
but much of it is positioned under entries where it is not easily found. The Jewel Ornament of Liberation by Gam-
electronic edition, edited carefully with proper scholarly methods, solves popa; and the major treatise on Maha-
this problem and makes this dictionary extraordinarily valuable. Windows mudra called Moonbeams of Mahamu-
only; sorry, no Macintosh support. dra by Dvagpo Tashi Namgyal.
TibetDoc word-processor for use in conjunction with the text (cut and TibetDoc word-processor for use
paste and make your own notes) and better quality fonts (Tibetan Calligaphic in conjunction with the text (cut and
or Tibetan Classic) are available from Snow Lion Publications, too. paste and make your own notes) and
More information about the dictionary and software can be viewed at the better quality fonts (Tibetan Calli-
Padma Karpo Translation Committee web site: gaphic or Tibetan Classic) are available
from Snow Lion Publications, too. ■

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At the core of their agenda contends with Chinese oppression, market including developing busi-
An authoritative and up-to-date
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Tibet. Lee Feigon, chair of the East
is essential for personal, politi- cepts, Larkin's principles are all
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m t 'byung): Religion and Politics THE DIAMOND CUTTER
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translated by Pasang Wangdu
and Hildegard Diemberger, in Managing Your Business and Your Life
| cooperation with Guntram
Hazod. 175 pp., 8.5 by 12", 29 by Michael Roach
color plates, maps, Tibetan text, 256 pp., cloth #DICU $21.95
b&w plates, #HIWHCR $58.00
Geshe Michael Roach first
Presents a view of the evolution
translates The Diamond Sutra
''■'■^■::i^-:^yp' ■
i^MPPiiiJiiliiis of Tibetan society from ancient clans
and then quotes from some of
to aristocratic families, and eventu-
the best Tibetan commentaries
ally to the monastic institutions at
on the subject. In the next and
the time when the Fifth Dalai Lama
main section, he gives fresh
established his rule throughout Tibet.
insight into this ancient
The text was compiled in 1732 by
wisdom by using examples
THE DRAGON IN THE LAND Ngag dbang skal ldan rgya mtsho of
from his own experience as
OF SNOWS: A History of Shel dkar monastery in southern La
ENLIGHTENED founder of the successful Andin
Stod. The author outlined the history
Modern Tibet since 1947 International Diamond Corpo-
MANAGEMENT Bringing of southern La stod, its lords, and
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Buddhist Principles to Work
b&w photos, #DRLASN $29.95 adhered to the Sakya tradition. of the success of Andin has
by Dona Witten with Akong
cloth come from applying the Bud-
Tulku Rinpoche. 168 pp. #ENMA dhist business strategies pre-
"...will undoubtedly take Its HOSTAGE OF BEIJING: The
$14.95 sented in this book. Cesar. MICHAEL ROACH.
place as the indispensable
Packed with exercises and tech- Abduction of the Panchen
account of modern Tibetan
history."—Literary Review niques tailored for the workplace Lama
and shows how to draw the best out by Gilles van Grasdorff fore, by
This definitive history of Tibet
of ourselves and our colleagues to Richard Gere. 320 pp., photos,
is based entirely on unpublished
create the productive, balanced, and maps, #HOBE $24.95 cloth
primary sources and written by a happy office environment in which
Western-educated Tibetan author. A well-researched investigation
everyone dreams of working. Dona
It shatters the popular perception into the kidnaping of the Panchen
Witten is a management consultant
of Tibet as an isolated Shangri-la Lama. According to Tibetan Buddhist
for Ernst and Young. Akong Tulku
unaffected by broader international Rinpoche is the director of Samye
tradition, the Panchen Lama plays a
developments and rises above the key role in identifying the next incar-
Ling in Scotland.
simplistic dualism so often encoun- nation of the Dalai Lama. Shortly
tered in accounts of Tibet's contested after arresting Guenden Tcheukyi IN THE PRESENCE OF MY INDIA & TIBET
recent history. Tsering Shakya gives EURASIAN MYTHOLOGY IN Nyima, the Chinese produced their ENEMIES: Memoirs of by Sir Francis Younghusband.
a balanced account of Tibet's desper- THE TIBETAN EPIC OF own "Panchen Lama." The author Tibetan Nobleman Tsipon 409 pp. #INTI $14.95
ate attempts to maintain her inde- GESAR presents fresh insights into the
Shuguba Younghusband provides a detailed
pendence and safeguard her cultural by Siegbert Hummel. 117 pp. intrigue of Tibet's recent history and and revealing account of British-
by Sumner Carnahan with Lama
identity. #EUMYTI $12 the current situation. Indian relations with Tibet from
Kunga Rinpoche, intro. by R.
"At last, the history of Tibet we Cesar is the most extraordinary the time of Warren Hastings in the
Thurman. 236 pp., 46 photos
have been waiting for. It will irritate Tibetan legendary figure. Professor 1770s to 1910, with special emphasis
both Chinese and Tibetan chauvin- #INPREN $14.95
Hummel provides a wealth of mytho- on the British Mission to Lhasa in
ists as it explodes their myths, mis- After his release from Chinese 1904. He discusses Tibetan domestic
logical, legendary and folkloric motifs
understandings, and propaganda."— prison in 1980, Tsipon Shuguba was and international relations-giving
which over the course of centuries
Jonathan Mirsky instructed by the Dalai Lama to tell a deeper understanding of British
formed around the initial kernel and he
his story. Shuguba, the last surviving Imperial relations with Tibet which
brings to life a fascinating story.
high official from the Dalai Lama's was based primarily on trade. He
EDUCATION IN TIBET: government, reveals information shows that China's present claim to
Policy and Practice since FESTD7ALS OF TIBET that was concealed for over three Tibet is based on sentiments that
1950 by Tsepak Rigzin. 70 pp. #FETI decades. Shuguba recounts the Chi- pre-date the 1950s by hundreds of
by Catriona Bass. 300 pp., numer- $8.95 nese invasion and Tibetan military years.
ous charts, graphs, and maps, The yearly cycle of festivals Tibet- resistance against overwhelming
#EDTI $25 ans enjoy are described in their odds; the bombings, executions, and
historical and Buddhist context. massacres; the deaths of his wife and
Education policies in Tibet are TIBET RESOURCE
A valuable way to understand the daughter, and his own nineteen-year
in danger of turning Tibetans into
imprisonment. DIRECTORY 1995
a poorly educated underclass with Tibetan traditions and to know what
Tibetans like to celebrate. by the International Campaign
administrative and skilled technical
jobs increasingly taken by Han Chi- for Tibet. #INTIRE $7
nese. In this comprehensive over- A pocket-sized directory contain-
view of education in the Tibet Auton- IMAGINING TIBET ing over 500 addresses, telephone/
Collected Writings on
omous Region, Bass uses official fax/e-mail and contacts for the
Tibetan History and Culture Perceptions, Projections,
sources in both Chinese and Tibetan, Tibetan government in exile, Tibet
by Hugh Richardson. 790 pp., and Fantasies support groups, International NGO's,
first-hand observation, interviews
104 b&w photos, maps, index, ed. by Heinz Rather and Thierry etc.
with Tibetan refugees and with edu-
cators. #HIPEPU $40 Dodin. 512 pp., paperback.
The last British diplomat to serve #H\TTIPE $28.95 INTO TIBET: The True Story
in Tibet (in Lhasa from 1935-50), he Imagining Tibet is a collection of of America's Last Secret
studied Tibetan life and later became essays that examine Western concep-
THE WEST Expedition to Tibet
a scholar. High Peaks, Pure Earth tions of Tibet. Providing an historical
ed. by Christopher Queen. 512 pp. background to the West's ever-chang- by Thomas Laird. 320 pp., 16
contains 65 contributions including: the
#ENBUWE $24.95 ing relationship with Tibet, Donald pp. of b&w photos, cloth
crucial and formative phase of Tibet's
Engaged Buddhism is founded on history in the seventh to ninth centuries; Lopez, Jeffrey Hopkins, Jamyang #INTIAM $25
the belief that genuine spiritual prac- later history to the twentieth century, Norbu, and other noted scholars —DELAYED—
COUNTRY: The Biography of
tice requires an active involvement in including a number of important stud- explore a variety of topics-from A 1949-50 American expedition
society. Queen illuminates the evo- ies of the Chinese and Western involve- Western perceptions of Tibetan Dasang Damdul Tsarong,
across China and the deserts of inner
lution of Buddhist activism-includ- ment in Tibet; Tibetan Precis, a previ- approaches to violence, monastic Commander General of Tibet Asia to Tibet is still secret after
ing its history, leadership, organiza- ously classified publication summariz- life, and life as a nation in exile, to by DM Tsarong. 164 pp., 43 b&w 50 years. Into Tibet rewrites the
tions and teachings—and addresses ing British relations with Tibet; the representations of Tibet in Western photos. #SEHICO $14.95 accepted history behind the Chinese
such issues as violence and peace, author's testimonies and recollections literature, art, environmentalism, Dasang Damdul Tsarong invasion of Tibet and discloses for
race and gender, homelessness and of life in traditional Tibet. and the New Age movement. (1888-1959), noted as a child for his the first time how America's most
AIDS. unusual intelligence and capability, successful atomic intelligence agent
"A fine map of the activist A HISTORY OF MODERN IN EXILE FROM THE LAND entered the personal service of the went to Tibet to establish the links
path."—Alan Senauke, Buddhist OF SNOWS Thirteenth Dalai Lama at the age of America would need if it wanted
TIBET, 1913-1951: The
Peace Fellowship twelve. After distinguishing himself in to arm the Tibetans. These covert
Demise of the Lamaist State by John Avedon. 391 pp.
military service he was promoted to a actions may have precipitated the
by Melvyn Goldstein. 898 pp. #EXLASN $16
high rank in the Tibetan government, Chinese invasion. This is a story
#HIMOTI $34.95 This is a well-written record of the of survival, courage, intrigue, and
married into an aristocratic family,
Presents a large number of docu- destruction of an ancient civilization, betrayal among the nomads, princes,
and soon became commander-in-
ENGAGED BUDDHIST ments that reveal the play of forces and of the reconstruction abroad bandits, and warring armies of inner
chief of the Tibetan army and one of
READER before the Chinese invasion of Tibet. of Tibetan culture. It includes An Asia
Lhasa's leading citizens. Tsarong was a
ed. by Arnold Kotler. 264 pp. Very well-researched yet criticized Interview with The Dalai Lama dynamic and sometimes controversial
#ENBURE $18 for its viewpoint on the events it "The detailed life stories figure, a voice for modernization
Represents the "cream" of sixty documents. Avedon recounts are nothing of Tibet's government especially in
works, offering a comprehensive "Brilliant...the only complete short of stunning."—Denver Post its relationship to the international [rpm a FREE TRIP
range of perspectives and insights picture of what occurred in Tibet. "No cultural and political saga of community. to Tibet and Nepal.
on socially engaged Buddhism. Con- Unlike Tibetan writings (an excep- our time is more terrible, compelling This book provides insight into the
tributors include the Dalai Lama, tion being A Political History of and inspiring. Avedon has thoroughly history and causes of the tragic loss You can enter even/time
Thich Nhat Hanh, Shunryu Suzuki, Tibet), it does not gloss over the searched it out and presented it color- of Tibet's power of self-government.
you place an order with us.
Maha Ghosananda, Joanna Macy, Tibetan's failure to comprehend the fully and with moral force."—Boston Included are forty photographs taken
Jack Kornfleld. Robert Aitken, Peter situation into which they walked— Globe in Tibet at this critical time, many by See page 5 for details.
Matthiessen, Stephen Batchelor, culminating in the loss of Tibet in the D.D. Tsarong himself.
Robert Thurman, and many others. 1950s."—Glenn H. Mullin


moo OiKMJri/tfOti^t'vv-ftfi io Si EO-OcB- iGfl -
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DRAGON: China, Tibet, and Accounts of Tibetan
the Dalai Lama Resistance to the Chinese
by Abdul Wahid Radhu, Dr.
by Melvyn C. Goldstein. 130pp. Invasion, 1950-62
William Stoddart, Jose Ignacio
#SNLIDR $13.95 by Roger E. McCarthy. 312 pp.,
Cabezdn, fore, by H.H. the Dalai
With the death of Deng Xiaoping, 14 b&w photos, 3 maps, #TELOT
Lama, preface by Marco Pallis,
the future of Tibet is more uncertain $49.95 cloth
trans, by Jane Casewit, ed. by
than ever, and Goldstein argues that As a CIA officer, Roger McCarthy
Gray Henry. 312 pp., 33 b&w
the conflict could easily erupt into trained members of the Tibetan resis-
photos, 2 maps, #ISTI $24.95 violence. Drawing upon his deep tance in the late 1950s. Roger tells
"Traditional Tibetan life was a rich knowledge of the Tibetan culture and the story of the Tibetan resistance,
tapestry woven of several strands, people, Goldstein takes us through the role of Tibetans who collaborated
of which one was Islam. This work the history of Tibet, concentrating on with the Chinese invaders, the unfor-
makes this aspect of Tibetan culture the political and cultural negotiations givable Chinese brutalities, excesses,
and society known."—Seyyed Hos- over the status of Tibet from the and deceits, and the sorry role of the
sein Nasr turn of the century to the present-a Free World—the United Nations and
Professor Cabezon writes on carefully argued presentation of the that of Prime Minister Nehru—when
islam, followed by "Buddhist and Tibet Question during this turning Tibet desperately needed help.
Islamic Viewpoints of Ultimate Real- ORPHANS OF THE COLD point in its turbulent history.
ity" by Dr. William Stoddart. "Tibetan WAR: America and the TIBET SINCE 1950: Silence,
Caravans" describes centuries-old A Buddhist Response to the SOARING AND SETTLING:
Tibetan Struggle for Survival Information Age Prison or Exile
trading business between India, Cen- Buddhist Perspectives on
tral Asia and Tibet and the interplay by John Kenneth Knaus. 384 pp., by Peter Hershock. 320 pp. in collaboration with Human
54 photos, illus., #ORCOWA $16 Contemporary Social and Rights Watch. 200 pp., 9 x 12",
between Islam and Buddhism. #REWH $16.95
A secret war has been waged Religous Issues 80 color, 60 duotone photos, cloth
Hershock assesses the personal by Rita Gross. 258 pp. #SOSE
over Tibet involving the Chinese, #TISI50 $40
THE LHASA ATLAS: and communal costs of our global
Indians, British, Tibetans and Ameri- $19.95 Through photographs, history,
Traditional Tibetan economic and technological commit-
cans—this vivid account was written ments. He reveals the suppositions This is a book about Buddhist personal interviews and stories, the
Architecture and Townscape by the 44-year veteran of the CIA practice, feminism, and social impact of Chinese political repres-
of western cultural dynamics, while
by Kund Larsen and Amund who participated in the planning, contrasting its fundamental values change. The essays, however, focus sion is made clear. Contains rare
Sinding-Larsen. 176 pp., 165 direction and execution of America's such as independence, individual on themes not often emphasized in photos of Chinese crackdowns on
illus., 11 x 11", October. covert attempts to aid the Tibetan freedom, and a control of the world, the Engaged Buddhist movement, Tibetan demonstrations and first-
#LHAT $75.00 resistance. He describes secret UN with those of Buddhism. If people beginning with feminism itself. Six- hand accounts from exiles of why
(Please see Adventure & Travel) negotiations to brutal violence in continue to accept these western teen essays present Buddhist femi- they chose to leave. It looks at the
the Himalayas—gripping tales of cultural presuppositions, they will nism, social issues from a feminist past and present damage to Tibetan
geopolitics and courage, faith and trap us in a wheel of existence, in perspective and the feminist theology religious institutions. Includes a
THE NEW BUDDHISM: abandonment—essential reading on of Buddhism. discussion of Tibetan prisons by
life's karmic circle.
The Western Transformation the modern history of Tibet. "Her reflections are incisive, Steve Marshall and a consideration
of an Ancient Tradition and express her social activism, of Tibet as myth and reality by Orville
by James Coleman. 265 pp., cloth. RECORDS OF THOLING: A intellectual creativity, and personal Schell, renowned journalist and
#NEBUWE $25.00 candor."—Judith Simmer-Brown China scholar.
Literary and visual Recon-
Coleman chronicles Buddhism's struction of the "Mother"
its reinterpretation by key Western Monastery in Guge THt St.ARCH FOR THE 'M TIBETAN HISTORIES:
teachers in the nineteenth and twenti- THE STATUS OF TIBET: A Bibliography of
by Roberto Vitali. 226 pp., 8.5 x
eth centuries, and how it has evolved.
11", 4 color, 11 b&w plates, 12 line fANCHEN History, Rights, and Tibetan-Language Historical
He discusses the blending of Bud- Prospects in International Works
dhist traditions, the status of women, drawings, 2 maps, biblio., index,
Tibetan text, #RETH $35
A M A Law by Dan Martin. 295 pp., cloth.
the evolution of practices, ceremo-
nies and rituals, and the problems Tholing was the most important by Michael C. van Walt van #TIHI $45.00
I hat have arisen regarding gender monastery of West Tibet (founded in Praag. 450 pp. #STTI $26.95 cloth This bibliography of over seven
roles, sex and power. 996). It suffered irreparable damage Reviews the history of Tibet from hundred items, provides a compre-
during the Cultural Revolution. It its unification in the seventh century hensive listing of Tibetan language
assesses the history of Tho-ling from to its present disputed incorporation works belonging to historical genres
its foundation until the 19th century, into the People's Republic of China that have evolved between the 11th
by Seigbert Hummel. 166 pp. century and the present. Included
and introduces hitherto unknown A definitive record of the legal status
#ZHZH$14 documents belonging to Tho-ling to are the dates and details of composi-
of Tibet, the book provides the basis
The country of Zhang-zhung was identify all its temples, chapels, stupas for understanding the unresolved tion or publication, authorship and
the stronghold of the ancient Bon and buildings composing the monastic THE SEARCH FOR THE Sino-Tibetan conflict and its impor- title, and references to the burgeon-
religion and believed to be situated in complex (reconstructed with sketches PANCHEN LAMA tance among the broader issues of ing secondary literature in other
western Tibet. Prof. Hummel revisits and paintings). The material has been Asian politics. languages. An extensive alphabetical
the issue of Zhang-zhung, concentrat- by Isabel Hilton. 352 pp., cloth index of proper names, titles and
cross-checked with the oral accounts
ing primarily on its language and #SEPALA $25.95 subjects in English makes this an
provided by the surviving monks and A STRANGE LIBERATION:
geographical situation and opens up notables of Tho-ling. Tells the enthralling inside story of easy reference.
new perspectives. how the young Panchen Lama became Tibetan Lives in Chinese
the innocent prize in a battle between Hands
the Chinese regime and the Dalai by David Patt. 270 pp. #STLI
Lama. Hilton describes the intrigue $12.95
surrounding the race to choose Tibet's
future religious leader. Traveling from
" intensely moving account TIBETAN
the Dalai Lama's headquarters in India
to Himalayan monasteries, Hilton
of the plight of the Tibetans."—
The Tibet Journal NATION
probes beneath the surface of a society Presents the inspiring and unfor- A History of Tibetan Nattooalisui

living grudgingly under Chinese rule gettable accounts of two Tibetans ami Sino-Tibetan Relations

and provides an engaging account of who tell what it was like to be in

this unusual situation. Chinese hands during thirty years
of Chinese occupation. Ama Adhe,
now a well-known spokeswoman
A SEASON TO PURGE: for the Tibetan cause witnessed the
Religious Repression in Tibet first overtures of the communists in
A Report by the International Tibetan communities and recalls the
Campaign for Tibet. 102 pp. events that followed.
#SEPU $5 Tenpa Soepa was intimately
This is the latest report on reli- involved in organizing the flight of
gious repression in Tibet and includes the Dalai Lama from Lhasa in 1959.
SONQ OF THE SNOW LION a discussion of the Panchen Lama. TIBETAN NATION:
A necessary read for anyone inter- A History of Tibetan
New Writing from Tibet ested in the preservation of Tibetan

Nationalism and
Buddhism. Sino-Tibetan Relations
ed. by Frank Stewart
A STUDY OF TIBETAN by Warren W. Smith, Jr. 733 pp.
189 pp., 13 b&w photos.
#SOSNLI $16.00
Critical Bibliography) "A monumental political history of
Despite Chinese censor- by Wolfgang Bertsch. 93pp. Color Tibet, which is a triumph of discern-
ship, Tibetan authors who plates/b&w photos #STTIPA ing research."—Jamyang Norbu,
have remained within their $10.95 Director of Amnye Machen Institute
country have developed This detailed history offers a com-
Paper money was introduced into
a vibrant literature that prehensive account of Tibetan national-
Tibet in the early 20th century and
explores the difficult ques- ism, Sino-Tibetan relations, and the
comprises some of the most attrac-
tions facing Tibet today. issue of Tibetan self-determination.
tive banknotes among world curren-
Authors featured here except Focusing especially on post-1950 Tibet,
cies past and present. This book
a few are living in Tibet and SKY BURIAL Smith analyzes Marxist-Leninist and
serves as a catalog of all major types
Tsering Shakya contributes by Blake Kerr, photos by John Chinese Communist Party nationali-
of Tibetan paper money, and includes
an illuminating overview of Ackerly, foreword by H.H. the ties theory and policy, their applica-
color plates, black-and-white photos,
modern Tibetan literature. Dalai Lama, intro. by Heinrich tion in Tibet, and the consequent rise
a description of Tibetan print seals,
Harrer. 186 pp. #SKBU $12.95 and a critical and comprehensive of Tibetan nationalism and issue is
(see Adventure & Travel) bibliography. self-determination.

*R ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313 SNOW LION 37

tASyy>(tJLkSKiiji^JL«fl^iMSi i h ft if initiLattilyiii ItJ Ml aJBilmii Mlifflra


SHADOWS WORLD: The Struggle for Two books on the environment of Tibet
The Great Game and the Afghanistan Kashmir, and
Race for Empire in Central Tibet TREES & SHRUBS OF NEPAL AND THE
Asia by Eric Margolis. 256 pp. W W ./""%* M*%± HIMALAYAS
by Karl Meyer & Shareen Brysac. #WATOWO $26, now on sale for by Adrian & Jimmie Slorrs. 367 pp., 650 b&w and color photos,
646 pp., 37 b&w photos, maps, $16! #TRSHNE $25
#TOSH $35 cloth A veteran foreign correspondent Erie S MOT ynlis The Nepal Himalaya is home to many thousands of plant varieties. This
The world's oldest established impe- presents the history of the compli- comprehensive guide to the trees and shrubs of this region will be of
rial rivalry had its start during the cated and volatile conflicts that interest to anyone that enjoys knowing about plant life. Many species are
Napoleonic age when British agents entangle Afghanistan, Kashmir, and described, classified, positioned in the vertical stratification of plants and
came upon the tracks of Russian rivals Tibet, exploring clashes that threaten their uses discussed.
in snowbound Tibet. To foil these real to destabilize the region today. Mar-
or imagined schemes, the British dis- golis guides the reader through the
patched an army to Lhasa to check Tsar- geopolitical complexities of the WILDLIFE OF THE
ist designs on Tibet. The authors offer conflict and its key players, offering
a superb introduction to an absorbing
history—a history vital to the under-
a clear analysis—an extraordinary
read on the current global balance
of power.
by George B. Schaller. 374 pp., 55
b&w photos, 26 maps, 65 tables,
standing of today's disputes with details
likely to be new even to Great Game 36 other illus. #WTTIST $55 cloth. of the
aficionados. <«»#««»< The author is the Director of Science Tibetan Steppe
for International Programs for the
Wildlife Conservation Society in New
WARRIORS OF TIBET York. He is the author of The Year of
64 pp. #TRTIB $6.95. the Gorilla, The Serengeti Lion, The
TRIGG in Tibet is a series of topi- The Story of Aten and the Khampas' Fight for the Freedom
Last Panda, and most recently, Tibet's
cal cartoons from The Hongkong of Their Country Hidden Wilderness. Since 1985, with
Standard, a daily newspaper. The cre- by Jamyang Norbu. 152 pp. #WATI $12.95 his Tibetan and Chinese co-workers,
ator of the series uses satire, barbed This is a vivid and heartfelt story of a Tibetan Khampa warrior. Aten recalls he has surveyed the flora and fauna the
humor, symbolism-any device at his life as a child, their simple lifestyle and the beauty of the land. This vast and remote Tibetan steppe. This
hand to express the concern about was shattered by the Chinese invasion. Aten tells of the battles, the terrible is the first detailed look at its natural GevrgeB.ScBMler
Chinese oppression in Tibet. The suffering of his people, and finally of his family's murder and his escape history.
result is a cartoon book with a social across the Himalayas to Dharamsala

AS IT IS, Vol. I
Explanations of Basic The Cultivation of the Four
ADVICE by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. 224
pp. #ASLTV1 $20 Buddhist Meditation Immeasurables
by Geshe Namgyal Wangchen. by B. Alan Wallace, ed. by Zara
L OTUS-BORN These teachings on the develop-
ment stage and practices are selected 272 pp., 15 line drawings #AWMI Houshmand. 200 pp. #BOHE
$14.95 $14.95
■mm i from talks given by Kyabje Tulku
Urgyen Rinpoche during the last two Geshe Wangchen was born in Developing these four qualities of
years of his life. Tibet in 1934, educated at Drepung loving kindness, compassion, empa-
"What we need to know is that Monastic University in Lhasa, taught theric joy, and equanimity is the indis-
K- f... «#l our nature is an unconfined empty in London for seven years, and now pensable foundation for realizing bod-
\+ ' cognizance. Knowing this to be "as lives at Drepung Monastery in South hicitta, the spirit of awakening that
it is" is the mandala of the victorious India. He introduces meditation animates the Bodhisattva way of life
ones—just as the buddhas know it ATISHA'S LAMP FOR THE methods for overcoming problems and inspires Vajrayana practice as a
£*■*■ -tfe- to be."—Tulku Urgyen PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT of life—depression, anxiety, loneli- whole. Alan Wallace draws on early
by Geshe Sonam Rinchen, trans- ness, inadequacy, and other forms of Buddhist sources and contemporary
mental pain to show how to develop oral tradition to present accessible
AS IT IS: Volume 2 lated and edited by Ruth Sonam.
ourselves. meditations on the four immeasurables,
by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. 224 217 pp., includes Tibetan text, together with instructions on medita-
pp. #ASIT2 $20 #ATLA $12.95 tive quiescence. These teachings were
ADVICE FROM THE LOTUS- Contains talks in 1994-5 which Atisha's coming to Tibet initiated originally offered during a group retreat
BORN: A Collection of emphasize non-conceptual medita- the period of the "second transmis- and include lively discussions with the
Padmasambhava's Advice to tion practice. sion" of Buddhism, formative for the participants.
"Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche was Sakya, Kagyu and Gelug traditions "Inspiring."—John Tigue, Ph.D.,
the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal and
someone with extraordinary experi- of Tibetan Buddhism. Atisha's most for Explorations
Other Close Disciples celebrated text, entitled Lamp for
ence and realization. He was unlike
intro. by H.E. Tulku Urgyen the Path to Enlightenment, sets forth
anyone else when it came to pointing
Rinpoche. 184 pp. #ADLOBO $18. the entire Buddhist path within the
out the nature of mind, and making
Padmasambhava's penetrating sure that people both recognized it framework of three levels of motiva-
instructions to the dakini Yeshe Tsog- tion on the part of the practitioner. THE BLISS OF INNER FIRE:
and had some actual experience."—
yal and other close disciples from the Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche Atisha's text thus became the source Heart Practice of the Six
terma treasure revelations of Nyang of the lamrim tradition, or graduated Yogas of Naropa
Ral Nyima Ozer; Guru Chowang, stages of the path to enlightenment.
by Lama Thubten Yeshe. 224 pp.
Pema Ledrel Tsal, Sangye Lingpa, Rig- Geshe Sonam Rinchen draws out
#BLINFI $16.95
dzin Godem, and Chokgyur Lingpa.
This advice is meant to be practiced
in all circumstances.
trtWH'&HOPvi'iiinfii.hcum Atisha's meaning with warmth and
wit, bringing the light of this age-old
wisdom into the modem world.
A commentary on the Six Yogas
of Naropa based on Tsongkhapa's
"Having the Three Convictions." _ -xpeneiicing
"...well-written and edited"—
«*»«*! !«•«**»•«*««• Focuses on the inner fire practice
Religious Studies Review Tibetan
(tummo), the first of the six yogas
and the foundation stone of the path Buddhist ' •
APPEARANCE & REALITY: AWAKENING to Buddhist enlightenment. Through •Meditation:
The Two Truths in the Four Buddhist Tenet Systems LOVING-KINDNESS commentary, guided meditation, and
by Pema Chodron. #AWLOKI practical advice, Lama Yeshe brings
by Guy Newland. 107 pp., notes, $6.95 the reader a tantalizing taste of tantra's B.JlanMilla
biblio., #APRE $14.95 This is a pocket-sized edition of blissful technology and how to live it.
When seeking to understand Bud- The Wisdom of No Escape.
dhism, where should one start? When Now in paper
the Dalai Lama was asked, he sug-
gested that for many Westerners, the THE BRIDGE OF
two truths, conventional truth and WITHIN: Tibetan Wisdom for Meditation Exercises to QUIESCENCE: Experiencing
ultimate truth, is the best place to the Western World Enlighten the Mind and Heal Tibetan Buddhist Meditation
start. When the Buddha awoke, he by Lama Surya Das. 414 pp. the Body by B. Alan Wallace. 288pp.
saw the ultimate reality of things #AWBUP $15.95 by Tulku Thondup, fore, by #BRQU $19.95
just as they are. There,are shifting An accessible interpretation of Daniel Goleman. 224 pp., 10 line Wallace provides valuable medita-
appearances and conventions, and basic Buddhist teachings and an unas- drawings, #BOHEA $14.95, cloth tive practices and offers a bridge
then there is the mystery of things suming introduction to Dzogchen.
just as they are. Each system of Bud- #BOHEAC $17.00 from Eastern meditation to Western
Lama Surya Das begins with the
dhist philosophy has its own way of Offers simple meditation tech- philosophy, science, and religion. His
claim that "We are all Buddhas." He
explaining what these two truths are niques that will awaken healing ener- discussion draws upon his knowledge
outlines the path to "awaken the
and how they relate to one another. gies in the body and mind. Anyone of experimental psychology, and relates
Buddha within" by presenting the
In exploring these systems, we are can use this guide which offers ways Buddhist meditation to discussions
teachings embodied in the Noble
asking: What is real? This is not an to employ the four healing powers of of consciousness' by such Western
Eightfold Path and its Three Enlight-
idle intellectual question, but an issue positive images, words, feelings and philosophers as William James, William
enment Trainings (ethics, wisdom,
which cuts to the heart of our life. belief; detailed instruction for healing Christian, and John Searle. By placing
and meditation). Peppered with sto-
meditations that can be done as part Tibetan meditation in a comparative
"Professor Newland's intellectually engaging examination of the four ries from the author's experience,
of a twelve-stage program; exercises perspective, he offers a well-rounded
Buddhist tenet systems navigates the maze of complex theories that must this enjoyable book can serve as a
to dispel anxiety; healing prayers for discussion of Tibetan meditation.
be mastered to understand each system's contribution to the whole."—John manual for applying basic Buddhist
principles to life. the dying and for the survivors.
Tigue, Ph.D., for Explorations


