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Cyberbullying: The effects and its impact on the millennials

Quantitative Research
Presented to


Paliparan II, City of Dasmarinas

In Partial Fulfillment of
The Requirements for the Subject
English 10




Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour among school aged children that

involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the

potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats,

spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group

on purpose.

Cyber bullying is different from traditional bullying due to the anonymity that

the Internet can provide. Cyber bullies do not have to own their actions due to the

anonymity and cyber bullying is often outside of the legal reach of schools and school

boards since it often happens outside of the school.

The purpose of this paper is to further understand cyber bullying which

continues to occur more often as technology becomes more readily accessible by

everyone, especially students and to explore ways of preventing cyber bullying before it



As the days, years and generations pass by, the world of social media is growing

bigger and bigger. It becomes more advanced than ever and a lot of people want it to

improve and they think that it would be better if it continues to develop more than the

usual thing that we have nowadays.



Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that

involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the

potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats,

spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone

from a group on purpose.

Cyber bullying is different from traditional bullying due to the anonymity that

the Internet can provide. Cyber bullies do not have to own their actions due to the

anonymity and cyber bullying is often outside of the legal reach of schools and school

boards since it often happens outside of the school.

The purpose of this paper is to further understand cyber bullying which

continues to occur more often as technology becomes more readily accessible by

everyone, especially students and to explore ways of preventing cyber bullying before it



Bullying is can be done at any forms. It may be physically or verbally. But

there's one form of bullying that can affect one particular person even though it's not

through a physical or verbal contact, it is cyber bullying. This is a major problem that

occurs in social media and many individuals have already experienced this. This is why we,

the researchers would like to find the answer to prevent the growing incidents of cyber

These are the following questions that we would like to be answered by studying and
creating this research:

1. What are the causes of cyberbullying?

2. What are the effects of cyberbullying?

3. How can we prevent this type of bullying


The research, “Cyberbullying: The effects and its impact on the millennials
” is about cyber bullying. Cyber bullying which causes many people to be depressed, anti-social and

worst is to harm theirselves is a huge problem ever since social media has made. Being a part of

social networking community has been a part of our daily lives in which we can do whatever we want

to do and say whatever we want to do. Social media is a platform in which we can freely show or post

what is in our minds therefore many people had posted many things about themselves or other people.

This is why it has a advantages and disadvanteges. The advantage is you can post whatever you want

and the disadvantage is you can post whatever you want. It's the same but the difference is the latter

has more effects on people. Why do people say such nasty stuff to other people? Besides, why do

they want to do it even though they know that they'll gonna hurt a person's feelings? and an addition

to that, cyber bullies tend to hide their own identity behind other names and faces and that's the

reason why they are more confident to do it on social networking site rather than in person because

nobody will know who they are and what they're really up to. In doing this research, we will be able

to know the effects of cyber bullying to the victims and know how to prevent this type of bullying

This research intends to give possible answers to the following problems of

cyber bullying. The researchers have found that some of the students in their school had

already experienced it so that they tend to know what are the possible ways to prevent

the growth of cyber bullying occurring in their school, the following questions will be

answered by some of the chosen Senior High School students in Polytechnic University

of the Philippines to know what are their opinions or reactions on this matter and the

possible result of the answers of the following problems that concerns the topic.


The study on “The effects and impacts of Cyber bullying of the millennial” may be

significant and beneficial to the following:

1. Students – With the help of this study, they may help their ability of their

mind as they are luckier than those who are bullied and they will be able know

what are the effects of this type of bullying

2. Parents – With the use of this study, parents will be able to know that they

should have a sense of dedication and responsibility as mentor and model to

their children. And with this study, they will know how to handle their children

who is struggling in depression because of bullying.


There are some terms that need to be defined in this study for clarity and further

understanding and these are the following:

 Bullying - is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggres-

sively dominate others.

 Bully - a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are


 Victim – the so called “bullied” the one who is weak.

 Cyber bullying - Involves the use of information and communication technolo-

gies such as e-mail, cell phone and pager text messages, instant messaging,

defamatory personal Web sites, and defamatory online personal polling Web

sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or

group, that is intended to harm others.

 Screen name - A screen name is a made up name that people use in order to

identify themselves. These names are generally not anywhere near the person's

real name and are easily changeable.

 Social Media - websites and applications that enable users to create and share

content or to participate in social networking.




