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This research is all about “The comparative Analysis of

purchasing replica shoe from branded shoes of Accountancy, Business

and Management (ABM) students in ACLC College of Marikina” that will

studied and conducted by the researcher from College of Saint John

Paul II Art and Sciences, namely Niro Cordova The researchers will

conduct this study in ACLC College of Marikina and the respondent will

be the students from Accountancy, Business and Management through

giving questionnaires that will serve as survey and references. This

study will provide statistical graphs that will easily understand the

comparative analysis of purchasing replica shoe from branded shoes.

This research will recommend to the future researcher to continue the


Chapter 1

“My address is like my shoes; it travels with me.” Mary Harris

Jones says. In every step we make and everywhere we go, shoes are

always with us. Shoes protects our feet from the harmful situation. If

shoes can talk can feel, it will be the one who witness the hardship and

the successful event of a person. A shoe is not just our protection but

is a fashion shoes will make us beautiful. It is also a reason why we

are comfortable to walk and stand. It also gives us confidence to do

such things.

There researchers search about this topic, they read about

shoes, that the boy cried because he had no shoes but a boy stopped

crying when he saw a man who had no feet. It simply means that

wearing different types or kinds of shoes is a blessing because not

everyone can wear it. So better value it. No matter what kind of shoes

is that, as long as there is a protection in our feet?

We purchased different kind of shoes and we have different ways

on how we choose those shoes and other people collecting shoes. Even

though it’s branded or replica, still its shoes. It will never define who

we are. Branded and replica shoes have a similarities and differences.

The similarities of two are both look alike, the style and the

brand name. The differences are the price and the quality of the

shoes. Even if it has differences, they still both purchased by the

customers. Remember that, when we purchasing shoes, it must

affordable. Expensive or cheap, as long as we value and taking care of

the shoes it will last longer.


In this study, the different questions about the comparative

analysis of purchasing replica shoes from branded shoes of the

Accountancy Business Administration Students in ACLC College of

Marikina will answer the following questions through survey test.


1. What are the types of the shoes that attract the customers?

2. What are the types of shoes that the buyers are in favor of?

3. What are the consumers’ income ranges when purchasing



 To determine the advantage and disadvantage of purchasing

replica shoes and branded shoe apparel.

 To identify the difference from replica and branded shoes.

 To know the customer’s choice in terms of purchasing shoes.


1. Questions: Is there any significant difference between replica

shoes from branded shoe?

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between

replica shoes from branded shoe.

2. Questions:

Null Hypothesis


The findings of this research will be beneficial to the following:

Buyers: The result of the study will be beneficial to the buyers

because they will know the difference between replica and branded

shoes. Buyers will be aware on why other people purchased those

kinds of shoes.

Seller: This study will provide information about the customer choice in

choosing the best shoe apparel. It will help them easily know what to

sell so that the customers will patronize.

Future Researcher: This research will be beneficial to the future

researcher because it might need in their research and they can get

some information that may possibly answer by this research.


This study focuses on the comparative analysis of purchasing replica

shoe apparel from branded shoe to the Accountancy Business

Administration Students who will be the respondents of this research.

The data collection will be conducted in ACLC College of Marikina,

School year 2019-2020 who will represent the population.

This study will not fill in to the other problems that are not including as

one of the comparative analysis of purchasing replica shoe from

branded shoe. The study would be done through the questionnaire to

the students as a survey and references. The researcher will be able to

know the comparative analysis of purchasing replica shoes from

branded shoe to the Accountancy Business Administration.


Affordable – It is purchasing product that the cost is not too


Authentic – State of being real or genuine

Cheap – Low price. It will not cost a lot of money in purchasing

Comparative – Comparing two things or more

Counterfeit – A look a like or an exact copy of something

Data – Getting an information to respondent

Influence – Things that affect the person

Patronize –Support the specific product. Being a regular


Replica – State of exact copy




This chapter presents the related literature of purchasing replica

shoes from branded shoes. This will also present the theoretical and

conceptual framework to be fully understood.