I lUli'l "ft ill H 1 JLJIdJuJami
Mahay ana Uttaratantra LANGUAGE: A Study of
Shastra with Commentary Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism CHOOSINQ SIMPLICITY
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Jarngon Kongtriil Lodro Thaye, $21.95
add'l. explanations by Khenpo Explores how Indo-Tibetan Bud-
Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, dhist philosophical speculation by Venerable Bhikshuni Master Wu Yin, trans, by Bhikshuni
trans, by Rosemarie Fuchs. 410 exemplifies the character of scho- Jendy, ed. by Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron. 338 pp. #CHSI $15.95
pp., cloth. #BUNASL $34.95 lasticism. Investigates Buddhist .__ Choosing Simplicity is a guide to the lifestyle of Buddhist
scholastic theory and use of scrip-
"The most exciting Buddhist pub- monastics— it is also a fun book to read In it you can discover the
lication of the season is actually one ture, the nature of doctrine and whys and wherefores of the simple life that provides the basis for
of Snow Lion's more esoteric offer- its transcendence in experience, ^flBBiRLal spiritual growth. The stories of the Buddha's solutions to the problems
ings, Rosemary Fuch's translation
of commentaries on the Uttaratantra
Mahayana Buddhist hermeneutics,
the theory and practice of exegesis, • E« «^
' ^H^^^±^*^£
!N£ that arose in the sangha are also entertaining— they expose the many
ways people complicate their lives and how the Buddha provided his
Shastra by Jamgon Kongtrul and and questions concerning the author- followers with simple guidelines for harmonious living.
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso. The excit-
ing thing about this translation is that
ity of sacred texts. The Buddhist
scholastic theory of conceptual
RMS™ Choosing Simplicity discusses the precepts and lifestyle of fully
ordained nuns within the Buddhist tradition. The ordination vows
it has succeeded where five previous thought as the mirror of language Simplicity act as guidelines to promote harmony both within the individual and
efforts failed: it finally makes it pos- and the role of language in idealist within the community by regulating and thereby simplifying one's
sible for non-Tibetan speakers to and nominalist Mahayana ontologies relationships to other sangha members and laypeople, as well as to the
study in traditional contemplative are also discussed. by Vemtabie Bh&afcurB Wu Y*i needs of daily life. Observing these precepts and practicing the Buddha
fashion one of Buddhism's principal fr**^^ati3rffef*Jtt4 Dharma brings incredible benefit to oneself and others. Since the nuns'
tsitov-arsms^i nsjK8riCj*xi«
philosophical works. In previous precepts include those for monks and have additional rules for nuns,
editions, the words were translated, this book is useful for anyone interested in monastic life.
but not in a form we could actually "It is of great importance that Buddhist monasticism become
practice. Now thanks to Rosemarie "Choosing simplicity in our afflu- firmly established in the West. This excellent book makes a major
Fuchs and the other learned students ent society means choosing sanity. contribution to this becoming a reality."—Pema Chodron, Director
of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso, an Christians as well as Buddhists are of Gampo Abbey, Nova Scotia
important mahayana meditation discovering how monastic values Choosing Simplicity is a guide to the lifestyle of Buddhist monastics
practice is ours to use on the cushion can enrich their fives as lay people. —it is also a fun book to read. In it you can discover the whys and
in older to directly realize the teach- For monastics and lay people alike, wherefores of the simple life that provides the basis for spiritual
ings on the essence and source of Choosing Simplicity will be a growth. The stories of the Buddha's solutions to the problems that
buddhahood." —Robin Kornman, book worth reading."—BROTHER arose in the sangha are also entertaining— they expose the many
Shambhala Sun DAVID STEINDL-RAST, O.S.B. author ways people complicate their lives and how the Buddha provided his
The Mahayana Uttaratantra Shas- of .4 Listening Heart followers with simple guidelines for harmonious living.
tra, presents the Buddha's definitive
teachings on how we should under-
stand buddha nature and clarifies the
nature and qualities of buddhahood.
This seminal text clearly details
the view which forms the basis for SPECIAL INSIGHT: THE GREAT SILENCE: Buddhism in Tibetan
Vajrayana, and especially Mahamu- BUDDHIST SYMBOLS IN Achieving Spiritual Transfor- A Commentary on the Heart Societies
dra, practice. TIBETAN CULTURE mation Through Meditation Sutra by Geoffrey Samuel. 640 pp.,
by Geshe Gedun Lodro and by Khenpo Palden Sherab 7 maps, #CISH $27.50
by Loden Sherap Dagyab
Rinpoche. 160 pp., 30 line draw- Jeffrey Hopkins. 334 pp., glos- Rinpoche, trans, by Khenpo Tse- "Civilized Shamans is an aston-
ings, 4 color plates, #BUSY $14.95 sary, bibliography, index, #CAAB wang Dongyal Rinpoche. 102 pp., ishing work and clearly a landmark
$19.95, A Namgyal Institute Text- #CEECGR $20 study. Beautifully produced
Presents nine groups of Tibetan and elegantly written."—Asian
BUDDHA NATURE: Ten book The Heart Sutra presents the path
Buddhist symbols, tracing their evo- Affairs
lution through Tibetan and Indian This manual presents an intimate to the perfect view. It is the Prajna-
Teachings on The Uttara Samuel identifies the two main
rituals and sacred texts and shows and detailed picture of the intricacies paramita in its most abbreviated and
Tantra Shastra memorable form. This detailed com- orientations of Tibetan Buddhism
how they serve as bridges between of meditation so vividly that the
Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche. 128 pp. reader is drawn into a Tibetan view of mentary gives line-by-line explana- as monastic and shamanic (associ-
the inner and outer worlds and can
#BUNA $14 spiritual development. Geshe Gedun tion, Tibetan text, phonetics, transla- ated with tantric yoga). Tibetan Bud-
point the way to reality. Included
Buddha Nature explains the Lodro, one of the foremost scholars of tion, and discusses the six perfec- dhism is rooted in the pursuit of
are the Eight Auspicious Symbols,
Uttara Tantra—a core teaching for Tibet, reveals methods for overcoming tions. enlightenment by a minority-lamas,
the Eight Bringers of Good Fortune,
understanding Vajrayana practice. afflictive states and disorders to create monks, and yogins-and the desire
Seven Jewels of Royal Power, Seven
a mind which is stable, calm, alert, and for shamanic services (in quest of
Gems, Five Qualities of Enjoyment. THE CENTRAL
clear. The dangers of not recognizing health, long life, and prosperity) by
PHILOSOPHY OF the majority. Shamanic traditions
states contrary to successful medita-
■ » s « a « * » ft « TIBET were incorporated into tantric Bud-

tion are great, and the possibilities of

implementing the wrong antidote or by Robert A. F. Thurman dhism, which aims to communicate
of over-extending an appropriate one 442 pp. #CEPHTI $24.95 with tantric deities and forms the
until it becomes counter-productive basis of Tibetan lamas' societal role.
This is the first full study of Samuel employs anthropological
are many. Through such detail, Geshe Tsong Khapa's Essence of True Elo-
Gedun Lodro makes vividly clear a research, historical inquiry, rich
quence—a study of Vijnanavada and interview material, and a deep under-
Tibetan approach to meditative trans- Prasangika Madhyamika. This trans-
formation. This is a completely revised standing of religious texts.
lation and introduction show Bud-
new edition of Walking Through dhism as a contemplative and mysti-
Walls. cal religion and reveal Prasangika CLARIFYING THE NATURAL
as a rigorous, critical philosophy STATE
CALMING THE MIND: relevant to our own time. by Dakpo Tashi Namgyal.
Tibetan Buddhist Teachings August #CLNAST $18.00
on the Cultivation of Medita- "resolving reality through experi-
tive Quiescence ence"
by Gen Lamrimpa, translated by A practical manual for both
teacher and student alike, Clarify-
B. Alan Wallace, edited by Hart
ing the Natural State covers the
Sprager. 148 pp. #CAMI $12.95, A
path from mindfulness to complete
BUDDHIST ADVICE FOR LIVING AND LIBERATION: Namgyal Institute Textbook. enlightenment, simply and methodi-
Nagarj una's Precious Garland "It is Gen Lamrimpa's familiarity cally. Presenting the profound and
by Jeffrey Hopkins in collaboration with Lati Rinpoche and Anne with meditation on a deep expe- ultimate instructions of Mahamudra,
Klein. 285 pp. including Tibetan text, 9" x 8", #BUAD $19.95 riential level that makes his teach- it embodies the realization of India
"Of all the religious writings of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, it could be ings so valuable and this a book and Tibet's greatest masters.
said that Shantideva's Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life and Nagarjuna's to be recommended."—Ani Jutima,
MANJUSHRI Elevate your experience and
Precious Garland together remain the foundational texts outlining the noble, Tibetan Review
by Alex Wayman. 123 pp. remain wide open like the sky.
selfless career of the Bodhisattva"—Geshe Thupten Jinpa To stabilize the mind in
#CHNAMA $17 Expand your mindfulness and
In the Precious Garland, Nagarjuna offers intimate counsel on how to one-pointed concentration is the
remain pervasive like the earth.
conduct one's life and construct social policy that reflects Buddhist ideals. basis of all forms of meditation. Gen A revered tantric text, the Man- Steady your attention and remain
The advice for personal happiness is concerned first with improving one's Lamrimpa is a meditation master jushri-nama-samgiti consists of
unshakable like a mountain
condition over the course of lifetimes and then with release from all types who lives in a meditation hut in 160 verses and mantra sentences and Brighten your awareness and
of suffering, culminating in Buddhahood. Nagarjuna describes the cause and Dharamsala and who has been called condenses an enormous tantric lore. remain shining like a flame.
effect sequences for the development of happiness within ordinary life and to teach by the Dalai Lama He leads Includes the Sanskrit and Tibetan Clear your thoughtfree wake-
the practices of wisdom realizing emptiness and compassion that lead to the meditator step-by-step through texts along with Wayman's transla- fulness and remain lucid like a
enlightenment. He describes a Buddha's qualities and offers encouraging the stages of meditation and past tion and commentary. crystal."—Dakpo Tashi Namgyal
advice on the effectiveness of practices that reveal the vast attributes of the many obstacles that arise along
Buddhahood. In his advice on social and governmental policy, Nagarjuna the way. He discusses the qualities CHENREZIG, LORD OF
emphasizes education, compassionate care for all living beings, not using the of mind that represent each of nine
levels of attainment and the six LOVE
death penalty but reforming criminals, and charity for the poor. Calling for the by Bokar Rinpoche. 110 pp. \rf\n a FREE TRIP
appointment of government figures who are not out after profit or fame, he mental powers. This book was previ-
ously titled Shamatha Meditation. #CHLOLO $12.95 to Tibet and Nepal.
advises that a selfish motivation will lead to misfortune.
"Gen Lamrimpa excels in very Covers the principles and methods
"A masterpiece of religious writing."—The Middle Way of deity meditation in Tibetan Bud- You can enter everytime
straightforward explanations."—Joe
"Recommended for all graduate and undergraduate library collec- B. Wilson, The Tibet Journal dhism and is an excellent introduc- you place an order with us.
tions."—Religious Studies Review tion to the subject. Also contained
"An excellent contribution to the study of Nagarjuna."—Indian are sleep-state practices. See page 5 for details.
Journal of Buddhist Studies

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trans, by G. W. Farrow and I. by Stephan Beyer. 542 pp., 16 by Daniel E. Perdue. 1025 pp.,
Menon. 364 pp. #COESHE $20 photos, 45 illus. #CUTA $25.00 notes, biblio., index #DETIBP
cloth Features the practices and philo- $38.95 paper, #DETIBC $45 cloth,
The Hevajra Tantra is a non-dual, sophic basis of tantra and especially A Namgyal Institute Textbook.
Yogini tantra introduced into Tibet the Tara Tantra: initiation and ritual The practice and theory of Tibetan
during the 10th century. Also service, offerings, praises and prayer. Buddhist logic and epistemology is DHARMA PATHS
included is Yogaratnamala, a famous Also described is the tradition of the focus of this clear and thorough
commentary by Mahasiddha Krish- Tara and its ramifications in monastic exposition. Debate is the investi-
nacarya. This root tantra translation ceremony, folklore, literature, magic, gative technique used throughout
and commentary offers insight into art, medicine and divination. Tibetan education to sharpen analyti-
the mantrayana yogic traditions cal capacities and convey philo-
and highlights the sophisticated CUTTING THROUGH sophical concepts—it is essential
and controversial Buddhist tantric to master the procedure of debate.
methods. These translations provide APPEARANCES: Practice
Using a debate manual by Pur-bu-jok ..gpiTEPBYLAVHAM. ROTH
an authoritative record of the classic and Theory of Tibetan
Jam-ba-gya-tso (1825-1901) as its
period. Buddhism basis, Daniel Perdue covers elemen-
by Geshe Sopa & Jeffrey Hop- tary debate and demonstrates its
CONSTRUCTING TIBETAN kins. 376 pp. #CUTHAP $18.95 application to a variety of secular
A Traditional Account of paper, A Namgyal Institute Text- by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, ed.
CULTURE and religious educational contexts.
Tibet's Golden Age book. The translation is supplied with by Laura Roth. 270 pp. #DHPA
edited by Frank J. Korom. 256pp.
by Sakyapa Sonam Gyaltsen, Presents the practice and theory annotations on procedure and con- $14.95
#COTICU $19.95
translated by McComas Taylor of Tibetan Buddhism. First is a medi- tent drawn from Tibetan teachers The abbot of Karma Triyana Dhar-
and Lama Choedak Yuthok. 315 This book unravels earlier colonial expert in debate.
tation manual written by the Fourth machakra Monastery in Woodstock
pp., 16 line drawings, 2 maps, and romantic representations of Tibet tells how to practice discipline and
Pan-chen Lama (1781-1852) based

1 M PP|
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A rich blend of history, legend, Aspects of the Path and covers the cuts through the complexity of the
Tibetan culture as a dynamic process
daily practice of Tibetan monks and Tibetan tradition, revealing a flexible

poetry, adventure and romance, The involving the interplay of different : . ■::;;:.:.

Clear Mirror is a treasure-trove of yogis. It details how to properly approach oriented to our individual
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foreign. By examining a variety of develop the mind of compassion, how
folk wisdom. It presents in full the contains the entire scope of the
themes, it relocates modern Tibetan to approach profound methods of
often-cited but elusive accounts of Buddhist path. Next is the "Pre-
studies squarely within the realms of practice, and what the stages are of
the origins of the Tibetan people, the sentation of Tenets," written by
anthropology and cultural studies. '*'■.'..>

coming of the Dharma to Tibet, and Gon-chok-jik-may-wang-bo. It covers the Buddhist path to enlightenment.
the appearance of Avalokiteshvara Indian Buddhist schools as viewed in
CRAZY WISDOM Tibet and provides a solid introduc- filVELOPINQ
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text treats the era during which Bud- by Chogyam Trungpa. 216 pp., tion to the Buddhist theory animating BALANCED
by Geshe Wangyal. 240 pp. #DOLI
dhism came to Tibet, Lhasa became November. #CRWI $16.95 the practice. Topics include the two SENSITIVITY
the capital, and the Jokhang and An exploration of the unconven- truths, consciousness, hindrances Alexander tterziu'
to enlightenment, paths to freedom, Contains teachings that Geshe
Ramoche temples were founded. tional life and teaching methods
and fruits of practice. Wangyal considered essential to
Written to inform and entertain, the of the great master who brought
his Western students' studies. The
book has a pre-eminent position Buddhism to Tibet—and the impli- .. scholar-adept Geshe Wangyal was
in Tibetan society and is popular cations for those on the Buddhist CUTTING THROUGH
today. the first to bring Tibetan Buddhism
path. Rinpoche examines the life SPIRITUAL MATERIALISM to America. He had extraordinary
of Padmasambhava to. illustrate the by Chogyam Trungpa. 250 pp. love and humor as well as ferocity.
principle of crazy wisdom. From this SENSITIVITY: A Workbook
#CUTHSP $14.95 of Practical Buddhist Exer- He taught untiringly and was both the
viewpoint, spiritual practice does most beautiful and the most terrify-
not provide comfortable answers to Walking the spiritual path properly cises for Daily Life
is a subtle process. We can deceive ing person I have known. To live with
pain or confusion—rather they are by Alexander Berzin. 275 pp. him was to live with emptiness."—
challenging opportunities for new ourselves into thinking we are devel-
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for attaining liberation. Conceptual of deity yoga. from a profound realization of both
points out how to see our fundamen- major part of the monastic syllabus.
thought, in this view, can lead to a wisdom and compassion.
tally enlightened nature.
liberating understanding, a transfor-
mative religious experience.
The author discusses the workings
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tion, drawing on a variety of Tibetan MEDITATIONS OF TIBETAN TANTRIC ABBOT
and Indian texts. The Gelukba inter-
pretation of Dignaga and Dharmakirti The Main Practices of the Mahayana Buddhist Path
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in this book begins with Nagarjuna that will help many on the open path the student, the steps involved— is
warrior activities that increase
(first century), founder of the Middle of meditation to deal with the chal- detailed and the bodhisattva vows,
lenges of everyday life."—Ven. Thich confidence and inspiration.
Way School, who refuted a fabricated tantric vows and commitments, man-
nature in his Treatise on the Middle. NhatHanh dala theory, the classes of tantra and
In that seminal text he puts forth the This introduction to Buddhism by tantric terminology are discussed.
three basic criteria for nature: it must an American Tibetan Buddhist nun
be something that is non-fabricated, focuses on practical applications of THE PRACTICE OF
independent, and immutable. Can- Buddhist psychology tomodern life. VAJRAKILAYA
drakirti (sixth century), considered In a straightforward style and with
Women in Tantric Buddhism
DRA by Khenpo Namdrol Rinpoche.
by many to be the founder of the warmth and humor, Chodron sets 87 pp., 5 photos, 2 line drawings
forth the fundamental points of the by Miranda Shaw. 312 pp., 18
Consequence School, explicitly iden- #PRVA $12.95
tifies the triply-qualified nature as Buddha's teaching on transforming illus. #PAENL $18.95
"The practice of Vajrakilaya blazes
emptiness, the reality nature. habitual attitudes and realizing our Tantric Buddhism is known in at the heart of the ancient Vajrayana
Dzong-ka-ba (1359-1417) and later full human potential. the West primarily for its sexual traditions of Tibet. The wrathful
Ge-luk Consequentialists translated "...conveys a clear understanding practices which transform erotic heruka Vajrakilaya is the yidam deity
in Part Two of this book agree with of Buddhism as it has been practiced passion into spiritual ecstasy. Histo- who embodies the enlightened activ-
Candrakirti. Dzong-ka-ba mentions a by Tibetans, in easily comprehensible rians of religion have held that the ity of all the buddhas, manifesting
heterodox Tibetan sect's interpreta- language."—His Holiness the Dalai enlightenment thus attempted was in an intensely wrathful yet compas-
tion of Nagarjuna's verses who took Lama. for men only, and that women in the sionate form in order to subjugate
the triply qualified nature to be the movement were subordinate and the delusion and negativity that can
object-to-be-negated nature, a non- OPENING THE DOOR TO at worst degraded and exploited. arise as obstacles to the practice
existent, falsely imputed nature Miranda Shaw presents extensive of Dharma. In fact, the practice of
that things are only ignorantly imag- new evidence of outspoken and inde- Vajrakilaya is famous in the Tibetan
by the Ninth Karmapa, Tibetan pendent female founders of the Tan-
ined to have. However, Dzong-ka-ba Buddhist world as the most powerful
explains how the object-of-negation text and English trans, by Bokar tric movement and their creative for removing obstacles, destroying
nature cannot be the triply-qualified Rinpoche. 62 pp., glossary, role in shaping sacred sexuality.
THE PRACTICE OF the forces hostile to compassion,
nature and relates that discussion #OPDOCE $9.95 In her view, the Tantric theory has and purifying the spiritual pollution
to Nagarjuna's verses in Treatise on A condensed version Ninth Kar- promoted cooperative, mutually MAHAMUDRA
so prevalent in this age."—Sogyal
the Middle. Thus the Middle Way mapa's work which introduces the liberative relationships that rely by H. H. Chetsang Rinpoche, Rinpoche
practitioner is brought to a precise direct understanding of the mind's on women as a source of spiritual trans, by Dr. Robert Clark, ed.
Khenpo Namdrol presents a lucid
identification of the non-existent absolute nature—Mahamudra. It insight and power. by Ani Trinley Chodron. 120 pp. and detailed explanation of the his-
object-of-negation nature as being a treats the preliminaries, mental #PRMA $12.95 tory and practice of Vajrakilaya.
thing's "establishment by way of its calming, superior vision pointing THE PATH IS THE GOAL: Mahamudra is known as the high-
own entity". out the nature of mind, and the A Basic Handbook of est level of teaching within Tibetan
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cultural revolution when Tibetan Iconography of the Tibetan foundational skills that Buddhist Mahamudra methods. Each of the
Buddhism was attacked for its reli- Protective Deities practitioners need. Shamatha and five stages of Mahamudra is care-
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belief in gods, past and future lives, 680 pp. #ORDE $35 cloth ful state of mind that can allow us to practices are given including pre-
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doctrine of past and future lives and the early shamanistic base from PATH TO THE MIDDLE: Gampopa are used to illustrate vari-
which the Bon religion developed. Oral Madhyamika Philosophy ous points and different levels of
The author was able to penetrate in Tibet practitioners and their corresponding
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friends throughout life. This is a oracles—their trances, ceremonies Yeshey Tupden addresses many cru- Buddhist Meditation
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tices of Tibetan Buddhism."—The 'The Melodious Laughing Vajra';
be a source of strength to change Mind, Altruism and the Six Perfec-
Tibet Journal but more often, 'The Mad Beggar'
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Our natural condition is self-per- the Dzogchen teachings. Includes
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BUDDHAHOOD WITHOUT b&w photos, #CRWALI $16.95 is necessary is that we re-awaken and previously thought too secret to
MEDITATION Chogyal Namkhai Norbu exam- remain in our true nature. Through publish."—Tricycle: The Buddhist
ines the spiritual path from the understanding and practice, we can Review
by Dudjom Lingpa, Tibetan text
viewpoint of Dzogchen. He inter- rediscover the effortless knowledge of "Contains clear translations and
edited by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche,
weaves his life story with Dzogchen the self-perfected state that lies beyond detailed commentaries. Careful
trans, by Richard Barron. 254 teachings, making them accessible our habitual anguish and confusion, study and practice of the knowledge
pp., glossary, #BUWIME $21.95 through his living example. He and remain in this uninterrupted flow revealed in The Golden Letters is
Buddhahood Without Medita- discusses his education and how of contemplation, completely relaxed indispensable."—The Mirror
tion,, widely known by its subtitle, he met his principal master who but fully present, through all activities. "Many of the meditative prac-
Nang-jang (Refining Apparent Phe- showed him the real meaning of Rinpoche clearly explains Dzogchen tices this book introduces are
nomena), presents the view of "direct introduction to Dzogchen." and then reveals, in a simple and non- among the most profound ever
the Great Perfection through the "One of the most significant intellectual manner, what is meant by to appear in published form."—
approach known as t'hreg-chhod contributions to the understanding of Tibetan Buddhism to have the practice of Dzogchen. Shambliala Sun
(cutting through solidity). From the appeared in recent years." — The Middle Way, Journal of the Buddhist "Rinpoche's explanations and
lineage of Dudjom Lingpa, it is a Society, London. analogies simply and convinc-
direct transmission of Dzogchen so Namkhai Norbu was born in eastern Tibet in 1938, and at the age of ingly map a path to the self-
powerful that hearing it read aloud three was recognized as the incarnation of a great Dzogchen master. perfected."—John Tigue, Daemen I^Jin a FREE TRIP
ensures that the listener will escape He received the full traditional education of a "tulku" or reincarnate College
the suffering of cyclic existence. lama, and went on to study and practice with several great masters to Tibet and Nepal.
"A fine introduction to Dzogchen
in Tibet. for the Western reader."—The Tibet See page 5 for details.




by Herbert Guenther. 210 pp. Teachings and Vajra Songs
#MEDI $17.50 cloth by Nyoshul Khenpo Rinpoche,
Contrasts Dzogchen and Mahamu- trans. & ed. by Lama Surya Das.
dra. Padmakarpo's definitive work on 150 pp. #NAGRPE $14.95
four tuning-in phases introduces the This inspiring collection of Khen-
Mahamudra approach to meditation. po's teachings provides the deepest
Dzogchen is presented plus a discus- possible insight into how to under-
sion of empowerments which serve as stand and practice Dzogchen. He
KINDLY BENT TO EASE US I stepping stones to realization. was a principal lineage holders of the
by Longchenpa, trans, by H. nonsectarian practice lineage, spe-
Guenther. 312 pp. #KIBEE1 $16.95 cializing in Longchenpa's Dzogchen
These three volumes are an inspir- Nyingtig teachings.
ing introduction to Dzogchen by "Nyoshul Khenpo Rinpoche is a
a leading master. The first section spiritual gem—the collection is an
sets forth the preparations, view, inspiration for practice, and a wonder-
essential concepts, ethical basis, ful companion for retreat."—Daniel
and stages of the bodhisattva path, Goleman, author of The Meditative
leading to contemplations on mind, Mind and Emotional Intelligence
CERTAINTY: Illuminating the
reality, creative imagination, and "This book is wonderful—a
meaningful existence. View of Dzogchen, the Great treasure house of liberating
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#MIBECE $28.95 Dzogchen lineages, proof that the
natural Great Perfection is alive and
Dzogchen may seem to be a purely
by Longchenpa, trans, by H. well."—The Mirror trans. & comm. by John Myrdhin Reynolds, fore, by Namkhai
mystical and anti-rational system
Guenther. 126 pp. #KIBEE2 $14.95 to achieve enlightenment. In the Norbu. 172 pp., 4 line drawings, glossary, biblio., index. #SELI
This section clarifies the qualities grand spirit of Buddhist debate, $14.95
useful for meditators. The experience 19th-century Buddhist philosopher VIEW OF THE GREAT Teaching the attainment
of meditation presented is like the Mipham wrote Beacon of Certainty,
PERFECTION IN THE of Buddhahood in a single life-
sun emerging from the clouds. a compelling, systematic defense of time , this text was written and | Self-Liberation
Dzogchen that employs the very logic TIBETAN BON RELIGION THKQUCH SEBINC WITH
concealed by Guru Padma-
KINDLY BENT TO EASE US it has been criticized as lacking. by Donatella Rossi. 315 pp., sambhava in the eighth cen- 1
III biblio., Tibetan-English glossary, tury and rediscovered six cen- |
by Longchenpa, trans, by H. MYRIAD WORLDS: Buddhist index. #PHVIGR $21.95 turies later by Karma Lingpa.
Guenther. 171 pp. #KIBEE3 Cosmology in Abhidharma, "A fascinating and joyful book to The commentary by the trans- 1
$14.95 Kalachakra and Dzogchen recommend—perceptively edited"— lator is based on the oral
New Age Retailer teachings of Namkhai Norbu ,-">=*
Interweaving teachings of Sutra by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye, Dzogchen is presented by way of Rinpoche and Lama Tharchin I
and Tantra, Longchenpa develops trans. & ed. by the International two complete Bonpo texts belong- Rinpoche.
the imagery Nagarjuna used to evoke Sonada Translation Committee. ing to the revered terma and oral "If you understand intrinsic |
understanding of shunyata, the essen- 365 pp., #MYWO $22.95 (see Gen- traditions, here translated and criti- awareness, all of your merits |
tial openness of existence. This work eral Tibetan Buddhism section) cally edited for the first time in their and sins will be liberated into 1
offers a broader view of reality,
entirety. their own condition.... If he 1
revealing world and experience as an
"Donatella Rossi has translated practices, then even a cow- |
interdependent whole, fluid and alive NAKED and annotated two important ancient herd can realize liberation."
with meaning. Permeated by rich AWARENESS Dzogchen texts from Bon, the native John Myrdhin Reynolds
imagery that derives from immediate Practical Imtructims on the religious tradition of Tibet. Her useful (Vajranatha) is a writer,
experience. H'lk'n of MahAmudra and Dmgdiat
teacher, translator, and scholar/practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism.
Introduction gives a broad overview
of the history of Bon, as well as a brief He was trained and ordained as a Tantric Yogin, or Ngagpa, in the
LION'S GAZE study of the history and doctrines Nyingmapa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He is also the author of
by Ven. Khenpo Palden Sherab of the teachings of Dzogchen in The Golden Letters.
Rinpoche and the Ven. Khenpo Bon. The short section on methodol-
Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche, ogy that precedes a helpful examina-
trans, by Sarah Harding, ed. by tion of key Dzogchen terms offers a
Joan Kaye. 210 pp. #LIGAZ $20 succinct appraisal of the two texts THE PRECIOUS TREASURY RAINBOW PAINTING
presented. Donatella is to be greatly OF THE BASIC SPACE OF by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. 210
This is commentary on-Patrul Karma
Gvatru! commended and thanked for her pp. #RAPA $20
Rinpoche's Tlie Special Teaching of Clt<tgm&
work in translating and commenting
the Wise and Glorious Sovereign by Longchen Rabjam. 288 pp. Explains how we become enlight-
two important Dzogchen texts and
and Vidyadhara Garab Dorje's The #PRTRBA $16.95 ened through experiencing what is
for the valuable insights it offers."—
Tiiree Words that Strike the Crucial Longchen Rabjam is best known always present within us. However,
Tlie Mirror
Point. for The Seven Treasuries. The Trea- stability in this unexcelled state of
Donatella Rossi has a Ph.D. in His-
sury commonly known as the Chby- unity is not attained independently of
NAKED AWARENESS: tory of Religions and Tibetology from
ing Dzbd concerns the spiritual proper conduct and correct view of
Practical Instructions on the the University of Oslo, Norway.
approach known as trekcho (cut- reality. The practices of accumulat-
Union of Mahamudra and ing merit and purifying karma soften
ting through solidity), which brings
Dzogchen spiritual practitioners of the highest our rigid character. He describes the
by Karma Chagme, comm. by acumen to freedom effortlessly. It complete path of practice to become
Gyalrul Rinpoche, trans, by B. consists of two companion volumes, established in our true nature.
Alan Wallace, ed. by Lindy Steele Longchen Rabjam's source verses
& B. Alan Wallace. 321 pp. and his own commentary on them. SIMPLY BEING: Texts in the
#NAAW $19.95 Together, these summarize the defini- Dzogchen Tradition
In this classic 17th-century presen- tive topics of trekcho from the per- by James Low. 175 pp. #SIBE
THE SUI-NATUR.E tation of the union of Mahamudra and spective of the basic space of phe- $17.99
or THE nomena—naturally occurring time-
FIVE WISDOM Dzogchen, Karma Chagme, one of the Twelve teachings by Patrul
DAK! N IS great teachers of both these lineages THE PRACTICE OF less awareness, awakened mind.
Rinpoche, Garab Dorje, Chetsangpa,
of Tibetan Buddhism, begins with a The Precious Treasury of the Basic
DZOGCHEN and others on how to recognize one's
discussion of the proper motivation Space of Phenomena contains the
by Longchen Rabjampa, intro- own enlightened being as infinite
for spiritual practice and the nature source verses (English translation
duced, trans, and annotated by awareness free of all effort and artifice.
of karma Next he gives exception- and original Tibetan text). Longchen
Tulku Thondup Rinpoche, ed. by Freed from limiting false assumptions,
ally lucid instructions on the two Rabjam's own commentary of the
human nature is revealed as a joyful
phases of Dzogchen practice —the Harold Talbott. 482 pp. #PRDZ source verses is contained in A Trea-
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by Thinley Norbu. 176 pp. ence of consciousness at the time on the Nyingma to appear in THE PRECIOUS TREASURY
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In their gross and subtle forms, the The concluding chapters of this Review by Longchen Rabjam. 318 pp.
five elements of earth, water, air, fire, treatise present a detailed analysis This book contains the writings
#PRTR $29 cloth
and space combine to make up the of Mahamudra meditation in relation on Dzogchen by Longchen Rabjam THE SIX VAJRA VERSES
(1308-1363), a celebrated adept of This is one of The Seven Trea-
infinite illusory displays of phenomenal to Dzogchen practice. Although this (Rigbai Kujyug)
the Nyingma School. Dzogchen is suries and is a treatise on the
existence. Thinley Norbu relates how book stands alone, it is the conclud- by Garab Dorje, comm. by Nam-
the innermost esoteric philosophy four great samayas of Dzogchen—
the energies of the elements manifest ing section of a single body of teach- khai Norbu Rinpoche. 136 pp.
and meditation training, which until ineffability, openness, spontaneous
within our everyday world, in individual ings by Karma Chagme, the earlier
recent decades was only whispered presence, and oneness. Longchen #SIVAVE $10
behavior and group traditions, relation- section published under the title A
into the ears of heart-disciples by the Rabjam quotes extensively from the "The Dzogchen teaching is a living
ships and solitude, medicine and art. He Spacious Path to Freedom.
learned masters. It employs a medita- Dzogchen tantras, as well as from knowledge which is transmitted and
explains their links to the five Buddha "Students and practitioners of
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families and their respective Wisdom meditation will be especially grateful
uncovers the emotional and intellec- Padmasambhava and others. must have experience of the state of
Dakinis and shows how each element to the Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche
tual layers of the mind and instantly knowledge and know how to relax.
relates to our senses, temperament, and his translator B. Alan Wallace
awakens its essential nature, which That is why the learning, applica-
passions, and karmic potentials—and for these ample and lucid elabora-
is Buddhahood itself. (This book tion and practice of Dzogchen is
how to transform them with a calm, tions of these instructions as they Wty(<v.&npt<vttC»if)H.6u:0M\
was originally published as Buddha indispensable for every individual."—
vast and playful state of conscious- are traditionally taught." —Matthew
Mind.) Namkhai Norbu
ness. Kapstein, author

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Four talks by one of the leading 325 pp. #SUSO $19.95 In this commentary, Longchen ttWHLOWH $14.95
Dzogchen masters on the practice The aim of Dzogchen is the Rabjam expands on the topics pre- The quest of coming to know one-
of meditation. This small book is reawakening of the individual to the sented in his source verses, quoting self is intimately intertwined with
full of practical advice and is highly primordial state of enlightenment extensively from the tantras and WON DERS a phenomenological exploration of
recommended. which is naturally found in all beings. pith instructions of the dzogchen of the the dynamics of psychic life as it
The master introduces the student tradition. About the Choying Dzod, expresses itself in images as symbolic
Longchen Rabjam states, "Though
A SPACIOUS PATH TO to his or her real nature, already descriptions of itself. Guenther uses
perfected and enlightened, but it is the topics in this text are so profound MIND the experiential vocabulary of phe-
FREEDOM: Practical that ordinary people will find it dif-
only by recognizing this nature and The Esicate rfDzOGCHUN
nomenology and hermeneutics to
Instructions on the Union of remaining in this state of recogni- ficult to fathom their meaning, I in rite Native BUN TraJition o? Tibet interpret two stories from the Rigpa
Mahamudra and Atiyoga tion in all daily activities that the have presented them without adul- Rangshar, (one of the oldest Dzogchen
by Karma Chagme, comm. by student becomes a real Dzogchen terating them with more common texts) making it highly relevant to
Gyatrul Rinpoche, trans, by B. practitioner of the direct path of themes, and so have ensured that contemporary currents of thought.
Alan Wallace. 250 pp. #SPPAFR self-liberation. In this book, the these teachings concerning the vajra
$18.95, Dzogchen teaching is presented heart essence, the most majestic
spiritual approach, will last for a long NATURAL MIND: The YOU ARE THE EYES OF THE
Karma Chagme sets forth the stages through the tantra Kunjed Gyalpo or WORLD
"The King who Creates Everything" time in this world. To those of you Essence of Dzogchen in the
of meditation practice including the by Longchenpa, trans, by Ken-
—a personification of the primordial fortunate enough to have a devoted Native Bon Tradition of Tibet
cultivation of meditative quiescence nard Lipman & Merrill Peterson,
state of enlightenment. This tantra interest in this sublime spiritual by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche,
and insight, the experiential identifica- intro. by Namkhai Norbu, a
is the fundamental scripture of the approach, my earnest advice is: This fore, by H.H. the Dalai Lama. 224
tion of awareness, and the highest text will serve as your eyes, so treat Copper Mountain Series book.
steps of Mahamudra and Atiyoga lead- Semde or "Nature of Mind" tradition pp. #WONAMI $18.95
of Dzogchen and is the most authori- it with the highest respect." 114 pp. #YOAREY $18.95
ing to perfect enlightenment. Drawing Wonders of the Natural Mind
tative source for understanding the This volume also includes a fore- Just as the images projected on
from his enormous textual erudition presents Dzogchen as taught in the
Dzogchen view. The commentary word by His Eminence Chagdud television are nothing more than light,
and mastery of Tibetan oral traditions, Zhang Zhung Nyan Gyud, the fun-
by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu gives Tulku Rinpoche, an introduction by so are our experiences merely the
he shows how these two meditative damental Bon text. The book sum-
easier insight into the depths of Venerable Tulku Thondup Rinpoche, dance of awareness. Often we form
systems can be unified into a single, marizes the main points of Dzogchen
these teachings. Adriano Clemente and Patrul Rinpoche's "Exhortation attachments to, or feel enslaved by,
integrated approach to realizing the and its relation to the various systems
translated the main selections of the to Read The Seven Treasuries." these experiences. But they are only
ultimate nature of consciousness. of Bon teaching. Tenzin Wangyal
Karma Chagme was a major lineage- original tantra. Rinpoche provides the reader with reflections. Their power fades as easily
holder of the Karma Kagyii tradition of UNION OF MAHAMUDRA & a vivid and engaging portrait of as the pictures vanish when the channel
"An exceptionally well writ-
Tibetan Buddhism, and his writings are DZOGCHEN Bon culture as he interweaves the is changed, if we penetrate to the heart
ten text, which could become of reality —the light of the natural mind
central to the Payiil Nyingma order. the "bible" of the Dzogchen by Tulku Chokyi Nyima teachings with his personal story
and reflections on the practice of within everyone.
teachings." —Explorations Rinpoche. 240 pp. #UNMADZ $18 This book does not discuss how
TANTRIC PRACTICE IN Second edition! Dzogchen in the West.
"This book will be of great help to turn ordinary life off, it does not
NYINGMA A commentary on two great vajray- describe how to create beautiful spiri-
to readers wishing to find a clear
by Khelsun Sangpo, Rinbochay, ana teachings based on eight spon- tual experiences; it shows how to
explanation of the Bon tradition,
trans. & Jeffrey Hopkins, taneous songs by Karma Chagme, a live within the source of all life, the
V9 in a FREE TRIP renowned 17th-century master. Tulku
especially with regard to its presenta-
unified field where experience takes
co-edited by Anne Klein. 239 pp. tion of the teachings of Dzogchen."
#TAPRNY $14.95 (See Ngondro sec-
to Tibet and Nepal. Chokyi Nyima covers the essential
—H.H. the Dalai Lama place. A breakthrough translation by
teachings of all the stages of the Kennard Lipman and Merrill Peterson,
tion) See page 5 for details.
path. introduced by Namkhai Norbu, author
of many books on Tibetan Buddhism.


