First Division

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FIRST DIVISION introduced into the land amounting to P35,000,000.

00, to
Monte de Piedad Savings Bank, as security for a loan in the
G.R. No. 123855 November 20, 2000 amount of P20,000,000.00.5

NEREO J. PACULDO, petitioner, On August 12, 1992, and on subsequent dates thereafter,
vs. respondent refused to accept petitioner’s daily rental
BONIFACIO C. REGALADO, respondent. payments.6

DECISION On August 20, 1992, petitioner filed with the Regional Trial
Court, Quezon City an action for injunction and damages
seeking to enjoin respondent from disturbing his possession
of the property subject of the lease contract.7 On the same
day, respondent filed with the Metropolitan Trial Court,
The case before the Court is an appeal via certiorari seeking Quezon City a complaint for ejectment against petitioner.
to set aside the decision of the Court of Appeals1 which Attached to the complaint were the two (2) demand letters
affirmed that of the Regional Trial Court, Quezon City, and dated July 6 and July 17, 1992.8
the Metropolitan Trial Court, Quezon City ordering the
ejectment of petitioner from the property subject of the
On August 25, 1992, five (5) days after the filing of the
ejectment complaint, respondent moved to withdraw the
complaint on the ground that certain details had been
The facts are as follows: omitted in the complaint and must be re-computed.

On December 27, 1990, petitioner Nereo J. Paculdo On April 22, 1993, respondent re-filed the ejectment
(hereafter Nereo) and respondent Bonifacio C. Regalado complaint with the Metropolitan Trial Court, Quezon City.
(hereafter Bonifacio) entered into a contract of lease over a Computed from August 1992 until March 31, 1993, the
16,478 square meter parcel of land with a wet market monthly reasonable compensation that petitioner was
building, located along Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, liable for was in the total sum of P3,924,000.00.9
Fairview Park, Quezon City. The contract was for twenty five
(25) years, commencing on January 1, 1991 and ending on
On January 31, 1994, the Metropolitan Trial Court, Quezon
December 31, 2015. For the first five (5) years of the
City rendered a decision in favor of respondent, the
contract beginning December 27, 1990, Nereo would pay a
dispositive portion of which reads:
monthly rental of P450,000.00, payable within the first five
(5) days of each month at Bonifacio’s office, with a 2%
penalty for every month of late payment. "WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the
plaintiff and against the defendant, as follows:
Aside from the above lease, petitioner leased eleven (11)
other property from respondent, ten (10) of which were "1. Ordering the defendant and all persons
located within the Fairview compound, while the eleventh claiming right under him to vacate the leased
was located along Quirino Highway, Quezon City. Petitioner premises located at Don Mariano Marcos
also purchased from respondent eight (8) units of heavy Avenue, Fairview Park, Quezon City, Metro-
equipment and vehicles in the aggregate amount of Manila covered by Transfer Certificate of Title
P1,020,000.00. RT-6883 of the Registry of Deeds of Quezon City;

On account of petitioner’s failure to pay P361,895.552 in "2. Ordering the defendant to pay the sum of
rental for the month of May, 1992, and the monthly rental P527,119.27 representing the unpaid monthly
of P450,000.00 for the months of June and July 1992, on July rentals as of June 30, 1992 plus 2% interest
6, 1992, respondent sent a demand letter to petitioner thereon;
demanding payment of the back rentals, and if no payment
was made within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the letter, "3. Ordering the defendant to pay the sum of
it would cause the cancellation of the lease contract.3 P450,000.00 a month plus 2% interest thereon
Another demand letter followed this on July 17, 1992, starting July 1992 and every month thereafter
reiterating the demand for payment and for petitioner to until the defendant and all persons claiming right
vacate the subject premises.4 under him shall have actually vacated the
premises and surrender possession thereof to
Without the knowledge of petitioner, on August 3, 1992, the plaintiff;
respondent mortgaged the land subject of the lease
contract, including the improvements which petitioner
"4. Ordering the defendant to pay the sum of At issue is whether petitioner was truly in arrears in the
P5,000,000.00 as and for attorney’s fees; and payment of rentals on the subject property at the time of
the filing of the complaint for ejectment.
"5. Ordering the defendant to pay the costs of
suit. As found by the Metropolitan Trial Court and Regional Trial
Court, petitioner made a total payment of P10,949,447.18,
"SO ORDERED."10 to respondent as of July 2, 1992.

In time, petitioner appealed to the Regional Trial Court, If the payment made by respondent applied to petitioner’s
Quezon City, Branch 220.11 other obligations is set aside, and the amount petitioner
paid be applied purely to the rentals on the Fairview wet
market building, there would be an excess payment of
On February 19, 1994, respondent, with the support of fifty
P1,049,447.18 as of July 2, 1992. The computation in such
(50) armed security guards forcibly entered the property
case would be as follows:
and took possession of the wet market building.12

On July 6, 1994, the Regional Trial Court, Quezon City, Amount paid as of July 2,
Branch 220 rendered a decision affirming in toto the 1992
decision of the Metropolitan Trial Court, to wit:
"WHEREFORE, the appealed decision dated January 31, Monthly rent from
1994, for being in accordance with the evidence presented January 1991-July 1992
and the law on the matter, is hereby affirmed in toto. P450,000.00 x 19 months P 8,550,000.00

"Let a writ of execution issue against defendant and his Less:

surety, to answer for the decision of the lower court."13
Security deposit P 1,350,000.00
On the same day, the Regional Trial Court issued a writ of
execution14 whereupon, petitioner vacated the subject Excess amount paid P 1,049,447.18
premises voluntarily. By July 12, 1994, petitioner had
completely turned over possession of subject property to
respondent. In the letter dated November 19, 1991, respondent
proposed that petitioner’s security deposit for the Quirino
Meanwhile, on July 21, 1994, petitioner filed a petition for lot, in the amount of P643,276.48, be applied as partial
review with the Court of Appeals.15 He alleged that he had payment for his account under the subject lot as well as to
paid the amount of P11,478,121.85 for security deposit and real estate taxes on the Quirino lot.20 Petitioner interposed
rentals on the wet market building, but respondent, no objection, as evidenced by his signature signifying his
without his consent, applied portions of the payment to his conformity thereto.
other obligations. The vouchers and receipts indicated that
the payments made were for rentals. Thus, at the time of In an earlier letter, dated July 15, 1991,21 respondent
payment petitioner had declared as to which obligation the informed petitioner that the payment was to be applied not
payment must be applied. only to petitioner’s accounts under both the subject land
and the Quirino lot but also to heavy equipment bought by
On February 10, 1995, the Court of Appeals promulgated its the latter from respondent. Petitioner claimed that the
decision finding that petitioner impliedly consented to amount applied as payment for the heavy equipment was
respondent’s application of payment to his other critical because it was equivalent to more than two (2)
obligations and, thus, dismissed the petition for lack of months rental of the subject property, which was the basis
merit.16 for the ejectment case in the Metropolitan Trial Court.

On March 3, 1995, petitioner filed a motion for The controversy stemmed from the fact that unlike the
reconsideration;17 however, on February 9, 1996 the Court November 19, 1991 letter, which bore a conformity portion
of Appeals denied the motion.18 with petitioner’s signature, the July 15, 1991 letter did not
contain the signature of petitioner.
Hence, this appeal.19
In nevertheless concluding that petitioner gave his consent
thereto, the Court of Appeals upheld both the lower court’s
and trial court’s findings that petitioner received the second
letter and its attachment and he raised no objection There was no clear assent by petitioner to the change in the
thereto. manner of application of payment.1âwphi1 The petitioner’s
silence as regards the application of payment by
In other words, would petitioner’s failure to object to the respondent cannot mean that he consented thereto. There
letter of July 15, 1991 and its proposed application of was no meeting of the minds. Though an offer may be
payments amount to consent to such application? made, the acceptance of such offer must be unconditional
and unbounded in order that concurrence can give rise to a
perfected contract.25 Hence, petitioner could not be in
Petitioner submits that his silence is not consent but is in
fact a rejection.

Assuming arguendo that, as alleged by respondent,

The right to specify which among his various obligations to
petitioner did not, at the time the payments were made,
the same creditor is to be satisfied first rests with the
choose the obligation to be satisfied first, respondent may
debtor,22 as provided by law, to wit:
exercise the right to apply the payments to the other
obligations of petitioner. But this is subject to the condition
"Article 1252. He who has various debts of the same kind in that the petitioner must give his consent. Petitioner’s
favor of one and the same creditor, may declare at the time silence is not tantamount to consent. The consent must be
of making the payment, to which of them the same must be clear and definite.
applied. Unless the parties so stipulate, or when the
application of payment is made by the party for whose
Under the law, if the debtor did not declare at the time he
benefit the term has been constituted, application shall not
made the payment to which of his debts with the creditor
be made as to debts which are not yet due.
the payment is to be applied, the law provided the
guideline--no payment is to be made to a debt that is not
If the debtor accepts from the creditor a receipt in which an yet due26 and the payment has to be applied first to the debt
application of the payment is made, the former cannot most onerous to the debtor.27
complain of the same, unless there is a cause for
invalidating the contract."23
In the instant case, the purchase price of the eight (8) heavy
equipment was not yet due at the time the payment was
At the time petitioner made the payments, he made it clear made, for there was no date set for such payment. Neither
to respondent that they were to be applied to his rental was there a demand by the creditor to make the obligation
obligations on the Fairview wet market property. Though he to pay the purchase price due and demandable.28 Hence,
entered into various contracts and obligations with the application made by respondent is contrary to the
respondent, including a lease contract over eleven (11) provisions of the law.
property in Quezon City and sale of eight (8) heavy
equipment, all the payments made, about P11, 000,000.00,
The lease over the Fairview wet market property is the most
were to be applied to rental and security deposit on the
onerous among all the obligations of petitioner to
Fairview wet market property.
respondent. It was established that the wet market is a
going-concern and that petitioner has invested about
Respondent Regalado argues that assuming that petitioner P35,000,000.00, in the form of improvements, on the
expressed at the time of payment which among his property. Hence, petitioner would stand to lose more if the
obligations were to be satisfied first, petitioner is estopped lease would be rescinded, than if the contract of sale of
by his assent to the application made by the respondent. heavy equipment would not proceed.
This assent is inferred from the silence of petitioner on the
July 15, 1991 letter24 containing a statement of the
The decision of the Court of Appeals was based on a
application of payments, which was different from the
misapprehension of the facts and the law on the application
application made by petitioner. A big chunk of the amount
of payment. Hence, the ejectment case subject of the
paid by petitioner went into the satisfaction of an obligation
instant petition must be dismissed, without prejudice to the
which was not yet due and demandable--the payment of
determination and settlement of the money claims of the
the eight (8) heavy equipment amounting to about
parties inter se.

WHEREFORE, the Court GRANTS the petition. The Court

The statement of account prepared by respondent was not
REVERSES and SETS ASIDE the decision of the Court of
the receipt contemplated under the law. The receipt is the
Appeals in CA-G. R. SP No. 34634.
evidence of payment executed at the time of payment, and
not the statement of account executed several days
thereafter. ACCORDINGLY, the Court REVERSES the decision of the
Regional Trial Court, Quezon City, Branch 220 in Civil Case
No. 94-20813, and dismisses the complaint filed with the
Metropolitan Trial Court, Quezon City, Branch 36 in Civil
Case No. MTC XXXVI-7089.

No costs.


Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman), Puno, Kapunan, and Ynares-

Santiago, JJ., concur.
SECOND DIVISION then in the currency which is legal tender in the
Philippines. The Court en banc in the recent case of
[G.R. No. 72110. November 16, 1990.] Philippine Airlines v. Court of Appeals, (Promulgated on
January 30, 1990) G.R. No. L-49188, stated thus: Since a
ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP OF MALOLOS, INC., Petitioner, negotiable instrument is only a substitute for money and
v. INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT, and ROBES- not money, the delivery of such an instrument does not,
FRANCISCO REALTY AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, by itself, operate as payment (citing Sec. 189, Act 2031 on
Respondents. Negs. Insts.; Art. 1249, Civil Code; Bryan London Co. v.
American Bank, 7 Phil. 255; Tan Sunco v. Santos, 9 Phil. 44;
Rodrigo Law Office for Petitioner. 21 R.C.L. 60, 61). A check, whether a manager’s check or
ordinary check, is not legal tender, and an offer of a check
Antonio P. Barredo and Napoleon M. Malinas for Private in payment of a debt is not a valid tender of payment and
Respondent. may be refused receipt by the obligee or creditor. Hence,
where the tender of payment by the private respondent
was not valid for failure to comply with the requisite
SYLLABUS payment in legal tender or currency stipulated within the
grace period and as such, was validly refused receipt by
the petitioner, the subsequent consignation did not
1. CIVIL LAW; CONTRACTS; TENDER OF PAYMENT; CANNOT operate to discharge the former from its obligation to the
CIRCUMSTANCES. — We agree with the petitioner that a
finding that the private respondent had sufficient available 3. ID.; ID.; OBLIGATIONS ARISING THEREFROM HAVE THE
funds on or before the grace period for the payment of its FORCE OF LAW BETWEEN THE CONTRACTING PARTIES. —
obligation does not constitute proof of tender of payment Art. 1159 of the Civil Code of the Philippines provides that
by the latter for its obligation within the said period. "obligations arising from contracts have the force of law
Tender of payment involves a positive and unconditional between the contracting parties and should be complied
act by the obligor of offering legal tender currency as with in good faith." And unless the stipulations in said
payment to the obligee for the former’s obligation and contract are contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
demanding that the latter accept the same. Thus, tender order, or public policy, the same are binding as between
of payment cannot be presumed by a mere inference from the parties. (Article 1409, Civil Code, par. 1). What the
surrounding circumstances. At most, sufficiency of private respondent should have done if it was indeed
available funds is only affirmative of the capacity or ability desirous of complying with its obligations would have been
of the obligor to fulfill his part of the bargain. But whether to pay the petitioner within the grace period and obtain a
or not the obligor avails himself of such funds to settle his receipt of such payment duly issued by the latter.
outstanding account remains to be proven by independent Thereafter, or, allowing a reasonable time, the private
and credible evidence. Tender of payment presupposes respondent could have demanded from the petitioner the
not only that the obligor is able, ready, and willing, but execution of the necessary documents. In case the
more so, in the act of performing his obligation. Ab posse petitioner refused, the private respondent could have had
ad actu non vale illatio. "A proof that an act could have always resorted to judicial action for the legitimate
been done is no proof that it was actually done." The enforcement of its right. For the failure of the private
respondent court was therefore in error to have concluded respondent to undertake this more judicious course of
from the sheer proof of sufficient available funds on the action, it alone shall suffer the consequences.
part of the private respondent to meet more than the total
obligation within the grace period, the alleged truth of 4. REMEDIAL LAW; APPEAL; FACTUAL FINDINGS OF TRIAL
tender of payment. The same is a classic case of non- COURT AS A RULE, SHOULD BE ACCORDED FULL
sequitur. CONSIDERATION AND RESPECT. — On the contrary, the
respondent court finds itself remiss in overlooking or
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; NOT VALIDLY CONSTITUTED BY PAYMENT taking lightly the more important findings of fact made by
OF A CERTIFIED PERSONAL CHECK. — With regard to the the trial court which we have earlier mentioned and which
third issue, granting arguendo that we would rule as a rule, are entitled to great weight on appeal and should
affirmatively on the two preceding issues, the case of the be accorded full consideration and respect and should not
private respondent still can not succeed in view of the fact be disturbed unless for strong and cogent reasons.
that the latter used a certified personal check which is not (Natividad del Rosario Vda. de Alberto v. Court of Appeals,
legal tender nor the currency stipulated, and therefore, G.R. 29759, May 18, 1989; Matabuena v. Court of Appeals,
can not constitute valid tender of payment. The first G.R. 76542, May 5, 1989).
paragraph of Art. 1249 of the Civil Code provides that "the
payment of debts in money shall be made in the currency 5. ID.; SUPREME COURT; INSTANCES WHEN THE COURT
stipulated, and if it is not possible to deliver such currency, HAS TO REVIEW THE EVIDENCE. — While the Court is not a
trier of facts, yet, when the findings of fact of the Court of A chronological narration of the antecedent facts is as
Appeals are at variance with those of the trial court, follows:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
(Robleza v. Court of Appeals, G.R. 80364, June 28, 1989) or
when the inference of the Court of Appeals from its On July 7, 1971, the subject contract over the land in
findings of fact is manifestly mistaken, (Reynolds Philippine question was executed between the petitioner as vendor
Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. 38187, January 17, and the private respondent through its then president, Mr.
1987) the Court has to review the evidence in order to Carlos F. Robes, as vendee, stipulating for a downpayment
arrive at the correct findings based on the record. of P23,930.00 and the balance of P100,000.00 plus 12%
interest per annum to be paid within four (4) years from
execution of the contract, that is, on or before July 7, 1975.
DECISION The contract likewise provides for cancellation, forfeiture of
previous payments, and reconveyance of the land in
question in case the private respondent would fail to
SARMIENTO, J.: complete payment within the said period.

On March 12, 1973, the private respondent, through its new

This is a petition for review on certiorari which seeks the president, Atty. Adalia Francisco, addressed a letter 6 to
reversal and setting aside of the decision 1 of the Court of Father Vasquez, parish priest of San Jose Del Monte,
Appeals, 2 the dispositive portion of which Bulacan, requesting to be furnished with a copy of the
reads:chanrobles law library : red subject contract and the supporting documents.

WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby On July 17, 1975, admittedly after the expiration of the
reversed and set aside and another one entered for the stipulated period for payment, the same Atty. Francisco
plaintiff ordering the defendant-appellee Roman Catholic wrote the petitioner a formal request 7 that her company
Bishop of Malolos, Inc. to accept the balance of P124,000.00 be allowed to pay the principal amount of P100,000.00 in
being paid by plaintiff-appellant and thereafter to execute three (3) equal installments of six (6) months each with the
in favor of Robes-Francisco Realty Corporation a first installment and the accrued interest of P24,000.00 to
registerable Deed of Absolute Sale over 20,655 square be paid immediately upon approval of the said request.
meters portion of that parcel of land situated in San Jose del
Monte, Bulacan described in OCT No. 575 (now Transfer On July 29, 1975, the petitioner, through its counsel, Atty.
Certificates of Title Nos. T-169493, 169494,169495 and Carmelo Fernandez, formally denied the said request of the
169496) of the Register of Deeds of Bulacan. In case of private respondent, but granted the latter a grace period of
refusal of the defendant to execute the Deed of Final Sale, five (5) days from the receipt of the denial 8 to pay the total
the clerk of court is directed to execute the said document. balance of P124,000.00, otherwise, the provisions of the
Without pronouncement as to damages and attorney’s contract regarding cancellation, forfeiture, and
fees. Costs against the defendant-appellee. 3 reconveyance would be implemented.

The case at bar arose from a complaint filed by the private On August 4, 1975, the private respondent, through its
respondent, then plaintiff, against the petitioner, then president, Atty. Francisco, wrote 9 the counsel of the
defendant, in the Court of First Instance (now Regional Trial petitioner requesting an extension of 30 days from said date
Court) of Bulacan, at Sta. Maria, Bulacan, 4 for specific to fully settle its account. The counsel for the petitioner,
performance with damages, based on a contract 5 executed Atty. Fernandez, received the said letter on the same day.
on July 7, 1971. Upon consultation with the petitioner in Malolos, Bulacan,
Atty. Fernandez, as instructed, wrote the private
The property subject matter of the contract consists of a respondent a letter 10 dated August 7, 1975 informing the
20,655 sq.m.-portion, out of the 30,655 sq.m. total area, of latter of the denial of the request for an extension of the
a parcel of land covered by Original Certificate of Title No. grace period.
575 of the Province of Bulacan, issued and registered in the
name of the petitioner which it sold to the private Consequently, Atty. Francisco, the private respondent’s
respondent for and in consideration of president, wrote a letter 11 dated August 22, 1975, directly
P123,930.00.chanrobles virtual lawlibrary addressed to the petitioner, protesting the alleged refusal
of the latter to accept tender of payment purportedly made
The crux of the instant controversy lies in the compliance or by the former on August 5, 1975, the last day of the grace
non-compliance by the private respondent with the period. In the same letter of August 22, 1975, received on
provision for payment to the petitioner of the principal the following day by the petitioner, the private respondent
balance of P100,000.00 and the accrued interest of demanded the execution of a deed of absolute sale over the
P24,000.00 within the grace period. land in question and after which it would pay its account in
full, otherwise, judicial action would be resorted : virtual law library a decision in favor of the petitioner, the dispositive portion
of which reads:chanrobles virtual lawlibrary
On August 27, 1975, the petitioner’s counsel, Atty.
Fernandez, wrote a reply 12 to the private respondent WHEREFORE, finding plaintiff to have failed to make out its
stating the refusal of his client to execute the deed of case, the court hereby declares the subject contract
absolute sale due to its (private respondent’s) failure to pay cancelled and plaintiff’s downpayment of P23,930.00
its full obligation. Moreover, the petitioner denied that the forfeited in favor of defendant, and hereby dismisses the
private respondent had made any tender of payment complaint; and on the counterclaim, the Court orders
whatsoever within the grace period. In view of this alleged plaintiff to pay defendant.
breach of contract, the petitioner cancelled the contract
and considered all previous payments forfeited and the (1) Attorney’s fees of P10,000.00;
land as ipso facto reconveyed.
(2) Litigation expenses of P2,000.00; and
From a perusal of the foregoing facts, we find that both the
contending parties have conflicting versions on the main (3) Judicial costs.
question of tender of payment.
The trial court, in its ratiocination, preferred not to give
credence to the evidence presented by the private Not satisfied with the said decision, the private respondent
Respondent. According to the trial court:chanrob1es virtual appealed to the respondent Intermediate Appellate Court
1aw library (now Court of Appeals) assigning as reversible errors,
among others, the findings of the trial court that the
. . . What made Atty. Francisco suddenly decide to pay available funds of the private respondent were insufficient
plaintiff’s obligation on August 5, 1975, go to defendant’s and that the latter did not effect a valid tender of payment
office at Malolos, and there tender her payment, when her and consignation.
request of August 4, 1975 had not yet been acted upon until
August 7, 1975? If Atty. Francisco had decided to pay the The respondent court, in reversing the decision of the trial
obligation and had available funds for the purpose on court, essentially relies on the following
August 5, 1975, then there would have been no need for findings:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
her to write defendant on August 4, 1975 to request an
extension of time. Indeed, Atty. Francisco’s claim that she . . . We are convinced from the testimony of Atty. Adalia
made a tender of payment on August 5, 1975 — such Francisco and her witnesses that in behalf of the plaintiff-
alleged act, considered in relation to the circumstances appellant they have a total available sum of P364,840.00 at
both antecedent and subsequent thereto, being not in her and at the plaintiff’s disposal on or before August 4,
accord with the normal pattern of human conduct — is not 1975 to answer for the obligation of the plaintiff-appellant.
worthy of credence. 13 It was not correct for the trial court to conclude that the
plaintiff-appellant had only about P64,840.00 in savings
The trial court likewise noted the inconsistency in the deposit on or before August 5, 1975, a sum not enough to
testimony of Atty. Francisco, president of the private pay the outstanding account of P124,000.00. The plaintiff-
respondent, who earlier testified that a certain Mila appellant, through Atty. Francisco proved and the trial court
Policarpio accompanied her on August 5, 1975 to the office even acknowledged that Atty. Adalia Francisco had about
of the petitioner. Another person, however, named Aurora P300,000.00 in money market placement. The error of the
Oracion, was presented to testify as the secretary- trial court has in concluding that the money market
companion of Atty. Francisco on that same occasion. placement of P300,000.00 was out of reach of Atty.
Francisco. But as testified to by Mr. Catalino Estrella, a
Furthermore, the trial court considered as fatal the failure representative of the Insular Bank of Asia and America, Atty.
of Atty. Francisco to present in court the certified personal Francisco could withdraw anytime her money market
check allegedly tendered as payment or, at least, its xerox placement and place it at her disposal, thus proving her
copy, or even bank records thereof. Finally, the trial court financial capability of meeting more than the whole of
found that the private respondent had insufficient funds P124,000.00 then due per contract. This situation, We
available to fulfill the entire obligation considering that the believe, proves the truth that Atty. Francisco apprehensive
latter, through its president, Atty. Francisco, only had a that her request for a 30-day grace period would be denied,
savings account deposit of P64,840.00, and although the she tendered payment on August 4, 1975 which offer
latter had a money-market placement of P300,000.00, the defendant through its representative and counsel refused
same was to mature only after the expiration of the 5-day to receive. . .15 (Emphasis supplied)
grace period.
In other words, the respondent court, finding that the
Based on the above considerations, the trial court rendered private respondent had sufficient available funds, ipso facto
concluded that the latter had tendered payment. Is such obligation. Ab posse ad actu non vale illatio. "A proof that
conclusion warranted by the facts proven? The petitioner an act could have been done is no proof that it was actually
submits that it is not.cralawnad done."cralaw virtua1aw library