According to the study of Sharon Padgett and Jessica Roden, the word cyber

bullying did not even exist a decade ago, yet the problem has become a pervasive one

today. Cyber bullies do not have to be strong or fast; they just need access to a cell

phone or computer and a desire to terrorize. Anyone can be a cyber-bully, and such

persons usually have few worries about having face-to-face confrontation with their

victims. In fact, the anonymity of cyber bullying may cause students who normally

would not bully in the tradition-sense to become a cyber-bully.

According to the “Bullying and Cyber bullying: History, statistics, law,

prevention, and analysis” by Richard Donegan of Elon Univeristy in America,

Technology’s progression is often equated with the advancement of human societies.

Pivotal innovations, such as the Internet, have forever changed how people interact.

Though these developments have allowed the human race to make great strides in many

fields, they have also allowed forms of transgression to become more rampant and

widespread. This is evident when considering how traditional bullying has evolved into

an issue today known as cyber bullying. While bullying and cyber bullying are often

similar in terms of form and technique they also have many differences. Unlike

traditional bullying, cyber bullying allows the offender to mask his or her in against a

victim without having to see the victim’s physical response. The distancing

effect that technological devices have on today’s youth often leads them to say and do
crueler things compared to what is typical in a traditional face-to-face bullying


According to Mesch (2009), cyber bullying emerges most commonly from

relationship problems (break-ups, envy, intolerance, and ganging up); victims

experience powerfully negative effects (especially on their social well-being); and the

reactive behavior from schools and students is generally inappropriate, absent, or


Smith et al (2008), found in line with Raskauskas and Stoltz (2007), that cyber

victims had also often been traditional victims, and cyber bullies had often been

traditional bullies; many traditional victims or bullies were not cyber victims or bullies,

since cyber bullying is substantially less frequent. Cyber victims are more dependent

upon the internet, feel less popular, take more internet-related risks, are more often a

bystander and perpetrator of internet and mobile phone bullying, and are less often a

perpetrator and more often a victim of traditional bullying.

According to Guilia Mura, Cidgem Topcu, Ozgur Erdur-Baker of Middle East

University, the study underlined a high occurrence of ICT usage and the experience of

both cyber bullying and cyber victimization among two samples. It seems likely that

cyber bullying and victimization may be more connected to the use of ICT than

nationality and cultural factors, as Italian and Turkish seem to share very close

experiences in the usage of ICT. Moreover, while previous studies usually detected

dentity behind a computer. This anonymity makes it easier for the offender to strike blows cyber

bullying and victimization among secondary school students, the research shows

the presence of such phenomena also in older and more educated age groups.

According to From classroom to “chat room: perception of cyber bullying in Hong

Kong schools” by University of Hong Kong, Bullying has been recognized for a long

time, but a question remains about the seriousness of traditional bullying and cyber
bullying in Hong Kong. Moreover, it is essential to explore whether there are any

changing patterns between traditional bullying and cyber bullying. Thus the following

is going to analyze the seriousness of bullying in Hong Kong and try to determine

whether any prediction can be made on the trend of traditional bullying and cyber

bullying. Wong suggested that school banding is related to school bullying and that

schools with higher academic achievements have less bullying. He also explained that

students with better academic results may have some personality characteristics such as

high conscientiousness, obedience and self-discipline which are contrary to bullying.


From the findings of the study based on the conclusion drawn the following :

1. If you're always active on social media and posts something, be careful of what your

posts are. It can be the cause of cyber bullying. The bully might take advantage of what

you have posted and make stories that not even true or the bully may say bad things

about your post which can hurt your feelings.

2. Whether you post or comment on someone's post, always remember to think first

before you click. Your comment might offend others by misinterpreting your words or

they may misunderstand your point and that may lead to an argument.

3. If somebody have an argument with you, don't say your opinion publicly because

others might join the argument and it'll just be huge without you both noticing. If you
want him/her to hear your point, you can talk or chat privately so that you both can

focus on your point of view, let each others take turns on your own explanations and be

peaceful as you go with your conversation.

4. If you happen to see a bullying incident on social media or if you experience it with

the use of your account, you can report it on their site or you can also block the bully's

account while you wait for the response of your report.

5. If you already experienced cyber bullying and been traumatized of the incident, it'll

be wise if you try to not be on social media for awhile and go on a counselling session.

After that, you can be back again with your normal life which you can be active again

on social media and forget what happened. Just be careful and if another bully happens

to bully you, just ignore it. Focus on the positive side of social media and have more

positive outlook in your life.

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