TANTRA: A Buddhist Tantric
View of the Individual by H.H. the Dalai Lama and Jef- KALACHAKRA INJTtATtdN by Glenn H. Mullin, foreword by
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cloth. #INKA $49.95 $22.95 HIus. #PRKA $16.95
The Kalachakratantra has three Details the entire rite of initiation This detailed study of the
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KALACHAKRA INITIATION outlines the four classes of tantra,
centrates on the Inner, which deals Hopkins and many key ideas are
explained. by Namgyal Monastery. 48 pp., 8 compares the Kalachakra generation
with the nature of the human being.
For example, the view of the indi- color photos, #KAIN $6 and completion stage yogas to main-
vidual is shown to be inseparable The monks of Namgyal Monas- stream tantras and details the unique
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understanding of the person becomes ritual ceremony, its Mandala and the ment in this lifetime. Translations of
clear only when examined in the Kalachakra initiation—with images seven essential texts on the practice
light of the tantric yoga practices from the Kalachakra temple in of Kalachakra, including a sadhana
described in the Other Kalachakra Dharamsala, India. selected by the Dalai Lama round
section. Among the topics explored out this excellent book.
are: the Tantras's integration of dif-
ferent Indian Buddhist and non-Bud- INITIATION TRANSCENDING TIME:
dhist religious ideas; the birth and by Alexander Berzin. 199 pp., An Explanation of the
death of the individual's transmigra- #TAKAIN $12.95 Kalachakra Six-Session
tory mind and body; the Kalachakra's Kalachakra tantra practice over-
Guru Yoga
unique theory of karma and its comes the limitations of historical,
by Gen Lamrimpa, trans, by B.
approach to the nature of mental astrological and biological cycles,
afflictions—their causes and their to achieve Buddhahood. Since 1970, Alan Wallace, ed. by Paidy Filze.
many great Tibetan masters have 317 pp., gloss., notes, biblio.,
relation to karma
given the initiation to large numbers index, #TRTI $21.95
of people. Taking the Kalachakra Offers an overview of Kalachakra
Initiation expands oral teachings practice: the preliminaries, initiation,
KALACHAKRA AND OTHER Alex Berzin gave during several generation and completion stages
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KALACHAKRA participants' experience before and Guru Yoga practice understandable by
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Six-session yoga practices are how to visualize, and the thoughts
9.5 x 12.5", 293 color plates, fold- a common commitment of highest
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A complete guide to the world of Lama endorsed these four six-ses- The Kalachakra in Context
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Shambhala, the history and transmis- 180 pp., #KATA $12.00 Jackson, John Newman, fore-
Kalachakra Initiation. They are: An four lineages of Tibetan Buddhism,
sion of the Tantra, the mandala, Extremely Abbreviated Six-Session Provides a sound explanation word by H.H. the Dalai Lama.
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world peace.
India, next to Namgyal Monastery. yoga in Conjunction with Six- the initiations, vows and pledges, cul- into a meditational system embracing
The murals contain complete and session Practice. tivating the generation and comple- the entire universe. Information on
detailed depictions of the Kalachakra "...masterfully rendered into Eng- tion stages, energy centers, winds, Kalachakra has.been sparse—The
deities and lineage gurus and the lish—combining the beauty of poetic drops, taking the three bodies as the Wheel of Time discusses the Bud-
main deities and lineage gurus of path, and day and night yogas. CytylVJMtlvtitH]lnfoBfH
expression and faithfulness to the dhist background, history, initiation
the Guhyasamaja, Chakrasamvara, original works."—The Tibet Journal This book is only available to rites, generation stage sadhana and
Thirteen-Deity Yamantaka, and Vajra people who have received the completion stage practices.
Kilaya Tantras. Kalachakra Initiation.


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progressively through deeper levels. Lamrim will transform our minds and
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dhism section) their daily practice."—the Dalai
Martin Willson. 308 pp. #ESNE
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ogy work to create inner change. She age human level. A good introduc- of self is flawed, Mark Epstein shows between Buddhism, psychotherapy
shows how to use the methods for tion to general Darwinian and post- that happiness comes from letting
and contemporary discourse to com-
change on one's own or in combina- Darwinian evolutionary theory, and go and from balancing our need to pose a Buddhist and transpersonal
tion with a therapist or spiritual Diane Shainberg places such theories in a conversa- do with our inherent capacity to be. theory and practice for a contempo-
guide. tion with Buddhism. He explores key experiences such as rary psychotherapy.
Chasing elephants is a phrase that emptiness, connection, passion and
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our understanding of cognition be interplay between Buddhism and psy- significance that these transitional
tigating reality are relevant for modern of mind. Questions explored: What
complete. They develop a dialogue chotherapy. He addresses the way states offer to our understanding of
physics and psychology. How shall we is the essence of the mind, could
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understand the relationship between computers ever have consciousness,
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cusses two opposing views: the realist
of the "Happiness Project" are the
view, which argues that scientific The
same as the Buddhist "Three Poisons,"
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what exists independently of them. Science journalist Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence began as a then explores suffering, desire and
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the powerful synchronicity stories—
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they bring the reader to the mys-
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is an accomplishment of altogether
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lVtVUV^n0l^t'iDHi}H^.COHi. Christopher deCharms is a cognitive neuroscientist
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University of California, San Francisco.

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Buddhist dent wisdom, majestic sublimity, and similar circumstances.
by Sharon Salzberg. 193 pp. What Would Buddha Do? will
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#LOKI $13.95 help you be the Buddha you are.
#LANOBU $19.95
Examines the pitfalls awaiting "From one of our finest medita-
those who search for the truth. Hayes tion teachers comes the genuine
article: the practice of the heart, of by Ajahn Sumedho. 304 pp.
proffers the radical path of the Bud- #MIWA $16.95
dha—becoming free from self-indul- loving-kindness, by a heart made gen-
uine through more than twenty years Ajahn Sumedho offers advice for
gent passions and delusions.
of committed practice."—Stephen freeing the mind and opening the
"Offers a heartfelt critique of tra- heart—through formal meditation
ditional Buddhist beliefs while open- and in daily life. He is eloquent and
ing the door to an illuminating way Sharon offers twenty-three prac-
tices and moving stories that inspire direct as he explains mindfulness,
of understanding and practicing the impermanence, non-attachment, and
Dharma today."—Stephen Batchelor a radiant, joyful heart.

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COMPASSION: Transform Voices of Gay Buddhists A Concise Guide to Its A Guide to Buddhist
Suffering Through Buddhist ed. by Winston Leyland. 416 pp. History and Teachings TEACHINGS OF Meditation
Psychology and Practice #QUDH $19.95 by Donald S. Lopez Jr. 275 pp., THE BUDDHA by Ayya Khema, 192 pp.
by Martin Lowenthal & Lar Gay writers discuss their sexuality cloth. #STBU $25.00 #WHMYSE $14.95
Short. 194 pp. #OPHECO $12.95 and spiritual life and how they've A well-known scholar, Donald Ayya Khema uses one of the earli-
Combines descriptions of the six integrated the two. Topics are Lopez, explains Buddhism—its prac- est Buddhist sutras to guide us in
bardos or realms of experience with divided into six major sections: Bud- tices, teachings, and schools. Blend- a popular meditation practice for
modern psychological insights and dhism and Homosexuality; Historical ing penetrating analysis with engag- understanding the nature of "self."
meditative exercises. Essay; The Dharma and Gay Life: ing storytelling, Lopez makes Bud- Her thoughtful contemplation of the
Personal Accounts; Interview with dhism accessible and compelling as Buddha's radical understanding of
"An important contribution to
the vital field of East/West psy- John Giorno; Essays on Contempo- he discusses the buddha, dharma and "self" and her practical advice for
chology and spirituality."—Geshe rary Buddhism and Homosexuality; sangha and the different traditions. achieving insight offer both begin-
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche Gay Fiction on Buddhism Themes; He focuses on actual lived practice ning and advanced practitioners a
Dharma Poetry, including work by and shows why Buddhism has been warm and down-to-earth approach.
Allen Ginsberg. so appealing and helpful through
PEACE IS EVERY STEP: many centuries and cultures.
The Path of Mindfulness in WISDOM BEYOND WORDS:
QUEER DHARMA: TEACHINGS OF THE Sense and Non-Sense in the
Everyday Life Voices of Gay STUDIES IN ABHIDHARMA BUDDHA Buddhist Prajnaparamita
by Thick Nhat Hanh. 135 pp. Buddhists, vol. 2 LITERATURE AND THE
#PEEVSP $12.95 ed. by Jack Kornfield. 160 pp. Tradition
ed. by Winston Leyland. 222 pp., ORIGINS OF BUDDHIST #TEBU $12 by Sangharakshita. 295 pp. #WI
The deepest fulfillment can be 17 b&w photos, #QUDH2 $16.95 PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS
found in everyday activities that we An inspirational treasury of essen- $17.95
Gay men write about how they by Erich Frauwallner, trans, by tial teachings from Buddhist litera- The Heart Sutra, The Diamond
take for granted. Thich Nhat Hanh
have integrated their sexuality and Sophie Francis Kidd. 247 pp. ture—selected by one of the best- Sutra, and the Ratnaguna-
offers dozens of creative suggestions
that can be put to work immediately spirituality via Buddhist practice. #STABLI $16.95 known American Buddhist teachers. Samcayagatha Sutra are pivotal texts
so we can be truly awake to the Focus is practice and gay relation- Frauwallner analyzes the literary He offers Buddha's instructions on for understanding reality. Profound
ships. traditions, doctrinal tendencies, and sitting meditation, cultivating calm and full of paradoxes, they can only
perfection of every moment.
structural methods of the Buddhist awareness and living with compas- be properly understood in the pro-
SCRIPTURE, LOGIC, Abhidharma canon to expose the sion, freedom and wisdom. cess of living them and thus they
LANGUAGE: Essays on beginnings of systematic philosophi- serve as devices for the transforma-
Dharmakirti and his Tibetan cal thought in Buddhism. He offers WAY TO BUDDHAHOOD: tion of one's life.
f o L i s n i N t; insights on the path of meditation, the Instructions from a Modern
THK 1)1 A AlON 1) Successors
development of Buddhist psychol- Chinese Master
by Tom J. F. TiUemans. 256 pp. ogy, and on causality, the problem of
#SCLOLA $32.95 time, and the development of Bud- by Venerable Yin-shun. 416 pp.,
Dharmakirti, a sixth-century logi- dhism from its early doctrinal begin- #WABU $19.95
t«E Ml N D
cian, was one of Indian Buddhism's ning to some of the most complex Drawing especially on the Mad-
most influential thinkers. Tillemans philosophical edifices in history. hyamaka tradition of Nagarjuna,
presents twelve articles that analyze Candrakirti, and Tsongkhapa, the
such topics as deviant logic, subject Ven. Yin-shun presents the essen-
failure in the Indo-Tibetan Buddhist tials of Buddhist thought that also
logical tradition, and the logical and The Buddha's Teachings on embrace the modern world.
rational limits for the authority of the Rewards of Spiritual WORLD AS LOVER, WORLD
Buddhist scripture. Practice AS SELF
by Ayya Khema. 214 pp. by Joanna Macy, foreword by
*«*«»< «*«*»» #VIHENO $14.95 Thich Nhat Hanh. 252 pp.
In response to questions posed by #WOLO $15
King Ajatasattu on why we should Dependent co-arising is a funda-
POLISHING THE DIAMOND, STOPPING AND SEEING: give up the satisfactions of worldly mental and complex concept of Bud-
ENLIGHTENING THE MIND A Comprehensive Course in life and devote ourselves to medita- dhism. Joanna Macy provides many
by Jae Woong Kim. 246 pp. Buddhist Meditation tion, the Buddha explained the tan- WHEN THE IRON EAGLE insights on applying this ancient phi-
#PODIEN $18.95 by Chih-i, trans, by Thomas gible benefits of spiritual life. An FLIES: Buddhism for the losophy to our own lives by showing
The Diamond Sutra is one of the Cleary. 208 pp. #STSE $12 important topic of this teaching was West us how our world and its creatures
most beloved and profound Buddhist Stopping (shamatha) and seeing an account of the eight meditative by Ayya Khema. 224 pp. are nothing less than an extension
scriptures for it contains the heart (vipashyana) refer to stopping delu- absorptions, or jhanas—states of #WHIREA $16.95 of ourselves.
of the Buddha's teachings. Through sion and seeing truth, the twin pro- mind that bring joy, serenity, and "Here is the manual of human
peace and that open the way to clar- This is a meditation course con-
instruction and stories Master Kim, cesses basic to Buddhist meditation. decency for our time—profoundly
a Korean Buddhist teacher, reveals ity and liberation. Ayya Khema's taining a wealth of exercises and
The Chinese Buddhist master Chih-i advice. Grounding her teaching in our and broadly thought through,
the technique of "surrendering" to covers the principles, dynamics, commentary inspires us to roll up our personally tested, and beautifully
sleeves and accomplish the medita- everyday experiences, Ayya Khema
maintain meditative peace. and methods Buddhist meditation composed."—Robert Aitken
tive goals to the highest extent of our show how to gain access to higher
practices. realization and liberation.
talents and efforts.

BLOSSOMS OF THE DHARMA: Living as a Buddhist Nun

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and Other Stories THE BOND BETWEEN WOMEN Fourteen American, European and Asian Buddhist nuns talk about the
variety of lifestyles a nun can have and the varieties of communities that
A Journey to Fierce Compassion exist. They discuss the challenge and joy of being a celibate woman in a
world where sensuality and sexuality are held up as the ultimate pleasures
of life. It draws out the cross-cultural challenges of Western women fitting
into male-dominated religious institutions, and shows how they are adapting
by China Galland. 344 pp., traditional forms and designing new ones more appropriate for their Western
19 b&w photos. #BOBEWO culture.
"A stunning book—Gal-
land introduces us to the sto-
ries of women who are towers
by Karma Lekshe Tsomo 180 pp.
of strength, inspiration, and 7Ae x2>ond-between i
hope. It reads like a beautiful #BUAMWO $12.95
novel , is a journey of com- Experienced practitioners share
passion, and leaves our hears their understanding of Buddhist
uplifted."—Isabel Allende philosophy, its practical application
A BLIGHTED FLOWER AND in everyday life, and the challenges of
OTHER STORIES Galland's pilgrimage is also
a call to action to address practicing Buddhism in the Western
comp. and trans, from the world.
many injustices: a Nepalese
Tibetan originals by Riika Vir- woman tirelessly rescues chil- Thirteen women contributed a
tanen. 154 pp., line drawings. dren sold to brothels; in India, wealth of thought-provoking material
#BLFL $9.00 women are working together on topics such as: "Bringing Dharma
Provides a fascinating glimpse of to clean the waters of the into Relationships," "Dealing with
modern Tibetan literary art. These Ganges; in Brazil, a woman Stress," "Abortion: A Respectful
four stories focus on women's lives teaches street children in a Meeting Ground," "Buddhism and the
in contemporary Tibet. The transla- Twelve Steps," "Bodhisattva Peace
makeshift school under a free-
tion of Dondrub Gyel's A Blighted way; and in the US, Mother Training," "The Monastic Experi-
Flower forms the main work in this Teresa's Sisters feed the poor ence," and "Forging a Kind Heart in
collection. It is considered to be one an Age of Alienation." Among the
and a Buddhist nun teaches
voices are: Karuna Dharma, Ayya Khema, Michelle Levey, Yvonne Rand,
of the pioneering works in modern the art of peacemaking.
Tibetan storytelling. Other stories Tsering Everest, and Eko Susan Noble.
"A wonderful book."—
are A Shameless Bride, A Girl with "Bravo! This book is so engaging and so genuinely helpful I read it in
Jack Kornfield
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The Yellow Leaves of Summer. practical on-the-ground advice."—Janice Willis, Wesleyan University

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ACROSS CULTURES: American Woman's Spiritual The Life and Enlightenment Two Traditions of Buddhist
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ed. by Karma Lekshe Tsomo. 326 by Jan Willis. 336 pp. cloth. by Gyalwa Changchub and Nam- by Karma Lekshe Tsomo. 192 pp.
pp. #BUWOCU $21.95 #DRME $23.95 khaiNyingpo, trans, by Padma- #SISO $19.95
Scholars and practitioners from Journeying from the Jim Crow kara. 176 pp. #LALOBO $29.95 Documents the earliest system
a variety of Buddhist cultures, philo- South to India, from the black South- cloth (see Biography) of ethics formulated especially for
sophical traditions, and academic ern Baptist Church to Tibetan monas- women and presents the first transla-
disciplines analyze important dimen- teries, Dreaming Me is one woman's tions of the original texts. An essen-
sions of the new cross-cultural Bud- story of overcoming the wounds tial sourcebook for studies on wom-
dhist women's movement: the status of racism to bring a message of LIBERATION OF PRINCESS en's religious history and feminist
and experiences of women in Bud- healing and hope to anyone facing MANDARAVA: The Indian ethics, it details the monastic guide-
dhist societies, feminist interpreta- insurmountable odds. She tells her Consort of Padmasambhava lines that link Buddhist nuns of the
tion of Buddhist tenets, and the rela- story of growing up in the segregated trans, by Lama Chonam & different traditions.
tionship of women to Buddhist insti- South to becoming a professor- Sangye Khandro. 224 pp.,
tutions. It documents both women's from being involved with the Black #LILIPR $16.95 (see Biography) SKY DANCER: The Secret
struggle for religious equality in Panthers to cultivating a relationship
Life and Songs of the Lady
Asian Buddhist cultures as well as with Lama Yeshe. Jan Willis has been
the process of creating Buddhist a student of Tibetan Buddhism for Yeshe Tsogyel
feminist identity across national and nearly thirty years, is a professor of by Keith Dowman, fore, by
by Tsultrim Allione. 340 pp., new
ethnic boundaries as Buddhism gains religion at Wesleyan University. Trinley Norbu Rinpoche, illustra-
edition, 24 pp. of photos. #WOWI
attention in the West. tions by Eva van Dam. 400 pp.,
FEMININE GROUND: indexes, #SKDA $18.95 (see Biog-
This new edition includes Tsui-
BUDDHIST WOMEN ON THE Essays on Women and Tibet raphy)
trim's expanded autobiography cov-
EDGE: Contemporary ed. by Janice D. Willis. 166 pp. ering the last 15 years since the first
Perspectives from the #FEGR $12.95 edition appeared.
Western Frontier "Brings to the fore in one volume the "One best books to bring out the
ed. by Marianne Dresser. 321 pp. voices of the major Western women riches of the feminine in Buddhism.
#BUWOED $16.95 scholars of Tibetan Filled with inspired stories, Women
outstanding resource for the stu- of Wisdom is truly a classic." — Jack
Brings together thirty ordained
dent of women and Buddhism."— Kornfield
teachers, monastics,' and longtime
practitioners—these writings plunge Pacific World Women of Wisdom explores and
into issues of gender, race, class Six western women scholars celebrates the spiritual potential of
and sexuality; lineage, tradition, and and practitioners explore issues of all women, as exemplified by the
authority; teacher-student relation- "women" and "the feminine" in Tibet. lives of six Tibetan female mystics.
ships; role of the emotions; how These critical and provocative essays WEAVERS OF WISDOM These stories of great women who
discuss female role models, the nun's MEETING THE GREAT have achieved full illumination, over-
spiritual practice informs creativity; WOMEN MYSTICS
and more. Some of the writers: Tsui- life, and gender and role identity as BLISS QUEEN: Buddhists, OF THE coming cultural prejudices and a
trim Allione, Pema Chodron, Barbara these manifested in Tibet. Contents: Feminists, and the Art of TWENTIETH CENTURY host of other problems which male
Gates, Jane Hirshfleld, bell hooks, Jan Willis writes on "Dakini: Some the Self practitioners do not encounter, offer
Anne C. Klein, Susan Moon, and Comments on its Nature and Mean- ANNE BANCROFT a wealth of inspiration to everyone
by Anne C. Klein. 288 pp.
others. ing" and on "Tibetan Anis: The Nun's on the spiritual path.
Life in Tibet"; Rita Gross on "Yeshe In this revised and expanded edi-
The Great Bliss Queen Yeshey tion, Tsultrim Allione's extensive
Tsogyel: Enlightened Consort"; Janet
CAVE IN THE SNOW: Tsogyel embodies mindfulness, com- WEAVERS OF WISDOM: autobiographical preface and intro-
Gyatso on "Down with the Demo-
A Western Woman's Quest for passion, and wisdom, three areas Women Mystics of the duction speak directly to the dif-
ness"; Miranda Shaw on "An Ecstatic
Enlightenment of Buddhist thought and practice ficulties and triumphs of women in
Song by Laksminkara"; Barbara Aziz Twentieth Century
that Klein puts in conversation with the West who pursue a spiritual life
by Vicki Mackenzie. #CASN on "Moving Towards a Sociology of by Anne Bancroft. 177pp.#WEWI
contemporary feminist concerns, as she shares her own stories and
$14.95 paper (see Biography) Tibet"; and Karma Lekshe Tsomo on $11.95
and especially with women's ongoing experiences.
"Tibetan Nuns and Nunneries."
reflection on the nature of identity. Explores the feminine approach Tsultrim Allione is one of the most
CHARMING CADAVERS: Such conversation is most meaning- to mysticism by examining the meth- widely known contemporary Western
Horrific Figurations of the ful when Asian and Western cultural ods and teachings of fifteen women women teachers of Buddhism.
constructions of selfhood are taken mystics—each has developed unique She is founder and director of
Feminine in Indian Buddhist
into account. This is the first book insights into the "truth that goes Tara Mandala, a retreat center in
Hagiographic Literature to consider the philosophical and beyond the ordinary," and together Pagosa Springs, Colorado, that has
by Liz Wilson. 258 pp. #CHCA cultural dialogues implicit in Western they give a rare and cohesive view of been described as one of the most
$19.95 women's participation in Buddhist women's ways of liberation. dynamic new Buddhist centers in
In this study of sexuality, desire, traditions, and in doing so it draws North America. .
the body, and women, Wilson inves- on Theravada, Geluk, and Nyingma "For anyone interested in explor-
tigates first-millennium Buddhist sources and the writings of contem- ing new ground regarding either
notions of spirituality. Despite the porary Western women. women and religion or Tantric Bud-
marginal role women played in dhist lore, this book is a treasure." —
monastic life, they occupied a very MEETINGS WITH Anne C. Klein, Parabola
conspicuous place in Buddhist hagi- REMARKABLE WOMEN:
ographic literature. In narratives *****
Buddhist Teachers in **«*»**»»««»: » « * * » «»»*«*
used for the edification of Buddhist
monks, women's bodies in decay America
served as a central object for medita- by Lenore Friedman. 320 pp.
tion, inspiring a salutary sense of #MEREWO $19.95
revulsion and a deepened commit- Revised and updated, this book Revision, Renewal
ment to chastity. Taking up universal celebrates the flowering of women ed. by Ellison Banks Findly. 512 pp. #WOBUBU $24.95
concerns connected with the repre- A Buddhist Woman In the past, Buddhist women have been hindered in their efforts to actualize
in American Buddhism. Seventeen
sentation of women, Wilson displays Confronts Cancer remarkable teachers are profiled their spiritual lives by a dominant male religious society. Focusing on the
the pervasiveness of androcentrism by Sandy Boucher. 192 pp. #HISP interviewed. This new edition Buddhist tradition as one that historically responds to new circumstances
in Buddhist literature and practice. $16.95 describes the developments in these and challenges, these essays describe how women have significantly shaped
The first book that demonstrates women's lives since 1987. Buddhism to meet the needs and demands of contemporary life. This is a call
CHOOSING SIMPLICITY: in detail how Buddhist meditation for women to come forward and participate more actively in the transitions
and practice helps cope with the SAKYADHITA: that are taking place and reap their benefits.
A Commentary on the
ordeal of a life-threatening disease.
Bhikshuni Pratimoksha DAUGHTERS OF
In 1995, the author was diagnosed
by Venerable Bhikshuni Master with stage III colon cancer. She THE BUDDHA
Wu Yin, trans, by Bhikshuni
Jendy, ed. by Bhikshuni Thubten
reveals how meditation techniques
and understanding of Buddhist prin-
ed. by Karma Lekshe Tsomo. 346
pp. #DABU $18.95 cloth
Chodron. 338 pp. #CHSI $15.95 ciples prepared her to meet the chal- Links and encourages women on
(See Buddhist Ethics) lenges of her illness. the spiritual path through the ideas ENLIGHTENED BY DESIGN LIVING WISDOM: Revision-
and experience of Buddhist women ing the Philosophic Quest
practitioners from various countries Using Contemplative Wisdom
)USE OF THE TURQUOISE to bring Peace, Wealth, by Anthony Damiani. 269 pp.
and traditions. It contains the presen-
Progress Across the ROOF tations from the first International Warmth & Energy into Your #LIW1S $15.95
Himalayas by Done Yuthok, trans. & ed. Conference on Buddhist Nuns and Contains a series of classes given
by Lucas Myers. 202pp. #DOLLI by Michael Harlin, foreword by investigates how women can avoid by Anthony Damiani from 1982 until
by Helen Berliner. 242 pp., over-
$8.95 Heinrich Harrer. 300 pp., photos personal exploitation and maximize his passing in 1984. In these classes
sized, many b&w illustrations and
#HOTURO $16.95 (see Biography) their potentialities for enlightenment. Anthony offered generous commen-
The story of a yoiing girl's pilgrim- photos, #ENDE $22.95
"...a superior book."—Carebanu tary on the "What is Philosophy?"
age to Lhasa, a journey that makes Shows how to use your home to
Cooper, The Tibet Journal section of Paul Brunton's Notebooks.
her aware of what actually hap- THE SECRET LIVES OF realign with the basic forces of nature, Anthony Damiani develops Paul
pened in Tibet prior to her birth, and ALEXANDRA DAVID-NEEL: heaven and earth, the four directions, Brunton's idea of the philosopher as
what it means to live in perpetual I GIVE YOU MY LIFE: The A Biography of the Explorer and the elemental energies that arise sage, one who not only knows and
fear. It presents a compelling and Autobiography of a Western from them. The author draws on
of Tibet and Its Forbidden experiences insight into the ultimate
personal view of the life of Tibetans Buddhist Nun traditional geomantic systems from
Practices "truth of things," but also expresses
in occupied Tibet without a heavy both East and West—Celtic to feng-
by Ayya Khema, trans, by Sherab by Barbara and Michael Foster. 329 this insight in compassionate action
political tone. This story was derived shui. Her approach is partially based
Chodzin Kohn. 240 pp., 42 b&w pp., 26 b&w photos, 2 maps, #SELIAL amid the buzzing confusion of the
from interviews conducted with forty on Tibetan Buddhist teachings on
nuns at their nunnery, Dolma Ling, in photos. #GIMYLP $15.95 $32.50 cloth (see Biography) everyday world.
energy mandalas and the practice of
the Kangra Valley, Himachal Pradesh, (see Biography)
space awareness.


and Practical Techniques for by Rodger Kamenetz. 225 pp. BUDDHISTS AND CHRIS-
Awakening Your Subtle Body
by John Mann & Lar Short. 192 GOOD #JELO $13.00
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by H.H. the Dalai Lama, ed. by
pp., 10 diagrams. #BOLI $14.95
"Reveals secret spiritual practices
gathered over a lifetime from living
HEART unfailing honesty, Rodger Kamenetz
tells of the historic meeting in
Dharamsala, India, between the Dalai
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The Dalai Lama shares his under-
Taoist, Buddhist and Hindu masters. Lama and eight rabbis and Jewish
standing of the practice of prayer and
It will save seekers years of wander- scholars, and the inner story of how
meditation in spiritual life, the stages
ing down blind alleys. I'm recom- Kamenetz deepens his understand-
of spiritual development, the role of
mending that all my students read ing of Judaism through the pilgrim-
the teacher and the community, the
it."—Mantak Chia, founder, the Heal- A Bnw>ni5T PERSPECTIVE ON age and encounters with Jews and
goals of personal and societal trans-
ing Tao Center THF TEACHINGS OF JMSUS Buddhists."—Jane Hirshfield, author
formation. These teachings occurred
at Gethsemani Abbey, Kentucky, at
Now in paper a meeting of Christian and Buddhist
DALAI LAMA PHILOSOPHER: A Father NAVAJO AND TD3ETAN monks and nuns who came together
THE GETHSEMANI and Son Discuss the Meaning SACRED WISDOM: The to discuss their spiritual life.
ENCOUNTER: A Dialogue of Life. Circle of the Spirit
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Buddhist and Christian A Buddhist Perspective on
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It is remarkable how similar the
James Wiseman, O.S.B. 306 pp. photos, 4 illus. #GOHE $15.95 is world famous for challenging both Navajo and Tibetan philosophies Threshold of Hope: An
#GEEN $19.95 His Holiness comments on pas- Communism and Christianity. His son and practices are. Peter Gold draws Answer to the Pope's Criti-
In July 1996, at the request of H.H. sages from the four Gospels, provid- Matthieu Ricard, gave up a promising extensive parallels between their cre-
ing a unique reading of these lamiliar cism of Buddhism
the Dalai Lama, an historic five-day science career to study Tibetan Bud- ation myths, cosmology, geomancy,
sources of faith—the Sermon on the dhism and immersed himself in its by Thinley Norbu. 93 pp. #WEFL
meeting occurred at the Abbey of psychology, visionary arts, and heal-
Mount, the Beatitudes, the parable of practice under the guidance of Dilgo $12
Gethsemani, in Trappist, Kentucky of ing and initiation rituals. His sensitive
fifty leading Buddhist and Christian the mustard seed, the Resurrection, Khyentse Rinpoche. Father and son comparison shows how to recover a In the Pope's book, Crossing the
etc. Throughout his commentary, explore questions together Does life sense of the sacred through our own Threshold of Hope, are serious mis-
monastics and other teachers from
many traditions to engage in real the Dalai Lama opens windows of have meaning? What is conscious- cultural paradigms. Peter has lived representations of Buddhist doctrine
dialog on the nature of ultimate understanding and transformation ness? Is man free? Why is there suffer- many years in these two cultures and which seemed to be based on mis-
for seekers of any faith. ing and hatred?—and frankly discuss is uniquely prepared to bring this understandings. Thinley Norbu has
reality and prayer, meditation, and
spirituality and society. His Holiness the differences in the way each has remarkable study to light. corrected these to dispel misconcep-
spoke four times. tried to make sense of life. tions about Buddhism.

Because of the difficulty of reselling CHANT RETROSPECTIVE CHOD

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The monks of the Gyuto Tantric Chod ritual.
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fected the overtone chants—each Dualism
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by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
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BIG OM OF TIBET Om Sutra"—all chanted by famous Bud- flutes, sitar, singing bowls, harmoni- long life prayers to H.H. Sakya Trizen,
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Recorded in monasteries in the instruments, such as on this CD, prayer in a way that honors the
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Vajrasattva. Dechen is the eldest
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daughter of the Venerable Dagsay
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eling Monastery. 56 min. CD.
Monks of Drepung Loseling Mon-
THE SKY DANCERS: Sacred astery based in Atlanta recorded
Music Performed by the CHENREZIK
these sacred chants. These selections
Khachoe Ghakyil Nuns #CHCD $18; Tape #CHT $12 are clear and the studio quality is
1 hr. CD, #BLWHCD $20 Produced by the Karma Kagyu Insti- excellent. Although the Lama Chopa
tute in Woodstock. Chants by Tenzin Freedom Chants
Four recordings by the Khachoe is a single piece, it is comprised of
Chonyi, Lekshey Chonyi, Pema Cho- Cassette #GYMOFR $12 14 sections. It begins with arousing
Ghakyil nuns: Tu Soel, Lam-Rim
Dedication, Chod, Prayer to the dron, Greg Eakin. Some selections: CD #GYMOCD $16.98 the inner meditative mind of the
compassionate Buddha. This CD is a "Mahamudra Lineage Prayer," "Chen- Grateful Dead percussionist performer and the invocation of
rezik Sadhana," "Amitabha Sadhana," Mickey Hart recorded these Gyuto the forces of goodness from the ten
fund raiser for the nunnery.
"Seven Verse Prayer of Guru Rinpoche," Monks' sacred chants. The monks directions. It then goes on through
"Calling the Guru From Afar", "Long THE CHOD FEASTS perform chants of Yamantaka and the stages of worship and medita-
CHAKRA CHANTS Life Prayer for H.H. Gyalwa Karmapa's Mahakala, accented by cymbals, tion, and eventually concludes with a
by Jonathan Goldman. CD 62 Lineage Holders," "Long Life Prayer by Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche.
horns, drums and bells. Also included dedication to world peace. This ritual
min. #CHCHCD $17 for Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche," and #CHFECD $15.95 was written by the First Panchen
are musical offerings by Philip Glass,
Jonathan Goldman has been "Praise to the Buddha Activity of the Chod is a healing practice that Mickey Hart and Kitaro recorded Lama
empowered by the Chant Master Gyalwa Karmapa" can benefit those who are afflicted live at the Cathedral of St. John the
of the Drepung Loseling Monastery by negative forces, either the inner Divine in NYC. MAHAKALA CHANTS
to teach sacred Tibetan overtone forces of sickness and mental tur-
CHO by Bardor Tulku Rinpoche,
chanting. He is the author of Healing moil, or the ourter ones of injurious
by Choying Drohna & Steve Tib- and demonic turmoil. The suffering HEALING MEDITATION Tenzin Chonyi, and the
Sounds and founder of the Sound betts. Cassette #CHO $12; CD of afflicted persons and the afflictive (soundtrack of the film: retreatants and students at
Healers Assoc. This release contains
#CHOCD $18 entities are dispersed simultaneously. The Knowledge of Healing) Karma Triyana Dharmachakra
rich harmonic sound, deeply reso-
nant overtone chanting that creates a Choying Drolma is a member of This is an excellent recording. CD#HEMECD$16 Monastery. CD, 69 min. #MACH
gentle and powerful experience. Nagi Gompa, a nunnery in the foot- "This practices possesses the These prayers, mantras and ritual $18
hills of the Himalayas. She chants quality of liberating upon hearing. I music play a very important role in Recorded in the shrine of Karma
with the gentle melodic background am releasing this recording openly Tibetan medicine. According to the Triyana Dharmachakra, the Seat
of Steve Tibbetts' guitar. Proceeds because of its potential to benefit Dalai Lama, these prayers reinforce of His Holiness, the Seventeenth
i^l^H.&HBVftlonp nfr.C!Mi from the sale of Cho go to purchase a beings in this way."—Chagdud Tulku the effects of medications by promot- Gyalwa Karmapa, Ugyen Trinley
solar heating system for Nagi Gom- Rinpoche ing self-healing. Dorje.
pa's water supply.


S ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313
& ' MAHAKALA. 1 DRAGON: A Collection of
* ■ '■'• ( \ 4t~ / } 1
Prayers and Mantras Recited
.* \ U—r— 4 / > by the Great Dragon.
m ':. i . * by H.H. the Twelfth Gyalwang
Drukpa. Double CD, 85 min.
fcr.-. jr^ >^v'' -3 Contains: The Seven Line Prayer
■ 1 IFV/^
r * ,
111% ■
of Guru Padmasambhava, refuge &
y ■J
bodhicitta, Amitabha mantra, Chen-
f»- tt.W.TWE ITH CYi«,WA KARMA** $}'
rezig prayer, Mani mantra, Praise to
*»^w«i^^?'W«'*^^;'^s •**" JRj-^J^Jfg^-^S Jj{
the Twenty-One Taras, Green Tara
MAHAKALA: Puja with H. H. mantra, Vajra Guru mantra, Vajrasat- SHOWER OF BLESSINGS:
the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa tva mantra, Yellow Jambhala Mantra, Mantras, Chants, and Music
and much more. from Some of the Great
by H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Kar-
mapa, music by Sina Vodjani. Contemporary masters of
73 min. CD, booklet with color OM MANI PADME HUM: Tibetan Buddhism
photos. #MACD $20 Tibetan Monk Chants by ZAM on behalf of Rig-pa. 65
Every day in the late afternoon by the Monks ofMaitri Vihar min., CD, 26 pp. CD Insert, #SHBL
a puja (offering ceremony) for the Monastery. 70 min. CD #OMCD $15.98
Dharma Protectors is celebrated $18 Contains 24 selections of sacred
in the monasteries and retreat These chants of Yamantaka con- Tibetan chants and music gathered
places. The most popular protector tain the deepest and most resonant over a 20 year period. These prayers
is Mahakala who protects the tantric chanting that we have heard. The and mantras are sung in the traditional
practitioner from his or her own CD contains a sadhana, not simply way, and the insert contains both the
obscurations—greed, aggression and mantras, and is over an hour long. Tibetan text and an English translations
ignorance. This puja is led by the 17th SACRED HEALING CHANTS for each of the practices. Some of the
Karmapa. Sina Vodjani has created a PiiQise&-©P
best known mantras and practices
musical environment that enhances are here, as are the voices of Sogyal
the sounds of the chant which took by the monks of Gaden Shartse Rinpoche, Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche,
place in Tsurphu Monastery in 1996. Monastery. #SAHECC $16.95 CD Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche, and Khandro
"Listening to this musical program Tsering Chodron. An excellent guide for
MANDALA DANCE OF THE confers healing benefits. The com- hearing and practicing these prayers.
positions are sacred, significant
TWENTY-ONE PRAISES OF parts of colorful, elaborate heal-
ing ceremonies which magically
by Prema Dasara & Anahata open up consciousness."—Lobsang Ven. D.C. Ayang Rinpoclie & the
Iradah. cassette #MADAT $12.98, Rapgay. monks of the Drikung Kagyu
, BuddhisfNuris World Peace Tour, 1999. 72 min.
CD #MADACD $17.98 ^pyhe HpQon Monastery
"I find this Tara recording very RAIN OF BLESSINGS: SACRED MUSIC, SACRED
powerfully congruent with Tara visu- PRAISES OF TARA Recorded in Germany, this CD
Vajra Chants DANCE FOR PLANETARY offers many traditional chants and
alization. I felt it deeply moving and by the Tibetan Buddhist Nuns of
by Lama Gyurme & Jean- HEALING the booklet offers explanations for
could feel the presence of Tara's Kopan Monastery. 50 min., CD.
feminine Divinity."—Palden Oshoe #PRTACD $18.00 Philippe Rykiel. 54 min. CD Monks from Drepung Loseling. each. Included are: prayers to Mil-
This Mandala Dance was created #RABLCD $15.98 Text by Glenn H. Muttin and arepa, lineage lamas, Guru Padma-
Almost every Tibetan knows by
as an offering of devotion and has A serenely eloquent expression Damdul Namgyal. Cassette sambhava; mantras of Vajra Guru,
heart the prayer/song that is the
been taught to groups of women of Tibetan Buddhism in delicate #SAMUC $12, CD #SAMUSA $18 Amitabha, Chenrezig; also the Heart
core of this recording. Tara is known
world wide. The text is from a Gom arrangements of piano, violin and kora Ten vocal and instrumental pieces Sutra!
as "The Mother of All Enlightened
Ter of Orgyen Chokyur Lingpa and Beings." She inspires beings toward with deeply resonant chants of Lama exemplifying three types of music:
shaped into verse for singing and peace, happiness, prosperity, growth Gyurme: Offerings, Medicine Buddha, vocal pieces typical of the chanting SOUNDS OF TIBET
movement. The dance has been per- and transformation. The nuns of Chenrezig, Sangye Menla, Om Mani done in Loseling's assembly hall;
formed internationally. Kopan beautifully sing this practice Padme Hum, Refuge, and others. pieces combining vocal and instru-
which is performed on new or full mental elements; sacred dance
MEDICINE BUDDHA moon days—it is known as Dolma SACRED BUDDHA music. Some of the selections: "The
Mandel Zhichok, "The Universe Four Black Hat Dance," "Offering of the
by Khenpo Konchog Gyaltshen music by Sina Vodjani. 60
Times to Tara the Liberator." This Universe," "A Propitiatory Prayer to
Rinpoche. 60 min. #MEBUCD min. CD, booklet contains photos. Palden Lhamo," and "A Call to the
CD is a fund-raiser.
$16.00 #SABUCD $20 Spirits of Tibet."
Medicine Buddha, a vajrayana This selection of 11 sacred Tibetan
mantra to strengthen and renew care- prayers, mantras and sacred songs
givers, is sung by Khenpo Konchog are composed by Sina Vodjani and
includes the voice of H.H. the 17th the Gyume Monks
Gyaltshen Rinpoche, Abbot for the
Drikung Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Karmapa and others. There are by the Monks of Gyume Tantric SOUNDS OF TIBET: Sacred
Buddhism. Of the two versions prayers to Karmapa, Milarepa, Dorje College. CD. #SATTCH $16.98 Music from Shechen
included on this album, the first Chang, Mahakala, mantras of Chen- This is the first studio recording Monastery
half-hour features his simple unac- rezig, and Tara, song, to the four of the sacred chants of the Gyume
by the monks of Shechen Monas-
companied voice and the second immeasurables. Tantric Monks. These selections are
the only ones allowed to be recorded tery. CD #SOTICD $18
half-hour is Khenpo Gyaltshen's
voice accompanied by harmonic by the monastery. Eleven selections from the sacred
drones and keyboard. Tadyatha Om music of Dilgo Khyentse's monastery
Nyung Ne Prayers TIBETAN CHANT MASTER in Nepal.
Bhekhaze Bhekhaze Maha Bhekhaze
by the Tibetan Buddhist Nuns of by Segyu Gaden Dhargye Ling. 1
Raza Ramungate Svaha.
Kopan Monastery. 42 min., CD. hr, #SACHTI $18 TEMPLE MUSIC FROM
#PRCHCD $18.00 Here are fourteen chants that are TIBET
MEDICINE BUDDHA PUJA regularly performed by the monks
The Nyung Ne fasting practice by Deben Bhatlacharya. CD
by the Monks of Gaden Jangtse. of the Tibetan Segyu Monasteries.
is a powerful and skillful means #TEMUCD $17
60 min. CD. #MEBUPU $16 Included are Medicine Buddha chants
of purification and accumulating
This is a fund-raiser for the Gaden and Yamantaka Self-initiation. Contains: Drugpa Kagyu from
merit It combines special vows, fast-
Jangtse Monastery. Seven monks "The two deep, gravelly voices fill Tashijong, Padmasambhava birthday
ing, silence, mantra recitation and
chant the prayers of the Medicine the room with a sense of well-being, SACRED TIBETAN CHANTS ritual; Nyingma prayers praising
prostrations and can be done in two
Buddha and the various forms of rising and falling like swells on a FROM THE GREAT PRAYER Buddha; Afternoon Prayer at Rumtek;
days. This selection of devotional
the Medicine Buddha which helps tranquil ocean."—Yoga Journal FESTIVAL Lhabab temple ceremony and fire
songs from this practice are sung by
establish a connection with the heal- puja of the Gelugpa.
the nuns of Kopan in Nepal. This CD Monks from Drepung Loseling.
ing Buddha. On the CD is printed the is a fund-raiser. Text by Glenn H. Mullin and
Medicine Buddha mantra in English TIBET: Ritual Music and
Chod, Cutting through Ego Damdul Namgyal. Cassette
and Sanskrit, and as the CD spins, Chants of the Gelug
RAIN OF BLESSINGS: by monks and nuns of Nangchen, #SATIC $12, CD #SATICD $18
prayers are sent into the universe. Tradition
Sacred Feast Melodies Kham. CD. #SADRCD $17 Five historic sacred chants from the
«»«*»*> ***«*«< Chanted by Monks and Nuns Monlam Chenmo, the commemoration by Monks of the Sera Je Mon-
Traditionally practiced in charnel
of East Tibet grounds by wandering yogis, Chod of Shakyamuni Buddha's public display astery. 48 min. CD plus 96 page
is a sacred meditation that dissolves of miracle powers. Contains five pieces: book, color and b&w photos
by monks ofKorche Monastery
MUSICAL HIGHLIGHTS fear and ego-clinging into the "A Crown Ornament for the Wise," a throughout #TIRIMU $19.95
and nuns cfKala Rong Convent. verse dedicated to Tara by the First
FROM KEN LOB CHO SUM CD w/ English trans., #RACD expanse of luminous awareness. Selections include: Praise to Tara,
Also included is the Eight Verses of Dalai Lama; "Prayer to the Victorious Prayer to Tsongkhapa, Prayer of Uni-
(The Story of Buddhist Tibet $16.98 Masters," hymn to the various incarna-
Auspiciousness, a traditional prayer versal Love, the Graded Path, Invoca-
Through the Lives of Pad- Recorded live in Nangchen, east tions of Avalokiteshvara by the First
for the removal of obstacles and the tion, Confession and Purification of
masambhava, Shantarakshita Tibet these 10 pieces contain beautiful Panchen Lama; "Until Supreme Illumi- Secret Hayagri va, Practice of Exchang-
accomplishment of one's aspirations,
and King Trison Detsen) chants by monks and nuns. Kagyu nation," Lama Tsongkhapa's prayer ing Oneself and Others, Dedication of
chanted by Ven. Lama Norlha and the
by Ngagyur Nyingma Institute Thubten Choling produced this CD of monks of Korche Monastery. for the attainment of Amitabha's Pure Merits. The book features numerous
and Palyul Namdroling Monas- sacred feast songs which express the Land; "From Here to Enlightenment," exceptional photos of Tibet and Sera
transcendent joy of the mind soaring First Panchen Lama's prayer to achieve Monastery prior to its destruction and
tery. Cassette #MUHI $10
free from attachment and aversion., enlightenment for the sake of others; describes Tibet's history, ritual music,
This is a wonderful tape with devotional songs and mantras to sup- "A Mystical Biography," the mystical
mostly clear solo vocal singing (in and Buddhism. Some of the proceeds
port humanitarian projects in east PvWtv.inoivli0nf>nfal!*n experiences of Lama Tsongkhapa are support Sera Monastery and Tibetan
Tibetan) the songs of the lives of Tibet. The sound quality and voices praised by the founder of Drepung
Padmasambhava, Shantarakshita, Children's Village in India.
are excellent Monastery.
and King Trison Detsen.


Buddha's Teachings and the AND DEMONS: Ritual and
Music They Inspired Theatrical Music of Tibet
Born in Tibet, Nawang now lives in QUIET MIND: The Musical
produced and written by David produced by Steven Beyer. the USA. He has been a musician Journey of a Tibetan Nomad
Lewis ton, Glenn H. Midlin, Cyn- 40 min. cassette #GODE $12 since childhood and was a Tibetan
thia Josaya, et al.; music by the by Nawang Khechog. CD
This recording contains the hymn monkfor 11 years. The experience of
monks of Loseling Dratsang of peace is very present in his lyrical #QUMICD $16.98
in praise of the Goddess Tara, Chod,
Drepung Monastery and Kham- Milarepa song, songs of guru devo- and spacious flute music. Nawang Born of Tibetan nomads, Nawang
pagar Monastery. 63 pp. book, 29 tion, The Tale of Lotus Blazing Light, has toured with the world-renowned Khechog discovered a deep affinity
color photos and other illus. &. Gesar and His Magic Slingshot. artist Kitaro. with the bamboo flute in early child-
CD #TIHEDH $19.95 hood. His gentle flute explorations
are music as meditation.
A lovely package—this book and TOUR 2000 PRAYERS
CD contain the philosophy and music ■Mtf'*fwm
by the Drepung Tehor Khangtsen. RHYTHM OF PEACE:
of Tibetan Buddhism. The major
teachers and teachings of the four 70 min., CD. #DRTECD $20.00
Bamboo Flute, Didgeridoo,
lineages are presented, the Dalai Drepung Monastery is one of SOUNDS OF PEACE:
and Harmonic Chanting
Lama is introduced as well as three the largest and best known—these Bamboo Flute & Didgeridoo
monks have toured in the West CD #RHPECD $16.98
meditational deities: Chenrezig, Tara, Cassette #SOPE $10 CD
numerous times sharing their ritual The meditative sounds of Nawang
Kalachakra. The chants are Orna- llf •* JM»'j. ; *l*i' *• " '■ ■ #SOPECD $16.98
talents freely. There are eight selec- Khechog. This is an otherworldly
ment for Clear Realization, The
tions on this CD: Making Prostrations masterpiece that uses soothing This spontaneous music captures
Hundred Buddhas of Tushita, The
to the Buddhas, Inviting the Buddhas melodic textures to explore the inner the feeling and peace of the moun-
Eastern Snowy Mountain, Splendid ■■-'* iADiSTMfl-pLACE *x
and Making Offerings, Guru Yoga stillness. tains of Tibet
Knowledge, and Life Enhancement. >-!■•- * "J* '.' i

Prayer, Tsok Offering, Torma Offer-

ings to the Dharma Protectors, Lam IN A DISTANT PLACE KARUNA
TIBET, TIBET Rim Prayer, Praise to Tsongkhapa.
by Yungchen Lhamo. CD, #TT $18 by Nakai, Eaton, Clipman, and by Nawang Khechog. CD #KACD
Nawang Khechog. 69 min., CD. $18
Yungchen Lhamo was given her
#DIPLCD $16 "I rely on music to promote
name by a Buddhist Lama—it means
Goddess of Song. Born and raised The sweet voices of the Native understanding and harmony between
in Tibet, her spirituality and her American flutes of Carlos Nakai people and toward nature."
voice were nurtured by her family. At and the Tibetan flutes of Nawang This is a wonderful offering from
25, she walked over the Himalayan Khechog blend together with harp a fine Tibetan flute player. All of
mountains from Tibet to India to and guitar to musically explore the the songs are performed on Tibetan
receive the blessings of H.H. the worlds of Native America and Tibet. and other ancient instruments from
Dalai Lama The power and purity of This CD has been nominated for Australian, African, Japanese, and
Yungchen's voice gives heart to her a 2001 Grammy Award. Native American culture.
spiritual devotion. This CD contains
a number of prayers (refuge) and
chants (such as Om Mani Padme
Hum) as well as some beautiful folk TURQUOISE LEAF MEDITATIVE MUSIC OF SINC1NC- BOWLS
songs from Tibet. by Ani Tsering Wangmo. 59 min.,
CD. #TULECD $15.98
Chants of Chod, Om Mani Padme
Tantras of Gyuto Hung, Vajra Guru Mantra, Vajra Offer- with Tibetan Bowls and COMPASSION MEDITATION 1
recorded by David Lewis ton. CD ings, Praises to the 21 Taras, beauti- Gongs by Karma Moffett. 60 min. CD. by Hans de Back. Cassette
#TIBUCD $18 fully chanted by Ani Tsering Wangmo by Acama. 63 min. CD #BETI $17 #GOBOCO $16 #SIBOME $10
The tantric chants of the Sangwa of the Turquoise Leaf Nunnery. Ani Peter Hess has specialized in find- This stereo recording incorporates Bathe in the pure and calming
Dupa (Guhyasamaja) and Mahakala Wangmo was originally from Shuksep ing and importing genuine singing the sounds of 22 singing bowls. sounds of singing bowls. Hans de
are performed in Dalhousie, India by Nunnery near Lhasa. The CD is a bowls. The tradition of making them Back has a subtle and powerful touch
the monks of Gyuto Tantric College. fund-raiser—for more information has nearly been lost and the market inviting listeners inward.
The sound of the full monastery contact Ewam. has been filled with cheaper versions. NADA HIMALAYA: Music for
chanting is impressive. For more information visit: The harmonies and rhythms of the Meditation
bowls on this CD are meant to sooth by Deuter. 48 min. CD, #NAHI
THE TWENTY-ONE PRAISES and bring joy to the listener. $15.98
CHANTS OF NAMGYAL OF TARA Contains only the natural sounds
MONASTERY by Prema Dasara & JeffMonoz. of Tibetan bells and bowls, chimes
#TWPRTT $12, plus $8 for book and mountain stream. The sounds are
containing transcription of text gentle but powerful in helping to bring
Monks of Namgyal chant often quiet from the inside and raise one's
#TWPRTP (optional).
recited prayers: Invocation of Palden energetic vibration. Deuter is a famous
Lhamo, Beseeching the Lam-rim Contemplating Tara's qualities
lineage gurus, Visualization of the
Assembly Field, Seven Limb Puja,
dispels the mental cloud of afflic-
tions. Free from fear, one meets
J|?~, - ».«r" 0 composer of meditation music.

Lam Rim Prayer, Prayer of the Auspi- life with clarity and compassion. ••••*«< ♦ * • « » • ••»««<
cious Three Jewels—eleven selec- This music has been enthusiastically
tions in all, this meditative CD is a received by many Tibetan lamas and
fund-raiser for Namgyal. the accompanying dance is being £> STAT\MFTAI--
transmitted and performed in many Bowls of Tibet BFN>yr-:u'.'-:
places. Chanting and booklet are in by Benjamin lobst. 56 min. CD
English. GOLDEN BOWLS #SEMECD $15.98
'.TIBETAN PRAYER by Karma Moffett. CD #GOBO Recorded by a health care profes-
THE VAJRA SONGS OF THE $18 sional interested in the therapeutic
GREAT DAGPO KAGYUD Thirteen Tibetan singing bowls power of Tibetan singing bowls for
LINEAGE create a meditative sound environ- use in bodywork and meditation
ment, easing the mind out of its chat- sessions. This recording includes
m by Ven. Minam Rinpoche. 35
min., CD. #VASOCD $16
ter. Rich tones and harmonics unfold
and dissolve into ever-changing
the sounds of 25 bowls, the larger of
which sustain audible sounds for up
Contains supplication to Lineage patterns. to four minutes.
Guru, Vajra Guru Mantra and long
life prayers for H.H. the Twelfth
Gyalwang Drukpa. Helps support
TIBETAN PRAYER: Drukpa Kargyud Nangchen Wamlung
The Singing Nuns at
75min. CD#TIPRCD$18 DEWACHEN: Land of Bliss
by Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche. CD
Moving prayers and pujas sung by Kirby Shelstad. CD 72 min. #DECD $16
in hypnotic voices by the nuns of
Aspirational songs and mantras Kirby Shelstad is a world, jazz and rock musician who has brought his
chanted and sung by Chagdud Tulku talents to Buddhist themes. Compositions include: "Calling the Lama from
Rinpoche. This recording includes Afar"; "Samadhi Pada"; "The Joyful Path"; "Namo Buddhaya"; "Longchenpa
TIBETAN SACRED TEMPLE three versions of the Vajra Guru Prayer"; "Jang Chub Kyi Sem." Kirby is a student of Khenchen Palden Sherab
MUSIC: Eight Lamas from mantra, the Vajrasattva mantra, an Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche.
Drepung Avalokiteshvara prayer, the Prayer
Cassette ttSATEDR $10 to the 21 Taras, the Seven-Limb * » * *8 85 ! #*»»S»8«#* »'»*««« . * s» se * a * ■

A powerful collection of Drepung Prayer, folk songs, and more. It is

Loseling sacred temple music. The well recorded, and Chagdud Tulku
chants and music are prayers which Rinpoche has an exceptionally clear
and strong voice. DRAYANG: The Best Selection of Tibetan Songs
invoke Buddhist deities for healing CHANGSHAY: Traditional by the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts. 73 min., CD. #DRCD $19.00
and transformation. In addition to
Tibetan Drinking Songs TIPA was founded in 1959 in India to preserve the traditions of performing
overtone chanting, the monks also
perform beautiful midrange chanting by Techung. 17 songs on CD arts. The members travel around the world and this recording was made in
lVWH.&nfiHtil>nvti&.cPHi #CHTRDR $16.50 Japan. The 14 selections reprent the classical music of Tibet—lively singing
and play traditional Tibetan temple
instruments creating haunting and Contains lyrics in Tibetan with voices, friendly melodies, and music that makes life colorful. Nature, tradition
English translation. and the breath of freedom are found in the songs of the Tibetan people.
mystical effects.

2s ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313
gp^T&}lfJ'JLL$ LIQWW^e 32
Inspiring Music from Nepal NANGCHEN: Tibetan Folk Authentic Folksongs from and Prayers from The
55 min. CD #HIRO $18 Songs
Tibet Saltmen of Tibet
Classical Nepali music featuring sung by the people of Nangchen. 55 min. CD #TICA $18 by Ulrike Koch. 65 min. CD,
flute, sarangi, tabla, cymbal just like 33 selections on 6 tracks. CD.
you hear in Kathmandu. Wonderful Tibetan folksongs with #12TR $20
clear solo vocal and moving melo-
These authentic Tibetan folk Here are songs from the Gesar
dies—one of the best recordings we
NAKED SPIRIT songs evoke the buoyant spirit of old epic, prayers and mantras that are
have heard. Proceeds aid the Ganden
by Sainkho. 38 min. CD #NASP Tibet—a spirit that delights in the sung during the long journey to
Shartse Monastery.
beauty of the natural environment retrieve salt from the 12 salt lakes in
and the intimate connection between Northern Tibet. The singer of the epic
Sainkho is an extraordinary vocal- TIBETAN HORN of Gesar is Yumen. Her special skill
ist from the republic of Tuva. Her the inner spirit and the outer world.
by Phil Thornton & Steven Cragg. to recite the epic was transferred to
unique vocal techniques range from SKY TREASURE Cassette #TIHOT $12, #TIHOC $16 her during a dream when she was
crystalline soprano to vibrant bari- SEEING NOTHING BUT THE by Techung and Kit Walker. 56 16. The repertoire of Gesar songs
tone and include shamanic throat/ A kaleidoscope of incredible musi-
SKY: The Songs of Tibetan min., CD. #SKTRCD $16 fills 37 volumes and she is one of the
overtone singing as well as traditional cal invention that compels the lis-
Nuns Recorded in a Chinese Techung has a classic Tibetan tener along a journey of inner awak- greatest living interpreters of it and
folk styles. Naked Spirit blends all of Prison highly venerated
these talents in a series of original singing voice. These arrangements ening from Himalayan mountain
compositions which transmit the by 14 imprisoned Tibetan nuns. with Kit Walker feel traditional and monasteries to the holy lands of
pure essence of her Buddhist inspira- 29 songs, approx. 1 hr., #SENOCD sound beautiful. India. An authentic, outstanding WAY TO KATHMANDU: Sitar
tion and spiritual power. $15 CD experience of creative sound and and Rhythm
In October 1993, 14 Tibetan nuns SONGS OF THE JATAKA deep harmony. by Karma Moffett. 60 min. CD.
REFUGE held in Drapchi prison recorded songs TALES, by Penny Nichols and #WAKACD $16
with a tape recorder that had been members of the Karma Kagyu TRANCE TARA by Jonathan Karma takes you into the valley of
by Gabrielle Roth & The Mirrors. smuggled into the prison. They are serv-
Institute Goldman Kathmandu. Floating with exhilarat-
CD #RECD $16.98 ing sentences for participation in the
Cassette #SOJATA $12; #SOJATC CD #TRTA $18 ing music of the sitar and drums.
Boris Grebenshikov, the former 1989 pro-independence rally. Because
Soviet Republic's most famous under- $20 CD This is a musical offering to Tara
of this recording, their sentences were »««»»:
ground pop artist, has been a prac- These lively songs for children tell with Tibetan overtone chanting, *888«**»«S:
doubled. The songs are patriotic and
ticing Tibetan Buddhist for years. the tales of Lord Buddha's previous mantric choral chanting, tribal drum-
sung in folk style. The sale of this CD
Gabrielle and Boris have crafted a lives, lessons learned and compas- ming, Tibetan singing bowls and WHITE CRANE: Nangma and
supports the Free Tibet Campaign.
body of work based on the spiritual sionate deeds performed. bells. "Tantric Tara" contains the
mantra OM TARA TU TARE TURE SVAHA Toesche, Light Classics of
traditions of Tibet with the use of Tibet
ancient chants as the focus. Medita- with male and female voices and
TIBET/WATERBONE instruments. "Dreamtime Tara" is a by Loten. 68 min. CD w/ booklet,
tive and peaceful, with mantra-like
by D. Kendall Jones, Jimmy trance dance mix featuring dominant #WHCRCD $17.98
grooves of percussion and other
instruments, the music lends well to Waldo, David Evans. 62 min., CD drumming. All sounds are acoustic These songs express the heart-
sitting, sacred dance and bodywork. #TIWACD $16 and naturally created. felt emotions of the Tibetan people.
Tibet began as a basic motif Their elegance and charm evoke the
>«»»«»< composed by D. Kendall Jones. It lost world of ancient Lhasa, Tibet.
slowly found its way through the Nangma means "insiders" and these
clouds, lifted its arms to the heavens pieces were originally performed by
RENEWAL: Contemporary and became a symphony of beauty Tibetan aristocrats, exclusively for
Tibetan Folk Songs and rhythm transfused with crystal themselves. Toesche are songs of the
chants of monks, the jubilant cho- upperland. These light classics are
by Chaksampa. CD #RECOCD
ruses of Nepali and Tibetan children her sung by Loten, a Tibetan from
$16.50 Dharamsala, with an ensemble of
singing traditional hymns along with
Twelve Tibetan folk songs from horns, drums, and flutes—the har- four instruments: a Dranyen (six-
this famous Tibetan group. monic heartbeat of a place of pris- stringed lute), Piwang (two-stringed
tine holiness and pleasure. Tibetan fiddle), Gyuemang (dulcimer), and
electronica. Threling (transverse flute).



A Handbook for Living THIRTY-SEVEN PRACTICES Buddhist Perspectives on
by H.H. the Dalai Lama, read OF THE BODHISATTVA Cause and Effect
by Howard Cutler, M.D. with by H.H. the Dalai Lama; trans- by H.H. the Dalai Lama, trans &
Ernest Abuba. 2 cassettes, 3 hrs., lated by Thubten Jinpa and with an introduction by Jeffrey
#ARHAT $18 Jeffrey Hopkins. 8 cassettes, Hopkins, read by Ken McLeod.
The Dalai Lama shows how to #COTHSA $39.95 cassette, approx. 3 hrs. #MELIT
defeat day-to-day depression, anxi- Based on teachings given prior $17.95
ety, anger, jealousy, or just an ordi- to a Kalachakra Empowerment, The The Dalai Lama examines existen-
nary bad mood. He discusses rela- Thirty-Seven Practices of the Bodhi- tial questions of meaning, purpose
tionships, health, family, work, and sattva is a popular short text writ- and responsibility. He bases his
spirituality to show us how to ride ten by the Sakya scholar Togme explanations on the Buddha's teach-
through life's obstacles with inner Zangpo in the fourteenth century. He ings of dependent arising, showing
peace. summarize the quintessence of the how every aspect of our suffering
Mahayana path in these teachings is ultimately rooted in our misun-
*««*##. > * SS » 9 « » l
including sections on the six perfec- derstanding of our true nature. He
tions and cultivating bodhicitta. addresses the myriad challenges we
meet daily—aggression, illness and
death, expanding our capacity to feel
by the Dalai Lama, produced by the Conservancy for Tibetan Art and THE 14TH DALAI LAMA love for all beings, and understanding OPENING THE EYE OF NEW
Culture. 4 cassettes in a slip box #EIVETR $24.95 IN HAWAII personal responsibility. AWARENESS
"It could be said that The Eight Verses for Training the Mind contain within produced by Edgy Lee and by H.H. the Dalai Lama, read by
them the entire essence of the Buddha's teachings in a distinct form."—H.H. Karma Lekshe Tsomo. 1 hr. Ken McLeod. cassette, approx. 3
the Dalai Lama #DLHACD $15
This tape-set contains the complete teaching and commentary by His Holiness Recorded live during public talks
on the Eight Verses as well as the conferring the Generation of Bodhicitta A Commentary by His An overview of Buddhist doc-
in Honolulu, the narrative by His trines: the path to achieve meditative
Mind. His Holiness received the transmission and explanation of these mind Holiness covers many practical mat- Holiness the Dalai Lama
training (Lojong) verses when he was a small boy and has recited them every stabilization, reincarnation, kind-
ters that people face every day. The by H.H. the Dalai Lama;
day since then. The Generation of Bodhicitta Mind transmission strengthens the ness and compassion—a rich com-
excerpts from his talks are mingled translated by Thubten Jinpa.
Lojong teaching by establishing the heart-felt motivation to become enlightened pendium of doctrine and practice.
with exotic chants and music by 6 cassettes in vinyl case,
in order to benefit others. Tibetan and Hawaiian artists. #PRGATA $49.95 * * « * 9 ■ 9 « * » *
"Characteristically warm and refreshing, the Dalai Lama's candor, A commentary on Nagarjuna's
humor, and humility shone through."—NAPRA ReView Precious Garland, An Epistle to
"Well organized and rewards repeated listenings."—New Age Retailer THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS TEACHINGS ON PATIENCE
a King given in Los Angeles 1997.
by H.H. the Dalai Lama. 4 cas- He focuses on the first chapter but by the Dalai Lama. 8 tapes
settes, 6 hours, #FONOC $35 includes overviews of the other four #TEPA$100
In 1996, the Dalai Lama gave a and elaborations on important sec- An outstanding teaching on the
by H.H. the Dalai Lama, read by B.D. Wong. 2 cassettes, 3 hrs.,
wonderful teaching in London on tions. Also includes a small booklet practice of patience—it is a detailed
#ETNETA $18 the Four Noble Truths, on interde- with translations of a popular praise commentary on Shantideva's classic
The Dalai Lama demonstrates that human beings are better than we think pendence and non-violence and on to Nagarjuna, The Light of Madhy- A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of
we are, and that a society and a life that cultivate love and compassion are the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha as amika and a prayer from the Precious Life. This is an excellent teaching in
completely within our reach. If enough people operate from the understanding of being ultimate objects of refuge. Garland. which to immerse oneself.
their original purity, a global revolution of peace will ensue.