Hence, this petition. 16 The respondent court was therefore in error to have
concluded from the sheer proof of sufficient available funds
The petitioner presents the following issues for on the part of the private respondent to meet more than
resolution:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library the total obligation within the grace period, the alleged
truth of tender of payment. The same is a classic case of
x x x non-sequitur.chanrobles virtual lawlibrary

On the contrary, the respondent court finds itself remiss in

A. Is a finding that private respondent had sufficient overlooking or taking lightly the more important findings of
available funds on or before the grace period for the fact made by the trial court which we have earlier
payment of its obligation proof that it (private respondent) mentioned and which as a rule, are entitled to great weight
did tender of (sic) payment for its said obligation within said on appeal and should be accorded full consideration and
period? respect and should not be disturbed unless for strong and
cogent reasons. 18
x x x
While the Court is not a trier of facts, yet, when the findings
of fact of the Court of Appeals are at variance with those of
B. Is it the legal obligation of the petitioner (as vendor) to the trial court, 19 or when the inference of the Court of
execute a deed of absolute sale in favor of the private Appeals from its findings of fact is manifestly mistaken, 20
respondent (as vendee) before the latter has actually paid the Court has to review the evidence in order to arrive at
the complete consideration of the sale — where the the correct findings based on the record.
contract between and executed by the parties stipulates —
Apropos the second issue raised, although admittedly the
"That upon complete payment of the agreed consideration documents for the deed of absolute sale had not been
by the herein VENDEE, the VENDOR shall cause the prepared, the subject contract clearly provides that the full
execution of a Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of the payment by the private respondent is an a priori condition
VENDEE."cralaw virtua1aw library for the execution of the said documents by the petitioner.

x x x. That upon complete payment of the agreed consideration

by the herein VENDEE, the VENDOR shall cause the
C. Is an offer of a check a valid tender of payment of an execution of a Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of the VENDEE.
obligation under a contract which stipulates that the 21
consideration of the sale is in Philippine Currency? 17
The private respondent is therefore in estoppel to claim
We find the petition impressed with merit. otherwise as the latter did in the testimony in cross-
examination of its president, Atty. Francisco, which
With respect to the first issue, we agree with the petitioner reads:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
that a finding that the private respondent had sufficient
available funds on or before the grace period for the Q Now, you mentioned, Atty. Francisco, that you wanted
payment of its obligation does not constitute proof of the defendant to execute the final deed of sale before you
tender of payment by the latter for its obligation within the would given (sic) the personal certified check in payment of
said period. Tender of payment involves a positive and your balance, is that correct?
unconditional act by the obligor of offering legal tender
currency as payment to the obligee for the former’s A Yes, sir. 22
obligation and demanding that the latter accept the same.
Thus, tender of payment cannot be presumed by a mere x x x
inference from surrounding circumstances. At most,
sufficiency of available funds is only affirmative of the
capacity or ability of the obligor to fulfill his part of the Art. 1159 of the Civil Code of the Philippines provides that
bargain. But whether or not the obligor avails himself of "obligations arising from contracts have the force of law
such funds to settle his outstanding account remains to be between the contracting parties and should be complied
proven by independent and credible evidence. Tender of with in good faith." And unless the stipulations in said
payment presupposes not only that the obligor is able, contract are contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
ready, and willing, but more so, in the act of performing his order, or public policy, the same are binding as between the
parties.23 GRANTED and the DECISION of the respondent court
promulgated on April 25, 1985 is hereby SET ASIDE and
What the private respondent should have done if it was ANNULLED and the DECISION of the trial court dated May
indeed desirous of complying with its obligations would 25, 1981 is hereby REINSTATED. Costs against the private
have been to pay the petitioner within the grace period and Respondent.
obtain a receipt of such payment duly issued by the latter.
Thereafter, or, allowing a reasonable time, the private SO ORDERED.
respondent could have demanded from the petitioner the
execution of the necessary documents. In case the Melencio-Herrera, Paras and Regalado, JJ., concur.
petitioner refused, the private respondent could have had
always resorted to judicial action for the legitimate Padilla, J., took no part.
enforcement of its right. For the failure of the private
respondent to undertake this more judicious course of
action, it alone shall suffer the

With regard to the third issue, granting arguendo that we

would rule affirmatively on the two preceding issues, the
case of the private respondent still can not succeed in view
of the fact that the latter used a certified personal check
which is not legal tender nor the currency stipulated, and
therefore, can not constitute valid tender of payment. The
first paragraph of Art. 1249 of the Civil Code provides that
"the payment of debts in money shall be made in the
currency stipulated, and if it is not possible to deliver such
currency, then in the currency which is legal tender in the

The Court en banc in the recent case of Philippine Airlines

v. Court of Appeals, 24 G.R. No. L-49188, stated
thus:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

Since a negotiable instrument is only a substitute for money

and not money, the delivery of such an instrument does
not, by itself, operate as payment (citing Sec. 189, Act 2031
on Negs. Insts.; Art. 1249, Civil Code; Bryan London Co. v.
American Bank, 7 Phil. 255; Tan Sunco v. Santos, 9 Phil. 44;
21 R.C.L. 60, 61). A check, whether a manager’s check or
ordinary check, is not legal tender, and an offer of a check
in payment of a debt is not a valid tender of payment and
may be refused receipt by the obligee or creditor.

Hence, where the tender of payment by the private

respondent was not valid for failure to comply with the
requisite payment in legal tender or currency stipulated
within the grace period and as such, was validly refused
receipt by the petitioner, the subsequent consignation did
not operate to discharge the former from its obligation to
the latter.

In view of the foregoing, the petitioner in the legitimate

exercise of its rights pursuant to the subject contract, did
validly order therefore the cancellation of the said contract,
the forfeiture of the previous payment, and the
reconveyance ipso facto of the land in question.chanrobles
lawlibrary : rednad

WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari is

FIRST DIVISION March 1987 a copy of the pertinent deed of sale between
spouses Leonardo and respondent Bitoon.
G.R. No. 118599 June 26, 1998
On 27 July 1987 petitioner filed an amended complaint
ANICETO 1 M. QUINO, Petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, impleading Jose Bitoon as additional defendant. However,
PURIFICACION L. CANSON, EDITHA G. LEONARDO, on 8 October 1990 the trial court dismissed the original as
CARMELITA L. MORI, JOSEFINA L. BAIS, AIDA L. COLLYER, well as the amended complaint after finding that majority
ANTONIO G. LEONARDO, RUDOLFO G. LEONARDO, of the esential requisites of tenancy relationship between
ROBERTO G. LEONARDO and TERESA L. REGNER, in the parties did not exist. 3
and JOSE BITOON, Respondents. The Court of Appeals however arrived at an entirely
different evaluation of the evidence. 4 On 5 August 1994 it
held that all the essential requisites for tenancy relationship
were present, and being a tenant petitioner was entitled to
the rights of preemption and redemption under Secs. 11
and 12, respectively, of RA No. 3844. Nevertheless it noted
a stumbling block to petitioner's complete victory thus -
On 29 October 1974 Bernarda and Rosario Galan sold their
agricultural land with an area of 2.3926 hectares situated in
Be that as it may, since the land in question had already
Basak, Compostela, Cebu, to spouses Antonio Leonardo Sr.
pass(ed) on to defendant-appellee Jose Bitoon, and
and Josefa Galan for P2,000.00. More than a decade later,
plaintiff-appellant's quest against defendant-appellees
or on 30 October 1986, petitioner Aniceto Quiño filed a
spouses Antonio Leonardo and Josefa Galan may be
complaint for redemption of the property against the
considered moot and academic under RA 3844, Section 10,
vendees claiming that he had been instituted as tenant
defendant-appelle Jose Bitoon having been subrogated to
thereon by the Galans since 1951; consequently, he had the
the rights and obligations of his predecessors-in-interest,
right to be notified in writing of the owners' intention to sell
his obligation under the law to the tenant-plaintiff
the property to enable him to exercise his right of
continues and subsists, that if he decides to sell the land,
preemption under Sec. 11 of RA No. 3844 2 but that
then plaintiff-appellant can still exercise his rights under
notwithstanding the Galans had not informed him of the
the law (Velasquez v. Nery, 211 SCRA 28, emphasis
sale. He claimed that he learned of the transaction only on
supplied). 5
1 September 1986 when he found out that the Leornardos
were already the new owners. He therefore prayed that he
be allowed to redeem the property and consigned the The appellate court decreed thus -
purchase price with the trial court on the same day he filed
his complaint. 1. declaring petitioner as tenant of Bernarda and Rosario
Galan and thereafter of their successor-in-interest,
Meanwhile, on 4 November 1986 the Leonardos sold the Antonio Leonardo Sr. substituted by his (nine) children and
property to private respondent Jose Bitoon for P30,000.00. in turn of the present owner, respondent Bitoon.;

On 12 November 1986 petitioner filed another complaint 2. ordering respondent Bitoon to reinstate petitioner as
against the same spouses for injunction with a prayer for a agricultural tenant and to maintain him in the peaceful
restraining order to enjoin his ejectment from the property. possession and enjoyment of the land tenanted by him;

During the pendency of the case, Antonio Leonardo Sr. died. 3. ordering the Clerk of Court of the trial court to return to
His childred, private respondents Purificacion L. Canson, petitioner the amount of two thousand pesos (P2,000.00)
Editha G. Leonardo, Carmelita, L. Mori, Josefina L. Bais, Aida which he consigned with the trial court as redemption
L. Collyer, Antonio G. Leonardo, Rudolfo G. Leonardo, price for the land in question, covered by O.R. No.
Roberto G. Leonardo and Teresa L. Ragner, were 9802404 J dated 30 October 1986; and,
substituted in his stead as co-defendants.
4. no pronouncement as to costs. 6
Something thereafter, petitioner received a letter from the
counsel of respondent Bitoon dated 24 November 1986 On 23 November 1994 respondent Court of Appeals denied
notifying him of the transfer of ownership of the land to his reconsideration. 7
client. As no supporting document was attached to the
letter to bolster counsel's claim, petitioner went to the The issue then is whether respondent Court of Appeals was
Notarial Division of the Capitol Building and obtained on 2 correct in holding that petitioner could not redeem the
property from respondent Bitoon unless the latter decided definitive. The law does not prescribe any particular form of
to sell it on the strength of the ruling in Velasquez v. Nery. 8 notice, nor any distinctive method for notifying the
redemptioner. So long as the redemptioner is informed in
Petitioner asserts that Velasquez is inapplicable because of writing of the sale and the particulars thereof, the period
the difference in factual circumstances. In that case, the for redemption will start running. 9 The letter received by
sale made by the landowners to a third party was by virtue petitioner, being bare, was not such written notice. It failed
of a court order and not as envisioned under Sec. 11 of RA to make certain the terms, particulars and validity of the
No. 3844. In other words, the right of the tenants therein to sale. Rather, only a copy of the deed of sale, in an authentic
preemptively purchase wa not violated. Hence the right of form, will satisfy the requirement of the law and serve the
redemption was unavailing to them. purpose thereof. Thus, it is proper to reckon the period of
redemption from receipt of the authentic document on 2
March 1987. The amended complaint filed on 27 July 1987
For a better understanding of the controversy, it is essential
is well within the redemption period of one hundred eighty
to discuss first the statutory right of redemption and
(180) days.
pertinent jurisprudence on the matter.

