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Student Assessment Tasks

BSBMGT502 Manage people performance

Student Name:
Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 1
Student Number:

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 2
Table of Contents

Table of Contents 3
Assessment Information 4
Assessment Instructions 8
Student Assessment Agreement and Cover Sheet 10
Assessment Task 1 Instructions 12
Assessment Task 1 Checklist 28
Assessment Task 2: Work allocation project 30
Assessment Task 2 Checklist 45
Assessment Task 3: Performance management system project 46
Assessment Task 3 Checklist 53
Assessment Task 4: Managing performance project 54
Assessment Task 4 Checklist 8
Assessment Task 5: Disciplinary and termination project 9
Assessment Task 5 Checklist 16

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Assessment Information

The assessment tasks for BSBMGT502 Manage people performance are included in this Student Assessment Tasks booklet and outlined in the assessment plan

To be assessed as competent for this unit, you must complete all of the assessment tasks satisfactorily.

Assessment Plan
Assessment Task Overview
1: Written questions You must correctly answer all questions to show that they understand the knowledge required of this
2: Work allocation project You must assume the role of Human Resources Manager of a company, meet with the Managing
Director (the assessor) to develop a work plan and then share this plan with your team.
3: Performance management system You must research performance management processes, develop a performance management policy
and procedure and provide training to managers on this new policy and procedure.
4: Managing performance project You must provide a staff member with informal feedback about their workplace performance and conduct
a formal performance review.
5: Disciplinary and termination project You must provide a staff member with formal feedback about ongoing poor performance and develop a
letter of termination.

Assessment Preparation
Please read through this assessment thoroughly before beginning any tasks. Ask your assessor for clarification if you have any questions at all.

When you have read and understood this unit’s assessment tasks, print out the Student Assessment Agreement. Fill it out, sign it, and hand it to your assessor,
who will countersign it and then keep it on file.

Keep a copy of all of your work, as the work submitted to your assessor will not be returned to you.

Assessment appeals
If you do not agree with an assessment decision, you can make an assessment appeal as per your RTO’s assessment appeals process.
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You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

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Naming electronic documents
It is important that you name the documents that you create for this Assessment Task in a logical manner.
Each should include:
 Course identification code
 Assessment Task number
 Document title (if appropriate)
 Student name
 Date it was created
For example, BSBMGT502 AT2 Risk Management Plan Joan Smith 20/10/18

Additional Resources
You will be provided with the following resources before you begin each Assessment Task.

Assessment Task 2
 Access to textbooks and other learning materials
 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
 Strategic Plan
 Human Resources Action Plan Template
 Risk Management Plan Template
 Staff Code of Conduct
 Space for a meeting
 Roleplay participants
Assessment Task 3
 Access to textbooks and other learning materials
 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
 Space with a screen and projector for presentation
Assessment Task 4
 Access to textbooks and other learning materials
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 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
 Performance Review Guidance
 Performance Agreement Template
Assessment Task 5
 Access to textbooks and other learning materials
 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
 Space for a meeting

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Assessment Instructions

Each assessment task in this booklet consists of the following:

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

This must be filled out, signed and submitted together with your assessment responses.
If you are submitting hardcopy, the Cover Sheet should be the first page of each task’s submission.
If you are submitting electronically, print out the cover sheet, fill it out and sign it, then scan this and submit the file.

The Assessment Task Cover Sheet will be returned to you with the outcome of the assessment, which will be satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U). If your work has
been assessed as being not satisfactory, your assessor will include written feedback in the Assessment Task Cover Sheet giving reasons why. Your assessor will
also discuss this verbally with you and provide advice on re-assessment opportunities as per
your RTO’s re-assessment policy.

Depending on the task, this may include

 resubmitting incorrect answers to questions (such as short answer questions and case studies)
 resubmitting part or all of a project, depending on how the error impacts on the total outcome of the task
 redoing a role play after being provided with appropriate feedback about your performance
 being observed a second (or third time) undertaking any tasks/activities that were not satisfactorily completed the first time, after being provided with
appropriate feedback.

Assessment Task Information

This gives you:
 a summary of the assessment task
 information on the resources to be used
 submission requirements
 re-submission opportunities if required

Assessment Task Instructions

These give questions to answer or tasks which are to be completed.
Your answers need to be typed up using software as indicated in the Assessment Task Instructions.

Copy and paste each task’s instructions into a new document and use this as the basis for your assessment task submission. Include this document’s header and
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If you are submitting electronically, give the document a file name that includes the unit identification number, the task number, your name and the date.

This will be used by your assessor to mark your assessment. Read through this as part of your preparation before beginning the assessment task. It will give you a
good idea of what your assessor will be looking for when marking your responses.

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Student Assessment Agreement and Cover Sheet

Make sure you read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below.

If there is anything that you are unsure of, consult your assessor prior to signing this agreement.

Have you read the assessment requirements for this unit? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Do you understand the requirements of the assessments for this unit? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Do you have any specific needs that should be considered? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If so, explain these in the space below.

Do you understand your rights to re-assessment? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Do you understand your right to appeal the decisions made in an assessment? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

☐ I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).
☐ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me.
☐ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

Student name

Student ID number

Student signature


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Assessment Task 1 Instructions

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Explain the key provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009.

The Fair W ork Act 2009 and the Fair W ork Regulations 2009 are the main legislation we deal with.They govern the employee / employer relationship in
Australia. They provides a safety net of minimumentitlements, enables flexible working arrangements and fairness at work and prevents discriminationagainst e
mployees. The Fair Work system is the name used for the minimum employment laws andagency bodies that were created by the Fair Work Act. It is the nati
onal workplace relations system.The key features of the Fair Work system are:10 minimum National Employment Standardsawards that apply nationally for specifi
c industries and occupationsthe national minimum wageprotection from unfair dismissal.Awards, together with the National Employment Standards and the natio
nal minimum wage, make upa safety net of entitlements for employees covered by the Fair Work system.
The Fair Work system covers most Australian workplaces. Working out who is covered is important
bec a us e we wor k wit h em pl o yer s an d em pl o yees c o ver e d b y t he F a ir W ork s ys t em ( th e n at i on a l system)

2. Explain the key provisions of each of the following Acts:

a. The Racial Discrimination Act 1975
T he Rac i a l D is c r im i na t i on Ac t 1 9 75 gi v es ef f ec t t o A us t ra l i a's o b li g at i ons un d er th e I nt er na t io n a l
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Its major objectives are to
promote equality before the law for all persons, regardless of their race, colour or national or ethnic
origin, and make discrimination against people on the basis of their race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin unlawful.

b. Sex Discrimination Act 1984

The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 is an Act of the Parliament of Australia which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, marital or relationship status, actual or
potential pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status or breastfeeding in a range of areas of public life.

c. Disability Discrimination Act 1992

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The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person, in many areas of public life, including employment, education,
getting or using services, renting or buying a house or unit, and accessing public places, because of their disability.

3. Explain the purpose of the National Employment Standards and the 10 minimum entitlements.

The National Employment Standards (NES) are 10 minimum employment entitlements that have to be provided to all employees.

The national minimum wage and the NES make up the minimum entitlements for employees in Australia. An award, employment contract, enterprise
agreement or other registered agreement can't provide for conditions that are less than the national minimum wage or the NES. They can’t exclude the NES.

The 10 minimum entitlements of the NES are:

 Maximum weekly hours

 Requests for flexible working arrangements

 Parental leave and related entitlements

 Annual leave

 Personal/carer's leave, compassionate leave and unpaid family and domestic violence leave

 Community service leave

 Long service leave

 Public holidays

 Notice of termination and redundancy pay

 Fair Work Information Statement

The NES apply to all employees covered by the national workplace relations system, however only certain entitlements apply to casual employees.

These are:
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 maximum weekly hours

 two days unpaid carer’s leave and two days unpaid compassionate leave per occasion

 five days unpaid family and domestic violence leave (in a 12-month period)

 community service leave (except paid jury service)

 public holidays

 provision of the Fair Work Information Statement.

In addition, casual employees who have been employed for at least 12 months by an employer on a regular and systematic basis and with an expectation of
ongoing employment are entitled to:

 make requests for flexible working arrangements

 parental leave and related entitlements.

There are also two NES that apply to all full-time and part-time employees, whether they are covered by the national workplace relations system or not.
These are:

 parental leave and related entitlements

 notice of termination.

4. Explain the use of modern awards in workplaces.

A modern award is a document which sets out the minimum terms and conditions of employment on top of the National Employment Standards (NES).
Moderns awards came into effect on 1 January 2010.

Modern award provide entitlements such as:

 Pay

 Hours of work

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 Rosters

 Breaks

 Allowances

 Penalty rates

 Overtime.

 Modern awards apply to all employees covered by the national workplace relations system.

 Modern awards are industry or occupation-based, and apply to employers and employees who perform work covered by the award.

 You can find out which modern award applies using our Award Finder Tool.

 A modern award may not cover managers or higher income employees even if one applies to the industry in which they work.

5. Identify at least two examples of modern awards using the Fair Work Ombudsman website. Write down the name of the award and the minimum wages
under the award and minimum working hours.

A modern award is a document, which sets out the minimum terms and conditions of employment on top of the National Employment Standards
(NES). Moderns awards came into effect on 1 January 2010.

 Aged Care Award 2010

Minimum wages—Aged Care Employee

Classification Per week

Aged care employee—level 1 787.60

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Aged care employee—level 2 820.20

Aged care employee—level 3 852.40

Aged care employee—level 4 862.50

Aged care employee—level 5 891.70

Aged care employee—level 6 939.80

Aged care employee—level 7 956.70

Ordinary hours of work

The ordinary hours of work will be 38 hours per week, or an average of 38 hours per week worked over 76 hours per fortnight or 114 hours per 21 days or
152 hours per four week period, and will be worked either:

(a) in a period of 28 calendar days of not more than 20 work days in a roster cycle;

(b) in a period of 28 calendar days of not more than 19 work days in a roster cycle, with the twentieth day taken as an accrued paid day off (ADO); or

(c) eight hours on a day shift or 10 hours on a night shift.