by Pema Chodron. (6) 7 hrs. OF FEAR: Teachings on TIBET WE WANT CHENREZIG Teachings &
#AWCO $39.95 Warriorship by Robert Thurman. 6 cassettes, by Robert Thurman. 4 cassettes, S Practice
For more than 800 years, Tibetan by Pema Chodron. 6 cassettes 9^ours, study guide, vinyl binder. hours #MAWOWE $29.95 by Khenpo Konchog Gyaltshen
Buddhists have used the practice of #KNNAFE $49.95 #JETRTI $59.95 Thurman speaks openly on this Rinpoche. 4.5 hrs., (3) cassettes,
lojong, or mind training, to transform In the Shambhala tradition, war- Tibetan Buddhism is a "Wish-ful- most important issue for our time— #CHTEPR $25
difficulties into insights. Lojong is riorship is based on cultivating inher- filling gem tree" that offers the gifts how Buddhism is poised to revolu- This lecture series is based on the
grounded in a special meditation tech- ent gentleness, fearlessness and of enlightenment and happiness to all tionize the entire course of human- four-armed form of Chenrezig and
nique, and is complemented here by a intelligence—not on aggression. By who seek it. Now, in twelve detailed ity. In this passionate, incisive and includes complete instruction for
study guide with 59 written maxims. opening to your own fear, you can sessions, listeners have the opportu- often hilarious joyride of the mind doing the practice. Tape one contains
Pema Chodron show how painful emo- discover fearlessness—it is going nity to join acclaimed scholar and and spirit, Thurman explores mind- teachings and the next two tapes
tions can be used as stepping stones to beyond it. practitioner Ribert Thurman to learn ful communities as "enlightenment contain practices chanted in Tibetan
wisdom, compassion and fearlessness. the core teachings of this vast lineage factories" and how they have sparked plus guided meditation and visualiza-
from sources such as Padmasamb- inner revolutions through history, the tion instructions.
hava, Naropa, and Tsong Khapa. Pro- Buddha's philosophy of life, liberty,
EVERYONE Guided Retreat on Befriend- gram includes guided meditation and the pursuit of real happiness, GREEN TARA: Teachings and
by Pema Chodron. (1) #BEGREV ing Your Obstacles instruction to experience the bless- how compassion and non-duality Practice
$10 by Pema Chodron. (6) 9 hrs., ings of the wish-fulfilling lineage tree spur social action.
by Khenpo Konchog Gyaltshen
How to transform difficult people study guide, #NOHE $59.95 and other traditional practices.
Rinpoche. Three 90-min. cassettes
and circumsances into the path of Structured so that you can create THE YOGA OF
awakening. A good summary of the your own retreat, this complete cur- SELF-CREATION
lojong path, teachings which make riculum delivers key teachings on roENTTTYLESSNESS Contains a commentary on a sup-
by Robert Thurman. (8 tapes) plication to Tara, questions and
every experience useful in the path. how to recognize and cultivate the by Robert Thurman. (8 tapes) #YOSECR $49
"soft spot" that is the gateway to your answers on Tara practice, and a
#YOID $49 Discusses the generation stage of practice of Tara in Tibetan.
EMPTINESS AS GOOD own noble heart. Pema teaches the Discusses the nature of emptiness highest yoga tarttra.
NEWS: The Practice of the four great catalysts of awakening: and selflessness.
Heart Sutra love, compassion, joy, and equanim-
by Pema Chodron. (1) #EMGOTA ity and advises how to draw strength
$10 from them every day, in any situation.
She also guides us to understand the LAMA SOGYAL RINPOCHE
six paramitas and how to connect HEART SUTRA
FACING THE MONSTER with your innate "unlimited friendli-
by Pema Chodron. (1) #FAMO $10 ness" which can grow to contain the LIVING AND DYING TODAY THE TffiETAN BOOK OF - ■■■■•

whole world. by Lama Sogyal Rinpoche. 4 cas- LIVING AND DYING

Real peace of mind and stability do
"not come from denying the parts of settes, 4 y2 hrs. #LIDYTO $26 by Sogyal Rinpoche. (4) 6 hrs. idni* u u Pn il>«

ourselves that we'd rather not look PEMA CHODRON AND In this series, Rinpoche deepens #TIBOLT $27.95
at—from labeling things good or bad the main themes of Tibetan Book This is an abridged edition of the
and belittling ourselves for our continu- of Living and Dying—the nature of best-selling book—Rinpoche examines
CONVERSATION: On the mind, reflections on impermanence,
ing failures. If we instead learn to be the dramatic possibility for healing
compassionately aware of the many
Meaning of Suffering and meditation, compassion, devotion, that can be released when we learn to HEART SUTRA &
sides of our experience, the poisons we the Mystery of Joy understanding death and helping the view death as the beginning of another BODHICnTA: Teachings
fear will slowly change into the virtues by Pema Chodron. 71 min. cas- dying. By following these teachings, chapter of life. He outlines how we and Practice
of patience and loving-kindness. sette with booklet #PECHAL you will be able to heal wounds and can transform our understanding of by Khenpo Konchog Gyaltshen
$11.95 cope with difficulties. death through practices and disciplines Rinpoche. Seven 90-min. cassettes
This is an intimate sharing on how including contemplation and mindful- #HEBOT $55
to celebrate the human condition. LIVING WELL, DYING WELL ness. He discusses rebirth, methods
Combines the essential Heart
With honesty and humor, Walker and by Lama Sogyal Rinpoche. 11/2 of meditation, near-death experience,
Sutra teachings with the teachings
Chodron explore the most pressing hrs. #LIWE $10.95 caring for the dying, and acceptance.
on Bodhicitta, the single most impor-
spiritual riddles of our time. What is To learn how to die is to learn tant factor for attaining enlighten-
the purpose of suffering? Are activ- TffiETAN WISDOM FOR
how to live-this is part of the sacred ment. The Heart Sutra is chanted in
ism and meditation mutually exclu- LrVTNG AND DYING Tibetan.
wisdom of Tibet. Rinpoche discusses
sive? Can sexuality block the path to the fear of death; aging; imperma-
by Lama Sogyal Rinpoche. (6) 9
enlightenment? Comes with an eight- nence; the great truth; two aspects of hrs. #nWLT $39.95
page booklet including Chodron's the mind; three wisdom tools; care of The definitive workshop on the
tonglen instructions and many other teachings of Sogyal Rinpoche. He TEACHINGS
the dying; finding your true nature.
helpful resources. covers many, many topics-here are a by Khenpo Konchog Gyaltshen
few: active laziness; facing the truth Rinpoche. Five 90-min. cassettes
RIGHT VIEW: Living Your #ILBOTE $40
PURE MEDITATION of yourself; death as a mirror; what
Dying survives; discipline; futility of grasp- The illusory body practice is one
by Pema Chodron. 2 cassettes, 3
by Lama Sogyal Rinpoche. #RWI ing; spacious mind in meditation; of the six Yogas of Naropa involving
hrs., #PUMET $18.95 $9.95 bardo teachings; buddha-nature; rigpa; seeing all phenomena as lacking
Chodron uses her vibrancy and obstacles; giving inspiration to the inherent existence. Khenpo unfolds
Seeing death as a mirror of
clarity to guide the listener into a life reflective of all the numerous dying; taking on the suffering of others; the practice, step-by-step teaching
proper and profound meditation changes which occur during daily openness and truth in relationships; the practices of the impure and pure
practice. She covers the preparations living underscores this insightful working with people in pain; purify- illusory body.
of posture and breathing and then ing negative karma; love as the only
dialogue. Letting go spontaneously,
explains the methods for transforma- laughing with life, releasing egoic security; grieving; the inner and outer
GOOD MEDICINE: How to tion and letting go. MEDICINE BUDDHA
identity, and living with clarity-these teacher; Padmasambhava's instruc-
Turn Pain into Compassion TEACHINGS
increase as we more deeply under- tions for the bardos; power of prayer,
with Tonglen Meditation START WHERE YOU ARE traumatic death; dissolving into light; by Khenpo Konchog Gyaltshen
stand death and dying.
by Pema Chodron. 3 hrs., study recognition of the clear light; arising Rinpoche. (2) #MEBUTE $17
by Pema Chodron. (1) #STWHYO
guide, tape set. #GOMETA $18.95 $10 and dissolving of karma Khenpo gives a teaching, com-
2 1/2 hrs, 12-page digital study mentary and practice on the Medicine
"You cannot walk a mile in some- TURNING SUFFERING AND
guide, CD-Rom. #GOMECD $24.95 Buddha sadhana.
one else's shoes until you have truly
Chodron shares the simple and walked in your own." HAPPINESS INTO
elegant meditation system of tonglen. ENLIGHTENMENT TONGLEN: The Practice of
It allows the practitioner to use by Lama Sogyal Rinpoche. (3) Sending and Receiving
the difficulties in life—those that WHEN THINGS FALL
#TUSUTA $26.95 by Khenpo Konchog Gyaltshen
cause the most suffering—as a way APART Heart Advice for
Everything that happens can be Rinpoche. Four 90-min. cassettes
to befriend ourselves, accept the Difficult Times SPIRITUAL COMMON
taken onto the path, so that it enriches #TOPRT $35
past we have rejected, and widen our by Pema Chodron. 3 hours, 2 cas- SENSE: The Secret of our lives and enhances our spiritual
circle of compassion. Tonglen is a powerful practice
settes #WHTHTA $18.95 Integrating Spirituality and practice—everything can be a source
The enhanced CD Rom includes for generating loving-kindness and
This is an abridgement of her Everyday Life of deep awakening. Rinpoche's teach- unconditional compassion for all
rare live video footage with Pema popular book by the same name. ings are based on a text by the Third
by Sogyal Rinpoche. 1 cassette beings, a vital element in bodhisattva
Chodron, interview excerpts, and Included are ways to use painful #SPCOSE $10.99 Dodrupchen Rinpoche. training. Included are guided medita-
music. emotions to cultivate wisdom, com- Discusses how to change the tions, visualizations and mantra
passion and courage; ways to com- fabric of your mind, relates this to UNTANGLING OUR practices.
municate that lead to openness and the work situation and demonstrates EMOTIONS
true intimacy with others; practices how you can begin to relate to the by Lama Sogyal Rinpoche.
THE LOVE THAT CANNOT for reversing negative habitual pat- #UNEM $9.95
world around you with more compas-
DIE terns; methods for working with sion. These are recent teachings So often our emotions seem mud-
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Chodron expands our capacity for action. your situation around, finding simple upset. How to break the cycle of emo-
maitri, compassion, joy and equanim- solutions. tional frustration? Rinpoche leads us
ity. What blocks joy and true self- WORKING WITH PAIN: How through our emotional debris, and to Tibet and Nepal.
love? Holding an ideal that is so high to Develop Inner Strength shows us how to experience love,
we can't possibly meet it, and then TAMING THE MIND peace and emotional fulfillment. You can enter even/time
by Pema Chodron. (5 tapes)
using that to beat ourselves up. She by Lama Sogyal Rinpoche. you place an order with us.
discusses the seven near and far #TAMI $9.95
enemies of joy and peace and gives Pema Chodron teaches the meth- See page 5 for details.
In the midst of a busy life you can remain calm and clear through the
powerful methods for healing the ods of lojong and tonglen for trans-
practice of mindfulness. Here Rinpoche reveals ways to awaken with
energy drain of false self-concept forming suffering.
meditative methods.

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Great Perfection LAUNDRY: How the Heart withH.H. Gyalwa Karmapa, by HE. Chagdud Tulku
by Lama Surya Das. 3 cassettes Grows Wise on the Spiritual Leslie Kawamura, Lama Lodo, Rinpoche. 2 cassettes, 180 min.,
#DZINGR $28.50 Path Sister Palmo, Lama Gomang #GRWOPR $18
Recorded during a week long by Jack Kornfield. 6 cassettes. Khen, Lama Kunga, Brian Rinpoche recounts the life histories
retreat in Germany, talks include: #AFEC $29.95 CutiUo et at. (4) #BUDHWE $30 of several women who have achieved
Happiness Is the Way; Joy of Medita- Perfect enlightenment appears These four hours of recordings profound spiritual realization: Machig
tion; Buddhist Sense of Integrity; in many texts, but how is it viewed feature some of the leading Buddhists Labdron, Yeshe Tsogyal, mandarava
Mingling Dharma with Daily Life. among Western teachers and practi- from around the world—an excellent and his mother, Delog Dawa Drolma.
tioners? Kornfield spoke with more overview of Tibetan Buddhism as These accounts make clear for men
INTRODUCTION TO than one hundred Zen masters, well as other Buddhist approaches. and women alike, anyone who exerts
THE ART OF MINDFUL rabbis, nuns, lamas, monks and enthusiastic and one-pointed effort
senior meditation students from can attain enlightenment.
LIVING: How to Bring Love, by Lama Surya Das. Cassette
#INDZ $12 all walks of life. The result is this
Compassion, and Inner Peace
extraordinary look at the hard work GUIDED MEDITATIONS ON
into Your Daily Life This is a guided meditation and we all must do—our laundry—no
explanation of Dzogchen practice. THE LAMRIM: The Gradual
by Thick Nhat Hank. matter how often we experience
Talk given in Barre, MA in 1993. Path to Enlightenment
Two CDs (PC or MAC), #ARMICD ecstatic states of consciousness.
by Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron.
NATURAL PERFECTION: 14 CDs, booklet & guide to the
Two Cassettes, 3 hrs. #ARMILI BUDDHISM FOR meditations. #GUMELA $99.95
$18.95 Teachings, Meditations, BEGINNERS: A Complete
and Chants in the Dzogchen "As I often tell people, the analyt i-
Meditation master Thich Nhat Course on the Heart of the cal meditations on the points of the
Harm offers his practical teachings Tradition of Tibet Buddha's Teachings Lamrim will transform our minds and
about how to bring love and mindful by Lama Surya Das. 6 hrs., 4 cas- by Jack Kornfield. 6 cassettes, 9 enable us to become more compas-
awareness into our daily experience. settes, study guide #NAPE $29.95 hrs. #BUBECO $59.95 sionate and wise. I encourage people
Kind, purposeful, and illuminating "Buddhist masters of Tibet believe to do these meditations as part of
This is a 12 session retreat on
- here is an abundant treasure of that dzogchen practice was destined their daily practice."—the Dalai
the essentials of Buddhist practice
traditional gathas (teachings) that to become the single, most power- Lama
and thought: Eightfold Path; Four
unify meditation practice with the ful spiritual vehicle in the West, BUDDHISM WITHOUT Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron pro-
Noble Truths; mindfulness; Four
challenges we face in today's world. because it takes the struggle out of BELIEFS: A Contemporary vides a simple, directed way to bring
Immeasurables; Impermanence and
Enhanced CD features include Viet- meditation—it is spacious, natural, Guide to Awakening into one's daily meditation practice
self; overcoming worry, restlessness
namese music from Plum Village, and relaxing."—Lama Surya Das all the points of the Gradual Path to
and frustration; karma; ten parami- by Stephen Batchelor. 4 cassettes,
video footage of Thich Nhat Hanh In six sessions, listeners are guide Enlightenment. She leads you through
on mindfulness, and a text interview tas; Buddhist psychology. 5hrs.#BUWIBT $29.95
through each step of dzogchen prac- analytical meditations on anger and
with the author, songs, chants, and tice, where they will learn sky gazing, The Buddha challenged people to attachment, joyous effort, karma,
poetry from Thich Nhat Hanh and natural awareness, prayers and chants MEDITATION FOR understand the nature of suffering death, rebirth, and much more—it
Sister Chan Khong. to open the heart and mind, etc. BEGINNERS and to realize its cessation through will enable you to bring your life and
Contents: How to meditate;'true a way of life that is available to all the Buddhist path together.
by Jack Kornfield. 6 cassettes of us by working toward awakening
love versus possessive love; inter- 8 1/2 hrs. #INAR $59.95
being; meditating with children; realistically—understanding that
LAMA SURYA DAS A comprehensive course on vipas- RELATIONSHIPS IN
communication between fathers being on this path does not mean
sana, or insight meditation, which SPIRITUAL LIFE
and sons; handling hurt feelings;
understanding impermanence; five- TIBETAN teaches you how to become fully
mindful in your life. Kornfield's
never deviating from it. Before he
died, the Buddha did not appoint by Lama Tsering Everest. 2 cas-
fold meditation based on breathing, DREAM YOGA intensive, personal instruction will
a successor. He simply remarked
that each of us must be responsible
settes, 100 min. #RESPLI $14.00
contemplation, and imagery. incomplete System for Becoming . In the warm, direct, and humor-
.■'.:..; Consaom n Your Dreams: :: help you to awaken to greater for our own freedom—Buddhism ous manner for which she is known,
self-knowing and inner peace. Some without Beliefs is an invitation to Lama Tsering Everest discusses how
MINDFULNESS AND contents: four foundations of mind- hear what the Buddha taught and LO make relationships an important
PSYCHOTHERAPY: Working fulness; eightfold path; karma; listen- then to trust yourself on your own element of spiritual growth. From the
with Anger and Nourishing ing to yourself; being present; proper path to liberation. Buddhist perspective, relationships
Inner Peace postures; constancy; union of head are about giving selflessly, without
by Thich Nhat Hanh. two 90-min. and heart; meditation as healing; how expecting anything in return—and
emotions affect experience; working this begins with our closest relation-
cassettes, #MIPST $18.95 by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
with the five difficult energies; open- ships. Lama Tsering shows us how to
Originally created for those in ing to your feelings; experience and 66 min audio teaching. #CHTRLI
the helping professions, this tape overcome self-interest and transform
truth; exploring awareness; qualities $10.95
set has proven profoundly useful to small-mindedness in order to alleviate
of mindfulness; integrating medita- Hear the late Trungpa Rinpoche's the suffering of others. She has stud-
anyone who wants to understand tion into your life; eating meditation; own voice as talks on "Discipline
why we are at war with ourselves ied extensively with HE. Chagdud
walking meditation. and Meditation" and "The Myth of Tulku Rinpoche and is now Chagdud
and one another—and how to mend TIBETAN DREAM YOGA A Freedom." In the first talk he inspires
our conflicts through time tested Complete System for Becom- Gonpa's resident lama in Brazil.
MEDITATION FOR practitioners by discussing the pro-
Buddhist techniques. ing Conscious in Your Dreams found benefits of a regular practice
by Lama Surya Das. 3 hrs., and in the second Rinpoche shows
TOUCHING THE EARTH: by Jack Kornfield. One 90-min. that what we think of as freedom Techniques for Drivers
2 CDs, #TIDRCD $24.95
cassette, #MEBET $10.95 may be the cause of frustration and by Sylvia Boorstein. 2 cassettes,
The Five Prostrations & 2 cassettes, 25 pp. study guide.
Offers a straightforward, step-by- enslavement. 80 min., #ROSA $11.95
Deep Relaxation #TIDRYO $18.95 step method for bringing meditation This is the essential walking medi-
by Thich Nhat Hanh with Sister During his 30 years of study with effortlessly into your life. He teaches
Chan Khong. 75 min. #TOEA FEEDING THE DEMONS: tation of the highway, for anyone who
the lamas of Tibet, Surya Das learned how to use your breath, physical sen-
Relaxing Dualism drives a car. With simple exercises,
$10.95 firsthand how anyone can use these sations—even difficult emotions—to
by Tsultrim Allione. (1) #FEDE real-life stories, and an occasional
One of the most powerful acts exercises and meditations to become create tranquillity and lovingkindness pop quiz, Boorstein teaches you
of devotion is also one of the most conscious within the dream state— in your everyday life. $10
how to work with the physical sen-
simple: bowing down and surrender- and thereby accelerate spiritual Ignoring or attacking the demons sations and mind-states that grip
ing to the Earth. This is the basis for development. He also teaches many within us only makes them grow
THE ROOTS OF BUDDHIST every driver: anxiety, impatience,
the time-honored Buddhist medita- yogic dream techniques to help larger. Paradoxically, acknowledging
PSYCHOLOGY frustration, and anger. Your morning
tion practice that joins the mind and enhance problem solving and creativ- and feeding the parts of ourself that
by Jack Kornfield. 6 cassettes in commute will become a looked-for
body in graceful prayer to divine ity, overcome our deep-rooted fears we are most afraid or ashamed of opportunity to practice!
creation and is designed to release and false beliefs, and free ourselves vinyl case, 9 hrs., #ROBUPS $60 turns out to be the most effective
anger and cultivate compassion. from harmful habits. Kornfield offers practical ideas way of disarming their power and
NOTE: The CD-ROM format on the interior life and what brings reintegrating them back into the SHAMBHALA WARRIOR
enhanced CDs containing audio, awakening, freedom and happiness. orginal wholeness from which they TRAINING: How to Manifest
music and video clips are meant to Topics include turning unskillful states came. Allione explaines the practice Courage, Authenticity and
be played on your computer, using into root opposites, meditation, grasp- of chod and guides us in meditation. Gentleness in Every Situa-
THE FOUR an internet connection, speakers and ing, resisting and delusion, fear and tion of Your Life
IMMEASURABLES Real Player programs, which are free separateness, skillful anger, liberation FOUR YOGAS OF by Cynthia Kneen. 6 cassettes,
by Lama Tsering Everest. for downloading. of the heart, vows of Bodhisattvas,
MAHAMUDRA 8-page booklet, #SHWATR $59.95
2 cassettes, 120 min. happiness and connection, types of
giving, liberation, compassion, the by H. H. Drikung Kyabgon Chel- From the discovery of basic good-
#FOIMT $14.00 sang Rinpoche. 2 90-min. cas- ness—your innate human capacity for
limits of intention, Buddha and the
The four immeasurables of love, THE POWER OF DREAMS settes #FOYO$ 17 direct, personal experience through
four heavenly messengers.
compassion, joy, and equanimity are by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. 6 Teachings on Mahamudra based the rousing of windhorse energy—
qualities of the bodhisattva that can Kneen offers time-tested methods
cassettes #PODRT $50 YOUR BUDDHA NATURE: on Gampopa's advice on the different
grow limitlessly. In learning how to stages of Mahamudra meditation for meeting your moment-to-moment
develop them, Lama Tsering teaches Rinpoche teaches the ancient Teachings on the Ten
and how to work with difficulties experience with a brave and open
that all beings have been our mothers dream practice of Bon-Tibetan Bud-
Perfections that arise on the path. His Holiness heart. You learn how to balance your
and how this is a difficult perspec- dhist traditions. The goal of this prac-
by Jack Kornfield. 6 cassettes (9 describes the characteristics of a physical and mental energies; how to
tive for Westerners. Yet it is just tice is to recognize the sacred spiritual
hours), #YOBUNA $29.95 qualified teacher and student, the break free of the cocoon that stifles
this perspective when applied to dimension of the dream, and by apply-
The ten perfections provide the four different ways of falling off your intrinsic richness; how to move
daily life that gives rise to the four ing it in meditation, to harmonize
most basic foundation for mindful the path of Mahamudra, results of beyond fear into fearlessness, how to
immeasurables in us. Lama Tsering one's life as well as ultimately to
living. By using them as keys, one can practice, the four different levels of overcome the obstacles to meditation,
also discusses relative and absolute achieve enlightenment. He discusses
unlock the human gate to supreme yogic meditation, and the four levels the relationship between fear and
truth and the importance of working ancient methods of developing lucid
wisdom, and fully open to the perfec- of yogic attainment. courage, why vulnerability makes the
with a spiritual teacher. dreams by which one can maximize
tion within each moment. warrior strong, etc.
the potential of mind and body.


these films are available in NTSC The Story of the 14th Dalai MILLENNIUM
VHS format only, (i.e. the US stan- Lama by H.H. the Dalai Lama. 81 min.
dard). If you live in another country #ETNEV $29.98
by Mickey Lemle. 60 min. #COEX
(especially in Europe), your video From London's Royal Albert Hall,
player may be in the PAL format. If the Dalai Lama speaks of the need
so, our videos will not work. An intimate portrait of the Dalai
Lama. Behind his story is the plight for an inner transformation as a pre-
of the Tibetan people and the brutal requisite to a new and transformed
genocide they have endured since the outer world. His Holiness urges us
Chinese 1950 invasion. Many Tibet- to link individual happiness to an
ans who were imprisoned, tortured, ethical vision of the world in which
and forced into exile by the Chinese we care about others.
bear witness to their ordeals. Historic
and present-day footage open the EXPLORING THE MANDALA
mystery of Tibet. This is the best film by Pema Losang Chogyen. 10
we have seen on the current plight min. #EXMA $19.95
of the Tibetans. "an extraordinary visual aid."—
TRICYCLE: The Buddhist Review
THE CUP This dynamic computer-simulated
written and directed by Khyentse exploration of a three-dimensional
CHASING BUDDHA: Life Is Norbu. 94 min. #CUP $22.98 mandala represents a unique col-
Not a Sentence Now you can own The Cup, an laboration between ancient traditions THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS
ANCIENT SECRET OF THE of Tibetan Buddhist meditation and by the Dalai Lama. 4 videos, 6
written and directed by Amiel inside look at life in a Tibetan mon-
FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH astery whose youth have soccer state-of-the-art computer graphics hours, #FONOV $108
Courtin-Wilson. 52 min. video.
#ANSEV $19.95 fever. Inspired by true events, The technology. Pema Losang Chogyen, The Dalai Lama gave a wonderful
#CHBU $22
This is the video that can show Cup follows two young Tibetan boys, a monk from Namgyal Monastery, teaching on the Four Noble Truths,
Robina Courtin has been a Bud- and researchers at Cornell Universi-
you how to achieve the benefits of Palden and Nylma, who escape hard- on interdependence and non-vio-
dhist nun since 1978. She is a person ty's Program of Computer Graphics
the famous Five Tibetan exercises. ship and danger in Tibet to become lence and on the Buddha, Dharma
of action and has made major contri- worked for more than two years
Fitness experts show step-by-step monks in Bhutan. The Wold Cup and Sangha as ultimate objects of
butions to the work of the Founda- to produce this unique video. The
how easy and fun it is for anyone of Final creates a stir in the monastery refuge.
tion for Preservation of the Mahay- video demonstrates the relationship
any age to become healthier, younger- as the boys sneak out to watch the
ana Tradition including her work between the two-dimensional man-
looking, more energetic and alive in play.The cast is mainly members of FREE TIBET Featuring Live
at Wisdom Publications and for dala (here a sand mandala of
just minutes a day. the Chokling Monastery—a true to
Mandala Magazine. Her intense Yamantaka) and the lesser known Performances by the Beastie
life adventure, a monastic thriller.
and direct style leaves an indelible three-dimensional form visualized Boys, Rage Against the
ARISING FROM FLAMES: impression on everyone she meets. in meditation by Tibetan yogis. Machine, Red Hot Chili
Overcoming Anger Through Teaching Buddhism around the DAKINI WISDOM
The video animation takes viewers Peppers, Sonic Youth,
Patience world, she also visits and commu- by Lama Chagdud Tulku through the sequence of visualiza-
nicates with inmates in prisons in Rinpoche. 93 min. #DAWM $29.95 Foofighters, Bjork, The
by Tlie Dalai Lama. 1 hr. video, tion, presenting a visual introduction
the US and elsewhere. This is an Understanding emptiness and to Tibetan mandalas. There are three Fugees, and more
#ARFL $29.95
intimate portrait of an unique indi- dependent-arising is the key to experi- showings of the film for a total of by the Milarepa Fund
At a large gathering in Arizona, vidual whose own search helps guide encing the dakini-wisdom and becom- 30 minutes. 90 min. #FRTM $29.95
the Dalai Lama spoke of positive others to transcend their arduous
and negative desire and how through ing a "sky-goer." Rinpoche's English is This is an excellent documentary
circumstances. Proceeds from the respoken by Tsering Everest. of the first Tibetan Freedom Concert,
training, we can reduce anger and sale of this special edition go the THE EIGHT MOVEMENTS
hatred and increase love and forgive- which drew 100,000 people over
the Liberation Prison Project which OF YANTRA YOGA: An
ness. two days in San Francisco's Golden
Robina runs. For more information: Ancient Tibetan Tradition Gate Park. The video features per-
)graphy by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu,
instructor Fabio Andrico, pro-
formances by 20 bands united by
a common cause. Includes back-
Window into the Tibetan Way COMMENTARY ON THE duced by Shang Shung Institute stage footage with appearances and
of Life THIRTY-SEVEN PRACTICES and Angelo Fontana. 75 min., commentaries by performers and
by J. Casper Jensen & Majbrilt OF THE BODHISATTVA video w/ 32 page booklet concert-goers. The film also provides
Munch. 63 min. #ARDY $29.95 #EIMOYA $29.95, PAL (overseas thoughtful background on the history
by H.H. the Dalai Lama; trans-
This film could have been called standard) #EIPOYP $29.95 of Tibet, the ideas behind Tibetan
lated by Thubten Jinpa and Jef- Buddhism and the non-violent strug-
the Art of Living—it is a wonderful frey Hopkins. 6 videos, 12 hours, "This video and booklet are a
practical and simple guide for gle of the Tibetan people.
view into the life of the people of #COTHSV $79.95
Mustang. It is the story of an ancient learning this discipline which
This video collection is based FROM TIBET TO TURTLE
culture lucked away in the largest is a very important facet of the
on teachings given prior to the lineage of the Dzogchen teachings
mountains in the world, and of joyful ISLAND: A Journey of Spiri-
Kalachakra Empowerment. The
people who sustain themselves under of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu. "—The tual Liberation
Thirty-Seven Practices of the Bodhi-
great, odds. Slow moving scenes Mirror by the Nuns ofKhachoe Ghakyil
sattva is a popular short text written
allow time to soak up the images, Yantra Yoga, or Union of the Sun Ling. 30 min. video, #FRTUIS
by the Sakya scholar Togme Zangpo
and the dialogue is by the people and the Moon, is one of the more
in the fourteenth century. This teach- $29.95
themselves: simple villagers, the king ancient Tibetan yogas, taking its
ing summarizes the quintessence of Khachoe Ghakyil Ling nunnery in
of a remote village of Mustang, and origin from the great masters Hum-
the Mahayana path—including the Kathmandu is one of a new genera-
Tibetan monks. The Art of Dying kara and Padmasambhava. These
six perfections and bodhicitta. tion of Tibetan nunneries established
explores the approach to death as eight movements are the prepara-
revealed in the ancient Tibetan scrip- DALAI LAMA: The Soul of in exile in India and Nepal, where
tory to a more complex system of
the doors to a classical Buddhist
tures and practiced in local customs. Tibet Yantra Yoga. They harmonize and
There is a graphic sequence of a sky education have been opened to nuns.
by A&E's Award Winning Series, strengthen our energy through simple
WWW.&yiMvt'iQHpnb.tttni In several years we will see the first
burial—cutting up of a body and Biography. 50 min. video. and effective methods. They act
fully qualified nuns receive their
offering it to the birds. #DALAS0 $16.95 on the physical level through the
Geshe degree. This video shows the
body movements, and on the subtle
If you want the best biography of nuns at their monastery and in the
level through the coordination of the
the Dalai Lama with amazing film US on tour, performing their ritual
breath. Through these eight move-
of old Tibet and the 13th and 14th arts, chanting, and sand mandala
ments one can achieve a calmer and
Dalai Lamas (in Tibet), that gives construction. This video is a fund-
more harmonious state of mind, for it
the historical context of his life and raiser for the nuns.
is a yoga of harmony in movement.
covering all the major events since
"As a practitioner of Yantra Yoga,
BOOKS ON TAPE his exile—this is the video for you!
I found this video to be very correct
SHAMBHALA W LION EDITIONS We are impressed to see so much
rare historical footage. There are and precise, as well as enjoyable to
SHAMBHALA: The Sacred watch."—Paula Barry
excellent interviews with His Holi-
Path of the Warrior
by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
SHAMBHALA ness, John Avedon, Richard Gere
and others.
"This is a compelling introduc-
tion to this ancient Tibetan tradi-
2 hrs., 2 cassettes #SHSAT $16.95 The Sacred Path of the Warrior tion, and I highly recommend
This guide to enlightened living it."—Richard Rosen, Yoga Journal
presents the ancient code of the
warrior as a way for modern men and THE FOUR DHARMAS OF
women to meet life's challenges with THE DANCING NUNS OF
fearlessness and dignity. Warriorship KOPAN by H.E. Tai Situ Rinpoche. GOOD MEDICINE
means confidence in basic human Produced and directed by 3 video tapes. #FODHGA $70 How to Turn Pain into
goodness, which uplifts our lives and Anahata Iradah. 30 min.
Rinpoche gives a commentary on Compassion with Tonglen
creates an enlightened society. #DANUKO $24.95
a text by Gampopa Turning the mind Meditiation
The nuns of Kopan Monastery, to Dharma begins with taking refuge by Pema Chodron
THE TIBETAN BOOK OF under the direction of their abbot, are in Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. To 3.5 hrs., 2 videos plus study guide,
THE DEAD: The Great receiving the same training that was make sure one's practice does not
i ChogvamTrungpa previously only given to monks. Here #GOMEV $49.95
Liberation through Hearing deviate from the path, it is important
Rcadby William C(mvtrst~Rffberls they are shown in Nepal and on tour Tonglen is a simple and elegant
in the Bardo to practice bodhicitta, the mind of
in the USA—chanting, performing meditation system for everyone.
trans, by Francesca Fremantle & loving-kindness and compassion.
sacred dance, making sand mandalas, Through tonglen, the difficulties in
Proper practice will clear up delu-
Chogyam Trungpa, narrated by and debating. Anahata Iradah, Prema life can be used as a way to befriend
sions leading to the recognition of
Richard Gere. 2 Cassettes, 2 1/2 dying to help them attain liberation. Dasara, and the women of Tara Dhatu ourselves, accept the past and
primordial wisdom, symbolized by
hrs., Unabridged #TIBODE $18.95 It emphasizes the application of the were invited to teach the nuns the widen our circle of compassion—this
This classic Buddhist scripture experience of death to any situation Dance of the 21 Taras and to create breathing meditation quickly cuts
is traditionally read aloud to the of transition and impermanence. other dances for the nuns. through suffering.

S ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313
BODHISATTVA'S WAY OF of Sonam Lama's Return to Circle of Vajrabhairava
LIFE His Homeland featuring monks ofNamgyal
by His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. by Alan Baler and Lisa Merlon. Monastery, written & produced
8 video tapes averaging 2 hrs. 55 min. #HOTI $29.95 by Dan Cozort & Lonna
each. #GUBOV $150 Home to Tibet documents the return Malmsheimer. 55 min. #MASACI
This outstanding teaching on the of the Tibetan stone mason Sonam $29.95
practice of patience was given by His Lama to his homeland for the first time This is a fascinating look at the
Holiness in 1993. It is a detailed com- since his escape twelve years ago. His creation and profound inner meaning
mentary on Shantideva's classic work sister had asked that he return in order of the world's richest religious symbol,
on the bodhisattva practices. His that she might prepare her mind for the Buddhist mandala, an intricate and
Holiness combined his own personal old age and death. Despite the fact vividly colored pattern that represents
experience in developing patience that Sonam has become an American an enlightened universe. Filmed during
with his extensive scholarship to citizen, returning to Tibet is dangerous the construction of the sand mandala
explicate the text. These sessions for him. He first pilgrimages in India of the Buddha Vajrabhairava (the
include question and answer periods, where he meets the Dalai Lama and Diamond Terrifier). It intimately shows
meditation practice, and a teaching goes to Nepal where he seeks the the artistry of the Namgyal monks
on the 12 links of dependent arising. blessings and advice of lamas there. as they build the mandala grain by
This is the best film to watch if you grain. Mandala is dedicated to the late
want an intimate experience of what Ven. Pema Losang Chogyen whose
it is like for Tibetans to travel to Tibet impressive 3-dimensional, computer-
and to feel the many conflicting forces generated mandala is excerpted.
at play in the minds and hearts of the
"It is an especially effective
Tibetan people.
presentation of the wonder and
the precision of the sand mandala
KARMAPA: The Lion Begins and of the philosophies behind
the art form."—Tibet Journal
to Roar
directed and produced by Ward
Holmes, presented by Tsurphu THE MESSAGE OF THE
Foundation. 85 min. video, TIBETANS
#KALIRO $45 by Arnaud Desjardins.
MORAL PRACTICE This is a digital film documentary Part 1: Buddhism, 52 min.
of His Holiness the 17th Karmapa #METIBU $32
by H.H. the Dalai Lama. 35
produced in Tsurphu Monastery, Tibet, Part 2: Tantrism, 52 min.
minute video #HURIV $24.98 1999. The Karmapa is the supreme #METTTA$32
This video recording of a talk given head of the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan This is some of the most impressive
by the Dalai Lama at the University of Buddhism. In this film, he performs
A GUIDE TO WALKING footage we have seen. Filmed in the
California at Berkeley addresses some many various kinds of Dharma activi-
MEDITATION mid-sixties in India, Sikkim and Bhutan
of the most pressing social issues ties, performing the sacred Lama danc-
by Thick Nhat Hanh. 30 min. by Arnaud Desjardins in .consultation
of our time with great insight and ing that the Karmapa rarely does in a
#GUWAMV $35 with Sonam Topgey Kazi, the senior
sensitivity. His Holiness urges the lifetime, performing the Mahakala offer- interpreter to the Dalai Lama at that
Thich Nhat Hanh instructs a group audience to consider intelligently those ings, bestowing blessings and empow- time. There are many of the older
of students in the joys of this simple dilemmas which lie at the core of erments, and giving interviews. The renowned masters shown here: H.H.
practice. His underlying theme: "Be our society—questions of immediate Karmapa is an emanation of Avalok- the Dalai Lama, H.H. Dilgo Khyentse
happy, peaceful, and serene." On concern to the future of humanity. He itesvara and he will be the 6th Buddha THE LION'S ROAR: The Life Rinpoche, H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche,
this video you can see and feel the speaks on birth control, the arms trade, of the age: Buddha Simha, the Lion.
and Times of H. H. Rangjung H.H. Gyalwa Karmapa, H.H. Sakya
power that emanates from the deep the global economy, and the recent The Buddha Shakyamuni predicted
Rigpe Dorje, the 16th Kar- Trizin, DugpaDukse Rinpoche, Chatral
experience of a man who truly lives Gulf War, and outlines ways to bring that 2,000 years after his death, the Rinpoche, the yogis Abo Rinpoche and
his teaching. about a more peaceful world. lion-voiced Bodhisattva, Karmapa mapa
Lopon Sonam Zangpo, H.E. Tai Situ
would benefit many beings who by just produced by Centre Productions. Rinpoche and H.E. Shamar Rinpoche
HEALING ORACLES OF THE INNER ART OF seeing, hearing or remembering will 50 min. video. #LIROV $29.98 as young tulkus, as well as many other
MEDITATION attain peace. The Lion's Roar is a magnificent eminent masters! Each film is full of
by Elan Golomb, with voice-over by Jack Kornfield. 90 min. video, work-dramatic, moving, richly color- wonderful images of these lamas and
#INARV $19.95 ful in both sound and sight. It depicts monks performing rituals and medita-
by Joan Halifax, author. 28 min.
the life and times of one of Tibetan tions. There are unusual scenes of yogis
#HEOR $29.95 This is a beginner's course on Buddhism's most respected leaders. performing preparatory meditation
Western concepts of health and insight meditation that helps generate It traces the Karmapa's lineage from exercises.
disease are not universally recognized calm and awaken to truth. Medita- ivim l H IM its earliest roots to the 20th century.
tions include: awareness of breath, f-iASIXt tt&ASi IRtN -TAJQ&. These portraits of the legendary
and often are not as effective in pro- The Tibetan tradition of enlightened
body sensations, thoughts and feel- Tibetan masters are not simply a
moting and maintaining well-being reincarnation began in the 8th cen- unique historical record, not only
as they could be. Cultures that have ings; practice of forgiveness and tury with the Karmapa lineage and
loving-kindness. a stunning and moving inspiration
practiced other types of healing and continues to this day. Karmapa, the for now and for the future, but an
ritual recognize the effect of our "spirit" Black Hat Lama of Tibet, has been extraordinary testimony, a trea-
on our physical being. This film (on honored as a Living Buddha in his sure. I believe that it was not by
His ftoliness tikXIV Dala. Li
videotape) candidly shows native Lada- seventeen successive incarnations. chance that Arnaud Desjardins made
khi medicine women treating patients. m THE SPIRIT Of The coming of the first Karmapa ful- his films."—Sogyal Rinpoche
They go into trance and healing oracles
speak through them. The connection MAN]USHR 'HE K'NOWLEDGI
filled a prophecy made by the Buddha
that this emanation of Compassion
between healing deities and spiritual would appear in the world in order to NADIA STEPANOVA,
teachings is beautifully demonstrated in alleviate the sufferings of humanity BURYATIAN SHAMAN
this video of an almost lost tradition. in the Dark Ages of materialism. 30 min. #NAST $29.95
It's very easy to treat people when
LOJONG: Transforming their soul is open and full of kindness,
because in that case you see a miracle
the Mind
THE KNOWLEDGE OF taking place—their own kindness
by H.H. the Dalai Lama. 4 tape returns to them as if reflected in a
:■■■■■■.,■■■-. .:
HEALING boxed set, 5.5 hours, #LOTRMI mirror. Nadia Stepanova is a Burya-
by Franz Reichle. 89 min. $108 tian shaman who is reviving the
#KNHEV $29.95 The Eight Verses on Transform- ritual ceremonies that for centuries
This is the first full length film deal- ing the Mind is one of the Dalai have been part of the people. The
The Wisdom Teachings, ing extensively with Tibetan medicine. Lama's main sources of inspiration. Republic of Buryatia is often said to
'"■■:. Q0addhiM It is an inside look at the unique philoso- It enhances compassion, cultivates be the cradle of shamanism, which
phy and dramatic benefits of Tibetan balanced attitudes towards oneself appeared at the dawn of civilization
healing. In the cinema verite tradition, and others, develops positive ways and was repressed by Stalin in the
the audience journeys with Tibetan of thinking, and transforms adverse 1930s.
IN THE SPIRIT OF practitioners as they treat patients, situations into conditions favorable
MANJUSHRI: The Wisdom make house calls and share secrets for spiritual development.
Teachings of Buddhism of ancient herbal remedies, traveling
by H.H. the Dalai Lama. 4-tape through Dharamsala in northern India, •♦»*•••#••»»•••••*»*•

box set, 5 hours, #SPMAVI $108 Ulaan Ude, and in the northern region
During three days the Dalai Lama of Mongolia Treatments include the
use of herbs, roots and minerals. The MAHAMUDRA
taught the three principle elements
of the wisdom path: renunciation, film also documents research done in by Kalu Rinpoche. #MAHAV
bodhicitta, and the correct view Europe to test the healing properties $29.95
of emptiness. This teaching is an and produce medicines. As the highest goal and practice of
mate profile of His Holiness
elaboration of the third Noble Truth, the Kagyu tradition, Mahamudra is a
the Dalai Lama teaching on sunyata (emptiness) which
the cessation of suffering. It is only
60 min. #HETIV $29.98 leads to the realization of the dhar-
by understanding emptiness that one l^l?in a FREE TRIP
Heart of Tibet is a very candid view can fully appreciate the meaning of makaya or primordial mind. Rinpoche
of His Holiness during a Kalachakra cessation. The end of the teaching to Tibet and Nepal. describes the nature of mind and
Initiation. Starting his day with 4 culminated in a dialogue on these teaches a clear and direct meditation
You can enter even/time
AM meditation, he conducts press teachings between the Dalai Lama to introduce one to Mahamudra, the
interviews, complex Kalachakra and the Ven. Master Sheng-yen, one you place an order with us. non-separateness of awareness and
rituals and touches the hearts of of the most revered living Buddhist See page 5 for details. emptiness. This was the last filmed
everyone he encounters. masters in the Ch'an lineage. teaching of Rinpoche.


through Contemplating the by Robert Thurman Empowering Tibetan Women
Peaceful and Wrathful 3 video tape boxed set through Sacred Dance
Deities 4 hours, #ONTIV $59.95 produced & directed by Anahata
by Mirror of Wisdom Publica- Robert Thurman shares his pas- Iradah. 40 min. video, #QURE $25
tions. 24 min. #NALW $25 sionate insight into Tibetan culture In 1998, 50 dancers and musi-
Padmasambhava explains how and history from ancient to modern cians from 11 countries traveled to
to turn ordinary circumstances into times. In this three-part series, He India and Nepal to fulfill a request
opportunities for enlightenment. tells us the stories and legends of the of the now late H.E. Jamgon Kong-
He describes six life processes or ancient Tibetan kings heroes, sages, trul Rinpoche. The Dance of the 21
bardos and teaches how to transform saints and adepts. He shows how Taras was performed in Dharamsala
them. Prayers are read by B. Alan the Dharma progressed in Tibet and for the Dalai Lama, for the Tibetan
Wallace and others while images of how a powerful renaissance spirit Children's Village, at Kopan, at the
the peaceful and wrathful deities are seized the nation and a life dedicated Central Institute of Higher Tibetan
presented one by one. By familiar- to evolutionary progress towards Studies and elsewhere. It is a beauti-
izing ourselves with these images buddhahood became the prevalent ful and empowering dance to see
and applying these teachings, we model for Tibetans. and the response of the Tibetans was
have the potential to recognize these very moving. Many Tibetans are now
images in the bardo as the nature of OVERCOMING learning these sacred dances.
our own awareness and liberate our DIFFERENCES:
mindstreams. The prayers are recited An Historic Public Address THE SPIRIT OF TIBET
from the book Natural Liberation: by the Dalai Lama Journey to Enlightenment, TIBET: On the Edge of
Padmasambhava's Teachings on The Life and World of Dilgo Change
the Six Bardos available through by Trueheart Productions. 90
min. #OVDIVI $29.95 Khyentse Rinpoche Video prod, by William Bacon. 1 hr.
Snow Lion.
In 1991, an audience of 12,000 narrated by Richard Gere. 46 video, #TIEDCH $24.95
assembled at Cornell University to min. #SFiTV $29.95 Over hundreds of years, Tibet's
NATURAL MEDITATION: An isolation and mountainous inacces-
hear His Holiness the Dalai Lama A video documentary of the life
Ancient Tibetan Practice for inaugurate the "Year of Tibet" with an of one of the greatest Tibetan teach- sibility has nurtured a unique society
Clearing the Mind and extraordinarily moving and profound ers of this century—Dilgo Khyentse characterized by harmonic interde-
Opening to Effortless Being talk. He discussed the relationship Rinpoche. Filled with footage of rarely pendence in a place of harsh and
by Lama Surya Das. 34 min., of world peace and inner peace. photographed parts of Tibet, Bhutan indescribable beauty. Most of this video
study guide, #NAMEV $19.95 Peppering his address with his won- and Nepal, this unique tribute tells shows life as it was before the Chinese
derful, spontaneous wit, the Nobel Rinpoche's story from birth to death impact—you see the eco-sensitive
In four sessions, Surya Das traditional methods of farming the
teaches dzogchen. There are skygaz- Peace Prize Laureate reminded the to rebirth. Includes an interview with
audience of the fact that we are His Holiness the Dalai Lama rugged Himalayan landscape by hand,
ing practices, meditations, breath- the festive religious life of the lay
work, chanting sessions, energy flow social animals and must learn to
live together in order to achieve people, their prayer wheels and prayer
happiness and survive. flags that send wind-borne prayers for
DANCE OF NEPAL peace and brotherhood out into the
NICHOLAS ROERICH: by Dance Mandal & Prajwal skies of the world. A farming village in
MESSENGER OF BEAUTY Ratna Vajracharya. Video. East Tibet, nomadic camp and city life
43 min. #ROMEBE $24.95 REINCARNATION OF KHEN- #TABUV $29.95 are shown in their traditonal form. The
SUR RINPOCHE Tantric Buddhist dances are one last ten minutes of the video shows
Introduces the enobling example
62 min. #REKHRI $29.98 of the religious disciplines of the how the Chinese are progressively
of Roerich's life through his Hima-
Buddhist priests (Vajracharyas) of destroying these people's lives.
layan art and spiritual philosophy. This is the story of a monk's
Roerich was born in Russia and search for his reincarnated Rinpoche. the Kathmandu valley. The Vajra-
charyas of Nepal have performed »»#«»«■ >«««#*
painted over 6000 canvasas-he was The film follows the footsteps of the
an artist, explorer of Tibet and phi- monk as he seeks the advice of the these dances secretly as part of
losopher who labored in the name Dalai Lama and the Nechung Oracle. their meditation, rituals and celebra-
of beauty. And this film is just that— He then travels in secret to Tibet and tions for over a thousand years. In Buy Both for $49.90
beautiful. brings out the boy. The four-year old each dance, the dancer becomes an
is ordained as a monk and returns to embodiment of the particular deity.
Here are 18 dances including those DEAD, Part 1
NOT JUST PRO-TIBETAN his monastery in South India. narrated by Leonard Cohen.
of: Manjushri, Five Buddhas, Avalok-
...PRO-JUSTICE: The Dalai iteshvara, Vajrayogini, Arya Tara, 46 min. #TIBOVl $29.95
Lama's Historic Visit to THE XVII KARMAPA'S Simhamukha, Mahakala, Kurukulla. Filmed in Ladakh, this new video
Brandeis University RETURN TO TSURPHU The film quality is not perfect but the explores the Tibetan wisdom of life
by H.H. tlie Dalai Lama. 1 hour by Tsurphu Foundation. 100 min. content is so unusual that we wanted and death and boldly visualizes the
video, #NOJUPR $25 #KAREV $29.98 to offer this to you. afterlife according to The Tibetan
The reincarnation of the 16th Book of the Dead. The film begins
In 1998, the Dalai Lama spent OVERCOMING THE FEAR in Ladakh and follows the life and
two days at Brandeis University. Karmapa was recently discovered in TIBET A Moment in Time
OF DYING death of Tibetans in the high Hima-
He gave two impressive talks on Tibet, where many wondrous signs by William Bacon III. 55 min.
by H.E. Tai Situ Rinpoche. 3 appeared at his birth. The seven year layas—and then moves to San Fran-
Buddhism and sustainable develop- video cassettes. #OVFEDY $70 #TIMOTI $29.95 cisco, where it shows the sacred
ment. He draws important parallels old Karmapa, destined to be one of From its glacial peak of 25,436
Rinpoche discusses death and the the greatest living masters of our text's growing acceptance and use
between the difficult experiences of ft. to the turbulent waters of the in hospices for the dying. The Dalai
bardo to liberate us from our fear time, arrived in triumphal celebra-
the Tibetans and the Jewish people Yarlung Tsangpo River, the world's Lama speaks of his own view of life
of dying and shows how a natural tion at his original seat at Tsurphu
and how they have each managed deepest canyon is 19,386 ft. deep. and death.
death is a sacred event. He presents Monastery and was enthroned on
to survive despite repression. These It is a sacred land that Tibetans
the view, meditation and action of Sept. 27, 1992.
inspiring talks make plain the good- believe to be the body of Vajray-
the bardo practice, including an TIBETAN BOOK OF THE
ness and power of the Dalai Lama ogini, mother of all Buddhas. This
understanding of the two truths. He DEAD, Part 2
and his message. One highlight was SECULAR MEDITATION is a photographically stunning jour-
gives specific practices related to narrated by Leonard Cohen.
the Dalai Lama's participation in the by H.H. the Dalai Lama. 50 ney among Tibetans living the life
the bardo, such as meditating on
dismantling of a sand mandala made minute video, #SEMEV $19.98 they have for centuries—along the 45 min. #TIBOV2 $29.95
the illusory body when awake and
by nuns of the Keydong Nunnery in The Dalai Lama addresses the ben- Tsangpo River through majestic The film portrays an elderly priest
meditating on dream yoga during
Nepal—this was a first. efits of mental peace. He.emphasizes forests, remote monasteries, and and his young student as they guide the
sleep. Tibetan villages where yak-powered soul of a recently deceased man into
that distinction between religious
subjects, such as faith, and what ploughs till the rich soil. The latter the afterlife. The progress of the soul is
THE PRECIOUS GARLAND: he calls "basic human good quali- part of the film contrasts this idyllic envisioned through the actual sequence
A commentary by His ties," such as compassion, love, lifestyle with the changes brought by of traditional rituals and is interwoven
Holiness the Dalai Lama forgiveness, harmony and brother- the Chinese occupation. with imaginative animation.
by H.H. the Dalai Lama; trans- and sister-hood. Likewise, medita-
lated by Thubten Jinpa. 6 video tion should be approached not as
cassettes, #PRGAV $90 a religious object but, rather, as a
This is the Dalai Lama's com- training of the mind to achieve a
mentary on Nagarjuna's Precious state of mental comfort. By way of f ROM ACADEMY AWARD" WINNING
example, the Dalai Lama explains the
Garland, An Epistle to a King given a film by Paul Wagner
positive conclusions of meditation
in 1997. Nagarjuna offers intimate

orfTompassion, making clear the rel- 97 min., color. #WP7I $29.95
counsel on conducting one's life
evance of meditation for everyone. Based on true events, Wind-
and constructing social policy that
reflects Buddhist ideals. The advice horse focuses on the lives of two
ON BUDDHISM siblings and their cousin who as
for personal happiness is concerned TANTRA OF GYUTO: Sacred
by Robert Thurman young children witnessed their
with improving one's condition over Rituals of Tibet
3 video tape boxed set Tibetan grandfather brutally mur-
the course of lifetimes and with 52 min. #TAGY $29.98
4 hours, #ONBUV $59.95 dered over his resistance of Chi-
release from all types of suffering, Sacred Tibetan Buddhist chants i on location
Thurman shares his insight into culminating in Buddhahood. He Tibet, this wicm&Bg dfaina could
nese aggression. On the verge of
Buddhism. Each tape deals in-depth are performed by Gyuto monks. not have been mjik* without the participation pop-stardom, Dolkar has assimi-
describes a Buddha's qualities and Through ritual and mantric power, i of people whw would he
with a major component of the three offers encouraging advice on the I \i their names were attached to it." lated herself comfortably into Chi-
jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma, the the monks use sound to effect a nese culture while her disgusted
effectiveness of practices that reveal specific change in the environment.
Sangha. The conditions for buddha- the vast attributes of Buddhahood. brother Dorjee's hatred of the
hood are examined; the Four Noble The rituals are introduced by the Chinese has turned him into an
Dalai Lama and interwoven with
Truths, the Three Wheels of Dharma,
images of sacred art. The film is
WINDHORSE embittered vagrant. Their cousin
Pema became but risks her life by
The Three Vehicles, the meaning of
turning the wheel; and the Sangha, the prefaced by an account of Tibetan defying the Chinese.
IWvW'&nbHtwnp ttfafitH history that uses footage from the
alternative social world founded on
enlightenment, detachment and love. 1920's.

'S- ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313
A Traditional Workout to A Buddhist Approach to 52 min. #TIHOMO $29.95 by Garthwait & Griffin Films THE LAND OF THE DAKINI
Liberate and Elevate Your Healing Where Tibet, Nepal, and India meet & The International Campaign 30 min. #MEAG $29.95
Energy. 29 min. #TIMEV $29.98 rises a 22,000 foot-high mountain for Tibet, narrated by Patrick Now in her eighties, Doljin Kandro
by Lama Surya Das. 40 min. Dr. Lopsang Dolma shows how thought by Hindus and Buddhists to Stewart. 56 min. video, #TISTCH Suren is a Buddhist lama and spiri-
video, 11 pp. study guide, medicines are made from animal, hold at its peak the throne of the fore- $29.95 tual guide for thousands who come
#TIENYO $19.95 vegetable and mineral substances and most gods. This program follows the Identified by the Dalai Lama as to her from all over Mongolia and
how acupuncture and moxibustion is trail to Mt Kailash with visits to shrines the reincarnation of Tibet's second Russia. Through the terrible years of
Join Lama Surya Das to learn and other sacred sites at Tsaparang, the
eight of Tibet's most effective energy used during her daily rounds. The film highest spiritual leader, the Pan- religious persecution in Mongolia,
explores the relationship of physical 11th-century capital of the old Tibetan chen Lama was kidnaped by the she survived finding the strength
yoga practices—a quick 30 minute kingdom of Guge, at Khojamat, where
workout to boost your body's vital health to magnetic and other forces Chinese government just days after to overcome the despair that sur-
and shows how Tibetan medicine a stately monastery remained open the announcement. This is the story rounded her people. After seventy
energies and elevate your spirits. despite the Chinese Cultural Revolu-
heals the body and mind by treating of a search for the truth about the years of Communism, she is the only
They work by balanceing the two tion, and at Lhasa, whose architecture
vital currents of the body that pro- the patient rather than the disease. Panchen Lama and includes personal remaining keeper of the Chod lineage
and rich decorative arts illustrate the accounts by six Nobel Peace Laure- in Mongolia. Tibetan master Namkhai
mote well-being. These are various Buddhist concept of the world ates and others. This is the best Norbu Rinpoche, invited to give
breathing exercises performed in a
account of the scope of this tragedy. Dzogchen teachings, participates in
meditation position.
a Chod ritual with her.



You can select from this current Gold highlights with painted face, STUPA FROM ANDY WEBER These are tsa tsas of varying size
list high quality statues of various 3". #SMMEBU $60 This stupa was designed by Andy that stand on a surface. They differ
deities. These are among the very Weber, a long-time Tibetan Buddhist in finishes and all are beautifully
best that we have seen and we highly and artist. It is plated in gold and made.
recommend them to you. Statues are measures 2 1/2" high. It's a jewel.
gilted bronze with gold-painted faces Lama Tsongkapa, bronze finish, 2
unless otherwise stated. 3/4x2 1/4".#SISTTS$15
Contact us (call/fax/e-mail/write) Long Life Deities (White Tara,
for photos of the images that you #STBR $55
Amitayus & Namgyalma, gold, 3
want. Nearly any photo can be sent This Tibetan Buddhist stupa is 7
over the Internet as an email attach- 1/2" high and has a brass gilt cover-
ment. You always have 100% right of ing. It is the stupa most often seen
approval upon receipt of items! at centers. It is reasonably good
looking for $55 and is suitable for
consecration. MINI BUDDHA TSA TSAS
These small buddhas are 1 3/8 x
BUDDHA SHAKYAMUNI 3/4". They come in four finishes: sand-
» » * « a*
Bronze with painted face, 8". stone, copper, bronze, and gold.
#RUBUSS $295 They depict the Dharmakaya form
T$A-T$AS of Shakyamuni. He holds a vajra in
Painted face, 3". #SMSHST $60
his left hand and right hand touches
by Tsa Tsa Studio/Center for the ground. They are packaged with
GREEN TARA Painted face with gold highlights,
TibetanSacred Art mounting pads to stick the back to
Painted face with gold highlights, 8". #RUMEBU $295 a surface.
8". #RUGRTA $295 Gold highlights with painted face, Gold. #MIBUGO $4
5". #RUMEB5 $150
Bronze. #MIBUBR $4
Manjushri, bronze finish, 2 3/4x2
Sandstone. #MIBUSA $4 1/2".#SISTMA$15
Copper. #MIBUCO $4 Medicine Buddha, bronze finish, 2
Vajrasattva, bronze, 3 1/2 x 3".


TSONGKHAPA WITH TWO These are tsa tsa reliefs on a 4 x
DISCIPLES 4" tiles that fit in a supplied ornate
#RUTSST $2000 stand. They differ in finishes and all
This set of three statues are made are beautifully made.
of fine bronze with gold plating and
painted faces. The statues have tra- 1000-ARM CHENREZIG
ditional robes. They are sold as a set.
Tsongkhapa is 14" high and his two PLAQUE
JAMBHALA STATUE main disciples are 12" each. #CHPL $30.00
5" statue. #RUZA $150.00 7 x C" gold finish plaque of
1000-Arm Chenrezig surrounded by POCKET BUDDHA TSA
2 1/2" statue. #SMJAST $50.00 VAIROCANA BUDDHA
Buddhas and stupas. TSAS
11/2" #MEJA $5 3" high, painted face. #SMSHST These small buddhas are 1 3/8
$60.00 x 3/4". They come in four finishes:
These are bronze with gold high-
One of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas. sandstone, copper, bronze, and gold.
lights, painted face statues of Jamb-
hala, the deity of wealth. The small They depict the Dharmakaya form
one can be used with the Jambhala WHITE TARA of Shakyamuni. He holds a vajra in
Painted face with gold highlights, his left hand and right hand touches
Offering Set.
the ground. They are mounted on a
8". #RUWHTA $295
classy card back and have a folding
cardstock package with a button. Buddha, rust-brown finish.
Copper. #POBUCO $8
These are brocaded 2-piece outfits
used to cover 8" statues. They tie Bronze. #POBUBR $8
on with straps. #ROTAST $40 Gold. #POBUGO $8
Sandstone. #POBUSA $8

61/4 x 5" tile with four rows of five
Buddhas each. The Buddha appears
in his Dharmakaya form. An ornate
stand is included. Two finishes are
MANJUSHRI STATUE Vajrayogini, copper finish.
Copper finish. #20BUCO $30.00
Gold highlights with painted face, #SITiVA $20
8". #RUMA $295.00 Sandstone finish. #20BUSA $25.00
Hayagriva w/consort, copper
finish. #SITHIA $20
Gold with painted face, 8". 7 1/4 x 5" plaque of Green Tara in
#RUPADM $295.00 copper finish with ornate stand.


STATUES These high quality ceramic minia-
Buddha Statue, 2" high, #BUST2 tures are finely detailed.
SMALL CERAMIC STATUES $15 Vajrasatrva Statue #VAST2 $15
You will be impressed with the Buddha Statue, 4" high, #BUST4 2" high
detailing of these high quality $30
ceramic miniatures. They are made Vajrasattva Statue #VAST4 $30
to look like antiqued ivory and like 4" high
fine ivory should be protected from
Green Tara Statue, 2" high,
direct heat and sunlight which will
#GRTA2 $15
\r$\r\ a FREE TRIP
eventually yellow them. They are
very hard and not easily broken. WUWV-JHDHCttoipilfafitti
to Tibet and Nepal.
Green Tara Statue, 4" high,
#GRTA4 $30 See page 5 for details.


BUDDHIST PAINTINGS by Robert Holmes Photography. photos by William Neill, text by
Asian Art Museum of San Robert Thurman. opens to 12 x
Francisco, opens to 12 x 26". 12 awesome photos of Buddhist 2002 CALENDAR
24". #SOTICA $12.95
#BUPACA $13.95 Himalaya—mountains, people, 6.5 X 7", #TINUDI, $10.00
Includes Tibetan holy and auspi- TIBETAN ART CALENDAR
These 12 Buddhist paintings from places for you to feast your eyes on An inspirational calendar filled
cious days, an introductory essay 16 wide x 24" high, September.
Asia date from the 13th to 19th cen- each month. with images of Tibetan nuns and
on the present state of the Tibetan #TIARCA $28.95
turies. accompanied by insightful quotes for
cause, and a monthly text by Robert The 2002 edition of this award- each month. Includes the full Tibetan
Thurman. Sale of this calendar helps winning calendar contains thirteen lunar calendar with special ritual
support Tibet House in New York. full-color reproductions of some of the days for Tibetan Buddhist practice.
world's finest Indo-Tibetan thangka This is a fund raiser for Tibetan nuns
paintings from museums and private in Asia.
collections around the world. It also
Water Horse Year includes detailed descriptions of the
by Liberation Prison Project, images and their cultural, religious,
Opens to 6 x 12.5", #MACA, $9.00 and philosophical significance.
Elegant full-color wall calendar


,. CAi.f(4D.4RJflft}
featuring Tibetan Buddhist images
and including: lunar days, Tsog days,
Sojong, Mahayana precept days,
birthdays and anniversaries of holy ff
beings, Shakyamuni Buddha special
DALAI LAMA QUOTATION opens to 12 x 24". #SAIMCA days. This is a fund-raiser for the
by Tushita. opens to 12 x 24". $12.95 Liberation Prison Project which
#DALACA $12.95 Twelve excellent Tibetan thangka sends Buddhist books to prisoners UNBORN & CLEAR, LIKE
12 remarkable images of the Dalai images of popular deities with cap- who want them. THE SKY: CaUigraphy of
Lama are accompanied by short tions explaining the iconography of Tibetan Sacred Syllables
teachings by him. each painting. 2002 Calendar
by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal
»»£««' «-*»»»**«««»»#tt8««
TIBETAN VOICES Rinpoche, 14 month, opens to 17 x
photos by Brian Harris, opens to 11", #UNBOCA, $14.95
RIGPA CALENDAR 2002 Water Horse Year 13x24".#TIVOC2$13.95 Each work of calligraphy can be
#RIGPA2, $10.00 Images of Tibetans with quotes used as an object of meditation and
This is the indispensable, non-sectarian annual pocket calendar from Rigpa from the Tibetan Voices book—this is also suitable for framing. This
with Buddhist holidays, special practice days, and anniversaries as well as calendar is a fund-raiser for Seva calendar contains Tibetan Buddhist
information on Tibetan Buddhism and photos of prominent lamas. It also Service Society's Sight Programs in and Bon auspicious days and Western
has days not to hang prayer flags. Tibet, India and Nepal. holidays.

A'-.-..y.i:..^j«.*^w» *■ -^m'--]mM

H.H. THE XIV DALAI LAMA, Hiefollowing two Snow Lion Posters Wheel of Compassion Sand EIGHT AUSPICIOUS
All posters are illustrated are high-quality, full-color reproduc- Mandala Poster SYMBOLS FINE PRINT
on the Snow Lion website. tions which measure 20 x 25 1/2" 24 x 24", #WHCOPO $18 #EIAUPR $20
photograph by Don Farber, 16 x
21"#LADALA$10 (including border): This is a full-color reproduction Painted by Kelsang Lodoe Oshoe,
H.H. THE XIV DALAI LAMA, A classic full-color portrait of His of the Chenrezig Sand Mandala. On one of the best Tibetan thangka
TENZIN GYATSO Holiness, taken at the time of the CHENREZIG SAND a blue background. painters and printed on a canvas-
Kalachakra Initiation, Bodh- 1989 Kalachakra in Los Angeles. It is MANDALA POSTERS like material this is a beautiful print
gaya, India 1974, photo by John an impressive full-color image with ILLUMINATED REFUGE of the Eight Auspicious Symbols.
Wheel of Compassion Measures 16 x 22" and is suitable
Smart. 16 x 21"Fine Art Print, a black background. (Explained) Sand Mandala PRAYER 8 •/axil"
#DALAPR $15 #ILREPR $14 for framing.
This is one of the most beautiful THE DALAI LAMA 24x30",#WHCOEX$18 This is a color fine art repro- *SJ&»*«»SBS*<
photographs of His Holiness that we 8 1/4x11 3/4" #DALAPO $4.50 This is a two-tone image of the duction printed on acid free cover
have ever come across. It was taken A poster image of His Holiness—a Chenrezig sand mandala with names stock, of the Refuge Prayer. It has
by world-renowned photographer beautiful close-up of his face and and descriptions of the many parts the Buddha at the top with two of
his disciples and various Buddhist EIGHT VERSES FOR
John Smart in 1974 when His Holi- shoulders. of the mandala.
ness was thirty-nine years of age and symbols around the border. TRAINING THE MIND-
conducting the Kalachakra Initiation » » » «S S 8 «»»»«' '»«#««< PRINT
before an audience of three hundred by Neil Cohen. 9.25x7.25".
and fifty thousand. There is remark- H.H. THE DALAI LAMA #EIVEP $8.95
able presence in the photograph as the (yellow robe) The Eight Verses for Training the
Dalai Lama's eyes meet the camera. 15x-22"#DLYEPO$10 Mind sums up the bodhisattva ideal.
The photographer used a Linhof large An exquisite thangka-style presenta-
format 4 x 5" camera for incredible This is the image we love from the
cover of The Path to Enlightenment. tion with premium quality lamination
detail in creating this superb photo- and a practical altar-size format. The
graph. Then, in a supervised custom Alison Wright is the photographer who
captured this picture on film. She is an front has a screened-back image of
tri-tone printing, these poster-sized Chenrezig with the Eight Verses by
award-winning photographer and the
fine art prints were produced. The Geshe Langri Tangpa superimposed.
photographic image measures 12 x author of The Spirit of Tibet. She chose
this image from hundreds because of its The meaning of each verse is care-
16" on a 16 x 24" sturdy weight, acid fully explained on the reverse side.
brilliance and the Dalai Lama's wonderful
free, high quality printing paper.

