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Republic Bolivarian of Venezuela

Ministry of Power Popular for the Education

Maracaibo – Zulia State
Subject: English I
Teacher: Suhaila Temponi
Section: C

June 2, 2019
1) Realizer in English one narration or description of the history
of his /her life
1st person
Utilized in form continues verbs to be in affirmative, negative,
interrogative, present and past


I was born on August 27, 1999 in Venezuela
Maracaibo I am the youngest of three
siblings, daughter of Gladys Gonzalez and
Alberto Piñero.
The firsts 3 years of my life I lived in
grandmother house; she took care of me
while my mother went to work.
Went I was four years old we moved to
Maracaibo to an apartment in Sun City,
finally my mother was sick of the screams
of a neighbor on the other floor and
decided that she wanted a house
We moved to a house located in Sierra Maestra near my preschool
Carmelita Garcia I started my studies there
For the age I had was the highest of the class including the teacher ,
three years later at the age of 7 step to school Marie Poussepin ( it
was a religion school );there I had pleasant experiences and others
did not
Accepted girls only; sounds crazy, is not it? It was a school of nuns,
so they thought we were educated to be the same, which was a big
In 1st grade I loved my teacher Eulalia was very cute, I got to 5th
grade and it was all the time calligraphy Palmer, I spent 11
notebooks, was it easy for my hand?
Later last year of white shirt and welcome to baccalaureate
I will always remember my psychical education and math teachers
was a nerd, I love getting good grades
In the 3rd year I made friends Angelica and Mercedes, we following
be friends
When I turned 16 years old I was enrolled in the Athenaeum, there
the Nacional System of choirs and orchestras youth and children’s
of Venezuela Nucleus San Francisco worked, I started playing four
Venezuelan because I could not study classical guitar with an
When I had a time playing four, wanted play violin
Finally I graduate of baccalaureate and started six months later in
Zulia University, I signed up for graphic design
I am currently in the fourth year of violin me graduate of four
Venezuelan, I working in nucleus San Francisco I have scholarship in
Santiago Mariño currently course second semester of architecture

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