Effects of Personal Development Subject On The Personal Growth of Grade 12

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CHAPTER 1 (alisin)


Personal development covers activities

that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and

potential, build human capital and facilitate employability,

enhance the quality of life and contribute to the realization of

dreams and aspirations. Personal development takes place over

the course of a person's entire life. Not limited to self-help,

the concept involves formal and informal activities for

developing others in roles such

as teacher, guide, counselor, manager, life coach or mentor.

When personal development takes place in the context

of institutions, it refers to the methods, programs, tools,

techniques, and assessment systems that support human

development at the individual level in organizations.

Personal development is also known as self-development or

personal growth. It involves the growth and enhancement of all

aspects of the person, the feelings the person has about himself

or herself, and their effectiveness in living. It includes the

development of positive life skills and the development of a

realistic and healthy self-esteem. Personal development involves

mental, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual growth that

allows a person to live a productive and satisfying life within

mental, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual growth that

allows a person to live a productive and satisfying life within

the customs and regulations of their society. This is achieved

through the development of life skills.

These life skills, skills necessary for successfully living a

productive and satisfying life, generally fall into one of

several categories: feeling about self, intimacy, family,

friends, community, job, leisure, and spirituality. They

include being able to recognize and describe one's feelings,

giving and receiving feedback, recognizing assumptions, setting

realistic and attainable goals, and employing problem-solving


Increased personal growth and development is the goal of a wide

range of men and women. It includes those who suffer from

problems in their relationship with others, or who suffer

emotionally with feeling of low self-esteem, anxiety,

or depression. It also includes individuals who are marginally

successful or even very successful in life, but who want to

improve their efficiency, their ability to be and feel intimate

and relate to others, , and/or their general level of

satisfaction with, and enjoyment of, living.

According to J. A. Irving & D. I. Williams(2007) A distinction

can be drawn between personal development and personal growth.

Despite their similarities, linguistic analysis shows the two

concepts to convey different ideas. Personal development is a

process concerned with specific aspects of the individual: the

development of ‘what’, and the ways this can be planned,

achieved and evaluated. Personal growth, on the other hand, is a

more generic process having to do with the totality of the

individual; it is always judged in terms of values. This

difference is vital in counsellor training, where the emphasis

should necessarily be on those aspects of personal development

that are relevant to specific training objectives and client

needs, rather than on personal growth. In this study you will

discover the different aspects of development on learning

personal development subject and its effect on the personal

growth of a student.

Conceptual Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Profile of the


 Age Personal Growth of grade

 Gender 12 Students of Galvan

High School
Effects of Personal

Development Subject:

 Different aspects

developed within a


Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm showing the relationship of

Personal Development subject on the personal growth of grade 12

students of Galvan High School.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the Effects of Personal Development

Subject on the Personal Growth of Grade 12 Students of Galvan

High School. It aims at answering the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in

terms of their age and gender?

2. What aspects are developed within a person when Personal

Development subject is introduced?

3. What are the effects of Personal Development subject to the

personal growth of the students?


 There is no effect of age and gender to the personal growth

of the students

 There is no developed aspects within a person when learning

Personal development subject

 There is no relationship between Personal Development

subject and Personal growth of grade 12 students

Significance of the Study

To the Students. This study will help the students to improve

their personal attitude in terms of their physical self, human

relations, Intelligence quotient, character, level of

maturity, communication skills and know their self more.

To the Teachers. This study will help the teachers to know

their students well and teach their students on becoming a

better person.

To the Parents. This study will help the parents to understand

and develop their relationship with their children and make

their bond stronger.

To the School Administrators. This study will help the school

administrators to know what policies and regulations they must

implement to help the students improve.

To the Community. This study will help the community to

enhance their perception about how great it is to study

Personal development to become a good person and make the

community at peace and a better place to live in.

Purpose of the study

this study will show the effects of learning personal

development subject on the personal growth of a person and

encourage people to study the subject Personal Development.

Scope and Delimitation

Our study will focus on the effects of Personal Development

Subject specifically on the different aspects developed within

a person which include Physical, Intellectual, Sensual,

Interactional, Emotional, Nutritional and Contextual. The

respondents will be coming from the three sections of Grade 12

of Galvan High school. 33.33% comes from Fahrenheit, 33.33%

from Kelvin and 33.33% comes from Celsius, a total of 100%.

