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Avian Pathology

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Malaria in penguins – current perceptions

M. L. Grilo, R. E. T. Vanstreels, R. Wallace, D. García-Párraga, É. M. Braga, J.

Chitty, J. L. Catão-Dias & L. M. Madeira de Carvalho

To cite this article: M. L. Grilo, R. E. T. Vanstreels, R. Wallace, D. García-Párraga, É. M. Braga,

J. Chitty, J. L. Catão-Dias & L. M. Madeira de Carvalho (2016) Malaria in penguins – current
perceptions, Avian Pathology, 45:4, 393-407, DOI: 10.1080/03079457.2016.1149145

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Published online: 22 Jul 2016.

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VOL. 45, NO. 4, 393–407


Malaria in penguins – current perceptions

M. L. Griloa,b, R. E. T. Vanstreelsc, R. Wallaced, D. García-Párragae, É. M. Bragaf, J. Chittyg, J. L. Catão-Diasc and
L. M. Madeira de Carvalhoa
Interdisciplinary Centre of Research in Animal Health (CIISA), Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal;
Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Buesum, Germany;
Laboratório de Patologia Comparada de Animais Selvagens, Departamento de Patologia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia,
Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; dMilwaukee County Zoo, Milwaukee, WI, USA; eVeterinary Services, Oceanografic Ciudad de las
Artes y las Ciencias, Valencia, Spain; fDepartamento de Parasitologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
Belo Horizonte, Brazil; gAnton Vets, Andover, UK


Avian malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by protozoans of the genus Plasmodium, and Received 21 August 2015
it is considered one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality in captive Accepted 22 December 2015
penguins, both in zoological gardens and rehabilitation centres. Penguins are known to be
highly susceptible to this disease, and outbreaks have been associated with mortality as high Penguin; malaria;
as 50–80% of affected captive populations within a few weeks. The disease has also been Haemosporida; diagnosis;
reported in wild penguin populations, however, its impacts on the health and fitness of treatment; prophylaxis; zoos;
penguins in the wild is not clear. This review provides an overview of the aetiology, life cycle rehabilitation centres
and epidemiology of avian malaria, and provides details on the strategies that can be
employed for the diagnostic, treatment and prevention of this disease in captive penguins,
discussing possible directions for future research.

Introduction Captive penguins

Avian malaria is a widespread mosquito-borne disease Penguins are among the most popular of avian groups
caused by protozoans of the genus Plasmodium (Cran- in zoological exhibits (Gailey-Phipps, 1978). Their
field, 2003; Valkiūnas, 2005; Atkinson, 2008; Marzal, exhibition in zoological gardens worldwide or admis-
2012). While relatively common worldwide, these sion to rehabilitation centres in areas where avian
parasites are generally not associated with events of malaria transmission occurs may enhance the exposure
mass mortality in bird populations who co-evolve to vectors and increase the avian malaria infection risk,
with the species of Plasmodium prevalent in their habi- resulting in infections, with high morbidity and mor-
tat (Bennet et al., 1993b; Valkiunas, 2005). However, tality rates (Rodhain, 1939; Griner & Sheridan, 1967;
there are a number of reports documenting the contri- Bak et al., 1984; Fix et al., 1988). There is also a possi-
bution of Plasmodium spp. to the mortality of wild bility that penguins already infected in their natural
birds originating from avian Plasmodium spp. endemic environment only develop disease when subjected to
areas (Gabaldon & Ulloa, 1980; Dinhopl et al., 2015). the stress associated with the rehabilitation process,
Penguins, in particular, are highly susceptible to the (Parsons & Underhill, 2005; Thiart, 2005). The detec-
development of malarial infection, resulting in severe tion of identical Plasmodium spp. sequences in native
and sometimes lethal disease (Fordyce & Jones, 1990; avifauna and captive penguins suggest that the local
Valkiūnas, 2005). avifauna acts as a source of the infection (Bueno
The reasons why penguin species are highly suscep- et al., 2010; Dinhopl et al., 2015). Hence, avian malaria
tible to malarial parasites remain unclear. There has is a major concern in captive penguin colonies, repre-
been speculation that because penguins inhabit cold, senting one of the most important causes of mortality
arid and/or windy environments, they remained rela- in penguin colonies exhibited outdoors (Stoskopf &
tively isolated from contact with mosquitoes, therefore Beier, 1979; Cranfield, 2003). A recent survey on 40
encountered little exposure to mosquito-borne infec- zoos in the Northern Hemisphere revealed that
tions such as Plasmodium spp. (Jones & Shellam, 12.5% of the zoos, at some point, diagnosed cases of
1999; Jovani et al., 2001). Without host–parasite co- avian malaria in their penguin collections (African
evolution, penguins would not have had the chance penguins Spheniscus demersus and Humboldt penguins
to develop immunity to Plasmodium spp. infection, Spheniscus humboldti) and 37.5% systematically test
nor would the parasite be selected for the ability to suc- their penguin collections for Plasmodium spp. (Grilo,
cessfully infect penguins without causing their death. 2014). A similar dynamic takes place in rehabilitation


© 2016 Houghton Trust Ltd
394 M. L. GRILO ET AL.

