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Asking and Giving Directions in Hospital, Nurses/ Meminta dan Memberi

Arah di Rumah Sakit, Perawat

A) Visitor/ Patient
1) How to ask for directions
a) Could you tell me how to get to...?
b) Can you tel me
c) Could you tell me how to get to....?
d) I’m looking for.... how can I get there?

2) How to give simple directions

a) Walk down....
b) Go along this....
c) Go up stairs....
d) Until you find...
e) Then turn right/left....
f) Take the first turn on the right.
3) Showing directions
a) Turn left into...
b) Turn right to...
c) Go straight ahead...
d) Go along this coridor

4) Showing a place/ a rooms

a) It is..............
b) It is on the left/ right side
c) It is of....
d) It is next to....
e) It is near....
f) It is at the opposite of....
g) It is at the corner of....
h) It is just before...
i) It is just after....
j) It is opposite...

B) Example Dialoge:
1) Visitor: excuse me, where is pediatric ward? (Dimas Erda)
Nurse : Please go straight a head until you find ICU. Then you turn left Pediatric ward at left
side. (Satria, 53)

2) Visitor: Nurse, I’m looking for amarylis ward. How can I get there? (Zuriska;32)
Nurse : you go along this coridor, then you find stairs. Then you move on second floor.
Amarylis room on right side of you. (Mukhlas; 31)

3) Visitor: I need to pay recocayr out patient . can you show me where the chashier is?
(Mahardika; 51)
Nurse : Well, can you go straight a head here administration. The cashier next to. Beside on
the pharmacy. (Dwi Agus; 2)
4) Visitor: Excuse me, I need go to polyclinic. Can you show me the way? (Wifqi; 46)
Nurse : Well, you must walk to through emergency until room, then turn left untul you see
Laboratorium Area (Maratus; 26)

5) Visitor: Nurse, I must go to Radiology Unit. Can you tell me where radiology unit is? (Siti
Nurse : that is at beside build. You must exit then turn right. In right this build, you find
radiology unit.

Contoh Kalimat Command (Perintah) and

Request (Permintaan)
A. Command (Kalimat Perintah)

1. Untuk membuat kalimat perintah kita bisa menggunakan kata “command, order, tell,
ask, must, and shall”.

Contoh Kalimat:
My mother commanded me to help her.
(Artinya: Ibuku memerintahku untuk membantunya)
The teacher ordered the students to do the exercise.
(Artinya: guru memerintah murid-murid mengerjakan latihan)
I told you to be quiet.
(Artinya: Saya menyuruhmu diam)
He asked me to open the window.
(Artinya: Dia memerintahku untuk membuka jendela)
You must write the lessson.
(Artinya: Kamu harus menulis/ mencatat pelajaran itu)
You must go home now.
(Artinya: Kamu harus pulang sekarang)
This table shall be cleaned.
(Artinya: Meja ini hendaknya dibersihkan)
This book shall be read together.
(Artinya: Buku ini hendaknya dibaca bersama-sama)

Kata “command, order, & tell” merupakan verb (kata kerja). Sedangkan kata “ask”
digunakan dalam causative, dan kata “must & shall” merupakan modal auxiliaries.

2. Be + Adjective

Contoh Kalimat:
Be quiet! (Artinya: Diamlah)
Be ready. (Artinya: Bersiaplah)
Be careful! (Artinya: hati-hatilah)

3. Let us (Let’s) + Infinitives

Contoh Kalimat:
Let us go now. (Artinya: Mari kita pergi sekarang)
Let’s study together. (Artinya: Mari kita belajar bersama)
Let’s find the way out. (Artinya: Mari kita menemukan jalan keluar)

B. Request (Permintaan)

1. Can you/ Could you

Contoh Kalimat:
Can you help me, Please! (Artinya: Dapatkah anda menolongku!)
Could you open the gate. (Artinya: Bisakah kamu membukakan gerbangnya)

Baca juga artikel kami mengenai Contoh Polite Request (Permintaan Sopan) Dengan"I"
dan "You" Sebagai Subject.

2. Will you/ won’t you

Contoh Kalimat:
Will you pick me up ?
(Artinya: Maukah kamu menjemputku?)
Won’t you send the letter?
(Artinya: Maukah kamu mengirim surat ini?)

3. Would you like to

Contoh Kalimat
Would you like to drink this tea, please.
(Artinya: Maukah anda meminum teh ini)
Would you like to lift this chair, please.
(Artinya: Maukah anda mengangkat kursi ini)

4. Would you mind

Contoh Kalimat:
Would you mind finishing it first?
(Artinya: Tidak keberatankah anda untuk menyelesaikannya dahulu?)
Would you mind watching film with me?
(Artinya: Tidak keberatankah anda menonton film dengan saya?)
Untuk informasi selengkapnya mengenai penggunaan “would you mind”, silahkan baca
artikel kami mengenai Contoh Polite Request (Permintaan Sopan) Menggunakan "Would
You Mind".

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