The preceding discussion leads us to the requirement

Sec. 12 of RA No. 3844 as amended by RA No. 6389 provides
concerning reasonable price and consideration. An offer to
redeem to be properly effected can either be through a
formal tender with consignation or by filing a complaint in
Sec. 12. Lessee's right Redemption. - In case the court coupled with consignation of the redemption price
landholding is sold to a third person without the within the prescribed period. 10 It must be stressed however
knowledge of the agricultural lessee, the latter shall have that in making a repurchase it is not sufficient that a person
the right to redeem the same at a reasonable price offering to redeem merely manifest his desire to purchase;
consideration . . . . The right of redemption under this this statement of intention must be accompanied by an
Section may be exercised within one hundred eighty days actual and simultaneous tender of payment which
from notice in writing which shall be served by the vendee constitutes the legal use or exercise of the right to
on all lessees affected and the Deaprtment of Agrarian repurchase. And the tender of payment must be for the full
Reform upon the registration of the sale . . . . The amount of the repurchase price, otherwise the offer to
redemption price shall be the reasonable price of the land redeem will be held ineffectual. 11 As to what constitutes
at the time of the sale . . . . reasonable price and consideration, the valuation placed by
the Leonardo spouses and respondent Bitoon themselves
Simply stated, in the event that the landholding is sold to a as price of the land must be taken to be such reasonable
third person without the knowledge of the agricultural price and consideration. 12
lessee, the latter is granted by law the right to redeem it
within one hundred eighty (180) days from notice in writing Petitioner consigned the amount of P2,000.00 paid by the
and at a reasonable price and consideration. Petitioner was Leonardos to the Galans. However when he amended his
not notified of the first and second instances of sale of the complaint by impleading respondent Bitoon, he did not
property apparently because all the respondents disputed increase the amount consigned as would have made it
petitioner's assertion that he has been a tenant thereon equivalent to P30,000.00, representing payment by the
since 1951. These instances of sale without notification second vendee. In this regard, petitioner submits that he is
gave rise to his right to redeem the property as lessee not required to consign the latter amount since that would
although no longer from the Leonardos but from its present put an additional burden on a tenant seeking redemption.
owner, respondent Bitoon. After all, he would be paying whatever amount be finally
determined by the trial court as reasonable price and
A letter dated 24 November 1986 from the counsel of consideration.
respondent Bitoon was received by petitioner informing
him that the ownership of subject property has been It is not difficult to discern why the full amount of the
transferred to respondent Bitoon. However the counsel did redemption price should be consigned in court. Only by
not bother to furnish petitioner with the supporting such means can the buyer become certain that the offer to
documents which is why petitioner did not readily believe redeem is one made seriously and in good faith. A buyer
what was written in the letter. Petitioner had to proceed to cannot be expected to entertain an offer of redemption
the Notarial Division of the Capitol Building on 2 March without the attendant evidence that the redemptioner can,
1987 to secure a copy of the deed of sale between spouses and is willing to accomplish the repurchase immediately. A
Leonardo and respondent Bitoon. different rule would leave the buyer open to harassment by
speculators or crackpots, as well as to unnecessary
The purpose of the written notice required by law its to prolongation of the redemption period, contrary to the
remove all uncertainties as to the sale, its terms and its policy of the law in fixing a definite term to avoid prolonged
validity, and to quiet any doubts that the alienation is not and anti-economic uncertainty as to ownership of the thing
sold. Consignation of the entire price would remove all purchase to sell but he cannot be compelled to buy.
controversies as to the redemptioner's ability to pay at the Supposing the lessee failed to redeem the property and the
proper time. 13 Against such rationale, petitioner's purchaser decided to sell or alienate it without notifying the
submission is rendered insignificant. The amount so former, the property may be redeemed from the
consigned by him falls short short of the requirement of the subsequent transferee because another essence of the
law and leaves the Court with no choice but to rule against right of redemption is that it attaches to a particular
him. landholding by operation of law. 14 The plain import of the
obiter dictum in the Velasquez case is that the Velasquez
With the foregoing ratiocination, it becomes unnecessary to spouses may redeem the property from the PNB as new
dwell on the issue of whether petitioner may redeem the owner, or should PNB decide to sell the property they may
property from respondent Bitoon. Nevertheless, we shall redeem the same from its transferee. Thus, contrary to the
pursue the discussion thereon if only to rectify some points. assertion of petitioner, Velasquez is applicable but not as so
In Velasquez, the Velasquez spouses, in a nutshell, were applied by respondent court; instead, it should have based
agricultural lessees of the property owned by the Nery its main ruling lack of interest to redeem the property at the
spouses and the Lorenzos. Later, the owners filed an action acquisition price paid by respondent Bitoon.
for partition before the trial court. In a compromise
agreement, they agreed to sell the property to Delta Motor Hence we reiterate that, for of petitioner to consign the
Corporation. Having received information about the entire redemption price, there was no valid exercise by him
impending sale, the Velasquez spouses filed an action for of his legal right to redeem.
redemption before the then Court of Agrarian Relations.
Subsequently, the sale materialized. Unfortunately, the WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The decision of
redemption case was dismissed due to lack of interest to respondent Court of Appeals (1) declaring petitioner as
redeem the property at its acquisition price. The appeal tenant of Bernarda and Rosario Galan and thereafter of
before respondent court and the petition before this Court their successor-in-interest, Antonio Leonardo Sr. and Josefa
met the same fate. However, we also noted that the Galan, and in turn, of the present owner respondent Bitoon;
Philippine National Bank (PNB), which was not a party to the (2) ordering respondent Jose Bitoon to reinstate petitioner
case had in the meantime extrajudicially foreclosed the as agricultural tenant and to maintain him in the peaceful
property. By way of obiter dictum we stated - possession and enjoyment of the land tenanted by him; (3)
ordering the Clerk of Court of the trial court to return to
Because of the extra-judicial foreclosure of the mortgage petitioner the amount of of P2,000.00 which he consigned
over the subject by the Philippine National Bank, the as redemption price for the land in question covered by O.R.
present case has become moot and academic with regard No. 9802404 J dated 30 October 1986, with no
to petitioners claim against Delta Motor Corporation. It is pronouncement as to costs, is AFFIRMED.
now the PNB or its subsequent transferees from whom the
petitioners must redeem, if and when PNB decides to sell SO ORDERED.
or alienate the subject property in the future . . . .
Davide, Jr., Vitug, Panganiban and Quisumbing, JJ., concur.
Respondent appellate court must have taken out of context
our statement therein when the former ruled that "if
respondent Bitoon decides to sell the land then petitioner
can still exercise his rights under the law." The phrase in the
Velasquez case that "if and when PNB decides to sell or
alienate the subject property in the future" logically refers
to "its subsequent transferees" only, and not as a condition
precedent to the exercise of the right of redemption as
what respondent court perceived it to be. To further stress
the matter, the ruling of respondent court overlooks the
essence of redemption provided in the amended Sec. 12 of
RA No. 3844 which, as previously mentioned, grants to the
lessee such right in case the property is sold to a third
person without his knowledge. Since that situation
obtained in Velasquez, the Velasquez spouses had the right
to redeem the property from the PNB as new owner. The
circumstances that the property was sold to a third person
without the knowledge of the lessee provides the source
from which the right of redemption springs. Analyzing this
right, it may be stated that such right works only one way -
in favor of the redemptioner. For he can compel the
Republic of the Philippines covering the two promissory notes plus interest and
SUPREME COURT attorney's fees.
Upon request by Castro and the Valencias and with
FIRST DIVISION conformity of the bank, the auction sale that was
scheduled for March 10, 1961 was postponed for April 10,
G.R. No. L-32116 April 2l, 1981 1961. But when April 10, 1961 was subsequently declared
a special holiday, the sheriff of Manila sold the property
covered by T.C.T. No. 7419 at a public auction sale that
was held on April 11, 1961, which was the next succeeding
JR., petitioners,
business day following the special holiday.
respondents. Castro alleged that it was only when she received the
letter from the Acting Deputy Sheriff on February 13, 1961,
when she learned for the first time that the mortgage
contract (Exhibit "6") which was an encumbrance on her
property was for P6.000.00 and not for P3,000.00 and that
DE CASTRO, * J.: she was made to sign as co-maker of the promissory note
(Exhibit "2") without her being informed of this.
This is a petition for review by way of certiorari of the
decision 1 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 39760-R On April 4, 1961, Castro filed a suit denominated "Re: Sum
entitled "Maxima Castro, plaintiff-appellee, versus of Money," against petitioners Bank and Desiderio, the
Severino Valencia, et al., defendants; Rural Bank of Spouses Valencia, Basilio Magsambol and Arsenio Reyes as
Caloocan, Inc., Jose Desiderio, Jr. and Arsenio Reyes, defendants in Civil Case No. 46698 before the Court of
defendants-appellants," which affirmed in toto the First Instance of Manila upon the charge, amongst others,
decision of the Court of First Instance of Manila in favor of that thru mistake on her part or fraud on the part of
plaintiff- appellee, the herein private respondent Maxima Valencias she was induced to sign as co-maker of a
Castro. promissory note (Exhibit "2") and to constitute a mortgage
on her house and lot to secure the questioned note. At the
On December 7, 1959, respondent Maxima Castro, time of filing her complaint, respondent Castro deposited
accompanied by Severino Valencia, went to the Rural Bank the amount of P3,383.00 with the court a quo in full
of Caloocan to apply for an industrial loan. It was Severino payment of her personal loan plus interest.
Valencia who arranged everything about the loan with the
bank and who supplied to the latter the personal data In her amended complaint, Castro prayed, amongst other,
required for Castro's loan application. On December 11, for the annulment as far as she is concerned of the
1959, after the bank approved the loan for the amount of promissory note (Exhibit "2") and mortgage (Exhibit "6")
P3,000.00, Castro, accompanied by the Valencia spouses, insofar as it exceeds P3,000.00; for the discharge of her
signed a promissory note corresponding to her loan in personal obligation with the bank by reason of a deposit of
favor of the bank. P3,383.00 with the court a quo upon the filing of her
complaint; for the annulment of the foreclosure sale of her
On the same day, December 11, 1959, the Valencia property covered by T.C.T. No. 7419 in favor of Arsenio
spouses obtained from the bank an equal amount of loan Reyes; and for the award in her favor of attorney's fees,
for P3,000.00. They signed a promissory note (Exhibit "2") damages and cost.
corresponding to their loan in favor of the bank and had
Castro affixed thereon her signature as co-maker. In their answers, petitioners interposed counterclaims and
prayed for the dismissal of said complaint, with damages,
The two loans were secured by a real-estate mortgage attorney's fees and costs. 2
(Exhibit "6") on Castro's house and lot of 150 square
meters, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 7419 of The pertinent facts arrived from the stipulation of facts
the Office of the Register of Deeds of Manila. entered into by the parties as stated by respondent Court
of Appeals are as follows:
On February 13, 1961, the sheriff of Manila, thru Acting
Chief Deputy Sheriff Basilio Magsambol, sent a notice of Spawning the present litigation are the
sheriff's sale addressed to Castro, announcing that her facts contained in the following
property covered by T.C.T. No. 7419 would be sold at stipulation of facts submitted by the
public auction on March 10, 1961 to satisfy the obligation parties themselves:
1. That the capacity and addresses of evidence they may desire on the
all the parties in this case are admitted circumstances regarding the execution
. of the above-mentioned documents.

2. That the plaintiff was the registered 4. That the sheriff of Manila, thru
owner of a residential house and lot Acting Chief Deputy Sheriff, Basilio
located at Nos. 1268-1270 Carola Magsambol, sent a notice of sheriff's
Street, Sampaloc, Manila, containing sale, address to the plaintiff, dated
an area of one hundred fifty (150) February 13, 1961, announcing that
square meters, more or less, covered plaintiff's property covered by TCT No.
by T.C.T. No. 7419 of the Office of the 7419 of the Register of Deeds of the
Register of Deeds of Manila; City of Manila, would be sold at public
auction on March 10, 1961 to satisfy
3. That the signatures of the plaintiff the total obligation of P5,728.50, plus
appearing on the following documents interest, attorney's fees, etc., as
are genuine: evidenced by the Notice of Sheriff's
Sale and Notice of Extrajudicial Auction
Sale of the Mortgaged property,
a) Application for Industrial Loan with
attached herewith as Annexes F and F-
the Rural Bank of Caloocan, dated
1, respectively, of this stipulation of
December 7, 1959 in the amount of
P3,000.00 attached as Annex A of this
partial stipulation of facts;
5. That upon the request of the
plaintiff and defendants-spouses
b) Promissory Note dated December
Severino Valencia and Catalina
11, 1959 signed by the plaintiff in favor
Valencia, and with the conformity of
of the Rural Bank of Caloocan for the
the Rural Bank of Caloocan, the Sheriff
amount of P3,000.00 as per Annex B of
of Manila postponed the auction sale
this partial stipulation of facts;
scheduled for March 10, 1961 for thirty
(30) days and the sheriff re-set the
c) Application for Industrial Loan with auction sale for April 10, 1961;
the Rural Bank of Caloocan, dated
December 11, 1959, signed only by the
6. That April 10, 1961 was declared a
defendants, Severino Valencia and
special public holiday; (Note: No. 7 is
Catalina Valencia, attached as Annex C,
omitted upon agreement of the
of this partial stipulation of facts;

d) Promissory note in favor of the Rural

8. That on April 11, 1961, the Sheriff of
Bank of Caloocan, dated December 11,
Manila, sold at public auction plaintiff's
1959 for the amount of P3000.00,
property covered by T.C.T. No. 7419
signed by the spouses Severino
and defendant, Arsenio Reyes, was the
Valencia and Catalina Valencia as
highest bidder and the corresponding
borrowers, and plaintiff Maxima
certificate of sale was issued to him as
Castro, as a co-maker, attached as
per Annex G of this partial stipulation
Annex D of this partial stipulation of
of facts;

