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Key Stage 3 ICT - Smart Devices

We are surrounded by input and output devices in our lives - now more than ever. An input device
is a piece of hardware that is used to enter data into a computer, and an output device is a piece of
hardware that is used to get data out of a computer, and display it for humans.

There are some rather clever devices that are input and output devices - for example a
smartphone. A smartphone has a lot of input technology, such as a microphone, or a touchscreen,
or a fingerprint scanner, or facial recognition. A smartphone also has output technology, such as a
speaker, or vibration, and of course the screen of the smartphone itself.

However there are now devices that we can call ‘smart devices’ - usually because they do a great
deal of things automatically for you, or because they can communicate with you very easily, and
even because they contain ‘Artificial Intelligence.’ Some examples for the home include:

● Cameras that can track people if they are in or outside your house, even in the dark!
● Motion sensors that will alert you if they pick up movement in the house, and can even tell
you what sort of movement. So for example if the object is similar to a dog or cat, rather
than a burglar!
● Doors and locks that can open automatically if the correct person approaches them
● Lights that come on automatically at certain times, or if the light is set at a certain level
● For older people, smart devices can remind them of when to take their medicine, or let the
doctor or hospital know if they fall
● You can also link devices in a smart home:
○ Your smartphone can be linked to a lighting system, so that you can use an app to
control the lights
○ Or your lights can be linked to a smart speaker, so that it can play music, tell you
the weather, and even turn the lights on and off for you with voice commands!
● There are also some concerns about smart devices:
○ What if the device stops working, and you find yourself unable to get through your
○ How safe is the data on your device? It is also highly personal - what if the data
gets stolen or hacked?
○ Who controls the data on your smart device - is it you? The company who built the
device? The company who made the software for the device? Somebody else?!

Research task - find out as much as you can about:

● A smart speaker
● Smart lighting
● Smart locks

Find out the name of the device, the company which makes it, the cost, the advantages, and any
disadvantages you can think of for each. You can use the table on the next page to make your
notes, and the aim is that you incorporate this research into a slideshow.
Device Name Company Cost Pros Cons

Smart speaker

Smart lighting

Smart locks

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