 Commercial Sales Award 2010

This Fair Work Commission consolidated modern award incorporates all amendments up to and including 19 December 2019
Employees will be paid weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

Wages will be paid by cash, cheque or electronic funds transfer into the employee’s nominated bank account.
Ordinary hours of work and rostering

 Maximum weekly hours and requests for flexible working arrangements are provided for in the NES.

 The ordinary hours of work for a full-time employee will be an average of 38 per week with a maximum of 152 hours over 28 consecutive days.

 The ordinary hours of work may be worked on any days of the week.

 The ordinary hours of work will not exceed 10 hours on any day.

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6. Outline the purpose of an enterprise agreement and with which entity must the agreement be registered.
An Enterprise Agreement is negotiated between employers, employees and bargaining representatives to establish a fair working wage and conditions
of employment. ... The Fair Work Act 2009 sets out strict rules and guidelines for all parties to follow to ensure the process is fair.
Enterprise agreements can include a broad range of matters such as:
 rates of pay
 employment conditions e.g. hours of work, meal breaks, overtime
 how and when employees and their representatives will be consulted
 dispute resolution procedures
 deductions from wages for any purpose authorised by an employee.
They cannot, however, include anythig unlawful (such as discriminatory or objectionable terms).

7. Outline minimum terms and conditions that must be included in an enterprise agreement.
An enterprise agreement must contain the following terms: a nominal expiry date for the agreement which is no longer than four years from the date
the Fair Work Commission approves the agreement.

There are four things that you must include in any enterprise agreement:

 A nominal expiry date

A nominal expiry date is the date from which an agreement can be:

 replaced by another agreement; or

 terminated.

In most cases, the maximum nominal period is 4 years.

Although an enterprise agreement will continue to apply if neither of these actions are taken by the nominal expiry date, once the date has passed any party to the
agreement will be able to apply to the FWC to terminate the agreement or take action to renegotiate the agreement.

 A dispute settlement procedure

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A dispute settlement procedure clause will set out the resolution process for any disputes about matters arising under the agreement.

If you choose not to write your own dispute settlement procedure, you can use the model dispute resolution procedure set out in Schedule 6.1 of the Fair Work
Regulations 2009 (Cth).

 A flexibility term

A flexibility term, which permits you and your employees to vary the effect of the agreement to suit both your needs, must specify the terms of the enterprise
agreement that may be varied.

Terms may be varied using an individual flexibility arrangement (IFA). There are a number of requirements of IFAs, including that they must:

 not include anything unlawful;

 be genuinely agreed upon by you and the employee;
 be able to be terminated by you and the employee; and
 allow the employee to be better off overall under the arrangement than if no arrangement was in place.

If you choose not write your own flexibility term provision, you can use the model flexibility term set out in Schedule 2.2 of the Fair Work Regulations 2009 (Cth).

 A consultation term

A consultation term requires you to consult with employees about major changes that are likely to significantly affect them.

If you choose not write your own consultation term provision, you can use the model consultation term set out in Schedule 2.3 of the Fair Work Regulations 2009

Other mandatory requirements

Your enterprise agreement must also:

 be in writing;
 be in English;
 state the parties to the agreement; and
 be signed by the bargaining representatives to the agreement.

8. Explain the process of performance management and the purpose of using performance
management systems in the workplace.

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Performance management is a communication process by which managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee’s
work objectives and overall contribution to the organization. More than just an annual performance review, performance management is the continuous
process of setting objectives, assessing progress and providing ongoing coaching and feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their objectives
and career goals.

The Performance Management Process can be thought of as a continuous cycle focusing on planning performance, coaching, reviewing, and rewarding.

Summary of the main stages of the Performance Management process include the following:

o Planning Performance is the way in which we define what we expect of people and how they are to contribute to achieving the agency’s goals.
o Individuals in pursuit of those same goals throughout the year, modifying priorities and resources with the changing external world, about reinforcing
and supporting the efforts make Coaching Performance.
o Reviewing Performance concerns evaluating the successes and failures of the year, learning from them, and preparing for the coming year.
o Rewarding Performance is the means by which performance is to be recognized

Performance management aims at building a high performance culture for both the individuals and the teams so that they jointly take the responsibility of improving
the business processes on a continuous basis and at the same time raise the competence bar by upgrading their own skills within a leadership framework. Its focus
is on enabling goal clarity for making people do the right things in the right time. It may be said that the main objective of a performance management system is to
achieve the capacity of the employees to the full potential in favor of both the employee and the organization, by defining the expectations in terms of roles,
responsibilities and accountabilities, required competencies and the expected behaviors.

The main goal of performance management is to ensure that the organization as a system and its subsystems work together in an integrated fashion for
accomplishing optimum results or outcomes.

The major Purpose of performance management are discussed below:

 To enable the employees towards achievement of superior standards of work performance.

 To help the employees in identifying the knowledge and skills required for performing the job efficiently as this would drive their focus towards performing the
right task in the right way.
 Boosting the performance of the employees by encouraging employee empowerment, motivation and implementation of an effective reward mechanism.
 Promoting a two way system of communication between the supervisors and the employees for clarifying expectations about the roles and accountabilities,
communicating the functional and organizational goals, providing a regular and a transparent feedback for improving employee performance and continuous
 Identifying the barriers to effective performance and resolving those barriers through constant monitoring, coaching and development interventions.
 Creating a basis for several administrative decisions strategic planning, succession planning, promotions and performance based payment.
 Promoting personal growth and advancement in the career of the employees by helping them in acquiring the desired knowledge and skills.

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9. Explain two types of performance management systems that can be used at work.
Types of Performance Management Systems

 Ranking
 Forced Distribution
 360-Degree feed back
 Competency Based
 Management by Objectives
 Graphic Rating Scales
 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales

360-Degree Feedback: 360 Degree Feedback is a system or process in which employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from the people who work
around them. This typically includes the employee's manager, peers, and direct reports. ... 360 Feedback can also be a useful development tool for people who are
not in a management role.

 Communicating 360:

As we have mentioned previously, it is crucial that you communicate the process to all stakeholders. You will want to communicate the purpose of the 360, explain
the process and how feedback will be gathered and utilized.
Time: It could take 1-3 weeks to communicate the process if in-person meetings are used with employees, supervisors, managers and raters.

 Selecting raters:

Selecting raters is one of the most important steps of the 360 feedback process. Participants will need to choose enough feedback providers to ensure that the data
is comprehensive and relevant. The number of raters included will depend on the employee’s job function and working relationships.
Time: It may take 1-2 weeks to choose raters including supervisors, direct reports, peers and perhaps external clients.

 Distributing surveys:

Using an online 360 feedback system will allow you to distribute the questionnaires quickly. Participants will receive email notifications with instructions on how to
start and complete the 360 feedback process. At this stage, participants will assign questionnaires to their selected raters.
Time: It may take up to 1 week to distribute the survey.

 Completing questionnaires:

Having participants fill out and complete the review is the longest stage in the process. The length of this step can depend on the number of raters involved, the
employee’s job role and on the organization. It is highly recommended that you establish deadlines at the outset of the process, to ensure all raters have completed
their survey in a timely manner.
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Time: It may take 2-4 weeks before all of the feedback is completed.

 Producing reports:

Once all of the feedback providers have completed their questionnaires a confidential report is produced. Depending on your company’s feedback delivery plan, the
reports may be sent directly to participants or results given in a one-on-one feedback session.
Time: Using an online system will allow for the quick production of detailed 360 feedback reports, 1-2 days.

 Facilitating feedback:

It is recommended that confidential feedback meetings be arranged for each participant undergoing the 360 review. Feedback may be given in these sessions by the
employee’s manager or by a coach. These meetings allow for greater understanding of the feedback report and an opportunity to discuss strengths and areas for
Time: Depending on how in-depth you’d like the feedback sessions to be, each meeting could take 1-2 hours per participant.

 Completing development plan:

Creating the development plan for each participant in the review is the essence of the process. The feedback obtained from the 360 evaluation becomes the basis
for an actionable development plan. Reviewing the areas for improvement will identify key areas for development for the employee. This gives the employee the
chance to improve their skills by using opportunities such as training, workshops, conferences, coaching, mentoring, etc.
Time: The completion of the development plan could take 1-2 weeks.

 Re-evaluating:

It is important to establish 360 degree feedback in your organization as a process and not a one-off event. To do so, you should clearly communicate at the start of
the process that subsequent reviews will happen each year. Since specific goals and opportunities were outlined in the development plan, it makes sense to check
in on the progress of these items. Re-evaluating participants enables you to see if any changes have occurred and also provides the chance for new feedback.
Time: Re-evaluations should occur 8-12 months after the first 360 review.

Graphic Rating Scale is a type of performance appraisal method. In this method traits or behaviours that are important for effective performance are listed out and
each employee is rated against these traits. The rating helps employers to quantify the behaviours displayed by its employees.

Although graphic rating can be a bit subjective, there are many great reasons employers choose to use this performance evaluation method. Using a graphic rating
scale is often the preferred choice when objective data is either not available or not relevant to the situation. A journal published by the American Psychological
Association explains the relevance of graphic rating scales and their many benefits. Just a sample of the benefits discussed in the article is listed below.

 It is easy to use and understand

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 It does not take a lot of time to fill out forms
 It is easily standardized for multiple positions
 It can be personalized to one specific position
 It makes the employee appraisal system less complicated

10. In what form must an employer provide an employee with notice of termination.

An employer must provide an employee with written notice of the day of termination when ending their employment. Some exceptions apply (see below).

An employer may give notice to the employee by either:

 delivering it personally

 leaving it at the employee’s last known address

 sending it by pre-paid post to the employee’s last known address.

An employee may also need to give their employer notice of termination if their award or agreement specifies it.

What amount of notice must be given?