Definition of terms

Personal Development- is a lifelong process. It is a way for

people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims

in life and set goals in order to realise and maximize their


Personal Growth- the growth and enhancement of all aspects of

the persons, the feelings the person has about him/herself, and

their effectiveness in living

Aspect- a particular part of feature of something

Skills- the ability to carry out a task with pre-determined

results often within a given time, energy or both

Physical aspect- includes description of your height, weight,

facial appearance, quality of skin, hair, and other descriptions

of the body

Intellectual- relating to the intellect. The capacity to learn

and create. The amount of knowledge, areas of knowledge and the

wisdom and insights you have

Emotional- relating to person’s emotions

Emotional Intelligence- the capacity to be aware of, control,

and express one’s emotion and to handle interpersonal

relationships judiciously and empathetically

Sensual- of or arousing gratification of the senses and

physical, especially sexual, pleasure

Interactional- includes descriptions of your strengths and

weaknesses in intimate relationships

Nutritional- the interaction of nutrients and other substances

in food relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health

and disease of an organism

Contextual- depending on or relating to the circumstances that

form the setting for an event, statement or idea.

CHAPTER 2 (alisin)


Foreign Literature

Personal Growth Broadly, we might define personal growth as the

subjective experience of change, in behaviors, thoughts, and

feelings which are in turn experienced as adaptive. Such change

might take form as greater mastery of one’s everyday environment

or it might arise as greater resilience in the face of obstacles

and challenges. Personal growth might be experienced as coming

about as a result of various life experiences; for instance, the

experience of a trauma or attending a leadership conference

might be believed to result in growth. On the other hand,

personal growth might be an activity that one is dynamically

engaged in, such that each day one sets aside time to play

scales on the piano or run three miles, for example. Some

individuals may self-consciously “work on themselves” to attain

higher levels of those abilities, skills, and characteristics

they value. Certainly, when faced with a traumatic or stressful

experience, individuals often report a sense of having grown

from the experience (e.g., Tedeschi & Calhoun, 1995; Park,

Cohen, & Murch, 1996). In some way or another, these experiences

are interpreted as having taught us something about ourselves

and about the world. Reports of stress related growth are, in

turn, related to heightened well-being (Park et al., 1996).

Feeling that one has grown from a negative life event is often

viewed as a powerful form of reappraisal or benefit-finding, a

type of coping that is generally quite adaptive. Yet,

importantly, such growth is generally a wholly subjective

phenomenon. To date, research 2 on self-reported growth has not

incorporated measures (beyond self-report measures of well-

being) that might corroborate these subjective assessments.

Given the lack of alternative methods to provide convergence

with subjective reports of growth, such reports are open to a

number of interpretations which call into question the notion

that reports of personal growth are indeed reflective of real

developmental change. Clearly, self-reported personal growth

might just be a positive illusion (Taylor & Armor, 1996). For

instance, individuals may engage in self enhancement by making

retroactive derogations of their previous self in order to

enhance the current self-image (McFarland & Alvaro, 2000). Self-

perceived growth might also be the byproduct of cognitive

dissonance (Taylor & Armor, 1996). For instance, a challenging

experience often elicits evidence that contradicts worldviews

and or beliefs about the self. This contradiction in beliefs, or

cognitive dissonance, results in distress, which we are in turn

motivated to reduce. A route by which such distress might be

reduced is to add positive cognitions about the experience, such

as having grown or gained something valuable from the

experience. Whether or not reports of personal growth are

reflections of such processes or reflect actual developmental

change, there is no question that this phenomenological feeling

of growth is related to other outcomes of positive functioning,

such as lower depression and higher well-being (Helgeson,

Reynolds, & Tomich, 2006). Indeed, Ryff and colleagues (e.g.,

Ryff, 1989; Ryff & Keyes, 1995) have theorized that personal

growth shares an important place in the qualities that define

optimal thriving, or psychological well-being, along with self-

acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy,

environmental mastery, and purpose in life. According 3 to

Ryff’s conceptualization, personal growth reflects directed

engagement in continual development, openness towards novel

events and people, and effortful expansion and improvement, all

in the pursuit of reaching high towards one’s potential.

Personal growth, like the other five components of psychological

well-being, is related to other indicators of positive

functioning (Ryff & Keyes, 1995), although with mixed and weak

results. Yet, Ryff and Singer (2008) note that personal growth,

of all the aspects of psychological well-being, is most similar

to the pursuit of self-actualization, an aspect often discussed

within the realms of personality development. Further, an

exploration of the underlying factor structure of well-being,

which included the six components of psychological well-being,

life satisfaction, and positive and negative affect, confirmed

that personal growth is subsumed under a well-being factor

descriptive of meaningful, purposeful striving and engagement.