centres in South America and South Africa, where Plas- in wild African penguins in that region seems to
modium spp. infections have been identified in 17–34% occur at much lower prevalence (<1%) (Fantham &
of African penguins and 7–13% of Magellanic penguins Porter, 1944; Brossy, 1992; Thiart, 2005), indicating
(Spheniscus magellanicus) undergoing in rehabilitation that infection probably contributes in debilitating
(Parsons & Underhill, 2005; Vanstreels et al., 2015). these birds. On the other hand, the Plasmodium spp.
infection in Galapagos penguins appears to be abortive,
meaning that parasite blood replication in the host
Wild populations
does not occur (Levin et al., 2009, 2013). However,
Pathogens are considered globally one of the main further investigation is necessary to clarify this. Active
causes of wildlife population extinctions (Smith et al., surveillance is essential to understand the prevalence,
2006). Vector and bird migration and vector introduc- dynamics and effects of avian malaria in wild penguin
tion by anthropogenic action into non-endemic habi- populations.
tats represents a risk for endangered species (Warner,
1968; Atkinson et al., 2000; Levin et al., 2013). The
potential of Plasmodium spp. to negatively affect
naïve populations of wild birds has been demonstrated Haemosporidians represent a group of obligatory het-
in Hawaii, where Plasmodium relictum is thought to eroxenous protists that use dipteran blood-sucking
have played a key role in the decline and extinction insects as vectors. The members of the Plasmodiidae
of endemic land birds following the introduction of family go through merogony in vertebrate hosts’ tissue
mosquitoes to the archipelago (Van Riper et al., 1986; and erythrocytes. When developing as erythrocytic
Atkinson & LaPointe, 2009). The high susceptibility meronts and gametocytes, they produce malarial pig-
of penguins to malarial parasites has led to concern ments (haemozoin) (Valkiūnas, 2005).
that Plasmodium spp. could become a significant con- There are more than 200 species in the genus Plas-
servation threat to the conservation of penguins, par- modium, and these parasites have been described to
ticularly in tropical and subtropical regions (Brossy infect reptiles, birds and mammals (Martinsen & Per-
et al., 1999; Jones & Shellam, 1999; Sturrock & Tomp- kins, 2013). Even though they belong to the same
kins, 2007; Levin et al., 2009; Meile et al., 2013; Palmer genus, it should be clear that the species of Plasmodium
et al., 2013; Vanstreels et al., 2014). associated with avian malaria belong to a different phy-
Plasmodium spp. have been reported in wild pen- logenetic group than those associated with mammalian
guins species in temperate and tropical regions: malaria (Outlaw & Ricklefs, 2011; Martinsen & Per-
P. relictum in African penguins in South Africa (Fan- kins, 2013), and that no infections by avian-infecting
tham & Porter, 1944; Thiart, 2005), P. relictum in Plasmodium species have been reported in humans
Northern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes moseleyi) at (Cox, 1998).
Gough Island (Fantham & Porter, 1944), P. relictum In penguins, seven malarial parasites have been
in Snares (Eudyptes robustus), yellow-eyed (Mega- documented: P. (Haemamoeba) relictum (Fantham &
dyptes antipodes) and little penguins (Eudyptula Porter, 1944), P. (Huffia) elongatum (Huff & Shiroishi,
minor) in New Zealand (Fantham & Porter, 1944; 1962), P. (Bennettinia) juxtanucleare (Grim et al.,
Laird, 1950; Van Rensburg, 2010) and, more recently, 2003), P. (Haemamoeba) tejerai (Silveira et al., 2013),
Plasmodium spp. in Galapagos penguins (Spheniscus P. (Haemamoeba) cathemerium, P. (Novyella) nucleo-
mendiculus) at the Galapagos Islands (Levin et al., philum and P. (Novyella) unalis (Vanstreels et al.,
2009, 2013). 2015). The majority of documented cases are caused
In contrast to the rapid and severe outbreaks of by P. relictum and P. elongatum (Rodhain, 1939; Fan-
avian malaria in captive penguins, the significance of tham & Porter, 1944; Laird, 1950; Huff & Shiroishi,
this disease to the health and fitness of penguins in 1962; Griner & Sheridan, 1967; Beier & Stoskopf,
the wild is not clear as detailed population studies 1980; Bak et al., 1984; Grim et al., 2003; Chitty, 2011;
have not been conducted. None of the wild penguins Vanstreels et al., 2015). The first species is considered
in which Plasmodium spp. were detected had external more prevalent (Cranfield, 2003). There is evidence
signs of disease, and parasitaemia was generally low to suggest that species belonging to the subgenus Hae-
(Fantham & Porter, 1944; Laird, 1950; Brossy, 1992). mamoeba, particularly P. relictum, tend to be more
Fantham and Porter (1944) detected P. relictum in a pathogenic to penguins and produce outbreaks with
deceased wild African penguin. As the penguin had higher mortality than other malarial species (Beier &
suffered severe trauma, it is not clear whether or not Stoskopf, 1980; Graczyk et al., 1994a).
avian malaria contributed to its death. However, it is
worth considering that as much as 35% of the African
penguins admitted to rehabilitation at the Western
Cape in South Africa are infected with Plasmodium Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), are the vectors for
spp. (Parsons & Underhill, 2005), whereas infection malaria parasites. Only the females are haematophagus

