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 Weakness of muscles and fatigue. The muscles of the body appear to waste away and
may be left without adequate strength to carry out daily activities.
 Many people complain of tiredness all day and lack of energy. This may also be due to
anemia caused by malnutrition.
 Increased susceptibility to infections.
 Delayed and prolonged healing of even small wounds and cuts.
 Irritability and dizziness
 Skin and hair becomes dry. Skin may appear dry, and flaky and hair may turn dry,
lifeless, dull and appear like straw. Nails may appear brittle and break easily.
 Some patients suffer from persistent diarrhea or long term constipation.
 Menstruation may be irregular or stop completely in malnourished women.
 Depression is common in malnutrition. This could be both a cause as well as an effect of

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