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User's Manual

• Figure 28. Restore Selection Screen

Auto Backup Restore Settings Wizard
Restore Data

Restore the following backup data

Selected backup data:

'My Music' disk

Backup location:

Restore location:
| Original Location v

Previous | Next >> Finish Cancel

Restore wizard’s first screen will prompt you to select the restore backup file destination.
There are two options avaiiabie to you, which are:
Restore backup fiies to their original foider or
Designate a new destination foider to restore backup fiies to.

• Figure 29. Restore Options Screen

Auto Backup Restore Settings Wizard

Set Restore Options

Set restore time

Restore fiies from a specific time point.
® From the most recent backup
O From the backup dosest to the following time point

Restore duplicate fiies

® Restore only fiies that are different from source fiies.
O Restore all fiies.
0 Ask before overwriting the data

Finish Cancel

Restore wizard will then present restore time and duplicate file restoring options.
You will be abie to choose to restore backup fiies from the most recent backup or from the ciosest backup to a
specified date and time.
As for duplicate backup fiies, you have the option to restore backup fiies that are different from their originais
only or to restore all the Ales.

G2 Portable Externa! Hard Drlve 25

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