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turia A. Mange
Departntent of Earth Sciences
Universit¡' of Oxford

Heinz F. W. Maurer
Hofstattw,eg l l
CH-3041 Sririsw,il


London . New York .Tokyo . Melbourne . Madras


Published by Chapman & Hall, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SEI gHN

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First edition 1992

@1992 Maria A. Mange and Heinz F. W. I\,Iaurer

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ISBN 0 412 43910 7

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A catalogue record for this book is ar ailabre from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-publication Data

Mange, Maria A.
Heavy minerals in colour / Maria A. Mange, Heinz F. W. Maurer.
p. cm.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
ISB,N 0-412+39LU7 (atk. paper)
J.. Heavy minerals-Identificátion-Handbooks, manuals, etc.
I. Maurer, Heinz F. W. II. Title
Q8364.2.H4M36 1989
549'.1-4c20 89-9199
Contents 3tl'';,'/
l-'lt¿ /tl

Preface pagewi
Acknowledgments ix

Part I Heavy minerals in the study of sediments:

principles and practice


Heavy minerals in the study of sediments:

their application and limitations 4
Hydraulic effects 4
Heavy minerals and grain size 6
The chemical stability of heavy minerals 6

Methods 11
Sampling for heavy mineral analyses 11
Preparation of samples 11
Size reduction, disaggregation and cleaning i1
Sieving 12
Heavy mineral separation 12
General considerations 12
Gravity separation 13
Centrifuge technique 1,1

Miscellaneous separations l-s

Preparation for optical analysis 15
Splitting of heavy mineral lractions l5
Grain mounts l6
N{icroscopic identifi cation 17
Grain counting 17
Study of varietal types 18
Advanced auxiliary techniques 19
X-ray diffraction 7t0
X-ray fl uorescence spectrometry 20
Electron-probe microanall sis 20
The scanning electron microscopc 20
Cathodol u minescence 22

Presentation and nurnerical analysis of heavl'

mineral data z7

5 Application of heavy minerals 29

Part II Descriptions of heavy minerals 35

6 Introduction 37
Abbreviations and symbols JÓ

7' Heavy mineral descriptions and colour plates 39

References 135

ldentification table t42

Mineral index r44
Gcneral index 145

Although some handbooks on the microscopic identi- In Part I the concept of heavy mineral analysis is
fication of heavy mineral grains are available, a introduced and the relative significance of factors
comprehensive manual illustrated in colour has not affecting heavy mineral assemblages is discussed. There
been published until norv. Because the appearance of are brief references to the commonly used laboratory
minerals in grain mounts differs considerably from methods and auxiliary techniques. It concludes with
those seen in a thin section, a different approach is some examples of the application of heavy mineral
necessary for the identification of detrital grains. studies.
Coloured photomicrographs, shorving their colour Part II contains the descriptions of 61 transparent
shades, pleochroism and interference tints, provide heavy mineral species, including those which are
an excelient means of assisting recognition. As a commonly authigenic in sediments. positive identi-
number of mineral grains have similar optical proper- fication of authigenic minerals is important to avoid
ties and morphology, it is equally importanr to confusion and to help recognition of diagenetic
describe them verbally in detail, pointing out events. In the mineral descriptions considerable
characteristic features and differences. emphasis is placed upon detrital morphology and
This book is intended primarily as a manual that diagnostic features. Optical properties and character-
describes and illustrates the transparent heavy min- istics are detailed, together with information on host
erals most commonly found in sediments. It is hoped rocks. Each mineral description is accompanied by
that such a manual will be useful as a ll'ork of one or more representative colour plates.
reference for students and research rvorkers alikc.

This book was completed while the authors rvere College, London for aliowing access to the heavy
engaged in research at the University of Berne, mineral collection of the late Professor H. B. Milner
Switzerland. I (MM) wish to express my gratitude to and to J. Waltzebuck of BEB Erdgas and Erdoel
Professor A. Matteq. His help and encouragement was GMBH, Hannover for permitting the use of several
instrumental in securing the book's publication. I am heavy mineral grains from the Rotliegend of
also indebted to N. H. Platt and S. D. Burley fo¡ their W. Germany. Aegirine, arfvedsonite- and dumortierite-
constructive criticism and valuable suggestions. Thanks bearing samples rvere kindly lent by A. C. Morton of
are due to R. Oberhánsli for his help in the microprobe the British Geological Survey, Keyworth.
analysis and for reading some parts of the mineral We acknorvledge the continued support and interest
descriptions. The manuscript benefited from fruitful shorvn by Roger Jones, norv of UCL Press.
discussions with P. A. Allen, Th. Armbuster. A. J. Financial support was generously provided by the
Htrrford, A. C. Morton, Professor E. Niggli, Universitl, of Berne, the Srviss l-ottery Foundation,
K. Ramseyer and with several colleagues fronl the Shell Expro (U.K.) and BP Exploration, London.
Geological and the lv{ineralogical-Petrographical
Institutes of the Llniversity of Berne. F. Zw'eili has Maria A. Mange-Rajetzky
kindly provided assistance with the scanning electron Heinz F. W. Maurer
microscope. We are grateful to G. Evans of Imperial


1 Introduction

High-density accessory mineral constituents of silici- depositional dissolution may often profoundly modify
clastic sediments are called heavy minerals. In their an initial mineral suite.
parent rocks they are present either as essential rock- Largely as a result of these drarvbacks, but also in
forming minerals (e.g. amphiboles, pyroxenes, micas) part because of the arrival of more attractive and
or are accessory components, such as zircon, apatite, fashionable new techniques, many geologists regarded
tourmaline, etc., occurring in a wide variety of rock heavy mineral studies as uninteresting or useless.
types. Heavy mineral grains are seldom encountered in However, the technique has by no means been neg-
appreciable quantities in sandstone thin sections; their lected. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s a number
total quantity rarely makes up more than one per cent of researchers successfully used the study of heavy
of the rock. In ordcr to studl,hcavy mincrals cffcctivcll' nrinerals in keynote 'rr,orks on a tvide rangc of geo-
they need to be concentrated, and this is normally done logical problems (van Andel 1950, 1955, van Baren &
by means of rock disaggregation and mineral separa- Kiel 19,50, Hutton 1950, Wieseneder 1952, Koen 1955,
tion, using liquids with densities of 2.89 (bromoform) Feo-Codecido 19-56, Sarkisyan 1958, Sindowsky 1958,
or 2.96 (tetrabromoethane). High-density mineral van Andel & Poole 1960, Baker 1962, Hubert 1962,
grains sink in these liquids, hence the name 'heavy' Füchtbauer 1961, 1961 , Hubert & Neal 7967, Gazzi &
minerals. Ztrffa I97A). These studies have greatly contributed to
It is now more than 100 years since the study of heavv a better understanding of the factors important in
minerals was established. The first part of this centur)' modifying heavy mineral suites, and have opened the
witnessed the enthusiasm of early researchers as thel' n'ay for more sophisticated interpretations. The expan-
looked for and identified heavy minerals. During this sion of heavy mineral studies into hitherto neglected
time methods were refined and there u'as a prolifera- fields, the application of advanced analytical tech-
tion of publications (e.g. Thoulet 1881, Retgers 1895. niques and of mathematical data treatment - have all
N{ackie 1896, 1923a, Artini 1898, Illing 1916, Milner been important advances rvhich have led to a re.juvena-
1929, Bosrvell 1933, Edel¡nan 1933. Baak 1936, tion of interest. Consequentlv, heavy mineral anall'ses
Doeglas 19-10). The popularity of heavv minerals until are no\\' more frequently employed and thcy yield
the 19-10s stands in contrast to the general scepticism highly informative results. This can be simply con-
torvards their valLre thereafter. The decline in popu- firmed from scanning some of the latest volumes of the
larity was due in part to the recognition that hydraulic Bibliographl, and Index of Geologv, published by' the
effects cause selective sortin-t according to size, shape American Geological lnstitute. There are nranv studies
and density, and also to the realization that other in which heavl'minerais play a conclusive role.
phenomena may affect heavy mineral assenblages. For Our intention is to provide further assistance and
example, the occurrence of several mineral species is encouragement for the study of heavy minerals and, we
often grain-size dependent, and in addition post- hope. to help in achieving more accurate results.
2 F{eavy minerals in the study of sediments:
their application and limitations

Where observation is concerned

chance favours only the prepared rnind
Louis pasteur 1922_95

Heavy mineral fractions in sediments are often com- thus determine the original input of heavy mineral
posed of diverse mineral species, in which each grain species into a sedimentary system.
conveys its ou'n history. It is the sedimentary petrol- (b) Abrasion and mechanical destruction during trans-
ogist's task to decipher the message encoded in the portation. These are related to mechanical dur-
assemblages and apply them for the purpose of: ability of the grains themselves.
(c) Hydraulic factor. This operates during transporta-
(a) determining provenance: reconstructing the nature tion and is controlled by thc conditions of the
and character of source areas; particular h1'draulic regime. Its effects result in
(b) tracing sediment transport paths: rhese are es- selective srain sorting according to size, form and
pecially useful for cornplementing palaeocurre¡rt densitr'.
analyses; (d) Post-depositional, diagenetic, effects (.intrasrratal
(c) mapping sediment-dispersal patterns; dissolution').
(d) delineating sedimentary petrological provinces;
(e) outlining, and in suitable cases correlating, r,arious The last f\\'o parameters are especially important. The
sand bodies; hydraulic factor decides which mineral grains rvill be
(f) indicating the action of particular hydraulic regimes deposited under certain hydraulic conditions. post-
and concentrating processes; depositional dissolution introduces a selection process
(g) locating potential economic deposits; of a different kind, namely the elimination of the less
(h) elucidating diagenetic processes. resistant grains. and it influences the ultimate heavy
mineral assenrblages of a particular sediment. Abrasion
Heavy minerals are particularly useful in studies during transport appears to cause negligible modifica-
of sedimentation related to tectonic uplift, as the tions of heavy mineral suites (Russel 1937, Shukri
evolution and unroofing episodes of orogenic belts 1e4e).
are faithfully reflected in their foreland sedimenfs.
Analysis of heavy minerals in foreland basin sequences
may thus prove valuable in constraining the structural Hydraulic effects
histories of both the basin and the tectonic hinterlands.
Heavy mineral studies are also widely used in pedology. Rubey (i933) presented the first conclusive paper on
as they provide clues to soil formation. factors causing large variations in the relative mineral
From the moment the minerals are released from abundances of deposits that have been derived from the
their host rocks a se¡ies of processes come into effect, same source lithology. Rubey forrnulated the theory of
operating until the assemblages are extracted from a hydraulic equivalence which states that grains of
sediment for study. The significance of factors likely to different sizes and densities, but of the same settling
affect the reliability of heavy mineral analyses and their velocity, rvill be deposited under the same conditions.
interpretation have been discussed and evaluted in Consequently, the 'hydraulic equivalent size' is defined
many publications (Mackie I923a, van Andel 1959, as a difference in size between a given heavy mineral
Blatt 1967 , Hubert 1971, Pettijohn et al. i973, Morton species and the size of a quartz sphere with the same
1985a). The most important parameters are: settling velocity in water. To resolve the problem of
selective sorting, Rittenhouse (1943), in a study of
(a) Physiographic setting and climate of the source sands from the Rio Grande, introduced the hydraulic
area. These factors largely control the pre-selection ratio which he defined as '100 times the weight of a
of mineral grains during host-rock weathering and mineral in a known range of sizes, divided by the

weight of light minerals of equivalent hydraulic size' The influence of bed configuration on heavy mineral
(Rittenhouse 1.943, p. fial. accumulations was noted by several authors. Hubert &
Subsequent investigations, however, have shown Neal (1967) revealed that bottom topography largely
that the hypothesis of hydraulic equivalence is not controls sand dispersal patterns of deep-sea sands
universally applicabie, and that in most sediments the in the western No¡th Atlantic petrologic province.
heavy and light minerals are not in hydraulic equili- Steidtman (1982) stressed that the 'hydraulic equiva-
brium. Rittenhouse (1943), van Andel (1950) and lence of grains is not only determined by conditions of
Briggs (1965) attributed this discrepancy to limitations deposition' but also by the 'specific style of grain
on grain-size distributions inherited from the host motion and bed configuration'. The degree of hydraulic
rocks, and particularly to the deficiency of larger size sorting of heavy minerals differs markedly between the
'heavies', relative to larger 'lights',. at source. van upper and lower florv regimes. Steidtman advocated
Andel (1950) noted that the relative availability of that 'sampling and analytical techniques should take
heavies varies consistently with transport distance; such factors into account if a successful application of
Lowright et al. (1972) later demonstrated that this was hydraulic equivalence is to be achieved, either in
caused by hydraulic effects. In a study of the environ- interpreting depositional or in reconstructing
ment of Lake Erie these authors detected a systematic pr0venance'.
divergencc frorii hydraulic equilibriunr in that thc Results of recent stutlics, espccially those wliicli
heavy: light settling-velocity ratios displayed a system- investigated the mechanisms of fluvial and alluvial
atic divergence from those expected from conditions of placer evolution, have facilitated a better appreciation
hydraulic equilibrium. They observed an apparent of processes operating in the entrainment, concentra-
source influence in the river- and river-mouth sedi- tion and hydraulic equivalence relationships of light
ments, but in longshore transport the eft'ect of selective and heavy minerals (Slingerland 1977,1984, Salleneer
sorting appeared to be predominant. T'hey concluded 1979, Komar & Wang 198.1, Komar & Clemens 1986,
that deviation from the hydraulic equivalence was due Peterson et sl.1986, Komar 1987).
not to source restrictions but rather to 'differential The effect of grain shape on the settlin-g velocities of
mineral transport', rvhich resulted in the progressive heavy mineral grains was investigated bv Briggs er c/.
elimination of heavies from the transporting s)stem (1962). This work shorved that the 'variations in shape'
with increasing distance of travel. factor has an effect on the drag coefficient (a dynamic
Hand (1967) recorded that, once deposited, heavy reaction betrveen the fluid and the particle) of a similar
minerals are more difficult to entrain than quartz. magnitude to that caused by variation in specific
This theory was further developed b1'Trask & Hand gravity. Therefore 'sorting of heavy minerals by shape
(1985) in a study of the effect of h¡.'draulic sorting of is as important as sorting by specific gravity'. The
heavy minerals in longshore transport on the eastern importance of hydraulic fractionation by shape in
shore of Lake Ontario. Trask & Hand introduced the addition to density n'as also emphasized by Flores &
concept of 'difficulty of entrainment' *-hich implies that Shideler (1978). erpressed as'shape-fractionation
'the smaller size of heavy minerals nrakes them less index'. This is calculated by the ratios of bladed and
entrainable and less transportable than fall-equivalent elongate minerals to equant minerals (e.g. pyroxene,
lights'. This is partly explained by the tendency of the hornblende, etc., versus garnet and epidote). Flores &
smali heavy grains to 'hide' in the interstices of the Shideler showed that. during reworking of sediments
larger light grains. Slin,qerland (I977 ,1984) pinpointed on the South Texas Outer Continental Shelf by the
factors such as 'selective grain sortin-s' during deposi- Holocene transgression, the more equant epidote and
tion and 're-entrainment processes', n'hich ultimately also the heavier grains had a higher selection rate for
exert most control on the final grain size of a deposit. permanent deposition.
The dependence of marine concentrating processes Several attempts rvere made to evaluate quanti-
on the energy of a particular environment was shown tatively the effects of the hydraulic behaviour of heavy
by Swift et al. (1971), Stapor (1973), Drummond & minerals on provenance determinations and correlation
Stow (1979) and Riech et al. (7982). In the area of (for details see Hubert 1971 and Morton 1985a).
offshore Alabama and Mississippi, Drummond & Storv However, the methods employed include time-con-
(1979) observed that the smaller and more dense heavy suming laboratory measurements as well as computa-
mineral grains (ilmenite, zircon, leucoxene, monazite tion and they are not used in the general routine of
and rutile) are concentrated in low-energy environ- heavy mineral analyses.
ments, rvhereas the larger and less dense heavy In studies of heavy minerals, the extent and possible
minerals (kyanite, tourmaiine, staurolite and silli- effects of hydraulic sorting must always be considered.
manite) are found in areas of relativelv high energy. Its effect may be minimized by carefully plannecl

shmpling and selection of only those grain sizes typical mounting and analysis difficult. When abundant coarse
for, and representative of, the sediment under study and fine grains are available, the problem can be
and the energy conditions operating during deposition. tackled by splitting the heavy residue into two (or
more) fractions. This may prove particularly beneficial
for the analysis of poorly sorted sediments or for those
Heavy minerals and grain size rvhich include detritus from source terrains, comprising
complex lithologies and of various size grades. A far
A number of heavy mineral species have an affinity to less frequently used but probably more effective
certain grain sizes. This reflects their initial size in the approach is to convert relative percentages of healy
source rocks, a factor controlled primarily by con- minerals to weight percentages (see p. 18).
ditions of crystallization, The tendency.of zircon to Finaily, it must be borne in mind, that for correlation,
occur as small grains is often mentioned in this context. on either a local or a regional scale, only similar grain
Other species, such as staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite, sizes and similarly treated and analysed heavy mineral
andalusite, topaz, and not uncommonly garnet, suites should be used.
tourmaline and pyroxenes, often appear as fairly large
As both the size of the individual heavy mineral The chemical stability of heavy minerals
grains and the mean grain size of sediments are
controlled by factors operating in the particular de- Dissolution processes of common rock-forming minerals
positional environment, a uniform grain-size range, have been extensively studied both in soils and in
suitable for all heavy mineral analyses, cannot be simulated Iaboratory experiments (among others,
established. Probably the only compromise is to assess Raeside 1959, Wilson 1975, Berner 1978, Berner &
the properties of the sediment in question and then to Schott 1982, Nahon & Colin 1982, Anand & Gilkes
select, by means of careful examination and operational 1984, Velbel 1984 (in soils); Huang & Keller 1970,
tests, a size range that will yield the most representa- 1972, Schott et al. 198I (in the laboratory); see also
tive assemblage of heavy minerals and the maximum Colman & Dethier 1986, Huang & Schnitzer 1986 and
information. This practice is frequently adopted Tan 1986). These studies have investigated the rate
and two principal methods are used. The first limits and kinetics of mineral dissolution, and their results
the grades into one, often narrow, size fraction provide some insight into reactions betrveen minerals
(e.g. Sindowsky 1938, 10G-200 ¡rm; Carver 19'11,725- and solvents, into dissolution processes through pro-
250 ¡rm; Gravenor & Gostin 1979, 75-150 ¡rm; gressive etching, or into the conversion of one mineral
Morton 1985a 6!125 pm). This has the advantage of into another mineral by replacement. Although these
producing uniform observational conditions and investigations were limited to surface or near-surface
eliminating apparent variations in heavy mineral pro- conditions, the processes probably take place in a
portions, caused by differences in grain size. In similar style during burial.
addition, using a narrow size grade helps to reduce the The importance of post-depositional dissolution
effect of hydraulic sorting. This approach is ideal for cannot be overemphasized. This can obscure proven-
fine-grained, well-sorted sediments. However, in many ance by elirninating informative unstable rninerals,
cases it involves the risk of leaving undetected some leaving a residue of ultrastable zircon, tourmaline,
diagnostic species, which are present only outside the rutile and, often, apatite.
selected size grade. This method may thus provide Details on the complex subject of mineral stability
dubious results, especially in the case ofcoarse-grained versus dissolution are beyond the scope of the present
deposits. work. This is widely covered in the relevant literature,
The second practice employs a wide size range or and the reader is referred to some key studies and
uses the entire heavy mineral 'crop' (e.g. van Andel reviews, such as Edelman & Doeglas (L934), Goldich
L950, van Andel & Poole 1960, 62-500 ¡rm; Füchtbauer (1938), Bramlette (1941), Pettijohn (1941), Dryden &
1964,63-400 ¡rm; Galehouse 7967 and Rice et al. 1976, Dryden (1946), Blatt & Sutherland (1969), Hubert
. : 62-2000 pm; and Milner 1962 and Pettijohn et aI. 1973, (197i), Grimm (1973), Nickel (1973), Morton (1984b,
' the entire heavy mineral aisemblage). These sizes will 1985a). Several earlier studies on the stability of heavy
,.,.'.. lnglude all potentially useful species and; in addition, minerals have been compiled and reviewed by Luepke
will provide a good characterization of the entire heavy (1984). Morton (1985a) summarized previous works on
mineral spectrum of a sample. The drawback of this the chemical stability of heavy minerals and, basing hís
- approach is that the presence of finé and coarse heavy studies mainly on sequences from the North Sea, he
mineral grains within a single concentrate rnakes established a, realistic stability response'. of heavy
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minerals to acidic and alkaline geochemical environ- leaching either in the source area or at some stage
ments (Table 2.1). during its history (Morton 1986).
Thoulet (1913) was one of the first to note the Garnets are sensitive to acid leaching in the weather-
decreasing complexity of heavy mineral suites with ing profile (Bramlette 7929, Dryden & Dryden 1946),
increasing geological age. Pettijohn (19a1) considered and their unstable nature in acids was confirmed in a
that the general absence of many heavy mineral species laboratory experiment by Nickel (1973). The stability
in older sediments could be attributed to removal of of nrembers of the garnet group varies according to
unstable minerals by intrastratal solution. Pettijohn their chemistry. Humbert & Marshall (1943) found that
regarded age as a major controlling factor on the melanite garnets, as lvell as iron and manganese garnets
survil'al of minerals in sediments and this *'as expressed in the weathering products of basic rocks, were more
in the 'order'of persistence' of heavy nrinerals (Table weathered than the garnets from weathered granitic
2.1). Larer studies (e.g. Wieseneder & Nlaurer 1958, lithologies. Dana (1895) and Allen (1948) also noted
Walker 1967, WalkeÍ et el. 1967, Grimm 1973, Friis that garnets with high ferrous iron content were
I971, I976, Füchtbauer 1974, Scavnicar 1979, Friis particularly prone to disintegration. Morton (1987)
et al. 7980. lvlorton 1982a, 1981b) dealing with sub- observed that garnets rvith the highest calcium content
surface formirtions u,hich experiencetl acid or alk¡rline s'ere least stahle and 'rvere dissolvecl at comparatively
diagenesis have shed light on the conditions and shallorv depth in the Upper Palaeocene Forties Forma-
processes that account for the gradual dissolution of tion in the Central North Sea.
unstabL- species. Horvcver, the overall behaviour of Recently, Velbel (1984) investigated the weathering
heavl' minerals rnay be dependent on thc chemistry of process of almandine garnet in saprolite soils and in
the individual mineral species in question. Mineral siream sediments in North Carolina. He demonstrated
behaviour m¿rv also reflect different gcological settings the different beh¿rviour and dissolution of garnet in the
and different geochemical environments. studied en'u'ironments as a response to controlling
In general terms, the stabilitl' of a prrrticular hear'1' factors such as oxidizing potential and influences of
mineral species can be determined from thc- pH of the organic and inorganic processes: garnet from the
geochemicirl environnlent, although caution is needed inorganic environment of oxidized vadose saprolite
rvhen using this simplistic approach since both Eh and had a thick lay'er of gibbsite-goethite as weathering
ionic compositiorr of pore ffuids are ¿rlscl likell'tc-r products, thus pror,iding a Iayer which protected the
influence heavr, mineral stability. Unfortunately, there grains from corrosion and their surface remained
is still little data available on this sLrbjc'ct at present- unetched. In soils u'here biological and biochenrical
Heavl miner¿rl assemblages appear to rc-spond differ- processes prevail. and also in streams, a protective
ently to extrelrcs of acid environments (such as those Iaver cannot form and a selective surface attack is
ty'pical in lateritic or humid-tropical rvc'utherinq condi- shou,n by' numerous etch pits.
tions) and alkaline enr.'ironments (as trpical in desert 'I'he facetted forrns of garnet have attracted
soils or as occurring in the saline brines ¡ssociated lrith able interest rihich provokecl debates on their authi-
hy'clrocarbon reservoirs). senic - (Simpson i976) versLrs dissolution - (Gravenor
This difference of beh¿iviour is qell illustrated by the & Leavitt 1981. l\,laurer 1982, Morton 1984br. tsorg
response of apatite and girrnet under these extremes. 1986) related ori-qin. Hansley (1987) carried our an
During acidic u'eathering apatite is highll' unstable. etching experiment on garnets, using organic acids, in
rvith the result that soils and rocks sr-rbjt--cted to acidic order to reproduce the deeplv facetted forms (conrmon
leaching are usually depleted in apatitc. The apatite in the }vlorrison Formation in Neu'Mexico) and to gain
dissolution effect is particularly strong in carbonate- a deeper understanding of the process that produces
free acid soils (Piller 1951). Lemcke et al. (1953) nnted facetted forms. Hansley provided petrological and
that in the presence of Ca2* ions the solubility of experimental evidence, thus confirming studies that
apatite is reduced. Holever, it is comnronly present in attributed the facetting to advanced etching, and
ancient sediments and in deeply buried rocks provided discussed both the kinetics of etching and the factors
they rverc not subjected to acidic leaching. lvlorton controlling the dissolution processes in the N{orrison
(1984a, 1986) observed no dissolution of apatite in Formation.
North Sea sequences even at burial depths exceeding The effects of mineral dissolution can be observed in
3800 m. In deeply buried Rotliegend sandstones apatite optical mounts, but the textnral critcria fclr its recog-
is present at even greater depth, rvhere it frequently nition are most rr-'adily rliscerned using thc scanning
develops overgrou,ths (MM, unpublished data). As electron microscope (Hemingway & Tamar-Agha 191 5,
apatite is rvidespread in detrital sediments, absence of Setlow 1978, Berner & Schott 1982, Maurer 1982,
apatitc lrom a sedinent may be diagnostic of acid Ivlorton 1984b). Incipient dissolution procluces small

etch pits and mamillae on the surface of the affected abundant heavy minerals and informative assemblages.
minerals. As the process continues, the unstable grains, Oil infiltration into a sandstone halts or inhibits
in accordance with their crystailography and chemistry. further diagenesis, and hence prevents or slows later
shorv facets, ragged edges, deep parallel grooves and mineral dissolution. Yurkova (1970) demonstrated rhat
furrows or become 'skeletal'. Grimm (1973, pp. 1.17 & oi1-saturated zones in the productive horizons of
120) illustrated the progressive stages of dissolution for Sakhalin contain significantly more unstable accessory
the most common heavy minerals. Of the numerous heavy minerals than the adjacent rvater-bearing forma-
etch patterns, probably the 'hacksarv' or 'cockscomb' tions. Morton (1982a) found similarly well-preserved
terminations of pyroxenes and staurolite, the 'fra1'ed' unstable minerals in the oil-saturated Tertiary sand-
edges of amphiboles, and the 'etch facets' of garnets are stones of the North Sea Balder Field and also attributed
the easiest to reccrgnize under the li-eht microscope. their preservation to oil inhibition of diagenesis.
Horvever, caütion is necessary before ascribing ali these Although intrastratal dissolution can profoundly
features to dissolution effects. Edelman & Doeglas modify initially diverse heavy mineral assemblages, an
(1932, 1934) noted that similar textures are often impoverished heavy mineral suite cannot be universally
initially causcd by mechanical processes and then regarded as a consequence of diagnetic loss of the less
enhanced b1' subsequent corrosion. Hubert (1971) stable species. r'an Andel (1959) argued that the
arguecl that, in some cases, ragged outlincs ntight absence of unstablc heavies is in many cases due to
reflect the ori,einal habit of mineral -erains in the host parent rock compositions or to loss before deposition in
rocks. Some irregular shapes are also produced bv areas of intensive rveathering. van Andel stressed the
breakage during transport. In the course of our u'ork prime importance of the geological settin_9: platform
u'e have seen typical 'hacksarv' terminations on freshll' facies sediments, receiving detritus from cratonic
eroded pyroxenes in beach anci river s¡rnds fror¡ sources, are generally characterized by stable assem-
southern Turkey and St Lucia. It therefore seems blages; in contrast. sediments shed b1' orogenic sources
probable that grains may already possr-ss inherited contain diverse hear,y mineral suites. In tectonically
ragged outlines. superficialll' resembling etch leatu¡es. active settings, high relief. strong erosion and rapid
hcforc ttrc timc of dcposition. burial provide conditions favourable for prescrl'inu an
In deeply buried porous sandstone bodies. the 'initial' composition of sediments faithfully reflecting
dissolr.rtion process is most likell'to modifl the original the litholog,v of source lands.
nrineral suite. Hulrert (1962) suggested the zrR index Only' a few studies of this kind have bc'en carried out
as an ¿rid to the quantitatire definition of nlineralogical on pre-Cretaceous post-orogenic sediments, but their
mirturity in heavy mineral suites. The zrR index is 'the resr¡lts appear to support van Andel's argument: thc-
combined percentage of zircon. tourmalinc-. and rutile Perrno-Triassic molasse of the pre-Ural re_{ion contains
among the transparent heav) mincr¿rls omittins uell preserved pvroxenes and anrphiboL's (Sarkisian
and authigenic species'. This index is useful as a scalc- of 19,58;. 1y¡,¡tn the clastic Upper Dl'oni¡rn series in rhe
the 'degree of modification. or maturitr. ol entire axial zone of the Pyrenees, Stame-rger (1976) distin-
he¿rvv mineral assembla-ges of sandstones'. In most guished a'u'estein' heavy mineral province. t¡pified by
greyrvackes ¿rnd arkoses the zTR index is about 2-3993. hornblende-zoisite-clinozoisite-epidorr'. rvhich stood
Horvel'er. it usually exceeds 90?,., in orthoquartzitc-s. in sharp contrast rvith the adjacent heavy mineral
This reflects the general increase in ZTR inder uith provinces containing stable species only,. The heal'y
increasing geological age of the sediments as a result of mineral composition of these provinces was controlled
the progressive dissolution of unsiable minerals. bv source-area lithology and not by post-depositional
Early cement¿rtion may seal pore throats and isolate effects. Pyroxenes and hornblende are common consti-
the rocks from circr-rlating pore fluids. thus protecting tuents of the Devonian Old Red Sanclstone (regarded
the unstable minerals from dissolution. Cclncretions, as a post-orogenic mol;rsse) of Scotland (Anderton
thinly bedded sand bodies rvith frequent muddy et al. 1979, pp. 111-25). Cawood (1933) studied the
horizons, and silty mudstones, usually have restricted compositions of detrital py'roxenes in early Palaeozoic
fluid migration and thus contain better preserved heavl' rocks from the Nerv England Fold Belt of Australia,
mineral suites (Bramlette 1941, Weyl & \\¡erner 1951, and Weissbrod & Nachmias (1986) have reported
Ludrvig 1968, Blatt & Sutherland 1969, lr{orton 198.1b, the presence of unstable minerals from the late Pre-
1985a). Recently Blatt (1985) drew attention to mud- cambrian Zenifim Formation of the 'Nubian Sandstone'
rocks as potential ancl reliable rock types for proven- in Israel, and from similar assemblages in southern
ance studies. Nludrocks are abundant in most seclimen- Jordan.
tary environments (they form 65% of the stratigraphic To sumnlarize, it is necessrry to assess the iocal
coh.rmn) ancl the silt fraction of silty mudstones ¡'ields conditions prevalent in cach indiviclual study area

3 Methods

Sampling for heavy mineral analyses natively washing with water to dissolve soluble
The value of heavy mineral analyses largely depends on (3) removal of organic substances;
the accuracy of sampling. rvhich consequentll' should (4) freeing the grains from adhering clays or iron oxide
be carefully and meticulously planned. To a large coating;
extent the purpose of the study and the nature of the (5) cleaning of bituminous or crude oil saturated
depositional ehvironment or environments in question samples;
rvill dictate the ntode of sampling, but it is very (6) sieving to extract required grain sizes.
importaut to design a dense sampling procedure and to
collect unrveathered material. Taking samples hap-
hazarcliy will almost certainly -vield meaningless and Size reduction, disaggregation and cleaning
clisap¡rointing results. Sanples should be takert at
regular intervals as well as after changes of stratigraphl" The size reduction of many hard rock samples is best
lithology, facies, texture, flow regime, bed configura- achieved by means of a laboratory roller-crusher or a
tion, etc. jau'-crusher with aperture set to produce 5 mm chips.
Though grain size may influence heavy minerai These in turn can be treated by chemical means until
compositions, usually the fine-to-medium grained sands complete disaggregation occurs. For some samples a
or sandstones yield the optimum heavy mineral assem- ceramic or iron percussion mortar and pestle are
blages. Siltstones and silty mudstones can often provide sufficient. The pestle should be applied u'ith a crushing
good results. action (the force exerted vertically) to avoid destroying
Almost all sands and sandstones contaiu at least the original shape and size of the grains. Fine particles
some heavy minerals, even if 'dark spots'. or streaks. should be sieved out frequently to avoid over-grinding.
indications of heavy minerals, are not apparent $'hen Mechanical disaggregation may introduce the danger
investigating clastic sediments ri'ith the naked eye or of fracturing mineral grains. Ho*'ever, Henningsen
under a hand lens. Heavl' mineral rich lirvers are (1967) experimentally demonstrated that the percus-
composed of hydraulically selected and -concentrated sion method causes only negligible breakage of heavy
grains of normally high densities (in most cases oplques). mineral grains.
Thel' are important in recorcling specific hl clraulic Acid digest is applied to dissolve unrvanted carbonate
conditions (lvfcQuivey & Keefer 1969. Cheel 19.S:1). but material. The technique can facilitate the removal of
are not representative of the overall heavv mineral calcareous particles from unconsolidated sediments and
content of a formation. Therefore, sampling these the release of other mineral grains from carbonate-
accumulations alone should be aroided. cemented samples. Either dilute HCI (10%) or 10%
acetic acid (CH3COOH) is used. The former rapidly
dissolves calcite but dolomite onh'rvith boiling.
Preparation of samples The serious handicap of HCI treatment is that it also
eliminates phosphates. In view of the importance of
I The mass of a dry sample for heavy mineral analysis apatite in fission-track dating and in studies of the
t may vary between 100 g and 1000 g. From sands, thermal history of a formation, the HCI treatment
It immature sandstones or volcaniclastics, a sample of should be avoided. Acetic acid leaves the phosphates
I intact, but a prolonged immersion is necessary to
:- 100 g to 200 g rvill usually yield a sufficient quantity of
heavy concentrate, but mature sediments and those dissolve calcite (1-3 days, and subsequent boiling may
rvhich contain high proportions of cement necessitate a still be required). Silica-cemented rocks may be dis-
larger bulk-sediment sample size. aggregated by alkalíne digest, using KOH or NaOH
The following sequeitce of treatments usually pre- solutions. Flowever this treatment can seriously attack
cedes heavy mineral separation: silicates.
Several other methods which serve to disaggre-
(1) disaggregation of coherent sediments, to liberate gate coherent fine-grained rocks were described by
individual grains; Krumbein & Pettijohn (1938), Can'er (1971) and
(2) acid cligestion, to elintinatc carbonates, and alter- Allnran & Lawrence (1912), and many' of these can bé

successfuly applied to sandstones. The ultrasonic rvhich is fi1led up rvith de-ionized rvater kept at about
method functions by breaking dorvn the rock by high- 30'C. The rvater needs to be changed oncc or tt'ice
frequency mechanical agitation. The technique is daily and should not be allorved to evaporate, as this
carried out using 5% sodium carbonate solution and a will promote precipitation. Anhydrite and gypsum
smail quantity of rvetting agent (e.g. Teepol) in a usually dissolve rvithin one week.
beaker rvhich is placed in a sonic tank for 5-30 minutes.
All these treatments should be follou'ed by a thorough
wash with water. Sieving .
Grains may need to be cleansed of adhering clays or
cement, and aggregates and flocculated particles should Komar & Cui (i984) as u'ell as Wang & Komar (198-5)
be dispersed. This is achieved by agitation using either pointed out that sieving involves not only grade
a mecha¡rical stirrer or ultrasound. The addition of a selection but also grain-shape selection. This is parti-
dispersant. such as sodium metaphosphate or sodium cularly relevant in the case of heavy minerals, u,hich
silicate, pronlotes efficient cleaning. Subsequently exhibit much nlore variation in shape than do light
tl-re fine suspension is decanted, the residue sands grains.
are poured onto a sieve of 0.063 mm, alternatively Before the main grading commences, unwanted finer
0.053 mnr aperture (us Standard mesh 230 or 270, particles are removed from the loose sands and
British Standard sieves 2,10 or 300) and the fine disaggregated materials by a spray of rvater ('ivet
particles are rvashed through by a spray of u,ater. sieving') using a sier,e of 0.063 nm or 0.053 mm
For removing a pervasive iron oride qrain-coating aperture (230 or 270 LrS Standard mesh, 2.10 or 300
Leith (1950) suggesled"oralic acid"and aluminium. A British Standard sieves). The selected grain-size range
piece of aluminium is placed in a beaker containing a is extracted from the dry samples by standard sier,ing
solution of i5 g oralic acid and 3tl0 ml \\'ater, the whole (Ingram 1971). Ifpossible, the sieves should be agitated
sample is added, and the mixture is boiled gently for for 10 minutes using a mechanical shaker. A thorough
1G-20 minutes. It may be necessary to add more oxalic cleaning of the screens after each sieving is imperative.
acid to remove all iron. This treatment should be used A test run may be necessary to reveal the grain sizcs
cautiously as it attacks apatites, causing intense surface yielding the optimum results for a particular study. This
corrosion, alteration to a greyish-brou'n colour and a can be done using a ferv representative samples, u,hich
tendency towards aggregate polarization. are then sieved into narrorv size grades and carefully
Samples containing fluid hl,drocarbons and asphalt. weighed. Follou'ing heavy mineral separation and
or other bituminous substances, can be cleaned with weighing the heavy residues of each size grade, a
petroleum distillates or with benzol, chloroform, erher, microscopic examination will reveal those fractions
trichloroethylene or carbon disulphide.'Soxhlett' containing the optimum of heavy mineral assemblages.
equipment provides an effective method, in which If appropriate, t$'o or three narrow grades can be
crude oil is extracted from the samples rvith hexane combined for a subsequent routine analysis.
Certain formations contain abundant authigenic
minerals rvhich may settle in the heavy residue and thus Heavy mineral separation
mask the detrital population. Drilling mud also intro-
duces contaminants into cuttings samples. Milner G en eral c ons i d erations
(1962, pp. 123-a) described the follorving methods for Concentration of heavy minerals is performed by
removing the most frequently occurring authigenic means of high-density liquids. There is. a considerable
contaminants, but these techniques also destroy many difference in densities between the framework consti-
detrital species. tutents and heavy accessory minerals of a sediment.
Warm water dissolves gypsum and anhydrite. The Upon immersion of a sample in a liquid of an inter-
heavy residue is placed in a fairly large beaker (500 ml) mediate density 'sink' (higher density) and 'floar'
(lower density) fractions are produced. These are
commonly called heavy and light fractions respectively.
Mineral Treatment The acquisition of reliable heavy mineral data largely
anhydrite hot, strong hydrochloric acid depends on minimizing laboratory errors. The choice of
baryte concentrated sulphuric acid techniques used rvill also have an effect on the quality
gypsum hydrochloric acid, ammonium sulphate or of the results obtained. Rittenhouse & Bertholf (1942)
bromoform-benzol solution compared the effectiveness of gravity settling and
pyrite 15% nitric acid, or warm hydrogen peroxide
centrifuge separation. They observed that the weight


percentages of heavy mineral concentrates obtained by (a) gravity settling or funnel separation, and (b) cen-
the trvo methods differ significantly, but the number trifuge separation. The latter is best for separation both
frequencies of the individual heavy minerals are the of very fine (<63 ¡"rm) and of sand-size sediments. This
same in both cases. Recently, Schnitzer (1983) pre- technique was already advocated in the mid-1920s, but
sented startling results of his laboratory experiment on rvorkers consistently encountered difficulty in achieving
T'riassic Buntsandstein samples. FIe found high fluctua- complete and uncontaminated recovery of the trvo
tions in heavy mineral percentages from samples separates from the centrifuge tubes. The introduction
separatecl simultaneously, using either different of 'partial freezing' (Fessenden 1959) largely alleviated
liquids (bromoform or tetrabromoethane) or different this problem and vastly improved the centrifuge separa-
separation techniques (gravity or centrifuge methods). tion technique so that it is now in very widespread use.
Variations aiso occurred when different settling times Fessenden (1959) employed solid carbon dioxide (dry
or cliffering áensities of bromoform were used. The ice) to the lower part of the centrifuge tube, permitting
causes of these fluctuations are not completely under- freezing of the separate containíng the heavy fraction.
stood. However, Schnitzer's rvork underlines the Scull (1960) suggested liquid nitrogen as an alternative
inportance of considering the possible influence of freezing agent.
separation technique on heavy mineral data. Centrifuse methods which omit freezing the heavy
High density (highly toxic) liquids norrnalll' used for iiquid employ various modiflcations to the centrifuge
separation are: tube design (e.g. constricted tubes or a 'tube within
tube'arrangement). In such cases the tubes are
Density equipped with a closure rod or stopper to ensure a
t;;g' clean recovery of the heavy fraction (Hutton, in Tickell
bromoform (tribromoethane) 1965. Allman & Lau'rence 1972 and Gautier & von
tetrabromoethane (acetylene 2.96
Pechmann i98.1).
methylene iodide 3.32
Clerici's 4.24

The latter is a high-density aqueous solution of thallous

formate-malonate. It is of particular use for the
concentration of some of the 'heal'ier' minerals such as Gravity, separotiort
garnet or zircon. All separations must be carried out in an efficient fnme
Washing liquids suitable for removin_e the heary cupboard. Rubber glol'es are essential to prevent
liquids from the grains are: carbon tetrachloride, contact u'ith the liquid.
benzene, alcohol (ethyl alcohol or methy'lated spirit) Figure 3.1 illustrates the arrangement of equipment
and acetone. Because of their lorr' toxicitv, alcohol and used for separation bv gravity settling. The hear,y liquicl
acetone are most frequentiy used. is filled in the separatins funnel, thr. dry and u'eighecl
Re-qardin-q diluents, IJist (1973) recommended iso- sample (marimun 10 g) is then addecl to the liquicl
amylacetate as a stabilizer and diluent for bromoform. rvhich should be stirred to ensure that the grains arc-
and orthoclichlorobenzene for methylene iodide. IJlst's thorou_qhlv $'etted. Grains aChering to the stirring rod
tests indicated that use of a rveight proportion of 1% or the side of the funnel are removecl using a jet of
isoamylacetate to the bromoform will produce a stable heavl' liquid. Heavy minerals u'ill accumulate in thc-
solution which has a cpnstant density (2.82) and will not bottom of the funnel above the pinch clip. When no
decompose during use or storage. He obtained similar more grains sink (normally after G8 hours separating
results with methylene iodide and orthodichloro- time). the pinch clip is opened slowly, thus allouing the
benzene solutions. heavy fraction to pour onto the filter paper in the lower
Recently the non-toxic sodium polytungstate funnel. The pinch clip is closed, leaving a layer of clear
(3Na2WOa.9WO3.HzO) has been proposed for heavy liquid belorv the li-eht fraction. A ner.r'funnel, rvith filter
liquid separation to replace the highly toxic heavy paper, is placed under the separating funnel. The light
liquids (Callahan 1987). Sodium polytungstate is avail- fraction is then drained into the nerv funnel. Subsc-
able in either liquid or porvdered form from soMETU quently the wall of the separating funnel is rinsecl with a
(Falkenried 4, D-1000 Berlin 33, West Germany). It is jet of heavy liquid in order to remove any aclhering
lvater soluble and the mirleral separates can be cleaned grains. Both fractions arc rvashed thoroughly lvith
u'ith distilled $'ater, though rvith some difficulty alcohol or acetone and set aside to dry. The used heavy
because of the high viscosity of the liquid. liquid and rvashings are collectecl in iabelled botties.
In geological laboratories trvo basic techniques are The heavy liquid can be re-used. After drying, the
employecl for'standarcl' heavy liquid fractionation: ireavy fraction is r.veighed and bottlecl in glass vials.'

Figure 3.2 Commonly used c€ntrifuge tubes
(a) Standard slass rube. (b) glass tube u,ith tapered encl, (c)
constricted. ('Hurron') tube and closure rod.

cc'ntrifuge f ubes are balanced. While the centrifuge is in

operation. t\\o sets of funnels and filter papeis are
arranged. \\'hen the centrifuge has stopped, ¡he tubes
are carefullr lifted and placed into a test-tube rack over
'dry ice', or held bv crucible tongs, lorvered onto liquid
nitrogen or liquid air. The lower part of the liquid.
which contains the heavy fraction, will freeze lr'ithin
seconds. The liquid above rhis frozen plug is poured
into a funnel and the walls of the centrifuge tube are
rinsed carefully u'ith a jet of heavy liquid from a
Figure 3.1 A.rrangement of equipment for hear'¡i mineral squeeze bottle held in inverted position. The frozen
separation by grayitt seftling plug is ernptied into another funnel and the centrifuge
(a) Retort stand, (b) u'atch glass. (c) separaring funnel. (d)
tube is rinsed u'ith heavy liquid to recover all heavy
position of light fraction, (e) heavy liquid. (f) funnel supporr,
(g) rubber tube. (h) position of heavy residue. (i) pinch clip.
grains. The separation process is completed in a
(j) filter funnel support. (k) ñlter funnel, (l) collecting bottle. manner similar to that used for the funnel separation

Centrifuge technique 'Tube v'itlti¡t tube' method (after Gsutier & von
Allorv 1G-15 minutcs in the centrifuge for the separa- Pecltmarut 1931) This scparation involves uo frcczing.
tion of fine-grained sediments. Separating times can be It requires standard 100 ml centrifuge tubes fitted with
shorter for coarser sediments. Centrifuge speed is a tapered inner tube (Figure 3.3). The inner tube has a
usually set between 2000 and 3000 rpm. collar attaching it firmly to the rim of the centrifuge
The sample volume should be in proportion to the tube. The tapered end of the inner tube has an opening
capacity of the centrifuge tube. The best results are of 2 mm in diameter which can be closed with a pvc,
achieved when the ratio of sample to heavy liquid is polyethylene or Teflon rod. The filling level of the
1 : 10. Extreme size differences should be avoided. heavy liquid is marked on the tubes. It is important to
Separation is most accurate when the particles are of regulate the lelel so as to prevent lifting the inner tube
fairly uniform granulometry. The most commonly used by hydrostatic pressure.
centrifuge tubes are shown in Figure 3.2. The inner tube is filled with heavy liquid near to the
level mark then the closure rod is inserted. The sample
Partial freezing method Dry and weighed samples are is poured into the inner tube and the rnixture is stirred
poured into the centrifuge tubes, heavy liquid is added with a glass rod which is then rinsed with heavy liquid.
and the mixture is stirred or shaken thoroughly to wet The closure rod is extracted and rinsed from adhering
all the grains. The stirring rod and the rvalls of the particles. The centrifuge tubes are balanced and the
centrifuge tube are washed with heavy liquid, then the centrifuge is started. The light fraction will float rvithin
,;'tt:i.i,l .;j.._.::


(3. 1) recovc-n' of the lieht and h!.¿r\'! fractions.

Figu re 3.-1 Procedure of hear'¡ mineral separation b¡ 'tube in tube' method (afre r Gautier & rrn Pech m ann 19E1)
( l ) Arranue ment of tubes. hear v liqu id ancl bulk seclime nt be fore separurion; (2 afte r centrifuge separation. L: lish t fraction, H: hear
l f racti.n

the inner tube, but the heat'y grains rvill escape through minerals based on their different magnetic susceptibili-
its opening and settle on thc bottom of the outer tube. ties. lvlagnetic separators are usuarlly supplietl ivith
After the centrifuge has stopped, the closure rod is practical notes for application and tables shou,ing the
c¿rrr'fulh inserted. The inner tube is then re moved and magnetic susceptibilities of commcln minerals (e.e.
the light fraction is dc.carlted into a funnel. The hear.r. Hess 19,i6;. Tables indicating magnetic susceptibilities
fraction is emptied into another funnel and the centri- and the best extraction ranges \\'ere compilecl bl.
fuge tube is rinsed of remainin-9 grains rvith a jcr of Rosenblum (19-58), Tickell (196-5, with refr.rence to
hear i' licluid. Flinter 1959), Parfenoff e¡ al. (1970) and Ailman &
Larvrence (1912). This techniquc- is particularh' useful
lll is c el I an eo us s ep a t¿t ti o n s for concentrating garnets. pvroxenes and amphiboles
Ponnirtg may be use d to reduce the initial volume of a for chemical analysis, or apatite and zircon for geo-
sample. Hutton (1950) sr.rggested panning in the field as chronolog\'.
a method to pre-concentrate loose sands and soii Details of the above techniques together with the
material. Panning is usualll' follorved by heavy liquid description of several additional methods developed for
separation to gain a clean concentrate. concentration or segregation of minerals with special
The concentrating or shoking table is used in mineral properties, u,ere described by Krumbein & pettijohn
processin-q and in cases where minor accessories such as (1938), lv{ilner (1962), Tickell (1965), Parfenoff e¡ a/.
minerals for radiometric dating or chemical analyses (1970), Carver (197i) and Muller (1917).
need to be segregated from large bulks of material.
Recently, Stervart (1986) proposed its application for
the routine separation of heavy' minerals. Bearing in
mind the he alth hazards of heavy liquids this technique Preparation for optical analysis
may be viable as a safer alternative, br-rt it may not be
efficient for the separation of small volumes. Splitting of heavy mineral fractians
Magnetic separution of sedimentary minerals is often If a heavy residue is too large to be mounted evenly on
carried out on ireavy nineral fractions for the purpose a microscope slide, splitting becones nccessary and this
of scgrcgating a certain nlineral spccies or group of has to bc performed precisely; many analysts clo not

II h]-liOl)S

realize the ser"iousness of errors il1\rolved in carelc--ss then be appiied u'hich can bc subsequently removed
splltting. Sprinkling part of the residue from a i'ial onto s,ith acetone. A single slide may be used rvith a itumber
a microscope slide incluces grain sorting. Hutton (19-50) of successive immersiou liquids.
advised strongly against 'the common practice of taking For pennanent tnounts, r'arious rnounting nedia are
sarnples rvith the point of a pen-knife'. available and tlte type ernployed depends on the
Microsplitters (small devices used for splitting) are preference of the individual analyst. The classic resin,
efficient l.neans of producing sniall portions for grain Canada balsam (n : 1.538), has been largely replaced
mounts. Krumbein & Pettijohn (1938) described by s1'nthetic resins, but rnany t'orkers still prefer to use
several types. When a microsplitter is noi available a it and it is easilv obtainable. The advantage of liquid
method suggested by Hutton (1950) serves as a qood Canada balsam is that it has a lnolassic consistency
alternative. A small funnel rvith an upper aperture of u'hich is excellent for 'crystal rolling', enabiing exam-
about 25 mm diameter and a horizontallv cut lou'er ination of grains irr differerlt orientations and thus
aperture is placed onto a large microscope slide, or greatly assisting the identification of difllcult minerals.
onto a piece of sheet glass. The heavy fraction is poured lf necessarl'. grains can be easiiy recovered later rvith a
into the funnel. uhich is tapped gently to shake dorvn sharp needle fo¡ auriliary anah'ses. Retrieved grains
an1' adhering grains; funnel is then lifted slou ly off are placed in a drop of benzenc- or rylene for cleaning.
the plate. The cone of grains. formed this u'av. can be \,iounts ¡nade in liquid Canad¿r balsanr have to be
divided by quartering rvith a razor blade. stored flat on a tra,v. Alternatilely. the balsar.n can be
hardened bv helting at l1)'C.
Graitt nloutlls Slnthetic resins u'ith lorv refl'actire indices are Eukitt
For temporary ntounts varir.rtts inlnlersion liquids (l = 1.,5-1).Lakcside (n : 1.,-iJ).Pcrnrount (rt : 1.-567)
are used. the ntost contnlonlt' used L-'t-'ilrg clore oil. antl Entellan (rt = i.l9l)-1.-itJ(i). The latter is 3 new
(n : 1.53), monobromnaphtalene (rr : 1,653). ccdar embedding agent inrended to replace Caedar and
oil (n : 1.7-1) or methvlene ioc'lide (n = 1.71). produced br' \Ic-rck (Darmstadt. Wcst Germanr).
l\,fany n'orkers favour high-index resil'ls. as these
Pennanettt portial unbetldíttg and Iiquid ittttttetsiot't pcrmit Otr,lt'tglirrn berveen species by comparillg the
merhod The principle of this technique is to stick the refractive indices of the minerals u'ith higher and lou'er
grains onto the microscope slide and then to applv refractive indices than the resin. Horvever. it is difficult
successive refractive index liquids to the same assen- to study lo*.er-inder minerals, especially those tl.rat are
blage. After inspecting the minerals in a liquid of a colourless. as their outline is alnrost invisible in a high-
particular refractive index. the slide can be u'ashed. inder resin. and surface textures and cleavages are
Another liquid u'ith a different refractive index mav hardlv detectahlt'.
then be applied. This nethod is hclpful either for A nerv range (rf mounting ntedia are available in the
'Cargille lrf eltnount' series. produced by Cargille
routine analysis or as a special aid for distinguishing
between minerals of similar appearance lrut different Laboratories Inc. (55 Co¡.nmerce Road, Cedar Grove,
RI. Nerv Jerser,.0;009-1289 us.+). These are specially
Various agents tnay be ernplol'ed to adhere grains to formulated optical-quality thermoplastics and are ideal
thc microscope slidc. Spencer (1960) recommendecl for ¡rermanent rnounts. N'{eltmount 1.539 is recom-
Collodion (rr = 1.505). This is only successful u'ith silt- rrended as a replacement for Canada balsam. Of the
size particles. Nayudu (1962) suggested gelatine for high-index series. \leltmount 1.662 is a direct replace-
sticking the grains onto the glass slide. andGazzi et al . ner¡t for Aroclor 5442 and Meltmount 1.704 for
(1973) used gunr arabic. The latter is commonly Naphrax. In addition there is a series of other
employed by Italian sedimentary petrologists for Meltmount media rvith refractive indices: 1.582, 1.605
routine heavy mineral analysis (G. G Zuffa, personal and 1.680. All ihese products are fluid at 65"C, require
cornmunication 1986), and in the preparatiorl of the no curing tinle antl are thermally reversible for particle
grain mounts for the illustrations in this book. I (tvtlt) retrieval or re-orientation. They are soluble in toulene,
also used gum arabic before applying the rnounting acetone, ethl'l ether and methyiene chloride' Mounts
resin. are made on a hot plate (this should be set first at about
A mixture of 1:4 gum arabic and distilled rvater is 80"C to melt the resin, then reduced to 65-70"C for the
spread onto a rnicroscope slide and allowed to dry for mounting procedure). Grains are placed on the micro-
about three hours. Grains are sprinkled evenly onto the scope slide, covered rvith a cover glass, and a few drops
surface of the dry gum aratric film. To fix the grains the of Meltrnount are applied with an eyedropper until the
surface is moistened by breathing onto it and then dried grains are surrounded. Meltrnount sl"rould not be
for a ferv rninutes under a lamp. hnmersion liquids may overheated, as bubbles form easily.


Pipcrine (n : 1.68) \yas suggested for use in grain mation of the refractive indices. This is carried out
mounts by Martens (1932). either by using the farniliar Becke method or by
'oblique illumination', otherrvise knorvn as Schroeder-
Mounts in epoxy casting resins Methods emplof ine r,an-der-Kolk test (see lVfuir 1977, pp. 4-5-7). Van
this technique were described by Chatterjee (1966), Hilten (1981) proposed the technique of 'oblique
Middleton & Kraus (1980) and Leu & Druckman observation' rvhich needs no out-of-focus manipulation
(1982). We use Araldite D and Hy 956 hardener in a of the microscope. It is based on the phenomenon that
5 : 1 ratio and prepare the mounts on a hot plate to light rays, departing from an'interface'(i.e. the
speed up curing time. The hot plate is heated to 90"C, a junction betu'een trvo grains or betrveen a grain and a
drop of Araldite is placed on a microscope slide and the mounting mediurn) are denser above that which has
grains are sprinkled onto it and then stirred in a circular higher refractive indices. Looking obliquely into the
motion with a dissecting needle to ensure even grain microscope by moving the head slightly will cause
dispersal. The tcntperature is raised to 120'C, causing blocking of the higher- (or lo*'er-) intensity part of the
the hardener to evaporate in about t\\'o minutes. A light beam. In the former case the result is a darker
mount prepared this u'av is very durable and is easy ttl interface as it receives less illumination, whereas a
polish. When onh' a fetr', coarser grains are available. brighter contact uill appear rvith the opposing move-
they' may' be mounted on a microscope slide u'ith ment. Observation is promoted by slightiy closing the
double-sided adhesive tape. A mould is made b1' substage diaphragrn.
placing a plastic ring around the grains, filled *ith When the precise measurement of the optical con-
Araldite and then treated as above. (Note: some stants of individual anisotropic mineral grains b1' the
Araldite is birefringent and not st¡itable for ordinarl' immersion method is necessarr', the spindle stage
grain mounts; therefore caution must be taken to ttse proves a valuable tool (see Bloss 1981, and Nesse 1986,
non-birefringent Araldite). p.2ea).
Heavy mineral grain nrounts made using this tech- Detrital minerals often appear in diverse forms and
nique are suitable for the identific¿rtion of associ¡rted take up various orientations upon mountin-q. Those
composite grains and rock fragments and. if necessarl . u'ith a good cleavage or parting settle in the immersion
for the stiiining of carbonates or sulphates. Uncovered medium on their best cleavage. but rrrany species,
and polished, these mounts can be used for electron known to sho*' g,rod cleavages in thin section, fail to
microprobe or cathodolurninescence anall-'ses. display any in srain mounts. Gr¿rins are usually thicker
When preparing grain mor.rnts, it is essential tcr than their counterparts in thin section, hcncc colour,
distribute the grains er enl\' on the slide . avoiding pleochroism and interfercnce tints are trrorr- intense
overlapping and dense packing of grains. Even dis- and could bc- misleading. Prefc-rred particlc oric-ntirtion,
persal and preferred grain orientation arr- promoted b\ poor preserr'¿rtion or strong interference colours can
ger-rtly sliding the cover glass backu'ards and fonvards inhibit thc dc-termination of the optical character and
w ith plastic tweezers or a pencil eraser rvhile the elongation. Irregular habit ancl l¡ck of visible clcavages
mounting medir-rm is in a liquid state. may' hinder the nleasurement of the extinction angle.
Though the above factors ma)' cause confusion. most
detrital minerals have fairly consistent diagnostic
Microscopic identification features lvhi:h assist identific¿rtion (see Part il).

N{any publications deal uith the identification of

minerals by their opticai properties (Heinrich 1965, Grain counting
Tróger 1969, Phillips & Griffen 1981, Nesse 1986,
Pichler & Schmitt-Riegraf 1987), and discussion of the To determine the relative abundance of heavy nrinerals
topic is unnecessary here. Horvever, as most optical in a sample, three cliffer.'nt point counting methods are
mineralogy textbooks convey information and illustra- used (van Harten 1965, Galehouse 1969, 1971):
tions almost exclusivell'for the investigation of minerals
in thin section, it is important to point out some major (a)'Fleet ntethod (Fleet 1926): All grains are countecl
differences arising during examination of the same on the microscope slide, and relative abundances
mineral species in the form of detrital grains. . are calculated to give number percentages.
In grain ntounts, in contrast rvith thin sections, all (b) Line cottnting: The microscope slide is moved by
grains arc surrounded by the mounting nedinm, aird mc¿rns of a mechahical stage along linear traverses
relief is pronrincnt. The techniqrre of parlial embeclding ('lines') and indiviclual grains rvhich are intersected
(p 16) is especially advantageous for a good approxi- by thc crosshair are i.lentiliecl ancl counted. 'ftie

. rcsults are number frequencies. Thís methoci is Some authors have atternpted to convert numl-cr
grain-size sensitive, as the 'lines' intersect the percentages to u'eight percentages (e.g. van Andel
larger grains more frequently than the smaller 1950, Ludrvig 1955, Hunter 1967, Norman 1969, Mange-
ones, thus leading to a distortion in favour of the Rajetzky i983; this method was also referred to by
larger grains. Füchtbauer 1971 and Brix 1981). Conversion calcula-
(c) Ribbon countíng: This technique involves rarclomly tions are based on the densities of the individual
selecting ribbons (bands) within rhe microscope minerals and on the total rveight of the heavy fraction.
slide. Grains within the bands are counted rvhile Weight percentages provide reliable values for the
the slide is manoeuvred by a mechanical stage. The overall frequencies of a mineral species in a sample and
width of the ribbons can be measured conveniently are especially useful when several size grades are
using a micrometer eyepiece. The results of ribbon analysed. For accurate resuits all species should be
counting are independent of grain size and they counted, making this a very time-consuming approach.
yield nurnber frequencies. Judging frorn references
to counting methods, ribbon counting seems to be
the most popular.
Study of varietal t¡'pes
When anaiysing heavy mineral assernblages the non-
opaque, non-micaceous suites are nonnally counted Bramnral (1928) pointed out that 'the t,ariefal features
excluding authigenic minerals. Some researchers count of a species in a detrital assemblage may be of greater
opaque grains and 'alterites' (weathered unidentifiable significance than the mere presence of that spccies'.
or composite grains; van Andel 1950) separately and Indeed, during the history of heavy mineral anall'ses
express their abundance as a percentage of the totai many studies have proved that the value of results has
grains counted. In assemblages dominated by the increased considerably u'hen the various types of a
volume of a prominent mineral (e.g. garnet or apatite), particular mineral (or of a mineral group) u,ere
this species may be counted separately, similarly to the distinguished and counted (i.e. rhe varietal r)'pes).
above (Füchtbauer 1964), thus allowing more accurate Recording of r,arietal fearures may facilitate the success-
estimates of rare but diagnostic minerals. The number ful correlation or distinction of sand bodies, and may
of grains counted is usually recalculated to equal 100 % also yield clues about progressive recycling of a
and the abundance of individual minerals is expressed particular formation into successively younger deposits.
in percentages by number. The recording of varietal characteristics will also permit
The precision of heavy mineral analysis is Iargely a more refined reconstruction of source-area lithology
function of the number of grains counted on a and provenance. Focusing on one particular mineral or
microscope slide. Dryden (1931) graphically illustrated mineral group helps to minimize the effects of the
the reliability of heavy mineral data in relation to the h1'draulic factor and of other (e.g. diagenetic) factors
number of grains counted and observed a rapicl acting to modifl' the members of an original heavy
increase in accuracy with increasing number of counts mineral suite. Varietal studies can be conducted on
up to 300. Above this number the probability of criteria of ph1'sical properties, such as mineral colour,
inaccuracies is grcatly decreased. I¡r a tcst on Rhi¡le inclusions, striations, tiiinníng, or,'ergrou'th, zoning,
sediments, van Andel (1950) counted separate batches etc. These characteristics may be studied under the
in multiples of 100 berween 100 and 600 grains. He polarizing microscope or alternatively under cathodo-
found some variations in the proportions of the most luminescence. Grain size and the degree of rounding
abundant minerals, though these variatio¡rs never may also be recorded.
exceeded 5 %. Rare species were encountered only The use of phlsical properties may be'applied to all
when 200 or more grains were counted. In view of such t1'pes of sedintents, provided that the selected minerals
experiments it is necessary to count at least 200 non- are sufficiently abundant. It is necessary to count
opaque grains to arrive at a reasonable estimate of 75-100 grains of a particular species, recording the
mineral proportions and also to detect rare but often informative varietal types in separate categories. Zircon
diagnostic species reliably. is an ubiquitous detrital mineral and its variations in
The efficiency of the analyses increases considerably, morphology, colour and textural characteristics all lend
when other mineral characteristics, such as morphology, themselves to successful varietal counts (see details
colour, etc., are noted at the same time as the grains under zircon in Part II). For instance, the proportions
are counted. For example, distinction between euhedral of zoned and unzoned zircon grains permitted the
and rounded forms of zircon, tourmaline and apatite correlation of members of the Karroo System in
may permit the recognition of different sedimentary southern Africa (Koen 1955). The colour and morpho-
histories (see below). logical criteria of zircons in the Morrison Formation of

New Mexico assisted in distinguishing betrveen zircons limited to younger sediments. Morton (1985b)
is usually
sourced by Precambrian and Mesozoic intermediate advocated study of the cornpositional varieties of
intrusive rocks and those derived frorn Tertiary rhyolitic garnets as they are relatively stable, faithful indicators
airfall tuffs (Hansley 1986). of their mode of origin and are widespread in sediments.
Tourmaline has many varietal types. However, these
are not always consistent, even within a particular host
rock formation, and hence provenance reconstruction Advanced auxiliary techniques
on this basis alone should be avoided. For example
Staatz et cl. (1955) found significant chemical and Though the petrographic microscope remains the
colour variations in tourmalines between the rvalls and fundamental tool in heavy mineral identification, in
core of a single pegmatite. In contrast, Porver (1968) recent years additional advanced techniques (such as
and Henry & Guidotti (1985) showed that the chernical X-ray diffraction, electron microprobe, scanning
characteristics of tourmaline compositions can be electron microscopy and cathodoluminescence) have
useful petrogenetic indicators under particular condi- also been employed, further assisting optical identiñca-
tions. Krynine (1946) summarized the use of detrital tion. Use of these techniques provides information on
tor.rrmaline in tracing sediment provenance. Beveridge chemical composition, structural and textural charac-
(196t)) was able to distinguish three major parent-rock teristics, and thus considerably increases the accuracy
types in the Lower Tertiary Formations of the Santa of heavy mineral analyses, permitting more confident
.,rnia on the basis of tour-
Cruz Mountains c interpretations to be made. The techniques are applic-
maline shapes and c.- , In a study conducted by lrrt able to detrital minerals just as they are to their
on sediments from Tunrsia. slender green prismatic counterparts in'hard rocks'. However, sample prepara-
tourmalines with a darker nucleus were reliable markers tion mal be laborious.
of several sedimentary formations lvith a common Sufficient quantities of a particular mineral species
parentage. can be concentrated either by conventional separation
The crystal form, colour, characteristic strings of techniques or by hand picking. As in most cases the
inch.rsionsand pleochroic cores of apatite are all number of available grains of a particrilar species is
informative properties for varietal studies. Fleet ct limited, hand picking is often the onll' approach
Smithson (1928) traced the source of several deposits in possible. N'IcCrone & Delly (1,973) and Nfr.rller (1977)
Wales and the British N{idlands to the Leinster granite described several useful methods for manipulating
lvith the aid of cored and dark apatites. Varieties rninute particles. Fine needles are important for hand
characterized by parallel strings of dark inclusions u erc- picking. Ther¡ can be made from dissecting neeclles by
useful index minerals in sediments deríved from a grinding them to a finer point, or from 2-l-6 eauge
common source in lulvl's studf in northern Tunisia. tungsten uires and a sodium nitrite (NaNO¡) stick
Rutile, which is found in a number of varieties in (N{cCrone & Delll' 1973). 'Tunssten reacts exother-
sediments, is also a suitable candidate for varietal mically' *'ith sodium nitrite- to form sodium tunssr¿lte.
studies (Galloway 1972, Riech et al. 1982). This serves to chemically etch the tungsten ancl. when
Inclusion-free staurolites indicated a Catalanides appiied to a rvire, a frne-tip needle is quickly produced.'
source, whereas those which contained abundant A stick of sodium nitrite is held or,er a Bunsen burner
carbonaceous or quartz inch.rsions indicated a Pl renean and, lvhen the needle is red hot and the tip of the stick
parentage for the Oligocene sediments of the eastern begins to melt, the rvire is gently' struck through the
Ebro Basin (Allen & Mange-Rajetzky 1982). Hanslei sodium nitrite melt, producing the fine-tip needle.
(1986) also noted a change of staurolite r-arieties It may be useful to include a few hints abor"rt isolating
between the lower and uppermost part of the Westrvater grains, as this seemingly difñcult process might deter
Canyon Member of the Morrison Formation, New rvorkers from applying further tests. Different mineral
Mexico. species can be recognized, and easily selected, under
A more advanced approach involves mineral chem- the stereobinocular microscope by means of their
istry. The varieties of a mineral species or group may be colour or morphology. Colourless, irregular and rare
distinguished by their chemical composition. lvlorton grains are easier to detect under the petrographic
(1985a) summarized the results of several studies by microscope rvhen immersed in a drop of alcohol,
this method. Pyroxencs, amphiboles and epidote distilied u'ater, or in partial embedding and immersion
minerals are most suitable for varietal stuclies by liquicl mounts. 'Ihe location of the grains may be
chemical means, since their compositions shou' great marked u.ith a fine marker pen or by placing a small
variability through solicl solution series; but, orving to chip froin a crushed cover glass over it, so that it may
thc unstable nature of these minerals, their occurrence still be founcl after the slicle has been transferred to the


biirocular microscope, f¡om rvhere the grains may be Peri-Alpine lvlolasse. N4orton (1985b, 1987) used garnei
n.rore easily retrieved. The selected grains are trans- chemistry to trace provenance.
ferred onto a microscope slide and a drop of distilled For rapid gathering of qualitative information, grains
water or alcohol is added. Evaporation of the fluid may be mounted on sticky tape or partially embedded
causes the grains to adhere to the slide and helps to on a microscope slide in adhesive. If sufficient grains
prevent loss. Further preparation rvill depend on the are available, then they can be mounted in epoxy resin
nature of the analysis planned. (see description on p. I1).
Mounting a fel, small important grains without
damaging or losing them is often a problem. Jürg
X-ray diffractíon Meggert, in the Mineralogical Institute of the Univer-
X-ray diffraction (xRD) aids mineral identification by sity of Berne, obtained exceilent results using moulds
providing data on crystal structure. XRD can also be filled with Buehler No. 2G-3400 AB Transopric powder.
useful for identifying opaque grains (Harrison 1973) Moulds are made in a Buehler 'simplirnet' Hydraulic
and for obtaining a general knon,ledge on bulk heavy Press (obtainable from Buehler Ltd, Metallurgical
mineral composition (Pryor & Hesrer 1969). The X-ray Apparatus, 2i20 Greenwood St, Evanston, Illinois
method requires finelv ground (1-10 ¡rm) crysral 60201, usA and Buehler-N4et GmbH, Lessingstrasse
pou,der. Pou,der cameras are used because the quanti- 66168,D-46 Dortmund, West Germany). About 7 gof
ties of material available are usually minute. For Transoptic pou'der ivill produce 25 mm dianteter and
further details of the X-ray technique, the reader is 10 mm thick discs. The grains are placed onto a
referred to Guinier (i964), Klug & Alexander (1974) removable mould base. covered immediately u,ith some
and Zussman (1977). pou'der. and rhen rransferred into the pr.rr. T1l. :.est of
the powder is added and the pressure and temperature
are set. The mould is formed u,ithin 30 minutes and is
left to cool completely under pressure in the machine.
X-ray fluorescence sp ectrametry The melt surrou¡rds the grains, but they will not move
X-ray fluorescence (xnn) spectrometry relies upon and they remain in place vcry near to the surface of the
bornbardment and excitation of elements by means of a disc. The disc is then poiished u'ith progressively finer
primary X-ray beam; this results in the emission of diamond pastes and finished by hand on a polishing
X-rays with characteristic wavelengths for each element. cloth-
This radiation is detected by an X-ray spectrometer and
is then used to identify and estimate the concentration The scannittg electron microscope
of elements in samples (Norrish & Chappell 1977). The scanning electron microscope (srrr,r) is probably
XRF may be used on the whole heavy mineral the most frequently used auxiliary instrument in heavy
fraction and may prove advantageous for distinguishing mineral studies. A modern SEM is equipped with an
between similar lithological units and petrologicai energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer which facilitates
provinces by the trace element contents of their detrital elemental analysis and thus assists mineral identifica-
minerals (Riech et al. 1982). For more informarion on tion. Robson (1982) described a computerized sErv,r and
this technique, see Norrish & Chappell {1977). energy-dispersive spectroscopy (ros) technique used to
identify and count the constituents, including heavy
minerals, of unconsolidated nlarine sediments.
E lectro n- p rob e micro an aly s is For heavy minerals, the SEN{ is used to inspect
The electron microprobe plays an essential part in general morphological characteristics (Robson 19g4,
identifying unknown or ambiguous grains, and in Mallik 1986). However, rhe majority of studies focus
distinguishing between individual members of a mineral on the examination of surface textures. These, revealed
group or series by providing the necessary data on by the SEM in great detail, rnirror the effects of
crystal chemistrv. Several recent studies have proved subaerial or subsurface dissolution processes and aid
the value of the electron microprobe in heavy mineral assessment of post-depositional diagnetic modifications
analyses. Knowledge of the mineral chemistry of (Setlow & Karpovich l9J2,Hemíngway & Tamar Agha
detrital pyroxenes (Carvood 1983) or Ca-amphiboles 1975, Setlorv 1978, Morton l9i9a, 1984b, Berner &
(Morton 1984b) permitted the reconstruction of plate Schott 1982, Maurer 1982). Figure 3.4 shows some
tectonic setting in both cases. Mange-Rajetzky & common dissolution features on garnet, pyroxene,
Oberhánsli (1982) deduced the timing of uplift and amphibole and staurolite.
erosion of subduction complexes from studies
'of Surface textures of quartz grains have been used for
different generations of blue sodic amphiboles in the over a decade (Krinsley & Doornkamp 1973, LeRibault

Figure 3.4 scanning electron photonricrographs illu.strating prominent etch f'eatures
(A) Garnet shoning mamillae and incipicnt etch faccts (Devonian. North Sea); (B) garnet uith *ell dcveloped erch face rs (TriasSic, North Sca)l
(C) garnet -erain sho\i'ing aclvatlced stage of etching (1'riassic. North Sea): (D) aueite clominaterl by'hacksaw'tcrminaiions (Oligocene, Barrémc

st¿rttrolitcgrain(Oiig,lct'nclvlollssc,lrfurgt-nth¡l.ssitzcrlend).Sc¿ilcbarrcirr.sents3tlrtnlin(A-E)antl 5 rirnin{F).

1977). He avy mineral surface textures have receiveci far Additional infomratiorr can be found in Marshall (1988,
less attention (see Stieglitz 1969, Setloiv & Karpovich pp.37-s6).
1972, Lin eÍ al. 1974, Gravenor 1979), in spite of rhe Srrith & Stenstrour (1965) recognized rhat rhe
fact that the morphology and surface patterns of first- luminescence colours of apatite show affinities to
cycle heavy ininerals may in fact provide better particular parent rock types: e.g. alkaline plutonic
information on environmental processes than can be rocks from Greenland yielded a lavender-coloured
obtained from quartz, which is usually polycyclic. luminescence; Precambrian microcline perthites from
For SEr.{ inspection the grains are mounted on Finland contained minute yellowish-luminescing
standard aluminium stubs which are covered with crystals, whereas those of pegmatites exhibited a
double-sided adhesive tape. variety of colours, including green. Some greyrvackes
studied by these authors contained two or three types
of apatites, each recognizable by their individual
Iuminescence properties.
Cathodolumínescence In addition to manganese, Portnov & Gorobets
The property of certain minerals to emit enerey in the (1969) identified additional acrivators in apatite as
form of light when bombarded by electrons is knorvn as Ce3*, Sm-l*. Eu2* and Dy3* ions. They studied the
cathodoluminescence (ct ). This property is prompted correlation betu,een activators and luminescence colours
by the presence of impurities ('activators'), often and establislted four different groups, each one associ-
manganese or rare earth elements incorporated in the ated with particular petrogeneses (after Nickel 1978):
mineral lattice; on the other hand it may be inhibited by
other elements ('quenchers'), e.g. iron. The relative I Bluish-r'iolet CL: apatites from carbonatites. and
proportion of quenching and activating impurities u'ill from mafic to ultramafic rocks.
determine the cathodoluminescence properties of the II Lilac cl-: apatites from alkalic rocks.
host nineral. III Pinkish orange to l,ellorv CL: apatites frorn grani-
CL is observed either using the electron microprobe, toids. and from their genetically related mineral-
r¡'hich is useful as it also reveals the identity of the izations.
'activators' (Srnith & Stenstrom 1965, Górz et al. 1970). lV Yellorv CL: apatites from metasomafic phlogopite
with the SEM, or with Cl microscopes (Herzog et al . deposits in metamorphic rocks.
1970). Nuclide Corporation AGV Division (Box 31-5,
Acton, Mass. 0i720, USA) has recently introduced an Mariano & Ring (1975) examined the luminescence
energy-dispersive spectroscopy (ens) accessory which of both apatites from carbonatites and genetically
can be fitted to a Nuclide Luminoscope. This facilitates associated igneous rocks (the apatites displayed light
elemental identification as well as qualitative and blue to violet lunlinescence which was activated by the
quantitative analysis, while viewing the specimen. The presence of europium) and apatites from low-tem-
hot cathode luminoscope constructed by Zinkernagel perature porphyry copper deposits (exhibiting bright
(1978), modified and improved by Ramseyer (Ram- yellow luminescence rvhich was activated by Mn2+).
seyer 1983, Matter & Ramseyer 1985), f ields excellent They found that the degree of europium activation in
results with sandstones and permits observation of faint apatites is specific for different petrogenetic environ-
and quickly fading luminescence. ments. It may be strongly dependent on crystallization
The capacity ofcL for revealing internal textures, the temperature; for exarnple low-temperature crystalliza-
partitioning of trace elements, etc. - properties not tion conditions inhibit lanthanide intake in apatite.
detectable through the petrographic microscope - has Under these conditions Mn2* is the likely activating
made it an important tool in sedimentary petrology cation.
(Nickel 1978). These observations have significant' implications.
Heavy minerals have so far received little study The tendency of apatite to select particular activators
under CL. Ohly the luminescence of apatite was studied under different crystallization conditions makes it a
systematically (see belorv). Reports on the CL be- valuable indicator of specific source-rock types.
haviour of other heavy minerals merely describe the The differing luminescence colours and internal
luminescence colour and intensity of a particular textures of zircon may also prove helpful in defining
species, often without referring to the host rock from certain parentages. Observations by K. Rarnseyer and
which it was extracted. Dudley (1916) and Mariano MM oil hyacinth zircons from West African alluvial
(1917) reported the luminescence of a ferv detrital consentrates, on zircons fron the Oligocene-Miocene
heavy mineral species from sediments. Data available Numidian Flysch Formation of norther¡r Tunisia, and
to date on heavy minerals are shoivn in Table 3.1. from orthogneisses from the southern Alps, indicate


their potential use. The West African and orthogneiss much to offer in clastic sedimentary petrology. Sand-
zircons exhibited blue luminescence and extensive stone units may be characterized by the presence of
internal zoning parallel to their long axis (Figure 3.5A zircons lv;th distinctive luminescence or internal texture
and B, page 143) which was invisible under the (or both). These features may also serve to correlate or
polarizing microscope. The Numidian Flysch contained distinguish between certain sandstone units or forma-
trvo varieties of zircons, one type showing non- tions. 'fhe homogeneity or variability of apatite and
luminescent overgrowth on a yellow luminescent core zircon lurninescence colours within a sandstone unit can
(Figure 3.5C, page 143) and the other displaying blue also be valuable in tracing parentage, or in indicating
luminescence and sharply defined internal zoning, not specific or mixed provenance. (However, these pro-
detected under the petrographic microscope. These perties have yet to be exploited.)
observations bear significant implications regarding the Uncovered and polished grain mounts are often
cL properties of zircon and the corresponding petro- necessary for high-quality ct- anall'ses. For the hot
genesis which may be deduced by examining zircons cathode luminoscope the most suitable mounting media
under Ct.. are the high-temperature-resistant resins. A very thin
The ct- properties of zircon and apatite, ubiquitous coating of carbon, gold or aluminium will protect the
species in both ancient and young sediments, have slides frt'rm destruction by heat.