Personal growth was not an underlying component of the

subjective well-being factor, which encompassed affect and

happiness (Keyes, Shmotkin, & Ryff, 2002). Thus, the current

research explores whether personal growth is actually related to

personality development or not. We now turn to the topic of

personality development. Personality development As noted

earlier, a recent conceptualization of maturity as the

convergence of a sense of well-being and a complex sensibility

has been presented (King & Hicks, 2007). According to this

perspective, development in adulthood can be understood as

increasing levels of well-being on the one hand, and increasing

sophistication and differentiation in one’s perception of

oneself and the world on the other hand. The importance of

wellbeing as an aspect of maturity is supported by a number of

theories that converge on the 4 notion that development entails

enhanced emotion regulation and the maximization of positive

affect (e.g., Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999; Labouvie-

Vief, 2003). Indeed, empirical evidence suggests that older

individuals do report themselves as higher on positive affect

than younger individuals, and that positive affect increases

with age (Mroczek & Kolarz, 1998; Mroczek, 2001). The other side

of maturity, a complex sensibility, has been measured using

Loevinger’s construct of ego development.

Foreign Studies

6 benefits of Personal Development: Personal development begins

with self-awareness. You get to know who you really are; your

values, beliefs and the purpose you wish to pursue. True

fulfilment can never come from chasing other people’s dreams. If

you want to achieve lasting happiness, you need to design your

life based on who you are. Then you can chase your own goals and

objectives. When you are chasing your own goals, there is as

much pleasure to be derived from the journey as there is to be

derived from reaching your destination. Self-awareness is the

first fundamental step in the personal development process.

Sense of direction, Once you have raised you self-awareness, you

are clearer on the things you wish to achieve from life.

Decision-making becomes a lot easier. Tasks which used to take a

great deal of your time, no longer make it onto your to-do list.

You now realise that they do not move you towards your

objectives and therefore are not worthy of your time. Improved

focus and effectiveness, With personal development comes

clarity. Even with an improved sense of direction, there will

always be multiple tasks looking for your attention. As your

personal development improves, prioritization becomes much

easier. You are clearer on your objectives and you can quickly

identify which task will give you the best result with the

resources available to you at that moment.

Improved focus and effectiveness comes with knowing and playing

to your strengths. More motivation, When you know what you want

to achieve, it is easier for you to see the benefits of taking

action. Even when the task ahead is not enjoyable; if you can

see a clear benefit, you are more motivated to take the

necessary action. There is truth in the old adage ‘Where there

is a will there is a way’. With strong personal development, you

develop the necessary will. Greater resilience, There will be

tough times in life. When these tough times occur, you need to

have the skills and attributes to deal effectively with them.

Personal development cannot prevent all bad things from

occurring but it will help you deal with them when they do. You

will have greater confidence, resilience, personal and

interpersonal skills to cope with any eventuality. More

fulfilling relationships, Relationships are a double-edged

sword. They either lift you up or drag you down. When you

improve your personal development, you are better able to see

which relationships are worth investing in and which need to be

cut loose. You also develop the skills to make the most of those

relationships which have the most positive impact on your life.

Personal development requires the setting of effective goals

which inspire and motivate. Learn more with the Ultimate Guide

to Goal Setting.

Personal development is a much used and much maligned term. It

is about taking the time and, making the commitment, to invest

in your greatest resource – you. When you put the effort in to

developing yourself, the rewards are amazing. Many people are

put off personal development because the results are not always

measurable. However, the greatest achievers in life know that

the key to success is the ability to manage yourself in a

variety of situations. That ability comes through personal


Importance of Personal Development

Personal development is the act or process of understanding and

developing oneself in order to achieve one’s fullest potential.

Personal development is a vital part in a person’s growth,

maturity, success and fulfillment. It is the foundation of

mature personality, better relationship, happiness, success and


Unfortunately, however, not everyone is aware of the importance

of personal development. It wasn’t given much attention at home,

work or in school. People give more importance to academic and

professional achievement rather than personal growth. This has

caused a lot of emotional struggles that many people go through

in life because they lack the soft skills which are crucial to

one’s success and happiness. Such lack of self-understanding and

principle-centered way of living blocks one’s ability to live an

enjoyable and successful life.

I admit that I didn’t know the importance of personal

development until I was privileged to attend one personal

development training back in 2008. Before that event, I was

living my life focused on achieving corporate success in my

career as professional accountant. I was eager to achieve career

and professional growth that I neglected all the other areas of

my life, such as physical health, social relationship, financial

growth and stability, and emotional growth. My career-driven

lifestyle resulted for me to live a stressful, tiring and boring

life. I was easily irritated, I complain a lot and I always see

the negative side of things rather than the positive. I was too

strong-willed and closed-minded that it was too hard to cross a

point with me.

