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BW System checklist

This will only identify and help triage issues to Helpdesk, Infrastructure, OS team or DBA team, Basis or functional developers or whomever…
but guarantees that each system in a landscape gets a regular, weekly look. The goal is to eliminate root causes of repeating issues.

Step 1:
Identify what is going on right now
Why? This info may skew other readings
SM51 – SM50 (or SM66 and SMGW) – what’s running and active now
SMICM – what’s going on in the web server…and max/peak usage
AL08 – who’s on and inactive…what are they doing?

Step 2:
Analyze what happened overnight
Why? ID any major new issues or daily trends for loads
ST22 – short dumps indicate major issues
SM21 (change time filter to include since you last looked) for each app server – shift in SM51
SM37 – active or cancelled jobs
RSMO – overview of process chains/InfoPackages (also RSA1-monitoring-monitor)
RSPC – log view of trouble chains
STMS – import history

Step 3:
Check weekly trends (once per week per system is ok)
ST02 – look at buffers – red? Quality lower than 90%? >20,000 swaps?
ST04 – database buffer quality – in detail analysis, lockwait, latchwait, db message log
ST06 – CPU usage, now and detail-CPU snap and CPU previous hrs, OS Log
DB02 – disk space and weekly growth...and that disk storage availability is ahead of needs

Step 4:
Major troubleshooting transactions if deeper analysis required
SE03 – STMS – SE09/SE10 TMS info – observe import history patterns
SLG1 – Application Logs
RSD1 – Repair InfoObjects
RSRV – Analysis and repair of BW Objects – Master data to Transactional Data ratio
ST03N – Query and Load performance analysis – BW Expert mode
RSRCACHE – Web query cache (parameters RSCUSTV14)
RSRT/RSRT2 – query analysis – which area is that problem happening in?
AL11 /work process/RFC logs
BW Stats Queries (0TCT) – examine for trends out of the ordinary/expected
WE20/WE21/SM59 – system connections or SE16 tables related to these
SE38 Reports:
RSPOR_SETUP (portal configuration)
SRMO or RSODADMIN (TREX)SPAD – printing issues

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