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4 Presentation and numerical analysis of
heavy mineral data

After analysis, data are tabulated and the quantities of East China Sea (Lirong et al.1984). Galehouse (1961)
the individual heavy minerals are expressed in relative applied Q-mode factor analysis to determine the degree
or weight percentages. This gives the first insight into of mixing and the compositions of source assemblages
the heavy mineral spectrum and provides a basis for for the Pliocene continenta! Paso Robles Formation,
deciding on further data treatment. California. Maurer et al. (1978) and Maurer & Nabholz
Cumulative heavy mineral compositions can be (1980) used Q-mode factor analysis of heavy mineral
shown graphically when the heavy mineral variations data to distinguish several depositional units within the
are plotted horizontally against distance or vertically Oligocene-Miocene Molasse sequences of the Linden-1
against depth. Pie-diagrams are informative in de- and Romanens-1 boreholes from Switzerland.
picting the spatial distribution of the heavy minerals Stattegger (1987) applie d rhe extended e-mode
being studied and are useful in highlightin_g differences factor analysis of Klovan & Miesch (1976) for a
in heavy mineral compositions between sedinlents from statistical treatment of heavy mineral data in order to
different petrological provinces in a study area. Mineral investigate its potential for reconstructing source-rock
dispersal patterns are best illustrated rvith isopleth lithologies and provenance. This method was ñrst
maps. Binary plots (scatter diagrams) and ternary tested on heavy minerals from river sediments of
(triangular) diagrams permit characterization of a known provenance from northern Austria. End
group of samples, particularly when data points cluster members, calculated by the extended Q-mode factor
within a certain field on the diagram. Such character- analysis, led to relevant source rock lithologies and, in
ization in turn helps to outline a unit, a petrological addition, they yielded information on mixing effects.
province or formation. Subsequentll,Stattegger used the model to treat heavy
Although visual inspection of figures allon's detec- mineral assembla-ees of the Alpine synoro,qenic Gosau
tion of the more obvious trends, the less marked Formation (Late Cretaceous). The results permitted
differences can easily be overlooked. and hence the the differentiation of three major lithologies, and
employment of advanced numerical techniques is of indicated the particular plate tectonic setting of the
considerable importance if data assessment is ro be depositional areas and that of the hinterland.
objective. Modern computer techniqLres allow selection Principal component analysis - one of the multi-
of the most suitable programs from a *'ide range of variate techniques and contributing part of all factor
available options. anaiytic schemes - transforms the original variables of
Imbrie & van Andel (1961) introduced computer a data matrix to a set of theoretical independent
analysis for the interpretation of heavy mineral data, variables called 'principal components' (Rice er c/.
using Q-node factor analT'sis. This analysis is most 1976, Davis 1980) and deals with eigenvectors of a
applicable in studies involving complex and remote valence-covalence matrix. These components can be
source regions and far travelled, mixed sands. The used to explain most of the variance within a much
Q-mode analysis produces maps shou'ing regional larger set of original variables. Rice el a/. (1976) used
variability patterns useful in revealing the areal distri- principal component analysis to identifl' major heavy
bution of mineral assemblages. This method also assists mineral distribution patterns along the southern Cali-
the pinpointing of priucipal sediment supply areas and fornia coast. Pirkle et al. (1984) employed rhe same
the correlation of distribution patterns rvith geological technique to elucidate processes controlling the accu-
events and processes. mulation of Recent heavy mineral-rich sand deposits of
Q-mode factor analysis, coupled with varimax rota- north-eastern Florida. In a subsequent study pirkle
tion, for processirlg heavy mineral data has yielded et al. (1985) successfully unravelled the original heavy
useful results in several Recent depositional basins such mineral composition and provenance of two economic-
as the Orinoco-Guyana Shelf (Imbrie & van Andel ally important formations from the Miocene of Florida.
1964), the Bering Sea (Knebel & Creager 1974, This approach also facilitated the identification of two
Gardner et al. 7980), the South 'lexas Oute¡ Con- different sedimentary facies rvithin the large Miocene
tinental Shelf in the Gulf of lv{exico (Flores & Shideler delta.
1978), the Bristol Channel, UK (Barrie 1980) and the Linear discriminattt analysis \vas employed by

.Demina (1970) to differentiate betu'een two contrasting but this approach was unsuccessful.
sediment derivation paths and by Gwyn & Dreimanis Cluster anolysis of heavy mineral data rvas tried by,
(1979), who recognized discrete heavy mineral suites among others, Rice er al. (1976), Maurer et al. (1978)
useful in distinguishing betrveen different glacial lobes. and Maurer & Nabholz (1980). Cluster analysis is
Stattegger (1982) succeeded in delineating Ordovician generally used combined rvith another multivariate
and Upper Palaeozoic rocks in Steiermark, Austria, by routine, usually factor analysis.
use of heavy mineral data treated by the above The studies mentioned above all give more details
technique. on the precise nature of the mathematical modelling
Flores & Shideler (1982) employed stepvtise multiple and computing techniques employed in each case.
discrimínant analysis in a study of the Outer Banks The reader is referred to these works for further
barrier system of North Carolina, hoping to distinguish information.
between foreshore, berm and dune sub-enr'íronments,

5 Application of heavy minerals

If a man will begin with certainties,

he shall end in doubts; but if he rvill be content to begin with
doubts, he shall end in certainties.
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

The following exarnples demonstrate ttre uJrsatility and information on sedimentary processes include those of
u'ide application of heavy mineral techniques. McMaster & Garrison (1966) in a study of the South
The properties of heavy minerals allou' an insight New England shelf, Hubert & Neal (1967) working in
into the petrological character of sediment source the North Atlantic, Kelling et al. (1975) working
terrains and pci'ntit their e xtcnsil'e use )n trucittg offshore from the L{id-Atlantic tlsA, Knebel & Creager
provenance. An association of characteristic heavy (1974), Gardner er a/. (1980) in studies of the Bering
minerals is intimately related to particular source Sea, Gazzi et al. {1973), Rizzini (I974) working in the
lithologies and may often be correlated u'ith a¡r identifi- northrvestern Adriatic Sea, Belfiore (1981) in the
able source terrain. Recognition and mapping of the western Mediterranean, van Andel (1961) in the Gulf
spatial distribution of heavy mineral associations fur- of California, Barrie (1980) in a study of the Bristol
nishes information on sediment dispersal patterns. A Channel uK and llfange-Rajetzky (1983) in the eastern
survey of the regional variation of heavy mineral Mediterranean.
compositions enables delineation of heavy mineral Lateral movement of beach santl was detected using
provinces. A heavy mineral province is characterized heavy mineral studies in Portland, Australia (Baker
by the presence of volumetrically important hear'1' 1956), on the Rhode Island shore (McMaster 1960), on
mineral species that are absent or rare in adjacent the continental shelf off Accra, West Africa (Brückner
provinces. Analysis of heavy mineral content through a & Morgan 1964). and on the northern coast of
vertical profile (e.g. in outcrops or in boreholes) mav Columbia (von Erffa 1973).
also reveal the presc'nce of heavl' mineral zones. The study of van Andel (1955) on the sediments of
typified by volumetrically irnportant heavy mineral the Rhóne delta is an example of how heavy minerals
species rvhich are absent or rare in the underlying or ma1'be used to indicate sediment distribution patterns
overlving beds. rvithin a single river delta system.
Heavy mineral studics on ntodertt basi¡¡s hal'e Mange-Rajetzky (1979) studied tlte heavy mineral
provided actualistic analogues which iead to a better composition of Quaternary-Recent sediments along
understanding of the geological historl' of their ancient the southern Turkish coast u'ith the view to contributing
counterparts. Baak (1936) demonstrated the co- to the modellin-q of molasse-type sedimentation. The
relationship of source areas, transport processes analyses revealed distinct heavy rnineral associations
(fluvial, glacial and marine) and the five heavy mineral lvhich were linked to specific source-rock compositions.
provinces in the surficial sediments of the southern Sedimentary petrological provinces, delineated on the
North Sea. basis of light and heavy mineral data, mirrored their
The Gulf of Mexico and adjacent regions have been a relationship to prominent source-rock lithologies and
fruitful area for heavy mineral studies (Goldstein 19'12, also indicated processes distributing the sediments
van Andel 1960, van Andel & Poole 1960, Davis & derived from them.
Moore 1970, Flores & Shideler 1978). These studies Heavy minerals are often the only means of recon-
revealed the presence of important heavy mineral structing provenance in sedimentary sequences. A
provinces and provided clues to the pathrvays of the comprehensive study by Füchtbauer on the Molasse of
Pleistocene fluvial netrvork on the shelf during low sea- the Northertt Alpine Molasse Basin (1964, L967; sum-
Ievel stands. Heavy minerals also permitted mapping of marized in English in 1.974) has contributed greatly to
Pleistocene river mouths and indicated the extent of the understanding of the type basin of Molasse sedi-
reworking and rcdistribution of the shelf sediments nentation. Heavy mineral data provided essential clues
during the Holocene transgression. for the interpretation of sediment provenance, assistecl
Other stuciies enploying heavy minerals to yield in distinguishing between tlie loads of the major


alluvial fans feeding the basin, and highlighted sedi- the northern part of South Africa. His rvork perrnitted
ment transilort and dispersal directions rvithin the locaI correlation and allorved clarificaiion and correla-
basin. Allen & Mange-Rajetzky (1982), in a study of tion of the existing stratigraphy.
sediment dispersal and palaeohydraulics of Oligocene Lithostratigraphic units are commonly associated
rivers in the eastern Ebro Basin, combined heavy and with particular heavy mineral assemblages. Deposi-
light mineral analyses with palaeodischarges estimated tional breaks or unconformities are often characterized
for rivers of differing parentage. The integration of by rnarked changes in the heavy mineral suites. This
these two approaches resulted in the delineation of tu'o emphasizes the stratigraphic significance of lteavy
major sedimentary petrological provinces and several minerals. Tieh (1973) applied heavy mineral analyses
sub-provinces, all of which showed intimate links rvith and rvas able to characterize and distinguish strati-
two opposing source areas: the Pyrenees to the north graphic horizons of the Eocene to Miocene sediments
and Catalanides to the south-east. Prolonqed tectonic of central California. Stattegger (1976) shou,ed that
activity in the Pyrenean chain promoted an increasing each formation of the Cambro-Ordovician to post-
Pyrenean dominance through time and this is reflected Variscan (Stephanian) clastic series in the axial zone of
in the progressively greater areal extent of the Pyre- the Pyrenees is identifiable by a characteristic heavy
nean province, Heavy mineral analyses assisted in mineral suite. Time-stratigraphic units of the Peri-
revealing the sources of sand supply and helped to Alpine Molasse can be clearly recognized by their
elucidate mechanisms governing the accumulation of distinctive heavy mineral compositions (Mange-
tidal sandbanks in the Burdigalian sea of the Swiss Rajetzky & Oberhánsli 1982, Maurer 1983). \\/oletz
N{olasse Basin (Allen et al . 1.985). A combined study of (1963, 1967) anall'sed Cretaceous and Palaeogene
rock fragments and heavy minerals in the lr4iocene sediments from the Austroalpine dornain and found
Marnoso Arenacea Turbidite Formation in the that several tectonic and stratigraphic units can be
northern Apennines (Gandolfi et al. 1983) shed light on typified by their particular heavy mineral associations.
the nature and evolution of this complex deep-sea fan These units índicated links to parentages rvith *'hich
system. Six sedíment source areas were identified, they fornred intimate tectonic relationships at the time
dispersal pafterns were mapped and the progressive of sedimentation. Weissbrod & Nachmias (1986) used
north-eastward migration of source terrains and depo- heavy mineral data to define stratigraphic units rvithin
centres during the Apenninic orogenesis was recog- the Precambrian to Mesozoic 'Nubian Sandstone'
nized. Hansley (1986) applied the stratigraphic varia- sequence of southern Israel, southern Jordan and Sinai.
tion of heavy minerals and some of their varietal types These units coincided with previously defined litho-
in a study of the Morrison Formation, New Mexico. stratigraphic units and could be used for stratigraphic
This work permitted the determination of provenance correlation. Changes in the heavy mineral assemblages
and the reconstruction of diagenetic episodes of this aided the recognition of paraconformities that $'ere
economically important uranium-bearing formation. otherrvise not readily apparent.
Use of mineral chemistry and varietal studies can be Briggs (1965) developed statistical means and modal
readily applied in reconstructing provenance. A poten- separation for the recognition and correlation of
tial approach is outlined on pages 18-19. independent mineral provinces.
It is commonly believed that heavy minerals have a Heavy mineral studies have been proved to be
limited value for tirne-stratigraphic correlatio¡r. Resulfs important contributors to the analysis of sedintenlaÍion
have been unsatisfactory in regions where the source associated w'irh tectottically active hinferlands. The
areas (usually cratonic terrains) and sediment accu- vertical and stratigraphic evolution of heavy mineral
mulation rate remained constant for a considerable assemblages of the basin fill provide a rnirror of
length of geological time. Carroll (1940) stressed that a tectonic events and the erosion history. of the source
large number of rvell located samples is necessary for terrains. In sediments, eroded from orogenic belts, the
the accurate correlation of subsurface sediments rvith heavy mineral suites commonly become increasingly
their outcrop counterparts. complex in a vertical sequence, this evolution reflecting
Dense sampling in closely spaced boreholes yielded the uplift and erosion of successively more complex
accurate stratigraphic correlation of heavy mineral lithologies in the source area (unroofing). The se-
zones in the San Joaquim Valley, California (Reed & quence of heavy mineral zones are seen in the inverse
Bailey 1927). Similarly, identification and correlation order of the sequence at source.
of stratigraphic units by means of heavy minerals have Heavy mineral assemblages are generally *'eil
proved successful in Venezuela (Feo-Codecido 1956). preserved in sedimentary settings associated rvith
Koen (1955) applied heavy mineral studies in the pronounced topographic relief because of the conse-
correlation of rnembers within the Karroo System in quent high sedimentation and burial rates. The Lower


Oligocene to Upper Miocene Peri-Alpine Molasse nat only in distinguishing various individual glacial
basin evolved in response to tectonic events in the lobes but also in determining their respective proven-
Alpine mountain belt. Consequently, the succession of ance and bedrock lithology in each case. Heavy
heavy minerals in the Molasse sediments mirror the minerals incorporated in ice-rafted debris may be of use
progressive uplift of Alpine structural units and thrust in pinpointing the source regions of these materials
movements. Minerals diagnostic of early Alpine mcta- (Alam & Piper 1981), especially when applied in
morphism are well preserved in these sediments, even conjunction with other petrographic analyses. Heavy
though in the source area they may have been minerals of stream sediments in remote terrains can
overprinted by later metamorphic episodes, or either yield valuable information on rock formations in their
eroded or buried under thrust sheets in the hinterland. scarcely known or inaccessible catchment areas (Mange-
Analysis of these mineral assemblages provides much Rajetzky 1981). An interesting application of heavy
useful information, facilitating the more accurate minerals in the detection of the sources of Recent dusl
reconstruction of the orogenic and sedimentary fallout deposits caused by dust-storms in Kuwait was
histories of the region. The first appearance of index reported by Khalaf et al. (1985).
minerals from each of the multiple phases of Alpine In recent yearc geochemicql methods have been
metamorphism in the sediments indicates the time increasin-ely used in the study of heavy mineral assem-
when erosion of their respective parertt rocks com- blages. Silver & Williams (1981, 1982) investigated
menced (Vatan 19,19, Füchtbauer 1974, ange-Rajetzky'
N'f the morphology and physical properties of zircon
& Oberhánsli 1982, 1986, Maurer 1983). The frequentlv populations, together rvith their chemical and isotopic
observed marked changes in heavy mineral assem- compositions to asskt the modelling of ttranium
blages at prominent stratigraphic boundaries within the mineralizatio¡? processes in the Morrison Formation
Molasse sequence document important changes, as rvell (southern Colorado Plateau and San Juan Basin, New
as reflecting evolution in sedimentary environments N{exico). Their approach can also be applied to other
and changing transport mechanism through time. heavy' mineral species in detrital sediments, and may
Winkler & Bernoulli (1986) reported the occurrence hel¡l to obtain more refined information on the nature
of detrital high-pressure-low-temperature index of provenance.
minerals in ¿i late Turonian flysch seqtrence of the Thomas et al. (1981) used analysis of rare earth
eastern Alps. These minerals rvere formed by ltlid- elements (nee) incorporated in sphene, all¿rnite and
Cretaceous subduction-related metamorphism, and monazite, to clistinguish particular source rock charac-
their presence in the late Turonian sediments indicates teristics. They demonstrated the potential of their
uplift of their parent rocks from about 20 km depth method in distinguishing between sediments derived
within a rather short time interval. This has important from different sources and proposed its rvider use for
tectonic implications bearing on the possible mech- the correlation of unconsolidated sediments. Orven
anism responsible for such rapid uplift. (1937) denonstraied that concentration of hafnium in
Heavy mineral studies have been rvidely used to detrital zircons is a l'iablc- indicator in provenance
clarif¡, specifc problems and to complement other types studies. Owen used this method to reveal petrogenetic
of research. The presence and abundance of euhedrai relationships betrveen sandstones which rvere derived
zircon indicated volcanism in the Lorver Tertiary' of from the same proximal source.
centrai Texas (Callender & Folk 1958). Weaver (1963). Heavy minerals of alluvial deposits have lons been
Spears (1982). and Winkler er a/. (1985) emphasized used for prospectitrg for gold, platinum and diamonds
the interpretative value of heavy minerals in recogniz- (e.g. Raeburn & Milner 1927). Zeschke (1961) used the
ing volcanic clays and distinguishing between primary presence of scheelite in stream sediments to trace
and secondary bentonites. valuable tungsten deposits in Pakistan. Goldfarb (1981)
Heavy minerals of air-fall origin in a detrital assem- located mineralized skarns in the southern Sierra
blage reflect contemporary volcanism, and their Nevada, California, b1' applying geochemical tech-
chemistry may provide clues to the nature of the niques to heavy minerals extracted from river sediments
volcanism (Morton 1982a). Heavy mineral assemblages down stream.
have also been used in mapping and correlaling tephra It{ertie (1979) demonstrated the value of heavy
/nyeru (Juvignd & Shipley 1983). minerals in regíonal geologícal exploration. Saprolitic
Investigating the mineralogy of glacial sands can accessory minerals assisted the delineation of the
prove a valuable means of beclrock mapping in glacíated economically significant monazite belt in the south-
te.rrains (Callahan 1980). Grvyn & Dreimanis (1979) eastern uSA. Accessory minerals also proved useful in
investigatcd the heavy minerals of tills in the Great indicating the metasedimentary or migmatic origin of
Lakes region of North America, and succeeded thereby granites oI this region.


The analysis of úeavy mineral concentrates fron.r mineral spectra ancl can be correlatecl basin-u,ide.
'alluvial and colluvial deposits as well as frorn soils is Heavy mineral assemblages are useful inclicators of
a technique widely used in kitnberlite prospectittg proximality/distality of a location to the source regions;
(Kresten et aI. 1975, Leighton & McCallum i979, they provide clues to the definition of sedintent
Hearn & McGee 1983). Brown (or chromian) spinel dispersal patterns, thereby helping the assessment of
can be a valuable signal of diantond place¡s. In Namibia sand body geometry.
it is commonly associated with Recent diamond placers In the knotvledge of their chemical stability, heavy
(Zimmerle 1984) and it is found in fossil diamond minerals contribute to the evaluation of diagenetic
placers in the northern Urals (Bekker et al. 7970). episodes and burial history of reservoir successions.
Several earlier papers on the economic analysis of Heavy mineral analyses can be performed on drill-
heavy minerals in sediments were compiled and briefly cutting samples, thus providing valuable data for the
reviewed by Luepke (1985). interpretation ofuncored sequences. Studies by N{orton
The contribution of heavy mineral studies to the on the North Sea (1979b,1982b, i984b, 1985b, Hursr &
solution of problems in basin analysis, petroleum Morton i988) and my published (Allen & l\{ange-
exploration and reservoir management is considerable. Rajetzky 1989. \lange-Rajetzky 1989) and unpubtished
When allied rvith other sedimentological and/or strati- data on petroleurn resen,oirs in different countries har,e
graphical and geochemical techniques, they have much assisted in the reconstruction of the depositional
to offer towards a better understanding of the history of environntents of marine and terrigenous clastic sedi-
a basin. The study of heavy minerals proves especially ments, and hale helped f o provide an extensive
informative in Iithologically uniform clasric hydro- information data base of use in rnore accurate modelling
carbon reser\¡oirs, as they can reveal the petrological of ¡eservoir derelopment and quality distribution.
heterogeneity of the successions. Such heterogeneity is
highlighted by the presence of distinct heavy mineral Although the purpose of this book is to provide a suide
zones in reservoir successions, recognized in the for the identification and use of transpare¡rt heavv
distributional patterns of heavy mineral species and minerals, it is necessary to mention the intportance of
paralleled by similar trends in the ratios of selected the opaque suite. n hich often constitutes the bulk of rhc
mineral pairs. Major changes in the heavy mineral heavy mineral fraction.
spectrum usually coincide with peaks in the plot of the Use of polished sections and reflected-light rnicro-
ratios, thus permitting delineation of independent scopy are essenrial for the identification of opaque
heavy mineral zones. Heavy mineral zones rvith similar grains. but this technique is generally neglected by
characteristics and containing similar varief al and sedimentary petrologists. However, the value of
morphological heavy mineral types can be correlated. opaques in provenance reconstructions has been
Therefore the use of heavy minerals has considerable demonstrated in the few studies carried out (Blatt 1967,
importance in basin-wide lithostratigraphic correlation. p. 1038). Sanders & Kravirz (1961), by summarizing rhe
Heavy minerals are sensitive indicato¡sof sedimentary results of several studies, emphasized the importance of
processes and are useful in signailing changes of the opaque mineral determinations in palaeomagnetic
depositional environment or facies. This capacity can research, economic geology and in the understanding
be used to assist facies analysis, important in evaluating the origin of red beds.
reservoir properties. The morphology of many species Stumpfl (19-58) pointed out the significance of many
may help to distinguish and correlate aeolian horizons opaque species in interpreting hinterland lithologies.
in successions where fluvial and fluviolacustrine sedi- An assemblage of ilmenite confaining finely exsolved
ments are interbedded with aeolian deposits (Allen & lamellae, together n"ith 'pure' magnetite and ilmenite-
Mange-Rajetzky i989 and in prepararion). Recording haematite, is tvpical of acid plutonic source terrains.
characteristic varietal types and computing their ratios Ilmenite, and ilmenite with exsolved broad titano-
provide important clues to the identification and magnetite lamellae, occur in basic plutonics. pseudo-
comparison of different sand bodies and to unravelling brookite is characteristic of volcanic rocks. Hilmy et ol .
the recycling paths of older sediments into successively (1971) investigafed rhe opaque constituents of recent
younger formafions. The presence or absence of certain beach sands in Kurvait. Their analysis has revealed a
varietal types of the ultrastable suite is especially diversity of opaque minerals and has proved useful in
important in this respect. tracing the source of these beach sands to various rock
Structural events in the hinterland, resulting in the types present in Turkey, Jordan, Syria and Iran.
exposure of new lithologies, are mirrored by distinct Luepke (1980) used the magnetic opaque fracrion of
changes in the heavy mineral compositions. These beach sands on the south-rvestern Oregon coast to
changes are recognized as marker horizons in the heavy distinguish betu'een source and wave-sorting effects on


the distribution of heavy minerals in the area. different drainage basins within their study area.
Darby and Tsang (1987) focussed on the variation in Granitic, mafic igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary
elemental composition of detrital ilmenite grains in the sources were clearly identifiable from different ilmenite
- sediments of three large drainage basins in Virginia, compositions. Darby & Tsang concluded that this
USa. Their analyses indicated that ilmenite composi- approach can provide an additional means for distin-
-- tions remained virtually unchanged along major river guishing tretween the sediments of adjacent drainage
courses and also that the compositions were specific for basins and for determining sand provenance.

-1 -)



SILICATES 39 Amphibole group 83

General considerations 83
Olivine group 39 1 Iron-magnesium-manganese amphiboles 84
Zircon 4t Anthophyllite and gedrite 84
Sphene (titanite) 41 2 Calcic amphiboles B5
Garnet group 45 3 Sodic-calcicamphiboles 85
Vesuvianile (idocrase) Tremolite 86
Sitlimanite 49 Ferroactinolite, actinolite B7
Andalusite 50 Hornblende series B8
Kyanite (Disthene) 52 4 Alkaliamphiboles 91
Topaiz 53 Glaucophane-riebeckite series 91
Dumortierite 5,1 Arfvedsonite 93
Staurolite 5-5
Chloritoid 57 IVIica group 95
Muscovite (including other white micas) 95
Glauconite 96
Biotite 97
Epidote group 59 Talc 99
Zoisite -s9 Chlorite group 100
Clinozoisite 60
Serpentine gror.rp 102
Epidote 6l Prehnite 103
Piemontite 63
Allanite 61

Larvsonite 65
Pumpellyite 67
Tourmaline group 69
Axinite l2
Cassiterite 10rl
Corundum 106
Rutile 701
Pyroxene group Anatase 109
General considerations 73
Brookite 111
E,nstatite Spinel group 712
Hypersthene 75
Diopside-hedenbergite series 77
Diallage 78
Augite 79 SULPFIIDES 113
Aegirine-augite 81
Aegirine (acmite) 82 Sphalerite 113



Baryte 1"14 Apatite minerals 125

Celestite L16 Monazite 128
Gypsum 1,I7 Xenotime 130
Anhydrite 118
Jarosite 119

CARBONATES 120 Scheelite L32

Fluorite 133
Calcite 1.20
Siderite t22
Dolomite-ankerite series 123

6 Introduction

Go my sons, buy stout shoes, climb the mountains, search the valleys,
the deserts, the sea shores and the deep recesses of the earth.
lr{ark well the v¿rrious kinds of minerals,
note their propertics and their mode of origin.
Petrus Severinus (1571)

said that 'a picturc is *'orth a thousand rvords', but a picture

It has been
accompanied by'a descriptive anallsis is even more l'aluable. We hope
that the full-color.rr photomicrographs in this part of the book will assist
the accurate identification of hear'1' minerals by complementing the
clcscriptions of grain molphologl'. optical and phlsical propertics.
Multiple grain mor.rnts of each heal'l mineral species uere prepared
for the images. Heavy minerals u ere selected from a varietl' of
sedimentary environments in order to provide the most informative
illustr¿rtions. Grains affected b1 dissolution and the most common
varictal types are álso inclucled.
Cargille Meltrnount series resins n'cre used for mounting the grains
and the particular mounting media in e¿rch case is indicated at the end of
the mineral descriptions. Nfeltntount 1.-539 and i.-581 rvere employed for
minerals rvith lori'to nredium Rl. and Nleltmount 1.661 trls used for
those minerals nith a high relief. This approach ma) present some
problt'ms rvhen compnring reliefs. but uas necessar) to achieve the bcst
possible presentatir.rn of optical and phvsical propl-rties.
The individual grains \\'er!- first stuck onto a gum arabic base, thus
securing their position. Thr'resins ur'rc then applied. In spite of
painstaking efforts. in a feri'c¿rses a little air became trappL-d bet*een
griiins and the gum arirbic filrn. This appc¿rrs in thc illustr¿rtions as one or
more small bubblcs. These nrar easilr be distinguish.--d from surf¿rce
patterns and inclusions and shoulcl not be confusing.
t In order to facilitate the best oLrsc-rvation of pleochroism and
interference colours, the polarizcr u as rotated instead of the rnicroscope
The age and locality of the dcposit fron rvhich the minerals u'ere
obtained is indic¿rtecl for all illLrstrations, except for those lvhere
commercial confidentiality still applies.
The optical diagnosis was confirmed bt' microprobe analysis for
minerals u,hich required chemical means for positive identification
(e.g. amphiboles, pyroxenes, carbonate and sulphate minerals and rare
Chemical formulae, optical and physical properties and occurrence
rvere taken from Deer et cl. (1962,1963, 1978, 1982, 1986). These u'ere
complemented in some cases rvith additional data from lvlilner (1962),
Heinrich (1965). Parfenoff et al. (197A), Phillips & Griffen (1981),
Boenigk (1983) and from nrany other publications.
The chemical stabilitl' of the heavy minerals is cliscussed in Part I, and
in acidition the stabiliti and plrtictrlal scdimentary occurrence of sonre
prominent species is brieffy summarized uncle¡ 'Remarks'.


' The descriptions of heavy minerals are arranged in systematic rather

than in alphabetical order. This facilitates liaison between the English
and German editions.

Abbreviations and symbols

CB Canada balsam
CL cathodoluminescence
Mmt Meltmount
n refractive index
r)v (or r<v) the optic axial angle is greater (or less) in red light than
in violet light
RI refractive index
2V optic axial angle
x, y, z the crystal axes
o, 13, y least, intermediate and greatest refractive indices
o, fJ, y the vibration direction of the slow, intermediate and fast ray
e refractive index, extraordinary ray
co refractive index, ordinary ray
6 birefringence
A density
Elongation: positive : length slow
negative : length fast
Length of scale bar: 100 pm

s F€*avy etaiga*sal dcscs'ipÉá*eas
and cq;l*ur pBeÉ*s


ülivÉsae Grerup
lii¡steritc ftr;rv:rl¡ic,l*l'i*s
r¡¡llr,rrllrrllrlrr(. l¡rlrsrlrl ( i ) t )

ibrsteritr i;rv¿rlitr:
fulg.Sii ],t l-. 'Si{ } ¡

rtt t.l¡-aJ5 ttlt. l.¡il7

rlt l.{i5I ;rli l.-\ó9
it"i i.f7{l r¡y ¡.H7iJ
i-! ¡, (i.il5l
Fti¡'sir:r'iic (Mg olivinc) and i:ry:rlite {Fc-olivi¡lci ars ihL' en{l
¡r*nrhcr: q¡i :r :;ulitl :;riluiii-r¡t sct'ics :rt¡tl, rvitc¡t chcniical at¡itl vsis
h¡is ili¡t ir,-,c¡¡ t:¿ittietl rtui lo po:;iÍivclv irlrrrtil-v :r !rartir,:r,¡lar
ilrlrt¡rtr*r. gtnitrs in r:edi¡ne¡ri-*:ttt usually rlesignail:ri a:; eilivine.

Fi¡ren i¡¡ .trdi¡ttt¡tís: iipcr:iirrens {¡¡} ar¡il th} lirrsteriÉi<:

olivi*es. e-irei¡¡s ir;¡cluretl. l¡ngr¡iar, irregt:i:ri'tir ¡rit¡¡ttic¡1,
¿¡r¡: ::.5----- ==
oftctr aiiainrn¡¡:r irigh:;1.lit.-'i'i.-:iiy lu¡rpr:r)-'! fre! lrct¡trcnllv
i:¡rc:li¡:;r: minuis- ilplrrluc impuriiie:; rnii :;h¡r-* ii¡tv b¡ iqh'r.
7:= =
¡imme,-i rii:;s,-¡lu'rion it,-iili¡u,'s;¡¡tri r,¿ilirit¡: c:iah ¡l:itia:ins on ¡heir
l'o¡::ae rilc:: r¡l serplrntini::cd hrlir::s ¡irar,' lie :ii;rcl¡e r-l ir¡ = =g-
.tr tuvctcLl lrv :¡ yr'llt¡wi-sh rl¡ P¿ilc ::frtLt¡l íihr,iu:; :e t ¡;ctrtitrc. == = -
e.ilivincs oi' tr:irirsive rcck:: :r¡:¡rc;ii' ia :¡ v:rrie iv r¡i li¡¡ ¡¡l:;. e¡id t--: =,:==

:rrc erl¡r,-i¡ai. ¡rri:rnatic, ir'¡,:sula¡ wrih rc¡nchriitl;¡l fr';rcItt¡c:r. --

¡ t¡t¡nriq,El {rt vL^lv ivl-'ll rr}tt!l{lcr1. lncittsi,r¡t-: itrlr v(}lcii¡ric ¡rlirt¡ ir .

:;pinel, iipaiitr. !¡yr¡.):ienu- plagiiicl:rst, ::i¡ c¡¡¡¡ ¡¡rd il¡ntnitc. :-re

Alier¡itit¡r¡ ¡irur!uris ¡-r[ .:¡lir:i¡te ¡tii¡¡tr:¡ls :¡¡e iir¡¡¡ q¡:ii!c:;,
iddingsitr,. :i,:¡'¡rri¡ii¡¡r- i)ulvitir¡rP¡¡s. at{ .

!- -i -..--
4,,€.-tl(iEli-: l.iiísi.jrtic l: L.-¡l<¡r¡tlc:s i¡¡ va¡'t ¡::ic ':-rr:rn. ilihrr
:¡livi¡rr:s :ra!: .jiíÉ¡.j! f..r¡¡iutlt-!:i, ii¡ ¡;;¡i,,: ¡ir¡ii
Eiir¡i¡-:v i,,¡:ili:iv

lt !r,:;>¿: hr;= i s ¡;¡.' lr¿rr::¡r¡iiir :.¡!i.,,!¡¡"., :iiu ;¡¡r.l-¡l!:iirhr,:!ir:

F¡v:rliiie l=j1!fir-:iiri:r ,rii:-¡il:rv rrt;ik- i...!lr¡1: iii i.r.;i!¡.!:ü :rrll.f*
lllÉt¡t ! I ! ¡ rl:'-! I I .'ittottt<:é-'.- ir4i¡ii.,'r;¡¡r i,; :-iri¡i!:-: i;i¡ri¡i¡¡gr¡:¡r iú:li!li:- !!¡

.¡i.;id i¡-lt.:ri*r*nc.-'lrrlla¡!!t:t i¡í tiltt(i'r¡rd*t ¡:it:F:- velLrt::irt,-i
gicen- lj+t:!-'r;¡l i¡¡¡rti+tl¿lr-:¡: ¡--'ir¡Ui l¡:r¡tri:::!Fll!!'tr¡:iií:?i¡::.ri
--i¡hc¡ in a¡,;i¡aLrirtria riugr; ii; ¡iarali,-'i rviiil ¡irr c¡':-,:;¡:¡l i¡uiiir¡r
!¡¡¡:glr!at ¡]¡ il¿ilfl'!'!: l¡!!l¡i¡::;iiir.:!t eiiiiii¡i:: :ir,' !ií;i fiim.¡:.¡¡i.
i hicL ¡:¡':¿i¡i:. rii:;¡i!:i'; :tr.; hir¡ii ,.ri,Jrr .;tllcr.,'i:;it-'+liiii: ai: ¡:iiiL,
iilieiii¡e¡¡ce ¡int:;

!-,i*;egr:Éktrt: F:'-¡!¡triti! i¡r i'!r!!¡gliri!i gL.irii:, h;+c ¡ai::lic!


!--.....i .--..-
iiltL-t l\,("Al\'i .,r,qÉifd_, F ¡¡i..i,'iEíl{ :ili1:i¡r':: ¡i¡i::i¡ 1,iii¡!-:r,li.rll

',,it!ü t!¡¿ir r::i:.. il;:t¡ri:. ..viiÉr :¡¡i f,i!¡i!¡::i :iit;r:rl!i i:;iig.,,r.'.

IltrAVY I\llNl;ltAl" I)lrS( l{ll'l'l()NS ,\NI) ('()1.()tll{ I'l ll,S
surrountlcd by nunrerous hright colorrrccl isochlrrrr:rIic rings.
- -OccasionallV
bisectrix litures with p:rlc isogyrcs lrrd l:rrgc 2V
,._can bc ttbscrvcd. Othcr oliviltc vlrrictics ¡rrovitlc biscctrix
ligurcs rvitlt either poor or wcll-dclinerl isog\,rcs u¡ltl scvcr;rl
_..colour rings. Dctermin¿tion o{ thc opticiil chunrclcr is dilllcult
as the dcnsc colour rings obscurc otrscrvation.

Elongatitttt: Eithcr |t,:itivc or rrr'.r:;rlire .

Distittguisling feoture s: Olivincs are diurnosctl by lairly

'- high relief. palc tints or Iuck ofcolour:nrd stronq bircfr irlrtcrrec.
irencc vivid intcrfcrcncc colours. 'l'hc fleclucncy of tlissolution
fealures is also clistinctilc. Sel'pcntinizalion or itldinqsitc.
_ *hen prcscnt, is diagnostic. P¡'rorcncs alrd antphibolcs ure
usuaily associÍrtcd r¡ ith t¡livincs in scdinrcnts and thcir
--occurrcnce rray signal its prcscncc. Prisnratic olivinc grrrins
resemblc cnstatilc. cspcciall¡' u,hen both are sc-r¡renlinizcrl.
-'However, enstatite sliou,s pyroxcnc clcavages and oftcn
:t¡ntains exsolution lanlellae. The bright intcrfcrcnce colt¡urs
' -'of olivincs rescnrble thosc of clinozoisitc and t()il¿iz, but lroth
Savc trctter cleavases ancl lack the characteristic dissolr¡tion
pallerns frequcnt on olivincs. Pale-grcen olivines can bc
.. _Jistingui-shed fronr epidotc by thc highcr rcfractivc iniliccs:rntl of lhr' l:rltcr.

Occ'urrettc:a: N'f c¡nbcrs of thc olivinc group ir c ¡rrintip:rl

-constitucnts of nranv basic it¡rrcous rocks. Forstcritic olivincs
rrc importanl rock-fornring ltlinerals oi nriflcs lrnrl trltr¡nllrlics
---and are also gcnerated by the thernlrl nrctarnor¡rhisnr of
'mpurc dolontitic limestones. Iron-rich olivincs fr¡rnr in
felsic rocks such as sonre sl,cnitcs. rhyolitcs and
.__ lolcrites. The nrelanrorphisnl of iron-rich sedinrcnts ntav alsrr
Fcrl('rirtr' f;rl lrlitie,rlir incr.

Renlorks: Duc to the ir hishiv unst¿¡[)lc n;r1¡:lc. olir iltcr rrc

--usually found onlv in Quatcrnary lo l{eccnt scrlilrc¡r1s.
' 'Graitts
front: (a) Bcach sanrl. sr¡uthcrn Turkev: (b) rivcr
:and. Centovally. S*'itzerland: (c) beach sancl. Tcncrifc.
-Canary Isiands (tr,lnrt 1.-582).

.¿li{{-'i ¡I.j

7,rs,¡{ }.t
. r- g É ¡
ictltg,:rnal" rrnil¡.r¡ul i + )
:: E É :
¡I(tt i ''t:'i ¡'t¡¡¡
Ítt l.!¡i'rl l.{}i5 .=.'.8
il i|-t|-il {,.{iñ.i :,=: =.!
.\ -! {t I i t:;E
F¡¡rru i¡t ,";¿:ili¡¡u:n!:;: 7-iri:r¡¡¡ in¡i¡rs iu)f)rjr¡r rvitl¡ a r,t r'!' i¡iglr
ri:lir:l'lrnrl Ih,,'v arc srrrr]rulrlLrri [ry;r [rlirr:k h:rlir. {'¡vsi;¡l:-:¡¡c
gcttcr-ally':;nr:tll; ilrcir;¡v{ir-iirr lengtl¡ i¡¡::;r¡¡tlsIr¡rrrs ar¡rl;rrk-osrs
is (1.15 i|-15 ¡¡lnl ;r¡lrl th;rt iri siltstorres is [].(l-i.(].lj ¡¡r¡tt -F.: 5
( Polcl.--rvaurt i955). 'l'hc ¡ni)r phol()g¡eirl ch:tracte ristics i¡l'

zirr:tr¡l ítrc (lctcl-nlinLr(l hv thc plrysiell :rnti chc¡tticlrl colrtlitit¡¡ts

5:# ,-' -:
tluring grorvtlr: thcrr:tirr.-' ;rir'^on tncrphrtkrgf is rvirle lv t'cgarrlcri -:Eg -+ .-: =
i¡s a pL:¡rdglt¡.lctic i¡rqlica¡or. (A.-ilnilcnsctl rcvicrv 0l t'rpcri- =:É]i-F-
E "-= -E ;r :=
¡¡rr='¡ltal xnil pt: t!'!)l()!licirl slr¡ilics or¡ uiteo¡r is iivcrt bt.-.' !i¡reti'
i9ti(f.) 'l'lri: Lrl.)¡lg;rti()!i (or i.ltJ) ¡-iriios oi ;:ircotrs (lcirgtir
elivicletl bv brerrt!th) generally i¡idic:tte ihc nittt¡¡'e qri lli:;l - ffi
¡'i¡cks: in igncous rr¡ek:; thc:¡vrt:lgl: rkr¡t¡¡¿¡lio¡r ¡:tli,¡ is l,-,s:: il¡lt¡t
-i.(1. tlrousl¡ iiictc;¡rc r:¿i:-e:, rslrcr:i:illv itt ¡rvriii:lasíi.t i¡¡.1::;
.Jhcrc il is grralcr th:r¡¡ -l {! i{-g- .{{}t¡t',rl ihr ¡:r'irins irt rr¡t¡rt:r'}.
U:;u:rlly ihc rvi,itl¡ r,l¡:itrt¡tincs É¡¡c si:¿L: di t¿¡!r-'1]¡l in .!
lr;rÍi¡(:uiii¡ sii(:: ifiil'li()n. rxtlre r ¡hft!r tlre length. In :;crlimu¡ti:;
ihc inoi¡'ihokr¡¡1, uI tircrrtt !if:tins v:uifs ftottt slt;iL¡r .-:tthcr-it;tl
crysfi¡ls ih¡r¡r¡gl¡ ¡¡¡ is¡¡¡:¡irc lrld .inhcrirxl fra:lnlt'nts. gt rtirrs ;viilr
gcntlv riltrn(lccl icrfiri¡r:¡tii¡¡rs iii rtcll-tiiutrtled ii¡r¡trs :r¡rtl
arlnrplelc :;phercs (lowct). Rriurrdirtg ¡s ilr(irc ¡i,-lr,;r¡¡rrri il¡r
lalgr-i glliirrs. 'i'hu srr¡ íi¡,r: ol Lr¡ur¡rl*l gr:tins nrlrv he ¡riti.:tl
aild í¡ristcil- liiaiistii:s indir'rrir: ihiri Tirc{ilr ¿ri ¡¡ti¡::i :antlsio¡rd:
i:; tcParr:tc¡¡t¿-:rl ¡rierkrriiirt;iniiy [rv ¡(tundctl eL:riils Qr ;¡flgul;ii
I'rxgmt:¡lts. :¡¡¡(i t:t¡hc(lr:rl rrf.,,:riiils ¡rrr: st¡l¡<ittli¡t¡ic- Flv crr¡!1r¿¡si.
¿irccits qrf :rfkose:; lirt mosfly sharp rttiiedr:il c¡vs;il¿l:: lr
etrl¡r:ilrlrl g¡¡¡i¡¡s'"viih ¡¡--¡-¡¡¡r-lgr-l icr¡¡¡i¡r:¡ii¡r¡ts, l¡uí wcll-iqru¡irieri
iitrtrts:rrr, ¡¡íri i{im¡¡()¡1. i'.iicOn:; :lic ¡rfiq:¡t inil<)i¡¡(igc!t!,-(}t!s ;¡nrl
,t"a¡¡1¡l ir,,¡:r::: ,.¡i :¿r¡¡rit¡g it¿¡vc hec¡¡ ,-li:;tin!:r¡i-thcrl o¡¡ il¡c h::r;¡r 'i q

iyrit ;rnrl urr.qiir. í.-!n d,--lri¿:rl *r;ii¡¡s il¡r: ír¡l!orvi¡¡'¿ i'/¡:i-'s r:i
:-':i..¡¡ i ¡¡g i:a r¡ hr t*r:it*¡t i::er-i :
íai 7-rining iL:srriii¡r:r i'¡'r¡¡¡r e¡r¡rii¡¡¡rtrrrs *¡rir¡th. l'hi:; i:: :;c*:r :rs
vc¡v lir:t i--errrls gen.,t'liil'¡, ¡rlr:r!!cl i<i Ílre ct'-vsial buunrir¡¡v_
l¡ee<¡¡¡ri¡lt tie¡¡ser nrer !ilu Pea¡lrltü¡ (qcc()nil irirgc :rririr!!e i
(bl Disei¡niinu¡¡r¡:. ¡¡¡t¡s,alt is ¡i!(i¡cittcri h1, r.:vcrgrcrvi!r:r:rr,i
iltligt(¡rrih. 'l i¡r: iq;l¡¡rtr ait¡¡ ita i()t¡l! rvilr_:t:,' :¡ ¡irc,:rn ::ft¡¡¡¡
íeuhc:qlr¡l :¡¡ wril r¡¡t¡¡¡ril:,ii i:; t¡iira:i:illv ilvr-:i::t(l!1.¡i i-;v :r
l;lk-:i gc¡r:t¡¡tii¡¡¡ oi ,:¡rci;¡! ¡¡¡¡ti !r::::; ri¡¡¡r¡qr¡iqlv ::r¡:¡¡ii¡¡r*_
:liÉ¡!r!r!t!{i;¡}g ii i;¡¡ ¡ll :;iiie:; q¡;ir¡¡¡¡ I ,--¡ Ei:i.ii:i: ír!..i-
rt¡¡*,iii rir:ti:li¡¡i-{ i¡il i;¡¡r ¡r:ril i-ra ih! .J.fitin i:]i_.¡1¡¡¡q! ¡;¡¡¡
¡¡¡i¡?¡llr i

l'h.j. ! 1r.l¡¡¡i.!t!c ii ¡r:r!tiirj¿!l:iilrr :¡¿lv;¡ni:¡!:ci¡t¡s i¡r i,:rrt¿¡lrErl ihi

il¡iariar {}i "rii¡¡ing l¡¡t¡i iira!g¡i}:vti¡- i<:gcil¡r:¡'triih iE¡L: Éri{-'::L!¡ft'
¡;i r.¡di¡r:lrtivt :rncl ¡alL: i-:¿¡tili c!r!¡trnis 1li*rirriir'la¡;r:i ii.!7lr-
:er:rl:ri¡,¡r. l: l,l).€a-¡uigiil.xth:.:irr_'¡rsrailtiiiu! FrhrrEir:¡ri;trii-.lll j:e

irar¡ie.i¡(!!!:; ¡'3¡¡q: i+'ili') rr,'É;r¡!: iF"¡il ;i r'L'tl:i;¡¡ i¡,, {rig-!:¡.

ls¡t?r:¡i. ! h.,.; er¡¡¡ i:t' ¡i¡cci¡r {}r ::rr}(¡i¡iir!:. }¡ri¡ ¡Jcliraic ¡r¡¡iur.:
:ilrggrj:;i:i lhiri a¡lav arr Éq¡l¡¡¡r:il '¡¡¡ .,¡¡¡¡ t¡t :iliii¡¡¡rnar-, ai rt ::
<¡¡tiikcrl:r'¡i¡:¡í ihe:;r iri¡lt!aij':i:.t¡¡vivt rfr¡::i¡¡rl :irid it;rir:;!r(!ii:li;{}ir. =
.i!r+i¡¡:. iiilr:¡.-':lrihit :i:;!i:tiL:tn !ii fí;teiaii'i-':. c¿¡nrmc¡rlr,
::trli:rir i¡i¡m i!¡rj.:r:¡li¡f. i¡su¡!lv:l:r¡ti¡¡g !.i¡*r inIlrrs¡(i¡i:.
E iu¡i.rr¡ i i!.i5ill :¡ai¡ iiit!irr! iltis ¡:lri:ni:rnenrin ic ilie ¡':r.-ii¡:lrci i - it',
':l !hc ¡¡ri¡¡¡:¡:¡i. Ii¡tlu:;ir;n:;;¡rL' ::¿¡::;!¡¡!; iittiri gichult:::. írli:i¡¡t!a:;-
.'rir,:c¡¡.:.:q:¡;iiii¡rú. !¡!i;ti;!¿¡ia- hir¡ai¿t ¡uiiit. ci!:r:.;ii.!=i¡L. Lr¡rir
:¡r;llin<: l¡n¡i ..iíriti!uL i lL¡::í-

[¡l :ir É-:l!,! !d ¡l'!1. .i.rail ! { i i! i !! i;-j E,! r. ! ! ],

í'¡¡i¿.¡¡;¡' l"i¡ttr¡¡i i:: fiilrlt!iir-:,:.- ¡r,rtL. ¡,ur¡r1.. reri i¡i:!lrlr:.

it:lii;1i. 1;t¡1,¡'r hii:r t¡¡ Éi¡t-1,, i iv:r¡'i:¡ili i:: ih.. piril: ¡rttt¡r1,.
:ill;rrir,, -!-h!' i'rltl,ti:ii iii ilri¡!¡:¡l :iii.-i!i!:; :irL Li¡li¡ur!r':;:; i¡¡¡il
Fil 1,. !¡¡-¡¡ f iq' oi vf :i{-¡E :.[¡i¡tlr.:; ;¡¡ I :]1!irii!.!¡!t:¡¡i,: -

{'ir'nt¡'it¡'t ¡i.;¡¡¡- '. r.¡.. ri....¡1.. r!! .,irir¡rit, i ! !rl.itr¡Lr: t.!!l,.itr\

lj: --.- !'=-:==
É¡ii. i¡JLilii h:l:_: ¡i :;iri¡¡r:: iri¡.:l'¡i¡¡u¡:¡¡r,-.- lr,-:nrc
i¡lietlrir¡¡rr'1'1rl!r!!¡:- iui-'Iii::i¡ l¡¿l+::.,,¡iiÍr- r¡.,i;ii¡sh lrllou.¡¡¡.
¡tinl: in !hir:!.ei s¡:¡i¡t:-.'i'iri¡:¡¡c¡ r:1ai:¡¡:;!!;Li i¡:irntn!ii.;.1:ttihii
iiri:liii 'r,r:ili;r+. {!iir¡ii.r- i¡reetr lrilil ¡q:.: ¡¡iii::. ¡t;¡:allr,,.viiir r:r.i:u1¡!
i i: i rjIi Lj!-.j¡ri-'i, r:i,iq ttr ¡ l::¡ ¡ttls.

l=i.ti!rz¿'!!¡¡¿¡: Ér!t::iq:ririi ga¡in:: :rilrr\¡.' ¡i;i;;r!ir! i-':.:i!i;riir;ir

i;¡i;':'.ia';¿'¡l<'¿: ili:l-;ft:': Ileirii::l ::irq'i¡¡r:; lrir:1., !r¡r¡-,,irlt. rqri¡i!

i¡ric¡ ir:ri:¡lcr' íi!:r¡¡'r:: !ir¡l¡¡¡,-!rri :rrrri pi i::i':i:tiir. i:raia:; Lririt!lli!!E..
virlt! i:li¡¡¡ l-'i:l::i:li íiur¡¡'i,::r.;li¡¡:. erl¡¡!r¡i¡it¡ ir;r::rl :rr¡!r,¡1:. r¡¡
ft¡ri¡ltl¡'r! gr:i:n:: l:iViitL ¡¡r:i¡! ¡i] illr¡t !i:::.:rl ¡ri:r¿t'-iir_i irteogrii;:rr-l
hi,' ¡,, l;itc!ti¡t,.lrlrr::l¡til il¡t-ii-¡!{lfÚL:.,i ¿-ii i¡¡¡:il¡¡¡¡¡!¡!!.Iir:¡¡¡. lr!(iviLir: aci'¡lrr{l Ür Frrit!ly ¡.¿:¡¡i¡r-:ri U¡ti:i_ri;;! iiril¡r:
in:: rviriir: fir:l¡1. tl'i1l¡ o¡ r",,iili¡-¡ui i:.,crh¡on¡c:;. !,
rlii¡l r¡i,'rr ir '.,'l¡lrittr i lsllrlq'
ElttngtlÍitttt: !r(is¡¡¡\k:. hLr! tlilli¡--uli tr¡ $hse rvc.

[=ei:;tinEuishifi!:.í-r.íriurc:;: É::ri¡r¡¡ir-';eli,-'i.,-.harar:i¡-'risii¡
m{r¡ Flr(rl(igf ¿t|ld irir(il¡g biicll iirgcn..]a:" logrrll¡r:¡ n,ill¡ ih¡,. l:rck :,,
()l:i-tf{il}li cillot!i:;. ii¡r {liililnr)stir (r¡ /:ii(i}!1. l¡ i: ¡¡l¡r,.rii lhr
lcrlrlilv iderrlili:rblc ¿l¡:tri¡¡i i!¡iilL:¡¿tl:;i¡¡,-! r¡nlt it¡ a;¡rr L:r:;c:; c:¡tr
ii be ur¡tirr:r¡-:ri rir¡ili :iUcl¡ r-'r:rilt:: :¡:; spltctir.. ¡¡¡{r¡i;11:¡ie. ¡l!iilr.
qr;tii:rit(jriLc :rnd ::r:n¡ifi¡ut . Th¡: l¡i¡i:i¡.in!:e¡1.r. .)i s!lhr,:!l.j ¡:_
strililg.:r. ¡t¡r,-l t¡¡r¡n:l;:i¡c lr:r:; ;l l¡iw,:! ¡*li¡-.{. vcllorvish c¡
!tltjf,Iri:ih colol¡r::;¡tr¡l lir-'1¡1¡¡¡¡:ir¡iiita!. !)¡iii¡!t hr'w¡rish

stai¡r:r (ir¡c tr-r deeiii.¡rrisiiirrr¡. lt¡ arkiiii.¡i ihr chlrL¡cir:rislir
:rbsor¡riio:i littr's ¡ii lr¡r¡¡¡:r¡ ilc (scc ultdqi. ¡i¡Qnil1i1¡-' o¡ rcn0{intlr )
Iticl ;r prrsilivr rli:;iini:tir:r¡r. I{utilc h;¡:; :¡ highi:¡ ¡,:liq.i- tlr_rr:¡tei
coloun a¡rcl i:; t¡:rtri¡llv plcor:liroic-. {';¡;:r¡r alireirlr:
t-clir:1. sir'olige r cnlor¡r:: ¡ittrl bilrlt in{cncc. 'l hc til til .itrroti¡r¡c
i:. lorvr:r anti ii c:llitril: highi'¡ -qr¡ tle r.. ;rlnos¡ ¡rr¡iiill ¡¡¡ rvhite _

l¡(ilati:¿¡rlio¡r coloufs. .{cll,-rtir¡rc cil!.} i¡l:;(} irc tlisti¡¡gui:;hc¿i liv ii:r

Ithsor¡r¡i1r¡¡ :ipccl rl¡¡.
P.atli:ttir¡tl tl:tt¡t:tg-e. rcsllii¡u liqrr¡ r:rtli¡¿rr:liyc ihr¡¡iui¡t:rr¡tl
r¡rarriurr¡ it¡ ziic,tr¡. c(invcrfs ctvsrl¿rllinr zirr.on inlo:in o¡iticall-1,
¿nnotl)ll(irt:. slfll(:tul'a. l'!te ltroci::: istrrrrlrd mcl;lnritliz¡rtioll
antl nret¡¡¡ricÉ or nllll¿tcol¡ zirer¡¡ls; :rrq ilLlsk.,, ,l;lrk ¡rcv. b¡¡rrvl¡
"r ltl:rtk l¡url rrrrr;rllr
Llu:ltrrt:¡tt't: Zirq-¡rn is a rcnr:¡rk¿¡frlt' r,.,itlts¡rre :rtl lr!-ü-.ssory
rnir¡cr;rl i¡r toaks ()l cruslal urigin. ll is plrlliuularlg!iiorlr
i¡r silieic ;¡¡¡rl il¡iernrcrlilttc ieile()us ri)aks. !l alsc liilnls il¡
nt;rnllc rr:nlrlill¡:-. lunat ¡'r¡e!,,:;rntl ¡¡lcic()file:i- ?'-i¡co¡¡ ¡lr¡v
tc¡eh hir:h ¡tr)¡tcr:ntr;rii¡¡t! in sor¡rr ltr-l¡r_'h s;¡¡rr1:. ;rirrl pllrt_:i-.r.s.

11¿,¡ttufks: Nc olhi:l iic¡jr5:-{}rv rilitrrr':i! h;r:; hr:E:¡¡ slrrclictl ;¡:;

in¡r:ttsii,,-'1,t, :r:; z:iii:i¡¡1. l-l¡i::
'::rr¡ l¡i, ¿¡il¡.iht¡iri! i. r¡tr:r:i;rl r¡rr:ililir::-
sLrcl¡;r:: ii:; rrl¡iilLriiriu:: ilrL-5Lt¡l.r_r !¡l:¡lr¡¡l:ri lrll lvirr:, (rí il,.1::;.
ii:; titotpl:iilogi{,':¡l clliti¡t(:iL:fif:iir: :rntl }riglr ¡lrcc!i;lnir,';rl :r¡rt!
r:ltc¡¡ti¡:l¡i silrhilit'v- 1,,'¡;lut¡irrqu:; ¿t¡rrl cxlltusiir-.t:ilt¡(iir,:: !¡¿tvc ==.:..
loct¡sccl (l!i ilic trbilvi' ;!spar'i.i i.r'r' S¡t¡r¡¡. l1¡g1¡ lir¡ ltrlct,-:lrrrJ- =.=
-==. t.
7-ircti¡t ¡ni¡rf'lt¡¡iiir:r, ¡r, ,t¡¡.-tt usr-.¡-l lo rleiernri¡r. i!rr. ¡t¿rlrrr.t: == --=
Irntl gcnesi:. t¡l il¡c r¡rr-k:;. ln ini¡rrsivr' gr:ltril.r¡(l:r :,¡t.!.1!lr is t€,.=t=
qcnat:illV er¡ltcilr;¡l. lltr clt:rt;r,tle¡ i¡l ¡i:liti ::lrcq¡i: ilr irtr:ii¡= :
rlt()fftlrie t{i{ k:t ieacepi m!{nt;,tii{i,::;) llutrr hr:r ke.,, i¡t i¡riliulii¡tt:
thc igneorr:; oi sc:i-lint¡nl:¡rV origirr o! llr.j p.oiiiliil¡- l].i¡r¡n¡lcii


shape, especially high rounding index, is regarcled as a

criterion of detrital origin, though occasionally this may be
caused by magmatic corrosion. The ternlinations of zirct¡ns of
orthogneisscs are often curved and zircons of kimberlites ¡re
rounded (Krcsten et al. 1975). During intermediate ancl high-
sradc metamorphisrn, zircons retain their inherited shape;
therefore rounded zircons may be supplied by variou:
metasediments, schists and parzr-gneissesl If conditions are
favour¿rble during metanorphism. grains may develop over-
grorvth. in migmatites. anatexites and somc cont¿ict-meta-
morphic rocks. the majority of zircons recrvstallize to euhcdral
crystals but the presence of ¿r relict core is not uncontrllon.
The n¿rture of zircon in seclimentarv and igneous rocks uas
highlighted by Poldervaart (19-55. 19,56). Extensivc studies on
zircon morphologr' ('tr,pologie') and implications were ntadc
by Pupin (1976), anct Pupin & Turco (1972. 1981; see also the
many references in the latter).
The purple colour of zircon is attributed to prolongecl
radiation bombardment; consequentlv rhe intensitv of shacics
increases *'ith the anlount oI radioactive elentents in lr grlrin
and also uith geoloqical agc. Studies b1' lvfackie (lql3b).
Tomita (195-1) and Zimnrerle (1972) assumcd that rnost purplc
zircons ol sediments *ere derived from Precambrian source
rocks. Gastil et al. (1967') noted that hyacinth zircons lose thcir
colour pro{ressively rvith incrcasing metamorphism.
Zircc¡n is regrrrcled irs one ol tlte nr¡st .stablc ¡nin¿ruls. The
mincralogical maturit\, of he¿tvy mi¡rcral assembluscs is
defined bY thc zirct:rn tourntalinc-nrtile (zrn) inclcx (Hubert
1962). Zircon pcrsists througlt severrl scdiment¡r! cvclcs antl
cliugcncsis, as rvcll as through ntetilmorphisnt. lts rcfrlct(,t)'
naturc is *cll kno*n. 'I-hc rcsistancc of zirco¡l is ¿rttributctl ttr
srnall size antl lack oi clcavaqc. Undcr ce rtuin conrlitiLtns it rs
susccptible tc¡ ¡lkaline leaciring (Carroll 19.53, Blumcnthal
l9-58, Colenran & Erd 1961). Carrt¡ll listccl s*,eral rvcakncsses
rvirich arc duc to zoning, fractures, inclusions and brt)kcn
faces. lvletarnictization results in structural instabilitl,. Thor,rgh
thesc factors cxist. they influencc onlv a negligiblc proforrion
t¡f zircon p<lpulations.
Zircon in palacot¡cographic stutiics shoultl bc trcatctl
clrtttiotrslt'. as its slrlrJrc antl sizc nury bc trrrilornt throrrglrorrt
rr [orrnltion. l)ronoLrncctl chan_{cs, howcvcr. lnlrv incliclLtc
diflercnl s()urccs. [)u¡:in (197{r) rlcrrronst¡¡¡¡¡'rl tl¡ l¿¡luc oi
zircons in tracing the sor¡rcc ot tlet¡itus ol thc []crnro-'frilssic
s¿tnds!oncs in south-cast [;nrnce.7-ircolt plit]s an intportant
rolc in t¡cochrurrokrgv (Faurc 1977).

Crains frortt: ?-irst page. uppcr: (a) Uppcr Eoccnc tuff

horizon, Possagno, Italy; (b) Carbonifcrctus. borcholc Wciach
129-1 rn, Su'itze rl¡ndl (c) zircon u'ith ovcrgrorvth. Carboni-
ferous, borcholc Wci¡ch, l.lJ I nt, Srvitzcrl¿nd: lvlicldle ro*:
Carbt¡nilcrous, borchole Wciach. 143 I ln, Srvitze rlancll l_orvcr
rorv: Buntsanclstcin, Triassic, boreholc Kaistcn. l{)6 nr.
Srvitzcrlancl (lv{nrt 1.662).
First page, lorver: Zircons exhibiting various clcgrces of
rouncling - selectecl fro¡n scvcral ancicnt sedinrcntarv cnvir-
onnlr:nts (lvlmt Ló(r2).
Seconcl page. ntiddlc: Zircons exhibiting rlultiplc stages of
growths, lluntsantlstein, -fri¿rssic, borehole [,faflhau-1, 1822 nr
Secontl pitgc, lon'cr: Zircons rvith (plcsuntablv xcnotimc) out-
grorvths, -['riassic. North Sca (Mmt l.(162).

iit;¡!; rjir-jqjil-¿¡. F.iila=:4-E:iEE'i'iÉ¡F.J..i Á-r!!l r'É_.¡i.É_;iiij- l-t.'..!E::;

d ÉeÉ:+ gEsF¡i= !

< ;:'l'ii:iiii,i íÉi. í.r#. f ;

¡¡¡i¡;¡¡¡¡:ii¡¡i¡:. hi:¡:;i:¡i i .r !

;¿i! I -lti

¡i rr,ir4r !!

:: ii-' i Ji

-ia . ::i!
=- -- :ii
.r,i.':!F:i!.':i:;. r 6r',:rr'. l¡:,r ' :i !riglr ¡,',i:t,'¡I: i¡¡',¡:r':¡¡:,! É:
:¡:r li aas¡!l¡ (¡i{i::.iii¡¡¡( !.11 ii1. ¡i ri!iiii¡i.-i:.- sL¡¡lq:il¡!,i,-,i l¡r:;: ri¿¡¡i. = --=
!tii¡ .'r¡!rrtir rri til¡qr, l,!iilr s'l!glil lt ¿iliilii¡liii¡i:t' !'t¡!1.:¿ii:¡: 3===
- ==
ii!;r!ri i ¡¿!r1¡1: l¡¡¡É ¡t!:ra'! 1!{ !t:t;:i f¡.!lil:.:¡!( !¡ii lll!l;:¡ :r! t!rli!!1!ilr!
;'¡:!:*1::i.i1.;i'.'.ir,,-..'¡.i,-:.,.;¡ ...:i:,,i,.i,..:1, ,:.:¡i:;:.' . =:::.
, ...L:.-
r€ ir!:!l :_r'. ..... _-...;
,,:r.i ¿...;...:,
11 r¡ l,¡i 1 ,,¡, i
¡ .. -.. ._ ... -. .¡:._. t:
íriir; i¡¡¡¡!.,¡.;i1a.' i::¡¡¡¡i¡¡¿ií|r¡¡::- ¡¡¡:¡i'i;,'¡l¿'icrirri í-'ir:;r'.'trFr':' ¿:¡,,' :-
'.( lll!¡i¡¡ !llll'!,11( ¿! q il:¡lll:. uiir'¡¡ , ¡¡.. lrrrL ilL¡i.i r¡r'!t!:.i{,na
r'irr¡lqlri:ri! (!i!1 iii:!ilr'¡ iIlrl:.¡i;ri !lrlirii.j ;r!¡ri .¡llr',,r1. i ilili: i,,
:llirr:riii¡¡l :iiihüitr iírj!l!!ür¡ili- :rliilL::!i:-r rltt:;kt rt¡ Ii¡il\ hf
llil¡'{!ir¡li ¡'!¡ti1r'L:¡1L:r,l i(i l{-rri{-:ii}:r!!u í¿ln iiggt(:gi¡{q a1í ¡ltiiL'.
;1fi:ti:rsLi;liril hiiiiikilr:i lvlii.:ll i:;:;!'.j¡i r!¡iaici ¡cllti'itr! ligl¡i :r:-:¡
;-c Iicr..,i::I i ii-rI! iir :;ui¡iiIliltL'.

l,¡¡i¿¡llt'.' :-'ii¡{ii!i¡.-:!:i- ¡r:rlc qii:,'ii- !¡i¡¡¡gr,' 1r'llri'ri.. rr¡ !irlii

Í;i¿.¡;¿:le;¡¡i:;;¡l-'{ {ii.!.¡¡¡i¡iit:;ii1;¡.;:;i¡ii.:¡r¡r:rL¡;lr:rir'!irtrr:ti:.
t' r 'rlr'trilr':,:. i!:ii' 'r¡ ;!¿tt. ll ¡r:rl. lrrr,.r,ri:h ..s ilr"'r iq' li;ti¡'
l¡ lil".l¡',1: ir( ( ¡¡ ,''iii¡i¡:;t. l¡!,,r,'r! ;,. ¡rirrl .', ¡,t r'rt

li i r<' i'r i rt g,t n taj-' Si rt¡!lg l(¡ .:{ii.:nrt' ;¡¡iii t l¡r' ¡ cliei r¡ri¡v ::h()vr :l
:;iighi 'l.rintlir¡g.' :!!- llrq ¡ili.lilsr-:{![rr- siii.g., i: ¡oí:rie¡-l- itriu¡
le¡'enr:t-' ¡-:r¡1q..¡rr:: iiiu rlL:fii irigh-ortL-'; ii¡ti:, i¡¡ ::¿ilrlq¡¡ vr:llr¡r,v.
yL:¡¡ii1ri:;ir 4.r,,Íriif r¡i tlf;ifl ::!ev []uü i(] :ji:i!¡tg ¡ii:-itr:ior¡ lllr
rql,ru¡:, rll,:¡¡ (-rli:l¡¡ge i¡i:¡ll¡¡¡¡r:lliitt:;:;l:.; hlttr'. wh¡f,1¡;¡pllr'ii¡:
Li{}s. i{} .xlinijiiri¡l I¡rii¡t! :r¡tri i:; clt;rlaelcri:;iic.

!'..t-íi¡¡¡:ii¡¡n: [,]iir¡¡rc¡rrl sh:rpr-'i.i gliit:: !¡l¡.,,c s!,¡¡¡r¡¡.:i¡ ir;¡!

e::íin,-jti.:in. lit¡¡itrg rlisirt¡::iO!r ¡.:-u!i:i itr iririiil¡tictc c\iit.t(:tlillt.
Itr:rrk.^illV {LrCllcl iilt{illl:il¡-¡r¡:; inirrlercttr='r'r'qrkrL¡ilr, St:trrr0lii.'i:;
in.itr.ii:rtnt't f i¡1urt:: (i¡¿ri¡:. thar sl¡r-rl ;u¡¡.¡nr:rLrus rricr rlisiinctlv lllc{)(:hr{ri(-.- !r¿r:; lorver rel rai'tit,r' i¡1,-licc::- rvr:rk-ci
fcrcnaL'!'ill()t¡i:.-:l¡rri ilrr0lnplciL'r:=:l¡¡lrt¡¡rrn _vir-:ki eerrtred or hilr,l¡ingenct: lrn(l nri¡.ti¡:tl prrlariz;riiiiri tilrts. l:,i¡tile erl¡ilrri::;r
slightlv oil:ce nt!c ;r{-:riir hiscct¡i:: ligu¡-es :¡¡rsl. iir¡rt-,rrdrrg on lrightr rcliel. rli:lirrr'i ¡riror:lrlrris¡ri :lnrl nrtft¡litl ini¡'tl._.rLltuu
thr Ti=aOt!lcni. sontiil.,,h¿!l vilti:rlrlc ]1t'- 'I hr- i:rrgy¡.¡1 l-,cd)nta t:irlo¡l¡:;.
h{i}ll.l{l! ri¡ rlii-lusr lorv¡rilS thL. LrXicti(!i' oÉ tlir Iigurc i¡tr(l:¡f'j
sttat{rur¡daii !rv iltlt¡t,-,rilus tlril¡ i::or:lt¡ri¡¡l¡tt¡c {-uf\.t:i- t i'*. {- )ct: tl rretu'c : S¡rhi-:nr. is ;i tvide:;¡rtc:trl i¡r,ra!'5a!}i.r riiir¡cr:rl i}i

(licirri :.i1rrt i:; c::l ¡r:¡¡cl v ::t¡ uns- un(lcrs;liuiirlr(i :!nrl i¡!i('t¡1lc(li:r{e ¡tlrrlonic trick:. li nre! lill¡i¡
i¡i pr:grultliir:;;rirri i;r l¡rr".-i¡:¡rrllrr';riufe Al¡iittr'-1r.,¡rr iein::. lll:;¡¡
i:-i;tittiilíirirt: {-}lr:;e¡i'uiio¡r qrí ilic- elt¡¡tguii{r¡l is Ll¡ili(juit r5 it¡ sl:l¡t¡t-s. lt i:: le :::: .:-cnl11¡¡)n in volelr¡rir' ¡'srr:l;c, h4cl rrn¡l plti '
i¡rio¡.¡i:: riar ijlr:;eutr{l br,!¡ii:l¡-r¡rtlci inicti¡r.:n.'e iillis.'l'hc :;ciri:t:;. s¡=;r¡iiit sr¡eiss.':,. ;rrtt¡thitr,-ilitcs :l¡rtl r¡rr-'i;r¡rorPhixril
tlil¡¡¡¡i-¡t,-i-::l¡;riirri :r;¡ili:: tt¡a lfii!ih !:lsi i¡r i!¡q, ¡litr,:r:1ir¡¡l r¡i il¡e irnprtrc r':ih:ril¡a:ri!"!.!.'k:i c¡rtlir¡lolill.trrrt{;riit::¡tlreirr
Irl!iF !i iii:-1()r¡iil.
!i,+tn tt f i'-s : 5¡rhrnt' i:-,'h,-.rnic:rll.: rr¡t:ri;rhL :rr¡¡l rr::rr;¡llr ili::
!ii:;ii¡tt.:t¡i:;hiitl: i'cr!!i:ía.\- !i¡rl:r:uc i:,,-li;¡i:¡¡i¡::r:¿i l¡v hir¡h :r(rlur5 ;ri :¡¡r etrl! ili¡::!' oi rli;rg.,,lr.::i:. !it ::¡rcri;rl c;r:,.:: ii
iil:i'i!a, a¡.1¡eillr: ¡q:liri. :i¡ii]!rq hi¡i'lí;nltrncr-' itn(É u:it!:tl¡v dec0tit¡-lilsc:; inlÚ lr;1¡q1¡¡;¡¡¡¡:. {lu;!íi:--':it¡rl,-';ilCiir (F.,tÜ¡:tri ó-
:rhiir;rrrl:tl ¡riii:tri;t;tiiiiii L-i!¡tit!t:t, rh:rr:¡,-i':¡ iriia ¡¡ir-'¡ ict{'r¡¡,r ¡ilil¿tl¡;trr l(iSi) ri¡ irr¡¡¡r:., rrri¡rilir. ilt!iltiFrni( ¡-:t.!r:iiitl:: i()gq:illa¡
iig,riri: lrntl s1t¡r¡tg iii:;Ft:¡::io¡¡ i-c al:.ii iii;¡r¡¡rir;iir i{lonJ./.ltu. rvitlt :rrrllri¡¡rrti,. lii:r¡¡iuin ¡rri¡rr:lrls ((irill¡:li:.elirv lilt',l. I ¡,rr1i ¡
a:ia,r::iiijiiir'. tt¡t¡la- r:ri¡s¡1f irll{-¡:iitrr!i{¡¡ilf ¡il::1 lei{'ilil¡lr':;¡rlir:ire. I r,!('!{.i. Al(l¡rll;r¡r .! lt-i o¡ ;:ri I
! Ii¡rv+.,'i:¡'. ¡l(i¡l:¡;r.rla !¡¡:. k,s,-'t R-l ;r¡ttl l,-iwq¡-r¡¡drr i¡rlL'rl!r('¡¡rj(:
rtii..iLr!:t- l lrc ntrir-¡rltriiogr,, iri ct¡:;:;i1c¡ii,_. i:.: rithet pri:;lu:rtiu rrr Grui¡t:; ./ir;,';t.' t r1-¡-¡¡ r(!w: I crl¡:¡iv iniillins .¡l ¡r:nl1ti\
irlegul;rr. ii:: i:i¡lorrrs atr ritr:¡rr:t :r:iil oilc¡r aFplrílt i¡t :; p:rir:liy 'I'urk-cv; l-¡¡rvr:r a¡rr..,: {':trl¡rr¡tilrruu:-.
¡ror:kcl-:;. Sir-V,,li:-chii-
¿¡ff¿rl¡ga¡lrriri. l,oisilc i¡u:.:i l!r!'Jci i(-:l¡ci itltr! i1 ili:;l¡l:r1,:; Nottlr Sc;r (f.lrnr l.ñt1,-ri.
{ i¡1 FiN l:'l' C l{(-¡tl tu

{ia¡rr¡cÉ grc¡eap
isii¡rrct¡ ir:

Itvr':rls¡ri1e t;ri ncts

alr¡ur¡lili¡re l-cr'Al.lsi{}rl, l.s.j(l L t^.i.l
slte:;:.atiine futn,.{i.llii{i,,1,{X) .r.s -i.i
Fv!()irc il'lsrAl. l:;¡i)rl. l.l11 r.l 1. ¡r

l-l gnr¡rcliti: {;rrr¡c¡:;

utrrssu llt I lla¡Al. lSi(),lr 1.71.1 .1.4-.l.ft
;r¡rrlr;r,,litr atxrf;c."lsi()rl, l.sli7 i.7-+. 1

r rv;¡ r¡ iv ii,' {-a1(-r. l5i{-},1, LHaf} .1.+.l.s

f"t¡r¡n i¡t sadi¡n{!11fs: i,)ctiitirl t¿r.ncts i)r'cur us er¡lterlt'ul

ct'ys1:ils (uppt:r. Íirst Íru'), sltirt¡r itl-tlgttlar lrltgnlctrts (t¡tirltllc.
r¡l¡Fur ror.v) lrn!l \uhr()u¡ldeLl t() r.)tlll(lL:(l g-rllilrs (ntirltllc.
rttirkile riirv)- llneven 0t tottelrt¡itlttl brcltk;tgc P¿llt¡-'ftls' itflr <
tll¡e ¡t crl¡iliited. Dissolutior¡ Ir:ltlttrcs ¡t¡c[¡ :rs rtt¡ t¿rt:c Pittillg.
r¡r:r¡nill:re lttrl rw:ll-lirrntr='il c-leh lacels ltcr¡tt,:trtlv ilcvelop oit
gr¿!¡nb (llraiilg cli:rgcncsis (¡¡¡i,-Lllc. ltilut titrv). (lle:n:rue i';
:lhsei¡i hui { l(lt)} ¡rartirtg (itl itl¡t¡itn!litrc ¡n;rv ll¡o¡,lt¡r:c pl:¡iv
¡¡tirin:;. lrrr:ltisi.ttr: rrl rltutrtz. irtrn ,rrt. :rPiliii!. ¡ileott. rtttilc- ==#
¡¡r'ite. lliQiit(-' att(l gti¡Phitc llfc e()¡t¡itt(ttl. = : -:- ==
=.4 s-=- -5
d'ol¡tu¡': !:'vi':rls¡riic::il¡nfi:i:rrc r¡rhrtttlcss. light ¡r:rlc ¡rink, --
¡r;rlc tc,-l (rl i)ink¡sh lrtorn. {-irtisst¡l;rt ril iltc ugt;tttclilr g¡r'np i5
c()l()iltlcss i() ilille grcc¡.r. :urtlr:¡dite is ¡r:rle to ,-lcclt [¡L,r*'tr ;t¡rtl : ==::

ur,i:li(iviiü i:; ¡ralr r-rcen.