All these attitudes and actions changed when I learned about

personal development. The change is what I often refer to as a

great “turning point” in my life. Such turning point created so

much positive transformation with who I am and how I live my

life now. It turned my negative and closed mindset into an open

and positive one. I minimized complaining on what life brings,

and instead, I started to see life as my own blueprint. I became

more practical and realistic that lessens my idealism and

perfectionism. I became much conscious on how I spend my time

that which helped me prioritize and minimize fatigue. These

changes cannot happen if I ignored personal development.

If you find yourself feeling negative all the time, and you

can’t stop complaining with a lot of things, I encourage you to

start learning and understanding personal development.

Here are some of the reasons why personal development is


It helps you understand yourself better

It assist you in creating your goals and life purpose

It guides you in managing and spending your time effectively

It enhances your ability to handle stress, adversity and change

It supports you in managing your finances more wisely

It teaches you to build better relationship with people

It allows you to live a balanced lifestyle

It provides an opportunity to take care of your health.

Imagine personal development is like a plant. If you take care

of it by giving it the reasonable amount of water, sunlight and

soil, it will grow into a healthy and beautiful tree. But if you

neglect it and won’t pay attention to what kind of nourishment

it needs, then expect that plant to get dry and eventually die.

Personal development is like how you nurture of a plant. If you

don’t recognize the importance of personal development, you will

continue living through life’s hard circumstances feeling like a

victim instead of a victor. You will stick to your belief that

you cannot do something to change and improve your situation. As

such, you will continue complaining and being negative with

almost everything in your life. You will constantly feel lost

with your own life purpose, struggling to find who you are and

what you want to become.

But if you open yourself in learning personal development, you

will experience a great leap in your life. You will start to

become more positive in your outlook, you will be more proactive

rather than reactive, you will start to create your life rather

than letting circumstance create it, you will be able to find

your own purpose and enjoy your life to its fullest.


“There’s only one corner of the universe you can be certain of

improving, and that’s your own self. So you have to begin there,

not outside, not on other people. That comes afterward, when

you’ve worked on your own corner.” –Aldous Huxley

Without a plan nobody can reach their destination. As Bob

(2010), described that "Personal development refers to

activities that improve self-knowledge and identity, develop

talents and potential, build human capital and employability,

enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of

dreams and aspirations. The concept is not limited to self-

development but includes formal and informal activities for

developing others, in roles such as teacher, guide, counsellor,

manager, coach, or mentor. Finally, as personal development

takes place in the context of institutions, it refers to the

methods, programs, tools, techniques, and assessment systems

that support human development at the individual level in

organizations" Personal development planning is a supported

process which helps to focus on individual performance and helps

to achieve and develop their carrier. The main objective of

personal development plan is to improve the capacity of


According to careereducationweb.com personal development is

repeatedly putting a person in a position where we need to be

change or developed or motivated to reach our destination. It

takes control of a person to grow and forcing to become

stagnant. Personal development and growth are vital to success.

Most of the people fail to achieve their goal because of lack

effort, time constants or an incapability of focusing on the


According to heacademy.ac.uk web site PDP is defined as "a

structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to

reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement

and to plan for their personal, educational and career

development. PDP embraces a range of approach to learning that

join planning (an individual's goals and intentions for learning

or achievement), doing (aligning actions to intention), copy

(judgment, facts, experience, in order to recognize and evidence

the procedure and results of learning) and expression reviewing

and evaluate experiences and the results of learning."

Personal development plan is a process which gives a persona a

clear view of life. And every conscious professional should have

a personal development plan to achieve their objective and reach

their destination.

CHAPTER 3 (alisin)


Research Design

The descriptive correlational research design was employed in

this study. Survey-questionnaire was used in data gathering.

The descriptive design was used to describe the Effects of

Personal Development Subject to the Personal Growth of the grade

12 students of Galvan High school.

Research Locale

The research entitled Effects of Personal Development

Subject to the Personal Growth of Grade 12 students of Galvan

High School was conducted at Galvan High School because of its

convenience to the researchers for easy gathering of data and

results. The results gathered will still be reliable even though

it is conducted in this school.

Vicinity Map

Sample and Sampling Procedure

Random Sampling method was used in this study with a total

of 75 respondents coming from the 3 sections of Grade 12. 33.33%

comes from Fahrenheit, 33.33% from Kelvin and 33.33% comes from

Celsius, a total of 100%.