(feed on blood) and, consequently, participate in cells and undergo new cycles of exoerythrocytic merog-
spreading the infection (Valkiūnas, 2005; Atkinson, ony, or they can invade erythrocytes and proceed to
2008). Nine genera of mosquitoes have been reported erythrocytic merogony or gametogony (sexual stages)
as potential vectors of avian-infecting Plasmodium (Garnham, 1966; Valkiūnas, 2005). After invasion of
spp. (Aedeomyia, Aedes, Anopheles, Armigeres, Culex, erythrocytes, the merozoites develop into trophozoites,
Culiseta, Mansonia, Psorophora and Wyeomyia) which then grow to become erythrocytic meronts;
(Huff, 1965; Valkiūnas, 2005; Huijben et al., 2007; alternatively, some of the merozoites develop into
Kimura et al., 2010). gametocytes. The morphology of erythrocytic meronts
Studies in zoos indicate that Culex spp. seem to be and gametocytes varies among different species of Plas-
the most significant vectors in the transmission of Plas- modium, and is therefore used to identify and classify
modium spp. to captive penguins, particularly these parasites. When infecting erythrocytes, Plasmo-
C. pipiens (Rodhain, 1939; Raethel, 1960; Beier & dium spp. (as well as Haemoproteus spp.) will form
Trpis, 1981), C. quinquefasciatus (=C. fatigans) (Laird haemozoin granules (malarial pigment), a by-product
& Van Riper, 1981), C. tarsalis (Huff & Shiroishi, from the incomplete digestion of the host cell haemo-
1962), C. restuans (Beier & Trpis, 1981) or C. (Culex) globin. Most Plasmodium spp. will infect only mature
sp. (Bueno et al., 2010). In the natural environment, erythrocytes, however, the meronts of the species in
C. quinquefasciatus has been implicated in the trans- the Huffia subgenus can also develop in younger ery-
mission of Plasmodium spp. to penguins in South throcytic lineage cells (erythroblasts and polychroma-
Africa (Fantham & Porter, 1944), New Zealand tophilic erythrocytes). It is relevant to note that the
(Tompkins & Gleeson, 2006) and Galápagos Islands morphologically similar Haemoproteus spp. do not
(Levin et al., 2009). form erythrocytic meronts, and therefore this is a key
characteristic to differentiate them from Plasmodium
spp. (Valkiūnas, 2005; Atkinson, 2008).
Life cycle
Gametogony is the final stage of the parasite’s life
The general features of the life cycle of Plasmodiidae cycle in the avian host. When merozoites develop
species presented below are based on what is known into gametocytes, they develop into either macrogame-
about the subgenus Haemamoeba, given that the devel- tocytes or microgametocytes. The first has a more
opment in these species is the most well studied (Valk- intensely stained cytoplasm and a more compact
iūnas, 2005). Because penguins have dense plumage, nucleus than the latter. These stages remain inside
most vectors feed on exposed skin such as the areas erythrocytes and do not continue their development
surrounding the eyes, legs, feet and beak (Atkinson, until being ingested by a mosquito (Valkiūnas, 2005;
1999; Vanstreels & Parsons, 2014). Huijben et al., 2007; Atkinson, 2008). After the invert-
When the female mosquitoes feed on the blood of a ebrate host feeds each macrogametocyte will form one
penguin, the saliva that is injected into the host’s tissues macrogamete, and each microgametocyte will undergo
contains sporozoites that proceed to invade reticuloen- exflagellation and form eight microgametes. Fertiliza-
dothelial cells (macrophages, monocytes and endo- tion occurs in the mosquito midgut, and an ookinete
thelial cells) near the injection site and develop into is formed within 16–48 h. The ookinete is mobile and
the first generation of exoerythrocytic meronts (crypto- proceeds to the epithelial layer of the midgut, where
zoites) (Figure 1) (Valkiūnas, 2005; Huijben et al., it becomes installed. Under the basal lamina, it rounds
2007). These meronts will undergo asexual multipli- up and develops into an oocyst. During the oocyst
cation to form numerous smaller mononuclear struc- development, sporogony takes place and the sporo-
tures, the merozoites. Upon rupture of the host cell, zoites are formed. When mature, they are released
merozoites are released and can spread through the into the mosquito’s haemocoele and then migrate to
blood stream, in order to continue to subsequent life the salivary glands. They will be inoculated with the
cycle stages (Valkiūnas, 2005; Atkinson, 2008). saliva into the avian host during the mosquito’s next
The development of the subsequent generations of blood meal (Langer & Vinetz, 2001; Valkiūnas, 2005;
merogony (metacryptozoites and phanerozoites) can Huijben et al., 2007).
occur in reticuloendothelial cells in a variety of host tis-
sues. Exoerythrocytic meronts are most frequently
detected in the lungs, liver, spleen, kidney and brain.
In the species belonging to the subgenus Huffia, exoer- Avian malaria is a markedly seasonal disease, depen-
ythrocytic merogony also occurs in haematopoietic dent upon the availability of a vector population (Grac-
cells, particularly in the bone marrow (Valkiūnas, zyk et al., 1994c; Braga et al., 2011). In penguins kept in
2005; Atkinson, 2008). captivity in outdoor enclosures, mortality is usually
Several cycles of merogony may follow, greatly reported during summer or early autumn outbreaks,
increasing the parasite population within the avian with most cases concentrated from June to October
host. Merozoites can either invade reticuloendothelial in the Northern Hemisphere (Graczyk et al., 1994d;
396 M. L. GRILO ET AL.

Figure 1. Life cycle of avian malaria parasites (using P. relictum as an example). I – primary (pre-erythrocytic) exoerythrocytic mer-
ogony; II – erythrocytic merogony; III – secondary (posterythrocytic) exoerythrocytic merogony; 1 – sporozoite invading a reticu-
loendothelial cell; 2 and 3 – cryptozoite; 4 – merozoite invading a reticuloendothelial cell; 5 – metacryptozoite; 6 – merozoite
invading an erythrocyte; 7 and 8 – erythrocytic meront; 9 – merozoite invading an endothelial cell; 10 and 11 – phanerozoite;
12 – macrogametocyte and microgametocyte; 13 – macrogamete; 14 – exoflagellation of microgametes; 15 – zygote; 16 – ookinete;
17 and 18 – oocyst; 19 – sporozoites. © Diogo Guerra 2015.

Huijben et al., 2007; Chitty et al., 2015) and from Octo- (Graczyk et al., 1994a; Palmer et al., 2013). Captive-
ber to March in the Southern Hemisphere (Parsons & born chicks are usually maintained indoors for inten-
Underhill, 2005; Vanstreels et al., 2015). sive care during the first months of their lives and
Naïve individuals, such as chicks, juvenile birds and when they are first transferred to the outdoor exhibit
adults that have not had previous exposure to mosqui- they will have lost the maternal antibody protection,
toes (such as recently wild-caught birds or those raised being naïve to Plasmodium spp. (Graczyk et al., 1994b).
in an arthropod-free environment), show the highest Native wild bird species, particularly passerines, are
levels of susceptibility (Beier & Stoskopf, 1980; Dinhopl known to be frequently infected with Plasmodium spp.
et al., 2011; Wallace, 2014). The most severe presen- (Bennett et al., 1993a; Dufva, 1996; Quillfeldt et al.,
tation of disease occurs after primary exposure. The 2011). These birds share habitats with captive penguins
infection occurs very rapidly after penguins are placed and act as reservoirs for the parasite (Beier & Trpis,
in outdoor exhibits and mortality can be high (Graczyk 1981; Bueno et al., 2010; Dinhopl et al., 2011, 2015).
et al., 1994a). Subsequent exposures to the parasite are As a result, the Plasmodium spp. lineages infecting
usually not fatal (Graczyk et al., 1994d) and surviving penguins at a given collection will reflect those that
birds will develop what appears to be protective immu- are present in the regional avifauna (Vanstreels et al.,
nity that controls endothelial parasite stages, while 2015). In their study, Beier and Stoskopf (1980)
developing low-level parasitaemia with no clinical hypothesized that because infected African penguins
signs (Graczyk et al., 1994c, 1995a). This is called pre- rarely exhibited circulating parasites, these birds prob-
munition, and consists of antibody and cell-mediated ably do not participate in the transmission of avian
responses to a low-level chronic parasite infection. malaria; thus, Plasmodium spp. infections in penguins
The bird is not capable of clearing the Plasmodium probably only occur when the cycle of transmission is
spp. infection, which results the host’s immune system sustained by other avian species that act as competent
to be constantly stimulated. When re-infected with reservoirs.
homologous strains of Plasmodium spp., they will Records show that avian malaria outbreaks in cap-
only have short and low intensity parasitaemia, without tive penguins can occur throughout the warmer
mortality (Stoskopf & Beier, 1979; Valkiunas, 2005; months of the year; however, they often concentrate
Atkinson, 2008). over a relatively short period of time (often two to
Specific anti-Plasmodium spp. immunoglobulins are three weeks) during which most of the mortality
passed as maternal antibodies through the egg yolk and occurs, and the cumulative mortality can be as high
are detectable for up to eight weeks post-hatch as 50–80% (Rodhain, 1939; Griner & Sheridan, 1967;