: --=- -:l
i-i i ir ini:t ntÉ.' !'vi ii¡rc u¡icl al¡¡r:rndinc erc i¡ t¡lv isoit,rtrie.
rt: :--'-
::¡rc:;:.:rftillr ¡r'iaf shrlw tligltr artistrtlrr¡)is¡ll. iln(l ihc ttg¡rtnilil,:
gtortp. i-':;pur-'i:illv gtr;-:st¡llrr;¡¡lrl:r¡rrli:rrlitc. ei¡¡¡lt¡tonlv ltavc
.Ji::lk irii t'ifil¡t¡rl¡cc ;r¡rrl sh{)!ii ¡:f(-'v or' bltri:;l¡-rvltiit: iniLr¡ tLl Lrncc
ci¡lorr¡:; (lcrvuri.

f nii:ri i:r tntc: fi ¡4trt: : Arris,itr r,¡,ir' L:ri¡re[\ :rrc unirrri:rl or

l¡i:ri¿i:rl ¡iee¡tir.¡ i1.¡¡11 .,,n¡i;¡11lc lV ¡ntl :.r¡nrciit¡u-'s :;tr¡¡r¡r
i-lis¡r.-,rsiiirr. í'(¡r¡i;!ai r¡¡cianl()tllh¡L'giifnci:l il¡¿¡V :;hrii+- :rltet¡t;¡
ting isoiro¡-rrr: ¡¡¡ttl I'itt:iringr:¡ri ¿i)¡¡cs irit¡'ltll.-:! 1() lhu ('¡.v:illil
i-ace::, -Pic sha¡rctl'wcilg-es ¿rr scctor trrinnir¡l: lkrrver. righi)
llt;li l¡,'.r.,rl¡lr.,rrllt t¡ir:li ri;ri¡¡:.

I,ti:;íi¡zH¿¡ishin!: ií:í!it!F<'.::: i irrr ¡r.-:i i:; r:i¡'ri¡¡.r¡r i¡¡ r;cri!r¡tr ¡¡í:'

¿i¡¡¡.iiiri l¡igh itlici. irigcihci iviih i:.oirripir dll:riricíui. '-'¡r:rl-il!::;
:iH ¡.1:1t ,li.riirrrrr:, l-ir':r ¡:¡, q ¡'. i',ilr'¡r !,r,.',, nr .i!¡' ;tii'¡
,lisiinciit¡,- É:liiriri¡r:lcrii !-:r¡ iir:i::. ¡lrili .:;lt!sr-' !a¡!¡iL!:;i(::il- hui
iila¡¡ ld1! i¡¡i.:¡ii-'¡e¡tcr cr¡!rir¡l:: :r¡¡ri ¡iini¡r:: {r. isi¡¡¡tinr ii:.:-rri ¡¡l
iht: irL:¡riiíir':ríii¡¡i. l'ht ri¡luu¡ ll :pinrls i:; clec¡rei.:;!iiilrrli¡1r..
thr=.., <L:;plu'; ,niiliirfLl¡:r! ¡ri;iiiiil ;rrril :ri. ¡ir!l! i:;iiirilpic

¡i i¡_'¿-'u¡'f¿'Ei¿'¿:: ii;i¡tr¡-:i i:: eíli¡1¡ixii1 in;t.,.itÍi¡-'ii; oi :iicilrnii;iphi.

¡¡¡r'!::.:iiiri i:; iil:r{i il!e::ri¡i iti ¡rirri+irir iglirriti-; irir:k\, ileÍli¡i:r!ir..-

in rtli¡;¡¡rt:¡ii,: r;rr'ir-'tit:; :r¡¡ri iir :i¡i¡rq: :lcirl uoic:r¡iir:; í :t-g:t¡¡rtis
(u'¿ra¡¡rlite:;) ;r¡. iL-:-iriLiL'rl i.:' .i¡¡lilr(i !¡¡ai;irirr¡rirl¡iir i¡npui.l
ii¡¡rr::;iii¡re:;. i¡¡.-'ii¡::(¡il¡i!{ia:;k:¡¡¡t:; li¡ttl i(r.;r'ili::i.; í!iiiilrii ii,r¡li
i¡¡¡¡¡rrir: li¡¡¡.-rsttinLr.i l-1r:, a{¡:¡i}¡Lii !¡rri:ri¡li¡Li}il¡!t¡i. l-ig¿¡¡rir;ii¡ r'. :t
iii¡r,: -rllr(:iri:r :¡¡¡,1 ir: ii¡u¡tri iil ¡rr¡i,-ltitil,-,s t)¡ :{-:¡Fr-:rrii¡liir'" ¡!r
::r'rli¡ilrtlts:rlit¡:r¡¡,,1it¡e ir- ii¡r ¡¡¡Q:;í E¡dc:;il¡'e:!(i gi!iii('i.

l?¿'¡¡lqrl;:;: i h.:,- t¡r¡¡¡ii':¡! ( (!¡¡lir.¡i;iii(i¡r -i g¡¡¡;¡¡¡¡1.. i::l ir¡¡rr:iir¡¡r

I'i i¡re .th,-'ii¡iL;rl :riiri ¡' I i<¡:t¡litiri¡¡:: duti¡l:: LÍtr:,iitl gtiiu'ilr'
ihr-rr-lirrc ¡: lr.i¡(¡.s!a.ig(: r¡i ilc¡¡ii;¡l l;t¡¡¡ei tlit¡¡ii:.i¡';:ill(i

conrpositional zoning is a reliable tool in rcconstructing srlurcc
rock t)pes and p¡ovc¡¿¡lse (Morton l9g5b). Carncts aic fairly
sensttive ro acid leachins (see p. 7) but they can survjvc
rec¡'cling and, (o a cerlain degree, burial diagcncsis. In
decply buried rocks, faceletl garncls are often found togclher
with highly resistant zircon, tourmaline, rutilc and, not
uncommonly, apatite.

GrAinS frOm: lJpper: Llpper row: srream sancl. Melezza.

Switzcrland; Mitldle rr¡w. lcft: Oligocene glass sancl. Laussach,
southern Gcrntrnl,; ¡nidtllc: Oligocenc, Barrénre Basin,
Francei right: Carboniferrlus, North Sca; Lorvcr row: Oligo_
cene. B.arrér¡c Basin, Fr¿rnce (Mmt 1.662).
Micldle: Upper rorv: Cart¡onifcrous, North Sea; lr4idclle row:
Borehole Leyntr'n-1. 252nr France; Lo*.er rorv: etched
grains. Devonian. North Sel (Mmt l._5g2).
Lou'er: anisotropic and tu'inned grains, Oligocene lVfolasse.
Saro¡. Francc (l\lnrt l.ó6:).

Vi:.:lt.rVlAN I-I'l : (I tr( i{'RASF )

VesuvEanite { idoerase}
{-l r,,( ¡\l,Fc3 ',l cr ' ) ,(si.( }7).r( sior )ri}(o.ol I.F) r,
) r,,(
tctln.¿o¡ul. uni:rxial ( - )
itt 1.7(xI l.74rr
nt't I.7(1.3- 1.752
ii tl.()(ll t)-(ltl¡i
'1 i.:r-r-.i..1,,1
F'r¡r¡n in seitiftt¡tts: Vesuvianiir: r¡ecr¡rs as short t¡¡, nr¡¡re
rare ly, long ¡:risnrs. ¡rt-ismlrt¡c lragrricnts; ltl-stt sh;trp a¡rgulrr,
irrcgtrlirt rlt equant gritins. l{tiurtded er¡r¡tcrs ¡¡ltl tottnrled t0
wcll-rountlcrl lirlnls arr: n(){ trnci)¡¡¡t¡l(rn. Clc:ltvltgcs :¡rc se kkrt¡t
observed, 'l'hc plisnratic lragnrertts arc t¡st¡:tllv tround rviih
¡rlailr. rvcri crvsial faces:rntl thcir sttri¿tc.-s m:ry sli(t\v -cl¡litll
Lrtch pits. cracks or dark diser¡1,.¡ttt-atir¡n. Inclusititl¡i ¿ll-L:

{¡slour: (icncrallv colourle:;s, Lr¿llL: vcllow or prlc srlr.rn.

Tl¡ickr:¡' gr¿ri¡ts oceasiotrallv displav crilttur zortittg or ir¡r'gula¡'
c¡rlour- rlistritruti0n.

Itleu¡:hr¡lis¡¡t' (- irkrured grain:; rtr:rv sl¡orv Iairlt plcor:lriiii:;rir

B i.rej'ri tryen t'r.' Wcah, :rntl grains crhihit fir:.;t-orclcr rlcrp-

ycllow cr dull grel,ish-ysll¡rrv i¡rlerlerencc ettloLtts rvhictt ;r¡c
¡rltrir¡ lrl(riflLr(l ¡rc;rr criinctir¡n ¡rrtilri. fuft)st striking :lrc.
l¡<¡wevcr. ihc ;r¡tom:rl0u:. illlcfiLirc¡1L-L- tints, rvhir:h f ¿¡¡lgr-' if(ln]
ilcc¡r dark yrll,rr,v- b¡'rirv¡rirh ycilorv lhrottglr pur[]k: i(] intcnsc
trl¡,rc (Ecrlin hluc) or rla¡'k ¡¡¡attvc. Srr¡nc crvstlls:;ftr¡rv
hotr¡rgcr¡rt¡u:; polirrization r(tkiuf::, iillre r:; displ:ry ;r f¿r¡lsri (if
ihe ¡rl¡r¡ve sh:¡tic:" rrftcr¡ v;rrvirrg rvithili :r :;inglc gnrirr. ,/.onal
:rt'¿¡¡lgcnrant l¡i ihc vell,rrv r¡t airri¡llirlrius c¡rlcur:; is oec;rsi, rt
allv dcir:r-tahlr:.

E¡¡i ¡lt:íit¿tl : I¡ris¡¡¡atir: gi ;rir:s huve per:rIlcl rrtineiion.

lnii'rie r,-:il.t:,: figure:: { }ficn ¡rorirlv ilisplavcd. fui:rnv qr:rnrr

:;how faint ilashcs oi hi;r:i:rl isogvres ..vith lalgc lV in a qlull
dark lrr,.ru,¡lish ve lli¡rv Iieltl. Wcll-.lclinr,rl isoeytcs ¡¡n<l ilistinei
,-li:;per:ri,iu ilay hc tlisce ttrihlc r)¡r s()¡nf, rpccimen:: and ¡rtr¡tr
¡'arr:lv an oíf q:cnIr!: u¡ril¡xial Íigur.: is::cr-ü. The biaxi:¡l rty:.t:tlr
¡¡e eiilrc¡' iliriicallv prisitivc iir rtes;¡iivr-', hiri iirtiaxiiil gr:tin'
gün¡-r;lll\ ..irrrrr :r nt g:rtirr' .¡i,¿rr-

t,t¿ ttl'ital ¿i eÉt. i ¡ l:,¡il:,'.li\lll:li rl( .'irirr' . 1{'¡llt;r¡riIl

!.ii:;li;r.qt:i:;!ti;t:: i;'r!it!¡'i'.\: !!irir ¡, li, l ;rnrl , h:r¡:¡r'it;i.,ii,

r){-¡laiijriiiiilil Li¡irirrts ;lir iliagrtostir Éfur.*rvcr. ihr laiic¡ ¡ir;r,.
1.::r-l iir .:rrr¡lir:;ir¡¡¡. iitisi:rkirtg ve:.uvi:rti[e lirr ;oi:-ile-,-li¡¡ri
;'.rigi¡i,: 1;¡= :.!.rhcíic, í'li¡¡c;r-ii:;iie li:r:; gririd ,:ltavare:i- ituí il¡r':+
:¡Lt ¡;¡tci".'rli:-¡rl;ivtrl iry r't:-itvi:iiriir 'l ht ycll,rr': :jh:t!is:j !ti i¡lf
.:ciis¡ii: aliil(¡?riisiir, i¡tciieiet¡ee ii¡¡is l¡e rii hi;¡hr:r'r¡¡rlc¡ ;!¡trl
thr iier,:[¡ purFle !]¡;!uvc :r¡rd !lrili¡r hluc r-'i]l{-rLrr:i afr' ¡rlr:;er!i.
li¡'rhcrir h:i:;;r higttcr ¡tliei.;r disiirtct::tr¡'i;¡ee iriler:iiritt:i¡t,l
:;irong rlis¡tr:i:;ii¡¡r. ili¡eiringeni -gri¡::rrl¡¡r g;rritei. ivhieh i:- iiitttt
irir:ii¡.:i;rlLr(i '*iih -:i:r:rrvi;rnitc. hlr: gr'-vi:;h q'hiit i¡tir:ticlr¡tr:r:
ri¡l,it!¡=:;:iil,l:.iiQtigllj ¡ttriitlci-l !i!'¡¡i¡aiullri.)iv r:rlinriioil

i.!¡:<:iirr+:;t<:¿':: l'!rc ¡iiiirci¡'rlri ÉlIre¡ri iriL:k:, ¡rl vr::;rrvil¡¡r¡it .rr,-

i:.i¡lÍ:!a:Í ¡¡rcil!!¡li).¡ihic i]¡lrilger¡r:ir:. ;l:isr!cia¡tur! n.viih i¡npr¡rc
ii¡¡¡c-ri¡ir¡t:..:. xy'c::u..,i¿¡¡titi: :¡l:ri i¡ce(¡is in :;kar¡¡s anil ,rec;i:;i¡tnltllv
in greeit:;ciri:;i:..- A:; e ¡r:;ttlt oi *xll:iunr ntaÍas()fiririisrr¡ il liir¡¡r:.
yLriti:. i¡l r!itr;ilr:t:tit-- rock:;. in :;er¡rcritinites ¡ntl if i:. ;r t:h:,rr;rcle¡
isiie ¡¡¡inr¡:il ,ri ¡t"lingites.


, Re¡¡tarkt. Vcsuvian.itc in setlinrcnts has l¡cclr rcporlcd fronr
various Iocalitics (sce Milncr 1962). It was ulso mcntione(l l)y
\_. Cazzi & Zuffa (197()) fronr tlrc Palucogcnr' Emilil¡ sa¡xlslt¡ncs
of lhc northcrn Apcnnincs antl it is c()r¡nl()lr in srr¡nc
\.- (Jligocenc fornr¡tions of llre Barrémc Ilasin. southcnl Frlncc
(Evans & Mange-Rajctzky l99l).

Graitts from: L)pper: Oligocenc, Barrónrc Basin, France

\.-- (\{mt l.-582): Lo\\'cr: same locality (Mmt 1.662).



:;tt.t_tMANt t !..

tiüllimas!Éce in a hcavv ¡ni¡¡rral suite ntiry indicatr: ilre pri;sqncr: of

lrthorht¡mbir:, bia.,{i¡l ( + ) {}c(urrenct:: Sillimaniic crv:it¡!ll¡zcs in high-ieinperalurc
rnetlrnrerrphic r,.rcks :¡ntl ocrlrr: in sillinranite .-corulie rile gncis-
¡t(r l 654-l.irrrl sc:; ¿rntl biotilc sillirn:¡¡¡itc l¡ornftlscs. lt is also prr::ilrnt in
rrf't 1.653*1.ú62 granulite i:¡cies ¡ ocks. High-g,ratlc ¡ ertir¡nal mclamorplrisnr,rl'
it! i.ó7j I.ó¡i-l
¡ {}.{tl0 {).{t2l ¡relitic nruk:; ;rl:o pro{ucr:.s :;illint¡nite -
Á _1.23 3.21 {ir¿¿irls ./i'r*it: riral; :;iimirlc, F}crt rii Bcira. M()zatrrbi(pie
(Mmt 1.5,!2).
Ft¡r¡tl i¡t :;<:dintt:¡lls: Sillinranite nrost commonly (ict-rrrs :rs
Iong sleniL:r prisr-rrs cleiugutcd on r', sh()rt stout prisrlatic
frag,mcnts, cquant grairrs and also as c:lclrvagc inrgmcnis or
irrcgularly shapctl particlcs of largcr crystals. (irains nrl¡i
rlis¡rlay a crrrtain rlr:grcc of tountling. Elcsirlc thc prisrnalic
nrrirplrrilogy, sillirr-¡r¡nite cry:;tallizcs in a llhrous style whieh is
usually callccl librolite. Thc laiter Ílppelrs as fine nctdlcs in
parallcl or st¡bparallcl intcrgrorvth a¡¡d also as intclllcittg tttitts
of fihrcs (l'). {)ccnsionally hoth habits can l¡c ritrsen,cd in a
singlc grain (SF). fitxrtl {lll(}} cleave¡ic is c.xhitritcrl hv ¡nany
spccimens. I¡¡clusir¡lr:; rií s¡rinel, l¡itrtitc a¡rtl zirr:on arc oftcn
pte se ili -

t¿¡¿r: Pri:;nratic gr:riirs are colourlcss. Fihriilitc ¿!l)l)firis

witli a pale gi'ccri (ir palc blown hue .

Plto¡:hroisnt" Slight prk: trrqrrv¡r to pi¡lc vcili)rv plc<ielrroisnr

is rarcly dcteciahlc ii¡¡ lil:r,.ius grain:;.

llirefrin¡¡t:rut:ar.' ful()(lerai.r tii iairly strong. A slighi 'twink-

ling", c:;pccialiy o{'the iihrcs. i:; niiiiccat¡lc rin ¡i¡t:¡tion. Itris¡¡ls
and iibrcs display b¡illi¿¡1 -ceeor¡rl= anti thircl-ordc¡' i¡rletlcrcncr'
ci¡iour; rvith ycllow. grecn anil ili.:.1¡r ¡-iink us riorninant shadcs.
E3asal íragmcnts h:li,e krw i:ircfringcnce , hence iheir ¡;oluri:.:;r-
Li0n colours :l¡-c iirsi-rrrrle ¡' gt'.-,_V ;lnd yclkrrv.

!t),ri!¡ztti¡t¡l: iii ih.j pr¡:r¡l:r ¿¡¡rd fi[¡r'es is -prar':rllel,

Initrjtt'i:ttt:t: J"ig,urc: Prisr¡atic grains antl clc:rvagu inr{- 5F

¡rtcnls Vickl Íla:;h íigurc:;. A rvcll-ccntrctl ¿icüte t)isfctrix iigure
c:rn iL- i¡i¡f¿titted ironr iragmr,nls ancl ,ch!i¡'t plisnts rvhich lay,irr
lheir b¡sal Brlane r¡¡ r¡illcd o¡tu their b:¡s;¡l plarrc in r)frllrr i!) ry
q¡i.riai¡t an i¡¡íertcrcni:i,' íigure. lsogvre:; rppea¡ in ¡l ivhilc ¡i¡'
"vtlL¡...r iield wiihi¡rrf isoc-htr¡¡itesl. lV is ¡t¡r¡di:r;¡ic

*c ! c fig ¿¡ ! i ¿,¡ r!- : P+r;i i i v,-:.

LPi:;iitz'¿t:i,rlti.ilt¿ iÉ:r¿ii¿í€3, ¡]Éisi¡!¿ii¡r' halriÉ ;¡¡rd b¡ illi:¡ni

i¿¡iri'iíjaer¡c- c,-¡lGUi'x:ir,: i;rirlv '-li:;¡ineiita- E-¡¡:iii:i¡ic L)!Érr¡¡i:.
wlil¡ :;i¡¡¡ila¡' ¡cii,-:i n¡a./ hc ru¡rluseii 'rviih ::illi¡ra¡¡ii,:" i¡ui É¡if
ii!iEr.ji iit.: t!:;r¡:¡llv bri¡;¡iÉr:r. i:ttrttl:¡¡ :¡¡¡ri :¡hrr.,v !i¡.¡:r¡- hi¡ciri¡r
gt;rc=. Itt ;u-k!itit¡n ihcy {:líici¡,-':i¡il¡ii r:.::;t;lt¡iic¡r la¡¡¡',.lll¡.,.
:;tL-t¡¡"r¡itr¡ri:.::¡iioi¡ :!i¡r! i-a)arlfnl¡Í¡ly a¡rPriti r.viih ¡:rggctl c¡lgr:s ,¡i
c!i.",=l¿iy r;the: :;i:¡n..: oi ilist::i¡lr:ii,.::1.
-Í'hin :;illi¡n:¡¡riii-'
ir¡'i:;nr:, *iiÉ¡
wc;ikct lr(¡!:rri?,r,¡airlil aall(it¡¡:; ¡¡-':;enrt¡ir :r¡r:riiír:. ht¡1 ihr: i:riir:r r:.-
!errgiEr iasi. Anrl¡rlr¡:;iic l¡rs a li¡t",'c¡' ¡'clici" un irriig¡!l;ti hal-'it, !¡
i:: lcngih iilsi iii¡d rrsti:iliv plcochi.ii!-. +ilittoplr!:lliir ¡rri:ir'..
;¡¡;,rv i¡¡: La.)nít¡::eil rviíh :;illi¡¡¡:¡¡tiio-:. hrr¡ il¡e ir¡¡¡¡¡ei ¿'lr;¡v l¡rr
liLriir::llllr' itc¡¡iriii,t- Fr:¡r:tutl,qi ,tt ¡¡¡¡¡¡lrlt-'rl gt;rirts atr iiicr,:
driiir¡rii io jiie¡.¡iiiy. Fihri¡!iie :.irliiigly rc:i.:inlrle:: ihe íil¡ru¡¡¡:.
:iiiiliii¡rhviliti: vl¡ii,-:t!,gcri¡iir, i¡=i¡¡¡l ivhicl¡ dislinr:flq¡ii bv ¿¡l-'Íir-::ri
i¡¡g¿i¡¡-r ltlr-¡¡tc ¡s iicií al\,t:¡¡",,:::;t:cac:;:ií¡ri. {icdritr: hii:; ilcc¿rc;
¿raie br,rwir.¡t E:1.¡v.j haí¡É¡i L:!¡11)ut:1,:inri ttstt:ill1,rli:;;rliiu:;
lia:¡li ii¡:tiarH!: Élgichtrti:;¡¡t- l-l¡;¡uriiliie . kv;l¡iie :rnri :ri¡d:¡l¡¡:;iii:

llF:,¿,i1Y h4ll'Jl:liÁ1. lllr:l{'!{i!!'!!(ji{:rl AFlt-r {'i.}1.{}i¡i-i: t¡l á¡t-.:l


orth,:r¡'h¡¡!i¡bia. l¡i:l;i:r! ( i

s¡{t ¡.¡lq f.ii4{}

tr[!' !.ri.]:i L{-'.+4
¡ti ¡.{'}.3:-l l.i¡;tl
r1 i).0{ifr-.{1.!t |!t
A I i-l¡
Ft¡rnl i¡t :;€riiftlcttf :i: 'l'hc morpholoqv ci tlct¡ ital ;¡nt!¿¡lu:;iar
i:i ;1ilqulilr irrcgLtlar, ocr:;rsiiinailv llt¡::nt¿!t i.t. sr¡ hn ¡r ¡trL:¡,1 l¡¡ ¡ri¡

rat'cl,l' we ll r,-run,-led. {-'le:¡v:rgr: lr¡cL^:; itrL' l'!).irlv .l!s¡r!;ty-.j(1.

g-i!-¿¡ii¡s í¡trluenilv er¡ckr:;e c:rrl¡ont¡ecorr:; ini¡--Lrr-iii"-:;- A¡¡.l:llr¡-
siti,: i:; iltirly l;r¡ge ¿inii i:; i¡¡..rt,¡¡t l'i¡t¡r¡rl ir¡ il¡t Lr¡¿rr:;r:¡ pr:¡dt::

{'o!our: i'ril()l!rlqs:i or ii l¡¿i¡i ar ¡iiirkish íi¡r!:,,.,'!'i¡c r:¡¡,:

i¡l:!¡lgi!¡r.¡iur r-'itairtv v;r¡{¡inf i:: tr,:c¡r ;rrrrl ¡rlcriehroic i¡r ¡l¡;tili:::
ol' en¡erirltl grcc¡¡ :r¡rii vcllilrvish i:¡-(rrt¡r.

Pl¿:t¡¡:ltf¡-tiS¡¡L'ljrrnre g¡airr:; itrr t)(.)tr,f)leoeltrr¡ic (klrrcr r,irv.

lcft). othcr:; ilisplay li ,li:;lintl1ivr ¡rlcochr',risu: (1. r{}-sr: pink (ir
velk*v: f,l irnd 1. colcurles::, p:rlc ve llo*,^ grccnish vclkirv. 'l'he
ltitikrf¡ cl Plcoehfrristlr is usuallV ittllornosr,nous ¡rlrd tlrctc ¿¡re
rton-pL,ocltroie a¡¡rl st ronglv plciie'lrrtii.-' ¡iul chr-'s rvitlr irr :r si rrgl.-
gra i n.

Ii irt:Jrütgc ttt-.'¿'.' Wc¿k. Interlercncr: colour:: ure lirsi orclc¡'

g.rev and whitc. htrt thcs* ¿irc scen rr¡llV orr tl¡iri itaenlrr¡li:;. 'l'lic
trtajrrlity ol arldaiusitc grains clis¡rla.¡ scr:orrcl-orelcr ¡rL¿r¡gc. reel
:lntl g¡-ci:trish-blttc irticrlereiice e¿rlour::. ()rving tr¡ tlre
irt e gular shapc lrird lrnLrr?cn thicktrass ()1 nl()st glains, the
intcrlcrcttcc citlouri slr{)rv :l disrlrdcrlv pilttct'n. {}r¡ rrruntletl
grain:- thc conccltttic inltrii'rerrcc h:rnds irrc sinril:rr tc tirosr: oi
ilctr'itiil qu;rrlz.
. -{=:.
E.+linctit,tn: Iiarallcl tc clc¡vagc tliir(-:s ¿¡l¡r-l crvst:¡l l¿rccs. but :a: -:+=.
i=; "-
diflicult tii rrbstrLvc l¡ecausc oi thc irrcgr¡llr¡ strripe ol tl¡r :. ::
griri rrs.
: .:::
- i-.: l:: j;

Inter.[ereni'c Jigure: l]:rsll ll'l¡srrcnts yicirl ¿rr¡ ¿re r¡le

triscctrix ligurc rvith !arg* 2V antl werrk rlis¡rc:r'sion. {lle:rv;u.:c j
fngnrcnts shorv :r llush figulc-

E k t ttgtt l io n : Ncgative.

I)i,ttinguishin!4 f(eftrrcs: Pleochroic an,lah¡sirc c¿rr¡ lrc

e¡rsilv rcr-'rrcnizetl lty its distint:tivc pleocl]r(]isrl^ cou¡tlccl rvith a
nlrirler¿rte rrlici. l)¡cnl(intitc h¡rs high nr irnd i-r [riaxial positilc.
Hv¡rcrstltcne is n.¡rrstlv ¡rrisrnalic. it i-'xhibit-s a hiehcr relicf.
ltYroi:etrf clc:tv;tgcs atrrl ¡rrisitivc clonglrti¡tn. Silli¡nanile ct,l¡t-
nl()nlV oacurs ¡ts rvrrll-defiIted Jrrisrrts ilr lilrr0r¡s at.1rreg:trcs; it is
trrrn-plcoclircie . bi¿rxial ¡xrsilivc ;rnrl lcnqllr sltrrv. Anr!:rlu:ilc.
w"hich is ll-ce of c¿u'tron¿rcr('us inclr!-\i{rns ¿utd litcks pleochrrri:,nr.
r:all lrr: conl'u:;cd rvith toplrz. l li¡*,cvcr. 1l¡r: latti:r gtrre rally
vicltls a gr)o(! ir¡terlcrcncrr fi.qure with a prisiiirr-'sirrn.

{}¡:<'Urft'¡t¡,r:Anilalrrsite i::r tv¡riclillv rlei:rrnor¡rlric nri¡¡rnrl

in argill:iccous foc:kr- (}1 .-:{rnl¿tci
Itncl :tppcars ¡¡l(]st c{ltn¡r:(}nlv
itulctilr::; irf{rUn(l igrrc{)ur iltttusir¡l¡-.- ll is c0¡nnon i¡¡ ¡lr.-,i-tsc:.

Ilernarks: {lhiastolite i:; un unil;rlusitt vu¡ic'rr'. Éll-nc.u1Lrd xt

relativr,:lv lqtw tctnpclittr!r'c:;. lt co¡r1:ritt:: ahunrl:¡lrl .r¡r'a¡rlritc:rrrtl

carbonaceous inclusions which are arranged systent&tically
within the mineral, appearing as dark bands or as a black cross
in a basal section. The form of detrital chiastolite is irregular
or rounded, sometimes prismatic. Rarely basal fragments
occur. It is colourless and non-pleochroic.

Grains from: (a) Aquitanian, Nerthe-Chain, provence,

France; (b) glass sand from the Oligocene Nfolasse, southern
Cermany (Mmt 1.582).

¡'il.t!-R...f lll :iq liil'lliit=l!; .+¡-.ri-r í.'r]l_{it iR !'¡ ;1 ! t:::.
KyaeeÉÉe idásÉEree¡e! A f¿'t'¿t!'i't'llt'a': i..\;rlltir .r.i.r!!:, t¡! .¡tii¡\\,.'. ,,¡.¡¡'¡¡li¡1.,. ;r¡¡¡l
¡reliiii'sr:hi::ir; ..vl¡ieh ¡rr,. sr¡ir¡¿tril i¡r,, i!rt ¡-r,gi,.¡¡¡l¡! !¡(:lit¡l!ri¡
Al.{ }l:;t{ r.,l ¡:hi:rn iii't¡1.)::Íly iicl¡iir fúak-:-, !i i: ai¡!t::¡iLr¡r:{i ll::r¡: i¡¡ili¿:l¡!ii¡ ci
r¡rcli¡ri.:. liil¡¡:ia! i !i lhL' tnrlli¡1ti)tlrhi.: trt*t t¡igher t!rtn Ilr¿: o¡lr: i¡¡ !1,¡¡i{l} :-i::r!¡r¡l¡l¡,.
i r¡r¡¡¡:: l¡L¡i ¡ttret-'rlirir :il im:lni ir- r¡;rt ic.

it.:. ¡.7¡l i,7!l:

,ili 1.1:.1 l.i:3 !--:.:fnüi F:S: Év¡¡¡iir i:- ;¡ .-,1¡llt,¡l rl.:t¡ il¡rl r¡ri¡¡¡-'¡:¡!- !¡ i::
tt": I .727 .7 i1 1
ri:¡rl5i¿¡¡1¡ kr :¡r:irli,: rre:lllleling {(irirr!!r¡ 197-j- }Ji,'kcl l{}7:i ¿n¡rl
i=¡ {}.{}ll ll.{ll{"
i:: iairlv -rt¿ll¡ie iii ihr rlirgrnetic r]nlji¡(;n¡tr:ni. \L,'iii¡ irrr¡e:l:ilrc
ii r. r1 1-qlt
{¡r:¡rtl! rif [¡urial !t ¡-ils-rolvr:: l¡rlorr ¡t:ruroliir' iFl¡rri¡i¡¡ lt]H.llr),

f"or¡tl in :i.:íliÉ|ti:ilis: F-var¡iir, gi:iiir:; ilirv lrr..q1¡¡ir !aigr:rirri iifai*:;.jrttftt' {¿i¡ { ii¡h.!:i¡nPlr. ['r¡¡t ril ljr:ir;i. ir4¡r¿¡rnil¡iilt¡e .
¿lr'a miria fter¡ucni i¡¡ Ilr* ro¿irs¡.¡ gr;riir:¡, l¡t¡i :;l¡¡¿;ll ,'1,-':¡r,¿r¡:r ilr'l I-i;wr-i h4iqri:.-'nr-: F..'1nl:l:su. i"iltltt¡:.r¡lr !=i;rsi¡¡. E:¡;¡¡¡t:r
ilake:; ;llrr¡ ;ipptar in line griiincr! sedin¡cnls. iirai¡¡:: ¿¡a, rrrrr:,i
i liliilt ¡ .lllr- ¡
L:(¡!1.r!11it¡!!v ;rttgu!ar. l¡latlr¡i ¡r¡ Pfi$tlríltir :rnr! ;:rt tjli;ni:airLi ilri
r'. 'l l¡cv u:;u:¡liv lii: iin thr t l{}t}l l:rcc. rvirirl¡ i:; tliij a--'lrnr o¡
¡tcliici clcavlrge . llc:;r.:lting from i]ie er¡¡nl¡iti¡¡tio¡¡ ¡r! {l{}¡l}
clcavtgc anr! p:rrting riii {{i{il } at alrno-:i rghí ;rnglr-r: io lhr:
lrngtli oi the cry:;lal:-- gi':iiit:; r,xlribii L:h¿iract{:ri\ii.'Lirír:::
fr¡rctur,:s atrri ste¡i=lik-c l'r:¿¡iutc:;. l{rtutrding oi 1l¡s L:¡r¡n.,-r:; ¡r::r't
be frequcni. (ta !ll:Lltsiorlíjllv rvr:ll-ror¡nrlerl liirins appeai
'l'lrct-c ¡re sr¡ualc-shaperJ lragmcnl:; shorvitrr rrrr r:L:;rvirgr-
traces attd also s,ntlr whielt a¡c l¡r:¡¡l rit itlcgLlliulv sl!apl-{l
Irtraslt!írIitl sr1!luti{)n p¡lxhlt^c-! finr-: r:1ch-fllr:cts on lhc etlgcs ol
the grains ¿rnd on thr parling. ¡rl:rne:;- Irlrrid inr:Lrsiol¡:-" alsr¡
rul¡k:. itpillit!:. graphite. ct(:.. ¡rc conl¡¡¡{)n.

(lnlour: (i¡'l¡ins ¡ic donrinl¡¡¡tly !'.)¡{rr!rlL^s:; ¡rr ¡arelv bluc.

often rvith ln urirvf¡i eokrur distrihulicn.
!:t l tt¡dt roi:; ¡tt-' i3h¡e-ci¡loureri ::¡rccinrcnr: havr rve:rl.: pli:c-
r:ltrr¡i-cIt¡: rt, colourle:i:;; [i, violet l]lue ; i', cobali lilur,

IlireJringentc'.' Modcrale and tl¡ir¡ clr;rvaqe llakcs cxhibit

lifs!-.if(lfr g¡cv lillal vlrlhiw illtL:rlerrn(jr r¡rlou¡s.'] nrav b
riulFe trl srcond¡rrder {)nlngc, plrrpL: :rrrtl blr¡t' in lhiekr:r
grains.'l'hr-: slt:lt-like u¡¡rvr:¡i thickrtcss r¡llr¡¡ rrsull: iu ;l , =::=:.:-=
.i :

s¡recllcul:rt irrrirlgcmcnl ol thc inifrlcr(:rtr:t: trrliilrts. i¡¡r¡rsi¡¡ t_ii

irrg palc gfcv {)rt tlrr thinnr:r crlgr,s arid dec¡r ¡ir.u.¡rle or hlrrc irr !T-
tlrc thir:kel p;r¡ts.
=¡- ¡=.;.

E-tÍitttÍi¡tn: l'hc extirrctir¡n ariglc nrcirsr!r'c1! orr { ll}{)} is

lirrgc, ranging helwc*n 21"- 12. Glri¡rs lavi¡¡! on {{)l{l} have =:#
parallcl cxtinction.

I nf crJ'erente .f i,qu rc : Í l{}f) } qcctir rr* ¡rrrivirle wcll-ccnll qrl

{1r ¡rcarlV ecnlr{j d ile utc bise c1¡ix ligulcs with l¡ lV.
Isogvtes;lllllc:rr {)n il lvlr¡tr or velkrrv lii:lel lvith {)r w¡thqtLrt
istlclttorncs. flis¡rg¡ -sion is wr,lrk.

fi I on ¡4af i t t tt : tro:irivc'.

flistittgui,shing J'eulufr:,r: !L¡l¡it, thc corrrhirr;rlion ol'

Fe! lcel clci!\r¿tgc ltnrl ¡i;rr'littg, l()gi:lhLrr r',,ith ¿¡l¿rrgc rxl¡r¡rli('rr
iltlg,lc;rnd lt grrod inlqrIcrr:¡¡cc litrrrc, ¡rrovirlc il! r:it!-y
r-li;tgno,ri,r. 'l hq: irlc¡rtiiir:;rlicn of' r'ourrrlerl ;uirl hi'lhlv i'1ehcd
irrcgular g.!¡!¡n¡ iF n-¡o¡-q- rliificult- In thesc e¡ls*; ctrc ¡rl lhr:
rliagtioslic clltt'irL:lL:t islie.'; nri!y lrc vi:ihlr.:, !r.:;lr!ing lo rcc¡rg¡liiiu¡r.
'l'he lurge rxlinrti{}ri ;rrrglc lr::sists i¡l rlisiiruui-clril¡u kvrlritr
hu-c ¡ l¡rrvr'r' r'{ilirl.;lrtc! il is lc¡rslh
lronl sillin¡altilc. ¡1nrl;rlrrsilc
Ia-ct. 5(nrtc barVlc rle¡rr,¿rg,f l!'ilgnlr:nl-s rcsr:nllrlL: kvarritc lrill
It¿tvc hrwcr Rt ansl sn¡¡rllcr c:{1¡¡ll:lir!11 irngh.

Al_(tlsi(1,ltI;"(]H ),
o¡'thr¡thi¡nrl¡ic. l¡iaxiul (* i

,ttt 1.6{Xrl.6li}
,¡li I.r)()q l.r¡3:
n i l.6lirl'ñ--iH
;) t).{x}s-í}.{}l I
;r- 3..i1]--1.¡7
i ::1
F¡tr¡rt in :;td¡ftlt:ftts: T()p:r. :rpFe irrs :rs ungul:rr i¡resul:¡r i¡r
.;{irllLrIimcs roundr:el grainr. [:ilrs;rl lragmcnts trsrtall¡- clis¡rlirv
tLat:trs ol pclici:t .i(X)ll clclvagc. 'l'he suri:rce ol- thr gr;rirrr i: r=:
=: .::

cti¡r¡nr¡rrrlv nuuketl bv- crescent-sh:rpctl indcntations. Fluiri,rr

(iparluL: inclus¡(ins ;rrc ircc¡ucnt,
! -_-
:: =- -
. ::
{lolclur: futt¡st rle trit;rl sr:rins aLc cokrurlcss rvith ;¡ noticc¡iirlq:
bluislr-rvhitc tingc- []ut ¡urle-coloulerl ¡rell,iw. pink, r.--rl ;r¡r(i
hluc grairt:; :rrc also rc¡xrrted.

l'le¡tChrt¡i:;¡tL' ;\[)scnt t¡r l,e rv rvr-:iik (in thick {r:rin::: ir. ¡rrlc
(il lrrtrtvn: fi. p¿tlll r}l-l¡n':L-: i'" plrle ¡rink-

llirt.f'ringtnt¿:.' !\ic;ik. ;i¡rrl Íhi¡r Iri¡g¡¡rcnrs vickl fi¡':;r-rrrtlc:

¡tL.:v. rvhitc or palc ve lliiu, inte rlcrcncc toktr¡r:;. Tlrick rL:liit;rl
gt iri n-! -!ll( iW n ¡ iillllc {) í' L:()l(itl ts U P fi) ¡ccrin(l-()¡-(lcr (!faflflu-. rr-rl.
hh¡e a¡rrl tr.^e i¡-

E.f íin¡'ti¡ln: !'u¡'allcl io,-:lcavallLr Íi¿rcr:r unil to prisnurtic tu.-r,:s

.¡n¡| s\lnnrtlric:rl,'l¡ htrsl¡l :iur'liUni.

{ntcrJr:r'enit figttrL: {inrins luving r)n il.¡L'ir hasul ¡rlarr.:

.vir:kl r cenired irr:ulc l¡i:;ectrir iieurc witl¡ :¡ rlistinct ¡ -.v
tlirlrcrsi,rr-. fulanv riclrit;il i¡)tli!¿ .tr¡t i¡c rli¿rgnr¡:er,l *'itl¡
.üii:riitiy by rr¡lli¡lg ihL:¡!r iir :r lir¡uitl int¡lrc¡:;i¡11 inL-rliur¡t (rittrl
ilt.^i¡-basl¡l ¡rllrti.:. rvl-rir:h thcrr u,ill irÍ{!iri(lc;r el,l;rr intc¡iu¡cncc
íigure. {ir;rilrs ¡¡rie¡ll:ri¡:rl :re,jortling t¡r the h:rs¡l ¡rl:rnc tlispl;rrr
lorrur-orilel interfcle¡¡cc r:iilottt':r (lt¡ivr:t, (;r) r'i!.tlit-her¡rl i:r:rin).

f',Ío¡tf:ufiQ¡t: !'osiiir,,, to ¡-ir¡,:;ial tlong:rtion. i)trd ircg:liivr.irl

clca!.:rgc ii:rccs.

!ji,::tint:ui:;hi¡t¡< i;'aiur;::;: tilui:;h-ivhirc iingc:rrrtl irrr irir:

gul:¡r iir :.,trht¡;Lt¡t,lrrl iiitnt iviiir iicr,¡rrerri irlrle¡¡i:¡tiii¡t:; ;¡¡r<.1

i).jflcdt t);rs:rl elc:rv¡lgr: a¡'r r-rh;lritairjti-{tic. ll r:r¡l ire r:i:-ily

¡¡ri:;i;¡ke¡¡ ir)t il¡r¡l-lllc,.ichi'¡¡ic ;¡nri¡irr:;i1c i=.tri il¡.-: l;¡iir,:r i:
c¡riically iiei¡:tiivr: ithirrl::h ii oiir¡i iirils iii ::h¡rt :¡ rlisc¡¡¡¡il;k:
¡i¡i.jficaÉ'¡r¿1r lku¡q)- F-iciicil. t¡tl¡ttii,l t!r¡!iiir clivi¡¡
r¡:::r:nlt-.!c iiipi!,-r: il(i*r,;!'r iire ir t.t¡ ¡t¡ttl hi¡'L-:i¡ ilr-qr,:¡tu. :¡i._-
rq¡¡1:;irler:liriv hir:h'-¡. i'he i¡:lir-:i i¡i :ifi;lii¡d i:i higlr.-:¡,
'i r.-
rt¡ti;¡:¡i;ri:rn,l le¡rgili ii¡si- útt:i¡i:t h:ls lr¡rvc¡ rel¡:r.-iivc- i¡¡.ii.:.:s.
{i¡¡iwit¡netl l:ru::;t¡i¡i¡c. ..vhielr ;¡l:-,¡ r::l¡iiiiis :¡ t¡h¡i:;h ¡r¡r-gc
.;inril;¡¡'ini,:¡lc¡rnce ct:i¡iL!t:;" r:.rfinciir¡¡r:r¡rd i¡¡clrr:;ii¡¡r:..::rrr ir.:
cri¡riLt:,ed rvitlt itiliit-::. hr:i l;r+:t¡¡;¡ins;r¡e ihinner. pllriicr'.
ir:i.,'c :r higl¡cr ¡clict' a¡trl l;tigrr JV li ¡n;iv l¡e rliiíi.:i¡l{ i¡¡
¡lir.iinsuish ccriciii¡c, l ililr¿¡z it(i¡il sc iiei i i::e¡-l ;¡ nd:¡ h¡:i Íc,

r¿r¡r.¿¿il. !¡-) is i(!ir¡rc.l pfiF¡¡iiif i!l giatiii,r. ¿t:tiril.:
¡ ,..,.
JÉ 1

tllrPnliliitc :¡rrrl i¡¡ grr:isi='4. Higlr-tcnt¡-1.-'r';lf!lrc vLin:t :!r¡,! r¡¡r

:i¡:[rt¡:;iis :ls 1r]L'll i¡:; al!r.,iíici. .¡i¡al lis:]r!íe:; Qi ¡ei,l i!,,k:: ¡i¡;lv
:¡lsi¡ i:r¡¡¡i;!i¡¡ ii)pit¿. ¡t ilr-:Lt¡¡:i ;¡: itrci;tittot¡:liic ¡i¡i:k:; Éi¡l¡nc,l hv
i-.!i¡aí:is{)iitaii:;iti ir¡lri i:¡felv r¡¡ i¡¡u:.i:¡¡viii: k:;:tt!iiL'-:.,ahi:;i:;-

í lr¡in:; f;ts¡n; 1'¡¡ l.r¡u.,c¡ fuiir¡cc¡ir !:!,.i1:r:sr:, n¡r:,rlluh-

1',rviiz,:¡la¡¡ri; (ir) lrt;rch::lrr¡il. Sl lvc:;. [j¡r¡l;¡¡¡il IN,in¡t 1.5.1¡.¡).
ili:¿VY l':.ili-lt:li¿1. !iÉr:;É'l¿ll¡il{}F]S ¿l'J¡-¡ {-a!l.aii¡!r. FE.,...i'tr:i


{ia.l.Er.''' }.i-},i¡lí ¡,il:i¡{ i, l,

¡¡¡il¡¡il'hq¡nrhit:. hil¡::i;rl [ ¡

itt! i.ft55 l.{¡ii{'

,¡t' i fii¡ I l "
i.n¡i+ ¡.7:1,.:
{r.(}l{f {t.{t1;

l:¡t*¡tr itt :;rdi*rcrlÍs: Li.i¡itul ¡iu¡r:¡i¡ticriic i:; !:c¡¡e¡:rl!".'

¿¡ec¡r¡ili¡¡¡ l¡r ii:; krnl' ari:;. I'r¡:
:;lt.!ii !ifis¡¡ti!ii(-!¡i .l(tt¡-q:!irai
(rtlrmonlv- irre;.:ular {lapnttttl:; itlt¡tr:it! . ::ífiitii!ili:; ¡t:rr:rllel *'ith
thc lcrrrtl¡ oi lhr Pti:rurs tl:i1'lrc,]llrihit.r.¡ l-!v:;{!¡ilt s¡lcriiit, ll:
-['hr c,!¡:,,:: rrl iht {;tti¡i:; i)u!::¡s¡or¡irll-t :;l¡itn' trtrttt,iitti:. !}rsii¡tri
{ I { i{ I j r,:ic;tvl gi-::; lr.: ¡rcc:t:ion:¡ I l'v vi:;it¡i,:.

i=l¿¡it¡tlr: [jitrc. {rr.-nisl-. trlrrr- !:lvrrl¡-ic¡. ¡rink. rr-rlilish -.!11.,:¡.

!ti¡:rx'hr¡lis¡l¿-- Strun!: ilnLl di:ii¡!r.iilv.-'. ll a¡r¡rr:it:. iit i'iit:

trasti¡rr: sltarlt:. ri[ (l(:c[r ll!ur:. ittrligii iir rr,,!-viqil,'t:,¡. bitl.-
virllcl. !:trlrill¡sh blttr:: [i, eriltrrttlcs;- lilrl-r'rillrl prrle lila,-.
!-cll!)rv:-i- üill(lurl!:s.r, llilla hltl!, llilL' P-recll. h'llrirrtttt¡l
:rbsorpli(r¡ ;lllllcilr:: whcn thc lenetlr r¡l t¡¡c .l\.rslll!:l i:: per:rllel
1o ilrc vibr:rtior¡ Jircctiotr rtl thr ¡;rrlltri;:r-r

itift'.['ringenti¡'.' Wi:¿tk 1(r nr(xlcrill.]. a¡¡tl ¡i¡:¡:ti¡ittttll ittir:¡

lcrc,nce colouls rangc i't'cm lir::t-'¡trle ¡ Erhii(-', r)tiittga ;intl pirrk
io sccrir¡d-order l¡iue :rrrrl yglll¡rr.: qi¡¡ ihick l'rag¡rrcnt:;.

F.x¡i.w'tion.: !':rr:rlle I tc thc lcngth ol thr ¡riistrts {¡i :iitiili¡{}trs.

= I

Ittte r.frre ntc .fi¡4ure : { l{x)} cltlrvugc ii':rgtttcttl:; 1.,ie Ll oblusc

hiscclrir: li¡¡urcs g.ith l-i(x)Ílv dclinrri i:;r¡tlttrrt¡tl¡lie ct¡¡r,t:s.

lil t tngu! it ttt : Ncgalivt

I ) ist i tt i s lt i tl g j¿'a I u r(,\ : l'4ulcr';¡1e rcliel. et,Lr¡-rr- vcLv'

irrle nsivc plcochreistr an(l rrcgirlivf, rlongati¡rn lrrr iliagrt,r.''tic.
Stlonglv plcoeltroic tot¡rnralinc is liahlc lo bc conluscd u,illl
rlunrortiet'itc. l¡ut tounn:rline i:- uniir::i:rl :urd tt-' rrta,iit¡luttl
;¡hsr¡lplio¡r is n,rtnt¿tl trr tlrc r,ilrr'¿iiotr ili¡r-'ciiot¡ ril lhe ¡rolat izt-t.
'l his is a rlrliairlL: proPLrrt,v thirt assisl-\ irr ilistirr¡:uishirrg lrclwccn
thcsc trvo mincr;lls. Siitlic irnr¡rhiholes hav.-' inelined cxl i trct ion
anrl anr¡rhiliole cleavages, tt ol coru¡du¡i is highcr anrl it
is t¡¡iiaxi¿rl. PiL:n1rut¡lc h¿r-: a disli¡rctlv stronuL-r lclicl' ¡¡nil ;r
posil ive sitn.

()fCtttn'ttt't': |)illlt¡rlticritt r\'(ur\ in i'.t;lt)tlü l)!linl:rl¡t('\.

aplilcs irnd.lul¡tz vlrilrs. ll is ¿¡lsii ¡.r'cscrtl in sor¡re (lr!;rrtrites.
in granil.'gnsisscs a¡ril miea:;chists,:is rvell i¡s ¡rr hvdrrltlttnn-
ellv ¿rltcretl t¡rr;rrtz-lclitspll rtitrks.

{irain.s .lt'itnt: l-1p¡rer': Lou,er' {lrccns¡rtrl. ilretaeeous.

Llorking 1..'ilir llil! L)isirict. Errglanrl (r'tt) Ijrortt tlrc col[,c-
lirrtr r'l I l. li hlilrt, r

Midrllc: Wi:altlcn ll¿¡ liri::lol {'hanncl. F.ngl;rni! iF;llni

l-51i2|- {'¡iurtcs-y of A, (-. h4or¡iirr.

s',t A t jt{{ }¡,1'¡ tl

SÉ¿¡unqlEiee € --=
(Fe:*Mg).(AIFc'* ),,tl,.lSia) I l(o-a)t i ). ;-
r¡.¡otrilc!inic. p:;!:u(li)-.]rtll()rht¡¡¡rbir:. hill:;i:¡l i + ) .
=:: .:
¡to. 1 .7 ]() 1 .711 :. 1..:
rrfi 1.745 i.75,1
it"i l''152 1.161 .. u -:1rt
ir r).{}l: {}.U1.+ ZJ
\ -
^ i
:: .
For¡¡l in ,trili¡ne¡lÍs: Sti¡u¡''lite r¡celr¡:. i¡s i¡rcgrrlui. a¡rgul:rr.
srlr¡lcwhul platv. olt'-n l'r:¡cirrrcd gl'irins which rih{)\r pltr)rlv i,
dcli nLr(i cL:lvil!1c ¡ r¡lccs- R;rrc lv, di;¡ rnorttl-sh:tpr:il liaslrl srl i ir rri\ ::-- .'
:rrc fiir¡¡rd. iirrggeri oullitrr. ctelr lr¿l¡tenli rt¡rrl ¡n:r¡¡rill:tc lte
iir.:i,¡ucntlv cxhihiicrl trv urai¡t:. rvl¡ir:h huvi-' espcricncul rli-r'
soluii!)¡1 ilrrring tliagettc:-is (t1). lt¡r:lt¡sions ol c¡u;trtz :tttcl
(';lll)rril:t('(r,ils rll;rll( f ütt' (-1)ililltrill (;t).
: ' =-.;,
{l¡llour: Sit:rrrr,.ilitc hlis bliilht .,,cllorvish cr¡iriurs in shirllct ()l'
pale ycll,riv ilti'riugh g(:)ldr:n vL^li(tlv tu rl:rr[: '.;cikir..'islt btrirvn.

Ptea¡'tlr¡¡i,trt?-"! hc inie ¡r:;iiv ol ¡rlcor:!rroisnt i:: intlt¡c¡lcctl lr!'

ih.- thie ki¡c::; r.'l- thc gt ai¡rs bui ü\.ün ihiii ¡ri!lr-f(jl(itlr(:rl
iraglnciris tlislrl¿v ¡riilicc:tt-,lt ¡rlcuchr'ois¡¡¡: i¿. (,-()¡ot!rlc'j:: i()
pale 'y.-llorv¡ fl. palc yclloivl 1. goltlen velli¡rv itr yrilqu,isfi

Birefriagr:tlr'É'.' L4o(icai¡ir:. l¡¡¡d i¡rÍc¡'icicnec coit¡urs i:r¡lgr-'

i¡ri¡¡r iirsi-drdcr sriiv (if yrllQu' in i¡riii iitrgnrrrris l() $Lrr-(j¡lai'
i.rrdrr oraÍt.{e- re{,| ¿l¡r(¡ lilui:;lt giccit in thickc¡':;!llrqri¡nc¡r:;.

F.:t¡in¡:tiu¡l: úrving io ihe i¡¡cgrri¡¡ slrir¡r. ol iht gtrirrs il i:

,-iiffier¡li r'o +b:;c¡vr ihe .:xtincii¡r¡r ir¡lglLr. É'aisiilirtid ir;r!:riler!ls
;!nil !l!heriril ! i:rv:;f :r l:; ::hr i*' ¡r:r riil lel e:i i i it,-'i ir iit.

!nitrj'tr:ni't' .;t'iyilrt: H:r:;:¡l :eciiti¡rs (rvhir'h .:;rn t¡e ¡rct¡r

¡tizc,l br.t t!r:Lli!llv lslwcr-rit(lL:f ¡l(rliiai;:1ri¡rr¡¡ rol(l!t:i¡ .,,ir:lrl ri¡t tii l
f,fillr. :r{it!ir i¡isrrlri: iigurt qrt a rvhiic or p:rlr velliiri liriil
wiih e,ii:;qr,'r'nil¡lc ¡:=r,, ,li:t!¡:¡:.iri¡t. lsr¡cl¡¡'ii¡r¡e:: :r¡c ge¡te¡;rllV
lrbsent. {lt hr='r i i¡r¡¡-r: ::iv.-' al.)of !:ir-a:rri ¡.i{-' iigLr f .rs.

l:, I t i n gt l í it i n : P¡ir-¡iia i ir- er;rin:. :r rr !,-'n¡:ili slt ¡rv

{-ris¡i¡lE¿¿i:;hiils .i'ti!iur<.:;: ilir¡r¡¡'i;liíc i:; i¡!!r' ,,ri i!rtr r:usilv

itlc¡¡iiii;il;ir, r,ir-'irii:li ¡rti¡¡r¡:rl:;- !!igh rrlir:i. c¡¡¡¡¡l-'i¡¡cii 'siÍlr
;h;¡<lc:: $i vi-'li¡*.v,¡l vr:lit;ri,i::it iitli!i¡- iiri{l r¡i:lii¡iri íil.(!fl!ii¡i::¡¡1
:i¡r ,-li:¡.il¡¡i¡:;iir li ma'", irc L'ii!¡iti:;L:ri =iiIr ..t-lhiu-' r:¡ .,r¿111r,.1i1,i1
ir¡i¡.:¡t li;r¡¡ ¡l::iiirr: iTI i;rrt ih,-j iritie i i¡;rr i¡¡i.,'r¡ iciiri, i:., u:ii:¡:=:i;¡l
rrrgeiivr ::¡¡il ic¡rg¡h ia:;i.

í.Ér'¿:Ufi::¡i¡ <: ili:¡¡i¡c¡iiir: i:; ;¡l¡¡¡<¡:i L:.{.:lt¡ri!!j!t :¡ ::tq¡rl¡tri :¡i

il.rr::.iii!!¡l-g¿irlir iceiri¡¡;¡i mL'i:!¡r('iFi;:i¡¡r:ii!ii ¡i i{¡a¡¡¡: i!l ii¡t!:.:
:;ehi::i:;. ¡-le¡'ivcri ir¡¡n;rrgill;¡cci¡!r:::rrj{liilt!:!¡i'-r. iiil(1 lf::r; i¡L
r: r!c !¡ilr,r irt griri:-;:-.r:;.

Ét-t¡nAf k:;: iii;lrrr¡liie i:; ¡ r:i¡i'it¡l!¡¡¡i ii,-:i¡ii:¡l ¡¡i¡¡¡¡l¡i. !i i:; i'it¡i11.:

iL::;¡:i:ii¡i ii¡ ..vr:ltfh¿-'¡i¡¡f ri¡tri l;rt¡.i;¡l .Ji:r;¡,:irr::i:. ii¡iéi. ír; ¡r rjrfi¿ri¡r
!-¡:iri¡¡i. ÍLjclicli¡19. Eii ihr:ra,-lin¡enis ir i:;:ts:¡rci;licti wiili.:iihrl'
kv:¡ni¡i:" ;¡¡r¡.i¿¡lu:.¡ir :¡i¡rl/i¡¡ ::illir¡r;r¡¡iíe- '...'iliril Ir¡ri¡ii:; iq¡ ili;:ii
i'(!!1r¡¡!¡r!1 íl¿¡li]¡líiigl:. ii¡ ¡t ¡:, ¡{ruii{l iti :iit iiir¡ltivrii:;lr-'il ¡ili¡irt;tl
:;tiiir ir:gci!tri e'iih:lpaiiir':rntl g:rrrei:¡s'.yL.'ll :i\ uli¡':¡:.iei¡lc
j.ii(:r,:É-!.ilii¡ii¡¡¿tiinr:a¡¡tirt!iilr-:. ll¡ciltiie¡¡,:lt::r:¡¡¡¡virq:ihq:¡.::;t¡l¡
¡ ii tiil¡c¡ rte-velinc cl i¡l:iiufr +)ti r riii rrr; r,-' ii ¡i rrrri r- i ;r rir t i!¡¡5 i.;
i¡rili¡:-:¡ícri hy ilie e.tll ¡i¡u¡rtlcri ;r:.:.cci;¡leti rninerei:-i r;¡ iii:,

IIt:AVY MINI:ltAl. t)l:S( ltll/l l()NS ANI) ( ()1.()tJlt I'l.A IIlS

-- lulion tlrrrirtt dilrgcncsis. clilnirrlrtirrg lllc lcss slirblc s¡rccies.

'f'hc dirnirtution ¡ntl lhcn lllc;rbscncc ol sl:ttrtolilc willl
- inclcltring tlcpth ;rs ¡ funclion ol irttrltstr¡lt;rl tlissolrltir¡ll rv:ts
shou,rt by (irinrnr (1973) lnd Motlon ( l()79:t. I9t'lh).

Grains Jfunn: (,t) (ilass srrrrtl lrortr lhe Oligoccnc Molrtsse .

- southcrn (icrrrtany; (b) grab s:ttttplc. I)ort of llcil'ir' l\{ozltnl-
biquct (c) 1'crtilry, Nortlr Scir; (d) C':rrbonifcrous. Notllt Se:r;
- (T) tournralinc (Mnrl 1.662).



i l;er' r'
.h4g.i14n ).i n l. !-c )trl,t ).1 si{ ), l-( { il I ),
nli)¡¡or:li¡lir:. trielinic. l¡i¡¡;ii¿¡l i*i r¡¡'( )

t tat I .7 ll I .7-i{}
;rli l,7li.¡ i.7l-l
t t'! i.7t.i l.7J{) *
il.tlt¡í] {l.i¡::
'r, it j
.==- |

Fi{¡ --
=J:=* =,==
f*trn in :;t:tli¡nt:itls: 'i'hr: ia-vcr-likc ol r:hl.rri¡¡rirl '. ::' ., ,'i= -:-='
rLrs¡lIs ilr ¡ pctf¡t't nricli=iypc f{}{}l } r-:l*uvlrgr: rvhir:h iL,ii-'rrrri¡lq'r; '::i. :.t:.1 ::-
i¡s dc¡ri¡¿¡l ¿rilPu;l¡.ir¡lec. t L¡¡¡r:u ilct¡'i1l¡l grains occur il.;¡¡ti¡urntlv : -E
lts l;¿rsal r:L:lrvag,, ¡rllttc:;. A grai¡t '.rstu¡llv co¡¡sisls oi- several
supcrinr¡rrist:il l¡asl¡l pL¡les l¡¡ril sh<¡rv:; :r illli;rtetl h;rbii. Thcr,: i:;
:i ia:nrlLrnctrr lir¡ lht: brtsrtl plittcs f() i:urve- (lhkrriioiil rr¡ni:tins;t
rvirle varir:tv ¡rf i¡ri,'lr¡sio¡rs. n1()sllv qrlrrtr:. niu:c0vite- tt¡lilc.
tr¡rrt¡¡l¿rlini: l¡¡ril g;¡¡ nc!. 5o¡¡!.- grains arr s¡reckled :viilt rrritt¡tir
irn¡rrrrilie:;. Althtiugh trvi¡l¡ri¡rg is verv c,rnrttr¡rr. il is ratrlv
r¡otiec;rblc i;n rietrii:rl er:rit¡:;-

g--t¡l¿tu¡': {ll¡Lirit¡iti has a rlir:ti¡rct g!cv¡:h hh¡L: <¡r sliehilv

i,¡ vcll,rx,idir ¡r¡r!c a()l()lrr. {i¡Lrr¡r zirniiri: i:- r-'i¡¡¡ii¡i¡-¡¡¡.

F lt:tx-hr¡ti:;¡rt' llisti¡¡ct pL'orlrroism is rlisplaved i¡¡ :;h:rile:;,il

grev rri,-l irlu,-': r¿. ¡r¿¡le ¡¡rr-',-r,'. grevisl¡ gr,-'e¡¡: {i.:;lirlv blur'. inrligt;
hlt¡tr: ;. pillc 'r,clhi's. l¡;tlr gt,-,.:¡t.

Birej'rittgt'ttt'¿'.' Li:rri¡¡it¡¡i¡ !¡irr,'l-¡ir¡i:entr-' is iv,,'i¡k ir¡ ¡¡triilrl

;rlc rrrt l(ll()f rir j I l{)} ir¡r:r::;. I-ruÉ is v.:r:' rvc;¡1.: Úii ¡hL' ¡rirs:rl
¡rhne. !ttirriL't'c¡'¡cr: cclt¡u¡:; ¡rb:;etv.-tl {}n ihr l;rller rtrc li¡'si-
r)a.L-:f gf(:v;rntl r*lri¡c.:i()iilL:iir¡lus;r¡irir¡i;¡krt¡:i. clustd ll!'
inlrcru¡ri mi¡¡r'r¿¡l eiiliitrr. lhickur 'gr¡ri¡¡:. lvi¡rg on i¡r)¡l-hasitl
íact:r ,,'xhil¡it (-'iiar-'!¡¡{-' ¡llcrr-'hiiii:;ilr ;iriri ::e,:tt¡rrl or,lrr et¡li¡tt¡:;
il,l¡iclr ii¡¡v lrr: rrrnirr:;i¡lg. '!lrr iric¡rtilv ,¡l':ruch gr;¡i¡¡-c e;i¡¡ lrr
c(inii!r¡irrl ,-':r:;il-v bv trtnri¡l:: ¡¡rüni i¡¡¡ii¡ ihci¡ h:rs:rl ¡illurc irt li
lii¡rrirl inrrtrtrsii)¡r lltcrliu¡'r¡.

E'.xii¡lt'ti¡l¡¡: V;rricrr í¡ri¡r¡ ;¡l¡¡¡,s[ ¡rr¡rallcl trr 15", l--in ihe l¡:r::;ll
¡rlil]¡c ¡i i:- :vrtrnrr:iric:rl ¡r¡ i¡ri:lin.,ri iri tltr: irtir;nl:ri¡r {I ltl}

itttt'rJtrcfitt t'igura': li;i:ril ¡rl:rt$: !icLl :i iit';¡r¡v r.i¡ire{i

lrcuirr hi:r-'ririi ligrrie witli vlrr':rillg lV i¡¡¡rl::iir¡¡t:j ¡-r
r-lis¡.lct sicn- i;itiir-;rI¡¡ i:: asrt;¡lit llr¡s¡li!'c.

í', i i ; n t1e i i e t i t : f'Jrg:rii;c-

dl¡i:;iit¡,:¡¡i:;llin'1. ii'i¿ir!rt':;. !>l¡i'; !ralrii. i:iililr; ¡;i<'i+'!ri,i!,.

:;lh.l¡i¡r. ¡r:l:iii'.,tll'i¡igh ¡i:li.'i cr¡¡¡¡i¡i¡¡r:¡-i -:.,iih kie iri¡qi¡i¡!¡r,:¡1r:r:
r¡¡¡ il¡.-' h:¡:-:¡i ¡il:r:!r :r:; .,..qli ¿¡:: ilrr ic¡¡rir¡¡rt ic: yiq:lii g¡rrq!
iiii!rri-cr!:¡¡c! íi{irrf:: :¡rq .i:;rglr!}:;iir'. l'irr'::r' ¡¡¡s¡i¡¡¡ iirr ;¡::-¡:-i i!l
iii::iiti:luiihing cl¡lt¡ ¡ír¡iil i ¡ o¡n ¡¡!ilrr i¡;!i¡i*.-l ¡t¡i¡¡rr;ri:. i lil¡¡ii¡c'
It:t:; !¡rwc¡ ¡.1¡:r¡ril:.¡¡r:ril .lV.:¡¡¡rl ii:. r,¡lq¡irr:;:¡rt iti:;h:r¡ii':: i¡É
glff¡! ¿!¡iLl i¡lr¡i:;h grr:*¡t. !¡¡i:;¡r¡;riic i!¿rg-¡ltr!¡¡! !r;!v a!:;L'¡:¡l-!ir-'
irluc g¡=cr¡i h.!i¡thlaniir {¡f i{rtt*¡}rliii!:- irui ¡i¡e ii¡¡'¡r¡' ¡ '''
l¡riir--;ill-v ¡rfgirii!r ¿t!1!¡ !u¡l!,tli :,liiri. i;hrrr:¡: iq¡uft¡l:1li¡¡r' É!i!1- :¡

!i¡rv,:¡ ¡cliei' :ii¡ii ¡:. i!¡li;!::i;ll-

{ }¿'¿-'¿lf:'l¡Ét'¿-': i'iili¡¡iÍr¡iil r:; u ¡rt,*iti.'i rti !!il,rj i.ii !!!i:.,r'i

il¡r ¡cgi,.¡i;¡i
¡¡¡crliil¡¡¡-g¡;:¿i.: ¡rrcil¡¡!¡¡¡ti¡iii;¡tt :itrii i:. ¡:c:iriairrl i¡r:
¡!rriir¡!r!'¡ F¡!i:;i¡t r¡i ¡t¡ii¡r :.r{-iiiilLilts. ii i:., ¡cr:;rarlc.i ;rs ;r
¡liri:¡!i¡r¡i!rliir::llr::: ¡i¡i¡rtr;tl i¡r I ¡¡¡r¡¡ i:iar:::l L!l!i¡rlll!¡¡cr¡¡ ¡i ¡:-.

ior¡¡¡eil l¡i' h..,¡1¡¡¡¡l¡rt¡¡¡¡¡i F¡iir-a-'f:sr':- i¡r vri¡r::¡¡¡¡i r;¡r.'iir; iilliit.!t:-

, tilir\VY MlNhltAt- DL:SC'ltlP'llONS ANI) ('()[-OUR I'LA'l'trS
.Graitts .frrtn?.' (a) I{ive r sanci. Danubc, llungaryl (b) I-orvcr
lrlioccnc N4olassc. ¡\nzfiuh. S*'itzcrland (N4nlt l.5tt2).


EFE*q}T'E GR*g-iF ,i¡¡nina¡ltlv irrc!rul:r¡. Ve¡uvilrnitc dis¡rl:rvs i!tac¡r:ic'¡irrli¡¡

hluc'. prrr¡tlc o¡ ¡.hlll vcll¡irv ltriliiiization ci)lours. Corr¡n¡h¡¡¡l
has a highcr r.:lie I l¡nil is r¡ni¿rxi¿tl. 'l-hr¡lifrr r-escnrhlcs hv¡rcls-
ZelEsiÉe iltr:nc. lt¡rrli¡lusilc a¡ril picntorrtit.,'" hut ii is vc¡v r¿tlqr ill
:;e tlitne nts,
{l¡r.Al, Ál.C}. H I Si -o'llSia), I

r¡rthi¡rhr¡¡¡rbic. triaxial ( + )
{-} <:c Ufre ¡rc.e : Zoi:itc is r¡cnrr ¿tlql bv mcrlirrnr,gr;irlc regional
rut l.irH,i 1.7(15 nrctanl(it[¡hisr¡l a¡rrl i:; lr eil:trJt:iL'fistie constiiucrrt 0i c;rlc
afJ l.úEt l.7l(l silic¡tc granulitcs :l¡!(l !:alcitL:-ztiisitc nricaschists. lt ¿rl:;ri oeeurs
il'l l-6\)1 l-1?-1 irr rcgitinallv Í¡tctil¡tr(rrph(¡serl lrasic rqnc¡rr¡s roLrk:i. Zi]isitc is;l
i) 0.(ift.l-(1.{[)t"i conlfionclli of guussuriÉe. Íiir¡¡rcd by the :rlte ¡'atiO¡r dl r:aL:i¡_:
.1.15 -j.17 plagioclasc. ¡\s a tlet¡it;rl spccics it is less co¡¡rrrror¡ thun
^ r'¡itlr rlr ot eliltr rzr risilc.
'lr,vo variciics of zoisitc hrve bec¡r distinguish.'ri: iioi¡-l¡''-c rir r¿
zoisitc and icrronn or l-i zoisitc. ln accord u,itt¡ ehe rnistrv. thcir {-irui¡ls ./i'olll.' Ll¡i¡:er N,lioe,:r¡c. H,rstrrn Hungalv (Illnrt
riptL:al properties vary. I .662),

Form in sedii?teni.t: elrains are short stur¡rlrv ¡rrisrls or'

thin reciangular cleavage lragmcnts. st¡lne tirr¡c-r with a :;liqhtlv
icunelcd ot¡tlinc. {0ll}} cleavagc irlecs ¿lr'r' r¡ftcn cletcct;rblc.
Composititinal zeiiring is c.)¡ll¡nou. ()parluc. fluicl or ¡rccdle-
like :imphihrrl,: inclusir.rns rtta,v bc ¡r¡qr5\:¡1 iri sontc gr:rinr.

iloloUf: sl'-¡i¡r¡¡rt¡rt z,-iisiic i:; (¡l(iuths:i, whcl*;l:t tl¡a t;rLr'

m.lnganoftn valitrty Éhr¡lite is pintr.

B i t e:.f r isl ge: ttt:Éi: tul(;(leraie. {lha n gcs iif F;.-

r' r-¡¡nten ¡ m;rv
rcsull in v¿rriations ol lrirel'rinscncc within a gr¡rin. lror¡ lree
;:r¡isiir,s rlir;Fli¡v cithtr.:¡revi:;h=rvltit,-'ot. t¡tor,-, lrequenllv,
¡rn¡rmalous dccp iniligrrl-'luc :tnrl ycllorv i¡rt.-rrlcrc¡ir:c c!)l()rr15
rjttt io:jitr-)trg dispersittn. i-L¡u,rvcr. these :rre not:;cen in all
cr¡istnl iiricntirtions. Wh.:n ¡'iilli¡r..'l .rlr;iirrs in e liquid
i¡nmcrsion inedium trnrler ct¡rsserl ¡-xrlar:;. tltr.: ;l¡l(lnl¿!l(jus
eú¡(lttrs ltsttatllv :tFrpc:rr ()ii ihe ha:;ai planc. Fcrroan {li) .,,risiie:
rnd ihulitc .sti-iingc'r bir*fring*rrcc ¿i¡rtl ¡rtir¡n;¡l ::eeonrl
iifdrlf itrictlete¡rce carlou¡s.

F.¡-ii¡tt:íit¡¡¡: P;¡¡a!lcl to prism-tiuilines:, bt¡Í iI ¡n¿tr' b*

u¡¡tluiaai¡r'v o¡ i nctrn¡L¡l*ic.

lníerje'r'tnce t'igllrt:: ¡¡, ;,-ri:;itc:;. shorving !¡l)¡rrrr!¡li¡l intcr=

icrct¡ec eokrur:;. usually yicltl ccntrcd or rrcarlv eüntre(i ar:utLl
i¡isr:r:trir íigui'es '-+,iih :;nrall lly ilÍ!(-l stirliig. i->v ¡r Í-: r,l
riispersiiin. Wcll-rleii¡red isogv¡es :tcp¿tr¿¡iq thr: lir:id i¡rir¡ hluc
airtl yelkrrv :;ccir¡ts ¿ti]el iite :ihscnce r¡l i:;(¡t-É¡to¡ilatirr ct!!!L::r ib
chiiaíir-rii,'i isiic. ¡i zci:itc par.jv¡r¡rjrr Lríf-d-iri¡. +r ¡ptir: .rli:-

l,i;;lgit-iit:tl: ¿:¿ :.,:¡;i:iir- !r¿i:; ,:iil¡e r ¡¡rsiii;'c {}¡ !lr -¿;iti1!:

,-lr'¡¡t:iti,¡n i¡i;ti r,i ¡; -..tii:i!it. i:, ltrr.,tiiir.

ilei:;iiitgtti:;ltitt5 .íé:i!i¿rft:;: -l'i¡* ieie¡¡tiÍii::¡ii¿¡¡¡ ¡¡í c:¿ ::ci:;iiq: i:,

¡ciaiivrl'; e¡:il¡,, :¡:. high rclicf :¡nrl :;l¡ti¡i prisnratic hahii.
irlgeiiief rviil¡ r:rrnii:¡:;iing:uli¡Fn:¡icr¡:: i¡¡icrfei*¡ec cr¡lcut::. ¡rc
di;ignrir:iic. iliilrr'¡r'i:;iie íi¡i¡i r,;iri¡r*: i¡ei:¡ilei ü¡,íti¡r:iir¡i!
;t¡rcl ¡rbni¡¡¡¡¡¿¡l inieiicrcncc a:i¡i¡¡tif:r ¡il¿!v bc er¡¡¡fus;cd qjth
..:r¡i:;iic- i¡ui iirc !aite i pr,,;viit+:; :i ch:¡i:¡e iriis¡ii: i¡rt.^¡{crq¡i.,
iiEu¡'* :¡¡il i'r:: inir:¡ie¡'e¡rca a¡¡ir¡u¡:- :rc m:¡¡!:r:<ilv dt,-irc¡
A¡ratiis il¡is a¡' ¡ciieÉ- end ilulicr. .qre."'isil in¡e¡'ic¡c¡¡,:i
ci¡l<¡rlrr.. 'l'he rcr'¡!!niiit¡n cÉ [i ;:li::iic !s r¡o¡¿-, rlii-iicr¡!i :¡r¡ai i¡ ¡a:
liL+l,v iii lrr illi:ii:ik-ün iirr ,-linc¿¡¡i:;iig-.. ¡r Ébr .iÍ¡liri ititrlai:tl:i
+iiir :;i¡¡¡iia¡ ilpiir;tl ¡)ii)pijaiir:::= llilli¡¡t:¡¡¡¡t¡ !¡¡:; iq¡rvct i¡i¡'r,írir¡g-
=¡lc! :1n(l ini*¡icr-¡rt LrulúLil:; ¡i¡:;ir;¡iles i¡i Í]¡;ii¡gc- r.-il ¡nrl
!:rc-¡¡. ur.itlllv lri;;rngr:il in r¡ ia:;i¡i¡:rn r¡!¡ici¡ l:. ¡lui
¡'u'pii:al iif .¡oi:,iir:.'i'l¡c ii¡ q¡í ii)F:iz i:r ir¡sci airii it:;:;ha¡rc is

H FAr,"-t' lt'i I f-l ¡ r!:=AI I-¡l:,S¿'li ! t¡f ii,¡l'i!; ÁF-J ll €'i ¡¡.É- lÍ i i't lli ;l I l ri

{:lEccE+s+Es€É* {}t'r¡¿sys¿'¡¡¡'r.; i'li¡ri¡;.i¡i:i1,,'. t.rga¡h.¡ wri!i.:¡,iikiir. i:.;i

ci¡¡¡r¡lriln ¡r¡iiiiltr:i Üi l¡¡r',' ti:.;til.' rrrj¡i¡lrri,¡!,11¡iri!¡.
_Á!. + i_+. i !i¡ ti,d-_:. ll :;iá. J, 'i lic! ,-rcrur in :¡ii;rii' i¡r'ii¡¡i¡iiír: r¡ririoir
':i.:!oiiii ::ciii:;i:- iif thi

nrcl,:ri-'li¡¡¡¡-. i¡t¡::i:¡! í I : g!ceit:;r¡r¡ri ia(:ic$. :¡iiii :i(r¡tlri¡¡¡le::. il: l:lu¿::-chi:;t:; i,or¡rr: l¡:r:;ii
¡ocks rr¡¡v .r.!¡!i:r¡i¡r '-'lii¡..!ri.-¡t:tiir. L,i¡irlr-rie- rli¡ttt:-:ii¡si'¿r ¿irt,i
tltt ¡i'71;l7l-
alr rrí¡nrli{ur:riir ¡¡i
:-,:i¡isii.' :i:!É¡-::;rali€¡.- i.i,i¡i¡ l¡ i: lo¡r¡¡r,rl l¡'.,'ih.-'
¡¡li !.1'¡+ L l-'..
;rlig¡¡¡¡¡¡¡t- i;i ¡;!¡lici:l::r;r.
it"; !.i-.!.¡(! i.7.1'i
; {}.{}il5 {¡.i}i5
{ifaitt:; j'rtt*t 1;;¡ i-iii¡¡ccr:rtr' E'!i¡l;i:.rrc l-i;¡vlr:. Éilr¡!,=:t.
íli¡ ai.r,:i,ri -.rrrrri Í'-i,'¡1.;;¡.,. (.=i i ¿¡¡'b;rtiii'sr-(rt!:. Frl¡lh 1;.:::
l1!; !tii:liai la:,¡i¡¡ 1'(;: (:1'lll¡¡ :.¡f!-;.
F¿¡r:'se i¡¡ s-u.l¿tÉi!:tx!:;: a='ii¡¡i¡:.r¡isiti' hlis u itigh ¡r,liti :¡lti r¡
i'.rur! J:: :.,lti!!1 üf lolt:: ¡rti:;nrr:. ll¡(tka!l ctth,:ii¡:tl ci9:;i:ti:: :tiiii
rrri:r¡igrii:ii iliglrtli:; irrr¡¡ular or rott¡rilerl g¡':¡i¡::.- r,ilu¡ili¡;lr
:r¡¡d iibi¡¡rr:: tir¡q:; :rrt iniri:rlurnf l)¡'ricri l:;i:;:!! ri.,';¡vl¡u¡,' ;i¡ttl
:¡,.¡¡ti¡g :¡¡c lrrasir¡nall',' di:;lrri¡il¡lr !i¡'¿li¡¡:- ¡iiir¡¡ t-¡!.t¡ii5Li lilti.i
¡il !?¡j,¡r¡r!.:- lrlr'li!.;¡.i:l',. ! ¡,1' ¡':rirt 'rI rq,rir!!rr¡r:!. ,i( " !,'1, ,'t'
t liil,i-:,,t':¡i, r'.¡;¡¡:. qir¡li¡¡1,li:rlgttq :.i..,

i-l ¡ ; I ¿-t u r : {-'t¡ioir rL,::;:;. !lalr-' yL- I lolv or pe Ie grcen.