Table 1

Distribution of respondents

Sections Number Percentage

Celsius 25 33.33%

Kelvin 25 33.33%

Fahrenheit 25 33.33%

Total 75 100%

Data Gathering Procedure

1. Data Gathering Instrument

Survey questionnaire was the instrument used to gather data

in this study.

1.1 Description

The questionnaire was only composed of one part that

answers the questions How may the profile of the respondents be

described in term of Age and gender, what personal development

aspects are developed within a person when personal development

subject is introduced and what are the effects of personal

development subject to the personal growth of the students.

1.2 Validity and Reliability.

The survey-questionnaire used in this study were

originally created by the group 2 researchers from grade 12

Kelvin of Galvan National High School with the help of

their research adviser.

2. Statistical Treatment

The researcher used statistical tools such as the frequency

count, percentage, and weighted mean.

CHAPTER 4 (alisin)


Table 2

Distribution of respondents according to gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Female 43 57.33%
Male 32 42.67%
Total 75 100%
Table 2. Presents the gender of the respondents. Majority

of the respondents were Female with a percentage of 57.33% and

the male has 42.67%.

Table 3

Distribution of respondents according to age

Range Frequency Percentage

16 3 4%
17 40 53.33%
18 30 40%
19 2 2.67%
Total 75 100%
Table 3. Presents the age of the respondents. Majority of

the respondents were from the age 17 were 55.33% answered and

age 19 were only 2% of the respondents answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
a. It developed my 38 36 0 0 1
This table shows that majority of the respondents answered

Strongly agree were 38 answered followed by Agree which 36

answered, strongly disagree and disagree were no one answered

and Undecided were only 1 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
b. it made me know 37 37 1 0 0
myself more
This table shows that majority of the respondents

answered Strongly agree and Agree were both 37 answered, only 1

answered Strongly disagree and no one answered disagree and


Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
c. It made me 35 37 2 1 0
discover my
Strengths and
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 37 answered followed by Strongly agree were 35

answered, strongly disagree were 2 answered, disagree were only

1 answered and nobody answered undecided.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
d. It raised my 26 46 3 0 0
self-confidence and
self esteem
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 46 answered followed by Strongly agree were 26

answered, Strongly disagree were 3 answered, no one answered

Disagree and Undecided.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
There are changes 13 37 6 15 4
in my Face
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 37 answered followed by Disagree were 15 answered,

Strongly disagree were 13 answered, Strongly disagree were 6

answered and Undecided were only 4 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
There are changes 12 33 9 18 3
in my height
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 33 answered followed by Disagree were 18 answered,

Strongly agree were 12 answered, Strongly disagree were 9

answered and Undecided were only 3 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
There are changes 14 37 4 17 3
in my weight
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 37 answered followed by Disagree were 17 answered,

Strongly agree were 14 answered, Strongly disagree were 4

answered and Undecided were only 3 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
There are changes 10 40 6 15 4
in the quality of
my skin
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 40 answered followed by Disagree were 15 answered,

Strongly agree were 10 answered, Strongly disagree were 6

answered and Undecided were only 4 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
There are changes 13 45 5 10 2
in my hair
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 45 answered followed by Strongly agree were 12

answered, Disagree were 10 answered, Strongly disagree were 5

answered and Undecided were only 2 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I have good eating 26 43 2 2 2
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 43 answered followed by Strongly agree were 26

answered, Strongly disagree were only 2 answered, Disagree were

only2 answered and Undecided were only 2 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I am good at 15 51 5 4 0
reasoning & solving
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 51 answered followed by Strongly agree were 15

answered, Strongly disagree were 5 answered, Disagree were 4

answered and no one answered Undecided.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I have wide 20 45 3 4 3
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 45 answered followed by Strongly agree were 20

answered, Disagree were only 2 answered, Strongly disagree were

3 answered and Undecided were 3 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I am more on 23 43 3 3 3
positive emotions
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 43 answered followed by Strongly agree were 23

answered, Disagree were 3 answered, Strongly disagree were 3

answered and Undecided were 3 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I am more on 30 8 18 12 7
negative emotions
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Strongly Agree were 30 answered followed by Strongly agree were