9. That on April 16, 1962, the

e) Real estate mortgage dated
defendant Arsenio Reyes, executed an
December 11, 1959 executed by
Affidavit of Consolidation of
plaintiff Maxima Castro, in favor of the
Ownership, a copy of which is hereto
Rural Bank of Caloocan, to secure the
attached as Annex H of this partial
obligation of P6,000.00 attached
stipulation of facts;
herein as Annex E of this partial
stipulation of facts;
10. That on May 9, 1962, the Rural
Bank of Caloocan Incorporated
All the parties herein expressly
executed the final deed of sale in favor
reserved their right to present any
of the defendant, Arsenio Reyes, in the
amount of P7,000.00, a copy of which delivered to defendant spouses; that
is attached as Annex I of this partial sometime in February 1961, she
stipulation of facts; received a letter from the Acting
Deputy Sheriff of Manila, regarding the
11. That the Register of Deeds of the extrajudicial foreclosure sale of her
City of Manila issued the Transfer property; that it was then when she
Certificate of Title No. 67297 in favor learned for the first time that the
of the defendant, Arsenio Reyes, in lieu mortgage indebtedness secured by the
of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 7419 mortgage on her property was
which was in the name of plaintiff, P6,000.00 and not P3,000.00; that
Maxima Castro, which was cancelled; upon investigation of her lawyer, it was
found that the papers she was made to
sign were:
12. That after defendant, Arsenio
Reyes, had consolidated his title to the
property as per T.C.T. No. 67299, (a) Application for a loan of P3,000.00
plaintiff filed a notice of lis pendens dated December 7, 1959 (Exh. B-1 and
with the Register of Deeds of Manila Exh. 1);
and the same was annotated in the
back of T.C.T. No. 67299 as per Annex J (b) Promissory note dated December
of this partial stipulation of facts; and 11, 1959 for the said loan of P3,000.00
(Exh- B-2);
13. That the parties hereby reserved
their rights to present additional (c) Promissory note dated December
evidence on matters not covered by 11, 1959 for P3,000.00 with the
this partial stipulation of facts. defendants Valencia spouses as
borrowers and appellee as co-maker
WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed (Exh. B-4 or Exh. 2).
that the foregoing partial stipulation of
facts be approved and admitted by this The auction sale set for March 10,
Honorable Court. 1961 was postponed co April 10, 1961
upon the request of defendant spouses
As for the evidence presented during the trial, We quote Valencia who needed more time within
from the decision of the Court of Appeals the statement which to pay their loan of P3,000.00
thereof, as follows: with the defendant bank; plaintiff
claims that when she filed the
complaint she deposited with the Clerk
In addition to the foregoing stipulation
of Court the sum of P3,383.00 in full
of facts, plaintiff claims she is a 70-year
payment of her loan of P3,000.00 with
old widow who cannot read and write
the defendant bank, plus interest at
the English language; that she can
the rate of 12% per annum up to April
speak the Pampango dialect only; that
3, 1961 (Exh. D).
she has only finished second grade
(t.s.n., p. 4, December 11, 1964); that
in December 1959, she needed money As additional evidence for the
in the amount of P3,000.00 to invest in defendant bank, its manager declared
the business of the defendant spouses that sometime in December, 1959,
Valencia, who accompanied her to the plaintiff was brought to the Office of
defendant bank for the purpose of the Bank by an employee- (t.s.n., p 4,
securing a loan of P3,000.00; that January 27, 1966). She wept, there to
while at the defendant bank, an inquire if she could get a loan from the
employee handed to her several forms bank. The claims he asked the amount
already prepared which she was asked and the purpose of the loan and the
to sign on the places indicated, with no security to he given and plaintiff said
one explaining to her the nature and she would need P3.000.00 to be
contents of the documents; that she invested in a drugstore in which she
did not even receive a copy thereof; was a partner (t.s.n., p. 811. She
that she was given a check in the offered as security for the loan her lot
amount of P2,882.85 which she and house at Carola St., Sampaloc,
Manila, which was promptly thereon at 12% per annum, as of April
investigated by the defendant bank's 3, 1961, and orders that plaintiff's
inspector. Then a few days later, deposit of P3,383.00 in the Office of
plaintiff came back to the bank with the Clerk of Court be applied to the
the wife of defendant Valencia A date payment thereof;
was allegedly set for plaintiff and the
defendant spouses for the processing (5) Orders defendant Rural Bank of
of their application, but on the day Caloocan, Inc. to return to defendant
fixed, plaintiff came without the Arsenio Reyes the purchase price the
defendant spouses. She signed the latter paid for the mortgaged property
application and the other papers at the public auction, as well as
pertinent to the loan after she was reimburse him of all the expenses he
interviewed by the manager of the has incurred relative to the sale
defendant. After the application of thereof;
plaintiff was made, defendant spouses
had their application for a loan also
(6) Orders defendants spouses
prepared and signed (see Exh. 13). In
Severino D. Valencia and Catalina
his interview of plaintiff and defendant
Valencia to pay defendant Rural Bank
spouses, the manager of the bank was
of Caloocan, Inc. the amount of
able to gather that plaintiff was in joint
P3,000.00 plus the corresponding 12%
venture with the defendant spouses
interest thereon per annum from
wherein she agreed to invest
December 11, 1960 until fully paid; and
P3,000.00 as additional capital in the
laboratory owned by said spouses
(t.s.n., pp. 16-17) 3 Orders defendants Rural Bank of
Caloocan, Inc., Jose Desiderio, Jr. and
spouses Severino D. Valencia and
The Court of Appeals, upon evaluation of the evidence,
Catalina Valencia to pay plaintiff,
affirmed in toto the decision of the Court of First Instance
jointly and severally, the sum of
of Manila, the dispositive portion of which reads:
P600.00 by way of attorney's fees, as
well as costs.
CONSIDERATIONS, the Court renders
In view of the conclusion that the court
judgment and:
has thus reached, the counterclaims of
defendant Rural Bank of Caloocan, Inc.,
(1) Declares that the promissory note, Jose Desiderio, Jr. and Arsenio Reyes
Exhibit '2', is invalid as against plaintiff are hereby dismissed, as a corollary
The Court further denies the motion of
(2) Declares that the contract of defendant Arsenio Reyes for an Order
mortgage, Exhibit '6', is null and void, requiring Maxima Castro to deposit
in so far as the amount thereof rentals filed on November 16, 1963,
exceeds the sum of P3,000.00 resolution of which was held in
representing the principal obligation of abeyance pending final determination
plaintiff, plus the interest thereon at of the case on the merits, also as a
12% per annum; consequence of the conclusion
aforesaid. 4
(3) Annuls the extrajudicial foreclosure
sale at public auction of the mortgaged Petitioners Bank and Jose Desiderio moved for the
property held on April 11, 1961, as well reconsideration 5 of respondent court's decision. The
as all the process and actuations made motion having been denied, 6 they now come before this
in pursuance of or in implementation Court in the instant petition, with the following
thereto; Assignment of Errors, to wit:

(4) Holds that the total unpaid I

obligation of plaintiff to defendant
Rural Bank of Caloocan, Inc., is only the
amount of P3,000.00, plus the interest
AS BASIS FOR THE PARTIAL The issue raised in the first three (3) assignment of errors
ANNULMENT OF THE CONTRACTS is whether or not respondent court correctly affirmed the
AFORESAID ITS FINDING OF FRAUD lower court in declaring the promissory note (Exhibit 2)
PERPETRATED BY THE VALENCIA invalid insofar as they affect respondent Castro vis-a-vis
SPOUSES UPON RESPONDENT CASTRO petitioner bank, and the mortgage contract (Exhibit 6)
IN UTTER VIOLATION OF THE RES valid up to the amount of P3,000.00 only.
Respondent court declared that the consent of Castro to
III the promissory note (Exhibit 2) where she signed as co-
maker with the Valencias as principal borrowers and her
THE COURT OF APPEAL ERRED IN NOT acquiescence to the mortgage contract (Exhibit 6) where
HOLDING THAT, UNDER THE FACTS she encumbered her property to secure the amount of
FOUND BY IT, RESPONDENT CASTRO IS P6,000.00 was obtained by fraud perpetrated on her by
UNDER ESTOPPEL TO IMPUGN THE the Valencias who had abused her confidence, taking
REGULARITY AND VALIDITY OF HER advantage of her old age and ignorance of her financial
QUESTIONED TRANSACTION WITH need. Respondent court added that "the mandate of fair
PETITIONER BANK. play decrees that she should be relieved of her obligation
under the contract" pursuant to Articles 24 7 and 1332 8 of
IV the Civil Code.

THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT The decision in effect relieved Castro of any liability to the
FINDING THAT, BETWEEN PETITIONERS promissory note (Exhibit 2) and the mortgage contract
AND RESPONDENT CASTRO, THE (Exhibit 6) was deemed valid up to the amount of
LATTER SHOULD SUFFER THE P3,000.00 only which was equivalent to her personal loan
SPOUSES, IN AS MUCH AS IT WAS Petitioners argued that since the Valencias were solely
THRU RESPONDENT CASTRO'S declared in the decision to be responsible for the fraud
NEGLIGENCE OR ACQUIESCENSE IF against Castro, in the light of the res inter alios acta rule, a
NOT ACTUAL CONNIVANCE THAT THE finding of fraud perpetrated by the spouses against Castro
PERPETRATION OF SAID FRAUD WAS cannot be taken to operate prejudicially against the bank.
MADE POSSIBLE. Petitioners concluded that respondent court erred in not
giving effect to the promissory note (Exhibit 2) insofar as
V they affect Castro and the bank and in declaring that the
mortgage contract (Exhibit 6) was valid only to the extent that a contract may be annulled on the ground of vitiated
of Castro's personal loan of P3,000.00. consent if deceit by a third person, even without
connivance or complicity with one of the contracting
The records of the case reveal that respondent court's parties, resulted in mutual error on the part of the parties
findings of fraud against the Valencias is well supported by to the contract.
evidence. Moreover, the findings of fact by respondent
court in the matter is deemed final. 9 The decision declared Petitioners argued that the amended complaint fails to
the Valencias solely responsible for the defraudation of contain even a general averment of fraud or mistake, and
Castro. Petitioners' contention that the decision was silent its mention in the prayer is definitely not a substantial
regarding the participation of the bank in the fraud is, compliance with the requirement of Section 5, Rule 8 of
therefore, correct. the Rules of Court. The records of the case, however, will
show that the amended complaint contained a particular
We cannot agree with the contention of petitioners that averment of fraud against the Valencias in full compliance
the bank was defrauded by the Valencias. For one, no with the provision of the Rules of Court. Although, the
claim was made on this in the lower court. For another, amended complaint made no mention of mistake being
petitioners did not submit proof to support its contention. incurred in by the bank and Castro, such mention is not
essential in order that the promissory note (Exhibit 2) may
be declared of no binding effect between them and the
At any rate, We observe that while the Valencias
mortgage (Exhibit 6) valid up to the amount of P3,000.00
defrauded Castro by making her sign the promissory note
only. The reason is that the mistake they mutually suffered
(Exhibit 2) and the mortgage contract (Exhibit 6), they also
was a mere consequence of the fraud perpetrated by the
misrepresented to the bank Castro's personal
Valencias against them. Thus, the fraud particularly
qualifications in order to secure its consent to the loan.
averred in the complaint, having been proven, is deemed
This must be the reason which prompted the bank to
sufficient basis for the declaration of the promissory note
contend that it was defrauded by the Valencias. But to
(Exhibit 2) invalid insofar as it affects Castro vis-a-vis the
reiterate, We cannot agree with the contention for
bank, and the mortgage contract (Exhibit 6) valid only up
reasons above-mentioned. However, if the contention
to the amount of P3,000.00.
deserves any consideration at all, it is in indicating the
admission of petitioners that the bank committed mistake
in giving its consent to the contracts. The second issue raised in the fourth assignment of errors
is who between Castro and the bank should suffer the
consequences of the fraud perpetrated by the Valencias.
Thus, as a result of the fraud upon Castro and the
misrepresentation to the bank inflicted by the Valencias
both Castro and the bank committed mistake in giving In attributing to Castro an consequences of the loss,
their consents to the contracts. In other words, substantial petitioners argue that it was her negligence or
mistake vitiated their consents given. For if Castro had acquiescence if not her actual connivance that made the
been aware of what she signed and the bank of the true fraud possible.
qualifications of the loan applicants, it is evident that they
would not have given their consents to the contracts. Petitioners' argument utterly disregards the findings of
respondent Court of Appeals wherein petitioners'
Pursuant to Article 1342 of the Civil Code which provides: negligence in the contracts has been aptly demonstrated,
to wit:
Art. 1342. Misrepresentation by a third
person does not vitiate consent, unless A witness for the defendant bank,
such misrepresentation has created Rodolfo Desiderio claims he had
substantial mistake and the same is subjected the plaintiff-appellee to
mutual. several interviews. If this were true
why is it that her age was placed at 61
instead of 70; why was she described
We cannot declare the promissory note (Exhibit 2) valid
in the application (Exh. B-1-9) as drug
between the bank and Castro and the mortgage contract
manufacturer when in fact she was
(Exhibit 6) binding on Castro beyond the amount of
not; why was it placed in the
P3,000.00, for while the contracts may not be invalidated
application that she has income of
insofar as they affect the bank and Castro on the ground of
P20,000.00 when according to plaintiff-
fraud because the bank was not a participant thereto, such
appellee, she his not even given such
may however be invalidated on the ground of substantial
kind of information -the true fact being
mistake mutually committed by them as a consequence of
that she was being paid P1.20 per picul
the fraud and misrepresentation inflicted by the Valencias.
of the sugarcane production in her
Thus, in the case of Hill vs. Veloso, 10 this Court declared
hacienda and 500 cavans on the palay old age – should have placed the Bank on prudent inquiry
production. 11 to protect its interest and that of the public it serves. With
the recent occurrence of events that have supposedly
From the foregoing, it is evident that the bank was as affected adversely our banking system, attributable to
much , guilty as Castro was, of negligence in giving its laxity in the conduct of bank business by its officials, the
consent to the contracts. It apparently relied on need of extreme caution and prudence by said officials and
representations made by the Valencia spouses when it employees in the discharge of their functions cannot be
should have directly obtained the needed data from Castro over-emphasized.
who was the acknowledged owner of the property offered
as collateral. Moreover, considering Castro's personal Question is, likewise, raised as to the propriety of
circumstances – her lack of education, ignorance and old respondent court's decision which declared that Castro's
age – she cannot be considered utterly neglectful for consignation in court of the amount of P3,383.00 was
having been defrauded. On the contrary, it is demanded of validly made. It is contended that the consignation was
petitioners to exercise the highest order of care and made without prior offer or tender of payment to the
prudence in its business dealings with the Valencias Bank, and it therefore, not valid. In holding that there is a
considering that it is engaged in a banking business –a substantial compliance with the provision of Article 1256
business affected with public interest. It should have of the Civil Code, respondent court considered the fact
ascertained Castro's awareness of what she was signing or that the Bank was holding Castro liable for the sum of
made her understand what obligations she was assuming, P6,000.00 plus 12% interest per annum, while the amount
considering that she was giving accommodation to, consigned was only P3,000.00 plus 12% interest; that at
without any consideration from the Valencia spouses. the time of consignation, the Bank had long foreclosed the
mortgage extrajudicially and the sale of the mortgage
Petitioners further argue that Castro's act of holding the property had already been scheduled for April 10, 1961 for
Valencias as her agent led the bank to believe that they non-payment of the obligation, and that despite the fact
were authorized to speak and bind her. She cannot now be that the Bank already knew of the deposit made by Castro
permitted to deny the authority of the Valencias to act as because the receipt of the deposit was attached to the
her agent for one who clothes another with apparent record of the case, said Bank had not made any claim of
authority as her agent is not permitted to deny such such deposit, and that therefore, Castro was right in
authority. thinking that it was futile and useless for her to make
previous offer and tender of payment directly to the Bank
only in the aforesaid amount of P3,000.00 plus 12%
The authority of the Valencias was only to follow-up
interest. Under the foregoing circumstances, the
Castro's loan application with the bank. They were not
consignation made by Castro was valid. if not under the
authorized to borrow for her. This is apparent from the
strict provision of the law, under the more liberal
fact that Castro went to the Bank to sign the promissory
considerations of equity.
note for her loan of P3,000.00. If her act had been
understood by the Bank to be a grant of an authority to
the Valencia to borrow in her behalf, it should have The final issue raised is the validity or invalidity of the
required a special power of attorney executed by Castro in extrajudicial foreclosure sale at public auction of the
their favor. Since the bank did not, We can rightly assume mortgaged property that was held on April 11, 1961.
that it did not entertain the notion, that the Valencia
spouses were in any manner acting as an agent of Castro. Petitioners contended that the public auction sale that was
held on April 11, 1961 which was the next business day
When the Valencias borrowed from the Bank a personal after the scheduled date of the sale on April 10, 1961, a
loan of P3,000.00 evidenced by a promissory note (Exhibit special public holiday, was permissible and valid pursuant
2) and mortgaged (Exhibit 6) Castro's property to secure to the provisions of Section 31 of the Revised
said loan, the Valencias acted for their own behalf. Administrative Code which ordains:
Considering however that for the loan in which the
Valencias appeared as principal borrowers, it was the Pretermission of holiday. – Where the
property of Castro that was being mortgaged to secure day, or the last day, for doing any act
said loan, the Bank should have exercised due care and required or permitted by law falls on a
prudence by making proper inquiry if Castro's consent to holiday, the act may be done on the
the mortgage was without any taint or defect. The next succeeding business day.
possibility of her not knowing that she signed the
promissory note (Exhibit 2) as co-maker with the Valencias Respondent court ruled that the aforesaid sale is null and
and that her property was mortgaged to secure the two void, it not having been carried out in accordance with
loans instead of her own personal loan only, in view of her Section 9 of Act No. 3135, which provides:
personal circumstances – ignorance, lack of education and
Section 9. – Notice shall be given by
posting notices of the sale for not less
than twenty days in at least three
public places of the municipality or city
where the property is situated, and if
such property is worth more than four
hundred pesos, such notice shall also
be published once a week for at least
three consecutive weeks in a
newspaper of general circulation in the
municipality or city.

We agree with respondent court. The pretermission of a

holiday applies only "where the day, or the last day for
doing any act required or permitted by law falls on a
holiday," or when the last day of a given period for doing
an act falls on a holiday. It does not apply to a day fixed by
an office or officer of the government for an act to be
done, as distinguished from a period of time within which
an act should be done, which may be on any day within
that specified period. For example, if a party is required by
law to file his answer to a complaint within fifteen (15)
days from receipt of the summons and the last day falls on
a holiday, the last day is deemed moved to the next
succeeding business day. But, if the court fixes the trial of
a case on a certain day but the said date is subsequently
declared a public holiday, the trial thereof is not
automatically transferred to the next succeeding business
day. Since April 10, 1961 was not the day or the last day
set by law for the extrajudicial foreclosure sale, nor the
last day of a given period but a date fixed by the deputy
sheriff, the aforesaid sale cannot legally be made on the
next succeeding business day without the notices of the
sale on that day being posted as prescribed in Section 9,
Act No. 3135.

WHEREFORE, finding no reversible error in the judgment

under review, We affirm the same in toto. No
pronouncement as to cost.