Fleischman et al., 1968; Stoskopf & Beier, 1979; Fix there is no invasion of hepatocytes in avian-infecting
et al., 1988; Graczyk et al., 1994c, 1994d; Huijben Plasmodium spp. (Valkiūnas, 2005).
et al., 2007; Bueno et al., 2010; Vanstreels et al., Infiltration of leukocytes is observed in various tis-
2014). Among African penguins that survive the first sues. Typical findings include diffuse granulocytic
infection, however, the probability of mortality pneumonia, multifocal mononuclear hepatitis, diffuse
decreases to 3–4% (Cranfield, 2003). hepatic haemosiderosis, diffuse granulocytic splenitis
and splenic haemorrhages and rupture. Extramedullary
haematopoiesis may also occur in some cases (Rod-
Clinical signs hain, 1939; Fleischman et al., 1968; Fix et al., 1988; Sil-
veira et al., 2013; Vanstreels et al., 2015).
The clinical manifestations of malaria infection may
These lesions are thought to result primarily from
not be evident during outbreaks in captive penguins,
vascular occlusion and rupture due to the development
and it is common to find dead birds without previous
of tissue meronts in the endothelial cells. As a result,
sign of disease (Stoskopf & Beier, 1979; Wallace,
hypoxia/anoxia, apoptosis and necrosis develop in var-
2014). Typical signs can include loss of appetite, weight
ious tissues. Additionally, erythrocytic infection by
loss, respiratory distress, lethargy, weakness, pale
parasites may produce direct haemolysis or induce
mucous membranes, isolation from the group, vomit-
erythrocyte sequestration and extravascular haemolysis
ing, regurgitation following force-feeding and greenish
(Atkinson & Van Riper, 1991; Valkiūnas, 2005; Wil-
faeces (Rodhain, 1939; Griner & Sheridan, 1967;
liams, 2005; Marzal, 2012). Some authors suggest that
Fleischman et al., 1968; Fix et al., 1988; Grim et al.,
because penguins have low-level parasitaemia, the
2003; Bueno et al., 2010; AZA Penguin Taxon Advisory
destruction of erythrocytes is not sufficient to cause
Group, 2014; Campos et al., 2014). Severe forms of the
clinical anaemia (Cranfield et al., 1994; Dinhopl
disease have been described to induce neurological
et al., 2011).
signs, including motor incoordination, convulsions
In some cases death can result from brain damage
and paralysis (Cranfield, 2003; Grim et al., 2003),
associated with the exoerythrocytic merogony in endo-
usually in a terminal state (Valkiūnas, 2005).
thelial cells of the capillaries irrigating the brain (Valk-
These clinical signs are non-specific and can also be
iūnas, 2005; Marzal, 2012). In other cases, death is
present in other common diseases reported in pen-
thought to result from respiratory insufficiency from
guins. Diseases that can occur alone or concurrently
the marked pneumonia and lung oedema (Fix et al.,
with avian malaria include aspergillosis, West Nile
1988; Vanstreels et al., 2015) or from circulatory
Virus infection, poxviruses, helminthiasis, Chlamydo-
shock due to cardiac tamponade by pericardial effusion
phila psittaci infection and bacterial gastroenteritis
(Vanstreels & Parsons, 2014).
involving Clostridium perfringens (Rodhain, 1939; Gri-
ner & Sheridan, 1967; Fleischman et al., 1968; Penrith
et al., 1994; Graczyk & Cranfield, 1996; Jencek et al., Diagnosis
2012; Wallace, 2014; Vanstreels et al., 2015). As a
Diagnosis is one of the most important steps to control
result, clinical signs are not reliable for the diagnosis
outbreaks of avian malaria in captive penguins.
of avian malaria in penguins.
Giemsa-stained thin blood smear examination is
still considered the gold standard test in avian malaria
diagnosis, being extremely accurate when erythrocytic
parasites are detectable in red blood cells (erythroblasts
Lesions associated with acute infection include hepato- or erythrocytes) (Atkinson et al., 2001; Cranfield, 2003;
megaly, splenomegaly and pulmonary oedema. Liver Valkiūnas, 2005). It should be noted, however, that
and spleen may present a dark colour due to the some of the life stages of other blood parasites known
accumulation of malarial pigment in macrophages to occur in penguins such as Babesia spp. (Earlé
(Rodhain, 1939; Griner & Sheridan, 1967; Fix et al., et al., 1993), Haemoproteus spp. (Levin et al., 2009)
1988; Atkinson, 2008). Cardiomegaly, pericardial effu- and Leucocytozoon spp. (Fallis et al., 1976) may closely
sion and nephromegaly have also been documented in resemble those of Plasmodium spp. The conclusive
some cases (Fleischman et al., 1968; Fix et al., 1988; diagnosis of avian malaria through blood smears there-
Grim et al., 2003). fore requires the observation of erythrocytic meronts,
Histopathological examination often reveals tissue which are unique to Plasmodium spp. (Valkiūnas,
meronts in endothelial cells and tissue macrophages, 2005) (Figure 2). Importantly, blood smears prepared
especially in the spleen, lungs, liver and heart (Rodhain, from capillary blood seem to increase the sensitivity
1939; Fleischman et al., 1968; Fix et al., 1988; Cranfield, of the test when compared to those from venous
2003; Dinhopl et al., 2011; Vanstreels et al., 2015). It is blood (Njunda et al., 2013).
important to note that, unlike mammal-infecting Plas- Microscopic examination of blood films is an inex-
modium spp. and avian-infecting Leucocytozoon spp., pensive technique that provides an estimate of the
398 M. L. GRILO ET AL.