18 answered, Disagree were 12 answered, Undecided were 7

answered and Agree were 3 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I often us my sense 29 43 3 0 0
of sight
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 43 answered followed by Strongly agree were 29

answered, Strongly disagree were 3 answered, No one answered

Disagree and Undecided.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I often use my 34 38 2 1 0
sense of hearing
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 38 answered followed by Strongly agree were 34

answered, Strongly disagree were 3 answered, Disagree were only

1 answered and no one answered Undecided.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I often use my 27 42 3 4 0
sense of touch
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 42 answered followed by Strongly agree were 27

answered, Disagree were 4 answered, Strongly disagree were 3

answered and Undecided were 0 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I often use my 27 42 3 3 0
sense of taste
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 45 answered followed by Strongly agree were 20

answered, Disagree were only 2 answered, Strongly disagree were

3 answered and Undecided were 3 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I often use my 30 37 4 4 0
sense of smell
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 37 answered followed by Strongly agree were 30

answered, Disagree were 4 answered, Strongly disagree were

4answered and Undecided were 0 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
Introvert 8 2 0 0 0

This table shows that most of the students answered

Strongly Agree were 8 of them answered followed by Agree where

only two answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
Extrovert 19 5 0 0 0

This table shows that majority of the students answered

Strongly Agree were 19 of them answered followed by Agree were 5

students answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
Ambivert 12 28 0 0 0

This tables shows that majority of the respondent answered

Agree were 28 answered followed by Strongly Agree were only 12


Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I fear High places 22 30 11 11 1

This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 30 answered followed by Strongly agree were 22

answered, Disagree were only 11 answered, Strongly disagree were

11 answered and Undecided were only 1 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I fear crowded 21 27 12 14 1
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 27 answered followed by Strongly agree were 21

answered, Disagree were 14 answered, Strongly disagree were 12

answered and Undecided were only 1 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I fear darkness 20 29 12 14 0

This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 29 answered followed by Strongly agree were 20

answered, Disagree were 14 answered, Strongly disagree were 12

answered and Undecided were 0 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I have stage fright 16 35 13 7 4

This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 35 answered followed by Strongly agree were 16

answered, Strongly Disagree were 13 answered, Disagree were 7

answered and Undecided were 4 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I fear clowns 12 21 20 19 3

This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 21 answered followed by Strongly Disagree were 20

answered, Disagree were 19 answered, Strongly agree were 12

answered and Undecided were 3 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
I fear animals/ 13 37 10 10 5
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 37 answered followed by Strongly agree were

13answered,Strongly Disagree were 10 answered, Disagree were 10

answered and Undecided were 5 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
Build up my self- 36 35 3 0 1
confidence and
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Strongly Agree were 36 answered followed by Agree were 35

answered, Strongly Disagree were 3 answered, Undecided were only

1 answered and Disagree were 0 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
Learned to love 38 35 2 0 0
myself more
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Strongly Agree were 38 answered followed by Agree were 35

answered, Strongly Disagree were 2 answered, no one answered

Disagree and Undecided.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
Learned to give 34 35 4 2 0
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 35 answered followed by Strongly Agree were 34

answered, Strongly Disagree were 4 answered, Undecided were only

2 answered and Undecided were 0 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
Know myself more 37 37 1 0 0

This table shows that majority of the students answered

Strongly Agree and Agree were both 37 answered, Strongly

Disagree were only 1 answered, and no one answered Disagree and


Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
Had a good strong 30 41 3 0 1
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 41 answered followed by Strongly Agree were 30

answered, Strongly Disagree were 3 answered, Undecided were only

1 answered and Disagree were 0 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
Had stronger faith 37 32 3 2 1
in God
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Strongly Agree were 37 answered followed by Agree were 32

answered, Strongly Disagree were 3 answered, Disagree were 2

answered and Undecided were only 1 answered.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
Become better than 33 40 1 1 0
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 40 answered followed by Strongly Agree were 33

answered, Strongly Disagree were only 1 answered, Disagree were

only 1 answered and no one answered Undecided.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
Conquered my fears 33 38 2 2 0

This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 38 answered followed by Strongly Agree were 33

answered, Strongly Disagree were 2 answered, Disagree were 2

answered and no one answered Undecided.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided
Enhanced my 28 43 1 2 1
This table shows that majority of the students answered

Agree were 43 answered followed by Strongly Agree were 28

answered, Disagree were 2 answered, Strongly disagree were only

1 answered Undecided were only 1 answered.