Plt¡.¡¡'il¡'¿ti:;ttL- t-olourc¡l gi;riir:; rrr:i1, <,lisplnv u,cak pleo


!trirefi'in.¡;t'ttt'{'.' G(ivc¡t¡t-'(l l¡.; lhc :;trhslilulion oi Fr-'" iiil

:' 'i=: . t, :"
Al. !icir-pixii clin,-¡zoisit,-,:; h:lvr ltrw [¡ir,:ftingenct: ;¡ntl intcr
! -'-',
[rll'iltc {i{l!!il!!'-q !]f ii!-:ri-ol'al!rr vlrl!(}R'trn(l I-¡lLre . Wiil¡ ittcttirslttg i=
¡r()F ciini.¡ri :r¡rd :rl::i¡ in ihiei:cr gt:¡ins, itrtctictrrttr'r: r:illl)t!ri
'; '
rari-gc t(! l¡¡il!i¿¡nt !eL\i¡ld-()r'{lcl slii¡ilcf.. liluc ¡:¡rri vclk¡rr iiirlr
rr¡¡ lllr. ¡rr:irgi¡r:- rri tlrc gr:rin:; :trr verv che¡:rcte¡i:;tit. {itai¡ts u=¿¡
lrci¡uenliy c;=:ltii¡ii ¿irrrit¡¡:tlt¡u: t¡luc i¡i¡Ll'icll()\1r i!llL:!ic!'.:nc.l
,-1rl{rrJ', Ir(r';r¡\r' of rirntrt .¡!\l} t!¡(,r1.

i: :
Exti¡lt'.iit'¡¡: (-,.¡¡¡rirqisiíir¡nlrl:¿¡i¡ri¡rs t,:rr¡lt:. i¡¡ \,irr!'ing r::1¡rr(r ..:.. ----:;:
ti¡r¡t ltngk::; cvcn rviihir a sing!.,- grltin.:rnil ertittciit¡¡¡ i:-; rrit¿-'lt
i¡lc¡¡¡¡rl¡L:ir:- {-'ty:-i¿¡l:; ,:lo¡r¡t:¡tcd on Ir l¡¿rv,-' [¡a¡:tlL'l r:.rli¡rcli,rlt.
lnlt'f.l't:rt';it'e.figUrt: Itiattv:;¡,rr-:¡:i¡¡¡r-rtl:-;- r::l¡r-:ci;tllv illtr-rc
rvlrich:hou incornplu-ir'cxii¡1.'ii(¡!¡. ¡rtiiviclc :ilr i)ltlic :txis ligLrr.-
r,vith ar¡ almo:;l slrai¡¡hi i:ogvrc eird e ier'. hrighi oransr. re,l
alrit trlu(: isrisluti¡¡r:riir cLttYe::- F;{,-¡st g,lriirls. hriwci,r¡. vield
poiirlv dcfincri figur.::;1,r iuil iti sltrrtv a¡lV:ri ¿ill.'!-l¡g .silrinr
di:;persion i: ¡arelv !,i!i hlL' .ir¡ ileilil:rl :;¡rrrcics.

Elott-Vtttiort: Eiilier ¡rositir,e üi'ncr:rlilir, ln zoncrl er:rin:; thc

rt:rltrc m¡lv shilw a tlitiet.:¡tI rlofigiiiioil ii) thilt al lhc orrter

Distirtgtti:;hir77 íeatllrÉ:s: Hiuh relie l. rlorninentll pris

¡natic or angular hal-'il. ¡rale r-(llou¡:; ¿i¡rLi riltr.¡l lr¡onl:rlous
intclferorcc tints aitl di:.,tinguishing r:linr¡zuisitc f rol¡¡ rniire ral:
outsitlc thc r'¡ritlrtc grorrp. 'l-hrr lack ol sirong aol(lur arid
plcor:lrroi:;nr anil. rvhcn obtainlrhlc. a 1r,isiti..,c r¡piical si.!:¡r hclp
tr¡ distinrr.r¡i:-h clino;¡r¡i:;ite fr¡:ur clrid+tc. Zoisitt and clino-
zoisi¡c gr¡¡i¡s ltrc ní!t alr{¿tv:- {li.riinguisltatrle f¡orr'¡ c¿¡r^h oihr.-r. Ii
zoiriie espceiall_-v ¡rrt-'crit.': diliirultie:; rii irle ntiíic;rlior¡. ít zriisitd
clcavilge f¡¡g¡¡rcnt'-' ulu:rIl-r vicld goo,,l lrrnlc bi:;r-cltix li-t¡urc:;
witll sti{rtE tii::persicn anel thcir i¡r¡c¡-iirrcne:c eri!iiLrrs;rfr tirt'p
iniligr; hlur ;¡n{l (iilrli vqrllt¡s. -l-hicl: rrti¡l-it+i¡lilrrl l¿tr.,'s'r¡¡i1c
g! ains rLrsa¡¡rlrle e lirtozrri:;iIr. lrui thc,v :rre gcncr ally b:r:.;rl
clc¿¡va::e í¡ at¡titcnls- vicl¡j re ¡li¡e rl ¡rcutr ltiscctrir ligur¡:: :tnil
¡¡t¡rn¡al inig-¡tc¡t-nc.' L.|l()L!r:.. Al,;r¡itc is r!ni¡\i;rl ln{1 h:l:. lop'rr
Liircíringcncrr. l.'c:;uvi;inilr sitow:; intc¡lsir 'Licllirt blur'. pt¡¡pl*
or rlull r.'cllt¡tv i¡¡tc¡'lerc¡re .-olourr

¡ !'lt tq I I r


¡:':r.l,-''' ii,i i .t j! illi.{ i,ll,..¡r F,¡

-=:== =
¿¡¡i¡¡¡r¡, lit¡i,- lti;r:.:irrl I i ',=
i¡tt I 7li i 7'ri
;i!i i.lll, i 1.'j ! -=:===- =
it'! | 1,'+ I liti

i'' i,{}l'; lli}l'r

I Ilj-;i!"

li¿!riri i¿! .';t'¡ii¿¡¡r'¡li:;. i i::¡!¡ri li;r..,i: ;r i¡iti.; i¡irrlr ¡¡:!it'! ;¡¡t,l :t¡t'
nro::ilv i¡t!:stti:¡.:t¡ri,ul:¡i. !:(lli:ttti;rrl¡! "()Ii¡r:lii¡¡(:. i,l;rí'i
('r)r'¡rcr\;!r¡tl il¡a¡r'ili:rlii'r¡: ii¡;iv llr::;¡ili¡oi!¡t ¡¡t:ti i¡v:ll¡t:trit,tt i'tt¡
wtll ¡Qrlt¡ri|rl r¡! :;i¡l!(:!¡ti¡l !it;tili: ;ttt il{}i r()¡illltt}li. :-'illlltl"'
¡r i:tit:;,,i ir¡ rikcl¡ rillli ,it;!l i¡;ti¡l:::¡¡,- ,i(',';l:;li)¡l:lll1.'r'ilr'{iill¡¡! ri l
¿-i¡;ir¡irl:r¡ :t.¿ifa!:;11{-::- t,llt:¡i etttlx-iirlr-,1 i¡t ¡:lir ¡i:. ¡¡i;l',' lt'
iict¡tti-'tti itt r'i'¡l:tilt il¡¡¡it;tlii¡¡¡L l¡lr itt:;irr¡¡:: :ttl ilttitl lllirlrill' "' :.=
r¡iiii(li!i ¡l:rllir'i!::-. :tliili ;illti r!ll;!li¡
í'¡ll¡¡l:r. ilrirt¡'-i ;rl*:¡!::-, i¡r :[¡:¡tir:r ir¡ !i¡ r ¡! ¡¡:;rr;rllt r:¡-ll¡ rwi:lt
:ttr:!'¡i (¡i Fr;!1: 3l!'r'll. i ll:i!¡tt' ¡lt;ll r:,-ilil¡ii i¡lct,.ul;rt L,,i',¡tt
ili:.i¡ il¡rriii¡¡¡:.

i' t'¿;¡'!¡r¿:i:';¡¿." !riii¡r¡ i¡i ,ii:.ii¡r¡ l: ¡¡

iv¡:¡i.. .¡1¡lq¡¡¡¡ i. ,.:. ¡r;rir.
-.= .:

ri{ ll()ri t! !lri,- c¡¡ { !t: fi.::¡r,'¡ii"ir Ycllr'il, -,'- .,,¡ il¡rr:i::lr r'l r'r:r .:-:=::.
:'a:.i-:: : :

iii¡¿'iri;¡L:¿':¡¡.'¿'-- f'rjr¡¡ii ¡:¡ir. i¡rti ¡¡¡r':r':¡:r-:' ¡!' ':lrrr!iLl Érill

i¡ir:lt,:i i .r' !!!i! ¡ i! ¡r,'¡]r'! r'i¡ir¡rt¡: :i¡r' l¡¡ illi;¡¡ri '.¡'¡ r;¡¡il ;¡¡¡,i
ilri¡il,'rrlt ¡ ii!¡i: r¡i ..r¡r¡.-ir sflr-rr i: :r !l!!¡iiitti!!!l '.li:r¡-lr !tttL ¡

it-i{ r¡((-({iliir!¡ l¡;¡¡rri'-;r¡, r iillr'i fa¡!¡.-('!!ii¡i itl i¡(atl¡ itl;t ¡i;tirltl'

:tÍi;rirr:Li¡rr!ri , i!!i;¡ri!i¡¡rl ¡ir, li..'iri ii¡¡¡', Eliii!' ri:ti¡l: ;ii¡!rr:;t¡
ttrrii¡¡::¡!!-r- i',iL'! !! i:! tvili¡i"lr i¡r'i ¡i i¡ii¡i¡'¡ ,-lo':"r'r! lrr¡i:l¡: l';¡lr'
..;riiriiL::t,,,t1.1i¡iliii'.1!!1'1'; ¡1;¡i,,'t¡¡:riiai:!i¡!lirltirl¡,¡l;rti¡.¡¡i,'rt
L¡¡l¡iri¡:--'-i¡¡¡il:¡; ic¡ iitr¡:¡:,¡i r li¡¡cl'i';lir

;'.¡¡!;¡t j!it:f. t':i::¡i;¡ii, i,¡;¡!¡¡'- i¡:¡'rr' ¡r;¡!:ri!fl i;¡ ¡¡r;¡¡!'.' ¡r::i;rllr'l

! t:i¡¡t( iiii¡l

!; ¡ i ¡'¡. ', l c : ' j t ..' ¡ ¡ ; r ' 4 . r r , ¡ i r i l l , ! ' 1..¡ ¡ r ¡ i l i !: ' r ¡ . . r

i :' ¡¡ . r .r .

i;¡ir-l! :r'! ¡: i¡: ,:i'iii,'ir- l¡:¡i¡i:, ['li¡:;i ¡¡i iirr--¡¡r g]¡{r'.t(i( .'l'ii,
;1;.;j., ii1¡1¡¡r : '.fri¡¡ ;!¡¡ ;¡!¡¡¡¡t:i :i¡;risi¡i i'.¡:i',,¡r ':!!i i!!lii¡!¡!.1 lrr.
!i!!!i¡r ¡ ! ¡l!r, ¡.,! :r'i:i ! ¡¡¡li¡i !¡- rr¡!¡ ! r'i

E'!til:i:r:l:ii;! :,'j:'il¡!{ii¡¡.r: ¡¡ r il,:' . i'.,i. :¡( j:'!l!'

.¡.:r!.itr1 ::r¡,;¡tii i irtri¡"rlrrrrt

i j¿.t¿::¡::,¡::.tii;;a.;: ::':!i,:;.'.i i ir¡ri,'¡r. ¡L ,!¡;¡;.¡;¡:.., ¡! :¡.. :¡iL.t¡

¡<.lir.i., I¡l:¡:¡r'ir.¡i..iii ::¡t.,-.:¡,,-l¡¡:r::::::iii illr'i!.i¡¡¡itii¡i ':: r...r l!:¡.
¡i¡¡¡:ri¡¡;:¡¡¡l: :¡:.::rrl::¡ :r,,i¡rii,-i,i::y ,i::::ti::ri!: r';:!! !-,! ,r rri:'
,r¡.'.1 i, l¡'r. .". ¡r, . : ¡.1 :'i.i ::!:!:i. ., ," ',, ii:,
.¡l¡!ii:rii', ¡¡.::;1¡¡". ,rtr,i rir r ¡:: r r ¡;ir:¡t¡: ¡i¡:,ii::r't::.1: , l.iii,,¡,
i¡r.i¡i.l¡rr...,!¡.!i, ii!,,¡,,.;. il.jr,.¡r¡r.:..r:l!,., i,.,'.¡',.¡:.: .:.!
:¡lt.:rv: : t¡::¡iir :t¡¡t! ii¡l.r ::¡i :¡iir'¡¡ ! i!¡¡¡¡i!¡i! !l :¡¡¡ii i!::. :i¡i¡;!¡:
ir¡: ,¡, , ri¡r. ri', :,:. .:rr..j:r
. i¡:l¡ i' :¡ii¡¡¡ :, :r:iri ¡i i. tiii:r'¡ :¡¡¡¡¡ ¡;1, i¡¡,¡¡. i¡! irl! +i itr,.i. :¡,
'";¡rir': ¡:i !¡!:ri'.1¡ :'¡r'r':¡. iir¡:¡¡:¡ ilr:::r i:!¡: iir iii¡¡;t!::L'i: :.r.:!¡!¡
, i¡t.lq¡¡L Í'rt¡ ¡, i,.i:, ¡ !',.'..:¡ :, ii. i :¡ ;" :it!r:ii¡:;:¡:i¡r: iil¡¡;¡¡c'.
¡¡iL¡',-!¡",i, !¡!'.!¡::rir'. ¡¡i i:i:¡i:ii j:i.! i¡ :i¡:!: !! '':¡!;i,'.";:tii!;:,,.i;tJ¡¡
i¡¡¡: ¡ii¡,:i¡¡r r<:!¡;¡i¡'- !i:r' ¡:lir'i :¡i iit, :¡r¡ ¡: !r¡:¡¡¡i;l.,rriL
..;:¡iL.iir... ¡.- li:i¡t ¡ :¡¡¡ri ii¡: r, ;i!1. i¡!r;:;iir., ¡rri..;tr:riii r li;:¡¡L,r¡¡¡i,
i¡!i!?¡r.::r;r¡!.lia,iii;;::,1,!a!:¡:f.-.-i,j!:¡¡:iilr: j!!!ii,.t:il¡ltii.,.:i'fi:
i:;iii ¡t{ ¡ltii t.-':1i !t¡!i

:lti l¡¡s!r:: ¡¡¡¡;¡r¡:ri ¡¡i :Í¡i ,¡!i-,ii,

actinolire-epidot(r{hlorite zones of thc grccnschist_facies
rcsional metamorphism. It is assocíatecJ wiih hornblcndc in
the albite*epidotc-amphibolite facies ¿rnd is lrlso prcscnt rn
contacl melam()rphic rocks and in hornfclses. Ca_mctaso_
matisrn results in epidotization. In igncous rocks cpi<iole
more common in the lrasic types, but may occur in granites.
Hydrothermal processes form epidote in cavities, virgs anti
vesicles in volcanic rocks.

Rentarks: Epidote is a rvidespreacl dcrriral mineral. bul ir is

rclativcly unstable in the tliagenetic environmcnt. Howcver,
well-sealed formatir:ns n)ay contain cpidote and one
or two
grains are occasionally encountered in tieeply buried sedi-

Grains front: CarbctnLferous, North Sea (Mmt 1.662).


i !


¡¡l l-,to.11¡i:i-l!TF

c;¡-( N4n '' .éI ):AlLr.OFI[SirO? ll -qiorI
nlon(lclinic_ l¡ia¡ial i -F)

tttL 1,7-11 -l .7().+

;rli I .75(I l.¡it17
r¿Y l.7irl l.lil()
(|. ( ll5,- 0.0rifi
j.ii i.i;l

For¡¡l itt :;e¿li¡nerús: Pic¡rr¡r¡rtitc ocelrrs m(,st comm¿rnlv ;rs -.

irrcculai'lv slra¡red :iirgul:rl gr;rins with ;r lraeturerl. uneven
surfacc. P¡isnr¿tie fr¿¡gftreÍtts, rcl]til¡luulilr i(r-r¡ls u¡rd sutr-
rriundetl irtrratlerl crtirts rnay nlso lrc cncounterctl. Pr'rfcct
{()tll } cle:iv;rgc is ¡a¡clv iL:ir:r{¡rblc. Fluirl inclusions. ¿¡r-r';rr)gr!l
plrrallel rviih the l¡ ¿ixis oi tlrr: .:rystals m:rv l.¡c frreseni. ': : a....=

{ol¡¡ur: Pale or riccp pink. vi¡rle t. l¡¡'orvnisir ¡riirk ,rl

brownish r'erl.

ftle¡lchrt¡i.yrtt ' $tiiing: (r.. vcll()!v, or¿rngc vclkrrv: li. amcthvst,

viiilci. rJcep rr,d:.1, tlecli reil, hrorv¡rist¡ r'cil. Irright nise ¡rirrk.

#ireJ'rin¡|t:ttt:í.' fulodcri¡te i(-) slirrrlg l¡irr,'lrir¡gc¡rcc results in

l¡rilli¿nt!ld- ¿nil ihirtl-rx'tlc¡' interlerencc tints. but íhcsr
arc ritien i'¡¡ar;kcd lry intcn:;c ¡¡rirtttal r:olt¡ttt.

il,s:íi¡tt:li¡¡¡t: li is difiicuii ir) inüasurc ihc criinction an{le

ox,irtg io ihr, irrcgullr l¡at¡it rif- ¡lcsi s¡nins. Elo¡rglrl*^rl
í¡ agi-!1e¡¡is lrnrl ¡rr isnrs havc ¡r;¡'ullcl r='xti ncti{}n.

lnietJ.t:rt:nrc iigure: Fri:;rn:; l;ivin¡r t¡n (lil{)) i)!'!)v¡rl!: a

ncarly c*nirrrd aeu¡e t¡i::cciri:.: iigurc rviih lr l;rrgt lV. isir
chrq¡mc,:;:¡rc ícrv,-it;¡bse¡rl. Írre-gulltr iia¡¡rnetrt-r lrrd,:le:rr:rge
illrkcs vielel liighlv .:rr:cntrir: íigrt'trs. i'-:'v !)i t<v il¡:;pLrstiin ts
ilisii¡rct. Fitnlr¡ntiie is hia:.:ial posiiive ivllcrras the ncg:rtirc
.,,¿t riei y is usrutl Iy,lcsignlrir:d
a:: .¡¡¿¡¡¡g¿¡rlepi{¡ote.

f'.! t ¡¡ t g t! i ¿ t¡ t - l- ii lr,'i l¡rsil ¡r',. ¿,r rtür;r¡ ir,..

lli:;tingui:;!iittg jL.üiuri:;: lish ¡clict. F inicn..:r: col¡rur u¡rrt

iir(i!rg Lrlco.throisni :;ul'iier lor thc ,iiauno::is i¡f nien¡onlifc.
'l'hulitc í:r .:¡rie iv r¡í ¡.¡iis!ir:) h;¡:; !tiw¡-:r re ír;¡ciivr inrlire:; ;rntl i::
iJefv i:li'c- iiigiriy etiliirti-"-ti lini! ¡;ir:rx:htriii: <l¡.¡nlr¡rtir:fiir-. ¡¡¡;rr
aesa¡ilhlc ¡;ir:rttoniiir:, l¡i ii¡¡: pri:;:n;rtic hahii. :;t¡iaiio¡r:; :rnrl
i,-¡rvei rr'iici i¡í. iltt iot¡¡rei :!er!ic! iqr iir.iinguirli ¡i irs¡¡¡r
l:¡f*iiirl!tl¡le. liiri;ilg!';:¡ie;-¡chr'r¡ir: i¡i¡.J¿¡i!¡ !i!:eEy iri Éir
r-Únirr:;i'il r..'¡ii1 !iir-'¡¡l{ii¡'ri'r,:. irui ii h:r:; l$rvtt i{¡ ¡n.i rn.q
t'rrre-:r F:1ici ili!.n:!¡triia it!:!lc¡¡¡f:i!lri ii i:: riptic:lll.; negliiaL.
EEv¡rrr:;'rhtrir i:; g:lc:ir..!ttriir: i¡r r.iritrit-c rti ¿iiirk, 1:ale ltrlr.,.rr eirr!
Irl... ¡r .rrrtl i:.,i¡11:,..1¡li i¡( iiltii,..

¿ rq'E'Í!i l¿'iri't', !'r, mrrnirlt' q¡rr ¡.¡ii i¡¡ l¡¡ii g:;l¡1.. i,.¡i,rtr;rll'
É¡!ci:¡t¡¡ofg^,il(!:;!i-i :;r:lrisis- *itc¡g$as:i¡tri i¡r .,,r]:;icles ailii iis:;r¡¡c:, s¡i
:¡riij vllc;¡nit- tr¡r:1,:;. ivl¿l¡lgiinc:.:c.¡icl¡ ¡rirnio*iiic:;;t¡r:r.;i! !¡1

i¡¡l!!lg:rilti:,.: ,lu:¡r4-ri¡5, ¡-ii ¡¡ttrÍrsrl¡it¿¡iic o¡' litrirotherm:¡i o¡igir,

í-':r¿¿i¡¡:;;,'.' F{iv+i:=rr¡¡il. !::i:¡r:. E-'¡¡rri'r: (Fl¡¡i !.r¡irll.



{-':rAl.lSi.{ ),1({ ¡tl},1 l,(i

orl!tri¡ltrinrbic. l¡i;rri;rl ( I )
tt\!. | 'lr(i5 ,---.1.?--=_..-==_=:
rrl\ l,ír7l Li,76 .. -*= ::.::--
il',' I .r)$+ l.{rsíi =...- -:,
= .1

ir l.( lll I
( =====_:_=:-=
. . :':- : .:
.r.{}5 i. ll ==::a:__.:.. .
: .:. 1-:'

!'ttr¡n i¡t :;i(li¡¡t,,tlls: ! ltc slt;t¡rc t¡l r-lctrirltl l;trvsonilc rt:ritl' ü
is rlelrrr¡ri¡rctl l¡v iftr Ire¡lcr-:t I l{}{)} clc;rvaur: lttlrl thcv (}rutti iri
!rlaiv anÍ:t¡litr, ct¡uitlitttettsirinltl. irrcgttlllt r)a rl¡()l¡lliic lr:ig-
i¡¡enis. lhe etlgc:; ttt;tv hL: ri)lllrtlctl. S,itttcli¡trcs;t cttttl¡ilrlu
cuhc,lr¡tl crv:l:tl :tPl¡e¿tts (u1i¡rer. ;r). lilttiil i¡rclLrsit¡tis. (ltllrinlv z
{-l():) l¡rc ¡r(}1 lln{jr¡r¡¡lit(in.'lwirtrtittg ir iii:i¡rrctrl :rtt,-l is cilller
:irnplc !rrtncll;rr.ot ntttltipL: in lwo tlirtetio¡l:: ( [);la(ttlt-1 irvitrllitlcl
k¡rvcr). 'l he tlrill tn'irl lltttcll:te ilrt: s.illla{illlts l)(:lll.

i-'¡slt¡ur: l,;riv:cttilc i:; eolt,tlale-.s rrn,-l li;ts:r higlr lrrslr,'.

'!'llicke ¡ trrv ¡,:rltil'it ¿r [¡lLti:;ll tinqc. rit ¡t¡e !¡itle vtll. 'w.

F!¿:'¡thr¡tisrt¡.' ¡¡.. Pule hlLrc; Ii. !rlL¡i:;h grecn;'i'. Pilltr vLrllt¡u

roliec:rtrlt ri¡tlv rr¡t vcrv tlt¡(-k !lt;ii¡rs.

ílirtii'in¡¿r.ttr'.1-' |.irw:.rlr¡iirr lt¿ts; lr rvt;tk lril,:ilit¡g.,¡lcq: :rntl iht'

iiltrÍiLrrencc Lolrrtrr:.;itc Iirrt ortler 111¡11¡:. gl.t'v or ¡r;tle vt:llrirv
'ilrick gr:iiii:t r-li:¡llltv inlcn:-ive:c(liilql ()r.lcr ol;lIiil(-. lrlltr':tntl
f!:(-l .-1 rtlf5.

l',-t¡i¡t¿-'iiit¡l: j l(){}} r:lcrrv:r!-e l¡l:ltuc ih(ltv:v¡¡l¡ilet¡ie¡tl r:li¡I

iir¡ti. I hrtl r¡i L¡rtgilLrrlii¡¿rl lrirgttl.:rti:; i: ¡i;rrall,,'1.

Initr.ii:rt;ttt" .iittiri:: I lliii] r k'ur,'ui:L: ilitkL-:- pr(]vi(,li-' ;r wL:ll

Ltni¡td aruie l)i\(j{-it¡:i ítgLtt..: rvilh b¡ig.hl i'.1,--l¡¡,t¡tl;tiit-: qrtlrvi::--;rll.; tli:;c,-,1¡¡iblr: t¡¡rlv in iliickr-¡ ::¡¡li¡r:;. :tnil :t cle:ti ¡-l:.itir,-
lign- i:ri:, tii:.ptt:;irrt¡ ii rlcicr:i;thlc-

F,iittt¡¡itiirttt: i'r¡siiir','irt tr¡v:;Í;tl: eliittq:ttcrl o¡l t;r¡t,l t¡¡

rlrt¡r¡rlri, irl;rít'-r iri ihc (lirlrcii(il1 ol Lhc lottg rliagrrtllrl.

! )i,ri iitguishi il,i Í (il¡ Lr f.'.\ :'l hc ¡rllriv. gencrallv :rriuLrl;rr

iornr- ltiglt lLt-*i¡,' ¡¡¡t.l irri¡r¡¡i¡lt rt¡c ili:rg.tto:;iic ¡rl l:tu'r,tli1r'
l i¡liwr¡r¡¡c¡1. iltie!:r¡ r:li¡i¡ls:!íü illi¡:ri likr:l! irr irL: l¡lii]it1l.el1 i!i¡
r:li¡ri¡¡:i¡i:-itc- rs¡icriirllv ii¡i ilti¡:r¡: t'lrr, li l;rtl ir¡ i¡tl,r¡¡l:ll¡¡tl:
i¡rierie¡r:rir-'r- LokrLrii. ¡lr)$(:tu¡. {'li¡t(,tt)i:;i¡r: it:t:; i¡li:li¡¡cL! t:,-
ii¡¡r-:iir¡¡¡ :i¡¡ri rr:;r¡lr!l:,i,ir:lai:,:i:i (i¡l¡iL:r:.:i:; iicr¡¡r ¡iíli:t'-i¡:tirlri
r::i¡gri¡e. r',lle¡t:r:: !:rw:r¡¡¡ii, ,li:.1¡i;rl: ¡! L!(:;!i ¿rqitir-: lti"r,-iii:'.
i¡1,¡¡¡r' I lr, :¡¡r,¡¡r¡:riilllr iiliL r¡( rr'r!{r'rr'l0tl¡.,,,i .."i..ii, i¡'..i.i ¡il
ii . (-li.,i¡¡rfi¡(ii¡ ít!r¡i¡ !iit1,':;!iit¡if. .+¡till¡lu:,ii,-: i.; l¡i;tri;ll ¡rr:,:rii..r
:iitrl ¡rlt*i:ltt<i!r: ir¡ -;i¡ltcl,-:., ci ¡riirí. :tttrl i!:ii. ¡,¡l-r;t¡ ¡¡rrrt¡: rir:ti¡tit
:!:- ¡iir:rltliif. ihir:l:. :ri¡ttL:wl¡:¡i ¡iit¡¡tilctl tr eiri¡r¡rrrl tt¡¡i¡t:; ¡t¡¡ti
Il¡:;:nrtll.,:¡.11.''. I'*r¡r¡t,ri¡ri;t:iot:i;t::c.rr;¡i¡r:".irr,:ltrt!ctl:tcliLllr¡
i;rllr i¡t iltr lt,--;iir: i¡:t,:iiii¡r. ¡tt;ii, llr' !'oirlrr:;.:ii qi¡lr l:rq:i,tiii.
trut tlrri¡ icliei i: ,-'ri¡t',i,i,-¡t¡lrli' lri..r'rl

q".¡{ a ¿j,'-ji'¡li il, ! .rq:!!r¡iIr i:: :r r!i;r¡iir'':1it ¡¡ti¡¡t.¡;li i¡i tll! lti!'ll

¡l¡ti:;:-i!!r i¡l{i:t¡¡¡{¡li!lli::¡¡¡:r¡l¡l iitt¡¡l: ili hltt,-';r:hi:;i:-. illtli:lÍrllhiii

iiir: :t¡¡rl i¡l ",ttrt,,.,,,:iririt.r.

ii¿'¡¡¡tltk};- !ilr:r :rrii¡r!tihti!c i¡r iit.: h.::¡r't ¡iti¡lr¡:tl ltrLtir',il

rrirri':-i¡it;rl i!-rr'¡tiiii;rhiliiv ilt:ti lrtri,¡¡¡iit i:; ¡rrr::.eit1.

i ria!iii:; i¡'iliit i.¡rllr!: {;!} !.r}!rc¡ I\'¡¡{ilrlr¡rr Litil:t:;'.c. bt¡irr

I ¡-l
III..AVY \1INI:rttAI_ I)trs( lUI,'l t()NS ANI) C.()l_()liIt pt,A.t I:S
holc Slrror,-l().1. Il.l2 nt [:r:l¡tcc: (h) ()ligoccnc. I]rr¡lcnlc
Il; Ir¡l,ll,. r\lrtrt L5X)¡.
[-oucr: ()lilocenc \lolassc, S;rvov. lrr;urcc (lr{nlt ].5Sl).



car( tuíg.Fc.r ' ,tuin l( Al.Fi,-r ' .l'i),{ X llH ) -ls¡.-(1,l.

lsi( )4 ir.-lFlri ) : :¿ : .':i . i:i
morioclinic, iri;rri;rl ( 1. ) "::::r,-'i::r.r:::
I t r::4. :

ilt!. 1.671,-t.7..1;: .,,: =:, .' ,a

frli I .ó75,1 .7.';-1 :: ,.:' j-F:' ..:.''-¡i¡l l.7tr4
t\ (i.0l.i t).i):l
.r. ls--j.l-l

Far¡n in setli'.irc¡tls: I'unrpc!lvitc {}ccr¡r-s irs t'adial íihres

¿¡rrarrgcil cithcr ivitl¡in it flttr-sht¡:c iirtr¡t r¡r in ¡rarlllcl ltr
sttblra¡'rtllcl crorvtlt- ¿rlso as clt¡stels ol rtisr:tir:-likc ncctlles.
!.¡l¡,lcil c:¡'vstals and rltrt-sq: uggrcgltc:-. Wcll-iiirnrcd pri:ttls ot'
:utgill:il ur:lins ;Úc \('tv r;rr|

i¿tl¡lur: V:rrirrus :;lrar.lcs ilf grccü .:olotrrs :trc dotttitt:trti

which ran¡¡c l'r'tlrtt ltale vellorvish glectl l() tlerp hluish .qltrcn. #
Sionre greins slti¡rv ;r patchv r:trk¡ttr tlistril¡ulirin. lJ¡orv¡t.
ye llorvish-blorvn iif cokrutle:;-s gt:tins ittc inlr-cqrrcnt.

Fl¿:¡x:hr¡¡i:;¡¡L' Pr¡¡¡ri¡cllvitc is hiLlhlv ¡ileiichriiic rviitt: tt "i.

colourlcss. ¡nle .,,elkxv- ¡rlle gt-cctrish i'elkru,l [i. light glecn,
dccp bluish .::r(jril. l'r-vstlls arc usualll' r-:l¡¡¡lgatcd liarallcl ir¡ v
(y: {i) a¡r¡l ihc dce¡l trluish-gresn i)r grr,r,n li ttltxittru¡l¡
libsrrrption is wcll displavr:tl o¡r manv deifital gl'ains.

Éirtt.frin¡¡e'nt'¿'.' !Joth ihe thir:k¡less r¡l the grai¡ts rl¡rrl Íhü

oricntaiion ril thrr iihrcs i¡¡ilrrcncc tlte intctrsit-v ¡ri ihe intcr'
lercncc, cr¡lours. Ihr::ü i¡r;rv be iir:;t=r¡r'rler rvhilc ¡rr veilorv ,tt¡
ilrin gr:rins. [Je,:ause ril slrrlrtg ilispcrsion tii tltt rtlttic ltsr:s.
¡i]()si ilurllplrllviir r:'lhil¡ii: ;rnom:tlt'us hr(ilr¡l il) vcll()rvish :l.ld
gt'r:yish-lilur' i¡ric¡iereiicr r--(¡l{)rl¡.:1. 'i-hickc¡' g¡;¡i¡rs sho*' inteL-
íe¡cnre e¡ilr¡t¡rs u¡r tc sr:trtntl ortlcl vclkrrv. ()rartgc attrl l)lurt.

il.riirlciiorl: Wiih¡!l Íhc q-lustrrs ol' libr,-'r r¡r l;rths. thc

tsii¡rcriii¡¡ ili thü i¡rd¡vidual¿rl: islip¡rroxintrielv p:rr:¡ilcl.

Inlerjert'ttt'r: .ii¡1ttt't: Prisn;itir .:ari,-'tir:- nr:ry clis¡rlriy' ;r

cg-niÍs-d ecrrtr l'iistcirir iigurc trtt;r blttislr iitrkl ¿rnd sir{)ng ! r'i
ilispcr:;i,rn. Bro;rrle ¡ íi!¡r'r-:s','icLl(lii r:r:rii¡'rr i¡rltrtircncc !iet¡rrjs.

Fililngutiitit: {irrrinronly rreg;rlivr- rr-'e;¡¡;¡llv ¡r,isiii.,,r.

!Pi:;tingui:;hiÉÉ.! .í-É::.ti¿1fi.,r. !ho- iih¡rirrr f¡ahit. qrltc¡r i:rrliallv

i¡r n,jedlr:- rhar:reic¡i:-iir ¡rlerchroi:rti-:rittt
:lr¡'¡¡rg¡-:i! Íih¡q::;
¡t¡ltiurt:¡inir¡ic¡ril,,r: r:iilr¡ut:: ¿¡¡rri gc¡r,:¡:tllv ilr{l{ivr: r:i¡inultiiorr
¿¡¡e rcliahL,' itrr!!t.itic:: ft¡¡ ihq rli:rgnori: qii i¡rrmFc'llviíe Thr
ntii{l.ri¡i!tl'!. hir¡h r,-lici ::L.'ivl.':; i{}.listin-r:ui:;lr ii ir,.r¡lr:i¡oi¡gll
plcrr-'hroir !-!rLrrilr Prrnt¡icllvilt i:; iitu:.,i like ll- aq¡ trc ¡lri:.,i:¡k-tit
iirr ihr r¡rirliitt ¡¡ti¡¡t¡:rl:.,. iji¡11,¡',,¡'1. ii:; iihiou:., h;rt¡it. iirrvc¡ il¡
di:;iitret ¡rlerielii.i¡ir:;c!¡e¡t¡.: {er¡recieliy ii:. !¡liti::h:tl¡arlt};r¡ld iirr
:¡i¡üm:rlou:. ¡nli-'íl¡ri;Í¡rL:.:iil.]urs;!r;:;i:,i in {lie tli:.,iiiigr¡i:ll¡i¡tg
l¡u¡¡rFc l lvi¡c iriir¡¡ i hrr i¡im.:i- grori¡'. Fii bri ¡u: ;r nr¡rli i iroie:- :.1t,'rr
lrigheÍ orilcr'!!1trafu¡L:¡lL'c i='i;lottrs. lafg.-r t-:.;linctr,rri:trigl,-':titd
!l¡i:iiiiva rlo¡rg;iiicrr. Sr¡nr.-: pui¡rF*li,viit: :rggrcg;rtc:; ic:;ri¡¡rhle
glarrclnii¡, lrtrt il¡r ¡r:iicí s¡í íhc l:!ii.ii is li¡.v.='f. t]rirm;¡iie
¡lr¡¡¡larellvit.:; :rrc :;i¡nil¿r ii¡ iltr .¡ t-¡r i¡nrlalll:riia v;l¡itir-
.,.rridi¡.-" bui holli air yerv ¡r¡'r i¡¡:redi¡rrc¡tis. N''1,)rLr tl¡-:il¡il:: c¡r

rlcilital i'unr¡rc,llyiit: i:an l-'r: Ír¡u¡¡r! in Fvlltrr.lre-!l,ajei¿k1 ii

(]trc¡'hiirisli I IilH{rl.

{'¡ t.!fl{it{';:: iouiiipr:!l-il¡.¡ i:; ii .ltilr:rttrri,;ii,' i¡i¡r.'rltl ,ri

IIr^VY MIN¡rl{/\l f)l:S( ltll)ll()NS ANI) (()t.()t jt{ I't.AII:S

blLrcschislr lrntl !rcclrsclrisls :rrrtl is thc inticx llillenrl ol llte

low'l:l':ttlc ptcltttilc'-¡runrpcllyilc l;rcics. l1 is c¡rrrrut,lt ll
nrellrrtttrr¡rhosctl ilrtrt¡sivc rocks iln(l lnlry lr¡ f¡rr¡lerl hv
httlrolhcrrlirl ;rcli()n in ;rntvgtlirlcs iutrl in vcirrs. r\:lygrl;rlcs in
brrsirll. :rntlcsjtc :rntl spilitic blrs;rll nlry trlso conlitilt ¡rrrnr-
pellyilc. It hirs lrccn rcl)()rle(l 1r()tlt n'lcl:t-trev\\,:lckes :nt(l
siliccors qncisses.

G r u i t t S./fr,rltl.' l-orvcr M ioccnc M ollrsse. \'r,e rrL in. Su,i I ze l -

land (Nlnrt l.5lt2).

I{ !trÍif\1,\i i ittEt rt t¡,
'B'<:ca q-EEaaEÉEBÉ: grÉFE
a E

€ ;!'i¡!'¡itl ii¡r¡irul:r:
l.!:i( fui g.i rr.. tui ir. I i. n I ). i l,.i :i¡,,i i,., l{ iii ), i r( i ) ! l.l i
) ¡

ltig'¡¡uil. rr¡¡i;r:i:¡l { }
i l¡r: lr¡t¡¡r¡¡:tli¡¡r a¡.il¡ll. {i¡i!l}¡ ¡:tr::; ilttr-r' ¡r¡ i¡¡t i¡r¡¡! c(i¡i¡ptr:.ili{¡¡t;¡l

¡i¡i!!i!rj:;¡itil iril¡f ¡¡i'i I¡¡t(- r'¡, I ¡ ;¡.,,ill

;ti'i Ltr i:; !.irí¡I

ii i).{tl | {l.ii ii¡
¿ IrE l.l:;
i¡irn lrirr¡ r¡r;lli¡tr I't' :¡ l¡ri¡ I

intt Lir5r ¡.í¡l-,

itl |.ñ,15 l.r¡i(l
I il.t)li {!.{l l:;
i 1 lli ll)
lilhiilr;i i(¡r¡r¡irilli¡¡e r¡¡ illr;¡i¡r
,'i¡,! L{}ii} iirtia
:ti ¡ttl:, lr,ll¡
¡ (' iltT i| ¡lr ¡

¡:. i.0t I lt¡

!ji:¡viic;r¡rtl:.rirrr¡l-;¡.-. wcll;r:;:-rlr¡,¡l:¡¡¡rl cllr;rilc. lo¡iu.r

i-,iniiiiu('u:- :¡¡iirl :r¡llii,'tr :r'tir':;- Irui iltrtc i¡ ;t¡¡ i¡i¡¡i¡ir,-'illilrlv
:..r¡r i'r'irr, r ¡t , il';¡r¡r' rrr,l ,lr;rt tl,'

4"it¡¡¡¡ j¡' .;¡'¡!ittts'tl!.;; ! lr¡r..,. i¡¡i¡r.¡i:rrl lr;r::ir: lr;ilri¡: gir, ir.,

i(i r'r{¡if¡ilr'11., '.,;tf¡iililr' iL'i¡iiltl li¡¡¡¡i¡!l¡lrigr;. ! !¡..¡-.. :t¡(,.: .il¡r¡!l
rl. ¡:r-it¡ ¡¡ti:;¡ir:; *'iilr irrtui¡i;itioi¡1: :ii ri¡lt. {}! ¡;l¡alV, ;rl lr¡¡lll
r¡i¡i:; i r¡:rl¡¡'¡ : :t i- ¿,'ir¡ i!.--;¡¡ ¡¡ ¡;!!!xt!!¡l! :¡¡ :;¡1-:;irL'rl lt;t:;;tl
.,r'r'i!{!¡1:;.:liri{!i¡(1-'r! ilV Li!!:r!'lL.:riiit('!(i
iliiiiri¡{ {lrlll-!!r¡. ir;iilil c) . .. .t =::= :.

;tt:,i ,-i¡lLt¡i¡¡¡;t¡ ir¡ :l¡-i¡ Lil;t¡ :!sr¡¡,'.{it¡r-':: ¡¡¡ ¡;rrii;rii¡¡.g i¡r'ü(ll( 5,

i!rillr!'r:rl). fl¡( ¡ji¡¡r-rirr.rr:¡¡r'l:r¡L.!rrlq¡it¡¡rt¡¡l¡ii;riil¡r'i¡rr¡lte¡ -.==,, '

--:.::: :
i.lttiiiig::,:<liiit.::ll:iir:: !r¡{ifia'-.t i :iir' !¡it:.nlr ii.rtiLtrt ¡rr,,,iLt,itir
:r¡ir¡rr;r1ii-ii:¡l-'¡ilr'¡¡i::;r¡rrl!¡¡''lr¡l;t¡,i¡nIt!!:t¡ {¡a.jtlilialinl!:ils¡()r)irl
¡r:riiiclc:;- .ijl¡irll i¡i ii!!n :r¡i:rin v:u¡(iui- ila!.isr-'1i i¡i ¡¡iu¡¡(liir!'.
jiirr¡irri,-il -j¡;li¡¡: lr,-,-,,!¡¡r' .-lg :ii;rpcrl- l¡rnq rlliP:r¡itl:ri ¡rr
:;¡rlrri ir';ri (::cr',irrri !r;t:r' ¡¡irl-\'t i. l !r'!r{r:;il:r iriilt rl¡¡x!'(l i}r()\'(--!t
;!¡¡¡--.-' iil;tV i:!¡!¡¡;!iti ;! l:t¡' rlti! r! .,i ¡,)ilitil,rlil1r iilr'tlllr(il{i*\'.
i l, r.. ¡", r.,¡ ¡ii!¡!!r¡jrliir, :r¡, ir.¡., ir,¡¡¡ ¡rl!i :11:tiii., .,r'tt,.ritti...
!':jirillii ::iii;iiiri¡t:;. it¡r'l!tr¡{ii::; :t¡f i !t¡¡t¡il{i¡l ;t¡i,1 .':lrr ir¡q!i,;li.'
:j:i:i¡'- t:l:l! ¡l:i¡:i1¡-.r¡ii::rq'::, irr:¡¡r'i' iirr:1 iiir' ltar'ijtl ::¡i!i., : ,:i
..!"... ¡¡.¡¡¡,. l¡¡,.1¡¡..¡,¡i¡...!iq ¡rri¡¡r tr' ¡,:¡ :¡¡.rt'tr. i!!, .j¡,.,ti, i
,1. i,ili:!.J i:i:,!iii¡ liljr:r.. :)li:ii¡i( ¡!i:,it¡i. .,.. ,...:! !a.
::!r L!.;¡r-:: ilt¡icl :-ir;!¡¡¡ic.,:ii¡Ll 1':ril-i!;il:l!.'!iri:; itit¡rtiiiiir':, ti.iririrl
:;irr -¡rirfili:, ír¡','r'¡¡¡:rri,iir::, :;r:L{¡¡ral ¡r:l:l!' :{i*f¡ i !!i!1rr. iic(.:i
i¡.'!-¡ilr';¡i!'., ¡r':,-¡¡¡Íit¡ ii¡¡ ¡.ittir¡iitli¡:{' :11;it:t:; ! itr':,i- !i'¡ii¡ i-iil¡. r
:j¡iiilirr-:lir':¡ll! iir!ri!!! .¡i:1.!':it:.,i:; ¡r¡iil :¡¡r' i:t ri¡riir':rl !'r¡iri!iiil!¡-:
.¡'!i¡¡ ilf:'i¡¡;:;i *i-'i¡¡ i;¡.;lr- iiii:iriiii;i¡i¡¡!'ii ilv áir'¡r¡t ,t i;t!t(l¿!¡i!
É !'!il'; i . i i! yr'¡i i[] s;:! ¡ i!l ,r¡Li Í; i::l ii'¡i¡ ¡;;:¡li¡ri':; r ¡i :,,,'rii ¡¡¡r'¡:!:, :,:,.!¡i!i

l¡¡irir;';r¡i¡¡¡:¡¡!'i;r¡¡l!¡¡¡!!¡i:;!¡t:::!¡¡¡l:tir-'i¡t ti¡ii¡(i¡l iii:it'!i¡lit¡¡|ltit

+i¡i¡ ¡irr ii.':¡i¡rrl :j¡:ii¡¡ ! hr' il!¡iL¡ ¡ll¡i\ fr..irft¡! !¡r'r' itrriitliir¡
:¡ii!'¡ ::l¡il::,-'.iii('¡ii i!-'n¿!; i';lif gilr-r'iillai lliigr' !¡!:!.'i-i : lll i i¡r' ¡l¡r¡rl¡'
;!¡1(1.:i..L r;i:iiiiiri¡r-'itiI r;;t;g;ii*ilr:;.,.:r¡',.ilq¡¡;i:riiri!lt{';i:.:
,t:: i,.it, ,., I r!!¡ 1!t' ¡rtr", ! It' r'r. rr¡r,r',ll¡ ir':rll:. :¡r r!r,.
¡ii¡¡ ¡ ¡iq¡i¡ ¡;i i!¡... ;:::i:. ;ii¡,i iiri:; i¡;l¡ ¡iir¡l;ii :¡¡¡i:r¡ ii.. i:. !rr':.1 -r.-¡r
,'¡¡ ¡i¡i.,¡¡¡.1¡¡i 1¡,,j¡¡-. iri:L i!. ili!'.,, it!l!lr'ii¡' :tl i¡!lr' .'iial i;ti !ltr.
:;;¡iiir:i¡¡ir.; irliL-;¡q¡i;¡rliil¡ ir¡ Áliv ltlii) !lr¡:r r!!f r¡:ir;rllr,
¡.:¡! :¡i.; ¡¡ti, i:;i¡:'.i¡!t. ,'i '.¡¡¡:rli !!!!¡r'.r,li¡,ll iitt,!tt, .r¡ , r,t¡!rij
ir'¡¡rii¡: r,r,!¡ir'i¡:¡¡r-:¡!s¡i¡ii¡':¡!rr'¡¡!i¡¡rrii....¡i¡h¡l¡.'ilq'¡¡il;¡¡

HF.AVY MI Nl iRAt. t)E:l{'RIlr! 1{}Nsi ANt-! r.'{ ¡l.r -}l r l::- E'1.^ ! i:-q-

bur' their c!¡l{lut rs usuallv palc !l..efr {i¡ blur:, bttt strnlctilllcs
ih.:v lai:!- aol(,ur'. Ttie overgtirvlh:; are u:uallv iveklcd to iht:
host glain L¡v :;r¡¡¿rll '¡1!{}i:;" Ti¡rv frequcnlly t'ilclusc rllitluta
impu rit ic:;. f-lcrtain featu res rcsemi¡le tiveigrr-rrvt tts :i trrl thcsc
¡leed t.J [¡e rc,iognizetl in iirtler 10 avoir] cr¡nfusiriti. Gt'uin:; '==:- a:.=:
- =='.:-
having tlisconlrnrrous riptic:al zo¡rine ¡nav ;rppcar similar iri
¡hc¡se witt¡ trvcrgli¡rvlhs, l¡rri ilistinr:iion L-lln hL: mad.i bv lh.
- ::-
laek Lii- 'ruLrts' Gn tlie f$ir¡rer. Fr:ilrturing anri thinning of thc
grain:; ai r¡ne cnd. r¡r sr¡metimes ecllctrtirrg ¡n¡tcrill adhl:ring
it: tttr grain, c¿¡n b{; n¡istakcn h¡r:rri {r.rergrriE,th. lrut tlr* lattc:r
i:; in optiea! diseontinuitv rvith ihe tourmalinr: grain. '!'hc
¡Jeíriial nrinr¿: r¡í il¡r: nr¡cleu:; c¡¡¡¡ l¡c ¡secrtaitred [¡v ex¿¡¡ritrtut
ii u¡rrlcr higlr magnifieaii¡¡n and ihis u:;uallv re veels iilr ¿lbradcd

tOlr.tUf : '!grtrnt¿¡lin¡ clisplav:; ;i rvirle illinge r)i r()l{lr!¡:r ail.l

= --:
thesc:trt. in g.^n.-'ra!. in¿lirrati¡rn:; rtí c.:;¡!rir{rsiiiiill. Irrlt]-l¡t-;¡rin!' -r €=--:-::-=
-::==:.--:.:- =
tt¡ttrn¡ali¡¡c,.; it!-r- vcf! tl;¡rk (¡i¡rri¡:;i ii¡r:tilrrc) or ilec¡r ltlue-
tltrailes have light tir dctp hl¡¡r {indinriitc} ¿n<l pir¡}.: {¡trtrti-
litc) shade::. ar¡¡l dravitc is darL: hr,.iwr¡, ycllrrtt o! ¿rl¡losi
c(l[ourk::-\s. Llnusi¡¿il tiltl:¡ ¿rrr: ¡rrr*-lrrcctl hv V¿u'iou:] r¡ciitllic:
i¡¡ns. {lck¡u¡ zoning is frcr¡ur:rri. 'l'hi:; is visihlqr cithcr ll:; ¡oninc_
ahrng fhc ¿-¡l;ri: or:¡s cokrur hand: on thc l¡asil Jrinacoitl,
V¿u irriltiufr:d t,-ittt ¡ttalirtcs iirc !r()i u¡lc(-it¡lmolt. ltt lhis i¡tsl¿¡rtcc
the cokrur is patchv iir onc portion oi thr grain tiispllv:;
st!'ikillg,lv elifferc¡r¡ -sl¡¿¡dc:, ir-¡ tlre ¡ith¿:r.

Fleo,i:llrttisr¡t' -[-ourm:iliues"
¡-rpeeially í!¡e irrir¡-[¡u¿rriur
varielies, havc slron g and disti ¡retive ¡ri.-'o.-hroisnr. Mt¡ xi nr r utr
ab-ror¡liirrrr appe:rrs rvhcn iht krng aris i:; lving pcrÍ¡cnrlieular
tc thc vihration cliteeti¡¡tr oi llre ¡rrilari:r:f, l¡¡ r¿rrc ,-'asc:r-
fragme nts oi thc ba:;:rl ¡rariing shriru rcvrrscd nl¿llirllr!nl
ahso¡p1l¡¡. [t'on ft¡urnt¿iline¡ sh,rw ¡rleoclrroi:rn r:ithcr lrrlrr
vcllorv l¡rown to pale yclltir'; !¡!'lÍonl dcclr hlrrr. tlarl: gr.ccrr trr
p¡lc ycll(]w of cr¡l(¡urlcss- The plcochroisnr cl rrttglrcrilrrr
tt¡urnalines is in sh¡ties rií ¡rale vr:lkrrv. liihiurn iou¡nr:¡lincs
lrra: ú)lourlcss in the ¿. dirccticn ¿tnel h:¡vc- ¡tiil.^r íint:: rii
n¿rlural colot¡r (i.c. light lrlur. grern rir ¡rink) in thr rlircction
of nl¿lxilnttr¡t absorption. I-iasal l¡:rr-firrgs ()r gri¡in:r r¡rirrrtcd
accrlrding to thrr has¿rl L¡inar:oicl usuall.v laek pll-.r!-hroisnt.

B iretringt- ttt-c'.''lirurnralirrc h;¡:: sf rri¡lu lrirefrinse¡rce ¡rnd

high<rlclcr intcrlcrencc ii¡its. thr--tr¡:h fhcs* ¿irc usu;lllv rrlr
scurcd bv sttonq trrilreral cokrur. Nu¡ncr{)us nilrro\v polari:r:a=
tion crerlour bantl:; :rrc best sccn in pale ¡rrisniatic craitls. B¿is¿il
seetio¡ls havr- dull inlcrftLcncrr tinI..¡ arrrl s(!n¡c :rpltca! ¿llDlost
Exti¡tcfiotl: Irrisnrs and fllignrcrris ekrng¡ferl on r. it¿¡ve
¡rarallcl extirrrrtion.

lnErferen|e ligure: Tournrali¡re is uni:ni:rl. l¡ut pri-rnrs.

fragmenls und rounclerl gntins errncrirll! vickl hi¡5ixl ¡ig¡¡¡,;
ohscrved ¿ls sh¿rd()w: of trv¡r istigvre-' lc;rving lhq: lit:kl ¡ut-¡.¡,t
()n stagc rrrtirtion (si¡r¡il:rr t¡r lliaxill li;tslr ligrrrc-t). fjootl
cc¡rtred uni:r:ial figurr-s alc crhil¡iii:d bv b¡5¡¡ s.cti.¡¡l:i_

Elttngatirtn: Nrq;rlivc. L:xc.pi lirr sonrc lr':rgilrcnl:r ol' th.

Lrasal plirtirrg- whicli nray- havc pr¡sitive rlonslrli¡r¡:.

Distittguishitl-q .i¿r!furel: Tor¡rnrrrlin.: i:r l¡rc iil tlre rir(i:ii

cortlnloir anri c:lsilv rerrrgni;:;lhli: clct¡'itlil n¡iirel;rls. ll i:;
rliirgno:crl hv nroilcratc lclir-f, highly v:rri:rl¡L: rno¡'phrrlo¡v :i¡ril
col¡iurs, :rs q,ell lts ¡ni¡rk-L:(l ¡rlcoc'lrroi:;m, l;c::¡rtivc rkrrig;ilr,rri
¿rnd l¡ck of i:lcar,,age:;. { ¡tlt¡urlc:+ {f::ins nl:rt.. l¡r: r¡rislltkcn iul

andalusitc. topaz or sillirnanite. but a clear uniaxial figurc on
their basal plane assists in diagnosis. Vcrv dark grains can
casily be orerkroked as opaques. In this casc insertion of thc
rccessory ctrnrlcnser uslr¿rllv rcvcals colours at thc thinner
crids, or rollinq thc gr¡ins onto anothcr facc nray yield lightcr
colours. Grccn prisms are most likely to be mistakcn for
acgirine or for certain amphiboles. Thc bluc varicrics rc-
scmble alktli amphibolcs or rlumortieritc and the brorvn-
colourccl o¡rcs rcsemtrlc brown hornltlentlc. Aegirinc hns a
hiqher rcliei. rvcaker pleochr()isln, strongcr interfcrcnce
colt¡urs anrl shou's clcuvages. Tlie revcrscd absorption of
amphiboles iln.l dunlortierite, thL- positive elrrngation t¡f nrost
anrphibolcs (except sonre alkali amphiLrolcs). as wcll as the
r¡oocl amphibolc cleavages, aicl clistinction. tlypcrsthcrrc hus
higher retractive indic¿s and is lcngth slo*. Sonte ycllorvish-
brorvnish angular fmr¡nrcnts of tourrnalilre rescmblc staurolite ,
but thc lattcr has a hishcr relicf and lorver- birefringencc. The
rliagnosis of rr c-ll-rountlcd toururalincs prcsents no difficultics.
as other colourccl ntin!.rals (¿p¡rt from rutile) seldo!l .rtt:lrn
srrch cxtensir c rounding. ln acoli¡n sedintants anr¡rhitritlcs lnci
pvr()xenes nr¡r'be sintilurlv rotrnticri, but clcalaqe tnrccs ol
thc former iind the highcr relici of thc lattcr help to tlistinguish
t he nr.

Occ'urrcttt'e: Tournnline cnstallizes in granites. qrrnirc

¡rctrnirtit*s. iir ¡rncurnltttrlitic Vcins and ¡n er)nlitct- t)r rc¡iorr-
lully nrctuntorphosetl rt¡cks. In schists, gncissL.s and ph,,llitcs it
nlrl lirr¡r l¡r nlctltsorrrlrtisl¡ ()r ()ccrlr lrs |r:crrstallizcd clctrital
{nrins. 'Iirurnlrlincs oi thc sch()rl clbaitr: scrrcs are lounil in
t1r¡rritoirl r!)cks. [-ithirLr]t tountlrlincs. t¡ltcn ii'itlr hi-qh r rri.r-
ti()0 ()l ct)lr)rlrs :lft(i c0ltt¡rttsiti0rt, itra lrcscnt itt s0tnc
pcgnlirtitcs iln(l liita-stilgc grtrrtitic vcins. Nllrqntsiitn t0Lrr-
ttLrlincs occrrr in s()ntc rnctant()t¡rhic scltist:. in ntdt¡sr,ntirtir
rocks irntl in ccrtuin trtLsic igncotrs rocks.

llclil¿¡¡k.s:-l',,urrnalincs arc uitlcs¡rrcud in ¿rll tr'¡rcs ol

dctritirl scdintcnts trn(l ltre Lrltrastatrlc lrotlr rlcch:rnic;illt. antl
clttnticlrllt. I)olvcvclic toLrrnurlinc !nrins crtrrlcrl frtrrrr Irc-
cxisting silieielrstic tlcprrsits lrrc *ell to relr rrcll rorrnrlctl irrrti
ilrc itss()cilltc(l \\'itit e(luillly rrcll torrntlcrl zi¡co¡rs;rnrl rLltilcs.
'l lrt rrrirrclrlogic;Li ¡niltrlrit\ rrl t¡ s'tlilncnt
clrn lrc crP¡cssetl lrt
iitc zit cott -tottt rri,riirtc-r utiic ( z t H) irrrlcr ( F{ultcr t l9(rl).'l itc
stu(l\' ()l vrrricllrl trPcs. rvhich trinrs lrt tlistinguishint \irri(,u\
tnot ¡rltolirur . colorrrs. zortirrg arrrl iltclr¡sions of totrrntalinc
türirrs. elrrr rcrc¿l significlrrrt trcrrtls. ('h:r¡lrctcristic tourrnalinc
tVJlcs rllll\' pror,c irrr¡rort:r|rt l()t c()t fclirtir)g ecrttrirr slrrrtl b()ilies.
tracing scdinrcnt sourcc antl rlispcrsal (p.19). i\ conricrrsctl
rcvicu ol thc totrrnlalinc qroul) in sctlirrrcnts was [¡rcscntc(l [)\'
Kryninc (l(116).

(jruitts Jrotn: I:úst p¡sL- u[]pcr: (a) -l'crriurl . North Sca: (t¡)
Jurassic. Nurth Scal (c) At¡rritanian, Ncrthc-Chairr. south ot
f"nrncc: (cl¡ ( arlronilcrous, trr¡rcholc \\'ciuch. lJ-ll nl, Srvit-
zerlurtcl; (e) Oligocenr- Nkrl¿rssc. bortlrole Wci¡ch. 5l rn.
S*itzcrlarrtl (trlrrrt 1.5X1;.
Sccontl prrgc uppcr P()lvcvclic grai¡rs frorn various ln¿rturr
sctlirncnts ( \lnlt l.5lil I.
Sccotttl pl¡gg lowc¡: (irairrs lrrc frorn thc [-orvcr Cre tlrccous.
norlllcnr -l'unisilr: (ir) rlet¡it¿rl gr:rilrs *ith ¿Lrthigcnic ovcr-
grorvthsi (h) gririrr rvilh rotrrrtletl ovcrgrorrthl (c) atrthigcnic
ovelgro*th intergro*n rvith t¡uartz. (tl) tlctuchctl authigctrie
ovcr{Ir¡*th { \lrrrt l.5ltl¡.

l:irAr.rY trc!i![:i?¡'=.i' iiE::,:l']l'f iii.J.'; .'ii'-Ji,' i'{ !1.{ -:tl!: i'l .'., i! \

ii .r hiri i r i ." . .l:.,,. ', .ft li I

¡¡ ¡ii:¡¡i, I'i;i::lri í !

i.'i i r'Ji i ¡'qll

¡¡i', ;r.:i! ¡7lt¡
ii¡' i l'ii! ¡ /lli
¡: t¡.txl!: ii.{}i ¡

i i líi r. Jit

Á j
i'1ir'iii iit :;.:¿!li?¡i:iii,i-
-- =.
r=1:':i¡liir :¡iliri-:itf:- ii:r irr('ri!l¡¡ - !'.li¡iil¡
!ii!'¡!:r¡i¡¡i;,¡:. t¿¡rt!v il¡:rii¡()r¡d-:lia¡-rrrl ui¿¡;¡r: '! hr:i! r-'it!!l!:f:r lr¡i
i¡íiqii ili¡it¡lrla:ii i¡!r¡-¡ ilir i-i',,slal ii!f{:r Étr:i¡rtr'li!',:,hsre:;¡i¡:ti!
inrieni:¡air¡t¡:.,- í,:iel! ¡l:¡¡1.-:¡¡t!r.if :tÉii¿!E! .-c¡rci¡oiii:¡l !¡:t¡-:iii¡,-':r. !'h,:
di:;iiirci { !íi{i} clr::',,::gr nri¡v ilii ai..'¡('.:i:!l¡lr ¡=:i¡¡i¡¡'r'¡'v::i:¡!r';¡tr
ü{r!ir!¡i1¡¡!l-! fi¡¡!i¡ii!: :rl ctl .-vr-rl!r-i: ::hiillÜi¡ :;i-:¡-t{r¡:. !.,i1!¡Ll: l¡¡i¡u flq'
¡irl:qigi!¡:.('ii i¡¡ ::¡t¡1,.1 gr:rili:; {}n;rt¡tii' it¡¡(i ;t.-\r::l:i!!iij :itiliir:l!
i¡rcltt:;ii¡n:: iif.r ir!-a!u.¡li.

4\¡i¡tur- !:;:i¡:1¡¡i¡r¡i¡ airri dir!! vr'l!+tqish bror..n, u:;u:rli! rtiilt;l

¡;ui'¡rlisl: htl,:. ¡¡tr: itra¡I{il}c:ii:',llll(lcts ¡ll¡i:iri¡lli'tiri¡ill5;!iL
Lr()lot!ilc:i5. o¡ violci" :ií:rl il!¡-tsr {¡i ill(' ¡r!:tngalli¡:llt !.':rticir.:
rlispl¿rv v¡:lli¡r.:- {-}}:illg{j i¡¡¡d tirrl L-qr¡{¡r¡i:; i ül0ur.r0¡rillg ilj;rv llr'
¡lIL-Sr:ll: -

Iti¿ ¡¡¡:it't't¡i:;¡¡t-- lli:i¡i!:t! :r:ri¡¡ii,-':. ilic ¡liril{.'t'iii.-lf i¡ir*chlri¡

w¡lh :! ii¡r!¡-"rii :;liglri ¡-i¡r'ri. vii)1.'i oi ¡rrrr¡rli::li: ii. vlliriiv il liglii
¡rrrrplish hrorv¡.l'i. hlrri:;h o: vii¡lei b¡otli¡, T. l);il!-lt!(i1vi¡. il¡¡lcl
vit¡lci. q¡ lr¡q¡1..,¡¡i1-l¡ i:¡r-'r, ¡!

fli.,-t-í-rin!!¿-'nc¿'.- Wcll: enri iirc iiri¡'¡1c¡r!¡r'r L'!.r!¡:r i¡¡i {!r'-v.

1¡,l1i1q: ii¡ li¡si-orel*¡ !'(:ll.jli,. {!¡i ilrit f. gilrirrs lllr' eokrurr r;¡ll¡e
t¡F li) :;ceiirr{l-0rtlcr itr:ing.' (ii f-raüil irui tlr¡ v ;rr,: tt:.turll'.
t!¡¿r-ckL:Ll l;v ilrr r¡atu¡¿rl crjltrLli oi ilit- ¡¡ii¡¡r-¡;¡1.

{i.tiir¿tii¿tt¡: !¡¡ciir¡ril ir¡ r-'leirv:r¡:¡-' i¡:r¿-r-':;. l¡ir¡ si:riri:- rriirii i;ril

lo c::ti¡rgrrisi¡ i¡¡ ¡¡1r,' pcsiliiin.

!ttÍrr.f/:rl:rt<'t' .figurt,. '! h!: !¡i¡ii¡r ilv ¡)l i!x¡¡lii(: gfil¡ltr !i\! i!¡!
*rll-cct.:i¡c <i¡-tiic :r;ri:; íigrrrr u'itir il na;rrl'r' s¡r;rirhi ¡tr)r';r!. ! h!
thir:kc:¡ g¡¿¡;,¡,, :;lli¡lv :evei:ri i:;i¡r:lt¡'ii¡¡ics :ti(l ::ir(¡n9 .;--i
cl is¡rer'..;iiirr.

EIo¡¡Etltit¡n: LongiirrtliriaI:;ctlion:; lr:rvr: ¡r<i:;ilive ri{)¡rrirt¡,}1.

llistiitiluishinE .fr't!ít!ría..;: Iiigli re lirf eouplr.l rvi¡h liir..,

l¡ilr,lri¡i¡cnce, rltrll crrkrurs ¿¡¡rrl {hcil ¡rinkislr Qt lurl}lish tillitu.
its lvcll lls It¡tideriite ¡rlcOchroisnr. ilrrt chrr;1,,:lriri:;lic. 'l llr rcliei
¡:rl llrory¡r liitunr¿ilinc i: lorvct. ii is slrorigly l)lr('!-llr.)iL' ;rir(l
Uninliiirl. 'f'hr: plcoeh¡'r¡i:;¡r¡ oi all¿r¡rile ii :;tr()ngcr. Sl:¡ur¡rliic
has hrightr:r i'r¡lr:iLrfs ¿tld i¡l()fe lllierl:i¡..,r-'inicrictenc* liltts.'l ht:
l;rr{r' !'::tinciiti¡r a!lgla irl iii;rri:rrrgrie. iosclhq^l rvitli it:: !rigtr-
ilr(lci irilLrflat'ei¡cc eoiour:.. scrulj ic iiisiiitgL¡isl¡ ii iiir¡l

€ j¡'¿'ufft¡lt:¿:': ,ri¡init.: rs il ('l¡itiitcict¡:tiiri ill¡nci:ll o¡ .rtitt;t!i

itlcl;ilri¡illh¡a: ;¡1!tf(¡lr:- ireirt¡¡:e¡i {iitalrr!r1;!ic ¡ocl::; lrr¡r! g;r¡riitic

ini¡u:ri..r-':r- lioctut:;:¡i:;i¡iilvcilr::;!¡iiic;rr-';i!(::irr¡i:¡iiiir:::.rii;rltr'
iiiti tt:;ivc:- ;r¡iil ir:rs;ri1.

iifai¡1..t li'r¡¡¡¡.' lir:¡rh r¿rriti. i:ll !ur:. ¡l i¡¡¡rr..;lll. l:ircl:r¡r¡

lh/¡rili l.í¡r'r.l).


General considerations

Pvroxenes are onc rrf the ntost important rock-forming Lithiunl pyroxene spoclumene h¿rs been reported from secli_
nrincrals. l¡ut of the nr¡nv menltrcrs of thc pyroxenc group ments (lvfilner 1962), but it has a restricteel paragenesis and it
ttnly a fcrr ()ccur cot¡lt¡tonlv as clctrital grains. Pvro\!-nes arc generally forms as large crystals_ Therefore, thc chanccs of
chcrnicalit unstable in sediments ancj thev tlissolve at un early, finding it in amounts sufficient lor positive iclentiflcation arc
stege of diagcncsis. -l-hcrefore, thcy arc fountl onlv in eithcr rathcr ¡emote. Its cL-scription is omittecl front the present
rrell-sealctl ¡ncicnt sccliments or in l-oungL'r cle-posits. trut in book.
both cases thev are valuable inclicators of provenancc-.
The chcnristry of a p¡rticular pr foxe nc- s|r'cics pro\.idcs the
basis of accur¿rre idcntiñcation. Chcmical data plottcd in the
triangular diugrant ol Polden.aart ct Hess (19-51), pro¡rosecl for
the Ca\fqSi,O.-CaF'c.Si.Oo-Nfg.Si¡O-Fc',Si¡On sysrcnr. rvill
cnable anv l)\,roxenL. species to be namc-tl (see Dccr el a/.
1975. p. 3) thus providing useful cluc's tr¡ provcnancc.
Within thc' pvroxenc sroup r$o principal subdivisions exist:
orthopvrosencs *ith orthorhombic and clinopvroxenes *,ith
¡lonoclinic svntntctr\'. Bascd on crlstal chcntistr\'. p\rr)xcnes
¿r!'cl¿rssitierl ¡s follo*s (Deer cr ¡¿l. l97E):

l\l¡qnesiuln-iron pvro\enes
0rthopl rorcncs (cnstatite-orthofcrrosiIitc')
(Nlg.F.r' ).Si.O.
Pisconitc. (Nlg.Fcr-.Ca)(\ts.F¿r, )Si.O.
Ca{citrrn pvrorúr'lcs
l) ioirsitle- l lctlcrrbc¡oi¡¡ Cir ( flls. trc: - )SirO,,
Ausitc (Cir.lvlg.Fcr'.\l),(Si.Al),t),,
F¿rssuirc Ca(Nlq.f:er ".t.c''.Al)(Si.Al).O,.
JLrharrns¿nitt ('a\fnSi,O,,

C¿tleiurlt.sltliunt f\ rr\\cn(\
Orrphlcite (¡rqirinc-¿usitc-)
( Ca. iriu)( Nlg.Ft'r *.Fe",.\i;Sr,O,,

Socliunr p\ r()\cr)!-s
Jltlcitc NriAlSi,(),,
.\cgiri¡tc Nirl;cr'Si.(),,
[.Jrt:r'itc Nrr('rSi,O,.
[-ithirrrrr Pvro\crrcs
Spotlunrcnc LiAISi.O,,

()l thc ¿rtrovc thc'follorving s¡.:ccics htrvc bce n rcporterl frr¡nr

Orthopr roxcncs oI thc solid solution scries cn.sfatitr.-<¡rtho-
ferrosilite u ith intcrntetliuto nlcrnbcrs bro¡rzitc. hvpe¡s¡hc¡1..
lcrrohi pcrsthcnc ¿tntl r.ulitc. ln cuscs rvherc gruins arc
tliagnoscd onlv lrl thcir of)tical pro¡)cttics, thc colourlcss antl
()pticirll\ positir.c f\roxL.ncs ¡rc iclcntilictl ¡s enstltitc and thc
colourcti. plcochroic and ol¡ticullv ncgltivc spccics as hrpcrs-
t hcnc.

C'alciurrr p\rorenes: Cert¡in nrcnbcrs ol thc clio¡rsi¡lc. q¿¡¡¡.

ferrosllite hedcnlrc'rgite solitl-solution scries. lurtl cspcciallv
¿ruilitc ¡rrinerrls, irrc prescnt in nttny dctrital se(lilltents.

Calciunr-sotliurn pvroxencs: .\cgirinc*augitc nt:tr' lrc inport-

:rn1 locltlll.

Srxliunr p_!roxenas: In isol:ttcti oceultcltccs aegirinc has bccn

rc¡rortcLl trLrth lrs tlctrital lrntl rs iruthiqcrric.

!l F A\,'1' L4 lNIrll=Al. DIISCI-I.I FTl{rNS AN !l É--r-!i.i {-l l< l''LA i F i:'


oiil¡o¡'l¡¡'r¡¡l-.ic. bi¿¡li¡il i + )
. tl
!t\t i{'1(l lñi)-'
-. -.::
::, '
nfi 1 .<¡..:i l .t¡7 i

rt'i l.{¡:it l.{¡i-iti

tl (l.tXl7 .{1.(ll I É.4::
:,1¡ 3.t-\:l :!
fdtllál ll! .\t'alllr¿.'l!1,\. { tf:lln:;:llr (lrtl¡¡lnilnll\ l{rilrr rti !ll¡tii
:riunrpr,, pri:;m:;. i¡'regul:¡¡lv lcrminat.-tl pri:m:ri ir l r:rgrnr ir i:,
eLt¿lv;tE1L' ¡fÉtg¡ne¡!l:; {}t .nitrL- anhcdr;¡i delrri::- 'l-hc
cílrilüí:; ¡rl sr¡¡ne graitts tnly l:e r¡¡underl- !¡i¡¡¡=l;r:atillg a:r¡sa:r
liic:; cl'tr:¡r liavr: a vcllo*,'sl:ti¡¡ l¡ec¿rttsr'r¡i ri.riciaiio¡¡ ol'ir.-rr lrr
Fc " . l-¡'i:;nlaiic clc;rr'¿rgc:- :olutioll gl!l(]"./c::. '!¡:!di::ir!14 tL-r-
minatiolt:;' or scr¡leniilriziiiir¡¡¡ (hnown ¡..; hasÉiici ¡¡r' frt'
quirnllv c;ihit¡itcri. L.¿irne ll:ir -ciruciufe i:. fhirlv conli¡t¡n, lvhir:h
is ;iltribul.rd ti¡ cxsohrti(¡n Üi a r-linopvrorenc ¡rliasr ,.rt 1:.i rc
tl-lr¡¡sletio¡r gliding. sorneiirttes twinning, Thi:. sil'ttctrut is hcs;i
ohservcd undcr crossed prtlarizer: wht:¡r ihr: rnairr pari oi the
mirrr'ml is in cxt¡nirliolr ¡rosition. lrtch¡sions m:rv lre nrag,irciit..,
te rnd :irc-iin.

dlolour: Enstaiiie i:; niiallv ¡:rilrtrttless. Slont.: llrrge

tlrir:[:el glains nrav hav* ¿t pall] grrrcl¡ Ii¡réic.¡1.' Not visibl¡. on det!ital -spceiL--c.

Bireti'in-qenrtt.' f)epends r¡n thc Icrrous irt¡n conir,rri i¡¡rd is

w.,ak l0 t¡lr)drla¡lc. lnlerlercnLra Lrol(lurs ¡il'tlrinncI r:rairrs rIu
llrst-onler whitc or vulkirv. l¡ui lhick gr:rins trhillil a rvide
Iiulg{: (tf ¡toltrrizatirltt cr}lours ,rf sccond-ode ¡ grectt, v,:ll,rr,v,
nl:luvL :rn(l lrlil( -

Efti¡lt:ti¡ttt: {lf prisnrs and l¡rnF,itutlirr¿¡l r:le¡¡v¿igr, litignrcnis

is ¡r;rralL:I.

I n t r: rfc e t i¡4u re : Aeul r' lri:r:¡,rl¡'ix figu lcs alr: Pr ovitlccl

r c nc
by basirl seetiot¡s. Prisnratie faces usuallv yiclcl fl:rsh or
ccccntric optic :rris fiturcs.

Elttngatirl tt : P.si1ive.

Distingtti-thirxg features"' Enstatitc is cliagnoscrl bv

moderate rclief. lack of ctrk¡t¡r, prisrrialic morphokrgv.
cleava.qes, frequeirt l¿rntcllar structurc anrl ¡r:rralL,l extinclirxr.
f,'l¡ronrian spincl. serpcntinc :rncl olivinc in thr: hcavv n¡inclal
lraction nray alsu indic¿rte the prcscncc of cnstalilc. l1 is
rlistincui:heci l'ronr hypcrsthcnc l¡v thc colour ir¡xl l)lcoch[o¡s¡n
o[ the latter and fror1l elino¡rynixenes bv its parallcl cxtinclion.
Dialliigc has a platy habit. exhibil:; p:rrting anrl :r ehamcttristic
optic axis liuure. The tit ol anthopvllitic amphitroltr is lolvcr'
tu¡rcl is usuallv oplicallv neglrt¡vu. Silliuranitc hlrs strorrger
trircfriirgcnc'.' ;,rntl ¡nnstly a long slcrrrl,:r ¡rrismalir: rnorplrology.

( ) t:cu r re¡t ce : N4lg-ncsi urn-rich ort hopvroxi,nr..; ari: thi: chir:f

constitucnls cl rrllramafi¡: roerks suelr a:r ¡rclicl.ilittr, ¡ryrrrrcrrilc,

harzburgite . lhr:rzolitc, scrlrc¡rtinc, ¡:tc. 'l'hcv a¡r¡rar irr sorne
n¡ct;¡-m;rfic ¡ocks ¿i¡rrl rarelv in granuliies.

Grains .front.' Lowel light: bcrch slintl, Kvn;¡ncc {t¡r,c,

lornu,ail, tinglandt Olher grains ;rrc fror¡ a l¡r¡ctr s;lrrtl.

