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Lesson Plan in English Grade 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the 1-hour session, the students must be able to:
 define imperative sentence and its two forms,
 give examples of imperatives; and
 construct imperative sentences correctly.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: “Imperative Sentence”
Reference: Grade 7 English Module pages 472-473
Materials: visual aids, chalk and blackboard
LCD projector, laptop, PowerPoint presentation

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Everybody, please stand up. (The students will stand and pray)
Apple, please lead the prayer. “Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.”

b. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am. Glenda!

c. Classroom Management
Before you take your seats, (The students will pick up the trash and
please pick up the pieces of trash arrange their seats)
around you and arrange your
chairs properly.

You may now be seated. Thank you, Ma’am.

d. Checking of Attendance Ma’am, no one is absent.
Class secretary, do we have
absentees for today?

Very good, class!

e. Checking of Assignment (The students will pass their assignment)

Please bring out your assignment
and pass it sideward and then

f. Review
Before we start our new (The students will raise their hands)
discussion, let us first have a Our topic last time was all about verbs.
review of our discussion last time.
What was our topic all about?

Very good! What are verbs? A word that denotes an action or a state
of being is called a verb.

Very well said. Verbs are what we

call action verbs.
Anyone who can give their own (The students will raise theirs to answer)
example of verbs.

Amazing. It seems that you really

understood our topic yesterday
and now we’re going to proceed Yes, Ma’am.
with our new topic. Is it clear?

B. Motivation

Class, before we start our

lesson we are going to have a Yes, Ma’am.
short game. Do you want to
have a game, class?

Class, listen. The name of the

game is called “Simon Says...”.
The mechanics of the game is
that Simon will tell the players
what they must do. For
example; “Simon says, stand
up!” You have to stand up. You
must only follow the commands
precede by Simon says.... If
there are students who obey
commands without “Simon
says...” are out.
Do you understand? Are you Yes. We are ready.
now ready?

Let’s start.
Simon says stand up. (The students will follow the instructions)
Simon says touch your head.
Simon says shake your hands.
Simon says jump once.
Simon says turn around.

Everybody, sit down. Do you Yes, Ma’am.

enjoy our activity?

What have noticed on our Simon asked all of us to do an action,

activity? commands, and requests or follow

Exactly. Simon asked all of you

to do a requests, commands, or

C. Presentation of the Lesson

a. Introduction & Discussion
Our topic for today is about
Imperative sentence.

Anyone who has an idea about

imperative sentence?
Yes, Adrian? Imperative sentence gives a requests,
commands or advice.

Good job! Everybody please Imperative Sentence

read the definition of Imperative  Is a type of sentence that gives
sentence. advice or instructions that expresses
request or command. An imperative
sentence typically begins with the
base form of the verb, as in Go now!
Very good. Imperative sentence is the type
of sentence that gives a command,
requests, advice or instructions.
Can someone please read the next An imperative sentence ends with a period or
definition? with an exclamation point.

Thank you. Imperative sentence may end Yes, Ma’am.

with a period or an exclamation point. Do
you understand, class?

Let’s have this example. Everybody please (The students will read the examples)

Keep all your things.

Please be quiet.

Talk to your classmates.

Sit up straight.

Stop, look and listen!

Do not slouch.

Class, what have you noticed with the They are giving commands.

Very good. What else? They are giving requests.

Very well said! What else? They are giving warnings.

Correct. And the last one? They are giving instructions.

Good job, class! Do you now understand Yes, Ma’am.
imperative sentence?

Now let’s move with the two forms of Two Forms of Imperatives
imperative sentence. Please read the first Positive Imperatives
To form a positive imperative, we use the base
form of the verb. The base form is the form in
the dictionary.

Some imperative verbs:

Thank you. In positive imperatives, we use
the base form of the verb. Please read the
read, listen, put, run, walk, move, eat...
examples of the verbs.

Those are the examples of imperative Listen!

verbs in base form of the verb. Altogether Raise your hands.
please read the examples. Do your homework.
Speak English.
Come here.
Be quiet.

Can someone give me the verbs used in Raise
each sentence? Do

Very good, class. Now let’s move with the Negative Imperatives
negative imperatives. Everybody please To form a negative imperative we use:
Do not + the base form of the verb

Class, in negative imperatives we used the

word “Do not + the base form of the verb”
Altogether, please read the examples on Do not come here.
the board. Do not put your hat on the chair.
Do not drink it.
Do not park your car here.
Thank you, class. What are the verbs used Come
in those sentences? Put

What word do we use to denote negative Do not, Ma’am.

imperative sentence?

Very good class. Do you understand? Yes, Ma’am.

Anyone who can give their own example of Turn off the lights.
an imperative sentence. Open the door.
Do not eat junk foods.
Please fall in line.
B. Application
Wonderful, class. Let’s have your activity.
I’ll group you into four groups. Each group
must write 3 imperative sentences that are
used or can be found in the following
Group 1: Home

Group 2: Market
Group 3: School

Group 4: Church

Is it clear, class? If you have questions feel Yes, Ma’am.

free to ask me. Start now. (The students will do their activity)

Yes, Ma’am.
Are you done, class?

Okay. Each group must have their Yes, Ma’am.

representative to read their work. Is that
right? (The students will present their work in front)

C. Generalization
To sum up our discussion again what do
we mean when we say imperative Imperative sentence gives a requests,
sentence? commands or advice.

An imperative sentence ends with a period or

Very good. What else?
with an exclamation point.

Exactly. What are the two forms of Positive imperative sentence

imperative sentences? Give me the first
How about the other one? Negative imperative sentence
In positive imperative sentence, we used
what form of the verb? Base form of the verb
Right! How about in negative imperative
sentence, we used what form of the verb Do not + the base form of the verb

IV. Evaluation

V. Assignment
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of imperative verbs.
1. _________ the room regularly.
2. Do not _________ on the table.
3. _________ polite.
4. _________ your I.D.
5. Do not _________ to pray.

Prepared by:

Glenda G. De Castro

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