According to Julia Bourke an author of counterfeiting: A tale of

fake shoes book (2017). A story counterfeit told through a tale of a

pair of fake shoes that travelled the world. Nowadays, counterfeits or

fake shoes are now spread in our world. Buyers must be observant to

the shoes the shoes they bought.

According to Endo, Yang, and Park (2012), “Identifies the key

determinants of e-satisfaction at different styles of shoes online

shopping process. Purchasing shoes in online is challenge to a buyer

because it is hard for them to determine the quality of a product.

According to Scott Frederick (2016), an author of Real or Fake:

There is no such thing as a grey market for sneakers. When it comes

to the sneaker community, authentically is everything at least at one

point it was. Over the years fakes have become so good that most

knowledgeable people

have a tough time being able to tell the difference between the

real deal and the fake. For the buyers, it’s difficult to determine what

the real and fake shoe is unless they already purchased the product

and use it. Buyers need to be careful in choosing the real product.

According to Lauren Wallenfels (2016), an author of The Shoe

Theory. Shoes are something that the average person owns, and if

you’re like me, you’re slightly obsessed with footwear. The own shoes

are not only important, but noticing other people’s shoes are also

important. In today generation, shoes are a trend. Everywhere, people

wear different styles of shoes. Sometimes we notice the person

because of the shoes they wear. Shoes become our fashion.

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According to Saha, Dey, and Bhattacharyya (2010), “Individual

buyers take different factors into consideration while purchasing any

commodity, which is necessity. The probable factors have been

classified into four groups, products, price, place, and promotion”.

Every buyer is curious about what they bought so each of us needs to

be careful about the things we bought.

According to Mangundap, Massie, and Rumokoy (2018),

“nowadays, the original and counterfeit product has similarity

appearances and can make consume difficult to distinguish the

difference between original and counterfeit product, especially for

footwear product.” Because of the same product it is difficult for

consumers to choose the original product. Buyers must be observant

to the shoes they purchase.

According to international journal of marketing studies 5(2), 23,

2013, “impact of past purchases (of original brands and their

counterfeits)”. We always purchased products, learning from everyday

buying will help us know the difference between what is the original

and fake.

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Angkouw and Rumokoy (2016), “the perceived price has

significance influence toward consumer purchases intention of

counterfeit shoes. The characteristics of perceived price has positive

influence to the consumer purchased intention.” The price of the

product has a big impact to the customers because it attracts the

buyer to purchase those shoes. Having a lower price and affordable

product will always choose by the customers.

According to Pozharlier, Rerbeke, Strien and Bagozzi (2015)

“Consumer brain responses underpinning passive viewing of luxury

(high emotional value) versus basic (low emotional value) branded

products when participants are along or with another person” choosing

from high value from low value can affect the customer. It will difficult

for them to what will choose.

According in International Journal of Humanities and Social

Science (2011) “Examines factors affecting consumer purchase

intention for counterfeit products” Based on this, it is examined the

ultimate goal of consumers buying replica products.

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According to Swami, Chamorro-Premuzic, Furnham (2009) “Examined

demographic personality and individual difference predictors of

willingness to buy counterfeit goods” Reviewed the individuals

personality for their willingness to buy counterfeit products.

Acoording to Chaudary and Gill (2014) “The factors that

influence attitude and purchase intention of the consumers towards

buying counterfeit especially the counterfeit shoes” Factors affecting

buyers to buy counterfeit products especially fake shoes.

According to Alexander, Khonglah and Subramani (2015)

“Customer buying behavior towards branded casual shoes” We have

different behavior when purchasing shoes because we have our own

perspective about the product.

According to Lee, Ahn, Wei-Na Lee, and Pedersen. “The goal of

this paper was to examine the effects of cross-border strategies brand

alliances between host brands and partner brands on the evaluation of

the consumer product: Brands will also affect the consumers choice

because brands are competitive in selling.

