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ELSA – European Law Students Association

BEE – Board Management, External Relation and Expansion
(atributiile presedintelui)
IM – International Management (Secretarul General)
FM – Financial Management (Trezorier)
AA – Activitati academic
L@W – Lawyers at Work
MCC – Moot Court Competition (processimulat)
NMCC – National Moot Court Competition (process simulat
EMC – ELSA Moot Court Competition
LRG – Legal Reasarch Group
S&C – Seminare si Conferinte
IFP – International Focus Programme
SS – Summer School
SV – Study Visit
ISV – International Study Visit
ICN – International Council Meeting
STEP – Student Trainee Exchange Programme
JH – Job Hunting
SH – Student Hunting
TSF – Trainee Specification Form
SIS – Schimb Intern de Studenti
RU – Resurse Umane
SLMI – Seminar Local de Motivare si Instruire
ETP – ELSA Training Programme
TIE – This is ELSA
TTT – Trainee The Trainers
ITP – International Trainers Pool
NTP – National Trainers Pool
TNAF – Trainers Needs Assesment Form
NSS – Network Support System
ELS – ELSA Lawyers Society
SotN – State of the Network (Starea retelei - raport)
OYOP – One Year Operational Plan
OC – Organising Committee
HOC – Head of Organising Committee
CL – Consiliu Local
ROI – Regulament de Ordine Interioara
CD – Cartea Deciziilor
BL – Birou Local
BN – Birou National
BI – Birou International
GL – Grup Local
MKT – Marketing
VP – Vicepresedinte
IDER – Întâlnirea Departamentală ELSA România
HOD – Head of Delegation

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