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The structure of attitudes and the functions they serve

One of the most widely used theories is the tricomponent or ABC model of
attitudes which proposes that any attitude has three related components.

Structure refers to
(ABC Model)

Affective Behavioural Cognitive

Component Component Component

Affective, The affective component refers to the emotional reactions or feelings

an individual has towards an object, person, place, group, event or issue. It is
based on judgement

Positive response = liking or favouring

Negative response = disliking or hating
Neutral response = lack of interest or concern

Behavioural, The behavioural component of an attitude refers to the actions

that we do in response to an towards an object, person, place, group, event or
issue. Eg doing exercise, attending rallies, saying no.

Cognitive , The cognitive component of an attitude refers to the beliefs we

have about an object, person, place, group, event or issue. Our beliefs are
linked to what we know and develop as a result of experience Some beliefs are
based on fact, some beliefs are false. Some beliefs can be verified, others
cannot (aliens).

The tricomponent theory assumes that all three components must be

present before it can be said that an attitude exists.

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