Teehankee (Acting, C.J.) Makasiar, Fernandez, Guerrero

and Melencio-Herrera, JJ., concur.
FIRST DIVISION The respondent Judge however later reconsidered and set
aside his Order of February 2, 1976, on motion of the
[G.R. No. 44167 : December 19, 1990.]
plaintiffs. This he did in an Order dated April 14, 1976 3 In
192 SCRA 388 said Order, he declared that upon the facts, the failure of
the plaintiffs to effect payment within the appointed time
JULITA FRANCISCO and her husband, HERMENEGILDO could not be ascribed to their fault. His Honor found that —
FELISA ABEJO, Petitioners, vs. CRISPIN V. BAUTISTA, Judge ". . . plaintiffs' attempt to tender payment in accordance
of the Court of First Instance of Bulacan; FRANCISCA with the decision of this Court which the Court of Appeals
FRANCISCO, MAXIMA FRANCISCO and FRANCISCO affirmed on September 16, 1975 failed to materialize
FRANCISCO, Respondents. because plaintiff Restituto Francisco and his wife were in
the United States and defendant Julita Francisco to whom
plaintiffs tendered payment refused the same which
DECISION resulted in their failure to comply with their obligation to
pay within the period of thirty (30) days provided for in the
decision, the Court considers plaintiffs' attempt to tender
NARVASA, J.: payment sufficient to comply with their undertaking. Art.
1186 of the New Civil Code provides that the condition shall
be deemed fulfilled when the obligor voluntarily prevents
In Civil Case No. 501-V of the then Court of First Instance of its fulfillment.'"
Bulacan (Branch III, Valenzuela) — which was an action for The respondent Judge accordingly RESOLVED —
partition and reconveyance instituted by Maxima,
Francisca, and Francisco, all surnamed Francisco, together ". . . to set aside. . . (the) Order of February 2, 1976 and
with their respective spouses, against Julita, Romeo, plaintiffs are given a period of fifteen (15) days from receipt
Lorenza and Restituto, all also surnamed Francisco, and of this Order within which to tender payment to the
their respective spouses — judgment was rendered on defendants and/or deposit with the Office of the Clerk of
August 11, 1971 by Judge Juan de Borja the dispositive Court the amount corresponding to the value of the parcel
portion of which is as follows: of land subject matter of this case after the same is
segregated from the portion belonging to the defendants."
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered declaring
Maxima Francisco entitled to 138 square meters and The defendants moved, in their turn, for reconsideration of
Francisca Francisco to 126 square meters from the portion the Order of April 14, 1976. The motion was seasonably
sold to Restituto Francisco and Francisco Francisco to 360 opposed by the plaintiffs, and thereafter denied by Judge
square meters from the portion sold to Julita Francisco at a Bautista, by Order dated July 2, 1976. It is these Orders of
price of P11.00 per square meter, the same to be paid April 14, and July 2, 1976 that the petitioners would have
within thirty (30) days after this decision becomes final, this Court annul in the special civil action of Certiorari at bar.
otherwise plaintiffs shall loss all their rights to said portion, The petitioners theorize that in rendering the Order of April
and after payment shall have been made defendants shall 14, 1976, respondent Judge had acted with grave abuse of
execute the proper deeds of conveyance in favor of discretion because he had in effect substantially altered the
plaintiffs . . ." (Emphasis supplied) final and executory judgment of his predecessor, as
This judgment was affirmed by the Court of Appeals in a affirmed by the Court of Appeals.
decision promulgated on September 16, 1975. 1 No appeal It is well settled that a court has plenary power to alter,
was attempted from the Appellate Court's decision which modify or even set aside, its own decisions, and even order
consequently became final and executory on October 9, a new trial, at any time before the decision becomes final,
1975, and was remanded to the Trial Court for execution. or before an appeal from that decision has been perfected.
On January 12, 1976, the plaintiffs filed a motion for 4 However, after the decision has become final and
execution. The motion was denied by respondent Judge, executory, it can no longer be amended or corrected by the
Hon. Crispin V. Bautista, by Order dated February 2, 1976. 2 court except for clerical errors or mistakes. 5 This principle
His Honor ruled that since the judgment had given the of immutability of judgments already final and executory
plaintiffs thirty (30) days from finality of decision within has invariably been adhered to by this Court regardless of
which to pay to the defendants the price of the areas any occasional injustice, for the equity of a particular case
respectively awarded to them at the rate of P11.00 per must yield to the "overmastering need" of certainty and
square meter; and since considerably more than thirty (30) unalterability of judicial pronouncements. 6 Any
days had elapsed since the decision of the Court of Appeals, amendment or alteration which substantially affects a final
affirming that of the Trial Court, had become final, said and executory judgment is null and void for lack of
plaintiffs had, in accordance with the judgment, lost "all jurisdiction, including the entire proceedings held for that
their rights" to their portions.:-cralaw purpose. 7 It is these principles that petitioners invoke to
nullify the questioned orders of the respondent Judge in
this case. The facts here and the applicable principles, reconveyance of the portions of law adjudged to them), no
however, preclude such relief.:-cralaw subsequent consignation was necessary to entitle the
private respondents to such reconveyance. Hence, the
A distinction should be made between the jurisdiction of
respondent Judge committed no grave abuse of discretion
the court to amend, modify or alter its judgment and its
in setting aside his Order of February 2, 1976 and giving said
power to enforce it. The former ceases to attach when the
respondents a new period within which to tender payment
judgment becomes final, while the judgment has become
to the petitioner and/or deposit the required amount in
final for the purpose of its execution, 8 the propriety of its
court. It may even be said that in view of the efficacy of said
exercise rather than the jurisdiction to amend or modify
tender for the purpose of enforcing a reconveyance the
being the real issue here. Now, in the execution
grant of a fresh period within which to reiterate the same is
proceedings in question, the court a quo found as a fact that
superfluous and unnecessary.:-cralaw
plaintiffs were prevented from consummating the requisite
tender of payment due to the absence of two of the Moreover, as previously shown, the rights and obligations
defendants from the Philippines and the refusal of the third of the parties arose from a judgment, not from contract and
to accept such tender which, it is not seriously disputed, therefore the Civil Code requirements as to consignation
was attempted within the prescribed 30-day period from are not applicable. 13 Thus, in case of refusal of a tender of
finality of the judgment. There is no cogent reason to the amount due on a judgment, the court may direct the
disturb that factual conclusion, which therefore is binding money to be paid in court and when this is done, order
and conclusive upon this Court. 9 satisfaction of the judgment to be entered. 14 The tender
of payment of a judgment is not the same as tender of
This Court has held in several cases 10 that where a timely
payment of a contractual debt and consignation of the
and valid tender of payment is made pursuant to the
money due from a debtor to a creditor. 15 The requisites
exercise of a right (not an obligation) it is sufficient, without
of consignation under Art. 1256 et seq. do not apply to the
consignation, to preserve such right.
In Vda. de Quirino v. Palarca, 11 it was ruled that
It appearing that private respondents have already
consignation referred to in Article 1256 of the Civil Code is
deposited with the Office of the Clerk of Court of the Court
inapplicable to a lease with option to buy because said
of First Instance (now RTC) of Valenzuela, Bulacan, the sum
provision refers to consignation as one of the means for the
of P6,864.00 in accordance with the order of the court a quo
payment or discharge of a "debt," whereas the lessee was
dated April 14, 1976, and this as early as May 13, 1976, or
not indebted to the lessor for the price of the leased
six days after their receipt, thru counsel, on May 7, 1976 of
premises. The lessee merely exercised a right of option and
said order, 16 approval of the consignation and discharge of
had no obligation to pay said price until execution of the
private respondents' obligation are warranted.
deed of sale in his favor, which the lessor refused to do.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the court a quo is
And in the fairly recent case of Legaspi v. Court of
hereby ORDERED to approve the consignation made by
Appeals, 12 which involved the exercise of the right to
private respondents, and direct execution of the judgment
repurchase, the Court also held that —
in question so as to effectuate the reconveyance prescribed
". . . In instances where no debt 15 due and owing, therein according to its terms. Costs against petitioners.
consignation is not proper.
"We have ruled early that:
Cruz, Gancayco, Griño-Aquino and Medialdea, JJ., concur.
'Consignation is not required to preserve the right of
repurchase as a mere tender of payment is enough if made
on time as a basis for an action to compel the vendee a retro
to resell the property.'
"Since the case at bar involves the exercise of the right to
repurchase, a showing that petitioner made a valid tender
of payment is sufficient. It is enough that a sincere or
genuine tender of payment and not a mock or deceptive
one was made. The fact that he deposited the amount of
repurchase money with the Clerk of Court was simply an
additional security for the petitioner. It was not an essential
act that had to be performed after tender of payment was
refused by the private respondent although it may serve to
indicate the veracity of desire to comply with the
The tender having been made, not so much to discharge an
obligation as to enforce or exercise a right (to a
SECOND DIVISION ₱724.00 which he had deposited on 31 May 1960 with the
trial court as full payment for his debt, and canceling the
G.R. No. 150913 February 20, 2003 supposed mortgage on the three (3) parcels of land with the
execution of the corresponding documents of
reconveyance in his favor.4 Defendant denied plaintiff’s
allegations and maintained that their contract was a sale
RAYOS, petitioners,
with right of repurchase that had long expired.
BUSTAMANTE and TORIBIA R. CAMELO, respondents. On 22 June 1961 Francisco Tazal again sold the third parcel
of land previously purchased by Mamerto Reyes to
petitioner-spouses Teofilo and Simeona Rayos for ₱400.00.
On 1 July 1961 petitioner-spouses bought from Blas Rayos
for ₱400.00 the two (2) lots that Tazal had sold at the first
BELLOSILLO, J.: instance to Mamerto Reyes and thereafter to Blas Rayos.
Curiously, these contracts of sale in favor of petitioner-
AT STAKE IN THIS PETITION FOR REVIEW is the ownership of spouses were perfected while Civil Case No. A-245 was
three (3) parcels of unregistered land with an area of pending before the trial court.
approximately 130,947 square meters situated in Brgy.
Sapa, Burgos, Pangasinan, the identities of which are not On 26 September 1962 the parties in Civil Case No. A-245
disputed. submitted a stipulation of facts upon which the Court of
First Instance would decide the case. They admitted the
The three (3) parcels were formerly owned by the spouses genuineness and due execution of the 1 September 1957
Francisco and Asuncion Tazal who on 1 September 1957 deed of sale with right of repurchase although they were in
sold them for ₱724.00 to respondents’ predecessor-in- disagreement as to its true character. They also
interest, one Mamerto Reyes, with right to repurchase acknowledged the consignation of ₱724.00 in the Court of
within two (2) years from date thereof by paying to the First Instance on 31 May 1960 and the payment of taxes by
vendee the purchase price and all expenses incident to their Mamerto Reyes on the three (3) parcels of land from 1958
reconveyance. After the sale the vendee a retro took to 1962.5
physical possession of the properties and paid the taxes
thereon.1 On 5 January 1963 the trial court in Civil Case No. A-245
rejected the contention of Francisco Tazal that the deed of
The otherwise inconsequential sale became controversial sale executed on 1 September 1957 was an equitable
when two (2) of the three (3) parcels were again sold on 24 mortgage but held that Tazal could nonetheless redeem the
December 1958 by Francisco Tazal for ₱420.00 in favor of three (3) parcels of land within thirty (30) days from finality
petitioners’ predecessor-in-interest Blas Rayos without first of judgment by paying to Mamerto Reyes the purchase
availing of his right to repurchase the properties. price of ₱724.00 and all expenses to execute the
reconveyance, i.e., the expenses of the contract and the
In the meantime, on 1 September 1959 the conventional necessary and useful expenses made on the properties as
right of redemption in favor of spouses Francisco and required by Art. 1616 of the Civil Code. The dispositive
Asuncion Tazal expired without the right being exercised by portion of the trial court’s decision reads -
either the Tazal spouses or the vendee Blas Rayos.
WHEREFORE, the Court, hereby renders judgment declaring
After the expiration of the redemption period, Francisco the contract x x x entered into by the plaintiffs and the
Tazal attempted to repurchase the properties from defendant and captioned ‘Deed of Sale with Right to
Mamerto Reyes by asserting that the 1 September 1957 Repurchase’ as a true sale with right to repurchase x x x and
deed of sale with right of repurchase was actually an not an equitable mortgage x x x and declaring the plaintiffs
equitable mortgage and offering the amount of ₱724.00 to entitled to repurchase the property in question within thirty
pay for the alleged debt.2 But Mamerto Reyes refused the (30) days from finality of this decision, without
tender of payment and vigorously claimed that their pronouncement as to cost.6
agreement was not an equitable mortgage.3
Mamerto Reyes appealed the Decision to the Court of
On 9 May 1960 Francisco Tazal filed a complaint with the Appeals,7 which in turn elevated the appeal to this Court 8
Court of First Instance of Pangasinan against Mamerto since only questions of law were involved.9 When Mamerto
Reyes, docketed as Civil Case No. A-245, for the declaration Reyes died in 1986, petitioner-spouses Teofilo and Simeona
of the 1 September 1957 transaction as a contract of Rayos wrested physical possession of the disputed
equitable mortgage. He also prayed for an order requiring properties from Reyes’s heirs.
defendant Mamerto Reyes to accept the amount of
On 16 May 1990 this Court considered the case closed and damages of ₱50,000.00 plus costs. The court a quo
terminated for failure of the parties therein to manifest rationalized that petitioners did not present evidence to
their interest to further prosecute the case. On 20 June prove that they and their predecessor-in-interest were able
1990 the judgment in Civil Case No. A-245 became final and to repurchase the property within the period of redemption
executory.1a\^/ set forth by the Court of First Instance in Civil Case No. A-
245.12 Petitioners appealed the Decision to the Court of
Subsequent to the finality of judgment in Civil Case No. A- Appeals.13
245 petitioner-spouses did nothing to repurchase the three
(3) parcels of land within the thirty (30) - day grace period On 31 May 2001 the appellate court promulgated its
from finality of judgment since, according to them, they Decision affirming in toto the judgment appealed from.14
believed that the consignation of ₱724.00 in the civil case The Court of Appeals held that the deposit of ₱724.00 on 31
had perfected the repurchase of the disputed properties. May 1960 in Civil Case No. A-245 was done belatedly, i.e.,
after the two (2) year - period from 1 September 1957, the
On 6 July 1992 respondents as heirs of Mamerto Reyes date of the sale as stated in the deed of sale between the
executed an affidavit adjudicating to themselves the spouses Francisco and Asuncion Tazal and Mamerto Reyes,
ownership of the parcels of land and declared the and did not cover the entire redemption price, i.e., the
properties in their names for assessment and collection of selling price of ₱724.00 plus the expenses of executing the
real estate taxes. On 19 January 1993 respondents contract and the necessary and useful expenses made on
registered the 1 September 1957 deed of sale with right of the properties. The appellate court further ruled that
repurchase with the register of deeds. estoppel and laches did not bar the cause of action of
respondents as plaintiffs in Civil Case No. A-2032 since
Mamerto Reyes as their predecessor-in-interest actively
On 8 July 1993 respondents filed a complaint for damages
resisted the claim of Francisco Tazal in Civil Case No. A-245
and recovery of ownership and possession of the three (3)
to treat the 1 September 1957 sale as an equitable
parcels of land in dispute against herein petitioner-spouses
mortgage and to authorize the redemption of the parcels of
Teofilo and Simeona Rayos and petitioner George Rayos as
land in dispute beyond the two (2)-year period stipulated in
administrator thereof before the Regional Trial Court of
the sale with right to repurchase. Hence, the instant
Alaminos, Pangasinan.10 It was respondents’ theory that
petition for review.
neither petitioners nor their predecessors-in-interest
Francisco Tazal and Blas Rayos repurchased the properties
before buying them in 1958 and 1961 or when the Petitioners argue that the consignation of ₱724.00 in Civil
judgment in Civil Case No. A-245 became final and Case No. A-245 provides the best evidence of the
executory in 1990, hence the sale of the three (3) parcels of repurchase of the three (3) parcels of land; that the
land to petitioner-spouses did not transfer ownership consignation was admitted by Mamerto Reyes himself in
thereof to them. the stipulation of facts and approved implicitly by the Court
of First Instance when it held the 1 September 1957
transaction as a contract of sale with right of repurchase;
Petitioners argued on the other hand that the consignation
that respondents failed to prove the existence of other
of ₱724.00 in Civil Case No. A-245 had the full effect of
expenses, i.e., the expenses of the contract and the
redeeming the properties from respondents and their
necessary and useful expenses made on the properties,
predecessor-in-interest, and that respondents were guilty
required by Art. 1616 of the Civil Code to be paid in addition
of estoppel and laches since Mamerto Reyes as their
to the purchase price of ₱724.00 so that petitioners may
predecessor-in-interest did not oppose the sale to Blas
validly exercise the right to repurchase the real estate; that
Rayos and to petitioner-spouses Teofilo and Simeona
Mamerto Reyes as respondents’ predecessor-in-interest
Rayos. The parties then filed their respective memoranda
was guilty of estoppel and laches for not seeking the
after which the case was submitted for decision.
annulment of the contracts of sale in favor of Blas Rayos and
petitioner-spouses Teofilo and Simeona Rayos; that
On 15 November 1996 the trial court promulgated its petitioner-spouses are buyers in good faith and for value of
Decision in Civil Case No. A-2032 finding merit in the three (3) parcels of land; and finally, that there is no
respondents’ claim for damages as well as ownership and legal basis for awarding damages since Civil Case No. A-2032
possession of the disputed parcels of land from was decided solely on the basis of the parties’ memoranda
petitioners.11 The court declared void the separate deeds of and not upon any evidence offered.
absolute sale thereof executed by Francisco Tazal in favor
of Blas Rayos and to spouses Teofilo and Simeona Rayos and
It appears that petitioners hinge their arguments upon the
by Blas Rayos to the same spouses, and ordered herein
validity of the consignation of ₱724.00 and accept the
petitioners and Francisco Tazal to vacate and reconvey the
proposition that if the consignation is declared void the
lands to respondents as heirs of Mamerto Reyes and to pay
subsequent sales to Blas Rayos and petitioner-spouses
actual damages for litigation expenses in the sum of
would be ineffective to transfer ownership of the disputed
₱20,000.00, attorney’s fees of ₱10,000.00, and exemplary
parcels and concomitantly would vest respondents with the void as it was predicated upon the argument of Francisco
ownership and possession thereof. Tazal that he was paying a debt which he could do at any
time allegedly because the 1 September 1957 transaction
On the other hand, respondents maintain that the absence was a contract of equitable mortgage and not a deed of sale
of an express or at least discernible court approval of the with right to repurchase. The ostensible purposes of
consignation of ₱724.00 in Civil Case No. A-245 prevented offering the amount in connection with a purported
the repurchase of the parcels of land in question; that the outstanding debt were to evade the stipulated redemption
deposit of only ₱724.00 did not cover all the expenses period in the deed of sale which had already expired when
required by Art. 1616 of the Civil Code for a valid repurchase the tender of payment was made and Civil Case No. A-245
of the properties; that Mamerto Reyes as their predecessor- was instituted, and as a corollary, to avail of the thirty (30)-
in-interest was not guilty of estoppel and laches in not filing day grace period under Art. 1606 of the Civil Code within
a complaint to annul the contracts of sale in favor of Blas which to exercise the right to repurchase.18 Mamerto Reyes
Rayos and petitioner-spouses Teofilo and Simeona Rayos was therefore within his right to refuse the tender of
since during that time Civil Case No. A-245 was pending payment offered by petitioners because it was conditional
before the courts; that petitioner-spouses are not buyers in upon his waiver of the two (2)-year redemption period
good faith and for value since they knew that the parcels of stipulated in the deed of sale with right to repurchase.
land had been previously sold to Mamerto Reyes and that,
in any event, the rule protecting buyers in good faith and Moreover, petitioners failed to prove in Civil Cases Nos. A-
for value applies only to transactions involving registered 245 and A-2032 that any form of notice regarding their
lands and not to unregistered lands as in the instant case; intention to deposit the amount of ₱724.00 with the Court
and finally, that the award of damages is amply supported of First Instance had been served upon respondents. This
by their pleadings in the trial court. requirement is not fulfilled by the notice which could have
ensued from the filing of the complaint in Civil Case No. A-
We deny the instant petition for review and affirm the 245 or the stipulation made between Francisco Tazal and
decision of the court a quo, except for the sole modification Mamerto Reyes regarding the consignation of ₱724.00. The
to delete and set aside the award of damages. There is no latter constitutes the second notice required by law as it
evidence to prove that petitioners paid at any time the already concerns the actual deposit or consignation of the
repurchase price for the three (3) parcels of land in dispute amount and is different from the first notice that makes
except for the deposit of ₱724.00 in the Court of First known the debtor’s intention to deposit the amount, a
Instance which however fell short of all the acts necessary requirement missing in the instant case.19 Without any
for a valid consignation and discharge of their obligation to announcement of the intention to resort to consignation
respondents. first being made to the persons interested in the fulfillment
of the obligation, the consignation as a means of payment
is void.20
In order that consignation may be effective the debtor must
show that (a) there was a debt due; (b) the consignation of
the obligation had been made because the creditor to It is also futile to argue that the deposit of ₱724.00 with the
whom a valid tender of payment was made refused to Court of First Instance could have perfected the redemption
accept it; (c) previous notice of the consignation had been of the three (3) parcels of land because it was not approved
given to the person interested in the performance of the by the trial court, much less accepted by Mamerto Reyes or
obligation; (d) the amount due was placed at the disposal of his heirs, herein respondents. The dispositive portion of the
the court; and, (e) after the consignation had been made Decision in Civil Case No. A-245, which reads "x x x x the
the person interested was notified thereof.15 Court, hereby renders judgment declaring the contract x x x
entered into by the plaintiffs and the defendant and
captioned ‘Deed of Sale with Right to Repurchase’ as a true
In the instant case, petitioners failed, first, to offer a valid
sale with right to repurchase x x x and not an equitable
and unconditional tender of payment; second, to notify
mortgage x x x and declaring the plaintiffs entitled to
respondents of the intention to deposit the amount with
repurchase the property in question within thirty (30) days
the court; and third, to show the acceptance by the creditor
from finality of this decision x x x x" plainly rejected the
of the amount deposited as full settlement of the
complaint for lack of merit and necessarily also the
obligation, or in the alternative, a declaration by the court
consignation done pursuant thereto. This conclusion is
of the validity of the consignation. The failure of petitioners
buttressed by the directive of the trial court in the body of
to comply with any of these requirements rendered the
the Decision that Francisco Tazal "may still exercise the right
consignation ineffective.16
to repurchase the property in question by returning to the
[Mamerto Reyes] the purchase price of ₱724.00 plus all
Consignation and tender of payment must not be expenses incident to the reconveyance within the period of
encumbered by conditions if they are to produce the thirty (30)-days from the time this decision becomes final x
intended result of fulfilling the obligation.17 In the instant x x x"21 The obvious reference of this statement was the
case, the tender of payment of ₱724.00 was conditional and stipulation made by the parties therein that "the defendant
[Mamerto Reyes] has been paying the taxes on said should have been done earlier; it is the negligence or
properties from 1958 to 1969 x x x x"22 where the taxes paid omission to assert a right within a reasonable time
constituted necessary expenses that petitioners had to warranting a presumption that the party entitled to assert
reimburse to respondents’ predecessor-in-interest aside it either has abandoned or declined to assert it although
from the ₱724.00 earlier deposited by Tazal.1awphi1.nét there is no absolute rule as to what constitutes staleness of
demand as each case is to be determined according to its
To be sure, while it has been held that approval of the court particular circumstances.28
or the obligee’s acceptance of the deposit is not necessary
where the obligor has performed all acts necessary to a In the instant case, it was prudent and discerning for
valid consignation such that court approval thereof cannot respondents and their predecessor-in-interest Mamerto
be doubted, Sia v. Court of Appeals23 clearly advises that this Reyes that they deferred any action against petitioners, i.e.,
ruling is applicable only where there is unmistakable Civil Case No. A-2032, to recover ownership and possession
evidence on record that the prerequisites of a valid of the three (3) pieces of real estate, until the finality of
consignation are present, especially the conformity of the judgment in Civil Case No. A-245. For patiently electing not
proffered payment to the terms of the obligation which is to inundate our courts of justice with cases the outcome of
to be paid.24 In the instant case, since there is no clear and which may well depend upon the then pending civil suit,
preponderant evidence that the consignation of ₱724.00 respondents cannot now be penalized by barring their
satisfied all the requirements for validity and enforceability, complaint in Civil Case No. A-2032 on the equitable grounds
and since Mamerto Reyes vehemently contested the of estoppel and laches.
propriety of the consignation, petitioners cannot rely upon
sheer speculation and unfounded inference to construe the We also find no reason to disturb our findings upon
Decision of the Court of First Instance as one impliedly petitioners’ assertion that they were purchasers of the
approving the consignation of ₱724.00 and perfecting the three (3) parcels of land in good faith and for value. As we
redemption of the three (3) parcels of land. held in David v. Bandin, "the issue of good faith or bad faith
of the buyer is relevant only where the subject of the sale is
It should be recalled that one of the requisites of registered land and the purchaser is buying the same from
consignation is the filing of the complaint by the debtor the registered owner whose title to the land is clean x x x in
against the creditor. Hence it is the judgment on the such case the purchaser who relies on the clean title of the
complaint where the court declares that the consignation registered owner is protected if he is a purchaser in good
has been properly made that will release the debtor from faith for value."29 Since the properties in question are
liability. Should the consignation be disapproved by the unregistered lands, petitioners as subsequent buyers
court and the case dismissed, there is no payment and the thereof did so at their peril. Their claim of having bought the
debtor is in mora and he shall be liable for the expenses and land in good faith, i.e., without notice that some other
bear the risk of loss of the thing.25 person has a right to or interest in the property, would not
protect them if it turns out, as it actually did in this case,
To sanction the argument of petitioners and in the process that their seller did not own the property at the time of the
excuse them from their responsibility of securing from the sale.
trial court in Civil Case No. A-245 a categorical declaration
that the consignation of ₱724.00 had complied with all the At any rate, petitioners failed to discharge their burden of
essential elements for its validity would only dilute the rule proof that they were purchasers of the three (3) parcels of
requiring absolute compliance with the requisites of land in good faith. For, as we ruled in Embrado v. Court of
consignation.26 It also disturbs a steady and stable status of Appeals,30 the burden of proving the status of a purchaser
proprietary rights, i.e., "x x x el acreedor tan solo, y no el in good faith and for value lies upon him who asserts that
juez, puede autorizar la variacion que para los derechos de status, which is not discharged by simply invoking the
aquel suponga la que se intente en el objeto, cuantia o ordinary presumption of good faith, i.e., that everyone is
forma de las obligaciones,"27 since parties are left guessing presumed to act in good faith, since the good faith that is
on whether the repurchase of the properties had been here essential is integral with the very status which must be
effected. In a broader sense, this uncertain state will only established.
depress the market value of the land and virtually paralyze
efforts of the landowner to meet his needs and obligations In the proceedings a quo, what is evident is the admitted
and realize the full value of his land. fact of payment made by Mamerto Reyes as respondents’
predecessor-in-interest of the taxes on the properties prior
Moreover, we do not think that respondents’ causes of to and at the time when the contracts of sale in favor of
action in Civil Case No. A-2032 are now barred by estoppel petitioner-spouses were perfected, which undoubtedly
and laches. The essence of estoppel and laches is the failure confirms the precedence of respondents’ possession of the
or neglect for an unreasonable and unexplained length of parcels of land in question. This situation should have
time to do that which by exercising due diligence could or compelled petitioners to investigate the right of
respondents over the properties before buying them, and Bustamante and Toribia R. Camelo who are heirs of
in the absence of such inquiry, the rule is settled that a Mamerto Reyes as absolute owners of the property in
buyer in the same circumstances herein involved cannot question free from all liens and encumbrances; and,
claim to be a purchaser in good faith. ordering petitioner-spouses Teofilo and Simeona Rayos,
petitioner George Rayos and Francisco Tazal and/or their
The absence of good faith on the part of petitioner-spouses agents or representatives to vacate and surrender the
Teofilo and Simeona Rayos in purchasing the three (3) parcels of land in favor of respondents Donato Reyes,
parcels of unregistered land precludes the application of Saturnino Reyes, Tomasa R. Bustamante and Toribia R.
the rule on double sales enunciated in Art. 1544 of the Civil Camelo, are AFFIRMED with the SOLE MODIFICATION that
Code.31 In any event, even if we apply Art. 1544, the facts the award of actual damages for litigation expenses,
would nonetheless show that respondents and their attorney’s fees and exemplary damages plus costs is
predecessor-in-interest registered first the source of their DELETED and SET ASIDE. No costs.
ownership and possession, i.e., the 1 September 1957 deed
of sale with right to repurchase, held the oldest title, and SO ORDERED.
possessed the real properties at the earliest time. Applying
the doctrine of "priority in time, priority in rights" or "prius Mendoza, Quisumbing, Austria-Martinez and Callejo, Sr.,
tempore, potior jure," respondents are entitled to the JJ., concur.
ownership and possession of the parcels of land in dispute.