An employer must not terminate an employee unless they have either:

 given the minimum period of notice

 paid the employee instead of giving notice. This is paid at the employee's full pay rate as if they had worked the minimum notice period.

An employee’s full pay rate includes the following:

 incentive-based payments and bonuses

 loadings

 monetary allowances

 overtime or penalty rates

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any other separately identifiable amounts.

Period of continuous service Minimum notice period

1 year or less 1 week

More than 1 year - 3 years 2 weeks

More than 3 years - 5 years 3 weeks

More than 5 years 4 weeks

Employees over 45 years old who have completed at least two years of service when they receive notice are given an additional week of notice.

11. Under the Fair Work Act, what amount of notice must be given to employees who have worked for a company for less than one year.

1 year or less 1 week

12. List two types of employees to whom notice of termination would not need to be provided.

Notice periods don’t apply to employees who:

 are casual

 are employed for a specific period of time or task (eg. a fixed term contract)

 do seasonal work

 are fired because of serious misconduct (eg. engaging in theft, fraud or assault)

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 have a training arrangement and are employed for a set period of time or for the length of the training arrangement (other than an apprentice)

 are daily hire working in the building and construction or meat industry

 are weekly hire working in connection with the meat industry and whose termination depends on seasonal factors.

13. Under what circumstances is an employee entitled to redundancy pay?

Redundancy occurs when an employer either decides they no longer need an employee's job to be done by anyone, or the employer becomes insolvent or bankrupt,
and terminates their employment.

The job itself, not the employee, becomes redundant. Redundancy can happen when the business:

 introduces new technology (eg. the job can be done by a machine)

 slows down due to lower sales or production

 closes down

 relocates interstate or overseas

 restructures or reorganises because a merger or takeover happens.

14. Explain at least three circumstances that can constitute unfair dismissal.

If you have been unfairly dismissed or sacked by your employer, or you were forced to resign because of something your employer did, you may be able to make an
application to the Fair Work Commission for reinstatement (getting your job back) or compensation. This is called an unfair dismissal claim.
Your dismissal may be considered unfair if:

 you were dismissed, and

 your dismissal was harsh, unjust or unreasonable, and
 your dismissal was not a case of genuine redundancy, and
 if you were employed by a small business, your dismissal was not consistent with the Small Business Fair Dismissal Code.

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It is important to understand that the Commission will not investigate the circumstances of your dismissal. If you make an unfair dismissal claim and a hearing is held
you will need to provide evidence to the Commission to show that your dismissal was unfair.

15. Which circumstances must apply for the Fair Work Commission to determine that an employee has been unfairly dismissed?

In considering whether a dismissal was harsh, unjust or unreasonable, the Commission must take into account:

 whether there was a valid reason for the dismissal related to the person's capacity or conduct (including its effect on the safety and welfare of other employees)
 whether the person was notified of that reason
 whether the person was given an opportunity to respond to any reason related to the capacity or conduct of the person
 any unreasonable refusal by the employer to allow the person to have a support person present to assist at any discussions relating to dismissal
 if the dismissal related to unsatisfactory performance by the person—whether the person had been warned about that unsatisfactory performance before the
 the degree to which the size of the employer's enterprise would be likely to impact on the procedures followed in effecting the dismissal
 the degree to which the absence of dedicated human resource management specialists or expertise in the enterprise would be likely to impact on the procedures
followed in effecting the dismissal, and
 any other matters that the Commission considers relevant.[4]

16. Outline five ways of that staff can develop skills at work
5 Ways To Develop Your Skills On The Job
The best ways to do this is to continually feed your career with skills and knowledge that show you are worth the raise and promotion. And here’s the hack… you can
do these things while you’re at work. Here’s how:
1. Get a mentor & be a mentor.
Having a mentor at work is crucial to attaining new skills and knowledge. A good mentor will help you solve some of the challenges and roadblocks you face. The
best mentors will help you figure out next steps that work for you and help guide you over hurdles that sit squarely in your blind spot. Amazing mentors will be the
people who tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear. They will give you the real feedback you need to fill in your blind spots that put you in a
position to advance. Mentors are important to advancing your career. They can expose you to new experiences and points of view. In addition to finding a good
mentor, consider finding a good protégé as well. In many cases, taking that next step in your career means you may have to manage people. The best way to
practice is to become a mentor to someone else. You pay your learnings forward to others to help them advance as well. You learn a lot about motivating people
and teaching them new skills when you can also act as a mentor.

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2. Raise your hand for new challenges.
When you see new opportunities to learn new skills, go for it. If there is something in the company you want to learn to do and you see an opportunity to learn those
skills in a special project or a new assignment, make the grab. Do a little extra when it’s required to learn those new skills that you need to advance. Remember, it’s
not aggressive to reach for a new opportunity. It is helpful, useful, and valuable. People who progress in their careers find ways to elegantly make grabs for new
opportunity and learning. When a new project comes up and it aligns with the skills you’re looking to obtain, raise that hand. Let your manager or HR team know that
you want to learn some new skills or gain new, more advanced experience. Be clear on what you can offer to the project and get involved.
3. Read, read, read and look for problems to solve.
Sometimes, there are not a lot of grabs to make. I understand that. In that case, I recommend that you start reading everything you can about your industry and your
field. Study everything there is to know about your company and their competitors. Know the company goals and unique selling points of your company like the back
of your hand. Become an expert in these things and be able to talk about it. Think about some solutions to the company’s chief challenges. Honestly, when someone
on my team comes to me with a solution, they stand out. When there are not many special projects to make a grab for, you can develop and pitch your own special
project by knowing what challenges you can solve for the company. This way, you learn new skills and stand out because you’ve taken the time to solve a company
4. Make friends in other departments.
Many times new skills are outside your department or area of influence and responsibility. To overcome this, think about networking internally. Get to know people in
other divisions, other offices, and on other teams. Be curious about their department. Learn everything you can about their job and their skills. Find out how they got
those skills and see how you might be able to chip in over there in your spare time to get those skills you want to use to advance.
5. Find the learning opportunities internally.
The last one is one I always forget about. Many companies have some sort of internal learning system. Go talk to your benefits team. Find out about training
opportunities available to you. Learn about any tuition re-imbursement benefits you may have. Talk with your HR team about what you want to learn and how it can
help the company. Getting new skills doesn’t have to mean going back to school in the evenings. Sometimes, the skills you're looking for are right in front of you. It’s
a matter of knowing what you want to learn and finding ways to get those skills while you are actually at work already.

17. As a manager, list three types of information that you could provide to staff to help them to develop their knowledge base.

Put these six tips into practice to help employees grow:

1. Encourage professional development

High-potential employees are not satisfied with the status quo. If given the proper guidance in their development, they will become the future leaders of your

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 26
2. Create a development plan

Help your employees establish goals that are aligned with their strengths, interest and experience, as well as with the overall business strategy. Establish
goals and expectations to help them set their sights on career opportunities.

3. Pair employees with mentors

Find someone who is in a similar role to the employee. Mentoring relationships can foster positive and productive working relationships, helping employees
learn and gain encouragement and support in their careers. When coached with encouragement, your employees can help your business adapt to
changes and reach the next level of success.

4. Help them build their networks

Recommend opportunities within the organization, as well as networking or professional groups that will help them build strong connections.

5. Challenge employees with assignments

Get your employees to leave their comfort zones. Employees can’t move forward if they don’t grow, and they can’t grow if they never leave their comfort

6. Show employees you trust them

If you want to help employees develop, trust them to do their jobs by getting out of the way. Let them know what your expectations are by modeling the
behavior you expect—show them you trust them. This not only lets employees know what they need to succeed and gives them greater ownership, but it also
shows them that credibility and trust are important in your organization.

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 27
Assessment Task 1 Checklist
Student’s name:

Did the student provide a sufficient and
successfully Comments
clear answer that addresses the
suggested answer for the following? Yes No

Question 1 ☐ ☐
Question 2 a ☐ ☐
Question 2 b
☐ ☐
Question 2 c
☐ ☐
Question 3 ☐ ☐
Question 4 ☐ ☐
Question 5 ☐ ☐
Question 6 ☐ ☐
Question 7 ☐ ☐
Question 8 ☐ ☐
Question 9 ☐ ☐
Question 10 ☐ ☐
Question 11 ☐ ☐
Question 12
☐ ☐
Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 28
Student’s name:

Did the student provide a sufficient and
successfully Comments
clear answer that addresses the
suggested answer for the following? Yes No
Question 13
☐ ☐
Question 14
☐ ☐
Question 15
☐ ☐
Question 16
☐ ☐
Question 17
☐ ☐

Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Additional Comments

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 29
Assessment Task 2: Work allocation project

Task summary
This assessment task requires you, in the role of Human Resources Manager of Boutique Build Australia, to meet with the Managing Director to discuss the
company’s human resources priorities for the upcoming year and as documented in the company’s Strategic Business Plan. You will then need to develop a work
plan for your team, as well as a risk assessment.

You will then need to meet your team to allocate the work based on the work plan you have developed, as well as use the opportunity to remind your team about
their Code of Conduct responsibilities.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd is a boutique building company based in Sydney that specialises in the design and build of high quality designer homes for the
Sydney metropolitan and surrounding areas. The company has been operational for three years.

As the Human Resources Manager for the company, you are responsible for a small team of staff including the Human Resources Support Officer and the Learning
and Development Coordinator. The Learning and Development Coordinator is a new appointment in place for the last two months.

As the Human Resources Manager, you are responsible for:

 Taking a key, and at times, leadership role in the development and implementation of generalist HR strategies, policies and projects.
 Identifying, designing and implementing general HR strategies and solutions to achieve agreed outcomes relating to: organisational design, organisational
change, performance management, workforce and strategic planning and other generalist HR activities inclusive of effective negotiation and consultation
with staff.
 Taking ownership of the HR results and outcomes.

 Providing high level, timely and professional advice to senior managers and staff, in interpreting and implementing human resource policy including: change
management; HR planning; industrial relations; retention, performance management; workplace health; and organisation development and change.
 Delivering a high level of proactive and reactive support, management and advice to managers and staff in employee relations, encompassing, equal
employment opportunity/diversity case management.
 Leading developing and motivating a small team.