Figure 2. Schematic representation of erythrocytic life stages of P. relictum (top line) and P. elongatum (bottom line). 1 and 5 –
trophozoites, 2 and 6 – erythrocytic meronts, 3 and 7 – macrogametocytes, 4 and 8 – microgametocytes. Adapted from Valkiūnas
(2005). Morphological descriptions and illustrations of other Plasmodium species known to infect penguins can be found in Valk-
iūnas (2005) (P. cathemerium, P. juxtanucleare, P. nucleophilum and P. tejerai) and Mantilla et al. (2013) (P. unalis).

parasitaemia intensity (Waldenström et al., 2004), developed, targeting either 18S ribosomal subunit
although for penguins this may be a poor predictor chromosomal gene (18S rRNA) or the cytochrome b
of survival, as it is common to have lethal cases in pen- mitochondrial gene (cyt-b). There is debate on the per-
guins with low parasitaemia (Cranfield et al., 1990). formance and limitations of these methods (Richard
The sensitivity of this method can be low and blood et al., 2002; Freed & Cann, 2006; Valkiūnas et al.,
smears observation may not be useful for diagnosis 2006), however, the cyt-b protocols developed by Wal-
(Cranfield et al., 1990). It is possible to see acute infec- denström et al. (2004) and Hellgren et al. (2004) have
tions causing mortality without parasitaemia being gradually become the most widely used in the past dec-
present. In several cases, confirmation of the disease ade, in part due to the establishment of an international
must be achieved through histopathology or molecular peer-reviewed database of sequences for phylogenetic
methods (Cranfield et al., 1990; Dinhopl et al., 2011; analyses and molecular detection of avian malaria
Vanstreels et al., 2014, 2015). Furthermore, parasites parasites (Bensch et al., 2009). Drawbacks include the
may remain undetectable in the blood stream during high cost, time consumed and the fact that the existing
chronic infections and detection by microscopy is dif- protocols are not able to selectively amplify Plasmo-
ficult. Therefore, negative blood smears cannot be con- dium. Furthermore, PCR testing implies the sub-
sidered sufficient to rule out infection (Jarvi et al., sequent need of additional gene sequencing
2002). Lastly, a qualified and experienced professional procedures to differentiate between Haemoproteus
is essential, since identification of Plasmodium spp. spp., Leucocytozoon spp. and Plasmodium spp. (Cos-
can be difficult and time consuming (Beier & Stoskopf, grove et al., 2006; Szöllsi et al., 2008) and to check vari-
1980; Zehtindjiev et al., 2008). ations in parasite sequences that inhibit specific
Some haematological values have been suggested to alignment of primers (Richard et al., 2002). False nega-
be useful markers of malaria infection. Penguins tives may occur due to insufficient concentration of
infected with malaria can present with a moderate to parasite DNA or inadequate DNA extraction from
severe anaemia, total white blood cell counts greater the sample (Richard et al., 2002). There is also evidence
than 20 × 103/µl and a relative lymphocytosis higher that the performance of PCR-based methods may vary
than 60% (Stoskopf & Beier, 1979; Cranfield, 2003; significantly among Plasmodium species and lineages
Wallace, 2014). These haematological differences, how- (Valkiūnas et al., 2006), and some species may evade
ever, may not be sufficiently consistent or specific to be PCR detection altogether (Zehtindjiev et al., 2012).
used as diagnostic criteria for avian malaria (Graczyk Because these techniques and blood smear analysis
et al., 1994d; Cranfield, 2003). Graczyk et al. (1995c) are both likely to underestimate avian malaria infec-
found that gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, alanine tion, the two methods should be considered comp-
aminotransferase and creatinine may be useful for lementary (Valkiūnas et al., 2006; Braga et al., 2011;
monitoring the course of disease and overall prognosis Okanga et al., 2013). Furthermore, it is worth noting
in African penguins infected with P. relictum during that PCR-positive results may be produced even
pre-erythrocytic development stages. when the parasite fails to develop a complete life
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods cycle in a host; in these cases of abortive development,
have significantly higher sensitivity than light the positive results occur due to the amplification of
microscopy, but may still fail to identify low-level para- DNA from sporozoites or remnants of tissue meronts
sitaemia or mixed infections (Richard et al., 2002; (Levin et al., 2013; Valkiūnas et al., 2014).
Valkiūnas et al., 2006; Krams et al., 2012). Different Post-mortem diagnosis is performed by examining
protocols for PCR and nested PCR have been the coelom for hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.