*B ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313 SNOW LION 77

22 x 40" #CUMATI $15 by tiie Monks ofNamgyal These are gold on black and red
on gold thangka images by the artist
Full-color artistic cultural map of Monastery. 11 x 17".
Robert Beer. The colors are very
Tibet showing regional costumes, #SAVAPO $5.00
striking and the images well-drawn.
prominent landmarks and Buddhist The full-color sand mandala of the There are six different categories of
monasteries and other religious sites. wrathful Vajrabhairava deity is beauti- size and color:
Excellent printing on heavy paper fully printed on a blue background.
and laminated. Sales support the 1. Gold on Black, 12 x 15" $8 ea.
Norbulinga Institute in Dharamsala. Guhyasamaja #BEGUPO
Vajrapani #BEVAPO
by Peter Gold, J. Jigme, T.G. 2. Gold on Black, 18 x 23" $14 ea.
Stunning vie w of this sacred statue Kalachakra #BEKAPO
Gangzey. 20 x 17", #LHMA $5
located in the Jokhang Temple in
Lhasa It is the focal point of Tibetan This mandala of the region around 3. Red on Gold, 9x11" $5 ea.
prayers and pilgrimages. Lhasa shows major Tibetan sacred Milarepa #BEMIPO
sites, monasteries, nunneries, tem-
ples, hermitages and holy peaks. Yeshe Tsogyal #BEYEP
KALACHAKRA SAND 4. Red on Gold, 12 x 15" $8 ea.
by Alison Wright. 18X24
24 x 24" #KASAP $18 23"by33"#WHLIPO$15.00 Nagarjuna#BENAPO
POSTERS This is the image from the cover
The large full color photo repro- Here are the refuge trees of the of Alison's amazing photo book of This is an excellent quality repro- Padmasambhava #BEPAPO
duction of sand mandala constructed Kagyu and Sayka lineages. In the Tibetan culture The Spirit of Tibet. White Tara #BEWHTA
duction of a classical thangka
in the American Museum of Natural near future, we will also have the It is intensely red and conveys the depiction of the wheel of life— 5. Gold on Red, 12 x 16" $8 ea.
History, New York City. Gelupa and Nyingma lineage trees. strength of the Tibetan people. perhaps the best we've seen.
These are posters measuring 11.5 x Sakyamuni Buddha #BESBPR
MEDICINE BUDDHA 16.5", and are beautiful to see. VAJRADHARA POSTER
painted by Robert Beer. Sakya Refuge Tree. #RETRSA 24x36"#VAPO$15
#MEBUBE $6 $11.00 It is truly a beautiful poster, with ROBERT BEER
11 x 16" image of this deity— Kagyu Refuge Tree. #RETRKA fine gold ink. 113/4 x 16 W $7.50 ea.
simple and penetrating. $11.00
Four-Armed Avalokiteshvara
THE REFUGE TREE OF THE by Andy Weber. 18" square, fine
1000-Armed Avalokiteshvara
KAGYU LINEAGE art paper. #VAYOMA $65 #BDP2
POTALA PALACE #KARETR $25 The mandala of Vajrayogini has
#POPAPO $9 a six pointed star with bliss whirls. Green Tara
This large poster (19 x 28") illus- #BDP3
One of the most outstanding pic- trates the lineage of the Kagyu teach- Andy Weber has produced a limited
tures of the Potala Palace we've ers and meditational deities. It comes printing of this fine art mandala with White Tara 6. Green on Gold, 19 x 23" $14 ea.
seen. with an explanation. description on the reverse. #BDP4 Large Green Tara #BELAGR

All cards are illustrated on

the Snow Lion website.
This is a detail of a 13th century 2 x 3", color, #DLLAPH $3.00
painting of Green Tara that we think His Holiness is smiling with joy. H.H. the 17th KARMAPA
DZOGCHEN NOTECARDS is lovely. It is 2.25 x 7". 5 x 7" color photo. #KADLPH
by Glen Eddy. 7 cards w/ enve- $6.00
lopes. #DZNOCA $14.00 BUDDHA EYES BOOKMARK Four card images Photo of H.H. Karmapa and H.H.
Glen Eddy is part of the Dzogchen #BUEYBO $2 of His Holiness! the Dalai Lama shortly after the
Community and an excellent artist. Karmapa's escape.
He created these fine line art BUDDHA EYES NOTECARD
notecards: Garab Dorje, Vajrapani, #BUEYNO $2 H.H. the 17th KARMAPA
Ozer Chenma (Tara), Vajrasattva The "Buddha Eyes" is one of our 5 x 7" color photo. #KAPH2 $6.00
Because of the great demand for
w/ Samantabhadra, Simhamukha, favorite images. . A recent photo of His Holiness
photos of the Dalai Lama, we offer
Machik Lapdron, and Vajrasattva with a warm smile.
full-color portraits suitable for gifts
yab/yum. They are lovely to look at. H.H. PENOR RINPOCHE or devotional use. Photos like these
#HHPR $1.50 of the Dalai Lama are precious gifts H.H. the 17th KARMAPA
LOSAR GREETING CARD TRANSFORMAITVE ART Head of the Nyingma order, infor- for Tibetans in Tibet or Tibetan com- 4 x 6" color photo. #KAPH3 $4.00
set of 10 w/envelopes, #LOGRCA NOTECARD SET II mal photo at a teaching. munities.
We picked four of our favorite His Holiness is seated in front of
$12.50 by Marianna Rydvald.
images of His Holiness to offer you. a thangka. His head is freshly shaved
This lovely full-color Tibetan new 6 notecards, 5.25 x 7.25". GURU RINPOCHE and he looks directly into the camera
#TRARN2 $12.00 They are high-quality photos, measur-
year's card has Tibetan offerings on the #GURI $1.50 with his clear, strong eyes.
These thangaks, murals and ing 4x6" and are $1 ea. Quantity
front and Tibetan and English inside. Thangka image of Padmasamb-
adventure/fantasy paintings of Mari- discounts are available.
hava On the back is the Seven Line #DL1 H.H. The Dalai Lama H.H. the 17th KARMAPA
SPIRIT OF TIBET Notecards anna Rydvald are a wonder to see. Prayer to Guru Rinpoche in Tibetan
They are full of myuth, fun and (in his garden) 5 x 7" color photo. #KADLPH
by Alison Wright. Twelve cards, spirituality. In this set of six are: Pad- and English. #DL2 H.H. The Dalai Lama $6.00
plus envelopes #SPTINO $23.40 masambhava with Healing Chalice, (at a teaching) Photo of H.H. Karmapa and H.H.
Six exquisite images of Tibetan Milarepa, Green Tara in Sandalwood WHITE TARA LONG LIFE #DL3 H.H. The Dalai Lama the Dalai Lama shortly after the
culture taken from Alison Wright's Grove, Golden Tara, Dorje Drakpo, (portrait) Karmapa's escape.
CARD #DL4 H.H. The Dalai Lama
Spirit of Tibet photobook. There are austerity of the Buddha mural. #WHTACA $1
twelve cards, two of each image. (informal address)
A lovely White Tara graces this
THANGKAS: Buddhist Paint- card, surrounded by Amitayus, Nam-
ings from Tibet gyalma, Buddha, Padmasambhava,
set of 10 w/envelopes, #TIGRCA Tsongkhapa. POSTCARD-SIZE IMAGE
$12.50 Close-up of his face. BDC30 $1
Thirty classical thangkas from the TANTRA DEITY CARDS
The same card as above but American Museum of Natural His-
blank inside to receive your personal THE DALAI LAMA $1.25 ea.
tory. Contains images of the Buddha
message. and many peaceful and wrathful These deities, mandalas and pro-
deities, protectors, mandalas, lamas, tectors are produced in India and
DALAI LAMA IN ARIZONA came from the Gyuto Tantric Mon-
TRANSFORMATIVE ART and other subjects. by Kathryn Backer. 5 x 7", full astery.
NOTECARD SET color. #DALAAR $16 GY1 Chakrasamvara
12 cards w/envelopes, #TRARNO TIBETAN ASTROLOGICAL The Dalai Lama is standing in GY2 Chakrasamvara Mandala
$24 TALISMAN CARD front of a saguaro cactus. Comes in GY3 Sambhogakaya Buddha
These thangkas, murals and by Robert Sachs & Robert Beer. photo folder which serves as a frame GY4 Guhyasamaja
adventure/fantasy paintings of Mari- 2.25 x 3.5", yellow-gold card in and protection when traveling. GY5 Guhyasamaja Mandala
anna Rydvald are a wonder to see. plastic. #TIASTA $3.00 GY6 Six-Armed Mahakala
They are full of myth, fun and spiri- This card displays two talismans GY7 Yamantaka (Vajrabhairava)
tuality. Two of the images are life of found on the bottom of all classical GY9 Kalarupa
the Buddha murals that she painted Tibetan astrological calendars. Their
in Bero Khyentse's monastery in 21/4x31/2",#DALAPP$2.50
purpose is to invoke the protection of Four-color photo of His Holiness TUSHITA POSTCARDS
Kathmandu. Some are huge murals Enlightened and worldly beings for $lea.
that were painted on the sides of printed in quality vinyl. With long-life
those who see or possess it. It comes prayer and Shantideva's bodhisattvas' TU30 HHDL w/Ling & Trijang
buildings. There are also images of with a description that explains aspirational prayer on the reverse Rinpoche
Green Tara, White Tara, Chenrezig, them. side. TU42 Tanks in Lhasa
and the Medicine Buddha


SNOW LION DEITY CUCA55 Lamayuru Monastery BDC18 Vajradhara WDC18 Green Tara GAC117 Machig Labdron
CUCA56 Woman Chanting BDC19 Face of Avalokiteshvara WDC19 Five Mothers GAC118 Peaceful Bardo Deities
CARDS CUCA59 Horseman BDC20 Medicine Buddha These are the consorts of the five GAC119 Wrathful Bardo Deities
Here are fifteen thangka images of CUCA62 Ceremonial Tent BDC22 Padmapani Dhyani Buddhas. They represent and GAC120 Tsong-ka-pa on Lion
popular deities that we selected for the CUCA63 Monks Debating BDC24 Face of Vajrasattva and purify the five elements. GAC121 Cakrasamvara
quality of the paintings. These simple, CUCA64 Potala Stairs consort WDC20 Mandala of Heruka GAC124 Yamantaka
yet very elegant images were painted CUCA65 View from Jokhang Roof BDC50 Sarasvati Chakrasamvara GAC126 Ushnishavinijaya
in the traditional manner and measure BDC51 Amitabha Buddha WDC21 Twenty-one Tares GAC127 White Tara Mandala
HELP SUPPORT THE TIBETAN BDC52 Amitayus GAC 128 Depiction of Universe
4 x 6". We consider them the best REFUGEES: To express our gratitude WDC22 Akshobya
cards available for people wanting BDC53 Red Tara WDC23 Medicine Buddha GAC 130 Vajrasattva w/Consort
to the many Tibetans who made BDC54 Samantabhadra GAC132 1st Karmapa
clear, iconographic representations these cards possible, Snow Lion will WDC24 Offering of the Five Senses
of deities. By the way, since these are BDC55 Offering Goddess WDC25 Seed Syllable and Mantra GAC136 Manjushri
donate a percentage of the price of BDC56 Red Chenrezig (Gyalwa GAC139 Vajrayogini
reproductions of thangkas, we can every Tibet Card that you purchase Garland of Vajrayogini
have any of these images painted for Gyamtso) WDC26 Mandala of Vajrayogini GAC142 Green Tara & 21 Taras
to the Tibet Fund to help support the BDC57 Face of Heruka Chakrasam- GAC143 Buddha Shakyamuni w/16
you, should you desire a full sized Tibetan refugees. WDC27 Manjushri
thangka. These cards are $1 ea. vara WDC28 Lama Tsong Khapa & Two Arhats
DC1 Shakyamuni Buddha BDC58 Ganapati (Buddhist form of Disciples GAC 148 Mandala with Simhanada-
DC2 Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig) IMAGES OF LOST Ganesha —Newari style, 6 x 7") $2 WDC29 Five Dhyani Buddhas Avalokitesvara
DC3 Manjushri (Jampal-yang) WDC30 $1 Vajrayogini (Naro Kha- GAC149 Sitatapatra
TIBET & FACES OF GAC150 Amitayus
DC4 Green Tara (Drol-jang) LARGE GREEN TARA choma)
DC5 White Tara (Drol-kar) TIBET Vajrayogini symbolizes the female GAC151 Domtonpa
CARDS GAC152 Tapiriza
DC6 Vajrasattva (Dorje-sempa) Tibet, as it was prior to the Chinese tantric aspect of the buddha
from Robert Beer $2 ea. GAC153 Dorje Legpa
DC7 Medicine Buddha (Sangye invasion, is no more. Most of the reli- embodying the union of bliss and
Men-la) These cards are approx. 5.5 x 7". emptiness. GAC154 Garuda
gious culture as it appeared prior to GAC 155 Medicine Buddha
DC8 Samantabhadra (Kuntuzangpo) the 1950's was destroyed leaving only WDC31 Buddha Shakyamuni
DC9 Padmasambhava (Guru WDC32 Vajrasattva GAC161 Kunsang Gyalwa Dupa
hints of what was once one of the GAC 162 Tsewang Gyagarma
Rinpoche) most spiritual societies on Earth. Tibet WDC33 Avalokitesvara (Four Arm)
DC10 Vajrakilya (Dorje Phurba) GAC 163 Padmasambhava as Medi-
is now opening to tourists but what WDC34 Amitabha
DC11 Vajrayogini (Dorje Phagmo cine Buddha
visitors will not find is the thousands of WDC35 Vaishravana
Naro Khachoma) beautiful monasteries which flourished WDC36 Vajrapani
DC12 Vajrayogini (Dorje Phagmo) on the mountain sides, filled with WDC37 Kinkara Skeleton Couple PAINTINGS OF DHAWA
DC13 Vajrakilaya (Black Thangka several hundred thousand monks and WDC38 Tara Mantra DHONDUP NGOCHETSANG
Dorje Phurba) nuns-a rugged and happy culture of a WDC39 Mandala of Guhasamaja 6x8 Vz", color, $3 ea.
DC 14 Yamantaka Vajrabhairava people who lived their lives in a free WDC40 Heruka Chakrasamvara
Buddha Shakyamuni DDC1
(Dorje Jigje) and religious atmosphere. Green Tara with Manjushri,
DC 15 Machig Labdron Fourteen very high-quality black Chenrezig, Vajrapani DDC2
and white postcard images—5 reveal- Machig Labdron DDC3
ing the Tibetan character and 10 of Green Tara above the water
SNOW LION the best pictures from the Newark DDC4
TIBET CARDS Museum's collection of rare photo-
graphs of old Tibet—are available in
IMAGES OF TIBETAN this series of cards. BDC60 Standing Green Tara SAND MANDALA POST
CULTURE Cards measure 4-1/4" x 6" and are (Newari style) Beautiful in grace and NOTECARDS
In these full-color postcard images normally .75 cents each. Our special and form. Kalachakra Sand Mandala
of Tibetan culture all facets of price is .25 each BDC61 Green Tara (Newari style) #KASAC $1
Tibetan life are represented: paint- Copy of famous early masterpiece
IMAGES OF LOST TIBET Full-color photo reproduction of
ers, rug weavers, singers, masked sand mandala constructed in the
IMTI1 Tibetan from Chamdo BDC62 Khadiravani Tara (Tara of
dancers, lamas and monasteries, American Museum of Natural His-
IMTI2 Monks Sounding Trumpets the acacia forest) With bodhisattvas
religious ceremonies, nomads, yogis, tory, New York City.
IMTI3 Tibetan Nomad Tent Marici & Ekajata.
the Kalachakra Initiation in Bodh
Gaya, pilgrims, children, statues, IMTI4 Norbu Linga & 13th Dalai Wheel of Time Fire Offering
landscapes and more! These beauti- Lama ROBERT BEER NOTECARD Sand Mandala notecard
ful photos are of Tibetans in exile IMTI5 Officials During Losar $1.25 ea with envelope. Fine line draw- 5 x 7" #WHTIFI $2
and of Tibet itself. Cards measure IMTI7 Potala During Losar ings of deities and lineage gurus: WDC41 Mount Kailash
WDC42 1000-Armed Avalokitesh- Wheel of Time Mind Mandala
4-1/4" x 6" and are normally .75 each. IMTI8 Tantric Meditator #BEGADO Garab Dorje
vara notecard
The special sale price is .25 each. IMTI9 Tibetan Men & Horses #BEMANO Marpa
#BEMINO Milarepa WDC43 Vajradhara with Consort 5x7" #WHTIMI $2
IMTI11 Wife of Tibetan Governor
#BEPANO Padmasambhava WDC44 Stupa of Enlightenment
CUCA1 Statue Wheel of Compassion Sand
#BESHBU Sakyamuni Buddha WDC45 Kalarupa
CUCA6 Monastery Courtyard FACES OF TIBET Mandala Notecard
CUCA7 Landscape Sunset FATI51 Nomad Yogi #BESAGR Samantabhadra #WHCOSA $2
CUCA9 Long-life Offering FATI52 Yogi of Milarepa Tradition #BESHGR Shantideva MANTRA CARDS $1 ea.
This is the sand mandala of Chen-
CUCA11 Tibetan Pilgrim FATI53 Woman with Prayer Beads #BETSKH Tsongkhapa Andy Weber has created these rezig made by the monks of Namgyal
CUCA12 Masked Dancer FATI54 Young Tibetan Girl #BEVANO Vajradhara cards to aid in mantra visualization. Monastery at the Watts Towers Arts
CUCA13 Tibetan Man & Child FATI55 Yeshi Dorje, Weather #BEYETSYesheTsogyal WDC50 Avalokitesvara Center in Los Angeles.
CUCA16 Potala Palace Controller WDC51 Amitayus
CUCA17 Young Tibetan Monk WDC52 Green Tara Wheel of Time Sand Mandala
CUCA18 Potala from Back Side WDC53 Manjushri
DEITY CARDS FROM from Robert Beer $1 ea. #WHTICA $2
CUCA19 White Masked Dancer WDC54 Medicine Buddha
CUCA21 Red-Masked Dancer ROBERT BEER! Excellent images from thangkas, WDC55 Sakyamuni This is the sand mandala of
CUCA26 Tibetan Thangka Painter 4x6"$lea. Dalai Lama, India and photos from WDC56 Om Ah Hung Kalachakra made in the American
CUCA27 Tibetan Mask BDC1 White Syllable AH Tibet. Museum of Natural History in NYC
CUCA29 Tibetan Ngakpa BDC2 Shakyamuni Buddha BDC30 H.H. the Dalai Lama - by Namgyal monks.
CUCA30 Woman with Dog BUDDHAS
CUCA31 High Lamas at Kalachakra BDC33 Lotus Pool-Bodh Gaya
BDC34 Rock Paintings-Lhasa by Andy Weber. 6x8", fine art
CUCA34 Jokhang Temple
BDC35 Padmasambhava-in Jokhang paper. #EIMEBU $7.50
CUCA35 Jokhang Rooftop
BDC36 Maitreya-in Potala Contains the eight Medicine Bud-
CUCA37 Young Monk on Roof

BDC37 Potala Palace dhas and Buddha Shakyamuni with
CUCA39 Potala Rooftop
CUCA40 Tashilunpo Monastery BDC38 H.H. the Dalai Lama a description on the reverse of each
CUCA41 Rebuilding of Ganden wearing 5 Buddha crown at of them.
CUCA42 Monks of Nechung Kalachakra
CUCA43 Dharmachakra BDC39 Dragon and Tiger
BDC40 Wishfulfilling Tree MEDICINE BUDDHA
CUCA44 Mandala Offering by Andy Weber. 6 x 8", fine art
BDC41 Eight Auspicious Symbols
CUCA46 ChortenofGyantse paper. #MEBUCA $7.50
CUCA47 Sakya Monastery BDC42 Lotus
Attractive and colorful, this is an
CUCA48 Milarepa's Cave
CARDS FROM ANDY WEBER excellent painting of the Medicine Medicine Buddha Mandala:
CUCA49 Drepung Monastery
Buddha It has a description on the Essence of Healing
CUCA50 Kumbum Monastery 4X6"$lea. back.
CUCA51 Sera Monastery WDC1 Long Life Thangka #MEBUMA $1
WDC2 Four Friends The Ven. Ngawang Chojor created
WDC3 EyesoftheStupa GARUDA POSTCARDS this sand mandala of the Medicine
BDC3 Manjushri WDC4 Eight Auspicious Symbols $lea. Buddha. It is reproduced here as a
BDC4 Four-Armed Avalokiteshvara WDC5 Om Mani Padme Hung Traditional thangka images. 4x6" card.
BDC5 1000-Armed Avalokiteshvara WDC6 Hri GAC101 Buddha Shakyamuni with Monks from Namgyal Monastery
BDC6 Standing Avalokiteshvara WDC7 Om Ah Hung Shariputra & Maudgalyayana Creating a Vajrabhairava Sand
BDC7 Green Tara WDC8 Double Dorje GAC102 Gelugpa Guru Tree Mandala
BDC8 White Tara WDC9 Prajnaparamita GAC105 Avalokitesvara 4 x 6" #NACA1 $1
BDC9 Face of White Tara WDC10 Samajavajra GAC106 Amitabha in Dewachen The monks from Namgyal Monas-
BDC10 Vajrasattva w/consort WDC11 Heruka Chakrasamvara GAC107 Padmasambhava tery, the personal monastery of H.H.
BDC11 Padmasambhava WDC12 Mahakala GAC108 The 35 Buddhas the Dalai Lama, create a Vajrabhai-
BDC12 VajraVarahi WDC13 Mandala of Avalokitesvara GAC109 White Tara rava sand mandala in this lovely
BDC13 Simhamukha WDC14 Mandala of the Five GAC110 Green Tara image.
BDC14 6-Arm White Mahakala Elements GAClllJambhala
BDC15 Rahula WDC15 PathofSamatha GAC113Vairocana Monks from Namgyal
BDC16 Vajrakila Meditation GAC114Simhavaktra Monastery Creating a
BDC17 Shakyamuni w/peaceful & WDC16 Inner Offering GAC115 White Mahakala Kalachakra Sand Mandala
CUCA54 Woman with Headdress wrathful deities WDC17 Eight Precious Offerings GAC116 Vajrapani 4x6" #NACA2 $1

S ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313
<bn/now Lion offers authentic thang-
kas painted for religious practice
Size Codes:
by Tibetans. They are excellent in
M (image 14" x 20", overall 25"
quality and are properly mounted
x 36") approx.
and brocaded for hanging. Please
L (image 17" x 22", overall 30" x
be aware that cheaper imitations on
46") approx.
the market have not been properly
XL (image 24" x 36", overall 34"
painted (iconographically and ritual-
x 60") approx.
Our stock is always changing,
Special Codes:
what is listed below is our current
B = special brocade
stock as of February, 2001. We can
XB = extra special brocade
always commission a special image
K = has bottom rod with metal
for you—call us for information as
to price an"d availability. Thangkas
can be seen at our website (Contact
us for photos, which can be sent
through the postal system or as an
attachment to email.)


Large, Extra-Special Brocade, #THME $550.00 Medium, Extra Special Brocade. #THME
Medium size. #THSP6 $495.00
Two-armed form. #THCHA Excellent thangka of the most $550.00
$550.00 famous yogi of Tibet.
Extra large, 3 x 5' overall, exqui-
site brocade, Multi-armed form. PADMASAMBHAVA
Medium, Eight Manifestations.
Medium. #THCHE $495.00 Has the eight manifestations of
Medium, Extra-special Brocade.
#THFOA $495.00 Medium, Red with gold, Eight
Medium, Extra-special Brocade. Manifestation, Extra-special Bro-
#THFOAR $550.00 cade. #THRURE $695.00
Has the eight manifestations of
Medium, Extra-special Brocade.
Medium. #TH93 $495.00
Medium size. #THSHGA $395.00
GREEN TARA THANGKAS Medium size. #THSP6 $495.00 KALARUPA THANGKA Large, Extra-Special Brocade, Two-
Medium. #THGRTA $495.00 14-x 20" image with exquisite brocade. armed form. #THCHA $550.00
This Green Tara was painted with VAJRASATTVA W/CONSORT #THKA $500.00
a beautiful face. THANGKA
Large, Special Brocade. #THVAYA
14 x 20" image with exquisite bro-
cade. #THKA $500.00
Another Sanskrit name of this varahi) THANGKAS
deity is "Dharmaraja"—the King of
the Dharma. In this wrathful and 15 x 22" image, exquisite brocade,
protective aspect Manjushri (Vajrab- Vajravarahi in form of Maitri's
hairava), the Buddha of wisdom, Dakini. #THVAMA $650.00
appears to conquer hindrances and Medium size, exquisite brocade,
to remove inner or outer obstacles. Vajravarahi. #THVAVA $550.00
Medium size, Vajravarahi. #THT22
Medium size, Vajravarahi. #THT14
Large, Special Brocade, Knobs.
#THMA $550.00 $495.00
Contains many deities associated Medium size, Vajrayogini. #THSP2
with her practice. $495.00


(four-armed) Medium size, Special Medium, Extra-special Brocade, VAJRAVARAHI THANGKA
Brocade. #THSHMA $395.00 with knobs. #THWHT $425.00 15 x 22" image, exquisite brocade,
Medium. #THCHE $495.00
Vajravarahi in form of Maitri's Dakini.
Medium. #THSP5 $400.00 Medium. #THYA $450.00
Solitary hero Yamantaka—very pni
well painted.


MANJUSHRI THANGKA Medium, Extra-special Brocade. Medium, Red with gold, Eight Man- VAJRAVARAHI THANGKA
Medium. #THSP5 $400.00 #THEK $495 ifestation, Extra-special Brocade. Medium size, exquisite brocade.
#THRURE $695.00 #THVAVA $550.00


Each of the following sets of deity Printed on 100% cotton with non-toxic colorfast textile paints,
prayer flags has five flags, one in each these flags are exquisitely designed and beautifully made, (one flag)
of the Tibetan" colors and they are
strung on a cord. Each flag measures Eight Manifestations of Guru
approx. 13 x 16" and has the mantras Rinpoche
of the deity printed on it: 25x37"#EIMAGU$16
CHENREZIG Prayer Flags Four Dignities
#CHPRFL$12 24 x 24", red-purple on white,
KALACHAKRA Prayer Flags The Garuda, Dragon, Snow Lion,
#KAPRFL$12 Tiger represent sacred qualities and
fel&SJ^^ attitudes that bodhisattvas develop
MAHAKALA Prayer Flags on the path: awareness, confidence,
TARA Prayer Flags #SETAPR joy, humility, and power.
$12 Or purchase them separately:
MANJUSHRI Prayer Flags The Garuda
#MNPRFL$12 18 x 18", green on white, #GAPR
MILAREPA Prayer Flags Represents freedom and the vast
#MIPRFL$12 i lease note that most prayer mind.
flags are designed to destruct
PADMASAMBHAVA Prayer over time. In this way, the Green Tara
Flags #PAPRFL $12 earth as vjell as the wind 14 x 20" #GRTAPR $8
receives the prayers. Gyaltsan Semo
20 x 26" #GYSEPR $8
This is the Banner of Victory given
to Indra by Buddha Shakyamuni to
overcome all obstacles and enemies.
Contains the Eight Auspicious Sym-
bols, the eight precious possessions
of a monarch, the windhorse and five
sensuous offerings.
Kalachakra Monogram
9 x 16" #KAMOPR $5
This symbol contains the seed
syllables of the Kalachakra Heruka. It
presents the essence of the teachings Wheel of Life 12 x 16" #WHLIPR $5
of the Kalachakra Tantra concern-
ing the energy which transcends
WINDHORSE PRAYER FLAGS the relative concepts of time and Shakyamuni Buddha The Tiger
Set of five. space. These ten syllables of power 14 x 20" #SHBUPR $8 18 x 18", red-orange on white,
This is a set of traditional prayer, flags in the five colors with represent the 84,000 teachings of
windhorse and other animals and mantras printed on them. In the enlightenment. Rainbow colored. The Sky Dragon
18 x 18", turquoise on white, Represents unconditional confi-
symbolism of the prayer flag, the windhorse represents the process of Kurukulle Prayer Flag dence, awareness, and modesty.
the wind carrying prayers as do the four animals in the comers of the 22 x 30", black on red, #KUPRFL #SKDRPR $8
flag. The mantras are for Vajra Guru, Chenrezig, Kalachakra, Mahakala $10 way that pacifies the situation. Represents spontaneous achieve- Turquoise Dragon
and many others. Each flag measures 13" x 16". #SEPRFL $14 ment, elegance, and equanimity. #TUDR$8
Mig Thong (Thousand Eyes)
Small Wind Horse 28 x 13", turquoise on white.
13" x 38", black on white, In heaven the Turquoise Dragon
#MITHPR $lfl 13 x 16" #SMWIPR $5
thunders, the sound of compassion
Protects against the envy and The Wind Horse carries the wish- that awakens us from delusion and
jealousy of others which can cause fulfilling jewel of enlightenment. At increases what we can know through
obstacles, accidents, and loss of the top is a symbolic representation hearing. Dragons have the power
wealth and energy. The symbols and of the Buddha's first teaching at Deer of complete communication and
daranis on the flag return the negativ- Park. The text inscribes the mantras of protect one from slander.
ity back to the initiator in a way that many deities: Manjushri, Avalokitesh-
vara, Vajrapani, Amitabha, Amitayus, Wheel of Life
pacifies the situation.
Padmasambhava, The Peaceful Deities, 12 x 16" #WHLIPR $5
Prayer to the Twenty-one Taras the Wrathful Deities, Tara, Vajrakilaya, This traditional print depicts the
20x26"#PRTWPR$8 and Vajrasattva. cycle of worldly states of existence.
Sampa Lhundrup The pictorial forms symbolize the
sAjyJJWHKaPP^: The Snow Lion
19x28"#SALUPR$8 self-perpetuating process of deluded
18 x 18", purple on white,
GURU RINPOCHE PRAYER FLAGS existence. At the upper right, away
The Quick Wish-Fulfilling Prayer #SNPRFL $8 from the endless circle stands a
#GURIPR $35.00 of Padmasambhava" is the subject of Represents unconditional cheer- Bodhisattva who points toward the
25 flags on a string, each 8 1/2" w, 5 different colors. A larger set of this flag. The four sacred animals are fulness, mind free of doubt, clear Wheel of Dharma which represents
prayer flags of Guru Rinpoche for larger spaces. in the corners with Guru Rinpoche in and precise. the teachings of liberation
the center.


We have various sets of Tibetan
ritual cymbals. They are
beauifully made with pads and
covers. Call to check availability.

12" Ritual cymbals

DOOR CURTAIN 11" Ritual cymbals
#FOKNCU $50 #RICYSM $200
Four Eternal Knots, one in each 13" Wrathful deity cymbals
EIGHT AUSPICIOUS ETERNAL KNOT DOOR panel, are sewn on this traditional
SYMBOLS DOOR CURTAIN CURTAIN door cover. Measures 6' long x 42"
#DOCU $50 wide.
Beautifully designed and sewn by
This curtain has eight panels with This curtain has the eternal knot Pvtyby.SMiv-tfonijHlfjzstH
a Namgyal monk. This curtain is in
an auspicious symbol embroidered sewn onto the cloth. It measures 38"
the traditional colors and measures
in each one. Measures 36 x 70". x 74" and looks great
approx. 38" wide by 74" high.

S ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313


These vertical banners are approx. 6
ft. x 18" wide with attachments for poles.
The deity is printed with the appropriate
mantras. If you would like to have 5 ban-
ners, one in each color or any combina-
tion, the set of 5 is $70.
#CHBA $16
#MABAN $16
#MIBA$16 Approx. 28" x 4 1/2' wide #AUBA The precious mantra of
PADMASAMBHAVA Banner $16 Kalachakra is embroidered and then
#PABA$16 mounted in brocade. 24" x 13" wide.
The eight auspicious symbols are EIGHT AUSPICIOUS
TARA Banner embroidered on this banner which
#TABA $16 also has a brocade border. The auspi-
cious symbols represent the many 12 wide x 29" high. #EIAUTH $55
VAJRAYOGINI Banner The Eight Auspicious Symbols
wonderful qualities of the Buddha
#VABA$16 are hand painted and mounted
WINDHORSE Banner thangka style to make a beautiful
#WIBA$16 wall hanging.

*»»»#»*«#> >*#»»*»»##


Vertical banners 3.5 ft. long x 6" wide, brocade with #MABANN $16
embroidered mantras in Tibetan. 26" x 4 1/2" wide. Embroidered
Om Mani Padme Hum mounted in
BUDDHA Mantra Banner, brocade.Very striking.
» « « si * « »
Banner, #KAMABA $22

Banner, #MAMABA $22

Mantra Banner,
#MEMABA$22 .
Mantra Banner, #PAMABA Approx. 44 x 13" wide. #LAAUBA
$22 $30
The eight auspicious symbols are
TARA MANTRA Banner, embroidered on this banner which
#TAMABA $22 also has abrocade border. The auspi-
cious symbols represent the many MANI HANGING #MAHA $40
wonderful qualities of the Buddha. 44" x 18" wide. Om Mani Padme Hum is embroidered and mounted in
brocade. The central color is orange and the brocade is yellow and blue.
Very striking.

No Tibetan custom is as well-known as the offering of a kata or white scarf used in greeting. The kata WINDHORSE BANNEE j |
is considered as an auspicious symbol. It lends a positive note to the start of any enterprise or relationship 70^1ong.#MMBA$i& \
and indicates the good intentions of the person offering it Katas are offered to religious images, such as : fheiwindhorsejand four iro-j
statues of the Buddha, and to lamas. There are a number of types of katas, some of the most popular are tjedtorsion a large barker.' ■ '
listed below (white unless otherwise mentioned). m
Plain Offering Scarf, 4' long x 14" wide, #PLOFSC $4
Natural Golden Color Offering Scarf, 4' long x 14" wide, #GOOFSC $5
Brocaded Offering Scarf, 6' long x 16" wide, with auspicious symbols #BROFSC $12
Fancy Brocade Offering Scarf, #FABROF $25 8' long with auspicious symbols

TILDEN (left)
This brocade tilden has
pieced triangle design in the
middle. The brocade is the
kind you find on many thang-
kas. It measures 16" x 10."

#LATTL $40
LARGE FANCY ALTAR This tilden is typically
LARGE DRAGON ALTARS used on a lama's throne on
the side table. It measures
30 x 30" #DRALCL $60 30x30"#ALCL$45
approx. 38" x 20".
Quality brocade design with All brocade piece with triangle
dragons. pattern in the center.


This is the offering set used for
Jambhala water offerings. It is made
of copper (required for the practice)
and has several parts: A small copper
statue of Jambhala, 7 offering bowl
dishes (used under your existing set),
a 9" deep dish to catch the water, a
stand that goes in this dish to hold a
smaller dish with Jambhala in it, and
finally, the copper water pitcher.


#BHFE $12 #BH $28
Traditional peacock feather Made with copper and brass this
This is a finely crafted Japa-
arrangement which is used in is an item that typically appears on
nese meditation bell is nearly
bhumpa. Approx. 12" high.. Tibetan altars or practice tables.
2" high and 3 1/2" in diameter.
It is 7" high and used for blessed
It produces a long, multi-toned
pulsating ring when struck
KAPALA (skull cup) and with the proper striker,
BTJTTER LAMPS It is five inches high with three can be used as a singing bowl.
parts: triangular base, metal skull It sits on a purple and white
cup to hold precious liquids, and lid cushion and comes with a 5
covering. 1/4" black striker.
1 ~¥ Medium Brass Kapala #MEBRKA


We have available mandala
plates for mandala offerings.
The sizes are either large (7"
BUTTER LAMP (white metal) approx.) or small (6" approx.)
#BULA$16 in diameter. We recommend
White metal, well-made, 3 1/2" calling us for sizes and prices
high. of available stock The type of
metalfs) in these plates varies
considerably. We have set of
copper and a set of silvery (an
DINGSHA BELLS (cymbals) alloy) in large and small for
The sound of these bells is psychi-
cally cleansing. Large Silver #MALASI $80
Standard Dingsha Bells Small Silver #MASMSI $70
#DI $20 Large Copper #MALACO $80
These are 2.75" in diameter. Small Copper #MASMCO $70
BRASS BUTTER LAMPS Large Dingsha Bells Small Gold & Silver (alloys) MEDITATION SHAWLS
These lamps look great and brass #DIBELA$26 #MASIGO$150
is very durable. Large cotton (summer) and wool
These are 3.25" in diameter.
(winter—hand loomed and dyed)
Extra-Large Brass Butter Lamp meditation shawls for men and
4.50" high, EXBRBU $13.50 women imported from India. They
Large Brass Butter Lamp are the maroon color that monks and
4.25" high, #LABRBU $11 nuns wear. They measure 4' x 8'.
DRUMS Meditation Shawl—summer
Small Brass Butter Lamp
#MESHS $30
3" high, #SMBRBU $6
Meditation Shawl- -winter

Brass concave circular ritual
§Sffgy{%:t§« mm.