 Contributing as a HR team member to develop and/or enhance policies, procedures and systems to support HR ‘best practice”.

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 30
 Representing and providing high level advice and support on internal and external forums and committees.
 Developing effective, collaborative relationships and networking with all internal clients and external stakeholders.
 Assisting the team to produce best practice learning aids and presentations
 Producing a quarterly review of people statistics and analysis for distribution to internal stakeholders
The Human Resources Support Officer is responsible for:
 Recruitment processes ensuring the needs of the business are met in addition to adherence to legislative and internal policy requirements. 

 Delivery of inductions to new employees within the office meeting legislative compliance measures as well as equipping new employees with necessary
orientation information. 

 Management of WHS incident reporting identifying improvement processes to minimise repeat incidents. 

 The facilitation of ergonomic assessments and report analysis resulting in recommendations for individual requirements. 

 Liaison point for workers compensation claims between insurance company and staff. 

 Implementation and maintenance of the Human Resources Information System. 

 HR metrics and reporting. 

 Assistance to the HR Manager in strategic HR projects. 

 HR administrative support including tasks such as maintenance of personnel files; maintenance of HR specific records on the share drive; reporting
requirements relating to surveys and performance management cycles etc. 

 Other duties as required. 

The Learning and Development Coordinator is responsible for:

 Contribute to the delivery and evaluation of training and education programs to staff
 Contribute to the design and development of resource materials for use in the delivery of education and training materials for use in the delivery of training
programs to staff
 Ensure that records are kept and maintained of all training activities

 Report to and cooperate with Human Resources Manager

 Ensure that all Policies and Procedures are implemented and complied with

The company also employs the following staff:

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 31
Managing Director, Operations Manager, Marketing and Sales Manager, Sales Consultants (4), Office Manager, Human Resources Manager, Construction
Manager, Site Manager (2), Production Draftsperson (2), 6 Carpenters and a range of contract staff, including plumbers, electricians, tilers, painters and plasterers.

The workforce is predominantly male with the only four females employed (the Office Manager and the three Human Resources positions).

The company’s vision as stated in its Strategic Plan is to be the best boutique home builder in Australia. Its values are listed as quality, innovation, leadership,
respect and honesty and reliability.

Complete the following activities:

1. Meet with the Managing Director (your assessor).
Review the case study information above, as well as the Strategic Plan prior to attending attend a meeting with the Managing Director (your assessor).

The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the development of a work plan for your team for the coming year to ensure that operational objectives for
2018 – 2019 are met as outlined in the organisation’s Strategic Business Plan. Make notes on any questions that you have.

The Managing Director will discuss the following information with you:
 Overall strategic goals
 Operational objectives
 Resources available

During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
 Speaking clearly and concisely
 Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
 Asking questions to identify required information
 Responding to questions as required
 Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 32
Meeting name 1
Date of meeting (DD/MM/YY) 23/02/2020 Time 2.30
Meeting facilitator Location Room1
Meeting objective
• Overall strategic goals
• Operational objectives

• Resources available

Name nt/ Email
Managing wuchenkai@boutiquebuild.c
Wu chenkai
All staff
joe Resources
Meeting agenda
Owne Time
Overall strategic goals arthur 2.30
Operational objectives arthur 2.30
Resources available arthur 2.30

ii. During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
· Asking questions to identify required information

· Responding to questions as required

iii. Using active listening techniques to confirm information

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 33
Meeting name 2
Date of meeting (DD/MM/YY) 25/02/2020 Time 3.00pm
Minutes prepared by Location
Name wuchenkai Department/ division Email
Michal Tomcik/ Eugene Lim Managing Director
Human Resources Manager
Meeting minutes
Topic Owner Time
Overall strategic goals
The company is expected to contuine to perform profitably by expending is business to Brisbane and sunshine coast 2.30pm
and ensuring that the customers they serve are satisfied with the quality-oriented homes built for them
Operational objectives
In order to ensure that BBA’s customers are served well, it is
Resources available

iv. In the meeting, you will need to develop an action plan for the human resources team in the
template provided to you (in the following page) and based on the meeting discussion. The plan you develop
should take into account all of the information provided to you at the meeting and include:
 Issue
 Actions (focused on achieving operational objectives)
 Timelines
 Responsibilities (ensuring that task are allocated as appropriate to the staff member’s level of responsibility

and to maximize efficiency in terms of completing groups of similar actions)

 Performance indicators

Meeting minutes (cont.)

Topic Owner Time
Action plan arthur 2.50
Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 34
based on the action plan developed, the meeting recommends that management consider the information and pm
feedback any changes as necessary.
Risk Management Plan
. It was noted at the Risk Management Plan meeting that the Risk Management Plan had addressed potential arthur
problems in the action plan.

2. Develop an action plan

After the meeting, you will need to develop an action plan for the human resources team based on the meeting discussion.
Use the Human Resources Action Plan Template to guide your work.

The plan you develop should take into account all of the information provided to you at the meeting and include:
 Actions (focused on achieving operational objectives and must take budget into consideration to ensure cost effectiveness)
 Priority
 Timelines
 Responsibilities (ensuring that task are allocated as appropriate to the staff member’s level of responsibility and to maximise efficiency in terms of
completing groups of similar actions)
 Performance indicators

You will also need to develop a risk assessment to assess the likelihood of negative events preventing the company in meeting the actions as specified
in the work plan you have developed and the likely consequences of such events.

Save this document as Completed Human Resources Action Plan.

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 35
Boutique Build Australia Action Plan
Issue Action required Timeframe Who Responsibilities Performance indicators
To ensure that the
Marketing report covers extensive
manger analysis of these two
market places
2weeks HRmanger To ensure that HR

Completed by
Human Resource Human Resource
Manager Manager
wuchenkai Date: 13/9/2019
(student’s name) (student’s
name: signature)signature:
Approved by
Managing Director’s
Director’s Michal Tomcik/
(trainer’s Date:
(trainer’s name) Eugene Lim
signature) signature:

3. Write a risk management plan

Review the Risk Management Plan Template and complete the risk assessment table.

Save this document as Completed Risk Management Plan

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 36
Risk Management Plan:
Project X
Company: Boutique Build Australia
Business Unit/Program Area: HR
Project Sponsor: Nancy W
Project Manager: X
Date: 08/2/20 Version:

Purpose and Objectives

Risk Management is the systematic process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risks. It includes maximizing the probability and consequences of
positive events and minimizing the probability and consequences of adverse events to project objectives. A risk management plan defines how a project team will
handle risks to achieve that goal


There are a number of terms used in risk management that need we need to define to ensure clear communications.


An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives. Risk is often a measure of the inability to achieve overall
project objectives within defined project requirements and constraints and has three components: (1) the probability of occurrence, (2) the impact of the risk on the
program, and (3) the time horizon during which the consequences will occur if the risk is not mitigated.

Probability of Occurrence

The following table defines the probability of occurrence.

Table 1 – Risk Probability of Occurrence

Probability range Natural language expression Probability value used for calculations Numeric score
91% through 99% “Very likely” to occur 95% 5
61% through 90% “Probably” will occur 76% 4
41% through 60% “May occur” about half of the time 51% 3
11% through 40% “Unlikely” to occur 26% 2
1% through 10% “Very unlikely” to occur 5% 1

Risk Impact
Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 37
Natural language Impact value used for Numeric
Impact Description Example *
expression calculations score
schedule adjustment
An event that, if it occurred, would cause project failure (inability to achieve >2 mo
Critical Cost of variance 10
minimum acceptable requirements)
cost impact > 40%
schedule adjustment
An event that, if it occurred, would cause major cost/ schedule increases. >1 mo
Serious Cost of variance 8
Secondary requirements may not be achieved.
cost impact >20%
schedule adjustment
An event that, if it occurred, would cause moderate cost/ schedule increases, but > 2wks
Moderate Cost of variance 5
important requirements would still be met.
cost impact > 10%

adjustment >
An event that, if it occurred, would cause only
a small cost/schedule increase. Requirements Minor Cost of variance 3
would still be achieved.
cost impact >
adjustment <
An event that, if it occurred, would have no 2d
Negligible Cost of variance 1
effect on the project.
cost impact

1. Project Management Office/Enterprise Project Management Office

The state of North Dakota’s Enterprise Project Management Office (EPMO) has issued a project risk management supplement that this project will use to
form the basis of the risk management process.

The Information Technology Department’s Project Management Office provides support to the project manager and has some additional processes and
templates for Software Development projects that will be employed in this project.

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 38
2. 3.2. Roles & Responsibilities Table 4 – Roles & Responsibilities

 Maintaining this Risk Management Plan 

 Maintaining the Risk Management Data Base and 

distributing updates 

 Briefing the team on the status of risks 

 Tracking efforts to reduce moderate and high risk to 
Project Manager: The overall coordinator of the Risk Management Program.
acceptable levels 

 Providing risk management training 

 Facilitating risk assessments and 
 Preparing risk briefings, reports, and documents required 

for Project Reviews 

Sample Risk Management Plan

 Coordinate with SMEs to review and recommend to the Project Manager changes on the overall risk
management approach based on lessons learned. 
 Quarterly, or as directed, participate in the update to project risk assessments made during the previous review
period. 
Project Team: Responsible for identifying,  Review and recommend any changes to the risk assessments made and the risk mitigation plans proposed. 
monitoring and managing risks  Report new risks to the Project Manager via e-mail 
 Ensure that risk is a required topic at each Project Meeting 
 Accomplish assigned mitigation tasks and report 

status/completion of mitigation actions to the Project Manager for entry into the database. 
 Review and recommend to the Project Manager changes on the overall risk management approach based on
lessons learned. 
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs):
 Quarterly, or as directed, participate in the update to program risk assessments made during the previous
Responsible for implementing risk
quarter. 
management tasks per this plan.
 Review and recommend any changes to the risk assessments made and the risk mitigation plans proposed. 
 Report new risks to the Project Manager via e-mail 

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 39
 Accomplish assigned mitigation tasks and report 

status/completion of mitigation actions to the Project Manager for entry into the database. 
The end users will participate in the project through the SMEs. The End Users may identify risks and should pass the
End Users information through the SMEs or Project Team. All risk identification, tasking, and reporting will be handled through
the project team member(s) assigned to the End User.

4. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and ask for the place, date and time of a meeting so you can discuss these documents
with your team.

Attach your Completed Human Resources Plan and Completed Risk Management Plan to the email.

Dear colleagues,

I trust you are all well. Please find herewith a brief note for your diaries. I detail below the latest information about this year’s Boutique Build Australia’smeeting about
Human resource and Risk Management Plan.

Date and Time: 12th November 10.00 to 16.00 Venue: Meeting room

I’m looking forward to our meeting next week. I’m pleased that we’ve set aside time to discuss it.

Please find attached Human Resource Plan and risk management plan I thought it would be a good starting point for our brainstorming meeting.

With best regards.

Yours sincerely,

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 40
5. Meet with the team to discuss the work plan and allocate tasks
Meet with your work team to discuss the work plan, allocate tasks and confirm performance standards and work outputs as per your plan, as well as
agree on performance indicators for tasks.

As you have also decided that this is a good opportunity to remind staff of Code of Conduct requirements, you should review the Code of Conduct
provided to you ahead of the meeting so that you are able to explain key requirements to staff.

At the meeting:
 Provide an introduction to the meeting, including the purpose of the meeting.
 Provide a copy of the work plan.
 Explain that the work plan is based on the Strategic Business Plan objectives.
 Go through each of the actions, responsibilities, timelines and performance indicators.
 Explain the key themes of the Code of Conduct and employee responsibilities.

During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate the effective interpersonal and communication skills including:
 Team building techniques including clear explanation of goals and outcomes
 Asking questions and listening to responses to clarify understanding
 Active listening skills
 Respecting and acknowledging the views of others
 Non-verbal communication skills that encourage discussion and feedback, for example, nodding, smiling, eye contact.

Meeting minutes (cont.)

Topic Owner Time
Code of Conduct introduction

Provide a summary the Code of Conduct on the following:

The fundamental ethical principles on which this code of conduct is based are:
i. Ethical principles respect for others integrity diligence economy and efficiency.

All staff are expected to treat others, including other staff and customers with fairness
and respect. This involves:
 courtesy and responsiveness in dealing with others
ii. Respect of others
 being sensitive to and respecting the rights and dignity of others

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 41
 making reasonable, fair and consistent decisions

 avoiding behaviour which might reasonably be perceived as harassment, victimization or intimidation

 avoiding discrimination on grounds such as age, race, sex, pregnancy, sexuality,

ethnic background,

nationality, disability, political conviction, religious belief, or other grounds covered by



 allowing alternative points of view to be expressed and reasonably debated

All Boutique Build Australia staff have an obligation as a citizen and as an employee to
observe the laws of the State and Commonwealth.
Staff are required to be familiar with and comply with, all relevant Boutique Build
iii. Integrity
Australia’s policies,procedures and codes of practices of the organisation.

Staff should be honest in performing their role, and avoid conflicts between their private
interests and those of their responsibilities to Boutique Build Australia.
Conflicts of interest may arise when a staff member is in a situation where personal

circumstances are affected by the decisions or duties carried out in their role.

A conflict may arise when any of the following are


 financial interests
iv. Conflicts of interest
 personal or sexual relationships

personal beliefs

 outside employment

 political participation

 use of confidential information

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 42
use of facilities, equipment and resources acceptance of gifts or benefits.

All staff must act responsibly and report any actual or perceived conflicts of interest

that arise as part of their role. If there is any question as to whether a conflict exists,

staff must discuss the circumstances to management to determine whether a conflict

exists. Appropriate strategies will be developed to manage any

reported or perceived conflicts of interest.

Staff are expected to carry out their duties in a professional, ethical and diligent
manner at all times. This means staff must:
 make decisions fairly, impartially and without bias, using the best information


 keep records and documentation to support their decisions

 always aim to achieve the highest possible standard of performance

 continuously develop their knowledge in their professional fields and areas of

responsibility. Trainers and assessors must continue developing their vocational

competencies to support continuous improvements in the delivery of the services

v. Diligence
provided by Boutique Build Australia

 exercise best judgment in the interests of Boutique Build Australia

 maintain adequate documentation to support decisions made

 ensure outside interests do not interfere with ability to meet the responsibilities of

their role

 adhere to professional codes of conduct and standards of ethics

 act responsibly when becoming aware of any unethical behaviour or wrong doing

by any other person.

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 43
This may involve a report to a senior member of staff

vi.Economy and efficiency Staff should use Boutique Build Australia resources, facilities and intellectual property
only for legitimate purposes related to their role with Boutique Build Australia.
Staff should avoid waste or minimize it where avoidance is not possible.

Staff should maintain sufficient security and protection of Boutique Build Australia property, facilities,

resources and intellectual property.

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 44
Assessment Task 2 Checklist

Student’s name:

Did the student: Comments
Yes No

Ask questions and confirm information provided ☐ ☐

during the meeting with the Managing Director to
identify work activities for human resources for
2016/2017 and the resources available?

Submit a completed work plan using the template ☐ ☐

provided and that includes:
 Actions
 Priority
 Timelines
 Responsibilities
 Performance indicators
that all relate to the organisation’s operational
objectives and discussion at the meeting?

Identify relevant risks and treatment measures and ☐ ☐

document in the risk management plan?

At the meeting with the team, explain the work plan to ☐ ☐

the team, including all actions, timelines,
responsibilities and performance measures?

At the meeting, explain the organisation’s Code of ☐ ☐


Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Additional comments

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 45
Assessment Task 3: Performance management system project

Task summary
This assessment task requires you to develop policy and procedures for performance management for Boutique Build Australia. W hile the organisation currently has
a performance management policy, it is outdated and needs revising.
Following this you are also required to conduct a 30-minute training session for Boutique Build Australia managers on the new performance management policy and

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop performance management policy and procedures

Conduct research by identifying and reviewing a range of performance management policies and procedures from other organisations.

Then develop a performance management policy and procedure for Boutique Build Australia that addresses all of the following:
 Purpose of the policy
 To whom the policy applies
 Number of times a year that a performance review is to occur for each employee.
 Summary of purpose of performance reviews
 Simple step-by-step procedure for organising and conducting the performance review meeting.
 Templates used to record performance
 Identifying performance gaps and providing feedback

The policy and procedures must be written in your own words and be clear and concise. As a guide your policy and procedure should be approximately 2

Save the document as Performance Management Policy and Procedures.

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 46
Performance Management Policy and Procedures:


Expectations of each employee’s role and responsibility should be clearly communicated to them. As per the Contract and/or FW A, employees have a right to
receive just performance evaluation and disciplinary processes.

Purpose and Scope

To cultivate an environment, which upholds and values the work of all employees as we seek to achieve our shared goals.

This policy and procedure applies to all Academic and Professional employees including casuals employed at Excelsia College.


Performance Management is the process of providing feedback to team members regarding their unsatisfactory achievement or behaviour. This procedure covers
the progression of communicating a performance gap to termination should the performance not improve as required.


The following people have a responsibility in relation to this procedure:

 Chief Executive
 Director of People and Culture
 Department Heads
 Supervisors


Recognise signs of poor performance

 Absenteeism- multiple instances of unauthorised leave, excessive sick leave and frequent unscheduled short- term absences.
 On the job absenteeism- long coffee breaks or time away from desk.
 Reporting to work problems- arriving late or leaving early.
 Failure to meet targets- achievement consistently falls below targets.
 Difficulty in concentration- continually forgets instructions or takes too long to complete tasks.
 Lowered job efficiency- missed deadlines, mistakes due to inattention, lack of care for customer, fall in productivity, does not follow up on requested
 Poor relationships with management, colleagues or customers- overreacting to real or imagined criticism, mood swings
Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 47
 Failure to comply with regulations, policies and procedures.

After recognising the poor performer Ask your self does a clear standard of performance exist?

Ask yourself the following questions:

 Is there a clear standard of performance and is the employee aware of it?

 Is there a clear and measurable or quantifiable deviation from the performance standard?
 Has the person been fully trained in the job?
 Is there anything in the environment such as poor tools, insufficient information or time, inadequate materials or awkward procedures that makes good
performance difficult?

If the Answer is No: A training or communication gap has been highlighted. Discuss this with the employee’s Manager.

If the Answer is Yes: Each individual instance of poor performance or behaviour should be discussed informally with the employee as it occurs. If the lack of
performance occurs repeatedly or consistently a performance-counseling interview is necessary.

Performance councelling Interview

Step 1: Prepare


 Book a meeting room.

 Prepare for the meeting by gathering information and evidence of the performance

standard you require and the employee’s actual performance eg. Monthly results.

PPR-STA-31 Page 3 of 7 Issue 4, September 2018

Step 2: Open discussion

 Get straight to the point once the person is seated

 Frame the conversation by stating what will be discussed in the meeting and what

outcomes are expected from the discussion.

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 48
 Make it clear you are only interested in improving performance not in seeking to blame or


Step 3: Provide information

• Focus on the performance gap and provide details, specific information and concrete evidence to exemplify what you are talking about and make it easier for the
employee to understand.

Step 4: Listen actively

• Allow the person to respond to your comments, speaking freely. Gather information from them.

Step 5: Redo steps 3 and 4 as often as necessary

 Do this until the person has accepted there is a performance problem and until you have heard out the person fully.
 If the person does not accept there is a performance problem ensure you are giving clear and specific evidence and try using the broken record technique
where you repeat ‘this is where we want you to be’. Encourage the person to move forward in the situation rather than attempt to make justifications.