Other findings may include hydropericardium and December, personal communication, 2012). At pre-
lung congestion (Cranfield, 2003). The preparation of sent, the validity of this method for these species is
kidney, liver, spleen and/or lung impression smears questionable.
during necropsy may also assist the diagnosis (Fix
et al., 1988; Cranfield, 2003; Vanstreels & Parsons,
2014). In fact, some pathologists prefer the use of
impression smears of cut organ surfaces over histo- The effectiveness of medical treatment usually
pathology for diagnosis of avian malaria as enabling decreases greatly by the time the first clinical signs
better identification of organisms in erythrocytes appear (Cranfield, 2003). Positions on whether con-
(St. Leger, 1 July, personal communication, 2014). stant or seasonal treatment should be used vary with
Histopathology is another classical method to diag- different institutions, as some prefer to avoid mortality
nose avian malaria in deceased penguins, through the associated with malaria and others prefer not to expose
visualization of tissue meronts within macrophages their colonies to negative side effects of antimalarial
and endothelial cells (Rodhain, 1939; Fleischman drugs. Unnecessary or early treatment may interfere
et al., 1968). Care should be taken not to mistake Plas- with the acquisition of natural immunity, leaving pen-
modium spp. tissue meronts with other protozoan cysts guins more susceptible in the following seasons (Cran-
such as tachyzoites of Toxoplasma spp. (Ploeg et al., field, 2003). When administered at the right time,
2011), bacterial colonies or fragmented nuclei of necro- antimalarial drugs (Table 1) can assist in suppressing
tic tissues. Dinhopl et al. (2011) developed a chromo- the parasitaemia, while maintaining a stimulus for
genic in-situ hybridization test with a digoxigenin- the development of immunity (Graczyk et al., 1994d).
labelled probe, which targets a fragment of the 18S Cranfield et al. (2000) stated that a routine of weekly
ribosomal subunit RNA of Plasmodium spp. using par- examination of blood smears and treatment with pri-
affin wax-embedded tissues. Using tissue samples from maquine and chloroquine when penguins were parasi-
Humboldt, Southern rockhopper (Eudyptes chryso- taemic reduced the experienced mortality from 50% to
come) and King penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), 10–15%.
Plasmodium spp. meronts were identified by a purple Treatment protocols described for malaria infec-
to black signal within the capillary endothelium. tions on captive penguins vary in posology, but overall,
With this method, mistaking fragmented nuclei within associations of primaquine and chloroquine have been
necrotic tissue with meronts does not occur, as it may the most popular choices. More recently, zoos have
in histopathology. experimented with other drugs such as mefloquine or
Graczyk et al. (1994c) developed an enzyme-linked the combination of atovaquone and proguanil; these
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect anti- have been shown to be effective for malaria treatment
P. relictum and anti-P. elongatum antibodies from in other birds, even if exoerythrocytic stages are unaf-
infected African penguins using P. falciparum antigens. fected (Remple, 2004; Palinauskas et al., 2009). A sum-
This technique is simple (based on collection of blood mary of protocols described in the literature is
or egg-yolk samples on filter paper), sensitive, rapid presented in Table 2; it should be noted, however,
and relatively inexpensive (Graczyk et al., 1995b, d; that the absence of studies on the pharmacokinetics
Graczyk & Cranfield, 1996; Atkinson & Paxton, and pharmacodynamics of these drugs in penguins
2013). Also, there is the possibility of testing against implies that all dosing is based on empirical evidence.
several antigens at the same time (Graczyk et al., Perhaps the most important side effect from admin-
1994c), detecting exposure to the parasite and measur- istrating prophylactic drugs is the stress due to the fre-
ing the response to vaccination (Cranfield, Graczyk & quent handling of penguins, possibly interfering with
McCutchan, 2000). On the other hand, some authors breeding success and appetite (Chitty, 2011). In
have suggested that this method may produce false- addition, moulting and brooding birds will often enter
positive results and therefore could have limited speci- a period of anorexia that will make prophylactic dosing
ficity (Sturrock & Tompkins, 2007; McDonald, 2012). difficult without handling or stressing birds (AZA Pen-
Additionally, it is important to note that antibody guin Taxon Advisory Group, 2014). Furthermore, side
levels measured by ELISA do not correlate with parasi- effects from treatment with antimalarial drugs must
taemia, as birds may have antibodies from previous be considered. Pyrimethamine is a folic acid inhibitor
exposure to the pathogen, and will maintain the anti- and a known teratogen, hence caution must be taken
bodies even if the infection is cleared. Additionally, when used in laying females during the reproductive
this technique is not useful to determine when treat- season; Tollini et al. (2000) recommend the discontinu-
ment is needed or when it can be discontinued (Cran- ation of pyrimethamine treatment 10 days before breed-
field et al., 2000). ing/laying season. Oral supplementation with folic acid
Rapid diagnostic tests identifying Plasmodium lac- may be given when birds are on prophylactic regimen
tate dehydrogenase have been used in African penguin (AZA Penguin Taxon Advisory Group, 2014). Sulfadia-
with variable results (Killick et al., 2008; Parsons, 10 zine has been shown to cause diarrhoea in penguins
400 M. L. GRILO ET AL.

Table 1. Examples of antimalarials used in penguin colonies, their parasite stage’s target and mechanism of action.
Drug Target(s) Mechanism of action
Atovaquonea Schizonticide (blood), gametocytocide Selective action against mitochondrial electron transport in the parasite. Proguanil
enhances the mitochondrial toxicity of atovaquone
Chloroquinea–c Schizonticide (blood), gametocytocide, Concentration in the digestive vacuoles of blood stages where it binds to accumulated
sporontocide haem group, making it impossible for the parasite to inactivate haem and increasing toxicity
inside the vacuole
Mefloquined,e Schizonticide (blood) Not known. Believed to interfere with the transport of haemoglobin from the erythrocyte to
the food vacuole
Primaquinea,c Schizonticide (tissue), gametocytocide Not known. Believed to act as oxidation–reduction mediator, interfering with mitochondrial
electron transport in the parasite
Proguanil Schizonticide (blood), inhibit oocyst Selective inhibition of folate biosynthesis, making impossible DNA synthesis and depleting
development in the vector folate cofactors
Pyrimethaminea Schizonticide (blood) Similar action to proguanil but with greater efficacy (although with less efficacy on tissue
stages). Effects on folate biosynthesis increase when used in combination with
sulphonamides or sulphones
Sulphonamidesa Schizonticide (blood) Used in combination with pyrimethamine to enhance the inhibition of folate biosynthesis
Tetracyclinesa Schizonticide (blood) Inhibition of protein translation in the parasite plastid
Vinetz et al. (2011).
Krettli et al. (2001).
Remple (2004).
Olliaro (2001).
Basilico et al. (2015).