DAMARUS (wood)
CHOD DRUM 4" in diameter #DA $20
41/4" high with auspicious symbols This is the hand drum used #DABA$20
#CHDR $170
in silver-like metal. in many tantric practices. Beautiful brocade banners in
This is the authentic chod drum.
5 traditional colors. They are
It has a diameter of 9 3/4" and is 4
1/2" wide and comes with silk tail, approx 22" long and attach to the
brocade carrying case with strap, Damaru to make a lovely tail.
and sea shell adornments. Small Melong #MES $12
2 1/4" dia.
Large Melong #MEL $16
4" dia.
They are used in protector DAMARU SET
deity practice and measure 5"
high and 5" in diameter.
White Metal Serkyem #SEWH
I #DASE $45
Includes damaru (4 1/2" to
5" at longest dia_), cover, & 7^ £now Lhn
JnUtnit £fof)
Brass Serkyem #BRSE $26
Copper Serkyem #COSE $16 m^m
It has lovely highlights in a
second lighter metal.

*S ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313
Offering bowls are present on & WRAPS
every Tibetan altar and often contain SINGING BOWLS
Used to cover sacred texts.
water, rice, or other items. These These singing bowls are made
bowls can discolor—to use them in Nepal from a hand-worked
properly, the bowls must be filled alloy, and picked up by us for
to the top and the water must be sound quality.
changed every day and the bowls
wiped dry with a soft cloth (don't 8" in dia. with thick wall.
use silver polish) and turned upside #SIBO8$100
down. Water allowed to evaporate
will leave mineral deposits which are
hard to remove. Another option to
protect them from discoloration is to
spray the bowls with polyurethane
before using them.


Standard set. #BEDO $36.00
High grade bell and dorje—
STANDARD 2 metal or better. #BEDOHI
Two sizes of traditional book $150.00
covers in red cloth with yellow
square and cord. Supreme grade bell and
dorje—5 metal. #DABEDO
Standard Pecha Wrap #PEWR $15 #BRSIBO $48.00
Approx. 22" sq. $225.00
Shiny brass singing bowl. 5 3/4" singing bowls with smooth finish The supreme symbols of the
Standard Pecha Wrap #PEWRL $15 and excellent sound. Comes with striker. Vajrayana path are the bell and dorje
Approx. 30" sq. (diamond scepter) used by tantric
#COSIBO $48.00
practitioners. They are held in the
Copper singing bowl with eternal knot on bottom and Tibetan left and right hand respectively and
Copper Offering Bowls design on side. 5 3/4" singing bowls with smooth finish and excellent convey the mystical union of wisdom
sound. Comes with striker. and compassion. The dorje is approx.
Includes set of 7 bowls 4 1/2" long, has five prongs, four at
each end curved around the central
COPPER OFFERING BOWLS w/ prong, symbolizing the five Buddha
AUSPICIOUS SYMBOLS families. Lotus petals decorate the
#COOFAU $38 central caps. The handle of the bell
These bowls are 3" in diameter, is similar to the dorje. The bell is
copper, and have 3 auspicious sym- approx. 6" high and composed of an
bols around the side. alloy of metals and is decorated with
Engraved Silvery Offering Bowls Tibetan syllables, lotus petals and
#SIOFBO $33 dorjes. The bell produces a clear,
brilliant tone that symbolizes the
Includes set of 7 bowls. Silvery open dimension of reality.
offering bowls that measure 3 1/4" FANCY
dia.—lovely engraved pattern. Two sizes of book covers in yellow
cloth with red Tibetan design bro-
cade square and cord.
Fancy Pecha Wrap #FAPE $17
'&* r~ ■^
% ".„ ■

Approx. 31" sq.

Fancy Pecha Wrap #FAPEL $20 #SNLIPR $300
Approx. 33" sq.
Hand carved wooden practice table, hand painted in red, gold
and traditional snow lion colors. This table folds down for transport
and measures 27" wide by 14" deep and 13" high. A lovely piece of
work for sadhana practice.

Plain Silvery Offering Bowls

Includes set of 7 bowls. Plain
silvery offering bowls that measure
2 1/4" dia.—Elegant and perfect for
smaller altars.
Large Brass Offering Bowls
2.75" in dia, #LABROF $32
These are elaborately brocaded
Small Brass Offering Bowls covers that are perfect for the stan-
2"india.,#SMBROF$19 dard size bell and dorje.

The wooden frame, brocade, ties
and cloth sides make this a very
attractive item for holding sadhana
and sacred texts.
4 x 17", extra large. #PEHOL $45
4 x 15". #WOPEHL $40
4 x 12". #WOPEHS $35


We now have meditation cushion
covers with liners that you can fill with
your favorite substance. They are avail-
able in eight colors: black, burgundy,
red, purple, navy, rust, brown, and royal
blue. Please tell us your first and second
color choice. You can fill the liner
#PRWH $30 with a variety of items: buckwheat
Authentic Tibetan prayer wheel hulls, beans, seeds, kapok, pine needles,
consisting of a hollow cylindrical herbs or whatever—it will even take a
body engraved with the Mani prayer. beach ball for an inflatable travelling
It is approx. 9" long and is filled with cushion! (Wholesale prices are available
t he Om Mani Padme Hum prayer. The PURBAS to dharma centers retailers for quantity
cylinder ofthe wheel is rotated in the Tantric daggers made of iron used orders.) Cushion Only—no stuffing #ZAMECU $25
same direction as the sun, and each to expel negative forces.
ON SALE STUFFED $25.00 Buckwheat Hulls Stuffing #ZAST $12.95
turn is the equivalent of.a reading of 9" Purba #9PU $30
the prayers enclosed v\ithin. 5"Purba #5PU$12


Amber 6mm #AMMA $130
The following malas are special
order items and are hand-made
according to your specifications.
The mala beads are 8mm unless
ft Cobalt Blue Glass Mala #COMA otherwise noted. Please allow 4-6
i .' 1
$30 weeks for delivery:

Amethyst $250
Aventurine 6mm $50
i • '•'' \* Black Onyx $80
Hematite 6mm $50
\ : .-"r Lapis Lazuli $270
I- These excellent quality lapis malas
contain lapis guru bead and blue
tassels. Perfect for Medicine Buddha
i •' I *
Linden Nut Disc Mala #LINUDI Malachite 6mm $120
$36 Mother of Pearl $50
This beautiful mala has abacus Rock Crystal Mala #CRMA $70
Bodhiseed #BOSEMA $40 Rhodonite (pink with black) $120
shaped beads that are chocolate
Red Glass Mala #REMA $30
color with tiny beige speckles from Rose Quartz $60
BONE MALAS the Linden tree. »«**»«»»««< -»«•«•< Tiger Eye $100
Strung on a red cord these malas
have bone counters too! Turquoise $80
LOTUS SEED MALAS TIBETAN HAND MALAS Color will vary from green to blue
Regular Bone Mala #BOMA $20
Brown bone beads These hand-crafted malas contain but each mala has uniform color.
27 beads of genuine semi-precious Has crystal guru bead and turquoise
stones that are 8 mm. in diameter. tassel.
You can also wear the mala on your
m ■
M Me wrist. The qualities reputed to be
associated with the stones are men-

tioned in the descriptions.

&* Amber Hand Mala #AMHAMA $44
m Amethyst Hand Mala #AMYHA
$48 Gold Counters
Aventurine Hand Mala 6mm #GOCO $22
#AVHAMA $24 High quality gold plated bell &
Black Onyx Hand Mala dorje.
#ONHAMA $28 Phurba & Curved Knife
Cobalt Blue Glass Pocket Mala Counters
Silver counters on thick red cord
Lapis Lazuli Hand Mala
Lotus Seed Mala, #LOSEMA $20 with tassels.
Mala has lotus seed guru bead and Sandalwood Counters
Yak Bone Mala #YABOMA $60 Tibetan-style tassel. Malachite Hand Mala #MAHAMA
These have a bell and dorje and
Mala is dark brown with inlaid $48
Lotus Seed Mala, with semi-pre- are strung on red cord.
bits of coral and turquoise. Includes cious marker beads #LOMA $30 Mother of Pearl Hand Mala
Regular Sandalwood Counters
fancy guru bead and counters with #M0I1AMA$24
bell & dorje. Looks old and is remark- #RGSACO $8
Rock Crystal #CRHAMA $28
able to see. Guru beads can vary in Red Sandalwood Counters
White Bone Mala #WIIBOMA i appearance. Rose Quartz Hand Mala
Tiger Eye Hand Mala #TTHAMA
$35 jjrf
Turquoise Hand Mala #TUHAMA

$45 jjjj "IJB^^BBS^.
Bodhi Seed Pocket Mala
Twenty-one bodhi seeds on an
elastic cord-wear it on your wrist
or carry it in your pocket to use
whenever you have time. This mala
was obtained from the monks of
Namgyal to help them fund-raise.
Regular Sandalwood Hand Mala
Lotus Seed Pocket Mala, with #RGSAHA$7.00
Aromatic sandalwood on an elas- '"
18 large beads and guru bead.
#LOHAMA $15 tic cord. Silver Counters
Beautiful silver counters on thick
red cord with tassels with bell &
#DODOCA $175 Wheel of Dharma Counters
This double-dorjee wool carpet is an excellent base for meditation #WHDHCO $28
or as a covering. It measures 2 x 3' and has a lovely mix of harmonious Silver Dharmachakras strung on
colors which you can view on our website. red cord with multicolored tassels.
White Metal Counters


A traditional Tibetan carpet (28 x 28") with a yellow double This wheel of dharma wool carpet is an excellent base for meditation #MABA$8
dorjee on maroon background. Padded underneath (2 1/5" thick) or as a covering. It measures 2x3' and has a lovely mix of harmonious
These are lovely silk brocade
and covered with Tibetan cotton cover. An excellent meditation colors (same as double dorjee carpet) which you can view on our
pouches with draw strings. They are
seat for you or your lama. website. Made by Tibetans in Nepal.
6" in diameter. Beautiful gift item.

© ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313
Red or natural color sandalwood malas with guru bead and
tassles. They smell wonderful!
3-Metal Designs
The tri-metal formula is thought to have healing properties and the ability to balance
energies. These traditional Tibetan bracelets are crafted from interwoven copper, brass,
and nickel. They are attractive, adjustable and functional.

Red Sandalwood #RESAMA

Regular Sandalwood $14.00
#RGSAMA $14.00
Wood#WOMA$16 1/4" wide, cross-weave bracelet. #CRWEBR! l/2': wide, mostly copper. #COBEBR
Woven 3-Metal Band #WOTHME $4 3-Metal Design with Beaded Edge #BEEDBR

Traditional Tibetan incense pre- Highest Grade #BL $8 FINELY CRAFTED THREE-METAL
pared from medicinal herbs-musk, MEDICINE BRACELETS
Extra-Grade Tibetan Incense
saffron, nagi, and sandalwood—is #EXGRTI $10 by Sergio Lub SHERPA'S ROPE
available in three grades depending This incense comes from These finely crafted silver, copper and #SHROBR $25
on the amount of aromatic sub- another source and is a popular brass Tibetan medicine bracelets were hand- This is a three-metal
stances added to the basic mix. high-grade product. crafted by Sergio Lub, a westerner who weave 3/16" wide
Ritual Grade Tibetan Incense learned from the Tibetans how to make
Pure Sandalwood #SAIN $5
#CHTIIN $5.00 these bands and has refined the technique to
Comes in an 8" bundle.
a high degree. They are gorgeous!
Medium Grade #RE $6



#BLAG $5
Made by Dr. Lobsang Choephel.
Contains all the thirty-one herbal
& mineral ingredients essential for
reducing stress created by the differ-
ent "winds."

#NIBRIN $6 This is a seven-metal weave that is 5/16" wide. This is a three-metal weave that is 1/4" wide.
For relief of stress and tension. A
totally natural, safe, non-toxic and «**»$88S8#e»»*«*8< «»»*»«#««»»«* «»»**»»«*: »«»S8«**»»«S8SS:

TARA HEALING CONE non-habit-forming aroma-therapeutic

INCENSE incense. Prepared by T.J. Tsarong and
#TAHECO $15 Himalayan Herbal Co. of Gangtok,
Approximately 50 cones of healing Sikkim. Sometimes called relax-
incense per jar. BRACELETS
TARA HEALING INCENSE These measure 7 to
#TAIN $5 7.25" in length.
Tara healing incense has been Silver Snake
used for centuries for relief from Thin Bracelet
stress, depression and tension. It is #BRSNTN $20
prepared according to the Tibetan
medical system and is composed
of 33 different pure & rare natural
herbs. It is non-toxic and non-addic-
tive. There are 19 six inch sticks Silver Mirror Bracelet #BRSIMI Silver Snake Thick Bracelet
per box. $22 #BRSNTH $20


Healing incense has been used BURNER
for centuries for relief from stress, In Tibet where there is no freedom
#SNINBU $7.00 of expression the means of com-
depression and tension. It is prepared 3 inches in diameter and 1 1/2 YAK BONE BRACELET
according to the Tibetan medical municating resistance and solidarity
inches high, this snow lion incense must go underground. The Rangzen #YABOB $10
system and is composed of 33 differ- burner holds a standard stick of
ent pure & rare natural herbs. It is band, now worn by thousands in This bracelet features six oval
Tibetan incense. Made in Kathmandu Tibet and in the Tibetan community- panels with auspicious symbols
non-toxic and non-addictive. There by Tibetans.
are five boxes of incense in the gift in-exile has become a symbol of the
pack. Made by Tibetans in India Tibetan struggle. Show your support
for Tibetan freedom by wearing a
freedom (rangzen) band. They are
black & white and are worn like
friendship bands.

The healing tri-metal formula for
arm and hand pain. These tradi- OM BRACELET
tional Tibetan bracelets are crafted #SAOMBR $30
from interwoven copper, brass, and This features the OM MANI
iron. They are attaractive, adjust- PADME HUM in Tibetan letters and
INCENSE BURNER able, and functional.
#INBUWO $70 has small coral or turquoise stones
Woven 3-Metal Band and filigree silver work.
This is a painted wood incense burner that measures 14" long x 4
1/4" wide and high. It has a carved front with snow lions and the three
jewels. A sliding drawer slides out and holds incense. You fill the 3-Metal Design with Beaded
burner with sand or rice, lay the burning stick down on top of it and Edge #BEEDBR $4
the smoke flows out through a slot on the top of the box.




#YABON $10
This necklace has eight panels
and ties with a black cord.


This 26" elegant chain is perfect for pendants
and gaus.

The curved knife of Vajrayogini
worn as silver earrings. These pendants are finely crafted in silver. We are pleased to be able to offer these colorful pendants.
The first three are 5/8 to 3/4" high. They are 1 1/4" in diameter, hang with a red cord and have images
of deities, lamas, and mantras—one on each side in different
combinations. The whole piece is covered with a clear resin to
protect the images. $8 each.
3lE ■

16th and 17th Karmapa. Jambhala w/ Mantra
Amitabha w/ Mantra Karmapa (16) w/ Marpa
Chakrasamvara w/ Four- Manjushri w/ Mantra
Armed Mahakala #PEMAMA
Tibetan Om #TIOMPE $10 #PECHFO Medicine Buddha w/ Mantra
Large Tibetan Om #TIOMPL Chenrezig w/ Green Tara #PEMEMA
$32, 1 1/2" long #PECHTA Palden Lhamo w/ Mantra
Tibetan Ah #TIAHPE $16
The phurbas are 1 1/2" long.
Mani Mantra Pendant
Silver Om Mani Padme Hum
mantra in a circle on silver back-
ground. Approx. 1" in dia.

Chenrezig w/ Mantra
#PECHMA Samantabhadra/Consort w/
SNOW LION EARRINGS Guru Rinpoche/Consort
Silver snow lions with semi-pre- Sitatapatra w/ Mantra
cious stone. #PESIMA
Six-Armed Mahakala (blue)
w/ Mantra #PESIAR

Tibetan Hung #TIHUPE $10

Dalai Lama w/ Chenrezig

OM with Turquoise Agate #PEDACH
Pendant #OMBLAG$35
■ 1.5" long turquoise agate with Dudjom Rinpoche w/ Mantra
silver OM on a Moon disk. The #PEDUMA
agate beautifully sets off the silver Ekajati w/ Mantra
Tibetan OM. #PEEKMA
Green Tara w/ Mantra Vajrasattva w/ Mantra

\mw Turquoise with Gold Earrings

Disks of turquoise held by 18k
gold plated silver hangers. The
Guru Rinpoche w/ Dorje
Phurba #PEGUDO
White Mahakala w/ Mantra
White Tara w/ Mantra
contrast of the gold and turquoise Guru Rinpoche w/ Mantra.
#OMPE $9.95
1 3/8" in diameter, this pendant
has a circular Om Mani Padme Hung
mantra in Tibetan letters circling V^in a FREE TRIP to Tibet and Nepal.
around the central Hrih. It is a silver
You can enter everytime you place an order with us.
alloy and has a ring for a chain or
string. See page 5 for details.

S ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313 or
The Endless Knot is one of the
eight auspicious symbols of Tibetan These silver earrings and pendant
Buddhism. It represents the knot of are in the shape of mandalas and
life, the interconnectedness of all life, have a deep red garnet in the center.
and the interconectedness of wisdom The pendant is 11/2" in diameter and
and compassion. Marta Macbeth has the earrings are 7/8" in diameter.
designed and produced beautiful ster-
ling jewelry featuring the endless knot
symbol. A percentage of each sale goes
to the Tibetan Resettlement Project.

Gold Eternal Knot Earrings

Curved Knife Pendant #CUKNPE Prayer Wheel (drum) Pendant #GOEA$20
#PRDRPE $25 Comes with a read carnelianbead. Mandala Earrings #MAEA $26
1" high, 7/8" wide, silver 1.25" long, This exquisite silver
prayer wheel has the Tibetan Om,
Mani Padme Hum both on the drum
and inside too—as a roll of Mani
Endless Knot Earrings
All silver, 1 1/4" long

Dorje Pendant #DOPE $8
11/4" long, silver Mandala Pendant #MAPE $26

Prayer Wheel (hand-held style) ETERNAL KNOT

Pendant #PRHAPE $25 NECKLACE by Marta Macbeth RINGS
A small (1.5") version of a real Endless Knot Pendant #ETKNNE$150
prayer wheel that turns. It is made of
(w/circle) #ETKN $28 Silver with turquoise beads, this
silver and has the Om Mani Padme
Silver w/cord, knot is enclosed by 18" eternal knot necklace was com-
Hum mantra on it.
a circle, 1 3/8" dia. missioned by Snow Lion from one of
Ithaca's finest jewelers. Marta has also
Endless Knot Pendant (w/o been a very active Tibet supporter and
circle) #SETKNP $28 gives a portion of the proceeds from
This popular design is now avail- her eternal knot jewelry to support the
able without the enclosing circle. It Tibetan freedom struggle. You'll love
is silver. the weight and feel of the silver and the
Double Dorje Pendant #DODOPE color of the turquoise beads.
1 1/4", silver «»#»#»< «»#$&:
#OMRI $17
Women and men's styles; adjustable.
Precious Stone Mandala Great-looking sterling silver eter- Silver Non-Pierced Ring
Pendant #PRSTPE $30 nal knot is attached to key ring. #RINOPI$3
Turquoise and red coral highlight
this silver mandala design pendant
with gold plating on the four direc-
tions. It is 1" in diameter.

Fine pendants with real silver
finish from Nepal. 1 1/4" high
Eternal Knot Turtle Pendant
This is lovely turtle symbolizing Great-looking sterling silver eter-
patience has the eternal knot on its nal knot is attached to key ring.
shell. The shell opens to hold small
precious objects. DOUBLE-DORJEJEWELRY
by Lauren Cottrell Designs
This exquisite double dorje jewelry is made with 24k gold. Most
gold jewelry that you see is not pure gold but an alloy. This means that
other metals, such as copper or nickel, have been added to the gold to
make it harder—for instance 14k gold is only 55% pure gold. Only 24k
Buddha #SIBUPE $12.00 gold is pure. 24k is generally too soft to be used in lightweight jewelry,
but a method has been discovered that makes the gold firm. The
mm Chenrezig #SMCHSI $12.00 pieces being offered bring together the finest and purest with an
M image that embodies one of the highest spiritual values and it is the
hope of the designer that wearing these will bring both beauty and
ETERNAL KNOT PIN wisdom into one's life. A percentage of the profits goes to the Sera-Je
by Marta Macbeth. #ETKNPI $30 monastery food fund.
Marta has crafted this silver eter- *Available as a special order.
nal knot pin with a turquoise bead
24k Gold Double Dorje Earrings $260
(1 1/2" long) ideal for clothing, hats
These measure 1" in diameter. The posts and hooks cannot be
or cloth bags.
obtained in pure gold so are being offered in 18k gold.
—with 18k posts #GODOPO
—with 18k wire hooks #GODOHO
Mani Gau Pendant #MAGAPE $25 EARRINGS
2" long rectangular silver gau with Matte Silver Eternal Knot 24k Gold Double Dorje Lapel Pin #GODOLA $150
the Mani mantra on the front and Earrings #MASIEA $20 This also measures 1" in diameter and has a heavier 18k gold post.
dorje design on sides. It opens up Padmasambhava #SMPASI $12.00
Comes with a turquiose bead.
from behind. ,- lira #SMTASI $12.00


PINS: The Power of Ten
All these shirts are good quality 100% cotton.


A five-color image of the
Tibetan national flag is printed
on a white 100% cotton quality
t-shirt. The word "Tibet" is
printed under the flag.
Medium #TIFLTM $16
Power of Ten Small Pin
#POTESP $8 Large #TIFLTL $16
H.H. the 17th KARMAPA Pin 1" high, this gold pin with col- Xtra-large#TIFLTX$16
#HHKAPI $8 ored enamels looks great. It only
H.H. the Karmapa has now left shows the mantra with no additional
Tibet and dharma students every- border.
where are eager to see him. This pin ■###**•**♦#! «««»#«
carries his image and measures 1 ETERNAL KNOT T-SHIRT
1/2" in diameter. "We are all connected" is the
message of this great-looking shirt. DORJEE T-SHIRTS: Sayings of the Dalai Lama
It comes in black with red and We have two dorjee shirt designs with a dorjee on the left pocket
white designs or white with black area of the front and quotations by the Dalai Lama on the back. The
and red designs on 100% Fruit of themes are: "A Precious Human Life", and "Never Give Up". These shirts
the Loom cotton. were manufactured in India and brought here by the Namgyal monks.
White Large #WHKNSL $15.00 The sizes available are large and medium in several color options.
Supplies are limited so order now if you think you might like these
X-tra large #WHKNSX $15.00
items. The shirts all $15 each. *Call for availability.
Black large #BLKNSL $15.00
Extra large #BLKNSX $15.00
This is a great pin for people who
Power of Ten Large Pin
1 3/8" high, this gold pin with
colored enamels also looks great. In
I* 3
like to show their interest in Tibet. It
addition to the Kalchakra mantra,
is 3/4" wide and high, full color with
it stands on a lotus, disk and has a
clear finish.
golden aura around it.



The Snow Lion, the national
symbol of Tibet, in deep-blue on a
natural color 100% cotton shirt.
Xtra-large#SLTX $15.00 LIFE" T-SHIRT

Small Round Double Dorjee
Protection Gau #PRGACO
Round Double Dorjee Gau 5/8" dia., silver. This gau comes ■■■ "X *

#RODODO $28 with a red cord and inside are blessed

1 1/8" dia., 3/4" deep, silver, protection seeds of the Nechung
Oracle while in trance.
Kalachakra Mantra on reverse



2 1/2" dia. Yellow letters on red.
Call us for information on wholesale
pricing and quantities.
FOLKWEAR: Tibetan Clothing Patterns
Tibetan Chupa & Wrap Skirt.
#TICHSK $16.95
Tibetan Panel Coat.
#TIPACO $16.95
Here are patterns for some great-looking traditional Tibetan
clothes— a panel coat, a chupa, and a wrap skirt. The coat is for
women's sizes 6-18 and the chupa and skirt pattern are for extra
small to extra large.
created by Lin McNvlty & Gayan The panel coat is made into either a vest or sleeveless coat—
Sylvie Winter. 60 cards, 1.75 x it is still worn by Tibetans en festive occasions, by brides, and by
2.75", text booklet. #BUCA $10.00 ENDLESS KNOT CHIME actresses portraying celestial beings.
The Buddha Cards offer insight 14" high plus 4" leather cord.
and awareness into the ever-changing #ENKNCH $50.00
movement of energy. This deck of 60 Made by the Tibetan Colony of
full-color cards with text describing Lingsang in northern India, this beau- PEACE MANDALA SCREEN SAVER
their use offers the opportunity to tiful chime is sand-cast in bronze and by Samaya Foundation. #PEMASC $40 LARGE GAU
connect with the ideas of Buddhism hand-tuned for clarity of tone. Five
as guides in our lives. Starting at the center of the Kalachakra Mandala, symbols representing #LAGA $18
chimes hang from an eternal knot the central deity and his consort appear. The mandala continues to grow until
and make a sparkling sound as they Made from copper with brass
all the details are in place. System requirements: 386, 486, or Pentium based cover, this 4" gau will hold many
strike each other. Each chime has computer or higher. Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95, 98 or Windows NT.
the Om Mam Padme Hum mantra on precious objects.
Super VGA compatible graphics card.
front and back.

S ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313
One of our Tibetan friends has
found a source for stickers of deities
These bags have an attractive
BOYCOTT and a few other dharma symbols.
They peel and stick. Most stick on
velvetine cloth with brocaded patters CHINESE GOODS the outside of a surface. Only the
of either buddha eyes or the eternal "BOYCOTT CHINESE GOODS" LIBERATION UPON SEEING Karmapa Dream Flag goes on the
knot. They measure 6x8" and have #BOCHGO $1.50 #LISEBU $3 inside of glass (like a car window).
two zipper pouches and one open Yellow letter on strong red back- Terma revelation by Terton Migyur Unless mentioned otherwise the
pouch. The shoulder cord has a knob ground. Show your support for Dorje, written in dakini script (yellow stickers are circular and 3.5" in dia.
that allows the wearer to adjust its human rights and Tibet and encour- letters outlined in orange on blue
length. age others to do the same. background). "Those who see this
script will not experience the three
Eternal knot, forest green lower realms and will be liberated
cloth. #DHKNGR $10 COMMIT RANDOM ACTS OF from the fear of falling into the lower

Buddha eyes, indigo blue

cloth. #DHEYBL $10
KINDNESS realms; will be purified of the five
poisons and freed from the results
of one's karma; will be freed from
"COMMIT RANDOM ACTS OF the fear of remaining in samsara."—
Buddha eyes, forest green KINDNESS" #CORAAC $1.50 terma revelation of Terton Migyur
Red letters on yellow background. Dorje.
cloth. #DHEYGR $10
Buddha eyes, red cloth.
Clear Acetate Decal #LISEDE $3
The same terma as above but with
Eternal knot, indigo blue letters on clear acetate decal that
clings by static electricity to smooth Chenrezig dharma sticker #CHST
cloth. #DHKNBL $10 "FREE TIBET" #FRTIBU $1.50
surfaces such as glass. $2
Help keep Tibet in the public
awareness by displaying this "Free Green Tara dharma sticker
Tibet" sticker on your bumper or any #GRTAST $2
prominent place. NO OLYMPICS FOR CHINA
Approx. 6 x 8" #BRBA $8 TIBET IS FREE
Made by Tibetans, this bag has #NOOLBU $1.00
HONK IF YOU DON'T EXIST White letters on a red background.
two zippered and one additional
#HOIFYO $1.50 This is a fundraiser for Tibetans in
pocket for holding many small items.
It comes with a shoulder cord. Bumper sticker with blue letters Ithaca, NY.
on white background.

Sooner or Later: DHARMA
#SOLADH$1.50 Kalachakra Power of Ten
Yellow letters on a maroon back- dharma sticker, 3 x 3.75"
"I (HEART) TIBET' ground with dharma wheel and deer. #KAPOST $2
#HEBUST $1.50 Karmapa Dream Flag dharma
Blue letters, red heart and yellow
background. •TIBET FOUJEVB^ sticker, 3 x 5.75" #KADRST $2
Mani Mantra dharma sticker, Om
ENOI.ESSL.Y CONNECTED Mani Padme Hum, color on gold,
With endless knot design.
#MYOTVE $1.50
Bumper sticker with blue letters
on a yellow background.


6 x 8.5", this bag has two zippered pouches, a cord that allows Manjushri dharma sticker,
the bag to hang 21", and Green Tara is brocaded in shades of green #MAST $2
with warm highlights.
Medicine Buddha dharma sticker

8.5 high x 6.5 wide. #TIJO $15.00
SACRED IMAGES OF TIBET Hand-made Tibetan blank paper,
JOURNAL with sewn cloth bound cover. Black
letters of the Tibetan alphabet grace Padmasambhava dharma sticker
8.5 x 6". #SAMJO $13.95 #PAST $2
it's tan surface.
This 128 page journal has a high Sitatapatra dharma sticker, 2.75
quality hard bound cover with wire x3.75",#SIST$2
binding for easy opening. There are
8 different deity images interspersed Vajrakilaya dharma sticker
inside with their qualities described
and a suggested meditation.
7.5 x 9", the bag has two zippered pouches and a cord that allows the
bag to hang 21". The Buddha is brocaded in warm colors.
' *♦»»»»<


#MEDOMA $10 8" high. #TIDICH $38.00
This mantra of Chenrezig is a ideal
blessing to mount at a doorway. It i>^<; A handcast dingsha bell is sus-
pended from a ornate Tibetan hanger.
is stamped in silver-like metal and Beautiful wooden base and striker.
has two holes for tacks or brads. White Tara dharma sticker
Measures 1 1/8" x 2 3/8". #WHTAST $2


11" high with cord. #TICLBE
Tibetan stylized blue cloud with
red and yellow highlights is the focus
of this lovely bell. Perfect for the
Tibetan Hanger (TIHA).

5.5", brass. #TfflABR $10
Ornate hanger suitable for hang-
ing a bell or small plant or whatever.
We recommend it for the Tibetan
Cloud Bell (TICLBE). It has holes for #TIPIF $15
2 screws which are supplied Gao-shaped frame holds 2-1/2"
x 3" photo. Cast metal relief with
Buddhist design. Made by Tibetans
in India.
#SMTIFL $6 ^w-
10" x 14". A small Tibetan flag printed on cotton.


5 x 3'. This lovely large flag is silk-screened. Has grommet.

«*»»»a»s«ee»»tt»«««H >*«*»»«««««»»»«»««**»i

#T1ST $5
60 Tibetan stamps (facsimiles)
that are gummed for sticking on
letters, packages and other items. A
colorful addition to your correspon-
dence that also supports the Tibetan
6" dia., Oct.. #TIBOM $20.00 *.
8" dia., Oct.. #TIBOL $28.00 ~1
TIBETAN MANI STONE Traditional Tibetan tea cups and bowls—these look great! The bowl is
3" wide, grey with brown paint to highlight the mantra. #TIMAST a dark wood with metal lining (aluminum) and ornate metal strip on base.
$9.00 They can be used for nuts, dry fruit, crackers and other foods. Tibetans
These Om Mani Padme Hum mantra stones are hand carved at drink chang (Tibetan beer) from the larger ones. Can be washed with dish
the sacred "Monkey Temple" in Kathmandu. They have the Buddha soap and soft sponge.
eyes on the reverse side.
* a * * # » >**«»#«! «»»«*&**».
m V:


■J. if


18" square, stuffed. #PICOTI
$57.00 2 174" dia. TIBETAN WALLET
Traditional tiger design, chain stitch #TIWA $8
pillow, comes ready-to-use. Each Brightly-colored cloth wallet with four pockets (two zipper pockets)—
hand-stitched wool cover is backed enough room for bills, change, and cards. Folds in thirds with velcro TIBETAN WINDCHIMES
with heavy cotton and has hand-carved closure. #TIWI $50
buttons for an artful closure. Three wonderfully sonorous bells
hand-made from brass with tradi-
tional brocade windcatch. Made by
Tibetans in India.

MANDALA MAGNET The Snow Lion, the
#WHTIMA $3 national symbol of
Tibet, in deep-blue on'
a natural color 100%
cotton shirt.
Large #SLTL $15.00
Xtra-large #SLTX $15.0
*7fe ^yH&H JJl&H Vl? in a FREE TRIP
to Tibet and Nepal.
internet £>htf You can enter everytime
#WOSC $20 you place an order with us.
Made of fine wool. White with See page 5 for details.
bands of traditional Tibetan designs.
Approx. 5' x 10" wide.

S ORDERS: 1-800-950-0313 or . V. . ;.SKOWOJION.-91J oe

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Table of Contents Please notify us annually if you wish to continue to
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New Items 18 Lamrim Teachings 59 be on our mailing list. PRICE CHANGES & DELAYS: We publish cur-
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Art & Photography 26 Tibetan Buddhism & see if they are potentially of interest to our readers. notice. Current prices are always available online.
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Children's Corner 31 Other Buddhist Traditions.... 62 included, please indicate so on the order form above reasons. We receive new books as early as anyone
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Audio Tapes 70 sometimes do not meet the standards we expect
Tibetan Buddhism SNOW LION RETAIL STORE contains all our
Calendars 73 from products manufactured in the USA. This is
General Tibetan Buddhism 38 mail order items. We are open weekdays and some
Videos 73 unavoidable—we offer them for their authenticity.
Bodhisattva/Lojong 51 weekends, so if you plan to visit Ithaca, give us a
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Dzogchen 56 Thangkas 80 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
Kalachakra Teachings 58 Dharma Items 81


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