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Ancient documents are to be tested before they can be claimed reliable

and accurate. The Bible was tested in many kinds of ways to prove that it is
accurate. Those tests were done to make sure for people who are unsure of
whether or not to trust the most amazing book of all time, The Holy Bible,
especially The New Testament. There are three possible ways of testing it. First
of all, it is the bibliographical test. The bibliographical test, or the transmission
test, tests the time span of the making of the document, quality of the document
or how good it is, and the quantity of the Bible or how many copies they
“produced. Secondly, there is the internal test. The internal test deals with the
reliability of the document and its consistency to not controvert itself. Last but
not least, it is the external test. Comparing the document to another piece of
historical document does the external test. It can also be done by visiting and
observing the place where the history took place.

Firstly, the internal test will deal with the quantity, quality and time span
of the making of The New Testament. It is believed that the more copies they
produce, the more accurate and reliable the document will be. Among the other
ancient documents, The Holy Bible is the one that was produced the most in
quantity. The New Testament has about 14,000 thousand copies. It is now also
translated into many languages and versions. In the language English itself, there
are a lot of versions. However the most popular version of the English Bible is the
New International Version (NIV). Next, the quality of The New Testament was
also tested. The quality is determined by whether or not the document is good.
The quality of The New Testament is excellent and is by far has the best quality
amongst the other ancient documents. There are some errors on The New
Testament, but they were only minor common grammar and spelling mistakes.
There are no mistakes on the ideas written down on The New Testament. Lastly,
the time span of the document was tested. The lesser the time span is, the more
accurate the document will be, because the conditions will be very different if the
time span is too long. The New Testament was only written in 100 years. The
time span is ten times shorter than the other ancient documents tested along
with it. Therefore, according to the bibliographical test, The New Testament is
completely reliable.

Secondly, The New Testament went through the internal test. The internal
test was done based on the accuracy of the document. In the internal test,
witnesses are needed to prove that the document is reliable. Testimonies will
also prove that the document is reliable. The New Testament was tested based
on its content and the consistency of the writing to not contradict itself. The
authors of the books in The Bible claimed that their writings are based on a
primary source, not a secondary source. Primary sources are far more reliable
than secondary sources, because people can twist the stories. The New
Testament is a reliable and accurate document, because it is not just a historical
document. It also explains about the future and what will happen later to the
world, one of the books that explain about this is the book of Revelation.

Last but not least, The New Testament was tested according to the
external test. The external test is also called as the historical test, because it will
be compared to the historical events that happened during the period and it will
also be compared to the other ancient documents made during that time too. The
early writers in history mentioned Jesus a coupe of times in their writings,
therefore the historicity of Jesus Christ is proven right. There are also some
external tests done though the TV show called Drive Through History. The
external test was done in Cappadocia. It is a historical place and there are many
old caves made from pure stone in Cappadocia. It is believed that the Hittites
lived there. The Hittites were only mentioned in the Bible. Therefore, The New
Testament has already proven accurate.

Should I trust the Bible? The answer is absolutely and definitely yes.
Through all of the tests that have been done, the Bible is one reliable and
accurate ancient document.

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