Step 6: Focus on a solution

 It is usually best to allow the employee to come up with a solution as you are aiming at commitment not mere compliance.
 You may need to offer suggestions and ideas.

Step 7: Agreeing on a monitoring procedure

 It is important the person knows you will be following up to ensure that the necessary performance improvement is made.
 Select a date for review – should not be any longer than one or two weeks.

Step 8: Make clear the consequences of continued poor performance

• If performance does not improve, formal warning and termination procedure will follow.

Step 9: Keep a record of all conversations

• A file note maybe required, if not record all discussions and dates in a diary should you need to refer to this in the future


Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 49
Write a factual summary of the discussion including the employee’s performance gaps, dates of performance gaps (if relevant), details of discussion, outcomes and
follow up as well as the persons present. Ensure your documentation is:

Accurate - record only objective facts and job related behaviour, as it occurs, not from memory.
Behavioural - describe specific behaviour rather than making evaluative statements or describing someone’s personality.

Consistent - Keep the same basic format and level of detail for each person

If Performance Improves:

Provide positive feedback at the first sign of improvement.

If Performance does not improves:

Agreed performance improvement does not occur within the agreed time frame. Formal warnings should commence . Inform the employee that a verbal warning
meeting will be conducted. At all times through the formal warning procedure they have the opportunity to bring a support person to the meeting. This person is not
to discuss issues, merely be there as a support and to scribe should the person wish them to.

If Performance still not improve after verbal warning:


 Keep this brief as by this stage all issues should have been covered.
 Advise the reasons for termination.
 Escort the person back to their desk to ensure they do not access any systems and to their car.
 Obtain diary, Keys and any other Excelsia College property
 Try to avoid getting into discussions about the termination.

General notes
 At the discretion of the employee or Manager other verbal or written warnings can be inserted before the final termination interview if it is deemed
 There are agreed provisions for instant dismissal in certain very specific circumstances. These include stealing, falsifying results and reporting for work
incapacitated. Refer to the contract of employment.

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 50
 A performance gap is a shortfall in the expected performance that can be precisely detailed, measured or quantified in some way. Performance gaps
should cover the behaviour of the employee or a work target. First you need a clear performance measure or standard against which to measure the
person’s current performance. This will assist you to be specific, objective and clear in discussions avoiding personal attacks.

2. Develop training presentation

Prepare a training session for your managers.

Prepare for the training session by developing a PowerPoint (or another presentation program) presentation, including notes within your slides to assist
you in conducting the session.

The presentation should address the key points in the new performance management processes that you developed in the previous activity.

You will also need to research effective communication skills for Managers for use in conducting performance reviews.

You should prepare a minimum of 8 Power Point slides that include visuals and images to add interest.

Save the file as Performance Management Presentation

3. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments, ask them for their feedback, and ask for the place, date and time of your training

Attach your Performance Management Policy and Procedures and Performance Management Presentation to the email.

Hi Jimmie,

Hope you’re doing well!

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 51
We believe in maintaining work-life balance and encourage employees to take time off for leisure activities and rejuvenate themselves.

While studying leave records for the prior few months I noticed that you have a significant number of unpaid days without approval of your manager. I would like to understand if
you are facing any specific problems that are leading to this situation. Besides impacting productivity of you and your team, this can impact your career as well I am attaching
Performance management Policy and procedure and performance Presentation with this mail. Please go through this.? Let me know the suitable time for your training session and
feedback of this policy.

I would like to reassure you that I am always there to help all employees and ensure that they enjoy the time being spent at office.

Please feel free to reach out to me and speak out your heart anytime.


4. Conduct the training session.

Now conduct the training session as per your preparation, provide the opportunity for questions and feedback.

You will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

 Speaking clearly and concisely
 Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
 Asking questions to identify required information
 Responding to questions as required
 Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 52
Assessment Task 3 Checklist
Student’s name:

Did the student: successfully Comments
Yes No

Develop performance management policy and procedures ☐ ☐

that addresses all of the following?
 Purpose of the policy
 To whom the policy applies
 Number of times a year that a performance review is to
occur for each employee.
 Summary of purpose of performance reviews
 Simple step-by-step procedure for organizing and
conducting the performance review meeting.
 Templates used to record performance
 Identifying performance gaps and providing feedback
Develop and provide a training session on the performance ☐ ☐
management policy and procedure and communication skills
required for performance review?

Demonstrate effective communication skills including: ☐ ☐

 Speaking clearly and concisely
 Using non-verbal communication to assist with
 Asking questions to identify required information
 Responding to questions as required
 Using active listening techniques to confirm

Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Additional Comments

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 53
Assessment Task 4: Managing performance project
Task summary
This assessment task requires you to prepare for and participate in two roleplays.
In the first roleplay, you are required to provide information feedback to a staff member about their workplace performance.
In the second roleplay, you are required to conduct a formal performance review for the same staff member.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

Complete the following activities:

Role-play A:

Jamie is the learning and development officer at Boutique Build Australia. Jamie has been with the company for two months and so far, has shown that she is hard
working and responsible. Up until this point, Jamie has mainly been delivering training and education to staff, as well as organising professional development. Jamie
has recently been allocated a task to develop a new health and safety manual for staff. Jamie has developed the first chapter of the manual and has provided it to
you for review. The content seems okay, but Jamie’s writing style is confusing and difficult to understand.

As Jamie’s supervisor, you need to meet with her to provide feedback on her work, expected performance, and provide some coaching.

Complete the following activities:

1. Prepare for the meeting with Jamie
To prepare for the meeting with Jamie you are required to:
 Research the STAR model of giving feedback and develop and practice a script that you can use at the meeting with Jamie. Your script should also
include positive comments on Jamie’s performance to date. You will not be required to submit your script and you should talk without referring to the
script at the assessment.
 Research ways of improving writing style and make notes on at least five tips to talk through at the meeting with Jamie.

The STAR feedback model is a great way to give valuable feedback, and it allows managers to give examples of specific situations where an employee
has performed in a particular way. STAR stands for

Situation: Jamie is the learning and development officer. She has been with the company for two months and so far. Presently She has been developing Health and
safety manual for staff. The first part of being able to interpret and use feedback given is to understand the situation or task. What happened that alerted you to the
necessity of taking care of this situation? In order to be able to determine the sort of feedback that is appropriate, you'll need to take a minute to define what
Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 54
happened and what that meant in terms of the project. By defining the situation or task that occurred, you can pinpoint exactly what it is you need to address when it
comes to the individual to whom you are providing feedback. For example, a situation might involve an employee who has arrived late to work every day for a week

 Task: Jamie has been given the task of developing new health and safety manual for staff.
Action: Explaining her how she can improve her writing skills which will help organisation to get a good Trainer. What action was taken? Was that action good or
bad? What action should have been taken? It's important to identify the action involved with the situation. When the action you are reviewing was positive, note that
it was positive. When the action was negative, explain first what should have happened. In keeping with the current example, you would tell the tardy employee that
he or she should have arrived on time. If it's a case of an employee who had provided outstanding ideas in a meeting, then point out the exact action that employee
took that was worthy of praise.

 Result: Expecting improvement in written skills of Jamie.

When an employer is giving feedback of a situation or number of situations, the STAR model for feedback involves breaking it down into these four categories. Next, you need to
look at the results that action lead to. What happened as a result of that action? For example, if the employee provided many good ideas during the brainstorming
session that impressed stakeholders, tell her! By acknowledging the situation, action, and results that turned out well for her, you will increase her motivation and
commitment to the project.
If, on the other hand, the feedback is negative, then you're still working in a counter-factual universe. Just as you explained the action that should have been taken,
you need to say what would have happened had the appropriate action been taken. In keeping with the tardy example, you might say "you would have heard your
assignments for the week if you had been on time," or something to that effect.

2. Meet with Jamie (your assessor)

At the meeting with Jamie, provide positive feedback on Jamie’s performance to date and then using the STAR model of feedback to outline the areas
where improvement is required as per the script you have developed.

Talk through the five tips you have identified to improve writing style.

During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
 Speaking clearly and concisely
 Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
 Asking questions to identify required information
 Responding to questions as required
 Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
Five tips to improve writing Style:
 Choose simple words: You may think you sound smarter if you use complex words – but that’s not true. What’s better is to ditch those big fancy words and
use simple, yet effective words when you write. It’s almost like you’re writing as you would be talking – just without much slang and ums .
Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 55
 Convey massage Easily: Clients want smart writing that’s engaging and will capture their message perfectly.As a writing tip, you need to learn how to
convey that message from your client easily in your writing. This means not being too wordy when describing things.
 Create an outline: On of the best ways to improve your writing skill is to create an outline of everything you write. Clients want a coherent and complete
post, so having an outline can help make sure you include everything your client wants.
 Brainstorm. Before you start writing, think about what you have to write and all the possible answers. No idea is too silly at this point!
 Organise your ideas. Decide which ideas are the most important or the most interesting. To create a balance opinion essay you should include opposite

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 56
Role play B:
It is now six months later, and it is time for Jamie’s performance review,
Conduct a performance review with Jamie as set out below:
 Send an email to Jamie informing of her of the date and time of the performance review and explaining that the performance review template that will be
used. Attach a copy to the email.
 Conduct the performance review in a maximum time of 30 minutes.
 Use effective communication skills for performance management.

Your assessor will roleplay Jamie during the performance review.

3. Prepare for the meeting with Jamie

To prepare for the meeting with Jamie you are required to:
 Review the Performance Review Guidance and Performance Agreement Template so that you are able to go through each aspect of Jamie’s
performance according to these.
 Research potential learning and development opportunities for Jamie based on the performance assessment information provided to you. You will
discuss these at the performance review.
 Develop and practice a script to use at the performance review meeting with Jamie. Ensure you review all the information that you will need to cover
at the meeting so that you can prepare your script accordingly.

GOOD One-on-One Meeting

With: Date:
Use this worksheet to help guide an effective one-on-one conversation. Modify it to make it work for you!


What long-term goals have we agreed to? How have things gone since we last spoke? What are our plans until next time?