::r¡ulhcrn'l'ilrkcv (h,lnli 1.5¡i2)

HYPEtis'¡ HE¡.lfr

(Fer' .Ms)rlsi.o,,l áb.='
ortl¡tirhr¡¡¡bic. bil¡¡:irl ( )

ne 1,6ñ(¡-1.75.i
rrfi l.rt74" | .16:j
¡t! l_irti(f 1.771
¿) {1.(t ¡i-tt-(il(}

¡1 .l.ll .1.v6
Fur¡n in sedir¡lent:;: E{y¡rerstlrcrrcs ol' intlusivr: ¡r¡¡cl
plutonic roeks;¡rc irrcgularlv sha¡red lr;ignrcnts of lalgcr ---'l_:=a.
crysluls. r-lcav;rge picces or sholt stu[)t)v ¡rrisrns (b). Sonrc ii:" ' =
grains mav be scrpc.niinized (bastite). Hypcrsthenes sourr:cd =:a
i=, ,=
by cffusive iocks ;rrc ldng slcúalcr or sl¡{)ri prisnrs, brrikcn
culrcdral crystals a¡ltl ihosc t¡l l]vrocliistic tirigin iiften appear -,==
as complcle cuhedr:il ctystltls (¡) and ÍlrÉ s()nrcI¡¡¡¡es sur= EE

rot¡¡rcle,d bv irtrthy vr¡k:¿¡¡tic glass or ¡nr¡tri¡- (irains:r¡'e tithr't

= *.:
:: j; ¡

sharp, angullr or thcir L-rlrnLrrs nrav hc ¡'ounded. Eteh pirtte rns -aJ :i

lrce¡uently rlLrvclop irn lrll types lrnel:rrc sccn ¿¡s h¿reksarv

icrnrinatitrrrs. dissolulion voids. grorives, or sLlnlcli¡r'lr:s nllnlil-
lae (c). lnclusio¡¡s arc co¡nr¡l(tn, cspcciallv i¡¡ lh.. cllirsive -
typ,:s.'l'l¡ese iue opaqt¡e ¡rarticlcs. zircon, a¡raiitc- lcklsgrar.
¡lumcr()us tluiil gLibules or gas. i!4iriufc ¡rlatcs irnrl rorls cl
ilnrcnitc, l¡¡r¡rikite ii¡rel titarrifi:r'rirrs nlrgrrciite inclr¡sions. oltcn
appearing in parallcl arrangcnlc¡lts" a¡e crllcd Schilbr-
structure. artd :irc ¿ititilrtttt:d io maierial cxsolveil with -sk¡rv

{t¡l.t¡ur: Siriicl*s of pink. pnlc r.(\h hr{}wn :rncl grcr:n.

Plet¡t:hrois¡tt' Disii¡rr:t arrrl slr,rn,s r,:rryirrg iiilcnsities. li rna.v

hc vc¡-v slrilng i¡r giairrs iii'!-;l¡riL'origin: rr, palc rctklish
ttrtnvn, ¡rurple-viol,:t, pink: [i. palc.greeni:;h lrrown, p:rlc
ir:rltlish ycllQw. ¡:alC trrrirvn, Vcl¡(tlv: y. l¡alc gLec¡,:rll¡rikV :': :
grey-gff L-n, grcan. =:
BirtJfiilgtftí'i: fuiride¡'aae i(i str()¡rg.'l'hin prisms and
uv:rg'- fr:tgme nts ¿rs tr,rll ;rs { (l l{} } faces havc iirsl-orde ¡

rvhite . yclkxv ll¡lrl ()l.:l¡lge i¡ticti¡ic¡lcrt üllours tv¡il¡out c¡rklur - =,-

ba¡trls. Tl¡ieker grains c:rhihit i,ivitl :eciinrl- ancl il¡i¡rl-ririlc¡-
¡r0larizaiicn col()ut: iv¡ih !lurlierL¡us coloui l¡i¡¡rds, a¡'r:t¡lgetl
parallel rvirh il¡e ii()¡¡gaiiun rif Ílrr: p¡'isnrs.

E-riir¿t:íi.tlt¿: r-]f i¡¡isrr¡s ;rntl cie:rvlge irasnrc¡¡¡:: is p;rr;rllcl.

í lcrasir¡nr¡| hiis.t! riLrrriii-i!l,c lt¿tt'c :.V¡¡tnicliictrl L:riiirction-

Énk:n'j't:t *:;tt:t jit¿?rt'.' itllt¡l l;rrcs altl l.!¿r¡'ii¡is ¡rlaÍ.::. whi!:¡i

r¡iicn ¡¡ l;¡-ri¡¡tleL i1)it!l tlnd lotvft-¡-!rtlei ;nieiicrran{:!l
tolt¡u¡:-- .,'ie kl etr¡i¡u-d ¡¡¡ ¡tc¡tl! rrlrllttari :rctite hi:;criri: iiqr;rer
iviifi idtgr l\i'- !:;.rgi¡i'{:: arr: w¡:ll <lcli¡¡e,-l i¡r:i vell,rrv ur.¡llii.'
iickl. l-s¡rchft¡me:;lre ciil¡cr í¡ll:lri¡ti 1ií:ii¡¡¡r trppetrr i¡r ilie
p¡¡ i¡11¡q:¡,1, iii ihe ilcLl. ,rii¡c¡' se e ii(inl, :l¡tl,v *ccr:ntlic olltia
c¡r il¿tslt iigtrr*:;. v =i ilispr-rsitrn i:; ¡r¡r¡ileraie io :;'riong-
il I ¡ ¡ ¡t g t¿ i i,.t tl : l'¡.¡,ritivr,:.

llisringuisllirryl í'té!íttrr::;: !'lic irri¡::i i!iasniisiic ir:arr¡¡r- i¡i'

Er¡r'¡rcr:;the iir i:: íhe rl¡ar:rcte risiir ¡rltochroism. 'l-rigcihcr iviih
iht cpticallv ¡¡cgl¡iii,,c :;ig¡.i. ii :rcrvcs ¡ii <ii.Ji¡rouici¡ h¡*¡re i'siircrie
ir.rn¡ cnsixtit. anil iliallagr. C!in('pvrrrxu¡ic:r hav:c:¡ llrr¡c
*xtirlctiolr :ul'!:lc- jl¡rd;!lúsire (¡rlclchtoie i¡r :;h:ide,c ul ¡ritrk iitrd
rflli m:!y l¡c ¡¡¡isi:rkcn iiir lt'v¡rei:;thu-nc. tiui ihe fofn¡ei h;¡:; e
itir.¡r:r relict. i-s ltn-eth i'a:.i a¡rcl ha.: ¡rrrorlv dlri¡cl()F!:.1 clc;lvugcs-


HITAVY MINÍ:ltAI.. I)lrs('l{ll/f'l()NS ANf) ('()l-Otilt I'l .,A1 I:S
-iemontilc has highcr rcfractivc indices and is optically
vposilive. Tourmalinc
is uniaxial ancl is length flst, whcrcas
le rclief of ho¡nblende is lowcr, it has inclincd c\lincli()n
and more cnhanced clcavages.

Occurrence: I{ypcrsthcne is conrnrolr in both extrusivc and

vllrusive basic to inlcrrnediale igncous rocks, such rs gatrbros,
'.orites, basalt, andesite and dacitc. It appears in some
\ranites and syenites. Hypersthene has been reported fronr
retamorphic rocks which include charnokitcs, hypcrsthenc
\ranulites, hypersthene amphibolites arrd gneisses. It fornrs in
rme hornfelses.

.jraíns front: (a) Grains ¡re of pyroclastic origin frorn a

beach sand, southern Turkcy; (b) ophiolite-derivcd grains,
.-'each sand. soutlrern Turkcy; (c) Upper Miocenc, Hungary
/Mmt 1.5t32).


!,¡ ! { 3E::; I q i ir I I tr i,; I :F-j Éi É: tii i !i i : i; E : [i- { i ::;

E-eEerpsÉde-EeecÉeeefu ec"gÉÉe sefl Ees

iiaF{*lSi,t l,,l { li'.i:' lSi.,{),,1

irr''[(r(lrri¡( " iti;r:ii;rl í | )

;il| ¡.ftfr.l l.iitli ,¡i! 1.716 l.7li'

iili l.ii7l 1.7(ll ;tl" i 7ll 1.7.i(l =1
;¡.1 !.iri!-l i,71 tr'i ¡.7.+i i.7il
li r|,(i{)7 .{i.il1 i

ir il.{iiil 0,i}l{} , .' - .-:'- :;

'= ::= ='
j - ==::
.= :==: .:
::: .1=--=: :
. : -=
=l =
F¡¡rm i¡l:i€tlittlt-tit:;: tir;riri:;;r¡e rlor¡riiu¡nilv ¡rii:;rnrrtie artil -. ,'-=-:
allptar ciiiicr :r: siultlt! ¡rri:;tn:; rii le:;:; ii'ct¡ttenilv" l{iIrs::lLi¡rrla.
grtrirr:;. I.l-ouridcrl rdue:., :rt¡tl coilre r:;, al::Ü i:rggitl icfr¡li¡li¡[¡1r]:.,
:: . -==

:rnrl i;¡hcl :;icr¡:; ,rl dissrrluiir¡ii irac ¡-iiier¡ r:rl¡il;iicd. i'lr-:irvilg:-:i =.. =:E_,:
;rnd ¡rariiitr: ¿ric usr¡:rll!: i¡,,eil {-lrvfl(¡llr{,1. !,:¡riteliili tlyitttiiii.[ rir'
ersolutioit l¿lt¡icll¿rr ,¡1 ,¡¡ihtrlr\¡r'rurlr Ji( sutlt ,¡r'c;trir¡¡litllY.
Sornc gririrr:r irr;:y eiiilt;rin íinelv distrit¡rrtr-rl (iPiiilu. i¡rclu\¡(,i]:..

l,'i¡l¡¡'l¿r: i,'(jl(tuf !u-cs cr' ¡r:¡l¡ g¡¡¡¡.

F'lt¡trl¡r¡¡is¡¡t.' 9ic-iich ¡nenrhci:. :r¡rrl l¡erle¡i1¡c¡::iic ¡ir;lv l¡,-'

lrlr-'¡¡r--i¡¡r¡i( i¡¡ :;lt¿r,l,,s r-ri-¡¡;¡15 g¡r-'i-'¡¡, l¡it¡isii gr,,.t¡t. i¡¿la: g¡cr:iii:;ii

i¡riir-rn tt ¡ttl .,1r-'
l|)\í ::ar:u ¡1,

liirtirin-qr:tr:¿'.' lr4iiileltÍu- i.l:lt.()rtg ln(l inte riLra.:¡i!'c rr!!('ui:l

:rf(i Lt!)[i|t lii:;i- ítr:;ccq¡itd-Ürrlci ¡iiiik-. t'clli¡*':¡¡rri bluish i:rrt:¡¡
:;( lnlc ::rit i itfi tu;iV r:i h ih¡ i l¡ii::hi i ¡¡terl r ¡,-rncr ¡-ci¡.'rr ¡ l¡;rrlri:;-

!-l.ríinr-'¡it¡¡l: 'l'hc ,,':ti¡i,--ii,¡¡r :¡¡¡{le i:; l:rge . r:rnsinq trriw..¡i

.iH' ;rntl .+1.i". I t(l()l !rii¡ii¡t!l I)i¿ii(':j h;iv,-: arar':rllcl ,_'rlir¡etit¡rr,

lnft:rft:rt'ttt-';: ji,tili'ír.' { i¡rlv ¡lroily iiciiiicr! qr{rr.nitic (¡. ilir:r¡r

ii.¿uies i:;rir bc r¡l¡illi¡¡!:il itt iicii'it:ii grrriiis.

liI t i n 3a ti cn : ijc:;ii ivr:.

üi:;iirl6itisitir gnrrs¡lr:ri;tj in(irFl¡iil.¡e.,'. !:!!.:i!1'

:.: iÉ,.4Ítit'a:;:
:!gc1. lrii ¡ i i irg ;t¡tri la¡'gc e:: ainri ii).r :! nt!tr rlcii nc ;i cliiiii¡r! i i t:-:etre

.,\.s i¡¡ciilbcrs iii ilic ijio¡r::ii,ir: É¡eder¡[¡cigiir: re¡iu:: lutic::it¡¡il¿¡¡'

i¡i;i¡('dl pti-¡ireiiit:; it¡ íh¡n.: riÍ ;¡rr*iie:;. i¡lrí ;iie i¡itcn i¡rilirii¡r
gui:;lu¡i-'!c itri¡rr tir¡-it <iihe r ir1 (ilrl¡Lr:t¡ iil.j:iii:r. Wircn ,
qptie:tl incihixi:: u¿c ii:.r,1 ilie üiila¡iifia:;:; (i¡ .i(¡iv il:!lr
ri,-,iril¡¡l cli¡:i¡pvri):iL'¡!L::; ;¡¡r t¡:.u;rli! irl,:niilic.i :¡:: iiii¡psirl,-' r¡¡,1
tht- irigl-:!i'rl{ilriil¡=fd v:¡¡ieiir::; rr.; riugii,,- iE<¡*r'.t¡- ii i:; ¡¡¡:1.:
:r¡r¡:iri¡rti:tie i1t .l(ji1(i1r-' ilie¡¡i :t:; .iii;¡r::iriit: (i¡ i!t!::¡rii--riinripvrii:-
.rÉri:- i:=.,,:rniir i:; i;¡;iir':ill',' !¡(j::ltii'u :::iri i¡;r:; :i ('rri;t¡ri¡¡:¡iiír¡! {¡i
r:!crir!:!qf :i ii¡1¡-¡ ir;!lii¡¡ t i n .if:h i i¡i¡r:lf :r.

í-i{ ¡'l¿la'¡:t¡r-'¿': i l;r.}¡¡i¡ú:i.jiir:. {ri iiii¡;iitlri;ii: i{:rfi:l:i:. il:.ri:r!!.i

r!io¡r:;iiiic iri =rni¡ii.-.:;iiiiitr. i¡ir¡¡¡:;irir ;ti¡(i :riiliiii i¡:rre i¡ru¡r
i,{iii i¡r,¡¡r:¡lk-:lii ir;¡:;l¡Ei:;.:iri,-lc:-iír:;.:;¡ri-r-;;i[.r¡l!¡¡i: !!r;l¡:¡]::!:-
:¡¡¡ii ir¡¡¡¡¡ illii:¡l'':!:;!f, ¡¡i¡iit¡1,-r:: i¡r l;a:;¡e ¡¡ick:; Elr:¡L-'¡llrr¡ijitc
:-¡¡l-! ii! r.rii:ir:lll:;¡!;!¡{::r¡¡l ¡¡ri¡l igi:e:rrr:; r{ir:li:r,.-:.r. qrttríi:-:
trc:irier¡: rvJ¡r¡i.:; :¡¡¡íi il('ii¿ir:iqj¡!:illv qq:r¡¡irr::;. É¡iGir:iclr: {;¡liir
litrri ii¡¡i¡:;:¡liic:rrr: iiri¡il.:r-l i¡..'rtgir¡¡¡;¡l.ti a.ii:iirr:i r¡¡ci;irll{.t¡'
lriti-ritt oi í':r¡¡r,'¡!i:.;¡rrrl;i!,i.ri¡¡irili]ri in ¿- a- r¡¡i,l L.'l::
¡ irh :;t-hi:;i:: rli ¡:tiiÉ¡ ir¡tr+li:; ;itrri :;r:,,ii¡¡¡r:¡til¡¡.¡ ;i<'l!:.':iiliirr i lir;

:¡ra !'li¡¡:¡c¿ra;:ttir ri¡¡¡:-iilL¡r'¡¡i:; t¡i ¡¡¡r'ii!:qi!¡t;l1ir ¡=ir:k:r ;t¡i¡-l

ikiti¡-!:;. 1¡.,rir:r.:a¡¡r gr;¡¡i¡¡liiq::: ;l¡lii zit.ii::sr-::j ¡!t;:'r r!i¡(j a!¡!1t;r¡!l

l-i¡'¿¿itt:; _;'i'cjii!.' :,.:liciic¡¡t:jr¡h:¡lni¡r..i--.4r¡l¡¡r:ii:. Éir:¡ir:r:|- .¡!.

iiwii:,:l¡ É:¡¡:i1: {- -}¡i¡.:t i¡r,:ri¡ ::;t;til- :i. ¡r!iiiciii ¡ i!¡=hL'j
,rrtn', ¡ 'ii'l =¡:¡t¡r:,:

¡¡É1^Yi ivlli{trFi.4t !,¡f ,.5c l¡, i i,'i I { }i--l.i Ái.t I : É-.i.! Lr. ¡ [ r l_l É'¡ / 1. t tl.-.

¡¡li¡i:i!!.'!¡!t¡''. l¡i:¡:,:i:i! II! -ii" :

'i-l¡t ¡;r:¡!i: tii;r!l:rgr i.; ;:;:¡-'ii,'i! iE¡ L-':¡lr-:ir ¡!i¡¡¡¡ir.,¡ri:rr.¡ics (u:;rralir
{Eiqii}:;¡r¡i:.}: ::q!g-isi
'-..,lriqh ::irr¡= i: í!ir-r¡¡riiiijiti :irlri rl<::i:l'v :;¡1rci,.il ='' E
Fuli¡i;r ii¡i 1 li!i!l, :

e -... ;.. !, -- ---.-

aírljE¡ i;t :1i-'r-:i:!¿i-':i!.., ¡1..'irr! i.r inl¡.-rii.'i? ii¡ii:r, ('t.i:ri:li :ti1:r-

ii!:ll!:i¡i' !¡ ¡¡li¡ii-'{i1}¡iri¡¡i¡ri ¡i: ii¡a'!'!¡;rr:r(:i :f¡iL-:; ¡¡id ii ri,:,-rt¡i:; ¡r:

!l!i!1Lr! il¡;¡1 ¡l:!i¡;¡¡r pl;!ir:: r'.ilil ;i ¡r.-ur-1.,' !tr:;i¡¡. ii !¡;¡:= :t
ii¡¡¡¡¡i¡¡r¡¡:¿i.-,:r¡r!tul¡¡¡ lr:¡t¡ii.:,- il:r'iirit¡ ¡-rir;ír'.,:rrr l'¡!i¡!r:¡¡!r;
i¡'¿rii¡l-ll.j r-':i::¡¡'.:'. !::'(:¡r tt¡rQi: iliit:tiii;r: (1,i.-1.,r0. -!'lfitkct rt¡
irti¡:-i¡Yf g.::rii::: i:r:r'q r.hir-."':;lig!¡tiv iilt¡¡i(L-:r-1 (-artiir-:i:,.:ir'!i¡!-
g;;i!rl: r::Étil:ii i:igr.:tii rrl::,-::; +¡ i¡rii:¡-r:;ivc q:ielri¡¡!.. F.:::;<¡lr¡ii¡;¡:
!;¡n¡i:ii:¡t ;¡l¿- i¿ri¡!'v .'(:i¡i¡ltii:i Eri:¡cl'; ili::i¡!br¡'r<'ii c¡r:ri¡irc ,Jir:;i
::'.,4:- i: :::iiLt!.!i:1! i!¡¡tx i¡rr:¡!(-c i{i ::r¡¡¡iÉ'¡¡i:rirt::- l';ii':rl!c! !li¡l:¡:-liL-¡:
iifi:iilr:. i!¡a'¡i¡.qiJ;r:: +ii ¡.=:rrii:li: :;titii!!:ri; i¡lr-. f:¡:lLil lirá¡É![tn-
sÉ-¿acÉ¿as'¿-:, i.¿:ri¡¡:r¡iei;rcrl g¡;¡i¡::: ¡n:rv:¡¡;r] il{'ft¡i-l1!¡ti.'¡rj!l

l-' ¿ ¡!¿¡i I ¡ : i-i ¡l¡ ¡u¡'ic:.::, ¡::rir. gi r:eii c: ¡:ir lc vr:llor..,.

P It ¡¡ ¿: l¡ r u ¡ i:; r¡2.' 1-,;Lrl,j rvr:r l: o¡ :r hsc-¡rt.

{iirti'f ingt:rlt:a-l' Fvlo!i!:ritl.: l¡r ilroilg i¡r(l irrtlrri¡l-Lrr!:c clr1,.)u:'s

ir¡. I,r:ll. g!'rrli!il] !i,'hiir i¡! ¡iilll"vcll(i1,r'i¡r ll¡ir¡¡rc¡ g,r'i!itr-r- bLri
t¿l!litc illr t,-¡ tr¡illi:r¡l¡ :;üf.i¡r.l-.!Í.lLji i!r¡fil].!', ¡rink :rrrri hirrr in
ih icl: :;¡rr'c-i iitctt:..

at-..1--..i ,. í.¡i ...

É,.'..'if!14'iií¿it. li.uirn¡ Pl:ries i:- ¡i:rr:rllt-i" Irrti cn rtilli:t¡. ihr'
t¡:ti:r:: i:: :l¡: it¡t¡¡¡r!:;ir¡¡t lirlrtit,i otiir; lli¡ll)- ilir i;rrgr e:tirrrtiorr
iiitgir. ri:;irerirri:;¡i¿-ci ciirrr¡pr,,f¡i:.r:¡!r::. ('ii!l lrf r¡b:;e¡'t,r-'r!-

l ¡¡ ¡ r r i e rt n r-'r .íi Xu rt': : !]:ir i irru ¡rlriic: vicld ;r ek:¿r¡ . ol 1 cr¡rtrü

r)!li¡a:¡:i¡r: ligutr i.,'ith i:erv irtr_q:,11'. rvhiclr i:; r:l¡;n¡tr,1t-.rr:;li,:
h.l;rn¡ lrrip.hi i:;i¡r'it¡¡¡¡itt¡1i¡: .rt!!vt-':: :rirplr¡lt i¡r llricker gr¡¡rrr:

f-.i, ¡¡ t.t., ¿: ¡ i, t:t' l', r.r¡rr,'

{}¿-.íiitEr!i:ihiÍlH j-r:ttit!r¿.::;-' l}iarv hrrl¡ii. ir',:!l-rli-cf¡l¿r!rtl

I li]{i} rrirrii!l! :rnti p;rt:tlL:i rríi¡r(ili{rrl, ir)gL-tliL'! \riih :i
elr¡¡t-lrr-iq^ti:tiic (!Fiiir:r::i:. fii:ru.,;r¡,-'r-liilgnostie ol iii;rll:rgc.
llrlin:; rliiii prrrtl'v delir¡ed ¡r:rriiirX rriay bc tti:i:tkcn fili
e¡¡:.1;rt¡tr. l.¡t¡t lhr: ¡iiin¡irIrr¡ilf si(iút ¡ttisntltlii: iltoilrhol(]gy (]l'
Ih.: ii¡lr¡lrr,:¡¡rrl ilrq: i:l¡¡¡t:i¡'ír:¡i:;'rit 0lttir u;ri:: iigrrlrr ¡rl ihc l¿rttri-
:rirl iii:;¡iiitrtii¡¡¡. i=-lr¡ntc tliin ¡riisrrr;rtie airllro¡rhvllitic illrlFltillril(:
iii:r1 .es!=nlbl(r rliell:rge, hut the r'¡licf tri tlte !ontrcr i:; !iitv,:L
rnr! ii laci::; prrlirr:1. Platv cclt:;tiic lr¡s uc;¡kc¡ hire[rirrgcncu
:rnti 1:;ri.iittr i:. :th:;en1.

í,:tL:L'ilifiili:r:: !-;i¿rllart i:: ;r clulr¡trriu¡iriie ¡¡rinrrlr! rri r:rti¡a::e-

gurirttrl g:rhhtti:;. rlilllrgiie:: :rnil so¡trr r¡tlrcr ultrl¡lr¿t::ie ¡rrcks-

!:;¿:tr¡¿¡ti.:;: !)i:tl!:ige i.r ¡rrolrl¡l-,11, l1l(rac cr¡i¡lmiin in sr:rlit¡renl:;

ih:i¡¡ i.;e:; Frafi(iilSlr íe¡riift!:il. i.¡r'.,i¡¡:: i,:; it:: ¡lll!tv h;¡bit- l¡r;r¡lv
Ir¡str,-::;¡t¡i iir-lit¡ci¡¡ilc:; iuiiriri ¿¡1;¡r¡;1¡:i¡lcc. il i:l¡tt l¡r: r¡rislirl:rr¡
í¡¡!' s¡rlrtc ¡litririrr't:; oi iita tul¡i!¡;!1c g¡-(iuF. !,t¡:illitrr rti:lv ltL:
ti!¡iiLilltrlail i¡1 ¡ila irir:i(.¡¡ar ci q¡l!tr.i PVt{r5enc:-. liolnhlr:¡¡ilc
:riiti r:r-ipr-t!iiiir:. gr¡¡e¡;llll .¡hi:¡¡ il¡r-. ¡¡ri¡rer:rl :;!¡ii.: i¡¡,lit;rlc:;
i';¡.,i¡,r¡ !¡!ii:¡lr;rci, 1.,!t!!{r' i¡'r'1.r.

'¿.-;r¡:it¡:; fi-:-r4:: Li¡;¡:tr. t.rlr ¡rii. !3r::rr'¡¡ r,,,r.'. :oliltcri¡

'l rrtkr¡.':'-!il¡c¡
{¡:¡ili:;: i -)ligt¡retrq l:'rrh :rl¡rirre i\itrl:r:,:u-. l-!r:;rlr:¡¡-
trei g. l)eii.-'i,ri;in.i i fvjnr¡ !..-3:¡.
i-!iw!:a: lla:!.li r:¡¡rrl :!r¡11¡gr¡¡ -!'tt.L,-,.. ¡í t,¡.

AnagiÉ* ..-:---.
(ea.Nig.Fe:' .Fcr' si.Ai )'( ),,1
i,, = ,.a.
.',1'i, ).,1 ( :: j::

nr,rnricliuir:. hiuxial ( I )

¡Nt l.íi7l 1.7.15
nfJ l.t¡72"-l .711 / . -E
¡t.i l. tattj,l.1 /4
r) ll.().lf--{}.(1.19
' :t=é \
\:- .'- -. '!=¡

A 2.()G,l.5l -! 1==
i .'
f:ornt in s,rí!ittlL¡¿ls: Augitc is tllc crrttturoncst tleilit:rl .=
pyrolict¡e. ln voleatlir: r¡¡r:k-s it is tlontitt;it¡1lv r:t¡lrt:tlral ltr =--
sul¡hcdral. ancl sririrts c¡-oilctl lh¡n tl¡enl r¡lten rl)lai¡t their
iirrrn. oceurring :rs sltrrri cr l()ng slcntle r' ¡rlisnts rvilh ie rmilt¿r-
tirlns:rt or¡e rlr l¡olh etttls (a, h), a¡irl solll!]ti¡llcs s(ll-litrc lo
¡.rrrtltgonal llrs:rl secfiitns. Villcanic ;rrtgitrrs ttrav show e ¡ttt¡itv-
rt¡fnls ()r corrosiotr. 'l'lrc ¡¡riist c()l¡¡tll(¡tl tL:lritltl nrorpltokrgitrs
Irrr: stttbhy prismiiiic ft ¡gnte nts. totttltlt:tl i¡ir¡.¡rs :trtd irre gttlitt'l-v
-stuipe d pariicle s. 'l't¡r:se nt:ty shtrw re ctlt¡tgulitr trt-e akage
paftcrirs, sot¡reti¡t¡.:s rvith cttnchoitl¡tl tracttlre:; ()r gro(ivL:s ()¡l
iheii surfar:e . L'iinr¡-xisitional ¿ri¡ring is ll¡i¡'lv t¡ln¡¡rtr¡r. 'l wit¡-
rring is r:ithcr sitnJrlc or tcllr:alc:il. Au,ritcs tif ¡rlutonic rocks
()fte¡r c¡¡el()sc clisoltlii()tt lr¡¡trellae ol rirlhr¡- ¡tntl tilhct clittti-
ilvf.¡:icnc llhirs.:s. Acccssory nt¡¡trjriil :r¡itl iluitl i¡tclLI-cio¡ts:tre
Í'tcrlucttt. L'lcrv:rqrs in ¡lctritlrl augitc:; al'c ll.)t pr()llrincnt.
{lrvinu t() thtr u¡tstirl¡le t¡rrture rrf artgitr' in sr,tlittretrts. irrrst-
tlc¡rositional tlissoluiiri¡¡ frcrltre rtt l,v ¡.rriiducts cir:hing ol lt¡e
grains which i:: ¡n¿ttrifc:;tctl in 'ltack-calr'' Íernti¡t:tlions (u).
¡\rlvancrrd sillgcs ()i ctcltittg ¡rtlitlut:L: skelüllll lirrnls (l) [¡ctbre
ciirn¡rlcic ilis:;oluiiott.

qtlol¡¿llf: Augite ;r¡4rcirrs i¡l v;lri()ur-i r:hltrlcs ill grcen, l¡lrl

!;drneliiÍlts t)!0wtr c¡r .,/L^ll()u,ish briirv¡¡. Titi¡lr¿ttrgilr: is highlv
ctiiour¡-'rl in ptrr¡:le lJiorvrl oi villc'r [rrritt¡t (b¡. liiltirrr tonittu.
i¡'ctlttcnil-v:;eer¡ iil v,ilc¡t¡tic valiLriiLl:;" is ¡nrrnilc'sted by llalcr
,1rt('\ iill(i
rt¡llLr ,1rrnL ' ( l)

lj!t:t¡chr¿¡is;¡t: f-r4g-rich ausiie:; :rlc ii(i¡i-l)l{iochr,rir:. but

in!!¡ iron cr¡¡rieitt resrtlts i¡t ilccLrcr coltir¡r:;:tnil plco
rhrt¡i:;lt¡ iit ¡rirlc ttluc. !1!aLrir lnti vcllorv grccn-'i'ititn:rtr.{itc is
distinctlv plcor^hroir-: tt. irttlc violet lrrovt'lt; l:i" r'iril.-:¡ ¡li¡l¡;
.¡, hlui:;h viol.-t

íiirr.:.iringt:ttt'¿'." F'rfu)dcluie hr¡t i¡rc¡c:r:c: rviili liighe r rt'utt

.()nicnÍ. { lt}(}} priiings hi¡vc k*v bi¡rii ittlrrr¡ec. i-hc :;ee,¡n¡l-
:rrr,l iltit,-l ¡iir,!rr i¡rtcrí*¡r:¡lc(: Íil!ilir':l l¡piici¡i i¡:; baighi',/L^li()\t.
{itilltgc. rc(l ii¡rÉl l¡ltta: ¡:¿l¡tcrl¡¡iLic hlt¡riis ¡r¡t ¡i¡ttntL-tl gr:¡i¡l:;. :ttttl
i;:ri-;rllel u,'ith ihr ouili¡-rc , '¡1 ¡ri i.i*;riit ;pecirnrrts. lilltlv É

foirirriLrrl .,r¿¡¡i¡iir-':: :iltriw :tl¡¡¡r¡t¡ltl¡l iilielii-:¡-crlL:q Llrtl.)l¡i::

iiúrt;!r!sr: ,il ihr,' ¡¡¡l¡s;!:i¡rÉ r:i'tcr:Í of niliuaiil úri!r!ri¡l t-()l!¡r!a

ll-tii¡l¿ ti¡¡n. !hq: I : ¡ nllt:,imum vltlLtc. ¡¡lcltsi¡¡cr-l iiii ltll{)f

É,,c..,. .,¡t¡g.,,, hctlvi-'cil ii"( ¿t¡rtl 4H"il. i-{.Et,: lil¡gnrg..iri: l¡r',,i¡rg
tru¡¡ll*l i.t Éhr: | !{!{l} ErirrÍitrg hi¡vr-'::t.;tighi ú.iti¡ieti¡¡¡¡. (.ir:'i¡.1{ i¡r
conlp(i::iii(iilltl ¡ilni¡1g !;0!¡1r iii!g¡¡!L:ilí:; !¡¡itv:;l¡tiw nir¡¡ilcrl

l;úi:rit:r;:rlte'_iiylurt': At¡.sitc s::ri¡r: i:ri'cl¡,,r,i.¡!il riPFr.r{'i:rlrlü

iÉtíL:rlüf(:f!*Lr iigtrri-':, l'lr:rv;¡!:e i¡a!it¡ir!!i:i iltlii lir: r¡n I I llll
frt.n'i.-l* ofi r:.j11i¡-Lr iigttrr-:-. ttsu:rllv ivitll :;cvcrlil irt¡¡iltrrrtt;tiit:
rlli l l lll ) ! ¡ttil'iings :;htiw tii llcenite optir ar:i-' íi¡:urt-s.

F- Io ;tgttt i oit : Piisi tivc.

H LrAVY Ml NL-ltA l.- I)ES('R I P]-l()NS ¡\ N I) ('()l -()t I lL l'l.A'l.trs
Distitrguishing featurcs: Irairly high rclicf. largc cxrinc-
lion:rngle ancl grccn, sontclimcs brru.nish. cr¡lours l¡rc
ch¿rr¡cte ristic tlf augitc. Owing to coltrposiliorlil vlrriirliorrs,
only chcmical arr:rlysis can provide ¿lt itccuratc tlctcrminalirln
of thc augite valicty and also a posilivc tlisrinction of augirc
fronr diopsidc. 'I'hc rclicf of augilc is highcr than rhar of
diopside and the y : z cxtinction anglc trf {he l:rlte r is smallcr_
When only optical diagnosis is rnaclc, the n¡rlc augirc is
gencrally used fo¡ green or brorvnish clinopyr<txcncs, rvhcrcas
the pale green or colourless clinopyrcxencs arc tiesignatctl as
diopside. Hon,evcr, it is ¡lrurc upprr)priule t() nante thcsc
species as augitic or diopsiclic cliitopyroxcnes. -litanaugite can
be distingr.rished by its charactcristic colour ancl
Aeririne-augite is highly colourecl, plcochroic antJ frequcnrly
shows ncgative elongation. Ortho¡ryroxencs give parallcl
extinction in all longiruclinal sections. Anrphibolcs have a
lorver relicf, snraller extinctir:rn angle and erhibit bcrter
clcavagcs than detrital clino¡rvroxencs.

Occurrence: Augite is ividesprcatl in various ultr¡nrafic unil

intcrnrediate igneous rock ty¡.rcs ancl is particularlv con¡nron in
gabbros, dttleritcs. andcsitcs and basalts. ancl also in sonrc
peridotites. It is less frec¡uent in nrct:rnrorphic rocks, u,hcrc it
is f,rlnd in dark-c<tkturcd gncissc:;:rnd pl,roxcnc granulircs.
'i'itanar:gite is rvpical in basic
alk¡lir-.e rocks.

Graitts frorn: (r) and (c) Tcrtiary inlillins of baurirc

pockcts, Ser,dischir, Turkcy: (b) beach santl.'fcnerifc. Cunary
Islands; (c) beaclr sand. soulhern Turkeyl (ti) bcach sancl.
Luzon. Philippines; (f) Oligocene, Barrónre Basin. France
(1t4mt 1.582).

:1. f.{ iEFi{f{t: Ái il; gl-i


( i-.1a.i'u )( 1-t:'' .iiúr' . rvis.Ai il :ii.i 1,, I

¡r*'rr,r'lirir' lrirrri;rl 1 l{ r }

ilít 1.7{il! i.75il

j¿lr ! ..i !{} L7ii0
i 7.1,{i Llit}{i
Éi.(,.1{} !}-(li{}
I ji{} l i;
tn i n sí: i! ! irr t t i :; : i ie¡rc¡ :rllv lcgi riuc-rrrrgi ie ilr.Lr i:i :rs
!''<¡ r É

t- sirthhv ¡ri i..;irt::, :titt-ttl;tt it:rg¡ttr¡¡i:. il¡' ¡rt:c;l:io¡¡rilit'

sliultilv ¡,itt¡trletl !¡':ti¡r:- !¡t¡ro:':etlt eleltvagr:; ltti=' Irr-i¡tietiilv
tllrihrtrti. {iütins ¡¡r:i'¡ rt¡¡ti:tirt tl¡irlilir- i!LLu!\r}rt tiri¡¡r¡';i! ¡¡:r ( r¡ r i[';r' lirr' ;tiii rr:: ;l ¡'-'',.

{'¡¡lt.¡ur: { irrrcn. vciki.,"i:;l¡ rtL [;lqrrr¡tish t:recn. it:;u:tllv wiIlt ;¡

:.light irlrrish iingc. {-\rh¡ul zr)rlit¡g. ¡¡ilrnile::ierl i¡i tl;i¡kr:¡
irlteftli¡l ir()iii(tti\;rrrtl ¡r;tl,:i ¡r¡¡i¡rhq:¡l¡ i:",:ii¡¡tl¡1,¡¡i.

Itlt,¡thrttisr¡t" Eii:'ii¡rt-i; rr. Irriglii glcr¡r. l)lt!i:;l¡ *Íeün t()

rilit'r gt,:c¡t: li. Vullrirv Iiúfrt_ rr;¡:]s g¡¡r-:tri 1,. ¡t;rlc I,rcerr- ¿r:r1,,
lttcrv¡rish giccrr-

ilirt:.j'rin¿ititt¿'.' !-i-:¡ilir-:L :jifrt!1g,. l!ii.i'ieÍrrtLr ,iti!,¡L¡rs i:r¡lsu

i-rottr rrp¡rcLíi!si ,¡¡!ict ic :;ecii¡¡Ll-¡¡ide¡ :.lta,!c,; :¡¡t¡i :!t.: ttsrtltllv
iuilsk*(l ilv !ir(i¡1! i¡tllc¡clti ¡niitcf¡tl r:q¡lrrtt¡.
f:.tii¡ttiitl¡l: r.:.:iinciiii¡¡ :r¡ltlt .,.:rii,,':; i'rqr¡n i)'' ir¡ :l I . l¡rr1 i:-
:tirt¡l¡nciaieitl i¡t eio:;s stetic'lls.

!ttít:t'jt'r't:nti: fi¡4trr: i'iq;¡r-,¡gi¡ itaur¡it-'¡¡l:: iii!'!(i !rrxtr !¡¡r!¡

irrc¡lfr iiÍ-:r!¡r:i- lJ-r¡;¡ll.; ;r il¡¡:rl¡ ¡ii 1¡¡¡!: .liiit!:;! i:;rtgyrc ;t¡rpr:ti':.
i¡¡ :¡ ,,1;li k gi r,'r'il iir'lrl !!:¡:;:ii :ee iio¡r:- :¡ii'r lii ry¡iL¡r' hi:-i,-ii i:r
iigriir::: wilh i;r¡gc il, r -v rli:.1¡crsir,¡¡ i:; :'ia(i¡!r,

l: t ¡,t ¡ t E¡t ¿ i ¡¡ ¡¡ : f'Jt'g:riirr-:.

llisiitt¡iiti::ltist,r. i'tuiurt':;: Lirti-, ¿rrlour. l)luriii¡li,'iiri¡r.

:-¡t¡:ll! ,-'r,Íi¡tci¡o¡t :iiigh- ;iilrl !ritg,th-1;l::i !'!!:rli¡(liri¡ ¿!¡,: (illitn,'-.¡¡.
:r¡lcl ¡¡:.:;i:;t i¡¡ iii:li¡iLtui:;iii*:: ricf-i¡ii:c-¡rrrr-iir in¡¡¡r i¡il¡cr :--li¡i¡-¡-
ilr,ri(!::e¡lr,'::- :ic:liiirtr gri¡itt:i ;tt,: .¿¡:¡¡r¡e!1.,, la)¡ig :..1,'!1ílci ir¡i:-rl]!.
tr¡ti rlpt¡(-':il !ri(iir.j¡iir:- i¡iqr!¡(: ilii' i¡l¡l!ii¡rrictrl iri r-ii:;tiltgtri:it
iri¡\'-C.- it ,',.¡i. rrrr' .rrrrl :;t'iii irrr' ;ritti¡r' .1:( .Jti in,- i¡tt:'ir, ¡ iilr i¡
,ii-tiiil¡:r¡i:;iir:d ir*in :un¡rhilrriic'; l't iiicii !er¡gth :;ii¡t¡.' i:lii¡t;lf!e!
:¡it.i i;riiia¡ r:lL-';¡r,';¡g¡,1 ii :¡¡d! ¡L:diillirlü ii!rÉi¡i: :iitiii; :Iit¡, r-
i-,r!i í¡¡a!i ii:1.-,i: :i ¡:¡¡liLl:-i:ril:,' riiiiri!rj¡ii il¡r:{irtttiúii: 'i. lrr-!:¡.-'
il,r¡¡:rr.¡li¡:, j:. ¡!i!i:r'.::rl. l¡:r', I i,'i'f,-¡ ,,-li,-i. .i¡,'¡i:1, ¡ :'i,,r
Lhi{ii::¡ii .i¡¡ri :tt}!t¡ i'!r'iir,':rrf:;. ii-rr' ,i'!q,r¡¡ r¡i ti¡i¡-it¡¡r i.. :
rit:¡il¡ei=-¡i:;iie tr,:¡li!11'¡:;ir !ri ir¡::i;L'ii¡ii gir:rrt:- ¡i:. ::ti;:¡rij$i"i.. ,'-
iti.{lti.,, ii-i'::lirir¡ :¡¡¡qi ii .ii:ir!;l'u':: i:i'¡!¡.:¡ ¡r¡¡ir¡ i;i¡lr¡¿ r. .¡i¡r.t¡

gi¡¡,'ij¡.';i¡¡ i1!:,!a¡¡i' .i¡!l-ir, ir'!!rrr.;$..rqi.r ¡ir!: rl.'!.,.¡.,

¡¡cks:.rrci¡ :¡:;::vr¡liilr; :!¡¡¿i r;¡ii,¡it: i¡lir';¡-¡¡ih.lli¡¡r: ¡r,,ix¡::. i-!;i i ir'il
¿r:gii¡¡r¿tllv ¡it.ji:i¡t¡qialjl!(liti¡¡i;r¡t-'k:t iti:ir,.:,i¡ti:¡l!!;t.i!:ili¡¡r.ritrii!
¿r:ri¡lii¡¡e i¡i:¡¡t I'i;; iiili;i:.,r:i¡¡:ii¡:-¡i¡ :lr;t¡¡{ llr,iti.i;a¡-if:. li. il:;ii:tll1
:,¡i¡l!'i :'!fL ¡i;, ¡ rr'¡lr..,tltr .t¡¡r¡;Itli',,1,-.

í.-;,¡i¡¡" i¡,,1r, ,ilt.:rrqq ¡:i iri,rl r..-.,- !k,i,.!i,,1,. ! !'.:'¡'.!i !

r li¡ r'l r!|i.. 11.'r'!¡ r. iJ: ;

I{ trA\lY hr I N l-. liA L DlrSCl{l P]-l ONS Af.i Ii É-.{ !Lí-} U li !!1,41-Fi:i

AegÉrÉme {accr¡áÉe}

nroni¡clinic'- hil:<i:rl í ) ir=é
,l a_i. .=l1tt-1 1Jít
,4\ .7¡i0 l.lil(r
i) . I l:l( l-{ ).( }ll ¡

: =:n
Form in -gedi¡¡rcnfs: Acgirinc (acnite ) (teeur:r as cuhetlra!
L:rvslr¡l:r. thin long prismatie tr¿!.grnc¡lls i¡r rarclv as gr:rilrs
cam¡rosccl oi r:rtJiaiing librc.... 1,Vi¡r¡¡ gntins ntay ¡¡ls:i¡ oceu¡.
Fluitl. opaclnc and rteeesst¡tv ¡ni¡rcrel i¡.tciusion:; ¡¡re i'lkti

tolour: Briglii grcc,rr. r¡:;urllv rvith ¿i F¡luisl'r lingr úirain:

Ir-cqucnil'v rli:;plav c,.rkrur ze¡niltg ¡r¡ irrcgttlar cchrtlr disiri
butir¡n. Acrnitt is cli-qtinguishcd f¡'om a'-girinc ot¡ the basis of its
ht(|rvn ('f lrt¡¡u'ttish-t.:rr'r'n rrliour

Pleothroism.' is distinctivc: u, cnrerrl(l srccn. tlecp ¡¡rcerii

li.grass grr:cn, rler:p greL-n: y^ trrou,nislt grcen. ycllorvish
blorvn. Aemite is wcakly ¡rleochroic in ¡r:tlc lir.lrvtt anel ycllorv.

BireJ'ringencf .' Maxirnunr bircilingcncc is strong. and

i crttrcncc crilour:.: a re thi ¡ d- o¡' iiiurl l¡-iirclt-r' grccn, vcl krrv
anrl tlark pink. trut tlicy ilr'c t¡ftcn ¡¡laskc¡-i bv thc strong
rnincral cc'ltrt¡r'.
E.rfincfitl¡l: crtinclirin an-{le is srniill. rangiug litirn 2" rri
I (I',

Intt:r.feretu:e figure: { l(10} íaecs sh(iu ()ft-r:entrL, lrisce t¡i.r

figures antl {(ll(}} facc:: liicld ffash tigurcs. lsr;gvrcri apl)cal
solnL]wh¿tt erbscurcd (]n ¿¡ ycll()w-grecn fie ld. CQkrur ha¡lds; :trr,

E I o ttgtt tir t n : frl¡garivc.

D is ti tt gtt is h in g Í¿ uiu re :r : Dorni rrant ly cuhctlral or slc n{ l!:r

prismalic mrir'¡'rhokrgv, r,ivirl ct¡krur, distinct plcochrris¡n.
cornbined with o¡rtitrallv negativc cltaracte,r antl ncu:¡livc
Lrlongat¡(ln, alc tliagnostic. 'l'hcsr: pro¡rcrti*i scrve tti dislin-
guish it l'n¡rn othcr pyr{xcncs. Acgirinc-augi1r: ha-c u l:tr.qer
exlincti{rn anglc- arrd is rr¡rticallv citlicr positivc or rrcgi¡tivr-.
Howevcr, in addition to o¡rtir:al rrtr,:rrts it is advis;rblc to usc
clrcmical rrr X-rav nrclhods l() clrsufe r ¡rositive rliaen()sis ()f
¿rl'girinc. l'hr: lcngth-flisl chilractef tlist inguishcs aegirirte l lorn
anrphibrilrs. Sle ndcr.q¡'ccn ldurmalinc has :r w.rrkcr rl.liLrl'¿ilrd
loq,cr=rlrder i¡1iL-¡lc¡q:n¡:c crilours. Prism¡tie fragntclrts of
e¡tidotc ¡nav rr:scntlrlc at-girine , but lhc color¡r arrcl pleochroie
scl¡enrc of cpiclotc is ¡lwavs in a r-ellowish-grecrr -slrilde in
contr;rsl with thc rkrtrin:lnl [¡luish or trtorvrtish-gtcen cololrrs
oí ar:gir-inc.

{} t ( Ll r re n t:¿: : dcgirinc erysíallize:; in ul !: ;rli-¡ ir:h i ¡rtrusivr-r,

sucl¡ u-s svcnite . nc¡rheliitc s\L nilc. l.vtni'r(- P.truriltilr ¿utrl
al kali-r'ich gr;rnite. Na-rir:h r.,-!tionlllv ntelarnor'phrisctl rocks
rreeasirln:rllv contain ¡rcgi¡'i¡r.:. ll i-s unr:rrnrnrr)rr, lrú1 rn:rv a¡r¡reirr {iruins. .fit¡ril: I'vt'rrcla-stic origin l¡'o¡¡¡ llrr: l}¡tlaetteette
r.)ckq. Ar'Í'¡e artd :rcrttitt: l¡:rvE: br:¡-rn
in :rlkali rjlilrusivc Thlrnei lrormatio¡r. oll.chrlllr .!(illlh-c;l-si Finglarrrl' lrore hole 7(l/
rcportcd :rs authigerric (foliliiin & F-ugstr:r 1t).í1). ljr¡rtcv rt 7,4 57.¡ri ¡n. íir¡¡in it4r iiglii is intctgrtrwu rvith ;ttl'vctlsor¡iic
Michic l!,7ri). (Ni¡¡ri l.Éiáil). Ci)urtl:-c]¡ itl A. i'. M(trttlrl.


AMPHIBOLE GROUP The standard amphibole formula is:

General considerations ALr B:CuisTiusO:r(oH,F,Cl):

Anphiboles are common rock-forming minerals of many
igneous and metamorphic rocks and are rvidespread in detrital where A = Na,K; B = Na,Li,Ca,Mn,Fer*,lvfg;
sediments. They constitue an extremely complex group in C : Mg,Fe2*,lvfn,Al,Fe3*,Ti;
rvhich a considerable variation of chentistry and physical T: Si,Al
properties is characteristic. There is a strong relationship
L¡etrveen these properties and the conditions of crystallizxtion. The four principal amphibole groups on the basis of thc
The chemical complexity of arnphiboles implies that oprical numbers of atoms of (Ca + Na)¡, and Na¡¡ are clcfined as:

observation alone is inadequate to diagnose a particular

species positively and, for a precise identification, chemical I iron-magnesium-manganese aniphiboles
irnalyses are essential. These can be performed easily on 2 calcic arnphiboles
detrital specimens, as concentrating amphiboles by nragnetic 3 sodic-calclcamphiboles
separation or by handpicking for fr.rrther study is relativell 4 alkali arnphiboles
simple. Electron-probe microanalysis rvill then provide the
data for calculation. The nomenclature based on crystal
chemistry, and introduced by the Report of the IMA
Subconimittee on amphiboles (Leake 1978, discussed also by
Hawthorne 1981) facilitiates a rapid allocarion of amphibole
analyses. The nomenclature uses rvell-established names
u,hich have been chemically codified. Specific elenent¿rl
ranges are indicated by prefixes and adjectival modifiers.
For amphiboles diagnosed only by their optical prop('rtics.
the ileport reconlmencls that the assigned antphibole name be
made into an adjective, follorved by thc word antphibole, e.g.
tremolitic antphibole, glaucophanitic arnphibole, etc. In the
case of detrital arnphiboles it is olten necess¿rry to adopr this
approlch. In nrost instanccs, alloc¿rtion of a particular sub-
group cÍrn lre nlatlc by optical obscrvation. P¿rrallcl cxtinctron
indicates orthorhonrbic arnphibolcs; intcnsivc cokrurs in blLrish
shadcs, strong pleochroisnt and r)ftsn nccative clont¿rtion f,rc
charactoristic ol alk¿rli amphibolcs; tre¡¡lolitic amphiboles lack
colour; and actinolitic amphiboles are gcncrally fibrous. When
appropriatc, for calcic amphibolcs thc rvell-established nunte
'hornblcnclc'continues to bc used, but rvith an adjcctrvc. This
scrics is typi{icd by intensivc srecn, bluish-qrccrr and bro*'n
cokrurs (hcncc thc ol tcn usctl nallres bluc-grecn, grccn-brttrvn.
ltntl [rrrlrvn or oryhornblcrrrlc).
Arnphilrolc-riclr heÍ',.,i' ntin,'ri.rl asscmbliigcs. in u,hich tire
.rrnplribolc spccics havc i,ccn l,rcciscly clctcrmined, c¿ln provc
highly valuablc in spcciivins sourcc-rock lithologics anrl
distinguishing or corrclatinq sand bodics.
[]ccausc of thcir krr,v chcrnic¿rl stability. íin1l)hibol!'s arc
casilv aflcctccl antl elinrinatccl by rvcathcring antl dilgcrrelic
proccsses. Dcposits oltlcr than Tcrtiarl.¿tre oftcn devoid of
anrphibolcs, thoush therc ¡rrc rcports of wcll-preserr.ccl
riltt¡r[¡ilr¡¡¡¡r i¡r nrrnt itncict]t suücc\si(rn\.
I)etritlll anrphibolcs, usccl fr¡r thc prcsent illustrlrtion. rrcrc
derivcd from diversc paragcncscs ancl h:rvc been sclected fronr
a rvicle varictv of ancicnt antl mocle rn sedimcntary cnr iron-
ments. J'lie purp()se was to highlurht the r¡ost comrnonly
occurring spccics in sctlinrcnts ancl, whcneler possitrle, shorv
sevcral represcntltivcs of u particular group. With a fcu.
cxccptions, all gr¿rins h¡ve lrcen idcntilicd and nanrctl bv thcir
chemic¡l contcltt.
ln thc folkrrvint classilication and clescription ol detrital
amplrilrrtlcs thc plinciplc of thc norncnclaturc cliscusscd above
has bccn atloptctl. Iror sintplicitv, only the chcnlical hrrmuluc
ol thc end mcrltrcrs are intlicatcd. []urther tlctails can trc
firuntl in the Rcport (t-cakc lt)78¡.

ii,i...d l'ái !;t!fiq: i-..!!1. i:Fi!E ,F-i É!,r..!E:.,

{. } r ¡ !¡ ¡¡ ; i¿¿ ¡ ¡e¡ l, i ¿ !'¿ ¡ i :,= t :;

l-.1:ii ii¡c¡¡r[¡rr:::
tr4:¡r¡r.-:i¿r ;1¡i¡lii :¡:ii'1:!!iir l:'i::-:ji..i .:,,{ ¿. } E t i.
I r:¡ ¡ri :ltil¡¿rrii¡r'l!i¡, t;e.'i:,ir-,i ],.({ ¡! i}.,
I'r¡rlir¡¡¡¡ :¡¡:i irr¡¡ill-.:!ii¡r l-i:¡( F-.:!s - Eir" i ,nll-i=r i..i:. -:¡ ¡ ;
iv'i:¡¡¡ ¡¡r:si,- r-ge d r'ii r l;4¡:..+l ,iii,,:ii -i.i.. -{ r. !! ! ) .
!:tirc geiiriii: i:e '.,al,lii, nl-c..r.,íii! !i.
.]r rLlrt!¡!!-!iLr!r lr! Ia;r1[r1. E , '¡. ll,;. ir! E ' i. !! !i
Rl:rgtit:;ii:-li,-rlnx¡ rii:;i i il ' !.i .Fi¡:r,nÉ.:;i.. ,..ií ¡:!¡.
!;. tr¡ ! h,litlur¡¡¡'-: ;!,' F.i .Er-,^i.:.;i.,{ ¡,,¡ i iE ¡ ¡ .

': i-Ji:i aii::ci!E:;rii ii: il:t É.-¡i.:;t:¡i r:,,t;¡E:

fu'l¡:¡t¡¡¿'!i¡zi¿' .í¡¡¡¡¡¡:; ¡",¡q.=¡¡qrr-iirri:,' iq,i¡¡¡r- i¡l¡:!¿¡¡ii- ¡h..

{u,nft,iegÉi!¡¡á¿--grüE¡rt¡Er $t¡'!a:,:- i¡¡:¡i<lL.¡rihr:¡ ;i¡e¡¡¡br¡:. :-- rr¡r:
titittgli¡¡liir rl¡l\ {¡!-j.-jui lrrcltlli: t¡: ..r.r!ii¡¡i!'!lir :;it,:.i t¡v ci!i¡itiil!!
iottilc-l¡r::i¡i¡t:: :i!i¡¡ritibiil!i!':: :rilii :.,i¡r¡rr: l¡¡,-'i;rli;¡::i¡- ¡r'r:1.:,.
(iru¡ieritc lirri:r:; i:rrg¡1.; iti iirci:::trorlilior¡-:¡i i!ii¡¡ !i,¡¡lt.tli(!rl:.
'l'ltr el¡;r¡:ictcri:ji¡c ir:¡1uf..{ri ¡ll(:n¡ir!'¡:; iii ihi:;:;.-ric:: i:; li¡¡-.
itrtrltipL: ir,.;ii¡¡rin:t 11¡-r j tllllf '¡.,iti¡ ¡¡;l¡¡,.'ir ir¡'i¡¡ i:l¡¡¡r:llirr,..
{'i¡ttr¡iiitieL¡triir-"i:; ri¡¡iit;¡llr,, l¡i;¡li¿,i i¡ri:;iti.,,r:urti g:rrirrrric i:
hi¡r;ri:ri ¡rrf:_:rlivr..

AcEEEcepÉ3É€vEEÉE* arad HecErÉÉr

c¡ihrrii¡i¡i¡rl¡ir. I'ir:.-ia! t ) í I !

it!. l.i!.1{r i.í¡t¡+

ttl'i I.t¡{t:: !.71{}
il.i i .(r l:j L7i:
¡) t!.flt I {t.{ilH
¿i .i¡, .r.,/

i'I¡rr¡¿ in :;í'{!¿ffi¿"iti:;. e ir;ri¡r:;:¡rr-r.itlrcr ¡:risr¡:riic. hl:r(l!:.1 {)a

r:ali¡¡ll()sr:d (ii r,,nf¡1rr!:ilt' qriir::ri¿-'¡-l liir¡'¡_.:: rrr firre rrre,:llc:. 'i ht
¡rrisnr:r1ie gr:ri¡rs <¡ii.:¡i ¡-:::!¡ihii r'ir¡:::: i¡:rLit¡¡,-r:,. !llcll!:jiltti:.. ili.f f:, i t., tt gu i i, t n : Po:;irivc
tlitiitl.; rtl-:ti¡1¡¡ iiir¡ruritic::.
i.'i,c¡i¡tgui::hi¡¡E .it'ttittrcs: l,ri:nlali. ¿ir¡thiiphvilit.i is
l-t¡i¡tUf: F-4t-lrrrfliri¡rirylliie:: :lrc eoit¡tnl(r::.. hi!i .*iih in ,'l¡:¡¡¿¡eieti:rrl l-v ve¡.r,ir:rlc (t¡r lack of) c{)l()r!rs. irtnl)hib{tlc
crcasing i¡'(in ci)¡¡t!:¡li !:r:!¡n:; nt;rv¡;!rt l¡¡ou.¡¡ or iiql:i cirir!1-, iitial liiti¿!!lel e:;iinelio¡. -lrcni<ilit.: slrarnglv ¡.!-
vcllrir+i:il¡ l¡rorv¡r. {iedrilu- hits :;lr(}!tl:r'f ,:,¡i,ir!ts i!l 1t:rlt ltrorvn st:iil¡1.-:; itnih.)PhVlliic. i¡u¡ ii lies ohlit¡rrc cxlincf i()¡¡. '!' nt <il
irn(i clov.t l¡itru'n (kii'-cr righl). cil:it:¡tilr is higher' ¿|!l(l ii ()lirti crllitrif s L-:is{}luli{)n ll¡t¡¡.,!lar:,
srti')rnliil¡t::rli{)¡ o¡' iylticul ¡rvÉ.(},{cne etch-lc:rtr¡¡'cs eallcd
Plrocitrt¡i:;¡tt.' {irir¡urctl v:¡r'iriits dis¡rl;rv we:rl: i(i rn(xiriririf 'l¡¡tcksitrv ternin:rlic¡ts'. l)ilrll:¡gr: rlisplavs pronrincnl
pletrclu'tiisrtr irr: rr. ¡r;rlc ¡:rev bntu,rr: li. lii!¡\.rni:rit.g!.ev t{i rliit.ú ¡r;rrting
lunrl slightlv inclinct! c;rliuclior¡. I'ris¡n:rIic sillini;r¡¡iie c;ln Ire
broe'nt'¡. ¡lat!: i¡r¡irrrr. *¡l'v" grcyi:;l¡ g¡,',:rt. lont'rlsr:cl rvith anllro:rh.:i!iic. but il¡c iir¡.rrrcr iacks ;rnrphihole
c¡Lii!r..¿¡itf, :r. t- ibrr¡u-s c, ¡lotrrle€s i¡ nl hollhvl l itr c:r ¡r rloi l.rt] disl i n_
Birt:.frintt'tti:r':.' h;l1:-:i¡¡rrii¡l }irclringrn¡r: is r.r,r,irl: tr: ¡¡rixl gui::hl:ri Ito!l lh. i:hiou: sillinranilc vitriciv, Iib¡.oli1c. b.,,
L:¡lt1!: ¿l!¡d inte ríe r rrrcc c0li¡i¡r:; ;¡íi: i ir,,irl ..]acdnal-r-¡¡ tlcr iirris, ollii{-'iil nlcntr:: ¿t¡oite- !:':tlu-.aili)uif,{l ¿iilll¡(}lthyllilr_.:; ¡nr_l hrorvn
I:'risntillic g! iiirt!, r.!llcn tli:;p!lrr,' ¡11;¡¡1.., lrti.glti ¡nlr! lL.rrrr¡:e coli¡r¡: g,:rlrilc:-:ire, llrlwrvrr. ea:;il9 disiiirguish:¡trlc f¡.i¡il llrc;¡hv:¡vr:
banrir gl::r'alir:l r."'ith liri: l¡rr¡ '¡'-'i' i)! iiit-. ¡,-tv:.i:rl- arrl(-iattlr:i:: Iih¡ r:li¡r.

ll:=!i¡lt'!i¡:¿¡t: E,)l !rtiriti:j i:-. ¡i:rr;rlle! rnrl il¡:ti oi lilr¡r¡,,r:; sr:ri*¡ r:. {.}L'¿:¿gr{¡¡¡-'¡.: arri!ro¡'hvllit,: atd J:t:qi¡!¡L= irr. ¡vpi!.irll\¡ nr.I:¡-
r !ndr! l:itiit'1,r. i'r¡oi-[]ii¡! t¡i¡1._'litl:; :tilrl i!¡rv :r¡r¡t,-.;ri. iri :rnrphihiilii.::" r:tr!.i\\ci
Irnti -g¡-¡nuliic::.:¡fi tvcll li:; i¡r rc.::io¡¡;¡ll\.,üc1it¡tii)rirh{}sa(l
l n f t'rftrrllt:i: ril rt' : i'lr;rv:¡r,-' i r';rsii¡r¡!i:- ¡rrtr.,,iiic ii;;:;lr
.fi t¡lÉ¡l¡b:tsir,' Iqra!,t::. Fr'j¡-1- :¡¡tri [:'e-r¡rrt:r:-srni:tli:;¡¡r ¡nav iir¡.¡tr :rntlril-
íigttt'crs ri,iili *idclv .c!r;ter't! iso11vl..'::. { lll{!} l:¡.,:.-'s r.,i._:iii t[:lr¡ ii,' (t¡
!-hlril *c(l i¡1a il¡ ilrr:il i;r,jer¡t¡:; sL-{li mrn i !:.
:¡eutt bisccf¡i:: ligrrrr::;, h4* u¡tfh,¡irli-fl¡iif:; ¿!¡f !iFlia;!ll1 i!r" r

íivt. l¡rt¡ liiri:;.-' rtii!r irislre¡ iti¡¡t r{rrllfl!¡ ::i1' (!lttir;rli.- It!r:.tli\L- t ti'iiiit:; lftt¡ij.
j'-----:--.- ¡'- -
Lliifrfi r(r\rrr: ;iniho¡rhl,lliiir ¿!i¡¡ilhilrrilu.
{icrlriiq hlr:; an opti+ltlly Fi!:,¡ii...e.rhilrr.rÉ..a. irr¡i !lltin:: i:r:lii,:r¡r¡ lvl irl¡ llc A ¡ rie ric¡i
DI: I -e s-rir1; [ ,Gtve r riqlri : {1,-rh it c.
ticl¡l ;rr¡ iiritti,- rL ¡itl iitiu¡, ii.-.e ¡ ::;¡¡¡ql. f-)¡rnubr:. Flurtglin ifuinti 1.-ilj:i.


Orthorhombic forms
End members:
Tremolite CalM95SirO22(OIl),
Fe rro-actinolite ca:Fe25siEorr(oH )2
Edeniteo NaCa2Mg5SiTAlO:r(OH):
Ferro-edenite NaCarFe2.SirAlor:(oH):
Pargasite NaCa2MgaAlSi,,Al2O2r(OH)r
Fc-rro-pargasite Naca2Fe24AlsioAl2o22( o H )l
Hastingsite NaCa:Fe24FerSióAlzo::(oH)l
Nf agnesio-hastingsite NaCa.MerFesSi,,Al2o':(oH )l
Alum ino-tschermakite CalM 93Al2Si,,AlrO2z(OH)l
tschermakite CarFer.Al2sinAl:o2:( o H ):
Fe rri-tsche rrnakite Ca¡MglIie32SinAlrorr(oH )r
Ferro- ferri-
tscherm¿rkite c¿rrFe2 'FelrsinAlro2r( oH )r
Alumino- magnesio-
hornblende Ca.Mg.AlSiTAlOrr(OH):
hornblcnde CarFe2rAlSiTAlo2r(oH):
Kacrsutite{grTiSióAl:(O + OH)r1
Fe rro-kae rsutite NaCarFe:lTiSióAl2(o + oH)rr
* Members between eclenite and kaersutite are describeci
rrithin thc 'hornblende series'.

The sodic-caicic amphibole group includes a scrics of mono-
clinic amphibotes containing 1,3 end-members. The chenrically
definecl names rvinchite. barroisite, richterite. katophorite and
taranrite are spccificd by appropriate prcfixes to indicate
elcmcntal ranges.
As (lctrital grairrs sodic-calcic arnphibolcs nlay havc Iocal
importirnce. lrut thcir iclcntity can only bc rcvcaled by
chc:::ical nrc¿rns. ltr a studY of st rlic ancl calcic anrphibolc-rich
lus;:en.blages ot tlrc L.rtvur Nfi'.rr"ne',vcstr:rn Alpinc Nlolassc
N'fanuc-Rajetzky & Obcrhrinsli (1932, Figurc 7) analvsccl
grains with chcn.rical compositions plotting in thc richterite
¿rnd ferro-rvinchitc fielcis respcctively. Nforton (1983) reported
magncsio-katophorite of volcaniclastic origin front thc Palaeo-
gcrrc Fcrrnlation. England.

I i i:¡l=r.¡Y ¡+.i ! N i-.lEA I ¡lfr-:;i'RI P]-l{ A t.j ¡ ¡ í1'{ E rr }[ J I-: É'! .A-rE:i


itl.iu!!Llinif. l¡ir:.-i;rl { )

i i(l .i(_)q l6fiii

t rl\ .Gl: l.rf)7
¡l-: .i¡jt I _7|-
.ü:1 |.1'jt7 it:: :

t.0l .1"+,!
--:-=..,.: . i

Ft¿r¡n irl st-dir¡¿tni:;: (i¡¿¡in:; nrosi rr¡¡rD¡r¡i¡nlr,, :rpFC:lr ;r:i

lltin. :ir¡rrl síunrpv or'lortt: slrrtrlrr pti:r¡n:;. :tral flrcir c¡rtls ollr¡i
sl¡orv eiult li'aturc:. So¡¡¡t'{Lliitt:t ¡¡¡;¡r,' r-'Ir¡-lo:;e o¡r:rrrtrt irir
purii ic:;,

{ |¡¡I¡qIr: {-'.r1.)u!-lci:!. ¡lrl.: lrevish i:i grer-'nislr rvhiii:.

It I r ¿ ¿r' lt r¿ t i :; m.' i.l.n ¡rleoehloie.

I|'ingtnct'.'Wc¿¡[: Iii ¡11()rlr:!lrIr-.;rn(l i¡ile¡lrirrlcr irrii:r

irrc tirsl-ritclcr ¡1ri-:y. vcllorr ()i ()r:r¡rge. 'I-lrick-r,t' gt.lli¡r:l nlir\'
uxhibil :-rac(ilrrl-oLrlL^r p(!lirrir:ltioll c,'hrurs.

F,-rfi¡lt:titltt: {}n i{)l{)} scctitirr: rhc rrlirrciir¡r¡ ¿rng,lu !'iuiL-:-

bctrvcrrr 1,5" (fir-llemolitc) autl ]1" (lVtg l¡r:nroliic).

Inler.[t:rt:tttt' .fi.qure: { l(lti} crystal iucr::: vi.:ltl ;r clc:ri ;¡.urr

l¡iscctt'ir ligurr r.rith lulgc 3V. ('olour Irar¡r]:. :r¡'i' usu:rll.,,

EI o ngai itt tt : [r¡rsilive.

I)istinguishing, .l't:ulures: P¡is¡¡urlir' hlbit I.geliicr wi{h

lutlplribolc clc:rv¡gcs, l:rck oi ccklrr. irequertl r;rggr,d r,tlgcs
¿utrl lott'-orrlcr intctli'rc,¡rr:r tinls arr ,,1¡¿tgn,rslit:.'l l-r:nrolilc tnltv
lrt- t:¡¡rrfused rvith lrnthophvllit.-, bu¡ thc t:xtinctiou ()l the latte ¡
is pirrallel irtttl il tlis¡rl;ry:; rrtorc intcnsivc p(il¿lrizirlir)rr frrL¡urs.
l)iiipsirlc ha:; higltt:r' ttt i¡¡ril lr llr¡ge c:<linctiort an¡¡le. ('lintr
zoisite :r¡r¡reirrs with a highci ¡cliel anrl sh,ru's vivirl. olle,n
¿iltonralor¡s. inlcrlL'r(-nrr(. crrl()urs.'['hc cxti¡¡ction rii sillinrlr¡ritc
is parallcl. its hilcliingcncc is s{rritrgcr l¡¡ul it l;t.-ks unt¡rhiboL:

()<:t:urr¡:n¡:t:: -ll'c¡r¡oli1c is nro-rl. Lr()¡llnl()nlv a ¡rrtrrluct of

thcrnral or rcgionlll nrr:l¡r¡ro¡plrisnl .)l silicrr()us tLilt¡lrritr:s.
Sr¡¡¡e trenroli lc-hc:rring :rsscrrrhln-qcs ;lre ilss()cilt{c(l wilh l( )\y-
gnrtlc rcgitin:rllvmct;rmorphoscrl ultr¡lh:rsics. srrcl¡;¡slre nrrllif rr
1:rlc :rnlig¡)r-iic irnrl lrenrr¡lilr l;ilc schists.

(iraitls _fi"tltit: ()lisocr:nc. [J:r¡ r-i:nrc l]asin. Fr¿rncc

(Ivlnrt I.53()).

¡1i ¡
ÉrilE: R{.!A{ITEI'J(l¡.I]-U. +i'! ! r1Jr }!.i-t H

F es'r*aeÉÉmotÉÉe. acÉEn¡q¡EÉÉc

monocliriic. I¡i;xial i .)

¡?c 1.5¡l!] i.i¡iill

nll I.íri2 !.ó()7
ir{ l.íill I.7i}5
ir {!"(}27 {).{ll7
4 .',.{il -1..1"1
Forrn in s€(tifi':{ilfs: Acti¡r<¡lite í¡cür.irs :r:.i iibtot¡s g¡:ti¡rs
e{r¡¡rllr)sl:.1 ol parallel, sub¡r;irallcI ¡rr r¡rcli¡lIlv arrtr¡¡-gt.-! iihrcs,
{tr sor}lrrtilucs intcrrvr)r,cn ¡r(]edlcs. ilolr¡¡¡¡tutr rrr bla¡lctl
crysi:ils ¿iic k:ss c(lmm()n, [{ounding oi the gr;tilrs ¡¡¡v he
discerrril¡lc. lrtin ore ;rrtd c:rtlrrrnacc()tls inclusiúlls afc {}cca-
:;ir¡nally pr(:s!rnl.

{¡tl¡lur: l'alc grec¡r. pnlc ycll<iu'ish llree¡1 it} hluish green.

Pleochrt¡i:;¡n' :lltilt' (iistinct pie(lchruis¡¡l:

Cer-t¿¡in snrin¡;
u, ¡ralc yellorv. pah lrrorvn, lkrwi::h grccn; fi. paie ycllrrwish
gfe(=.n {!r Íjrctln; Y, llL^rp grreni:jlr irltlrr. pillc grec¡l; trtltcLs ¡re
non-plcr tr:h t,ric.

BireJ'ringeratf.' We¡k lo mr¡dcr¡rtr: :t¡ttl !s it¡iirtcnccri hv thc

clrcnrisirv ol thc niineritl. l¡rtc¡lc¡c¡ict *rkru¡s ric ser:r:¡rtl-
qrtrlcr vcllorv. tlec¡r onri.:gc. [¡lrrc anrl blrti-sh grt:cn.

E:tíi.tlt:iitttl: {}u r:rilu¡¡r¡¡;¡r:¡i¡ti hlar-ler-l rryst;rls llrc r,riiti¡rcticil

iurglc i:; hcirvecn I l" :rnd li'.
lnít:rJer;:nrc Ji¡4ttt'e : Elcc:rust ¡rl' thr-' do¡¡ri¡rririly lihrous i:-;::j'

hahit,¡í ilic, ¡¡lineÍal, it is rlil'liculi tri i¡hi¡ri¡r an intcrlercirec i....:-=.--=

E lt i tt¡1ttíiit rt : irr ¡si i ivc.
= :-..i:i

l!istingitishisry ffltítlr{as: 'll¡e iil¡n¡us habit and grecnish ,i :t:::i !

coloul' :;r,tve io rJistingrrish aeiintilrl,: lrr¡¡¡t rrthr:r iu¡lf)hiilr)lLts.

esper:ially irt¡r¡t ihr: gtrlLri¡ h(rr!llilcnrlc v;tricii.:; :tntl l¡relriie.
anil from ctikrrlilr::s trer¡l()lit¡r- lr,rn riel¡ actitt,rlitcs- ntcrgin',:
il t¡t¡r¡rt:ienrle- ¡¡eetssil¿rt,-' ehe¡rricai icst:r !or ii iirt:,iltr,'
iile¡rtiiiCaiirr¡¡. :iqt¡.¡¡rj aii-ha.l. ilsr:¡¡il(i-i¡it¡cir!s hlLtc gL.:.:it h*Ln-
blcniii nriry rescrr¡l¡lc acii¡rrilitc. i¡rri i¡:: c:;Íi¡rcíirin:rnglc i:;
iriger:rrtrl ihc ttdr irilitciirs elt;rircir,risticallv,-1t.,'ek¡l¡ itt iilc
iti llf{)il¡!¡¡.::!!t rllLlilv¡lgr:Í1.
¡-liri:q:i i¡¡¡r

1..á¿-:c'¿irrrr¿tr: ái:tint¡liir, is; -rr¡ie¡:raetl [rf iiirl-gi:rtlc ¡,:gii¡¡r:rl

Í¡¡atanli!a!ih¡si¡t (sri:r-'¡¡::clr¡:tÉ l¿r:i.:r:). ll Éi¡r¡ts i¡t r:l¡i:;i:r r-kiir.i-:rl
lir-iiil t¡e:;ic ¡i¡rk:: :lnd :rlsri in higlr-¡l¡-e:;:it!rr ¡);!¡e:rr::
r-.lg,ciilri wiii¡ blrrr:;udie liir¡rlrihdic:;. l¡r:;i¡¡nc iii:¡rrri'c limu
:;ilir-:liir: iq¡:t:r lcii¡n¡lii,-, i:; ¡ri,-a-lirtt,-l irv ie:¡itc:ri iii f{int;t.¡
inci:iaitr;r¿riti-riii. Fib¡r¡t¡:. ee¡=liÍe i:. reii¡:r¡iiii,- in ron¡r.;:iii,'l
l¡¡r¡-l is ii-rnrcrl bv irvd¡iiih(:í!l;¡l ¿tlíriaiio¡r rii ¡:t-iii::ciic:;.

{.irai¡ls.f}-r?fir." :\riiirqliiir;rrir¡ririb,rle- hi,'r¡¡,.',,,t.t. lii Fr,:,-

É-'ir.rrrvtrl I - Ei¡i::l:rirl t lvir¡¡i | - ilil ).

E !ir¡VY ii¡li{t:!i;'rL L¡ESi t¿il, l tí ii-js ÁI-l I ¡ { "' il .i ¡i J E-:- F!.+'I-F ::r,

E ?
=É -LEF,9 Ü g E€,E
ÉE C ff ,'JE: il E éJF.-

... .¡i..;,

! rir¡it¡¡ ;rtrri!i:!!i.:ari. ;ir ',t,¡i::rlli !:r!.,!i!ii.r,il¡'-i'iii,-!.;rr.;!ii

i ¡i-!i i{:iili:=j !lr::gi:¡itL

r,,-it¡¡i¡i. ;li:tF,¿¡:.!iij
i,::,'qr;r'.r'r' :r¡!"-lr;li:':!!l!r
¿r,ei¡,,¡'¡r¡:; k i¡ r
l¡:¡ r¡:=i:;i'i¡i'r:¡r;¡ k ii t
ai íi I ii:f ¡ .rl!_r I.6i-.,
¡¡l! ¡ l¡1.-- :.1!.: [-riij
!.¡¡.;l 1.7,1{!
i!.i!!+ i!,í!2í: i!.(l:1.:

ir:¡::ilrigsiir u;.:v¡r1i ¡ !¡ h lLjÉiilr k-!r-'i-ar,! í ii(

í ¡-¡r;:!i¡r:;ii:'
iii ntegtie:-i:!!l
l¡:r:ri ir¡gsii* i

¡t.t I 1l'l: i-{rirl l.{i{-!{! ! fi7t|,.q!)

irt\ | .7?{i l i¡t-? 17il't i (r7: i.7.1{}
¡¡^f i _7'Jtl I ñriri I 7á{} l.{rli{1 i.76(}
¡ (¡.¡!:1,!i {¡.t}tH {}_!t7(! {} r}i!r {i.0ii3
h4cml¡rr: oi ih¡ l:,-¡r¡¡l>I.:itdc:iL:ilc: r'a th. llr.iSi rvialcsllrLr;¡il
i.lcirii;r! anrphibsrlc:.. 1!Arll¡:ri rlt,:ltiic¿tl tii¡;llvsi:r i:; noi :t.:¿til:tbl,-,,
sdalirileni¿¡tv illirili{igi:;i:: ie¡td ii; disiiirgui:;h l!(t¡litrlentia
v:liietic:- acr:otding it¡ ihcir coloul. r'irthc! 111;¡¡1 ¿1¡¡y irtlrr:t
Lrrilpcfticg.'i'hu:,.:rttei¡ ¡lli!l¡.i:l i!:; grecll-lli()wll. l¡lue-tlrctr¡r alrrl
l¡r¡y,,n (basallic. ¡i ¡¡:Vhgfn$c¡¡dr:) c{¡tillll{}t1lV ¿rppa;li ¡u
rlrportr oi rJ*t ri¡:ii ¡rr ir¡e¡¿r! ¿r¡r¡1.,':rc:..