(Tollini et al., 2000). Regurgitation has been noticed in penguins (AZA Penguin Taxon Advisory Group,
African penguins when treated for several consecutive 2014).
days on a mefloquine prophylactic treatment (Gyimesi,
9 August, personal communication, 2015). Wünsch-
mann et al. (2006) described a neuronal storage disease Prophylaxis
in Humboldt penguins treated prophylactically with Prophylaxis is the key to managing malarial infection
chloroquine during the mosquito season (June until in captive penguins (Cranfield, 2003; Valkiūnas,
end of October or death). Chloroquine has been 2005). Prevention of this disease can be achieved
shown to cause the same effects in rats and miniature through three approaches: (1) reducing or eliminating
pigs in experimental conditions (Klinghardt et al., mosquitoes, as well as employing physical barriers to
1981; Dietzmann et al., 1985), hence caution is advised protect penguins from being exposed to them, (2)
when employing high and long-term treatment with using drug prophylaxis to prevent the development
this drug. and/or reduce the clinical severity of the infection,
Palliative care can also be considered to manage and (3) allowing the penguin’s immune system to
clinical signs and secondary effects of the infection. respond to the infection (Cranfield et al., 2000; Cran-
For severely anaemic penguins, blood transfusion field, 2003; Vanstreels & Parsons, 2014).
may be an option when haematocrit rapidly decreases Zoological gardens and rehabilitation centres use
to less than 20% and/or is not stable. In these cases, different approaches when dealing with malaria in
blood transfusion appears to shorten the convalescent their penguin colonies. The most straightforward strat-
period until antimalarial drugs start to take effect. egy to prevent malarial infection is to maintain pen-
When haematocrit is stable, blood transfusion is guins in mosquito-free indoor facilities year-round
not necessary as penguins usually have a good ery- (Graczyk et al., 1994d). Using pesticide strips and cov-
thropoiesis regenerative response. In this case, sup- ering zoo exhibits and rehabilitation centre’s facilities
portive care alone is the best option (fluids, iron with fine-mesh bolting silk or other mosquito netting
and complex B vitamins supplementation, and oxy- is effective in controlling the presence of mosquitoes
gen therapy) (AZA Penguin Taxon Advisory Group, (Beier & Stoskopf, 1980; Valkiūnas, 2005). Penguins
2014). may also be kept in indoor facilities during mosquito
Bueno et al. (2010) described the use of injectable season or during the hours of high vector activity
aminophylline and hydrocortisone to diminish respir- (Valkiūnas, 2005; AZA Penguin Taxon Advisory
atory symptoms in Magellanic penguins infected with Group, 2014). Beier and Stoskopf (1980) determined
P. relictum. Tollini et al. (2000) suggest the adminis- that feeding periodicity for the vectors peaked between
tration of fluconazole (100 mg SID) to prevent oppor- midnight and 2 am, as diurnal contact is not likely to
tunistic aspergillosis. happen. Additionally, observations showed that juven-
Even though isolation of infected birds may facili- ile penguins spend a great amount of time outdoors at
tate the treatment process, penguins are sociable night compared with adults, enhancing vector
birds, and thus housing with companion birds or the exposure.
mate is recommended. If this is not possible, mates When this is not possible, other measures may help
should be within visual or vocal range of the isolated reduce exposure to vectors. The usage of fans to
Table 2. Examples of treatment and prophylactic protocols described in the literature specifically designed for penguins.
Reference Drug(s) Species Protocol
Fleischman et al. (1968) Sulphonamide African penguin Oral administration of 30 mg/kg of sulphonamide SIDa, until blood smears are consistently negative
Stoskopf and Beall (1980) Chloroquine and primaquine African penguin On the first day, oral administration of 10 mg/kg of chloroquine phosphate at zero hour, followed by additional oral doses of 5 mg/kg of
chloroquine phosphate at 6, 10 and 24 h. Starting on the first day (along with chloroquine phosphate administration at zero hour), oral
administration of 0.3 mg/kg of primaquine phosphate SIDa for 10 days or more, to prevent relapses
Fix et al. (1988) Chloroquine & primaquine African penguin Oral administration of 3 mg/bird of primaquine phosphate and 30 mg/bird of chloroquine phosphate SIDa for 4 months. In subsequent
months (until the end of vector season), the oral dose of primaquine phosphate is increased to 7.5 mg/bird SIDa and chloroquine is
Graczyk et al. (1994d) Chloroquine and primaquine African penguin On the first day, oral administration of 10 mg/kg of chloroquine phosphate, followed by oral doses of 5 mg/kg of chloroquine phosphate and
1 mg/kg of primaquine phosphate at 6 h. Starting on the second day (24 h after zero hour), oral administration of 5 mg/kg of chloroquine
phosphate SIDa and 1 mg/kg of primaquine phosphate SIDa, both for 10 days
Willette et al. (2009) Mefloquine and primaquine African penguin Upon diagnosis, oral administration of 30 mg/kg of mefloquine at zero hour, followed by equal additional doses at 12, 24 and 48 h. This
treatment has been used in penguins, with the additional administration of primaquine phosphate (oral administration of 1 mg/kg of
primaquine phosphate at zero hour, and starting on the second day – 24 h after hour zero – administer equal additional doses SIDa for 10–14
days) (Wallace, 1 May 2015)
Bueno et al. (2010) Chloroquine and primaquine Magellanic penguin Oral administration of 10 mg/kg of chloroquine diphosphate at 0, 6, 12, 18 and 24 h. Continuation with oral doses of 5 mg/kg of chloroquine
diphosphate and 1 mg/kg of primaquine phosphate SIDa, both for 3 days
Chitty (2011) Doxycycline Humboldt penguin Subcutaneous administration of 20–33 mg/kg of doxycycline and 60 ml of saline solution, once
AZA Penguin Taxon Advisory Group Primaquine and chloroquine Medium-sized Treatment after detection of parasites with 1.25 mg/kg of primaquine and 10 mg/kg of chloroquine (orally) SIDa during 10–14 days.
(2014) penguins (3–5 kg) Continuation with 5 mg/kg of chloroquine (orally) BIDb during 3 days. Some institutions stop at this point and others continue 5 mg/kg of
chloroquine (orally) SIDa concurrently with primaquine
Vanstreels et al. (2014) Chloroquine, sulfadiazine and Magellanic penguin On the first day, oral administration of 10 mg/kg of chloroquine phosphate at zero hour, followed by additional oral doses of 5 mg/kg of
trimethoprim chloroquine phosphate at 6, 12 and 18 h. Starting on the second day (24 h after zero hour), oral administration of 5 mg/kg of chloroquine
phosphate SIDa for 10 days. After this treatment is concluded, birds that remain blood smear positive are subjected to an additional
treatment with oral administration of 40 mg/kg of sulfadiazine-trimethoprim for 10 days
Garcia, 17 September, personal Doxycycline Humboldt penguin Oral administration of 20 mg/kg of doxycycline BIDb for a minimum of 10 days
communication, 2014
Griner and Sheridan (1967) Chloroquine Little penguin Oral administration of chloroquine phosphate 25 mg/bird once a week for six weeksc
Chloroquine Humboldt penguin Oral administration of chloroquine phosphate 50 mg/bird once a week for six weeksc
Chloroquine King penguin Oral administration of chloroquine phosphate 100 mg/bird PO once a week for six weeksc
Wallace (2014) Primaquine Medium-sized Oral administration 1.25 mg/kg of primaquine SIDa during vector season (year-round depending on the location of the institution)c
Sulfadiazine, pyrimethamine penguins (3–5 kg) Administrate one capsule orally for a 3–5 kg penguin containing 125 mg of sulfadiazine, 4 mg of pyrimethamine and 0.4 mg of folic acid
and folic acid every other day during vector season (year-round depending on the location of the institution)c
Chitty et al. (2015) Primaquine African and Humboldt Oral administration of 3.75 mg/bird of primaquine, once a week, or 1.25 mg/kg SID, from March until October (north hemisphere)c