What’s standing in your way?

What have I noticed getting in your way? What can I do to help? What can you do?

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 57

What are you proud of that people don’t know about?

Do you feel you’re growing toward where you want to be? What could we do to make this your dream job?


What actions will you take before next time? What actions will I take before next time? What other big decisions did we make?

4. Send an email to Jamie (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and give them the place, date, time and expected duration of the meeting.

Attach the Performance Agreement Template to the email.

Hi Jamie,
It’s X from Boutique Building .It was great to speak with you about your Performance feedback. I’m getting in touch because I want to give you feedback
about your performance. In order to discuss your performance and highlights your role ,a meeting has been scheduled for Thursday , March 3,2020,in the
conference room at 9:00 AM.
Please find the attached files.
Boutique Build Australia.

Performance Agreement Template

Senior Executive - Performance Management Plan

Officer name: x Officer signature:

Classification Level: Manager signature:

Division/Branch: Date of meeting: 3 march 2020

Manager name: Jammie Period of plan:

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 58
Performance measures(s) Link to
In determining performance measures, the manager and officer together Agency strategic objectives
should focus on and discuss the following questions: Division / Branch objectives
 What would indicate that the business/work outcome has been as appropriate
achieved to the required standard?
 How will we know if the business/work outcome has been attained to
the desired level?
 What would success on the particular business/work outcome look like?
 How has the officer upheld the State Service Principles and
Code of Conduct and required behaviours standards for

Stage 1 | Tasmanian State Service Senior Executive Performance Management Plan Template 59
Performance management plan

Name/position: Manager: Review period:


Reference from Key result area Indicator of success/ By Status

Operational Plan performance when report
Specific, Organisational A marked increase Withi All
measureable, objectives in attending and n one aspect
achievable, realistic, participating in month exami
timeframe team meetings to ned
(SMART) develop more plans very

KPI (Unit sales, Go green Team members Six Marke

customer service, actively and month d
product quality utilising achiev
information through ement
operational and in
strategic plans growt
h by

Manager’s comments Signature

By making shift plan and organise staff members according Tony
to that, help to decrease staff’s workload. Easy to achieve the
targets by team members without stressing.


Staff member’s comments Signature

By manager help and whole team’s hard work, easy to
increase sales up to 5%.


Performance development plan

BSBMGT502 Manage people performance Student Assessment Tasks

Name/position: Manager: Review period:

Skills to be developed: How skills are to Priority By Skills

be developed: (H,M,L) When? gained

Personal skills Personal skills Medium Yes

are the skills used
by the person
properly interact
with other. In the
business domain,
the term to an
ability to get
along with others
gets the job done.
This skill is
essential to
develop another

Interpersonal skills and Interpersonal High Yes

Communication skills skills we use to
with others
people either as
individual or in a
group. In
business, the
person should
have good
skills to deal with
the customer.
People who have
skills are more
successful in both
professional and
personal lives.
Flexibility/Adaptability/Managing Deals with your High Yes
Aventia Institute, RTO No. 41418 Page 2
BSBMGT502 Manage people performance Student Assessment Tasks

Multiple Priorities ability to manage

assignments and
tasks, set
priorities, and
adapt to changing
conditions and
work assignments

Manager’s comments Signature

These skills are essential for staff members. After every six-
month management should organise a training session for staff
so they can adapt the new skills according to the changing
time and manage the things properly.

Staff member’s comments Signature

Interpersonal skills are not just important in the workplace, our

personal and social lives can also benefit from better
interpersonal skills. People with good interpersonal skills are
usually perceived as optimistic, calm and confident.

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BSBMGT502 Manage people performance Student Assessment Tasks

5. Conduct the meeting with Jamie

At the performance review you will be required to:
 Explain the purpose of the performance review.
 Discuss your rating of Jamie’s work against each item in the checklist.
 Ensure you emphasise areas where Jamie has done well and others where improvement is
 Respond to any questions.

In consultation with Jamie, agree on areas of improvement and indicate that a learning and
development plan will be documented. Make notes for inclusion in the performance review

During the performance review, use the effective communication skills for performance
management that you identified in Assessment Task 3.

Performance review Template

Employee name and title Jammie Evaluation for the [oct] – [March]
Supervisor name and x Department: Learning and development
title officer
[Goals and objectives]
[Goals and objectives]
[Goals and objectives]

 [Achievements, accomplishments, and responsibilities]

 [Achievements, accomplishments, and responsibilities]
evaluation (completed by supervisor)


 Hard working

Suggested Career Progression Plan



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employee SIGNATURE supervisor signature

Signature Signature
Name J&S learningwork Name
Date [End date] Date [End date]

6. Document the performance review agreement

Following the performance review, document the performance review in the performance review

Save this document as Completed Performance Agreement

Performance Agreement

Employee: (Jammie)
Role: (Training and development officer)
Date: (3 march 2020)
Review dates
Task/responsibilities Key outcomes Actual Performance

(List the tasks and areas of (Describe what doing the job (Comments on performance as at
responsibilities relevant to the well looks like here) review dates here)
position here)
Trained other employees Writing Skills Contents are good but writing Skills
need to be improve

Develop health and safety Manual

Employer Signature:

Employee Signature:

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BSBMGT502 Manage people performance Student Assessment Tasks

Development agreement
The following development needs have been discussed and agreed to be undertaken over the next
<number of> months.

Areas for development Actions

(Insert tasks, skills or behaviours that (Insert activities that will assist in development. They
following discussions are agreed to could be class training at TAFE, on-the-job training,
require development here) coaching from someone with the required skill here)

Improve the writing Skills Will be remove from the post

Convincing Skill terminate

Good trainer terminate

7. Send an email to Jamie (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and indicate that this is the
documented version of their performance review.

Attach your Completed Performance Agreement to the email.

Subject Line: Your Review Form is Open

Hi Jammie,

You can log in to the system and see your objectives on the dashboard.

Your Review form has following sections:

1. Objectives
2. Training & Development
3. Highlights

As part of self-evaluation, you can go to the objectives section, and record your comments
against each Performance Measure. We encourage you to give your inputs on a regular basis
as this will help in clear discussion between you and your manager.

You can give your Professional Development and Training Program needs under t he Training
and Development section. Feel free to recommend training plans, skill development actions
which will help you to perform better and develop your skill set.

The highlights section contains questions for your Qualitative and Subjective inputs on Team
and Culture, Personal and Professional objectives.

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The system has an Instant Feedback mechanism which allows you to give/get feedback at
any point of time.

Log in to your account. There will be notifications to complete the task. Or what you can do:

1. Go to Reviews > <<Current Review Name>>

2. Go to My Tasks
3. Click on Do Self Review

At any point of time, you can connect to the Human Resource team at

Happy Work Ahead.

Team HR

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BSBMGT502 Manage people performance Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 4 Checklist

Student’s name:

successfully Comments
Did the student: Yes No
Role-play A:
At the meeting, provide positive feedback? ☐ ☐
At the meeting, provide feedback on performance where ☐ ☐
improvement is needed using the STAR model?
Provide coaching to improve writing style by outlining five ☐ ☐
writing style tips?
During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication ☐ ☐
skills including:
 Speaking clearly and concisely
 Using non-verbal communication to assist with
 Asking questions to identify required information
 Responding to questions as required
 Using active listening techniques to confirm
Role-play B:
Demonstrate the ability to prepare for performance ☐ ☐
management according to procedures by sending an email
to Jamie advising of:
 Time and date of performance review?
 Duration of performance review?
 Template that will be used?
Conduct performance review including: ☐ ☐
 Explain the purpose of the performance review?
 Discus Jamie’s work against each item in checklist?
 Emphasise areas where Jamie has done well and
others where improvement is required?
 Respond to any questions?
 In consultation with Jamie, agree on areas of
improvement and indicate that a learning and
development plan will be documented?
 Use effective communication skills?
Document performance as discussed at the performance ☐ ☐
review meeting in the performance review template?

Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Additional Comments

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BSBMGT502 Manage people performance Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 5: Disciplinary and termination project

Task summary
This assessment task requires you to prepare for and participate in a roleplay to provide formal feedback to
a staff member, Janice about ongoing poor work performance.
You will also be required to terminate an employee.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

Carefully read the following:

Janice is a new Administration Assistant at Boutique Build Australia. She has been with the company for 3
months. Janice’s work is of consistently high standard, but she is also consistently late for work.

You have mentioned this to Janice informally, but her punctuality hasn’t improved. The situation is also
impacting client’s calls, as Janice is not there to answer the phone, which is a key part of her duties. Now
you need to formally meet with Janice to discuss the situation.

Janice’s official start time is 9am and her finish time is 5.30pm with 30 minutes for lunch.
In the last week Janice has arrived at work at the following times:
 Monday: 9.05 am
 Tuesday: 9.25 am
 Wednesday: 9.20 am
 Thursday: 9.10 am
 Friday: 9.30 pm

Janice has also been offered access to a counsellor with whom the company has an ongoing arrangement.
As far as you know, she hasn’t accessed this service.

Complete the following activities:

1. Prepare for meeting

This assessment task requires you to assume the role of the Human Resources Manager and
provide formal feedback to Janice (role-played by your assessor) about her ongoing poor work
performance and to offer counselling and support.

Before you commence this assessment, download and read the following guide about managing
underperformance. You will be assessed on your demonstration of the skill referred to under
Step 3 key points for employers to remember.

Summarise the correct procedure for termination of an employee as set out in the Fairwork
Ombudsman website. Your summary should be about one page in length.
Save the document as Termination Procedure.

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Termination Procedure

Termination Policies
Employers should develop standard procedures governing both voluntary termination of employment by
employees and involuntary termination of employment by the employer. Adopting and following such
policies and procedures will help to reduce the risk of litigation by employees and help to ensure the
employer’s compliance with federal and state laws related to termination of employment. Because of the
numerous legal issues found within the context of termination, employers are strongly encouraged to consult
with experienced employment counsel to review any termination policy.
Here are a few things to keep in mind before you get to that step.