Table 4

Evaluation of different aspects of development

Statement Weighted Mean description Rank

a. it developed 4.44 Strongly Agree 4

my character
b. It made me 4.48 Strongly Agree 2
know myself
c. It made me 4.41 Strongly Agree 5
discover my
strengths and
d. It raised my 4.3 Strongly Agree 10
and self esteem
Changes in my 3.53 Agree 23
Changes in my 3.44 Agree 25
Changes in my 2.55 Disagree 28
Change in the 3.49 Agree 24
quality of skin
Changes in my 3.17 Agree 18
I have good 4.18 Agree 14
eating habits
Good at 4.35 Strongly Agree 8
reasoning and
Have wide 4 Agree 15
More on 3.98 Agree 16
More on 3.55 Agree 22
Sense of sight 4.34 Strongly Agree 9

Sense of 4.65 Strongly Agree 1


Sense of touch 4.27 Strongly Agree 11

Sense of taste 4.24 Strongly Agree 13

Sense of smell 3.71 Agree 20

Introvert 4.47 Strongly Agree 3

Fear on High 3.8 Agree 17
Fear on Crowded 3.7 Agree 21
Fear on 3.73 Agree 19
Stage Fright 3.7 Agree 21

Fear of Clowns 3.27 Strongly 27


Fear of 3.37 Strongly 26


Builds up self- 4.4 Strongly Agree 6

confidence and
Learned to love 4.48 Strongly Agree 2
myself more
Learned to give 4.35 Strongly Agree 8
Know myself 4.48 Strongly Agree 2
Have a good 4.3 Strongly Agree 10
Had stronger 4.36 Strongly Agree 7
faith in God
Become better 4.4 Strongly Agree 6
than before
Conquered my 4.36 Strongly Agree 7
Enhanced my 4.26 Strongly Agree 12

Total 4.03 Strongly Agree

Table 4. presents the evaluation of the different aspects

of Personal development. The total weighted mean is 4.03. It

implies that the different aspects of personal development has a

good effect on the personal growth of the students.


Rating Description

1.00-1.74 Undecided

1.75-2.49 Disagree

2.50-3.24 Strongly Disagree

3.25-4.00 Agree

4.01-5.00 Strongly Agree

CHAPTER 5 (Alisin)


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions

and recommendations about the Effects of Personal Development

Subject to the Personal growth of the grade 12 students of

Galvan High School.

Valuable insights gained from this research relative to

effects of personal development subject to the personal growth

of grade 12 students.

The respondents of the study were 75 students from the 3

sections of grade 12 of Galvan National high school.

Summary of Findings

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in terms

of age and gender.

In terms of age, forty (40) were in the age of 17, thirty

(30) in the age of 18, three (3) in the age of 16 and two (2) in

the age of 19.

In terms of gender, Forty-three(43)or 57.33% were female

and Thirty-two(32)or 42.67% were male.

2. The aspects are developed within a person when Personal

Development subject is introduced are Physical, Intellectual,

Sensual, Interactional, Emotional, Nutritional and Contextual


3. majority of the respondents agreed that learning personal

development has an effect to the personal growth of the



Based on the findings we have gathered, here are the conclusions

we arrived at:

 Majority of the students were 17 years of age

 Most of the respondents are Female.

 the aspects of development are Physical, Intellectual,

Sensual, Interactional, Emotional, Nutritional and
Contextual aspects.
 The total weighted mean is 4.03 (strongly agree). It

implies that the students agreed that learning personal

development subject has a good effect on the personal

growth of the student.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the researchers would

like to recommend to the following:

1. For the Students. Personal Development subject must be

learned to help you discover, enhance, and use your highest

potential, skills and talents that will help you grow.

2. For the Teachers. Continue teaching and encouraging students

to study this subject that will be a big help to the students

personal growth. Slowly teach them the aspects they need to know

for their self improvement.

3. For the Parents. Develop and maintain good relationship with

your children. Let them improve and enhance their skills.

4. For the Future researchers. Extend the scope of this study

and add more problems that will make this research more

interesting than before. Conduct this kind of study in different

schools and have more equal amount of respondents for better



Gotlib, I. H., & Hammen, C. L. (1992). The Wiley series in clinical

psychology. Psychological aspects of depression: Toward a cognitive-

interpersonal integration. Oxford, England: John Wiley.








 The researchers would like to seek your good heart by answering
the questions given below. It would be a big help for the
completion of our study. Thank You.


Name: ___________________________________________________
School: _________________________________________________
Grade level: ________________

Put a check (/) on the box of your corresponding answer.