For¡n itl srditrrtrt!s: {-i¡::in:: :rrc ¡¡¡cri,.'¡nin:r¡¡i1.. ¡--lr-'irv¿r.{e

{ragmrnt:; riele¡miirtd bv ¡;r:lle|i { I l{}l l}risnli!fic cl!:il\'¿lgc.
'l'lris alsrr grrl'er¡r-\ ::rail¡ r¡rict¡t¡ti()ft up(rl nl.)unting- -l'irc
nror¡lh<ilogy vi¡fic:; ft.r¡t! :ll¡r)tí r!r' slc¡lalai [)fisn)s, ittrgrrlar oi'
i'gl:ttrnguli¡i lragmcnt:" io lEinl: ihi¡l il¿rkls. Sc¡¡rr: g,!'aiit:r nriili hc
tl¡ick and !n¿¡:j:i¡vr. lrl¿!tv or bladctl: t¡lhc¡':; :ric Failiirllv librcus
()r afc sí)nlciirrle:i i!ti(-'rgri)wil will¡ a¡rOll¡cr:l[i]i-iliib()lc. r¡rarlv
with ¡rylo;<enc phasc:;. 1-lrr: L:níls of thc ¡rrisnrs :lie r¡lten
ror¡trrlc11, ¿¡bra{lr{l []ul ini)si La)¡'!r!r!olllv, csirccii¡liv ir¡,rldrr
sLrdinrcnls. ihey sh,rrv signs of v:lii{rrls (lcgrcrrs ¡rf clissrilr¡iirrn.
'I-lti:. is rccogni¡.c¡l lrv rag¡l*el cdgc:;, vari<ius.jtch felriures ri!'
skel*t¿rl for¡¡s. 'lhc di¡'eelions rrf trlc;iv¡rllcs ¿lnd cr{}ss lracturcs
arc usuallv r..,ell ,li:;plaved. Stri:rlerl clyslill lit.-:rrs r¡rav also
alrllerr, {-jr:tins ¡¡1 r,,(:)lL:in¡c :rrc oftr:n culredral ;t¡1al Ir¿tve
te l'n¡inalirins ¡ll !l!tL: of tr0tll c¡cl:;, 'l'hosc 0l llL'illilln (l{ Fos¡ts
¿¡r'c rvcll rounrlerl. lnciusio¡rs of :rrccss(lrv nincntls" tts lvcll a-s
elridútt, iriotitc. o¡--¿¡¡¡¡¡c i]aftrclc:., :tnd fluid glÜ[1¡li'r.'¡¡'*

{'elrtur: i,'l¡¿ir¡cteri:tir l¡i¡r¡¡hlc¡rrlq: color¡rs:r!..'' i:lrrish grr,r,n,

l¡rclt¡i gtr.rri ¿i¡i¡.i l¡rrir.,'n. 'l-hc tl;rrt-hrr¡rvil of tar{lalislr=b!-(irvri
vari ieiie:r arL- lct:; c()!t!!!¡{r¡t. COlout ir¡nitry rrr ¡r:rtr:hv c,rlOur'¡tt:! ilac- ífcqurrií- Verr: rla¡l:-l¡rr¡rt¡i gt;litr: trr;ry
lilpftrt {ilr¿quc. D*coiii¡lr:;iiion i¡l iron-rich r,;rritiie:; rilfc¡r
rrsults itt:r p:r;ti;;l irri¡¡ c:ride cti:¡1in{.
ltlectehr*is¡¡L" Si.r'ring. Th* :,lir¡r¡gi:;t ::h:;{!r'Fi¡iiir i:; !rr rirc l¡,
:irrd 1 viliriliicri riircríi,¡r¡ :lnd. ;rs s!':!;!i:- :ire ,!oirririaii!lv I I ltli
eitavagc iraqr¡ti:r¡is- tr is rarelv tlistcritil¡lc- ¡¡t,-¡:;i a(!!r¡¡¡l(ii!

¡rieiichri;ic ,,a¡,at,¡a oi ihc .4r'i:ii't ¡-¡i¡tt¡¡ nl r¡tri::iii':; i:- :¡:; ii¡il<irE:;:

ii iok¡tu ic:::;, 1:rlLrwisl¡ zrccn, qrii!r vclit¡rv- .,'ciii¡r,.' :r¡,-r'i-

ve!li¡:v. ¡r;rle l:tur.,,¡i gire:r. lic-lti Éreei¡. ¿rceii.

i:;tlu ¡rr,:tt, hlL¡i-s[¡ *1,'c¡¡.

iir¡::t'¡t teri*it.; ttsr¡;rllv :'hcrv :jir{rrig J¡le{iritii¡i:.¡¡¡ i¡¡ ::lri¡,1,-':. iti:

¿=.i rI
rt yelkirv ',tLt-,rtr, ir:tir ';:llorr'. gru-r-tti:;h vellcrv. q¡1:ai!¡:ih ::E:Fi:: ] I

t¡Lr:rwtt: :E:-r:=:+. =:

-P, lriila b¡()rvi¡, vcIl¡rrvish hriiu'¡r. ictLlislt lrrrttt¡l

!tirrwn. rlcc¡r reiirlislr bri¡x.n, ¡irl htrrr,r,tt.
::.:r i
#irej'ringenti¿:." [(! iitrqr¡g. i'sil;¡tiz:¡ii¡r¡r c,ri¡itti:"
¿rie :,':lriilbia irn(l lí¡rgcly liclrellil ill¡ iilick¡tc:;:; ;tnrl n:i¡;,:;;li
!:+i(tr!r. 5hlr{i.:s irflr t'iíi¡ei' u!r!)ul l¡ilst-ril.i(:a. :;utÚl¡il anri !i¡*e¡'
iliiril-¡rriL'r iirri:;. ¡nd:rae (¡ii{,'¡¡.rl):;ct!reii hv:;lr(}¡¡g i¡ri¡rr,,'¡¡i
¡tti¡rerai ,-'oicu¡

F,.';í!¡l¡'ii¿¡¡¡: i : :r r::iiri¡--lir:r¡ il¡lsi(: rlrirfiur!^.1 ¡¡¡ ilil::r
r¡¡¡ges ir¡:ir..'r¿-'r¡ :i¡¡,,i .lii". íi&-r;¡:icn:tl { l!l!!i 1:iriiirir ¡:i..'. -
hirvr Eli¡r;lllci i:iiiinr:ti.i¡¡- 'ihe ,-';.:iiiltiii¡¡t il;l*l(' r;i rr:.:-..¡:i'!,i
lile:rrl.-: rri¡l kacr'-ctrIil+ i:t í1" ll'1",

lnitrj'tt';:rlt'i: íi:1¿trt: {;ri!ins g(:¡¡r:í;¡lir; ;,;itrli! :rrrrr. hir¡ür!r

.icrraniriÍr i¡iscr:itii Íigut+s. lilt;ri¡t i:rr::ytes r¡rFc:rr iri :r r:¡iii.¡
¿lark íieltl rviiir a ierv isr¡ehri¡¡¡¡e,:;. iiorne {l{X}} :rrctit¡¡¡s oi ii¡.-'
[¡Ltiivtr v:lrieti¡-::.; a¡rri alsr¡ il('ii¡¡!]iii¡r' itoi!1ill('r¡!!c ili:;¡rllrv '+r:il-
dLritilL:.1 rri' :;ligii'r1.", r¡!ilr'u-.¡!i!s- l!!'tti. l)is.riri¡: iicrrrrs
¿¡ !. "',,r.'r¡, ",t +... ;i..,..

l-ei:;ii¡tgtli:;i¡ittg j¡.'riit1É'i.r:'!-ir,,, rh;r¡¿¡iic¡isii( ir¡i:.,¡!::::,,

rnci¡rliolog';- ltt¡pirii-oic clc:tr':rgt. lr¡rti ri¡ritrg,--'ii1ri¡¡': ¡'¡¡¡:¡!i-!¡
i'lti rlil:ii¡¡r:ii¡:l: r¡i .¡
i¡i¡ {;i:;v ili:!:t!¡{i:;i:: i¡í i-hr, hrtr¡!lllq¡¡(lir :l!:i ¡rjrt.
plrlieui:ri ¡¡rer¡ll¡rr si¡i¡i¡: il¡e g.{)1rp irlli!¡ia:; e!¡c¡¡¡icrii -'¡
ilc¡rr-:t. !¡tic¡t:,i-' :'i¡Lr¡-r':; ut¡rl itig,irr: :rl rli:;iittguislr !¡ir¡¡¡iri¡¡1r-ii-'
ironr i¡¿rn-ifcr';ltn¡tl¡;i).)iLt..; i.='.{. l¡r:!¡¡(i¡ii¡.'l¡¡til;¡¡riitr¡plt-vi1lii,,!.
litr-lie;r:it¡riritxiirs;rrr tistt:¡ilv irl¡¡r:.:¡¡¡ll::r:,icli¡¡ v;¡ri{:li{i:i¡!
k-:ngit¡ i;rsi. t'qr¡ti¡-r-siri¡i ¡ir;r.: eiise ii'i¡r:¡ iire :t::r¡;rhl:rr.-:':!
:iGmr h{}rill)ls¡!.!c g!i!¡¡r:r i(i i1]llt !1liilii¡r'- L:iiriL ¡i".'iii:rri:, :, .rr
:icgirine The iitt¡r ira(!itj¡i:J;¡itaii.i:: *r:rv hr: ¡:ri::'r;il:¿:¡¡ Ér::
:¡il;¡¡riir":.'¡-!¡t-li!¡t:¡¡¡irt ir; r¡ili:¡;.:i::i. ir:¡i¡¡h i¡::l:ri:tl h;r: ¡;rrt;:
{:i!::¡v:lgc:;, ii:r ::iL:¿¡iLrt :ih:rrliiri;rrii i: ¡iiti¡il:li i¡r iirr :il¡¡.ri¡rr¡r
:t l;¡¡'gcl .::::ii¡t(:ii{;¡¡ :ir¡::lc e¡¡¡i Ét:;:; rii:;ii¡¡¡i aia:rc:iIL::-. é,r't!r!r('
ir::: high,-:r irit:iciivi' 1¡ti¡¡rti::j. it(i(liri i--ir;¡r.J:ii¡r: ;¡nrl is ir-'¡¡ii!¡
i:r::¡, 'l-lit nq¡rúlii¡li¡g.: ¡¡i ::il;riri¡.: i: ¡¡::i:;¡ilv ¡¡rel:ul:rr. ii E::¡i::;
-i¡r¡¿l rlca.,.;¡g,-::; ;l¡¡ri É¡:¡:; ;¡ ¡:¡l¡¡kriiiv i¡igi¡t¿ ¡r:li,:i.

,1 ,,, ,
a- !¡-'ill!i'lrilt't'- r¡f ¡br-' !¡r¡¡¡ri¡!c¡¡¡le :.:¿'iie:. ii¡í¡¡r ¡¡¡ :¡
:tide i:n¡g!: iii !¡riiLr iltev :¡¡r !lr¡,':r.!ii :¡! ;¡ 1;:iri
vl!iiriy Qi igt!r:i;tr:: iti¡d !:Irrii¡¡t¡!¡ilrltir irr,-:k:;, {ii iltrsr. i}tr
C¡.!n¡n¡i!!¡ ií]t!i'¡-r!: ¡rlLi,:r ;ltr il!fi¡i;!i¡¡f,l ilr¡',' !¡l igsic(¡i!:: a,'ri;:;.
É¡,¡r¡¡ble¡¡,lcs i¡!r Eir¡csiiÉ.:rrl i:¡ iiiir:!!i!,:í-¡i:rirr. :rciii:¡¡:¿i:;lir:rlin.:
¿;tiLtts!..t-::: íe,q rli,ir'iír:;. gt:¡¡ir¡diorii,=':.,. ir¡¡¡lrliic:;. rrc¡:ii.rlirr.-
:';inii¿:- r:;sr;ritr)- {¡i iriii:¡¡¡:¡iit i(iL-Éi:;. Íhi: a:i!r:¡¡iiia: :¡ití-¡
i:;cl¡r:r¡¡¡:ll,.iÍic roi:rpil::iiiclr:; irir=' ih.r ir¡-in{ri¡-ii! ix'i'1!¡ a!:il.r.r:r.
=h¿'ir:i:. l¡¡ ¡,-:3rn;iiiir:s:rnrl :¡lk¿ii illt!iirie¡rs ir:i:;iirtgriir ilinrs.
á-.:i ..'i¡ir:r¡ii¿::-. ir:r:;¡rlis. il:rchitrs- :l¡¡rlrsiirs. i;iii¿es. lr;r:;rr¡tiirr.
ir¡if: ',:il¡ril¡in si:¡';hi¡!-¡rllli-'ntl.- 1':lliriii.r5 '¡'!i{l
ir:ií¡'if,::; :¡¡¡ii iht:i¡
iiia¡rir¡¡r¡-:icir k:¡r:¡'suiiir i:; gcilc¡:¡i*,-i in :¡ikl¡iinr' ylrlt¡.¿¡i!L-'i
I iE-.^i.j1 tul !i.lI:i.i¡r. I { }F,:i('i-:- I I''l t{ l¡.j:i A N ¡ i i'€ i! .{ i É I E=: l¡l ri'i'l,:':

ii¡:¡i:i:.;l:;r::l¡!i:: ii¡¿-l¡a-:¡¡r.l.jiii.:..;.i¡i¡.1!1j¡!j5:¡n(i:rll:;rlirhfolitr¡:;)
i¡¡ ¡tt¡iÚ¡t:¡ll'" :Efi:rii¡i!ai;i:ii:;..!! l,,r'[... r.lli.!ll¡.!: iii,ilt 1]¡(.,,.il:;alli::i
i:l{j¡.:r iii ilti,.!¡¡¡..,,.-'¡ ¡r;t¡i:!i i;r<.:l¡;!!tuli¡.,.i:r.:i¡-':-,:r¡ril i¡¡
:i¡a:1:i:ja!¡i¡;ii¡! ¡r,,-'i::.,ilr¡i¡¡lrlr:r{l!' :;¡t."!ri-: :¡ti' L.¡lr¡¡rt¡r¡ *'t:li
iu¡:¡ri:; ! l¡¿:: ;ric iiir-' ¡lq1r:iir;rl ri¡r-E l¡¡¡¡¡i¡iL: !¡¡i¡li:ii!l:r i)í lh!-.
:!illFI¡ilri¡lii.- i¡¡r-ii,':. '!!tI t¡11!¡:i ¡f{i!¡'f;ai: nl!n¡hsi: ¡t-.g. !rtr:,i
i;r¡1:;iir ii'¡¡i: i:tlr¡¡ii,:- !,-.¡¡¡;.¡¡;¡¡::t¡:;i¡c,! ir¡¡¡¡r i¡r :=rhir¡:; :lltri
I ¡ ¡,,: i:':; !::- .

i !4.'i¡¡;i ijj¡.'.',' I ¡¡'i¡ iii¡l:! :¡¡l:l! i irli. i!rr'. l,dflllLlr

!¡<,¡r¡t¡lc¡i,-L' gl:rei:il :-:rrrJ. iv'l¡r!ov;r- lirvil;:t:i:r:ttl; liqi'r,-¡¡i¡

ri¡.:': i--4;rt¡rr::..i¿¡ ¡iíiii.'il¡'-'ir(lf. g-i:r[: :;:u;i¡ile, Po¡=i qi i-].-'it:r,
i.Jq ¡¡::¡mi-ii! r¡.-
iii¡::i ¡l:it¡{-', li¡irij¡: E:( t'¡{r r'¡!r'¡¡i!¡i ir{rÉ¡itllf¡¡{lf- ¡!r,t.¡ :-;r:i¡!-
! .::¡¡¡r¡l¡.' F¡ ¡!il-::i:: !,
i-i'r'¿¡¡rii il;¡::,,, r¡lF!:i: l::ilrgttr'::i+ hl¡:;¡ing:;iiii: i¡r¡¡¡¡t¡ir¡rrli:.
i !¡i.,,,,i.É!, i.i.,i,,.'¡,, l:,.,;j¡ ; ¡¡tla{.
:-,i-:i:(ii¡il EiirqL- i¡'.r'.r: il:r::ii¡i:¡-::i¡,:.'E'r¡ti¡¡.:,iriliilir:g rii i:;iu:.rii
r¡,r'1, i., ';, r,1¡s,.'l¡lr. {rll.r'l
¡rag,,'. ir.,<¡ ¡t¡;¡ii¡:; ltii: Ft{;rli¡re:.i:i¡¡ l¡¡r:ri¡ng,rili,: i¡t¡¡¡¡i¡l¡-:¡trir.
hiitleih n¡rtr,'¡ir:ii '!'¡r:ti(:!i l¡:ll-i¡! I r.:g ñi¡: (ithr-'r {¡:linr;:
[::ru^rsrr! i!c. hL:;¡Ll'¡ ::;¡¡¡il
^ l !'¡l!:aiir. i':r¡r:it v i :l:r¡¡tl:;
;tll rr:¡il¡:. :r¡r cii¡i;r¡-lri¿:¡-l i¡¡ ir4¡¡¡t i--i-Hl.



il ¡.A t JCO F il Á= N 11 F{ i E Él tri-l Kil-L F t{ I Ei.':

4 Ai-KAg-g AMFH{E+{-ES
End r¡tc,¡¡ti¡ers:
{ilauco¡rharrr i{a.h'lg,Al-.Si"{ ),,({ } H )..
Fcrro-glaueophane F-Jii. Fcr r;\l.Si*ürr( Ll F¡ ),
fui a.uncsio= ricbcr:k iir: l..lir-ru,¡grFe }.,({-,}l | },
Ricbeekite filit,a.rr:r tF-c I)r
Eeke rm:rnnite NaFia.MguAllii.{ 1,'({ )H):
Fc ke L tna tt tt i itr Nat'l:r.fier,AlSi,L)rr( l )l ! ).
fu5:rgtrc:;iri-arívcds, r;titt l{:r.M g.rFe'S¡.,{-},,( {-l Fl }.

Artv¡-:dsriniic NaNa,l-er.rFe
i:ji*ol(oF! i. .:i::r-=:-+r=:
Kozrriitr: NaNa.,ivln.1( Fr:
I.Al)s¡,ri)rr( {JF!
)l -: =_ .:'=
Gtaaae*phasEe:rÉehecE EÉe serÉes : :::::=l

fulct¡ibcrs: Cl:rueoltharrc. fcrrogl:tricophanc.

::, - -:.=:
..-r,'r:iiu, =i-

i¡t¿rgt¡f :iiri-ricf,cckitc. ricbcekitc.

Al-F"-tr :;ubsiittttiotr ehllracterizes ¡llLrlnbers of thi:; :tr-tir:;

frci¡n glauc(ipl¡¿¡nc througl¡ crossite to tnagncsio ricbeck-iic :t¡rtl
therc is alsr¡ ;r i-:onlplcte :;olid soltttiirn lieix'eett rrlirsrcs¡'i-
riet¡errkile anrl riehcckite"

glauc,4rh:irrc crtissite ¡'ie he ckitc

¡ltrin(lL'l in ic irlrl¡lrx:l i ¡1 ic ¡nr¡ntrlinic
t¡iaxial ( - ) l¡irxial ( - ) tiiirxi:rl( )(f)
ntr l.5t].1-1.ó47 l.li47 l.r¡',]0 l,6inl-1.7(l:
¿li I .ú il I .É'ó.i i.ñó3-i.íir.,(l l.{r9(} l.7ll
ii^! 1.í¡ll'i--i ¡ú-i t,ñó3 1.7{}l 1.7.|: |.1t.)
ir ().(iof+ u.t¡:l 0.r)ll {.{)I6 O.(]{X¡ ti.i)lír
().()1i l.-1{) 1.1 -l.i t.{E- 1.,i1

Fr¡rrt¿ i* :;*¡liwtt¡l¡:;: t--i¡:riir:; l¡r, rlorlini*rily I I I(l I cle rvrr:e

il:¡kcs r¡d ihel; :ippc:ii i¡:l :ilcltalt-¡-r)i- :tirr¡¡pv pri::m:: ckiitgiltcrl
i¡r il¡r, i,ii¡cciirrn oi ihc ¡'axi:;. t¡r les:; i'rer+rcitilr, iecia¡rgu¡ll¡
fraqruci¡i:;. tl'ii¡i'ous rtilu¡¡¡¡ti¡t gt¿i¡ils. aniri:l ti iil¡¡-e s and
il:icitl¡t¡':igg¡c*¡tÍet ¡lsri iicLur- Small cr],,:;i:ri:; i';rt¡ hc ii¡u¡lri ¡r:;
L:(¡rlslituc¡tt:i oi ¡:oril¡rri:.iic gt'liitrr: iirt'nred ,¡i clint¡;:,¡i:;iic. :¡lftile,.
!¡-lit-it" rtic. {lL:avltgr- írlir-c:: l¡¡ltl úf0:;s i i:tctur(:s ¡r,-' u:;L¡¿tllr¡
visihlr. R:tgger-l rdger;:ric ¡loa J5 LrfonuLl¡!t:r:rl ¿t:t r)!l r-l!lc-.ic
r ¡¡ll¡hitrt¡les.

tl¡¡l¡lllf: {-ilaucclh:¡ne rk¡:e ir¡ ii:; ,--¡rri-irir¡rrbi,¡ ijiililil()!iiir,!t

h:r:t lighi irelc l:tteit,-ici cqilt¡tt¡:r ,¡rvit¡g iri ¡t liilv i'Lr{=:{rilir-'i¡i.
l¡'¡:n rich gllrrr,:tiphnrtr-' a¡¡il oihr='r ¡n.:nih.r:r .ri ihc :iclic:; ili:;fii:lv
vivid ,j,.¡lor¡¡:: !n :;h:¡ile:: i¡i hl¡lc- ri¡e t'e,:kitc i:., f:¡'i!:ht i¡iui:;ll
gicfi¡ *itil :¡:i e¡¡tci¡¡!,-l gi,:i;t l:iir- i-ic:.uitiitg irr¡¡¡t iicr-l*cni
ciintprisiiicn:il ::t;rrinu-, r:rilottr:; i:ar: i¡i'ir:.l :irfiltrgctl in e,¡¡tca;lt¡ ¡.:
l;rytf:: uf tiir:¡r-':ri,,'il:rik-c; ri..¡.::; wiili 1-;¡lsi ¡i¡¡i:;.;¡i:r!'.'r,-,q'
1 ca:lit, {nirtr-'ir!¡ t:i¡ir¡¡-! ¡ ¡¡:¡iic' ¡¡' :r ¡ a :¡ i:i1i f i¡!i ¡i¡iiii É

l'!¿:u¿r'll*¡í:i:tl. !¡¡ir:n:.i' ¡h:i{hÍrii:;!-rr ir; r'i¡¡l¡ulii:¡ i:.iir !'i¡r:

lr ¡le ¡:lli¡r'rl ¡i!q,'¡l¡¡,r¡'{ i:,:

¡r !tt!il 1..t¡re\l ¿rrt'!ittrr..,q,. l¡j¡t(- ¡¡¡,[!.(-.

li iara::nrlci t:lit¡.
r-iccir i¡lt¡.-:- i¡u¡!rlistr tr!r¡r¡:
i llirtc- :rl:u¡r t¡lur. ..'ir¡lri. cir¡:a' ¡¡¡¿¡r¡rrt.

l'l-ir:hci:l:.iii: ;!itil ¡¡!;tg¡¡.:::ic-¡ ielier!¡-iie :

r:l I ll ll!\l.l¡¡ ! r¡l!t . l:ll!i\l: i! i i_'¡,

intiigo hlrr''. 9¡lrii::i¡ r¡er¡:- ir:lia !;r)i!:i

Vr: iIi :r..' i; ¡ ¡ g i(:a i:. l'! ! +t:;' !¡ i :;! : !ja I lq¡i..'

!) I
I ll:,\\'\' \l lNl'.lt/\l I)lrS( l{lI'l l()NS ANI) ('()1.(){Ill. I'l-/\ I}rS
'l hc shrrtlc ()i ll¡c{)chr{)isln ¡rtirv vlrrv \\ i1l)irr ir Ft:rirr. Ijorln:rliolr of tlt:rh (l sA)l)\ illiltorr ñ I:ugstcr 1l()5()).
IJcc:turc (){ (l()nriililnl { I I(}} oricntrrtiorl ol'llle gtirrtl\ trl)()ll
lttttttntilrg. u is r¡r¡clt rlisecrniblc. Il<'ttturk.s: \\'hcn clrcnliciil rrnrrllsis is not crrrrietl ()lrl. ¡t i\
clrsl()nrirr\, 1() rcler lo l¡tc¡¡hcrr ol. l lrc ulrruco¡rlr:urc-ricbcekilr
I)'ittgcnc'e: Clo\ety rclirlc(l to cottt¡rosilion and is sl:lids us blue sodic anr¡rhilxrles.
usu:rlly nrodcrale. l)ut incrc:rscs slirhtll' uith ltighcr ltlg-
cor)lcnt. Intcrfcrcncc ci¡lorrrs of thc ¡rirlcr vlrrictics ¡ire in lhc Oruitts frttttt: l^¡ (ilirLrco¡rh:rnitic iinrphilrolc. ()ligoccnc
rangc of firsl-order grcv or 1'c)krrv. ltul lh0sc tlf thc tlcc¡rcr \4ol:rsse. Slrvol,. l:rrncc; (b) lcl lrr-qllruco¡rhlrnc. ()ligocclc
coloulcrl s¡rccirncns lr¡c Lrsuiillv ltr;rskcri by ttattrrirl ntirtcr:il lúolrrsse. Sl¡o\,. I"nncc (c) crossitc. [3Lrrtliglrlr:rn Mtillrsrr.
cillour. I)atclry ¡¡ncl uncvcn polrtriz;rtiolt cttltrttrs :rrc fliirll S:rr,rr,. I r.rllic t\11't l.5Sl).
c()t]t I l l() I) .

E.l' li tt t' l i r¡ lt : l'hc crtinctio¡l ;rrtglc ntc:rsurcrl on 10 {)) runr:cs


hct\\tcn {'' :rnrl lJ' frrr tllruco¡rlr:tne crtt'tt¡rositiort lind is

srnrenlr:r1 highcr ftrr rict¡cckilc. Clclrvlite lrrIn]c¡r1s nrtrtrrtlll'
hare ncrrrl¡' parlrlltl ertrnetion. rlhich is ollcn nrollled,,u i¡rr.l
t() cor'nl)()sili()nlrl vliri;i1i,r¡.r.

Ittter.fcrctt<'a Jigtrc: {Il0) prisnrs ()f gl¿ir¡e()¡hlnc c()nr

positiolr ricltl ccntletl rcr.rtc lriscclrir ñttures ujt]r llrirll llrrgc
lV. u ncglrlivc sigrt lrnd slrortg tiis¡rcrsion. -l-llis ligurc is clc;rl lr
risihlc in griirns uhiclr shoq'lrrtlnlrl ¡rllcrlcrcrlcc lit)ts. Slr()rlg
rniner:¡l colorrr rn:rY ol¡scurc ohsclr:r1ion.'l'hc irtltrlc¡urlre
fruulcs ol lr.crttircrs oi clossile lo ririlcckitc c()tltlr{)\¡li(rt)5
rrsr¡;rilv consisl o1 ¡rrtr,:!'. tlcllrttl ecccllirie irotrlcs. lV ol'
fr()s\i1c i: rrrt srrrlrll bul qo0tl hisccllix fltutcs lilc stltl()llt
obllrinlrlrlc. lhcreliuc clilr{lrosis clrllllol bc ln;ttle i¡t) lltis lr:rsis.

I:lttttgrttitltt: l)ue 1o collrl¡t¡sitiollrrl vitrilttiirtr. ¡ro:ilivc :ttrti

nctlrtivc ckn{alions n'ril! lrltclr)itlc uilhirl :r singlc gr';rirt.
Ciilrucophlrnc is lcntth slon'. but th:it shich is close 1o fcrro-
glaucophrnc cornptt:ilion lrut hc lcngth fast. Clr¡ins of
crossilc. nr:r[lrcsir¡-r icbcckjtc luttl liclrcckitc ltrc lcnlth frtst.

l.) i s t i t t gtt i.; lt i t t g .l ( u t t t t c.\ : lllue colorir unti chur¡c1cri:t ic

nlcoellroislll. prisnr:itic or occlrsirrn:rllv lllrrous lttttrpholtrg\'.
lrntl :rnr¡rlribLrlc clcavuucs c!rsurr' iu) clrst dil¡{r.lrrsis r¡l thc sc¡ ic-s
itsclf . I'¡le r 1in1s. \\'cirkdr Irlcocllroislr.r ¡nti llrck of colour in thc:
rr direclion. generall¡ p()sjtilc clongalion lncl thc tc¡rtlcncv to
vield good acutc biscctlir Ii¿urcs. lnav sufliec for lhc rli;rullusi:
of qlaucoirhanc. l-ints in grtcnish-lriuc sh¡tles. stronq colour in
the rr clirection lind ncralivc c)ongation crn indicatc ricbcckite.
IJo*evcr. ¡rositive identiflcation of the individLral mcnrbcrs
*ithin thc sc¡ics calr [re- nradc on]\'trv chcnricrrl means. lJluc
tirurmaline is uniaxial. has poor cleavurcs and ils grcatcr
absorplion colour is ¡rcrpcnciiculur to thc vlbration direction of
the lowcr nicol. Arfvr'dsonitc displa¡s verv stronq dis¡rcrsion
anti usuallv abnormal interfercnce colours. The rclief of
clrloritoiil is highcr anrl it has a niica-like hairit. Bluc
clumortierite exhibits slronger pleochr()ism in indigo-blue

Occurrettce: Glaucophane iind crossite are characteristic

mincrals of the glaucophanc schist anr:l gl:rucophanitic qreen-
schist facies in u hich magnesio-riel¡eckite nrav also fornr. Thcy
arc the sLl-called hiqh-pressure inder nrincnls. u'hich crl,stal-
lize logether l'ith lau'sonite. punrpeilr,itc. jadeitc. r-tc. Thev
¿rre frequently found uith tlre sanre association in sr'tlinrcnls.
Claucophane is also present in grrnet-glaucophanc anrphibo-
lites. Riebeckite crystallizes in a range of environments from
late diagenctic to mcdir.rnr-grade metamorphism. It is common
in alkali igneous rocks. In sonre metamorphosed iron forma-
tions it fornrs together with magnesio-riebeckite but they are
also presenl in non-metamorphosed iron formations. Aulhi-
genic riebeckite has been reported from thc Green River

\ t{rrvt rlr:i( ii'J ll-ll


nlon()c¡i¡lirr. l¡iu¡iui í -)
n.t i.r)7.i 1.7(Xl
;rli | 'í¡1e l.l0t)
itl l-ftsí¡ ¡,7¡t)
!r {t.f}{}5 {t_{lll
¡1- i.tlti.l.:,{t

F¡tr¡n i¡t s(dititr:Íti:;: ilrai¡¡:. :i¡c gcncllllv prirtrr:rtie

ili¡gnrr¡¡t:r rvl¡ich s!¡r¡rv .*cll rlcvek;¡rerl lilisttiaiir: clci¡vl¡gcs.
Fiitr¡ous lirnlls trilv illf;o occr¡r- (irain: r'l ¡iv¡¡¡11¡51i¡: ritigrrt
sorrrctii¡¡es ¡roikililicallv r:ltt:lose leltls¡r:tr:; rttti;i¡rlttiir:.

{.t¡lol¡r: jlaívati:idi¡iíL' is highlv ci¡i'itt¡':'l ii¡ :;h;tiies oi- [¡it¡lr';l

lntl trluish grccn. {ir';rins n'¡:rv lru 1,¡¡v,lltrti irlt¡c. [¡totr¡¡ til
itlnt(ist r1()tl-tfansp¿lre!rt in iltc -.' dircetiort.

ft l t ¡ ¡ ¡-' h r ¡ t i.t ;¡t-' lit r'nq ¡ilrtieh ¡ rii:;¡r rvi t h v;r i ¡'i rig :rhs(i r l)t i' )rt €
is chl¡nrcterislie of;¡tlvc,l,rottil.:: ir." tlce¡r hlrrislr ¡l¡cc¡r. i¡lrligti.
'yclloiv, rl:trk glet:rt: l:i" !ltccll, vrlltr$'i:;lr h¡r¡rv¡t^ gt't-'1. violct;
i- ¡r;rlc vr-:lkrwi:jh xieL'¡1. ilce¡l lr,:,-'tt. l¡t,¡rv¡tislt grcct¡,

ll i rtir i n g<' n tr'.' !Vc;rk i.) ¡¡r()(ler ;r¡i-'. ! nict ic¡ cncc colot¡rs :ti c

¡rtrscurctl [ry elcep nrittcr;il r:qilrrttr ;tttrl :tltsorPiir¡¡r. ttL:!ir:c gl;t¡lls
:jllt.¡w *Ntfcntt: vlr¡i:¡hilitv ol :;lr;rtle:. rtltl spt:q:l¡1:¡11¡t colr¡tlt
cha¡¡gcs frti¡¡r ''¡cllt¡rvislt t¡rrtrvn ¡ttrl blriw¡l i(! vivitl gt'ee¡t ittt
sailr.e tr)t¿rti0n.

fi-tti¡tt'titttl: (lrvir¡p, itr ,{Ir'()!lg disl)crsi()rr il¡L' .xiirrcti(!rr ¡s

oiicrr incritrr¡rlctc anrl is vltriltl¡ic evcn u'ithilt:t sitt¡tle gt;titt.
¡¿: ¿ 5" i0o ior :¡rivctlsr¡¡¡itr erltl 10" 15'- iril ¡¡rag¡rcsi,,

:i rlve ,-l:;i ¡¡¡ iir,

í;titrj,:rt'ttt-',.' iigurr: .SQ:tir-' r'lt:;tv;tgt' il:ti:r:::',¡icitl fllt:;h

iiqrr.::: iviiit v¡¡i¡hle lV. llorvcvcr. mtisi gr;titt:: e:ltilrit
.:'e{jr-'¡iifii-' ,,1:r¡L ittittlctc¡tcc iigit¡,::l l¡eq:iit¡tr rrl sif(in* illl:;.iiP
iiotr ;¡ntl nli¡r!:¡'ill .=r)l()ur v:=i ili:f¡c¡:;ii¡¡r ili íhc opiie :t:e:. ir
:;iii;rrg :rnrl rlctcr¡riin;rtioir ol iltt o¡riic :;igrt is dillicrtlt

l.I¡ i¡¡!:¿t t i,,¡t ; .*J,.:.,t ir r.

I Ii:;¡¡rrrttttOt,¿g.í€.tiI!'r(-':;: Arn¡rhilrrilt: !r;iliit ¿¡¡rrl ('lc;¡i'ilg.]:;.

:;irr¡nq eolr¡rrr. eotr¡rieil .¡ilh ¡irr¡kcrl plcocltroi:;iri.:i:; ilcll :r:l
it¡rri¡¡l¡liir-'r:-ii¡tciio¡t. :iir (li;l!rnii:iiií-- í-il:luc,¡i¡lt:t¡ri i:; lc¡igiit
:l¿¡.s ;¡¡lrl ¡;lriicf:triic in :rh¡¡r-lcs r¡i i¡lr,¡r-' u¡¡rl ¡1.i ivcii:'i¡tii,-'
¡¡r:rv l-t ¡:cinlirsrrl ';iii¡ -;i¡¡¡r': krniji!r il::i l)iLrri t!t¡tirl!¡l-,rrf!:a.
.:;llur-¡iillv ;ii;hL,:rk!ir-.','l¡i,-i¡ l::l:r;r.i¡¡lif:rr ¡rlroclrirrit:;fha¡ilr-
Iio'¡¡v,:¡. ih. ¡ilr'(i.'!!a¡iiri¡i¡ ¡¡l:!¡fvf{,1:i(¡i!iir-:rlit':ii:- ¡¡rflt!(Lj:-:i
i¡ii¡.*¡¡i:i: i:cicr¡r. :!irs;r'!lÍ i¡r ¡rrr¡:;i l;lttt ir¡¡¡!)l¡¡holr:-. i-1,i,:irrrl:iii:
h:rs ;r :.ii:;rlirr r:rii¡tr:li¡¡¡¡ ;!¡¡!:iri iii¡ri ¡¡¡l¡:,, l¡c ,i!riir;rllv ¡rl:.iliir'
t:rLe¡':¡t:¡r¡¡¡iir: i:; pleor:ltti;ir: i¡¡ l¡itlr: gtr,'r¡l :!nrl ljrlLiii gfr-'r-il
:¡¡ttl ii:; r:iinciir¡¡: itirri(: i\ l:iÍrri. !ilri,:-gi-rrr¡t i)itt'g:ra¡i¡'
+rlt¡¡iii,: oÍ i:lirr¡-¡!::;i(i-il{}r¡¡¡rl.j:: i¡l¡'.'' sr:¡k,:¡ ¡rl.--,r-lrr,r:;it.
l¡ighe¡-il¡.-!c:¡' ini.'tir:ac¡¡cL: ii¡tis tilt,i ¡t,i tiiir,'r cL¡¡¡uatir¡¡t- []lt¡¡-'
¡iiut¡¡u¡li¡rr' i:: tt¡tialit¡l :¡¡r,l ii¡ ¡¡i;r::i¡¡tli¡l ;¡l):r(iapi¡rr¡t i: prl l¡u¡¡
,iiaitliif iri i!¡r,'filiai¡tictit ¡-litrr,:iir¡¡r iii llrr: ¡lrl;riizer'.'tl;e
c:rti¡iriir¡¡t i¡l rlui¡r¡¡iiie¡iit i:. ir;rt;rll,'i- iÍ sltqiv:i ltigltt¡-tt¡rl,-'¡
!.il-il:rrit::iii(!i¡ ri¡li¡i¡¡:;r¡¡ti ¡r rlii{tir:i¡i ¡tl,:<tr'liirti,, :;clteiiir

d'¡d;¡iji1',ldÉ' 1-.ii'.,,1r¡,¡ili, i.,:1,li,,i:¡,,,¡'\l¡' ¿,'lt,llrtr.ilr t;

,'irr;,r¡ti, .llk;llr irr¡,,r¡' i,u L , rir:¡t¡il\ :'i;rl¡¡i( \. t.' ltiir';
¡rLrilhriiiic:;';r'iliir':; ;ri¡!l ¡i;ir¡i ;r:i¡ir!:¡irtl ¡rt¡iii;riiír::. ii ixr'¡tl::
Íira{-:lv in ll!,11i ¡ir'!r .,r¡1,';r¡¡ie.,, isiilir¡¡¡ ¿'¡ ¡rl. ll'}7'i'l ;r¡rerirrl

¿l ]

authigenic magnesio-arfvedsonite from the Grcen River

Formation of Utah (usA).

Grains from: Pyroclastic origin from the Palaeogcne

Thanet Formation. borehole 7917A 57.89 m, offshore south-
east England (Mmt 1.582). Courtesy of A. C. Morton.

MIiS{'{}r,/l !'1.,


(inclurling othcr rvhiic mic:rs)

K,A i.ll :;i,,Atro-¡¡ | ( o l. I. F ¡.,

¡no¡rur:li¡ric, biaxial ( - ) a
¡¿(1 1.55'l-1.=57.+
nll l .-íii2 Lír ll)
¡t l l.5li7-l.i¡l(.¡ b-
¡\ 0.{).if>t}.049
a .1.77 2.8¡i
Furm irt sedirneflts: fulr¡scovite appcars invariably as {i}01i
hasal ¡rlaics- usually with r tou¡trl. nlorc rarclv s,illt an
irrcgular. r¡utli¡rc. 'l he plates may bc br:nt, curled or havc finrr
{rained filrrr¡us,rr scaly muscr¡vitc on Íhe ir margins. Llr:lusi¡rns
of uragnctite. hem¿rtit¡: :rnd acccssory urin*rutls are ,iftr:¡t €

{'olou¡: Cr¡lourless, highly transl¡¿¡¡cirt, br¡f ¡nlrv bc si:rilterl


P le¡¡c hr¡l is m.' l-Jon-pleochroir:.

Ei'rt:f ringe¡lr-:t:: Flusal plate s har: ',vcuk l¡ircfrii¡se r¡e'-'

i'csillting in first-order prle :tr(iy {rr s'lritc i¡rterfrrcncc c()l()uL:i
which range uFr to Lrale yeilow in thir,ker frl¿rtcr. G¡ai¡rs tving
perpenili(:ulaf t0 ihc cleavagr- h¿rvc: str¡¡¡tg lrircfringerrec attd
scei¡nd- or ihird-oi'der ¡n1ef c rLrncc eolou rs-f

E;tíinúic¡l: Ncarly par:rllel iu cleav:rg,: inrcc:;. I-1:rsal plairr.

,ritcn :h¡r* r,yJvv !r! ¡rrrlIlr-'ri (.liii¡tfiir)n.

initrJ'ereru:e .iigurt:: E};rs;rl irl:rlcs proviilc c:rcellcnt.

Lreiiire(l acuic tiiscct¡ix iigures rvith well-deiine,-l isrigvrc; iil ü
whiit: r-!F 1,elkr.l iicld. ii¡¡u (lr ilvir isoelrr<¡nraiir- crrrve:.. lir:r;ri
nppciir'. rrsrrally ai iir=- ouic. pari iif ihe ligurr. ?V is ¡;iihi:r
.vari:rble rlcpcnding cri ihe criittposition a¡¡rl :i'rauctutú. r -i
rlispersirit i:r'Jisiir¡r:i.

F)l,tngalit ;,n : F¡¡siiivc iri clcavage iLace:;.

DisiittguisftiÉ'tg j¿ítíltrr::;: Miea hai¡ii a¡ui l;rs-k i¡í c¡ilour.

i(igeihcÍ rviih :rn cxccllcnt intcrtircncc iigure , pr,.rvirle :rn r.asy
,-iiagirosis- Talc ¡ese¡lhlrs ¡nu:;c<¡vi¿e lrrri is u:.,rrall-v ¡,rrn¡rtiserl
i¡í íine s¡¡:ril <r:cri;rp¡'iiig ::e:rie::. i¡ck:; clnrplctc Lii!!!ei¡iii¡ :i¡¡.1
is virtua!ly utr¡li¡¡¿i!.

q..iL'i'!!Ftr:ilL'€: i!,iu:...'rx:iie i:; ptc:;eiti iir:r *ir!,-'vaiitiv

i¡¡Lriai¡lc!illllic li)¿k:l ¡t¡¡{J i:: c:.qtrciaii.; rll¡it¡ttii¡t i¡l :;ciii:;t:; ¡rlrl
grtci:;:;c:;. lir ¡-rluiriiric ¡r.¡ch:; ii íúr¡nr ilt =rilrriirj:i- ¡iegm;riiic:,
;i¿riites an,J iit hyriroiherm;ri ':c,i¡¡s. lje¡icire is ¡irodur:ed iry iire
hvrlrrtil¡c¡r¡lal altcr¿'rio¡t tii kld::¡r;ir:- iii igitcou:. :¡¡¡rl ¡¡rei¿r
uurrphic ¡i;cks anri alsii iiuring incianorphism q¡i inirrmcr!iaic
a¡¡d :¡cie! ¡t;e!:s.

Re*larks: F;re'ageieeiÉe uiril phengiÉe :rre o¡iie:rll1 irrdi:;tin

gui:;h:¡E¡le i¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡tt¡:;e<¡r.'itrr arlri it i: ü.r!¡tÍnrtntc us{i ihc ic¡lrr
'ecE¡iÉe mica' í{}r ihe frll{¡¡lilc:j:i ¡¡ti.r:ir ;ilriciic:; rvhcn l'uríliei
:;¡;iiclrl distirrciic¡¡ i:- r;oi pc::::ihlr. ühc n;¡¡¡¡t::+¡'ieiÉe is ¡-lsctl ítr i iroin:; j-ro*t: i;r) Iiivcr s:¡¡r<_|. [-l:¡iir¡loor. F.¡¡g!;¡¡ttl
rlc::cr iirú iihrt¡rrs. i¡,:r¡lv. f i¡¡q: gilti¡te.l u:-u:rllv ::el¡ird:rry riric;r. {b¡ i';i¡-l¡c¡¡ile rotr:.¡Ífu¡ í F;lli¡t I :j liJ )_

¡ E Fr i-! !:J jr' tul I i! E liñ t. iiL:Sli' li l l-' i ! i ¡ t-J ¡. sr.rli á ii¡.ailll=: lrl .^'E'¡r:,

" '{--}-r,l

¡.!t l-i'.!j ¡ ¡li!

r:i !

ii {!.t!!+ {¡.(}i;(!
r'! I 4í | .::. !i.-.

F'r.¡t'¿;z ir¡ :;r ilitFti:tli:;:¡rr¡il'¡¡iir i; ii¡Lt¡¡ri i¡! hi¡lh il¡. hL::!v!j
:rii! li-¿!rt iit!¡¡r,:¡:tl l¡¡r:ii¡i¡¡:;. li ili:.¡;l:r','¡. ii t {t¡¡'Íi¡irl!'r-':rti;liit¡:r
ri¡ ¡¡¡rit¡r!¡r:!ii=.,: ¡rrl oi ¡hv:rc:rl :rttrl ,:l¡r::¡¡ir:;il ¡rii¡rcriit:
É,i¿¡¡i¡-¡:t :irr. L:¡:¡¡¡irle:-- pri¡fi:j {:! i¡¡íi!ii¡r:: rii ¡!i'r'drr::ri:i;iiiii.r
rr¿!ft)!i:r:¡¡.' i¡iiai.!isr-!ril ic::i:-- ¡li!i iiii:'.qiii;ii ii::¡ririCiti: ilt:ii
si:¡uci!ciíi;ait(! ¡ni¡r,-,i:i! Ftiii¡¡:r;i¡r':¡lr¡ Lr{}Iirnr(¡ii. Éil;lttr't'¡riil i'
rr:ri:rily e i.;¡riot¡ 1.::;i:¡llitra. li i'¡;rs :: pcr !rr:i i ir;it;igq: wirir'ir i::
¡,r¡, 1.'-irilrl, !¡¡: rL-li¡;;rl :t¡:¡iilr:

Llr¡i<wr Qrr.r! Pl({tr:híl?¡5rt¡.' l'h¡rr'!'.rr¡ rr:ri¡¡:" :rre y{-'!'v iij¡r li

(lr ;rlrnosl o¡r:rqrtr -1¡rutll Pi:lll¡:. irlld tlli!l¡¡ua Illlgtltctrl:-
shinv qlillrrr¡¡i s!¡;¡r-l¡-::; ¡rf gr-cctt. :;i)ttle titttt:i ltlt¡i:-:li o¡ ye llowi:-li
!l!'cr:¡¡ .='.llor¡rs. irnil rrr we ¿lk-lv pl(:rirtllt ()ir-' iti grerti ;itit! y-'cll,rw.

Rircfrin¡4tnt'i'-' Mocleri¡tr-, i(r rrt¡.r¡rtr. iii:t¡cot¡ii* ltr:. aggi,:'

g:rtc pcllariz:rtit¡¡¡ w¡ih :tL:cr)n.l-tttrlei gre,-,tl il!¡(¡ vllll{)w iiii!¡
iirrcneü iinl:;.'l'hcs..' ;rre clte¡1,-¡bst:tllctl hv ::laottg ¡¡ti¡rr¡:tl
col,rur ar¡r! ;rre he:;i :r,:r:tr rvilh ihc stthsiltge ei¡lltlelts,'f i¡)sr.,t'iuri

fi-t ti¡t<' t i¿ t ¡t. l':r¡ :rlie!.

lnfer'.frrenrr .fi¡1tlrr: {.lrvin!: tr¡ tirr Iii¡!'( ¡vslirlli¡r. siruciurc

ol thc :t¡¡gtr:gil1c:i. Ll*It¡i¿tl gtiti!l:r :rql(lilr¡i','icld i¡ilr¡irlerrrr-'

El tt ttg4ik i te : !!r¡:;it ivt:.

Distitt liu is h i n !: J:eelurcs : {'¡rlor¡r. nrrir¡rhiikrg-y :rnti ci vplo-

crvst:rlline slrudiurc :rrc tli:;li¡retive. illikrt'it¡-rs rtt;rt a¡r1:rriri iir
alt¡:rl:glle l¡¡tnt sn¡lila; tt¡ ulautt¡ttit¡. t¡ut thcil hitt:ititrgcn.:c i:'
vq¡'v hlw. ¡r¡ocl,: !)! occrrrrLr¡r.rlr iil'l¡e¡'thieni¡¡e i:; :;inrilrr¡ lii
thai ol gl¡ruc'o¡ri1'- lrtrcl f he-v lrle intli:;ting,rrish;thlc r,tcglt:.c,rpie-
allv or [¡v o¡rlic:rl rnc:rrrs.,'-i-r¡rv tliill:retii¡r¡ olicrt ¡evcirl:; lll:ri
ur¿rir¡s ftrrr¡rcrlv itlcnlilicrl es sl¿rr¡coniic are bc¡llticlirtc,
(lelutlonitc i..: sinril¿r 1o glliuconilc rnincr¡ls. hr¡i ils r:hcnrir:al
composition is tlillcr-crrt rr¡rtl it is ot'lcn ;rssor:iltctl rvillr voli:anii:
tnalcri¡rls- liortre punrpcllvite rrgercgrrlcs nr;tv rcscnrblr glirrrci)-
nite hul thcir relir:l is nr¿irkcrllv highcr-

{}u:urr¡:r1¡:¡:: {i!aueo¡ritc arrcl I¡¡,'¡thir:¡i¡re ;¡¡c rr-'sl¡ir:teri it¡

the ¡ntrrine c¡rvifonnrlrnl anrl l¡rc iir¡'¡¡¡crl []v thr: rcirli!{rlrnl.--nl rrl
rniue rrltigically di{fe rcni ..jul),clrit{cs. 'l hLr}' ¿lra} trinrllor¡ qrrlrsti
trrcnts ol Fr(.rL:n-\ands, glartc<initic :landsl.¡ur:i. rl:¡uet¡¡itic
lit¡lcsto¡res ilrtd m¿¡rls, {il¿rucor¡ile rncou¡rle¡'ttl in setlir¡rct¡l:;
rv;rs ciilrcr foimed'i¡¡ .ri¡¿¡' ot v*rs r.ccvclcrl ii-orn prr:-r:'ir:;ling
gl:rucon ii ic setli nrL-nis.

R.e¡t¡¿t-rks: fidi¡¡ á¿ fuí:ilic¡ ( i9Hi) lirri¡xr:.ql ir¡ riisqir¡irrrur

the term 'gl:ruciinile' :rnd i{i usc i¡r:;itad the tertti gl:tucon.+, lot'
tht: facies, and gl:rucnnitie sr¡¡ectite or glaerr-rrniti*: n¡ie::¡ iir¡ ll¡r:
r¡¡i¡re rrls. li lppeiltrs, ho!".Lrvcr. {i¡lrt lhc:.c l*r¡r:-; l¡irvLi ¡¡.¡1 vcl
comc inio gl'ncrnl ¡ir;rtiicc ;tt¡d the ri;¡¡t¡t ,:lartc,i¡¡itt i:r still i¡r
use. To ovcrcoí¡tc ihe ¡rrohk:nr sr¡nre ;rul!¡ols re le ¡ lc
' gla uconil ir- n¡ iltci'ix l:;'. i-] rit i ¡t :; ji'¿¡r¡¡.' { ¡l¡g,t..¡r. Flc¡the el¡;r i¡r
!- ¡'¡ ¡¡r:r { fv'l nti i ..5iil i
TI I.-A VY M I N L ItA I, I)L"S( Ii, I P'I'IONS AN I) ('OI-()T ] It I'I,A-I'I.,S

rcstrictecl paragcncsrs, bu1 stilpnontcl;rnc is thc indcx rlrincr:ll

of thc lt¡w- to mccliunt-gradc nrctantorphisnr (slilpnontcllrnc
zonc); thcreforc its dclrit¿ll occurrct.lcc nray lurnish v:rlu;rtrlc
clucs to sourcc lcrrains.'l'hc b;rs¡rl clcirvagc of stil¡rnonrcllrnc is
less pcrfect than that of biotitc- ln s:rnrplcs coltluining fitrrous
or inrperfcct flakcs of brown or grccn nticas, stilpnonrclanc
may bc ¡rresent. In this instancc diagnosis rcqtrircs chcnticul

Grains frOm.' Upper: (a) Carboniferous, borclrole Wciach,

m, Srvitzerlanrj; (b) N4itldle Anrcrica 'l'rcnch, DSDP
6ó; (c) Oligoccne, Brirrónlc Basin. Francc (1\4nrt 1.5ti2).
Lower: left-hand grain: Tcrtiary. North Sel; right: Lou,er
Miocene Molassc, Savoy, France (1\,lnrt 1.5t32).


h4s,,lSi,{ },,,1(r }Ft) r

inon(tr-lini.:. tii¿rri¡l ( -i
' ,. {-'::= '

itL 1.5:19 L55{} , -=.

r¡li l.slit). 1.5i,.1 .:F.:-
tr.l i.iH(] 1.6!!{l !-j:'
i:- .:
r' : r:i
.: : i:
i) l.r l:' =

,{ l.:;ii l.3l
:j: : -:
i i::: : ==a

?-i¡rrn i¡¡ ,tí'ilitrEil!.t: 'l':ric :r¡r¡rc;u:; i¡s nrir':l-¡ikc riiuil(l,

riblortg tit ir¡'cgr¡l:rr {l}lll } [¡lrs;rl [tlitiL's. citllcr :rs llrin si¡lglr:
:' t-- =:l

shecls i¡t ;rs eorn¡rosilc f,lirics (¡i'snt;rll or.erl;r¡i¡iirtg :c;rlrs- It is

i¡lie¡r lirli;rted (lr'see¡r :ls:rggrcg,;ile:j ol littc ncerlle:: or lil¡¡r:.. li
ilr;r\ !1¡il1:t¡il op:t(luc ¡nclil:ii¡rilr-

i'ttk¡ur: llssenti;rllv c()loürless, brri :;t;iirriirg e;¡rr ciiu5c

vr'lltrrvisl¡,'l lr¡r'rrnirll Irrl ;.

lj I t't ¡ c lt r; ¡ i..; t¡t.'¡¡r=irlcr¡ch¡'oir:.

fiirt.frin;it:ttr:¡1,' it;¡sal pl;rtcs have k¡iv l¡irri'iin:srrru ;r¡( l

rli:-¡rl:rytlull lirr.i-{)ri-lLf !:re!', É,'lr¡ic r)r !ral('-va¡l(j\!, i¡¡ifaiuac¡rr'u
colouls. i-rih¡'ou::;tnil corrr¡rosiic g¡-:riils ()¡ r;¡¡irkr¡¡lv ¿r¡-icnicil
ilak,.':; h¿¡v,: :;tt¡r¡¡jt hirt:ll ingr:¡lLr-' ;isr:oeiair-'rl witlt :;ccrrrtti :r¡trl
iltirul-t¡rder r,r-lli¡rv " ur;¡¡rqe lt ¡lll ¡rl lru in l rrf¡14ncc eokrrr r:;.

li.f¡i¡lt'¡ittn: É'.¡i11r:r r.1,irv.,,,¡¡ i¡¡r,-h¡i;ii,i¡y. b.,r-:¡i¡5¡ ()l :iUpc¡

impl::ed iinc fiake:;, hui ¡r¡¡rst ¡rflc¡r *r¡ins f¡il i¡ c:ii¡r.¿rri::lr i¡r
:i¡lv pf¡:iitirill.

l n l t rJ e: re n ct .i i'¿ u r t : l !;rs:r l platc:... cvcn eom¡-xisitc e¡ r¡ i ¡r:; ¡rí

ii¡rr: sr:¡rL:s yic!ri lt rrlcll-rctltfcd :iaitic hi:;,:ciri;c- Iierr¡.i wiih veiV
::¡n;rll lV 'll¡ü LtlLt;¡. i::¡¡gv¡*s i¡¡ ¿ .¡lri¡r ()¡ :r/Lrll(irv iicki h;iidl,v
:;t:¡riit:rtr: ;!n.-l ihr fir:urc a¡.i¡.ieai's ut¡iit::ilti. isccir¡r;¡¡¡lrfic ba¡ttl:;
:ti,- ¿t:'t¡;:llr rrir'1,¡ iri ir! ¡liir'kr'' r¡;¡i¡ls.

É':liln"¿í1ii.jf¿: iihiri¡l:: i!:rkes rnrl iillrL-:; i¡i¡v(: Fr(,¡¡il!!


I,ti:;¡in.g¿ti:;hi¡tÍ4 i'€t!itrris: liirigle b;i:;;il ¡¡l;¡ic:; r¡i r;¡lr q¡e:¡rlv

resc¡nble ..vhiic nli¡-;r, i¡'iiiii e'iiich tlisiil¡i:ii¡r¡r ca¡r !r,-. r¡r;r,,1,' !t-t'
iire virtuallv r!n¡:l:{iiil iigut',-'rii 'rl¡e ir¡inre ¡, {'cnpcsilt: lri;iie ¡rjis
¡f ri!,ell;i[]pir!r srn:rll il;tl:cg i¡tr: ci¡ai';¡cír¡i:jiir ¡il irle. hui .r¡r:
¡:¡r¡-'!v Íi¡r¡¡rr,l ir¡ ryi¡iit ¡¡rir:¡t:;. lI i:: r!iiiir:t¡li irr r,li:;íirigrri::ir :;rrieriu
iii.-¡rr ii[¡¡t¡r¡s i:t!.'.'¡'iilL] i{i:.;c:¡ll¡lc:- pvripir.,,llitr:. i;¡¡í ii¡t: i;r¡ic¡ ¡:;
ir¡rlik-clV iq¡ !:r i<;it¡¡<i i¡¡ ¡-:lli::iir ::erli6¡¡¡¡5 ! r:!,: ¡¡¡¡¡v l;r: ;i
!-(]itrilti]¡l iltrir ii;rl .qirr:its. i-,i!í ::; iri.ihi¡hiv ¡r¡i::i:¡l:i¡i irir :.crierir--
{i! !i,l¡ii.-' :¡iir::-

e--¡¡6'¡¡¡'.r¡¡¡¡a'¿'.' !lrir: ii.''r¡¡::; ir.: ii¡¡'¡ri¡rri!r.r¡¡¡:!!:!¡ir-r¡i¡¡¡{}!! t!i

irli¡;¡l¡¡¡:;i,' ¡r¡ek:- ¡:r+¿ft¡ci¡!g ¡¿¡i('-i¡a¡i :,¡-¡¡i:.,i:., í':Í!::¡a;ii::r¡ii¡rr¡ i.
!¡r ¡¡t*Í:t¡ilq;¡!¡l¡ir ¡tie!.::- ii ¡:; ir;i!¡r¡ íri í:t!r;riithcpl¡','lliir. i¿rir
i.:t¡¡lrtliif :¡ird i:lle i:¡-}É;gil¡i¡f :r¡-'iri:.:i:.. ;i¡¡d :¡l=r¡ i¡¡ ihr:¡¡¡:rllr.,
¡i¡!:ii!¡¡!1rrfr¡r(i:;eil ::ilir:.:¡ir¡:; iirii{i!¡¡ii1:r. ii¡ .-.i';¡Fo¡it.-:: ii ¡r¡;¡.,, it¡¡ ¡¡r
:ruih iguil ir;!¡iv

i irgi¡l,t,jicr;;1.' :icri :;:rin¡rl<: íiii;i: ¡n ¡¡¡ri.¡¡¡¡rr¡i icc¡lii ' r

;iírir:¿t, i¡;unri ir>¡¿riiirr .¡;ll! i¡¡ii::!r(':r¡ri-:ririiui¡rhvlliir íÉ.{irir
¡ ..19 !

consolidated rocks may be coated rvith a thin film of authigenic


Grains from: (a) Lorver Miocene Molasse, Savoy, France;

v (b) Oligocene, Barréme Basin, France.
Lower ro*: authigenic chlorites, Rotliegend, northern
Germany (lrfmt 1.539).

t{l I

!ltrÁVy ¡rili.lf:tiA¡, i-ii]t!l{-.Fili¡.¡.1{}l'-l:; Ai_jl} á,'!.!1.(lltli l-[,¡i!E.!]

Ser-pemÉEcee gF€EEeE

tv1.¿ ,1-ci ,{ i,lít il í i.¡

¡1,¡¡r¡¡,:li¡rit'. I¡i;r:ri:¡l í

i:h¡ y,':¡iiil,' lizlr(iiir ;lr¡irg()¡ ¡lL

itrt l.-:,jl !.i.1!l i:-t= I _::;.1 i.5i:; i.i{r7 *
;ili i.::-lli i,5{'.1
rt.:¡.:'.+5 l.a5{'' i.i4É I .:;6{!
.5í¡-- I .57J
i; {}.(}l.i íi,f}!7 (l.ll{lr: !!.{lt}F; i¡-i¡{¡:i {}.{X17

'llrc ;rt¡r'v,-' 1l¡tLi: Fri¡reil¡:tl p,rh.,trtorpltir v;!¡¡q'iic:. (ii lh(j

scr¡eiriiiir g!.)ttI iirr trsrt:rily qic:;ign:liüil ¡!:j s!:Íll!:¡liillc 1!hüll __;-:::_. _
r¡!c(it!¡t1(:!'.r(l iir :;erli¡¡t,-'t¡i;. hct';ltts¡-' irl)tit'i!l p¡i)Pe!iir':- ;!lt)¡t!'
;r!i-' i!ri¡.l.-:ilu;rlr iiri di:.lingrti:;ilinr lrtl$'.¡t'il thr il!¡c.- 51!t]i!:.
ilrrrin:; rtr;rg br: ¡c¡etrlcrl í!:r :;L-rpijt¡li!lr l!t¡i1.r:rl: c¡ i¡iiglllrlrir
ol :.ei¡ri:niinilr:s. 'l-hrir rle¡r:;itr í'l (il :rt!gg.::í:: !lr;rI tir, r
l¡rlqrr¡Li ic thc ii.¿hi n¡¡¡!c¡it! li-ircti'.it¡- l¡¿¡i hci:;¡ttsL ()i'tl¡a
(1][t¡ll(!ti l]fes.'!lüi.]l iti¡l: r)tf it¡clu:-io¡t:, ihr:'; lc¡ld tr¡ l¡r.'
c(incctltii¡lcal ili llrr h,::lvv tllilltlr:li iesi(lltc

F'¡¡r¡n in s(ditttí:'tt!5: Serl¡cttliltr: !t¡rcr;tll'; occrtr:' :t:; ¡rl;tiv

gr;rirrs witlr l¡ iorv rtlir,l irt¡tl ¡¡ snror¡tl¡ t()t!¡¡(l (ta olrlo¡¡¡: rr¡¡flit¡r
Itrcgular- iaggr-'rl ¡llatc:. !'oliaictl llltkr-: ol lilrtrrtts ltg!:rl:gi¡le:r
havi: also l¡rcn lr-;rtttti. -toitl.'grairt:. in;i,v cr:hiltit tlte shltpe .ri
lhc ser¡rrittiniz!:(l lnirttr;tl ttr rr()¡ttÍiitt rclir,:; rll i)!r.)r\cre:; (r!'
olivint,. A..; lr bv-prrtdur:1 ol scrpcniiliizatiti¡i. iro¡r orr: iltr:ltt'
sio¡ls are r:ttfcnlr-lr: ai)nrin(ln. ;rt¡rl ofi*tt onlv l thi¡¡ ri¡l arotlnrl
:r sccnli!r8,!v ilpllqu. rrail¡ it¡r-lic¡¡cs thr: [¡rtlq:tlr:s- tti rt s,-'rpcti'
1i¡rc: ¡i¡ine¡al {ir:ritt:. it¡;¡rc;tt ir':!tlslttr\-:trl vrrlll¡;¡ glrarv ot ¡r¡1¡¡11'
lusln tltttltr lllt liirtrr'ttl;¡t ¡¡¡1,.¡ilr¡rr¡lr'.

(¡¡ktUf : l'hi¡¡ l'l¿ikt:s ;¡rc rrlnlost a(jt()urk:s:r. vrrv palc ycllorv

()¡ p¿tl(: g¡cLrn. ht¡1 slr:ttlc:; tlLc!)L-!l i() ligltt lttorrtt ,r¡ gltrcn u'ilh
irtt rt rrsirty'. tliir'krtq's¡.

Ple¡líhrttisttL' l:l;¡¡elv ¡¡.rlict'rtl-lc. .'ilrttr tlltrl:tr cLrloutrrl

varietic,.; rrx hibit vcrv l ainl plcrich r oi:;nr.

IiireJ'ringcttt:c.' l.crv. 'l hiri ¡l:rtc:. trlll)el¡r p¿1.r. .)r (l:rrl: rrrv
,.rI rvhittr. ull(ic¡ cri)sscd pol:rrs. With slt()lt!ler ¡t¡llut:tl colt¡u¡'
Itnd incrc:rsitig thickrres:, inicrlcrctrcrr coltit¡r:; ratlJ:c to sr,ctlltrl-
onlcr velkrw, {-)rilriga. g¡=cc¡r i¡n(l sonlctinrcs ¡rtttlrltalotr:i [rlttish
grLre Ii.

F,xtintti¡tn: Wirvv. urtrhrl;rlrli!' (tr nr(lltlc(|. orving to tlif lcr-

ing oricntatitin úl pliiti:lc1s or tit¡rr:s rvithin lr siltglc gr:rin-

Inf er.frrtnc't .fi¡iurt: lt is vct,v' tlillitrul¡ lo ¡rblrrin :t¡r

¡tlt('tlr'r('ltf! litttlr'. l.;ilqt r ll0Ilrr1]r'ilr-(irl:';tlr';r" ¡rl :'(tlllr'l]l:l¡ll\
tr¡rv shorv llash figures.

F,) I on gc i i tt tt : f¡.sil ivc.

[]istirtg,uishiilE .f¿uf t!r't:;: l.r¡rv lr:licl i: .:h:rt;r.tcristil iln(l

lhe outline ol the 1l¡inrtrr grairts nrra¡'lv ilisappcars in;l lqru,

ilxlcx ¡.t¡(:(iiun.¡ {c.s. (l;rtlil(li! h;rls:¡rlt). fjlltt:1' ,rt iil¡tiitt:; h;rliii {.}{L'Ufft:tlt'¿:: S'cl¡rcn{irre lililll:lal:; ¿t¡.(-lrtÍ¡1c(l essenii¿illv hv
and lhc t,L:fv (:rrü1ll1r¡! lltrtscüer ()l {}l}ilqur i¡¡cltt:;i,rns;tri: the :er'¡rritiiuizalir¡¡r ili lcrttittt;tgitt:tiiitr ltritlei:lls it¡ uhlal:lt:;it:
rlilgno:.1ic-'l-ltr lolvcr t'¡rli¡:1 tcgcllicr rvitlt ltigltcr-trrrlel ilt1rr'- r¡rckr. 'l'liev iicrru¡. bttl lc::-: ,:,-r¡ttrltt¡illv. itl nrcilti.irtitllltic rrir:l':s
fcrcnuL' c()lours lrrllr irr i!isiingui-:h scrpeiriitie l¡olli lt¡ittts, lr¡rd in ltvdrrihf,r¡¡rtit vcin.q.
rsprciallv ll'onr chlcriie Lr¿re he tl lrir)litc:. !¡lirv
rtrhlr r,:se
scrp(:lrl¡n!: bul thcit til ii-; higl¡er;utd 1l¡ev 1'trkl glilt! {}rui¡t:: Jt'ttttt: { )ligor:enc. Éja¡'rilntr li¡sin. Fr¿tÍ!ctj

inte¡ ldrr¡rar ligufl's. (h4nri l.:;ti2).

I {t2
g!li tr ! ¡ l'-J É'1'É :


t=l¡¡:All A lSi :{ } r,,l({ }H };l

<¡riitr¡'hi¡¡¡¡lric" bi¡.rial f * l

¡¡(1 l.hll l.íi.i,j

nli l.í¡l-5 l.ír4l
il.i ¡.át.l l.írt.:;
h {i.i}'ll_{t.{}.i5
F¡¡r¡n i¡¿ s€ilitflt'ttis: ür¡iir¡s ¿rc r¡rrisi írcquci¡ily, ir:¡1-;¡l-
clc¡tvagc fr:rgmcnts rvhich :¡re ol'ie ri crint¡rcsed rrl s¡¡¡:rll
irrcgular cr iriangular-shapcd sccti)ts. Tl¡er;e ¡tti¡v lre fr,rrtiu¡¡:-
<ií l;trgcr crvstals c;ghibiting ch:rrecicristic 'irqrrv=iic' sir uLrtutrt.
5hc¡f like rrggieg¿rtcs and elu:rlcr:l of larli¡llv ¿i¡'¡ilngcii íil¡¡-c:
muy also trc presenl, 'fhe :;utlaee oi'ilrc glains i:r usr-rally Íllik.;.
$onctimes iine lamellar trviniring ¡s rli:;cer-nihle . l¡¡c!rrsior¡: aic
minutc Íiuitl gl*lrulrs r]r i¡ictolil*s.
tolt¡ttr: Frehnite is c¡¡l¡¡rrrlcss. lrr!! ire.lucni i¡q¡¡r ¿.¡;rid¡-'

si¿lillitlg Ptir(lttcrc I Yelli;wi::h tingc.

F Í e¿ sti'¿ r¿¡ i:; rtl.' F'iriir=iileoe!:rriie.

Birr:fringrnt'í.' I!4oderai¡:. l¡lic:¡lcrc¡¡r:i,' i:iiler¡r:t ¿rr,- rrpi:r¡

firsÍ- ii¡ É¡)waf sr:¡:onrl-ortic¡ .:l¡¿rdcs. rt:rt:¡llv r!t¡t¡lir¡aicd irv
¡tcllcrv and orange. Srime grain:- mav L,;rltiL¡il ¡li¡¡,¡r¡¡¡;ri
'llltltrrizai;o¡1 r:r¡h¡riis.

E-U¡it¿t-!it-tt: Plrali,:l ti¡ ¡'i*:::v;rrc i¡;¡r-r-':;, l¡!ri r¡ltri! w¿rr;v iii


Itttefj<:rtznte ji.{11F-.' ülrsr:urr-.ii iry ¡l¡¡ iil¡¡r¡us qrr c!!ir!F{¡stIr:

naturc ¡¡i il-tc ga¿!i¡i:;-

L, l t e¡ I *ti it t¡t." I rii li,.r ¡r r;itir t. (¡t ilr,u;ii ¡1 i..

{}isiirz'¿l:ishin¡4.f7afurt:,t. P¡'-hr¡ris ¡' irc,'gili¿.:ti ir\'fl!r¡,¡¡¡,"

.ir Lrl¿tty lt:ibit tnd i¡lt¡dctate rclicl Thc pr.,-sr-nce i¡í :;¡¡r¡ti!
sectcr:; rviihi¡r a ¿iartir:ulari.r' r:ha¡acie ¡'i:;tie . iV;r', r
¡:r'¿titr is
Lrxlinctiúii. !an¡eli:rr irviirning ¡¡nii iiakv:lr¡¡fl¡r:c ¿¡¡*:iiso lv¡tic:rl.
It cau he ¡nisi¡rkcn ibi eilkiurle5s pumpeilvitc. hu¡ ih,, hiicr
fu ¡-t pro;rottlr-etl ;¡t¡o¡¡t;¡1,¡us ittlc¡'ir¡eircr rolc,-rrs-

{}CtUfrcn¿.¿:: F¡¡:hniir: i:: :: iliaq¡t¡:iie ¡:¡i¡¡cr;¡i <;i' ¡!ir,.=, si.:i(l(:

r¿gi¡;ni¡ilv iriciamoiph*:;r--r! ¡-:rr:hnii'-, Fu¡itpr.llviie t3LiL-!: ra!r_'l::t.
rvhrie ri,¡íir¡r i¡¡r¡¡r::.,t!¡¡s. ni i¡afui:i i,¡:r:;i¡¡ri!:i¡ m¡n¡rc¡ itt
¡nci;¡-gaeVlvai.:&-es. Ffeh¡¡iic i-; L1i¡¡i¡¡ir!i: ;¡t iiiil¡i !1ii.-iiilt¡ ¡c¡rk-:;,
É¡¡ :i(¡lrlc hV¡lrr;ihcl¡¡ .=,ti¡¡:: ¡¡¡il in .iini:ici ¡ll.--i:!*¡!¡iilh¡c
ii;l¡-rriLC,:atltond[f ri]c!:,S.

Ei --^,.---l-..- - -
fia:illiiFÍ;5. ..=:r i;i¡ :¡:. EL= it¡.,r:!F:1ia- Élra¡iiiiiL i!:t:; ¡ri..i l:r:r.¡¡
pr.-viortriy ¡er,¡rilrql :r:: :¡ ii.:iriir:! ¡¡li¡¡.,¡:¡!. !i r.,:r:. itlc¡rtiíicii in
Él¡e :;a¡r,lsrio¡rr,s i¡í iic *:r¡rriig:¡¡i¿ii¡ Llílpa¡ Lil¡i¡¡e i-,4c1:rss.' .ri
lirvirzcrlan¡i :ii :r-vl:r:¡l l<n:¡riit;n:;. !t orct¡¡:: iclrriher ri:iii¡
Dl!¡!¡Pellvitf in:l it¡iri..'iji.;r:r:;c ii¡r;i-t.,'f!{j i¡¡!¡rria¡ a:-:;cmh!i¡gr--
Éh!:¡¡¡gr'E-l;¡iii¡ir: .il i!h,:rh:,¡i.,li ¡i.¡tif'!-:¡!tqi !:.:t!r!r iiiq'1i.:it ;!i
!!¡('c.!lli:rir'.'¡ia r¡t l¡¡a lf:rii. riri ¡;:r!t.t, ¡,;r¡r,r' ;'. nr. l¡Frt._ ts lt
eiia¡t¡i¡iln ei]¡r:rt¡a+a¡¡a iri-iir1.,-:;tl irirl: i-vE:t:... i¡cct¡rri¡!I i¡¡irj!: 1r¡t
:¡ hr¡¡¿trJ ,.:L:¡la- ii i+ill ¡:l+batrir É:.,= ii¡rt¡rii in ::¡-:¡i¡i¡.¡r ¡:i:

¿- if¿!¿ii:;
il¿:!if.' á-'rqrii¡ ir-=:r: !;sl:ir !;1.¡:-¡i:i.¡¡c ilu'.'i;rl rir'f¡r¡sii
r¡i ¡l¡c F-i,:t¡ 4iv+. i.ia:¡r:r¡¡:--j...,'ii:,,:erl;¡¡¡rl: {,!ihr'a fa::iF!r: i-rr\\Lr¡ it'iiriC-¡rg- F"i<¡ia:;:;e. Yi,i,¿.iiri¡¡- i=i:,vi!:,tr!¡¡¡:ri iFr.,ii¡:t i:,H:¡

tllr¡\VY N4lNl:l{At- Iilrst'l{llrl l{}NS il.F{!r {'4}¡ (.}llli lJI Á g¡:!



:-;rii ¡-
ici¡¿rc-o¡i:rl. r¡ni¿¡.riai { I }

¡tt¡ l..iltt! .1.(¡i{¡

ttt I tltrl .:. lllt'
i¡ 0.tIrtr il.lItli
a {r.r.rH 7.[]l

lltnt i¡z :;¿'¿li¡nf nls: !l!:it'iiiil c¿¡:;::iie r iic:. h¿¡ve ;¡ rlivr'rsiir,.r¡i

lqr¡l¡¡:; :rntl illcv {tcrrls ¡:; crrlri:il¡;¡l t.¡v:l;rl:;, ;ti.i:nr:riir. !ir rl}i¡r¡i
i¡¡¡:g-¡l:rr ii-:rgn:snt:;. rtsu¡llr: rvilir rrE rlt.,'a,i.-:¡¡ i.crrrgh:;u¡l:rr.r..:¡:
r¡rll ¿¡: :,.ub¡or¡n{l!:tl ili ¡tiu¡tdetl gr;rirr: ¡- ir¡¡i'h¡iitlal lr:leiulc:
;¡¡t¡-i :.i¡ii¡e- ¡r:rr;tllel lc thL Ftincill:tl :¡::i:; i¡¡ it¡ ¡rV¡;iil¡i.!:¡¡ i:lrr:--
:nl it¡rir::l f, ;rl¡r¡¡'. \rrrur' :'r:riti.. !¡i.t! ;tlit¡1.;!t rltrrl,r'.

{l¡¡l¡¡tlr: !:xlrr:r¡rr rrlitl :r¡rrl ¡rcl:r¡r¡¡i¡ii¡¡t ('i.:iuIttilct¿rIiir.Irr:;iic

:ite clr:lrirclcti:ttic. lt c-l-hil¡it:: :r r-virl.: ¡¡t¡rg¡-. (il f,()lLrur:; lr.(tr¡r
tr¡rloutlr.r. tr) l.!illit vrtll(i11. sul,ier¡ vellcrv. ¡tink. t.utl, tl,_.r1r
brriw¡risl¡ ¡ct!. [rttirv¡i:utrl i¡ln](i:ii rtpirqlre. lrrcgul:lt'c(jl!]u¡
ll¿rtle¡'1¡:i:rrc lt(r(lilc¡lt, !yhich appc:tr i:ilh¡-:¡ i¡s r:riiorri;¿tiitii¡11 rrr
;rs; drtcfr-eol()Lil(]d:l¡r.l l¡lc:'t¡r:hr'Qir-ir::lchcs lrllcr¡¡¿rti¡tg rvitlt
erilrrurlcss or:il¡¡to:;í op:rtltrc Fortiq¡lrs t_';i¡itirt;r -rirt.r¡le ur:rin,
€-i= i =:

f-"lettr'lZf¿tis¡lt' V;ilir,:. ihrough y(:rti $,,errL- io stlr!ng ¿¡¡t(l

rirngLrs ti(rtil c(!l(jrtri(-tis ¡o dcl:l) rcd. pin[:.]a vfl¡()\i'.

Iiirt-fringent'<': Ve rt stro¡rg !¡r&:¡ i<-'rr¡¡cr col¡rrr¡s :rfr

crcccdilrg!v hiclr and l¡riglrt. l¡ut r¡l:rf l¡e l¡r;l:;keri hv tl¡e ciron'
inh!:fl:rtt r¡lincr:tl r:qrkrLrr-
E.f Íi¡lt'li¡¡tl: Liu[,,'rlral crv:tl¡l:r;¡¡irl ¡irismtrlic ll;rq¡rrer¡t:; fu;lvr: .i!il¡¡i¿g:-- _:
prr:rllc:l r:,1i inf tii)¡r.
=@==3+ . _-
Ittte:rfcrtnt-'t .fi¡4trr.: 'l'he nr:r joritu til g!iiiils :rrr !@.:==-==
G-:a: :: =-
:¡rtor¡¡aLruslv bi¿iri¿rl :rnrl crhitrit ;r¡r ir¡¡crfcrL:ltcc ligrrru rvith €-,==$:F
rvi(lülv sl)¿rcc(l iso*\-,rr:; ()¡¡ i! \d,hite licl¡1. Sri¡ru li.:rsr¡le¡rt:;.
wl¡irh sh¡rtt rveitkr-'t ¡¡¡ÍL:fletútleq L'r¡l!)ufs, r.,ieltl;¡n ()ll,.c¡r(t.c ia -l:

urliirx¡¡tl lic.rtrc with de¡rsc isrrcl¡i.orilit{i('L:.!l0ur lt:rnrls.'l'lrc *:: =?t

dctcrlrlir¡lliolt !)i fhr (iptiritl sign is rlillit:ult.
E l o nxa Í i t t tt : Po:itivc. [¡ut rlifficu lt [(] ()hs!:r v.r.

l)istinruishi¡t¡1 f¿o¡urrc: F:i{rcn]t: rclirt :¡ntl hircf

ettcc. :trllr¡tt:r¡tti¡tc lt¡sl¡'e. rlct:F cokrur t.)tlclhcl. rvilh rrlte¡t
i¡¡¡:gtrlarlv disllihutccl col1i1¡¡ p;r1¡.1¡g. arc {i:rt.ln¡llic. l)ri:ll¡rl!t.
rulil.-' strringlv r*sctrrtrlcs c¡ssilcriar:. hrri the l¡rrrncr has :¡
higher rclicl-. slt()ngat' bircfrin::r:r¡cu.' ir¡l(l ltirs:u¡ L:vcn e()l()ut.
rlistrihrrtirrn, {';rssilrlitc¡l lic e¡¡nf'uscrl wilh
fr;lgnlcnt-s (i1 ¡¡r.'rrn,:rlth¡rr¡{lr tlic l;¡l{r¡.li;l: lorv,,,r rit;il¡rl
hircfringcnet. tts we ll ;ls ho¡uriur¡r..ot!s cokrrrfs. lit.rr¡kite lultl
S¡tl¡¡¡1¡'¡¡¡¡ hiaxi;tl ¡rositir..,';tr¡rl sl¡¡rrv i¡ltcn:ia. i¡llc:ll ¿inQ¡t¡¡rl{lus.
inttril'te¡c..' fint-c.'lhc hi¡r:liinqtrnce ol ;lrr;rl;¡rc i:. l()E ;ultl ii i:.:
uniirri;rl nLrg¿tiivc, Sphale|itr' rl'se¡¡ihle:; clrs¡iícritr l¡ut ir is
isrri io¡rir'.