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Business theories of buying behavior by Sharon Peen, there are

multitude of theories on the buying behavior of individuals and

businesses are constantly analyzing them to figure out how to

persuade the customer to buy their products and services. Often a

customer will feel a need to purchase a product and go through a

series of steps before making the purchase. This theory is related in

purchasing replica shoe from branded shoes because customers need

to become a good decision maker in purchasing a product

Consumer theory by James Chen (2017), consumer theory is the

study of how people decide to spend their money, given their

references and budget contains. A branch of microeconomics,

consumer theory shows how individuals make choices, given restrains,

such as their income and the prices of goods and services. Through

consumer theory, we are better able to understand how individuals

tastes and income influence the demand curve. This theory also

related in the study because buyers need to purchase product

according to their money and affor

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 Accountancy, Business and Management of ACLC College of


: 30 Students from grade 11 Accountancy, Business and

Management strand.

: 30 Students from grade 12 Accountancy, Business and

Management strand.

 Faculties and Administrators.

 Methods


A study using survey questionnaires that will answer by the respondents.

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The accountancy, business and management are qualified because it matches

to their strand. This study will help them to become a good observer in

purchasing a shoes.

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The research method or research design used in this study is

Comparative Research to know the comparative analysis of pursing

replica shoe from branded shoe. The researcher will be discuss how

this research will gather the data and information use in the study.

This study is Comparative Research, it is comparing to two or


things. According to Rontio and Pentti (2007). “The design of

Comparative Research is simple. Your objects are specimens or cases

which are similar in some respects.” This research will focus on

comparative analysis on purchasing replica shoe from branded shoe.

The researcher will find data to the Accountancy Business

Administration Students of Cainta Senior High School that will help in

this study.

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The researchers will conduct a survey to the Accountancy,

Business and Management students of ACLC College of Marikina that


Respondents A:30 students of grade 11 Accountancy, Business

and Management strand.

Respondents B:30 students of grade 12 Accountancy, Business

and Management strand.

The total of 60 respondents of students. Students will be given a

survey questionnaire towards the problem of the study. The gathered

will be used as reference for the research.

18 | P a g e

The source of data was done through primary and secondary

sources. Primary data sources include the survey; survey is the

commonly used method to gather data. Questionnaires are list of

questions related from study. Secondary data sources include journals,

it is the up-to-date information. Journals can give information on the

specific topic. The internet; information on the screen of the computer

it is the easy way to find related study and others.

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The five expert faculties will validate the questionnaire. These

expert include the researcher adviser: Mr. Christian Spencer Suarez.

The correction and suggestions will be accepted for the addition and

classification. The researchers will revise the questions to make it


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The researchers went to ACLC College of Marikinal for the data

gathering, data of the study. The respondents of this study are the

senior high Accountancy, Business and Management students. After

those come up, preparing and finalizing of the survey questionnaire,

researcher made a permission letter to the school. After approving the

letter, researchers will go the classrooms of the senior high

Accountancy, Business and management students and conduct a

survey. Researcher will distribute and collect the survey

questionnaires. After this, papers will compile then start computing the


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The data to be gathered will be subjected to the following

statistical treatment:


The demographic profile of the respondents will be determined

by using the formula of percentage.


n = F1 + F2 + F3 P = Percentage

p = F × 100F = Frequency

n N = Total Number of Respondents

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5 4 3 2 Weighted Verbal
Questions Total
SA A U D mean Interpretation






X=Σwx X = Weighted mean

Σ = Summation of values

X = Score Value

W = Weight

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Verbal Interpretations:

5 – SA (strongly agree)

4 – A (agree)

3 – U (undecided)

2 – D(disagree)

1 – SD (strongly disagree)


Researchers will use bar graph to know the majority among all

the respondents. The results will be guided to make interpretation.

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