Gender: ____ Male ____ Female

Age: ____16 ____17 ____18 ____19

Aspects of Personal Development

Strongly Strongly
Statement Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Undecided

Personal development subject made me a better person by:

a. It develop my
b. It made me know
myself more.
c. It made me discover
my strengths &
d. It raised my self-
confidence and self-
There are changes in my:
 Face
 Height
 Weight
 quality of skin
 hair
I have/I am:
I have good eating
I am good at reasoning
and solving problems
I have wide imagination
I am more on positive

I am more on negative
The senses I often use are:
 Sense of sight
 Sense of hearing
 Sense of touch
 Sense of taste
 Sense of smell
I am an:
 Introvert (shy
 Extrovert(friendly
 Ambivert (both)
I have fears on:
 High places
 Crowded areas
 darkness
 stage fright
 clowns
 animals/insects
The effects of learning personal development are:
 Build up my self-
confidence and trust
 Learned to love
myself more
 Learned to give
 Know myself more
 Had a good strong
 Had stronger faith
in God
 Become better than
 Conquered my fears
 Enhanced my strength

Galvan High School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Senior High School
Name: Elisea Louinie C. Maturan
Address: Brgy. Pasong Inchik, Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Date of Birth: September 29. 1999
Siblings: Luisa E. Maturan

Educational Attainment:
Secondary: Shining Hope Academy
Quezon City
Galvan National High School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2015-present
Elementary: Shining Hope Academy
Quezon City
Sy. 2006-2012

Seminar Attended
Title Date Place

Campus Journalism Galvan National High School

Seminar & workshop
Campus Journalism Bartolome Sanggalang National
Seminar & workshop High School

Galvan High School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Senior High School
Name: Necie C. Barnachea
Address: Macamias, Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Date of Birth: September 23,2017
Siblings: Jimmuel Cesar C. Barnachea

Educational Attainment:
Secondary: Galvan National High School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2012-present

Elementary: Macamias Elementary School

Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2006-2012

Seminar Attended
Campus Journalism Seminar Galvan High School

Galvan High School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Senior High School
Name: Rosemarie P. Mauricio
Address: Brgy. Manggang Marikit, Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Date of Birth: November 11, 1999
Siblings: Romalyn P. Mauricio

Educational Attainment:

Secondary: Bartolome Sanggalang National High School

Sy. 2012-2013
Galvan National High School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2013-present
Elementary: Manggang Marikit Elementary School
Sy. 2006-2012

Seminar Attended
Title Date Place

Galvan High School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Senior High School
Name: Reynaldo Gonzales Danzalan
Address: Partida 1, Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Date of Birth: June 27, 2000
Siblings: Jhanrey G. Danzalan

Mark Andrei G. Danzalan

Brey Jarelle G. Danzalan
Reanella G. Danzalan

Educational Attainment:

Secondary: Galvan National High School

Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2012-present
Elementary: Partida 1 Elementary School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2006-2012

Seminar Attended
Title Date Place

Leadership Seminar Aug.12,2017 CMAC Guimba, Nueva ecija

Discipleship Seminar Aug. 1,2015 CMAC San Fernando,Pampanga
Youth Camp Dec.28-30,2014 Dinalupihan, Bataan
Youth Camp Dec.24-30,2015 Dinalupihan, Bataan
Youth Camp Dec.27-30,2016 San Miguel, Bulacan

Galvan High School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Senior High School
Name: Erica C. Galdonez
Address: Brgy. San Agustin, Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Date of Birth: July 19, 2000
Siblings: Glenn C. Galdonez

Jerick Ryan C. Galdonez

Educational Attainment:

Secondary: Galvan National High School

Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2012-present
Elementary: San Agustin Elementary School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2006-2012

Seminar Attended
Title Date Place
SK Chairman Seminar 2015-2016 Baguio City

Galvan High School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Senior High School
Name: Desiree E. Dumaya
Address: Macamias, Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Date of Birth: November 21,1999
Siblings: None

Educational Attainment:

Secondary: Galvan National High School

Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2012-present
Elementary: Macamias Elementary School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2006-2012

Seminar Attended
Title Date Place

Galvan High School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Senior High School
Name: Kathleen Ej Y. Domingo
Address: Manggang Marikit, Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Date of Birth: November 26, 1999
Siblings: Roselda Y. Domingo

Elizabeth Y. Domingo
Rustico Y. Domingo

Educational Attainment:

Secondary: Galvan National High School

Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2012-present
Elementary: Manggang Marikit Elementary School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2006-2012

Seminar Attended
Title Date Place

Galvan High School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Senior High School
Name: Christian Joy B. Parinas
Address: Brgy. San Miguel, Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Date of Birth: December 26, 1999
Siblings: Charmaigne Joy Parinas

Charles Parinas

Educational Attainment:
Secondary: Galvan National High School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2012-present
Elementary: San Miguel Elementary School
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
Sy. 2006-2012

Seminar Attended
Title Date Place


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