Út'Cltfrttt¡'¡': {-:rssilc.riie i:: ll r:¡¡¡r:;iiirrr:¡rl r¡l hi-glrlr::ilie:t:,rrrs

itrtr:ot¡r tric[:.r. ln.gti!tlitrs. hr:tl¡-qlllrrt¡t:rl pt!rer-s'e:r gc¡rr!.:llc
s';rssitulilt. lrut \lttt( ¡¡1t..\ il ir:t itrirrr;rrt ;tr.(1.\lrit\ ,rl ltirIilr..\.
Itt grci:;ctt, gtii¡tiit pcgl¡i¡lilr::., lrrrrl it¡ ltfl.!(!!lui¡l;rl r,,c¡ns.
cassitcriic i:; ¿r i:rr¡n¡rrr¡¡¡ c{!il::iilileni- iVot¡,1=iin i:. lirrnturl hv
l{lw-tcnl[]ar;ttu!'r ,:olkriil;¡l lrieei¡ril:rlion, { -;r:;:ilr:riir: i,c higlihj

i {):i

rcsistant to s'eathering (Hails l9ió).

Grains frorn: Left of diVicling linc: Kinta Vallev tin fielcl,

Iltalaya: ILiglrt of line: Bcach sand. St Ives. Co¡nwall, Englanc.l
(NImt 1.663).

iil::::i. ¡¡i..1t !]Fr:;€-'i{ll.l'!s.}tr:, .,-"=f--lÉ-i í_!_}¡ í..iIiF. É¡i .i ¡E :;

'.i i,.
ii i:¡'¡i:¡!- :¡¡¡i:¡:-:i;¡! i i

i.'¡¡ !'i:
tr. I t¡i; I /t'::
i'¡ ii.íiiiil i!,{}{li:
1 r!'i.; ii¡l

i tt!t:i !il .iidi¡¡.'¡¡ i¡i'. É.r;l'il, :¡i. !i l!r'¡.¡l¡1 llí! il!l:¡i

:il¡:ti!!l!!. :;lri¡¡t¡t¡lt,:lcri ;¡¡¡¡i q'ri::tsi<'¡¡:ril.; r.:'.ii ¡r'rt¡¡¡ir.r! l::,t¡lil
iii:¡i¡i!:t gri.,:ii;l!L!':, ir:it¡i¡,-:¡ri:-'¡jili¡:: ¡i.r.::t:ii!i:r! t'trlli¡t.: iltiil
{-r¡¡:,-'i¡i:iii:¡E i¡:¡qitr¡r::: :;¡¡i! :,¡;¡:¡ii iii{-i.-¡ii;1i;.!i¡:' :¡i! r}iir:it

'í- ¿;in;¡:¡ trti:ii:i! 1É.:it¡i!ri!!t¡! :i!r!l.ii¡.: il -;ii:¡ilr:: ci !ili¡r- i¡i¡¡

er-rli¡r:¡lr:::-: :t!;i¡tt:: !¡¡!:( iii:ti¡ ¡l{ai! it¡l(!ii.¡-l É:¡i:i¡¡i¡i¡L¿ ¡¡. Ii¡'.
rr'l,ru¡ ril:,iril'rti!r,ii i , r l::r¡:ir ir i¡:.i!q .¡.¡¿.!lr¡ri..;¡¡1. '! llt i¡¡irti:;ir.,, ¡¡j ¡:!¡lrrr:hiiii:;¿ri i,J:tfia: ilq,!r!

ts,e:il: i(i ir'f¡-::'-i¡(l¡¡!' {'¡- !l;!la ¡(} ilt'i-:¡r hltir:. :'. q¡rl¡ri¡flc:;:;,-¡¡ i¡:tlr
l¡liii:;l¡ grr:r:t¡. i:. !ai¡¡l'iar;¡li.rr iii i'r iicc¡r ttlr¡,-':ttlr! lr,rJqlisli Filll:
lll:¡v :rili-i.:rE e'iiilin i-i!r. giilii!.

ilirt'_!t'iit'¡;'ni'¿:'.' 1ij¡":¡!:. l¡t¡¡ ¡L'i¡iÉ;r! r.:ii¡i:- illnlt's! lhev :lrr-'

1r!:ry ihi¡¡ l¡;¡l¡i¡r:¡ri:;i.:::irii¡ii:¡ir¡ l¡iá:li i¡1i,,,¡ic¡.-'¡1.-,.-'
colnur:: r¡i ilii¡il t¡riie¡.'! irr::r¡¡rteii¡¡¡r-':.: ir¡ít¡t:ii:c ¡lt¡tleiirl r,r()lillrl
rir:¡r rlt;¡.1. ilr, ii¡r, ¡ i' ¡r r¡,i ii¡¡ir

Etfinr'li¡t¡t: l:!i:rr::rtr:¡-! i;:r¡:riti:rii: ;rtrtl ¡rliiiinl ir!iiirj:r h:1k'

ll;r¡ ¿ili!! f ;.:i¡¡!('iilir¡,

! n í t'ifi' r'<'tcrr' íi i:tl rr' : I'ilir;rl p;rrt inr 11l1¡i(:i [ri(i1]i.l! ir gri(){l
u¡rilr::ir¡i ii¡tr¡leicrrr-r lil¡rrrr i¡¡i :¡ !:,,¡lii. í¡ü1.1. irrtr:.r:l¡r¡ tr;ri¡r:
ril{e!l !¡L:ld :rir.r!¡;il¡rrr:rli' bir¡ii:¡l i¡tt,-'tier,'nc(' l¡i:ur('s rritlt l;uge

! :. I i t n ¡iu t i t t tt : l-!c!:ri it:t:

llislin,qi.:isltitir:.i;:t!ir!r'(:,:;: iii.!rl¡ ¡rliri, l¡lue l¡lqiu¡. olie r¡ iri

¡i ¡r¿r¡elrr. rlirtriliuiii:¡¡. 1!¡¡(l Pl(:il(:lta(]i:r1l :i¡f Lrhiti':tfif! i:.ii{j
lligll ,-rrrlei-inierlerü¡i.c ciilor¡rs c:hil¡itr:¡l h1,rri¡lr¡¡rlir¡¡i l1r;¡rir.r
iilc;.c1r¡ri rviflr tlre liiu,'l¡i¡ciii¡rg-i:ncL.' 0l'ihi:; nrirlr:airl iill(i
(hi:: i:: ;rlsi¡ ivilraal l{rt ar-rt rr¡irluni. Ap;ri¡ic li¿rs l0rv.-r li! l¡lrtl
l¡irr:iringencc. sr¡;hiti¡t.: i:: hiltxilil. l¡;l:; ;r :iir!!r¡s ,li:.¡rrisiori ;r¡rrl
is ltr¡tgih:-l,rrv 'l-lrt.el¡c,i ili:¡nirti¡sr i:i lrigliri. it:: shrP¡j i\
rlonrin¡ rcet;riltul:ri :rtrd il rh¡rrvs \,!:rv lo\v'o!ilLr! ilttct-
lar('ncc {:i)li!l!r!;

{}c¡'tlfr:il,'t: t-orr:ilrlunl i:i llrii:;.:¡li ii¡ ¿l r,;rtir,lr rii iock ivpr::-

br¡i ir; ¡¡¡ii:.i ül):r!:!c¡!:¡¡:iiie ol Al-rir:lt. iii-l¡rrol ¡,ick-.., lt fcrurr i¡r
sr,,r:¡¡ iic:: rttd tl¡t:ir pccnreiii iC L-(ll! i!illrIi:- :r¡itl ;rl:.Q in t¡uirrtr-

ilL:* p-glil:!iiir5 r',,lrir:l¡ l¡:t¡::;.-'r:i Ulí¡l¡¡¡rl¡1ir Irictr:;. (--Ulri:rr-¡- lilril

rcgititt:rll1 ::rclirnli)¡!rh{:r:{iri ¡'r'ek-s- r:.itt.r¡;illl llros¡: ¡lrtir,tri
lro¡'¡t;¡lu¡rti¡¡¡¡t!:; art a;!Lll!¡nirlf:cil¡¡¡rrni:;- co!lii!il¡.rift!tiililllt
¡¡nti ii ¡tr:r't,t!lsqr li!ti¡t i¡¡ ¡¡¡ic:r or cl¡l¡r¡.ii.: r;c¡lir:t:r. i--.rft!llrltrr¡l i:;¡
.l!)ll¡ lllit!¡ ei l¡r\1i I u!-¡¡'! .¡ i !- iilC l 1 l1: ¡r'r:;i i S,

Ri ¡ltarl¡,.;: {- ;r¡iriilu;lrlul¡l nl:rr,, riilil:¡r¡iin:ric :-;rnr¡rlc:; rirrrinr

llrL'il;if¿r¿i{¡ll et!ti e;rt¡ l¡r roniir:;rrl .-villr !-o¡-rr¡¡rlu¡¡t. !:!¡[r('liri!-,
the li¡rr¡rr:¡ lr¿l'-: l¡ l¡i::llr:¡ ¡.-'li.-'i :t¡<l itpl)uirf.:;i:- -tlt:u¡r- i¡:r¡-iurrrl
p;lt'liela..;- (il¡a¡r -iili :i eo¡rclir¡itl:rl i]:r¡iLr,r ;r¡r(l it is iil:lir:ltllr,, íi;ui;.i.s.¡'i'r.rl;a : E< ighi l'¡ia:;.:tc, irr)ri he ilr Tu il isi;r I hJ nrl i . iiti l] ;
tiltia:ii:¡l ¡:ü:-ii ivu. Lr'll I rllllri l1É!(ii{'¡lrj $.,esífín i lrrrrg:rtr., (r'l;).

I {l{"

'l-¡{ il
iL:iailgrri¡;i¡. r¡¡¡i¿riial {I )

:t¡ l.í{15 l.¡r I-l

iii. :,i=:!.i(¡ I rr0i
;r lt. -.:.iÉr l¡. l,),,
a +.ll i.:ii¡

i''ts7¡¡1 i¡7 :;{r!i¡iií'Éii-r: i}etrit;ri rutiles :¡ii: *rj¡rr:a;rili, i.r¡lilll

{r'xi¡rs ivi¡icli rerc'iv t:ieccrl l!lll !{nr. iJcLitusc (ri *}iltut¡lul!:.
liiglr ¡'cll':rciive i¡irlicc:;. ;r thir:k hl;rq:[.. hrrl¡i srr¡ r rirr¡rtl:; i hr- gr;rir r.
Sultrounrletl io rvcll-ro¡r¡rtli:¡i iihlrin:l fri¡ ¡n:; lr¡rrl :,¡¡iicar:¡ ;rii: ihr, =j.=-::
tttri:;I ffrc¡rtrrrt- Nt¡rr rour¡rleri :¡r;rins :rre eiiltcr tuircilr;rl. .-viilr =4,-== =
rvr:il-dtr,el0tretl ¡.lvr';rrrtidal icrr¡¡i¡t:rtir¡¡ls. ()r:;lcn{lL'Í liri.,r¡1.,,
prisnratic ii':r11¡¡ren¡: :rrrd :<inlcli¡nc:; il:re¡rrlerl !-rri¡i.:. l.,lr,irvi¡rl
irrtgrrl;rt <¡t co¡rclrr¡irl;¡l l¡re:lkage p:tl¡c!¡i:i. 'Kirce:;hlr¡r,-:rl' Ét :'.F.-=- E
t.,virtsrl) :¡lrt-l Ii:r¡ lllcl ir-v:.i:rl gr¡ rwllt: :rre :;or¡rat iirr+- e¡¡cou rr

ia¡i:(1. {iriiirrs r¡¡¿rv lt¿rvc nrrlii l;r¡itell;rr ir',,i¡i¡titir qlir:rr i¡r lrrrr
!iitlt{iirtns. ¡tfa:¡¡l*!:{l rii;r!:r¡¡:;r!l'¡ irr íl¡(.ijii¡¡¡'!'ir iir('< {c)- oi :rhrrrr
:;tri:rii¡¡¡¡:; ¡rnll['l'-',,ii!r il!Lir l!i¡l{ ii:i¡::.

rtr,l (ltiil;lFa r¡r.!.. itciluciri i¡r:;r-iii¡¡rc¡ri: ilr;i¡r hrt;rv¡ri:;h lil;¡c1,.
.;cl!<irri:;li itÉr!wl!,;!¡!lirc¡ ¡¡i liclei l¡l¡rwti ¡-r¡loril:; i¡iglti).
?t¿:il¡'fur<list¡L' !.¡i:iri!1.i, :ú¡ri rr:.,il:illl ir¡:ilrii(.:;i!:(l it1 ih!: :-=':=i
¡-lce[¡c¡ti¡¡u r¡i ihc rcii. vu!!¡iw sia ¡rir¡wi] .;l¡i!ii(':i.

flif;:j'fin;4Lilt'¿''.' l::..ialrll( - lrul rlrr lrr!:lr.r'i,lr¡ tiitcilcrcncr:

.,oiott¡:. ¿!Íi' !:e¡¡rr:¡llv c¡l¡:;r'trar',,i hi:'lh(' :]i¡!it!!: ittl¡r.¡'rl¡i ¡¡lirlr:¡';¡l =-é=+
+¡rl¡rt¡t. 4ir;ti¡r:, ¡5¡1;1!ll,tiis¡rl;rr- ¡.etlrii:;li 'lhiíe. rcrl. l¡trrr¡,¡
1' ll,rrt i:,li iiti( ! ¡;. i,. ri,.r' r tr¡¡.,. =*F

E:-!l!ilr-'i¡i:ii: !;ilt¡i¡;il!!: ;¡¡1r-i rir,¡¡l-:ii:i¡ri'ti gr;ri¡r:; :;irr¡+ :¡;¡¡t¡il¿.1

.:{ ii ii{-'i ¡(¡¡t .

i;tie:';jtrt'a;';: t'i'¿,t:tt: !'iri¡rnr:r ii¡!i¡¡tf¡¡ír r,¿'¡¡riirii¡:ril..,.-'ir:iil

,rvell rjr:nl.e¡l ¿rni:t:i:ií iigrrit's
':iitr ¡i¡;[¡r i:ii¡cirii¡nr:riir' l¡r¡¡¡-l: i¡r
:t ÍL-(l i¡a vr,iiq* iiclrl- El¡,.:.-r.: ¡¡!iui_i lliltlt l¡;lrr lti;t:i;;l
ri¡:r¡';¡riers *il¡cEl ¡it:lv !¡r-' :llrr !ii ¡rvi¡l¡¡i¡¡r 1ii ilrilinl;titri¡r.

é',i¡¡¡lt:¡¿!irt¡l: iii:;ii(iiit ¡¡¡i¡¡(-r':ti,:i¡1,-¡¡i¡ ¡rii.l hirr-.irrirr

+¡¡r-'::. ,leireii..i¡¡ iii.-. i!Fiirjri q¡.¡{.¡¡i;ii¡r:!t i:i .¡ii¡i.irli ¡i}{.
¡t+:;itiv: i:l¡:¡r:l:¡ii¿ii¡ !¡tiiir L.-' r¡ir:-rri:ri il!t !r;¡!r:i.-¡¡!r¡¡¡rr<i
v:¡! i!:iii::r.

lEi:;¡i;tt:¿¡z:;!t!¡¿< i;:ltí!!,-;':!: !-.i-r:¡ilt i:; iii¡¡i¡¡i::r,,i ir-i, ¡!: :..-:¡:i

fiigii :,:iii!.1iirr¡l i'c¡i:Dt:: illL'!:r!li{ri.-¡!!;l¡rsl r:':i¡r.i¡tr.t¡i¡, i¡i¡¡.¡
.i¡lr:¡i- :-:,i¡i:¡ii.:ila: G¡-i:ri¡¡¡ii:¡i_. .:vl¡i:¡t ¡¡¡r,::e¡¡i, :¡la:¡!:;,¡::il;¡¡;ii¿Li
i:;Íi¿. fi¡r i!¡¡¡.,, i¡i;¡ili:!! ¡i¡!1 ..r¡i¡¡;¡!¡ iL!íii. !¡::tir !¡.:.:¡;¡¡iil:.r:l '.-
rl:¡:;::ii.'i;ii', irr¡i i!¡t ;i¡ i;i ¡i¡t il¡iir¡ i:; !c¡....¡:;. ii:., ir¡iq¡r¡¡ ,¡¡t. ¡¡
:;frii-+r: ¿i:rirl:.,' ;ti:';¡¡-!:I!j!¡!{jiii :ulii ¡¡¡;¡ir'r' tt:ii¡l:; l¡;i!. :t '¡!t::;!,:
:!.1F.:¡Í:¡i¡q:!. !'¡:i¡¡r:ltir,.-;ti !:c¡:i:¡¡iit i:: ilt¡i::. ¡i¡¡q! i:¡r;::i:-i¡¡ 1¡¡q,r.
:lb¡¡i¡t¡:::¡ I i¡¡ I ii !'Éairitr:i: r: :l¡ :r¡ : -

l .e¿.'¿'::¿¡¡'¡i¿-'¿': !ir¡lilr i:: :r .;:qi¿':,!¡!,::i¡i ;!irr-:r::íl¡i ¡:ri¡¡r¡;rl j¡r

¡rrai:tii¡(!al¡it¡r-' i!rfl-:; ¡!:iai¡1:ul:¡¡ !"r; ;¡l .:ri¡i:;i:-;. :ti!r:i:r:rr-, .¡!!!!
:l¡n¡¡i¡ii¡r¡iii<.:;- ia !:: !!:i;:: rigr:iiir;rirÉ r¡¡ ig¡¡.-'i;r¡:. ¡r¡rl::-. *i¡r.¡r. i¡
i¡.-i='lÉtr; ;¡t itq¡¡¡¡irlr::iii: r:!i! il¡iii¡ii!¡.'i:¡:tr::i;i:l iri ¡rs::i:¡:¡i¡i,.., ii¡
:i::tli:.,!ii.' r¡i t¡railL: :-':1ii¡ii¡¡r:i!-'i: Eiírir-t-' i !i.)i=l!!l 1¡¡¡i:lrt¡1.:.! ihii! :!i,
::{iiii!:i: É.1!'L.: ii! {i( ¡ail;tl :rriiii:;¡:r ¡rictlcrriiri;tiiii! il¡t¡:¡ ¡ri i¡igi¡
,'¡.¡r1.,.,.1,,,¡:¡il! :i¡r'¡i,:alil¡.:.,r',i,. ;..¡t¡¡.,
!:--uiiit ir:r:; iir:r:¡; ¡i¡¡,r1¡¡¡¡¡! ir;.¡1.':;í;:lli,¿c :¡!!i:ii1,'.iiirr:¡i11" ¡¡l


1€ EE:EE:€HÉ'

'l'i{ ),
iritiigo¡l;rl. u¡¡i;r;\iirl ( )

4ttt -l.i6l
iil l.'iHii
ir {l o7.l : :=%

.i.s-l .i.q7

Ft¡rrrl irt sLi¡itirci].is: Árl:rt;rsc l¡;r:.;i¡r c.rtrc¡r¡e ¡rlici-

strl¡¡lrcilrilic lr¡:.lte :ul(l it t¡ccrtts lr¡r{lt:¡r r-let¡ii;ll s¡;ri¡t:;;r¡lrl itr
ruthigciriL r:rv:;tlrls. 'l hc :rutlti.¿ertic iq'rti¡r. rr¡. riti¡ni¡'t¡ultlv
' tl
llrhtrl:r¡. ¡cr:i;r¡rgtrlir¡ l':r::rl lil:rtr:s (upln:r). Sevf,riii rii illr::;c nrrv
l-!r :;trl)cr;nrp{)srrl fli) Qr ;rre i¡t¡ctgtoutt. i¡it¡ni¡lr: rt Liitit¡roriIe
gÍllirr (e). --l.drti¡rg ot !]et'¡]rciric lli¡iicnls lt¡c llcilt¡cttilt' :*. *:
ilispllrvcri. Á¡¡lrt;r:;e :rlso a¡r¡ltats ¿t: slt¡;tll. ;tltttii:-i o¡r:ti¡tte
:rgg¡eg:¡íc:-. i-ictri-r:rl g¡ilitth {l()wd¡-)" ilr,ittglt thev;lte unc(}t¡r-
ruon. r¡i;rv l¡e e¡lur¡tltic¡ctl lts r,¡u¡rrlc.l b:¡:;rl l¡l;rte:- ot ¡;¡[ltui
tlull. r-luskv ir'rr-:gulilriv sltr¡rr:tl gr:riit:-. ()eca-cit¡rtallv l)v!ir¡rri(liil
()t airrlirll(:rlrirl (li)\y!:r- l()F lelll :-¡i,-'eitiietis ;tF¡tc;rt w!ti.'lt ,i!1.'rt
hl.,,c :;tri;rlcrl l:ree:

'i-'¡¡trry¡-: Sh:rtlc:; qri hlur, vcllt¡u :r¡r(l ¡);ll(-I)arirrj¡¡: (1ti(irtal!':i:;

ut ii¡ils :¡t r' llllr'r)tiiiil()li.

Plttn¿'h*tis¡n.' [lrclr-c()l()r¡!r:ri il¡ir:k:rrr:il:rsu- rrr:rv rli:;pl:rtr

illlrr,rll(iw. ¡riiik iir'lrlrre : :,- lrlrre . ti:r¡ k lrlur,tt
¡rl'-ric-lrrriisitl i,)"

Iti'¡'¿:_í'rin:1t nr¿'.' f-'lo¡r lt;!:::rl iil;rif:- ll:rve :jtr.lns hirclringrirei-'

wiilt tt¡ir¡icrr¡¡r,- ii¡ti: i¡i ir¡Lt¡ilt=r¡¡rL-'t $.'it¡ir. :-li,-.v ;r¡¡,,1 l¡iltk.
lJ:l:;iil !^!l:rtL:: hrr.,,'-' vr:llou" iri¡¡i il;rrk ilrev. hluc rii l-¡¡(i!yrl
¡irrl:riiz:riiirir'-'rrL¡ui: ¡¡¡ :r¡¡ ¡rt¡¡r-lri¡ci¡ il¡rlr¡¡i.

E-l ti ¡tr-' í i ¿¿ t¡ : ¡o;ri e!itl i¡¡ :t'¡¡tiiiriiic:rl iqr ald¡ri':rgü ii:lac:; :lii!l
L¡ t¡:;i:¡l i:rcr::--

!ttir r.i'r rr :t t' <' .t'i tp t r,-' : E:3;r:r;rl ¡rl;rir:: ri'iilr i¿ri ¡ií i¡tt,:iicr r¡r,-'r
,t¡krtrts rr:;t¡:tllv ¡riiivitle :¡,riiil rrrtiriri;rl ¡¡)¡r:il!'fr'¡)(r' i¡ui!a(.r-
S()!tlf .il!!¡rti( s ¡¡¡;¡y i¡ii-'lri bi;r¡i;rl il:rsl¡ iiertru¡

E Í,i t ; t git i i i t it : i=l(r:liriin,:.

i,ei¡;¡i¡¡v¡¡¿i,=;l¡!¡rt: .¡:.'i:i¡rt'i.i: Ér:.rIr'¿ ¡¡t ¡ciiri. h:ri:i¡ ¡¡¡ri

rrriiirr¡.r :r¡r iiil¡c¡¡,¡::iir: iii:-ii¡¡r'iit¡¡: ii¡ ír.:r'¡'¡¡ i!ui¡ii!-a¡lir- ;i:lai
.ir'i!ii;ii ii¡!ria:!ir i:-.:¡;:r,:!c ':il¡ellr i:-, i¡li-¡i¡qr¡irii!il('.r1,'i ¡iiu
r¡';li¡i:. Ei¡tr;!-iir'i:: i¡iti:ri;¡l ¡;rr:-iii..c;:r¡El:rl¡¡¡t::;i:¡i'..,:rr:;':ir'lqi::;¡
!1ril ff!¡i!.ri :rei!i!r ii¡:I-r!'iíi:i iigLii', l li,' !i¡ a:i ¡:,¡ii¡¡¡'l !:: l¡:u'r:¡-
:¡¡¡rl i:. !r.r''r¡qr¡¡ir. c-'ii¡¡ririlt¡¡I É!:i::;r i0ri:':i ¡rliti- iliiii¡':r¡r
!;iiia¡l¡iri¡(¡s',i:r¡¡¡-i ir¡i:l¡irr iiii.iirj¡('ita!: ¡-'¡¡ir¡i¡¡.-. ¿il!i;!t !t-

t:¡¡i;l;¡i ¡',i::iii..'r :l¡i,l t;-:i:ii¡i¡: :.'r:i'\, :;i¡ri!!Í l¡it,:i¡-i¡¡gr.¡¡¡ ¡-.-

í.E¿'¡ i!!'i'q'i!¡.'t'. É¡i;r.iirqi!!:i:!n{l ::irrii!¡¡r!:¡[r¡lii ¡r¡r-i¡i;i¡i;!i;i:,, i]-

iitr i.riilir¡iriui!' f-'i¡lir¡r()rfrh ,¡i i i{ !.. !i i:; a¡r¡i¡¡irrrir ¡rr

..trli¡¡¡t ¡¡i:; :ri¡(i i!¡¡¡n:;
¡rrir!i(i¡¡¡i!!i!!ti!i itr|¡¡1¡9ar¡¡f:illij ;ii i¡ir
.r.:!lúi¡:re ti r¡¡¡:;lllt¡!,: I i l¡t-';¡¡ i¡tq ¡it¡¡tf!;¡!:: ii i:: ;l ¡-l¡r:;iiitrc¡ri r¡l
lLli¡jl;::-a¡¡C. iic:¡¡¡¡:il;t¡i;!i:!:if rrtr!t'..1!L !,rt!¡'-L'l;r¡¡¡i¡¡¡r;¡l!1 l¡'.,,

it¡1.-:,it¡.; !i¡ !t¡ri:ir¡ii¡i¡)l¡¡r ¡r,rL:; :r:. ilrr ¡lri¡r !¡;r::ilr :¡i;¡iiil'.,iii

.¡..::.i¡li:; iri :i{--rl¡¡¡¡¡,'!ii:-:!ir i!i!i;lii¡! !i¡:.ii¡rir¡'rrr--rIli;ig.

{ i;;ti¡¡:;.lir,';;i' irl;inii: {¿!} l¡¡¡ri ii¡i !i¡,i!ir::rr'¡¡ri. ¡rrtai¡rc.¡¡

i;fairi:ii¡r: {e) I r¡ii;¡¡..,- 1l:rr¡ili .'''r¡:ri¡i;¡: (Li¡ :ii!¡ii::ri¡.i\ii¡ri
E:i;r....i, i.,iirrrr¡ri 'r ir:..¡l.r;i,l lIii¡ri ¡ .,i']].

I lF-j

Lorvor: grait.ts top lelt: rivct'sand, Val Scnrcglia, Srvitzcrlancl;

Other. grnins: Buntsaudstcin, T¡iassic. borcl.rolc Weiach,
9S2 rn, Srvitzerlaird (Mnrt 1.662).


:;1mG:1"1 :& ::a:;::a1ÉraHxÑF,$

tltti¡{! I

orih¡¡rh¡r¡rhie. lri:rrial ( i )

,tít l.5l'1-l
i4i l.5H.i l.5str
it)' 1.7{X¡ 1.7+ I
¡ (). It7 0. l5ti
4.{lE '+.lli
F¡lri¡l i¡l sttli¡¡tt:¡tl:;: []¡t¡,¡kitc h¿r:- :i vcrv hi¡.lh rcli,,:i' ;rntl
()L{ut:; it.'t itll)rll¿tf (tr irrcgttl;rtly shltpcd gr:iins. so¡tletitltt':; rtilll
a gurr,crl rrtrtli¡rc. P¡isnratie l;tccs ¡n¿tv cxltibit slri:rc pl¡¡ltllcl to
ihc ¡: axis. liloolitie also ltp¡le:tts ¡s soltiervltltt 'duskv'
hriiwtrislr-ycl ltiu, :t ggrarg:ttes ( lorver).

{ t¡ I¡I ur : Yellt¡rv ish bri¡wtt. httlrvtr, :l(tnlcl i ltlr-r ru¿lilisli

Fleochntisrn' 'l-l¡e *'e¡k ycllorv' titltttge a¡trl b¡riw¡l slt:¡¡l';:-

¡-rf llll:o!-hr{ri:int ¿trc ratelv visi}rle trn tlctrital

fi i reJ ri nyi nt:í'.' tlxtre¡nl lii[h bii cii irrger¡ce i:; tlisl ii rctir''.
lnt.:!'iL'renee r:¡-rk¡t¡fs ¡fa ¡tl¡¡rtir¡t¡al hcc;ttlsc ¡¡i st¡i¡itg ¡l:li;tl
¡rl;rnr rlirtltetsii;ir- S¡t.-'.-t;tcrrl:tr col¡;tlfs elta¡¡g.:
(ili :-i:¡gtr a(rl;rti!rrl
írot¡r'vcll,rrv, gl-ael¡ i)i irlt¡tr ""ii¡lct iri rctltli:;h ¡rink or or';iitgc.
Aggl*gltlris Ir:rvr !righ-onici hrtl tlulle r ctilotlt::' ¡tlt'l lll': colotli
,-,lut¡rg,e is it(¡i ¿tlw;tv:; ile i,-,r:t¡l¡lc.

Exíi¡l¡'ti¿ttl: ilr¡rikiic usuallv l;rils i() .iii¡llr-tt¡:lh rs ;lrl\

¡)rr:;iti(¡ri. Whc¡r extiiieiio¡r is i'isil¡1,-'. it is trro:;ilv 1l:tl:tl[:l io iltr:
tlireci ¡rr¡r oi ::iri:riii¡tis.

lnltri;:r,.:itt:t ii,qurt-: ii'i;rnv g¡:ri¡¡r ¡rt'iir.'itic rt rr:¡lirg.'ti ;ictlir

hisr:er-¡ie ii¡1ui,: rviih ::iÍ{!Itg Lrf(}sscai ar:ial-1illtrl.- ili:-prt:ictr
I si¡aiti'{ illt:li ¡(: i;anil: v:i iy ihr¡n :¡.¡airv t{l ¡l.til!-.

{il¿,t¡lttlíitt¡l: l--Jegaiir'.,, hui r;rrelv rli:;c:c¡nil¡lt: heclrrr';c 1}¡

:rra:; cilccis i¡v i¡¡ic¡¡:;ivt-' ¡iiil;lii:-':;liic:r rtiltil¡¡':;.

f-listin¡4iti:;hirt| i¿íüurrts: c''()l.tti¡. cxirtitrt rr:liri :r¡ril

h!i-eíriirgcn,:t. L:(;¡¡¡binc.i rvilit:ri¡Üng (iisFLrf:ii!)!l lllr':l illrQrri
:)1,-riLr c.iii¡-¡ciir¡¡¡. rrre di::itnciiv.: anrl iite,v- :tssi::i i¡¡ :¡¡¡
di¡u¡r¡¡::is rii l;rOok,iit-'. T!.¡.-' r"-cQgniiir,¡l r¡f :lggieg:lles i:i ii!1)ÍLi
.-liílictrlt e¡rrl it¡¡-'v {j;r¡¡ ilr dr¡irl-u:jc,i rriih:¡¡r:tt:t:e, {}! ti(:il()tL:al:ls
il¡¡k-¡is¡lvr¡. r!)¡i¡.j tlrlile !fs{jiliblr-::; hrrio[:iie. lrtli illc ¡qiii¡lur
i¡-rL¡:¡!lv !¡l¡:; :i pri:-iri:riir: iii 'ri:'¡l-ii¡iri¡(lt-:,-i ¡l¡¡r¡!¡ttt¡lilgv' slt,,u-:
h*inr¡!:r¡¡rs¡ti:. i¡:ir¡itrr-net ,:clq:,i¡¡:, :iil¡l i:; l¡¡ri:t:':i:li, ii¡c ¡.:!ici'
,,i:.Fhr:¡tc i:r lc¡e'e¡ :r:¡ti ia: i,rt!¡itt¡:::ifa il:tlt-:¡ r-it;¡¡t iht¡:;i:,-rl
i-'¡ iiiikiia.

í,;¿'¿- ¡lf¡if¿¿'¡j.' Ej¿.cr,;[,.iir ij :¡¡l :¡,j,j,'rt:r,;i-l ¡rri¡rr:¡:ri .;i :¡iir-:;i:tl

igE!t¡¡tl:; ii¡ali$. ilrl¡i:;i:1. talci:-:r'e:; .r¡¡tl !lvtiat¡ii¡l'ri¡i;tl :,-'i¡t:-. llr
qr-i ii n1r ! ii :i i i i:-, i+ ¡ ¡r i ¡l lt ¡ ¡ r' I : ;r ti i ir i i1r iI !r:

¡í]r¡li¡i:; ji";.,;;i.' ttp¡-,,¡: í:r! El-i'.,r:r iiii¡i!. V;rl iir;ii tg,lilt.

S'*ii,rr¡.!a¡¡ii. (ll! É-i!irt*'.,¡¡.-'. ii:¡¡¡i¡¡rr ll:l::i¡t i i:itir:c:
lr'; !t!i:r:,:,t' '!r,iil¡ "-:,-i¡,n, l.i*'J).
l-crvt¡ : E-lr¡¡;i:,:¡ilii:;i!-i¡r.'f¡i;i:.:;i¡'. l:i¡¡ci¡tll l':¡isi, ¡¡. !(ll in.
.'j'-.;ii;:,:il:¡¡rqi i ldnli ! .r¡írj i-

l ltihl"Y toill.ii:ii¡il lilrsi'¡:il!'l-l{ll.Js; AN¡: i € ¡i.f}! jll ¡ii.^ ! lr:;

Ss]ÁmeE ssF€rEEtE
liprrr:! i-,ci'it:;
riri,, l-. f¡¡ iri¡rt ii.i1,

'!'l¡e,r¡¡1r,, r'.,iile::f,¡e;rrl \J¡Lrfi(':. (ii ilr,::pint:l::aiii::::t::¡ rli:i¡'it:¡i

¡i¡i¡lc¡:¡! i:: ilir: i'r rii:i¡ hr¡ct'r¡iir ¡licriic. li ii; ¡¡i-r! rri!'lierl lii ir:.
.:hr¡r¡¡rr.'spincl. or lrrrirvtt slritirl- {-,iihrl ntL:ntl-rt:rr: i¡;l'"'r: isiil:t1¡.:il
ilt¡il:i¡r- srt¡lv oi !oc:rl ii¡¡¡riiti:¡!i{!:. Frlr-'nlllL'¡5 itl ihL
:r¡rinc! srrir::: ¡¡¡1¡¡'lrr'itientilied lrv thei¡ high ic!ic!. r'iiliiui-
irlo¡illrrrlo¿\.' ;tnrl isiiiropic chlt¡:tcic! -
.# :..#EE@
ilhr¿¡¡¡lit¡¡t s¡tiil¿:l: r¡.l.1lll. a- 5.{)t'! iir;¡i¡¡:: {uFFú¡ }:r¡c,-l;r¡1.. :::-
tqil¡li::!r l¡rr¡rr,'¡i o¡ eli,!r !lat¡1:,'¡¡. v=-¡-'i:ir;ttJt:tnet!l:ti. i¡!i-'¡:t¡lii¡
li-;ignreiii:: r.:liicli lrtqttr:ttllv ::lri¡t"' clll¡r:rricri:;1ie eri¡rul¡r¡iel:tl

b¡-c::ll::tge i-!itlic¡t1::- i'hicker !t:litt:;lrr.ti¡tllsi,P;¡ur¡r ;¡¡¡ti o¡llr.' _,,:_;,-:¡F

thc lhin eil.rle: e::hihi1 r:rilrillf. l l¡r::c gt:titls ;tlr l,r:r:i :;r'c¡¡ r'.ill, --
tltc accc:.:;ti¡'r, et¡¡tqL'¡t:;.-r i¡rsr¡ieri- ¡,'l:¡otrtiltn :;¡riltcl i:" tlttlv
iso t lo¡tic.

: n. I I l'r. A. .i.55 ! I ;¡ppclr-c :r:- grreil io bl1¡q:-gtccti oi

S ¡t i trcl
rrrl- rr¡u¡ltlcti ,x:llthcdr:tl gr¿tiris ll¡'ok,-,n ihinnrr ll-rglilellts ril'
the grccn vilr¡eiV f(js(,'llrlll(i grcarll g:tlllct. l¡tti llteV ¡¡l-.:
e (i¡Ipk-tclv is¡ritonic.

H c rt r- n.i ie : r¡. i .ti 15 A - -i..1(l ( ir'¡ins ( lonc¡ i ;tr.- rL-d. rclldi:ih

vcllctl'- l¡lue {)i !:fcL:i!- i¡rlrl iia,- l}¡'cr':L-ni iii se,tli¡t¡er¡t:. ritlre¡ ;t:r
rt¡ttt¡,le,l r¡ei¿rl¡crl¡;¡l gt'ltitrs or:ts lt¡okrlt iairr¡lrrilt:; \!ilh
chantt:lerislir conchoid;rl il;rciti¡c:;. [ic.-l garncl nlltv bc cqtlt
lir:;cr! rl'ith rrri fr,-'¡cv¡rilc" l¡ui ihc Ii¡¡mer olirr¡ crltibil:-
¡¡¡is¡rl¡'ripisnr lrnil is usr¡rllv spe,-'kled !vit¡t i¡leltlsi(tti:-. lVhcn
sullicir:ni gr;rin:: arc ;rv;ril;rl¡lc, X-¡'l¡v ii¡ .-rluc'¡r.)n nricto¡rtithe
¿r n r I vsLts r¡' i I ! ctin li ¡ nr i tle n 1 iIi clr t i r ¡n.

{)t'¡-'Uff(il¡-:t': {llllr¡r¡ria¡r :tPi¡¡cl i¡; l .r()r'¡llll()¡¡ :lcc!:ss(!rv (i!

r¡llnrr¡r:rlir: trcks su(ih ¿!5 Í!erid()t¡1r:; anrl scr¡rrtttirtitcs. ()thc'¡'
s¡lincrl rr;it=iciic:r :iic ,.:rinlitlc¡,1 1o Itigh-gr;rdc ntcl:tlttor¡rltie
lrlLrtriltrius sci¡ists. granilic gr:rnr¡lite: rnd utlc¡sse5- ¡l: u'rll;ts
etnerv rlc¡rrr-rit:; lr¡d rotit:rei r¡lettrn¡(rr'lrlr ¡c t tck:-. .tilti ticl:: ;t r,:
f(-:-ci-sl:rnl io tvf ¿ithafitrg :¡¡ttl n¡r¡y ;it:r:t¡trulrtir: itt gr"nt-gt ttvcl::.

R¿murks: ('hr'<imi:¡n spine i is frri¡rr'.'nt i¡t sctlil¡¡cttts sortrccil

[rv rrphiolitic lock:. 1'hc gcr¡teciollic sir:nilic¿ulce ol det¡il:rl
chr.lrtilr¡t spittel (brtirvtt spinr,l) rv;rs rliseussr,tl bv 7-ittlnlcrlc
(l(.llt-l).'l'he i¡rereasc ()1 br()wrr spin.l ir¡ slrrlinlcnls (rviih or
with¡rut scrpe ntiuilc fr':rgnrcnls) in ¡rrogctric ¡rcriotls is cvirlcn{
in thc gc(tklg¡e¿rl lccord. lrrrr e x¿u¡tplr- it ;rppcar:r cottttttonly
rluring the {'lrrnb¡ilrn iul(l (-)r(l()viL:i¿r¡r (íl¿rlcrki¡ti:t¡¡ rrro.:lcnv),
rluring lhe l )cvonia¡¡ ¡l¡rtl ('arh¡i¡¡ilq¡'rius ( Vlrifican ot ttgcnv)
:rnd dtrring {lrr:lrceorts l!!r(l'l'Lrrliarv (Alpine rrrrrllcttv). Iltr¡r.-,t¡
sgrirrcl is slr¡blu- liotl¡ nr!:char¡i.rilllv ¡inil chcnric:rllv. rrrhich
cnhances its sigrrilic:rn'-c ¡rs l¡ ¡ nrirtr'r'¡1. lts-sistittc irt tlrc
rcc()llstrtt(:ti.)n ,rf tlre ¡rlilacrrgLr()gf:tph¡a :irtrl ¡r;rl;reolertuttir
prt:riiion oi ri¡rltiolitr-trc:rritrq ::it ueirrr:rl rrnils ir¡ i¡touerrie l¡elt:;.

i-ir¡lins fi'utft.' t ip¡'r:r; (l) ()lisor:rinr. !:i:rrri¡t¡c !3;¡si¡r.

l-rr¿urcci (b) .lui:r:r:rir- Nottlt Sca {Nlnrl l.611li.
l.orter: h'Lxrii;:i1e :;:rtrl. lr¡ili¿¡ (fo1nri I t¡trl),

SFH¡ilEtil l l-.


isr)i¡tLrt ric

¡¡ 1..17 I i()
n l.l(l

F'¡t¡'¡¡i i¡¡ :;i:ilitita'i is: {ir;¡irr: lu¡vr :r ve¡v hiuh ¡clici :rr¡rl :r¡'r:
¡¡r:ri¡rl.; r:lultr,;rgc ll;ignrcnt: u'ith:r¡i:r¡rgr¡li¡¡ itrcguler lir'¡¡i. !rtti
tr:Ífithr.lf;rl.,ititl,:i:rrh.-'rllrl rr¡rrl ¡otr¡rclerl qt:rirts, as u,cll ¿ts
sPh(:liLt:¡i r)i gilll¡rrilrr !YPü5. li:rve :rlsr¡ [¡ce¡t r'ep()ftcrl (Ul)l)ur).
'lhr rr!)nr¡,leie rk¡ricel¡hcdr;rl elcervage {in six tli¡'eeti¡iriq) is
¡¡r;i¡¡ilrstcil ilr an i¡r(¡-icr¡te li:rtteril r)ir ihe:rtt¡ f¿¡r:u ol ¡1lÚst g¡:lilrs
(low.:¡'). ()plr¡trr: irnpuriiic: i¡¡aV trc f¡Lcscni. I)r='trit¿rl :;plr:tler'-
ifc is ciiltc'¡-L-lc:!r. tr;rririlrcc¡rt or"iluskv'.:i()¡¡¡L'iirn.\ ()pll(luc.

dlttlo¡lf : ljll:rrlc:; ol vrlk)w^ vr:llilwi:h hrorv¡t iii ¡::rk: tlrou,it

;rrr riio:jt lfc¡lUrllt. i)¡¡ r¡ iili,=:iurt-il rrrrl-;rrc ilic aiil(jtll i¡lirv:jl¡(ilv
:in ¡t acgulili tli:;trii;trtii¡¡r. í- i¡louile:r:¡ gr';riri:i a¡c ;tlsr) dri¡l¡!¡¡riil.

iiirtJ'r!ttgt:nre'.' ii¡;ir;ilcriir is i:-oirii¡rir lrui tlir.v::hq;w rvr:;¡l:

:;trai¡l trirríriir{e¡iec,

ili,riin¡itti:;lúrr¿ .itulitcs: \,'crv !righ ¡rlir:i. ilrr: u:url

lr¡'L::-(,'il(:c {ii intrie¿iic q'l!:iivltgL-'llitiiLiÍir:;:rnil i-rüiflpir ¡-h:r¡;rclc¡
:irc ili:;ti¡rcfivu. t';r::;iic¡'iie mey lt:rvr si¡¡tilar' ¡L:liL:i ;r¡¡r-i rrrlot¡¡
hui lr:r:; liigh-rirrlci ¡ntcflcflr!lr'f iini:;. ivllr'¡c':t:;:;plutl.:ritc ir
i:rrrl¡¡¡i;¡¡.;!i¡:,a i¡al: higlrc¡ ¡.:r lrtrl :r rhirr:r¡-leri:lic ¡r¡¡¡-
plrolotv '!-lre rtii¡teiivt i¡¡,lt;: oi g:lrit('i i:: Llw.-'¡.

í jt'¿ ut'f¿:¡t,'¿'.3ph:rleriir i:;¡o¡¡lnori in livril¡r!lir¡m;¡i uc¡;¡ili

Éeirrr¡:: r¡r-:i¡i:;. ir¡ r-:o¡ii;rr--í=¡¡ir,:i:iriirtt¡riti,,' !!)r-rk:, il¡l(l i¡l ¡cpl;1,-:c
iircirt iie¡riisils i¡r r:¿rtho¡rric scrlinlc¡lis. li ir:r:; :rir t,-
:.rittlr' rltriii!¡f '! !r:l¡ q:r¡thrtll;i'rc Írrl¡ttlct¡t:t. "ilitrilt

í-|ruitp..:; .f';'<it;!: t-)7't1t'.t:.!¡-rias-rrr. lr{uith licr (l\.'1i¡rt lír(il};

¡irllr ¡ iirr¡¡ ,ri I i li \iil¡¡r'¡' :

E!!:nV! fi,!!F!!:;:-41 l¡i::ii'!i!!'i'¡d!f-l:=l nHii < i!i-{: !¡-ii-: !-i -.. It:

aiE. rE ,EFggix'E'Elt;

É€éE E j EE:

! i;¡'-9 !,
rl¡ti!.rlrillrilri¡i l¡iati¡ri { i }
,.trr I r,ir I r,i, 4
¡¡ll' l.(]17 I ir+) -.- :=
it;' lí¡J7 l¡'+tl
il tl.tlll
,'1 .+.5{}

F'¡tr¡¡i i¡¡ :!r"í!¡iiri:'ít¡.t.'l'lif fo*ln¡Urir::r! !¡i!¡ril i::,,lir¡i- --:-'

i!i iaLi:¡ilgLtl:r¡- í!¡{: l:t¡1!:¡ ¡tritiitir:ril ir., ¡rellfr:l iiliil
ir¡r:gt¡i:rr }
ilrhrrl;r¡ ri¡i {l!lll | :rnii n!r-itf l;!!flt ¡-ir¡r¡¡rl¡i¡: ¡r:i:-ril:. lrl¡ti:rr- i,'¡.
t-or.,,). l;¡eciule{-i {¡i 9¡iiilUl¡¡ t¡iiirl¡irr¡lrtrir':; iiiiii.' h!' ¡¡r'rlrtüiri -J
in lle:rvv !ili!¡i'fiil:t!iir::i ril l¡;lt vle-¡-'ii¡trt¡i¡j{¡:i¡!¡l!l:;iii¡rr::: (!(tEa¡ }
l-l':ifvlc. (¡nln-!{r¡¡l'; rnq:lc:;c-r iLiitt o:rirlr- ito¡¡ !iviltii:;iilL:.:,trl¡rltid,

{,-¡¡lr¡tlt: {-rilqru¡h,:r;:;. t:rrelt p:rlc vrlhr\r'i:lll- lilui:;h or grc-v.

I l e t x-' [¡ j
¡' 1 ¡ ;; ¡ ¡ ¡. Sr'ltlonr,rhser r,,:,,1 ln ¡ L-'i ¡ ii¡t l g¡ rti rrs:.

ÍSireJring+ttt,r'.' !.rru,' lrr¡l fir:-i ,r¡r-lcl rvhit,:. rrr'1 rii p:rlr-

VL'lh)w inir-'rltr-cilcr cokru¡r. ;r¡t¡rr,:lrt itnli¡ i¡l¡ illirt ct¿rit¡:. it¡¡tl
ruhedt¡!l r'¡'v:,i¿ll:; l¿¡vi¡¡g on llrr: pin;tcriitl- h, ¡ I:¡irilt:. rvilh
rlilli¡cnt ailic¡liilli()¡1:how lrtighi VCllrtrt. rr¡.il¡1[('illlil:;r'L-r]llLi
or(le r ¡ e rl rrntl gri:ctii:tli-hlt¡r llolit! ¡;:¿tl i()il doli¡ur:.

fixti¡lt'¡i¡t¡l: F:r¡licrl¡:ri rivlt:rl1 or¡ tl¡t l¡;r:;rrl pin:rt:oii.l h:rr:r'

1i:rtallcl cr-tirtctiutt.irtdÍh;tt()i¡l¡i:;¡lri!i¡e gi:tilt:.i::-r'trtnr¡,'llir--:tl.

lntcr.l'erentt .ligurc: {'lcirv¿rL.e l¡;rg¡rr:r¡i:. ¡rror,irlc oll-

ccrlirr-'rir fl:rslt íi-gutci" lrrri i:litins lit--ving ¡ritt:rl[:l it¡ ( l{}ll} vicltl
:ln ircute l¡isct-:tt'ie ligur',-'rlitlt tli:;tittci i:;rigt'tu:;irl.l ri¡rL'¡Í l\Y(]
Lr!)l()lt! []¿Ilrls.

Elttngittittn: I'o-silivt ()r¡ r!'ir\r¿r¡lr lr;rg,!l¡r¡11:i. l;Lri etvsl¿rl:;

ülr¡!l{;!Íurl {ir¡ r sllrirv Ic:liilit'c ('l(]ngi!t¡(i!¡

I ) i s t i tt ;4 u i s h i t !: .Í ti! t t t t''.s : N:iorlclulc rcliel. sh:rr¡r :rrrrul:r i


l()nn- frrrluL'lrt ittclusior¡s :rnrl usu:rllt [rriglrt tttangc irt¡rl lrltte

intcrlf,rL:nac c(iLiru,\ irlc tlistinclivc. ('lcirVirgc llir¡trttcrt{s rri'
cclcslitc lrti: Iik.'lv it¡ lrrr rli:;lltl.:crt lt¡ lr1¡¡1,¡.'.. ht¡t ll¡r:it ¡rl i:.
'l'o crt:;lrfc ir
-tor¡icu'll;rl lorrct ¡ro:-itive tli:¡g-rto:;i: ()l llrcsc lw()
sPcr:i('\ ii i: t¡eccr:;rr\. tt¡ rt¡lPk¡t ;ruriliiuv :rtt:rlyses. e:;pcei:rll-v
firr thc itler¡tilicaiir¡rr ol celrsiob¡rvle (:;ec celcslile. p. I lrr¡.
'lltlrttlat errl¡erlr-;ll b;rtvtes t¡l;rv rrserrrl¡lr
¡rri:,nt;rtie ;rp;rtilc.,.
l);rrliL-ulltrlv ntisleltiling hr:irtg lltti..,-, rvlti,'h,,lisplllv r¡r-r;¡litq
cl(¡ngitti()tr, As;t¡Iilili':. {illr!t -!h1r\1';r¡rrint;rlr¡Lr:; hi;rri:¡l [rL'rrirrr
irrlclle ¡c¡rer figulcs- thi: nlil\' cnh:lncú c{inlr!:t,i{-til. llo*'evcr.
irll!riitr ii. lt,-':'r:r{ori;rl ;r¡¡tl lt;r:.;l l¡illic¡ rclicl, l l¡c l.'irciringence
ol ;rrrlrvrlr'ilr i:i g¡-L'irlei. i1 l¡l:. bellcr clelrvr¡l:e:; ;uril r¡r¡¡tr'
llll( ll\L li'ti:¡liTirli'rll ' ril'rlll.,

ilt¡ ¿¡ffe¡!¡-r': ii:rrvie rreerr:- in nrci;rllilr¡,,u:; livrlr,rtl¡ri¡¡¡:rl

vcin:i lrul ¡11;¡r,, lie ¡trcscrtl iri c;r..iiier oi irlrirr¡u:. tot-k:-.
{--!tn(-'trji¡ri¡l!- ¡t¡rrlulc..; il¡ vri¡ti; ril lt¡¡¡1'¡¡. iri!'rrrl¡ril!!n in
c:rrlrori:r1e rrr:k: :iltri {-rf!:irs¡r¡riirll\, iri ¡r:-i,!r¡rrl el;rv¡. S¡i¡rr.-t|lrr.-'¡
it is thr cr¡¡riinii!¡g ¡¡tcrliui¡r i!¡:irnrl::l(¡nc:.

lir¡n¡ rl¡s: !'lrr l¡r,;¡rrr r¡¡irier;rl ll:rLiii¡¡t:- rii rl¡i!l.crrllit¡l


samples are often llrrrrl,'rl rvith the finely ground baryte used
as mud ad<Jitive in rlrilllr,rlcs' Grains that lay on the pinacoid
and show first-ordcr ¡|r'\'l!()larization colours greatly resemble
detrital apatite, anrl cv,'rt cxpcrienced analysts find it difficult
to distinguish thcsc lrr,¡ minelals. Applying oxalic acid
treatment, used for llrc rcrttoval of iron oxide coating, (p. 12)
proves useful in tllcsc t':tses- After a ferv mintttes' gentle
boiling of the heavy rrtrrtctrtl fractions in the solution. apatite
grains clevelop a hrowtttrlt stain and slight aueregate polariza-
tion, which makes itlt:tllrlir'lrtion simple'

Grains from.' U¡'¡x r 1:r) Buntsandstein, Triassic' borehole

Bóttstein, 315 nr. Srvrlzcrland; (b) Rotliegend, northern
Germany; (c) Buttls;rrrrl:tcin, Triassic, borehole Berlingen,
: ( r I ) li it ersand,
2309 m, Srvitzerla¡rrl Isére' France (Mnrt 1.582).
Lower: Jurassic. N(lrllr Sr'rr (cn)'

l l,5
lJ ir,'1 Vi' rul li-l!'.¡r,Á! E-!!::-li-lill'g'l()i!!t /..i!É,; d. ii! í¡lr!: ¿'! ii. i¡,:.

E ¿rgé4E sÉa

l-l¡ l-i ¡ ,

(i!¡i.¡¡¡ihir i¡i:¡;.i¡rl { i i .::':r-


c: -
,.,:.-'Ul d -
¡t\i | ('l! I.r,j-' h
r¡li l.('l.l t"¡11 :".:+,-.
¡:^i É {r.11 l.íi.11 : .l l:l':' . i;;lt ::=9-¡,:,
ii tl l!!l(! :-:=l::-!:
.4 I 'nr :l-
, ;ni :,+::
l--t:r*¿ in :;i:¿iffi.:Éti:i: {-'rla:;iit('irt('L!!:- i¡s i:li¡nltitter! ir¡i:;
¡rr:liic i¡;1r¡rri-:!li:;. ¡;¡l¡ula¡ i(l{}!} plrric:- [l]. it.t.tglrtl;ri ¡r:rtlir'li::r
(ill. iii¡iriir:. ii¿rgmr:iii:; fb) fii ;¡¡Jgfrg:iiq'-- r',)l¡iPrl:;iL ¡¡¡ 'sltrlli' r-
i.,rltf ii¡!¡¡i: (:r):riit! lr:s:: iicqilr!tiiv ii:; üuile(l!i¡t ('!v:;i:!l-c
{ ir giinic nliritfr' ¡t¡:¡i.: hr: ¡lrtsrtií :¡ntl i:- r:lil¡t-'¡ tlisi i il¡rri¡'¡ i I

ir'r'cgttl:tri'; (ri ctt¡!( (!¡ii¡rllr(l i¡l iltc ci¡ri: sti lltr s¡l¡i¡l:; F;'lit¡ilit' I
fluiii inclu:;ii¡¡i:. i!¡!::;{}t¡lefiriii::r;ttilrirgeii itl l¡;t¡¡r!lrl:-l¡i¡l.s'. ir¡
lrvr¡ tlireelit¡¡¡:- illfLrFtL-eiillL' ;¡i iill¡rii:;i rir!¡i i¡n-glLi:; o¡¡ ll¡¡- l¡;r:;::i

{i¡lt¡ur: { irlorrtlr:;:;. vct'y palc l¡lttt,.l¡ gr-e l-'. ¡ltil tltirii¡iIt¡ittltll'

turbirl rlur iii intpuriti.-::

P te ¡r h * t is n t.' Abs.- nt r¡rr,-lci tllu I grei rt:.

llirrltingcni:É1,' Wc¿r[:, lllrl itrterl¡:tr-:¡lrr(. cr)1.]urs :¡¡r- lil:;i

{fr:v ;rnil rvhiie (ril tlliil liagl¡¡c¡rls. l lrirl:cr glirirt:
()r(lL:r tlis;¡;l:lr''
lrighcr lirsl ottlct a¡rlottr:;.

E-rlinttitttl: lia:::i! plttti::; ::horv svllr¡lr.'iricr! criitlt:lrotl l{1

prism:rtic cle ilvitgcs;. Pristt¡¿rtic l¡ ;tErrtc¡tls ¿tn,l lill¡ c:; h;tv,-
I)¿rr¿lllel exii r¡ci iol1.

lnlcrJcrtnr'e .iigure: B;rsal ¡rluír::; vie ltl irtt :¡cttlc bisceLr'ir

ligure ivith hro¿rrl is<i{ytcs ott a u,llit,-'ot vull¡ru licltl. (
I r;¡.{¡rrr ¡r i:; ¡rr or.,itL: ecectti I ic ligu t.:s.

ElongaIitltt: (irai¡¡s rlorl{¿rtrrl o¡r.¡ l1;¡"'s ¡.iosi1ivc rl(tl¡t;lti()tt

olt f' :;h¡rrv citlrr,t tt,'g;tlivr: itr ¡tttstttrr
¡¡ncl llrose elortg:rlr-'r-l
e longatirltt.

I) isti n¡;ui:;lt i tl !: .f¿ut tt r(:; : ( )rving lri v:u ialir,¡rs oi o¡rl ic;rl
Irnrl plrvsical ptrrlrr,r'1ics.:t ¡rositivc icletllilie:rlitrlt ol crlcslitc
gtains i-r dil'ficult. l-|:tslrl plrrlcs. sltt¡rvirtg tll()rLr¡'lr(t rcliri,
svnlnla:{tic¡l cxlinclion. lou'-ortlcr i¡ttelie'tcrrcr- crilortrs:tltrl;rl¡
Itctr{c lrisectri:: ligure ;rte lltc ritsitrst 1o tlirtgtrose. tl,rilr.
¡trav le;rrl 1o the trcrrgnitiri¡r ¡r1 r'l¡ri0t¡s ()lllcr i()rttrs usttitllv
prescnl irr lltr: s:il¡tc srrnrple.'lhc rclicl rrl [r¡¡-v¡.¡ is ltiglrr:r rrntl
¿r¡rhv(lriIc h¡rs strorrqc¡ lrirelfitlgcnr:r:.
(lclcstite is isrurrir'¡ihorrs rvillr hlrrvlc lnql iirrnr:;;r colrr¡rlclc
s,)lid soluti,rn with ¡1.'l'hrr ¡ll¡¡llc l¡artf¡rcclcstitr.: or crlcsta-
lr¿rr-vtr is givcn 1o -rlrrirttiu¡¡r lir:h l¡lrlvtc:;.

ilccttrrt:¡t¡:e: i'ülcstit. ocerrr:' prrdruri¡r:¡ntlv ir¡ sc(linlL'rlt:rrr'

rocl's. p;¡¡ ticrtl;lr lv irl c:lrb{}rr:lies itttrl er':t1rr;tiir: rk:¡rüsiis. l:ttl
llt:lv itlsr! lrr l()ultrl ils cct!r.'n1 (ii \¡!rl(lslíillrl.. (-t:lrsliir' ir
pL.js('llt in sonrc liyrltQiltentt¡l i'.:itl:;;ttld les:. cQ¡¡¡lltt¡ttlV l¡s
ciiv¡lv lilling in r:r¡lcu¡lir tocks

Grai¡l,t .f
rrt*t: ial !iurtir-;lrntlslein. 'l-r'inssie. b¡r¡i'lroL: l¡l:ril-
nitu, lH:,1 n1.Sr-vil7:!-rl:r!¡.1: {lr} {}!ig¡rr'.-'nc N4ol:t:sc, l¡¡r¡rltol.-
l-'uur:ignv-1. l(llt) nr. Ftt¡rct: (ri ;rrtrl 1tl¡ {}ligoertrr N4ol:issc,
S;tr,rr- Ft:rlir'r'(hlrrrl I iSl)

I l¿¡
{;'i I!:;t lL,i


{-irS( I ¡.ll i.(.1

¡¡onriclinir:. hilr::iul ( t)
,tu. l.:, ltl i.5':i
;rl3 1"52.3-!.ilt¡
rr-J i,:'l(l l.i-i I

ir {}.(}l
Á .1.:l{} :.:17

í-i_"-!¡-*rint h;i:: a iorv d(iúsitv un.l it is rctuincrl ir.i thc light nri¡¡e¡;¡l
l'r;rciiri¡t. (-irai¡rs cont¡irting abu¡rrl¿r¡¡t inclusions t,1¡¡s he
e¡¡¡:ountcred irr llie hcavy nrirrclnl ¡e¡iirluc.

!"onn i¡t ,tr.ditilr'itÍs: J'lre rvitl,,' ran{c r)l gvpsunr h:rhi{:;

i¡li:lurk:.-uhr:rlr:rl r:rvsl¡rl:..llrieh arr: ttsuallv tahullrr plrrrrllcl iri ':7 F
{{)l(l}. clc:rv:rge fnrglncr¡ts, ili:rrnr¡ntl-sh¿rptrcl gttirr:;. clrtslcrs ol'
liblcs ot linc rteedles. anri :;¡rlterttlitir: ot gnutttl:tr lv¡rcs. iirirtte
grain: c,llribit :;irtt¡rk: or crln{:rl:t ilvi¡rs.'lh.-'v ircrluc¡ttlv cncli,sr
inclusiotts ril [¡litt,r. ,'l¿tvs. i¡-,in olitle. qrg;rriic iri:litü1. rir'.
l¡leltrsi¡rns nltv be:¡.r¡l¡llv:¡rntnrrd []r-'c:rLtse lrl ihs lrrrv lr¡ rii
{vllsunr. it:; tirrtline olte ¡r -sinks' ink¡ ihr ('rrn¡tl:r h;¡ls:r¡n ,¡¡
:imilirr irttl,:r |lrc,liu¡¡t. {(ir¡¡i¡ts iir.r hest olrs¡¡.,,¡¡l iit irleirr
pi¡l¿tt-izctl ligh¡^ ciiltcr b1 ohlir¡ue illunrit¡;riiot¡ t¡t hv illr-:rt';r::itlrl
ihcir reli(jl try ¡r:ii'ii:illv r:l¡isi¡.ig thc :ubsilgc rlia¡rhr:rgrn.)

{-'¡llour: {-irlourle:;s. srrllteii¡nc¡ itt¡bitl trctr¿tusc r)i nlr¡t¡qr(iu\

i nt:l tt:;i¡r¡rs.

ilirt'.f'ringt:nt:Ér.' L.dlr. ¿¡nrl i!rtcri¡r'Lrn!:c r.'oltiur:: urt' i¡¡ ihr:

i'i¡ngc ()i liiu,.^r iir hiqlr.r iirsi-()r(lc¡ ii¡lis. '-lcl¡c¡trii¡tl: r¡¡r iitr
'Ll¡ickttrs:; oi iltt gr;rins.

Éi-s-!itlt'!i¿¡tl: {(ll{l} rehlrts hrnr:r¡l rrti¡rction;rrr:¡le ol :rlitirri

l¡i". ( i¡':¡i¡r: ticvcl¡iir,,.l :iccrilrling l!r É sh(ilv ir¿¡¡¿rllcl ,,'rii¡ieiiqrrr

Ittítr.ft:rt'ntt' figttt'r:: t ir;rin-s tlis[]!¿ry pri¡r i¡¡Ir¡iirr¡rc,:

iigure:, .{{lltl} larcs yiciil ii:rslt ii¡¡rrrc::. liliortg .li:;¡rclsirir-r r-,
,;tt'.1\' \r:;tlrl, ¡r¡l ¡l¡.-itri;ri .,!)r'r'r( r-

i )ri¿:niaiittn: !iltiirs:rtiorr is rithtr ¡lr-riiiv¡ o¡ ¡rcgutivc.

i-)isiinguisltirrg .íetít!i'{:;: \,urv hrlr lclici :rr¡rl're:rk

1¡it*iri¡¡gr:il¡--e i: ¡:h:rr:lcttrisiie. {ir:ri:r:; i¡r ¡l¡c lighi irrrii.¡¡r ¡rr¡rv
ilc i¡ti..r¡irli!:¡r iiii ilriir ír;rgrrrrirls¡!:rit;.- bui:¡ liaekLr ir:st.sill
¡rr,'t:;i :r Ériqhci ¡-elici ih;¡¡¡ il¡c i'¿i¡¡;trl;¡ [¡tti:rlr¡i !ir¡ ,-¡u:rit;i:rnil:t
l(iwr:t (i!lr-r irii gr:prrrn. l h'.. !¡;¡!¡ii ¡¡i:¡ll-,ilc ¡¡iril :l!kliii irliLt-;rrr.
ilirii ii'ci¡rtctri !-1v¡¡tiriitg;tit,l ici,ls¡t:rr rle¡ii,:¡pe::, ;¡i:;¡¡ ihc: higlr.-'¡
ii iiitri 7 ¡rili¡,-¡ive i¡¡rlii:c:: ri! :¡ll¡ii,-. itr:li¡ ,listiilriir¡¡¡.
i]t u'tirír,'7¿t-'r', tir¡i:uiii i:; :¡ ,-'l¡c¡r¡ii.::¡llv ¡rrr:i:i¡rii:ricrl ¡¡ri¡rrrrrl.
¡rti::cut ttr ;r v;rrieiy i¡i :;i:rli:¡r.:¡¡!:r¡.,' .,'¡lr-.i!-¡.r!¡¡¡l{'{ti:;- !t:; ¡rrcrrrr
t¡a¡!i itttt:Uft{jli{jq: i: ri¡nlineil iri i:vli¡riit'iir: alq:ll(t-!ii:, ;r¡},i it :rl:;t¡
f¡¡¡¡¡¡s i¡¡ É¡l;¡v:r l¿rkr:;. s:¡il ¡r¿t¡t:r;r¡lii iicr;r-¡1 rriiL;. iivlilrrrii litirv
i¡c irriltlLi itt:+U¡ilt: oic íir,ril()sit:i li¡!¡i ¡¡¡¡¡¡. i¡¡¡¡1¡:10l¡::t:; wrll ;i:- i¡¡
lllc:r¡¡ie vt¡ri:

ilrain:i.¡'i'l.r;;'!.' ii:Íe-.sii¡¡;tir r;lr:r.riL!ii(1 . i :r¡¡lr¡iir¡, iri:i¡¡-'l¡r.

liulv i l--,4¡li i J-lt!)..

i:\ fiOSi'! &:


h_.t,.',{5(, r}.t( il I },,

irtgonal. uni¿¡.ii¿rl ( )

Íuit l.iil5 l.:jl(l

ttí I 7t3 l.7l-i
¡ i).i{}l r).1(}:
;t llrt
For¡n kt seili*ti-¡lis: .Furosiic i¡strirllv í(irnr!; 'i¡r .:¡¡¿i' ¡¡t.l
Tlic riigc:;
:lPFe¿¡rii xs Lrilhc(lr:rl ¡¡r;s¡¡ls rviiir ;t he s;rgrin;tl hahil.
of so¡nc gr;iitrs nlty lic cu¡vctl, smix¡thed, t¡¡ :tr(: :ttlroutldc,l
hv s¡.¡rall flli¡tulcts (li stt[]sc{-ltlc¡¡1 grtin'tlts a¡lil sometitne:; {¡v
seaiv or iitrt'ous aggrc:¡i;ttes. trt ills{} iirrtrL¡¡:: :¡s fia¡]tiltrttl:: oi
cuhedr¿rl crysil!!s. finc rtggrcgate:;:¡lttl ciuslets ¡¡l Íii¡¡'cs
lieeau:.e oi ilisii¡¡et bltsal clcavagc. gr;tins ap¡rear ll;tkv. j:

shr¡wi¡l{:¡evcral titn¡túsctl plirtcs. Zrtnin.'q i:; t'rrrv r:¡illtlllt¡n-

Seciot t*inning, c(ttllll(lsc(l ol sii :;cgntcrrts. ;5 (tfIL:ll ¡lctcc-icrl
(¡Ír basitl illrke:;. O¡r;¡¡¡¡¿ !rnJruriiics ri¡ li¡rtonite (ils:l {lrcor¡l
Erosiiion pftrduet) ¿tfL cí)mllto¡I.

{-l¿¡lt¡fir: {ir¿ti¡¡:; :rrr ¡l{ililLr¡l v.:iicE, ,¡r h¿i¡t"-! vcllt¡rv. ('r¡k¡tr¡

zorti¡.lg is.,,isi1.¡le !¡¡ ¡nir¡r.,'grailt:. ¿rncl ii is ¡¡t:r¡¡iicsir.'tl in:r
crlh¡utlr'rs rrti, :¡ltrl il icll,!1\ i!Lllr'l fi¡li.

F f t:¡ ¡ChraiS¡tt.' -lari¡siíc ¡rrisrn: h:rvr ltr:t'n t c¡rortcrJ stro¡¡glv

pl(:ochr{)ic. bt¡í l¡a-s¿l ¡tlltic:; ;tntl :rggr(:rti¡lrs lltck pleochr,,i:nt.

Eirt:.früryrni'É'.' str()¡rs. :ind ¡rr-isnulic li;tgntctrt:;. :rs{Lr{irirs

¡¡n¡l iibrcs :;lrorv r,ivirl high-olde r ¡rollirizlrti<iit ci¡k¡ut -s- li¡¡¡¡l
il;rk-es rxhihit ltirt¡-order ¡rtieriLrru!tcü tini:- ivhiclt ;lrr' r)ttctt
¡l¡asked llv :iir(lrt¡t ¡¡tirtc¡¿¡I col¡rttr.

Ljline ii¿tn. Pir¡:rlir,l ir¡ crvsl¿¡l i¡¡!-r:i:¡¡rrl i,' iil¡t.::r. F;!¡i:;l h:ts¡¡l
::L:eliQ¡¡:i:;l¡i¡tv wavV c::ii¡¡r'Lit¡ri,-lt¡c i,r irvi¡¡¡ti¡rg or i;til irr
ijr{ii i¡ gr!i::h ccm¡-¡letelv.

inie:rfer+'nr:t .ii'4urt: L3;¡:r¡! :;"^c-ii(iils provirlc i1'ell-ijlli¡.r.1

u¡¡iaxt¿¡l í cs i¡r ;i vclltir.:i:;h-grce tl íir,!ri rviih ¿t iciv ir,r
¿:lt¡-¡;¡¡rcs or n{)nc- ilccasitiit:tlly. biaxil¡l ncgalive íi!.u¡cs a¡e

E ü ; it¡¡it t it t tt : t'¡¡:;ir ivc.

{.li::tittgui:;hiní: i¿::¿til:-r¿::,:;:.tarrisiir i:. di:r::i¡t¡:;¡:ql l¡r.,irr;;

:¡::r;n¡l iiir¡:r, pl:riv ir¡::ai h¡rl¡ii. ,li:;ti¡rri i:ii::;il rh::ii,:lgrr.
it¡:q!¿r::ní :erisi¡ ir:iaci¡t!: e¡xi irv rt¡:i¿¡;.,i¿¡l ',:ii:¡r;rr:ic¡. !-ibrr¡¡rs
r-l .rrtlr-:1,:lir:!i .!!¡!l ¡ai:;l¡¡¡iiie ii¡¡mr- :lr¡: ir::rr:riiy iiirtitr!
¡{r!:í-:th.¡ .+iih cu!¡eil¡:ri qr:ri¡t-q. íÍrr:: ¿'i¡:riri¡!rc iiir,:¡i¡iiirltltt¡:t.
i-¡wi¡iÉ¡ i¡¡ ihc !i:¡!:r; !¡:il¡i¡. i:r¡r¡:riÍc ic:i:i!¡!ll('i ¡¡rir::¡:;. hui fhrr
,li-qíi;¡ei!r' Eri.{he:' i,:iiei- e,rlq¡t:¡ :¡¡¡tl ir.vit:¡ti¡¡g :;¡¡iiii:i: 1¿¡ ¡ii:;iin
gui::l¡ ii ir,¡¡r¡ ¡-É1r l:¡iir:¡.

i-,9:-'¿-'¡iff€nt';:: i:l¡q¡r-ii,' i:. :¡ :-ffii¡]!-i;lrii ¡ni¡r.:r;ri :r¡¡ri i:, i!ir¡n*ri

i¡v iirc '-¡r-irl:¡tit¡n ,-ri i¡a:r-irc:¡¡ i¡tr: :.rrlphiilc itiL::;, WhLrn c¡rc{¡u¡l
ir:rc,l in:::leil:;ii¡n¡::-:¡¡iri:-it:ilc:; iÍ !:; tts;tllll!¡,,il¡r:rilr..ntiii¡n
:¡',llt¡ci,'i :il;tr¡.rllti¡ ¡iiti,, r'r,:t:iiL:r',i¡,

r. j*¡itls #{!i;?.' J'airi:r::ir:. *r¡rÍl¡e¡n !r:ni:;ie (, ¡:i,

iii:rl1ry iüll.ll:i,:_;1!_ l_rii:ji.É::,lf=-i.t{Jr-t:!.+r,Jii É.i.}!.q_}-Llli !-t.....9!,=:;

5r é- EE áF:' EF Ié -E-E¡ Ér
=_ /-= e= e F:_ ,P !
= -=

i'.r{ ¡'
l:¡l.r!i¡:¡l t¡¡!! ! ¡

;¡i!¡ ¡.+iií' l -;.f!

:!i !.ó.iil ¡,7+{l
;-, í!.!71 1i iili!
rr= I7l- i.rJ+

{ ;¡!tir.: i:; ic¡¡¡¡ril i¡r i:¡-¡il¡ tii¡' i¡.:¡vr' ;¡tl¡l Éhr lill!i¡ i!tiiluiiri
It¡r'ii¡¡¡: I !ir ¡:re:'rití ri{i:;.t¡¡f,ii(¡i¡ d¿::¡l:; t;¡rli' siilr ¡"1:r¡l i il:i:r!
!i:,:.-'¡l i;li,-:iit: ,-r,¡lii!-¡r. bicgi:¡¡i¡-- ;¿¡¿ri si¡:nir:¡t¡itr! riti¡i¡:¡l li¡:1,-'
:ti!i!¡.r .lútrt i:: i!i L ii,{1'

!''i¡r¿¡¿ in .r,é":jji¡¡(-;¡¡;-- ¡ -¡rlriái: ::¡:¡i¡r:; :il( rr,:¡r.rt:¡iEl,: :¡¡rsi¡l;¡¡

;r¡lj:r:l:lt ql¡ t.i.:iilnglllai cl.ii¡"':1gi' liilill¡¡Ljúi::. ljLti,'i:¡l l¡nii
rort¡rirtrl .gii!ilt:; i)¡ :lgg¡.,:-g1¡i!-:; :ltt ;l!::tl t'11!¡llñ.1¡i. l¡ut tl¡ri¡ililt¡
l¡r:¡l¡+¡r:: iit illlii'{-li!r¡ri, l!t¡!cri rlr,r¡rrilil¡r'tlri¡l r'le:!r'ltl:r i"
sclr.:fiiies yi-cii¡l!- L:t:¡rell:r¡ i.-ri¡r¡¡i¡¡¡ is q:it;i:¡teicri-cttr- i¡i
e;¡leiíc. l¡u! ii:1rr:;erliitg t.¡i¡¡ i¡meli:¡e . :tcc¡i in tl¡iti stt i¡t¡ri\
'¡ lr(: lu"ii¡-!¡la¡¡c:: ttstlillll.' :ilirirt
:lr'.-: :r*lili)¡ri iil ¡!ci¡ ii;'¡! ll;:gittt¡rl¡.
bluc r¡: ¡;i¡t1= ii¡rts 1:.,ilcil tl¡.' t¡liirro:;(-'a[]i' :ri¡.cl(' i:; ii!1al{-'t!

i.t¡!¡.ill¡': i'¡ilourlrs:-. l¡ui ii¡¡rl; tii.s¡rt:sr:rl iiir¡ruriiir:; rriictr

qtitusa,- ¿r iuf llirl iltlilriit i¡nq(t.

ij ! e o t' i I r ¡ ¡ i :; : ¡¡-' i-.1 <.r ¡r !rli'c.' É : ¡¡ ri':

Eirt'.fi'ing+tt:<'.' Él:.riir¡¡iclr.'higL. Wh,:ri iltt- trtir:tosco¡rc:;iart

thr ¡tlicl shrilv:; i! pr{t!r(¡t!llrr:rl r'l¡;rngi: ('ir':irll-litl¡¡').
i:r r.)i¡lirj{1
ln rl¡<'¡ul¡ir +icav:lgr li'a¡¡ttir:itl:. high rcliel:rPlrri¡rc \tltL'i¡ thú
lrrng tli:rgon:rl is ¡rarall.:l t¡¡ llri'l'il¡taiir¡¡¡ rlirr:cti<¡¡r oi tlt¡-'
p¡-rlaliz:r:t. lr¡iL:r'itrL=i1r!- cttltttt¡'s ¿tfr ltigh-,rrtler ¡r:tsftl littls rrtlti
lltr tl¡in¡i.:r r.'dge:: rri ilrr-: gtlti¡¡:; tirity sliow tlu!ll!:tiitls irllei
fe rrncc=rtrlot¡t h¿¡nd:;-
'i'l¡ieke ¡ {! i¡in:: ittll-i.ili ¿rl¡t¡osi rvl¡i1r:
u¡i(lcr.rilssc(l ircl:rts.'I'ltris.: uvhicir ieil tr¡ crlinuuish ilr ltntr
po:;iliitii:-lritrv ¡t1¡¡¡,raillitl hluisl¡-.,'¡llriir: illirlfi¡fL:llrri-'!-ol()t!r:i-

E.¡:lir¡üit¡n: Sylirmetiic;ri r¡¡ it¡clincri l(i clr¿!i.,¿r:rr ir¿rac:; 1l!'

iu'i¡t l:r¡ncll:re.

lnícr.ferttte .iigttre:: lictril:ri ,--:rlciie:; usulrliv r.'ir'ltl rrn oll'

cenlac r¡ni;r:i:rl i¡¡letletencc íigurc witli tlcnse. thilt i-tochto-
nrirtic lirr¡:.s. Grains thirt iail i,r rxlin¡¡ui:;l¡ :utrl sltow ¿rb¡¡ot i¡¡itl
p(¡l¿riz1!1¡!rn di)lr)L!r:r hir¡,rL- rr itiaxi;rI ligutr.

filon.qatitin: lil¡,rn¡l¡r¡lrr:rlr¿rl fr;rgrnr:ni:; :¡ic lentllr sl{}1y irr

tlrc dirrclirrn (ll thr sllrlrtrr Ll¡o¡¡tb rlilrgonrrl. brrl i¡ec:rrtse t¡{
crircnle l¡irclrirr!tr-:rir:c tlrtr si$tt t! !-l.l¡rgaliiln is r;rrelv tlis-
c!-l lr ihlc,

llisii;ti¡Hi,rhitt!: .íL.i¡rrft':;- E;itle !¡i. l-rilr:l¡ i¡rgr:nc:e " '1rvi¡ik--

lirt;:'artrl vfIy high-(i!.,¡cr itrlcrleret¡ec a(-rl(-illls iüe,ii¿tIn,¡slic.
ln gr:rirt ¡¡¡our¡i.c ii is ;tlnrtisf itti¡:iis:ible lr¡ rlisiitirttish cirlcilc
il'i¡nt rl¡¡L¡l¡¡il.:- ;rni:etiic, ¡¡rt! cti¡nirlc¡llc¡llltr! l.chlli(lues (:iitrih
ir-: s1¿¡init-r:.i" r¡.,,o¡ inie¡,-¡l¡totrc:r¡r¡1.,'¡.::) iii'!'rteces:;:rrv l(,
er¡:llrlt rli¿tgrtrrsi::. !¡i: lr;rlrii (¡l (Ltl(inlitr is ¡trorr: t'otr¡¡¡i¡tti!
rh¡rnrh0hcrlr;rl" liui ir:'intrittg i¡¡ .::rl.=-i1r' i:j rilofc a(tt¡l¡¡lo¡1 li1lill ¡¡¡
tlt¡L¡¡ri1c. {-'l¡lei1.¡ i:; soiul¡l¡-'i¡t:¡i,r:lic lt.:irl;rnii il¡ iiilr¡1r cqrlil
ll(ll. ihelrli'¡.e- c¿¡tlri¡¡¡¡¡1., ¡i¡i¡¡r¡:tls ¡r-'¡¡t¡¡illinl: i¡t iltr: I¡er¡vt'
¡c-:irlrrr: ltil.l¡:ri:iti ilc:il¡tlc¡ti;rtLi niÍi¡'i'likelv ís¡ lrr: qrilhc¡-
tkrlcriiiir: :rnliatiir r¡r :;¡rler'iir


Occurrence: Details on thc occurrencr. of calcite in

scdimentary rocks is belond thc scope of tliis work. Calcite
¡rresent in sandstones, grcywackes. etc., is usually the ccntent-
ing agent, a fissure filling or a replaccment of other mincrals.
I n igncous rocks calcitc may (rccur as primary mirtnlirtic

calcite. It is present in hydrothermal deposits anri is a

secondary mincral in crlities or anrygdales of mafic volc¡nics.
Calcite is a common alteration product oi plagioclasc. In
nretamorphic rocks it rlay be the principrl constitur'ut of
nr¡rble and occurs in crlc-schists rnd gneisses.

