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Instrument for reading skill

(integrated with speaking, and writing skill)

Level of learner : senior high school

Topic : report text

Activities :

1. Each student must make a text that is related to the report text.
2. The teacher instruct the student to make a video by reading the text they had made
(students improvise as if they were news anchor).
3. Students put the video's file together in one folder for one class (like on a flash drive).
4. Collect the folder and also the text to the teacher.

Rubric assessment for reading skills

Aspek Skor Total
50 60 70 80
1 Fluency
2 Accuracy
3 Pronunciation
4 intonation

50 Bila terjadi hesitasi

60 Lancar, tetapi masih ada hesitasi
1. Fluency 70 Lancar
80 Sangat lancar
50 Semua ucapan tidak dapat dipahami
60 Sebagian kecil ucapan sudah dapat
2. Accuracy 70 dipahami
80 Sebagian besar ucapan sudah dapat
Semua ucapan dapat dipahami
50 Hamper semua ucapan tidak benar
3. Pronunciation 60 Sebagian kecil ucapan sudah benar
70 Sebagian besar ucapan benar
80 Semua ucapan benar
50 Tekanan/irama semua kata salah
60 Tekanan/irama sebagian kecil kata benar
4. Intonation 70 Tekanan/irama sebagian besar kata benar
80 Tekanan/irama semua kata,frasa, kalimat

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