1. Write down everything

Documentation is key. If you don’t write something down, it can be argued that it didn’t happen. Even
informal conversations written in a notebook can be helpful and count toward documentation.

I know what you’re thinking – documentation takes time. Time you don’t have. Nonetheless, it can be your
friend should you have to defend your decision.

2. Clearly communicate expectations

Let’s start at the very beginning.

For every job, you should have a job description. Even if you don’t have anything formalized, you should
have a solid understanding of the functions and responsibilities of each role on your team. You should also
know what it takes for employees to be successful in each role.

And it’s essential that your employees know this, too.

Don’t assume. People come with their own perspectives that don’t always match their boss’. Each role
should be clearly defined. This makes it easier to pinpoint and correct problems.

Additionally, your progressive discipline policy should already be established, outlining how corrective action
and termination should take place should you need to go there. This helps ensure every issue is handled
consistently and fairly.

3. Be a good coach
Both new and existing employees should be coached. This is informal feedback and consists of what’s right
as well as what’s wrong. Think of a football coach. He gives praise for a good pass or a solid tackle, but also
points out the missed catches and holes in the defense.

Your employees need this feedback to understand how they are doing well before you get to the point of
considering disciplinary action or termination.

4. Initiate a performance improvement plan (PIP)

So, let’s say you’ve provided ongoing coaching, but you’re seeing some major concerns with
performance that the coaching hasn’t affected. This would be a good time to develop a performance
improvement plan (PIP).

The PIP should articulate specifically what the problem areas are and give detailed goals for what is
expected to correct it.

In some cases, a verbal counseling might be the better way to go. Use this in addressing things like,
attendance, communication and other behavioral issues .

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5. Conduct a written counseling

If things are getting really egregious, you may need to move to a written counseling.

A written counseling is somewhat similar to the PIP. It should outline areas that employees need to correct.
Again, in writing, detail specifically what needs to improve and how this should be accomplished.

The counseling form should also express that improvement needs to be immediate, marked (noticeable)
and sustained.

Employees should sign this form after you’ve discussed it with them. This doesn’t mean they have to agree
with what you’ve documented. Their signature simply indicates that they have received the counseling.

6. When all else fails, here’s how to terminate an employee

Despite all of your efforts, you still may not see the type or quality of improvement needed, and the only
option left is to sever the relationship. However, by now, you should have clearly documented what you did
to help the under-performing employee improve.

Performance-based terminations should never come as a surprise to your employees.

Prior to terminating your employee, be sure to review all associated documentation. Also, contact your legal
counsel or HR representative to ensure your case is supported, justified and sound. Confirm that you’re
following all state-specific wage and hour regulations. And if you use employment contracts or non-
compete/non-solicitation agreements, you should ask your legal counsel to provide you with validity and
enforcement guidance.

2. Send an email to Janice (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.

The email text should request her to attend a meeting with you to discuss her work.
Include a date and time for the meeting.

Hi Janice,

This is to inform you that we need to have a one to one meeting which is planed tomorrow at 9:
AM at Meeting room. As you know the agenda of the meeting is to discuss your performance review. Please
come on time for the meeting. Looking forward to meet you.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,

3. Conduct the meeting

Conduct the meeting with Janice (with your assessor playing the role of Janice), explaining to
her what the problem is, why it is a problem, how it impacts on the workplace and why there is a

At the meeting you must:

 Explain the purpose of the meeting

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 Explain to Janice what the problem is

 Explain how this behaviour impacts on the workplace and why it is a concern. Ensure that
you focus on the issue not the person.
 Demonstrate your interpersonal and communication skills by:
o Keeping your communication clear and simple
o Listening to Janice and confirming and clarifying information shared
o Asking questions to confirm information
o Emphasizing Janice’s strengths as per the scenario information
 Offer support as required, including accessing company support services.
 Confirm that Janice needs to meet her contractual requirements.

Establish a purpose for the meeting

Before you begin preparations for a meeting you need to confirm why you are having it. Every meeting must
have a clearly defined purpose. A meeting goal can simply be to gain information, to give information or to
hold a discussion to work out the best way to go about a specific task. Meeting purposes may be formalised
or required by company protocols; for example, an annual general meeting of shareholders is dictated by
the company’s prospectus and company rules. There may also be government rules and regulations that
must be adhered to.

Reasons why meetings are held

You must be very clear why you are having a meeting. Examples of common reasons for conducting a
meeting are provided below :

 Explain the Janice whats the problem is.

 Explain how this behaviour impacts on the workplace and why it is a concern. Ensure that you focus
on the issue not the person.
 Resolve conflict: To discover, analyse or solve a problem or conflict .Conflict needs to be solved as
quickly as possible, and a meeting with individuals helps to contain any issues.
 A forum for discussion
 This kind of meeting is valuable for both internal and external participants as a clarification tool for a
range of business items. This is where the views of individuals can be aired, listened to and a plan
of action can be discussed or put into place. Share information: Some meetings provide information
to participants without requirement for discussion.

4. Send an email to Janice (your assessor).

Following the meeting, send a follow up email to Janice within 1 day of the meeting,
summarising the meeting and the required actions. You must meet this timeline in order to
demonstrate that you are able to meet timelines.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.

Subject: Ready to continue the conversation?

Hi Janice,

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The last time we spoke, you asked that I get back in touch in [amount of time requested] regarding [topic
covered last time], so I wanted to reach out and follow through on that.

Have you had the chance to look over my proposal and think about what we previously discussed?

I’d be more than happy to do a quick recap of everything on the phone and to answer any pending questions
you may have.

How does your calendar look this week?


Yours sincerely

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Carefully read the following:

Despite your informal feedback to Janice about her ongoing lateness, Janice’s work arrival times have not
improved. In accordance with workplace procedures, you have discussed the situation with the Managing
Director and had one further meeting with Janice to remind her of the requirement to arrive at work on time.

The decision has been made to terminate Janice’s employment. Assume that the company’s procedures for
termination is as described below and follow it.

5. Prepare and provide a termination letter

Research the Fair Work Ombudsman web site for guidance on termination and to assist in
developing a suitable letter of termination.

In accordance with your research, develop a written letter to Janice informing her that her
employment has been terminated.

Dear Janice,

This is to inform you that your employment with company Boutique Build Australia will end on 1st March
2020.This decision was based mainly on your non- punctuality. You are not following your deadlines and no
reasons for the delay have been reported yet. Due to your poor performance, our clients are not happy, and
we get complaints regularly.

Before allocating the projects to any employee, we make sure to discuss the subject matter and deadlines in
details. If you had any issues with your deadlines, you should have discussed with us. Even after the
deadline was closed, we did not hear from you regarding any issues with the deadline.

We could have arranged more resources to complete the work in time. Not reporting any issues shows a
lack of commitment and poor work ethic on your end. We even arranged a performance coaching session
for you and expected better results. But you were still not able to achieve your goals. We have discussed
this issue with you during our multiple meetings. But we did not observe any improvement in your work.

The company is ready to pay you your final salary along with a settlement. You are requested to return any
company property which is still in your custody. If you have any questions regarding your termination or
salary, you can directly contact the HR.

We would like to thank you for your services to the company and wish you good luck.

With thanks,

6. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.

The email text should include a summary of the procedure that you would take to terminate an
employee based on your research.

Attach your termination letter to the email.

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Letter of Dismissal Email

From: Miles Marmont

To: Angelica Beuford

Subject: [IMPORTANT] Letter of Dismissal, Account Manager Position

Dear Janice,

As per our discussion, this email message officially announces the termination of your position as Account
Manager, effective June 4, 2017. As you know, due to non-punctuality and non-adherence to core value of the
company where the customer satisfaction is of utmost importance. This termination reflects dissatisfaction with
your work or services offered to client.

This message provides you with two weeks notice prior to your final workday, and in addition to this notice, you
will receive compensation for an additional 10 days of work, which will amount to $1,938.04. Your final
payment will also include compensation for all unused PTO and will be paid on June 4, 2017.

Please return all company equipment to our HR office by close of business on June 4, 2017.

As of June 4, 2017 you will be eligible for enrollment in a transitional health insurance plan. Please review the
attached plan summary and enrollment instructions if you choose to pursue this option. Your coverage under the
company plan will terminate on July 30th, 2017.

If you have any questions about continuing insurance coverage, the return of company materials, or the
distribution of your final payment, please contact Human Resource Manager Sally Waxler at 294-392-8938.

Thank you for your service to Quality Business Company.

HR Director

Dear Janice,

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Assessment Task 5 Checklist

Student’s name:

Did the student: Yes No

At the meeting with Janice: ☐ ☐

 Explain the purpose of the meeting
 Outline the poor performance
 Explain how behaviour impacts on the workplace and why
it is a concern, focussing on the issue not the person?

Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills by: ☐ ☐

 Keeping your communication clear and simple?
 Listening, confirming and clarifying information shared?
 Asking questions to confirm information?
 Emphasising Janice’s strengths?

Provide guidance and support, including discussing relevant ☐ ☐

actions required to achieve required performance?

Advise Janice of the company’s counselling services? ☐ ☐

At the meeting, confirm that Janice needs to meet her ☐ ☐
contractual requirements?

Communicate the outcomes of the meeting in writing, ☐ ☐

 Information about achievement of work responsibilities
 Agreed outcomes
 Within one day of the meeting?

Demonstrate ability to meet timelines? ☐ ☐

Follow termination procedures? ☐ ☐
Develop a termination letter that is developed in accordance ☐ ☐
with advice on the Fair Work Ombudsman site?

Outline termination procedure as per Fair Work Ombudsman? ☐ ☐

Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Additional Comments

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Assessor declaration
☐ I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried
out according to the required assessment procedures.


Adjustment, if any

Assessor name

Assessor signature


Unit outcome Competent ☐ Not Yet Competent ☐ Resubmission Y ☐ N ☐

Student result response

☐ My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.
☐ I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature


A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

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