Grains from: Oiigocene. Barrémc- Basin. France

(ltf mt 1.581).

EEir.¡:vi' f'4iNl,i'iA!. iiir:ir-'!=:-!11EEí. ¡fJS ri-l'-jl i {- tli {=ti ll:: !'L..f i L::-


¡ ,i i !

ii ¡qri¡¡;;i t!¡ir:l:ir:¡! i

¡ll'l I /i ¡ 4.1 r

t|Í i:r/r 1.!1i\

Á r,.ii! 1.11{r

i';¡r;¡¿ i¡¿ s:,'¿!!ti!¿';¿i:;- iiirl,,¡ iir ¡¡¡r¡rliiii:: ¡¡¡r¡sí r:Ú¡¡¡¡rl¡r¡ti'r .,'

¡!i¡;¡¡:i¡¡¡l¡rrii¡¡¡l: ;i¡ti! :;il¡¡¡r'iiii!f:: ¿i:; airr.¿r:!:i: !¡i ri¡t¡lrriet!
i¡:r¡¡¡¡c¡:i:;. i'ii¡ilttl¿r¡ - l:¡¡¡r:c¡iri:¡! :¡r¡r! ¡ri!iii:ir ii¡¡¡¡¡::
:¡;r ;r!'.,, i¡!,1¡rl ¡r: :!-. :¡¡, :¡i!¡! t':¡i,.". ! .¡¡¡¡r ill': i'i,¡¡lili¡li
iho{tqi¡ !liri (1!l!¡¡it¿rn- iiii¡:: l-!r' ¡lr.:;ali}':- ¡=.: :tii irig-i;il:il t:rrhc
¡¡¡rtt::. ::i'-1,-Li¡r it:!:; ;r !r{-'ii,-r!'i íl¡or¡rl¡qhe¡i::¡i rlc;tv:ig¿i, ,rii: r!
:t:;r¡ii <¡i {!:i!ali!iii¡l! íi¡r':;tlrf;tir'0! ¡l¡r t]:l¡i:¡:.;i!¡(¡ t'l!¡i!i,r;t!f
c¡:¡,:li:. ;¡¡i itfit:i: :;¡l,riir.i o¡ ::i:ti¡it,ti '¡viiir :t l¡rttw¡rirll: ili;lcl:
:,r¡ir:;i;¡ tir'o:

{|¡¡í¡I¿I;: t-tlt,t¡fli:s:; <r; }'rlk,wi:;!r :t¡iii ltiorv¡rish yeli,¡t.'.

P I ¡-' ¿. t ¡.: IIr ¡ ¡ i :; rn' l-{ r'rr Pl cr ¡r l¡ ¡ s ii,'

í3irt:.f-rifi-qr:tr-t'í'.- ljritr:¡¡¡r hi¡ciiit¡e.:tt.-'c i:; ¡-:lra¡;¡ciu¡'tstii:. l'ht

ieliei cliartg,r:, iit¡ :;1¿!¡:!,' ¡i¡il¡!i¿;i: 1'tt"iirkiilrg'). sinrilarlv fqi
c:¡k:ii,: ¡¡rii .lolttq¡ii,-. l¡t¡¡ ir¡ iqw=it¡r:ic: rüs¡¡t:i it:.g. {--¡¡¡¡r1,t
l:;rl:::rrrri ilii:; i:.: ¡¡rii ..;¡¡ w'-'ell illg¡¡¡ir-ttla:rral i]üL¿¡t!:r(j ia: lt¡.,vt¡ tl¡ is
hiehr,¡ il¡l¡n ihal i!i ilrf tttrmer::ii:¡: t¡l(:ilitlrll. lltietlttr-'lttt'
trtk¡t¡i:., ali: .-.i!¡¡ir r)¡ ¡lrj:¡ii !'rfv. lrt¡i l¡:ilY li'. t¡r-rqk,.tl lrt' lirt'
r(inl¡¡ir!¡r l¡¡iirv¡ti:;!r :;t:riir. T'i';rirspltt'cn¡ lllit¡ it:rgttreiii:;
Iti{l¡-r;¡ iltrr sh:¡de:; r.,,ii!¡ rlrri:;i:' $¡ lgl¡¡ il¡L:airrcncc coiot!i b:ti¡cl:r
on lhc erlgr:s,

iiXti¡l¡.ii¡¡¡¡: Str:r¡¡¡i:i¡it:lrl ii¡ rk:rr,;tgr-, ir;rr:c:: :r¡rd rl¡t,¡¡¡l¡rr

hcdr¿rl l'¿r',':. ;rni1 pat:r!le! irr ihr- (liar-{}it¿¡is o1 thc ll¡r¡ttrltc-
!rcilri¡r¡ L,i¡-¡si lrr¡1r v¡ii,,i:rl ¡¡r i¡iiliihi,-' :;irit ¡ii.':; i:lil it urlin¡ui:;l¡

lnl<:r.frrt';lt't'.iigurt': F:hon¡biilier,lral grairtr."ii;lql c:Lrrlrc(i {}r

slig.htlv till-t,:nlí( íigrrrL-s. u:rt:rllv ri,ill¡ ¡tt;t¡rl' lint: isoeltioirr:riie
rittgs linri hrr¡;liL-nintt iso¡',,¡r¡¡; lo\qjiia{ltr iltr pct iplrri y oi llt,:
ligu rc.

!-1 ist i nguis hi il !: .f'í:i!i uri::; : !{hor¡rlrolrrl¡ ¡rl ol sphclrrlilic

lol¡¡. ail lelllrclive irrrlir--¡s ¡1¡¡;¡1¡¡ th¿tn thlrl of the (lan:rtla
b;¡l:;:¡¡r. :rnrl {u:;uallv} hlorvrr strri¡r llll sen'e 1o rlisiinguish
sidclite ir,rnr r'irk:ite lr¡rti ¡iolonile- lt i:., rtl;¡tivel.,,insolulrlc in
¿rcelic ¿iciil arr.l i¡'! r-'.)kl ttilrrte Il{ll.

iltturrtr¡t't:: llidr¡ iir: is :r:;socilr{erl rviil¡ I¡cdrlerl sedimcnt:rry

rle¡-rosils. cl:rt'ir()rlst(!!¡e:.. bltnelt,rl r:hcllv i¡i¡n-e:trhott;rIc rock:r,
::idei itc itrrrtlsttliies. silllilst()nLr:r:¡¡rrl :;idcritic linrestr¡r¡cs- It irlso
lt¡rrrr: Iivri¡r¡ilir! nti¡ll\.' irr ntrtlílllic vriin.r. [;is:;rtrr-:; :rnti cirvities itt
l¡:i:;:¡ l i. ;r¡rdtsi tc anri rliai;¿r:¡t nr¿iv (-r(iti l it i !r s;ir lc ! it r.'.

{.-}i'i:i;ts j't'pttt. (¿¡) !l--ive r:;¡¡¡ri. l:;i'r'c. Fr¿¡¡ccl (h} liiitliqrgr:nil.

'i-lrc i..lrtl¡¡r'lan{l:,. (c.t i}ligcr-r-nr-. iiiritinlr ll¡¡in. !-¡;inr:r:
(l*'irnl i.5:i:i.

Ir{ }l.út",lI'f ll Áf-J É':Llr=¡ [ E :-;lrR i LS

ilje ¡E q¡ e¡r É Ée-:¡ ar ke rÉ t e SEE-EES

I rrN{g(l-'{),)¡ Ca( tol¡¡.Fc)(CO:) '

t rigrin:t I . u¡¡i:rsi:¡l I )

rlolt¡ilrifr: :ittk!:r!tc
,r,r¡ l.67r.1 1.6!r(| 1.75()
r¡L 1.5{}(} l.:'it} 1.5'+S
¡ 0. l7!) r).1()l
11. .1. lil
'l'l¡cre i:.:i (-ri)nlirirt(iLt:i tc¡ri:rerin*nt o{ ivi¡¡ lrv Fe e'itich icail:;
íLon-¡ dohr¡nitc thtouglt ir-'rt¡:ttr dt¡lo¡¡rite t(t :¡tllicrilr. !tr ur;rin
iil()r!¡1ts. lrlLr!¡ll)(:fs 0l tltis scrir:s:r.c irltlislingtri:;lti¡l¡1,-, fLtrti¡
eacir ottier.

F¡¡r¡n i n :;t: tl inrcn i s : !ihotrrl¡¡ihetlr;rl ltntl iirlrttl¡¡' ttrorplit'-

logies :tir. ihc itt(ist c()tlttllrt¡1. sl-ir¿ti¡ls occasiiilt:tllv h¿lvtr
tou¡lclttl c(if¡rcnj. Llriloniic:¡ rvitli lt itct:tgo¡l;tl h:rl¡it ¡r¡
il¡'egulal firr¡¡rs ¡rl,: r¡¡¡'clv r,ltcout¡icl!r(1. (ltvstills sornctittltr
cnclosc ¡rrgir¡lic ¡¡ii¡tIcr, rvhich nl¿¡v bc ztin¡tilv lr'i':itlgeil.
Rlr¡r¡lbohcrlral .-le:t."'egcs lrrc cltl¡r¡ctcti:;ii.:;ttttl ¡-L:ltv;tgt
it:rccs oiic¡r irritr:jcci in oblit¡uc;tnr¡lcs.'l-rvi¡it¡ctl.l¡rl<¡¡¡litt:
g¡-:rins :ifc ini'reqttetrt.

a-i¡luUf : {irk¡U¡krss. {re y or illrbi(|.

Ít I t'¡tch r ¿ ¡ i,t ¡¡t.' N,rrr-plei'Lltroic.

ili fi:J'f i f t gtttt'a'.- .ll\ircütt. :rtirl giltin:'irvi¡tkL" rvlle¡¡ tlre

inicr,rscope :;a:r::r i:: ¡oÍ:tied. F ligh lclie i lipl¡clt¡s w'ltrtl tilu krtig
diltg,.rn:rl peilrllcl:; ¡he vii;r;¡iio¡r ,-liti'i:tion iil ihc ptil;ttizcr'.
i¡rteric¡'c¡rr:r'colr¡r!¡l iu'rr peerl.gLr:v or n't¡ite. llrighi ii¡trrth- ¡rr
íilil¡ oi'r-lc¡ ¡rastcl tirris ¡¡t¿tv !¡r,: ¡ttiiict;tblc ¡rtt Íhitr ,:rlg¡::;. llasl¡i
scctirirt-c i¡sr¡allv :ltr¡n it.i 'Írviriliiiitg' ;ttid disPlliv '-'c¡v b¡ight
yglhis,, inicrie t cna. culour:j iviih ir P:¡l,j [¡lt¡.: !rLrc- l hcse {rliin:
i:til io,'rii¡r::ttislt r'l :urt ln*.iii,,,l

l'--t-íi¡lt:iiierl: .{yrritrlr!r:lrl isi ilt,-: l!¡¡rnrhrihr.llr;¡¡ i:tcc:; a¡ltl

¡riifill lel io it:.'-li¿rg¡irrtls

i¡lít:¡'.f'¿::r¡:;tt¿:.t'igur,:: Rhr¡mlr,.ihril¡'lrl rri;:;tal:r vir'kl lii-

r,:cni¡c ittteric¡rrlt:* iigt¡rts ti;tsit! ::"-q-iio¡l:; h:tvt: rlc!l-¡:-enit,-'¡l
r¡nir¡:;i:¡l iigrtrr-:s *,iih ¡¡ta¡¡v i:;rir:hr¡¡¡¡r:tIi¡-' ¡i¡¡gs.
'ihL isr¡:¡vf(::i
:;i¡t¡rr'¿¡ cl¡;¡rrreieri:;iic l¡tq;¿¡rir-¡¡illg- iii\y:!l(l:i itrc ¡leri¡llteiv,'i ihr'
tigrtrt- (trviitg it¡ ::illti¡:. iitilii¡¡¡iiqr: 3¡¡;1i h¡ui; :-:itr:rll lV.

Eit;ti1¡tt-tit'tl: !jil'¡¡g;rie,l ¡lii*:; i::uellv !¡r¡'='r:;tc!::¡aivt t!c¡¡:gi¡

iii;¡r. hr:i ii¡r lri¿li-i:¡.i!c¡ iirirrie!LtllL: r:r¡l¡¡rr¡:; ¡¡l;tk,-, árlr:rt!---:rtiri¡¡
¿lii íir:rrli.

!.ji:-;¡ir:::¿li:;ili¿¡.i .;ii'¡l¡¿¡¡'¿;.' frrr¡¡¡i¡r!lrqr:¿i ci¡¡¡¡ri..: i¡i ¡rii¡'É,

f,:iitqr¡r!c l,iitiririllc¡¡c,: ii¡1rl fhai!iiit{¡i¡i'ti¡i¡i i¡¡¡¡-ri:¡l¡'rli;¡!:tr:ita
i¡íir'. htr¡ Ériil'.' .(!t¡riliri¡¡c:¡íi¡fv iL:i:¡:il¡Llittr; .'i¡¡r i-,i.¡Yf :t ¡il:-iiit r
!de¡tiiiic;riir¡¡r ¡¡i ¡¡ieiiit;ttr; rii' iir. .i(¡i(!!iliÍc :t¡ri.:critt :-¡:!it:- ,'¡
,¡rgrri:;li ¡itr::.,c i¡ri¡t¡ rilhLr¡ r-:aib(!i¡;li¿i ¡¡1¡nrri;i¡:". .n:: l:tL-ii.: i:
::¡¡lt¡bir: i¡¡ ¡erti.j ;rertl r¡¡ri in .-iilutt q¡lrl i!¡-'l- i,::irit¡l¡l
a:rill{¡¡:;¡i.: g¡:ti¡ir: í:tilrr :!i¡!l iiL:!rime!¡t} ¡i¡'. lili.-'ii' !ii irc
¡ioit¡¡¡tile :l¡1[:e:iir ii¡ ::iclc¡iie !i-it,¡¡¡¡i¡t¡iic,i¡:¡i !¡i lle:i-irs{¡¡lltl
it¿¡iiil ir n¡rii,- i¡,'¡rir'ri! *i ri¡¡li;¡¡tii,-'ilrl¡¡¡ i¡l e:rl¡ i;t.;¡rii i+i¡llrrt'l
i:; ¡¡li:r,-: ir,:i¡i¡,:¡ti i¡r ihr: !lriir-¡- liitlt¡itr-'ii;¡:-:r:rligltilv:-iiil¡1s('i
:rliri. it.-'r¡rrtr:i hiriii:¡1 ¡.¡;¡,t,¡tt*. :i¡¡ri it:; t,¡*¡r :¡t i:l lrirlhr:i il¡ii¡¡
iir:ri ¡ri ihr: { ;¡¡¡:r,-i;i l-:rl:.:l¡¡i. Él-tiu¡¡i!cii e¡:¡i¡rr !i,¡ill itlll¡lrtitl(¡t¡:i
¡¡itr-:ii!-'i.iifi' f1iii¡i¡ti i¡li!1: ¡r::r¡ll[¡!,: :;phr:ttc- i¡t¡i ¡he l:rti. ¡ i:

lll..\\ ) \11\l Ii \l I)l s( ltll'll()\s ,.\\l) ( ( )l ( )l l{ I'l \ ll \

()tt'tttrcllt ('. 1)olorlilr'is rrirler¡.tr';ttl irl ltlrltosl;tll lr¡rts ol

.erlinttnl;rtr lorls ( (]tt1,t(1 (]¡ titi,,lt;tl I1l(1.r11)i)ti)]ll\lll I)¡()
ilLi.cs rl,rl,¡lttllc ttllrll¡le llitttt tlrrl,rlllilts ()l lll;l!l1a\1.rrl lllll('
\l(in(\ l1 ts loit¡trl irl;,liclttl ttlll;tir.trit l,rtks. irl ill,il0llltllll;rl
\(r,t\. lr1 irrrborlrlilc: rrtlil ilr Ilitlllr :rlkrrliltt ,lr Ler' I lre
(icfulldlt(t,'l rtltkclilt ir tl'ltlle ltsltitlttl;tlltl l1 tlsttltllr .lllllc;ll5
ll: reirts:iltLl c,l¡lcltliIlt:. ltt)tl occltsiollllll\ il\ r't'lllalll jll f:c l'

Ortlitt.s .frttttt: 1t) [)trlorrtile. l{,'tlier:tllti. rl(r]1lr(rrr ( j('r

nllrr)\: {l\) lil)kclilc..lLrllttsic. \rrttll Stlt: (t) illlktlile. llirtll-
\irnrl51rirt. I ll,rsric. lr{),(ll()l( I'lrrllllrtt¡. Isl.l rll. Srrllzt'llrtlltl.
1ri) (li)l{)lni1(. li\ct \irlt(l lstlt. I lrrlltt. (e¡ rlolottllte. ()liurr-
tcnc \lrrl:tsrt . S:ir o\ . lit;tlttc ( \llrlt I 5Sl ).

I l-x
APA'fll Éi h{lNFRÁÉ.:.


Ap*ÉÉÉe rni$eraás
l¡¡r5¡¡griltttl. trnitrxial ( i ':::
: -==
= .:3-
.=:.: :-.=:.

llttririr¡ratitr, l'{) r } rl-'


hydlosvapalit.r {---i!.{l'{)rl+}ll
{':r -,( l'(! ) ,{'l 1,,
r:h lot a¡xti ik:
carhiit¡aie ;rp¿l¡it.: ('¿r.:(P(l r{'tir(-)! l}.tF.t}i I }'l
' :-L
:i EJL
'l .(¡5(l
I .{rl()-- I 6''l{r
:- .: :: i:-..-
I .ír.1-l
l.ñ.1.1-l.r)53 I 'Ó54 €.:

1.65(l-1.ír(r7 l.{i'17-.!.h{r5 :.' :;

-:=- ¡-=-
1 .'
l.irlli l.6il _,

ir {).(t()l {}.t)(}7
A 3.ltl-i..35

P;o¡'¡tt itt s€iliÍTta.Ílf5: Ap;rlitc u:;ttltllv rrrttcc¡.ltÍai'rs ¡r illt

lincr gr:rtlcs. ftuh.'tlral tr-vsillls ltte sltort:;irtt¡trv {}Í ltinq sh}n(ldr
prisnrs r,i,ith eitlrcr sititlilt: ¡rvr:ttiiitl;tl iL:rmil¡iltioils or il 'otll-
hirurlii,rr rri the b¿lsl¡! ¡riiuteoiil a¡t,,1 i;v¡¿¡¡r¡itls {tr¡r¡l':'r)'
(iccr:- -
irinallv rveli=dctclopcrl hcrii[otl¿tl h:ts¿¡l platr's:ttr'cnc(]tllltrlL'(l
isct:ontl illlgc. rlpt)()r. :r)' ll :rlso {-¡rctlr:- 'ls trrrrkert Lrtisr¡ls :tnil
rectlttrgul;tt or ci¡mciit¡les i¡regul;l¡ ii¿lg¡llcliis' Ilorvet":l'
gtaitrs ¡¡¡ost cotllilttiitly c;rhil¡ii ¡'trtrtttling u'hich nlav he -" - -=+-.
inci¡rir,nf- -crl:n il:l snlot)lh ill L-ulvarl leLttrinaiit¡¡ls (rf Lrll¡{cs' lrtlt =+
llte in(ist itcqttt:iri :tir: lhl: *li¡-:¡¡sii'eiv ¡olt¡tiictl. eEg-sl.tlt¡tttti iri' -==*=
:;phcrical rnrit ¡.iltologirrs (scctrntl illlge , rlpPcl. rl ;r¡ttl Irlitltllc)' -= ==--=
t''k¡iv:rg*s lrrc irtxif. l¡iclt¡sir¡lts ltrt nt:t¡lnctitt:- tili¡¡l¡tL' a¡ltl :: ts=--.
;iil.-t¡¡1.:ls w*ll :¡s i-lLl¡lsr itrilruic grt-v i.i-o[]i¡altl('¡¡ccdles rvhich ;:
:rrc otic¡ti:iteil lrlt¡¡lL'l ic tl¡g^ ¿ axis- Sir'ings rrl lltliil glol¡t¡le:; :- i

rr¡il :iiil¡tion:: r¡re :ilsi¡ erltlli¡l{!11. Alr:iiiiü gLltitt:; itrltY ellclti-tr il 1

'crnokv' ,-l¿t'k Flcrich¡iiic df¡t. i:;fr:ai¡¡d lraga' r!¡rpcr. L') { !v[r
g¡ou,itl o¡r dr-i¡ii:tl;¡p:liif.:.;:tia rilltlv ¡rprlitr(i. ¡lrr::rttitltblv
tret;ttt:;r' ihr-:v :tfr: nt¡i r:; rei¡ditv riisr:crnitr[- :¡ij ih()st til -/¡rr!ttls
iti¡tl i()i.r¡nr:t!¡¡lcr- !he {i\,¡rrllf{}wi¡l ;t¡'c either :;nr:tll rh;tr¡i
iriitt¡Eu!;r¡ irl oiet:iititts :tifilLhcd it¡ !:cri:lill ir:tfts (tl lh* {t;liil +r
'rlrcv cncli¡:* ihc dctrii:¡l gr;lili ci)nllrlLrttlv' cvolvi¡lg irri¡' rtr¡
e u ltciir:¡ l tt.r:-:t:tl . Aq-coftli¡tg tr ¡ ortr oirsc¡val i¡ ins llttt oVcf sttirvl lt
irt¡(is i(j Íiirnt;tti¡urlti ihc h¡sal ¡:inaetiirl. lVhcn it is irrllv
llc.,,ühj¡rc.l, lhr: glain i!t¡:li¡¡:r :¡ ha::.ilg¡-il¡:!! h;rbii. ::l¡op'ing tl¡t.'
r,-.n¡l;in:riicn:: oi ih.-' lusal ¡tin:tctiirl :¡¡ti-l sh¡ ¡¡ i ¡-'vla¡¡riri:;- Wi¡ hi¡r
¡hls iir¡nr ihc rrrt¡tr!r-:ii an,-l piÍic.l.:i(illlciii¡lu:l iri¡¡t-orill¡
pi1rritr:nterl, .lciiiiJl :¡r:tlil rrttlLlLi:; i:; q-le;l¡lv ;i::ilrlr' l'lrt'
i¡i,q¡grr-r*t!i ic ;¡¡ rrFi iLnl r¡r¡¡tirii¡iiy '+iilr ihe l¡'¡si ¿l:¡in t¡r¡i ii:; r-:i
¡ir:li i¡r: !¡¡ . i:riiic;iiirrg;r :'.i¡ihiqe¡ltr-'llllv
iri¡¡rlci! i¡P¿¡iit.:- ilic grri.:!.:l¡l! ilt:::r¡gi-il¡l Ft:lit':: ThLr'f !¡1:rY br'
.:ilneLl q:i¡¡1cr¡iii ic;tllv :!¡l.i rliv!qL:il inic :;i: :;ceir¡!:: {::r¡:i:'¡¡1i ¡¡¡¡ga'.
*iiite¡-ir-; Jer¡:tt:.:r¡ti:r'i: i:Érlt ¡:iir:. i¡t.!¡¡lill:t.i;¡n{l iiiÉi:cii úrl¡jc:r.
+r irt holk¡rv:.i iin.l r-t1-it¡r'il':r.tlir-'ri;t¡,-L't¡: i¡lÍ¡; ¡tir ::¡';¡i¡¡ i:-cr:c¡i¡ri
ii:r{f. l¡¡}!iea- !l i¡nll i}.

i-'¿¡1,:luf. íi¡iti¡ts;rit Ll:;u:tllv eoltirt¡le:-:.- iriti !:r:t-':rttr;r: iri il-I¿'

tt¡ iJ¡i'':!'i¡l:;'
a't'L-srilcql iii t¡t;t¡lU:,1¡le:.c. íL'tiiilts itf it:riir: iÍi;¡i:-
::riiltc:lIi:t'riia:i ¡;¡l¡r: !l¡r'r -git'-vi::h-'¿rt:¡:nir.h +r ir]ilí!isl]-i-'rírrr!¡
¡iilr-: ir![]pe¡. hi.

;'rl,'r¡.-j¡¡";rir¡¡t ii, ¡iri¡'ir t '¡it;t¡¡r 'i i;¡¡i'-'ilt':' :r¡' 'ii"ii¡i''ii'-

iiL:.i:lttriic i¡i rt:lt.l,:::.ií. i!!. lrlilL- ¡r¡!lli::i¡ t-¡ velliie'i-rlt hi{-¡\ii¡r' i '
ii;¡i1,, t¡l=!r¡i¡rv¡i. i lrl'ilrr:'i¡-frlit\ !rl:f,llll.: rl!'.lt¡lL-\ 'liir r¡:'l¡i!ll!
¡;is-crir: ii:r-

!!i:ÁVY h'ilI..ltr!.:¡\! i-riiSi F:ll'! !{}F.JS ¡:l{l-s {'{}i iit-ll+ ¡r¡ f i¡ :=:

i"ífi:.iri,?::i'if.,¿'.' i'j!!t'¡¡!!Li:t É;i¡ri¡ir¡:lr-'¡rcr: i:; r:'e;lk iii ¡}l¡-¡tit¡'

.!lr ¡¡!iL!iL¡.r:irl frlr,r!;:: :¡¡f i¡i'¡lí ¡>ii!r¡ ri::tl: ¡:Irv rtt ¡r:ilr
1:"ihiii:;h ri1.: :c¡'r ¡!¡irt- :.:i:i!!iir aii:;¡ri;!1 li¡-s¡ q¡¡ilri 'r,,-'lh,i't it¡
¡¡i;:i¡rc i-¡ll¡-¡$¡:: ¡¡¡i,i ili,-i¡ il:ir-!:i:; irt¡i¡r: ltarl ¡'¡r:rii l¡¡ I¡lt¡,- ¡-¡¡
¡¡ !:rilar

É .--:-- -, ¡;l¡li¡¡ii' griliil:-

t-.:.-l!i!¿ !¿ilii. iji!:¡I;rirr i¡:,.::i:i1:- :¡¡¡ti !iltt;r{!r:Íl
lirrr ¡r;:i ;i!L'! .'':i:i¡ai!.¡¡i.

Élzii'r.!rrr'itt'r' !i'#¿r¡': ft.qi¡i ¿t!il¡itiLi ::r:¡ir¡:;::!ti,1r¡ i¡t¡q)ri¡'¡!r¡t!:-

h;ii::¡¿i¡ ¡!¡i!iir'ir:rrrt ii;:tír':: r.';iil¡ ¡¡ ¡rlsitir:r-' si¡1ri i lr-'t¡¡gri¡¿¡l
b;¡..::¡! :;¡,a:ii:i¡¡:; ::¡:(: iii¡:i h¡ifil;¡!Fuil! i:ii!ii¡:: ii¡iiu!liri¡,¡l ¿¡¡i-'i;;tl . i-t:
i¡¡r ir, i!¡i !:;ir;:ii ¡inr.:i:iiii'r'i,:ltl rvr'l! ¡r'¡riirti ttr:i:t::-i:tl lisrrrr= t¡¡
;; ii;:¡1. ¡rr'.. i:, E,i r.¡:l: :: ¡¡¿ i,:!i!1, :.;tlri
. I I. --h
l:. ! e: tt :iit;: : i-J¡-'::a¿i :'¿'.
-qi F
€:. =:€_
f,.tj.s,',t¡¡.1:¡¡tr.i¡rji¡:.f¿:'¡¡i¿:rt'.";: h/¡in¡f¡;iir-r!i iri¡!i rr'!!eÉ" gttrr:trE
l:lcl:,-¡i r¡¡li¡ir¡, r'!r1¡::¡¡:¡¡¡i¡.,¡!¡ ir!{:i:¡i¡ci.}gY:¡l¡ii r"',';rL hi¡r-:friilg-
--: I

-i::- -ffi
c¡¡.:i. :rri' ¡ii:;ii¡¡ciir:.=' {-}i¡;lii:1 l¡¿i:. ;¡ .-'¡rr::iri,:¡:¡t¡l! lrir'¡t-:t ¡i-'lir:i. _
'l lic g.rriii i;:r::rl ¡-le:r..':igL-:. !¡¡t""r'r rrlicl a¡i,-l ttstt¡tiiv irri¡hicr
it¡{ri¡íerr:rrr roLtr!t': ¡ri log-¡:::--: tii:;iiitgtti:;h il il-iiIir :¡!r;¡iii' .

A-nil:rlrr:;ii¡'i:.: ¡rl,:oi:hrtiir-in ¡riitk:rlrail.-':. h:ls i¡ lr¡wrt !{!.;li¡

ii |eg'-r!lir :niir piroliil.: erttl f trr¡rrtnllv cnektsc:t r-':trlt.]n:lcc(.'tts
inrpurilic:.. il¡i bit-.:it'irrgc¡rrc l! :illi¡tr¡tritr- i:. slr{}lrrel ilttd ¡5
li-:¡r.Jth :;i¡.i* !:,i¡i:ii,- !¡;¡:: t¡ighe¡' relicl. :;lt,rttg ilis¡;rr:iort-
r-ri¡siiiv,' rlti:rgliiion :¡nil r¡ltc¡r ,-lisir!i¡.¡: :t¡¡ont;tiot!:; i¡tierlc¡,, tt.-r
Lrlliii!¡s. f ¡¡lorrrlc:;:; i¡¡ul¡tu¡iittc Illr:; ¡l ¡¡t¿rtketll! :;ii.!¡1gr:r
hirrl ¡.inr¡:l¡cc. ñl¡trrng:i l hir :tll)iiir ¡r!¡¡lci iil.'; tlrc irighr:::t relici
!¡! ( l¡lor;ll):riiri nt:¡'r ;¡i,i J¡.lrr. ir!ri
'lhr: di:;ii:ic¡i,-¡ir ui ;i¡r;tliir- gr¡in:; 1li¡tir l¡¿:¡'vir i¡t hi:¡vir:
e(!ni:iiri¡!lill(:(i rlt'ill-i:trtiir;g:;rnlFle:. i:. dc:*'tilr.:tl Lri¡!lL-Í hi¡rvle.
{ :¡rhi¡i¡:rie ilu¡.¡¡al¡atii¡: i:; ¿:::iier! t-s'a¡¡eqdite (tt¡rpr:t. c) ;rtitl ii
uc!-:Lti:i i¡¡ i¡fair..,!i ¡¡¡ 'r,cilorvisl¡-r:t¡L¡L!fr,'.i sphc¡t¡lcs, lilrle:; t¡r
lcssii rci;lai:cnrcnisr ¡i :iltot¡: ii¡rv o¡ilr¡ iriitt=icrc¡tct' tittl" lt:
rvrli a-: nriri¡rl;¡ici'J Li:li¡rl'li.)r¡, {ierlFoph:itre (ttpPcr. h) i:; i-rclt
;¡¡¡ii ¡r¡liti,-'. qlotrullr .l¡ h{riV!.¡id:¡¡- ii i:; i:it¡ttticiv:rt;rili¡r,-- ¿u¡rl

{}t:lLlft(¡tt-i'. Á.p;riiie i.r ir filrr!ilr('rl :l{t'r'"\rrl\, tttitti-:tal rti

alm¡-r:;l ;ll! 1-r,¡rr-':: rii igilt:,rii:r ¡riq:l::;. ¡i¡tti¡¡lgsi fhu :¡P:rliie
ln¡¡ta:¡it¡i. liuci:¡F:rliI!- i:; llrc ¡nii:;i :rl.¡uild:rt¡i :rtrd i-. rrsrr¿rllv
¡cl;ti.l{l 1.i gr:lrlitic riir:[::;, t-ilrIrirrp:riilr ¡:. r]rofu Lrrrrr¡rrii¡ irr l¡rr tvpc:-. A!r;¡ti1r:; ii¡r nr iri e;rt[¡trrt¿liitc:]. hvrlt()lllcn¡ral vr:irrs
irriri ,-'¿rtiiit:;. ¡i:; rrell ¿i:; in [¡<rth lht-t'¡¡utllv luttl t.-'giiirlrllv
¡¡1¡1¿¡¡111i¡plr1i5q:d nrt:ks. Apltiitc nt:rv liirnr :rLttltig.-rri.^all¡
(Wei:;sbit¡i! & l.l¡¡-'hini:l: ltlHt¡- :r¡¡tl gl'itill: :lrorvti in liirvc¡. alld
on tlriril lilgc).
Af¡:rlitc iiiiner:ll:- are rvidrs¡rtrati i¡¡ s,:¡li¡t¡.:¡tl:;. l'hsv iiccttr
rk¡¡riirr:r¡ttlt ;¡: rlrí¡it¿¡l ¡r.¡¿¡in:i. ljril !lllrtj llc lltc' r'cnlctltitttl
nrerliun: t¡i :;;t¡¡il¡lrt¡tr-':., pf thcY f¡iLtt¡ l--¡¡lcnti:lllv L:colrolliic
phrsnh;rte,Jr;xr-ril -:.
li<:¡;zgri¡:;- A,¡r:rliir riis:reiltr-:' ril ariii:-: tl¡,-'¡riir¡c. ¡luri¡tll .€=='
lrr¡¡l!lir ilr.:¡l:irirlioE stii!ii¡¡ ;¡i'iti iai:;¡i¡rls-¡ri slt(iukl [¡c ;ivt)i!iL-il 'F:.'
{¡:. i I ;. Llrnli--r ili,i:p btrri:rl i-I-al¡ir -1. I ) a¡;:rtiie i:':;l;¡i¡ie: ii lrl:r'"
¡'r,:¡l¡1 rt! ILtwa¡!-kii¡s :r¡ld is ciiniti!ctn in :rttett-ttl
1-1¡¡.-:iyg .a¡r..q¡;11
sci-ii¡ni:¡ri:;. Éi!:c;r!i:.r ii i:. u¡r:;ia[¡it In lr¡-'iiis. ;tL-irlie geoelic¡tiic;rl
r,¡¡ri¡|i!r¡1r'i¡ís iif(' {iiiL:ii i!e¡:leieii ii¡ ¿¡ir;rfiir:s (Liiiitrilr l9fi-11r,
l.lii{r) .
.4¡l;¡iii.- i.: u:r,-i i¡t it:::;ii¡t¡-itl¡rL rl¡tii¡t- lí;tl-tr i'ar11r-'r:v:

ilr¡!laiii:!!ri i:lrrr..: ii¡ llre li¡rli¡i:: rtl ¡il g¡:¡¡i:ratir¡¡r i¡¡ l¡vtltqic:t¡l¡trtt
.,,,r!ii,- ¡1)r'!.. !!:;1, iIl,'\t- .,r,// i'l:'.;)

dirt:;tt..; ir;::t? !-ir.-t F;¡.¡L... uPl'ri: l:¡¡ [-1¡r¡ti-'i F.octnc tull

Pi\'¡-lTll ll{ ¡ N f-l f<^ L-';
horizqrn, l¡oss¡ilnr¡. ltaly: (h) {}ligoecrre. B:rrréme !3a-sin.
Sccond ¡ra-g¡, uppcr: (;i) River sand. Isere. l:r¡'ancc; il¡)
Jurassic. Nt¡lth Sea: (c) Oligoccnc Molaqqt-, lrrirehrrlc
Ri¡nrartcts- l. lFic)() nr, Srvitzr:rlandi (tl) Rotliegenrl, ¡orthcrn
Ccrmany; (c) CtLrtaceous. I-unisia; (l ) IJur¡lsandstci¡r. Trinssir:.
b¡lcholc Ri¡rikc¡¡. 3l I ¡¡r. Swit¿e ¡1¿rnrl: (g) inrnq:olitr: and (h)
coll()phaúe. C)lisoccnc. Ncrthe-chuin. s¡ruthcrn Fr'¿urce.
Sccrrnd pagc, lorve¡, a: Áuthigenic grlins, Buntsanrlstcin.
'l'r-iassic, lrt¡reirtile Krcuzlingcn. l5.ll m.
Srvit;:crl:rnrl. ( )thr:r
erains with t¡vcrgrorvlh: RotIicgcncl, northern ( irrilltany.
All erai¡rs ¡rrc cnrhcddcd in fuIt¡¡t 1.5.Sf .

I 17
lllr¡\\"Y tvllNFl{Al l)ljs{ lill-'¡'l{}N5; Aldl,} { {}l {}lil<1 irl ;:T-lrli


{ {-r: ' I 'll '.1'h ) []'{ i ,

nrr.ln+cl¡11i{-'. I'i:llli:¡l ( * j
ittt l.i7+i.t(iii
¡¡l! a.777 ¡.fitll
tii i..!1.5 I .Hi i

¡ ll.(l'll ll.(l7i
Á iir5.1
F.jíiil i11 :;(i!¡fi.:'itls: Mlr¡;rzitr h:i-r ;: higlr ¡elir'1. ri::in,.rur;
lusi¡c ¿ittrJ i1 a¡t¡r"^:ti-; r.,,itll r d;¡r[: ¡i¡t¡:;tttt¡ilt¡¡¿!i¡rg il:: orriliiic.
{l¡;ri¡t:: ;t¡r tlolni¡r;tn¡l'r, rvtll roul¡,1.:rl. ¡gg-:;h:r¡:,;il or rl;l¡r-'iir::il.
Srrb¡'¡rr¡nrL:il tir cultetlLri! gr';til.; h:tv.' hecii ti,¡rotir-:tl ftiitir
Itlltt.:il¡i r-i¡¡r_cr¡1i:r1e:i (irPprta). l-Je¡¡sr:.t¡i'l¿ier ¡riiiirri: or:t
vr--lli¡rvish-l¡r0rr¡rr:iiiii¡'! itÍa ¡rllq:r¡ ilcttct¡iltlr Soltlr: g!ltin:; II;!!i
cnclosc zitct-ttt:rttrl rulii..- int:lr¡:;i,-tit:;, oiiiirl¡.!{,. sllh:;l:trrce¡;l¡¡tl
llui,-l gli!trulc:;.

{-t¡lrruf : I'l¡le vcllorv. ¿l¡¡tosi i:¡rlt¡r¡¡less, l¡irl,-' ;¡¡rthc¡. g¡een-

ish vcikrw ¿¡nrl r¿tclv¡¡.

[]lcttclt¡¡i:;¡¡t' I)ee;r-c,rkruictl thicke¡ graiirr rr¡il tlis¡rlar

rvr,ak ltlcr¡eltrois¡¡¡ in slratle: i)l vcll(iw (tf. rirrf,lv.. g-rrrtl'ittgettt:{'.' ljr¡-o¡ts, attrl i¡¡ic11c¡q:¡rt.'a critour:; r;!nj:(i t(¡

uppcr thild- r¡¡' iirurtlt^rrrtle¡' ¡rultrl rvliitc oi vr,lkrtt. 'l-hc rrr,ll-
ror¡ rrrlc,rJ gr':iins sh!)w tlislincl i ritcrli¡ rilcr cljl!)u. llir n(l:.

E.rlintlk¡fl: h4arir¡un¡ (xiincl¡(!íi i: 2'' 7",l¡úi ¡-L-'it it:¡l {liti¡t'.;

ru:;uall1' liri! t(' sl¡()\y :r complelc ertinctioi!.

Iilfrlrj.(r(¡tt:( .figtre: {.iluir¡:; lvi¡te ori tltr l¡:r:;al l¡iuiinr:

pliura Irec()gtrizcd l¡v iverket inietlctetrcc ctil¡rttt: itll(l itrtrrtti
pk:tc e.ttirtr'tiort) viekl cxr:clL:ttl rvcll-cenlretl or rte:rtlv eenttrcl
¿tt:ttlc hisq:cirix lirtrr.-':; s'ilh sm¿rli lV.'['he rvr,ll-tle lit¡r:rl i:rigvtr='r
:r1r¡re:rt iri a vr,'llriri, rll -gtc!irli rvliitc lieltl- is0clrr0til,-':. :lIc
cither fr:rv ()r nt¡nler()us. L¡isl¡crsiott i-. rve;¡k. d'lr:¿rvirgr
It:rgtttt'rrl:, rit l,l ll:rslr lirlrtt, s.

Elo¡tytlÍitttl: !l(x)) trces clorrs:rle ¡rar';rllel uirh i h:rve %

¡lisifivc.;rnrl crvst;¡l it';¡g-nrcnls cli¡r¡r¡:ltcd r¡lt lt h;ne r¡et:rtite.


I )i st i n 14u is lt ittg, .f7ülurtts : Miiruzilc is; tli;rgnri:;ccl hv hi{h

¡clir.[. colortr ;rtrd milstlv rorr¡tdetl nror¡rlrolop-y. -lhe lrer¡ucrrt
brt¡rvnish stain ¡uld surliie:c pitting :rtr ¿rlstl cltirr'¿rctelistic. 'l'he
ilnlv rlcllilrrl nl¡ncrrls filr wlricli nrorllzif.: is lik.-'lv lo be
rrtislakert:rrc vcllorv zil-con. xcttotittte ltntl. nlrlrc nrrdlv.
sllllcne.'l-he rclicl ol zircorr is hi-ehcr.;rlrrl sr¡rl;rcc c{ching is
ullc()r't¡nr()n in ;:ircrrn- S¡hcnc h:rs ntorc intcnsc ¡rolltlizltl ion
cokrrrrs. slront tlispi:rsiorl rnrl highi:r r.'lr aciivc in¡lir:cr:;.
licrriitinrr. rvitlr u'hich nlonlrziirr is iilt.:n assr)ailrlLrrl in sr:,li-
nrcnls. st¡()ngll rrrsertrtrle:; lrr¡rn¡rziicr. lrc liirlnc¡ rlis¡rl1¡y5
higher=order inlcrl¡rcncc tirtts ar¡rl is uniari¿rl. r\ ¡ru:ilire
irL:nlilieirlicrr r¡rori¡rzitc ;¡rrrl il: ili:linelioi¡ lrorrr ;*enrilinru
f an bc [¡v nlr:¡n-s oi lr 'poi:kcl :,i]üLrt! l],\cr]pr-" ( Acl:rnt:
l95.1.Srnilh:r¡tt ltl5i), llq:tinitó¿ Z-inrt¡cllc ltlt¡-i). 51¡ri¡telr¡t¡l¡rl
driuble. lcss cornrrrotrlV triltlc. ;rlr.rrirlriiiin lin,,.s in llt(' \'(:ll(¡$l
(cat¡sctl bv neorllnrittn¡ rrirel:rtn¡rlilrerl hy ¡rt:r:cotlvtrtirritr)-;r
l¿ri|11' striug t¡antl in lhtr grcc!¡" a!r(l lcs:; r:omnio¡rlv irr thl' l¡lur-
grec¡r. :rrr tli:¡¡1nosfic ol ¡ttrrt¿l¿iie (see ¡ilstr ttntlur :rtttolinr.:).

QCi:ttf ftnt:e: h4r¡r¡¡¡.ite i:; li¡r ilccc:.-rorv nrirrr:ürI r¡i s¡¡r¡riti.:

I -'r

rocks. L¿rr{cr crlstals ()ccrrr in granitic lncl srcllitic pcgntiltitc:

etntl in Alpinc-t)pc vcins. lt is a n¡rc constitucltt of nrct.L-
mor¡rhic schists. gncisscs ¡ncl gnrnulitcs. Nkrn¡zitc is ltrirlv
resistilrlt to scitthcrinq atrcl diagcnctic c()n(litions. Conccn-
triltcs of monilzitc arc knorln front lluvial lntl llcach sant]s.
ancl it also occurs in tin placcrs.

C r Qí t t.s J r o n t : LI ppcr: [i.ivcr su ¡rti. C'cntor.¡l [i. Srvi tzcrlrntl

(NInrt 1.661); itlirtllc: IlLrntsundstcin. -lriassic. ñlurnpf. Su it-
zcrlanri (Nlnrt i.h6l).

{tt .\1\' iltNLtt.\l lil.5É iitÉi-f [{ _!t{:, áF-{l,t {'i,"i.{ ¡t ¡}j, É"t .1 l't::-


1 },
El'E.;¡g-i*i;rt. u*i;r:i:rt I
-+ = -==-
EE..t t.lfe+ I _7?+ F=-F':
¡¿¡ i Slfr t-Fiif ==
ii fF fFi'7 -+i.1tri
\ 'l i'!

F-t¡rrte Én se:¿tir¡tt¡tÉs tlrtritrtl 1¡tce:ir:: tx-'ctir :rs 'l'r¡ll-lv

ÉeíEtia-r!¡tcd :,tu;npl etrh*.Inlt ájsYs-t;¡l:j tviiti a ::it¡¡Fle llab¡t {}r}
sh¿i¡'É tríEe¡:.- g!-.:Engtlk¡r *¡ fractrrrc¿l irr¡g¡¡!¡¡ l i:tgtlrr-n1::- -?5--- ' -i _-, :..i
tr¡ íi¡rt¡¡s (c! ¡trd ri¡*¡rtJetl it¡ t¡-r!1 rt¡*ttrl.:cl gt;iitr::. l ht-:v
cxhihit ;r high r":lie !' **<tusir'¡+:: are zircon itllrl ¡'iP¿lq'rq -L .---+=5'-' =:

rr:tptiriti*... :;t¡ftiÉj gia;ili nrav tli:;¡it:tv ztirril¡g lJn:rlt¡-¡t:tl é-a :-É - :5

:c*¿¡t¡r¡ic;rPÉ)ri*ts ÉitÉ+;+ hief¡ tr:'Ír*¡¿¡s,¡¡ via¡etlt+: lu:.i¡'.-:. lruí
gr*ln: fri*v tlj ltL'al:+-:É!¡ Fif i.:r¿ '-rF :;¡r.-'cLlcd r'.'itt¡ !¡¡'iR ¡rilh
e}Éer¿iÉi¡¡n FrtEJttL-t:: rvhiel: a[:;tr aÍ]Fk'¿r in lE'liisi(¡tn'-¡:r¡ilL i
'F:r''L:; <€*
arid t* irrc.Ltutítritie:-.

€'tliclur': €-¿rh-¡trqtrs¡- !¡¡rnca vr,:t!qi*, lr¿itr: tr¡orvtr ilr v*tv ¡ltl,:

gree 11.

Pk¡¡thrr.tisttt-' 1Vq,:¡l-- grle**:hrtiisitr i: rlÍse¡,¡nitrle in rt*clrct-

cr¡t.¡t¡rcc* v:¡ririics: eir. p:*c velhrt';- ¡ralc !'ellttt'.'t-rowtt. l;lrle
frls¡=-; F. Fr¡!": vctltirvi:h grecE. ya¡ltlts". gret triitrvtt-

Eire:ftircgt:rte'i'.' VLr:; st¡!*tle ;tnd 'trrirrl-ling' r]f,!' ¿r[¡pt]ilr .rt¡

l¡¡ic*'eretu": r-t¡tuur= ¡¡rc frigtt<rrtltr lir:lr¡ $'hliL
:;l:r!¡É,' t(r1¿1Í;€rB-
e¡r ltitlL. si¡¡riJ:tr tr¡ il¡+ts' t¡f (--¡ilsr;ie- IlltEttsive llli!¡L'r:ll {1¡l(tlr¡
+rn m¿lsL thc itrtr,rfcrene.: iini:;- T-hitr¡lcr e<l::c:- solt¡ctirtrc:
rtispErt' trrigtrt trarrt*v ini.'rtcrci!a!i-L-ol(!u I l;:¡ n(ls.

E -z é i ¡ttf i o tt : F¿tr:¡liel.

lncerJertnrc fig¿tft'.' *¡r¡sl.n;tf¡-- !;i.'-: give f¡rint hiari¿¡i ll¡slr

figurn. Blt:;:ri tqrtu:; ( suel¡ ¡t5 str*rvn i¡¡ e'l vithl crcclle ni
r'r't¡tred t¡rri¡t.::i¡l figrrres with r¿'ver:tl tlcnse ttai folv isuchtt¡lllc:.
-Eturr- gr':tirrs ur*:rItv t¿rit t{} L::itatl{ttish atrtl rlispl;ry bltrish
vet[olr ¿rihrizati¡rt] crrlt¡*f:. ruL'nr-trilS:il sl'cti()tts illtsl s(]lll(j
rc¡¡rrklc¿! grai¡rs Ér¡cvidc rit'r-ce¡¡Ére-'tt¡ri¿tri;ri lr hilt:riltl figrtres
r¡ith snrall ]1j.

EÍt t rt gitt i t t tt : Rrritive.

Í) ist i nguis h irtg f¿'izÉl.tre: :'fir.: :;inril:trii¡' rif xdnotinrc tt¡

zifr'atn. ¡nr¡rl;rritc ¿ttrtt s¡*rctirttr-t to sl)h(,:tlt'. c:¿tlses s(rill!:
rlit'fir'uttics itr diagnosis. iVh*¡i r*rlv o¡rtic:rl titctlttitls arc
rrpptied- th* simptc tu¡lrii i¡f the *trfrc¡l¡¿tt gtititts ctittt¡r;tr.'d lo
ttlf,i of *trlrcilr;rt ?if(-{}t}. :ttral rttl¿iti¡.t¡c's krr'¡t:t ¡-r:f¡:lctive
ir¡*ic,-:, high.'r trirefringrl¡1.!- f,n(-l. whcn prcsrttt. hrorv¡¡
r¡ltcruti*n ¡rrrxltrts- :rid qlistincairitt. Xe rrt¡ti¡¡tc strongly
rcse¡ntrlt¡ r*¿rnarite, and pxitivc iderttitit:¡tion e:¡tt lrc ¡n¡ttle
ii¡lty lyhcll ;¡ larntrc(l i¡rte¡t'crcnec figrrrc i: ()ht¿tirl;ihlii. ;rs
¡¡rorr;¡zit.'is lri;i:¡i¿¡t *¡¡rI r<,ttrtÉit¡r.'' i.u u¡ri;¡:iul. a¡. l\: ril'
nrr*uiriic i:. s¡lt¡rtt :t¡rrl itr *ff-¡rtrtr* iigu¡es ltl¿lv rl'rrtnt)l(,' il¡a
*ff-ct¡ttrc ltgur* cf rlni:¿¡i:tt t¡¡ine¡als. cnttatrcinr r.ltllltii(i¡I.
fl*wr've¡- tltc ";r:tv trigti-rrtrltr intelt¡iE:naa t.t'ltiltls ¡rl rt¡¡r¡-
tinr* hc:ttr di;igniisir. S¡rhcttt har :¡ stt¡)llgcr rtliri :tntl dis-
r.o-i:iori antI i:; hi:r::i¡l.
{'}l the r¡r¡uFlenteilt¿ri:' rnethttts tlsttl iirt itL'nliiie;rtisrn^
Ifutirrn É!-(t+7I ruggL::;{ed v;rr;.}tlt at¡}¡ncrsiolt ttrttli¡1. lr¡r¡ ¡lrt'
sim¡rlt, qnir:k rlrd t¡rest rr:tirtrlr ¿tpFt(l;lch lqr¡.thc iiltttiilii::¡tio¡t
rIí r*n.rtiEItü, :rnt1 for tlisii*gtrirÉritrg hctrt.'r'rr \alllrlinrc, lll(illa

zite and zitcon. is to use a simple 'pocket spectrosc()pc'
(Adarns 1954. Smithson 1959). This, by revcaling thc disrincr
absorption spcctra ol xenotimc and monazite, ensurcs a
positive diagnosis. Hcring & Zinrrnerlc (196-l) calle<i ¿rtrcntion
to this method, discr:ssed its valiclity, and gave data of the
absorption lines of monazite and xenotime. Xenotirne exhibits
a strong thick band in thc deep red and has two or thrce faint
lincs on both sides. A strong double line appe¿lrs in thc grccn,
and in thicker grains a f¿int line is visible rn thc clcep blr,rc. It
has no absorptit¡n lines in the vello*', in rrhich monazitc show's
broacl clouble, less conimonlv triple lines. Zircon fails t() show
any absorption lines. This method is stronqly recomm!-nclcd.

Occurrence: Xenotimc is an accesson. ntineral ol qrauires,

svcnites and cranite peglnatites. lt is also a constituent of
quartzose micuceo¡-rs qneisses anri of some Alpine-typc vcins.
In placer cicposits it conccntrilfcs r.,,ith ntL¡n¡zitc, cussirr.litc,
cold or diamond. Xenotime is fairll'stablc in seclimcnts and is
probably nrore w'iclesprcacl than reported in hear,1'nrincral
anal¡"ses. Monazite or zircon-rich assentblaltcs nrtrv signtrl its

Grains front: (tt) Bunrsanclsrcin, Triassic, N.fumpf. Srvit-

zerland; (b) Oligocene. Nerthe-chain. southern Frlnce:
ic) Buntsandstein. bt¡rchole Pf¿rffnau. lEll nr. S*,itzc¡lancl
(ltrmt 1.662).

I it ,ii'1 ¡i{lF-JtrliÁ!. l,}li:;{-li¡g'! l{,¡F.J:; Ái-.Jii ( i}l {!llH i¡l á-lt:.:;



c-'¡ri,?'{ }:
1q:lr:lgil¡li1l. ti¡¡i:;.'li:tl ( + i

r¡it¡ ¡.!?tH l.+l{l

tti]4 i.ul7
i¡ ti ttlG {}.1}17
A i í!4 í:.1 'l

l':¡lrnl i¡t :;¿:í!iirl{nís" e-l¡';ii¡15 l¡¡¡..,¿.';r hirh ¡rliri :rit¿i ¡rrr' 1:

1ii'isrü:ttii'. i¡¡.'gt:lar. :jt!ll¡()t!t¡(l|r{! .¡¡ ¡Uurrder-! iiL]ll(:iilllr,' illfl.
;ria tiricli i!¡rr! ct¡lrse i:!iri!r!,:.-1. ['.ii:t¡-iiteci:- ;!¡r(l i]tuliilll'r:tnti{l:ll #=é =:--:


lLtrriiinaii{}r¡:;- si¡nila¡ ic lh¿¡se, e:rl¡il¡iir:<l l¡v'Jilr¡rti-;1¡¡ !¡r-r¡ttr-t¡i

()¡1 alL-iritel :lIii¡t¡s. Sqi¡llrli¡¡¡r:: -ti¡'i:tt !r! .]!{i¡i!llga i¡:!fci: 1!¡f
==.= =-:-=::=
-::-= :=-;

vi::i l¡le

=:: -

{ltilt¡u¡': i'olorrrle:;::- gr'r-v. ¡rlrit ve lLrrv q'¡ htr¡w¡iish. L4o:;t
gt ilins l¡irvr :r s¡rntewltitl tlark.'tlu-sl:v' irlllt!riri :¡tlee

t lrion-¡rlcoelir'iL.
I I c t ¡c h ru t i :; t¡1.'

llirt-Jt'ittgt'ttt:r': N4;rrirtttnr bir.:lritiEencr is ¡¡rritL:rll, :tntl

rcncr, eokrur:r ¿rfr: grlr\, (rr vivlrl i rllorv. l¡lttt
it¡¡ctf.e ;r¡¡,i
crirtrsrlrt. rll:fx:n(li¡rg on ihc ihicknr:s:; iii lfrc g,titin:.,-

[:]-riincli¡t¡t: l-,'.1(.)ngatr:.1 fr:¡s¡trrtl:: h¿rvr' !¡i¡t¿tllt:l L:xiincli()n

l nterj'ert:n t:e Ji gu rt= : { ir:rin:; usr¡:rllv y'.ickl urr rif i-q'r:nl r r:

urliilxial figttri: rvilh br0:rd isQeltttil¡litiiL ctlrvrl:; ilntl shorv ¿l
clcar ¡lrsitive sign.

li I t t n,qu li r ttt : F.sit iv,-'.

Distin¡tuishitt-q.ltatt!rr's: Fliglr i.:licl.'rlusk\" u¡r¡-rc;rr';rnee .

irequcttl ctclt-t¿¡r:r'ts lt)gcllicr rvitlr vivirl interlrlcite,c ct¡k¡rtts
rrrc dilrg¡r()sti!-. ( ll¡:;site lilr rrsrr¡¡hle :; sclrrclitr. lrtrl ií h;¡:; lr
higher relir:l and bilr:lrin¡erlrr. (i:¡rnL:t is isotr-n¡ric ;rr¡tl iltc
iu't()nralousl\,anisrittti¡ric g;rtr(:(:; l¡;rvc ilt¡ll krrv¡irclcr ir¡tct-
lcrcnr:c rrilour:t :t¡tcl unclullll otv crl irtctior¡.

()ct'urre nce: Schte litc is lirrnre,l irr pr:snlrlilc: irntl irr lrigh-
lcnrpcralurt vr:ir¡s. l1 is prcsr:ttl ¡¡1 ri)nl¡rct-rllclirnrorphir: r'ock:;
lrrountl gr:r¡rilir: inlrusivcs. :rrtd it :rrrtplrilx¡lilrs:rnrl region:rlly
nlcl afit( !f []l¡(t$ed irtrput r litilcs{ Ottr,-s.

Rt!rnilrk-t: I'ur,: -schc,'lilc :ihour:: ;r eh¡nretq:ristic btue llrro¡i-,s

ccllr:r ir! -shtrr! w¡r,c t i\'-ligh{. N4ri-b¡:¡¡j¡1g :¡:lr.:.'litc h:r:: rrhil.:
lo ¡,ellorv llurrtcstrr:rlcc. l1 ¡l¡r¡er¡¡r¡rosc5 in H{ 1. leavin.rl ii vL-ll!)w
powdcr.; rcsirluc ol \4/{ i,.

{irain:; .itttttt: lliver :-;rrrrl. {-'c¡itovall!. S,rvitzellar¡,1

(l\4ml 1.662).

I t-?
! r--

Fluorite -- ::-É
: - ]j-...€

isometric a - :'i=
¡¡ i.4,j3-1.435
€::=: -. :=' :,-.
^ =áJ. -=:'=:
Forrn in scdimenÍs: owing to its low refr:tctive index,
fluoritc appcars with a iregative relicf evcn in low-intlex ,/
r¡ounting medi¿¡ and its outline is surrounded by a palc yelkrrv b
rim. Grains are triangular, rect¿lngular or irregular fragtlrents,
usually with sharp (more rarcl¡r with curvcd) edges. Rounded
grains are rare. Flut¡rite is relativcly solul¡le in c¿rrbonated
waters and the surlace of the grains n-ray be etched. showing
triangular facets or crescent-shaped indentations. Clleavage
traces are rarely noticeatrle. Iron orc and fluid inelusions may
be present.

Colour: Colourless, pale violet or pale pink'

Distinguishing fbütures: Negative rclief together with

isotropic eharacter are diagnostic ttf fluo¡ite ancl distinguish it
írom all other tninerals. -
{}ecurrenc.e : F'luoritc crimmonly occurs in hydrothcrmal'
pegmatitir.: and pnettmatolithic veins, in greisen' in cavities of
granitc, and rrcc¿tsionally in cirrtrr-rnate rocks and phosplrorites.
it is found somctiRres in saudstones and rarcly, it lorms their

Rerntlrks: Fluorite iirim drilling ¡nud ean eont¿rtninate thc

|¡g¡1,y mineral fractit¡ns of drill cuttings.

{irctins frttm: 1a'¡ Bc:ach sand, St lves, Cornrvall. Englandl

(b) Llpper Eoccne. B¿rrréme Basin. Fr¿rnce : (c) Btrntsandstein,
'l'riassic. t¡orchole Bottstcin. 314 m. Srvitzerl¡ncl (Mtnt l.-519).


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Identification table
q .9
o o C
6 lt o.
o :o o; o

o n_ E. o- c0 C' co o dl

.o o o o o
o Spj.nel-Group
o Sphalerite o
a Fluori.te o

zircon o o o o o o
'i+ Cassiteri.te o
Ruti 1e o
.s¿ Xenotime o
Schee lite o o o

ve suvi. anite o o o
o o o
Tourmaline o o
corundun o
-g Anatase o
.j rosi te o
(Úl a

c calcite
:) Siderite o
Dolcmite-Ankerite o o
Apati te o

Sphene o o
o o
sif limanite, Fibrclite
o o o
zoisite o
cl inozoi si te o
Pienontite o
G Lawsoni te o
Punpel l-yite o o
Enstatite o
x+ Di opside o
GU Diallage o o
Augite o o o

Prehni te
Brooki te o
Ea:yte o
Celestite o
An¡ydrite o o
Monazite o o

Olivine o o
Chloritoid o

.:t AIlmite
Aegi rine-Augi te o
.:+ Anthophyl lite-Gedr j. te o
Hornblende- Serie s
Ri ebecki.te o o
Ch)-orite-Group o o

Vesuvianite o o o
Andalusi te
Kyanite o
Ep j.dote o
Axinite o o o
¡lypersthene *
(! Aegi ( Acmi. te )
iremolite o o
*l Acti.nol ite
G1 aucophane-Cro s si te o
Arfvedsonite o
; wbite Mica
o o
Biotite o o
Serp€ntine GrouP o

Commcn colour o lnfrequent colour

l-igure 3.5 Cathodoluminescence photomicrographs
(A) Zircons extracted from an orthognciss. Grains shorv blue luminescence and internal zoning. Notc- the cunr-tl terminations and rounded morphologl

Africa). (C) Zircons rvith ycllorv lumincscing cores and non-lumincscing overgro*th (Cretaceous, northern Tuni:iia).

Mineral trndex

disrlnne 52 phosphates i25-31

acmite 82
dolsmite-ankerite series 123 piemontite 63
actinolite 87
durnortierite 54 prehnite 103
aegirine 82
pumpellyite 67
aegirine-augite 81
p)'roxene group 73-82
alkili amphiboles 91 €nstatite 74
allanite 6,1 epídote 6l
epidcte group 59-72
amphibole group 8-3-94
glaucophane-riebeckite series 91
alkili 91
ferroactinolite 87 rutile 107
calcic 85
iron-magnesium-manganese 84 ffuorite 133
scheelite 1i2
sodic-calcic 85
garnel group 45 serpentine grouP 102
anatase 109
gedrite 84 siderite 122
andalusite 50
glaumnite 96 silicales 39-58
anhydrite 1 18
glarrcophane-riebeckite series 9 I sillimanite'19
g¡psum 1i7 sodic-calcic amphiboles 85
dolomite-ankerite series 123
sphalerite 113
antho¡rhyllite 84
hedenbergite sphene -14
apatite minerals 125
spinel group 112
arfvedsonite 93 diopside-hedenbergite series 77
hornblende series 88 staurolite 55
augite 79
hy¡rersthene 75 sulphates 1i.{-19
aegirine-augite 8l
sulphides I 13
axinite 72
idocrase 47
amphiboles talc 99
baryte 114 iron-rnagnesium-manganese SJ
titanite -1-1
biotite 97
jartrsite topaz -53
brookite 1 1 1 I 19
tourmaline group 69
kyanite 52 tremolite 86
calcic amphiboles 85
calcite 120
vesuvianite 47
carbonates 12G.4 larsonite 65
cassitedte 104
mica, u'hite 95
white mica 95
celestite 1 16
chlorite group 100 rnica group 95-103
Í*o$azite i28 xenotime 130
chloritoid 57
clinozoisite 60 ¡¡rnscovite 95
corundum 106
olirrine group 39
oxides 10.1_13 zoisite 59
diallage 78
diopside-hedenbergite series 77

General Index

References in italics are to figures

abrasion 4 basin analysis -1. 29-30,31 crystal structure 20

absorption brstitc 7"1.7.i cummingtonite-grunerite series 84
line 128. 131 beach sand. lateral movement of 29
spectrum 1-31 Becke method 17 data
bed configurirtion -í analy'sis of 27-8
acetic acid 1 1
bedrock mapping 3l presentarion of 27
acetone 13, l6
henzene 13. 16 deep burial 7. 9, Table, 2.1
digest 11 benzol ll diagenesis 4, 9-10, 18. 20, 32
berthierine 96 diallage 78. l.ll
environment 7 -
leaching 7. Table 2.1 binan plot 27 diamond placer 3l
acmite 82, 1.11 biotite 97. 1-11. Table 3.1 differential miireral transport -5

actinolite 87. 111. Table 2.1 blue sodic amphibole 2i). 9l diluent 1i
bromoform 1i diopside 78, 111. Tables 2. l. 3. 1
activator 22
bronzite 71. Table 3.1 diopside-hedenbergite series 77
aegirine 82. 1-11
aegirine-augite 8i, 1-11 brookire lll.1l1 disaggregation I I
pseudrr-brookite 31 discriminant analysis
agitation 12
alcohol 13.19-20 linear 27-S
alkili amphibole 91 calcic amphibole 20. 8-Í. J.4, Table 2.1 steprvisc'muttiple 28
alkiline calcite 1 l. 110. lll dispersant ll
digest I I Canada b;rlsam 16 dissolution b-7. 9-10
environment 7 carbon disulphide 11 intrastratal -1. 9-10
carbon tetra;hli:¡ride l.i post-depositional -1.6, 10, 2{)
all¿nite 31. 6-1, 1-11
almandine 7.4,i, Table 3.1 c¿irbonale 1 1. 17. l:t)-+ disthene 5l
alterite 18 carbonatrte 22 distilled ir att-r 9-lt)

aluminium l2 cassiterite l0+. 1+1. Table 3. I dokrnitr' 11

amphibole 9. 15. 19-20. 8-3-91 cathodoluminesce nce (CL) 22-3, -1.'s. Tablc dolomite-ankcrite 1l-1. 1"1I

Tables 2. 1. 3. I 3.1 dravite 69.70

alkili 91 ced.rr oil l6 dumortierite 5-1. l-1[
blue sodic 20. 9l celestite 1 l¡i. 111 dust fallout 3l
calcic 20, 85. -1.4, Table 2. I celestoban tc' 1 16
iron-magnesium-manganese 8.1 cement ll edenite 83
socid-calcic 20. E-5 ce nt ri iuge ferro-edenite 83
analvsis, data 27-8 seperition 1l-l-) elt ritc 6o
anatase 109, 1ll, Table 2.1 tLrbe 1-1. -1.2 electron
andalusire 6.50. 1.11, Tables 2.1,3.1 chemical stabiliti 6*i0.32. Table 2.I microprobe 20, 21
andradite ¡15 chc'mis!rr'. míneral I9-2ti, 30 nlicrr'sc:lc. seannrng 7 . 20-2. -1. I
anhvdrite 12. 1 18, 111 chiastolitc -5t)
electron-probe microanaly'sis 20
an ke ri te chlorite 100.Ill enbedding
dolomite-ankerite series 123 chloritoid ll ,57. I. Table 2. 1 agent 16
anthophyllite 81. 1.11 chloroform ll partial 16_17, 19-10
antigorite 102 chronrianspinel 111 energl', environmental 5
apatite 6*7. 11-12, 15, 18-:.9,22,125,1:11, chrl-sotile 103 energv-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) 20, 2.

Tables 2. i, 3.1 clar' 1 l-ll enigmatite Table 3.1

Araldite 17 cleaning 1 l-12 enstatite 74.141, Table 3.1
arfvedsonite 9J. 1¿11 Clerici's solution 13 entrainment 5
asphalt 12 clinozoisite 9,60, 111 environment
augite 78, 79, 111, 3.4, Tables 2.1, 3. I clove oil 16 acid and alkaline 7
aegirine-augite 81 cluster analysis 28 energy of 5
authigenic contaminant 12 Collodion 16 epidote 5, 9, 61, 141, Tables 2.1 , 3. i
auxiliary techniques 19-26 collophane 126 group 19,59-72
axinite 72. 141, Table 3.1 computer analysis 27 epoxy resin 17,20
concentrating table 1-5 etching G7, 9-10,3.4
barroisite 8-5 corundum 10ó, 141 , Table 3.1 ether 12
baryte 12. 114,141 counting. grain 17-18 eth¡'l 16
barytocelestite 116 crossite 91. 141


facies analysis 32 hypersthene 75,141 , Tables 2.1. 3.1 iilumination 17

factor analysis 27-B observation 17
fayalite 39 idocrase 47 oil infilt¡ation 9
ferroactinolite 87 ilnBnite 5, 32-3 olivine 39, 141, Table 2.1
frbrolite 49, 141 imrnersion 17 opaque suite 32-3
Fleet method 17 liquid 16, 19 optical analysis
fluorite 133, 141, Table 3.1 índicolite 70 preparation for 15-i7
forsterire 39, Table 3.1 intrastratal optical mount 7
fraction, heavy and light 12 dissolution,4, 9-10 order of persistence 7, Table 2.1
spliuing 15-16 sclution 7 orthodichlo¡obenzene 13
fractionation, heavy liquid 12-13 iroo-magnesium-manganese amphibole 8.1 oxalic acid 12
francolite 126 ironoxide grain-coating 11-12 oxide 104_13
freezing agent 13 isoamylacetate 13 o¡'hornblende 88
funnel separation 13 isolating grains 19
isopleth map 27 panning 15
garnet 5-7, 9, 13, 15, 19-20, 15, 141, 3.1, paragonite 95
Tables2.1.3.1 jadeite 73, Table 3.1 pargasite 88
gedrite 84, 141 jarcsite 119, 1'{1 ferro-pargasite 88
gelatine 1ó pa¡tial
geochemical methods 31 kaersutite 88 embedding lG17 ,19-)0
geological exploration 31 katophorite 85 freezing l3-14
glacial terrain 31 nagnesio-katophorite E5 pedology.l
glauconite 96, i,+1, Table 3.1 kimberli¡e 32 permanent partial embedding 1G17
glauconitic mica 96 KOH solution 11 petroleum
glauconitic smectite 96 kuazite Table 3.1 distillates I 2
glaucony 96 k¡'a*ite 5-6. 52, 111 . Tables 2. 1. 3. 1 erploration 32
glaucophane 91 resen'oir 32
ferro-glaucophane 91 lau:onile 65, 141 phengite 95
glaucophane-crossite 141 leucoxene 5 phlogopite 97
glaucophane-riebeckite series 91, Table 2. I ligbr fraction 10 phosphate 11, 125-31
grain linecounting 17-18 pie-diagram 27
counting l7-18 lir¡e¿¡ dixriminant analvsis 27-8 piemontite 63, 141
isolating 19 liquid immersion 16 pocket spectroscope 128, 131
mounts 16_17 lithcstratigraphic unit 30 pore ffuid 9, Table 2.1
shape 5, 12 lizardite 102 post-depositional dissolution 4. 6, 10. 20
size 6, 11-12, 18 luminoscope 22-3 prehnite 103, 141
sorting, selective 5 principal component analysis 27
gravíty settling 12-13, 3. I magnetic separation 15 prospecting 31-2
grossular 45 mal¿con zircon 42 provenance 5, 10,29
grunerite Table 3. I manganepidote 63 province, heavy mineral 29
cummingtonite-grunerite series 8-1 me{Émict zi¡con 42 pumpellyite 67, i41
gum arabic 16,37 me hylene chloride 16 pyrite 12
gypsun 12,117 ,141 mer&ylene iodide 13, 16 p¡'rope 45, Table 3.1
mi¡c¡ pyroxene 5-ó,9, 15, 19-20,73-82. Table 2
hand picking l9 group 95*103, Table 3.1
hastingsite 83 qfute 95 quencher 22
HCI treatment 11 microscope Q-mode factor anall sis 17
heavy liquid fractionation 12-13 scanning electron 7 . 2V2, 3. 4
heavy mineral province 29 ptrographic 19 rare earth element (REE) 31
hedenbergite slides 1G17 re-€ntrainment 5
diopside-hedenbergite series 77 stereotrinocular 19 refractive index 16.i7
hercynite 112 micmscopic identifi cation l7 remote terrain 31
hexane 12 microsplitter 16 replacement 6
high density liquid 12-13 mooazite 5, 3l , 128, 141, Tables 2.1, 3.1 resin, mounting 1G17
hinterland 4, 32 mc*obromnophtalene 16 epoxy 17
hornblende series 5,9, 88, 141, Table 2.1 moulds 20 ribbon counting 18
hot cathode luminoscope 22-3 mouoting resin 16-17 ,20,23,37 richterite 85
hyacinth22,42 mo{$ts 16-17 riebeckite 141
hydraulic muscovite 95, Table 3.1 glaucophane-riebeckite series 91, Table
effects 4-6, 18 2.1
equivalence 4-5 NaOH solution 11 magnesio-riebeckite 91
¡atio 4
.: eedle 19
percentages 18
rounding 18
rubellite 70
0n I llllllll llll lllll lllllll ';er
rutile 5-6, 9, 19, 107, 141, Tables 2.1, 3.1


sample, preparation of 45
spessartine ferro-tschermakite 88
sampling 141
sphalerite 113, tube rvithin tube method 1+15, -1.-l
saussurite59,60 sphene31,44,l4l,Tables2.1,3.1 tungstenwire19
scanning electron microscope (SEM) 7, spindle stage 17
20*2, 3.4 spinel group 32 , 112, 111 , Table 2. 1 ultrasonic disaggregation 1 2
scatter diagram 27 splitting fractions 1-5-16 uralite 87
scheelite 3l , 132,1 4 I , Table 3. 1 stau rolire 5-6,9 , 19-20,55, 141 , -1.4, Tables uvarovite 45
Schiller-structure 78 2.1,3.1
schorl 69 stepwise multiple discriminant varietal study 18-19, 30
Schroeder-van-der-Kolk test 17 analysis28 varimax rotation 27
sediment dispersal pattern 29 stilpnomelane 97 vesuvianite 47, 1,11
separation 12-15 stratigraphic correlation 30 viridine 50
sericite 95, Table sulphate 17, i14-19 volcanism 31
serpentine group 102, sulphide 1i3
settling velocity washing 1 1

shaking table 15 talc 99, 1,{1, Table 3.1 liquid 13

shape-fractionation index taramite 85 weight percentages 6, 18, 27
siderite 122, 1¿11 tecronic activity 4, 9, 20. 30-1 uet sieving 12
sieving 1-12
1 Teepol I 2 \uetting agent 12
silicate 11, 39-58 tephra layer 31 white mica 95
sillimanite 54, 49,1.11 , Tables 2.1, 3.1 ternary diagram 27 winchite 85
size reduction tetrabromoethane 13 ferro-r,r'inchite 85
slides 1G17 thin section 17 wollastonite Table 3.1
sodic-calcic amphibole 20, 85 thulite 59
sodium carbonate solution 12 time-strati-eraphic correlation 30 xenotime 130, 141 , Table 2.1
sodium metaphosphate 12 79
titrnaugite X-ray
sodium nitrite 19 titanite.l-1 diffraction (XRD) 20
sodium polytungstate 13 toluene 16 fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) 20
sodium silicate 12 topaz 6, 53, 111, Table 3.1 x1'lene 16
Soxhlett equipment 12 tourmaline 5-6, 9, 18-19. 69, 141, Tables
specificgraiitvs zircon 5-ó,9, 13, 15, 18-19, :l-i. 31,11,
spectrometer,X-ray20 tremoliteS6, 141.Table3.1 1'11,3.i,Tab1es2.1,3.1
spectroscope. pocket 128, 131 trichloroethylene 12 zoisite 9,59, 1-{1,'fable 2.1
spectroscop), energv-dispersive 20,22 tschermakite 88 ZTR index 9,43,71, 108


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