Finally, on the issue of damages, we agree with petitioners

that respondents failed to prove their entitlement to actual
damages for litigation expenses of ₱20,000.00, attorney’s
fees of ₱10,000.00 and exemplary damages of ₱50,000.00
plus costs. No evidence to prove actual damages was
offered in Civil Case No. A-2032 since the parties therein
submitted the case for decision on the basis of their
respective memoranda, hence no actual damages can be
awarded.32 In the same manner, there is no clear and
convincing showing that petitioners acted in a wanton,
fraudulent, reckless, oppressive, or malevolent manner to
warrant the imposition of exemplary damages in
respondents’ favor.33 In any event, exemplary damages
cannot be adjudicated in the instant case since there is no
award of moral, temperate or compensatory damages.34

Similarly, we cannot award attorney’s fees since there is no

stipulation to grant the same nor were exemplary damages
awarded or were improperly imposed as in the instant
case.35 It is appropriate to stress that the mere filing of a
complaint does not ipso facto entitle a party to attorney’s
fees since this act is a means sanctioned by law to protect
rights and interests even if found subsequently to be

WHEREFORE, the instant Petition for Review is DENIED. The

assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No.
55789 affirming in toto the Decision of the Regional Trial
Court, Branch 54, Alaminos, Pangasinan in Civil Case No. A-
2032, i.e., declaring void the Deeds of Absolute Sale
executed by Francisco Tazal in favor of Blas Rayos, and by
the latter in favor of Teofilo Rayos, and by Francisco Tazal in
favor of Teofilo Rayos dated 22 June 1961, all encompassing
the three (3) parcels of land sold under the Deeds of Sale
with the Right to Repurchase, insofar as they authorized the
transfer of ownership and possession thereof to petitioner-
spouses Teofilo and Simeona Rayos; proclaiming
respondents Donato Reyes, Saturnino Reyes, Tomasa R.

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