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Department of Education

Region VIII
Division of Palo
District of Palo
Palo, Leyte



A. Learning Competency:

By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to learn how non-flowering plants (spore-
bearing and cone-bearing plants, ferns, and mosses) reproduce. (K-12 Curriculum Guide)

B. Contextualized Competency:

The learners should be able to distinguish reproduction in spore and cone bearing plants.


Topic: Reproduction in non-flowering plants (Grade 6)

KBI: Demonstrate proper attitude when working with group.


A. Teaching Science in Elementary Grades (pgs. 140-143)

B. Materials:

• Live whole body of ferns (pako)

• Mosses

• Pine cones
• Diagrams of life cycle of moss, ferns, and pines

• Bondpaper

• Hand lens

• Forceps



To get the student's attention as well as test how far they know about the topic that will be
discussed, play a game called "Board Race."


 Split the class into two teams and give each team a colored marker.
 If you have a very large class, it may be better to split the students into teams of 3 or 4.
 Draw a line down the middle of the board and write a topic at the top.
 The students must then write as many words as you require related to the topic in the
form of a relay race.
 Each team wins one point for each correct word. Any words that are unreadable or
misspelled are not counted.


Problem: How do plants without flowers reproduce?

What to do:

1. Place a few individual plants of mosses on top of white paper. Using a lens, look for the root-
like, leaf-like and stem-like structures that compose a moss plant. Describe the parts of the
moss. Find an individual stalk with capsule jotting above the bunch of leaf-like structures. What
are found inside the capsule?

2. Given the diagram, study the life cycle of moss.

3. Other than spores released by capsules that germinate and grow into new plants, how else
can mosses produce new plants?

4. How is the life cycle of mosses differs from flowering plants?

5. Place the live fern plant on top of clean paper. Identify the roots, stems and fronds. Look at
the underside of the green leaves or fronds. A leaf may be divided into leaflets. Using a hand
lens, what are found on the leaflets? Now try to press the under surface of the leaf on a clean
piece of paper. Do you see brown spots? These are spores released by spore containing
structures. When

blown by wind, they spread and grow in moist soil.

6. Study the life cycle diagram of a fern. Describe each stage in the life cycle.

7. Compare how mosses and ferns reproduce.

8. Compare also how flowering plants differ in reproduction with ferns.

9. Examine the pine cones you brought to school. Identily the female from the male cone. If
there is no actual specimen, study the life cycle diagram below. Describe the stages in the life
cycle of pine. Compare how pines differ in reproduction with flowering plants.


Plant Reproduction: Non-flowering Plants

Plants need to reproduce to maintain the existence of the species on earth. Flowering plants
reproduce asexually and sexually as you have already learned. Not all plants bear flowers.
Mosses, ferns and pine trees are groups of plants that do not bear flowers for reproduction.
Among mosses, the mature plant produces spores enclosed in capsule and when mature the
capsule breaks to release spores, a kind of asexual reproduction. These spores germinate and
grow to a mature plant which you see in moist places like flower pots, brick walls, forest floors
and river banks. In the mature plant, sex organs produce either the egg cells or sperm cells.
Fertilization may occur to produce a zygote that will grow into a young plant. A moss plant has
parts that develop spore and sex cells. Mosses then reproduce both sexually and asexually.

Among ferns, the plants that you see are those that produce spores on underside of the leaflets.
When the spores are ejected from the spore cases and hit moist places, these germinate and
grow into heart-shaped gametophytes that produce female and male sex cells. After
fertilization, the zygote grows into a young that is spore-bearing. The underground stems or
rhizomes produce young plants. Ferns are important in home decorations, landscaping and for
floral arrangement. Fiddleheads, the newly formed leaves are eaten as salads.

Conifers, like the pine trees, generally are found in places like Bagiuo countries. They have
needle-like leaves and produce seeds in cones of mature plants. There are smaller male and
bigger female cones that contain the reproductive cells. The seeds are naked or not enclosed by
a fruit wall. When the seeds are released by the female cones, these germinate in moist soil.
Pine trees are sources of lumber, ornamental plants in parks and Christmas decors. The relatives
of pines include the giant redwood tree (tallest and largest plant on earth) and bristlecone pine
(the oldest plant more than 5000 yrs. old), cycads and ginkgo.


1. Make a multimedia presentation on how parts of the reproductive system of spore bearing
and cone bearing plants ensure their survival. This is a group work task. Your presentation
should not exceed ten minutes.

2. Make a dish garden using plants that reproduce asexual means.


For Pre-service Teachers

Design an experiment for Grade 6 pupils to answer the question: How do ferns produce new
plants other than from spore germination?

You may use ferns found in your home or school. Prepare a rubric to rate their group work.

For Grade 6 Learners

Write the letter of the term that best matches the definition. Not all the terms can be used.
pistil sepal germination pollination stamen flower

1. Flower structure that bears the pollen grains.

2. The reproductive structure of flowering plants.

3. A leaf-like structure at the base of a flower.

4. The development of a plant embryo into a young plant.

5. The transfer of pollen from one flower to another flower.


Write Yes if it is a non-flowering plant and No if it is a not.

____________ 1. Bamboo

____________ 2. Gabi

____________ 3. Periwinkle

____________ 4. Fern

____________ 5. Chrysanthemum

____________ 6. Baby's breath

____________ 7. Rose

____________8. Mango

____________ 9. Cassava

____________ 10. Horseradish


Prepared by:
Reynaldo F. Monteshdj
Pre-service Teacher



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