penguins Oral administration of 0.75 mg/kg of primaquine, weekly or twice in a week, during vector season (year-round depending on the location of
the institution)c
Gyimesi, 9 August, personal Mefloquine African penguin Oral administration of mefloquine 30 mg/kg once a week throughout summer monthsc
communication, 2015
Semel in die (once a day).
Bis in die (twice a day).
Because adult penguins regurgitate food to chicks, usage of these regimens must be considered carefully during chick rearing.

402 M. L. GRILO ET AL.

circulate air and create wind currents in the outdoor increased after vaccination and there was a 75%
exhibits may help to control vector infestation (AZA reduction in mortality. In another study, Grim et al.
Penguin Taxon Advisory Group, 2014). Setting up (2004) reported that parasitaemia rates (P. relictum)
mosquito traps may also be a good option (Valkiūnas, in vaccinated African penguins decreased from 50%
2005). Since some plants have mosquito repellent to 17% despite intense mosquito infection rate, with
properties due to their essential oils (Choi et al., no mortalities or side effects recorded in the vacci-
2002), use of spray repellent products in the nest nation year. Even though birds are still stimulated by
boxes and having mosquito repellent plants (e.g. laven- natural infection after immunization, the long-term
der, lemongrass) may deter vectors from coming near immunity was low and vaccination had to be repeated
the penguin exhibit. every summer. In a study using the vaccine on canaries,
Monitoring mosquito larvae density in ponds in and McCutchan et al. (2004) found that vaccination pro-
around the zoo may help to evaluate the probability of duced a statistically significant decrease in mortality
infection (Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, 2000). due to avian malaria in canaries. However, two seasons
Draining and cleaning these water bodies or using after the vaccination, this difference no longer existed.
pumps to keep water moving helps to reduce mosquito Also, the mortality recorded the in second year
larvae habitat and it may reduce the incidence of avian occurred in vaccinated birds, while the ones with natu-
malaria in nearby captive penguins (Cereghetti et al., ral immunity survived. The hypothesis that the vaccine
2012; Grilo, 2014). The bacterium Bacillus thuringien- eliminates or significantly reduces the parasite load and
sis israelensis is environmental-friendly and considered therefore inhibits acquisition of natural immunity
a highly effective method for controlling larvae of seems to be the explanation. As such, boosters must
many mosquito species (Stockklausner et al., 2013). be given every season (Cranfield et al., 2000; Cranfield,
However, some authors refer a low to moderate level 2003).
of mosquito resistance in areas where these bacteria There is evidence of genetic resistance to infection,
have been used intensively (e.g. crop protection) particularly in birds that do not succumb to initial
(Paris et al., 2011; Tetreau et al., 2013). Other disadvan- infection and become chronically infected. (USGS,
tages are presented, such as the possibility of the bac- 2006). Graczyk et al. (1994b) proposed that females
teria sinking to the bottom of the pond, adsorption that produce high titres of anti-Plasmodium spp. anti-
onto organic matter, inactivation by sunlight and bodies should be used preferentially for reproduction
ingestion by organisms to which it is not toxic (Ben- and that the serological profiles of each individual
Dov, 2014). Another possibility is the use of larvae-eat- should be part of breeding programmes of outdoor
ing fish in the ponds, such as the Fathead Minnow colonies.
(Pimephales promelas) or the Mosquito fish (Gambusia
sp.) (Irwin & Paskewitz, 2009; Thurber et al., 2014).
Conclusion and future directions
Preventative drug treatment protocols have been
widely used by zoos, and usually rely on the daily to Avian malaria has been shown to profoundly impact
weekly administration of primaquine (see Table 2) many of the captive penguin colonies worldwide. For-
(Grilo, 2014). Such treatments do not prevent the tunately, certain measures can be taken to reduce or
emergence of avian malaria, however they are known eliminate the effects of this disease in highly susceptible
to reduce the severity of outbreaks should they occur. species, including penguins.
When drug prophylaxis is routinely employed, it In the future, better knowledge of the correlation of
usually is done every year, since it may prevent some parasitological variables with environmental and hous-
individuals from developing natural immunity against ing conditions, demographics of penguin populations,
Plasmodium spp. (Cranfield, 2003). health status of colonies regarding other common dis-
If penguins are allowed to acquire natural immu- eases and treatment and supportive care protocols
nity, close monitoring to rapidly initiate treatment is associated with the development of the disease would
required (Graczyk et al., 1994d). Even when immunity be valuable insights with practical implications for
is established, testing for malaria is still essential to the prevention and treatment of avian malaria in cap-
control for possible relapses (Cranfield, 2003; AZA tive penguins. Pharmacokinetic studies will be funda-
Penguin Taxon Advisory Group, 2014). mental to provide objective criteria regarding
Cranfield et al. (2000) developed an experimental posology for antimalarial treatment protocols in pen-
vaccine using DNA sequences of the circumsporozoite guins. Also, avian malaria prevalence studies in nearby
gene of P. relictum and P. elongatum for use in pen- captive and free-ranging birds may assist in identifying
guins. Naïve African penguins housed indoors were which species can serve as reservoirs of the disease.
vaccinated intradermally above the eyes and intramus- Similarly, prevalence studies of mosquito vectors and
cularly in the gastrocnemius muscle. Booster injections any harboured Plasmodium species are required.
were given three to four weeks later and then penguins Development and testing of novel inexpensive and
were allowed to go the outside exhibit. Antibody levels rapid diagnostic methods will increase the possibility

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