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Standard Operating Procedure

SOP-HR-001: Recruitment process

Recruitment Process

The purpose of this SOP is to ensure the growth of an organization in this competitive
business world. Every organization needs effective and resultant Manpower. So, Manpower
is the utmost important task in every organization. And hence the recruitment and selection
process commence.

The recruitment process passing through various stages. Therefore to fit the right person for
the right job we have to follow following processes.

SOP-HR-001 Recruitment process

Standard Operating Procedure
SOP-HR-001: Recruitment process

Process Steps:

1) Manpower requirement usually arises due to the following factors

a) Replacement due to transfer of Employee.
b) Replacement due to resignation or termination.
c) New function expansion or creation of addition position

2) Manpower Requisition Form “MRF” :

a) In order to do recruitment in a systematic & desired manner we have to fill up
b) HOD’s analysis the manpower requirement for his own department through
the “MRF” and forward the same to HCM for further action.
- Details of the Form to be filled by HOD’s
- Final approval from Director
- Forwarding MRF form to HCM for further action
- No vacancy can be processed without approved “MRF”
- The recruitment process & searching of CV needs passing through
various stages for which lead-time of 1 month is require.

3) Sourcing for Hiring:

a) After receiving “MRF” from respective HOD’s for hiring employees, HCM
representative will work on sourcing of resumes
b) Various sources of hiring:
- Job Portals / Sites: Requirement to be posted on Job site and shortlist
CV from the responses.
- Data Bank : Short listing of CV’s from current CV’s available with
- Employee Reference: Resume which Employees refer.
- Advertisement: Requirement to be posted on National Newspaper for
- Consultants : Critical & bulk requirement to be filled through
- Campus Placement : To keep buffer stock we go for Campus

4) Screening of CV’s :
HCM representative screen CV’s as per requirement mentioned in “MRF” and
screened CV’s send to respective HOD’s for further short listing.
5) Communication to Short-listed Candidates:
Candidates who are short listed from any of the sources are to be informed thru
email or telephone by HCM representative. Information about the Interview Call
letter has to be sent to concern HOD’s & in certain cases Director. For all outstation
candidates we have to give lead-time of 10 to 12 days for interview schedule.
6) Interview Schedule:

SOP-HR-001 Recruitment process

Standard Operating Procedure
SOP-HR-001: Recruitment process

For any of the interview we have to follow the process as

a) Intimation to concern panel members about Interview Schedule

b) Reminder of call letter about the confirmation of attending interview.
c) Communication about any changes in Interview schedule has to be intimated
to concern HOD’s & panel members.

7) Interview Panel:
The interview panel consists of HCGA/ 2 nd line, Concern Department HOD/ 2nd line,
HCM Representative

8) Conducting Interview or Interview Process :Following process has to be maintained

for interview process

a) All the candidates appearing for interview has to fill up Company Application
b) Outstation candidates coming for interview has to fill up reimbursement form
for Travel reimbursement.
c) Technical Interview of candidates by interview panel & filling up of Interview
evaluation sheet by panel members.
d) Panel has to put his remarks in interview evaluation sheet for final comments
for selection & pending.
e) If selected all the details about candidates’ designation, section & salary has to
be mentioned in evaluation sheet.

9) Terms & Condition for finalization of candidate:

a) Preliminary discussion between HCM representative & candidate for his
salary and other details.
b) Salary negotiation with candidate by HCM representative.
c) Discussing all the terms & conditions with candidates at the time of issuing
Offer Letter to candidate.
d) Tentative joining to be confirmed from candidate & same has to be informed
to respective HOD’s.
e) All the Offer Letter issued to candidates has to be signed by head HCGA
(Human Capital & General Affairs) in absence of head HCGA ,2 nd Line will

10) Joining Formalities :

Following formalities are required to be filled up at the time of Joining
a) Collecting Required Documents
- Offer and appointment letter
- Academic certificates
- Other certificates if any
- Relieving letter and No dues declaration from previous employer
- Experience and appraisal letters from previous employer
- Reference letters from the previous employer

SOP-HR-001 Recruitment process

Standard Operating Procedure
SOP-HR-001: Recruitment process

- Resume with a passport size colour photograph

- A signed copy of the acknowledgement page of Handbook
- Government issue ID proof such as passport, PAN card, driving license
and Aadhar
- Proof of date of birth
- Salary slips for 3 months from previous employment
- Bank statement of 1 year supporting the amount mentioned in salary
- No objection certificate from the nearest police station where the
candidate resided at least 3 years
- Medical fitness certificate
- Proof of permanent residential address – Government ID proof
- Proof of current residential address – Home rental agreement
- FORM-16
- PF and ESI declaration form

b) Introduction mails to all HOD’s incase of managers and above.

c) Issuing of Appointment letter duly signed by Director with in 2 to 3 days after
receiving all the documents from candidate.
d) Information about candidates joining has to be intimated to Guest House in-
charge for staying purpose for initial period of 10 days.
e) HCM representative will prepare personal file & employee code of new joinee
& same has to be issued to new joinee along with ID-Card.

11) Introduction & Orientation:

HCM representative designs formal induction program and copy of induction has to
be send to concern HOD’s .A copy of Induction manual to be provided to all new
joinee along with information about company policies.

12) Confirmation:-

a) All the employees will be on probation period of 6month from the date of
joining, which is extendable for further period of 6 months.
b) “MRF-Merit Rating Form” to be issued to concern HOD’s by HCM
representative for final rating against his KPA’s &his personal attributes.
c) After receiving “MRF” from respective HOD’s it go to head HCGA for
reviewing of ratings received from respective HOD’s .
d) After receiving final “MRF” HCM representative will forward confirmation
letter to Director for approval.

SOP-HR-001 Recruitment process


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